Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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The Greatest Clothing Sale of the Season Saturday
Men's $121 Suits $7!. 50 Cents on the Dollar Is What We Paid Men's $20 Suits $12i(
Men's finest suits, made of twilled blue and black serges, Scotch
.' . . ....... t !.. 1 1 ..... .1.
These nre serviceable, fancy cheviots, in checks, stripes nml
standard black they come in single and double breasted
styles they are splendid values at 12.f"0 ft gQ
and Irish cheviots, fancy cassinieres and nnnnei iumkuuu mcu.
eting cloths. The finest "eadyto-wear cloth- f-y gQ
ing made in America regular retail price
20.00 sale price
Saturday's special price y) JL '
Boys' $10 Long Pants Suits $4-75
This lot of suits comprises serges, cassinieres, fancy
striped cheviots and black clay worsteds. The
materials are the best, the styles the latest, and
the (it faultless. The sizes are from K5 to 120 years.
The values range from $7.h0 to 10,
renrescntine: a saving of from $-.75
to 3.25 on eacli suit your choice
of the entire lot Saturday at
Rnv' Wnvhnhle Ktiee Bovs' Brownie Overalls
Pants of galateas, linen and made of strong 8-oz. blue don
crashes, ages 3 to 10 years I im, with apron and suspend
all strongly made 1 gn 'era, actually worth -J flr
L'lmrantcod (ant color JL W 39c a pair, Oil Salo.-i. W
2.5c and D.'jc values
A 75
Men's Summer Underwear
Men's 50c Summer Underwear 25c
l'ine balbriggan, in ecru and fancy stripes -
well made garments all sizes,
shirts and drawers 50c values
on bargain squares Sat'day, only.
Men's 75c Summer Underwear 39c
Extra quality balbriggan and Egyptian cotton
also fine ribbed garments ex
tra well made and tlnished all
sizes, shirts & drawers, 7uc values
Men's White Lisle Thread Underwear
Nothing cooler (or summer wear handsome and dur-
able garments regular $1.25 values, only A Ov
Men's Elastic Scam Jean Drawers tho regu
lar $1.00 kind on salo at
Mens $18 Suits on Sale for $10.
IF the maker of these suits would see them marked $10
for .Saturday's sale he might recall an incident he'd
l ather forget. LI is penalty for over production was
a severe one. Hut lie was shrewd enough to consider fide
on the dollar better than no sale at all. When you see
the quality of the clothing and note the superior work
manship, excellent lit and correct styles you'll marvel
at the price. However it's the manufacturer's loss and
your gain via Boston Store. His supply was greater
than the demand that's why we got them so cheap and
that's why you will get
tiiem so ciieap. 'mere is
not a suit in the entire
lot that, is worth less Chan
15.00 the majority are $18.00
values all go on sale Satur
day at
niy we
is supply was greater
jot them so cheap and
Boys' $5 Knee Pants Suits 2.75
When you place these suits alongside of the boys'
suits you pay $3.00 and $3.50 for under ordinary
circumstances you will realize t ho magnitude of
this offer. The materials are high grade cheviots,
worsteds, serges two and three-piece suits -
iges 'A to 15 yen rs worth ?5.00
wid $.00on sale Sat- ' 3 J O
urday at "
Child's Washable Sailor
Suitsvery cool for the sum
mer, handsome and Service
able timdo of galatoas
and crashes worth
up to $1,25, only
Men's Overalls made
blue denim they are sold
regular at 50c a pair odds
and end on salc Satur
day in naseraotit jmjjj
Sale of Men's Fine Shirts and Neckwear
Men's Dollar Shirts 50c.
Saturday we will place on enlu an Immense
lot of hiuii'h Hue tieRllRcu shirts, Including
wlilto nntl colored, all lute styles, pleated bos
oniH, Kllk bosoms, etc., mado of tho finest
Hhlrtlngs. These nre the Identical grades nud
brands of shirts you
have been In tho habit of
paying $1.00 for ou
sale .Saturday nt
LiUllllVlU felUUl'B IIUU
Men's Finest Negligee Shirts 98c
You're asked to pay $1.50 for tho same kind
at the exclusive haberdashers. Huyiug In the
quantities wo do enables us to get them at
the rock bottom tlgure. Tho patterns are ex
clusive and fashion
able the materials
tho best nil sizes
Men's 25c and 35c Neckwear 15c
-Ml the late styles and patterns, tecks,
four-ln-halds, Imperials and bat wing
Hch, Tho season's nobbiest
production!! on Halo I C
Saturday nt A
Men's 25c Suspenders 15c
Made of good quality elastic web, In
various colors, with patent buckles,
very strongly made
sale price
Men's 50c Neckwear 25c
A very fine Hue of tecks and four-ln-hands,
oxcelleut colors and designs,
mado of extra quality silks.
Tho regular half dollar
kinds for ,
Men's & Boys' Straw Hats
Wo bought the sample line of straw hats from
a Baltimore concern. Wc can't tell you the linn's name
becauso we promised not to advertise It Hut their
name Is In the hats. Tlioy are known as the finest
strnw hat manufacturers In the country. That's why
they don't want their nnmo connected with 75c nnd
08c straw hats. But that' what we nre going to sell
the lints at Saturday. The styles arc the latest and the
straws the very finest. The values rango up to $4 on
sale In two lots
(every lint benrs
the firm's trade-mark)
Kor Snturdny we offer extraordinary values In boys' straw
hats. Wo secured BOO dozen at a big d'scount becauso tlio manufacturer was over
stocked. Tho lot Includes every deslrablo stylo and kind of
boys' straw hats the values are up to $1.23 on sale In tno
lots at
A Most Extraordinary and Sensational Shoe Sale on Two Floors
Here's a shoe sale where truth is stranger and more sensational than fiction. Our shoe bargains cannot b3 duplicated.
On the Main Floor
Come enrly in the morning if you can.
At sharp 8 o'clock in the moriv
ingvyour choice of all the men's
Sample Shoesand the men's shoes
that were bought from the railroad
companyvshoes that are absolutely
worth from $2.50 to three and four
dollars a pair, at per pair
In the Basement
Come enrly in the morning if you can.
Meal Kid
Louis liecl Hhoci
Patent leather I
I'ntent Cnlf
$1.50 $198
Ideal Kid
S3. 00, $3.50
and $5.00
Patent CU
Inila heel
$2,50, $3.00
WORKING Embroidered UH SLirfUttS HOU8R
75c 59c square 25c 5QC
CHILD'S" IiADIES' "FIN-K ,'i -- D0V' Sn
: to S. SHOES AND T N S"0ES ,-HOH3
39c 98c vici 98c 98c
2 to 5, Site. J to DF&Ena T,ES Size 4.
39 c 49 c $159 $128 98 c
Sole Agents for
"Queen Quality" $3.00
Shoes for Women.
A Mil
Sole Agents for
Rogers, Peet & Co.'s
Fine Clothing.
Hut of Louiirilli Too Fiirc for AuitmUin
to Stay With.
Mri'imil Mulllviiii lai'N the Sprinkler
llcfiire inn Mint In Ciiintil
Out nnil n Iloul Slprry
'I'lnir Kimtira,
LOUISVILLE. May 21. Marvlo Hart of
LoulsvlUti tonlRht knocked out Dan Cren
el dn ot Australia In the sixth round ot a
twrnty-flve-round bout beforo tho Southern
Athletic club.
Tho contest wan desperate and bloody
from the Btart. Hart, tho plumbor pugilist,
had won fifteen straight victories and Creo
don, owing to his sreatly Improved condi
tion of lain wna conceded to bo tho most
dangerous proposition of thorn nil.
Hart weighed In at 170 pounds and Crea
don nt one pound leas. Hart was tho ag
gressor and In the second round Crecdon's
loft eye was closed, Hart played hard nfter
this spot, whllo Dan cautiously waited for
a decisive blow. Throo times ho landed
left hooks to tho point of Hart'a chin, bit
Hart would not down, In the fourth round
they exchangod vicious rights nnd lefts to
face and wind nnd both wen vary groggy.
'I'll lira -nrly Full Cuiini.
Dan was glveu his first backBnt In the
third when a loft hook aout him to tho
floor for the count of eight. Ho recovorcd
rapidly, but when tho fourth was over his
owu efforts for n knockout and Hart's tor
rlllo swings to the Australian's battered
Jaw and eyo left him unable to do much.
In the fifth tho gong saved hlra, though ho
managed to get in a few hard ones. Hart
appeared fresh and strong and shortly after
me oeginniug or uie sixui nan mnaeu a
left hook to tho chin nnd Unn was out.
As he lay under tho ropes Davo Sulllvau,
ono of his seconds, began sprinkling water
over him before ton of tho count had been
reached. Like n tlnsh someone struck Sulll
vau In tho head and n rough and tumblo
tight started with half a dozen rubbers,
bottte-boldors nnd backers In the mlxup,
The police, with clubs, finally restored order
and the fight was awnrded to Hart.
in the ten-round preliminary Freckles
O'Dricn of New Orleans was given the de
clslon over "Kid" Hennessey of Louisville
in the third round.
Deforo tho main bout, Joe Choynskl, from
the ringside, challenged the winner, tho
contest to tako place In from two to four
weeks' time, on any terms.
Itesult of IiiteruollPKlntu l'rulliiilua
rlCR HeveuU (lint Vul- Ik Nut
(he Only I'uKxlhlllt.v.
NEW YORIC, May St. The preliminary
trials nnd qualifying competition!) of tho
twenty-sixth nnnunl truck nnd Hold cham
pionships of the Intercollegiate Association
of tha Amnteur Athletes of America wns
held today nt tho Herkeley ovnl under tho
most liu'oriible ausplcex, Tho llnala nIII
tako placo tomorrow nnd If the weather
prove favorable severnl new records should
lie mado. Tho weather todnv was Ideal.
Un to tho hour of stitrtintr todnv It looked 1
m If Yulo would enslly walk uwny with
tho chnmiilonshln cut), but iih tho competi
tion progressed matterH became serioim nnd
oven tno mosi snnguiuu or oui km h mi
mlrers admitted that It would have n hard
tunic In tho tlnnls. Harvurd surprised tho
crltlcH by n splendid Knowing nnd not a
row preuiciea victory ror tno wearers or
the crimson, Princeton, too, will bo rather
n stiff customer In tho llnal reckoning and
It looks ns If tho Issue, would rest between
the trln named. Pennsylvania has won tho
championship for tho last three years, but
Is sadly out of the hunt this year.
Kor the tlrst time In tho history of tho
association tho middle west was repre
sented, The tnsk foil to tho University of
Michigan, whoso small trnm mado a tnng
nllleent showing among tho eastern cracks.
In overy ovent In which tho Michigan nth
letrs nppeareil they were applauded to tho
echo, especially aft It was noted that thy
nualltled for tho Ilnnls In every contest In
which they appeared. Several of the
smaller clubs scored with tolling effect ..nd
among these were Cornell, Georgetown and
Tho feature of todnv's ineeL from nn
athletic standpoint was tho running of
Arthur II. Duffy of Georgetown. Ilu won
his heat of tho PW yards In tho most 'de
cisive fashion In tho world's rernrtl timo nt
OiCO l-D, but r slight breeze blew ngnlnst nit
UacK unit tno recoru will linrdly he tic
coptcd. Duffy Is of tho opinion that ho tan
repeat tno periormanco to a tint calm, nnd
the samo Idea was shared by many experts
Ono of tho surprises of tho day was tho
poor performances of Meyer I'rlnsteln In
tho running brond Jump, Tho Syracuse
mnn holds tho world's record of 21 feet T'i
Inches, and when It wns announced that
ho could not qualify and only Jumped 21
foot I 1-8 Inches the crowd was dumb
founded. He wns sick,
A nasty spill occurred In tho tlrst heat of
tho ono mllo cycle race. Hnrnltz of Penn
sylvania and I.uvlck of Princeton cutne
down nt the lower turn and Itno of Co
Itimbln, In trying to avoid n smashup, lost
control of his wheel nnd wns precipitated
over the rail for a distance of about fifteen
;eoi into the stand. Outside of n few
onuses around the fnco and nrms ho was
nii injjreu, ttesuits;
r.i,.T,n1w,ru"!. ,.r,nl hfni- wn II.
Cloud of Ilowdnin. r N West of I'ennsyl
vanln second, Time: 0:10 2-H.
necornt neat; vn ,y M SerH nf
J' lK Mc'-nln of Pennsylvania sec
ond. Time: 0:101.5.
,, ",, ,10,?li(?" v M- T. 1-lKhtner of
Time? oio 1.5 Pennsylvania second.
Tlmo" 0 10 "ignam or aie seconi.
, Fl.,t,llhlenu, .w," h' 0 I'liPree nf Yale,
' 'aiNJi?1 . 'lrvHrd second Time o io.
BtAtii inr. nun uy it, jjargravo of
Yale. K. II. Goodman, Jr., of Pennsylvania
second, Time: 0:101-5.
Heats for second men: First heat won by
G S. Westnoy of Pennsylvania. Tlmo:
0:10 2-5. Second heat won by J. II. McLaln
of Pennsylvania. Time: 0:101-5,
Putting lG-pound shot trials: It. Sheldon
of Yale, 13 foot V4 Inches: F, Ileck of Yale,
43 feet 5 Inches; C. H. Hoblnson of Hnr
vord, 43 feet 4 Inches; 8. G. Hills of Har
vard. 40 feet 7 inches; A. D. Gill of Ynle, 40
foot inches.
Hnlf mllo run: First trial heat, won by
II. W. Hayes of Michigan. .1. M. Perry of
Prlncotnn second. Time: 2:o0 2-fl.
Second heat: Won by II. K. Hnstlngs of
Cornell, D, W. Fanshot of Yale second.
Tlmo; 2:10 2-5.
120-yard hurdle, trial heat, first heat: Won
by 13. Ciapn of Vale, J. a. Willis of Har
vard second Time: 0:15 4-5.
Second heat: Won by J. H. Convorso of
Horvurd, A. D. Chllds of Princeton second.
Time: 0:101-5.
Tli rd heat: Won bv Wnlter Flshle nil of
Michigan. J. W. Hallowel of Harvard sec
ond. Time: 0:101-5,
440-yard run. Ilrst trlnl hent: Won liv K.
C, Hust nf Harvard. J. Nufer of Michigan
second. Time: 0:50 1-5.
Second heat: Won hv .1. I.. Mnnsnn of
Harvard, W. Holland of Georgetown sec-
ond. Tlmo: 0:521-5,
220-ynrd hurdle, tlrst trlnl hpnt: Wnn hv
J. G. AVillls of Hnrvard, II. H. Lyon of
Cornell second, Time: 0:25 2-5.
Second hent: Wnn hv .1. It rnnmr.n nf
Hnrvard. W. G. Purcel'l of L'ort,ll seennd.
Tlmo: 0:20 1-5,
Ihlnl heat: Won hv .1. it Tli nm.iH nf
Yule. K. II. Goodman, 'tr.. nf PommvliMiiln
second. Time: 0:25 3-5.
roiirth heat: Won by J. Howard of
Pennsylvania. E. J. Clapp of Yale second.
Time: 0:37 4-5.
220-vnrd run. trlnl lint. i.'irct i,i,c
Won by II. II. dominion of Ilowdoln, J.
Antlderson Of Pntinsvlvnnln rMnH Tlmo.
Second heat: Won hv p At Rnru nf
Cornell .. , llnrgrnvo nf Ynle Heoond.
Time: 0:213-5.
Third hent: Won by J. S. Westney ot
Pennsylvania. C. I). Voting of Cornell sec
ond. Time. 0:22 1-5.
Fourth heat: Won by Preston Kdmond
son of Geor,?inown, K. II, Wcbh of Har
vard second. Time; 0:2.' 2-5.
I-Ifth hen;: Won by J. i:. Ilengh of Har
0'"2l'.5 Unlsh of Cornell seconil. Time:
'kjxth heat: Won by C, D. Dupee nf
kale. ,I I. I.lgiuner of Hnrvard second.
Time: 0:24.
IJeats for second men, ilrst henl: Won
by N. II. llnrgrnvo of Vnle. Time: 0:23 1-5.
I.rvrr,,e:Uo!!:3by M" T' 1''Kh,,,er of
Running broad Jump, tho following quail
?Srtt: ,n 1 ,.e",'.,.c,,'."f Columbia. 21 feet
tU-5 Inches; A. W. Illstlno of Harvard, 21
feet 5 2-5 Inches; W. Flshlclgh of Michigan,
21 feet 4 4-5 Inches: H. j, flnudmnn of
Uowdnln. 21 feet 3 0.10 Inches; II. c Hrene
man of Columbln, 21 feet 11 Inches.
Hnlf-mllo bicycle trlnl heats, llr hent:
Won by K. W. Farley nf Vale, George W
Voorhces of Pennsylvania second. Time:
1;0S 1-5.
Second heat. Won by F. T. Mason of
Me. H. Hlpley of Princeton second. Time:
Tiilni heat: Won by H. W, McClenve, Jr.,
of Princeton, T Welmcr of Vale second,
Time: 1:07.
Pole vault, the following qualified: K.
Scnkln of Pennsylvania. A. W. Pole of
Princeton, Charles Dvorak of Michigan
nnd J II. Hoad of Vale, clearing 10 feet
tl Inches
Running high Jump, the following qualtllerl
for tomorrow: C, M, Ilotch of llurvard,
8. G. Ellis of Hnrvnrd and S. S. Jones of
New York university, cleared 5 feet 9
Inches; C. W, Curtis of Princeton nnd V.
C. I.owo of Syrncuso cleared 5 feet BVj
Throwing lG-pound hummer, following
qualllled: .1, It, Dewltt of Princeton, Hit
feet 44 Inches: A. W. Hnal of Harvnnl.
136 feet 9Vi Inches; J. J. Hare ot Pennsyl
vania. 131 feet Si Inches; C. P. Wnlos of
Cornell, 127 foot 114 Inches; F. G. Drown
of Yale. 121 feet.
P. A. Mooro of Princeton and W. Flsh
lelgh of Michigan cleared 10 feet fl Inches
nfter a tie- with I,. A. Gray of Pennsyl
vania and 11, I,. Gardiner of Syrncuso nt
10 feet 3 Inches, Flshlelgh and Moore will
start In the finals tomorrow.
One mllo bicycle trial heats, first heat:
Won by E. W. Fnrley of Ynle, E. P. Ham
hart of Princeton second. Time: 2:37.
Second heat: Won by P.. II. Gentry of
Ynle, It. Hlpley of Princeton second. Time:
'Third heat: Won by S. W. McCnne. Jr..
of Princeton, F. T. Mnson of Vale second.
Time: 2:4S 1-5.
Qunrter-mlle bicycle trial heats, first
hent: Won by F. T. Mnson of Ynle, C. N.
Smith of Pennsylvnnla second. Time:
0:23 1-5.
Second bent: Won by D. G. Hutts ot
Ynle. E, W. Farley of Yale second. Time:
0:30 2-5.
Third heat: W,r. by H. II. Gentry of
Ynle, S. W. McClave of Princeton second.
Time: 0:32 4-5.
One mile tandem, trial bents, first beat:
Won by V. W. Voorheeo and C. N. Smith
of Pcnnsylvnnlu, E. W. Farley nnd J. H.
Overall of Ynle second. Tlmo: 2:10 1-5.
Second hent: Won by M. Monro and H.
II. Gentry of Y..!o, II. n. Harnltz nnd J.
G. Gilpin of Pennsylvania second. Time:
Flve-mllo hleycln trial heats of two miles,
first hent: Won by J. II. Fltr-h of Colum
bln. W. E. Marshall of Gallaudet second,
F. P. Uarnhart of Princeton third. Time:
C:2il 1-5.
Second hent: Won by S. W. McClave, Jr ,
of Princeton E. S. Pnun of Pennsylvania
second. E. W. Fnrlcv of Valo third. Time:
5:31 4-5.
Third bent: Won by H. Hlply of Prince,
ton, It. II. Gentry of Vale second, C. It.
Crnso nf Columbia third. Time: (1:22 1-5,
AVhHt TrnvlH If. llenlen,
UYE, .V V.. May SI. Waller J. Travis of
Gnrden City, who holds tho title of nma
teur champion of the I "tilted Stales, for
feited thu title of Metropolitan champion
this afternoon by being beaten In the semi
flnnl round of the Metropolitan golf cham
pionship contest at tho Apnwnmls club
links, The golfer who bent the champion
Ik Charles II Seeley of the Weeburn Golf
club, nenr Stamford, Conn.
Turl I.oxi-m to Itoi'lier,
NEW YORK. May 21, -Ernest Rnebfr was
given the decision over Nouroulah, the
Turkish wrestler, after a severe struggle
lasting twenty-six minutes at tho Acndemy
nf Muslo tonight. The conditions were that
Nouroulah should throw Rneher threo
times within nn hour, Oraeco-Roman tyle.
Unity Mnttlirwn KnoeUed Out.
.LONDON. May 21 Matty Matthews wis
knocked out by Ferns In the tenth round
of what was to havo been a twenty-round
contest for tho welterweight championship
at the Crescent Athletic club tonight.
CollfKe lliine III) 1 1.
At Chicago Notre Dame, 5, Northwest
ern, 2.
Next Mining Begins .lane 4, nml Hero
la the I.UI of
LINCOLN, May 24. (Special.) The su
premo court will hold two moro ses
sions of the present term nnd on June
20 or 21 will adjourn over the midsummer
months. For tha next Bitting, which be
gins Juno I, tho court has assigned seventy
three cases for hearing. They are as fol
lows: Cook against Vaughn, Hnrltin; Bender
ngnlnst Kingman & Co., Thurston; Murray
against Vaughn, Harlan; Hcfferman
ngalnst O'Neill, Dakota; Teske ngnlnst
Teske, Mndisoni Johnson ngnlnst Carlson,
Douglas, Deer ngnlnst Plant, Lincoln; Far
rls ngnlnst Murshull, Phelps; Wnugh
ngnlnst Newell, Douglas; Uldrlch ngnlnst
Abbott, Saline; McKibben ngalnst Ripley,
Dawson; dishing ngnlnBt Schoenenman,
Lancaster, Htull ngnlnst Stull, Nomatm;
Concordia Loan nnd Trust company ngalnst
Van Camp. Douglas; Murphy iiKnlnst
Omaha, Douglas; Lincoln l.'nlvendty
ngnlnst Polk, Lancaster; Snyder ngalnst
Anderson. Thurston; iCny ngnlnst Mc
Auloy, Adams; Humes against Red Willow
county. Red Willow; Anhrnlmus against
Knne, Knox; Sweeney nk-aunt ReJto, Thurs.
ton; Larson agulnst First National bank.
Ponder, Thurston; lloiighu against Security
Statu bank, Cednr; Edward Thompson com
pany against Huldwln, Douglas; Cfdnr
county against McKlnnoy Loan nnd Invest
ment company, Cedar, Morton ngaln?t
Morton, Pawnee; Van Nortwlcl; ngalnst
Holblno, Dawson; Rrowu against Keith,
Lincoln; Herg agnluit Elwood, Adams;
O'Neill against Chlcngo, Rock Island & Pa
cific Rnllwuy company, Sarpy, I'lrlch
ugnlnst McConaughey, Hamilton; I'nlon
Stock Ynrds National bank against Smout,
Ilnll; Metcalf against Hockoven, Hntnlltnn;
Chapman, executor, against Wagner, John
son; Pearson against Itudger Lumber coin
pany, Umcnster, Chicago, Rock Island Ac
Pnclllc Railway company against Andren
sen, Sarpy; Utinmors ngnlnst Uuohmer,
Cedar; Wlnterrlngcr ngalnst Wnrder, n, A:
G. company, Cedar; Neff against McNeeley,
Duwson; Carlson against Jordan, Kearney;
Hagermau ngalnst Thomas, Frontier.
Farmers' and Merchants' Hanking company
ng'tlnst Red Cloud, Webster! Modlnnit
ngnlnst Croft, Douglns; Morrill ngnlnst Mc
Neill, Logan; Mlsiourl Pacini- Rallwny
company against Hemingway LancnMor.
Marley against Hlurltct, Custer, Jackett
against Howcr, Deuel, Honton against
Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance com
pany, lancaster; Union State bank agnlnn
llutton, Clay; Vost against Schlltger, Clay;
Iluchutinu ugulnst Edmlsten, Dawson; Utu
cashlre Insuranco compnny ngnlnst Kelr
stead, Mndlsnn; Mcl.agnn t Plerco ngnlnst
Wltte. Knox; Concordia Loan nnd Trust
company agAlust Parotic, Douglas, Dafov
against Kepllnger, Sheridan, Bedell ngnlnst
Hnrblne bank, Jefferson, Zimmerman
ngdlnsl Smiley, Jefferson; Stacks ngnlnst
Crawford. Knox: Glllick ngatmt Hurt
county, Hurt; Slandnrd Oil company ngnlnst
1 Goodman Drug compnny, Dnuglni, Osmond
Hgalnst rimntners, fierce; usmonil against
lnttesou, Plerco; Stuart against Stnnc
bruker. Antelope, Wnrron ngalimt Wales,
Otoe; Gelst against Missouri Pnclllc Rail
way company, Douglas; Stnto ngalnst
Htnndnrd Oil company, liilunctlnn; state
ngnlnst I'nlnii Pnclllc Railway company,
original: State ex re Smyth, attorney gen
eral, ngnluM Atro Mnnufarturlng r un
pany, quo wnrrnnto, Council UlufTs Savings
lank agalmt Smith, Madleon, Bete ex rel
Smyth against Grnln Orowr' Mutunl Hall
nssoclat on, original; State ngalnst Omaha
National bank, Douglas; Barker against
VJ heoter, Douglas; Antelope county against
Galloway, Antelope.
Xn Incorporations.
The secretary of state today legalized
thoso corporations;
Tho nookkoepers' Land nnd Cattle com
pany of Omaha, capital stock not limited.
Incorporators: Georgo H, McMullen, presi
dent; W. E. Hart, vice president; Charles
A. Sweetland, treasurer; C. Messervo, eec
rctnry; L. R. Wright, genoral manugor.
Kouiflit ror IIU Lite.
"My father and sister both died of con
sumption," writes J. T. Weatherwnx of
Wyandotte, Mich., "and I wns saved from
the same frightful fate only by Dr. King s
Now Discovery. An attack of pneumonia
left an obstinate cough and very severo
lung trouble, which an excellent doctor
could not help, but a few mouths' use of
thlt wonderful medicine made me as well as
ever and I gatucd much in weight." In
fallible for coughs, colds and nil throat
and lung troubles. Trial bottles free.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00 at Kuhn &
KtiiKirnl of Dr. .Vnnoii,
The funeral of Dr. George S, Nnson will
bo held from the house. 2500 Fnrnum str?et,
at 2 o'clock 8unday afternoon. The serv
ices will be In chnrge of the Elks' lodge,
of which the deceased wns a member, nnd
tho sermon will bo preached by Rev T,
J. Muckny. Interment will be In Forest
Uivn cemetery.
The coroner has decided to hold nn In
quest nt 2 o'clock this afternoon In order
to bring out officially tho circumstances
surrounding the doctor's death.
W R. Alters of Allluncr Is. a Mlllnrd
J. F. Campbell of Lincoln h nt tho Her
O b". Heine, Morltz Steuvls nnd W.
Lnngewlsh of Hooper. L. D. Denn of
Lincoln and T. Hoelfwnrth of Greeley nro
stnto guests at the Murray.
Nebrnskans at the Merchants: John Nel
c; Nelson, Harvard; L, V Haskell,
Wakelleld; W, F. Ruck, Superior; M. C.
Hrcssler, Clenrwnter; J. H. Jennings, Fre
mont; John VandHrgrlft, Austin: T N.
Palmqulst, Oakland : Oscar Strand, .Hnron
yllln; O. E. Goer. Edgar: J. F, Campbell,
Lincoln; lshani Reavlsi Falls City.
The smallpox quarantine on the house
of Police Captain Hayes win raised yes
terday nnd he reported for duty nt once.
Sergennt Welsenberg went to the police
station yeslerdny lifternoon to report for
duty, nfter hnvlng bonn off since Sunday
nn account of Illness. His face whs broken
out with pimples, but hr had been told
thnt he could go to work again. The Ilrs't
perron tho sergennt met wat Police Sur
geon Ames, who Informed him that he hnd
a well-defined enjf nf sinnllpox, City Phy
sician Ralph wns called and he continued
tho diagnosis Welsenberg went home at
once nnd wna placed under quarantine.
Need a
that wonderful reeonstructor of tho human
Tho real worth of Mull's Grane Tonic m
a spring medicine Is unequnleu, Being a
Crushed Fruit Laxative It nets pleasantly
on the system, Mull's Grape Tonic revives
the depression and languor felt by every
one at this time ot the year. It docs II
because It cleanses tho system gently, at
the same time tones It up, The so-called
Spring Tonics aro constipating nud you
nre warned to take some kind of pills,
which as a rule aro severe and debilitating
In action and do more harm than good.
Mull's Grape Tonlo Is a Tonic and lnxntlvs
combined, the only remedy of Its kind
known. We recommend tills retnedv to
our patrons as a valuable article. A lnrg
bottle for 50c, most as largo as you pay
11,00 for of other kinds. Every dose 11
worth f 1.00 to health. We ask you to test
it on our recommendation and guarantee,
One bottle Is sufficient to convince you.
seeK us aid ni once, i ours trui
V Villa nil i
Rub It on or drink It, 26c.
Pain Killer
kills all bodily aches and
witch Hazel
A well known cure fop Piles
This Halves cannot bo equalled wherevei
asoGthliiKund IicuIIuk antiseptic appli
cation Is needed, It quk'Uly cures sores,
cuts, burn and scalds without leaving
a jcar. For piles, eczema and all skin
diseases It Is considered infallible.
Beware of Gountorfelfte
Unscrupulous persons may offer you
worthless Imitations. Take only the or
Iglnal DuWitt'8 Witcii IIazklSalvb
oraoorcd hv c O. DeWITT A CO. Chieoo
antro Dr.Kay'n Itenovdtnr
Gallon, liver and kidneys. Rest tonic, laxative,
lood purifier known for all chronlo discuses;
reaovates and Invltrorates the whole system and
oures very worst cases. Get trial box ot once.
If not satlstlf d with It notify us, wn will refund
money bv return mall. Write jour symptom
for r ree Medical Advice, samplo and proqf lift A
Oo at druggists. Ur. U. J. Kay.bauWj, fj.V.