TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, MAY 2S, 1901. it SPECIAL NOTICES AdTrrdirmrnli for llieae rill lie taken until t'2 in. rnlnmni I " for the tmlnc edition nnrf until M atl p. in. , v, tor moralnu anil Similar edition. i unir, ji i-c n worn nrai niarrooii, t le a vvorti thereafter. r. .Nothing tnUen (Ah r the llrat Inter- - for lefts Ittan fn flow. Theae adrrrtlsemrnta moat be tnn consecutively. Atlvertlarra, bjr rcqneatlnc a nn in hered check, enn liore miarrera ail lreaaed tn a tinnihered letter In rare f The llee. .tnm era an addreaaed will he delivered oa nreaeotatloa of ta keek oat?. 9ITIATIO.NS VA.NTi:iI. BOOKKEEPER ut wide fXi-Henee le.lres clerical position At ''lire Best cits r- fer enccs, bond furnished T !l Be. A - MBT - WANTED MALli IIUI.P. WANTEU-tt'e have steady worn for a few good hustlers ot good habits and appear nc. C. F. Adams Co., XVXt Howard St. B-301 BARIlliR trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars tree Wsrn Barbers' institute, umah.i. .Neb U 30 . WANTED, assistant engineer, capable of operating steam and refrigeration plunt; Mute ace, experience and salary expcctul, also If married or single. Address I CO. Uee. U Til ANTED, men to team barber trade; oniy tight weeks required, special offer to ap plicant from distance, board, tools and scholarship; busy reason 112 to 115 weekly paid graduates. Write today. Molcr Barber College, JC23 Farnam st. B-MIS2S1 WANTED Two upholsterers. Hartshjrn Bros., Kort Worth. Tex. B-MIKS 3i' WANTED, man with horse and light nprlng wagon, 161? Howard L U-MliJ HVSTLINO and eiiergetlo men, don't be Idle, write the Hawks Nurrery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., for special terms and ter ritory. U-MSIC Je2l WANTED, medical gentleman tn travel for repuianie long eiaiina pa nun num. Ap ply Western Medical Institute, i;7 Dela ware St., Kansas City. Mo. B 473 2i' WANTED, salesmen, also nilvcrtlsers, Htralght cash ralary. Triumph, Dallas, Texas. il M718 2 TOU CANNOT ALWAYS TELL. A smoker cannot always tell by hearsay what a cigar really is Someone might tell yon that auch and suoh a clear Is a i good one. That Is a matter of taste. But i to really tlnd a rtgar that has the ii'ialltj and Is nulled to jour taste Is quite .'n other thing. We are In the Cigar Biif Iness and can please you. If ou want n iicii. cimii pniuitc inep nui ih. rin'iRr f the Prince n( Omaha. Its equal Is not to it tuuiiu mi it i-iiinr. .u.iiiiiiuvu i u ii? the W. V. Ptoecker Cigar Co. For Hale bv all llrat-olnss dealers, Sa'1! the hauls cf tho Stoockcr ClgHr Co. B 7." .12 WANTED Salesman to represent ua among I tne manufacturing and jobbing trad . i thhkk uniurnisn-n rooms tor iimu nousc Address F M. M . Herschel and South , keeplug; modern, within walking Ju-tunce, streets, Cleveland, Ohio. B-MCAI 1 "A ANTED, one or two men for talking and singing clown., that can do good iit-ls for dog and pony whow. Answer iiiili-k J A Miller. St Paul. Neb. B-M7S1 IN WANTED, bookkeeper, referent's re quired, state age. salary anl -;prrlnce. Address T M. Hce. R-.M7WIS0 MALESMi; H A.MUIh SALESMEN for pen carbon copying books and other quick selling office specialties: fine side lines; catalogue free; earn 1"0 weekly. Model Mfg. Co,, box B. South Bend, lr.d. -Mm Jol4 WA.TEI1 1'EMAl.Il IIKLl". WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-307 WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator; must hava had good experience. Apply room 220. Bco building. C-J52 WANTED, housekeeper In small family no washing. Address P 10, Bee. C 271 California's, ilra. W. K. Potter.' C 483 RELIABLE help. Canadian office, : 22 Doug C-775 LADIES Wrtnted to learn hair dressing, manicuring, massage or chiropody, from four to eight weeks required, complete outfit of tools presented each student; positions secure" In best' establishments In city; comparatively no expense. Cull or write Moler College, 1623 Farnam st. C-M43331 WANTED, girl for general housework, low Georgia .ve. C 491 WANTED, housekeeper In small family. Address S 65, Bi. C MM WANTED First class waist draper by Aug. 1, 1WL Address. Seeblck's Dress maker Department, Deadwood, S. D C M5W-1 GOOD girl for general housework, ipis Cass. C-.M7J4 FIVE hundred dollars reward: young ladles and others write for particular. Tho Merrill Press, Toledo, Ohio. C M7i 2S FOIl Ri:T-IIOLES. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Benawa & Co. D COS TO mov. right, get Omaha Van fitor.ig Co.. office, HUVi Farnam, or tcl015t9-&i. U-ZJ HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city, Hrennan-Lor Co.. 320 South Uth street. D-3U Houses, stores. Bcmls, Paxton Block. D-Jl? SEE HENRK B. PAYNE. Ml N. Y. LIFE. u ju HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D-311 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D 315 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block, D 31S FOUR rooms, modern, til 00. SCs N. 27 St. D-MIS4 M-2 LARGE 12-room residence on the Norta boulevard, will paint, paper and make what Improvement are necessary, uont, OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas. D-.M67S CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, L-US Farnam st. U M23J FOR RENT. 2124 Sherman ave.. 10-r.. mod em, js. iiyr-n eeu co., so. nin. D-M7SI UODERN 7-room houso near park. 1500 So sitn, u iini 2222 IZARD St., 6-room modern Hat. J12. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 so. nth st. D-M97S l-ROOM strictly modern house. Z0 Doug las. Thomas II. Fell, M Merchints Na tlonal bank bldg. u .Mibo TO LET. elegant large 13-room home; large lawn ana burn, .: par monin. W. Faruum Smith Co.. CiO Fuinam Sr D-M23J fi-ROOM house, bath anil rlosct, Ciih and Charles, Monroe Ac co.. t.u .-s. inn si. D-M5JI S-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished 15U Davenport. D M433 2! FOR RENT, June t. S-roora brick house all modern. Jib .n. zsu streei. D 312 COTTAGE or Omaha Beach, l-tke Okoboll. for rent. Captain Slaughter, Army Held quar.ers. P-.NM3 Jtll :iOO CAPITOL ave., S room, modem, 130; 2021 Burt street. 9 rooms, moJern, 3'i Sutt) Webster, !i rooms ami bath, lis. 31.'s Cas, rooms, modern, and bHr.i. JjJ; 1555 North 20th, 4 rooms, u, otlur;. Rips wait Bros. Barker block. D- Mi.5 CENTRAL, all modern, seven-room hous; flve-room nat;four-room flat Tlzard. 2CS No 21th. I'r.'.'ii' MODERN 7-room flat. 24lh and Farnam, J.;. H R. Grahiini. , , . DM0 l. . NFW dainty cottage. .9 room. IDIh live and D'- lge. ready June I Strictly up-io-dal. 1 all Dodge si D see wVllis'todd, CI N. Y. l,U"E nj-Xo, D M5Si -3 P0 RENT-HOt . n J.V KS'N 8T . i-r house In rear 1 j.r. s nth m I room. city water, N -l. st 3 ana 1-room flats, lit witter iH a iSi) af . s-rnnm modern except f-.r- .: ,1V, tltKutll jn, armrtm-nt ., th,. Alhl.,ii by June 1, everything rst- , ias- Also ee;rant -room apnrtnient In the Winma . June IS. If oii want to live In fir't- '.'."' and have everything tip-to- have everyiiunc up-iu-see us regartflng these date, come and two ;innrtmcntn PAYNE-KNOX CO.. .Main I'luor N. V. Life Bide D MS03 roit m:T-ri it.x.xiiKi) iioom.. DEWUY European hotel, 12th and Farnam. THE THURSTON. ISth and Jackson: steam E-321 THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. E 411 I.AIIOE. front room, neatly furnished. 110 H. iSlh avt. K-T61 ST' I'l.liASANT furnished rortm, moilern." suit bl'. fcr r tfetitlomtn. 2tt Cdpitrit ave. K-771 i' Nli'UUY furnished: sas.rtth. telephone '-U l'i.rnam st., d floor wtut. I'hone 1. n. . .. K-Jii1' I 3 LAUOE, tool, eUnnt urtjih'jt KiOm?. rntlm purlur lloor, alugle iir en suite, would rent for linuikeepfng, modern, telephone, eto. ll 80. JSth ut. . KMtT'd ri.it.init:i) iiio.i9 i.su itoAitu. UTOPIA, 1711 Davenport St. ULUNCAlKN,tranlruls,tl.2S day. WJ Doti? K-J2J THE Merrlam, summer resort, 'il Si Dodge Mb, A NICE south room. 2lh St, The Pratt, -212 So. F-li ROOMS, i"9 So suth. V-M1! NICE rooms wlih board. 411 N. 2Sth St. F-2W SOUTH room, with board. 1M Capitol ave, F-MU1 LAIU1H uth frtfnt rooifi. w'lth board. 202 N. uth st. F M6W r ROOMS, flrsl-c-luKS board. 2Ssl Harney. F-Mt5S 20 ROO.MS, modern. 310 So. 2fith street. I'-.M61 1 MODERN up-to-date two furnished ruOms , hiuI bourd. IvM So. S-Jd st. K-SIB1 2S' FOR REM l.M'i tt.MMlEl) llOUMs. DESK room space, ij per month, ground floor room In The Bee building, facing l-'arnam street; no expun-e tor light, beat or Janltot scrv'.cu. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental AfcciUs. Bcu building. G-418 i UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wife. 31V North :7th St Ct $14 - - - - - -- good n!ghborhood . rcforencen t-qiilred. 23" O dipnoi uvc G MlM FOIl IIU.NT STOItlii AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class locatlgn, rent reasonable. Apply R, C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Uuo Bids. 1 263 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied b The Bee at 316 Farnam st. It hat sour storlcii und a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room, 'this will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, eccrutary, room UO, Bee building. I 2tU AtiEVrs WAVrEll. WANTED Canvasrlng agents In every county to solicit, auoacrlptlous for THE TWENTIETH CKNTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE aTOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This aplendld book contains 1.404 Imperial octavo pages, KM) object-teaching engravings, ana Is the only book on lUo stuck ever published adapted to th vvery-day, practical, money -mvimj- us of cv-ry farmer and took owner, steady employment with assured good Income. Aaenta In the country wltn horse and buggy especially dcslreu. Canvasser maKu easily 160 to JloO per month. Ad drtbB Century Fa;mcr Solicitor Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. J 487. AOENTS make 6 dally selling the cheupeit ana most perieci waiter niter ever in vented; retuus at tl.au, big profit, ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo. J M31S Jell' s 1011 a u. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- vii joncs, general iioragu ana lorwarumg ;ci OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tels. 155a-s63, WA.NTEU TO IIL'Y. WANTED, second-hand furniture, lurge or small lots, highest prices paid; drop a card or tel. 771. J. L.evine, 304 2s . lfitn. N-M119 JelJ WANTED, 50 secondhand ladles' wheels. .Nebraska cycle co., cor. istn Ac Hurney. N-s-4 JeW WANTED to buy tire and burglar proof fc'Ulc. .vuuress iJii raniuni st. N-.M450 Jo20 WANTED, bank safe with time lock for vnult. Citizens Bank, Julesburg, volo. N-M711 I FOR SALL r'lii.MXlKU, CHICA'CO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. .New & 2dnana rurnuure bougut, culd. exchanged. O i2fc UPHOLSTERING Jfith & U Worth. TeL146i 002 FOIl SALE llOKhHs. rt...v:., kl't I SELL new. tip-to-date buggies, runabouts, etc. 11. f rom, uui una Leuvenwurtii. P-1SI FIRST-CI-jVSS top buggy, canopy top sur rey ai.il speeding wagon, an biigntiy shop worn, uut guod as new, air bargains. O. M. Hurt, 12u7 Jonrs st. P 3tt FOR SALE, u three-K'prlng wagon and a Snyder lop uuggj. inquire at eiar m. M&.ry'i Avs. P-.M6n FOR SALE. 13 heiid hor'a; matched palr.s und lngm tinvcrr. jono- r.-. minis, ncno ner. Neb. P-At 2' FOR SALE, top phaeton. "0 N. lslh st. .Mr.7Je.'7- FOR SALE Ml.lf KLL.lM:ol. TRADE your olu wheel lu-on a new. one at Omaluv, lllcycio CO., loin, uuu omtiisu on, SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry & hrg fence. il Douglas. ij 2DHAND lafe cheap. Detlsht., IU3 Frnam TIMOTHY hay and all kinds ut ,'eed ani coal, .-uonroe & co., ivjjx. mn, ,m hi, -,J S-YFES. buy. sell, exe'ge. Schwartz. Ill 3. 13. y ajv REPAIRS and supplies for all makes of b. cycle. unuiiH uiccie co , itn i cnieago c; o-j WIRE fanco for poultry. Belgian hare, hog neid cr ia-.wi wire works, cii s.-ictn bi W MSjs jy .- BIO lino of secondhand wheels, II. S, H, 110. Omaha incycie co . itiin and cnicago sts v: o.i I,u.(X) BRICK for sale. John P. Weaver, ti l'curi si-, council niuus. w .nsjauia 2 HORSES, line matched carriage team. H E. Fredrlt-kaoii, 15th and Podge St Q 571 Je2l rOR SALE. 7 head freh cowm, 2 nice Jer -eis. Jesters jura, -oin nan uuri si. Q 4"02i' vTsni-T -lawn sw-inss is!ze two and four imsiengerl and a variety of lawn chairs, at bargain prices 'while, they last F A liueiow. jones cc. FOR SALE; eggs, for setting from pure bred Golden Seabrlght bantam and -w nit, unHnil ehlrkens Also a few Plv mouth Rock hens for salt, Plxley, 2734 Caldwell strt; q-Mi i Cl. vlllt O VAiT9. I MRS. FRITZ, medium. Sli North Uth. : s-m MMK.ljYLMER. palmist 315 So 15th St S-J7 I i: l i: cr it i c 'rat; atm cs t. MMK. SMITH, baths. US N. ISth. 2d floor tinAm 1 T lS m;hox.i.. DR. ROT. chropodlst; corns & superfluous ralr removed by electricity. It. 12. Frenxer blo"k. U 333 PRIVATE home before and during confine, ment; liable? adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2t20 Uurdctte. L.-534 V1AVA. woman's way to health; rational, wnoiesome nur.io ireainienu u"; ",i;V' SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent White Sewing .Machine, 14.1) ..Doug las. Tel. 2t3l. NEW rollers for cloth wringers. Novelty Iron and Brass Works, 417 d. loth. Fhnn USO. U M7S June'.' RUPTURE cured no knife, no pair,, no danger, send for circulars. Empire Rup tura tMrc, S'i' N. Y. Life Building. Omaha. U-334 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; babies adopted. 2M Grant SL U-340 M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect nc cordlou pleating plant In the west: mall orders solicited, faulte 2uo, Douglas Block U-K3 A BOX it Rc-fJo-May Powder Is not a iuxury wher It u (Turds you a cure and secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. U MJ1: CARPETS nd rugs cleansed like .lew without taking up. .Satisfaction or no pay. City rtKiti.Lo. Diup pusiai. J N. ! U Ul J el FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders ollclted, Omaha Pleating Co.. U.'l Douglas. U-M5J2 VE RENT sewing machines at 750 par week. We repair and sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co , tor. 15th and Harney, 'phone lots. U-77S JcS NO better work done In any shop in the world than Brown block barber shop; neat, clean, antiseptic; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-Ul Jel WANTED. 23 secondhand typewriters, Nc y. braska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney, L'-2:3 JeH ADROIT HAIR BA.AR-Ncw location. Douglas, private booths for hair dre'S- ing uuu manicuring; muies snu.- eiiiiiiiih and massaging. U MISs WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst. Tel, 12&S. Best of city references. Leave order at 1519 Farnam. U MM 2s DR. CUSCADEN, 113 S. l'tll. U- Jc2t A DESIRE. A great relief to the aveiaee smoker Is to llnd a cigar suitable to the taste ut a medium price, and a great tnHny times a man will often nwoar off smoking as not being able to get a cigar such as he likes at a medium price. When you feel In this mood procure 11 Prince of Omaha. Your prejjdlce will disappear. It In a king among 5c cigar?. Try It. .Manu factured by the W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. For sale by all llrst-c-lass cigar stores. Save tho bands of the Stoccker cigar. U-75) J 2 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst Tel. 125. Best of city references. Leave order at 1519 Farnam. U M7tt 3 OXALINA HANSEN, come upstairs to.SfiS s. tin st. tnis weeg. l airjo WANTED. Intelligent woman to manage onto- for the Vlavl Co. Splendid chance for blight woman. Apply manager, room 3I Bee bldg. U M7S7 2! B A LI .OO N J I AN-WIre Captain" B. Col 1 1 n , Colfax, Iowa. Five montns' steady work. I have bag and chute. U M7M IS 3IOXEV TO LOA.V-ltHAl. ESTATK. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent: borrowers can pay SIM or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennan-Love Co., M S. j 13th st.. Omaha. Neb W-3U MONEY 13 loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W-313 WANTED, city loans, bends and warrants. Oeorge A' Company, loul Farnam street. W-343 WANTED, city and farm loans; aUo bonds and warrants. R. c. Peters i Co., 1702 Farr.am at.. Bee Bidg. W 345 FIVE oer cent money. Bcmls, Paxton block. W-313 MONEY" to loan at 4Vi and 54 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkie, 101 s. 15th W-347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. W-34S FIVE and 5!j per cent city .iid farm loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam St. W 343 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 537 N. Y. L. W-350 CASH on hand. G. E. Turkingto.-i. C35 Bee. W-2,1232 MONEY TO LOAN-On Improved real es- late; a per cent inieresi; no commission; privilege- of paying 1100 or moro before maturity. ,Ni,r nwe-.ern .Mutual Life ln. Co. jonn vv. uish, special loan agnt. 214 1st Nut'l Bank bldg., Omaha, Neo. W-710 AND SVj per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. lias. W-331 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam snutn it Co., J32u l-arnam st. W-M501 SEE' WILLIS TODD. G2I N. Y. LIFE BLDG V .VIC55 2b SIO.Ur TO LOA.-CllA'Tlil.s. Du YOU NEED MONEY? We loan 110 and up on lurnlture, pianos, norscs ami oiner c-nuiieis, SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent posiuuuo. iuu von uei 111c money in a tew nours alter mamng application, ana t 1 3 4. A. fi month- nr mnrn In n.hll. to pay It back, hiiiI you need not puy tor ' 11 one a luiiHei man you Keep u. vv v chaige nothing tor papers, ami wo give you the tall amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours, our terms are the enslebt; our business is conrtdential and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11s Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. t,. (Established lsW.I A So. lbtrt St. -x 11: CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household lurnlture. pianos, horses, wagons, etc.. in two hours' time; also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security Easiest payments and low eat rates in Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 3.2 Brown block, Cor 16th and Douglas Sts.; emrance on loth St.. opposite Y. M. C. a. Bldg! X-M130 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARI3D PLOPLE. merchants, team- btcrs, Doaruing uuuiea, etc., without se curity, easiest terms, 40 orUces In princi pal cities. Tolman, 410 Board Trade Bldg X-327 SALARY" LOANS upon plain notes, No mortgage, no iiiuurscr, no publicity, lower rates, much easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floot, Room 3U3. Paxton Block. X-335 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. Uve siock. eic. w"i hiicc aim lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAY"LOE, C33 (top floor; Paxion Block, northeaat corner Idtn and Farnam; entiance on loth St. X 557 HONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their name without aec-urlty ; eay plyiuenta 'lolman. 44o Board Trade Bldg. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture; horses cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 4. Barker bU X3 SHORT time Barker blk. loans. Joe Pleasants. Si X-CCJ MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without lecurlty; eas pjinoiiu t o.m.in.lW t.uJid ut Titio-i t u X-S2J Sl.ooO.U) TO place ujlck. Sun, Suite 3lo Btown li M. J. Kennard & :k X-335 MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture. Jew elry, hones, con i, etc. C F. Rd. m S 13. Jw ill jim: ch v.. -vCLEAN gr.-eery stock-, fine loirati .m . , goou rnsn traae; owner irarinit cuy, t iii ell cheap J H Johnson. N. V. Life Y-MIo RESTAURANT furnltute and fixtures, all nrst-cl, no better location In clt). Grand opportunity for restaurant man to control larse business, no reasonable offer rejected. J. It. Johnson. N. Y. Life. 1 - MWJ -i ' FURNITURE of 7.rnom flat: fine Itvatl.jn reasonable rent; lady left city; few dol- J lars will buy It. J. II. Johnson, N.Y. LI'.e. Y-.M6W A BUTCHER shop for sale In a good country town; good location. Address M. Wagner. Winner, Neb. Y 74 31 KOR SALE, for cash at a bargain, J2.5") stock of dru?s In good eHstem Nebraska town. Address J. care of Bee. Y 777 J I KOR SALE A first class photo gullery In southwestern Iowa; town neari ,' in- habitants, otic other gallery, good reasons , uiSt!,!,n!1, Addrc?s-J y 'm-.1 Atlantu. la. i-m.u-Ji , FOll EXCllA.NGn. ID-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts Z-60T FOR i ll,K It RAIr ITATI1. I! k-ir.'r. r KOUNTZE PLVCE has two flrst-cla-s car lines-quirk and freV'cn( service. A con venient place to live in. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY; SOLE AG'TS. RE-791 H SOUTH OMAHA, appropriately- formed the Magic City, the place tor lucrative Invest ments O'Nell . Real Estate Agency, the oldest established agency In the lit, has the following choice properlle to offer. IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY. Three-story brick and bn.ement. 5ux&), rental M.iXiO annually, price 124,'.H Three-storv and basement, brick. 2tx'J0. rental 11.2"0 annually, price JlS.tOO. One-story frame business, block, 120 feet 1 trout, rental j2,B"Ai. price jij.iw. Two-story frame, 25xro, rental $1,000, price K.OjO. " ! We have some very choice unimproved ' business property running In price from ' 5 to I1G0 per front foot. In residence property we have a very com- , piete and' desirable llt from which to , select i'j ioe seeKing a numo we are confident we vn satisfy. For acrtace proivrty we are headquarters lowing; One hundred acres highly Improved, about four miles northwest of the city, at J70 per acre. One hundred and sixty acres three miles southwest at $00 per acre. Quo hundred and thirty acres, three miles south, at iio per ncre. Twenty acres, unimproved, one and one half miles from tho city limits, 75 per acre. 1 we nave several smau iracis close in rnng- lug In price from J 1 J to 1150 per ncre We are authorized to offer one hundred lots In Guoil Luck addition for from JO1) to 175 euch on easy payments. O'NEIL REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha, Neb. RE-3S3 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building. RE-3W SEE HENRY B PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE KHi KOUNTZE PI.ACE has two nrst-clifs cur linesquick and frequent service. A con vcnlent place to live In. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY SOLE AG'TS. RE 7W FOR SALE on monthly payment, s-rwxn modern house on N, 21th St. car liai: also vacant lots, which will be Imprtrrajd for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan und Building Association, U. M. Nattlngcr, secrutary. Bee Bldg. RE Jul RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the ; Union pacific RaUroud .company. II. a. I , 1 1 1 , . - 1 , n, M, I.., 1,, ' .. t I .ilUAIIdSlc,, lanu .uuiuiK.iuiicit I.U4UU Pacir.c Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. RE-3S3 HOUSES. lots, farms, lane's, loarhs: also lira Insurance. Bemts ' . ' WAJT offer on fine .lot and .seven-room house, dote to good c.ir line. Eastern 1 owner anxious to sell. f2d. J. Kennard A I Bon, 309-10 Brown Dlock. RE S3 C. F. HARRISON. 913 N. Y. Life. FARMa ! RE 103 JeU j FOR SALE or exchange, for Columbus lOhlo) property, two lots Tnornourg and one Burlington Place additions to Omaha; all free from Incumbrance. Address J. A, Hartley. SI N. High st., Columbus, O RE-M113 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fsrnam St, i RE-3SJ SPECIAL BARGAINS. 12-room house, not far from Mr. Joslyn's residence site. Ask $5.wo. -Av'IU consider any fair offer now. C. F. HARRISON, 513 N- Y. LIFE. RE-782 27' FOR SALE, cheap, lots 27 and 2S, Paulsen' add. to Omaha, or will trade for De Molne property; make an offer O. P. llerrold, P'J Uuod block. De Molne, la RE-M7S5 Je27 KOUNT55E PLACE has two first-class car lines quick and frequent service. A con venient place to live In. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, SOLE AG TS. RE-7K1 2S VIEIIK Al RHEUMATISM - WHISKY - Why surfer from rheumatism when there Is a specific cure for you? Why be a slave to whisky, opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when we guarantee to cure you? Answer this "by v ruing the Elisor Remedy Co., South omaha, .Nb. incorporated In 1SU2. M-7B0 JeJ LADIES! Chichester s English Pennyroyal Pills arc the best; safe, reliable; tak4 no othe-. send 4c stamp for particulars; "Re lief for Ladies" In letter by return mail; ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Vhlladelphta. Pa. VIRTUAMA cures tmpotency. resulting from tndlsctetlons or ueuiluy, gives vitality-, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, fitting tor success, happiness In business; profes-i-lonul. focal, married life; 1.', or 3 for lo. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price Thi Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. III. American Office, retail, wholesale-, Myers. Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davl Drug Co.. CSuncIl Bluffs. Full line legitimate rubber goods. DR PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during oonltiioment, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause Call or address, with stamp, Dr Pries, 1513 Dodge st , Omaha. Neb. M523 Jo23 OSTEOPATH li. JOHNSON institute, 51j N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Tel, 184; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; GId E. Jchnson, Osteopathlst, ligr. -371 DONOHUE, Osteopath. Paxton blk. Tcl.ISi IU A. T. HUNT. D. O , 305 Karbach blk. Tel 2352 M-474 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Douglaa block. M 473 Je21 6IIORTIIAM) AMI TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -3i0 BOY'LES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. -371 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 37.' UREGG Shorthand. Om C Col., 1 & Doug -in I'PROI.STEKI.NG. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Ueav'th, Tel, 242). ji: AnVEltnStNO FAS J. ADVS.FANS. Burkley Pts, Cc . Omaha , il.177 JI CAHPK.VJ UllS AMI JOHHUII9. ALL knid of sarpeuter work and repalma .- and Lake Sts. -379 it,-vct.i:?. I SECONDHAND bicycles from K.W up. Ne braskA Cycle Co.. Cor. 15th and Harney. -.-S3 Jell NEW and ladles' wheels rented; 50 cents ..... V... BI,.nH. n- Con. for the evenlns or afternoon, except Sun day. Louis Flescher. 1I2 Capitol ave. 7M- l'AT--.T. MASON, KENW1CK & LAWRKNCK, Patent Lawyers. Solicitors and Experts. Washington, D. C II. J. COWOILU Western Representative. Room M3 Ramge Blk. omahn. Neb. Phone ADVICE I'REE. 441 JMJ n.TE.v - Te r. .,. i. .,i a,,. I pTca.TB - erRvmoem?,hr;b,uvdsvii frcc Ju,-. I.OT. J2S REWARD tor return nf two rug cost from our delivery wagort May II nr''hi!-il .t Wllholm Carpet Co Lost-M-m l Fill M). jlAKl... up. Iron-arav l-iear-old oil. at . JaiKson-s dairy, i-;at tirnAii.i Fr. 111.1- 2 LAI' .Ml IIV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, tc; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 17M) Leavenworth, lol. il7. UAl'EIIT VCtOUVVA.Vr. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, R. 15. Com. Nat. Bank. O. R. Rathbun, -274 TICKU't IIHOKKll. CUT rate tickets everywhere. bin, 15iS Farnam. Tel. 7:4. P. H. Phil 330 1 . ... llOItlllt M VKlIlts. , OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollers.tanka stacks, etc. Tel. 125'J. 12th Sc. Izard Sts. 4.0 .... - ACCoiiuio.N 1 i.katim;. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 376 I sCHEL.N I)CiItS. Windows, etc. G. C. Co., 1513 Lcav. Tel. 2525. 1 I'Xi j 1 SHOE Hi:!' AIlll.NU. SOLES. 40c; rubber heels and soles, TSc. Neb. Repair Co.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulone, Prop. 410 M21 l'AMllt()Ki;it. EAGLE Loan Olflce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business ccnfUcntlal. l.vi Douglas, Ft It s. ITL II EPA 1 11 1 Mi. TEL. 1231. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. -y,i tailouim;. 5 PER CENT .saved, high-class tailoring, latesi designs. Stephen J. Broderlck, 11i7 Farnam st. M52i5 Je2j H'A.Ti:i)-TO IIORItOW. WANTED, to borrow, Sl.t" at 7 per cent, on Imptoved residence property. South Omaha, renting lor J2I0 per year. Ad dres S Ij, Bee. M5I-J mavivikuim; a.m t? titter im;. CURED, "julla Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. -377 P VM Ul Kill. PLENTY' grass, shade and spring water, 3724 X 21st St. ' ' ' Mfi.nv-1 - MAClll.NESi Omaha anil Lincoln. Neb . ure the Talking Machine hendiiuaitors for the entire west, carrying the most com plete line of latest rec- ords When you fali elsewhere, call, or tend cur mall orders to lis Porcelain Grown $5 Gold Grown, 22 L $5 REI I ABLE i g pri. es denusirj at In Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'ntton UlncU. PHONE lo&3. POSTOFKlCi: NOTICE. (Should be read -DAILY" by all Interested as changes may occur at any lime;. Foreign malin for tho week ending May 25. 1901. will clo-s (PROMPTLY -In all cases) at the general poslotllce us follows: PAR CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown beiu Parceis post mails lor Germany close at 5'p. 'm. Wednesday. l Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign branch half hour Jatcr than cioilng tune shown below. Truos-A llnnllc Jlnlla. TUESDAY At 6:00 a. m. lor EUROPE, per . s. K Wm. der Grosser via Cherbourg, Southampton and Bremen. W EDNESDA Y At 6:i) a. m for EUROPE, per s. i. St. Paul, via Southampton ,(mull for Ireland must he directed "per s. s. St. Paul" i. at n."0 u. m. (supplementary lo a m.i for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queenstown, at lo a. in for BEL GIUM dlrt-ct. per h. . Kensington (mail most be directed "per s. s. Kensington j , at l.w p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s Marco Mlnghettl (mall for Italy must be directed "per r. . Marco Mlnghettt"). THURSDAY' At 6:30 in. for EUROPE, per h s. Columbia, Via Plymduth and Hamburg (mail for Fraree. Switzerland. Italy. Spain, ' Portugal. Turkey, Egypt. Greece, British India and Lorenzo Mar oiiez. via Cherbourg, must be dlrectf-d "ner . f. Columbia ': at 7 a. m. for1 FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPUN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LO RENZO MARO.UI'.Z, per x. s. I.a Bre tagne. via Havro 'mall for other parts- df Europe must b . directed "per s, s. La Hreliinne"!. SATURDAY' At 1 a m for SCOTLAND dlreit. per s, s. City of Rome imall must be directed "per s.. a. city of Borne i; at 11 a tn. for DENMARK direct, per h. s. Island imall mui ue oir-eieq -per . s. Uland"). at 11 So a m isupplenientary 1 p m i for EUROPE, per s s. l.ueanln. via a leenstown. at 12 m for ITALY, per a. s. Aller. via Naples (mall must be directed per s. s. Aller" i. i PRINTED MATTER. nTC-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers und Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter lor other parts ot Europe will not b ent hv this ahlp unless sec tally directed by her. After the closing- of the Supplementary Tians-Atluntio Malls namwi ove. ad ditional supplementary mans are opened on tho piers -or tne American, tingnsii. Fnnch and Germau steamers, una re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot fcalllis u; ,c-'.iner. Mnlls for Minlli mid eiiirlll Auierlen, V' fnillr. Et'. TlDAY'-At '9 "J a "m'' Csupnlementary ).i .' ,i m tor CENTRAL.' A jLERICA (ex- ept .'om.i Rlrai and SOUTH PACIFIC I'ORTS; pr's "'Iran''";, via "ol"ti ipia'I Ifor (iuatemaia nin-t ne .iirecien -ver s Fmancf a' ':. p m 'or JAM Air A per s a. Admiral Farratru. frorh Boiilon at 'I p". m f'r JVMAK 'A per s i Burn- .. U , . l,Km PHITftl.f,Mfl I W LD.N ESDAi" At ? m. t"T ii-vyAa. HZ, TAI.KI.MJ 1 gZSEm fo fount u orit u. I"ORTO Rti'Xt pet s s EveUn Imlil mr . ther parts f Port.. Rico mut be ret-tetl 'per s EelynJ .. at S . a. tn , for INAiH'A ami HAITI, per . s. Alt. 1 Verrnn. at 1" .. m f r l'i iRTu RICti. tMr U T McCIellati. via San Juan. t 12 m. for CUBA. Yl I'ATAN, CAM 1 Ei uE. r.UfAMU imi CHIAPAS, per llnVHiM vi;i Havana and I'roJVfw m..,.. ....... 1 I iltreit.-.l per s. V IUvaim"i. at 12' l i m. t supplementary 1 p. m.i for TURKS ISt.AN and IKMIIN lCAN REPUBLIC. I per s. s. Cherokee. i Tin HplAt-At u in for SANTIAGO, per 1 s s Santiago de Culm: at .3 p. m tor JAMAICA. "r s. . Admiral Scliloy. frm Boston. FRIDAY At 12 m for MEXICO, per s. s. Orizaba, via Tamplco imali must be di rected "per s. s. Ortcaba 'i at II p m for NEWFOUNDLAND, per -. s Si berian, frun Philadelphia SATURDAY At I a m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, r III Hi AY and I'A I in GUAY. per s. s. Etona, at V a m tup- 1 plementarx 9. a m i for PORTO RU'O via San Juan. ENEV.t hLA and I , RACAO. pet Philadelphia (mall for Viinlllii unit ' .-th ...... ht, ,11- rei'tett "pcr-s. x. rniiaiieipniai. hi 1 11. m. supplmentar.v W: a m 1 for I HAITI iexce.pt Jercmle. Aux-iMl" n;d . Jarmeli. SA VANILLA ami CAIITHA GENA per s. s Athos imall for Jfremle. I Au.rmH Ju in.'l i I,1 I'osLn HU'H nillt h- dlre-Nil "ner Athos 1. Ht P:2U a m I .supplementary VJ a. m . MrKOH , yC'i iMurts a a.cv am TI NE ISLAND, JAMAICA. JEREMIE- u AIX-CAYES, JAC.MEI. and SANTA..-! 1.01.1s "Cannon Ball MARTHA, per s. Adlt'ondack. mmll f"r Lxpnss a 5:15 pm a 8J)m other parts of Haiti must be directed 1 per s s AillroluUck . at H A. m for 1 a Oail. U Dally except Sunday. 1 t HA -r . llexho, v In Havana, at lIiiimho, Iiiiok Is.iiiiU .1. I'acinc. h) n m. for HAITr. it 9. . P. K. H"n- Lvs Moines a Davcn- drlk inmll for Curni Bo, Venexut la. Trln- luviiI a 7.25 arr bll:35 am Idad. British and Dntili GnUina must be 1 v'iiichru i.xpress bll.l am a s;10 am illrri led "per . . P. r Hendrik'1, at us .viotne: Local a 4.20 pm a 4.to pn 12 lo p m. f.ir MATAN'AS. CAIBARIEN. n.nttK raal i-.press..a j;w pin a 1.24 NI'EVITAS. IHIIAKA and BARACOA. , ura Jluj, Uland per t curityui lordlnury man '" which must be dlr., td -per . s. nrlt vim . 11 1 1 p m for BERMUDA, per s s Trinidad, Malls tn Newfoundland, by rail to North Svdiiev. und thence by steamer, close at this otnre dally r.t 6.30 p. rr. . eonnectliin close hcto -ct) Muliiid), (Vidntsiiuj una 1 S.iturvla. Malls for Miauelon. u tail to Bosion. and incnce by steamei. close at 1 tlna ofllco dally ut . m. Jlalls 'or , C'jun. br rail to Port Tampa, I'la., and) thence by .steamer, c!oe at this olflce ! Ualiv. ecpt .MOiiaay, at a. 111. ttne coniin'ting closes arc on Sunday, Wednes- day mid r'lldaj, Malta tor C.ia. b -an 1 to Mtatnl. i'la, and ih-me iv a.eaiiie' ; close ut this ollli-u every Mond.l . hd t riaay ni "ii p. 111. .nuns iui -n.u c ity," overland, unless iieclully addrseu for jl"-u' bv "ic.ilner. close at this uf tl.e daily ut i.2 p. 111. a., J 11 p in. Mails for Costa IMea, Belize, Puerio Cortez and Guatemala, u rull to Ver. urlcans, una thence by stcimer. close at this oltlce dally at 1 :Su n. m. iconiiectiri closes heru iMonda)' for i'.cllze. Puerto Cuitez ..H.i 7i........n'i.. ..,-1 Ti,.;.i v,' i,o- I'n.tu 1 Ric-aj. Registered mail ciose3 at u p. I tn. pievlous du. , .. 'J'rniia-Piu-IIU- .lnll. JMlls for Ajstrnlla iwi'T1 t Autr.lia Mail f.,trAGs,l.a"exceit West AuMralla ! Mariposa 1 .1..... ..I.. '.. ....a., ..,. . tr, lt..rr fli.ll. . "t .35" P In. U . to Mlo- 5 Iricluslve. for -dispatch per s s. Wnrrlmoo (supple- I meiitarv malls, via Srattle. c!oh Kt i5:M ! ji. m. .May " z: man msi uc uuem-. "via Vancouver"). Malls for China and Japan, via an couver. close here dally at 6 30 p m. op to Mav 2. Ini-IiiHlve, for dispatch pr f lilzuml -Mini trfgisiereu iimu inui lu, ,llra,t.wl "id, .utt!c"l Mali- Tor China and Japan, via l.ieomn 1 Idm here dully at i:T0 p. m. up to May 30, Incra-lve, for dispatch per . I Itvmnin ! Mali for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pines, via sun Francisco, cioso n-r un at HrHii n m. up to June In- .luslve. for dispatch wr s. x. Peking. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hepo dtillv at : p. m. up t J'!"" for dispatch per s x. '.eaU.idla. Mull for Hawaii. Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, vlt San Francisco, clos; here dally at p. m. up to June inclusive, for dispatch per s s Gaelic. . .-t.i.. lo., .1. i l.-i Vrieonver .oaii n'i v ,niw mm .,....,.,, . ,,. ---'-.-- l.w lw.ro ,l.il v ut 1.311 11 m. un 10 June dally at u-J" p m. up u .iuio- 11 Inclusive, tor 0l.paicn per . s. r.m ores of China ireglstered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"!. .... "w&Ch '.a rwi'r'la uVo'ncw an.lhere, fi't p. m after Mar "26 and up to J"".1- inclusive, or on arrlvul of s. . I mbrla. I ie at New Y'ork June "15. for dl'patch ner s Ventura. Mulls fo"r Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San FrancNco. close here dally at : II m up to June "25. Inclusive, 'fur ills- patch per s. s. Australia. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port un.lln .111!-.- ar.il thp nnr.lalt Of clOS- il n i ...... ...... - . : . ing Is arrangcJ on ihe presumption rf their unlntrruptcd ovtrlind transit ' Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. pre- , vious day. I rop.SKM''" VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofflce. New YorK. N Y . May 21. 1M1 I.IRi l, NOTICE?.. RECEIVER'S .NOTICE in the District Court in and for Douglas ( i unty. Nebraska. William G Madden, plaintiff, against Ne braska Fire Insurance Company et al , di fendalits Ndtlee to creditors of salil In siraii' iompan to present their clalma for dlvidelllb T all redllors of the Nebrasku Fire In surnnee lompuny who have not claimed or recelvnl their respective dividends hereto- , fore unlered m the above entitled action. Yu. and earh of you. are hereby notified I that in and by the onW of the court In the above entitled action, muile und entered un the 4th da of May. A. D. 1901. vou must s-resent for payment your respective claims fur dividends heretofore ordered In said action within ?'l days from the completion of the publication of this notice, which will be on tho 27th day of August, A. D. 1901, and that unless you ho do your respective; rights to such "dividends will be concluded and you will be barred of the right to par ticipate rn the funds appropriated therefor. Suit claims may be presented at thc ottlce of the underrlgned receiver In the Brown block. In the city of Omaha, In Douglas county aforesaid, or transmitted to him at tnni address oy man. Hated this 2.'in nay oi jiay. .v. u. mi, ALBERT U. WYMAN. Recelrcr of tho said Nebraska Fire Insur ance Company. .M23d31tM ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS' The Bourd of County Commissioners of Douglaa county. Nebraska, will sit a a board of equallzntlon for the purpose of oouulizlni; the assessment of Douglas ersThambeyVt the' 'c'ou'rt 'ou:' Omaha: hecliinlnc Tue.cLav. June 11. 1901. at 10 o'clock a m.. and continuing from day to day' up to and Including June 27, 1901 (15 dnys, not Including Bundays). All persons owning real or personal property subject to taxation should call and examine their as-s-ssment. that any errors as to valuation may be adjusted by said board, as the law provide". By order of tne Board of County Com mlish nern Omaha. May S3. 1'JOI. D. M. HAVERLY, County Clerk. By C. L, HARRIS, Deputy. ' Muy27 dill GOVBUNMHNT .NOTICE.. OFFICE CHIEF Q I ART E R M ASTE R Omaha,' Neb . Muy 23. 19)1. Sealed pro P0Sal, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this ortlco and by quartermaster. Fort Riley Kan Has, until 2 o'clock p. m.. central time. June 7, 1901, for the construction of two i21 artillery stahtes and one ill hospital stable at Fort Rllej'. Kansas. Full Infor inatlun furnished upon application to thltr oftlce. or to the quartermiister. Fort Riley, where plans ami specuii-iiuous nmj een. Proposal lo be marked proposals for Stablea it Fort Riley, Kane's, t .11. HATHAWAY. C. G. M. M27-2S-Jcl-5-M OFFICE CHIEF Q I " A RT E K J I A ST fc.lv Omahn. Neb . .May i. .u neuieu pro posals, In triplicate subjec-t to the usual conditions will be received at this ofllce until 2 o clocg p. m , reiiirm lime, .viuy vi, lr)l for the construction ot a pump house and heater room for water tank at Fort Robinson. Neb Full Information furnished upon application tn this oftlce. or to the quartermaster, Fort Robinson, where plans and t'peolfloatlons may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for pump house, etc , (it Fort Robinson, Neb.." und ad dressed lo the undersigned. F H. Hatha way. C g M M-17-11-2S-23 M WANTED-For U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men. belween ages of 21 and .!... litlzenti cf the United Slates, of good haraepr and temperate habits, who ran speak ' read and write Knxllsh For In f"rrr .Ifon apply to Recruiting Ofrlrer, Cor I'Kil and Podge Sti., Omaha, Neb. wniyn is lorwiirm-y on '";''.. 1 Fremont Local c ;:wam Xealnud. FIJI, .-amoa and Ha-vnll. via , , rli'nelllo. Pncu..ve,'ornn.rm;,o; l;,,: " 4:10 P ala; due at New York May "JS. frtr dlspAtrn ,,,. h f,,,n.. cHa mm. RAILWAY UDE IMU J.TA I I0.N-II'I II .M1 MAItC. I li I ii n I'lirlllr. lve Arrle a s 1" am a t;H pm .a S.afl ni a 3;S pm a 11.3s pm a 4:2. pm .mi1;H pin a 6:So am Overland Limited. Fast Mull Mail and Express. Colorado Stvevlal... L.IIICO Lliuoln-Stromberg Ex.b 4:0 pm bl2:S0 pm a 6.30 am b 9.3S am ", Vlt ?, &t I'm Jran1 Island Local b 5. pm t lucnun A M.rti.H e-leru. Chicago Special a i.tOnm Chicago Passenger a 4.14 pm all. 30 pm a 3:10 am a 4:06 pm a 4:0S pm a 2.t5pm a 8:00 am .-.astern 1-xpreM alv.M am eastern Special a I.oj pm Fast .Mflll umahu-Chlciigo L,td. .a J U pm Fast Mall . .. a s.w am cedar Rapids Passenger a 5.30 pm -liia clt) .v i-Noiiio. rwiu Clt) Kxpress .. a o:j am alO:23 pm iwiii ci, i..i.med a .00 fiin a s:li am sluux Cit)' Local a .is am a J;5o pm tlilenuo, .iiilMiif M. I'nul. Chicago Limited a f.i'. ull.,u lV; umalia Ex ,b I.l. ,, , icnlral. .Tm a J. 05 am am u j;40 pm a 7:u0 am a 5.10 cm TV"i" c. mm Vi, AliiiiieHpolls & si. luol Limited.. . .a i:45 pm a S:05 am Miitneativils iv tit. I'nul luxpree b i;iO am b J:40 pm rn uooue Local, from council Bluffs b 1:50 pm a S:16 am "oit UiKige l.ocal. from ,v. Chtcagt, a .:wpm a 3:34 pm Lincoln. .iu aptu.i lmer, iiieblu and west a l.pm a 4.U pm t'oiorado. iiKiahcma and texas Flyer a 5.20 pm a am .iiosoiirl I'ni'llli . ,' l- 'i,:,." 'v- '. 71' ' imhhIim .v m. ' . .ain.C) am a 6 bin a 10. GO pm a G.15 am St. Louis Cann ndiimin City c Cannon Ball' a 3.15 pm a a:20 am C'UIIIl. a J .CO am a 3.00 pm t.ucu: Wl'ilVI EH DEI'o 1 i.vi'll A. VA'KllsfEll. Hiicnuo. l. Puul. .Hliinenpolla .V: oiunliu. Twin CH Pseugr... n 6.01 am a 0.10 pm Sioux city Passenger ..a 2:i5 pm all. 10 am Emerson Local b i:W pm b s:30 nm i i-.-moiii, i.iKiuirii &w .ii-nttnri v mIi- Leave. Arrive. Bl.uk Hills, Deadwuod. Hot springs u j:iv pm a a.-oi pm v v.imiim. castier and Douglas ... .. . .. ....d Z.v) pm e 5.00 pm Hauling. lir . Dav.d 1 -ltv. Superior. Geneva. Exctiit and Seward b,j:00 pm b 8:00 pm ..orioiK. Lincoln unit ..b7:20nni bl0;25 am d-y on , '. d II a. y except Saturday - uauy day only, d Dally eAcepi Saturday Daily ChlcnK... Ilorlli.gton A Oulnc,. Leave. Arrive, Chicago Special.... . ..a 7:(i am alo:2o pm Chicago Wmlbuled Ex. a 4:fo pm a 7:4a am I Chicago Local a 9.:i am a 4:05 pm . Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:15 am I Fast Mall a 2.15 pm ttiirllimtnn A Missouri River. .NeurHSKa ,v coiorauo Express a S:I0 am a 7.33 pm bll.SS am a 3:00 pm Wymote, Beatrice & a S:40 am Lincoln Denver Limited. Black Hills & a 4:25 pm Pugct Sound. Denver Con- lU'ctloii . ..a 3-iv r:n a 6:43 am Uncoln Fast Mali b 3:00 pm Fort Crook nd 1'laits mouth b 3:20 pm a 3:1 nm bll:' am Bellevue S: Pacltlc Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 6 20 am Bellcv ue i: Paclllc Jet ai2:lo am Uiiuann III), M. .lovi-iili C Coll oe 1 1 llllltTK. Tntisas City Day Ex. a 0.20 am a .2S pm Kansas City Night Ex. .alj:30 pin a i U am v; , ,,,iZ iT.0. 1 di .vum - , BO Louis j-iei .... a Dally, b Dally exceot Sunday. I ' ! ' l.lree, 1. e ... U.aaBoW Kali.l.U.on , ANCHOR LINE !,irlim. Ir V York Weekly for , 1 nviinvni-imv ( (iLAM.oW IA I.IIMlONnbHHL , Saloon. ISO and up. Second Cabin. 132.M and ' t)p, Third Class, 26 and upwards For Illustrated folder and further Infornia- Hon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. lileuiro. or S MeNALLY. 1323 Farnam St, ' GEO E ABBOTT. 1321 Farnam 31 . umana, I Record Voyage 6 Dm. 7 Hours. 22 Mlnulat. BOSTON to LIVbHHOOL la 0UESNSI0W4 I Commonwealth, Twin Scren, 12,000 Tost Ion S New En-land " 11,600 " Jute 19 PORTLtNO tJ LIVERPOOL via OUEENSIOrtl iVancouier June 22 Dominion ,. lone I Cambfoman Jjne 8 Vancouver June 22 For lirtker laferaitlet. tigress Caaaasy'i Olllcn. t Dtstaaca St., Calufe. Hla. LIKE UNCLE SAM'S COURTS l.oril nuil Lady Linton TaUr Another Whirl nt i.itlicntlou llrforr l.ocul Tribunal,.. Phoebe R. E. K. Linton and her husband, Adolphus F. Linton, are subjects of the king of Great Britain and Ireland, and live nt Brighton, England, but they seem to like the article of litigation put up by Uncle Sara's courts. They appeared in the fed eral coin t In Omaha today an applicants for an Injunction to restrain the sale of a forty-acro tract of land In Sarpy county to satisfy a dertctency Judgment against Mrs Linton's father, the late John Bor land Finley. who bought Ihe land Id 1SS7 for 513.300, and who died In New Y'ork In 1S97. In lS;t2 Finley gave a mortgage for 125.04)0 upon certain Omaha realty to the National Life Insurance company of Vermont. It was foreclosed two years ago, and when t left a denCency judgment for l,9K, This has been certified to Sarpy county for levy upon the farm In that county, which vvas advertised for -ale yesterday. A temporary restraining ordor was issued and a hearing set for June 1. TENTH STREET ON THE LEVEL Fill of seven l-'eel nt Frederick Strret Will Put TlioroiiBlifnre In lleadl ncni for Car Line. As soon as President Murphy of Ihe Street Railway company returns from New York Councilman Hnscall will present to him for submission to the no' meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the company bis plan for Ihe rhange of grade on South Tenth street. The plan has already been ap proved by President Murphy and It ! understood that as soon as it carried out the extension of the Farnam ktreet line to Rlvervlew park will he started. The chango In grade contemplates a fill of seven feet at Frederick street, which will raako an easy grade from tne present terminus of the line at Bancroft street to th? en trance of the park KILL TUB IH.NimtFF fiERM. Or limr llnlr Will Fnll Oul Till Ynn Heroine Haiti. Modvrn science has discovered that dan druff is caused by a germ that digs up the scalp In scale., as It burrows down to the roots of the hair, where R destroys th) hair's vitality, causing falling hair, and, utlmately. bajdneie. After Prof. Unna fit Hamburg, Germany, discovered the dandruff germ all efforts to find a remedy failed until the great labratory discovery was made which resulted In Nowhro's Herplclde. It alone of all other hair preparations kills the dandruff germ Without dandruff hair grows luxuriantly ' Dtitroy the cauia, you remove the effect." L'rttmi.l 9