THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BrXDAT, MAT 20, 11)01. Since the Discovery that Dandruff is a Germ Disease The old fogy hnir tonics, hair restoratives and the like have had to take a back seat, for the simple reason that none of them was baaed on the scientific basis o Destroying the Dandruff Germ. The Only Preparation Made To and That Actually Does Kill the Dandruff Germ is Newbro's Herpicide Allays Itching Instantly. Stops falling Hair. Makes Hair Sojt as Silk, Delightful as a Hair Dressing, entirely Free of Grease. One bottle one dollar will convince yon of Herpicide's sn perior merits over all other hair preparations. It, kills the dand ruff germ. Without dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly If you will wash the scalp with Horplcldo Ronp beforo applying tho Hcrplcldo (liquid) It will greatly facllltnto the cure. 5c 5c ICE CREAM 5c SODA at W. J, Shrader's Drug Store 24th and Seward Streets. The. beat In tho city a 10c glass for 5c We sell Ico Cream, Shcrbert'a Wnlor Icon In all flavors. Ico Cream, pint, 20c quart, S5c. Lcavo your orders or tele phono 1755. Wo deliver all orders promptly, Remember Shrader, on Seward Street, tho Cut 1'rlco DruRlst ou nil Drugs aud Patent Mcdlcluca. Inexpensive Offices THERE ARE NO DAIUC On UNDESIRABLE ROOMS IN THE BEE BUILDING. YOU FAY ACCORDINQ TO THEIR SIZE. THERE ARE A FEW VERT NICE OFFICES WHICH RENT ffOR ONLY 110.00 A MONTH. THIS INCLUDES LIGHT, WATER, HEAT, JAN. JTOR SERVICE AND ALL THE CONVENIENCES OP THE. BEST BU1LDINO IN TOWN The Bee Building R. C. Petcrs& Co., Rental K enls. ?i$idd,oor ATTACK ON SUPREME COURT Lfcwjtri Uea Strong Language and Aro Oitid to Apptar for Contempt- WOMEN ACCUSE MAN OF WORKING SWINDLE olunrl i Iiiiiiiiikoii' of HoeU ftnplil Aiiiiiiniici'N lllmelf tin t nndlilntu for 1.1 ii I n ii it it t (lot eriior ltlvir I. mill C'nf Settled. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May 25. (Special.) Thcro whs an Interesting scene In the su premo court of lown today when that body took up what purported to bo a motion for rehearing In n caeo from Hardin county Tho printed pamphlet consisted of four pages. Tho title of tho case was given- Mary J. Jamison against John Jamison, ap pellantbut thcro was nothing to Indicate where tho caso was from, who tho Judge was that tried It nor anything to show tho naturo of the case or to Indicate what tho complaint of tho appellant was. Tho ntlro pamphlet was a vicious denunciation of tho court, in pollto language, but so manifestly tho work of attorneys Inspired by tago rather than reason that It was considered ridiculous. Tho nttorncya Intimated that "country lawyers" could not get Justice boforo the uprcmo court, that" unless a lawyer sc onced to a certain class It was useless to como before tho court, declared that '.ho court had rendered Its decision In the caso without reading the argument nt referring o tho citations, etc. On the whole It was such nit attack on tho court as could not bo Ignored. The attorneys whoso names wero signed, to tho pamphlet are J. II. Scales of Ackloy and John Jamison of Ocl- wclu. Tho court Issued an order citing them to appear before tho court May 28 and show cause why they should not bo ommltted for contempt. Court Drclftlon. Following nro tho dcclilons announced by tho court today; L. E. Lllllo nunlnst Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen, niinollnnt: Boono county. Judge Weaver; Insurance caxe. Affirmed. a. uurner nsnnmt Mutual Flro insurance company, appellant; Bremer county, Judge uiyuc; insurance policy. Alarmed, Mccormick Ilnrvestlnir Machine company nguliiRt John Ockersteln, appellant; Sac county, Judge Church; suit over refusal to accept threshing machine. Reversed. .loan Mel rain aim list runners' mutual Ilnll Insurance association, appellant; Wright county, Judge Wrnver. Reversed. Mary Dnltou, appellant, against Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad; I.oiiIs.l county, Judge Wlthrowj damage caBe. Re versed. William Miner, nnncllant. nsnlnst It. C. Gray; Polk county, Judge Holmes; uctlon on note. Affirmed. (. rentier tt Wllhlte acnlnst .TnhiiHnn Urn . appellant ; Carroll county, Judge Church; commission on land sale. Ail'.rmcft. Arctiard of SnlmllliiMT. Roland M. Richmond, who claims to hall from Omaha, Is under arrest here ou In formation filed by Miss Mabel Sutloy, who accuses blm of trying to defraud her. She had answered an advertisement In which ho offered to procure, positions with a theatrical company at tho I'an-Amerlcan exposition at Buffalo. Sho went to the lepot with him and sho alleges that In stead of buying hor a ticket ho undertook to get on tho train nnd go away with $32 of her money In his possession. Then she caught him and held him until an officer come and arrested him. After ho was arrested ho toro up a Icttor which pur ported to bo an unlimited letter of credit by tho Omaha Book and Credit company. Miss Ilesslo Negus afterwards admitted that sho was about to closo a deal to go to Buffalo for Richmond. Sho had $150. It Is claimed that Richmond recently had offices In Sioux City and secured two watches from two girls who planned to go to Buffalo for him, ,nnd It is said he worked tho sarao scheme in Omaha. Ho protests Innocence. For I.lcutettnnt Governor. Colonel J. K. P. Thompson of Rock Rapids today formally announced himself nn active candldato for lieutenant governor. Ho Is an old soldlor, was at ono time de partment commandor of tho Grand Army of tlia Republic of lown, has been conspicuous In politics In northwostcrn Iowa, and Is prepared to mako an aggrcsslvo campaign. Thcro nro threo other candidates for the place; Dave Brandt of Clinton, W. H. Klommo of Wlnneshelk county and Senator Pcnroso of Tama county. Thompson spent last winter In California on account of 111 health. Hlver Land Settlement. During tho past few weeks residents of Webster county, In aud uear Fort Dodge, have received largo sums of money on ac count of tho settlement by the government of tho old Des Molnea river land cases, which wero In tho Iowa courts for more than a quarter of n century nnd then occu pied the tlmo of congress for somo years Tho catcs grew out of conflicting claims for land. Tho United States government was, lu fact, nt fault and patented tho lands to settlers aftor they had been given to a corporation. Thon congress passed an act providing for settlement of the claims against tho government and a commission was appointed to pass upon tho claims Last week fifty-threo of tho original claim ants or their heirs received notice from the commission that their claims had been adjusted. Tho total amount awarded In this bunch Is over $60,000. Not nil of tho claims havo as yet been passed on. but will bo during tho present year, and tho last of tho famous Des Moines river land claims will havo been disposed of. lown SnflrnKlsta Meet. A meeting of' the cxccutlvo committee of tho lown Stato Equal Suffrage, association was held hero today to mako preparations for tho pllgrlmago of the Iowa delegates to tho national association meeting In Minneapolis. Ono purposo of holding tho meeting was to arrange for raising tho amount of money pledged by the state for tho nntlonal work. Iowa Ima seventeen votes In tho national convention: but Mrs Beldcn, state president, reports that the membership of clubs and associations Is Increasing so fast that nearly 1,000 mem bora have been ndded slnco the apportion ment was made, and possibly Iowa will be accorded a larger representation. Mexican Veteran Ulea. Ono of tho few veterans of the Mexican war In Iowa died yesterda'y at his home In Albion, Marshall county. This was Rev. Job Brovn, 73 years old, a natlvo of New York, but member of an Illinois regiment In tho Moxlcnn war. Ho lived at the Iowa Soldiers' homo for several years. ARCHBISHOP KEANE HOME Return from Continuation Tour of Stnle, HnvliiK VUlteil Thirty 1'urUliei, DUBUQUE, la., May 23. (Special.) Archbishop Keano has returned from confirmation tour of tho diocese. He started a few days after the pallium wob conferred, and during bis four weeks' ab sonco ho visited thirty parishes, confirming a largo class In each. Ho also dedicated two new churches. Ho Is In excellent health and early In Juno will leave for Ireland to lay the cornerstone of a new church In the city of bis birth. limn 'Woodmen Plcntr. ESTHERVILLE, Ia May 25. (Special. Preparation. ro being mado by the local . . a. . . . . . . I., looge oi .Modern woodmen oi America una cltlzons for tho picnic to be held hero Juno 18 by tho Northwestern I'lcnlc association of Modern Woodmen of America. Senator Dollher and W. J. Bryan have already been engaged as the speakers of the day and have assured tho management they will of bo here. A vaudeville and a game of ball aro features on tho program. Fifteen bands from the neighboring towns will furnish music. Tho association embraces north western Iowa, southern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota. STATE INSURANCE REPORT 'Ire Illuk Written In I own cnr .Not So (Iront nn In 18011. I.nst (From a Stuff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May 23. (Special.) The annual report of State Auditor Frank F. Mcrrlam In relation to fire Insurance busl ncss in Iowa during tno year luuo nas just come from the state printer and is being Istrlbutod. The report gives In detail the reports of all the companies authorized to U o uusincis in mo state, and statistical .noies snowing me progress oi mo dusi- ncss. me report snows mai, in general, the tire Insuranco business not as good In 1900 as In 1800. but that It was better than any othor previous year. The high- water mark of 181)9 was not touched, ex- opt in n few Items. Tho total of risks ..nil U.t t llHi a,.1 ,.,..1 ... t I I "tlHCIl U UIU Jill III, BlUCrt HUM IIUIIUUI tUlil"! panles In 1000 was less thnn In tho previous year, but tho losses paid also much less, Tho following table shows tho business for ten years; Year. Risks written. Iti91 $2S7.fi27.04S t 11.741,471 10 183-' 233.233.M2 00 1.731.312 39 1S93 254.900.Gt;2 00 2.201. MS 23 1MV. "m Sill KV tt 1 7"rt II ISM !. 233.S3l.394 en 1.761. 402 IS Jf 9T 2W,ib7,i7 W J.viw ( X!, innifliirtq! kk v.' lSuO) 286,572,608 2 1,977,12.1 49 The figures In regard to state and county mutual assessment associations, which are organized under a different law nnd nro purely mutual, show that tho amount of risks written last year was $80,133,011; tho risks written the year before $83,823,69$, and the risks written lu 1898, $59, 501,863.73 Tho losses pnld last year aggregated $524, 817.31, against $509,562.S!) the year before, and $449,617.10 two years ago. The amount of risks In force In this kind of companies Is $294,7S5,79S Tho number of Insurance companies transacting other than lifo Insuranco busl- ncsa in Iowa Is as follows; I-Ire Insurance eomnnntes KX) I riueniy uiHuranre j i-.mpioyerK nauiiliy insurance t, Mall insurance : '.'"'.YYV"Y.'. 3 Steam boiler Insurance 1 Accident Insuranco 3 Burglary Insurance 3 rho 130 flro companies mcntlouod In tho table, may be classified as follows: Iowa Joint stock companies, 9; Iowa mutuals, 8; non-Iowa Joint stock companies, 76; non Iowa, mutuals, 1; United States branches foreign companies, .15. Besldos the com pnnles given In tho table thcro are prgan lzed lu Iowa under the code of county mu tuals, 156; stato mutuals, 13; tornado com panies, 3, nnd hall companies, I. Thero were ono company aud six associations admitted last year Tho fees from Insurance companies re ceived In 1900 by the Insurance department nnd turned over to tho state amounted to $45,679.25. In ten years the companies havo paid a total of $360,058.90 in fees. Last year they paid taxes to tho amount of $185, 092.77. The detailed report shows that the Iowa companies, stock and mutual, received last OMAHA, May Sfi.-OHIclnl record of turn year In premiums $2,095,607.71, and paid pcrature nnd iireirfpltatlou compared with losses aggregating $725,922.33. the per cent,ond,nB d"y ot tho luat threu of losses paid to premiums received being ' 1901. 1900. 1S90. 159'. 33, Maximum temperature.... IV) 79 77 S7 Tho non-lowa companies received $2,647.- 45.28 nnd paid out In losses $1,262,007.72, tho per cent of losses to premiums being 43,3, Tho 'ho companies' other than lire received ,.. ' , ., ... 3,242.71. nnd paid out in Iobscb $102,- $193 710.16. belnit 53.1 ner cent. Elovun of tho eighteen flro insurance companies doing buslneis lu lown and hav- lnir hinriminrtnrH In lown are located In Des Moines. Two that aro oldest wero esmniiHiieu in 100,1. 1 nu uinem 111 town is nt Keokuk and was established In 1855. Ono at Cedar Rapids was established In I860. MAPLE VALLEY TOURNAMENT Firemen' .oclntlon to Meet nt Carroll anil KuKnife In Con tents for I'rUe. CARROLL, la., May 25. (Special.) Ar rangements for tho meeting of tho sixth annual tournament of the Maple Valley Firemen's association at Carroll June 19 and 20 aro completed and the two Carroll companies expect a largo crowd. Thcro Is an excellent track In Carroll and tho rail roads havo given reduced rates for tho occasion. Teams from Carroll, midden, Scranton, Jefferson, Grand Junction, Ogdcn, Perry, Coon Rapids, Templcton, Manning, Audubon, Harlan, Dcnlson, Dunlp.p, Logan, Missouri Valley, Onawa, Mapleton, Dan- bury, Battle Creek, Ida Grove, Odebolt, Schleswlg, Wall Lake, Breda, Lako City, Sac City, Schallcr, Early, Galva, Holsteln, Correctlonvllle and Arcadia will partici pate. Six hundred dollars In purses has been deposited. FIGHT IN SALOON LICENSES Minister nt Atlantic Put l Oppo- ttlon to (Srimtlnir of Petition. ATLANTIC, la., M"a725.-(Speclal.)-A Ie- tltlon for saloons was filed with the county auditor this week, showing n majority of 133 voters In favor of saloons with 742 names on the petition. The antl-saloon people havo got- ten out a remonstrance and aro circulating lt In an endeavor to sccuro enough who havo signed tho petition to also sign tho remonstrance, to reduce the majority to a minority. Tho day after tho petition wu statement in tho local papers to tho effect that they would endeavor to secure tho pub lication ot the names. It Is understood they are still anticipating such a move. Thero Is considerable talk of boycotting tboje who do and thoso who do uot sign the saloon petition. 7TT RfinY S FOUND IN THE WEI L Supiinaetl KlilnnpliiK of Cedur I'nll You iik Man I Explained li- the Discovery. CEDAR. FALLS, la., May 23, (Spcclal.)- The body of tho son of James Murphy of tho farm. Tho disappearance of tho young man several weeks ago caused a sensntlon In tho neighborhood. It was supposod at tho tlmo that ho had been kidnaped. The father thought he could recall a cry for help from tho young man about the tlmo ho loft tho houso for tho barn and ho also remembered tho passing of a buggy con taining two straugo men. a w n v.1 I .o 1 1 mr t I2ila Vlnlllnir. BKWARD, Ncb May 23.-(Speclal.)- Fifty members of tho Trtbo of Ren Hur went to York Friday night, where they wero given a reception by the lodgo of that place. Crilnr Fall llrlt'k Comiinny Sold, CEDAR FALLS, la., May 25. (Special ) H, S. flllkey, assignee of the Cedar Falls Urlck and Ttlc company, yesterday sold tho t 1 ..-..1-1.1 r .1 I - ... . .. I piani io i nuns, iihuicu. uuuui.icr ui . Waterloo for $8,000, The punhnscrs have 1 1 bought twenty-three acres of clay land ad- 1 Joining and will continue tho operation of the .plant. The amount received will gtvo tne stocKimiders about one-nan tne amount their original Investment Council llluffn Winn liy .In nip. ATLANTIC, la., May 25. (Special Tele gram.) The Atlantic nnd Council Bluffs High schools held a field meet at the fair grounds hero this afternoon, resulting In a close victory for Council lllufls by a score of 71 to 61. There was n Ho at 63 points until the last event, the high Jump. The local team was surprised at Its ability to hold down tho visitors to so close n score. Fair records wero made. Tho young ladles of the High school gave the visitors a reception at tho Elks' hall this evening. -Meet .Next In Council IIIuITn SIOUX CITY, la., May 25. Tho lown grand council of tho United Commercial Travelers ,n,i9V .ipnidci to meet next June at Colin cli nun. ti10 following officers were piPiP,i. r.rand councillor. J. F. Hclwlg. - ouncll Bluffs; grand secretary, 1). E, Mor- riSOn. Sioux Cltv: grand treasurer. C. N. tli - nut - Dps Moines: Brand conductor. A. E jjiay. Council Bluffs Aliened llnrnrs Cutter Ai'iniltteil BEATRICE, Neb., May (Special.) The case of Herbert Stotts against Michael Murry, Jr , nnd Ollle Saner for destruction nt nennnM v (L'ci a H Af til Oil I h I Itinrill M if in ! w I'lvpnij " n Justlco Inman's court, tho Jury rendering a verdict of not guilty. Tne offense was cutting harness, and me damago done 13 said to bo $2. Atlantic rirciiii'ii'i Tntirtinment. ATLANTIC. Ia., May 23. -(Special.) Tho Attnnfli. nrn ilaunrtttipnt will nlvn n tntirnn U,J t "-- T" ' "i.Mv.1 ... Including two prizes of $73 each for heso races. The territory Included In tho Invl tntlon will ho all of southwestern lown Thcro will be no regular celebration here. Four t.'oiintli'n tor Ciininilnn, SIOUX CITY, la., May 23. Republican conventions were hold In four counties of the Eleventh district today Buenn Vlsto, Plymouth, Ida and Dickinson. All four In structed their delegations to the stato con vention to vote for Albert 13. Cummins for governor. Atlantic Tciielii-rfi Elected. ATLANTIC, la.. May 23. (Special.) At n speclnl meeting of tho school board Thursday afternoon, leathers wero elected, prof. C. M. Colo, who has been supcrln- tendent for tho na&t year, was elected for three vcars. llonvy Itiiln nt Wnllncc WALLACE, Neb., May 23.-(Speclal.) Early Wednesday morning rain beenn fall- nKl nftCr a long siege of dry weather, nnd as yet there Is no Indication of clearing up. One drawback, however, Is the cold ncss. SAYS MERCURY WILL MOVE UP Wentlier Koreenter Predict Wnriner Wcntlicr for .'NcliriiNkn 'I'oclnj, ii n (I .No Cloud. WASHINGTON, May 23. Forecast; For Nebraska and South IXikotn Fair nnd warmer Sunday; Mondny fair; variable winds, mostly southerly. For Iowa Fair and warmer Sunday: Mon day fair; light varlahlo winds, mostly northerly. For Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday; warmer In eastern portion; vnrlablo winds. I.ocnl Record. rtimwi? rii? Tin.- WLMTirpn TiiTrn.' Ml mp,ViV tnmneniVnrc r.f ?J a Precipitation 00 .00 .03 (0 Record of temperature nnd precipitation nt Omaha for this day and since March 1: 0,r,m,"' 'T.'.VTi'.V1 w Deficiency for tho day Total cxcosh slnre March. 1. (H 14 200 ... .15 Inch . .. .13 Inch R 10 Inches 2.93 Inches Normal precipitation LV.." . LLi'1!. 111 1 netlclenoy since March 1 I'ixcesa tor cor. neriod. luuu. .31 inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1899 . ...2.U) Inch WELSH. Local Forecast Olllclal. Do You Use One? . If you do we would like to have you come to our store and see how much wo enn save you on supplies. Our Htock Is most complete every known reliable, cumera all tho different de veloping and toning baths trays printing frames mounts, etc. Wo de velop nnd print at rpusonable'iirices. THE If. J. PEN FOLD CO., Amateur Photographic Supplies. 1IOS Knrnam St. OMAHA. 0v. I'nxtnn Hotel. Satisfaction to tllC ip''t Mill to tllO givei' js nx'DOrioilced ill WHYS wllOIl i llO , arilCH) COlIU'H I null MllHt'y . ,j js slitiKfiefl bt't'lUISC lie xnl- onLl ,n in-" UHiu,Bt ul- UnoWH llO llilS (lie UOHl, iUHl l IlO . . ,. , , , VC'CC'lVCl' IS Satisfied WllOIl llO HCOS t iw. V A M W f !fiP Mil V nn tliohnv Are you interested in a gradua tion or wedding gift? Jf so, see HENRY COPLEY. 215 SOUTH 10TII ST.. PAXTOX BLOCK. BneMni Wnteh Examiner Tl. & M. Ry. rhT.fW.ic T inspector o. & a. l. Ry.. o. You'll Hunt a Long Tima 1Jofuri, flud tho cqim, ()f 0r I1101,.fl $;i.riO imtont k'HtliiT oxfonls-Hvery day tho nii'ii Hint M'o thorn toll us thoy nro tho Rrontest vnluo in Oinnliu Tlmt'H lie- cniiso thoy nro tlio roul Drcxol vnluo Patent onlf, KushIii cnlf, volour enlf nnd box cnlf, with the wlilo oxtonslon rope stlteliotl solo tho newest thliiR nn ox net (lupllcnto of tho Htyh-s lu tho higher nrlocd shoos Wo want you to oo the patent leather oxfonls-lhe shoo that will bo worn tho most Hub suinnici'. Drexel Shoe Co., CAlHlutcue Sent Free fur the AaUlns. Omaliu'a Up-to-dntf .Slim- lluusa. 1418 FAUXAH HTRUUT. MONDAY... CONTINENTAL CLOTHING COMPANY IiWPLE ILENT PEEDY Sold on Weekly or Monthly Payments Old Machines Taken in Exchange. Free Instructions in Plain and Fancy Stitching Monday nnd Tuesday of this woek wo will offer special barRalna In SECOND HAND MACHINES all guaranteed for ono year. Worth. Now. Two SlURcrs J25.00 $10.00 Two Whites 23.00 10.00 Five Slngcra 15.00 3.00 Threo Households 15.00 2.00 One Now Homo .' 20.00 5.00 Ono Davis 12.00 3.00 Ono Davis 8.00 2,00 Wo havo FIFTY such bargains nnd they will nil ro at prices from $1.00 to $10.00, either for cash or on weekly or monthly payments. Monday nnd Tuesday we will also sell the following LATEST IMPROVED GENUINE SINGERS, with LATEST ATTACHMENTS COMl'ELTE, nt much less than cost. Thoy nro NEW, but tho woodwork has become slightly mnrrcd: Regular Speclnl Price. Price. 3 Dressmakers $50.00 $18.00 2 n-drawer, box cover 60.00 20.00 2 5-drawer, box cover 60.00 23.00 3 5-drawcr, box cover 60,00 21.00 3 5-drawer, drop-head 60.00 23.00 3 5-drawer, drop-head 60.00 25.00 10 7-drawer, drop-head 65.00 25.00 Every one a great bargatn. Call early and get first choice. Old machines repaired by the moBt ox port repairer nnd adjuster In tho west. Latest Machines Rented 6o per week. Needles and Parts for all machines made, Tho above machines can bo exchanged on now machines nt any tlmo within two years for twice tho amount they cost you. The Singer Mfg. Co. 1514 Douglas St. We will continue our great sacrifice sale of $5.00, $6.75, $8.50 Men's Suits 500 beautifully Tailored Men's Suits in the popular and stylish fabrics, regular $10,00, $12,00 and $15.00 suit values recently purchased by us at a price to sell at $5,00, $6,75 and $8,50 Dang Them Flys There Is nothing that bothers the Iioubo wlfo. more than n lot of pesky flys and this can nil bo avoided by using our good fly screens Wo sell good screen doors from 08c up nnd tho good kind of adjustnblo screen windows that fit any window. Maybo you need a sprinkler Wo sell tho big galvnnlzed ones from 38c up tho tin ones for 12c Our lawn mowers aro tho beat mado from $2.75 to $4,2, Lawn hose, tho kind that Is guaranteed, for Sc, 10c nnd 12c n foot Don't let your meats and other good things spoil when you can own u Leonard Clennahlo Refrigerator, the best refrigerator on the market Como In and look It over. A. C. Raymer 1514 Farnam St. Balduff's Ice Cream- Is tho real thing "Everybody knows this It goes right to tho spot tho spot you cannot locato In wordB, but you know Just whoro It Is Tho bettor we mako Ico cream tho moro customers wo have, and tho quan tities wo sell show that our customers know (i good thing when thoy tnsto It Wo make a special prlco for picnics, re ceptions, parties nnd hotels Then we put up our Ico crca'm In thoso llttlo barrels which aro so handy to carry keeps for hours threo delicious flavors quart bar rels 40c pint barrels 20c On your way homo today drop In nnd take n barrel with you, W. S. Balduff, 1520 Farneai St. Five Dollars In Gold Ami twenty dollars duo bill. A drove of turkeys and sheep havo 100 heads and feet. How many nro thcro of onohV For the Ilrst correct answer received to tho abovo wo will pay ?."00 lu cold nnd a duo bill of ?''0.(X) to apply on llrst payment on any piano lu our store. For tho next live correct ans wers wo will present a duo bill of $10.00, to apply as part of flrst payment ou any piano In our store, A. HOSPE Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas We do nrtlitlo luniim. i WANT IDEAS In 8ummer Neckwear, such as Rat Wings, Flowing End Rows, Narrow Four-ln-IIandt, Wash Goods Windsors, and Wlndnorottrs wlll surprise you. 10th nnd Chlc:i(;o Strocts. Haberdashers to His Majesty, tho American CltUen. They mako shirts. . i t t Hiring Tics, at prices that KELLEY 8r HEYDEN