THE OMAHA DAILY llEEt AVIifrKESDAY, MAY 20, 1001. 1 1 V v' SPECIAL NOTICES AdferlUementa fur these columns twill lie taken nntll 12 in. for llio evening edition nml until K.:i() p. in. tor iiiorulnu nml Mttndn- edition. Ratce, 1 l-2o n rrortl firm Insertion, In. it tarrl thereafter. NoIIiImk Inken for leaa (linn 2Bo for the lint Inser tlnn. Tiidc advertisements tunat he run rpaaecu tl vely. Advertlsere, by requesting a tin m tiered check, enn hum nniircm nil elreaaed to a numbered letter In rare f The Her. Ana era an ncldreaaed rrlll be delivered on vrcaentatloa of (a heak only. WANTEII-MAI.Il t. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers of Rood habits ami appear ance. C. F. Adam Co,, 10)5 Howard St. U-301 BARBER trado taught thoroughly In short tlmo; catalogue und particulars free, Westtrr. Barbers' institute, Omaha, Neb, B 3oJ WANTED, assistant engineer, capable of operating steum nml refrigeration phi'it; state ago, experience and salary expected, also If married or single. Address 60, Bee. U-731 WANTKI), men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; special offer to ap plicants from distance; hoard, tools nnd' scholarship; busy season $12 to $13 weekly, paid graduates. Wrlto today. Molcr Barber Collet, 1623 Farnam st. B-SI132 31 WANTED Two upholsterers, llartshatn Ilros., Fort Worth. Tex. Il-MHS so WANTED, man with horse and light spring wagon. 1617 Howard st. )i M4&! Hl'STLINO nnd energetic men, don't be Idle; write the Hawks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., for special terms and ter ritory. II-M514 Jc24 WANTKD, medical gentleman to travel for reputable long cstiinllshed sanitarium. Ap ply Western Medical Institute, 127 Delu ware Ht.. Kansas City, .Mo. H 573 UK WANTKD, Hnlcsmen, also ndvcrtlsern; straight ensh ralnry. Triumph, Dallas, Texas. II-M710 2 YOl7CANNOT ALWAYS TELI," A smoker cannot always tell by hearsay what a cigar rently is. Homeone might tell von that such and such n clgnr Is u good one. That Is a matter of taste. Hut to really Jlnd ft cigar that has the quality and Is suited to your taste. Is quite tin other thing. We are, In the Cigar Huh Iness nml can pleilse you. If you want a rlrh. cool snioko these hot duvs,- smoke the Prince of Oninha. Us equal Is not to bi found In a Ec cigar. Slunufncuired by the W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co, For sub by nil flrst-clas. deulora. Savo the ban Is of the Stoecker Cigar Co. H 757 .12 WANTED Salesman to represent us among tun iiiiiiiiiiuciunng nnu jouning trmi-.'. Address F. SI. M Hcrschcl and South streets. Cleveland, Ohio. H-MG.S4 1 WAN.TIJD, bookkeeper; references re quired; stnto age, salary and expetlonoo. Address T 2tJ, Ree. H-JIT80 30 HC8IC1ANS, who double clarionet and 2d violin or comet ami bass. Ilov C. French, Blair, Neb. IJ MS1S So WANTKD, a young married man, for farm work. Theo. Williams, Henson, Neb. 11- -M8I3 3t FKHMANKNT position for the right tnnn to rejiresent old established company hav ing J200.000 capital; lS tier week and ex penses to begin, payable weekly direct from our olllce; no deception; alrjoluteiy straight salary, not conditional on suc cess; chance for promotion and Increasu of salary; Htato nge. references nnd busi ness experience. Address Universal Mfg. .Co., Hox 733, Philadelphia. Pa. ' H-MS12 20 WALK help wanted: J7B.'K to JK5.IV a month to Rood men taking orders for Hardv Nursery sioelt,- fruit hiu! nrnamentnls. Positions permanent.- Apply quick. 'wltlr references, 'stating age. and territory wanted. 1 L. Msy & Co., Hi: Paul; Mlnri. .Mhll 2V WANTKD, everywhere,, hustlers to tack signs, distribute clreulais. samples, -ctc.i no cnnvnsslng; good pay. Htm Advents Ing Uureati. Chicago. JJ MSln !) AI,KS.ll; WATCIl, BALT3SMI3N for pen carbon copying books nnd other quick selling olllce specialties; fine sldo lines; catalogue lreo; earn J'Hj weekly. Model Mfg. Co., box It. South Hend. lr.d. -M133 Jel4 WANTKII VliMAliK IIKI.1 WANTKD, 200 gills. 1521 Dodt,e. Tel, S7C. C-307 WANTKD. lady Turkish bath operator; must hnv'o had good expeiloncc. Apply room 220, Ueis buTldlng. C-(li2 WANTKDi housekeeper In small family; no washing. Address P 10, Ilee. C 271 WANTKD. girl for general houKor,orl'.S2 California Ht. Mrs. W. K. Potter. r.vs) IlKLIAULK help. Canadian ofjlce. 1521 Doug! C 775 WANTED, girl for general houtework! im iteuiKiii .ivc. C 4!tl WANTKD, housekeeper In small family? Address S tj,. Hoe. C M5C0 WA N T KD-FI rs t class wn Is td rape fbv Aug. I, ,1001. A.ldrrss, aeehlek's Dress maker Department, Deailwood, S. I). C M59ti-l GOOD girl for general ho"liscwork. Ulis C-M791 FIVK hundred dollars .reward; yomig ladles nnd others wrlto for particulars. The Merrill Press, Toledo, Ohio. C-M7SB 2J WANTKD, Intelligent woTmTn to "mn'niigo olllce for the Vlavl Co. SnlemiM i.....V; for bright woman. Apply manager, room oia net! oiug. (J 7J, '"J WANTKI). young girl to help with housel worn umi care ror naoy. .-Mrs, itopertson 511 8. 2tllh St. C-KHJ 30 ' a.- i t.i)-v per week to competent girl h'-iiviiii iiuupewiii n. i;mo in si, CiM 2S VOH HKYl' IIOUMKS, IF you want your houses well rented placa them with lienawa & Co, D 303 Co., office, 15UV4 ) arnum, -or tel. I65.j63. D-310 UOUBKS for rent In all parts of the cltv Drennun-Love Co., 320 South 13th street. D-3U Houses, stores. Bemls, Paxton Illock. . D-3i: BEE IIENUX D. TAYNK, VOX N. Y. LIFK D-3U ' HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 DouglasT D-3U HOUSES and flats. Rlngwult, Darker block. u 316 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, lirown block. KOUlv rooms, mcdern, Ul.fA). 90i N. 27 St. D-M3SI M-23 CIIAS. E, WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnam st. FOIl KENT, 2121 Sherman ave., 10-r.. mod rn, J35. liyron Heed Co., 212 So. 14th. D-M7ii4 MODERN' 7-room house near park. 1509 So, 2!lth. D 10U I0OG MASON ST., 9-room modern residence in tint best part of llnnscom park dls- 111-1, vjh.- ill wifi HUUI1 UlllllUIIIMI ; Will make any repairs If necessary; rent 35 I iv it a Ailf-t t atl II II I in I I It. l'xl . . in m " mini, iMtii i ii riivrn OMAHA LOAN TIU'ST CO., 16th and DoushiH sts, D-MS19 5222 JZAHD 8t 5-room modern flat. 12 I lie Byron iirvu vjo., -i- ao, Mill til. D- -M97S l-ROOM strlctlr modern house. 2609 Doug las. Thomas H. Fell, lot! .Mcrcliantn Na- tionai uaiiK umg. u miw TO LET, elegant large 13-room home; large lawn and barn, 175 per mouth, W. Fnrnam Smith Co,, 1320 Farnam St. D M293- -HOOM House; bath' uhd closht; 30th and inuno. .Monrou & co:. mi n. ltith st. MM1 2739 S. 131'H. ST.. 7-room uuse, city water in ivueiiviii nil iu imrii liiai aiiuoM iwu nvrea or gtoumi ror gnuien: rent, III. OMAHA LOAN TU'8T CO, hiili and Douglas Sts. x " ' D-MS2: l-'OH RENT HOI ,SE. Foil RENT. June 1, s-room brick house, all modem, 310 N 23d street. D-512 1111 8. MTU 8T, cottafte; freshly patiereil, will rent to a good tenant with references for ll.fio a month. OMAHA LOAN & TRI'ST CO., 16th and Douglas His. D-.MSW COTTAGE or Omaha Ueach. Lake Okobojt, for rent. Captain Slaughter. Army Head quarters. D-M5I3 Jell 2K0 CAPlTOf live., S rooms, modern, 130$ 2021 Hurt street, 9 tooms, modern, J3); W.t Webster, !i rooms and until, $Ih; 312s Cnss, 0 rooms, modern, and barn, 112; 1556 North 20th, I rooms, 410; utliei. Ring wait Uros., Darker block. D S1553 CENTftAL. nil modern, seven-ro)m house; five-room lint; four-room tint. Tlznrd. 223 No. 21th. D-7S1 J2 2314 IC ST., Holith Omaha, 5-room cottage In good repair; rent, $t2.i. OMAHA LOAN fir TRI'ST CO.. Pith and Douglas, Sis. D-.US21 MODERN 7-room Hat, 24th nnd Farnnm, $23. 11. II. Ciraham. D-S1559 NEW dnlnty cottage, 9 rooms.Mth ave. nnd Dodge; ready June 1. .Strictly up-to-date. Cull 29o6 Dodge st, , D-M659 FOIl RENT, 2 benntlfully fnrnlsh'e.i rooms with every convenience. 31S N 23d. , D-801 31 FOR RENT, 2215 Famum. U-r. nil modem lnrge yard, good barn; A Ilyron Heed Co., 212 8. llth. ' D-MS2I iilSJACKHON ST.. 3-r. housoTn .rear, JS. 2325.8, 18th st 4 rooms, city OVHten !!)," 22K; N. 2lat st., 3 nnd l-roqm Hats, city w'ntcr and hath, ?. 2iiy 8, Zftth hvo 8-room nimlern except ,fiir. nnce, 23. . , ,; , Wo will have mi elegant ,3-room apartmenl In the Albion by Jurio-1; ovorythlug Hrst class, Also . . , An elegant i-rooin apartment In thb WJuohh. by Jump is. if you. want to live In Mrs?, class stylo and havo everything up-to-date, come and sue tin rcgaidlng these two apartments. ,, . . . , IVAYNIMvNON' CO., Main Floor N. Y. Llfo Hldg. . D-Mtca 3221 CCMINtl- HtC S-ToiVm' mo'ilcni" reSU ilence; rent oiliy 120; this house Is oxtr, value for the money. OMAHA LOAN .t TIH'ST CO., loin nnu wougiiift nts. D-lltJI "OH KENT, 11-room modem house, 2113 Capitol avenue. The O. F. Davis Co.. 552 Hec building. D !02 VI JHY desirable modern cottage, furnished, ccuirany locnicu. Auurcss T 27, lice. D dnS 2S 'OH HKNT, fi-ronni house, moclern..except gas: barn. 3tt.j California Inquire In dustrial Iron Works, Tel. 141?, D S07 1001 8. 30TH AVU., U-rooni modern oottnge, iiiii iiariii kimhi roiiuiiion; rem, .'.). OMAHA LOAN - Tltt'ST CO., ltith and Iouglasi D-MV"9 N l?.'l'..nnnM Imn.n ,.lt I.,. newly papered. w S. 29th St. D M82'i 31 IMHt Itn.NT-l't ltMSIIKII HIIOMS, DKWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-320 THE TIIUKSTON. 16th und Jackson: steam K 321 THKEE nice rooms, light housekeeping, iiim a. ijiu. r in PLEASANT famished room, -modern, suit uuie 'ier . Keiiiicmeu. zovs uapr Canltol ave. rjTil 2S' NICELY furnished; gas, bath,- telephone. i m i iiiii,iiii si., ou -uoor west, l'lioue li 199. E-.M0W 1 3 LA11GK; cool, elegant fnrnlsheil rooms, enure parior- noor, 'single or en suite; would .rent 'for house kecnlnu: modern. , tele pliontr. etc. 116 So, 23th at. i:-M; l'tiU.Milli:Ll uuu.. ,- ..o.vitu. UTOl'IA. 1721 Davenport fit, .-F-322 L!LENCAlItN,transU'iits,i.2j day. 1WJ Doug. THE Merriam,' summer resort, 25 & Dodge. A NICE south room. The Pratt,' 212 So. .out oi. Mj NICE rooms with board. 411 Ni 23th St. j - 'it 2.'ti SOUTH room, with board, 1909 Capitol ave. LA lie K south-front room, with board. 202 JSU1 SI. ; F 30 HOO.MS, tlrst-class board. 25SI Ilariiey. , F -tU 23 HOOM8. modem. 310 So. Mt'h street. J''-M6iit ! Ftlt HUM li.M- ...... i..'Hiil ItlOlls. DESIC room space, 13 per. month, ground noor room in wio jieo uuiiuuig, luciil'; Farnam street: no expense tor lignl, heui or Janitor servico. It. C. 1'eteta co Hcmal Afaeuts, Deo bdllolnif, U 41i 5 UNFUHNIS'HED chnmbtfrs Tor man and win-, oiv iiuiii 4iiii at. - u 411, THHKK unfurnished rooms for light house- Kceping-.-moaern, witnttv wniKingr difctniie-c, gootl nelghborhoOu; relerences -inquired. siS Capliol uve. ' U M;Kl 'f i inf. itb.'i a,u,wd :.Su jj itikJa. FOIl KKN.T, store lit lirat-ctasa locotion; rem luisonaoic. j. i-eiers & Co., ground Moor, oeo'iJUig.- 'l 26'iJ, FOK KENT,, the building fritnerfy. occu- pieu uj iwj uco m viu rurnuiu m. ii jiaj tour Htones und a oasemuni which was lorinerly used .us Trio " ace" press, rbViin, This 'Will be rented ve.ry reuaOnubly:' t Interested apply at oh'ce to C. C note water, stcruu-ry, room lov, Deu uulmihg, 1-jt.l ,V(iK.T9 WA.Vl'KD. WANTED Cinvusvlng ugenu In"' eVery county to solicit xuom-riutTohH" fur' THE TWENTIETH Cli.NTUU FAllMERarid tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA, OF UVE STOCK. AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR, i'nla splendid book, contains' ftuO' Imperial octavo pugus, cuo objbet-teach-'-tut,' eiigruviugs, ana Is thu 0111 ,bool on' IIVu btock t-vei publlsuva 'uospted'lu 'tha' every-uay, practlcul, money-ruving uaa of 'every furmer uiid stock owner. (eii'dy ernployineut with assured gobd income. Agents In the country wlm riornu and buggy eupecmlij dusirea. . Cauvusurs liiaKu uasiiy uu- to month.' .vd--drvtts century Fu.iner bu.icltoij' Bureau.. Uto Building, Omnlm. , 4 J 4tf7, ' AUENTS n-ake .0 dully celling th chehpeft unu juuai puiii-v;- nuiivir qiier cvvr in. vented; leians ut big prom; ex clusive telilloiy. Seneca Filter Co., Sell' ecu, Alo. . i J M91ti Jul!' GENERAL, county nud stute agents wanien tor ri,iui aecioeni policy utl n year; liberal comiulsioiis; stockvgotnT puny; no assessments, A. B. Cllley, -34, netiool si Boston, Mass, J Altos Wi WANTKD, several capablo mttif lit each stnto to triiul und uppuitit ugciits' salitry Jim iw-r month and exnenses: tuuuther wltn commission on sales maau by unetits ap- i-.miiivu, iKiaiuon pernmiumi to right pnrtyi no- experienc ltcCtssnryv but un questioned reierences as to high chnraC ?r..n!J.Mt bu -"nusncd, 'Adoress 'jDoner, 9lv3aj Denruorn 1 Cnlcugo. J Ms2,i d VA.TKI)-T ki-:t. WANTED, room nnd board by twi7youi)g men, vicinity 24th to dethl i-oiith 0t Vai? IV CI" STOHAUU. PACIFIC Storage und Warehouse Co. 91. 14 .Jones, general storage- una forwarding . ----'t OM. Van Stor. Co,, 1511" Farn. 'Tels. l5JS.yu 325 ' WAA'l'KU-T4. lit V. WANTED, second-hand furniture, inn-., nr mnali lots; highest prices pnlo: drop a i-ttru ur ivi. ii i, ..(-Vint;, jui im, itiin, N-M119 Jel WANTED, 50 secondhand ladles' wheels; .NoBrasKa Cycio Co., cor. loth ti Harne) . ZL'li Joli WANTED to buy (ire and burglar proof tutu. Address :iU l-'arii.un st, N-M450 lo:t WANTED, bank safe with timo lock for vuuu, v-iiiiuos ujntv, juiesuurg, loio. 1 .N-.M71S 1 FOIl MAM. -inl rtltU. CH1CAOO FUnNITUKE CO., 1410 Dodg. Tel. 2020. New & 2dhand furnituro bougnt, sold, exchanged, O J.'tf ijpi IOL3T E I tl N ailGlh & U WorthTTel. Hit O m I-1)11 S.VI.IC IIUll.-.r., . . I SELL new, up-to-date buggies, runabouts, etc. 11. Frost, llth und J,cuvclivorlli. P-1S1 FIIIST-CLASS top buggy, canopy top sur rey ai.d 'speeding wugon, an siigntty shop worn, out good as now; all bargjlns, O. M. Hurt, Mvf Jones st. 1' 3i0 FOR SALE, 15 hesd horses: matched pairs and single drivers. John E. lturns, Scrib ner, Neb, I--M78S 2 FOH phaeton. 2SQ N. 19th st. P-M?:r7 Je.'7 FOIl MAI.C lllf-CEI.LAXEOl..s. TKADK your old wheel In on a now one at Omaha itlcyclo Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-bl9-rj SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry & hrg fence. 9Ul Douglas. (J 2tt 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam Q-329 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds n feed am coal. Monroe & Co., k09 N, 16th. Tel. 971. Q-'n SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, lit 8. 13. Q-330 KEPAIKS nnd supplies for all makes of bi cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co., ICth & Chicago. 0,-520- WlHi: fenco for poultry, Belglah hare, hog Held cr lawn Wlra Works, 617 S. IStli St. Q-J187S jyv HIQ Uric of secondhand wheels, J3, 5, 910. Omaha Dloyclo Co., 16th nnd Chicago Sts, Q-521- l.OoO.Oii) BRICK for sale. John P. Weaver, 6 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Q-M4SJ Jcl8 2 HOHSK8, line matched cnrtlnac team. II. 15. Fredrlckson, 13th and Dodgo 8t. Q-571 Je2l ABOl'T V( lawn swing's (sizes two nnd four pascenger) and a variety of lawn chairs, at bargain prices while they last'. F. A. BueloW, 1309-11 Jones St. Q-M72! I FOR SALE, eggs for setting frqm pure bred Golden Seabrlght' bantam and White Wyandotte chickens. Also a few Ply mouth Hock hens for sale. Plxloy. 2731 Caldwell street. Q-M7I9 ! CI.AIUVOYA.Vrs. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 19 North 16th. B-800 MMK, G YLMKR, palmist, 313 So. 15th St. 8-S78 MRS." I-iTc "TlKNRYrTplTltua "medium; can be consulted oti any Importnnt affair or trouble; she successfully develops spiritualists 'nml mediums, llrs., 9 a. tn. to 8 p. m. Olllce. 1707 Cass. Prices within reach of all. 8-MS27 1 i:i,i:crnij 'riin.T.Mi-5T. MMeTrMITII. "baths, "its N. 15ih.2d floor'. Boom 7. T 799 3 KHMUXAI,. DIl. BOY, chropodlst; corns & superiluous rnlr removed by electricity. 11. 12, Frenzcr block. U 333 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget, 2C29 Burdetto. U 334 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 2 is Bee Bldg, U-337 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemiit. TcK 12M. Rest of city references. Leave order at 151? Farnam. V M7!3 s BUPfLIES fbr qll machines; machines for rent. Whlto Sewing Machine. 16:0 Doug las. Tel. 2S34. ' U-339 NEW roller for clolh wringers. Novelty Iron and Br.lss Works, 417 8. 10th. Plinnu mo. U-M722 June2U IlUPTURK cured: no knlfp, no parr,, 'no danger; ,eiid itr circulars. Empire, Hup. turo Cure. M K. Y. Lite Building, Onmha. U-333 PRIVATE hospltat for ladles b"fore and during confinement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. U 340 M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleutlng plant In the west; mall orders solicited, bulte 2uo, Douglas Block. U-33S CARPETS ml rugs cleansed like new without taking up. Satisfaction ur no pay. l.'lty releicllet. Diou pu.iial. 60S N. U. U 431 Jel" FRENCIl ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas. U-M532 WE RENT sewing machines nt 75c per week. We repair nnd sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co,, car. 15th and Harney, 'phone 1663. U-77SJc$ NO better work done In any shop In tho .vorld than Brown' block barber shop; neut. clean, antiseptic; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-191 Jel WANTED, 25 secondhand typewriters. Ne. oiusi.a uycie lo uor. lbin ami iiarney. U-2.-3 Jali ADROIT HAIR BA5CAR New location, 1620 uougins j -private booths ror natr dress lug and manicuring; ladles' shoe shining und massaging. U M45S DR. CUSCADEN. 113 S. 18th. U-572 Je2l a rvT.-atir A great relief to the average smoker Is to inn u tjgni ouiiiiijic iu iiiu luair hi 11 medium price, and a great many times a man will often swear off smoking as not being able to get a cigar such as he Ilk nt a medium price. When you feel In this mood procure a Prince of Omaha, Your prejudice will disappear.- It Is a king among 6c cigars. Try It. Manu fuctuted by the W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. For sale by all first-class cigar stores. Savo the hands of tho Stoecker cigar. U-756 J2 MMK. SMITH, baths. 118 N. loth, 2d floor. Pmtm T rTTD4J Oai MO.XEY TO I.OA.V-HKAI, ESTATE" LOANS oil eastern Nebraska und western luwtt luiiim ui u per (jeui, uurruwers can pay ihw cr uny multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennar.-Love Co., 3v9 S. 13th st., Omaha, Neb W 311 MONEY io'- loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Drennun-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W-342 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George A- Compuny, luul Farnam street. W-343 WANTED, city arid farm loans; also bunds iiuu wuiiAiiiB. t. v. rcivrs et co,. Ufj Fainam st,. Bee Bldg, ' W 316 FIVE per rent money. Bemls, Paxton block W-313 MONEY to loan at 4 and 5H per cent on Omaha property. W. 11. Mclkie, 401 S. IStli, V 347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas W-313 ' FIVE und 5Vi per cent city e.ud farm loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnum SI, w 319 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, M7 N. Y. L W-350 ' CASH on luiul. G. E. Turklngto;i, C0u Bee W-M.ii; MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real es. tute; 5 per cent Interest; no commission prlvllego of paying tl(W or more befora maturity. JN-i".ni-s;ern Mutuui t,itB ins Co. John . Glsh, special Joan auent 214 1st ul Bank bldg., Oroahu, N". ' W-710 5 AND 54 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas. First National Bank building. Tel. kjk, W351 WANTED, city loans and warrants. V. Farnum Smitn b Co,, IJM F.irnum st. W-M561 SEE WILLIS TODD, 621 N. Y. LIFE BLDG W-M65I 28 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTEL!.. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc. In two hours' time; also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 3.2 BrowS block, Cor 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on Kill St., opposite Y. U, C. A. Bldg. x-mi: MOM-5Y TO l,0.-.t'IIATTM-;, DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wo loan 110 and up on furniture, pianos, horses aiid other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage- to peoplo holding perma nent positions. You can get thu money In a tew hours after mnalng nppllcntlon, nnrl tnko 1, 2, 3, I. a, ti mouths or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one day longet than you keep it. Wo chatge nothing ror papers, and we give you the full amount Li cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms uro the easiest; our business Is conlldcntlal und our motto Is "try to plenso." lOMAllA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 113 Board of Trado Bldg. Tel. 22a3 (Established 1892.) M So, lath st X-1I2 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED, PEOPLE, merchants, team stem, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 oniccs in princi pal cities. Tolman, 440 Board Trudf Bldu X-S27 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgage, no Indorser, no publicity; lower rates, much easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Flool, Room 3o3, Puxton Block. X-3$3 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service und lowest; rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 (ton Uoor; Paxton Block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th St. V ttOI MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Dutr Green, R. S, Barker big V TO SHORT tlmo loans. Joo PJeasants, .51 Barker blk. X-360 $1,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard & Son, Suite Slo Brown Blk. X-535 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed, .tit 8 13. X-35S t1U.t.l-:sN CHAXCHS. $500 CLEAN grocery stock, fine location; good cash trade; owner leaving city; xv 111 sell cheap. J. 11. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M160 RESTAURANT furnituro nnd fixtures, nil first-class; no better Ideation lit city. Grand opportunity for restaurant man to control latgo business; no reasonable offer rejected. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y--M609 FURNITURE of 7-rpom flat; line locnllon, reasonable rent; lndy left city; few dol lars will buy It. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M510 A BUTCHER shop for snle In ft good country town: good location. Address M. Wagner, Wlsner, Neb. Y-776 31 FOR SALE, for cnsli nt n bnrgnln. 12,500 stock of drugs In good eastern Nebrasku town. Address J, care of Bee. Y 777 J4 DINING room nnd kitchen, half block from postolllce, for rent. K-9 South 17th st. Y-S00 29' FOR SALE, n 'first-class, paying drug store, In one of the best county seat towns In central Nebraskn; populntlon, ti.000; stock consists of drugs, toilet nnd fnncj- goods, paints, oils nnd wnll paper; good clean stock, practically new; good locution: good prescription business; best of reisons ror selling. Address A. B; C, care Rich Hrdson Drug Co., Onmha, Neb. Y-MS13 31 FOIt E.Xl.IIA.Vtil: 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladies' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts, .4-607 FOIl W,K lll-5.ll. ESTATE. KOUNTfcE PLACK has two first-class car lines-quick nhd frequent service. A con venient, place to live .In. ' PAYNE-KNOX. COMPANY, SOLE AG'TS. : RE-791 21 SOUTH OMAHA, npproprla'lely termed the Magic City, the place tor luciutivu Invest-ine-nts O'Nell'j Real Estate Agency, the oldf3t established ngency In -ilie, city, has tho following ehoiett properties, to niter,. IMPROVED BLrilNKbS,PItOPEKTy. Three-story UrlcK nnd biuement; 5jxC3. rental 3,ooo aniiualfy, price, 2l,'w. Xhrce-story und bnsepiuli(.','i briOk, 21x3'.),. tetital jl,2ij nntiually,pri-e io.wo. Oue-stury trame biiauiei-s-'lilooK, 120 fc;t front, rental sz.COOr'priee f,i,W. Two-story frame, ioxiO, U.000, prico 7,ouo. 1 We have some very elioleo unimproved business property running ih pneu from $25 to $liw per -trout foot. In residence property we have a very com- ploto and desirable list from which to select. To ,onu sceknuc i nuinu wo are confident we mii satisfy, , . I' or acrtiigu prop rty wc are headquarters and for a few d.yrf wu cuit' offer thu fol- lowlpg; One hundred acres highly Improved, about four miles northwest of tho city, ut $70 per acre. Ono hundred and sixty acres three miles southwest ut 60 per ucrc. Ono hundred ami thirty acres, thrco mllcg touth, at $65 per acre. Twenty acres, unimproved, one ar.d one half miles irom tho city limits, $75 per acre. We havo several smalt trncts close in rnnc- Ing In price from $100 to $150 per acre. Wc nro authorized to effer one hundred lots la Good Luck addition fur from $50 to $75 each on easy payments. O'NEIL REAL EhTATE AGENCY, South Omaha, Neb. i KE-3K1 HOUSES and tots In all parts ot city; also acre property und furm lands. Tho O. b Duvls Co,, Boom 552, Bee Building. Rlg-StO SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, eOi N. Y. LIFE. he-m KOUNTZE PLACE has two tlrst-class car lines quick and frequent service. A con venient place to live In. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. SOLE AG'TS. ; ilE-792 2i FOR SALE on monthly payments, S-ron modern house on N. 24th St. car Una! also vacant lots, which will bo Improvttc for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan und Building Association, u. M. Nattlnger, secretary, Bee Bldg. HE Jul RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho Union Pacific Railroad company. H. a. McAllaster, land commissioner, Onion Pacific Headquarters, omana, Neb. RE-it SPECIAL QFFKR Owner leaving the city OFFERS n well built and nicely locnted 5-room 'cottnge, with city water, cemented cellar, EAS'l FRONT. PROPKRTY located on 17th st.. near Mandcrson. and is a bargain at $1,6X1. POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN JUNK 25. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agents, Main floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omaha, Neb, HE-M816 SO HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fir tnsuratice. Bemls, Paxton Hik.. IE-36J WANT offer on fine lot and. aeven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard A Bon, 399-10 Brown Block. RE Ol C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. FARMS. HE-109 Jel2 FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus (Ohio) property, two lota Thornburg and One Burlington Place additions' to Omaha; all free from Incumbrance. Address J. A. Hartley. 64 N. High at., Columbus, O. .HE-MU3 SPECIAL BARGAINS. 10 acres on L et, road, close In', lies beautifully; enblly worth double; $150 an acre for short time. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. LIFE. RK-803 2s SPECIAL BARGAIN IN KOUNT.K PI.ACK! This beautiful home Is located on Blnney st near 19th, and must be sold at once. It Is well built, contains 10 Hue rooms, with every modern, up-to-date convenience. AN IDEAL HOlK. Owner anxious tn sill nnd authorizes us to take. $1,51-0. THE HOUSE ALONE COULD NOT BK BUILT FOn THE MONEY. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agents, Main Floor Ne.w York J.lfe Bldg, HE M817 30 FOR MI,K-ltHtl, ESTATE, CHAS. E WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fu-nam St. RE-361 FOIl SALE, cheap, lots 27 nnd 28, Paulsen's oild. to Omaha, or will trade for Des Moines propert ; mnke an orTer O. P, Hcrrold, li uood block, Des Moines, la. RE-M7J5 Je27 KOl'NTZE PLACK has two tlrst-class car lines quick nnd frequent service. A con venient place to live in. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, SOLE AG'TS. RE 793 2S MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM - WHISKY Why suffer from rheumatism when there is a spectlla cure for you? Why be a slave to whisky, opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when we guarantee to euro you7 Answer this by writing thu Elisor Remedy Co., South Onidha, Ntb. (Incorporated in 1W2.) M-7G0 JeS DR. LE DUE'S Femnle Kcgulntor, posi tively warranted to cure tho most tub botn enses of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever nbuormiil, tin natural diseased or pathological came; $2 n package, ot 3 for $5: sent anywhere pre. pHld on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, ill. American ofllce, retail, whole.snie, .Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A, Dillon. South Omaha ; Duvls Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of legitimate rubber goods. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women in Omaha, would enll the attention uf suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during conllncmeiit, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause, ('nil or, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo st., Oninha, Neb, . M525 Jc23 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 513 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1604; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Uld E. Jrhnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. -374 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tel.136? Hi A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Karbnch blk. Tel,2352 M 474 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Douglas block. M 173 Je21 SHORTHAND AM) TYPEWIllTINU. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 3il) BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Deo. Bldg. -371 NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 37J GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., IS & Doug . -373 I'ATjJMTS. MASON, FENWICK & LAWRENCE. Patent Lawyers, Solicitors and Exports, Washington. D. C. II. J. CO WO ILL. Western Representative, Room 315 Ramgc Blk. Omaha, Nob, Thone 1,1S. ADVICE FREE. 411 Jel3 PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues & Co.. Bee Bldg., Omahc, Neb. Advice free. -158 JulS IICYCf.ES. SECONDHAND bicyclcB from $5.00 tip. Ne braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. -2S3 JelS NEW nnd ladles' wheels rented; 60 cents for the evening or nftemoon, except'Sun duy. Louis Flcschcr, 1622 Capitol ave, 753- CAHPE.XTEItS AMU JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th. and Iko Sts. 370 LAUMnilY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1759 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. 353 ADVE.ITISIXU I'A.S. ADVS. FANS. Burklcy Ptg. Co.. Omaha. -M477 J2 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. a. H. Rathbun. -379 TICKET IIHOKKII. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Thll bin. 1506 Farnam. Tel. 7S4. -aw BOIJLEIt MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stuck, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th & Izard Sts. 4j ACCORDION I I.EATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mts. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 376 SCREEN DCOIIS. Windows, etc. G. C. Co., 1519 Lcav. Tel. 2329. tOC J at HIIOE RKl'AIUING. SOLES, 40c; rubber heels and soles, 75c. Neb. Hepuir Co.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulone. Prop. .Mb M31 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE I-roan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1201 Douglas. -Mi P U K N I T U 11 K II EPA I It I N ti. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. J7s TAILORING, ) l'X. 1 V I Ddtvu. il.tiii-uiapr, laiiin 1110, latest designs. Stephen J, Btoderlck, lblf Farnam st, -jisjs je23 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, to borrow, $1,(00 at 7 per cent, on Improved residence, property. South Omaha, renting for $240 per year. Ad dress ti 4", Bee. M39J KTAM.MEK1NU AND STUTTERING. mm ED. Julia. Veughn. 430 Ramie Bids 377 PASTURAGE. PLENTY grass, shade and spring water. ti.Vi x- 11.. n, UtM.1l II. t A. hi- ' lJl'tOL!TKMINii. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2523. asi AUTOMOBILES. . j. m I'loncera and Prime f. I'romoters or the Horia. ttfTttft etB Vehicle Industry itMWMtfy . . . . -nt re west. P B BBBaTar Don't fall to visit tur 4 . , . sale emporiums at umana or Lincoln, aee our moat wonder ful machines In onerntlon. Ladleit nnrtini larly invited to learn how simple the art of CHAUFFEUR really Is. Omaha phone I'.vd iuieoiii pnone lis. POSTOFPICE NOTICI5. (Shnuld be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time), Foreign malls for the week ending May 23. 1901, will closo (PROMPTLY In nil cases) III .. ,u-iuiLu ua luuunii I All- CELS POST MAILS Close one hour enrll.L than closing tlmo shown beiow. Parcels post mans ior uvrmany cioso ut & p, m. weunesiiu. Roaular und supplementary mulls i-in.. at' foreign branch half hour later than Closing 11IUU suuwii UCIUW, i riiiia-Atlanlli! Mnlla. WEDNESDAY At C:30 a. m. for EI'ItOPK per h. s. St. Paul, via Southainptnu (mail ior ireiann mui oe uireuieii -per s, s, SL Paul' ), ut x:30 a. m. (suni)lementar 10 h. m l for EUROPE, per s. s, Teutonic, via Uueenstowu, at 10 a. m, for BEL GIUM direct, per s. s, Kensington (mall POTOPFIU5 NOTICE, must be dlteeted "per s. s. Kensington ); at l;:xi p. m. for.A.ORKS ISLANDS, per s. s. Slarco Mlngliittl (mull for Italy must bo directed "ner u s. Mnrco Mlnchcttl' l -IM MMiun IV a. .1.1 . ... ...I , t,l III. i III lci'i 1 ll n,." ii in nil i-.i lull i. i per s. s. Columbia, via Plymouth nnd nnmuurg tninii tor rniuet, tjwitzeriauu, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British Ihdhi nnd Lorenzo Mnr quez, vln Chetbourg. must be directed "per s. s, Columbia"); at 7 a. tn. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA nnd I.O RKN.O MARQUE,, .per s, s. I.h Bre tagnc, via Havre (ttiitll for other parts of Europe must bo. directed "per s. s, La Bretagne"). SATURDAY-At 10 u. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s, s, city of Rome (mnii must be directed "per s. s. City of Rome"); nt 11 n. m. for DENMARK dlr?ct. per s. s. Island (mall must bo directed "per s, s. lslnnd"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucnuln, via; Qileenstown: nt 12 m, for ITALY, per s. s. Aller, via Naples (mull must bo directed "per s. s. Allet"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer lakes printed autter, commercial Papers iid Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts ot Europo will not be) sent hv this ship unless sneciallv directed bv her. After Uie closing ot the Supplementary Tinns-Atiantio .Minis nnmea sunvc ad ditional supplementary mulls are opened on tho piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and to main open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of salHr.Z oi atcimcr. Malls (or M"th anil Central America, Meet Indies. WEDNESDAY "Al 9 n. n, for MAYAOUK., I'UHiu uu.u. per s, s. isveiyn tm.iii ror other parts of Porto. Rleo must be di rected "per s, s. Evelyn"); at 9:3 u, m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Ml. Vernon: at 10 u. m. for PORTO RICO, per U 8. T. McClellan. via Snn Juan, at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. .M PKCIIK, TAHAfjCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s. s Havana, via Itavana und Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Hnvrtna"): nt 12 :3" p. m. (sunplementnt y l p. m.) for .TURKS ISLAND nml DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Per s. s. Cherokee. Tii"l'H8l A Y At )2 m. for SANTIAGO, per h. s. Hamiago tie Cuba: ut n:3 p. m. ror JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Boston. FRIDAY-At 12 m. ot- MEXICO, per s. s. urizaun, via inmpico (man must lie di rected "per s. h. Orlsaba "); at II p, m for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. h. Si berian, trim Philadelphia. SATURDAY-At I n. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY Mid PARA GUAY, per s. s. Ktoiia; at 9 a. m, (sup plementary 9:30 a. m ) for POVtTO RICO (Via Snn .luun), VENE.t.'KLA and CU RACAO, pet s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Snvanllla nnd Cnrthngcnu must be di rected "per h. s. Philadelphia): nt 9:: a. m. (supplement-try P:3ii a. m.) for HAITI (except Jcrenile, Aux-Cnyes and Jacmcl), SA VANILLA and CARTH'A OENA, per s. s. Alhos mnll for Jeremle, Aux-Cnyes, Jncmcl nnd Costn Rica must be directed "per s. s. Athos"); at 9:30 a. in. (supplementary man a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. .IEREMIE, AUX-CAYES, JACMEL and SANTA MARTHA, per s, s. Adlronduck (mall for other parts of Haiti must be directed "per h s. Adirondack"); at W n. in. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Ilnvnnn; nt 10 .1. m. for HAITI, per s. s. 1'. F. Hen drlk (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trin idad, British nnd Dutch Guiana must he directed "per s. s. P. l llendrlk"): nt 12:30 p. m. for MATAN.A8. CAIBAR1K.N, NUEVITAS. GIBARA and BARACOA. per s. s. Curltyha (ordinary mail only, which must ho directed "tier s. s. Curlt yba"); at 1 p. m, for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad. Mulls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and tncuco by steamer, close at this olllce dally nt 0:30 p. rr.., connecting close heie every Monn.iy, Wednesday nnd Saturday. Malls for Mlquulon, Dy rull to Boston, und tnence by steamer, close nt this ofllco dally at uinO p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., nnd theneo by steamer, close at this office dally, except Monday, nt "b n. m. (the coniiectlng closes' are on Sunday, Wednes day und Friday), Malls tor Cuba, by rail to Miami, yiu nnd thence by steamer close ut' this, office every .Monday and Frlduy nt 11 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless sueclully addressed for bv steamer, close at this of fice dally, ut 1:30 p. m. und 11 p. m. .Malls for Costa lllcn, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New- Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this olllce dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes h;ro Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala and Tuesdays tor Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. 'previous day. Trana-Pneltle Mnlla, Malls for Australia (except West Australia, winch is rorwarded via isuropo). rscw Zealand. FIJI, Snmon nml Hnwnll. via Snn Francisco, close hero dally at fi:30 p.m. after May "4 nnd up to Mny 25, Inclusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. s. Lucnnin. due nt New York Mny 23, for dispatch tier m. h. MnrlmiRii. Mall for Australia (except West Austrnlln, which goes vin t-jurope una rsew y-.eainuu. which goes vln Snn Francisco) nnd Fiji Islnnds, vln Vancouver, close here dnlly nt 6:30 p. m. up to May 25. Inclusive, for dlspntch tier s. Wnrriinoo (supple mcntiiry malls, vlu Senttle, close nt 6:3") p. m. Mny 26; mull must bo directed "via Vnncouver"). Mails for China ano Japan, via Van couver, close hero dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to Mny 2S, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. Idzuml Mnru (registered mull must he dlrpnted "via fieattlo'). Mnlls for China nnd Japan, via Tacoma. elnso here dully ut o-.wi p. m. up to may 30, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. Olvmnln. Malls for Hawnll. Chlnn, Jnpan nnd Philip pines, via snn l-rancisco, cioso nero uuuy nt 6:30 p. m. iil to Juno "l, In clusive, for dispatch ner s. b. Poking. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to June 3, for dispatch per H. s. Zealnndla. Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at S:30 p. m. up to Juno 9, Inclusive, for dlsnatch Dor s. s. Gaelic. Mnlls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, close here dnlly nt e:3U p. m. up to june 11, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Em press ot China (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded via Europe). New Zealand. FBI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero aally ut 6:20 p. in. after May 26 and up to June 15, Inclusive, or on urrivni or s. s. utnorio. due nt New York June 15, for dispatch ner s. s. Ventura. Malls for Tnhltl und Marquesas Islands, via Snn Francisco, close nere (inuy nt p, m. up to June "20, inclusive, ror dls pntch per a. s. Australia, Trans-Paclflo mails are forwnrded to port of sailing dally hnd'the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption ot tucir uninterrupted ovcn.inu transit Registered mall closes ut 0 p. rn. pre vious day, CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofflce, Nfiw Yora, N. Y., May 21. 1901, LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In the District Courfln und for Douglas county. MeurasKii. William G. Madden, nlulntlff. ncatnst Ne brnska Flro Insurance Company et nl.. de- feiidants. Notice to creditors or said in s-jrunco company to present their claims for aiviuenus. To nil creditors of the Nebraska Fire In surance Company w)io have not claimed or received tneir respective dividends Hereto fore ordered in the above entitled action: You, and' each of you, nre hereby notified that In and by tho order of the court In the above entitled action, made and entered on the 4th day of May, A. D, 1901. you must present for" payment your respective claims for dividends heretofore ordered In said action within IK) days from tho completion of tho publication of this notice, which will be on thei27th day of August, A. D. 1901, and that' unless you so do your respective rights to Hiien dividends will lie concluded und you win no onrreu ot me rignt to par Urinate, in the funds unnroiirtuted therefor. Sjch claims may be presented nt the oltlco of the undersigned receiver In the Brown block. In the city of Omaha, In Douglas county aforesaid, or transmitted to mm ut unit address ny man. Dated this 25th day of Mny. A. D. 1901. ALBERT U. WYMAN, Receiver of tho snld Nebraska Fire Insur anco Company. M25d3tM ATTENTION. TAXPAYERS! The Board of County Commissioners of Douglas county, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment ot Douglas county tor mo year ijiu in mo commission er's chamber at. the court house, Omaha, beginning Tuesday,. June II, 1901. nt 10 o'clock a m., nnd continuing from day to day up to nnd Including- June 27, lrioi (16 days, not Including Sundays). All persons owning res) or personul property subject to laxution siioimi can and examine their as sessment, that any errors ns to valuation may be adjusted by raid board, ns the law provides. By order of tne Board of County Com mlsslcuers. Omaha, .Uy 25. 1901 D, SI. HAVERLY. County Clerk, By C. L. HARRIS, Deputy. May7 dm i.i.ii.ii. Miiiti:. . . . NOTICE " I hnve this day sold to Hugh W. Wll- Until Hi- it-nt 1 1 ti nctA m! iiliMtnt lit MtlllHv II, deceased. In the firm of Mld-Cohtllient Boiler Works, Drnke. Wilson & Wlltlnms, proprietors, he to iissume and pay nil lln- ii tit . ii , I til lljIKrultAil'. unrl nit It aillil business. ISABELLE DRAKE, , , , Ktcctttrlx ho business uf said linn will he enrrlcd on under the same nnnie ns heretofore. HUGH W. WILLIAMS. Omnhu, Neb., May 4, VlU. M-S-1I-21-2SM GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb., Mny 15. ll"01- Sealed pro posnls. In trlpllinte, subject to the visual romlltlnus. will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., central time. Mny 31, 1'UI. for the construction nf ii tiiimn house mid heater room for water tnnk nt Fort notiltison.,Nrl. Full information furnished UIHin nnnllcntlnii to this nlllee. nr (n the quartermaster. Fort Robinson, where plans nnd npeclllcnlhins may bo seen, Proposnls to be marked "Proposals for pump house, etc., ut Fort Robinson, Neb.," nnd nd dressed to the undersigned. F. H. Hatha way, t, . J, M, .M- I7-15-2S-2 .t RAILWAY QUIDS- UNION STATION KITH AMI MARC V. I nlnn Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited.... a S. 20 am n 7:30 nm Fast .Mall a 8:50 nm a 3:23 put Stall and Exnress ...all!35 urn n 4:23 nm Colorado Special itl:35 pm n i:50 tin iincoin-iromstierg i.x.u 4:ui pm t'lZ'.M pm Pnclflu & Allnlittc l-5x...H 4:25 nm n i'.:S0 mn Grand lslnnd Local h 5:30 pm b 9:35 4m (.lilcngo .1- Niiitlmeslerii, Chicago Spiclal n 7:00 tint nlLJO pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:4o nm i-;.isiern express... aiu:oo nm n :o.s pm Eastern Siicclnl a 1.53 nm a 4:05 tun Fast Mull a 2:45pm Omaha-Chicago l.'t'd...a 7:15 pm n 8:00 nm Fast -Mall a 3:20 am Cedar Rnplds Passenger a 5:30 pm snout Ultj- cv i-neiiie. Twin City Express n C:5.i mn uiO:2J pm Twin (.uy i.imueo ,,u nao pm n mia nm Sioux City Local a S:oo am n .1:50 pm L'hleniio, .tllltvniiKrc .v. St. I'anl. Chicago Limited a OOpm a Mtfi m Chicago &. umnua ux.,u i.iu urn u j;pj pm llliiiils i.rntrni. Clilcago Express a 7;00 am n 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis St. I'uili l.imueu.. it pm a s;uo am Minneapolis & St. Taul Express b 7:00 ant b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from council uiuns u ;ju pm a s:ii am Fort Dodgo Local, from Council Bums u e:w am Wnlinali, St. Louis "Cannon Ball- Express a s:ia pm a 8:20 am Clilenrrw, Hock lalnnil A. I'nelfle. Des Moines & Daven port Local a 1:20 nm bu:3o am Chicago Express 111:15 am n s:i0 am Des Slolnes LocAl a 4:20 pm n 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express. ,u 5:00 pm a 1:23 pm Des Moines, Rock Island as vineuKu,... .....u 1 .tv ,ii u ii.ou pin Lincoln, Colo spring Denver, l'ueuio unu West a 1:20 nm a 4:15 nm Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas Flyer a 0:20 pm a 0:50 am Sltsannrl Pnellle. St. Louis Express nl0:00 nm n 6:23 pm K. c. & st. u. express.. aiv:w pm a t:ij am Oninhn Nt. Louis. St. Louis "Cannon UalT'a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas city t viuincy Local a i:w am a v:ou pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEIISTEU I1EPOT I.Vl'll t '.VEnsTEH. Ctilenao, fl. I'miiI, Sllnneapnlla .tt Oninlin. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 0:00 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City i-nsenger...a -:u pm au:io am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 nm Fremont. Klkliorn itt .Missouri 'nlle- Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper 'und Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David Ulty, ouperiur, ucncvu, Hxeter nnd Seward. ...b 3:00 nm b 5:00 nm Norfolk, Lincoln nnd Fremont b 7:30 ntu bl0:25 am Fremont Local ...c 7:30 am , ' Mlaaonrl I'Hi-IHe. Nebraska Local, Vla weeping wntcr d i:iu pm aiu:i am k Dnllv. h Dnllv nxcent Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily except Atonnay, RUnl-lNGTON STATlON-tOTII MASO.V Cblcasn, IlnrllnHton .t llnlncr. i,caii', - nunr, Chicago Special a 7:00 a,m al0:20 pm 'l . t ..A.ttl,,l t,v a J.flA rttii a 7 i r. a m Chicago Local a 9:30 am a 4:0o pm flit i.imlii-fl ii 7:&0 nm a 7:45 nm Fast Stall 2!5 pm llurllnaton A Mlaanurl River. Nebraska & Colorado Express u i:w am n ipm Wymore, Beatrlco & T.tnnnln S:40nm lltl:5aln Denver Llmltea a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills & l'ugot sound, uenver wan- ... n H-llA -m n fi'lS nm Lincoln Fast Mall.. ....b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Plblts moutn i o f.M pm dii:v nm Bellevue Puclllc Jet. .a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Ucllcvue it Paclllg Jct..al2:l0 am Kauinn City, St. Joaepti & Council ninffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:20 am a S:25 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:3O pm a 9J3 am St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm all:15 am a Dally, b Dally- exceot Sunday. Direct notite to (ilsigow Exhibition ANCHOR LINE Htenmshlpa from Nev- York Weekly for (iliAKtiOW VIA LONDON DEHRY. Ealoon, 150 and up. Seoond Cabin, $32,50 and up. Third Class, $26 and upwards. For Illustrated folder and further Informa. tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, ChlcaEo. or J. S. SI cN ALLY, 1323 Farnam Sti, GEO, E. ABBOTT, 1321 Farnam St.. Omaha. UNINGER GETS HIS PICTURE "Itrlnrn nt Siirlim," Maaternleec, l Ncmv In Tiniislt tn Oninlin, George W. Llnlngcr bus Jml 'rccolvei word that the picture. "The Return nt Spring," which ho purchased recently whi(i in i.ondon, is on na way to umnha: Ho had some doubt about the receipt ot this pic ttire, owing to the laws In soma forelgt countries against the sending of the wnrk- of the masters abroad, and lias been more or less anxiously awaiting this Information. Whllo ho was tn London lie rondo tho pur chase of tho picture, which wbh then in Paris. He directed that It bo shipped t,o him nt Oms.ha nnd had nn understanding with tho party who was expected to send It that If anything should happen to Interfere with Its shipment he was to bo notified at onco at some point along his route In Eu rope. Ho did not snlt for ten dnvs them. nfter nnd no tidings reaohed him nf a failure of his plans, but upon his arrival here hp wus still In some doubt ot the success of tho strategic movement necessary. The celebrated pjcture by BouguereaU, which la the identical one through wblch Warblnton thr.ew a chair whllo It was on exhibition In Omaha some years ngo, will probably be hung in the Llnlnger gallery within a few days. BURGLAR STEALS JEWELRY Valuable lliima nnd Other Trinkets Taken from Residence nf ( harlea E, Htukea, ' A burglar entered the home of Charles E. Stokes, 1026 South Twenty-'elghth street, Monday afternoon while the family wsa away and stole Jewelry to tho value ot $135. Neighbors say thoy saw a suspicious look ing character, prowling about the house early in the afternoon and hnve given tfe police a good description of him. The loot Included a diamond ring, a topaz ring and two .plain gold rings, a Jeweled breastpin and a gold watch and chain.- Tho burglar entered by prying up a window. i 3