it rtunr, OAT A IT A n A II ,V WISV.. ClT"VnAV A A V nfl mm. n PAPA'S LUCK IS LAGGARD Hii GUdUtori Huadicapped by Crippling of Two Foramoit 8tio1cn. TIDE MUST TURK VHEII THEY HOOK UP Too llnrly to llcglii I-'nrccnntliiK Muu iittcr KunrUu Itrulilrrn lllre Deteriuliintliin lo He In it t I'llilah or (Jo Ilrol.c. A combination of unfortunate circum stances has hail mucli tu do In landing Omaha cloie to tlio bottom o( the per cent sro column In tho Western league this early In tho season. First and foremom has been tho, hunt luck which two of tho best players lu tho club unvc bnd. Lauzon nnd McAndrows, two of tho fielders nnd unquestionably two of tho best hit tera on tho team, arc and uavo been laid up for repairs. Their absenco from tho team lias cott Oraah.i several gntnea. Thero la not tho slightest doubt but that tho Omahoa would lmvo won nlno out of tho twclvo i;n;ncs played away from home on tho Initial trip to tho went and south If It hadn't been for tho unfortunnto acci dent which put Lauzon on tho bench before tho team had gotten fairly started lu Den vor. And with ulthcr McAndrcws or I.atlzon In tho Kumo It Is a certainty that the rec ord of Karnes played ut homo would show more, favorably for tho locals. Another visitation ot the Nemesis was when President Kaurko signed one Roust ns a pitcher. Rcust wan certainly a falso nlarm. Two games ho pitched, both ugalurt Kansas City, and tho Mlsaourlans inado Mr. Roust look llko thirty cents. He was traveling under false pretenses when hu claimed to be a pitcher. rado.m are .down cloao to the bottom ot tho percentage column. This fact shows conclusively tho supcr'or material which had been brought Into the league by all of the other teams. The Western league thl J season Ij a different organization from tljo ono that occupied tho field of action last year, especially In tho grade of players connected with t'uo various clubs. W-Kt-ll (. Jl-Il x Kt. Si-K-K 3. ,cn fcV-Kt x Kt. :i-K-lt I. H Resigns . C(M.I'-(.lt(XlLUT. Hut It'a too early In the season to grow dls courancd. I'rcsldcDt Rourko Is determined to give Omaha a winning team. Tho genuine enthusiasm which prevails In this city and thn splendid patronago nccorded tho game warrants tho assertion on his part' that ho will glvo this city a team of which he may bo proud If ho spends every dollar ho has on enrth and Is compelled to chango tho present personnel of tho team entirely. Of courso, Buch a contingency as tho latter in entirely beyond tho pnlo of likelihood. With ono or two changes tho Omaha team Is as strong as any In tho league. Just 'what theso changes will bo or should be l'resldcnt Ilourko has not determined lu his own mind. When McAndrcws gets buck Into tho gatno nnd tho team begins to run nlong on Its regular schedule It will bo an easier matter to apply tho pruning knife to tho proper spots. "Dusty" CoonB has pitched himself Into high favor with tbo Omaha fans. The shutout ho ndmtnlstercd St. Joo nnd the victory ho won from Kansas City wore both well earned and tho responsibility rested largely wl h him. Coons 1b easily tho star of tho Omaha pitching start so far. Herman, Froeland ami Graham are nil doing good work and tho three aro as good, perhaps, nB any thrco that might bo selected from any other club In tho league. Gordon gives promise of developing Into a star. Ilecauso of tho lad's youth and lnoxperlenco l'resldcnt Ilourko has best tatod to glvo htm too much work to do, but In all that tho lad has essayed to do he has accomplished very satisfactory rcHults. Ha followed Ileust in tbo box against Kansas City last week aftor his predeces sor had lost tho gamo and pitched magnifi cent ball for four Innings. In Friday's gamo against Denver' ho pitched winning ball and - In nlno. cases out" ot ten would havo had a, victory credited up to.lilm. r "Tho most notable feature of the bate ball games of tho past few years is the wonderful Improvement in the ball players whj represent the colleges of the country," cays a well Informed base ball authority. "These boys who uphotd the colors of the Institutions of learning on the base ball diamond are the ones who aro In demand by the managers ot tho leaguers. They are getting faster us tbo years go by and soon, If they keep Improving at the rate that they havo in tho past few years, they will bo nblo to drlvo tho league teams to the woods. 'This season's collegian ball tosscrs arc pcrhups tho best of tho lot. Vale, George town, Illinois, Cornell, Harvard, Pennsyl vania and Michigan have the premier teams. They havo been stucked up against tho National, American nnd Eastern league teams. To say that they did good work would not be giving tbo teams their duo ercdlt. They not only covered themselves with glory, but n most cases they made tho leagucra hustlo as they never did before to keep the sting of defeat from their hands. "Hut several ot thn collegians accom plished tho trick of beating tho leaguers. This was dono by Yale, Georgetown, Princeton nnd Illinois. It Is a feat that is well worthy of mention, Inasmuch as tho college players are, ns a rule, new to tho game. They have been picked up as prob able candidates nnd have been drilled by tho coaches until they showed champion ship timber." CHOICE GAMES IN NEBRASKA McIcHIiim of riipK Contests llclil li Member of iUr Slnle Asuoeln Hun liy Correspondence. Itcv. James A. Youiiklns ot Oakmont, Ta., an honorary member of tho Nebraska asso ciation, submllu tho following score with tho comment, "Black's tenth lost him the game." Hcv. Younklns (White) against J. II. Kunkel (IJIack), Pittsburg, Pn. , QUEEN'S OAMI1IT DECLINED. WIIITH. 1- P.Q 4. 2- P-CJ II 4. 3- Kt-Q It 3. 4- 11. tl 4. 5- P-K 3. 6- Kt-K 3. 7 P-y It 3. 8 -It Kt x P. !- Kt x Kt. 10- P x t P. , 11- Kt-Q ft 4. 1SH-Q Kt (hi. IJ-Kt.Q Kt (i, 14- Kt x It. 15- P x Kt. H-Q-U 4. IT-Q-ll 4 cli. lS-lMtt X, 19-11 X II ch, SD-lt-Kt ch. 3t-Q x P. 32-0-0. 23-U-H 21-11 x II. SJ-Q X It. IILACK. 1-P-Q 4. J-P-K J. 3- Kt-K II 3. 4- P.Q n 4, J-P-y 11 3. 5- Kt-Q II 3, 7-Q II P x P. H-Q.g Kl 3. 9-P x Kt. 10 -Q x Kt P (?) 11- Q-Kt :. 13-Q.Il 2. 13- Kt X P. 14- Kt x It. 15- Q x Kt. Ift-p.Q II 4. 17-II.Q 3. 1S-Q-K 2. 1J-Q x II. 50- K-K 3. 51- K-II 3. 22 Q-H 2. !3-y x P. 24-H x It. 2.". Hoslgni. Thero will bo four games ou tho "homo grounds this week. Denver .closes up this afternoon and Colorado, Springs comes to morrow and Tuosdriy. Then tho Ilourkeltes will go over to Dcs Moines nnd pla' n coupto of games with tho, Hawkoycs Deaora lion day and a third ono on Friday, re turning hero for tho fourth gamo" of tho week, which will bo with Dcs Moines next Saturday. Minneapolis and St. Paul will follow tho Prohibitionists and when tho Minnesota Saints havo finished tholr en gagements tho funs will havo seen all of the teams In tho league. Then will bo time enough to begin making forecasts of tho way tho season will end. As soon as McAndrowH la nblo to get back Into tho game, which will be somo tlmo this week, Calhoun will go back to first and "Mc" will rcsumo his old posi tion at thltd. Thnt will put Colonol Rich ard Iluckley out of tho game, for the bulk of tho backstopplng will b looked after by Goudlng. Hut Iluckley will be retained on tho pay roll. Tho old veteran Is ono of tho finest In the business to tako a young pitcher In hand and put him through his paces. Most of his work will bo per formed In tho morning, when tho team Is out for practice. Gordon nnd Graham need Just such an old experienced catcher as Iluckley Is to steady them down nnd as sist thorn In developing tholr best points. Gamo played In tho Nebraska Chess asso ciation's third tournament. It. E. Ilrega, Callaway (White) against Dr. A. E. Ilartoo, Arcadia (Dlack). EVANS' GAMDIT. WHITK. 1- p.K 4. 2- Kt-K )! 3. 3- n.Il 4. 4- P-Q Kt 4. K-I'-Q U 3. C-O-O. 7-P-Q 4. 5- P x P. 9-Kt-Il 3. lAll-K 3 (a). 11-Q Kt-Q J. 13-li-U Kt 5. 13- tl-Q It 4. 14- P-K It 3. 15- P-K 5. 1-P x P. 17-11-K Kt 5. l-n-K. 19-Q x Kt. 20 P-K 0 (c). 21- 1 x P ch. 22- P x Kt (Q) ch. 23- Q.Q 6 ch. 24- KMC 6 ch. K-Q-K 7 mate. II LACK. 1-P-K 4. 5 Kt-Q II 3. 3- ll-n 4. 4- 11 x Kt P. 5- lI-ll I. S-I'.Q 3. 7-P x P. s-n-Kt 3. 9 Il-Kt 5. 10- y-n 3. 11- Q-Q. 12- P-CJ It 3. is-ii.crn 4. 14- II-Q 2. 15 P x P. 10-Kt-y Kt 5. 17- Q.ll. 18- Kt X Kt. 19- 11 x 11 (b). 20- P-Q II 3. 21- K-H. 22- rt x Q. 23- K-II 2. 21-K-K. (a) A loss of time. (b) This was fatal, as Is often true of "e.xchnngo hunger" In this opening. (c) Tho final touch, showing what n pawn can do If properly trained. Tho Denver team, which appears on tho field of battlo to do combat with the locals this afternoon, Is virtually tho same or ganization nn tho ono which carried away tho pennant last year. And yet tho Colo- Gumo plnyed between John I nnd Juduo H. II. FREN WHITE. 1- P-K 4. 2- P-Q 4. 3- Kt-O II 3. 4- P-K 5. rP-II 4. 6- P X P. 7- Kt-H 3. 8- 11. K 3. 9-CJ-q 2. 10-ll-K 2. H-O-O-O. 12- P x P. 13- 11 x Kt. 14- Kt x P. 15- Kt-H 3. 1R-K x Q. U-Kt x n, 18- I1-Q 3. 19- K It-K. 20- rt.JC 2. 21- K x It. 22- Il-Kt S. 23- Kt-K 4. 24- II-Q 8. !S-Kt-Q ch. 26- n.q s. 27- H x n. 28- Kt x R. 29- Kt-Kt S. In Nebraska tourmiment .. Clark. IJncoln (White) neugwicK. i orn (iiincK). CII DEFENSE. HhACK. 1- P-K 3. 2- P-Q 4. 3- Kt-K II 3. 4- K Kt-q 3. 5- P-q n 4. e-Kt x p. 7- Kt-ll 3. 8- 1 l-K 2. 9- 0-0. to p-n 3. 11- P X P. 12- Q-H 3. 13- 11 x II. 14- q-q, 15 - Q x Q. 14-n-q 5. 17- Kt x Kt. 18- Kt-n 3. 19- n-n : ch. to rt x n ch. 21- Kt x P. 22- K-n 2. 23- P-K It 3. 24- P-lt 3. SS-K-II 3. 28- P-K Kt 4. 27-n x It, 21-P-K R 4. 29- P-Kt 5. Outdoor I'liMtlmp (tint In Aleel- Iiir nlth Fat or. A new outdoor game has been Invented v.iilrh combines some ot tho features ot golt and croquet, and promises to become popular with people who object to the Ion; golt course, and for whom croquet Is too tamo. It was Introduced In Wash ington by Commander Hcury McCreu, U. S, N., a short tlmo ago, and since then many golf-croquot fields have been laid out In various parts of tho country. Tho game possesses the advantages that It may be played on n lawn of any shape and with out much preparation, reports tho New York Tilbuuo. All that Is necessary Is to level the ground for a few feet near the wickets. Only ono club Is required, and tho caddies may bo dispensed with. The ball Is cheap, and not easily lost. Tho player gets the same kind of cxcrclso as In golf, and tho nccurato play of croquet Is requisite, while tho same element of luck comes In piny. The controlling features of golf-croquet are: A good estimation of dlstnnco and tho forco required to cover that distance; accuracy in driving a ball over tho grass or lifting It through tho nlr to clear ob stacles. Tho course on any lawn or field depends on tho shape ut tho place and Is marked by wickets similar to those used In croquet, but stronger, and by numbered Hags. No account need bo tnken of the distances betweon theso wickcls. It Is oven deemed better to havo them vnrylng. A spot or treo must be chosen near tho center of tho lawn, und In placing tho wickets they must face this center, ns all shots mado through wickets uro toward tho center. Tho wickets nro also placed so thnt tho next one In sequenco Is In plain view of tho last ono passed, bo that No. 3 may bo seen from No. 2, nnd No. 6 from No. 5. Eight wickets nro usually placed, but thero may bo less, nnd, as In golf, ono may go over tho field twice. Tho ball Is of wood, two and three-quarter Inches In diameter, light nnd tough, tho object being to get force nnd speed with out much momentum, and to bo sure that It will float. Tho mallets havo longer handles than the croquet mallets, and tho end of tho striking part Is hovelled so that It will lift tho ball clear of the turf. In tho booklet published by A. G. Spald ing & Ilroi. on this subject tho following rules for playing tho gamo nro given: "It may bo played by two or four peo ple, and thoso having started over tho course, moro may stnrt without confusion. Presuming thero nro two players, A and 11, A starts by placing the ball on tho placo chosen for tho stnrt, and care fully estimating tho distance, endeavors to Bend' IiIb ball as close nri possible to tho first wicket; this Is Btroko 1 for A. II then follows with his stroke 1. Now, going to where their balls nro, the ono farthest from tho wicket plays stroko 2, and If he Is still farthest away, ho plnys stroke 3, but If stroko 2 carries him closer thnn his op ponent, tho opponent plnys his stroko 2. This Is continued until both players got through tho wicket, tho number of Btrokos necessary being carefully kept by each. If n player can strike with his ball tho othor ball, hU stroke is froo, and not counted. The othor ball can bo replaced or left, nnd ho can cither play from whero tho ball lies or tnko It to any spot within tho radius of n mallet's head from tho ball struck. In no case can ho assume to have passed through a wicket. In playing with four players, two play as partners, llko In golf, using ono ball nnd alternating strokes. Having passed tho first wicket, tho others aro mado In tho same way." Tho game may bo played to count by tho total number of strokes necessary to go through the wickets, In which case the player making nil wickets with tho least number Of strokes wlnH, or It mny bo played by wickots, In which caao tho wicket counts for the- player who makes It in tho least number of strokes, nnd whcio plnyors aro equal as to strokes for n wicket no account Ib taken by either player for thnt wicket. Ono gamo Is called "nil strokes," tho othor "all wickets." PUGILISM LOOKS HOPELESS Michfg&n and Yfitconjfn Govsrnori Jin ii Knockout. JEFFRIES IS STILL AFTER RUHl Amntrnr Athletic Toiiriiiinirn t. Tho South Omaha Athletic club will con duct nn amateur athletic tournament for six nights, beginning June 3. Prizes will be given tho successful contestants In box ing and wrestling mntchos. All profes sional boxtrs and wrestlors will be barred from tho contests. Boxing will bo for points only and thoro will bo contests open to men of all weights. Wlicel dull Unco. Tho Omaha Wheel club will glvo a road rnco and picnic at Ruser's park on Decora tion day. Tho road race will begin promptly at 2:30 and will begin nnd end at tho park. Twenty-five prizes will bo awarded to the contestnnts. Thero will also be potato ruceg, foot races, suck races and other Interesting features. Diiv It .nrr. Do not wait until you or some of your family aro sick nigh unto death, nnd then send for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Ilcmedy, but buy It now nnd be prepared for nn emergency. It is the one remedy that can nlways be depended upon In the most sovoro nnd dangerous cases. It Is equally valuable for children nnd when reduced with water and sweetened !b pleas ant to take. For sale by all druggists. Illii t: ! I on Sim I'riineliico for Possible .Mi-rllim-llmitf. liy Lit tle I VI lint for tho Co in I ii IT Week. Unless tbo summer months turn up 6omo reversal ot the existing conditions there will be little to uniueo tho devotee of pugilism next fall and winter. Tho latest solar plexus blow a which the gamo has re ceived were delivered by Governors Hllss of Michigan nnd LaFolletto of Wisconsin und each of tho executives scored a clean knockout. In Chicago there seems to bo little pros pect of a revival ot tho sport, the game has had a shroud placed on it In the south and tho far west offers the only possible field where gladiators of tho squaicd circle mny come together In combat. Jim Jeffries, the champion ot the big pugs, has directed attention toward San Francisco, where ho says ho proposes to go per sonally iiiul muko nrrangenunts with some out of the athletic clubs there for a meet ing with Gus Uuhlln. This, at any rate, Is one report of Jeffries' intention. Another report has It that the champion Is booii to purt company with his manager, W. A. Urndy, and go It on his own hcok. Ills first venture, It is said, will bo tho opening of n big buffet at tho Uuffulo ex position, llrndy has so many affairs theatrical to look after that he Is suld to bo very willing to be relieved from the responsibilities ot managing tho prlzo big pugilist of the land, especially Inasmuch ns thu lighting gamo Is on the downgrade now. Tho Iluffalo buffet proposition is said to bo entertained by Jeffries as something to fall back upon In caso ho falls to arrango matters for it meeting with Huhlln In 'Frisco. Jeffries' expressed Intention of going to Snn Francisco to give his per sonal attention to the preliminary ar rangements for n meeting with Uuhlln In dicate that all reports which have pre viously been circulated regarding the sign ing of the agreement nnd tho decision to meet In the Golden (lute City have been without foundation. Two bouts between the little fellows aro scheduled for tho coming week. Ono will como off In South Omaha, when Oscar Gard ner and Pntsy Mngner will got together, and tho other will be In 'Frisco between Terry McOovcrn and Aurcllo llerrera. Gardner and Mugner havo both been in the city for somo time past in careful training for their match and the men who aro pro moting tho go are confident that It will bo a fnst and exciting one. A good deal of Interest centers In tho mntch botween McGovern nnd Herrern. Tho latter Is n featherweight whoso fame has never got far beyond his native town, Ilakersfleld, Cal,, but he Is cracked up to bo a fast and furious fighter nnd has nny number of backers who aro willing to stako their faith In his ability to put tho cham pion featherweight away with plenty of money. Hen era saw tho fight between Mc Govern nnd Gardner nnd Is quoted nB ex pressing tho opinion that McGovern wasn't Buch-a-much ot a fighter after all, His courage in ngrcclug 'to n match with tho "Hrooklyn wonder"' Is In Itself rather sur prising, but his conndencef being able to accomplish that which"; 'some of tho top notchcrs In featherweight circles havo been unablo to do Is little short of "amazing. A big list of entries has been secured for tho state amateur athletic tournament which will bo In progrens nt South Omaha during tho week beginning- Juno 3. In all of theso contests profsiional pugllls's and so-called prlzo fighters will bo barred and only thosp who have boxed or wrestled In an amateur way will bo permitted to par ticipate. Tho boxing contests will bo fcr men weighing frftra 105 pounds up, Includ ing a lO.Vpound special, bantamweight, featherweight, lightweight, weltcrtvolght, middleweight and heavyweight. There will be thrco clas3ca for wrestlers lightweight, mlddlowelght nnd heavyweight. Tho win ners of tho different class contests will all be awarded haudsomo gold medals nnd thero promises to be eomo lively contcs's for tho trophies, Old HoI1Uti ljxirrlener. M. M. Austin, u civil war veteran of Winchester, Ind,. writes: "My wlfo wns sick a long tlmo In spite ot good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's Now Life Pills, which worked won ders for her health," They always do, Try them. Only 25r. nt Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. SYPHILIS 1K. A. I. MiAKLKs, tho Moat Hellnulr .SpoelnlUt In l)l raarn of .Men. 6TRICTURE t'ured with a new Home treatment. No pain, no detention from busluets, URINARYtUney ami Illaddcr Troubles, Wenk Hock, Burning Urlna, frequency ot Urinating, Urine, High Col ored or with milky sediment on Htutidlng. cured for Ufo nnd polsnn thoroughly cleansed from tbo iytam. Soon overy licit und symptom disappears completely kud forever. No "IHtEAKlNU OUT" of ths OUeaso on tho skin ur face. Treatment contain no diingeroub druss or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excesses or vic tims of NrrvouB De bility o. Exhaustion, Wanting WfKknCks, v. 1th early decay In youug and middle need, lack ot vim, vigor and strength, tvlth orsaiia Impaired nnd weak. Cure r,uarant!d. Dr. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA, NEB. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is Told in Two Words: ..WE CURE.. Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv ous Debility and all lleliex Complications and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men. VARICOCELE Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Dblllty-Rnd are you nervous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-time energy and ambition! Aro you suffering from Vital Weaknen, etc.? There Is a derangement of the sensl tlvo oriui of your Plvic System, and even though it gives you no trouble at pres ent, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous system, un fit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before It la too lata? WE CAN CUttB YOU TO STAT CUUKD, We have yet to see the cate ol Varicocele wo cannot cure. Medicines, Klectrio Belts, etc., will never oure. You need expert treatment. We treat thousands of cases whtre the ordinary physician treats one. Method new, without cuttloi, pain or loss of tlmt, CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW Cnnnultnlloii Pn r, Trrntinent lir mnll, Call ur addles, llll S. 1-ltli St. DllS. SISAULBU & blOAULliS, UU.VIIA. DISEASES of MEN ONLY Dr. McGrew it? tho only Specialist in Omiiha who has nlways limilud his prac tice) strictly to Diseases and Disorders of Men. 26 Years of Unlimited Experience 15 Years in Omaha, The doctor's remarkable success in this lino of practice has never boon equalled. His resources and facilities for treating this class of diseases are unlimited, lie is endorsed by all for his skill, reliability, and fairness in his charges; Ilis entire professional life has boon devoted to tho study and practice of thoso diseases. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE POS ITIVELY CURED IN LESS THAN TEN DAYS. nn. .m'(;hi:v, There never was ami possibly never will l.e offered a I rent moid for Varicocele and Hy drocele that gives such entire satisfaction and so complete and permanent a cure. Its sim plicity and quick cures are its greatest recommendation. Dr. McClrow has devoted LM5 years to the treatment of Varicocele and Hydrocele, and it but justice to him to say without fear of contradiction that his treatment of these diseases has no equal anywhere. AN ABSOLUTE CURE IS GUARANTEED. HOT SPR.NGS TREATMENT Jilood Poison and all diseases of the Blood. Dll. McGKKW can give you HOT SPItlXUH Ireatment for BLOOD DISEASES, (ex cept the water), and he GUAKAXTEES better UESFLTS and better satisfaction, be sides you can take his treatment right, at, home, and no one will over find out that you have this terrible disease. It, is quite different when you go to the Springs, for that trip alone is quite sufficient to advertise just what your ailment is. Have you thought of this All external signs of t his disease disappear at once under Dr. MeG row's treatment, and not a spot or pimple will ever appear to expose the nature of your disease. This fact alone is a priceless comfort and consolation to one afflicted with this ailment. Dr. Mc Grew GUARANTEES you a PERMANENT CTKE for life. MEDWnilC nCDII ITV Loss of via,U.v' ''oss of Urain 1mvor Voov Memory, ilttlYUllU UlDILII I Despondency, and all weakness of unnatural disorder. CHARGES LOW. CONSULTATION FREE. TREATMENT BY MAIL. OFFICE HOrUS 8 a.m. to J) p.m.; Sundays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. P. O. BOX 7(50. Office Over 215 So, 14th St,, Bet Douglas and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Nebraska. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. 11 15 AND 1117 FARNAM STREET. Klll!C.VTin.VAI. XOTI3S. A club In bolnir formed nt Ynle. onnslKt- InR of thoBe whoso fathern or Krnndfuthers fought In tho civil war. tho object being to lilan tin minimi Memorial day. The seventh nnnunl sesFlon of the Co lumbian Catholic Biimmcr school will he held nt Detroit, Mich,, July 0-31. Many eminent Bcholars, lay nml cleric, will de liver lectures citirinK mo Hereon. Dr Stanford U. Chullle, deun of the Medical school of Tulunn university, New Orleans, has Just been mado an 1.UD. by that Institution, to mark the completion of his llftleth year In Its service. Ur. Iiryan of tho rnlverslty of Indiana, who has accepted the presidency of tho Central Normal and Trade school of Ma nila, expects to tako with him twenty touchers, most of them Kraduates of tho University of Indiana. A blind physician has been Graduated from the Chlcnso Homeopathic Medical college, winning the highest honors, 1I- Is Oeorgo S. Dobbins, u young man who linH been totally blind for eighteen years. Ho won his degreo principally by his remark able powers of concentration of lils won derful memory. In California they have discovered that it Is more prolltablo for the children not to study nt home. Investigation proved that those who did not study at homo were not only more prollclent on the whole, but enjoyed much better health, so u law has been pnssed to cover the subject, and hereafter It will bo nn uffenso for n teacher to requlro u child to study nt home. Although tho committee of 1'rlncMon's nlumnl to collect jaW.OOu for a new gym nuHlum has been at work only a few day, more than JOO.GOO is already subcrlbcd, and there is every Justification for the expecta tion that by commencement the amount itixurni wm uti m ii'ti.i .i-o.vxj. j ue anil of the commlttco Is to g.'t upon the ub Bcrlptlon list the name of every nlumnu.' of the university, Mrs. Surah Dnvls of FVnmore, near Iluek. Ingham, Knglund, Is reported to be tho old. est school teacher In the world ur-tuullv engaged In tho work. She is the regular teacher In the national school in her iih tlvu village ut tho ngo of SI, and has tnuuht tho sume school for over nfty years. Although the Philippine! commlsFlon enacted u provUlon last January making It lawful for the priest or mlulstpr of a church to teach religion lu (he public schools ut stated times to pupils whose parents or guurdlnns asked for such in struction. It Is announced by the commis sion thnt thus far not one sueh ncpiest has ben made, which ii considered lran?e. Inasmuch hi to many uf the Filipino are Roman Catholics, and thereforo presumably anxious to hae religion luuglit n th' public schools. In the rural district of Trance every pupil, boy or girl, takes to school In the morning a handful of vegetables, nnd puts them In n largo pan of water. They are washed by one of tho older pupils, who take turnn at performing this duty. Tien tho vegetables are placed In a kettle with water und u piece of pork, und are cooked while the bisons are going on. At Hill o'clock each member of the co-operative association has a bowl of hot soup. To cover the cost or fuel und meat, thojo pupils who can afford It pay from i to 4 soui a month. In most of the cities of France thn pupIN In the public schooli are now furnished with their noondav rniih at "school canteens," maintained Hither by the municipality or by private tfeiiricslty. A Fortunate Transaction 6.00 in Furniture enables us to ofTor some un usual values in medium and high grado goods way down below regular prices. We mention only a few of tho bargains 4f Ladles' 11. E. Maplo Writing . .. . . . :v' im'sk, ncaiiy unisnco Quartered Oak Dresser, largo bevel mirror, swell top and drawers, "l 6 OO Mahogany Dressing Tnble, Inrgc pattern plate mirror, shopped legs Ifi AO nnd top, nt 10Vf J Massive Oak Sideboard, 18x40, French plate mirror, very heavily carved, O O flffc Oak Chlnn Case, bent glass sides, mirror back of top shelf, 40-in. wldo by B ft. 8-ln. high, nt at Flno Drawer Chiffonier, In oak or Imita tion mahogany, with 12x10 bevel mirror, cast brass trimmings, '2i 50 Oak Extension Table, top 45x45-111., line in fluted legs, extends 8 feet, only Ladles' Oak Writing Desk, French legs, polished, at .... Oak or mahogany finish Dres sing Table, 12x18, oval mirror, n. E. Maplo or Oak Dressing Tnblo bovel mirror, nicely finished..., 24,00 5,75 10,5O 8,75 C-pleco Parlor Suit, heavy onk frame, up holstered in good qunllty -y ff of tapestry, nt 3 3J 3-pleco Parlor Suit, Inlaid frnme, uphol- "ne . stored In silk brocatol, CZt 11,50 nl 22,50 Hundreds of other bargains too numerous to mention in this lot, which you are invited to inspect. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. 1115 and 1117 Farnam Street. Another Special I lur i ins w eett $35 Stormers, $25 The Stormer lllcycle In known nil over the world au being the best blcyclo ever sold ,1'or tXi, This week are offering them for fi". This Is just $10 less than you can buy nny other wheel of the same grade. They nro all fitted with Hartford tires and one-pleco crunk, robln'B-cgg bluo or hluck Hi 1 1 1 1 . See them lu our show windows. Other Now Wlioels. $15.00. Second-hand Wheels, $3X0, J5.C0, $S.0u and M. & W. Tires j:).0rt Other Double Tube Tires $j.t Saddles 75c Single Tube Tires $1.73 Single. Tubes 7Jc Pedals , 50o Inner Tube , 7iic CjiiBter Ilrnkcs put cm your wheel $0.00 Omaha Bicycle Co., Cor, Itllh ami Clilcnuo STAMP PHOTO CARDS enEnt finlih. htdnmf ("uIbii: s;re a'ivt Ini-hes Only 10 cents n doien i st paid to any ailorm in t . S, or Canada, rrr.u l- tl lnl'ver urp 1 We are rcjpomlble. k'o,'tliou d.illv. irsnusoN cRiNTisn cn Ujjj, low. U, S, A. WEAK, WASTING STRICTURED MEN Cured While You Sleep. IN 15 DAYS I 19,846-CURES DURING LAST YEAR 19.846 Why the Frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved Like Snow Be- ' .... r Itl CICTCDM flAVC neaiii xne aun in rinuun um. Why Weak Men Are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment Applied Locally and Directly to me aucucu rm. Vl i Wo answer the questions briefly- " yo.i cut un artery In your arm you do not take Intornal medicine to stop thi How of blood. jOb I'SR LOCAL AP PLICATIONS. Sim ilarly when the ure thral ducts become weakened and re laxed it Is ridicu lous to take inter nal treatment, which must pass thr''Kli th stomach and urine Morn It reaches tho scat of dlseuse. Tho sem na ducts pro lect Into tho urethral l"' he Prostato (Hand, und are easily treated by LOCAL. 'IHIS,T3II3.N'T. Dr. Carter's "Oran-Solvent" soluble ItouKlts will dissolve, dlsest nnd fortver rcmovo STRICTURE In 15 days, without pain, Injury or Incon-! vcnlonce. Tlia bouisles ure Inserted ut nlsht nnd act whlla joj sleep. "aran Holvnnt" removes every symptom of strict ure, luavlim tho canul an heulthy ua whin natuio formed It. Ho HK1JTAL Cl.'T TLVU OH DILATING. NO INJECTIONS TO mm TAT 13 TH13 MEMHRANE. NO INT EI IN A L Til tUQGINO TO RUIN TUB STOMACH. The St. James treutment . loral, direct nnd positive. The St. James treatment is prepared IB the form of crayons, very narrow, smootn. llcxible and wholly eol'iable, which are in serted Into the wnlor nassake at nlKtU, where they dissolvo and deposit the medlca Hon In Its full strength upon the 1 rostiiu (Hand, contrnctlnB and HtrencthonlriK ; tn ducts und FOREVER STOPPING DRAIN H ! AND EMISSION!!, nnd curlnK while tn putlcnt sleeps. VARICOCELE Vnrlcocelo Is an accumulation of slug, clsh blood In the veins of tho scrotum, dm , n..K- In Imnorfort iMrclllllt On. UUd has It! or'Kln In a diseased and torpid Prostata Glnnd. Operations in this dlseaso zr only temporary, and no mechanical devlc yet discovered has cured u nlnKle case. Gran-Solvent heals the Prostate and re. stores healthy circulation. Varicocele dM npppars nnd the nltiKxIsh nccrjmulatlon U renlnced bv pure, heulthy red blood. Thousands of men ntrlctured, weak, wast lnR nnd despondent were cured and re stored by tho St Jnmes method last vran A vnft nrmy of men In whom the light el Ufo has penetrated tho fearful ulnhtmar of stricture mid sutnlnul decay. 11V .MAIL CAN UK USKI) by the PATIENT AS bUCCIhl'UI.LY AS BV OURSELVES HOAU: TREATMENT Space will not permit a complete description of the Incompnrublo Kt. James treat ,nrnt In Urethral Dleatos, Every oufforer from Stricture, and the offspring. Pros tills and Seminal Weakness, should wrlta to tho St Jstneu As- urn n mm fJM sociatlon, 62 St. James Hulldlnn, Cincinnati, O., for their lllus- U-B E, mm trnted work showlnu tho parts of the human system Involvmi In B (JT. B If Urethral Ailments, which they send to rr.nlo Applicants, tocuro- tmM M Iy wrapped in plain package., prepaid. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. ST. JAMES ASSN., 62 ST. JAMES BLDG,, CINCINNATI, 0.