10 THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE: SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1001. A TALK TOWEAK MEN 'Thousands of Marvelous Cure Prove that Beck's Wonder-Workers for Men Strengthen Every Nerve and Organ of the Body, thus Giving to Weak, Nerv ous Men the Physique, Health and Vigor of Athletes. Short, Tacts Prove that Wonder-Workers are all that Scientific Study, Pharmacol Ability and Medical Experience can Accomplish as a Positive Curo for Physical and Mental Decline at v.ty Ago or from Any Cause. t mat all men who are weak where perfect men re itroiiir, or who have been defrauded by any of the scoundrels who burden Hie maila with their filthy advertisement, arid vile poisons, to know that mr Ueia's Vronder-Worker i for Men are truly, and without any eicoptlou, tho Creates! Home Treatment for Low Vitality at any age or from any cause, and that they Curs Quicker and at Last ispoiua than any other remedy made anywhere a the world. Thay have ruado tho amasing rec ord of Permanently Carin almost a Quarter of a Million cases of Varicocele, Enlarged 1'roatate. Nerrom Debility, Low Vitality, and an Enfeeblod Condition of the General System In a little more than two years, and havo In that tlm built up the largest mall order mcdicina business in tho world. The use of Wonder Worker one tablet at dose three times a day strengthens every muscle, re news every tissue, develops every organ and Invigorates every function, lleing a Pure Nerve 1 food they search every nerve center and surety relieve the weak man from all func tional disorders and weaknesses, placing him Upon tho high plane of perfect health, a peer among the strongest men, conscious of virile trength and manly vigor. Wonder-Workera are a clentific, natural and positive cure for nun's weaknesses now used by hundreds of physicians, and receiving tho strongest endorsetnenta from men In every country In tho world. Almost every tnall brings me letters containing sueli eipresslons s "Heaven DIess You," "Wonder-Workers cer tainly Work Wonders," and kindred outbursts of delignt and thankfulness from married, single, old. Jtoung, and middle-aged men whose weakness had lean turned to glorious strength and vigor by tho tjio of this greatest of remedies for Low Vitality: and it is a fact that nlne-tanths of these men had been nearly ruined by the frauds before they commenced the use of Wonder-Workert. No matter what caused your varicocele, wasting 1 er weakness ; no matter how morbid our thoughts may be or how despondent you mnyfeel; no mat ter how often yon have been defrauded by the harks who disgrace the medicino business; no matter whether you are old or young the use of Wonder-Workers will bring you health, give you strength, and insuro the strength and virility of your progeny. Use them at home, at your work, as It is belter for you to bo doing something than to be idle, and bear In mind that tho earlier you commence the earlier your weakness will vanish, I am the only man in the world in the medicine business who has solemnly sworn that tho medi cino he sells cured himself, and that thonnmeaot all who buy will be held sacred. If you have any doubt about mo, write to the Plrst Nat. Uank,of which Hon. A. S. llushnell, Ei-Gov. of Ohio, is President, Trot. Ad. llakhaus, or to any other lellablo business man or firm of Sprlngfielil, Ohio, Wonder-Workers are Only Ono Dollar per box, always cash with order, by expruss at your ex pense. It will cost you Z'i cents to lift them from eipress otTicn. If you send 11.15 I send them by mall prepaid thus saving yon ten cents. Address CIO. S. Bi CK, 420 S. Market St., SPKIVOi If ID, OHIO. I will send an Otra Week's treatment n a Gilt with each I ox of Wonder-Worker linnet If vrn nnmi) tho Otnnha Sunday Bco when you urtier. Sick Made Well Weak Hade Strong Marvelous Elixir of Life Dis covered by Famous Doctor Scientist that Cures Ev ery Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Arc Effected that Seem Like Miracles Performed The Secret of Long Life of Olden Times Revived. The Ileinrtly lit Free to AH Who Scud itnii: mid Address. After years of patient study, and dolvlne Into the dusty records of the pant, as well as following modern experiments In tho Palms of medical science. Dr. James V . Idd, 161 First National Hank building, ort Wuyne, Ind,, makes the startling an- Ills. JAM ICS -WILLIAM KIUD. tiounccmcnt that he has surely discovered tho elixir of life. That ho Is able with the aid of u mvEterlous eumtiaund. known only to himself, produced as u result ot the yeur ho has unent In searching for this precious llfe-glvlng boon, to cure any and every disease that Is known to the human body. Thorn Is no doubt of tho doctor's unrnestness In muklntr liln rlnlm and the romurkablo cure that he Is ilnlly effecting seem to boar him out very strongly. Ills theory which ho udvnncos Is one of renson nd based on sound exporlenco In n medical tirnrtln, nf mnnv viinru 1, rnatu rn,hlnrr in fry his renmrknblo "Elixir of Life," as ho calls It, for ho sends It freo to nny ono who Is a sufferer. In MUtllclent quantities to convince of Its ability to cure, so there Is absolutely no risk to run. Some of tho euros idled aro very remarkable, and but for reliable witnesses would hardly bo credited. The luino hnve thrown away crutches and walked about after two or inreo trials or tno remedy. Tho sick, given up by home doctors, hnvo been restored to uieir famines ana mends In perfect health Ithoumntlsm. neurnlnln. stnmnpli ii.-nrr liver, kidney, blood and skin dtseasos nnd manner trouiiirs disappear ns If by magic, Headaches, backaches, nervousness, fevers consumption. Roughs, colds, nuthmn . tarrh. bronchltlH and all affections of the throat, lungs or any vital organs ro easily overcome In a apace of time that is slmulv marvelous. It nnrHi. th entire system, blood and tissue, restores normal ncrvo power, circulation and a tata of perfect health Is produced at once. To the doctor nil systems are nllko and nuany nnecteu oy mis great "isnxlr o Life." Send for tho remedy today. It 1 tree to every sufferer, State what you want to bo cured of und the sure remody tor It will bo sent you free by return mall, WEAK MEN m MADE STRONG Before LOST VITALITY RESTORED After nn jfiomc improved Wit LUDO O COMPOUND DAMIANA WAFERS CUItKM I.OMT .If AXIMIOn, MKItVOVS DK1II1.ITY, KIIIIOHfi Of YOUTH, afatkea 3leu. I'rlcetJOr. Klx)i,6boiM fbrl'J. Money lefunrt"!! put tlsfftnry. Hy niall cn receipt of pries. Samples irtn. Address n. II lAf t nkkSO Ye ara'Contlnuous Practice Ul.n.li.tUUU :su ft. inu sn.rnun.s i Bold by Sherman & McConneU Drug Co g. VV. Cor liith and Dodo Sts., Omaha, w ILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Regulator. Safe an J Sure. Nevet Fall. Druggists or fc Mall. Price, f 2 snn tar woman a saieouara uresi. WILCOX MED. CO., 329 N. I5lh St, Palla., Pa told by Bhtrraan & McConnell Drug Co. IANDS A BUNCH TO DENVER lourkiFumllj Writi Lmrili fnm Rooky MinnUin CtlU. WIN BY A SCORE OF FIVE TO THREE Lnrisls Start the Content with a llnsli ami Krrii Up Their M'ck Denver Mrtkrn Klrst Tnllr in the Fifth. Tho Ilourkn family reversed tho usual rder of things yesterday afternoon and won the second game from Dcnvor easily. The score was 5 to 3. Splendid fielding on tho part of tho locals and frequent con nection with the benders which McNcoley twirled over tho pan tell the story ot the victory. Ornhnm occupied the slab for tho Rourko family. He pitched winning ball, although his control was not as good as It might havo been. In tho first six innings he was touched but twice and until tho fifth tho visitors were blanked each Inning. Tho locals started off with r rush. Car ter strntcd off by trotting down to nrit on four wide ones, advanced to second on Stewart's single and went up another notch on lliicklcy's sacrifice. Letcher banged a pecdy one down to Hlckey and the short stop tried to throw Carter out nt home, but tho little Tenncssccan crossed the pan afcly. Calhoun knocked an easy ono down to McNcoley and Stewart was thrown out t homo. Lotchcr, who had meantlmo tolen second, advanced to third on Cal houn's play and In a doublo steal managed to got home with tho second tally. Held retired the side on a long fly to center field. Denver got Its first tally In tho llfth. Preston went out nt first via Stownrt, Jack Sullivan was given freo transportation to the Initial bag and McNcoley got n hit, on which Sullivan scooted around to third. Mohler banged an easy ono down to Orahatn nd Sullivan was cut off nt tho homo plate. Hndcllffc pokod his bat Into tho ball and sent It whizzing down close to first base. Buckley went after It and threw wildly to Ornhnm, who was covering the bag. Ho- fore tho ball was recovered McNeelcy suc ceeded In scoring. In our half of tho fifth an error by Iladcllffo, two bases on balls nncl Buckley's hit brought In a couple of raoro runs oud Inched tho game right thore, tho two that Denver succeeded In getting In tho seventh counting for nothing. Score: OMAHA. AH. n. II. O. A. B. Carter, if 3 2 1 2 0 0 Stewart, 2b 4 0 2 3 0 0 liucklcy, ID soisii Letcher, rf 4 110 0 0 Calhoun, 31) 3 0 0 1 4 0 Held, cf 3 1110 0 Toman. ss 3 0 2 4 1 0 Courting, c 4 0 0 8 4 0 Oruhum, p 4 110 10 Totals 31 5 9 27 17 1 DENVER. AH. H. II. O. A. E. M6hler. 2b 3 0 0 3 2 1 Iladclirfc, 3b 3 0 113 1 Hrndley, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Holland, cf 2 0 .0 2 0 0 Hlckey. ss 2 0 0 2 2 0 Sullivan, W., c 3 0 0 5 4 1 Preston, If 10 3 10 0 Sullivan, J., lb 3 1 0 8 0 0 McNcoley, p 3 2 1 0 3 0 Totals i... 26 3 5 21 II 3 Omaha 20002001 '5 uonver 00001020 03 Earned run: Omahn. 1. Two-base hit: Graham. Sacrifice hits: Buckley, Toman. LT. t .. 1 ......... . r . . . 1 . . -. ft . .. t 1. 1 ., Hlckey, IJuckley. Bases on balls: Off Gra ham. 6: oft MoNeeley. 3. Struck out: By Ornham, 3: by McNceley, 2. Time of gamo: :w. umpire: uurruthers. Tho satno tcam3 will play this nftornoon. ST. VAVL WISH II V IJOUIILE. IlttKRlnsi Dlnkra It nml that Mettle St. Jut's Vntv. RT. T'ATIT. Mnv "SA Mnlll.to ,.. Trm-irlna In tho ninth Inning won a closo nnd Inter esting game for St. Paul today. Thomas pitcneu n steady gamo throughout. At tendance, 1,200. Score: it. ir. e. St. Paul 00010011 11 3 2 St. Joseph.... 20000100 03 li 3 Batteries: St. Paul. TliomaH nncl Wilson: St. Joseph, Underwood and Dooln. -MINNEAPOLIS FAST ON BASES. Alan Stick. Faat to Thcni -While Knti- mnn City Itunn. MINNEAPOLIS. Mnv 23. Fast work nn tho bases gave tho locnl tenin their two runs. Wolfo for Kansas City pitched a fast gamo. Brashear's Holding- was the fea turo again today. Attendance, 2,k00. Score: n.n.E Kansas City .. 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 S 11 o Minneapolis ...0 2000000 0-2 7 1 Batteries: Kansas Citv. Wolfo nml Mes- sett; Minneapolis, Cates, Swornstcdt, Kiel now and McConnell. DES MOINES LACKS TWO TIIINfiS. Yen, There Are Three It Neeila, Tenin Wtirli, llltn nml Ilium. DES MOINES. May 2o.-Lack of team work and lack of ability to hit the ball aro responsible for Den Moines' present po sition, unsion pucncii u nno game. At tendance, 1,000. Score: n.ir.E. Colo. Springs.. 20 0 01110 011 17 3 ues iMoinos.... uuouiouL'O 354 Batteries: Colorado Snrlncs. nnstnn nml Donahue; Des Moines, Glado and Conwell. umpire: jopiiuy. Wrsti-m Leaiine Acanillnsx. Won. Iost. I'.U. Kansas City 15 6 .714 St. Joseph 12 8 .COO Minneapolis ji g ,573 St. Paul it 9 .sno Colorado Springs 10 9 .12G Omaha s 12 .400 Denver 7 12 .368 Des Molncs 5 15 .250 GET NEXT TO NICHOLS' CURVES I'lttsliurKK round ErxUrhllc Oiunhnu Over the Lot, Winning hy 11 to 1. BOSTON. Mnv 25. Tho Plltslmrir Nn. tlonnls batted Nichols at will nml won easily. Demont scored Boston's only tally on two errors by Leach and a steal. Run ning catches by Long and Wagner wero leuiiues, mivuaancc, i,uw. tscoro: lHTTsmma. 1 boston. tt.H.U.A.K. U.II.O.A.E. Loach. Sb... 1 1 2 6 2'Hamllt'n, cf 0 I i 0 0 Henum't. cf. S ! 3 0 0 Tennev. lh.. 0 ft n 0 n Clarke, If... S 3 2 fl 0 Demont, !b.. 113 2 0 Wagner, rr.. 03300 Inu. ss 0 1 3 2 0 Ilruns'ld, lb 0 1 7 1 1 Smith, rf.... 0 2 10 0 Hltrhte. 2b. 0 0 .1 6 0 aam'ons. 3b 0 0 3 1 S irconiiQr, c. . 1 0 1 u tirovtn, If... 0 0 I'!.. ... n t n A i - a 0 0 0 0 lcever, p .3301 0 Nichols, p... 01020 uineen .... 00000 Totals ..11 15 27 It 3 Totals .. 1 8 27 7 Batted for Nichols In ninth. Pittsburg 2320000 3 111 Boston 1000000001 Earned runs: PlttsburiL 2. T hits: O'Connor, Hamilton, Ely. Stolen uitinani, Hamilton: uounio play; H y to ll,clll ,0 Hmnstlold. Sacrifice hit: Lly. First base on balls: On Nichols, 4; off Leever. 2. Btruok nut! Tiv viimi. 1. by Leaver. 3. Passed balls: Moran, O'Con' I",. uu iMicnrs; mcnois tz), i,eever. Tlmo of gamo: 1:50. Umpire: O'Day. National tinmen Postponed, At Phlladolphla-Phlladelphla-St. Louis; At Brooklyn-Brookhn-Chlcngo; rain. At New ork-New York-CInclnnatl; rain. Nutlmial League SlondliisT. . Won. Lost. P.C. New York 14 7 661 '"i"?1.1 16 10 -615 Philadelphia 15 13 ,535 ;ittburg :.:::; ? n gg Brooklyn 12 13 ,4g0 Poston 10 n .,,.,4 SL Louis n 17 .397 Chicago 11 19 ,3M liiilinna, IKi Lanvaater, III. LANCASTEH. Mo May 25,-(8peclnn-Tht Nebraska Indians defeated Iincaster Thursday, 18 to in. Fremont Shut Out hy Wahno, WAHOO, Neb.. May 25. (Special Tele gram.) The Fremont Normal hnan i.nii team was shut out this afternoon by the Wnhoos. Tho main feature of the game wan the pitching of Olson, holding the team to two scattered hits. Score; Wahoo ...3 5 2 1 2 0 0 6 -3 Fremont 0 000000000 Batteries: Wahoo, Olson nnd Jnnon; Fre mont, Dexter, Rogers nnd Larson: tills: Wahoo, 14; Fremont, 2. Errors: Wahoo, 5; Fremont, 9. Struck out: By Olson, 10; by Dexter, 8. Umpires: Hatcher and Crawford. CASEY CAN'T COME TO BAT Detroit Cnptnln Illtten hy Uok in Sympathy vlth Vlsltinir Tenm from WisnhliiRton. DETROIT, May 25. Tho soven errors made by tho Detroit Americans today tell why tho locals lost the opening gamo of the first scries with Washington. Tho ab sence of Captain Casey, who was sovcrely bitten this morning In tho right band by a dog, crippled Detroit. Casey will he out of the gttnin for a week or more. Splendid catches by Foster robbed Detroit of several hits. Attendance, 4,211. Score; WASIUNOTON, I DETrtOlT. n.ii.o.AX. ii.it.o.A.i:. Farrell, cf.. 1 1 3 0 0 MeAlls'r, Jb 0 0 0 1 2 Dungnn, rf.. 0 1 1 0 Barrett, cf.. 1 13 10 Qulnn, 2b... 0 2 1 3 OQIenson, Jb. 0 0 I 1 0 l'nstrr, If.... 1 0 4 ft Ollnlmos, rf.. 0 10 0 0 Kverrtt, lb. 0 0 10 0 0 DllUin, lt... 0 2 U 0 2 Orn.ly, c... 0 2 3 3 0 Klbert'ld. ss. 2 2 4 i 2 Cllncm'n, ii 1 0 1 II Nance, If.... 0 110 0 Couglilln, Jh 3 0 2 0 0 Uuelon', c... 1 0 4 3 1 Lee, p 0 3 0 3 0, Frisk, p 1 3 0 7 0 Totals .. 8 27 15 ll Totals .. S 10 27 IS 7 Washington 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 0-6 Detroit 00002021 0-5 Earned runs: Detroit, 3. Two-base lilts: Frisk, Lee. Home run: Frisk. Sacrlllco hits: Everett. Couglilln. Stolen basus: Bar rett, Elberfeld, Fnrrell, Qulnn, Fostsr, Couglilln. First base on balls: Off Frisk, 3; off Lee, 3. First basii on errors: Detroit, 1; Washington, 4. Left on bases: Detroit, 6; Washington, 1. Struck out: By Frisk. 3; by Lee, 1. Doublo piny: Elberfeld to Dil lon. Tlmo of game: 2:00. Umpire: Sher idan. MILWAUKEE1 GIVEN BEST SUPPORT. Ilnltlmnre Pltchrr Does, lint t'nn't Win the (intiin Alone, MILWAUKEE, May 25.-Heitly pitched a steady American leaguo game and with tho brilliant support accorded him won easily. Howell also pitched well, but was poorly supported. The lleldlng of Conroy, Gilbert nnd Frlel wero tho features. Cold wenther kept the attendunco down to 2,000. Score: MIIAVAUKKK. I UALTIMOHB. K.H.O.A.E. n.H.o.A.n. Gilbert, 2b.. 1 1 4 3 0 Mcflraw. 3b 0 0 1 I 2 waluron, rf, 1 0 0 0 0 Donlln, If... 1 1 llallm'n, cf. 0 1 3 0 OWUl'ms, 2h. 0 1 Andfrs'n. lb 1 0 11 1 0 Kelstrr. 0 1 Conroy, s... 1 2 1 S 0 Seymour, rf 1 1 Krlcl, if 0 1 2 0 0 Jackson, cf. 1 1 liurKe, 3b... 10 14 i Koutz. lb.... 0 1 Connor. .116 10 ItoWnfon, 0. 0 2 5 3 1 Iteldy, p ,00020 Howell, p... 0 113 1 Totals .. 6 6 27 it l Totals ..3 9 24 12 S Milwaukee 02111010 3 Bultltnoro 02001000 03 Earned runs: Mliwuukee, 1; Baltimore, 3. Two-baao hit: Robinson. Homo run: Don lln. Urst base on balls: Oft Ileidy, 2; off Howell, 2. Sacrlllco hits: Seymour. Fojlr. Stolen bases: Anderson. Conroy (2). Scv rnour. Wild pitch: Heidv. Struck out: By Iteldy, 3; by Howell, 3. Doublo plays: Oil bert to Conroy to Anderson, Burko to Oil bert to Anderson. Left on bases: Jill wnukee, 7; Baltimore, e. Tlmo of gumo: 1:00. Umpire: Haskell. CLEVELAND (SAME IN SNOW STOHM. 80 Chilly, In Fnet, that IlnMnn Miskea All the lttiua Alone. CLEVRr.AVn fn,. 15 mt,. I , . . cans could not hit Lewis today and re- "V" mi niiuuiui iii mo senson. uos ton bunched hits In tho ilrst three Innings. vl n nliif f li i fi ti. ,i n't. .... ... ... . . . In a snow storm. Attendance, 2,100. Score: BOSTON. CLKVKLAND. it-lf.o.A.r:. it.tr. n a t? Dowd. If.... 1 1 s 0 n PIcker'K, cf 0 12 0 0 Hemph'll. rf 1 2 1 0 0 McCarfy, if 0 1 4 0 1 0 stani, cr.... 1 2 3 0 0 Collins, 3b., 0 10 11 Kreem'n, lb. 1 1 10 0 0 O'Brien, rf.. 0 0 S 0 iJiCh'ce. Hi. 0 1 Uradlcy, 3b. 0 0 Wood. 0 n 1 7 1 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parent. s... 12120 Ferris, 2b... 0 0 2 S 0 Shlebeck, no 1 Schreck'st. 0 0 3 4 0 0 fc-Kiin. 2b 0 0 Lewis, p 0 0 0 3 0 Moore, u 0 1 Beck 0 0 Totals .. 5 12 27 9 1 -uaueu tor aioore in ninth Inning. Tlostnn oijaaaaaip Cleveland 00000000 00 lj-urneii runs: Boston. 4. Two-baso hit: Schrockengost. Three-base hit: Parent. Sac rlllco hit: Parent. First base on errors: Cioveland, 1. First base on balls: Off Moore, 2; off Lewis, 2. Struck out: By Lewis, 3. Doublo tilays: Shlebeck to Law rence Wood to Shlebeck. Left on bases: Cleveland. 9; Boston, 8. Tlmo of game: lilt). Umpire: Cantllllon. CLOSE CALL FOU THE WHITE SOX. Connie Muck's Crcsv ttets Five It una In One Innlnii. CHICAGO. May 23.-Shugnrt was tho prin cipal factor In today's American league game. Three mlsplays by him in tho third gavo tho visitors all of their runs and by a timely single In tho ninth, after two outs, sent In tho winning run. Gclcr's hitting and Lajolo's lleldlng were tho features of the visitors' work. Kntoil had them nt his mercy ull tho time. Tho lleldlng of Hoy nnd Mortes was also noteworthy. Attend, once, 2,200. Scoro: CHICAGO. I PHILADELPHIA. n.H.O.A.i:. It.H.O.A.E. Hoy, Cf 1 1 3 1 OGeler. If 1 3 2 0 1 Jones, rf.... 0 1 2 0 OHnydcn, cf.. 1 0 110 Mertes, 2b.. 0 3 3 1 V Cross, 3b.... 1 2 18 0 Isbcll, lb.... 1 0 13 0 OLajole, 2b... 0 1 3 0 Ilortm'n, 3b 1 2 0 2 0 Feybo'd. rf. 0 1 2 0 0 Shuuart, ss.. 2 2 2 3 4 Davln, lb.... 0 1 14 0 0 MoFarl'd. If 1 3 2 0 0 Towers, c... 0 0 3 0 0 Sullivan, c. 0 3 1 0 0 Dolan, 1 0 0 6 1 Katoll, p.... 0 0 0 C 0 Piatt, p 10 0 10 Totals .. 6 14 27 15 t' Totals . ."5 13 2 Two out when winning run was scored. Chicngo 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 1-6 Philadelphia 00500000 05 Left on bases: Chicago. 10; Philadelphia. C. Two-base hits: McFarland, Shugart, Hoy, Hartman, Gcler. Snybold. SaerWce hits: Shugart, Katoll, Powers. Stolen bases: Isbell, McFarland, Sullivan (2), Cross, Dolan. Struck out: Bv Katoll, 1; by Piatt, 1. Bases on balls: Off Katoll, l; off Piatt, 1. Time of game: 1:15. Umpire: Manassau. American 1. engine Mantling. Won, Lost. Chicago 17 8 Detroit 18 it) Baltimore 11 7 Washington 13 ;i Boston 11 11 Milwaukee 9 15 Cleveland 8 18 Philadelphia 7 lt P.O. .fiSO .642 .till .590 .600 .3G1 .3.W .307 CHRISTIAN? EASY WINNERS Mall Plnyern from Y. M. C. A. It tin Awii- from Carpenter I'njier Coniiuiny Tenm, Tho Carpenter Puper company team was an easy victim for the ball toscors repro sentlng tho Young Men's Christian assocla tlon. In tho gumo between these teams Saturday nfternoon at the Ames avenue park tliu Christians were victorious by a acorn ot .j to 4. Tho winning team got 11b tallies in bundles and found no iltttlculty In landing on Leonard. Davison was tho bright par ticular star In tho batting lino. Tho score rouows: Y. M. C. A. I CATtPENTER P. CO. lt.II.O.A.n.l ll.H.O.A B, Tumeld. 3b. 3 1 2 2 0 Donahoe. Sb 0 0 10 1 Anders'n, 2b 3 3 2 u smith, lb... 0 1 10 0 2 Davison, as. r 4 2 0 0 1.unlniky. ss 1 2 2 2 1 Illce. p 1 1 0 3 0 Davis, cf.... 112 0 0 Kdson, c.... 3 3 7 4 0 Kotyia, :b.. 0 0 2 2 1 Gutting, lb.. 1 0 It fl 1 Ionant, p.. 1 1 0 2 0 HURhes, cf .. 3 1 0 0 0 Zohyqulst, 0 0 0 7 4 3 Field, If 3 2 1 0 0 Kulr, rf 1 2 0 0 0 Kavan, rf... 2 10 0 l.Walker, If.. 0 0 0 0 3 Totals ..25 IS 27 11 2l Totals ..4 7 24 8 10 Y. M. C. A 1 7 4 0 7 2 0 4 -25 Carpenters 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1- 4 Enrned runs: Young Men's Chrlsttnn ns soclatlon, 5; Carpenter, 1. Threo-baHo hits: Davison, Field. Edson. Two-baso hits: Davison (2). Bason, rie a. wild nltch Leonard. Struck out: By Leonard, 8; ty nice, ju. Time; Three-I Lertatie. At Hock Island Hock Island, 9; nock. torn. i. At Decatur Decatur. 9: Evansvllle, 6. At Cedur Baplds Cedar Itupids, 2; Davjn' port, 1. At Terre Haute Terrc Haute, 6; Bloom' Ington, 1. Western Aaanelntlon. At Iiulsvllle Louisville. 5; Columbus, 1, At Toledo Toledo. 7: Marlon. 1. At Grand Itaplds Fort Wayne, 5; Grand uapuia, a. At Dayton Indianapolis, 4; Dayton, 3. Walkanar for Vnlreralty. NEBRASKA CITY. May 23.-(Special Tel egram.) Tho grarne between the State unl MAN'S I made up my mind, soon after graduat ing from college, that no ono man was great enough to master the entire field of nicdl clno and surxery. Many physicians have tried to do this, but they have met with results usually disappointing to themselves and often dlsastroun to their patients. For this reason I determined early In my pro fessional career to confine my practice strictly to a single lino of disease, and to originating nnd perfecting cures for them. I therefore treat only what I am absolutely certain that I can positively curo to stay ctired-VABICOCELE, BTHPCTUHE, CON' TAGIOUS BLOOD POISON, NEHVO-SEX. UAL DEBILITY and nil reflex complica tions and arsocluto diseases and weaknesses of men. To these maladies nlono many of the best years of my llfo have been earn estly devoted nnd on them all my faculties are concentrated Our consultation nnd operating rooms are thoroughly equipped with every scientific apparatus, Instrument nnd device essential to tho most modern methods of practice, and our references, both professional and financial, aro among the best citizens nf this vlclntv. who have been rured by us and made happy. I want every nflllcted man to freely and fully In vestigate our treatment. Each caso Is treated separately, scientifically, closoly watching It and carefully following Its symptoms with remedies varied through every stage. Tho diseases that constitute my sneclalty are more fully commonted on below nnd aro well worthy the careful peru sal of nil men In need of medical attention. Viricoctlt Whatever may ho the rnuse of varicocele. Its Injurious effect Is well known. It de presses the mind, weakens the body, racks tho nervous system and ultimately leads to a complete loss of sexual power. If you arc a victim of this dire disease come to our otnee and let mo exolaln to you my oro- cess of treating It. You will then not won der why 1 hnvo positively cured hundreds of cases of varicocele during the past twelve months. Under my treatment the patient Improves from the very beginning. All pnln Instantly ceases. Soreness and swelling quickly subside. Tho pools of stag nant blood are forced from tho dilated veins, which rapidly assume their normal size, strength nnd soundness, All Indica tions of disease nnd weakness vanish com pletely and In their stead come tho pride, tho power nnd the pleasure of perfect health and restored manhood. Sfricturt It matters not how long you have suf fered from stricture, nor how many dif ferent doctors havo disappointed you. STATE ELEGTRC-MEOICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam Street, Between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, Omaha, Neb. REFERENCE: Best Banks and Leading Business Men in this City. CONSULTATION in person or by letter FREE. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. in. to I p. m. The question has been asked many times, why is it that DANDERINE JESSIE BARTLETT DAVIS, 4740 (irrtnd-bd., Chicago, Tin- follorrliiK In nn exnet reproduc tion of .Mrs. l)nvl' Icttvrt Knowlton Dandcrlno Co., Chicago. I must write you this letter becauso I think every one who works for a result likes to know whether It has boon ac complished. I want to toll you that I can statu positively that your "Dandcrlno" Is absolutely Buccessrui, and tno uest nrticio of Its kind on the market today. I speak from a personal test. 1 wns losing nil my hair und had tried everything ndvcrtlsed without sucess until four weeks ago, when I liegan with your unnuerine, ana t nm so delighted with Its success that I couldn't refrain from tolling you so, nnd I want to knank you lor your discovery. Jessie Bartlett Davis, Chicago, Juno 2, 1000, 4710 Grand-bd. ' 'i' i'$ 't"'y if' eortrifii h $ Get our Prices on New and Second- Hand I Bicycles This Week. They will j interest you. Headquarters for Repairing and Sundries. TAKE A SQUINT AT THE KLESCHEtt MOTOR CYCLE. LOUIS FLESGHER 1622 Capitol Ave. 4 's v' 'J J''' verslty teom nnd the Argos wn a lvalk awav for the visitors, who played a fast, mroiiK game. Tho attendance was large. IL II. E. University .,,0 0 0 1 2 0 3 8 0-H 15 2 AriiOH 0 00000000-0 0 6 Batteries: I'nlverslty. Bender and Doane; Argos, Seeley und Ervln. Time: 2iW. Um pire: Hern. MALADIES MASTERED EtkaaKaNiaaaK MASTER SPECIALIST. I do not trent nil diseases, but cure nil I treat. I trnt men cnJy, and cure them to stay cured. Our treatment will cure you Just ns cer tainly as you come to our ofllco for treat ment. I will not do It by dilating or cut ting. My treatment Is new, entirely origi nal with mo nnd perfectly painless. It com pletely dissolves the Stricture nnd perma nently removes every obstruction from the urinary passage. It stops every unnatural discharge, allays all Initammatlon, reduces the prostatn gland when enlnrged, cleanses nnd heals the bladder nnd kidneys when Irritated nnd congested, Invigorates the sexual organs and restores health nnd oundess to ovcry part of the body uffected by the disease. Nervo-Sexual Debility Men, many of you nro now reaping the result of your former folly. Your man hood Is falling and will soon be lost un less you do something for yourself. There Is no time to lose, impotoncy, like all sexual diseases, Is never on the standstill, With It you can make no compromise. receives so many excel lent indorsements? The reason is that people who try it are surprised to find at last a really effec tive hair and scalp invig orator and feel a natural desire to say something about it. Tho world-wide reputation and Intorgrlty of the two Indorscrs herewith reproduced aro such that to uso their names without permission would not only ruin our busi ness but would mako us llablo to heavy damages. Granting tho truth of this state ment, Is It reasonable to suppose that other than tho most positive and beneficial re sults would prompt tho unqualified pralso of these well known pcoplo? We havo hundreds of Indorsements equally as convincing as Mrs. Davis' and Mr. Burnham's, copies of which will bo sent upon request. Dandcrlno Is put up In threo sires 25c, 50c and 1.00 per bottle at all drug and toilet stores. If your druggist has not got It and will not ordor It for you, send direct to us. We pay express. Kindly In close this ad In your letter. Knowlton Danderine Co N. E. Cor. LaUeaiul LiiSullcsts., Chicngo, III. gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o A Frotitatole O O o o o o o The Five Per Cent Gold Debenture Bonds of The Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. The mo3t profitable investment that can be made. They pay 5 per cent, per annum for twenty years. Will then pay the full amount of hond in gold, or will guaran tee 80 per cent premium if hond is surrendered at maturity In addition to these guarantees the hond participates in the earnings of the company. And the Company is "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD." o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n Outstondlllg Assurance Dee. New Assurance Issued In 1000 Incomo Assets Dec. 31. 1M0 Assurance Kund and all other Surplus X'ald l'ollcyholdcrs in IKjO 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . Hither you must master It or It will master I you nnd fill your whole future with misery nnd Indescribable woe, 1 have treated so many cases of this kind that I am as familiar with them as you aro with the very daylight. Once cured by , us, you will never again be bothered with 'emissions, drains, prematurencss, small or weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unlit you for study, business, pleasure or marriage. Our treatment for weak men will correct nil theso evils and restore you to whut nature Intended a hale, hearty. hnppy man, with physical, montnt and sex ual power complete. Contagious Blood Poison On nccount of Hh frightful hldeousness contagious blood poison Is commonly called the king of venereal diseases. It may be either hereditary or contracted. Once the system Is tainted with It, tho dlscaas mny manifest Itself !n the form of scrofula, E. Burnham Indorses Danderine. Mr. IJurnhani, 71 Statu street, Con trnl Music Hull, conducts tbo oldest, llnest nnd licst Known linlrdrcsslng establishment In tho city of Chicago. He has had twenty-five years' experi ence In dressing and treating tho hair and scalp and has tested numerous hair preparations during that time. Ho therefore Is In position to rccognlzo merit when It exists In a hair tonic. Head what he says about Dandcrlno: Feb. 23, 1001. The Knowlton Danderine Co., Chi. cngo, III, Gentlemen It is with no little gratification that I give Danderine my hearty indorsement nnd sup. port. I wns induced to put it in stock through the splendid indorse, ment given you by Jessie Hartlctt Davis. It has proven its merits to such an extent that I have found it almost iudisponsable among my customers; its results arc positive and permanent. Respectfully, Et Burnham. Investment o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 31, 1000. .. $1,116,875,047 00 207.CdC.213 00 W.CO7.130 9S 301.Cns.OM 40 liabilities. ...23S.HW,SD3 19 68,137,170 01 25,WB,i9 30 H. D. NEELY, Manager for Nebraska, 206-208 Bee Building, OMAHA. erzema, rheumntle pains, stiff or swollen J dtits, ertiptlrns or copper-colored spots on the face or body, little ulcers In tho mouth, or on the tongue, snro throHt, swollen ton sils, falling out nf tho hair or yehrows nnd llnally a leprous-llko decay of the flesh nnd bone. If you have nnv of theso or similar symptoms you are cordially Invited to consult ua Immcdl tly If I nnd your fears are unfounded I will" quickly unburden your mind. Hut It your constitution Is Infected with syphllltlo virus I will tell you so frankly nnd show you how to get rid of It Our special treat, mem for contagious blood poison Is pintle ally the result of our life work and Is en dorsed by the best physicians of America and Uuropo. It contains no Injurious drugs or dangerous medicines of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of thi disease and forcis out every particle of Impurity. Soon every sign nnd symptom of blood poison dlsnprars completely and fotcver. The blood, tho tlxsui! the flesh, the bones nnd tho whole nstem are cleansed, purified and tailored to perfect health nnd tho patient prepared for thu duties und pleasures of life. Associate Diseases In curing an ailment of any kind we never fall to remr.ve all r'flrx complications or ossoclato diseases If the case is varicocele, tho weaknisn caused by It disappears. If It Is stricture and I1111 dnvelopcd Into pros tatic, bladder or kidney affections, tho in jured organs aro all restored to a perfectly healthful condition. If It Is contagious blood poison, nny and all nkln, hlood and bono diseases arising from the tnlnt are en tirely and permanently eliminated from tho system. If It li Imputcncy. tho many dls. tresslng symptoms following in Its train and Indicating n premature decline of phys ical, mental and sexual power aro totally romoved and rapidly roptaced by the youth ful energy of robust manhood. Hence nil resulting IIU nnd rellex complications, which may be properly termed ussoctatn diseases, and which, In fact, are often more serious than the original ailments that gtvo rise to them- nll, we sy, disappear com pletely nnd forever with tho euro of the main malady. Gorresponcence Most cases can bo treated successfully at homo. Ono personal visit Is proferred, but If It Is Impossible or inconvenient for you to call at our ofllce, write us a full and un reserved history of your cato. plainly stat ing your symptoms. Wo mako no chargn for private counsel nnd utvo to each patient a LKOAL CO NTH ACT to hold for our prnmlsos. It you cannot call today, write. Address THYR01D-LYM PH TREATMENT. GLANDULAR REMEDIES Prepared from the LY.MPII GLANDS nnd Most IIIKhly Vital. " ized Tissues of Young, Ilculthy Sheep. The Rational and Scientific Treat ment Which Cures 1)0 I'er Cent of All Human Ailments. Write for Particulars. Booklet Free. Mrs. II. R. Morley, St. Paul, N'eh., rayst "I had bronchitis for flvo years. May, 1900, I went to Colorado (or my health. While thero I took a sovoro cold, which sottlcd cn my lungs. I, tried various rcnio dlcs, but grow ntcadlly worse. I becatnu almost a skoloton. A friend advised ma to try THYIIOID-LYMPU treatment. I camo down November, l'JOO, und consulted your physician In regard to my enso and boRon trentment at once. I havo had two nnd one-half months' treatment. I could not walk a block when I commenced. Now I havo u good nppotito and can wall; eight to ton blocks ovcry day. Have gained over fifteen pounds. I hnvo been wonder fully helped. Am better than I havo been for years." Treatment, Including physicians' scrv-, Ices and remedies, J 5.00 per month up. THYROID LYMPH CURES Obfslty Dropsy Consumption Bronchitis l'yosalplnx I.eucorrhofa Loss of Memory Domentla 1'uroiicU Defective llearlnc I'oor Circulation Intimity Loss of Flesh Inillsposltlon to Exsr tlon. Eczema Dyspepsia , , Kcuralrla Constipation Apoplexy DefectUo Vision Chronic HKIn Dlseisr l'rcnenlllty Nervous Debility Jaumllc Dcseus.H of the Drain KallliiK of Ui Womb Tuberculosis (lout Vat Icons Veins Thyroid Starvation Ooltre iitunteil Growth Ocneiul Debility Nervous frustration Myxoedcma Idiocy Locomotor Ataxia I'arolysui Hheumatlsm drunduUr Knlarc Bkln Diseases menta Kidney Diseases Ovarian Diseases Diabetes tfuppre3bed Menstrua Hrltht's Disease tlon Melancholia Nervousness from l)is ot Vital I'ower Ovaritis Anemia KryMpelaa Ulooi! I'olson Kpllepsy Byuhllls Hiipperatlnir Olanfls Orchitis Lymphadenitis l'at Starvation Athma COMI'ETKNT PHYSICIANS IN CIIAttGH OV OKKICES. Thyroid-Lymph Co., C0U-10i P.eo Build ing, Omaha, Nob. Ountlcmon: I cheerfully reply to your request for testimony bo caimo of tho wonderful bonoflt I havo ro causo of tho wuudorful benefit I hnvo received. I suffered months with rhcu- tho moat eminent physicians and received no benefit; wont on crutches until I took your glandular roracdlos, After taking them for !x wocks I discontinued tho crutches, and In threo months I wns per fectly curnd. I wish to say theso remedies) aro all right. Yours vory truly, CAPT. J. V. II,I3It, Omaha. All Caea nintrnuiird 1'lir.K, Hither Id 1'eraoii or h- Mnll, THYROID-LYMPH CO., 04, Oft nod till fiUU, noii nnd sot Her Illriif,, OMAHA. NUU. Dorr Illk., f