! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MAY 27, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES AdrfrlUenenli for these column will lie takes until 13 m. for the renins edition anal uatil 8ifl0 p. m. tot morning and Saaaay edition. Ratea, 1 l-2o a rrnrd Brat Inaertlnu, lo a word thereafter. Nathlna- taken for leaa than a So for the Brat Inaer tloa. These ad vertlsementa muat be raa coaaecatlrely. Advertlaera, br reqneatlnir a nam here check, cm have aneTrera ad alreiaed to a numbered letter In care f The Ilee. Anarrera ao nddreaaed rrlll be delivered si areaeatattoa af the ekeak only. SITUATIONS WANTED. BOOKKEEPER of wide experience desire clerical position nt one-, Best city refer ences. Bond furnished. T 11. Bee. a-mw; 2S wanted male hem. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits ant appear ance. C. I'. Adama Co., l&ii Howard St. B-304 BARBER trade taUKht thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Wosttrn Barbera' lnitltutc, Omaha, Nob. B-305 WANTED, assistant engineer, capable of operating steam and refrigeration plan; slate age, experience and salary expected, also If married or single. Address 1' Go. Bee. U-751 WANTED, men to lenrn barber trade; only eight weeks required; special offer to ap plicants fmm distance; board, tools and scholarship; busy season 112 to 115 weekly paid graduates. Write today. Molcr Barber College, 1623 Karnam st. B-MI32 31 WANTED Two upholsterers. Hartshorn Bros., Fort Worth, Tex. B-M446 30 WANTED, man with horse and light spring wagon. 1817 Howard st. B-M452 HUSTLING and energetic men, don't be Idle! write the Hawks Nursery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., for special terms nnd ter ritory. 11-.M5'6 Je24 WANTED, medical eentlemnn to travel for reputable long established sanltnrlum. Ap- J piy estern .aieniciu institute, ki ueio waro Bt., Korisas City, Mo. B-573 2S WANTED, salesmen, also advertisers; straight cash salary. Triumph, Dallas, Texns, lt-M7l 2 Yof "cannot" ALWA YS tell. A smoker cannot always tell by hearsay what n cigar really Is. Someone might tell you that such nnd such n cigar Is a ' good one. That Is a matter of taste. But to really find a cigar that has the nuallty and Is suited to jour taste Is quite nn nthor thing. Wo arc In the Cigar Bus iness and can please you. If you want ti rich, cool smoke these hot days, smoko th Prince nf Omaha. Its equal la not to be found In n fc cigar. Manufactured by the. W. F. Btnecker Cigar Co. For sale by all hrst-clnss dinlem. Cave the banls of the Stoecker Clgnr Co. B 73 .12 WANTED Salesman to represent us among the manufacturing nnd Jobbing trad. . Address F. M. M Herschel nnd South streets, Cleveland, Ohio. B M6S4 1 .'WANTED, active oung man; must he good writer. Address 81, Bee, B 539 2J 8ALEM.IE WANTED. SALESMEN for pen carbon copying hooks nnd other quick selling office specialties; lln side lines; catalogue tree; earn S20 weekly. Model Mfg. Co.. box B. South Bend, Ir.d. -M13S Jel4 GOOD, live hustlers to sell Hall's Magic Compound to barbers. Electrlo Powder Manufacturing Company, Council Bl.ilfs. M70O-27 WA.TEn-FEMAI.E IIKI, WANTED. 200 glrla 1U4 Dodge. Tel. K7$. C-307 WANTED, lady Turkish bath ooerator: muat have had good experience. AddIv room 220, Bee building. C-652 WANTED, housekeeper tn small famll no waimiiiB.' Aaaress i- in, Mee. WANTED, girl for general housework. IS2t California at. Mrs. W. K. Potter. C 413 RELIABLE help. Canadian office, 1522 Doug. C 775 LADIES wanted to learn hair dressing, manicuring, massage or chiropody, from four to eight weeks required; complete outfit of tcols presented each student; positions secured In best establishments In city: comparatively no expense. Call or writo Moler College. 1C23 Farnam st. C-M433 31 WANTED, girl for general housework. 1050 Georgia .ve. C 134 WANTED, housekeeper in small family. Address 8 t. Bee. C MS.) WANTED First class waist draper by Aug. 1. 1M1. Address, Seebick's Dress maker Department, Deadwood, S. D. C-M5PS-1 WANTED, at The BatheryT second flooi Rce building, young lady students In halrdresslng. facial treatment, manicur ing and chiropody. Bright students lenrn ...... ..... ,MI1.l in (itJiii lucrative positions. Instruction by thor ough and practical teacher. C-M727 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Southeast corner 16th and Center St. c 617 25 WANTED, competent girl for general housework. 225 Farnam St. C 4? 25 FOR RENT-HOVSI3S. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Benawa & Co. D 303 TO move right, get Omaha Van Storage vu, utuir, win r a iiMiii ui ivi, iany3Qf. D-310 ( HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. D-311 Houses, ttores. Bemls. Paxton Block. D-C12 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. D-313 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wad, 1524 Douglas. D-J14 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block. D-315 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-Jlti FOUR rooms, modern, 111.00. 96s N, 27 fit. D-M3S4 M-29 LARGE 12-room residence on the North boulevard, will paint, paper and maka what Improvements ara necessary, Bent. 149.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., ltth and Douglaa. D-.MS7& CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam imam at. D-M295 FOR RENT, 2124 Sherman- ave., 10-r.. mod ern, 135. Byron Reed Co., 212 So. nth. D-M764 ilODERN 7-room house near park. 1509 So 28th. D-1'W 2222 IZARD St., 5-room modern flat. 112. j no nyron ttecu (.0., .1. so, mn ai. D-M97S l-ROOM strictly modem house. 2663 Doug laa. Thomas II. Fell, 406 Merchants Na tional Dana Ding, u antra TO LET, elegant large 13-room home; large lawn ana oiirn, j, per monin. W. Farnam Smith Co., 13?) Farnam St. . D-M293 MIOOM house, bath and closet, 36th and Charua. .Monroe & jo m itn st. D-M534 l-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished. 1512 Davenport. u Mm ;a- FOR RENT, June 1, 8-room brick house, all modern, am ;x. a street. D v43 COTTAGE on Omaha Beach. Lake OkoboJI, for rent. Captain Slaughter, Army Head- quarters. w 1409 CAPITOL ave., 8 rooms, modem, CO rt rtnrt strt. a rnomi. modern, ti 3tO Webster, ft rooms and bath. Hi: 3111 Cask, 9 rooms, modern, nr.d barn. U2: 155$ North 20th. 4 rooms. io; omer. "in wait Bros., Barker block. D M565 PKNTIIAI nil modern, seven-room house five-room flat: four-ioora flat Tlzard. 223 rem rent hoises. 171 JACKSON BT. 3-r house In rear. IS. 2325 8. lMh st., I rooms, city water. IP. 22C N 21st st., 3 and 4-voom flats, city water and bath. IS. 2(0 8 21th ave , 8-room modern except fur nace, isi, We will have nn elegant 5-room apartment in ine Albion by June 1; everything nrsi class. Also An elegant C-room apartment In the Winona ny june 15. ir you want to live in nrsi diss style nnd have everything up-to-date, come and see us regarding these two apartments. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Mnln Floor N. Y. Life Bldpc. D-MuM MODERN 7-room flat, 51th and Farnam, 125. H. B. Graham. D-M5S9 SEE WILLIS TODD, 621 N. Y. LIFE BLDG D-M057 2 NEW dainty cottage, 9 rooms, 23th nve. and undue; ready Juno I, strictly up-to-date. Call 29M Dodge st, D M639 FOR RENT-2413 Cnnlto avenue. 11 modern. The O. F. Davis Co., roi rooms. mom , , - Bee Bldg. D-514-23 I'Oll HKN'T-PUItNISIlKD HOOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-329 THE THURSTON, ISth and Jackson; steam E-321, THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 8. 11th, E 414 PLEASANT room for young lady; gos nnd bath; private family. G"5 So. 18th. E-M5T.4 27 LA ROE, front room, nently furnished. 110 8. 25th nve. E-7C1 27 PLEASANT furnished room, modern, suit nble for 2 gentlemen. 2tts Capitol nve. K-771 23' NICELY furnished; gas, hath, telephone, 212f Farnam St., 3d floor west. Phone L 2133. E-MMO 1 3 LARGE, cool, elegant furnished rooms, entlro parlor floor, single or en suite; nould rent for housekeeping; modern, telephone, etc. 116 So. 25th st. E-M495 l-tll.MSIIKI) ROOMS A .NO HOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport SU F-22! ULENCAIRN,tranalenta,1.2a day. 1473 Doug. THE Mcrrlam. summer reaort, 25 St Dodge. F-M67 LARGE south front parlor, also smaller rooms, with board. The. Rose, 2020 Harney. F-Wi A NICE south room. 25th St. The Pratt, 212 So. F-M5 ROOMS, W3 So 20th. F-M199 NICE rooms with board. 411 N. 25th St. F-22 si SOUTH room, with board. 13C9 Capitol ave. F-M431 3 LARGE, cool, elegant furnished rooms; entire parlor floor, single or en suite; would rent for housekeeping; modern, telephone, etc. 116 So. 2ath at. E-M49S LARGE south' front room, with board. 202 N. lath st. F-M556 30 ROOMS, rtrst-class board. 2554 Harney. F-MOH 23 H16 DODGE, reasonable. pleasant room, good board, F-M643 27 ROOM8, modern. 316 So. 26th street. F-M661 ! MODERN up-to-date two furnished rooms nnd board. 1026 So, 22d st. F M650 2S roil nr.x r-iNKn.Nisiu:i) nouiu. DESK room spnee, 15 per month, ground Moor room In The Bee building, facing Farnam street: no expense for light, heat or janitor service, a. C. I'cters & Co., Rental Agents, Bee building. O 416 E UNFURNISHED chambers for man and wife. 313 North 17th St O-SM FOR HEST STORES AD OFFICES. FOR "RENT." a tore rlh first-class location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1 160 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam st. It has four stories ana a basement wnich was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. nose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-261 AflEXTS WAXTEI). WANTED Canvaarlng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nnd the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, tiu object-teaching engravings, and la the .only bonk on live stock ever published adapted to the every-day, practical, moncy-savlug us of evry farmer and stock owner. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agenta In ths country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers muue easily 160 to llOu per month. Ad dress lemury i-a;mcr solicitors' nure.vj. Bee Bjlldlng, Omaha. J 4SJ. AGENTS make 16 dally selling the cheape.it anu mosi perieci waiter niter ever in vented; retails at 11.50; big profit; ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Sen eca, Mo. J-M918 Jell' STOHAUE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- yit Jones, general aiorage and (orwarding 32 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tela. 1559-S6J. -325 WANTED TO HI' Y. WANTED, second-hand furniture, large or mnaii 101s; nignesi prices p.iiu; drop a card or tel. 771. J. Lovlnc, 304 N. 16th. N-M119 JelS WANTED, W secondhand ladles' wheels. Nebraska cycle Co., Cor. 15th & Harney, N-2M JelS WANTED to buy flro and burglar proof safe. Addrcsb 2oll Farnam st. 1 N-M450 Jo:o WANTED, bank safe with lime lock for vault, citizens nnnK, Jtnesmirg, uoio. N-M718 1 WANTED To purchase a good secondhand typewriter, can nt 724 aotitn lth St. N-515-25 rOR SALE Fi. li.MTUlllC, CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. jxm. ?ew & zanana lurnnure nougnt, told, exchanged. O Jin UPHOLSTERING, 16th & 11 Worth. Tel. 14C1 u , FOR SALE HORSES. M.llloLI.S, ETC 1 SELL new, up-to-date buggies, runabouts, etc. 11, rrosi, 11111 anu ueavennorin. P-191 FIRST-CLASS top buggy, ennopy top sur rey ai.u speeaing wagon, an siigutty shop worn, but good ns new; all bargains. O, M. Hurt, 1307 Jones st. P 366 FOH MALI-;, a three-spring wagon and a Snyder top buggy. Inquire at 2152 St. Mary s Ave. P M$tl FOR SALE MISCKI.LANF.OrS. TRADE your old wheel In on a new one at umann tucycio w,, loin ana (.nicago Sts. W ei -J SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry & hrg tence. wi uouciu. w j 2DHAND aafo cheap. Derlght, 111J Farnam TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed ant coal. Monroo it Co., 803 N. 16th. Tel. 971 W 1 SAFES, buy, sell, czo'ge. Schwartz, 114 8. 13. W wv TiKPAHlS and stiDDlles for all' makes of bl cycles. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th Chicago, WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog field cr lawn I'tre Works, 61J 8. 16th St, j Mtii jy BIG line of secondhand wheels, 13, 5, IS, 110. Omaha uicycie to., istn ana unicngo sts, run sile-mi ri.laneoi s. i,f0.W"J BRICK for sale. John P. Weaver, 6 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Q-MU.. Jc1. 2 HORSES, fine mntrheil carriae team. H. E. Fredrlckson, 13th and Dodge St. Q-571 JeJI FOR SALE. 7 head fresh lows, 2 nice Jcr seys. Jester's ard, 2th and Burt St Q i, : ABOI'T IT) lawn swing clr.es two nnd four pasjongen and a variety of lw" chairs, nt bargain prices while they last. P. A. Buelow. 1300-11 Jones St.Q FOR SALE, eggs for setting from pure bred Golden Seubrlght bantam and W hlte Wyandotte chickens. Also n few Ply mouth Rock hens for sole. Plxlev. Jill Caldwell street. Q-M749 P CLAIRVOYATS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. $13 North leth. S-'JU E L U IT III 'fit BATSI B. T. MME. SMITH, hatha. US N. Room 1. 15th. 2d lloor T ICS "ERSOXAI.. DR. ROY, chropodlst: corns & superfluous ralr removed by electricity. R. 12. Frenier block. U 303 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2fitt Burdetto. U 334 VIAVA. woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34s Bee Bldg, U-337 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, lew Doug las. Tel. 2134. U-339 NEW rollers for cloth wringers. Novelty Iron and Brass Works, 417 S. 10th. Phons 1350. U-M722 Junc2 RUPTURE cured! no knife, no pair., no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, " N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, U 315 PRIVATE hosDltil for lsdles Wore and aunng connnement: oaoies aaopiea. Grant St. U 340 M. GOLDMAN ft CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mail orders solicited, faulte 2(A, Douglas Block, U 333 A BOX ef Ro-Mo-May Powder Is not a luxury when It afford you a cure and secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. uuu CARPETS tnd rugs cleansed like Wevf without taklnv tin. .Satisfaction ur no pay. City reietence. Diop postal. SOS N. 1. FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., K. Douglas. U-M3-J2 WE RENT sewing machlnea nt 75c per weeK. vve repair ana sen pans ior an makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co.. cor. 15th and Harney, 'phone 1G63. U-776 JeJ NO better work done In any shop In the Aoria man urovwi block Darner snop; ntat. cltan, antiseptic; face massage; ele vator entrance or through Tracy's. U-191 Jell WANTED. 25 secondhand typewrltera Ne- braskj Cvcle Co.. Cor. 15th and Harney. n U-23 JelS ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location, 1620 Douglas; private Dooms ror nair dress ing and manicuring; ladles' ahoe shining and massaging. U MISS WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst. Tel. 1263. Best of city references. Leave order at 1619 Farnam. U-M4S1 2S DR. CU9CADEN. 113 S. ISth. U-572 Je24 I NEED money; will sacrifice my Ivcrs & Pond upright grand plnno; make me an offer. Address P 61, Bee. U-M641 27 A DESIRE. A great relief to the average, smoker Is to find a clgur suitable to the taste at n. medium price, nnd a great many times a man will often swear off smoking rs not being nble to get a cigar such hs ho llk's nt a medium price. When you feel in this mood procure a Prince of Omaha. Your prejjdlce will disappear. It Is a king among 6o cigars. Try It. Manu factured by the W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. For sale by nil first-class cigar stores. Savo the bands of the Stoecker cigar. U-754 J2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay J100 cr any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennar.-Love Co., 309 S. 13th St.. Omaha. Neb W-341 MONEY' is ioan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 303 South 13Ui. W-342 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants,' George 4- Company, liWl Furnam street. W-313 WANTED, City and farm loans; also bcnrii and warrants. R. C. Patera & Co., l'vi Fat nam at., Bee Bldg, W 346 FIVE per cent money. Bemli. Paxton block. W-313 MONEY lo loan at 4k and iVi per cant on umana property. . 11, .xieiaie, 491 H. litli. W-247 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1324 Douglas, v 34 b FIVE and IM per cent city e.nd farm loans. uurviu uruD,, iui rartiKrn su t 349 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, J7 N. Y. U W-350 CASH on hand Q. E. Turklngton, 606 Be. W-H.2 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real es- xaie; a per rent interest; no commission; privilege of paying 5100 or more before maturity. Nur.nwestern Mutual Lite ins. Co. John W. Glsh. special loan agent, 214 1st Nat'l Bank bldg., Omaha. Ne". W-710 5 AND 64 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First national tianu nuuuins. Tel, ion. W-331 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W Fnrniun snutn Co., Farnam st. W-.M561 SEE WILLIS TODD, 024 N. Y. LIFE BLDG W MiAt 2j MONEY TO 1.0 AN CHATTELS, DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 We loan 110 and up on furniture, pianos, Jiurpes nnu uvuci Limiiria, SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma- neni potuioni. iou i-uu gei me money in a tew hours alter mnaing application, and take 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. C months or more in which to pay It back, and you need not pay for It one !)' longer than you keep It, We chatge nothing for papers, and we give you the full umouni In caah. There are no lower rates Jlmn ours; our terms are iha easiest; our business Is confidential and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTOAGE LOAN CO., us Board of Trade Bide. TI. 21,? (Established 1W2.) A So. 16th St. A 412 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., In two hours' time; also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security Laslfit payments nnd low ed rates In Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 3,2 Brown block, Cor, Hth and Douglas Sts.; entrance on Hth St.. opposite Y M. t. a. BldgT ( X-M130 LAROEST BUSINESS IN LOAN8TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team stcra, boarding houses, etc., without ae curlty: easiest terms; 40 offices In princi pal cities. Tolman, 440 Board Trade Bldg X-27 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. N0 mortgage, no Indorser. no publicity; lower rates, much easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Flooi, Room sua, Paxton Block. X-35S LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick tervlce and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. C33 (ton floor) Paxton Block, northeast corner 16tb and Farnam; entrance on 16th St. X-35J MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; ea.y pymtui. Tolman, 44D Board Trade Bldg. X-S27 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horse cows. Jewelry. Duff Oreen, R. s. Barker blk SHORT time Barker blk. loana. Jo Pleasants. 51 MNH TO I.O .- II TTI.K. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon tlielr names -.vlthout security; easy ;,.,j in in - '; hi iii. ii ' In. in' : i inn i .ik X S!7 Sl.C'J.W TO place quick. M. J. Kennard & dan, Suite 3lu Brown Blk. X-533 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cons. etc. C F Reed. 319 SIS. X-iiS imim: iiiaxci:. I MAN with rnpttnl wanted to take charge of woodworking plant; nn opportunity tor a hustler Address T 5, Bee. Y M5AI 27 tM CLEAN grocerv stock, line location; good rash trade; owner leaving city; will cell cheap. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-MIM FOR SALE, small stock shoes and under wear cheap for cash. John Honahan, Columbus, N-b. Y-.M175 27 RESTAURANT furniture and fixtures, all first-class, no better location In city, viiuiiu vtit;i tllllllj 1UI icnuiuiuiii 111.111 li control latge business; no reasonable I oner rcjecteu. J. ii. jonn!on. v. i.uc, Y MJ09 FURNITURE of 7-rootn flat; fine location, reasonable rent; lady left city; few dol lars .111 buy It. J. II. Johnson, N. Yi Life, Y-M510 PLANING mill for sale or rent; good con dition nnd well located. Address. T 10, Bee. V-M565 27' A BUTCHER shop for sale country town; good location. Wagner, Winner, Neb. In a good Address M. Y-770 31 FOR SALE, for cash nt a bargain. J2.50O stock or drugs In good eastern Nebraska town. Address J, care of Bee. Y 777 J4 FOR SALE A first class photo gallery In southwestern Iowa; town nearly CW) In habitants; one other gallery, good reasons for selling, Address, J, 5C1 Cedar St., Atlantic, In. Y-M703-25' roil uxciiAxni: 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels, Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts. Z-C07 roit ii.k iikai. evi'ati: SEE WILLIS TODD, C24 N. Y. LIFE BLDG SOUTH OMAHA, appropriately termed the Magic City, the place lor lucrative Invest ments O'NcIl';. Real Estate Agency, the oldest tatabllshed agency In the city, has the following choice properties to otter. IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY. Threo-story brick and basement, 53x6), rental $3.C.0 annually, price S24,(. Three-story und basement, brick. 24x60, tentnl 11,200 annually, price $15,000. One-story frame business block, 120 feet front, rental 12.600; price Il8.(0u. Two-story frame, 25x70, rental S1.0O0, price J7.0UO. We have some very choice unimproved business property running in price from 125 to $1W per front foot. In residence property we have a very com plete nnd desirable UH from which to telect. To ro?e seeking a homo we are confident we n satisfy. For acreage pro.rty we are headquarters and for u few d.ys we can offer the fol lowing; One hundred acres highly Improved, about four miles northwest of the city, at I7D per acre. One hundred and sWty acres three mllea southwest at ISO per acre. One hundred and thirty acres, three miles south, at 165 per acre. Twenty acres, unimproved, one and one half miles from the city limits, !75 per acre. We have several small tracts close In rang ing In price from J100 to S150 per acre. Wo are authorized to offer one hundred lots hi Oood Luck addition for from 150 to 176 each m easy payments. O'NEIL REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha, Neb. RE-S63 HOUBES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Divls Co.. Room 652, Bee Building, RE-3K SEE HENRY B PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE lis FOR SALE on monthly payment, g-rwtn modern house on jN. ,24th St. car llna; also vacant lots, whlchiwtll be ImproYsa for purchaser on moderatpayment down. Mutual Loan and bultdlng Association, G. M Nattlnger, secretary, Bee Bldg. RE Mt RANCH AND FARM land for sale by ihe Union Pacific Railroad company. H, iA McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-,'163 ,' . i , , 7" i HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire ' mam ..,... u......-, WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to tell. M. J. Kennard St Eon, 309-10 Brown Block. P.E-iJ! C. F. HARRISON7313 N. YTi.ife. FARMS RE-1C9 Jel2 T7a " " Zh ... ,.:,,' F?,9A.0Jve.h.a' TnLh? (Ohio) nronertv. two lots Thornbure and one Burlington Place additions to Omaha; oil free from incumbrance. Address J. A. Hartley, SI N. High st , Columbus, O RE-M113 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 120S F&rnam St. RF,-36i FOR SALE-Cheap. My residence, 2157 S. 33rd St.; terms to suit, 4 per cent interest on deferred payments, inquire F.. Rich ardson. Merchants' National Bank Bldg. Tel. 1221. RE-31S-25 .MERITA I.. RHEUMATISM WHISKY Why suffer from rheumatism when there Is a specific euro for you? Why be a slave to whisky, opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when v.e gu&runtee to cure you? Ahswtr this by v-ntlng the Ensor Remedy Co., South Omaha. Nib. (Incorporated In 1892.) M-760 Je8 LADIES. 1500 reward for a case of supnrea. slon old Dr. Jackson's Monthly Regulator fallr to relieve In 24 hours; positively Juaranteed: no ergot or pills; many saved rom suicide; Ideal infe home treatment. Mall 8 to Dr. Jackson, R. C, Sit). 187 Dear torn at.. Chlrago. 111. -MD35 25 NERVOUS EXHAU8TION. Itself a dlseftse. opens the door to all other diseases. OXYDONOR, by naturally and scientific ally restoring normal vitality, defeats them all; no drugs. For particulars wrlto Dr II, Sanche Jfc Co., 105 Bee Bldg., Omnhn. Other ofllces. Des Moines, Chi cago, Detroit, New York, Montreal, Deal ers wanted In every county in the state. 2S2-26' DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, post lively warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions nrougnt on rrom wnntever aonormai, un natural diseased or pathological cause; 12 11 jiaciuige, ui o iur tui i-cui ttiiyn hcio pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug r a tor to lnt of nr Co,, Elgin, 111. American ofllce, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. M A. Dillon, South Omnha. Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full line 3t legitimate rubber goods. 111. American OSTEOPATH. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y, L. Bldg. Tel, 1C64; Alice jor.nt.on. u. u laaies- dept.; Old E. Jchnson, Osteopathtst. MBr. -374 DONOHUE, Osteopath. Paxton blk. Tel.1367 III A. T. HUNT, D. O., DOS Karbach blk. Tel.2352 M-474 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, DouglaB block. M-473 Jell CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake Sts. -370 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -37p BOVLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. . -371 NEB. Business Si Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -372 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug -3T3 IITYCLES. SECONDHAND bicycles from 13.00 up. Ne braska Cycle Co., Cor. I5lh nnd Harney. -2x5 JelS NEW und ladles' wheels rented; 60 cents for the evening or afternoon, except Sun day. Louis Fiescner, 10." capitoi ave. 753 PAT 3T. 1As6n,NVICK& LAWRENCE," Patent Lawyers. Solicitors and Expel t, Washington. D. C. II. J. COWOILL. Ucftern Representative. . Room .115 Hflmgo Blk. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone lfo. ADVICE FREE. Ill Jcl9 PATENTS, no fee unless suceetsful. Sues St Co.. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice fite irS Jul5 1,0 T. LOST, 2 bunches of keys, return to 3K Bee bldg., reward. Lost .M74) 27 Jii REWARD for return of two rugs lot from our delivery wagon May H. Orchi-d & Wllhelm Carpet Co. Lost M-U 2S roi x. TAKEN up, Iron-gray 1-year-old colt, at A. Jackson's dairy, East Omaha, Found-5K3 27 ACCORUIOX IM.n VTIXtl. " ACCORDION nlentlnc. cheacest. best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. Murk, S. E. Cor. 17th ani I arnam. J, 6 l.Al MIIIY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c; cuff. 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -12 EXPERT At'l'OLXT A.X'I'. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc, day or even ing, R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. O. R. Rathbun. 379 TICKET II IWIM.lt. CUT rate tickets everywhere, bin. 15"5 Farnam. Tel. 7M. H. Phil--3 SO IIOIUEH AlAKWItis OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollers.tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th & Izard Sts. SCRKEX DOORS. Windows, etc G, C. Co., 1519 Leav. Tel. 2329. 4."3 J2 SHOE REPAIRING. SOLES. 40c; rubber hcc'.a and soles, 7Sc. Neb. Repair Co.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulone. Prop, 440 M21 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, iccommotlat tng; all buslnrss ccnfllentlal. 1301 Douglas, UAItllAOE IIAl'MMi. ANT1MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. eleaftt ce'aspcols nnd vaults, removes garbago and deed animals nt reduced prices. C21 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -M25I M27 FLH.MTLllr.) HEIAlltl.M. TEL. 1331.M. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. 37S URESN.MAKi.Xi. IN FAMILIES. Mls Sturdy, 31S S. 2Cth St, -2S0 M27' TAILORING. 25 PER CENT saved, hlch-class tailoring. latest designs. Stephen J. Broderlck, 1617 Fa run m si. am.ti je.M t'PIIOI.STEItl.Xn. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 25M. Jji ADVERTISING FAN'S. ADVS. FANS. Burkley Ptg. Co., Omaha. M477 Ji WANTED TO nOHHOW. WANTED, to borrow, 11,000 at 7 per cent, on Imptovcd residence property. South Umann, renting ior --iu per year, ai dress S4S. Bee. M39J STA.M.MEIIINU A.Mi Slu'nUKI.Mi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 377 PASTl'RAGE PLENTY grass, shade and spring water. 3724 N. 21st St. -M6to-1' AITO.MOMILES. Pioneers and Prime Promoters of the Horle lesa Vehicle Industry for the entire west. Don'! fall to visit our sale emporiums nt Omaha ur Lincoln. See our most wonde?' ful machines In operation. Ladles partlcu- ar)y iVted to learn how simple the art of riiAUf rtiL'ii reauv is. umann nnone 1955 Lincoln phone 152, I'OSTOFFICi: NOTICE.. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mans ior tno ween cnaing .May 23. 1901, will clo?c (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postornce asfollo,: PA It- CEI.A l'OST -MAILS close ona hour earlier than closing time shown heiov. Parcels post molls ior Gennapy close at 6 p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign brai.ch half hour later than closing time shown below. , Trnna-Atluiillo .Mnlla. TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s, s. K Wm der Grosse. via Cherbourg, Southampton and Bremen." WEDNESDAY At 6:31 a. m. for EUROPE, per s, s, 8t. Paul, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per , s, Bt. Paul"), nt 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a m.) for EUROPE, per f. a. Teutonic, via "Queenstown, nt 10 a. m. for BEL GIUM direct, per s. s. Kensington (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kensington"); At 1:30 p. m. for AORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Mnrco Mltighettl (mall for Italy must be dlnctcd "per r. s. Marco Mlnghettl"). THURSDAY" At 6:30 a. m, for EUROPE, per . s. Columbia, via Plymouth and Hamburg (mall for France, Switzerland, Italy. Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British India and Lorenzo Mar quez, via Cherbouru. must bo directed "per s. s. Columbia"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LO HKN'ZQ MARQUEZ. uer B. 8. La Bre- tagne. via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must te directed "per s. s, La Brctngno"). SATURDAY At 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. City of Rome (mall must be directed "per s. h. City of Rome"); at 11 a. in, for DENMARK direct, per s, s. Island (mall must be directed "per v. a. it tnnd"): nt 11:9) a. m. (sunnlementary 1 11. m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Lucnnta, via Allor. via Naples (mall muat bo directed "per s. Aller"). u lprntiunii. ui im ill. 111 unwi. iti a, d. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes l'rintea .-Matter, commercial rapers ind Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent bv thla ship unless Bpcclally directed by her. After the closing or the supplementary rrtnns-wtianiic ians namea uuux'u. uu- ditlonal supplementary mails are opened on the piers of tho American, English, vriTich and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of tr,a pour 01 buin::. o. nie'.inut, .Mnllx for South nnd Lentrnl America, West luillra. Ktc MONDAY At 10 a. m. for ST. K1TTS and DKMEItARA. ner s. .. Uller. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. tn. (supplementary 10;) U, 111.) ror t KM IIAI, a.xij-.kiua (ex. cept Costa Rica) nnd hUUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Finance, via Colon (mall for uumemaia must oe uireciea ' per s, u Finance"), at 6:3n 11, m. for JAMAICA. uer s. s, Admiral Furragut, from Boston; at 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s, s, Barn- utnhli. from FhllAdelDhla. WEDNESDAY At 9 0. m. for MAYAGUEZ. poiiTO liicu. tier t. s. nveiyn (man ror other porta of Porto Rico must bu- di rected "per s, b. isveiyn"); at :w b. m for INAOUA and HAITI, uer s. b. Mt Vnrnon; at 10 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per U. S. T. McClcllan. via San Juan; at 12 m for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM PECliE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per 3. a Havana, via Havana nnd Progreso (mail for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. a, Havana"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND nnd DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. a. cneroxee. THURSDAY At 12 m, for Santiago, per s, s. Santiago ae i;udo; at :,vi p. m. ior JAMAICA, per 8. s. Admiral Schley, from Boston. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, uer H Orizaba, via Tamplco (mail must be dl rected "per s. a. Orizaba")- at 11 p. in for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. 81 berlan, from Philadelphia. t SATURDAY At I n. m. for ARGENTINE RKI'l ULlt, l HIUI'AI nnu jwnn nmv nor u Htnnn nt 9 a. m (sup ulementary 9 30 a m 1 for PORTO RICO (Via San Juan), VENEZUELA and cc posrorriiE NOIRE. RACAO." pel . 7 Phllade'phla im " f; t Savnnllla nnd Carihagetia m ist I" & recle-1 "per s. s Philadelphia" nt - n m. (silpplementar W. . I" ' ' ' HAITI loxcept Jeremle. Aux-Cnye tjrj Jncmeli, SAVANILLA anil CARTH -(1ENA. per s. . Athos (mull for Jeromle Aux-Cayes. Jacmel and Cota Rlc.i mtiM le directed "per s. s Athos ), nt P J' h. tn. (supplementary 10.30 a. ni ) for .to"' . Tf.NlE ISLAND. JAMAICA. JEREMlh. I AIX-CAYKS. JACMEL and MARTHA, per s s. Adirondack (mall for other p.irts of Haiti must be directed "per a. s. Adirondack"), at 1 n. m. for ci'BA. per s. ?. Mexico, vln Havntift. nt 10 n. tn. for HAITI, per s. s. P. F. Hen drlk (mall for Curacnn. Venezuela. Trin idad, BrltKh nnd Dutch Gulanu mut be directed "per s. s. P. F. Hendrlk" ). nt 12.30 p. m. for MATANZAS, CAIBAR1EN. NUEVITAS. (IIRARA and BARACOA, per s. s. Curlt ba (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per . s, Curlt yba" ). nt 1 p. m for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad. Malls (or Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnu inencc oy sicamer, cioso nt this oftlr.e dally at 6:30 p. r connecting close heio every Monany, Wednesday nnd Saturday. Mulls for Mlquulon, ny rail to Uoston. and tnence by strnmei, close, at this ofllce dally at I:M i. tn. Malls 'or CJba, by r to rori Tampa, via., und i thence by intenmer, close at this ottlco dallv, except Monday, at a. nr. ithe connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday). Mali tcr Cuoa. by -all to Miami, Fia., nnd thence by Jteanu" close ill this otllco every Monday mm Friday nt 'Ml p. tn. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless etxtclnlly nddrrssed for dlnatf's bv atcamer, close at tills of llce dally at l:3o p. ni. and II p. m. Malls for Costa Pica, Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemnln, by rail to Naw Orleans, nnd thencu by steimcr, close at tills olllce dally nf "RSO o. ni. (connictlr.i; closes here Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guntemnla and Tuesdayr tor Costa Rica). "RcgUtercd mail closes at C p. tn. previous day. Trnna-PacltIC Sin 1 1 a. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which In forwarded via Kiiropei. , Zealand, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at :J0 Fnc m nfter Mav "I nnd lin to ainv . nrtiislve. nr nn arrival of s. . Lucanla. due at New York May 'S, for dispatch per s. s. .Mariposa. Mall for Australia (except West Auitralln, which goes via Europe and New Zealnna, which goes via San Franclscoi nnd HJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dnlly at 6:3d p. in. up to May "lo. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Wnrrlmoo (supple mentary mail?, via Seattle, close at h:30 p. m. May mKi mall mutt be directed "via Vancouver'1). Malls for China and Japan, via Van couver, cloe here, dally nt C.S3 p. m. up tn Mav 2. Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s, Idzutnl Mnru (registered mull must be directed "via Seattle") Mails for Chlnn and Japan, via Incomii. elote here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s MalbWor Hawaii. China, Japan and Philip pines, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:3" p, tn. up to June , In clusive, for dispatch per s. s, Peking. Malls for Hawaii; via San Francisco, clnte here dally at :30 p. m. up to June '3, for dispatch per s. s. .ealhlitllii. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, clone here dally nt 6:3') p. m. up to June '.', Inclusive, for dispatch per s. Gaelic Mails for China rtnd Jnpan. via Vancouver, close lure dally nt 6i30 p. ni. up to June 11. Inclusive, for dispatch per t. s, Em press of China (registered mull must be directed "via Vancouver"!. Malm for Australia (except West Australia, v.'h'ch Is forwardnd via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa und Huwall. via ynn Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p, m. nfter May 2 nnd up to June "IS, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s, t'mbrla. due nt New York June "IS, for dispatch nur m s. Ventura iniii fnr Tnblil nnd Mariiuetas Islands. via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to June 2o. inclusive, ior uis patch per s. s. Australia. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port nf s.i 1 1 In i? da v and tlia icnCQU e 01 cios mg is arranged on the presumption of their unlnterrutited overnna trnnsii Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre viouh day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Pottmaster Po'tofflce. New York. N. V., May 24, 1901 LEGAL NOTICE. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In the District Court In and for Douglas County, Nebraska. William G. Madden, plaintiff, against Ne braska Fire Insurance Company et al.. de fendants. Notice- to rredltors of said In- sjrnnce company to present their claims for dividends. To all creditors of the Nebraska Flro In surance company who have not claimed nr rere" veil their respective dividends hereto fore ordered in the ubove entitled action Y'ou. and each of you, are hereby no tilled that In and by the order of the court In the above entitled action, made and entered nn the 4th day of May. A. D. 1901. vou must present for payment your resnecllve claims fop dividends heretofore ordered In snld action within 60 days from tho completion 01 UIO puunruuuj! 111 hup uuui-,-, miii-n m hi be on the 27th day of August, A. D, 1901. and that unless you so do your respective rights to such dividends will be concluded and vou will be barred of the right to par tlcluate In the funds appropriated therefor 8jch claims may be presented at the offlce of the undersigned receiver In the Brown block, in the city or umann, in Douglaa county aforesaid, or transmitted to him nt that address ny man. Dated tills Jttn aay 01 jiny. a. u jsui. ALBERT U, WYMAN. RecHver of the said Nebraska .Fire Insur ance compan . iiaan.M " NOTICE, Pursuant tn directions of the ritv council notice Is hereby given that until 12 o'clock m., on the 29th day of May, 1901, sealed bids will be received at the office of the city clerk of South Omaha for the purchase of nn. Issue of 150,000.00 funding bonds, or any Integral part thereof. This Issue to be made In bonds of 11,000.00 each, Interest 44 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, coupons attached. Bonds are general bonds or tne city, isauea to ib ne up various in tersection paving bonds; will bear date of June 1. 1901. and mature In ten years thereafter, nonas paynnie at mate r iscai Agency, New York City. New York. All bids to be accompanied by n certified check of one thousand dollars, payable to tho City of 8011th Omaha, to be held by It as a guarantee of good faith. No bonds to be sold Deiow par. Tne ngnt is nereoy reserved to reject any and nil bids. P. U. MMIUULif. y, City Clerk of the City of South Omaha. M22 d6te GOVERNMENT NOTICE. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb., May si, wu. Healed pro nosals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office and by quartermaster. Fort itney. Kan sas, until 2 o'clock p. in... central time, June 7, 1901, for the construction of two (2) artillery stnbles and one (1) hospital stable at Fort Riley, Kansas. Full Infor mation furnished upon application to this offlco. or to the quartermaster. Fort Riley, wnore plans anu apeciucations may nc seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Stable at jFort Riley, .Kansas." F. H. HATHAWAY. 'CO, JI. M27-23-Jel-5-M RAILWAY TIME CARDS. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnnm Streets. City Ticket Office, 1321 Farnam Street. Telenhone. 316. Depot. Tenth and Marcy St. xeiepnone, ui. Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited. .a 5:20 am a 7:30 pm 'rnn uniCMffo-roriiaiiii Sneclal a 3:20 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mali..'.'. a S:50 am a 3:25 pm , KwTl" 58 IZ I ' SS i.inr.n1n T4entrlec and Stromaburg Express. .b 4:05 pm b 12:30 pm The Pacific .Express.... a 4:25 pin The Atiautlu Expreso.f. a 6-60 am Grand island iocai o g pm u j.oj am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Office and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner Hth and Douglas St. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Station, Leave. Arrive. ouis and Kansa Cltv ExDress a iu:w am a tii pm K. C., St. L. Express. .a 10:50 pm a 6:13 am Leave from 15U and Webster iRrcotz: NehrasKa Local, 'la AVeepInc "A ater b 4:10 pm alO:4J am a Dally, h Dally except Sunday, OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Rallroad-"The (julncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1115 Farnam St. Tele, phone. 822. Depot, Tenth and Marcy 8t. Telephone, C29, Leave. Arrive. at liiils Cannon Ball Expresa .....a 5;15 pm a S;20 am me? St. L Kansas city and cjumcy Local a 7:0) am a 9:00 pin a Dully. I I.Mlc Altl). CHICAGO, ROCK 181.. and A: Parlllc Railroad - Ihe Grent RofU lilmid Routo' City lli ket Olhce, 1323 Fai luitn Street Telephone, 42", Depot, Tenth ann Maicy Streets. Tele phone, Leave. EAoT. Arrive. I, Mnines nnd Dilell- port Lotal n lilo am Chicago K.pres bll:13 am I") Mnlms I. urn I n 4:20 tim bll:35 am n S:10 am a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 5:tv pm a 1:23 pm Des .Moiiu", jio;k isl and and Chicago n 7:10 pm a J;3j pm WEST. Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West . .. a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado Oklahoma & Texas Flyer. . a 5:20 pm n 3:K am a Dally. I' Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO & NORTH witern Railway "Thu Northwestern Line" City Ticket Offlce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 661. Depot, Tenth and .Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 29. Ltae. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe ciui n 7:W am alll.TO pm C'lilcugo Pnsseng.T a 4:15 pm u B;40am Kastern express, urn Moines, Mnrsn.ilituwn, Cedar Rapids und chkjno alO:5J am n 4:03 pm Eastern Special, Chi- cago and East a :n pm a ;w pm Fnst Mull, Chicago to Omnbu a i: pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd . a 7.4 pm a :m ni I'pst Mnll m Cedar rapids Pastenger a b'M pm U Dall). FREMONT, ELKHORN St Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Ortlcet, United States Nntiunal Bank BUIldlng. S. . W. Corner Twelfth and 1 at- Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnnm St. 661. Depot, 15th and Wcoaur Sts. lelephune, 115. Leave. Arrive. Binck Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs.... a 3:00 pm n 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper olid . . Douglas d 3;00 pm e 6:W pm Hnstlngs, York, David City, supciior, Geneva, Exeter and Heviur.1,..,ii 3:00 pm Norfolk, eiuigrs ana Fremont b 7;3M uln b 5:00 pm bl0:25 am Lincoln. W nhoo A: Fre mont. ;...u i:3') am bl0:23 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am e Dally. O Dally except Sunaay. c Bun day onl d Dnlly except Saturday.- a Dally except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. TAUL. Minneapolis a: Umnha Hallway "The Norm western Line" Qeneial Of.lccs. Nebraska Divi sion, lith and Webstar rtts. City Ticket Offlce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, lit n and Webster sts. 'xeicpnonc, lias. Leave. Arrive, Twin ity Passenger Sioux City Passenger Emerson Local . . u Dully .a 0;vJ am a bll'J pm ,a 2,15 pm all:lu am b 5:30 pm b b:30 nm SIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Ufttccs, United States National Bank Building, o, W. Corner rwelftn .uid Farnam Sts. Ticket Oihct. iini Farnam St. Telephone. o61. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone. t29. Leave. Arrive Twin City Express a 6:o3 nrn alO:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm a fc:16 urn Sioux City Local a S:Cu am a 3:50 pm a Lolly. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington .Route" uenerai umccs, .-sorwi-west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ottlce, 1502 Farnam Street. Tcieoni'nu zm. Burlington Station, Tcnm und Mnbon Streets. Tulepnone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hustings and McCoua a S:40 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rado, Utah, Cnlifornln.a 4:i pm a 3:M Pm Alliance Express u 1:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln ii Black Hills, ,n 9:uo pm n 6:15 am Montanu, Puget Sound.. a 9:OU pm a 6:45 nm Lincoln Fast Mall. ..i.V.b 3iW pm a 9:17 am Wymorc, Beatrice and Lincoln , ,11 3:40 am bll:55 am Denr, colorndn utnn and California Fnrt Crook. So. Bend. a 6:45 am Louisville. Plattsm'th.b 3:20 prn bll:03 am Bellevue, Plattsmouth & Pacific Junction a 7:40 pm a S:2d am Bellevue, Plattsmouth At Pacific Junction .11 3:10 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & council Blurts Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Office, IS'jJ Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets., Tele phone 12S. Leave Arrive. KanFns City Day Ex .a 9:su am a 6:03 pm Kansus Clt Nizht Ex..al0:30 pm a 6;lo am St. Louis Flycs. fcr St. Joseph nnd St. IxiuU.u 6:10 pm nll:l am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qtilncy Railroad "Thn Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1602 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth unci Mason Street. Telephone 12S. Ieave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am al0:20 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:43 am Fast Mall a 2:43 pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Kallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Exprc ft jr-w am a o:w prn Chicago Limnea. ......... pm o.w am Minneapolis & 81. i-aul Lxpresi b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Minneapolis ft St. Paul Limited a 7:45pm a 8:05 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm a 8:13 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs n 6:00 am a Dally. I) Dally except Sunday. W A B A 8 TI RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1115 Farnam I Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Bta, Telephone. 029, Leave. Arrive. St. LouIj "Cannon Ball" Express a S:lo pm a 1:24 am a Dally. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & Bt. Paul Railway City Ticket Ofllce. 1604 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2l. Depot. Tenth and Mnion Streets. Telephone, 629 Leave, Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex....a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex ,b .ill nM b 3:40 pm a Dally, n uany cn-tn. Direct ltoitte o'niaasoir Exhibition ANCHOR LINE ' -irnmahlp. from NW York Weeklr for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Snloon, 130 and up. Second Cabin. 132.50 and up. Third Class, J26 and upward!. For Illustrated folder and further Informa. tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, or .1 H Afi-VA I.T.V. MM Wirnam 8t.. GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam St.. Omaha. Cannibal Tnatr. Speaking of the recent killing and eating of two missionaries by cannibals of Fly river, Oulnea, tho Portland Ortgonlaa says: "These savages do not eat mission aries because they have any rellglou hos tility for them a preacher of a new faith; they only eat them became, as non-consumers of rum and tobacco, their flesh I far more palatable than that of any other typo of white man. In the Judgment of a cannibal, the meat of a missionary Is bettor eating than anything else except the flesh of a young child, another non-consumer of tobacco and ardent spirits. These canni bals not seldom spare the lives of American and European sailors, for the simple reason that their flesh Is so Impregnated with the flavor of alcohol and tobacco as to bo as unpalatable a we find that of crows, gulls, buzzard and other carrion-consuming birds." It tll.W A nam Sts telephone III I,' 11 1 ii JMlLWAUKW No. 24th. p-TSl j: X-3W