THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 2S, 1901. 5 LINCOLN MAYOR SNUBBED Cltj Council Emphatically Dic'.m.s It Iidtpeidinci. REFUSES TO RAISE FIRE CHIEF'S PAY Wlnneit f ii m I m 1 m Hint Aurreinciit la lolitfctt mid Mn He'll l'n the IHfTereniM- Out iif Ilia Own I'ocUrt If Svvcunnr) . (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 27. (Special Telegram.) Opposition between Mayor Wlnnett and tho elt) council, which has been growing stronger ever since the spring election, culminated tonight, when tho council boldly declared Its Independence from tho wishes and dictates of the mayor. As a re.-.ult tho clty'a contract with Klre Chief Olomcnts Is broken nnd salaries of oil city oillclaU and employes aro left at the old basis, Just whero thoy were before, tho legislature paised the now Llucoln charter. Tho declaration of the council come In the vot on the salary ordinance, which was recommended for passage at tho ex ecutive meeting last Friday evening. After ccrnl unsuccessful attempts to Incorpor ate now amendments tho measure was placed upon Its passnge. The fourteen mcinbera Bpllt even In the voto and tho ordinance, thcteforo, was defeated. Mayor U'lnnett was visibly disappointed when he heard tho result announced. Ho had fuvored Increasing tho salaries of city attorney and deputy, city engineer, fire chief nnd one or two other officers, but he declared Friday night that he would veto tho ordinance If It provided for other than these changes. To a reporter for Tho Hen he Wild; "Tho result Is not entirely unexpected. Two councllinen violated tho agreement they made Friday by votlns tonight against tho ordinance. Fire Chief Clements will have to bo provided for. He was employed with the understanding thHt his salary was to bo Increased from 11,200 to $1,300 n year. The rltlzens have been paying him 125 n month und I hoped the council would stand by the agreement and raise the salary as soon as th new charter went Into effect. I do not propose to lose Mr. Clements and If necessary I'll pay tho Increase out of my own pocket," The two councllmen who are charged with violating tho caucus agreement are William Albera and O. P. Urlcnborn. Those who voted against the msustire Insist that they did so because It discriminated be tween officii" Is, hut persons who have watched Council proceedings venture the opinion that tbo Action was deliberately planned as a rebuko to tho mayor for At tempting to force tho passage of a pet or dinance. The council passed the occupation tax ordinance and an ordinance limiting tho speed of automobiles to eight miles an hour. Ilr.inu on ."until I'nriillnii. . .1. Hrvan gave out today a statement on the leslguatlnns of Senators Mclaurln And Tillman. In which he Fays he regards It as the political event of last week. Mr. rtryan said: "It Is an honorable course for the sen ators to pursue nnd beneficial to tho stHle. At present South Carolina virtually has no voice In tho settlement of public meas ures, as the vote of ono senator kills the vote of thu other. Senator Tillman has Just been .re-elected nnd thus risks tho lots of !. longer term, but Scnittor Met.nurln really sacrifices more, because ho has less to win In tho prlmnry." ' "Mr. Ilrynn added that It was hardly neceifary to say that he hoped nnd ex pected to .sec Senator Tillman win a sweep ing victory, "hecauso ho represents tho man whllo''Senntor Mcl.aurtu represents the dol lar. Tho voto will show whether the plutn cratlp Idea is making Any headway In tho south." Mr. nryan'i) only comment on the decision In tho Insular cases was that It seemed to uphold the contention of the republicans In somn respects' nnd that of tho democrats In others. Hn said he would not commit himself further on the effeet of tho opinion until he hnd read tho full text. Ho had hoped tho constitution would follow the flag. Course fur Stnlp Tenclicr. Ths executive committee of the Ne braska lynchers' Heading Clrclo has out lined a lourso of work for teachers In which provision Is marie, for all subjects added to tho general course of study by the labt legislature. In n circular letter of Instruction now being sent to teachers Iho now work Is outlined r.s follows: Tloth Clt books adopted have In view tho -legal requirements of teachera nnd i:o teacher of Nebraska can well afford ti miss tho benefits of cither of them. Iloth can be used profitably as textbooks in teachers' Institutes nud summer : ti rmaltt. ' '"Thu professional work Is broad In Its I scirpc anu constitutes the study of Hlns .rialo'H work, Th Art of Study,' which book Is the result of tho lamented author's llfe-long Investigation of tho subject of pedagogics. The book Is not one to be ; IlRhtly read, but to be carefully and : thoughtfully cunvnsscri In every part. It should be used as a manual throughout the InstitLto session, Through the yenr It should be used for home study and cou ntnut reftrenco in tho light of tho Insti tute discussions and of current experience For soma teachers who have not followed the work In preceding years It may be found desirable to substitute for this book or to uso In addition to It somo of the professional, books previously used such ns White's 'Elements of Pedagogy' (which lnoludcs psychology), 'White's School Man agement,' King's 'School Interest and Du ties,' or Roark'a 'Method In Education,' Such substitution Is permitted to reading circle mcmbors who have not previously used tbo substitute books and full credit will be given for all work done. A good textbeok In pedagogics, such as tho read inn Circle supplies, should bo In tho bnuds of every teacher In attendance nt tho Institute-. "In addition ,o tho professional work ono book on general culture should lo studied. The Nebracka legislature In the session ot 1901 made an amendment to the school law of Nebraska requiring that, nftcr July 1, 190J, applicants for certifi cates, of ho first and second grades 'shall pass a satisfactory examination In tho ele ments of agriculture, Including a fair knowledge of tbo structuro and habits of the common plant;, Insects,, birds and quadru peds.' "llailey's 'Principles of Agriculture' has been adopted to enable the tcucher to com ply with tho law. It can be used as n text during the Institute, and as a guide to work with pupils throughout the year. The hook has been prepared to meet the needs, of sahools and rural societies, Is a dear. Presentation ot the science ot agricul ture, snd shows the relative practical Im portance of Its various parts, It Is popular lit Its form, while scientific In Its accuracy, and will prove meet Interesting and profit- Able, Agriculture Is an Industry of such vast Importance" In our national life, and particularly In Nebraska, that an acquaint ance with Hh essential principles Is deemed Indispensable to the progressive teacher A know (edge of Prof. Bailey's. book will amply fulfill the legal require. went for e.vuminatlon. "U U expected that each county super- Intendent will distribute this circular At the institute and secure as large a read ing circle membership bs ponsltile. He should set npart a suitable time In his program for a discussion of the purpose and plan of the reading circle, and should make recommendations relative to the home stud) of the year. Kor the convenience of teachers, nnd to save time at the Institute, he should arrange to have n supply of the books on hand at the beginning of the session." Mrs, . Iloffret of Oseeoln Die. OSCEOLA. Neb., May 27. (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Albert Moffett was from the First Methodist church yesterday afternoon, the sermon being preached by Hew Will J. Scott. Mrs. .Moffett died of consumption. She was born at David City In 1870. Sha leaves a husband and two little daughters. Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Morehouse, live In Omaha. .Nnat Ine-I.nlirlr. HASTINGS, Neb.. May 27. (Special Tele gram.) Charley Nastlne, a former Hast ings boy, but uow of Grand Island, nnd Miss Alvlnn I.abrle of this city were mar ried here at 10 o'clock this morning In the Catholic church by Father McDonald. The couple went to Grand Island tonight to make that place their home. Hunter l.usen nil Ilse. MADISON, Neb., May 27. (Special.) Will Forney suffered an accident Thursday that cost him an eye. He was squirrel hunting and In discharging a cap rifle, felt some thing strike him In the eye, but did not consult a physician until Saturday. He went to Omaha Sunday to consult a specialist. Hotel Is Qilnrnntlii'eil. WKST I'OINT. Neb,,. May 27. (Special.) Smallpox has broken out In West Tolnt. The Nellgh house, the largest hotel In tho city, Is under quarantine, as Is also the home of F. W. Zuhlke. Vi ifllonti for .InllMii,' AUnUItN. Neb., May 27. (Special.) The ense for license at Julian was tried before Judge Stull In the district court Saturday night nnd was decided against the saloou. Tlir iilirnnrr-Unaeli Trade mark has been used on more bottles than miy other In be) In the world. Voti will find it on the genuine bottling of Mod welser, Faust, AnheuscrStnndard, I'nlc t.nger, Kxport Pale, Ulack & Tun and K: quislte. Orders promptly filled by Geo. Krug, Mgi. Anheuscr-nusch Branch, Omaha MEMORIAL DAY PREPARATIONS Grnvr- ut lliiimi'iitii I'nrk to lie llrtll t'nteil lo tlir t nknoiTn Drnil. Plans for the Memorial day celebration were completed at last night's matting of the committee from the Oranri Army of the nepubllc posts and Woman's Relief corps. Soldiers' graves are to ho decorated In Ine morning. In the afternoon the parade will form down town and inarch to Hnnsconi park. The Tenth Infantry band from Fort Crook will lend the procession. The Omahi. Guards will follow. Next will be Company L. Carriages containing ofllccr. of the vnrlous posts and corps will 'jc ne.t. TI13 veterans' drum corps will follow. Then will come the Thurston Hides. Spanish -American and Philippine veterani And all other unotganleri veterans of h recent war will he next In line of marcb. At Hanscom park a grave prepared In honor of the unknown dead will h'e decor nted. Tho Tenth Infantry band will play several Holettlnns, Jules Lumbnrri will sing "America" and "flattie Hymn of the Republic." Dr. A. C. Hirst will deliver the oration. FRAUD IN THE STRONG CASE (reMlor of Dfcrnnpil Mayor Clinrice Hint lie Infirm Suit 1Vn Fnrce Mlth Piiriinne. NEW YORK, May 27. Elizabeth Jane and Frank T. Grlswold, creditors of the estate of tho Into W. L. Strong, have asked the supremo court to set aside Judgments In four suits brought against the executors, Putnam Ilradlec Strong nnd Albert Shat tuck, by which 1200,000 worth of securities found among the ex-mayor's papers were divided between Mary U. Strong, the widow, her brother, Robert W. Aborn, and her two sisters, Mrs, Rebecca S. Ilcasley and Mrs, Josephlno W. Hogan. It Is charged that tho suit was "a family affair," that the executors did not defend the suit In good faith, but connived with the plaintiffs In securing tho Judgments, It Is further set forth In the papers on file that after tho relatives of the ex'-mayor had appropriated the $200,000 In securities Iho sum total of the assets remaining to meet tne Orlswolds' claim of J3BO.O00 was IS6. 000. METAL WORKERS PREPARING Until Confcrrm-rn Toilny nnil Nend .Mm Tomnri'fMT to Mrt lliiaae' Ituurrftciitntit r. TORONTO, May 27 President O'Connell 0,,thu lntcrnntlo"aI Machinists' association lu,," lnnl lncrt was naming new In 'J18 f'rl,e """atlon In the Untied Spates, bpecial cenfercnoes of tho International Metal trades wf, be said, meet tomorrow and on Wednesday representatives of Hi strikers and tho bosses will moot In Chi cago to attempt to adjust the differences mere. Impurities in tho blood produce! by dl gostlvo diordera must be drlvcn-'out before hot weather sets In, otherwise stckness will appear at a tlmo when a strpng vigorous body Is most needed. Jrlckly Ash flitters will expol all Impurities and put tho sys tem In perfect order. tiii: m:.i,TV maiikkt. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Monday, Wnrrnrtlj Deed.. M. I. Comerford nnd husband to M. ij. Comerford, vtw feet of sublot 3 (11 luv tnt SK In 111. 1.1. IS . i 1 u m. -win neatly company to jonn Steel, lots in ami 11. diook u. 11 11ns com PluCc , , ....i.,.. 2.50) inumpsoii era iR et 111 to cnarieH Merryweather, sV4 neH 6-16-10 i'.giw n. j. uowey ot 111 to HCI1001 District or Omaha, lots 7 anil S. block 3.V Credit Fonder itdd J.OCO H. K. Rich nnd wifo to P. M, Hoyer, nH lot 4. block 10. nurnhnm Place.. Sl .Martin Anoersen nnd tvlfe to P. K, Petersen, part lot S west of Houle- vard, I orbe's subdlv.; ,,.;,.,.. .l,(Ji) uirru ot iiinumiu in v j, tireen. lots 12 to 16 and IS, block i lots 1 to H and 11 to IS, block 5; lots 1. 2 and 3. block 1). and lots 13 to 16. block 7. subdlv. of block 30. Albright Choice 1 C. W. Martin nnd wU , to j. tV Ureegir. lot 16. block 3. Ames Place 125 E. C. Hodder et Al to V W. Ualler. lot 2 to 5, S, 12 to II nnd 16 to 20. block 113. Florence m M. D. Shelton to 1. .1, Dunn, lot 11. Morse fc li.'s add .1 G. A. Vrnrienburg anil wife to G. II, Vrnrtenburg. lot 11, Clark Place 1 C. F. .V.nnu, trustee, to I., a, PnVks. lots 20 and 21, block 2, Mon mouth park 850 A. P. Tukey ot al to M. W. and E. b. Goeme. lot 20, block P, Clifton Mill., 1,700 P. H. Halght and wife to P. S. Shep. aid. lots 0 and 10, block 1, Hamilton Square 7U0 Mult Claim Derun. Henry Sussenbach to J; K. George, swill. 4 square feet lot 9, block 13, Dwlght A L.'s add , . 1 Denl. Sheriff to M It. Patterson, lot IS block 11, lol 16, block 17, Poppletoti park, nud lot 17, block 27, West Hide niiu 1.S27 Xmal amount of transitu UXi NEBRASKA CADET APPEALS Aiki Eiorstarj f War to Rutin Him to Wtst Point. CONGRESSMAN MAY REINSTATE HIM Ilrntllir ii ml Oilier f'mlrta (in I ill They Are the Victims of Injustice Knatern Srnnlnm Also I'lenil Their Cnuse. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON,, May 27. (Special Tele gram.) Henry L. Dowlby of Nebraska, on' of the five cadets recontly dismissed from West Point Military academy for alleged In subordination, came to Washington today with his classmates who were dismissed with him, and had an Interview with Secre tary Root, Cadet Bowiby, who was appointed to West Point by Congressman Stark, Is n likely young fellow and looks every Inch a sOldltr He refused to say anything about the trouble at West Point, evcept lo say that the sentence was 'exceptional In Its severity and he hoped It would be re manded. The dismissed cadets claim that they have been tried and condemned without a l.earlni; and without knowing the testi mony against them or having an oppot luti'ty to reply to It. fcenntor3 Hawiey of Cor.uectlcut and Cock rell of Missouri arp Interested In tho case and called upon Secretary Root today In behalf of the young men, who, besides Howlby, are John A. Cleveland of Alabama, T. K. Keller of New York. Raymond A. Linton of Michigan and 11, O. Mahaffe of Texae. b'erator Hawiey, as chairman of the sin ati commltteo on military affairs, and who has rud much to do with drafting legisla tion foi Wtst Point, bollevcs the case -hould be reopened, but the law ofTlccrj of the department who have looked into the matter say that there Is no way In which tho dismissed cadets can be restored to tho academy save by reappointment through a representative of the district tp which each Is accredited, and which must hac the approval of the academic board. In the case of young Ilowiby it Is said here that Congressman Stark would reappoint him should the secretary decide to have such action taken as outlined above. Iturnl Free Drill -r. Rural free delivery service has been or dered established July 1 In Iowr ns fol lows. Essex, Page county Route embraces seventy-two square miles; population served, 1,040; C. E. Hanson and n, I. Pen dleton appointed carriers Lenox. Taylor county Route embraces elghty-flvc square miles, containing popu lation of 1,050, John Wurston. Jr.. and Market VanHuten appointed carriers. Red Oak, Montgomery county Addi tional service, area, sixty. seven nnd one- quarter miles; oopulatlon served, 1,175: D. .1. Leech and Joeph Mlckln appointed car riers. Postofflce at Nyman will be supplied by rural carrier. Sanborn, O'Drlen county Route embraces eighty-one square miles, containing a popu lation or 1.130; F. II, Hallon and S. D. Red mond appointed carriers. A. J. Thomas Is Appointed postmaster at Perry, Lawrence, county, S. D. P. E. C. tally of Dcnlson, Ia Is ad mitted to practice beforo tho Interior de partment. First Lieutenant Pearl M. Shaffer, Thlr- tenth Infantry, at Ccntervllle, la., on sick leAve. will proceed to Fort Douclas. Utah, for -duty. Mrs. Sarah M. Atkinson of Winnebago, Neb,, Is appointed matron at the Winne bago Indian school. Contrncls for Lincoln. These contracts were awarded today for supplies for the Lincoln (Neb.) publlo building for the next fiscal year: Ice, the Coorer Manufacturing Ice and Cold Btorage company; coal. Union Fuel company, mis cellaneous, H. Herpolshclmer Co. C'hnimrs In WyumiiiK Snlnrlra. These changes were made today In the salaries of Wyoming postmasters: Rnw llns, IncreAscd $200; Newcastle, Rock Springs nnd Green River, Increased J100, CrolRlitiiu .Vntlnnnl Dunk. The application of O. D. Ruttcrfleld, Jose phine D. Butterfleld, W. H. nutterfleld, Alice D, nutterfleld, P. H. Salter and W. Anders to organize the Crelghton National bank, Crelghton,' Neb., with $25,000 capital, was today approved by Comptroller Dawes. MANY TAKE EXAMINATIONS Report of Civil Servlor (.'niiimlimlnii nu Work of the Past 1'cnr, WASHINGTON, May 27 Tne annual re port of Chief Examiner A. R. Serven of tho Civil Service commission was mndo public today. It shows that during the year ended June 30, 1900, 45,011 persons took the com petitive examinations for original appoint ments lo the classified service. Of those 21,872 wre for the departments, 2,349 for tho government printing office, 4,390 for tho custom house service, 455 for positions under collectors of internal rovenue nnd 16,560 in classified postotrtccs. There also wero 24S people examined non-com-petltlvely for excepted plnees. Thore were 469 different kinds of examinations, In volving 1,188 opportunities for the assem bling of competitors at places widely dis tributed throughout the stAtes and ter ritories. The report says that general examina tions In Porto Rico have been somewhat delayed because of tho uncertainty whothcr the "people of Porto Rico" ns denominated by the act establishing civil government thore aro citizens of tho United Stntes within tho meaning of tho civil scrvlco rules. Expenses have been cut In all directions to enable tho establishment of the examination system In both Hawaii and Porto Rico when the citizenship ques tion Is settled by the supremo court. ASKS WRIT OF HABEAS CIRPUS lira, flnnlne, Held In Connect Inn with KIIIIiih of Crn mi a Clerk, Wants Helvnae. WASHINGTON, May 17, A petition for a writ of habeas corpus was flcd today by counsel for Mrs. Lola lionlne, who Is held In connection with tho killing of young Ayres, the census clerk, In the Hotel Ken more two weeks ago. Judge Rarnard refused to Issue a writ of habeas corpus In the case ot Mrs, Honlne, TROOPS SAIL FROM CHINA All Kxcrut l.i'Satlon Guuril otv Out of the Flowery Kill 1I0111. WASHINGTON. March 27. A dispatch re ceived at tho War department from Gen eral Chaffee at Taku, says that the trans ports Sumner and Lennox sail May 27, today, and that all of the troops that are to leave China are off for Manila. I'nrtii lllio Part of Coast. WASHINGTON, May 27. The supreme court decided what Is known as the I tuns case, Involving the question whether ves sels plying between Porto Rico and New York wr engaged la the coasting trade The court s decision held they wero so en gaged. Ilrlrvnncci 1111 the Southern. WASHINGTON, May 27. -A committee of employes from the various machine shops on tho Southern railway at points between hero and illrmlngham, Louisville and St. Louis, appointed to present certain de mands regarding the Institution ot a nine hour day, Increased wages, etc., were In session throughout today with Vice Presi dent and General Manager Gannon of the Southern. Mr. Gannon this afternoon de clined to state what action the road will take In tho matter. It 1 it MT 11 Foiv .More llonilx. WASHINGTON. May 27-Secrctary Gsge today bought $13,000 6 per cent short term bonds at 103.9077 and $0,000 Is at 113.716S. IS GOVERNMENT'S VICTORY (Continued from First Page,) be upheld nnd enforced. In other words, the effect of the decr.ilon Is that the con stitution does not follow the ting and that congress has plenary power under the con stitution to goeru our Insular possessions according to their several necessities, "The decision Is a complete vindication ot the position held by the lepubltcan party with respect to the power of congress In legislate for Porto Rico and tho Philippines and settles It once for all that the t'tiltrd States Is tho equal In sovereignty of any other power." TROWEL MEN PATCH IT UP lliilitnrp llctltrru ev A irK Mnnui, IliilluVra nml lliieklnj ri Vet , tlnl III Conferr-iiiM'. NEW YORK, May 28.-Thc Joint arbitra tion hoard of tho Hrlcklajers' and Mason Rullders' associations met last night. Tho conference lasted until 2 o'clock this morning. It was announced thnt all differ ences had been settled a ml that the lockout nnd strlko had been mutually declared off. The men will return to work this morning. From June 2S tho men will receive 60 cents nn hour Instead of 5," cents, ns here tofore. This rate of aRes will hold good until May 1. 1902. At the conference It was decided that all conferences between the bricklayers nnd the mason builders shall bo referred to the nrbllratlou boards, The settlement of the strike, which has been in force for two weeks, will affect 23.000 men. M'LAURIN HAS NO FEARS If He Clin fiet THIiiiiin lulu n Full Canip-ilKti Alone Iho Heat la Kna. COLUMBIA, S. C May 27. Senator Mc- Laurln, In an Interview with a corre spondent of the State, declares emphat ically he will not enter a summer cnmpnlgn, His health, he says, will not permit It He wants to be In a race with Mr. Tillman nlono nnd Is confldent of success. The "SMilvrrlnnil of Ainerlcn" Itontf. Lehigh Valley Railroad, between Buffalo nnd New York and Philadelphia. Luxurious tralni running on limited time. Route of the Illack Dinmond lixpress. Slop-over nllowed at Buffalo on nil through tlckct lo New York nml Philadel phia via this 'Ine. YenrlliiK llrlUK" .'!.r,OU. NEW YORK. MuV 27. -At the Amerlcmi Horse exchange tonight .Milton Youns of fered h number 01 yearlings from tho .Mc GrathlHiin stud. The yeurllng Pirate of IVnr.ance-o colt broucht"). the ton price. Julius Ilauer df Pittsburg wus thn purchaser. In nil, plxty hordes were nold r .H" A - ' STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVE mm WORLD FAMOUS MAR I AN I TONIC Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Acrainst Mental Disease. dose. A smtll wino claw full three times a day. Sold by all Drujrfists. Refuse Substitutes. STRONG AGAIN. You who once possessed sturdy phys iques nud steady nerves, but now have Insufficient physical force to properly attend to ordinary duties; yon who have a sense of "alf-goncuess1 afiertlie slightest exertion; you who are dull, languid and old lu spirits nt nu nge when you should be full of physical fire; you who may fed thst your life is not worth the struggle there Ian scientific means of redeeming nil the precious powers which seem to bs entirely lost. Have cured thousands such as you. Don't experiment with your health or money. We will take the risk. If six boxes do not cure you, your money is returned. Tar years we have been curing men on these satisfactory terms. $1.00 per box, 0 for S-'iOO malted In plain package lloolc free. Address ror sale by Kuhn & Co., M. A. Dillon, Fuller Paint & Drug Co.. Omaha: ana David Drug Co., Council muffs, la. A SKIN OP BKAUTV IS A JOY FOREVER D R.T. FELIX GOUKAUO'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL HbAUTIFIER. nmovs Tin, Pimples, I'recklti, Moth Patch!. s nam and Hliln l)i . una vrv V?'blmlsh cm besuly. Ul' a"tl defies ditoe- . linn f. .... -. - . I ,1 una BIU014 the test of 63 years, and Is to harmless r,e tat It to be sure 't Is properly made. Accept no counter- nit of similar r.ame, Dr. I.. A, Hsyr raid to a la. dy ot the haut-tun (a nittsnm "As you ladles will use them, 1 recom mend 'QOUKAUD'S CRI2AM' as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations." For sale bv all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers In the U. 8. and Europe, PEIID. T. HOPKINS, Vroii'r, 17 Qreat Jones St., N. T, til toe. I llHITIHl' pr.,,1.,.. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never io)d In bulk, Beware of the dealer who tries to ul! something "iuit at good s8 -Ji5 sSBfe 1-3 IS 7JT I i T CANDY CATHARTIC , ' ' f 1 ! I I . II M 5s wilaVlisBcr9aW2aM iiicJtsj FREE ADVICE by our Physicians nnd a FREE SAMPLE M of our medicine also Froo Homo Treatment n nu page illustrated book a3 cichcrining symptoms and camo or diseases wttn lcsi treatment, tuso many valuable receipts and prescriptions In plain language, taring you heavy doctor's bills, ask for It. Dr. Kay's. Renovator Cures tho very worst cases of i)vpepla. Constipation. Headache. Palpitation of Heart Mvcr and Kidney dlfccasrs nnd bud results of I.aUrlppc. Hend for proof ol It. Wrlto us about all your symptoms Sold by druggists, don t ncccpt any Mibstltute but soud us HXcts or il 00 and wo will se.irt l)r Kay's Renovator by return mall, Address, DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO.. Rnrntoizn Snrlnpn. N. Y. 'St n MANHOOD , bio Vltallicr.thoprcrcrlptionof a fumoiu French pbyslrlnn,w-lll qiilcsiv cure you of All niTVoimor ill'i-Aii nut the ccncr.-itlvo nrgnns, such an !, Tlniihuotl, Inxininln, 1'uIiik In lliri llnrk, Semlnnl Kmlaslotin, .Vrrcm Iteblllty, 1'lmplea ITnlllnrkB fit llurrt. l:vliKi,.iln. liitla.M. Vi.rlr.irolr mill Cnnalllintion. mm Itstoi'Sall lnsseahy day or night. I'ri'Vi ntsqulcUnrmif dlacliargn. which It notehecbM leads to Hpermatorrhccft and ull tbo horrors nt imnoteney. 'llPlli:NNcleaiiFusth llriT. Ihn LIiIiipvm nnd fhnnrin'irv nrrnit. nf nil Immlrlt!,. !17IIISS:ri:atreDKthciia and restores small wealc orcins. The reason sutroryrs nronot cured by Doctorslsbresii.ioSOpercentare troubleil with i'ronlltli, CUl'IDCNr. tho only known trnieily to euro without mi operation. SOno mtlnimilals. written Euaranteo given and mnnry returned If 8 lioxe.s does not effect a r.erauuiont cur. lL09box,i for (3.00, ymoll. bend for kiich elmilnr nnd tMt'taniilnls. Address U.tVOI, JIEUU'IMS :o., l. o. lloz 377. Bon Francisco, Col. I'llll SALIJ IIV .11 Vi;itS-l)ll,l.(l. Ultllti CO., ltlTII AXU KAUXAM, Only 2 Days More Contest Closes 5 p. m., May 29th THE FIGURE PUZZLE $1,500 in Prizes and a Bull Pup. ARE YOU GOOD AT ADDING? Get the Correct Sum of the Figures. Can You Add Correctly itv Tlirre l no fleure lilKber tlmo II. 'I'liere nrr no romlilmitlona of flKurra. Kuoh flKiire Is complete la ltMlt. EVERY SUBSCRIBER, NEW OR OLD, WILL BE ENTITLED TO ONE GUE5S WITH EVERY 15 CEN1S PAID OiN SUBSCRIPTION. USE The Pee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. Guesses on the Figures a Address all answers to Puzzle Dept., The Omaha RESTOREDSL THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. Time Enclosed find $ subficription account. Name Street nud No Whera parer Is delivered. Pubtufflco Whiro paper Is sent. Are you taking: The Bee now? If not, when do you want it started? 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