Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Epcc!al Attrtctioni in Eciirj and Undir
wur for Onr Regular Eaturdaj Bali.
A CIoip limprrlloii AVIII Iti-vral Some
Linifiiiiil llnruiiln l Vomcn' anil
CIiIIiIi-cii'n llonlvr- t. nilrr-itt-uriiml
l-'tiut!- I'nrtiftols.
Tbo bottr Judgo of underwear and
hosiery ou aro the bolter you will ap
preciate our alues.
Women's fast bluck cotton bone, seain
legs, doilblo sole, heel und toe, 23c values,
Eaturdiiy 15c i.ilr.
Women's Hcrmadorf black cotton hose,
tnuco sole or nil black foot; also a very
pretty lino of black laco llslu hose, worth
much moro thun our usklns price, Satur
day 25c pair.
Women's Importer Ilernisdorf black gauio
Halo hoso, drop stitch or plain, a blR as
sortment of lino bluck cotton, doublo sole,
heel and tor, nlso n special lino of fancy
hose, embroidered, polka dot and silk klok,
fancy stripes. Tills entlru lino are real
bargains; Saturday's sale price, only 30c,
threo pairs for $1-00.
Our own Importation of fancy hose, sav
ing you the wholesaler's profit; nearly
every comelvablo design In women's high
gradn hosiery; flno laco openwork, extracted
Hales and Jacijuard stripes, verticals,
foncy embroidered Insteps, blue, reds, pas
tel shades, fancy lace, lisle, In out
for stout women, Saturday's sale, 50c, 65c,
75c, $1.00 up to $3.00 pair.
At lGc, chl!drun'n fast black cotton rib
bed hose, doublo knee, heel and toe; spe
cial quality, all sizes, only 13c pair.
At 25c, children's lino ribbed fast black
hoso, also n very pretty lino of black lace
lisle thread hose, genuine bargains, sizes
6 to SH. our prlco 25c pnlr.
Wo have an exclusive- lino of misses'
fancy hose, now and druisy, fast colors,
polka dot, blue, red and black nnd white,
nil sizes, at 30c pair; embroidered Instep,
extracted, pretty patterns, very handsome
nil over, lace, In red or black, all sizes
from f. to S4. COc pair.
15c, 2 for 25, Indies' ribbed vests, low nock
or wing sleeves, silk taped nnd trimmed,
only 15c; 2 for 25c.
Women's white lisle thread vests, drop
stitch front, full Bilk taped, low neck,
sleeveless or wing sleeves; also V-neck; 10c
qualities, for Saturday's sale, only 23c each.
LADIUS' UNION SUITS Tho celebrated
"MunsltiB," owned nnd controlled by us.
Perfect In fit, finish and durability nnd cost
no more than the ordinary kind; low neck,
sleeveless or wins sleeves; high neck, long
or short sleeves; knee or ankle length. All
sixes, 3 to C, 50c; llslo thrend nt $1.00; sllka
llne nt $1.50 per suit.
Women's silk vests, with shield-shaped
sleeves, fancy fronts, In pink, blue hollo,
white and crenni, excellent vnluos, beau
tifully finished, will be sold Saturday nt
COc each.
The ".MunslnR" union BUlts for boyB nnd
girl, hlRh neck, short nnd long sleeves,
ankle or kneo length, well made, perfect
fit, nil ngcB, only 50c suit.
Hoys' ecru balbrlggnn shirts nnd drawers,
shirts come' In long or short sleeves, draw
ers nnklo or kneo lengths, nil sizes, only
25c each.
Special showing of new parasols, ladles'
coaching parasols In nil new light nnd dark
Hhndcs, plain and fancy embroidered, Shang
Tong, homstllchcd. chiffon trimmed, pretty
hnndlcs, $1.23, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50 up to $15.00.
Children's parasols, plain and fancy for
all ages, big selection, from 25c to $2.00.
Corner Farnam and 15th.
Tim roiiTir.poHV act
With Gentry llrothor' Show llcnti Iie
Hot of 'I'll em All.
There are so many novel and astonishing
acts porformod by the tnultltudo ot animal
actors with tho Gentry lirothers' show this
year that It Is hard to select one featuro
greater than another. Perhaps the little
folks, If they wrro appointed Judges, might
not agrco with their mure mature undo
or aunt, and papa and mamma might hold n
dllforent view also, but while these opinions
will always vary, on account of the many
marvelous performances of the llttlo ani
mals, It seems to be tho consensus of
opinion among the critical that tho "Korty
I'ony Act," as It Is called, caps the climax
and dlstancoi all other features with tho
great show, Forty beautiful Shetland
pontes participate In dances, drills and
scenes from enmp life, and tho unerring
precision with which they perform their
work elicits the admiration of every spec
tator. In "Pinto," tho baby elephant, the
Gentry lirothers have another uncqualcd
feature. This little dwarf Is acknowledged
to bo tho finest trained elephant In cap
tivity, nnl the things Pinto docs not only
dumbfound the audience, but make lilm the
most vnlunhlo elephant, financially. In th
world, exhibition nt Eighteenth and Doug
Ins Monday next.
Diitien Tniilulit.
Jolly night's lively ball this evening,
Washington hall, eighteenth nnd Harney
streets; line orchestra. A grand, good time
for you. Gents 23e Welcome.
Your opportunity will never be better
than Saturday to buy shoes for u moro
song. Head our nd on page 7 nnd como nnd
sec. Haydcn Ilros.
Stonccyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St.
Havo ralrd tho standard of High
Grade Shoes, The prejudlco that
onco existed has been removed.
Hundreds of Omaha's best dressers
nro regular patrons nt this store.
Tho only real difference Is tho price.
Wo Invito you to look over our
grand display. A Having to you
from 50o to $2.00 a pair. Wo sell
tho highest grado shoes In Omaha.
Kor men wo .sell Hanan's, Nettle
ton's nnd other famous makes
from $1.60 to $7.00. For tomor
row we sell Foster's, Armstrong's,
Ford's, etc., from $1.50 to $6.00.
Each and every pair of Bhoes lilted
by scientific SHOE FITTEHS. Once
you glvo us a trial, wo have your
patronago forever.
Bring Money
We havo decided to slaughter the prices
on thousands of articles In the drug; linn
which bear REVENUE STAMPS as
stamps will he removed In a few days,
S0o Hinds' Honey Almond Cream 20c
60c Pozzonl Powder c
(Flesh, white or brunette.)
$l.i Hurnhnm's Sursnparllln fo
Hring MONEY to get thee prices.
60f bottled Port. Sherry. Burgundy,
Xlnfuudel, Muscatel or Madeira for.. I&e
tl.w Kilmer's Swnmp-Hont C-c
Peruna (of course) Ma
2f.c Smart's Arnlcn Halve for He
2oo Carbolic Fnlvo for He
0"c Piiiaud's Hulk Perfumes, ounce.,.. S4c
23o Klrk'R Juvenile Soap, cake ic
4711 White Hose Sonp, cake lie
The above prices nre for spot cash
Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo..
Cor. 10th and Dodge.
Shoes that Fit Feet
Wonderful Shoes those Sorosls Shoes.
Price, $3.50, and style, finish and wear of
the $3.00 kind.
Sorosls are always $3.50.
Wo carry no men's shoes.
Wo have all tho shoes that tho women
folks buy both for themselves or the girls
and boys.
Tho Sorosls Store Is arranged with the
Idea of comfort for women whllo shopping.
Whothcr Sorosls wearers or not, our Heat
Room Is always open.
A mnld shines your shoes free.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
I'rnuU AVllccis. Manager.
Sorosls Catalogues now ready.
Succeor (o THE 1IOWU.
1516 Douglas St. 1515.
Bath Cabinets
Our nd. Is on pngo 7.
Haydcn nros.
Will you read It.
Olllcliil Monte St. I'nul.
Modern Woodmen of America,
Tho Illinois Central line been selected as
tho official lino from Nebraska to the Head
Camp meeting at St, Paul, Juno 10-15.
In nddltlon to regular trains, a "Wood
men Special" train will leave Omah.i Sjn-
day evening, Juno 0. Uate, $10.03 for tho
round trip. For full particulars nud copy
nt handsomely illustrated circular, call on
or address W. H. Ilrlll. D. P. A. I. C. U. R.,
1102 Farnam street, Omaha, Nob. run m.vcoln.
VIii ItoeU IkIiiikI Itoute.
May 21, 23, 2C nnd 27.
Leave Omaha union station S:30 n. m.
Returning, leave Lincoln 7:30 p. m.
Only J1.C3 for round trip.
City ticket office, 1323 Farnam strcot.
$5.00 and up.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
Kith and Farnuni tits.
Didn't Know It, Eh?
Ioch curry (lie awellent line of
in Omnba.
See Our Neckwear Window
The $2.50 Hatter
107 So. 10th at.
Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 Douglas St.
Dcotnl work that will stand the test
Is the kind we do. No fancy prices.
c: ill fl Crnwm ..fS.OO
fiolil Fillings up
an DUUAftl - so. :5th Ave,
Wri Omaha, Neb.
Ftonocyphcr prints anything. Tel. 1310.
Cnnl of Ttinnkn,
For tho many beautiful floral offerings
and other kind acts of sympathy during our
late bereavement, tho loss of our brother
Paul, we wish to thank from tho bottom of
our hearts tho many neighbors nnd friends
who so kindly assisted us.
Saturday will bo another busy day nt tho
Big Store of Hnyden Ilros. Head their ad.
n pago 7 and you'll go there, too.
Minimi Wuoilmcn.
Lowest .rntcs.
Special accommodations,
St. I'nul and return
"The Northwestern Line,"
June 8 to 11.
H01-1403 Farnam street.
Send nr tides of incorporation, notices ot
eiocKQoiacrs- meetings, etc., to Tne uee.
wo win givo mom proper legal insorlion.
'jeicpaono its.
For Salo A new. Into stylo Kimball piano
t a bargain. Inqulro O. 13. Tzschuck, Do.
business ofilco.
The best makes in the newest styles and patterns and most
dependable and fashionable fabrics on sale at cut prices, owing
to late special spot cash purchases. We guarantee the lit to be
perfect. Alterations made free of charge.
The Suits and the Prices
Pi ff At 5i0 there nre fancy Casslmeres and Worsteds,,
tfJKJ blue and black Cheviots nnd Oxford Mixtures, the
regular $9.00 values.
rubllsh your lcgul notices m The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Dr. It. D Masai, rectnl surgery, Ilrown blk.
Job printing. 437 rnxicm nlnck. Tel. 1140.
rapvntOHT iC3t
Saturday will be "shoo dny" at the nig
Store of Hayden Bros. Head their ad. on
page 7.
At $7.50 there nro brown mixed Scotch Cheviots,
flno bluo Serges, black nud blue Clay Worsteds and
other excellent tailored Suits, the regular $15.00 values.
1 f ff At $10,00 there nro fine fancy Worsteds of Ira
JLvf.vLf ported nnd domestic fabrics, fancy Tweeds, extra
fine Thlbcts, In over 50 uow, stylish patterns. They are the
Steln-Uloch Tallor-mado (larmmts. No such suits were
ever boforo offered In Omaha for less than $20.00.
1 f) fi At 12,C0 there nro unfinished Worsteds nnd nobby
JL.t)U patterns In finest Casslmeres. Suits that are
worth and sold clsewhero up to $23.00.
1 f rf At $15.00 they arc tho finest Suits tl
Xt)JJ fncturcB turned out who arn known
theso manu
vn to be the
best In all America. These Suits aro made from the moBt
popular patterns and the newest things, Biich as the new
military, 'verslty und EugllBh waiKins styles, incse suns
enn only be classed with tho $23 to $50 mado to measure
The Boys' Long Pant Suits
flUihot Dnnnma nf hI!r.OM 13.75 All Wool Casslmcrrs nud Cheviots
llliai U0UUIII0 Ul JQMU! S6ro sultH for $3.75.
Thin In a citifMlon which w iwkfti nt oni- of JR.OO Flno blue nnd black Serges, un
our delivery . hoy. vbllMmt .lellvorlnB aj w -tip. L ... . ,, ,,.inrv !,,.n,h ml.
lion leiiicrnoyi me answer n. un, no it i . .......
out en ome other delivery: Jnkle coul.ln't IibIii mres. regular $9.00 suits, for $4.00
IO lianillt) "II Or !CliaerT-K ueilVt-ric, n ..nnft Cnlla In Mllllnpv
has help now-foe!" These prlcot explain the 6-" ''co alul $l0.f0 hulls ln Military
nbovet Form Fitting Sacks In all the latest styles
11.00 Seilnn I'llln , "So I and fntirlrs ronilnr Jtn.lld 1(1 SIS. 00 values.
si-m MnL"t PuST-urT' N'rV9. Tr?."?.'"!:: m Th0 Knoo Pants Suits, In all tbo
11,01 Klrk'e lianrtrurr oire w HA I
JI.C1 P, tf. Tobacco Cure M
:i.o) i' iiKimm'a tromroumi w , ., .... . j
puis .. , I Dl'" w nicn wo musi ciobo oui, ouiui
J5 Htuart'e HlHcklH'rry Cordial lw day rcKurdlettn of cost.
Ka Florl.l Water...., Chlldron'n r.llnr ..hin ti-nw
lb Klns'ii New Discovery no Bwv... u...Um,u ,
LOo Oem Catarrh M worm mo, ai iuc.
Ko laxative liromo quinine ijo infanta' round hats, all go at 5c.
ft2r,,r K",s,YnV&":":::::::::: ' Mcn,fl straw t to 25c. worth
1 tloien 1-sraln (liilntno capsule , Vo
1 doun K.craln nulnlne cnnsulea , ,. lie
Hoods delivered iniEB to any part of city. UklU BJBMmiWI
nowest stjles of Kusslan IIIouscs, Sailor
nlouucti, Nurfalk styles, 3-ptece buIU
ami Plain Double-Hrcasted Knee
Pants Suits, that aro regularly sold
from $3.50 to $12.00 now on salo at $1.60
$2.50, $3.75 und $5.00,
The Men's Flno Odd Trousers, ln all
sizes from 39 to 50 waist; now on sale a
$1,50, $2.50 and $3.75 pants worth from
$3.00 to $7.50.
up to $1.00.
We Imvo the best and cheapest line of
Mexican sombreros, the most sensible hat
for girls, at 25c, 35c and 50c,
See Haydon's leader at $1.60, The best
hnt made for tho money.
Farnam and
Farnam and
to know in tho purchasing of clothing, cloaks, shoos, furn
ishings, etc., is "how to buy the best values for the least
money." Tho values we offer you in this ad fully and completely make reply, and u you imu
doubt in tho matter, visit tho departments throughout tho house and see for yourself.
The real thing
TVf a 9 f 1 f4-i f nf Some things are hard to uiv
1VI t? 11 & VIU II VII dcrstand, One is the absolute
waste of money by those who pay extravagant prices for clothing. We
sell tailor-made clothes that bear the stamp of the best tailors in America
and they only cost you what the best of tailormade clothes should cost
We're ready at any time to convince you of these facts. Will you give
us a look? t i t
is considered by all good dressers as being the best designed clothes in
the market The broad, rounded shoulders, the shapeliness at the waist,
and the fullness over the hips give the suits a decidedly swagger appear
ance. They come in Scotch cheviots, tweeds, casslmeres tiLft Qf SLTld LID
and blue serges 9KJJJ
Men's Blue Serge Suits for $4.75, Men's Spring Suits S itMlsSS.
all wool fast colors perfect in fit and workmanship.' $7.50, $8.00, $900 atld $10.00
Women's Shirt Wist Sale
Just as the sun went down Thursday evening came the express with a
big shipment of Women's Summer Shirt Waists. They have all
been marked and assorted, with a table for each price, that you may have no
trouble in selecting them, and among them are the greatest shirt waist bar
gains ever shown to the public. A trade-winning event of such a far-reaching
character of such a stupendous nature that it will, by the striking con
trast of values, paralyze the shirt waist business outside The Nebraska.
Lot 1
Wash Waists
Made of good quality of plain eham
brays colors, ox-blood and blue front
and back trimmed with six rows of tucking now
sleeve and collar prices asked else- C
) fnn an mM nralat. ORn mil" nrip.n IOP - l '.
Saturday i..; 1 Saturday
Lot 4
A Special Lot of Shirt Waists
150 dozen of them, in linen, cliainbrays,
madras cloths and lawns plain colors in
all the leading shades some made with
tucked sailor collars others trimmed with
four rows of embroidery and twenty-four
rows of tucking down the front, and many
other pretty and up-to-date styles in this
lot. Waists that you positively cannot
duplicate elsewhere for less
than $1.50 and 2.00 our
price for Saturday
Lot 2
Women's Wash Waists
made of a fine quality of
lawn, in pretty stripes, made
with the new sailor collar to
match stripes the new
Bishop sleevo real valuo Z f
81.00 our prlco for VjJG
Lot 3
Wash Waists
Another lot of those
75c waists thnt so many ladles aro waiting for are ntnong this
shipment. They are mado ot flno madrns cloth, In beautiful
stripes and nicely tucked white front and collar. Wo
are willing you should compnro this waist with
any 11.25 waist In Omaha our prlco for
Lot 5
Women's Wash Waists
made of the best quality of chambray,
in blue, ox-blood, salmon, helio and pink
made with new sailor collar hand
somely trimmed also with white pique
fronts perfect fitters and perfect work
manship our price for Saturday
Men's Hacts
Just now it's straws
25c, 35c, 45c, 75c, 85c, $1.00,
and as high in price as you want to go for a straw hat.
We've 62 Different Styles
including all the latest shapes in rough straws, Milan braids,
split Panama, wheat straw, etc., etc. '
Golf Fedora Shapes same as cut for n
45c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
Genuine Mexican Hats 45c, 65c and 85c.
Boys' Fedora, in rough nnd plain straws, at 45c and 65c.
Boys' nnd girl's Linen Turbans, 25c.
Men's Underwear
Mon's Underwear unbleached balbrlRgan
shirts or drawers
good values-each
Big line to select from in balbriggan, plain and fancy
colors, at 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2,00
Men's Shirts
In madras, French chain,
brays, percales, etc;, in a
wonderful line of pat
terns 45c, 75c,
$1.00, $1.25
Men's Shoes
Have your shoes been
costing you too much
Have you been trading with
some store just because they
sold shoes, just because you
didn't think there was any dif
ference in the price of shoos
here and elsewhere. If this is
true, you're spending money
foolishly, but there's only one
way to find out try us.
Men's Shoes at $2.50
Men's hot weather shoes, all
solid patent calf or box calf ox
fords. Men's shoes in patent
leather, enamel, box calf, ve
lour calf and vici kid, no better
lino of shoes in America for the
money nnd nil you pay for such
shoes in this QLO
store is qj.OVJ
Women's Summer
Shoe Suggestions
$1.25 for Wo
men's oxfords
Medium wcIkM, opera toe, cloth top,
neat, dressy and comfortable.
1.25 for Wo- 1
men's oxfords
Heavy soles, Kngllsh toe, lust the shoe
for every day and outside wear, completo
line ot sizes.
$1.50 for Wo
men's oxfords
Black or tan kid, with or without cloth
tops solid, yet neat and drewy Frlces
clsawhore 13.00 and $2.25.
$1.50 for Wo
men's I'rincess
Elastic In front, no lacing tho hand
somest low shoo for tho house offered this
Boys' Clothing
The Nebraska has
made it far oasior
than it used to bo
years ago by sell
ing boys' clothos
at a popular price.
A point that most
stores overlook.
Havo you looked through
our lino of boys' goods?
Well seamed, well but
toned, well pocketed,
boys' knee $
pant suits,
That wo know are sold by
our competitors for $1.25
more than we ask.
Other suits from $1.00
Men's Underwear fine two-thread balhrlB-
gan shirts and drawers, ln brown, blue,
nnd flesh colors, best
Batecn faclns and pearl
buttons, each ...... ...
Men's Underwear flno quality maco cot
ton, plain and ribbed, ln a cbolco lino of
colors, Krcnch nock
nnd ribbed shirt
Mon's Underwear extra flno quality Erj'p
tlan cotton, silk faced, with long Bilk 3
cuff and neck. In a ff I
choice lino of colors 135 C
TELEPHONE 717. 1 wm W