Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1901, Page 8, Image 20

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Mny 20. 11)01.
Library Commission
(Conilnued from Second I 'a go.)
The Great Railway Ma?imto of Wall Strnc
Having Combined His Enterprises
Of II Im Miiuiillleent SnIi-ih of Trillif
IHtrliitluii I.Iiicn mill .Nclirnsliii a
I'ltelur in I In; Itnllvtiiy
Im Nebraskaim fully apprei I ue the Im
iik two Important e r I li Im particular Hlali
hi I ho KiK-uitic eumhltmilnns (it railways
now helm; foitned by Hid wirrlii llnanelul
fiie.tlmm (if Wall street'.'
Takit a map of tho union, l'ut a iln at
Oinalia, Hid iik tropolls of Nebiuska. Noli
Din llarrliiian-Coiilil linen radlatlnt; fioin
Omiiliii. Observo Unit oven Hhlr.-iK does
nol .
(I i Su Mlllli'Klr II I'onIII
Tliuii ixnmlno tlui nut p with tliu snmo pin
having In inliiil Hid relative linporiuneo ol
Omaha to t tits IIIII-.Moikiiii IHhm ami nli
servo (hat Omaha Ih nualii strategic ami
necessary to tlio success of thai system of
trunspntiutlnu. 'Paid' now u general sur
voy of Nebraska ami Illicit Hid several rail
ways to the foil ii tn I ti licatlH of tlit'lr llmm
clal support ami yon will llml that Nctira-tkn
Ih tlio Key to Hid t in lie railway siluutlnn as
dIiiiidiI on Willi Mi I.
Combines ami iiianlpulallonH catniot pos
Hlhly oilHt Hid Hlnti) from her pivotal posl
t ion. No oilier Htatc Ih ho favoralily
situated. Coinpt tillon rannot tin stilled In
Nebraska ho Iiiiik iih tlio rnllunys of Hie
coimlry have divergent ihmm r-hlp ami
'MvcrKcni InlcriHiH. All Nebraska pcopl
i cod do In piollt hy those letnurKiible ioin
nicrrliil tuowmcnts Ih to
lltlllil I i Hit Uttn I ol II ill Ioiim.
TIid lluuuclors of America will ho ootn
pellcd to ilo Hid rest. Nebr.iskn novcr be
foro ho tlioroiiKhlv controlled her own
future. Wd can liullil iii hero meat lluiin
clal Institutions ami Hid I line Is especially
rlpD anil tlio occiihIoii cHpcclally oppor
tuiiD to press forward to permanent ptos
porlly. No public liiKtltutliitiH In Amerlcn
collect, conserve and disperse linger bono
IUh to the country and the people at large
than Hid life liiHiirancD coinp:inl h and Ih'
limit. cr llrnt'rtt' Life AnmodIhII
NehraHka'H iniiHt promising and imiHt pro
KH'shIvu life company, Im doinonsiruiliiK to
the people of IIiIh Hlate ami Hid west what
Hid HtncH expect and promlHo In thin
particular. With up lo-datD policies
lllieral options, uucipihoriil coutraclH ami
IiiihIiichh energy and aliumhint assets l'i
meet obligations.
II. II. lloltlHon, I'ri'xlilenl
of Hid Hankers Reserve, Iiiih won Hid sup
porl of Hid people and the Ktutltudc of the
comiuercliil InlercHlH of the stale. At tlio
hiiiiid time lie Iiiih built up hi company to
Hid point where mic i m is ei rlaln and
growth rapid. Ilia ellli lent c rpH of co
workers h writing J-io.O"ii a inoi'lh and
everyulieie Hie people are learning that
their money In homo llnuiir'nl IiihiI iiII uh
Ih Hater than when phi I wl h alien com
panies to lie tiHcd In liraidii' against Wall
si reel Hpcculntlvo panics
I'Iciird remember inn tlrst idiss men can
secure tnoHl lucrative insltPiiH as sodul
or general aucnU by well Inn h'tn Why
be a sub-agent for a large loiii.niny when
tlierii Ih a chance for a pmlltablc sp -1 . 1
or goitorul agency In tlio went?
Medicine or Poison,
In n illinil'OJK
Adulterated whiskey
is a "poison,"
IsAlisoiu tely Turt;
Properly iiKt-il
lionil 1'iou from
I'm h. i Oil iiinl nlli
lliipuritlt'H. Not J'"-1
IIH LMilll iis any oth
but in:rrat than
any oilier. A lu't
in o r o whob's ni.
wlilwLcj .-11111101 be
l'i lee ijtit.VO iii'i
ClmrKPs nrepiil I
Tut up In four ipmrt
liottleu or line.
Mix. WIiinIou'n SooIIiIhk Syrup
linn been used for over I'M FT Y Y ISA US by
MILLIONS of MOTlIHItS for their Ullll
CURES WIND COLIC and Is tlio best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA Sold by druggists
In every pnrt of Uio world, lie sure and
usk for "Mrs- Wlnslow Soothing Syrup
unil take no other luna. Twenty-live cents
a bottle.
itntes . ctiiH to have shown conclusively
nut and village commntilHes can lie
irovldid with reading uniler Hid control
md tiiiiiiiiKeincnt of n centtal buruati coin-
udently adliillilstered, with much more
( homy ami effectiveness than Hid Hume
unount of work done by the various mm-
inunltiis with local initiative.
When Hie traveling library shall havo
Ilnlshed It m pioneer work and blazed the
way for the permanent public library by
lucatliiK Hid people to dcslro and support
one, then the state enn reslKii active nil-
mlnlHtratlon to tlio local attthorltlcH.
I' I fill Work of (lie CoiiiiiiInmIoii.
I'Iio law provides that the commission
shall obtain each year from alt libraries
In the state reports showing the conditions,
Krowth, development and manner of con-
liictlni? said libraries, tiwther with such
other facts and statistics as may be deemed
public Interest.
' The cointulsHlon shall, when asked, Klve
advice and Instruction to all libraries or
Individuals ami to all communities which
may propose to establish libraries, as to
Hid best means for establlshini' and or-
Kani.itiK and ailmlnlstertiiK Hiich libraries,
IcclltiK and eatalnuuliiK books, and other
lutloH of library tunnnKcn.cnt.
"The couimlHslon sltall, so far as pos
sible, promote and assist by counsel and
etieonraKeinent the formation of libraries
hero none exist and may send n Its ex
pense members of olllcers to aid In ort?an
l.lltK now libraries or Improvlni; those
ulrenily established."
It will be seen from this that the com
mission Is Int-Miili'd to be a central clearing
house for all kinds of library Information:
fountain fr un which library Inspiration
and counsel shall Mow. an e.xnert admln-
iHtratlVD uncut which shall be elm reed
lth the foil tn II iti of new libraries, tho
nibulldliiK of weak libraries, the Improve
ment of strotiK libraries, to Hie end that
all the library Interests of the state may
be rendered Itureasliiulv elllelcnt and
elded Into an hn rmonloiis system.
Anions the many duties whleli are classed
under this head of Held work would bo
Hid prlntliiR of the library laws of tho
Htate; the commlsHloii should be rendv
lilt exact Information iih to how to stnrt
library; be zealous in Interest Itm peoplo
In the work nnd sccurliiu donations or
money nnd books. The Wisconsin commis
sion spends most of Its money In Held
work nml Minis Its nlfts of monev nnd
books numerous.
Mow broad In scope and how Important
Is this phase of the eoiniulssl'in's activity
will not be fully npptwintcrt. BI1Ve by those
who know the wealth of Inllnite detail
connected with library administration nnd
an appreciate how a bit of sound advice
here, a word of counsel there, wdll often
prevent serious mistakes in start Iiik. which
can only bo corrected by meat oxpo'iso and
tronblo Inter.
II 1 1 1 1 1 ii u: for Hid I'liliirc.
If a stitch In time saves nine ordinarily.
in library matters It often save nine hun
dred, nnd n nood person In chnrKo of this
Hold of work can save Hid various library
Interests In the state more In the iiKKre-
Kiile durltiK a terms of years than the
utlre cost of the eotninlsRlon. The time
la comliiK, nnd soon, too, when tho fnlr
state of Nebraska will be dotted over with
public libraries. It Is a phase In tho ovnltt-
tlon of Hie educational foundations upon
which this republic must rest, which will
ultimately Include Nebraska, as It Is now
spreading so rapidly over all the eastern
nml ccul nil stales.
Our library eommlpslnn has come none
too Horn. It should be early on tho Held
to nulde urlnlil the work from Its Inccp
You mny nsk who Is to do this urea!
work. The members of the rotnmlsslou an
busy men, who ennnnt rIvo more of their
time nitil strctmth than will be needed
to direct nnd supervise.
The law provides that Hie commission
may employ a secretary, nnd. If Nebraska
follows the example of other states, upon
Hint portion devolves the oarrylim out of
this work under the direct RUldanco of the
onimlsf Ion. And tmturnllv. therefore, upon
the personality of this secretary much
of the Ritceess of Hie work will doppnil
She (for tho feminine pronoun lakes precc
deiicD In library matters, nnd Hie best
workers in this Held are women) must b
tlioroiiKhly familiar, both by IralnlnK
and experience, with library work, nnd
especially with this particular phnso of It
She must Know the hlftery of trnvellnp
library work In the various states that
havo undertaken It. and should he familiar.
at least In a Roneral way, with Nebraska
conditions. She should be "persona urata'
everywhere, one who can win a welcome
nnywhere by pleaslnp personality nnd (net
ful courtesy. Add tn this the crusaders
fire nnd faith In her cause, n charity ns
broad as tho race, nnd you npproxlmnte
tho person who should ho charged with the
executlvo work of tho new commission
Whether such nn one. In Justice to the
trnvellnK library work, can nnd should t
secured nt once with the limited funds at
hand Is of course a mailer for the com
mission tn deride At any rate, such Is th
Ideal which should constantly tie In th
minds of Its members of the person who
should bo brnURht to tho work In this
stnto as sr.nn as possible, nnd under such
Kttidnnco undreamed-of possibilities for
Rood nlnitK library lines can ho developed
in Nobrnsltn J. I. WYETl
University of Nebrnskn Library.
Toasting - broiling
baking - ironing
anything that can be done with a wood or coal fire is done
better, cheaper and quicker on a
Oil Stove
Heat is not diffused through
out the house tlieie is no
smell, soot, or danger, and the
expense of operating is nomi
nal . Made in many sizes;
sold wherever stoves are sold.
If your dealer does not have
it write to nearest agency of
if; M
''iiiiliiialr M
m i .J jj
Many ladles and gentlemen who cannot
complain of any kind of sickness nre ab
normally thin and cannot llml any medical
treatment which will correct this condition.
Dr. Whitney's Nervo and Flesh Hullder Is
not alone Intended for thine who are sick,
but also for those who appear well and
henrty, but cannot acquire sulllclcut llesh to
round out tho form. In dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, all stomach troubles, debility nnd
nervous diseases no remedy Is so prompt
and powerful. In order to demonstrate tin
wonderful merits of Dr. Whitney's Nerve
and Flesh Ilullder every person who will
address the C. 0. Jonca Co., Elmlra, N. Y.,
wdll recclvo n law trlnl pnckaKo In plain
scaled wrapper absolutely free.
For sale by Sherman & McConnell DritR
Co,, Omaha.
I A. I. ROOT, Printer I
I 414-416 South Twelfth Street I
Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. I
s- v.
The Chicago Record
h'6l of tbete Type
witters In dally uic
June Wedd tig Cakes
1 ci-
cm: a.m.
HOSKS, lite.
Wo kIvo speclnl attention to furnishing
Dverytlilnft for weddltiKs, lircnkfusts and
receptions we'd llko to talk with you.
W. S. Balduff,
l.'IN mill l.-Ud I'liriiiini Slreel, Oiiiiiliu.
Look at Hei Complexion!
This familiar exclamation iiiuy Indlcato
either admiration or ridicule. Don't let It
menn the latter In your ense. The founda
tion of n good complexion Is Kood health,
which Is obtained by feeding tho body
with pure nnurishltiK food drinks
If you want a typewriter, why not
come first where you can ie
WRITER In Its beit form?
of all hinds for all maohlaM.
New Century
The flout catalogue
ever luued It
youriforthe asking.
Unltid Typewrltir nd Supply Oo,
Solid Comfort
comes only to the man whose
business a Hairs are well in
hand, whose digestion is till
right and who can indulge in
Metz beer at his ease. The
beer, by the way, goes a long
list a nee towards helping him
in his business ami in his diges
tion. Won't cost you much to
try a few bottles and then you'll
know for yourself.
Brewed and Bottled in
TdIdiiIiiiiii 111),
Our niuo Ribbon Hottled neer steadily
and surely builds up tho system, nourishes
the vital centers nnd brings a Rood com
plexion, Omaha Brewing Association
Jalnm tie Arnica.
.Savon Dentifrice Mi' Arnica.
Arnlcu Xahn Seife.
The Only International Dentifrice.
The Standard lor jo years.
Prenervus nml whitens the tenth, strengthens
Uio uums-tou'utenaUie breath.
35c at All Druggists.
C,M.STRONU&CO.,PropsChlcago,U.5 A,
We will forfeit 830 fur uuy cute of
Internal, External or llrlilnir
11 lea the Uerm lMICur full
tncure, Imtant and permanent relief. Write utonco,
Uerm JlvUlcul Co., 211 K. 3d tit., Cluclunutt, O.