Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1901, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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    The Greatest
All the Imported Turkish
red damask,
the 60c kind, ns
long as It lasts,
at, yard
Solo agents for '
Queen Quality,
All linen damask doylcK,
worm up
to 20c
go attach
SJ Shoes
for Women
All tho rtamnek and huck
towels, worth
up to 60c
go at
tach Illlll 111, lit
Dresser Scarfs
All the drawn work dress
er scarfs, slmms. etc., up
mn, I'l., up
10 - yus inng,
worth tl.DO
Ko nt
Scarfs, Shams
All the Spoctol scarfs and
ough effects,
snnms, wortn u
trlch tips, In
cacti, as long
oil they last,
go at
of thin superb
very best styles and qualities'
handsomely trimmed with
Persian and dotted silks
Pillow Tops
All tho damask sofa pit-
low tops, us
long ob they
last, go at
All the toweling,
go at, ln
All the Turkish
towels, go Etn
at, each. ...
All the Blightly
gingham, yd
Tomorrow is the Last Day of the
$3, $4 and 15
Shoes at
heavy working
Shoes nt
Wiioomin Inwjer Wins Big Buit for 01iet
in Diitriot Court.
Jury IJcpIiIph Unt Dr. Foi Hoc.
Not Have to Vnf Twiler K
tnte VHlnn of Herd
of Hornm.
Dr. Philip Fox of Madison, Wis., ts tho
vlnncr In the lawsuit In which tho hotrs
ct Catherine M. Tuslor endeavored to hold
htm for $40,000. The caso has beon on
trial In Judge Slahaugh's court for tho
last three weeks, being one of tho most
bitterly contested suits over waged In tho
district court, nnd yesterday morning the
Jury brought In a verdict that the catato
was Indebted to Dr. Fox In tho sum of $145.
Colonel William F. Vllas, former sona
tor from Wisconsin nnd postmaster gen
eral, was ooo of Dr. Fox's attorneys at
tho trial, and after making the closing
argument to tho Jury Friday morning, ho
left In the evening for bis homo In Madi
son. Ho was apprised of tho verdict by
The principal question at Issuo In tho
, urVaouum Organ D..lo..r should boused
n .rery mto. It cores where trtrjtnwg Uo
nils end hop. is dead. It reitoree email, vrrtk
orgsni, lost power, falling manhood, dralnt,
arrore of nuth, eto. StriotUre ana Varlooeel.
permanently cured in 1 to 4 weeks.
N. Drugs to rain ths stomach. No Il.otrlo
l.lta to blltter and burn. Oar Vacuum De
veloper 1 a local treatment applied dlreotly to
the weak abd disordered parte. It rlTet
etronfth and development wborerer applied.
Old men with loet or ratline manhood, or the
jouoa and middle aaed who are reaping the rM
eulti of youthful error, exceee or over work ar.
quickly reetorded to health and Itrongtb.
Oar marrelone appllanea hat aitonlihed the
entire world. Hundreds of leadloff phyelelani
In the United Statfli erenow recommending nnr
appliaocoln the eeverettcaMs whora oyer' other
known derlce has failed,
, Ton will aee and feel Mt benefit from the drat
day for It U applied directly at theieatol tne
alaoraar. it makei uadlffarcce how terete tlie
At the sale of the stocks of J. C. Lutz co Tuomey Bros Detro Fellman & Co. Ne Orleans Williams and McAnulty scramon.
recently held in Chicago, we secured hundreds of choice lots of merchandise at from one-half to one-six til their actual value.
The goods have been coming in all week and many lots are still in transit including the Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Etc. the sale of wnich" wiil be announced later and we
promise you the values will be equally as astonishing as these we offer for tomorrow. Every item mentioned is an extraordinary bargain, and the selling is bound to begin at a rapid
pace early tomorrow morning you never had a better opportunity to save money than now so make the most of it.
Summer Millitiery
Wo havo produced perfect
copies of tho high price orlg
Inal French and Now York
designs In millinery. Wo
offer for tomorrow hundreds
of tticso hats, In black, whlto
and colors they arc trim
med with fine velvet ribbon
soft silk material expen
Blvo ornaments and French
Mowers many aro entirely
ro entirely
with laco
trimmed with beautiful os
black and white your choice
lot at
golfing and outing
Shirt Waist Sale
We aro showing the greatest varie
ty of exquisite modes in shirt waists
from these stocks We have placed
the entire lot on sale at four prices
50c, 73c and 1.00
Shirt Waists In percale
and madras cloth, go
25c, 50c
High cost shirt waists
of mercerized Zephyr,
dainty Whlto colored
dimity and lawns,
hundreds of styles to
select from, all of them
this season's styles, nt
98c, 1.50
$1.75 Box Calf
Shoes at
$2 Tan Oxfords
Tics nt
Samplo Oxfords
slzo 4,
caso was whcttiur or not Dr. Fox, ns execu
tor under tho will of Catherine M. Tus
ler, had fully accounted for the property
tn Nebraska belonging to tbo deceased. It
was contended by tho present administra
tor of tho estatu that ho was short about
$40,000, the valuo of a herd of horses, which
It was claimed ho had not accounted for.
Mrs. Cnthcrlno M. Tuslcr died nt Madi
son, Wis., in 1894, leaving a will bequeath
ing all of htr property to her daughter,
Mrs. II. P. Stoddart of Omaha, and naming
hnr cousin, Dr. Fox, ns executor. Dr. Fox,
knowing that Mrs. Tusler owned a houso
and lot on Park avenue in Omaha, In which
her daughter lived, had himself appointed
by tho Douglas county court ns administra
tor of tho estate- in Nebraska.
.cln Under AVIncoimlii Court.
Dr. Fox qualflcd as executor of tho catato
In tho court of Dano county, Wis., and
under tho authority vested In him by tho
Wisconsin court ho cleared up tho property
Interests of tho deceased In all states ex
cepting Nebraska, mado his accounting
and was discharged of further liability In
the matter.
Then Dr. Fox, not being nble to sccuro
tho control of tho real estate In Omaha,
which ho presumed was the 'pnly property
loft by Mrs. Tuslcr In this state, applied
to tho Douglaa county court for approval
of his report nnd his dlBcbargo. Mrs. Stod
dart end Oeorgo D. Melklejohn, who had a
claim against tho estate, Interposed an
objection to tho approval of Dr. Fox's re
port, claiming that ho had failed to ac
count for ubout $10,000 worth of horses.
Throw Away Your Medicine Our
Vacuum Organ
nun i m i i qf not onb fa,lure
I u9UUU Ml UOLnot one returned
cat or how long standing, it Is enra to yield
Tho blood in tho llfo. the fertilizer of the hu
man body. Our tnetrumrnt forces the blood
Into circulation where most needed, (tiring
"ihhih nuu uotoiuumaai io won nnu uicjosd
The' Vy cnum Orana Dorelopor was fln't In.
trcxluced lu he atandlne annlei of Europe a
o I
ii.!:. '?' 0,5o. "t tbe French epeclallet. De
countries led the Local ADDllanm Co. tn
. nu lis remaraaoie rnccesa in tha
,,"-"..(.. I rtppuenco v o, secure
teuiS! vo cPnfro ! Us 1. on tho Weetern
0.' n,'VoJt lutroduotioa Into this
f22i3itS.I?InBir'"lb'. curo' hP astounded,cal Pwfeation. It hat restored
IkJuI.!, ofT,ca,' pronounced Incurable by
phyetolans. It cures quickly, harmlessly, and
wit'aout detention from bublnees. '
Kemeraber there it no exposure. 'no C.O.D. or
S;-fI fe189 1" ?"f, leaUng with the public.
Y rite for free Particulars tout eeelrd in plain
aveloD. t-ocL M"Llncr commIy,
lirnrnerp.BI.clt, Indlaaaa.tU, Indiana.
Bargains in the History of
Great Sale
Time and time again have we given you bargains that you have marveled at But the
following offers for Monday eclipse all former records. Tho great demand for the fabrics offered makes tho values ho remarkable
SOc Silks nt 15c yard All tho silks $1.00 Tnfietns nt flOc yard Thous- $1 ami $1.50 Silks 4l)c and (il)c yard
from tho ubovo mentioned stocks Includ- amis of yards of Taffeta Silks, 19 Inches Thin lot Includes brocaded ullks In black
Ing tnffotas, surahs, satins In all colors, and 21 Inches wide. In bright colors, nlso "' colors- black taffetas pxcIumIvd put
china Hllks In 1'orslan and polka dot pat- foulard silks In light and dnrk grounds- J' j'.J Ami da
terns, especially admit
ed for millinery and
neckwear, bIho wash
pllks, ns displayed In
window sold for up to
50c a ynrd your cholco
of entire lot Monday,
50c Dress Goods. 15; yard -This lot
Includes black and colored br.lllant.nes.
cashmeres and lienrlcttus, In nil colors,
storm serges, nil wool dress llanncls, sill:
.,.i ,.h.. - -
""" ... v...
goous ami fancy enev-
lots. Thoso aro posl- I T
tlvely 50c dress goods
on salo Monday, -t.
per yard
Great Lace
TPhese Laces and Embroideries are somewhat mussed,
qualities every bargain is of the pncnomenai son.
All tho flno wash laces from these stocko, COO bolts of high class trimming laces,
Including English torchon, French Vals,' sultablo for trimming tho finest dresses and
Point d'csprlt, laco edged fottlngs, cotton muslin undcrdear, Including Normandy and
galloons, all neat patterns, somo extra flno Watt Valenciennes, black Chantllly, Ard-
quality, worth up - 1 E blnn at"l fancy galloons In all Qi
to 25c yard-In this -V,C iC w,dlh"' hunJrtds tylcs.worth QC
salo at, yard 29 t-W up t0 :5cln tb)g Balo nt 2V
Thousands of short ends of nllover 100 pieces of flno allover lace nnd em-
tucklngs. great varloty of styles- broidery, sultablo for yokes and fancy
nirn nnn mmiitv-in hnif.vnrH waists, all now patterns-worth
lengths worth
up to 35 cents
go at
20c Hosiery 6c Pair 1 1
1,000 dozen men's, women's and children'
hosiery from these stocks, In plain fast
black, full seamless, some
fancy colors, worth up to
SOc pair on bargain
Sale of Men's Shoes from the Railroad Wreck. $3.00 and $4.00 Values, $1.50 Pair.
J2 Box Calf
Shoes at
which w'ero said to have been In Nebraska
nt tho tlmo of Mrs. Tusler's death. Upon
hearing In tho rounty court H. P. Stod
dart testified that tho horses belonging to
Mrs.Tuslcr at her death were tn Nebraska,
and tho court hold Dr. Fox responsible
for them. Judgment was entered against'
Dr. Fox for tho valuo of the horses and ho!
was removed from the position of admin
istrator N. II. Tunnlcllff being appointed
In his place. :
ApiM-nl from County Court.
The caso that has Just been decided by
tho Jury In tho district court was an ap
peal from tho Judgment of tho county
court. Dr. Fox producod witnesses In the
higher court to show that the horses were
In Wyoming nt tho tlmo of Mrs. Tuslcr'a
death and therefore they did not como into
his possession aB executor In Nebraska. His
contention was that he had taken tho horses
as executor In Wisconsin, had disposed of
them and reported their disposition to tho
Wisconsin court, which had approved his
report. As far as tho horses are concerned,
tho Jury decides with Dr. Fox that thoy
wore not a part of tho estato In Nebraska.
Dr. Fox produced testimony to show that
during tbo executorship of this estato ho
did not collect any rent from Mrs. Stoddart
for tho uso of tho Park avenuo houso, but
bad expended $2,800 on Its account. Judgo
Slabaugh instructed tho Jury that tho exec
utor was negligent tn not collecting rent
for tho property and ho should bo held
liable for tho amount thus lost to tho es
tate. Tho $445 Judgment awarded to Dr.
Fox by the Jury represents tho dlffercnco
between tbo amount ho paid out on the
Omaha property and tho amount of rent ho
Bhould have collected.
C.ovcriinient'n I'nrra of Indictment 1
Turned Dimtii.
Judge Muuger sustained a demurrer In
tho suit or tho government against John
and Louis N. lletts of this city, who were
cbnrged with having made an untruthful
affidavit In support of tho application of
Mrs. James Botts for a pension. Tho
affidavit was to tho offoct that Mrs. Dotts
had novcr married prior to her marriago
to James netts, and tho government ex
pected to prove that sho had had a farmer
husband and that her marriage to Dotts
was surrounded by conditions that would
defeat her pension claim. Tho holding of
Judgo Munger was practically that the al
legations In tho indictment, even If true,
did not set up a crlmo. Tho ruling was u
blow to tbo prosecution, as the Indict
ment was drawn In pursuance of a form
supplied by tho government which has
hitherto been repeatedly declared good.
Conrt Deride AVItuea John V. Flllley
Wit Int'uiuiiPtrnt,
Judge Vlnsouhnler yoslerday hold that
the will of Mrs. Martha J. Ellis, by which
sho bequeathed $8,500 worth of property to
scores of personal friends and to several
Masonic lodges, la Invalid. Tho court held
that one of the witnesses to tbe will, John
P. Flnley, was Incompetent, because, aa a
member of tho Masonic lodges, ha was a
beneficiary. C. W. DeLaroater, tho other
witness, was unable to Identify the whole
will, having seon only tho ono sheet be had
placed hie signature on.
If tho decision of Judge Ylnionhaler Is
affirmed by tho higher court, tbe estate of
of Silks and Dress Goods
iiuiiiisoino uonu
75c Drcs Goods 25; yard This lot
Includes s.r.ct.y nil wool chnll.s. .n light
and dark grounds, Persian patterns, and
handsome lloral designs, nlbatross and nun's
vviiiiiK in mum coi- , naa
...,...,., , " m
"pT W
FTSC m.?.V i...." J fc T
llnd ,irnb, on Bn0
Monday on bargain
square, yard
and Embroidery Bargains
up to $1.00 r yv
it .r.'.0... 25c, 39c
50c Buttons lc Dozen 1
1,000 dozen plain and fancy
dress buttons suitable tor trim
.vii mm-
ming all kinds of
dresses, worth up to
50e, dozen, all go at. .
$3 Vic! Kid Shoes
black and tan
Kid Shoes
sizes C to 8
Mrs. Kills will go to her niece, Nellie
Davis. Hy tho will tho bulk of the prop
erty was bequeathed to tho Masonic lodges.
Six Tliousniul Dollar Ilnnil to Hold
.VlU'Kfil Murderer.
Louis Godola, charged with murder in tho
first degree, was released from Jail on bond
In tho sum of $6,000 yesterday morning.
Oodoln, with his attorneys, appeared bo
fore tho bar of tho criminal court and
applied to bo admitted to ball, and, after
somo discussion with tho lawyers for tho
state and for tho defendant, the Judge
granted tho application and fixed tho
amount of ball nt $G,000.
Emit Gall nnd Josephine Carroll were
offered as sureties and accepted. Mr. Gall
sworo that ho was tho owner of unen
cumbered property worth $13,500 and Mrs.
Carroll qualified for $11,000.
Attend MretliiK of Comity Hoard, but
l'nll to net Action on
J. F. Hanson and M. II. Illnman of Fre
mont, A. C. Foster, L. C. Lloyd, J. IJ. Car
rolchael and T. W. Dlackburn, all of tho
incorporators of tbe Omaha Suburban Rail
way and Traction company, and John S.
Knox of tbo Omaha & Fremout Electric
Hallway company, wcro present nt the
meeting of tho county commissioners yos
terday, but nothing waB done with regard to
tholr application for franchises.
Tbe commissioners profess to bo waiting
for an application for a francblso from tho
Omaha Street Hallway company, but there
Is no evidence that such an application Is
on tho way. Chairman Connolly says ho
expects Mr. Murphy and his associates to
enter tho competition for a suburban fran
chise, but ho refuses to divulge any further
Information on tbe subject.
Another meeting of tho committee of tho
whole, to which tbo two propositions tor
franchises havo been referred, will bo held
next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Messrs. Hanson and Illnman, who are
In tho Omaha Suburban Hallway and Trac
tion company, are also Interested in the
Fremont canal project. They declaro that
New York capitalists aro ready to put up
tho cash necessary for tho construction of
tho canal and tho power plant at Fremont.
It Is tho Intention of tho canal company
to transmit the power generated at Fro
mont to Omaha and to furnish also the
power for the operation of the plant of
tho Omaha Suburban Hallway and Trac
tion company It It is ever built.
Ilndler Decline to Itrtrnot.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. May J5.-In refer
ence to the announcement that the Par
tridge commlttpo on tho Nnthnn Halo
statue for Ynlo haa asked President Had
ley to withdraw publicly his first letter
to the alumni, which implied that the
commltteo's statue project was unauthor
ized, the Yale president said that as far
as he la concerned tho incident Is already
Chlneae Official. Cnll on MoKlnley.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 26. Among tho
many notable Incidents of President Mc
Klnloy's visit tn this city wns a visit paid
him early last night by Chinese Consul
General Ho Yow and tho presidents of tho
Six Companies. They were dressed In
their official robes and presented a dazzling
array of color. They presented to the
president un address, also presents valued
at K.Q00,
MAY 20, 1001.
mm wuist siikh. on snlo Monday on bar-
!z:49c, 69c
$1 Dress Goods 50c yard -Including
gloria silk, pure silk and wool fabrics In
todoid.1 ".tchetlflilfab ni
Krny; niB0 mohair, brllllantlne i most
serviceable summer fabric) nnd Imported
r fabric) nnd Imported
""i"'. " " "
goods, nuro silk
u"'1 wool -worth
$1.00 and $1.50 a
yard on bargain
square, yard
but they are all excellent
One largo bargain counter of hundreds
of pieces of all styles of Dno nnd showy
embroideries nnd Insertions, somo
slightly mussed, all good quality.
fine patterns, worth PJ Cj.
t0 f 0 ynrd-'n jfoC. OC
this sale, yd v-r
AU ,ho extrft wloe widths of fine era-
broidery, Including Jaconet, nainsook nnd
swiss - all beautiful pattcrns-somo sllghUy
mussed worth 60 cents yard
is:.."?:. 15c
1 50c Sun Bonnets 15c
All tho ladles', misses' and children's
sun bonnets from theso stocks all styles
g BlUCKH ill! Bl IUB
all colors. In plain and
fancy ruffled worth
upto GO cents
go nt, each
nnd Youth's
Enamel Shoes
Ideal Kid Shoes
Louts Heel
Patent Leather
Several City School. Must B. Equippad
with Additioaal Sprci
nonril of UducHtlon Jlnut MnKc Some
ArrniiKcinent to Acconimodntc In-c-reime
of I'atrnnaue-Action
AV11I 1! Titkou Soon.
lieclunlnc of the next school
vnnr mnrn room must bo provided nt
several of tho city schools. Saratoga and
Train schools are so crowded that they
will havo no room to accommodate tho In
creased attendance which next fall Is sure
to bring. Tho condition at many of ho
other schools Is almost as bad.
Moro than fifty children are seated In
each of the ten rooms at Saratoga, and at
Train school flfty-llvo pupils are crowded
Into somo of the rooms. If nil tho rhildrcu
who bolong In tho Train district were to
bo accommodated In the building It would
require an addition of nt least two rooms.
Many children from tho district havo been
transferred to Pacific school, where tbero
wcro two empty rooms.
Tho Hoard of Education has lots ad
joining tho Train school and will prob
ably build an addition to tho school within
a fow years. The lots aro many feet nbovo
tho grado of the school yard and tho ex
pense of grading would bo so great that
tho board is contemplating tho location of
a temporary annex on the ungraded lots.
Will THke I'nrt In HrlUtedt Con
cert n un Auzlllnry
It Is generally understood among the
promoters of tho Juno festival by Ilell
stedt's band that tho suggestion of Prof.
Bcllstedt looking to tho establishment of
an auxiliary chorus of school children for
participation In somo of tho concerts will
bo carried out. Tho suggestion has been
turned over to Superintendent Pearso of
the city schools, who has been Mr. Ilospe'a
chief lieutenant In tho promotion of festi
val preparations, and be Is now in consul
tation with Mica Fannlo Arnold, supervisor
of muslo In tho city schools, In tho con
sideration of plans.
Hocent advices from Prof. Hellstedt aro
to tho effect that ho has a number of de
lightful deacrlptlvo compositions adapted
to Just such purposes as this series of
concerts, which aro entlroly new and which
can but prove favorites with the musical
people of Omaha. Ho i also preparing
to Introduce a number of dramatic musical
climaxes which havo nover before been at
tempted In tbo achievements of concort
bands. Patrons of these concerts are
promised a number of delightful surprises
In proflclont solo performances, all en
tirely new, prominent among which will
bo the work of Max Nlckell, the snare
drummer, who has been one of tho fea
tures of Dellstodt's organization for tho
past Ove yeara
There promises to be a ruth for thj
olo agonts for
Peet & Co's
$10 Golf Skirts $2.85 j
Ladles' golf skirts made of
plaid back and other choice
materials all colors very lat
est styles. They are worth up
to $10.00 but owing to tho re
markably low price wo secur
ed them for
wo plaro
them on pale
Monday at .
Ladies' flc Misses'
New Tailor -Made
Suits in all tho styl
ish and serviceable materials
black and colors made vflth
L'Alglon collars fronts faced
with cither whlto or blaok
many molrcd fronts oton or
tight fitting Jackots Jackets
lined throughout
aro Bilk gj
Muslin Underwear
Extraordinary Values for Monday's Sale
Ladies' fine muslin drawers
trimmed with line em
broidery worth up to 75c
a pair on sale at
Ladies fine corset covers the
styles, trimmed with flno laces and
embroidery worth up to J1.00
on salo at
35c 49c 69c
Ladies' skirts, skirt
chemtso and night robes, made of
fine muslin and cambrlo, hand
somely trimmed with embroideries
and wash laces up to 2.00 valuoJ,
at -"")
49c69c98c 1
Patent Calf
Shoes at
ideal Kid Ox
fords at
$3, $3.50
and $5
twenty-ticket books during the coming
week, ns thoy will bo kept on sale only
until next Saturday evening. Every ap
plicant prior to that time will be given tho
prlvllcgo of securing books of admission
tickets at tbe reduced rate, oven should
it bo found necessary to havo moro books
printed After next Saturday venlng no
moro book tickets will bo sold, and only
single ndmlsslon tickets will be procurable
at an ndvance of 10 cents on each ticket
over tho prlco charged for thoso In books.
Ihinnirratnrs Hecelve Instruction
nnd Will Ileitln Work Mon
ilny MornliiK.
Secretary Burgess of tho Doard of Edu
cation held a school of Instruction yesterday
morning for enumerators who are to tako
the school census. Ills pupils varied In ago
from 15 to SO, but proved to be qulto apt.
Among tho enumerators wore four women.
Hlanks were given to each of tbo ap
pointees and the secretary asked questions
concerning facts tho board desires to know
and had the enumerators fill In answers
that thoy might learn how to prepare re
ports, Monday morning tho enumerators will
commcuco their work. The rules requlro
that they must submit the returns to tho
board within thirty days,
Multiuser of .Sllinrliin Itnllrnnil Hum
Conference with K. II.
NEW YUKK, May 26. A. Bostolman. ,
superintendent of tho Trnnsslberian rail-',
road's Asiatic division and tbe nlnotcen
steamships connected with tbo rnllroad 1
service In and around Port Arthur, has
had an important conftrenoe with E. H.
Harrlman. Mr. nnstolman represents tho '
Russian government in a kcml-olllcial ca
pacity nnd his mission In Now York, la j
understood to bo to promoto nmlcablo ,
trnfllc arrangements with tho Union Pa- 1
elfic lines and tbo steamBhlp Interests
controlled by tho t nlon Pacific. Mr. Hos
telmnu said last night that In his opinion
there was little hope for a speedy develop- !
meat of American commerco between San ,
Francisco nud Chinese ports until thn
freight rate of $11 a ton Is lowerd. It Is ,
understood tnnt he and Mr, Hnrrlman
went over the subject fully nnd that Mr. '
Dostelman told Mr. Hnrrlman that tho i
Russian government desired tho most cor- '
dial relations to exist botweon Its rail
road nnd steamship lines nud tho lines
leading to tho Pacific seaboard. Mr.
Ilostelman nlso saw men Identified with
tho Northern Pacific Interests and mado
particular Inquiry about the great freight
ships being built for that company at Now
Mr. Rostelmon said: "I will have to
ask to be oxcuscd from discussing offlclal
affairs. We are doing nicely with tho
railroad acrosa Siberia and Manchuria and
hopo to have an all-rail route within the
noxt fifteen months."
Mm nt Hooker T. Wnehlnsiton,
HAIUtlsmJHO, l'n May 25.-!ly a vote
of 101 to 7 thn Philadelphia conference
of tho African Methodist Episcopal church,
which is holding Its annual session In this
city, struck' from tbo president's report
the reference In tho speech of C, W.
Justin to Hooker Washington, as "one of
tho greatest negroes In th. world."
Alt tbo
ItMnch wldo
Long Cloth
All tlio
Ktijlish long
oloth, coat, Q,
All tho flno
plquo, worth
ID, WBl'lll
.u ynrd,
All tho furnlturo
fringe, worth
up to $1.00, ri
. 2yac
All tho morcorlzcd
llnliii; iomuiint,
wortn 1:00
yard, go
All tho silk ruchlrisr &
fnncy juby trlmmlnr;,
uIko bins tucking, -4
nil stylos, worth I
2.1c, ro ut, ynrd...
All tho 10c silk ribbons
from theso
stocks, go
at. por
very latest
All tho 2T)c nnd 35o silk
ribbons from
tlu-80 stocks,
pont, por
yard w
All the fancy silk rib.
bons worth up to $1.00
i yard, on f
salo at, por Iff C
yard w
Patent Calf
Shoes at
and $3
Louts Heel
$2.50, $3
and 3.50
Rcmnrkuble Discovery of a Slmplo
and Harmless Liquid that Clears
the Skin of All Imperfections.
Scut I'ree To Slioir Hint No Illeiul.ihet
Cnu Iteiiiiiiu AVlicre It In llncil.
A large manufacturing firm has dis
covered what Is apparently tho secret of a
perfect Bkln. Thoro Booms to bo no blem
ish that It does not remove, It was found
accidentally nt tbo Chaplin Mills, nrnkera
of toxtllo Hupplles. and thoy certainly havo
a fortuno In It. Uoforo thoy put it on tho
market It was tested tn every wny. Phy
sicians nnd dermatologists pronounced It
wonderful In curing, clearing and whlton-
Ing (bo nkln. yet as harmless and mild aa
cream. It wau named Kentucky Complox
Inn Ilonutlfier, nnd has already miwlo thou
HamlH of frlonds. It Is tho best thing over
beard of for tho Bkln. It heals up pimploa
and other broaklug out In n. fow days;
iiulckly cures skin diseases; clonro away
spots freckles, blackheads, tnn, etc., loav
luff tho skin pure, bright nnd velvety na a
uhtld'H. Mri. Hvn M. Davis, 218 llrand
street, Elmlru, N. Y says: "Ever slnco I
viih n girl 1 had freckles and iilmplea some
thing dreadful I nlwayn folt ashamed of
my fnci. I know I havo paid out a hun
dred dollars for doctors and dlfforont stuff
that never did mo nny good; nt last I got
discouraged and nnld I must ltvo looking
llko I wan; but when I read In tha papers
nhnut tho discovery of Kentucky Ilonutl
fier I tried once mnro, If you had seen my
fnco before and seo mo now you wouldn't
know 1 was tho sumo person. There la not n
freckle or blemish of any kind cm rny skin
nnd now I cnu go out without n veil and
feel so proud and so hapny knowing how
nico my complexion Is. Hvory tlmo I see
it lady on tho Btrcet with blemishes on hor
f,ic I ftiel llko I ought to stop hor nnd toll
lier what cuicd tne.'
It Is oasy to line, being simply rubbbed
Into tho skin morning and ovonlng, No
rktfi Is too bud to bo cleared by it. To
show wbnt It will do, tho company 1b now
sending a supply of tho Henutlflcr free, by
prepaid mall lo nil who write for It It
costs you nothing; simply send your ad
dress to Tho t'hnplln Mlll.'i Co., 47 North
Hcott street, Covington, Ky.
If So, Seo Uh.
Trunks, Traveling Hags, Cusca.
Largest and finest lino In rlty,
Omaha Trunk Factory
1200 l'arnuin St., Oiualia, Nab.