Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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.ctiritj Hm N.t Bun Equaled Sine iht
Firit DiiMTtrj f Gold.
(iitlrf Hill Compnnr of Omaha Will
Mnk Itn Stanft to UunrtsKe Manr
a 1,'jnnlde 1'lntita In Course
ot Conat motion,
LL'AU, S. D., May 26. (Special.) The ac
tivity In all par Lb of tbe Muck Hills at tho
present tlmo Is unparalelled since the first
discovery of gold In 1874. Every gold
camp Is showing signs ot life and a number
of now districts havo been trnulo. Around
this city great things have been inaugu
rated which arc destined to rival tho Home
stake company in Importance. The Home
stake ore lode Is being sought for by the
Mack Hills licit Development company on
the south extension of the belt and by the
Hidden Fortune company on tho west side.
Both companies have nssurnnces that they
will strike the mucb-covcted ore bodies.
South of this city two mllca tho Wasp
No, 2 company, which Is backed by Dead
wood and Lead business men, it operating
a fifty-ton cyanide plant, which has re
cently bogun paying dividends. Adjoining
this property tho Alta Mining company of
Denver has begun the erection of a fifty
ton cyanldo plant to work the low-grade
(luarttlte oro in tho copper contacts. Eust
of this city tho I'lutna Mining company ot
Dcs Moines Is sinking a deep shaft to catch
tho Caledonia ledgo of ore. Tho stamp
mill Is to bo repaired and operated. At
I'luma the Horeshne company Is planning
to put In a smelter to operate with tho
chlorlnatlon works.
In tho Spruco Gulch dlstrlch cast of this
city Ed Hanska has commenced developing
the ncllo Eldrcdgo nnd associate mines
under bond, and tho Highland Chief com
pany Is proparlng to put In a cyanldo plant
to operate with the stamp-mill. Tho Red
water company over tho divide In thu Two
Dlt district has resurrected tho camp nnd
new bodies of oro have been found on
quarUlto in tho Chicago-Two Hit mine.
The company will erect a smelter this sea
eon. A big Colorado company has tho Qtlt
Edge and Dakota Maid mines In tho Straw
berry Gulch district bonded and a deal Is
biiro to bo made. Tho Ruby Gold Mining
company Is meeting with success In Ruby
gulch. After several years of thorough de
velopment work tho Galena Mining com
pnny has opened substantial bodies ot oro.
The National Mining and Smelting company
will soon begin the erection of a smolter to
treat oro from the Hulllon mine. At Ga
lena Colorado parties aro about to start up
tho Cora mlno and Davie stamp-mill.
Ilnld Mnuntnln UUtrlct Active.
Tho Raid Mountain district Ib as active
as over. Tho Golden Reward company Is
sinking a diamond drill In the slates nt
tho Tornado mine In senrch of frco-mllllng
ore, with a good possibility of finding It.
The company will sink another shaft In
Ruby basin to oxplolt quartzlte more fully.
Tho Tortland company ot Clinton, la., Is
shipping fifty tons of ore dally to Its cyan
ldo plant at Central City and the Dakota
company will soon have Us fifty-ton plant
at Dcadwood ready tor use. The Golden Re
ward company will build a 200-ton cyanide
plant. The Cornucopia and Pay Streak
mines aro furnishing twenty tons of ore
dally for a cyanide mill at Central City.
Tho Golden Return company Is proparlng
to work tbe Deadbroko mine In the Black
tall district extensively. In the same camp
tho Imperial company has encountered
largo oro shoots ot slllclous ore on quartz-
Preaches in Soldiers.
Tho Thurston Rifles, In uniform, and
about thirty mcmbors of former Company
L of tho First Nebraska voluntcors at
tended servlco at Kountzo Memorial
church ycatorday morning. A largo Amer
ican flog was draped from each side of tho
church nnd tho stars and stripes also hung
gracefully from tho pulpit and the cholr
ninster'n stand. .
Rev. Edwnrd F. Trefz delivered a beauti
fully worded memorial sermon, In which ho
paid high compliment to the valor of tho
American soldier and recalled tho honora
ble achievements for liberty and civiliza
tion that had been brought about by tho
patriotism of tho nation. To those who
had sacrificed their lives on the battle
field for freedom, for liberty and for Chris
tian civilization tho nation could nover
liquidate Its debt of gratitude.
Tho preacher deplored the custom ot
giving over Memorial day to sports and
umuscments. "It Is not a day for rejoic
ing and frivolity." said he, "but one on
which our eyes should bo dimmed with
tears of mourning for tho noblo men who
have1 died In tho service that was necessary
for tho upholding of tho principles of our
progressive nnd honorablo nation."
Tho service closed with the singing ot
tho national hymn by tho congregation.
l'lonern Breathe n I.raann.
"Lessons from tho Flowers" was the
timely topic of Rov. D. K. Tlndnll's morn
ing sermon at Trinity Methodist Episcopal
church. It directed attention to the tact
thai In making this earth for man's home
tho Creator boautlflen It with trees, plants
and flowers, Just as an earthly parent
would adorn a home he was building for
his son. The minister recalled tho home
ot tho Vanderhllts In Now York, where the
parcntnl mansion was connected with tho
ono constructed for his son by n hnllwny.
So Is man's earthly homo connected with
tho henvenly bomn of tho Father. Tho
wbr.Id without flowers would bo Indeed bnr
ron and uninviting. That flowers wero
made for man Is shown by tho fact that
they were created Just before man. They
did not exist m tne tertiary or glacial per
iods. Thero Is a world of beauty In
flowers. Martin Luther saw It nnd always
kept some In a vaso upon bis tablo.
Shnkespcnto'a homo Is said to have been an
Alpine valley of (lowers'. Milton, In all his
Btibllmlty, loved them and Talmaga eays that
flowers are the angels of the grasses. An
other has said that the stars aro tho
llowpra of heaven, nnd still another that
the variegated stars of heaven are the poetry
of the skies.
Flowers. teach wisdom. They point to the
brovlty of Ufa nnd exemplify Christian
faithfulness. They are found everywhere.
Some flowers nro most fragrant when
bruised, as Christ wns when he was
bruised by the slnn of the world. Milton
was blind when he wrote "Paradise Lost,"
nnd Dunyan In Jail when ho wrote "Pil
grim's Progress." They were the flowers
of" the human race and most fragrant when
bruised. It Is from flowers that we learn
tho lesson of the providence of Ood.
Omnipotent ' Christ,
Hev. J. W. Jennings, presiding elder of
tho Omaha district, preached the morning
sermon and conducted communion services
at Hansoom Park Methodist Episcopal
church Sunday morning. Dr. Jennings took
his text from Colossl.ns II. 9-10: ''tor In
Him dwelleth all lbo fulnesB of tho God
head bodily. And yo are complete In Him.
which Is tho head ot nil principality and
power." ,,..ii
"Tho omnipotence of Jesus Christ, said
Dr. Jtnnlngs, "Is appreciated by tne brlint-
Ito and n 100-ton cyanide plant will be
built. The Golden Gate company will also
erect a cyanide plant.
In the Garden City district the May Min
ing company has been organised to develop
nnd operate the Realization group of claims
by tho cyanldo process. The Garden City
company Iish found a ledge ot free-milling
ore, supposed to be a continuation ot tho
Homcstakc. Tho Connors Hros. of Spear
fish have found plenty of oro In tho old
Spanish R. mine in Carhonato camp, and
the Titanic company Is looking for ore In
quartzlte. The Cleopatra companw has for
several months been getting heavy clean
ups from a fifty-ton cyanldo plant.
Omnhn Company to CmKlntir Kliuft.
Ragged Top district Is vory active. The
American Mining compnny Is running a
tunnel nearly n mile long on lower quart
zlto to cut tho formation. A 200-ton cyanldo
plant Is being operated by tho Spcarflsh
company, which Is cleaning up J20.000 to
$30,000 per month. A fifty-ton cynnMc
plant Is to be erected this spring by the
Colorado-South Dakota company and n
largo block of ground, about 400 acres, ad
Joining tho Spcarflsh company, Is nbout to
bo sold to Colorado people, which means
tho erection of another large plant. It Is
expected that the Detroit nnd Dendwood
company will soon start tho fifty-ton plant
on Annie creek. Tho Gold Hill compnny
of Omnhn Is going to contlnuo Its shaft to
qunrtzltc. Tho Horseshoe company has
commenced docloplng 3,000 acres of ground
In this camp.
Hear Gulch district Is going to bo lively.
Tho Gold Coin nnd Hear Gulch companies
proposo to sink to quartzlte nnd erect
cyanide plantB. There will also bo activity
In tin.
Tho Southern Hills are showing ns much
activity ns Lawrcnco county. Around Key
stono ths Elizabeth Mining company In
putting up n forty-ton stamp mill at the
Bismarck mine. Tho owner of tho Ida Flor
ence mlno Is Installing a steam hoist to
sink deeper on a ledge of free-milling ore.
Mlcblgnn peoplo are developing a copper
property Good ore Is being followed by
tho Tycoon nnd Cuynhuga companies nnd
n great many properties arc nt work.
At Hill City the old Golden Slipper mine
Is being examined by Chicago pnrtlcs. Tho
Gopher companv Is getting a bonanza at th.i
Gopher mlno. The Uluo Lend Copper com
pany Is about to strike n big ledge of cop
per ore. A stamp mill Is to bo Installed nt
the Lost Dollar mlno. The Sunnysldo mlno
Is to bo started up nnd shipments of spod
umeno ore nre to be continued.
I.nrner Stump .Mill nnil llolntd.
Rochford district has a bright future.
Tho Standby mlno will soon bo a payer
again. The Mary Hell has developed n
strong body of free-milling ore. James
Cochran has started his mlno and mill.
Stenm holstc have been iustnlled at tho
Yellow nird nnd Standard mines. Copper
ore bos beou encountered In paying quanti
ties by ins Hlack Hills Copper company
and the Copper Cliff company nnd a num
ber ot other good properties aro In course
of development.
Enst nnd west Orovlllo mining Is active.
Tho Clara Dell mine Is producing very rich'
oie and a larger stamp mill nnd steam'
hoist aro to be Installed. Tho Stelmo mine
will be worked again nnd ten men have
begun work at tho Grizzly Dear mine.
This month the Summit mlno will also be
started up. Tho University company Is do
vcloplng a property on Spring creek, which
shows a strong ledgo of free-milling oro.
Eastern capitalists nre figuring to buy the
Sally Cavanaugh tin mine.
In Custer county good oro Is being fol
lowed dowij on tho Mayflower property,
also the Newark. Tho Black Hills Porce
lain, Clay and Marblo company Is working
thirty men and several carloads of mica
aro being shipped monthly. The Sngtnnw
company Is opening up a rich property
northwest of Custer nnd tho Mny mine Is
est minds In the world. The power of His
gospel Is understood by all men who rea
son and think rationally. Sir Charles Hart
was recently asked what was a possible
solution for tlje Chinese problem. Ho said
that the miraculous spread ot Christianity
In Its purest and best typo Is the best so
lution. It Is llkewlso the solution ot the
problem of tho world's redemption,
"If wo would put the doctrines of Jesus
Christ Into our practical work, In every
particular and every dotnil, what an In
teresting meeting wo could havo If wo
should come together to recount our ex
periences. If for one week we should en
deavor to subordinate all things to Jesus
Christ, making Him uppermost in all our
enterprises, doing npthlng except what
would bo to tho glory of God nnd the' lift
ing up of Jesus Christ in the community,
In our business. In politics, In our nodal
and everyday life, what an experience we
would have! Christ's coming Into the
world marked a now epoch In Its develop
ment." Sermon for Veternna.
Tho services at tho Seward Street Meth
odist church were thoroughly lu keeping
with tho spirit of tho day. Besides the
usual Sunday morning congregation, there
was n generous quota of civil war veterans
with their relatives, Georgo Crook post No.
262, Grand Army ot tho Republic, Its
Women's Relief corps and the Grand Army
Garfield circle being there In a body. The
Interior of the church was liberally decor
ated with flags, bunting and flowers. Par
ticular Interest ccntored about onn ot these
banners a tattered and battle-stained spec
imen of old glory that had waved from the
battlements of Fort Donelson.
After the song service, raado up of patri
otic airs, tho pastor, Rov, C. N. Dawson,
preached a sermon to the old soldiers, In
which he related rriany anecdotes ot the
troublous times of the enrly '60s nnd paid
a touching trlbuto to the wearer of the
modest little bronze hutton. He said he
was only bIx weeks old when his father
and uncle went to tho war, so most of
his narratives, perforce, came recond
handed, but were none tho less entertain
ing for that.
Referring to the wearer of tho little
bronze button, he said he always felt- like
taking hlB hat off to him when ho mot
him on tho street. "Maybe at Donelson
he reached the Inner trench." said he; "at
Shlloh held the broken line; at Chat
tanoogn climbed the flame-swept bill, or
stormed the clouds on Lookout heights.
He was not born to soldier life. His coun
try's summons called him from the plow,
tho forge, the loom, tho office, the col
lege. Ho did not fight for greed or gold.
Ho loved the peaqe of quiet ways, and yet
he broke the clasp ot loving arms to face
death on desperate fields."
In Honor ( Fallen Hemes.
At tho First Fresbyterlan church Sun.
day morning the services were in the na
turo of memorial services for the soldiers
of the civil war who have died. Tbe mem
bers of U. S. Grant post and of George
A, Custer post, with tho members of the
Womon's Relief corps attached to thoso
posts, were present, occupying seats In
tho center of the church, Tho room was
decorated with United States flags and the
pulpit with cut flowers. Around tho walla
were placed pictures of tho federal leaders
In the civil war, Including Lincoln, Grant,
Custer and McKlnley.
Tho pastor of the church. Rev. E. H.
Jrnks, preached the memorial sermon, tak
ing as his text Exodus xll, 14 and xlll, 6.
He recalled the triumphal processions of
Rome, where the captives were led In chains
in tbe train ot the conquerors, and said
being worked by Custer business men. The
University company has purchased the
Drcxel gold mine, eight miles west of Custer,
and the Gold Fish company has acquired
tho Salmon mlno The I.lzilo mlno, coat
of Custer, will also be worked. An Omaha
company Is working tho North Star mlno
nnd New York parties have bonded tbe Tom
Palno nnd other mines.
The work that Is being done nil over tho
Hills Is substantial uod Is resulting In
tho opening up of vnluable properties.
.Northern Wynnil'iK Grin Plenty nt
Itnln null Oman la Luxu
riant. CHEYENNE, Wye, May 26. (Special.)
Governor .Richards and members of tho
State Board of Churl ties and Reform re
turned last night from an official visit to
the Thertnopolls hot springs. Tho official
were unablo to visit Buffalo owing to the
bad condition of the rouds and will make
nnothcr trip north next week.
Tho officials report thnt the ranges aro
In excellent condition. Showors havo pre
vailed almost dally throughout the eastern
nnd central portions of the stato and grass
Is long and luxuriant. It this kind of
weather continues for another ten days
thcro will bo no danger of n shortage of
Aniillier Well nt Huron.
HURON, H. I).. Mny 26. At a meeting ot
tho city council Friday night It was de
cided to sink another artesian well for
city purposes. It will be put down at once.
Ili'iunvPM TcciiiunpIi Slot Machine.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Mny 26. (Special.)
Mayor Robb yesterday caused all slot ma
chines In operation In Tecumsch to be
W'nr Survivor lleiiirnilicrcil by tho
Gfiicrnl Government.
WASHINGTON, Mny 26. (Special.) The
following pensions havo been granted:
Issue of May 10:
Nebraska: Original Cyrus N. Ilalrd. Lin
coin, JS. Kcnt'Wnl Abrnhum C. Wright, J6.
Increase Henry H. Silver, Hnllnm, $12. Ra
Issue Jonnttutn V. Gates, Hebron, $S.
lowu: Original I.yman C. Grav. Fort
Dodge. S; Dennis (1. IJutterllohl, DeWItt,
JS; ThntnnH MeQtilgg, Mount Ayr, $8; James
II. Kooiin. Den MotneH, John W. I.ce,
Dexter, $(?. Additional Jededlah McKccn,
Shellsburg, 12. Restoration nnd reissue
Zudoc Wllllnms (dead), lluone, 18. Increase
Levi Crotirli, Module, J2I; John L. Ognn,
Cedar ltuplds. $12: John A. Hughes, Stato
Soldiers' Home, Mnrshnlltown, 12; Honry
Orcen, Leniulo, 12. Original widows, etc.
Mnry J, Williams, Boone. JS.
Colorado: OrlglnnI Charles Buck. Colo
rado City. 6. Additional Trlstam H. Peck,
Denver. S. War with Spain (original)
James T. Quarles, Denver. J10.
North Dakota: Original Smith Stlmmel,
Fargo, 6.
Wyoming: Increase Joseph G. Farls.
Dallas, 12.
Issue of May 11:
Nebraska: Original James Haggard,
Colon, II. Restoration and additional
Andrew Burnett (dead), Geneva, 12. In
crease Ell Uitney, Nellgli, 10. OrlglnnI
widows, etc. Ann AV. Burnett, Geneva. Sj
Mattle K. May. Falls City, S; (special May
14) Emily Marks, mother. Reynolds, 512.
Iowa: Original Joseph T. Reesman,
Fnrmlngton, fi; John II. Mack, Jefferson,
8; Lytle A. Stephen, Alnsworth, (8; Huron
Luke. Clinton, fi. Additional William J.
Nolln, Lohrvllle, 8; Prosper Claude, Wool
stock. 8. Increase Jacob Hlckabaugh,
Hnrrls, 12: James Devereniix, lSlma, $30;
Henry C. Powers, Sioux City, $10; Samuel
l.eyellen. Stuart, 10. Reissue George 11.
Cobb, Eldorn Junction. S. Original widows,
etc. Minora of John Diner, Vnnmeter, 18.
War with Spain, orlglnnl William It.
Sloanc, Coin, $0; Albert Gregg, Ormnnvllle,
South Dakota: Increase John Cook,
Mitchell. S: Joseph A. Page. Dell Rapids,
$17. War with Spain (orlglnnl) Lcroy scott,
Canton, 10.
Montana: Increase Fltz Henry Winter,
Helena, 10.
Colorado: Original Joseph M. Snpp,
Clonmel. $6. Additional John R. Mote, La
Junta, 8.
North Dakota: Original I.afayetto M.
Brutton, Cando. $C. Additional Ebenezer
P. Perry, Ellendale. 12.
Omaha Preachers
Talk Patriotism.
that tho celebrations of today did not In
Bplro In tho hearts of men the love ot
conquest which was tho result of the
Roman triumphs; thnt today, while wo
glorify tho victors, thcro is no scorn In
tho heart for the vanquished; thnt In com
memorating the glory of tho soldiers of
Amorlca wo saw them not ns soldiers, but
something higher nnd better than sol
diers. American citizens who wore ready
to become soldiers not for the purpose of
conquest nnd glory, but to defend the honor
of the country nnd to extend tho Influence
of the principles of llbcrt.- and freedom
which prevail In this country. It has been
snld that patriotism Is dead, but the
speaker believed that this statement wns
shown to be false by tho action of tho
sons of the civil war veterans In tho war
with Spain and their exploits In the Phil
lpplnes, whore they are planting the seeds
of liberty and extending tho sway of ths
Abovci all, In the actions of tho Amer
ican citizen soldier the preacher saw tho
hand of God working out tho destiny of
humanity, nnd cautioned Ills hearers to see
that tho American flag was not permitted
to stand for something It has never yet
represented, tyranny and oppression, but
to do nil In their power to keep It ever
tho emblem of freedom nnd progress.
Importance of Decoration Day.
Georgo Crook post, Grand Army of the
Republic, with Its auxiliary. Crook Relief
corps, wero present at the First Christian
church Sunday evening, whoro tho pastor,
Rev. Sumner T. Martin, preached a mem
orial sermon. Tho church wns decorated
with bunting nnd potted plants, tho stnrs
nnd stripes bolng drnped over tho pulpit
and beforo tho seats of tho choir.
Tho minister took ns his theme "God
in American History," his text being
Psalms xvlll, 8-11. ' In part he said: "In
this imagery tho Hebrew psalmists set out
tho growth of Israel. God planted the vino
and by miracles of power ho preserved It.
His hand was In the establishment of their
national greatness, but when they proved
recroant to their trust and forgot the God
who made them God Anally scattered them
abroad among the heathen, that they might
lenrn to be faithful through suffering.
Thcro Is almost as much demonstration of
the hand of Ood In tbe affairs of the Amer
ican republic as there whb In tbe history
of the Jows. Ho has led us through every
crisis and If we prove false. If wo set up
gods of our own making, if wo become
puffed up with power and forget God we
will bo cast down.
"To men nnd to nations glory comes
through well doing. This country has wit
nessed tho lofttcst achievements over made
for tho good of humanity and will con
tinue to lend as long as It remembers the
brotherhood of mnn, of tho fntherhnod of
God. The flag and the cross stand Inter
twined. When tho American soldier fights
he fights not only for tho glory of his
country but for tho advancement of re
llglon. It Is therefore right that wo should
honor tbo veterans, living and dead.
"Decoration day Is taking tho placo for
merly occupied by the Fourth of July, a
time when wo look back over the record
of our national achievements. Let ub re
member that tho battles of these soldiers
will bavo been 'ought In vnln If wo do not
do our part In bolvlng the questions of
peaco and keep the national honor bright.
In the handling of the lands which havo
come under our bands wo must not carry
to thera our fnults and our weaknesses,
but we must treat the people as brothers
In need nnd over all will float au untar
nished banner.
, ,
rind Him
Ohio Governor's Phyiioiani
Growing Wen.
Ills Present Indisposition, Titer Sir
Is .ot Trlth Ills Heart, bnt
Merely the Hrenlt ot an
COLUMUUS, O., May 26. Governor Nash
has been advised by bis physician that
three weelts of absolute rest will be neces
sary to restore his health. He Is still In
a weakened condition as a result of his trip
to the Pacific coast.
Today his Indisposition was such that tho
attending physicians deemed a consulta
tion advisable and after this was held a
statement regarding tho governor's con
dition was Issued. It is stated that his
present Indisposition is not duo to nny
trouble from his heart, but Is the result of
a slight accident which he sustained while
crossing the high nltltudes on his trip from
San FrnnclRco, The physicians nsecrt that
thcro Is no cause for alarm.
MortKnue HiinU AfTnlr tin l)cirenlvc
MfTect n Gemini! Sneuuln
torn nnd Trailers.
BERLIN. May 26.-Condltlons on the
bourse Inst week were very stagnant, not
withstanding an easier money market than
had been known for yearsf Many factors
combined to produce a weak market. The
Northern Pacific Incident continues to renct
here, causing an almost total cessation of
business In tho American department, In
addition to this, the new mortgage bank
vcandnl had a very depressing effect. Other
causes of weakness were the Prussian
crop report, tho reduced April earnings of
the great coal companies, the renewed price
falls and shutdowns nt Elwenmnrkt and
heavy sales of Swiss Northeast railroad
stock, which fell oft CH points upon snles
by Berne capitalists.
Tho bank scandal caused heavy selling
nf obligations of the two concerns nt
fectcd, but tho other mortgage bunks held
their own, the public being convinced that
their condition Is sound. General bank
stock lost an average of 4 points upon a
growing conviction of unfavorable banking
conditions nnd tho belief that the low
Interest, tho light brokerage business nml
the declining value of securities held would
necessitate n renewal of crlte-offs at the
end of tho year.
Domestic government funds were weak,
but prices fairly maintained. German
3s wero returned In rather largo amounts
from New York nnd London, but these
were easily absorbed.
Tho Northern Pacific affair, says the
Kreuz Xeltung, had n greater effect here
than was at tlrst supposed, through Ger
man short-selling In New York and Ion
don of tho common shares which were not
dealt In on the Berlin bourse. Several
sales of the common stock were effected
Friday at prices from 186 to 210 to buyers
cnught In the corner. Foreign exchange Is
declining through the Improved money mar
ket abroad. New York Is weal: through
tho returning of securities thither, Amster
dam Is now below the gold point, after
some gold exports during the week.
Germany's Imports for April were 3,W1.
SCO tons, or tin Increase of 20O.S9C tons. Ex
ports for thu snmo mouth were 2.4;c,S5l
tons, or a decreaso of 100,490 tons. The pig
Iron production last month was G51,9S5 tons,
or a decrensfc of 38,105 tons.
Shadow nf Itecent Corner on .Northern
Pacific IfnnRH Over London
LONDON. May ifi.Thc shadow of the
Northern Pacltlc excitement Is still hanging
over the London Stock exchange. This,
combined with the approaching holidays,
has brought American dealings during the
lust week practically to a standstill and
Only 3 Days More
Contest Closes 5 p. m., May 29th
$1,500 in Prizes and a Bull Pup.
Get the Correct Sum of the Figures.
Can You
. Add
vrswri.f.,, a no flscnrr higher than I). There are na combinations f Harare.. Karh Hirnre la complete la Itaall.
The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.
Guesses on
the Figures
Address all answers to
Puzzle Dept., The Omaha
home stocks were quiet In sympathy. The!
action of tho stock exchange committee for
general purposes In suspending the buying
In of Northern Pacific sfnircM until .tunc 10.
has been somewhat criticised on the ground
thnt tho bears had already hud more graco
than was expected. It Is expected that a
number have already covered, prices run
ning up to 210.
A suggestion has also been innde that tho
committee refuse further nrntectlon. ex
cept on transactions otllctallv rennrteil to
them. It has further been pointed out that
I In this manner the true dimensions of the
short interest could bo seen anil adequate
steps bo taken to clear up the situation.
The resumption of norrnnl conditions Is Im
possible until this Is accomplished.
A curious development of the last week
has been thnt while thu Northern Pacltlc
i crisis was convulsing the big arbitrage
. houses, a snviller. but very similar, corner
In London, Brighton und South Coast ordl-
1 nary shares caught half a dozen local
brokers. Tho action of tho stock exchange
committee for general purposes In the mat
ter of thu Northern Pacific settlement
i furnished victims of tho Brighton corner
with n nrecedent. so dear to the English
man, nnd the half dozen brokers lu ques
tion have npplled to tho stock vxchnnge for
a suspension of the settlement of their ac
counts also.
Consuls during the pnst week scarcely
moved nnd dealings In them wero almost
nil. Following thu recent stringency the
outlook for money Is now easier. Tho bat
nnces from the French banks Indicate that
the Russian loan was subscribed ten times
over. English critics say that the develop
ment of Russia, although Immense, Is not
keeping pace with her expenditures und
that she Is Increasingly dependent upon
tho foreigner for capital Another Russian
loan Is predicted within six months.
Despite ApnroiM'liltiK llnlllnn Ile
mniMl.for Stiiiulni'il MnUcn nt
MnnehcKter linpriMr.
Aslde from the ruct that tho upproach of
the holldnys bus Inlluonccd buyers to pro
tect transactions whenever this was pos
sible there hns been expansion and un
Inquiry during the last week that has fro
quently resulted In the placing or orders
and In sales of standnrd makes. Tho India
and China demands have revived. A 'spirit
of hopefulness prevails nnd partly on the
steadiness of cotton during the last fort
night there is un expectation of better
business after tho holidays, There has
been some miscellaneous Inquiry for (In
Ishlng nnd bleaching cloths from conti
nental nnd homo points. Yarns were quiet
and tlrm nnd users wero Indisposed to
operate except for pressing requirements.
Ilnnk nf Spain.
MADRID. Mny 26. The report of the
Bank of Spain for the week ended yester
ilny shows thu following cbunges: Gold
In hand, Increase, pesetas; silver In
hnnd. Increase, 4,oro,000 pesetas; notes In
circulation, decrenie, 10,332,000 pesetas. Gold
quotation at the closing yesteiduy wus
Plnlnvletr Wninnii's Clnli.
PLAINVIEW, Neb.. May 2C (Special.)
Tho Woman's club of Plnlnvlcw closed
Its yenr's work yesterday and elected theso
officers: President. Mrs. Nellie Vest; llrst
vlco president, Mrs. J. A. Williams; second
vice president, Mrs. Efllc Tnylor; secre
tary, Mrs. MrKonzIo; treasurer, MUs
Edith Tyndhlc. H. G. Shedd of tho State
university will lecture to tho Woman's
club on June ri on "Tho Fiction of tbe
Twentieth Century."
Court nt Alierileen.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Mny 20. (Special.)
Tho adjourned May term of the United
States court for Aberdeen will convene In
that city Tuesday, Juno 11. It Is probable
that Red Ears, tho Sioux Indian under In
dictment for the murder of his Infant
child, 'vlll bo tried nt that time and if so
this will b the most Important case to
como beforo the Aberdeen term.
lil'linp Mciuinell nt .Mnillnon.
MADISON, Neb.. .May 20. (Special.)
Tho Catholic church was decorated yester
day In honor of Bishop Scanncll ot Omaha
who came to deliver tho sacrament of con
firmation to n class ot thirty.
i rv .s i r s .ru rri :v
I rr)f r
3. d r "
Enclosed find ?.
subscription account.
Street nnd No
Where paper Is delivered.
. Where paper Is sent
Are you taking The Bee now?
If not, when do you want it started?.
The Bee Building
R. C. Peters& Co.,
Rental Agents, ""maf loor
tinier entire .New MannKcmcn t.
Mtti .St., Ncnr Ilrnnilwn)'.
Absolutely Fire Proof, modern anil
luxurious In nil Its niMintntiiients.
Centrally Located.
American nnd l4iiroicmi iilnn.
Itoonin sliiKle nnil ensiille
J. P. Iliiinlilen's Sons, Props.
Mont select resort on the Ncvr Jersey
The above books are for sale by the
Mcgeath Stationery Co., 130S Farnam St.
Run via th
Leave Omaha BHBIm
via Scenic Route through Coloiadoand
For Information and "Tourist Dictionary"
addrMs City Ticket Office, ijjj Pariiam St.
Omaha, Neb.
$500 REN&ARD!
We Trill pay tho above reward for any rata ot
Liver Compinlut, 'Dyspeptle, Sick lle&dacha.
Indigestion, Constipation or Cojtlvcncss vra
cannot cure with Llverlta, the Up-To-Data
Little Liver Till, when tho directions are strict
ly compiled with. Tncy are purely Vegetable,
and ncv?r fall to give satltfaclloi'. 25o boxes
contslu 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 nils, So
boxes contain 15 l'llls. Uewarcof rubnltutlona
and Imitations. Sent by mall. Stamps takaa.
NERVITA MF.MUAL CO., Cor. ClUJioa ajat
Jackson Su . Cbl'jaso. I1L Sold v
Cor sale by Kuun at Co., litli and Douaiaa
St., Omaha. Neb.; Oao. 8. Davis, Council
UluSt. Iowa.
Prizes for
Correct Sum
of All the
,.P. M.
.to apply on my
Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Dr. McCrew, Specialist
5!C years experience lo years In Omulia,
Vurlcuceii',, atrlututv. ulood
Diseases lu ull HtiiKes, Nervous Debility,
nnd ull unnatural U unkui'Ms. Cures Guar
anteed. Chinees Low. Hours: S u. tn. to 9
p. tn. 8undiiys, K u in. to 6 p. tn. Max T60.
Ottlco over 216 fio, lltb St , between Fariuni
and Douglus Sts., Unialm, Neb.
MKN.-lf joh ht .mall, rfk
orit.n., lo.t owfr or ..Venlnf
ilr.lni, our Vm'uiim Orgm Pen lo. r
will it. lore )dti Unou( drug, or
rlrctrU'ltr. BtrU'turo .ml Varli'ooela
Vrmnciitljr cur.U In I to 4
7.VM, In lint on f Allure . not
un. r.tiirneiti rttrtt na
CO II. (mud i wilt, for free r"Mlet. ..nt .jlit in titftln ,nl.n.
10CAI APPLIANCE CO. 139 Thaip Blk,, Inilinipolli, Ini,
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.,
OiaithM, b.
Mnnvifrtcturors of
Tents and Canvas Goods.
Send (or Cntalomto Number 23
Johnson-McLean Co
Manufacturers of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings,
Stair Work, Builders' Supplies.
Telephone t:i7.
nth and Jonea Street, Omaha, Wb,
E. Smith t Co.
Importers and Johkera!
Dry Goods, Furnishing Gooil
lAestorn Electrical
vv Company
Electrical Supplies.
Mtctrio Vlriug Bells and Oas Llcatlatt
Q. V. JOHNSTON Stgr. 1510 Howurd Su
Hall's Safes,
Cash Registers,
Hall Safe and
Lock Company,
1 1 1!) Fa mum St,
Davis & Gowgill Iron Works,
inoa mm 1R05 Jnekaoo Ntrct,
OMks. Heb. Tel. 038.
. Zabrtalde. Agent. J. it. Cowaill, Mf
Improved Quick and Easy Rials
Steam, Electric and
Hand Power Elevators.
and for catalncue.
VH Ita Stieat. Telephgn HI.
H. Davis & Son
A(nti for thr nioho
frty Ontra unit
Fire Doom.
Blaratar Hydraulic and Hani BlefaUri,
EloTator , relrtnn a specl&ltr. Laataaf
VJt Oupa fnr Elevators. Cnilnaa aid
Prlatlai PresaMB.
Manufacturers and Jobbers ot
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All Kinds.
1011 mid 1016 not,T.LA ST,
fitter Wall paper Co.,
Ijirife, woll selnntfd stock, prices iima aa
eastern homes latest novelties, Dealers
aend for '("d amplo line and term.
Ilf 1' . "t finmli".
Havid Cole Co.,
Fresh Dressed Poultry,
Oysters and Celery.
llfl So. llthSt. Omaha
National Oil & Paint Co.
(Incorporated.) '
Paints for all Purposes,
Varnishes, etc.
1918 and 1017 Jones St., Tel, 1721. Omaha,
Telephone KIWI.
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James K. fioyd t Co.,
Daarrf f Trade llallillua;.
Direct wires to Chicago and New Tork,
,CeUf9Q4oiu;e, John a, Warren ft C