Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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S4 . ., ,
Dtvls fcp.lla (rUR.
Stockert sella laco curtains,
l'lno ABC beer, Ncumayer's hotel.
Victor Heater. Illxby Ac Hon, agents.
Wollman, sclcntinc optlclnn, 405 H'way.
fc'cliinldt'd tino photos guaranteed to plena.
, .Miss Maude llryant Is visiting In Ht.
l'lcttires and frames, C. L'. Alexander &
Co., 3S3 iiroadwny,
Mrs. V fllcduntopf Is homo from a visit
with friends at Denver.
V. V., umlcrtakar and dlslnfcctor,
101 Houtli Muln street, 'i'hone WC
. Get your work done at the popular Eagle
luundry, 721 Broadway 'l'hdno 157.
Thb funeral of William W. Woodward
will bo Tuenluy afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Ornnd hotel cafo and restaurant. Very
best service u la carte. A. Melzgor & Co.
C. U. Jlalile of New York Is the guest
(if Ids brother, J. Mable of Oakland
I!cv. a, Houston ci Omaha occupied the
pulpit of tho First l'resbyterlan church
T. A. Harkcr of tho Burlington city ofllce
mid Mrs. Marker went to lied Oak yester
day on a visit.
.Mrs. John T. Htcwurt arrived home yes
terday from a mouth's visit with relatives
In rinclnmttl and Chicago.
W. C Oebhart of tho Milwaukee, city
ticket oftico has gone to Pun Moines to
attend tho wedding of a friend.
Mr and Mrs. William 1'yper arc homo
from their wedding Journey and have taken
up their loMtloncu at -M Frank street.
Archibald Whltelnw of the Doston store
lcit Kntimluy evening on a business trip
to Chicago und other eastern points,
Takn home a brick of vimllla croam, 25
cents, or Neapolitan, 35 cents. Will keep
ono hour without leu. A. Matzeer & Co.
Ocorgu J I. Jackson returned yesterday
from AslHivllle, N, C, whoro ho attended
tho HUpreme council of tho Royal Arcanum,
William W. Woodward. ood 63 years,
died yesterday at tho home of W. n. Oil
lettplc, t&35 Washington avenue, qf pneu
monia. The Onnymedo Wheol club base ball team
w:nt to underwood yesterday, where a
local aggregation' of ball players defeated
It, 11 to 4.
Rev. 15, F. I.llley of Woodbine, In., occu
pied the pulpit of the First Daptlst church
yestcrduy In tho nbsenco' of tho pastor,
hev. It. Vintlng.
Miss 12mmu Myers of Park avenuo will
leavo Wednesday for Annapolis to attend
tho graduating exercises, her brother being
a cadot at that academy. m
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Denny and daughter
of Ogden, Utah, nro In tho city, callod
here by tho death of Mrs. Denny's father,
John ureon of Bouth First street.
Alderman C. W. McDonald, manager of
tho local branch of tho Sandwich Man
ufacturing company, is home from a bus
iness trip 10 annawicn nnu umcago.
Mr. und Mrs. John N. Haldwln will attend
tho commencement excrrlses at Vassar col-
lege. Their daughter. Misa Genevieve, Is
a member of this year h graduating class.
Tho Hoard of Education will meet In
ndlourned regular session tomorrow even
ing to receive hid for 650 opera chairs
tor uio auditorium in tlio new tilgti scnooi
Wishing to retire I nm offering for sale
my entlro business wood, coal, feed and
grocery with nil Imnrovements. For niir-
tlcularH liKiulre of Thomas Itlshton, 2106
K. H. l'rynr, living cast of the city on the
Crescent road, had his horse and buggy
stolen while1 ho was attending divine service
last night at ' tho Broadway Methodist
Miss Otto, who has been seriously ill
with lung fever, will leave this week for
tin extended western trip. She will be
uccompunlcd by her ulster, Mrs. Adolph
Mrs. It. W. Owens, national organizer of
the Antl-Clgnrettu leaguu, will meet tho
ministers or the city tliln inomluj; at the
First CoiiHregutlouul church. She rnkt
last night at tho Second Prcsbytcrlun
church. i
A null claim deed from tho Kansas City,
Bt. Joseph & Council Ul lifts Itallroad com
pany to tho Ht. Louis and Kansas City I -and
company, convoying title to lots In St.
Joseph, Itushvllle, Mo., Corning, Mo and
land In this county and Clay and Huchanan
counties. Missouri, has been tiled for record
here. Tho consideration named is 31, but
the deed carries revenue stamps to the
amount of JGS, Indicating that tho value of
the property conveyed is $tiS,00o.
N. V. Plumbing Co.. kmepanne 2S&.
Frtfen to Deal with Oai Eociaty in
Brigad Hatttr,
AilJtHnnt General to Visit the Muff In
it Wifk nml Close ArrniiKenicnta
for Ilncnnipniriit llrnrrli
Over Company I
Adjutant General Dyers, who was In the
city between trains on his way homo to
Des Moines, suggested to Captain Tlnlcy
that tbo Merchants' and Manufacturers'
association or tho Commercial commltteo
act for tho city In the matter of the con
tracts for th brigade encampment, Tho
adjutant general explained that the state
preferred to deal with some such organiza
tion when entering Into contracts, and It
would then have only ono parly to deal
with. Adjutant General Byers also stated
that tho il 000 which the city had agreed
to subscribe must be In the bank by next
week, at the latest. Of this amount J7C0
has been already paid In.
The adjutant general will be In Couucll
Bluffs In about a week, when ho expects
to find tho contract for the encampment
grounds signed and everything In shapo so
that ho can arrange for securing bids on
tho supplies that will be needed for tho
camp. Ho will give out blank contracts,
specifying tho articles and the amount
needed to tho firms desiring to bid on sup
plies. Colonel J. A. Olmsted and Major John T.
Ilumo returned to Des Molaci yesterday
morning. Regarding the Inspection of
Company L, Colonel Olmsted said: "I am
greatly disappointed at the drill put up
Saturday night by the company, ns 1 had
expected a better showing. At the provlous
Inspection the compuny put up a splendid
drill and I suppose that lack of Interest In
tho work by tho boys was responsible for
tho poor showing last night. The company
ought to have dono better, as Its captain
is ono of tho best officers In tho Iowa Na
tional guard."
Captain Tlnley, although dlsappolntod
over tho showing mado by the company, was
not offering nny excuses yesterday. Ho
had expected the boys would fall down below
tho grade obtained last year, as tho attend
ance recently at drill had been anything
but satisfactory. Ho looks for better
things now, as he believes tho boys will
take a renewed Interest and that by the
time the brigade encampment comes around
tho company will be back to Us former
Davis sell paint.
two ciiimciir.s ahb ennwnnn.
Woiniin'n Cluli to Klect.
Tho annunl election of tho Council Bluffs
Woman's club will take placo next Satur
day afternoon. There nre several candi
dates for the presidency and, considerable
electioneering Is being dono by them and
their friends. Tho contest, it Is said, over
this odlco promises to be quite exciting.
Mrs. Walter I. Smith, wife of Congressman
Smith, Is being prominently talked of for
president and Is said to have a largo follow
ing. Ono faction In tho club Is urging Mrs.
James McCabo to bo a candidate, but up to
this time slio has declined. Miss Maudo
Smith Is also being favorably mentioned ns
a candidate.
llliU for City t'n vhinr.
Tho city council will meet tonight to
open bids fur the paving with brick of
Sixth street from Broadway to Fifth ave
nuo, Seventh street from Broadway to Fifth
avonue, First avenue from Pearl street to
Eighth street, Willow nvenuo from Seventh
street to Eighth street and Fifth avenuo
from Main street to Eighth street. Tho
bids will bo received up to noon today
by City Clerk Phillips. will print It right.
Drrtlifck I'lnnl Munlcnl.
Tho Ucrthtck club will give Its last
musical for this season tonight In Hoyal
Arcanum hall. A short program, under the
direction of Miss .McCabo. will he rendered,
following which a business session will bo
held,' at which officers for tho ensuing yenr
will be elected,
cran legion twenty-four members had
passed to the great beyond and that only
forty-four remained.
llallinnny HnoU from Clilnn.
William D. HathawRy returned homo yes
terday from China, whero ho spent eight
months In charge of 193 men, breaking
horses for the German army. Ho sailed
from San Francisco last July as assistant
engineer on the Bosnia, landing In Taku In
August In time to witness the massacre ot
tho Chinese by the Russians. He says tne
bodies were to thick In the river that It
was almost Impossible to go up the stream
even In a lighter.
Ho helped break In over 10,000 horses for
tho German army and was In charge of tho
103 men on their roturn trip, rcaculng San
Francisco In April, Tho voyngc lionet was
an eventful ono and for three days anil
three nights the ship ho was In battled wit
a typhoon.
Gravel roofing A II Itead, 611 Uroad'j.
Nliitiliiklnni I'lniis Caravan.
8haduklam temple No. 84, Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorassan, announces that on
tho first day of Kablhul Awwal, A. II. 1320
(which to weary tyros Is June S, 1901), a
caravan will, by the grace of the Prophet,
tho consent of .Mokanna, and tho assistance
of all the offlccrs of tho tcmplo, be es
corted across tho desert to enjoy Zem
Zcm's cooling springs In Khorassan's fair
oasis. Grand Chancellor Murphy Is ex
pected to bo present at tho festivities.
The Invitations now being sent out by
Secretary Barker enjoin the recipient that:
"It's too late for slcot and snow; poor ex
cuses will not go; If your cash should prove
remote, you can soak your winter overcoat."
Davit sells class.
A Full
Of this paper would bo
occupied in describing tho
different, up-to-date Htyles
and good qualities of our
shoes. They really must
bo seen to bo appreciated,
and better still, to test
their value, must bn worn
We guarantee every pair
sold, which Is sufficient to
convlnco you that no bet
ter gooda aro made. When
you want tho best for tho
money always go to
LOOK ron Tilt: BBAn.
Gin nil Army Men mill Woiiiiin' Itrllrf
Corn Unite In .Memorial.
The memorial sorvlccs held last night by
Abo Lincoln post. Grand Army of tho Re
public, and the Woman's Relief corps, at
St. Francis Xavlcr's church, and those held
by the Union Veteran Legion at the First
Christian church, were "attended by congre
gations which filled both edifices to the
very doors.
St. Francis Xavlcr's church presented a
striking picture with Its claborato dero
rations and draplngs. On each sldo of tho
altar and draped over tho pulpit were the
stara and stripes, while tho pillars and
pews were decorated with bunting In the
national colors. An immenso hag floated
over tho main entrance.
Tho musical program was opened with ths
rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner"
by Miss Lnngo and tho choir, followed by
"Tenting on tho Old Camp Ground," sung
by James Mulqueeu, with tho choir Joining
In tho chorus. A doublo quartet consisting
of Mrs. Covalt. Miss Wright, Miss Porter
Held, Mrs. Mullis, altos; Herbert Demlng,
J. Mulquecn, tenors; C, B. Altchlson, J. H.
Slmms, bassos, rendered Barnaby's "Now
tho Day Is Over." At tho close of tho
bcrvlces tho congregation song "America."
Father Smyth. In his address, paid an
eloquent trlbuto to the old soldiers and
tho flag which they had fought for, and ho
admonished his audience to hand It down
unsullied to their children and children's I
Fifty men of tho congregation, headed by
a band, escorted the old soldiers and the
women of the relief corps from Grand Army
hall to the church.
At the First Christian church tho serv
ices of tho Union Veteran legion were under
the direction of W. H. Spcrn, colonel ot
the encampment. Following the usual
custom, vacant chairs, draped and with the
names of tho deceased members, were
placed In front of tho pulpit. Following
tho reading of tho roll of honor by Ad
jutant Scott Rico a brief address was mado
by Judgo Carson, who, referred to tho fact
that members of the legion wero rapidly
passing' away and that It was right that
their memories should be revered. Colonel
W. S. Paulson paid a tribute to the noble
women of tho war. extolling their heroism
and unselfish sacrifices. Their presence
was au Inspiration to tho men and tholr
loyalty and devotion was equal to that of
tho men In tho field.
Rev. W. B, Crowdson, In his address,
spoke of the slgnltlcanco of the occasion
and the lesson of patriotism that It taught
to the rising generation.
Congressman Walter I. Smith, In his ad
dress, compared the causes loading up to
the revolutionary war and the war of the
rebellion. Ho said It was not to abolish
slavery that caused tho war of 1801, but
to preserve tho union. Tho evolution of
public sentiment, however, In tho whirl
wind or striro, made slavery tno cause or
the strife and that Its abolishment alone
could preserve the union.- It was thl
sentiment that drove tbo men of the north
to bo soldiers of human liberty.
"It would havo availed llttlo If tho re
united parts of tho union had to be pinned
together by bayonets," he said. "The union
Is now cemented by common bonds of feel
ing, as was evidenced In, tho war with
Spain, when cons of soldiers' of tho con
federate and union armies fought sdo by
sine unaer urn uiory,"
In concluding ha referred to tho fact
that In tho fifteen years of the organization
or tne local encampment oC, the Union Vet
Flower, for Mcmnrlnl Dny.
Tho women of tho Relief corps havo Issued
this appeal for donations ot flowers for
Decoration day:
To nil Patriotic Citizens nnd Children:
Contributions of flowers will bo thankfully
received at Ileno's old store room, Main nnd
I'enrl streets, nny time ufter 9 o'clock
Wednesday morning. Mny 29. by tho
Womnn'H Relief corps ladles In charge. Tlio
services of ladles are also desired on Tues
day afternoon and during the dny Wednes
day, to assist In making wreaths, etc., nt
the same place.
Consent tn Allow I'ae of Ills Xame
In Carroll County Sen
atorial Content.
JEFFEnSON, la., May 26. (Special.)
Owing to tho bitterness engendered In the
Carroll county senatorial contest the
Greeno county friends of Hon. B. F. Osborn
of Rlppey aro Insisting upon his candidacy
for tho office and ho has consented to al
low tho uso ot his name. Republicans In
this locality, while many bellevo Mr. Garst
had tho best of tbo tight In Carroll, think
that a new man should bo nominated and
thus do away with the danger of defeat at
tho polls, this district being nominally
close. Mr. Osborn wns former regent of
tho State university. Ho has been a v,nrm
supporter of Mr. Garst since early in tho
campaign and, while not desiring to antag
onize the senator's Interests, Is willing to
sacrifice his personal ideas for harmony
In tho republican ranks. Tho senatorial
convention will be In this city July 9.
Oonntiei Selecting Dtleratimi to Republi
can Oontentloi at Oedtr Bapidt,
OleoinarKnrlne l.nw Deelrtreil Ihicon
Mtltntlonnl Prepare for the Kin
trildfoil liimirnnee Men
Kit n I .e for Legislation,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 20. (Special.) There
were nine republican county conventions
held In Iowa last week nnd there will be
a dozen this week. Thus far Cummins has
about 275 delegates Instructed or conceded
to him, whllo Hnrrlman has thirty-one In
structed and Hcrrlott has fifteen. There
nro about fitly delegates selected unln
Btructed. During tho week Insturctions for
Cummins wero given In Dickinson, Ida,
Sioux, Carroll and Plymouth counties, all
In tho northwestern part, of the state.
Poweshiek, In tho Sixth district, also In
structed for Cummins. Taylor and Hum
boldt selected unlnstructcd delegations.
Outhrle started tho boom, for John Her
rlott by authorizing him to select his del
egates, which ho has not yet done. During
the present week Dallas, Winnebago, Buena
Vista, Lyon nnd Palo Alto will Instruct
for Mr. Cummins. Hancock will select a
Hnrrlman delegation. In Page, Grundy,
Marshall, Kossuth, Wayno and Hardin
there may bo no Instructions on governor,
but Instructions particularly In Hardin,
Pago and Wayne on supreme Judge. Nearly
one-third of tho delegates will havo been
selected within tho next week, but nearly
all tho conventions havo been held In cen
tral and northwestern Iowa, except the few
In tho extreme southwest. No conventions
havo been held cast of Poweshiek or south
of Polk and Dallas. In tho two southern
tiers of counties only three conventions
havo been held. No conventions have been
held In tho First district or the Second
district, only one ln.tho Sixth district, none
In tho Fifth and nono In tho Fourth. It
may thereforo bo expected that tho nppear
anco of one-sldedness now given tho con
test will gradually disappear In tho next
month and tho contest will contlnuo to be
Sharp Local I'nlltlral Cnntestn.
Not beforo for many years has there been
such a sharp drawing of lines In tho local
contests In Iowa ns this year. In two
counties in tho last week there wero ex
citing contests over republican nomina
tions. In Kossuth county the matters seem
not to have been settled ns yet. Tho pri
maries havo been held In all townships ex
cept on without settling tho nomination
for representative. Gardner Cowlcs. tho
present representative, seeks rcnoml
natlon and Is opposed by A. D.
Clarke. Both nre able men and they
represent tactions which have become em
bittered by controversy. In Carroll county
a fight developed on senntor. Warren
Garst, tho present senator, Is opposed by
Mr. Dewing. Thero aro thrco counties In
the district, but both candidates livo In
Carroll. The caucuses were close and In
ono township caucus there was a tlo on the
vote, both candidates being present, and the
caucus was IfcprczentatlveB of
ono of the candidates secured an injunction
JEFFERSON, la., May 2G. (Special.) 1 of court restraining tho holding of the
That tho Greene county delegation to tho second caucus, but no attention was paid
anti-compact law, whl h prohibits agree
ments among Insurance companies as to
rales or other matters. I'nder tho Iowa
law It is Illegal for two or moro Insurance
men to get together and discuss rates or a
division ot business, and It Is iraposslblo
for them to employ Inspectors or rate
makers or work together In any way. Tho
state Is being thoroughly organlted by tho
Insurance agents and they expect to be
able to secure repeal ot the obnoxious law
at tho next session of the legislature. Tho
headquarters of the association formed for
this purpose is In this city.
Innn'i Itlelies.
Reports of njsessors from two western
Iowa counties show that the state Is gain
ing In wealth. Outside and not Includ
ing tho railroads, the total wealth of Mills
county, both personal and real, according
to the assessors' figures, Is $16,158,661.
Farming lands Is the largest Item some
264,502 acres of taxable land Is given n
valuation of J11.092.90S, or an average of
about $42 an acre. This is $2 an aero more
than the value placed on lauds two years
ago. The personal property of Mills county
foots up to J3.721.S7G, allowing an Increase
of J2J0.000 over last year. Of this sum
Mills county's Hvp stock forms n good
share, her cattle and horses being worth
about $1,400,000. Tho report from Audubon
county Is equally gratifying. The asses
sors' books show an Inrrcnso In tho actual
value of real estate of $1,470,614 over 1900,
and, In personal property ot $427,602, not
Including railroad, telegraph, telephone and
cxprcjs companies' property, In round num
bers. The 276,244 ncrcs of farm land was
nstcsscd nt $10,769,572, a trifle over $39.12
per acre. This Is the nctual farm acreage,
not Including roads, school houses and
church lots.
Searles & Searles
Most Successful and Roll n bit
Specialist in Diseases of Men
Are you afflicted with Varleocela or tta result Nervous Debility and Lost Man
hood? Are you nvrvous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-time nerff
and ambition? Are you suffering from vital weakness, etc.? There Is a derangement
of tho sensitive organs of your Palvlc System, aud een though It gives you no
trouble, at present, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous
tystem, unfit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured be
i.NTEK, We have yet to aee the case ot Varicocele we cannot cure. Medtelnee, elea
trie belts, etc., will nevr cure. You need export treatment. We tret thousands ot
tascs where the ordinary physician treats one. Method new, never falls, without out
ling, pain or loss ot time.
Cummin.' Chance, for Nomination
Said to Itr Good In That
state convention will be solid for Hon. A.
B. Cummins of Des Moines for governor
there remains no doubt at tho present time.
Besides being strong In Cummins county
there arc other elements that add strength
to his prospects here. Hon. Z. A. Church,
who is a candidate for supremo Judge, has
agreed with tho local managers ot Mr.
Cummins that nono other than avowed
Cummins men shall have places on tho del
egation which goes to Cedar Rapids to se
euro his nomination for supreme Judge.
He will havo the solid support of tho
Tenth congressional district.
.Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Ksten)
28 l'EAUI, STK1JKT, I'hone 07.
rMnm b-wmivo u cknt
Negotiated In Kaaiern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N, Canndy, jr.,
120 Main ui., uouncu ijiuiih.
You Havt a Ghanci
Yet to get one of our TOOTH
They're not n. encap brusn-oniy
lu pr
Oell fl. Morgan's
County Representative, at State Republic-nil
Convention Are for
LEMARS, May 26. (Special.) At the
Prymouth republican county convention
Friday afternoon tbo following delegates
wero chosen to the stato convention at
Cedar Rapids August 7. K. D. Chasscll, J,
M. Wormley, J. F. Kennedy, George Rombe,
Roy Smith, Gcorgo Verdt. J. F. March,
George A. Sammes, Gcorgo C. Scott, N. L.
Greer, P. A. Roland, II. M. Sammes, J. H.
Beardsley, R. M. Crouch, W. S. Freeman,
Tho delegates were Instructed for Cummins
for governor and Edward Brown of Sheldon
for railway commissioner. The convention
adopted resolutions endorsing tho records ot
Senators Allison and Dolllver and Congress
man Thomas.
Your Credit is lood
Gusto m Work a Specialty
From Your Giiml or Our.
Novilly Cloak Stora,
mill llrnadvray, Cnnnell niilfla,
CartliiiKe Printer .MIIiik.
KEOKUK, lo., May 2fi. (Special.) Cllffo
D. Manlovc, a printer, left his homo In
Carthage, 111., May 19 aud was last seen
In Keokuk. To his wife ho left a letter,
stating that bo feared he was going Insano
und was going as tar as he could. He la a
practical Job printer. Any Information as
to his whereabouts will be thankfully re
ceived by his wlto, Mrs. C. D. Manlovo,
Carthage, III. following Is his description
About 27 years old, 5 feet 9 laches high;
weight, 143 pounds; light hair, bluo eyes,
full face, clean-shaven, woro gold rimless
glasses, black suit, black derby hat, black
shoes and blue and whlto striped shirt.
To Weil Cnnnell II I off Girl.
JEFFERSON, Ia May 26. (Special.)
Mahlon M. Head, mayor ot Jefferson and
cashier of the Green County Stato bank
and Miss Edna G. Ilonham, a Council Bluffs
young woman, will be married at tho
bride's home, In Council Bluffs, Thursday
night, June 6. The couple will depart for a
two months' trip to Buffalo, Boston, New
York and othor cities. They will mako
their homo In Jefferson after August 1.
It 11 lil n l.umrliint Suit of StrnlKht
nml Very llnrk llnlr.
The Father of His Country concealed n
luxuriant suit of hair beneath his queue
wig. Mnny now wish tho old fashion were
In vogue, to conceal thinned hair or bald
ness. Yet no ono need have thin half nor
be bald, If he cure the dandruff that causes
both, Dandruff cannot bo cured by scouring
the scalp, because 11 Is a germ disease, and
tho germ has to bo killed. Newbro's Her
plcldo klls tho dandruff germ no othor
hair preparation will. "Destroy tho cause,
you remove the effect." There's no cure
for dandruff but to kilt the germ.
If you are sick all ovet and don't know
.Just what ails you, it's ten to ono your
kidneys are out of order. Foley s Kidney
Curo will bring you health rgy.
Forecaster Proline to I'mmlae Any
Certain Quality for Turiluy, but
Toilny I 'Warmer,
to It. This produced Ill-feeling, which was
carried Into the county convention and re
sulted in a bolt from tho convention. In
Kossuth and Carroll tho republican ma
jority is so small that these factional
troubles will probably lead to tho election
of the democratic candidates. In neither
county was the contest made with refer
ence to candidates for stato office.
Aniulttal nml n Sentence,
John McGairy, on trial lu Dubuquo for
murder, was acquitted by tho Jury on his
second trial. The caso was sent back by
the supremo court on nccount of errors
in tho former trial. McGarry was Indicted
for killing Attorney Lavake about two years
ago, aid the verdict Is strongly disap
proved. ' In Butler county County Judge
Clyde sentenced Jay McEIhanny to six
years In tho penitentiary for horso-steal-
ing. He took a team from a barn at
Clarksvllle and burned tho barn. Ho was
not apprehended nt that time, but served a
short sentence from Kossuth county for
larceny and when released from tho peni
tentiary was arrested for the Clarksvllle
crime. He claims to belong to a gang en
gaged In horse-stealing, but will not di
vulge the names ot tho others.
OlcnmnrKnrinc l.avr Attncked
Tho Iowa lnw which makes It an oftense
for nnyono to havo In his possession any
Imitation butter, colored yellow like but
tcr, has been declared unconstitutional by
Judgo Blair In court In Delaware county.
Tho grand Jury, at tho Instance ot tho
stato dairy commission, had James G
Cousins, the postmaster of Earlvllle, In
dicted for "knowingly having In his pos
session for use In his family an Imitation
butter, the samu being n substance colored
and disguised to resemble yellow butter, as
a substltutn for butter, the said substance
being In packages plalniy marked oleomar
garine and duly stamped with tbo United
States revenuo stamps." To this Indictment
tho defendant demurred and the court sus
tained the demurrer and discharged Mr.
Cousins, Tho case will be appealed and
tho validity of the law finally tested by the
supreme court of tho state,
Preparing for KIMedilfod.
Preparations for tho annual eisteddfod, or
Welsh musical festival, ot Iowa, whl:h Is
to bo held In Otturawa next Christmas and
holiday week, nre ulrcady under way. The
preliminary program Is already prepared.
The list of musical ovents has been length
ened and tho prizes ottered arc liberal. Tho
chief choral competition will bo Eaton
Fannlng's "Song of tho Vikings," with
from forty-flvo to sixty voices required, tho
prize being $100, and n gold medal valued
at $25 to tho conductor. Tho competition on
the gleo choir of from forty to sixty voices
will bo on tho "Bridal Chorus," from the
"Rose Maiden." Ex-Mayor T. J. Phillips
of'ottumwa is president of tho Eisteddfod
Timber Culture In vent iRatlon.
Frank G, Miller of Red Oak, a recent
graduate of tho Iowa State calleze at
Ames, has been employed ns ono of a party
to bo sent to western Nebraska and other
states In the scml-arld belt to engago In
field work tn tho Investigation of treo cul
ture, The party will operate under direc
tion ot ths United States Department ot
Agriculture and will Investigate timber
growth, treo culture and the question of
( moisture and tho best methods of farming
WASHINGTON, May 2C Forecast:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas
Fair Monday und probably Tuesday;
warmer Monday; southeasterly winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer
in eastern portions; Tuesday fair; fresh
. M, 1. ..I . . -1 .. -,lnJ.
For North Dakota Fair Moni!ay and "v "
Tuesday: cooler In western portion Tuei- Want Antl-Comhlne Law Itepeuleil.
day; southerly winds, b.comlng varlr.b'e. i As the result of tho movement started In
For Colorado and Wyoming Showers and ' this city some weeks ago by representatives
cooler In western, fair and warmer in of tire Insurance companies to organize for
eastern portion Monday; Tuesday probably tho purpose of Influencing legislation for
fair In western, showers In ca.tern; var- the benefit of tho Inturunce companies
lablo winds.
For Montana Fair In eastern, showers
and cooler tn western portion Monday;
Tuesday fair, with cooler in eastern por
tion; variable winds.
meetings aro being held In various parts o
the stato to work up local sentiment among
the Insuranco people with regard to the
matter. These meetings .consider measures
to eecure repeal ot wUat Is known ai the
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by people of refinement
for over a Quarter of a century
Home Treatment. No
new and Infallible
ll.idlco.llv oured with a
nitruments. no pain, no detention from
ueineas. Cum guaranteed.
URINARY Kidney and Uladder Troubles.
Weak Back. Burning Urine. Frequency or
llrtne Illnh Colorod. or with
lmont on standing; Gonorrhoea,
cured for llfo and the poison
thnroUffhlv cleansed from
the system. Soon every sign and symptom
disappears completely and forever. No
"URDAKINa OUT" of the disease on tho
ikln or face. Treatment contains no dan
Cerous drugs or injurious medicines.
(VITALITY WEAK),made ao by too clot
application to business or study; anrt
mental straJn or Brief: HKXUAt, EX
CESSES In middle life or from the eftaoia
of youthful follies.
and MIDDLE-AO KD; lack of vim, vlfor,
nnd atrcneth, with sexual organs Impair!
and weakened prematurely in approaching
old age. All yield rapidly to our mw
treatment for lot, of vital power.
One peraonal visit ta preferred, bat It yv
cannot call at my, write ua rAP
symptoms fully. Our home treats! la
Our counsel ta freo and sacredly confidential.
Home Treatment
lucceesful And strictly private. Our co
PU Jl nflCC I ftIAZ Call or addreti lit So. 14th Strcat.
LliAKuto LUW D.( searles & Searles, Omaha. Nib,
Consultation Fret-
Call or address
lit So. Utb Strcaf.
One n UniEllnir Hhow of Mnlnchte.,
the Other nil Ice Well,
Montana's stock nf undererniiml wonders
has been Increased by tbo exploration of u
enve In Madison county by Jolin McDonald.
First tying ono end of a long rope near tho
orifice ho gathered the coll In his hands
und made, what seemed to him, the peril
ous descent. Tho first fifty feet wns almost
perpendicular. The cave was tben fol
lowed on un Incline of about CO degreeo for
somo nisiunce. wnon nn inc inn or nt lonst
45 degrees was truverscd. Steeper Inclines
una precipitous drops were met until tno
rope gave out.
rno signt from tins no nt. McDonald says.
was too grand for words to describe. Tho
roor or tno cave was studden with nondor-
ous stalactites which sparkled like dla-
montls ns far ns his cht reven ert the
gorgeous display. Tho sound of n rolling
rocK, wnicn tno nuventurer stnrted on nn
Investigating tour, could bo distinguished
for a long time. McDonnld returned to tho
surface determined to pursue his explorn-
iioiis ns soon ns an auuuionai supply or
ruuu was mui.
About n week nco. the ronn linvlnir nr-
rlved, McDonald started on another descent
Into tho cavern. Providing himself with
a better light, ho entered tho narrow open
ing and soon reached tho terminal point of
ins iirrviuuB exiuii. from inero ne passed
through a wonderful panorama such ns Is
described by 11. HIdcr Haggard In "King
Solomon's Mines," except that McDonald
suys iinggnra-s description sudors greatly
by tho comparison. Stalactites from thirty
io xoriy reel in lengin presented n dlnmond.
like network of dazzling dlsnlnv which out-
rivalled Aladdin's cave. So great was the
brilliancy that McDonald compared It to
McDonald had proceeded nbout 400 feet
on his rope when he was stopped by n
rock, beyond which wnter could be dis
cerned. McDonald thinks a running stream
Is there. The cavern is to bo explored
further by a party. Jefferson Island Is
nbout ten miles south of Whlthnll. on tho
line of the Northern Pacific, between
uutto nnd iOKnn,
Montnnn hns another phenomenon In tho
way of caves. Just ncross and opposite
the Missouri river from Helena is n hiiiiiII
stream cnlled Trout creek, a noted early
day placer district. On ono side of this
cliff Is nn opening resembling a prospect
hole, some twclvo feet in width and nbout
110 feet deep. Mack Dorian, along In UG5,
decided to explore this cavo nnd was low
ered witn a rope.
Whllo tho tomneraturo was nulte worm
at the surface, Dorian discovered that nt
tho bottom tho hole was lined with Ice.
No mnttcr how hot It gets leo 1m nlwnys
to bo found ut tho bottom of tho well, and
In extremely hot wenther ranchers hnvo
availed themselves of this refrigerator to
keep their meats cool. Prospects havo
been sunk to a far greater depth In the
valley doiow, nut no ico wns encountered.
Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes:
"Ho was troubled with kidney disease
about three years. Had to get up several
times during tho night, but three bottles
of Foley's Kidney Cure ctfoctcd a complete
cure. He feels bettor than ho over did and
recommends it to his friends.
Unlvenal satisfaction given by
for the Laundry,
' all your fcymptoms. )tcQovatlDi;tho
sykieio is mo oniy feme anu sure meiooa oi cur
lag all Chronic Dueases. Dr. Kuy 's Renovator
is laaomy pcrieciaytiem renovator, r ree sam
ples and book. JJr, U. J, Kay, Saratoga, N, Y.
FREE ADVICE by our Physicians and a FREE SAMPLE. . .
of our medicine also Froo Homo Trontmont a no paao musin.tea.oooa:
describing symptoms anil causo oi aiscnscs wiin oesi irc.nmcni, biio many Taiuacia
receipts nod prescriptions in plain language saving you heavy doctor's billa, ask for lu
Dr. Kay's Renovator
Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia. Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Heart
send ussncts. or ll.oo and wn win send Dr. Kays Kcnovaioroy return man, Aaurets,
1 T.Ivaf nnil Klilnnv d I ApAHe'i Anil liad results of La QrlODC.
Wrlto u aboutall your symptoms. Sold by druggists, don't acocpt any rubstltute but
.Sand for proof of It,
DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Mormon Blehopa' Pill "' tn. la uta titer Jo jttra by lti ltdn of Hit Mme
Church "J iomoci. ToiUiiel)r cur the wotit cuei In oM oil younr ltlnr front t fecit
of itlf tbute, dlnlpttlon, tcei, or clgifttt4moklnf . Cure LOtt Manhood. Im
Bpermatorrnoea insomnia, Fauna
irroui ur
potenoy, Lost Power. Nlaht-Loasee,
in.BaoMi Bull ueeiree. aeminai mieeiana.
nllltr, Hanaaone.uniitneseio Marry, .pia or uw.
ehirit. Bto
iHiLMtt viror ta4 potency t
A. 4ok,
aman, varicooeie,
.mv runLiinn. iiuni att deiuotident. & cure it ei ninn. .ij'.. Kimm men. unneveioDea
y'lnl. Stlmulile, the briln end nrnre centen. yt U. for 1 1 jo by null. fem a written, (uerenlre, to cua
raeiitv"" -"' . rirculere free. Addrntl, e.lhpo RamaO Co,. An-l Frnnll"-1, Qafc
AH College Expenses
Paid For a Year.
Tho Twentieth Century Farmer will send nny ambi
tious young man or woman to collego nnd pay tils entlro
expenses, providing lie will dovoto a part of his tlmo
from now to next fail In getting subscribers.
Wo will send you to nny collego or university In tho
country, or if you -wish to uuy city high school or business
This Includes railroad fare, books and all Incidental
No young man or womnn, who cannot get nn educa
tion, unless ho onrns it himself, should let a chance llko
this go by. It may mean tbo beginning of a career for
you which you could not othcrwiso attain.
For further Information address .iu41A2i!.
College Department,
Twentieth Century Farmer.
Omaha, Neb
ea & Perrins'
The Original Worcestershire
Butlers, Chefs and Cooks pronounco
it the best Sauce; piquant and
appetizing, it enriches all dishes.
ThU tlf nlturc ti nn ertry bottt)
$10 $14
Meter and all piping free. No charge for
anything but the Btove.
The Council Bluffs Gas Co.
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street
I eronar.
antco Dr.Kuy's Itenovutnr
tucurn dvfcneriia. etinsti.
nation, liver nnd kidneys, lltst tonic, laxative,
blood purifier Imown for all rhrrinlodltcuM-s;
rcnovatcHanoinviBoraics tno wnoionystem und
cure very worst cases. Oct trial boi at once.
If not natlstlcd with It notify m, wu will refund
money ly return mail. Wrlto your ayinptonw
for Frro Medical Advice, iample and proof. SS &
Woatdrusk'lsts. Dr. II, J, Kay,Karatoca. fJ.Y
nfta m irtfat mnri
fW Win Lll lil..?i5S!f,fc,,,S&
Tn.)-. I'emiyrojol, numdnulu failure I lonicr "Union
ohulntts rue. relieved In few Jtyai HM it
Sherman & McConncll and Kulm Sc Co. arugflui
ir: ho. Bin avo.
Umaba, Neb.
RENOVATOR Invigorate. Bnrt renovates the
tmom; purlflea and enriches the blood; cum
tno worst dynpepbla, constipation, headache,
ilvnr and kl lneys. 2So and $1. at druggists, l'res
uuvicn. Biimiiin nnu uooje. .
Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y.
MANirrAcrunao bt