Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1901, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Bociit; rlks Uantgt to nj; t Gold, Wit
WmIc Itirlj Well
Cotintrj- C'lul member Mnkc thr llut
of (hi Dlnnnrcrnlili; (,'omll tluni
Sonic Ttttilennx that U'cro
It ha been almost too cold and wet (or
golf of late, but tliat lias not prevented n
good attendance nt tho Countiy club, and
tho dark, cool days havo afforded an Ideal
opportunity for tho wearing of those smart
llttlo silk lined knitted golf Jackets that
society and tho golfers assuro one are "pink
coats" In splto of their exact match to that
hado onco known ns brick red. Tho bright
afternoon on Saturday brought out tho usual
t largo attendance, with perhaps i fow moro
'than usual at tho 6 o'clock dinner, while tho
cool evening added materially to (he Inter
est of tho Informal hap that followed In tho
With tho return of tho warm weather a
new varloty of party Is being scheduled on
tho social calendar and, while It Includes
nothing new In tho way of diversion, It has
ono feature that 1 an Innovation, to the
ballroom at lenat, and that Is the shirt
waist, henco tho name. This shirtwaist
party Is by all odds tho most popular danc
ing party Just nt present. Certainly It Is
the most novel and Its novelty consists not
alono In tho fact that tho conventionality of
tho ballroom has succumbed before tho Ir
Toslstablo comfort of It, but uvcu tho men
havo fallen Its victim anil blossomed out In
tho dnlntlest shades of pink and blue be
tucked and bcpleatcd blou3es.
Unquestionably tho event nf tho week was
tho pretty nffalr on Thursday evening given
for tho benefit of tho Parish Aid of Trinity
cathedral to which society turned out en
inaeso and fairly crowded Metropolitan ball.
For two weeks or moro tho young women
havo devoted much Urno to tho rehearsal
of their parts, In splto of tho general pro
teat of tho masculine portion of society who
claim It unjust that so much tlmo should
bo devoted to an affair In which but ono
man could pnrtlclpato, but tho presenta
tion on Thursday evening brought only
pleasure, to nil who wero privileged to bo
present and If there was ono thcro wboso
plcasuro wan alloyed with envy ho found
consolation In that fact that tho affair was
only a tableau after nil. Tho sceno opened
In a bachelor's apartment In which the
bachelor, Mr. Arthur Cooley, on tho eve of
his wedding, dreams over tho past and tho
numerous sweethearts thnt havo mado It
worth reviewing. Wbllo ho slept his vision
was Illustrated by sixteen of the young so
ciety women who passed In turn, tho cur
tain opening nt tho renr of tho stage. Tho
dream was: "Tho First Love." Miss Mar
garet Mcl'berson; "Tho School Olrl," Miss
Loulso Peck: "Collcgo Olrl," Miss Elizabeth
Allen; "Debutante" Miss Lydla Mooro;
"Stage Olrl" (Barbara Frietchlo), Mlsa Car
Ita Curtis; "Nurso Olrl," Mlsa Spurgln; "Ha
waiian Olrl," Master Patterson; "Japanese
Olrl," Miss JoncB! "Spanish 0rl," Miss
Lomnx; "French Olrl" (ballet). Master Will
McPhorson; "Dutch Olrl," Miss Oarclsscn;
"English Widow," Mlsa Curtis; "Scotch
Olrl," Miss Kountzo; "American Olrl," Miss
Swensburg; "Ilrldoflmalds," Miss Smith and
Miss Kllpatrlck; "Hrldo," Miss Pock. As
each figure camo before tho audience, tho
music changed to somo appropriate and fa
miliar air, which added greatly to tho effect.
Tho curtain foil with tho bndo still stand
ing thcro and roso n fow minutes lator upon
the bachelor's hurried and altogether amus
ing preparation for tho ceremony. At tho
conclusion tho floor won cleared and the
rest of tho evening given over to dancing.
Much credit Is duo Mr. Peck, Mrs. McKcnnn
and Mrs. Kountzc, under whoso manage
ment tho entlro affair was originated and
NnolrU Chit Chat.
Miss Martin Is expected homo soon from
Mrs. J. W. Munn Is recovering from her
recent illness.
Mrs. Ochiltree has Issued Invitations for
a card party on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Pock will go to Chicago this week
to attend the wedding of a friend.
Miss Paulino Schcnck attended tho Pan
Hellenlo ball at Lincoln last Friday. -
Mr. Fred C. Benson has rccolvcd word
that his sister, Miss Eva Jessie Donson Is
tho fortunate wlnnor of a $500 piano In a
Will cause any disease to be cured by super-animating
the whole system. Oxygen is life, and
OXYDONOR fills your body with pure oxygen,
eliminating disease naturally without the use of
drugs or electricity.
OXYDONOR will cure
Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Asthma, Grippe, Insom
nia, Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Sciatica, Dyspepsia, all
nervous disorders, Colds.tTfade Mltk RegUuua N0Vi H.
It will improve tho uppfatlte end strengthen the nrrrea, str
ing sound sleop and thoroughly cooUitni; the oTervorked brain.
It Is Invaluable- f or all disease ct women ud children. Can
lo used for all tho f unity and will Ut a lifetime. Absolutely
Our dcscrlptlvo b ook A. full of latercellng tnfcrmaUon and
roports from respons Ible people, trill be mailed free to any
Inquirer. Send for V. B. court decree.
Beware of Fraudulent Imitations.
$100 Reward.
To protect your health and our reputation wo will pay this
reward to any ono who will furnish us Information on which
wo can secure convltion of any doalcr who uses his influence
to sell, either directly or Indirectly, Imitations whore Oxydo
nor nro called for. Tho only reason n dealer- imposes a faked
article on you is because thcro is a larger profit In It for him.
DR.H. SANCHE & CO., Omaha, Neb.
Other Offices:
class contest at the young Indies collcgo at
Liberty, Mo., where she Is at school.
Mr. L. F. Weeks ntuouueos the engagement
of his daughter, Miss Jcislc Rao, to Mr. Nat
Mr. Allan Smith will leave on Saturday
for West Point to enter upon his studies
Miss Itay Cohn entertained the A. 0. T
Bowling club at the Metropolitan club last
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. J. L. Brandcls is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Brandols, at their summer
homo near Florence,
Tho Six-Handed Euchre club will meet
tomorrow with Mrs. W. It. ICcllcy, nftcr
which tho club will adjourn for tho summer.
In horor of Mrs. A. H. Noyes who leaves
soon for Chicago to make her home, Mrs.
Byron Smith will glvo a luncheon on
Miss Etta Jacoby expects to remain with
Mrs. Hugo Brandols until Juno when sho
will return to her homo In Los Angeles nc
companlod by .Mrs. Brandcls.
Mr. James K, Hackct was the guest of
honor nt n Jolly llttlo dinner nt tho Omaha
club on Tuesday. During tho nftcrnoon
ho was also a visitor nt tho Country club.
Complimentary to Miss Preston of Chi
rago, who Is Miss Kountzc's guest, n num
ber of the men nro pinning a dnnco for
Tuesday evening, which Is to be given nt tho
Country Club.
Mr. It. S. Wilcox left Inst evening for
Cleveland, 0., ns tho representative of tho
Orand Army of tho Republic of Nebraska, to
arrange for tho Natlcnnl encampment to ba
held In that city In September.
Mrs. I.'a.ry Nott left for the eist Thursday
evening and will sail from Now York Jtino
li! for Naples, Italy. Sho will spend tho
summer traveling In Europe, In company
with a party of friends, returning about
October 1.
Tho marriage of Mr. Warren S. Helphrey
and Miss Gertrude Johnson of Marshalltown,
In., will occur In that city on Juno 6. Mr.
and Mrs. Helphrey will bo nt home in
Omaha nt 2G0S North Eighteenth street
after July 1.
Mrs. J. Motho-Dorghm and daughter, Har
riot, lenvo Omaha today for Europe, whoro
they Intend to spend tho summer. They
snll from New York next Wednesday on
tho Teutonic. Mr. Arnold S. Borghm will
accompany them to Now York.
Movement ntut AVlierrnhnnla.
MIsh McPhall Is visiting friends
at Blulr.
Miss Knthryn Polack has returned from
Mr. W. S. Balduff Is enjoylag a brief out
ing lu Denver.
Mr. James l'nxton returned last week
from Columbln, Mo.
Mr. IMwnrd Chapman Is spending Sun
day In Kunsas City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Carpenter left on
Thursday for tho cast.
Major and Mrs. Mlchlo aro expected homo
from Bolso City today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Patrick spent a part
of last week In tho city.
Mrs. H. D. Stcnrnos has returned from an
extended visit in tho south.
Mr. Clabaugh and Miss Nellie Clabaugh
returned home on Thursday.
Miss Mnile Crounso is Miss Fredorlcka
Wessell's guest, nt Hannibal, Mo.
"Mrs. C. O. Lobeck nnd Miss Gladys Lo
beck aro visiting In Mammoth Springs, Ark.
Mr. Warren Swltzlcr left for New York
on Wednesday evening, to Join Mrs. Swltz
lcr. Mr. and Mrs. TMchard C. Patterson went
to Denver on Thursday, to bo absent sev
eral days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sanborn and Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. E. Utt aro at Lake. Madison on a
fishing trip.
Mr. James Savage went to Boston on
Wednesday, expecting to be absent about
four months.
Mrs. M. C. Berry left last weok for Los
Angeles, whero sho expects to spend sev
eral months.
Mr. T. It. Godfrey has returned from
Philadelphia, nccompanled by his son,
James Godfrey.
Mrs. W. J. Broatch arrived homo on last
Saturday from an extended visit in tho
south and cast.
Mr. and Mrs. Bortlg of Paraguay, Ark.,
aro gueBts at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
N. A. Sptesberger.
Mr. Henry Allen returned to Kansas City
on Tuesday', after spending several days
In tho city with friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Morlco Degcn of Sioux City
spent Friday and Saturday In Omaha, tho
guests of Mrs. Goorgo Decker.
Mrs. Katbryn M. Mclntyro left on Thurs
day evening for New York, from whero sh
will ear, Icr Scotland to revisit her old
home In Ulatgow.
Mrs. John Edgar Mattrer and llttlo son
aro visiting friends In St Joseph, Mo.
After Bpcndlng a week with relatives nnd
friends In Omaha, Mr, Charles Pratt ro
turned to Portland, Ore., on Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Luther Kountze left on
Thursday evening for New York, whers
they expect to spend about a month.
Mrs. Allco Crockwcll aud Mrs. A. V.
Southard returned from California on
Wednesday, after an absence of nearly tw
Miss Oertrudo Hardmann and Master
Allander Curtis havo gono to Bed Oak, la
to spend tho summer with their grand
Messrs. Frnnk Colpetzcr, Cady, A. B
Smith nnd C. N. Dletz returned on Wcdncs
day from West Baden, where they hav
spent several days.
Mtb. J. Mothe-Borglum nnd daughter.
Miss Harriet, leavo Omaha today for New
York, from whero they will sail for
Europe on Wednesday.
Miss Qrotchen Hownrd of Greenville, N.
C, arrived on Monday, to spend sovcral
months with her grandparents, Mr. nni
Mrs. A. 55. Baker, on North Twenty-fifth
I'lranurcH 1'nnt.
Mrs. Ilaymond, Welch entertained a few
friends at cards on Wednesday.
Miss Cartta Curtis was hostess at a small
but most cnjoyablo Sunday evening supper
last week
Miss Pcnrl MacKoy entertained a number
of her CouncU Bluffs frlenas ono evening
Inst week.
Mrs. Crandall entertained tho Friday
Luncheon club last week at her homo on
the Boulcvnrd.
In honor of Mr. Charles Leller, Miss Fitch
entcrtnlncd a party of young people at the
Sothern matinee.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cowglll chaperoned n party
composed of the younger set on a picnic
at tairmount park on Tuesday evening.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Bailey entertained th
Berals Park Neighborly club last Monday
evening, when a program of unusual Inter
est wns given.
For Mrs. C. C. Burton of Nashville, Tcnn
who Is Mrs. Allen's guest, Mrs. Walto
Peabody entertained a few fnonds at cards
on Friday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. E. Welch entertained
number of friends nt n Dutch lunch on
Wednesday evening at their home, at 411
South Thirty-eighth street.
Mrs. Dan Whocier nnd Miss Preston were
tho guests of honor nt last Wednesday'
meeting of tho Cooking club, which was
held at tho home of Mrs. Harry McCormlck.
Mrs. John Tuttlo celebrated her birthday
on Wednesday afternoon with a Iunchoon
party, at which tho members of tho Auf
Welder Sehn club wero her guests. Covers
were laid for nine.
Complimentary to Mis3 Dorothy and
Miss Elizabeth Montgomery of Boston, Miss
Ktneilyn Camp entertained a party of
twclvo young women at nn Informal after
noon on Thursday.
Miss Mabel Stephen was hostess at ono o
the protty luncheons of tho week on
Wednesday. Tho affair was all In rod and
given in honor of Miss Swlngley of nock-
ford, 111., and Miss Mora Preultt of Helena
Mont. Covers wero laid for six.
The members of tho Cooking club and
the Chafing Dish club made up a Jolly picnic
party on Tuesday evening. Going to Coun
ell Bluffs In a special car, they wero met
at tho end of the lino by conveycnccs nnd
taken to the home of General Dodge, th
spacious groundB about which afford such
an ideal spot for a picnic party. Out under
tno trees tho luncheon wns spread and
later in tho evening the party went insld
tho house, whero tho remainder of tho tlmo
woa spent in dancing and games.
In honor of Miss Buck Miss Laura Morso
gave a very pretty greeu and whlto lunch
eon on Thursday, at which covers were laid
for ten. Tho places wero marked with
wedding bells of white candy, bearing tho
monogram of tho guest of honor nnd tied
with green ribbons, on which tho guest's
namo was lettered. Tho ccnterpleco was
composed of white carnations and ferns and
the guests present were Mrs. Burgess
Mrs. Voss, Mrs. Gcorgo Palmer, Misses
Lindsay, Loniax, Peck nnd Kllpatrlck.
For Mrs. Bertig of Paraguay, Ark., Miss
Jacoby of Los Angeles, Miss Mae Heller and
Miss Hanchen Rehfeld, Mrs. Henry HUler
gave a whist party on Saturday afternoon
at her homo on West' Farnam street. Tho
decorations of the afternoon consisted en
tlrely of American Beauty roses, tho acoro
cards being of tho shapo nnd color 'of
those flowers, also. At 5 o'clock luncheon
was served. Tho ccnterpleco was a hugo
bunch of American Beauties and tbo tablo
was further trimmed with twclvo red
shaded candles, which furnished the only
Ont of Town tiueata.
Miss Mora Preultt of Helena, Mont., Is
visiting Miss Ethel Straight.
Miss Preston of Chicago has been a guest
at Forest Hill since Monday.
Mrs. Schafer of Shelby, Ia is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. E. Whearer of this city.
Miss Hayward of Nebraska City has been
Mrs. Dan Wheeler's guest during the last
Mrs. Bullock, who has been tho guest of
Mr. and Mrs. McCord, returned to Kansas
City on Tuesday.
Misses Dorothy and Elizabeth Mont
gomery of Boston are guests of Miss Eliza
beth Spencer, on North Twentieth street.
Miss Byrd Wellington of Shrevesport,
La,, 1b visiting at tho homo of her uncle,
Mr. nichard Aclay, on North Twentieth
Miss Hattlo Maybody and Mr. Eugono
Spencer of Dallas, Tex., aro guests at tho
home of their aunt, Mrs. A. A. Suiter In
Kountzo Place.
Mrs. Sarah Upton Edwards of Batavla,
N. Y., 1b visiting Mrs. Florence L. Moore
for a short time, while enrouto to Call'
fornia from Cuba.
Mrs. Thomas It. Mullen of Bloomlngton,
111., Is the guest of her motner, Mrs. Car
roll of this city, and will remain hero dur
ing the absence of her husband, who Is
Giles Bose has been attacked with scarlet
fover, but is not dangerously 111.
MUs Ruth Hogan was In Benson visiting
friends and schools the first of last week.
The Ladles' Aid society will meet with
Mrs. J. M. Horton on Thursday, May 30.
Jean Durdell of Omaha visited' In Benson
Willie Mortlg and his sister, who havo
been seriously 111 with dlphthorla, nro Im
Mlsa Frances O'Connor has been confined
to her room during the last week with
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fox left for Spring
field Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs,
Fox'a sister.
Miss Ada Stlgcr returned from Platts-
mouth Friday, after upending several days
visiting with friends.
Miss Ethel Morgan, who has had a severe
attack of scarlet fever, Is past the danger
point and Is Improving.
Mlis Mullen and Miss Allco Mullen left
(or their home In Chadron, Nob., Suuday,
after a short visit at the homo of- Miss
Frances O'Connor.
Services will bo this morning at the
LMetnodlBt church at 11 a. m cgnductod.
by Ilev. A. J. Marklcy, pastor. His topic
will be "God in Llttlo Things."
Tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows
lodge of Benson, No. 221, will glvo nn tee
cream social and annual reception nt Its
lodgo rooms for the members and their
families May 31.
Mrs. D. B. Smith of Omaha wns visiting
friends hore Friday.
J. L. Brandcls A Sons of Omaha have
taken tho Clark plnco for the Bummer.
L. W. Wight was a business visitor to
Herman Tuesday, returning homo Friday nt
D. T. Taylor of Hay Springs. Nob., is
spending a few days visiting his brother,
L. A. Taylor.
Tho Women's Guild of St. Marks church
gave nn Ico cream to:lnl at tho new hall
Saturdny night.
Mrs. Chnrlcs Brown and son of Decatur,
Nob., nrrlvcd hero Thursday nnd will visit
her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Banks.
Elders Goorgo M. Ward, P. A. Mortcnson
nnd David O. Wadman, nil of Utah, wero
visitors In Florenco the Inst week.
Miss Agnes Wight left last Sunday for
Urbana, 0., to visit friends, from there sho
will go to Boston, where sho will mnko
her futuro home.
.imv HiilnlrrniiliiK 1'nrlor.
Tho ladles of Omaha will no doubt feel n
personal interest In tho opening of tho new
nnd up-to-dnto manicuring and hnlrdress
Ing establishment that took place last Mon
day at 1620 Douglas street. Miss Inza
Spnlnhower, who for tho past four years op
orated tho Adroit Hair Bnzaar, found thoso
quarters much too small, owing to tho
nnturnl increnso in business, nnd has now
tho handsomest and most complete estab
lishment In the U'rvSt with thrpn Hmna ihn
nmouut of floor space, subdivided into tollot
rooms, rending rooms, Indies' shoo shining
parlors nnd n number of prlvnto booths or
operating rooms, giving each customer n
certain seclusion that will no doubt bo np
predated. Miss Snnlnhnwer. heHlilps Vinr
self, will lncrcaso her forco to six other
professional hnlrdrpssorA nml
lsts, In order to glvo nil customers tho enro
onu attention necessary without delay.
Only lln. Itrnntrulii .Hvfmi.
Thero Is only ono Henstrom system of
massngo nnd electrical treatment nnd that
Is controlled nnd operated exclusively In
tho west by tho Ladles' Bathery, second
floor Beo building. Don't- be deceived In
this matter. Tho handsome bnth parlors In
the Bco building are for tho cxcluslva use
nnd benefit of tho Indies, equipped nnd
furnished with speclnl rcferenco to their
comrort nnd convenience. Expert operators
always at your service nnd a rplnhrntnr!
and invigorating sen-salt rub with every
bath, massage, Turkish or plain. Nothing
iiko it for a skin tonic. Tho Bathery is
bocomlng so popular that It is only a nues
tlon of tlmo when It will bo necessary to
get moro commodious quarters and Increnso
tno uumbcr of nttendnnts.
Donrd of Trunteea of Ilenf and Dumb
Inntlttiti- Cut Dunn the
The offlco of steward of tho Nebraska
Instltuto for the Deaf and Dumb wo
abolished by tho board of trustees, wblc
concluded its regular meeting yesterday
forenoon. Tho steward's duties will hero
after bo performed by tho superintendent
with tho nsslstnnco of tho bookkeeper.
Dr. W. II. Hanchett was appointed pfcy
slclan, to succeed Dr. S. it. Towne.
Tho following Instructors wero engaged
Lloyd Blankenshlp, W. H. Hothcrt, A. T,
Colt, L. M. Hunt, A. E. Pope. C. E. Forao,
E. N. Reynolds, F. F. Vldctto, Mrs. Ida
Hendcc, Mrs, Lizzie Shcrcr, Mrs. Hart nnd
the Misses Washington, Lena McNaraara
Lulu Hall, Amelia Glllllan, Laura K. Craw
ford, Lillian Bamford, Cora Jack, Ota Craw
Plrnaure nnil IJUiileiiNur.
Tho summer Is at hand with its pleas
urea and displeasures, and ono strives to
avoid the lnttor. If you will follow tho
advice which wo are happily ablo to give,
your wishes may bo realized. This Is tho
season during which all persplro moro or
loss, but all enough to bo discommoded
Tho bands which persplro aro alwny
moist, clammy and dlsagrccablo to tho
touch, oven those of our youngest nnd most
beautiful women. Moro than that, there
Is tho lnconvenicnco of soiling In ono day
gloves which nro costly, and a practical
person will find economy and relief In a
box of Re-No-May powder. It prevents
both annoyance and needless expense Used
nt tho Bathery, Beo building, and sold
everywhere by glovo dealers and druggists.
Miss Mary Ada Boyer, ono of Omaha's
popular elocutionists, will give n rending
recital at tho Park Avenuo United Presby
terlan church, corner Park avenue and
Jackson street, on Friday evening, Mny 31
This Is ono of a number of dime entertain.
ments given under tho auspices of tho
Ladles' Aid society and a pleasant evening
is assured. All aro Invited. Admission ono
Claim She Went Broke Kniloralntr
MortKIIKe Olven liy Her
NEW YORK. Mnv 25. Marv EHnn iins.
tho lecturer, filed a petition in bankruptcy
in tUe United StntOH district pniirt trwlnv
Tho liabilities nro $3,247, nnd nesots, $2,293.
Much Of tho Indebtedness wns Inrurrnrl nn
endorser on mortgages given by hor hus
band, C. L. Lease. Tho aseots named by
tho petitioner consist of d.V: duo and aro
either for money loaned or for lectures de
livered by Mrs. Lease.
11) IICN-I'll'Ul'IIX.
HASTINGS. Null. Mnv PS (RnnMnl
Invitations nro out for tho mnrrlaco nf
MISH XIarcarpt PIrUnnu ntil Wllllnm t
Hyno3 Wednesday morning, Juno C, at 9
o'clock nt tho homo of tho brldo's parents.
Jacket Mid's
Ladles' Jackets of all kinds, Including
Cloth Box Coats Box Front Etons of cloth
and Silk Etons of every deicrlptlon. Also
Misses' Jackets In stylish shapes,
No ono needing a Jacket can afford to
mlsa this oale.
1010 DOVUbAS STJ1121ST, J
MAY 20, 1901.
Straw Hats
nnd then
! The $2.50 Hatter
107 So. Kith St.
MONDAY we ivlll Ki'll mniliTii,
...,i,, Kvulnir Miii'IiIik-h. STANDARD.
nml nthnr rellAblo makes, that have been
ullchtlv used, nt half their regular price.
They nro In perfect condition, tho vory
latest thing theso factories produco; in
fact, they aro such machines ns tho usual
ngont would Bell you for now.
o buy them for cash nnd will sell you
dthur for cash or for
$5.00 Down
and 75c Per Week.
Sewing Machines
Never such prices for suoh goodB offered
before, and If any tlmo within ono year
you want a new machine, wo will take tho
old ono back nt exactly what It cost you.
Tho folowing Is a partial list of what we
ffcr for Monday:
Termer I'rleo. Monday.
Singer $ 4,00 2.00
Domestic .... S.00 4.00
Domestic 10,00 S.00
Howo COO 3.00
Singer 15.00 7.00
Singer 1C.00 7.00
Whlto j 10.00 6.00
Whlto 20.00 10.00
Wilcox & Glbbs.good ns new 50.00 25,00
Wheeler & Wilson No. 9... 30.00 15.00
White, tnljorlng 40.00 20.00
Singer, tailoring 40,00 20.00
Three modern Drop-head Machines,
lightly used, at one-half tho regulnr prise.
Wo rent machines at 76c per week or
12.00 per month, Theso nre modern, up-to-dato
machines, with completo attach
ments. Wu sell. Needles and Tarts for and repair
every sen lug machlno manufactured.
We Itent nnd Sell T-HMvrllcr.
Nebraska Cycle Co,
Cor, 15th and Harney.
$1.00 FOR 10 CENTS.
By Special Arrangements with
Every reader of the Omaha Bee who cuts this
notice out and sends it to THE WINNER
MAGAZINE, St, Louis, Mo., with 10c will
receive this splendid magazine for one year, in
cluding the four great World's Fair Numbers
with full page engravings of the great $15,000,
000,00 World's Fair to be held in St. Louis,
THE WINNER MAGAZINE now has over 600,000 paid
subscribers, and this special offer to send It ono yenr for
10c Is only to the renders of tho Beo. Each number
of THE WINNER coutalns OS columns of great stories,
lessons In Shorthand, Journalism, Telegraphy, Dress
cutting,' Honnton Lnco and Embroidery, etc. Superbly Il
lustrated, and almost ns largo na tho Bee. Tbo great
Btory, "Tbo End of tho World," begins In tho next num
ber. Thousands of the of THE WINNER corn
from $3.00 to $10.00 per week in their odd moments.
You can do the same,
Send this notico with 10c to THE WINNER, St. Louis,
today. You will not gat another chance. Better send
50c and have five yenrs' good reading coming to you.
ran, mJsajKLSO-
nn - i. . ...t.
New Shirt Waists
At Sclimollcr & Mueller's
will purchase a handsome now Up
including stool nnd senrf, Guaran
teed by tho maker and by us,
Steinway, Vose,
Ivers & Pond,
Steger, Packard,
A B, Chase
and Steck Pianos
sold for cash or on easy monthly
payment plan. Now pianos for rent.
Artistic tuning and ropalrlng prompt
ly done.
The Lnrgcst I'liino House In
the West.
1313 Farnam St,, Omaha.
I ao-
Wc aro showing a beautiful lino of Sterling Silverware and
Cut Glass.
Jewelers. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts.
In mercerized, Pongee, Llnon, Batiste,
Lawns nnd Percale. Wo can glvo you very
handBomo colored or whlto waists. Wo
have Just received nnothor lot of
Black Silk Dress Skirts
lined nnd unlincd, tucked to the waist,
flounced with ruchlng nnd ruffles or hand
some nppllque prlco from $0.50 up.
Now thing for summer wear.
Havo you seen our Lnttlco Bntlsto Cor
Bct? Colors white, pink nnd blue prices
Il.r.O nnd S3.00.
Tho most desirable glrdln In the market
la tho Straight Front, linen tnpo style
prlco Jtl.25.
Initial writing paper best quality parch
ment tinted writing paper, dainty Initial
price 35c a box.
Specialty Shoes
Out nf tho 4r. different shapes and styles
of Ladles' Shoes nnd Oxfords, tho rankers
of Sorosls havo designed and nro furnishing
lines of Patent Leathor Street and Dresa
Shoes thnt havo no cqunl In this city nt
any price. Button or Ince, cut seamless,
with extension edgo welt, military heols
and tho proper too. Ono of the most
beautiful features of this unexcelled shoe
for women Is the prlco
Three Fifty Per Pair.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
I'm nk Vllrn, Milliliter.
Sorosls Catalogues now ready.
Complexion Powder
.,; vi
----- in iifiii iyi
bn uiU ),ti oh.tolllul rem.
tlllA,l- Cn....,.l. - -
lolUt powdir. It'i ft iHnloiki.
rbtinlmltitlimiilo. 6inpla(n,
1)01 tOc. J. A. I'oiioiiI Cn.
St. Lend or h'w York.