Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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ju.Nun Mi:.vrio..
l)s.vln tell diugs.
ttockcrt sells Into curtains.
Kino A U O beer, Keunmicr o hotel.
Victor Heaters, lllxby & Bona, agents.
Wollrnnn. scientific optician, Wi U way.
Bchmldt's tine photos guaranteed to pteaao.
Pictures and frames. C. U. Alexander &
Co., iii llroaclwnj'.
W. l- Gruff, undertaker nnd dlslnfcctor,
101 South Main street. 'Phono MO.
Clot your work done at llio popular tfaglo
laundry, 724 Uroadway. '1'lione 157.
Tho Lady Maccabees will meet Tuesday
evening at tho usual tlmo and place.
Grand hotel cafo and restaurant. Very
beBt servico u lu carte. A. aietzger
flnby carriages, go-caitp. rcfrlSpratorH
and pasollno moves at cost at Keller A.
Band's, -W7 llroadwayi
Tako homo u brick of vanilla crenrru
cents, or Neapolitan, X cents. Will keep
one hour without Ice. A. Mauser & Co.
A marriage- license was Issued yesterday
to Ira Stephenson, aged 27. of Oinahn, nnd
Agnes IJiynut, aged 17, of Sioux Cltj.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Margaret Taylor w II
bo held at I o'clock this iittcrnoon, ins e.ul
of a o'clock, from St. I'ranclH Xuvler a
A chorus of 100 children will sing "Amer
ica" from tho gallery of tho Hroadway
Methodist church this evening In connec
tion with the musical service.
John Orotrer. Jr.. left yesterday for San
Francisco, from whence ho will nail to
resume his position In the government pos-.
tul service In the Philippines.
For sale, three young horses, broke: ono
lino fast buggy rnaro, gentle. -,Plf
boJ6ht booii. M3 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
At storo or upstairs. Boui Ictus.
Ice cream that will please you packed In
Ico nnd delivered, 30c a quart. Special
prices to lodges, churches nnd. parties. U.
O. Brown, 231 Broadway. Tul. I3,
Word has been received here of the death
In Concord. N. II., of II. M. C.ault. fnthur
of Frank M. Onult, formerly of this clt,
but now n resident of Kansas City.
Dr. T, It. Mccy und Henry Atkins have
gone to Ithaca, N. V to attend the com
mencement exercises of Cornell ttnlvcrslt).
where Dr. I.uccy's son Is u student,
Wishing to retire I nm offering for f,nlo
my entire business wood, coal, feed md
grocery with alt improvr-mentn. l or par
tlculars Inquire of Thomas ltlshton, 2iM
A meotlng will be held Wednesday even
ing lu Labor hall to otgnnlzo u union of
local Journeymen barbers. Heretofore tne
Council Bluff.! barbcri have been usio
clatcd with tho Omaha union,
Tho case against C. II, Jacques, charged
with embezzling a bicycle, the property of
Pawnbroker Hnydrr, waa dismissed In
pollco court yesterday morning on Jacques
returning tho wheel and paying tho costs.
Kcv. Henry will organize a Sun
day school today at the Walnut How school
house, about nlno miles northeast of tho
city. From there he will go to Hazel Dell
where ho will assist In Sunday school work.
Arthur, the 13-year-old son of K. W. Os
born, 113 Illdgo street, was reported last
evening to th Hoard of Health as suffer
ing from smallpox. The house was at once
placed under quarantine. Thcru arc sev
eral children lu the family.
The regular meeting of the Associated
Charities will bo next Friday afternoon In
tho lecture toom of the Broadway Metho
dist church at 3 o'clock. Friends of the
organization aro cordially Invited to be
present and participate In tho proceedings.
O. G. Bronson of this city, who died Fri
day ut the stat asylum at Clarlndn, will
be burled there. County ofllelals and other
employes at tho court house took up a sub
serlption yesterday for Bronson's widow,
who with her buby is left In destitute cir
cumstances. City Klectrlclan Bradley has moved tho
Urn alarm box at Main street and Broad
way from tho southeast to the northeast
corner. There Is n. mall box at tho former
corner und on tnoro than ono occasion
persons havo attempted to turn In an
alarm of lire from it Instead of the fire call
Orvlllc, tho fl-year-old son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. K. Kills, 1800 South Sixth street, died
Ncsterday morning from paralysis of tho
heart, after an Illness of two weeks. Tho
funeral, which will be prlvnte, will be
from tho family residence this morning at
9:30 o'clock and burial will bo lu Fnlrvlow
The will of Iiwrence Kcrney of Hardin
township has been tiled for probate.
Kvorctt Kerne y' has been appointed spe
cial administrator pending tho probating
of tho Instrument In order that the salo
of fat cattle now ready for the market
might bo effected. Lawrence Kerney wan
u prosperous farmer of Hardin township
and brother of County Supervisor Kerney.
The Smith Hetlnlng company is arranging
to rcmovu Its sorghum plant from Hust
ings. Neb., to this city, tho money neces
sary to defray tho expenso of the transfer
having been all subscribed with the ex
ception of about Tho company Is
getting ready 410 acres of lond near tho
west terminus of the En at Omaha brldse,
whore It will raise a crop of sorghum.
Jnmes, tho young son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Kowbotham, 1200 South Sixth
street, Is seriously 111 with convulsions, the
rosun or a runnway ncciuent n ween ngo.
At tho time tho young lad was not thought
tn bo seriously Injured, nlthough he was
dragged for several blocks. Friday after
noon while at school ho was seized with
oonvulMons und his condition yesterdny
was reported to bo critical In tho extrome.
Several oil rolor paintings, tho work of
Jtciv. J. H. Spock. which were attached
under a claim for rent were offered ut
iiubllc auction yesterday on Broadway by
:onstnbIe Albertl of Justice Bryant's court.
Ono Immense canvass representing a re
cumbent femaln In diaphanous drapery at
tracted much attention, as it was carried
through tho streets. Bev, Speck's artistic
stylo was too much, however, for the pro
pin of this city und 15 cents was the high
est hid received for any of tho pictures.
Today tho t.ennon Stork corru.nny will
give a matinee at tho Dohany theater at
2:30.. Tonight tho farco comedy, "What
Happened to Smith," will bo presented.
Monday night will bo nmateurs' night, nnd
a long list of clover people hayo volun
teered their services. Tho company has
been drawing crowded houses slnco open
ing Its engagement here, and are giving
tome crcdltnblo entertainments, which aro
highly enjoyed by tho patrons of the Do-linn)-,
The Novelty cloak storj. 638 Hroadwny,
It forging to tho front. Many sncclul linen
havo been added to tho stock, and for
ludlen' wearing apparel it Is complete In
overy respect, n line millinery department
being the latest addition. Mr. Penrlmaun,
tho proprietor, personally attends to tho
purchasing of his own goods and Is con
ceded tn bo one of tho most careful buyers
In the country, so thnt his customers get
tho benefit of the best goods on the mar
kot at tho lowest prices.
Judge Wheeler In clearing tho docket be
fore tho criminal calendar Is taken up.
Thcso cases aro assigned specially for
Monday: Mrs. II. J. Hath ngnlnst Harry
Hath and Joseph Scott against James Bal
lard and others.
Epiolnl Hitting ofOtrpenttrt' Union Bringi
No Sittlemink
Allied Lnhnt- tJnlon Men Arc Kept ut
Work, tin Striker Do Ant Wnnt
tn no to Extremity of
rnllltiR The ni Out.
A special meotlng of tho Carpenters'
union was held last night for tho purposo
of discussing and considering tho compro
mise agreement which it was understood
the Contractors' association would submit.
Tho agreement, howover, was not forthcom
ing, so the carpenters adjourned without
taking any action.
Thero were no now developments In tho
strlko yesterday, nlthough both sides
seemed hopeful of an early settlement, and
this, It le believed, will be reached Mon
day, as sovcral of tho contractors havo ex
pressed their willingness to sign tho agree
ment presented by tho carpenters, as they
need men.
Potcr Wind, tho contractor at the High
school, denied yesterday that ho had signed
the agreement of tho union carpenters pro
visionally, nnd said ho would not attach
his natno to any agreement until ho did so
as president of tho Contractors' union when
that body decided that ho should do so.
Tho allied labor union men havo not as
yet been called off any of tho buildings now
In progress of construction and It Is very
doubtful If tho union carpenters prococd
to this extremity.
I'nlon Vrtrrnn I, onion t'nltm with
(irnuil Arnir Post.
The members of encampment N'o. 8,
I'nlon Veteran Legion and Aba Lincoln post
N'o. 29, Orand Army of tho Itopubllc, will
hold their nnnunl memorial services this
evening. Thoso of tho Union Ve'tcrnn
Legion will bo nt tho First Christian
church, when addresses will be delivered by
tho pastor, Hev. W. B, Crewdson, nnd Con
gressman Walter I. Smith.
Abo Lincoln pest, Clrand Array of tho
Republic, and the Woman's Relief corps
will havo their services at St. Francis
Xavlor's Catholic church, whero a special
and appropriate musical program will be
given and nn address delivered by Hev.
Father Smyth. Tho members of tho post
and relief corps will assemble nt Orand
Army hall nt 7 o'clock nnd march In a body
to the church.
A special program of music has been ar
ranged for 'this evening at tho Broadway
Methodist church, when tho choir will bo
assisted by Frank Badollct, flute soloist,
and Prof. C. F. Stockelberg, violinist.
This will be tho program:
Organ Prelude Berceuse, from Jocelyn
Mrs. Sylvester.
Florla Pntrl
Hymn Stand Up and Bless tho Lord..
Mngnltlcat George II. Boyles.
jieucuic, Animea nicu 11. i'. uaim
Hymn Jesus, Where'er Thy People)
Meet Cowper
Flute Solo Souvenir des Alpes, op. 31,
No. 5 Bnehm
Frank Bndollet.
Anthcm-I Will Lift Up Mlno Eyes
Offertory Audantlno Haydn
Mrd HvU'nHtor
I Solo Tho Publican
Beardslny Van de Water
N. Mitchell.
violin Holo
(a) "Trnumerel" SchUman
(b) "Cnvatlna" J. Ilnff
u. F. Hteckelberg.
Hymn Lord Dismiss Us with Thy
messing Shirley
Postludo, in O , Whiting
Elder F. M. Crozier, nppolntcd by tho lato
general conference, will occupy tho pulpit
this ovonlng at tho Latter Day Saints'
church on Plorco street.
These services will bo held today at Graco
Lplscopal church: Sunday school nt 9:45 a
m, holy communion at 11 a. m. and evening
prayer and sermon nt 8 o'clock. Rev. R. L.
Knox, rector.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., in'iepnnne 250.
DeLong will print It right.
Davis Ecllr paint.
DlMtrlet Court .otes.
In Judgo ThorncU's court yestetday tho
Jury In tho suit of John A. Murphy against
Edgar A. Mueller brought In a verdict for
tho plaintiff for $20.85. This was less than
tho nmount which tho defendant offered to
confess Judgment for. Murphy sued Muel
ler for damages for alleged breach of con
tract In tho sale of a house and lot on
which Murphy claimed to have paid n por
Hon of tho purchase price.
After a Jury had been Impaneled In tbo
suit of Hiram Shoemaker agnlnst Rebecca
and Willis Hoopcs a settlement was effected
and tho caso dismissed.
A stipulation for settlement In the Parlln,
Orendorf & Martin suit against J. J. Brown
wr.s filed and tho case dismissed.
Judgo Thornoll left for his homo nt Sid
ney last ovenlng, but will return hero Mon
day and hold court for three days to assist
A Full
Of thU paper would be
occupied In describing tho
different, up-to-date styles
nnd good qualities of our
tdioes. They really must
bo seen to bo appreciated,
and better Mill, to test
their value, must bo worn.
Wo gunrante'o every pair
sold, which Is sufficient to
convince yout'that no bet
ter goods are made. When
you wunt the best for the
money always go to
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Estep)
88 PHAIll, ST1U3ET. 'Pliouu t7.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
ana Iowa. James N, Casady, Jr.,
12U Main St., Council Bluffs.
You Have a Chance
Yet to get one of our TOOTH
Thuv'ru not i cheap bruih-only
Hi price,
Dell 0. Morgan's Mry.
and articles of adornment can bo Indulged
In hero as your fancy dictates, for our hair
ornaments, combs, pins, brooches, stick
pins, nnd coreago ornaments havo all been
solccted from tho very latest novelties In
this lino. Wo have a profusion for your
choice for gifts and wedding presents,
Herman M. Leffert,
Optic-Inn nnd Unsrnver.
SnO nrniulwfir. Council Hindu
Your Credit is Good
TAIXS. Custom Work a Specialty
Frum Your (iooda or Ours,
Novelty Cloak Store,
BHO llrnndvrny, Council Illnfls,
Gravel rooting. A. 11. head, C41 Eroad'j.
Carls sella glass.
WedilliiKH. I.ntrn Portion mill Club
McetliiRM Miikc Ip the Wcou,
Miss Ellen Dodge cntcrtnlncd a number
of her Omaha and Council Bluffs friends at
her country homo Thursday ovenlng. Tho
ovenlng was most enjoyably spent with
cards and music. Refreshments were
Tho shirt waist patty given by tho mem
bers of the Chambers' Dancing classes Fri
day evening at tho Chanbcrs' Dancing
nendomy was a most enjoyable affair. About
thirty couple wero In attendance nnd a
special program of dances was given. Re
freshments wero sorvpd.
Tho marriage of Mr. Charles W. Gould
and Miss Mary Ocrtrudo Madden, both of
this city, was solemnized Tuesday morning
at St. Francis Catholic church, with a
nuptial high mass, Rev. Father Smyth,
pastor of tho church, officiating. Tho brldo
was gowned In a white organdy on trnlno
and carried a shower bouquet of Brldo's
roses. Sho was attended by her sister,
Miss Anna Madden, Mr. P. J. McBrldo act
ing as groomsman. At tho conclusion of
tho ceremony a wedding breakfast wan
served at the home of tho brldo's sister,
Mrs. X. O'Brien of Sixth avenue. Mr. and
Mrs. Oould hnvo gono to housekeeping at
tho corner of Fourth avenuo and Elovcnth
Miss Ellon E. Organ nnd Miss Delia Met-
calf entertained n number of their girl
friends nt a "Feast" nt tho homo of Miss
Metcalf Saturday evening.
Mrs. Charles E. Hathaway left yesterday
for a visit with friends at Kansas City and
St. Joseph.
Miss May Dalley Is visiting friends at
Malvern, In.
Mr. ond Mrs. I. Corwln Bonhnm, 303
North Second street, havo Issued Invitations
for tho wedding of their daughter, Miss
Edna, to Mr. Mahlon Madison Head, which
will tako place Thursday evening, Juno 0,
nt tho bride's home. Mr, Head and brldo
will bo nt homo to their friends nt Jef
ferson, la., whero Mr. Head Is engaged In
tho banking business, after August 1.
The business meeting of tho members of
tho Household Economies' department of
tho Council Bluffs Woman's club was held
Tuesday afternoon nt tho clubroom. Tho
election of tho officers of tho department for
tho coming year was deferred until after
the general election of tho club.
Tho annual election of the Council Bluffs
Woman's club will bo held Saturday after
noon nt the homo of Miss Dodge.
Tho annual meeting of the noard of direc
tors of the Council Bluffs Woman's club
was held yesterday afternoon nt tho club
room. Tho regular routine of business was
Tho Woman's club held Its regular meet
ing Wednesday afternoon at the clubroom,
with Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Wirt and Mrs.
Whitehead on tho program. Tho annual
business meeting nnd election of officers will
bo held Wednesday nfternoon at tho home
of Mrs. J. R. Reed on Olen avenue.
Tho Every Thursday club mot Thursday
morning at thj homo of Mrs. Horace
Everett. The regular program on literatures
and history was given.
Tho Ideal club will meet Tuesday after
noon at tho homo of Mrs. P. C. DeVol of
Willow avenue. Tho annual election of of
ficers will occur at this meeting.
Tho Central University Extension club
met Tuesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs.
Mark Williams of Madlsott avenue. TJje
club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the
homo of Mrs. Dawson of Seventh nvenuo.
Tho Athenian club mot Thursday after
noon nt tho homo of Mrs. Sac-iett. A largo
attondanco was present and tho usual Inter
esting program on English history was
given. The club will hold Us last meeting
for this season Thursday afternoon, June
C, at tho homo of Miss Gulttnr of North
Eighth street.
Tho Oakland Avenuo Reading club met
Friday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. F. C.
Lougco of Franklin avenuo. The last pro
gram for this year was given. Those taking
part on tho program were: Mrs. Street,
Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. Lougeo nnd Miss Jef
fries. The club will hold Its annual election
nnd business meeting Wednesday nfternoon
at tho home of Mrs. Crockwell of Fourth
Tho Atlas club will meet Tuesday after
noon wllh Mrs. Sylvester of Franklin avenuo
for tho election of officers and tho reading
of the nnnunl reports of tho club.
Mrs. Chniles Haas entertained the mem
bers of the Eucbro club Monday nt the
homo of Mrs. Donald Macrea, Jr., of Fifth
Miss Caroline Test Rohrcr of Vino stroot
entertained at a handsomely nrranged din
ner Sunday afternoon in honor of u num
bcr of Omaha friends.
Miss Laura Moyer of Park p.venuo enter
tained nt a 5 o'clock tea Thursday evening
In honor of Mrs. Dobbins of Knusas City
and Mrs. W. J. Wallace of Des Moines.
Decorations wore American Beauties.
Dr. Mary and Mies Aurella Tinley cntcr
tatned a number of their friends at a high
flvo party Wednesday evening at tholr
home. Prizes at cards wero won by Miss
Mary Paschal and Miss Murphy nnd Judge
Walter I. Smith ond Mr. CronUclton. Re
freshments were served. About forty guests
wero in attendance.
Tho Woman's Whist club met Tuesday
afternoon at the homo of Mrs. C. R. Tyler.
The club will bo entertained this weok at
the home of Mr. Horace Everett of Second
Llttlo Miss Jcannctto Gilbert of Willow
avenue entertained, nt n lawn parly, a
number of her baby friends In honor of her
second birthday. Very dainty refreshments
wero served, tho cakes and Ices being In
tho form of animals. About sixteen llttlo
guests were In attendance.
Miss Bennett, Miss Schoentgen nnd Miss
Fnrnsworth entertained tho members of tho
Euchre, club at tho homo of Miss Bennett
Thursday afternoon. A number of guests
outside of the club members wero In at
tendance, MUs Lillian Jackson entertained tho
pupils of her school at a picnic at Fair
mount park Friday afternoon.
Mrs. John N. Baldwin will entertain tho
members of the Wednesday Whist club at
her apartments In tho Grand hotel Wednes
day ovenlng.
Miss Mary Bolton Is In Lincoln, Neb.,
visiting friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Willlani II. Dudley are visit
ing In Lohrvllle, In.
Mn. M. E. Gregg of Chicago Is tho guest
of MUs Anna Moore of East Plerco streot.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglass of South
Eighth streot ara entertaining Mrs. Law
rence and daughter, Mrs. Avery of Sioux
Miss Edith Calhoun Is tho guest of tho
family of J. W. White of First avenue.
Mrs. II, H. Husbands, who has been visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Amy of Soutli Sixth
street, left for her homo in Salt Lako City
Mrs. W. II. Ives of Kansas City was tho
guest last week of her brotner, I, O. Bon
ham, and' family of North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Van Brunt will leave
today for Culver, Ind., to attend tho com
mencement exercises nt tho military
academy, whero their son, Harry, is a cadet.
Mrs. L. M. Shepard of Chicago, who has
beon the guestpf her nluce, Mrs. Drayton
W. Bushnell, loft yesterday for San Fran
cisco, whero she will Join her daughter,
who has recently returned from the Philip
pines. From Son Fr.tucUco lUey will go
to Cope Nome, Alaska, where they will
spend the summer.
KIN VI, CM.U'Tllll
.Motor Coiiiimiiiv Pit?" Nonrlj- l'.litht
'i'lioiinniti! to City.
The final chapter was written yesterday
In the suit originally brought by the city
against tho Omnba & Council Bluffs Rail
way nnd Bridge company to recover tho
cost of filling ditches on Avenue A nnd of
tho Intersection paving on tho streetH
traversed by tho company's street car lines
when tho motor company paid Into tho city
treasury t",96y,32. This amount roprcsonts
tho Judgment awarded tho municipality In
June, 1899, by Judgo Aylcsworth of tho su
perior court and follows tho recent de
cision of tho supremo court confirming his
In this suit, which wns originally Insti
tuted In 1S91, but did not como to trial un
til 1899, tho city sued the motor company
for the cost of filling ditches on Avenuo A
from Fourteenth Btreet to Thirty-sixth
street; for replacing tho pavement on
Brondwny torn up by tho motor company
when laying Its tracks for tho grading of
Avenuo A at tho Intersections from Fif
teenth street to Twenty-sixth streets In
clusive nnd for the Intersection paving on
tho streets occupied by the motor com
pany's tracks.
Judgo Aylcsworth held that tho city
could recover for tho cost of filling Avenuo
A and for tho paving between tho rails and
ono foot ouisldo of tho company's tracks
on Pearl street In front of Bayllss park
and on Mnln street In front of the flro en
glno house, both being city property. On
thoso counts tho court gnvo the city Judg
ment for 18,853.11. Tho sum paid Into tho
treasury of tho municipality yesterday by
tho motor company represents this Judg
ment and Interest to dnto.
Judge Aylcsworth, however, held that tho
city could not recover for tho paving be
tween tho company's tracks nnd ono foot
outside in front of tho street Intersections.
On this count tho city sued for $G,323.S9 nnd
Interest from 1891. Tho city' appealed from
Judgo Aylcsworth's ruling In this respect,
but lost out, as tho supremo court upheld
his doclslon.
Coiiilciiiiin Coiniinii)' I,.
Colonel J. A. Olmsted nnd Major John
T. Humo inspected Company L, Fifty-first
regiment Iowa National guard, laBt evening.
Tho drill put up by tho company waa not
up to Its former standard nnd Colonel Olm
sted did not hesltnto to express his dis
appointment. At tho former Inspection tho
compnny grndid 91 points, but this tlmo it
will fall far below that figure.
Following thu Inspection a school for tho
non-commissioned officers was held by
Major Hume. Colonel Olmsted checked up
the books nnd checked over the equipment
and as far as these wero concerned had
nothing hut what was favorable to say.
Tho drill was by program nnd In some of
tho movements the compnny showed up
well, but fell down In others. Only about
thirty members of tho company wero present.
(-iit'i'itl MmuiKcr llliiiniook Lciivch.
W. S. Dlmmock, general manager of the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge
company, will sever his connection with
that corporation tomorrow, when ho will
leave for Richmond, W. Vn., to assume tbo
general managership of tho streot rallwuy
system there. Mrs. Dlmmock will visit
in Blughamton, N. V before Joining Mr.
Dlmmock in tho south. Tho employes of
the mo-tor company yesterday gavo Mr.
Dlmmock n handsome gold hunting wntch,
on tho Inner caso of which was inscribed:
"V. S, Dlmmock. general manager, from
tho employes of tho O. & C. D. Ry. & B.
Co., Juno 1, 1901; Justice to All." Tho
presentation wns made by George S. Wright
on behalf of tho employes.
Largest Dealers in the United States of High-
Grade, Pedigreed- Prize-Winning Belgian Hares
OF IOWA FOR $13,000.00
Winner first prlzo nt Nebraska.
iieigian nare hiiow neiu in
Omaha. March Sth to 9th. 1901.
Our Headquarters
Wo havo for our headquarters the largest and best
equipped bulldlug In tho United Stntes devoted to tho
breeding and exhibition of Belgian Hares. Wo shall havo
thero at nil times a large stcck of the finest animals lu tho
world, under tho enre of our superintendent who Is nn ex
pert on Belgian Hares and who will bo pleased nt nil times
to recelvo members of this association nnd visitors.
Good rellablo agents wanted In every city and town.
All scoring dono by an olllclnl Judge, who graduated un
der Prof, Crabtrce.
GEO. F. HAMILTON, Pres. M. S. WELKER, Trens.
You cannot ifrord
to tak a common
ItHitlKn tlnre , n
ulft you run do bet
ter. V K W t t. U
lJAN YOl' A 1U1M.
IK)H on year for
thnre of IncroAM.
nd suri'ly the nnciit
FItKi:, 10 to 11.1 It
nil tha capital you
require. You dimply
Jain our nMoclntbn.
Win. b tilt Lb
THEM." You tke
no rltk dcallncr with
fiond for our book
telling nil at-out tt
No. S72-Fnrm of ICtf acres, 10 miles from
Council Fluffs und Omalm, good 4-room
house, stable, well, feed yards, corncrlbs.
100 ai.tes In cultivation, all smooth, level
land. Close to rallwuy station. Price,
$32.M per acre. . ,
No. 001 Flue farm of 240 ncres, very choice,
smooth land; house, burn, corncrlbs, well,
grove, nearly nil in cultivation. B. It. sta
lion ',i mile. Price, $15 per ucre. A bar
gain. No. WS-1C0 ncrcs 12 miles from Council
Bluffs and Omuhn, u large portion of the
land Iti cultivation, small house, well,
grove. Price, $13 pur ucro.
No. h08 Fine farm of 176a acres, nil In cul
tivation; line, smooth land, good 7-room
house, brick cave, large burn, cribs, gran
ary, chicken house, hog pens and yards;
most of tho farm fenced hog-tight; or
chnrd and small fruit; 2 wells und wind
mill nnd tank; 10 miles from Council
BluffB. Price, Job per ncre.
No. S50 206-acro farm, nearly nil In cultiva
tion, D-room house and 4-room tenant
house, stables, wells and windmill, corn
crlbs and feed yards, small fruit. Price,
$40 per acre,
No. 857 Farm of 120 ncres near good rnll
road town; smooth, level land, has all
been cultivated nnd about 30 acres now
In grass; 4-room house, stublc, feed lots,
wagon shed und crib, grove. Price, $50
per acre.
No. i09 100 ncres very choice, level lund,
cioso to good town, every foot tillable,
largo house, stable, cribs, well und grove.
Price, $55 per ncre.
No. ioti 140-ucre furin 2 miles from railroad
town, Ho ucren In cultivation, 5-room
house, barn for 8 horses, cribs, hog lots, 2
wells, w'ndmlll and shed. Price, $37 per
No. b09 Nebraska form of 300 acres. ad
Joining county seut town; llnu 9-room
house, cellar, 3 wells and windmill, with
grinding attachment and tank; barn, cut
tle Bhcil, cribs for 4,000 bushels, feed yards,
orchard, fenced and cross-fenced Into
eight Holds, running water In pasture,
nlco level land. Price, $45 per aero; one
third cash, balance in 1, 2 and 3 years at
0 per cent.
Tel. 417. 511 Broadway,
Hon! Hnlntc Trmiaf orn.
Tho following transfers wero filed yes
terday in tho abstract, title and loan ofllco
of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Thomas Meredith to Joseph A. Head
lee, lot 9, in block 9, Meredith's add.
w. d $ 125
John P. Tnlbott nnd wife to David
W. nnd Joseph H. Leonard, sw U
sw Vj 13-74-2S, wd i.eno
J. 13. Taylor und wlfo to A. J. Mun
dorf. so U ne i 11 nnd w H 12-74-28,
w. d n.000
Three transfers, total
Forsiiki-H Pen for Hop.
J. W. Roland, proprietor nnd publisher of
tho Neola Reporter and Mlnden Tlmes-Hcr-nld.
has sold tho two papers to F. A. Gates
of Des Moines nnd Gcorgo Alnslco of Sioux
City, tho consideration being $5,000. The
bill of snlo was filed with tho county re
corder yesterdny. Editor Rolund will for
sako Journalism for tho farm.
Labor AhUh City for Hiilnc.
Tho members of Federal Union No. 8464
will present to tho city council tomorrow
Dohany Theater
Letinon Stock Company
In Hip Funny Furce,
"What Happened
To Smith"
Watch for tho IiIk production of
"Uncle Tain's Cnliln."
Wonted 5(1 colored Jiilillvt! nliiRera.
Apply nt HtiiKC door. Mntlnop H inula y
ut Ui.'tO.
night n petition asking that tho city pass
n resolution fixing tho wages to be paid
laborers employed by tho municipality at
$1.50 per dny and the day's work as eight
hours. The petition has beon Indorsed by
tho Trades and Labor assembly.
Sliiidilum ut llln I'll at.
"I recall now with horror," says Mall
Carrier Burnett Mnnn of Levnnna, 0 "my
threo years of differing from Kidney trou
ble. I was hardly ever free from du'l aches
or acuto pains In my back. To stoop or
lift mall tacks made mo groan. I felt
tired, worn out, about ready to glvo up,
when I began to uso Electric Bitters, but
six bottles completely cured mo and made
mo feel llko a new man." They'ro un
rivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kldnoys,
nnd bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed by Kuhn & Co. Only 50 cents.
Are You Married
To Any
Particular Store?
If not Drop in at 415 Broadway and look at
our large variety of
fLANNEL SUITS1 large variety of
patterns 5, $6, tf7,
S8 to 810.
STRAW IIATSf00.,, si.oo, 8i.25
to 83. 00
In all tho correct shapes and braids.
SOfT SHIRTS--no J5C 81.00, 8i.5o
and 81.75.
The Most Complete and Varied Assortment of Novelties
Shown by any House In Council Bluffs or Omaha.
In the realm of Summer Neckwear we aro
strictly "IT" which means
t Smith & Bradley, I
415 Broadway,
Council Bluffs.
Have You Seen
Our Latest
New Home
Sewing Machine
Rail bcnrlnfr, double feed. Wa
linve now machines from 515 up.
For Mondny nnd Tticsdny wo
linve n list of the following second
hand innolilncs:
1 Union former price 58.00 Mondny n nd Tticsdny price 54.00
1 Domestic former price 58.00 Monday nnd Tuesday price 54.00
1 Wheeler nnd Wilson former price 510.OO Mondny nnd Tuesday price. . 53.00
1 Domestic former prlco 512.00 Mondny nnd Tuesday price 50.00
1 Standard former price 510.00 Mondny and Tuesday price 58.00
1 White former price 514.00 Monday n ml Tuesduy price 57.00
1 7-dnnver Household former price 518. 00 Monday nnd Tuesday price.. 50.00
We rent Sowing Machines "lie per week. Wo repair all kinds of sowing ma
chines, also sell parts aud repairs for all machines manufactured.
G. A. BULLIS, 337 Broadway,
Council Bluffs.
Tho English Welt is ono of the latest crea
tions in collars. We have special facilities
for finishing these collars so they Avill look
like new. We are always in the lead and
if yon want your shirt, collars, cults, etc.,
done up properly send them to us.
Phone 290 and our wagon will call.
Evans Laundry Co.
522 Pearl Street.
The "Comstock Process''
Is tbe most successful method for reducing nnd relieving
pain In all ltlods ut dental operations that has yet been
presented to tho public. It bns been used by leading don
tlsts of tho cast for nearly two years, and has been pro
nounced by them to bo 2tlroly satisfactory. Our patients
ure delighted with tho results It produjes. If you kt
nervous and your toetb aro Bcnsltlvo we will be ploased to
explain It to you.
. ..Telephone 145
K. I. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
Personal Neatness a Virtue
That every man thnt lays any claim to be
ing n gentleman should possess. Wo enter
to the fastidious who wnnt their linen
faultless in color and finish by applying the
best methods and turning out laundry
work that Is unrlvallod for Its beauty.
Our low prices cnablo tho man of small
means to always wear clean linen.
New ItuilUing 22.24- N. Main St.
riione 111. COUNCIL DMJFFS.
In a Public Lavatory
Sanitary plumbing Is of greater necessity
than In most any other place. Our facili
ties for fitting public buildings, schools,
hotels, restaurants, stores nnd hospitals
aro unlimited. Our workmen are expert,
and our worlc of tho most scientific and
modern character. No ono enn beat our
J. C Bixby 6t Son.
202 .Main
Tel, 103
-20.1 I'eurl Street.
Council Uluff, la
$10 $14
Meter and all piping free. No charge for
anything but the stove.
Thc Council Bluffs Gas Co
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street