Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Kaw Towi Sail Tsiisrs Dtfeat Papa
Benrki'i Colta,
Clnnni- Weather Dor ol Prevent b
Lmnc Attendance nnd the Ilootrm
Arc Specially Artlve Detnlts
of the name.
There a real old-fashioned charivari
party out at the Vinton street reserva
tion yesterday attcrnoon, ami, while tho
Omaha didn't win. they came so close to
It that tho defeat was all tho more heart
rending. The weather wan dark and lowering, but
despite thin unfavorable condition a large
and select crowd of spectators was on
hand, ready to cheer or Jeer, Just as cir
cumstances warranted.
Prcetand was switched In to deal out tho
benders In lieu of "Dusty" Coous nt the
last moment. His escape In the tlrst In-
nlnK was as attenuated as n victim of
tuberculosis, nnd at the opctilns of the
third l'apa Hill chased Luther under the
randstnnd, Luther had boastlnKiy re-
marked the day before that ho had never
been taken out of the box In any Rnmo
he had ever nttempted to pitch, nnd this,
his first experience, was a bitter pill to
I-'iiii In llii' ."rcuiul.
In tho soi ond, Lvthor befinn by present
ln3 Captain O'llrlen with edltorlul mileage
to first, then, whon Koblnson Crusoo hit
a small grounder to him. he nu.itchcd
It up and In a taudnble endeavor to head
off tho captain nt tho second angle hn
cntunultcd the spheroid awny out In center
field, and both runners were safe. Messltt
ooked out a single, but both Ewlng and
Kctchera expired, ami It looked as It
things weren't going to ho so alt-fired bad
after nil. Hut they wore. Luther immc
dlatcly proceeded to plug Hartman In the
IntH. "Doggy" Miller hit him for two utid
Hardest and tlevllle for one each, and n
block of five tallies was chalked up.
In the third they heaped It on, scoring
two more on a base on balls, two double
cushloncrs and a single. Hero Freoland
went to the barn.
In the fourth, on two bases on balls,
two singles nnd nn error by Hnrdesty big
enough to com Its own living, gathered a
bunch of four, and In the seventh, on n
pass and a couple of more safe ones, lied
the score.
Hut our happiness was effervescent. At
the beginning of the eighth Toman per
mlttcd Mcssltt'R ensy ono to get away from
him nnd without further ceremony tho
Cowboys proceeded to knock out tho game,
for Wclmer, who had taken Ewlng's place
In the box. hit safely, and bo did Kctcbem.
the lattor's a double, and tho two runs that
passed tha pan were an elegant sufficiency.
Omaha made a last dying effort In tho
ninth, and, nlthough got within ono of
another tie. Welmer was too many for
them, and the Mlssourlnnu packed tho game
away with tholr batn and strolled uptown.
At tho beginning of tho ninth O'Drlen
was thrown out at first, but he didn't think
eo and proceeded to toll Colonel Carruthers
that ho was decayed, and tho colonel re
taliated by assessing him a tax of 2
slmolcons, nnd to make him feel better
had him put out or the grounds, nut It
took ft policeman to do It at that. The
IIimv the Scnre Stnnda.
Kelly palfed th ball to Oatlns, who threw
to Fnrrell, heading off Pndden, completing
the triple, riillds, however, scored on the
play. Catches hy Heldrlck nnd Shecknrd
and tho batting of Kecier were fenlures.
Attendance. 2,100. Score;
First gamy.
UrtOOKLYN I ST LOt'tfl. It.H.O.A.E,
SMckard, H..1 2 I 0 0 IlurkMt., If .7 2 2 0 0
KlfT, rf....O s 3 o oiieMrick. ti -i i i '
Kelly, lb....l ISO 1 U'van, rf..O 1100
Daly, :b......l 0 3 2 0 McOsnn, lb. .1 19 10
Dahlen. J....0 0 1 1 1 Child, b....O 0 1 i 0
McCrffry. cf.l 1 a 1 1 I'addn, ... .0 1 1 'i 0
rutins, 3b.. ..0 1 0 0 0 Krugn-, 3b ..0 0 1 2 0
Tarrfll, c 0 0 9 3 1 Nlcholn, c 0 1 t 0 :
Donovan, J...0 2 1 3 0 Murphy. p....o 0 e I n
Total, S 10 21 14 i Total 4 5 21 11 J
Urooklyn 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
St. Louis 1 (J 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-1
Knrned runs: Urooklyn. l;.8t. I,oul, 3.
Two-baso hits; W. Donovan, I. Donovan.
Three-bane hits: Hurkett, Pndden, .Sheck
nrd, .McCreery. First Imsc on errorm at.
Louis, 1; Urooklyn, 1. Ix-ft on bases: St.
Mule, 4; Urooklyn, 6. Stolen baiet; Mc
Creery, Ontlns. Double nlnys: McCreery
to Fnrrell, Farrell to Daly, I'adden t.)
Chllds to Mcannn. First bnso on bnllt; Off
W Donovan, 2i off Murphy, 1. Sncrlllco
hit: Ontlns. Struck out: fly W. Donovan,
b; by Murphy, Z. Tasked balls: Farrell,
2. Wild pitch: W. Donovan. Time: 1:41.
Umpire: Kmslle.
Second game:
Il.It.O.A.E.I It.H.O.A.E.
theckaM, lf..l 1 0 Olhirkftt. If.. ..2 2 2 0 0
Kelr, rr....l 4 3 o o.jiM'JNck, cr.v v n
Utllev, lb.. .119 1 0 Donovan, rf..O 1 5 ') 0
Daly, 2b ....0 1 0 1 McClnnn, lb..O 0 I 1 0
Dnlilen, .... 0 0 1 3 0 fhlM. 2h....l 2 14 1
McCreery. fft 3 1 0 0 I'adden, n.... 2 2 3 0
tlMlim, 3b....l 1 0 4 0 Krugtr, 3b....O 114 0
Farrell, 0 0 1 2 1 0 rtyan. c 0 0 2 3 1
Kltfoli. p ...9 2 0 4 0Jon. p .') 1 0 3 1
Nlchol 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 5 13 27 I J II
Totals 4 12 21 20 3
Hotted for Juliet) In ninth.
Brooklyn 1 1 2 0 1 o n 0 -f
St. Louis l t o o 1 o 0 1 o-i
Earned rutin: St. Louis, 1. Home run:
Hurkett. Two-base hits: I'adden, Jones.
Kecier. Daly. McCreery. First b.iso on
errors. St Louis. 1. Left on bafes: St.
Louis, 9; Urooklyn. 8. Stolen banes: Hur
kett, Sheckiinl. Kelly 12). McCreery (2),
Uutins. Double piny: Kellcy (unassisted).
Triple piny: Dahlen to Kelley to Ontlns to
Fnrrell First base on balls: Oft Kltron,
1; off Jones, 4. Sncrlllco hit: Hynn. lilt
by pitched ball, lly Kltson, 2. lned
ball: Fnrrell. Time. 1:02. Umpire: F.ins-lle.
catch In the fifth was the feature. At
tendance, 4,686. Score'
Dowd, If. . ..0 0 1 i) 1 ('. Sb .0 0 0 4 0
Hemphill, rf.l 1 2 ii l'ltarmt, cf . 1 2 4 1 0
Htahl, cf 2 3 2 0 0 (llrason, 2b. ..0 0 2 3 0
Collins, 3b ...2 3 I i O'lInlmM, rf. .1 3 3 0 U
Freeman, lb. 1 2 12 0 aiLillon. lb 0 0 9 0 0
Parent, .... 0 0 4 1 0 i:ib"rfeld. ft 1 1 I J 2
Vmt. Ih 1 1 I 2 ONnnce. If 1 2 2 0 0
CrUer, c 1 2 4 4 0 tluelow, c 1 1 3 0 0
Clever, p o u u j i
tKrlk 0 0 0 0 0
IwIp, p 1 10 10
Totals 9 13 37 11 3
nciiuits' n.viTi.u.
ChlcnK" Ten in IndiilK'" In Krriim
Wlilcli Prove Fatnl.
riflLADELPlllA, Mny 21. In n pltrhetV
bnttlo the Philadelphia Nntlonnls defeated
Chicago today because the errors of the
latter were costly. A recess was called for
tlv minutes at tho end of the eighth on
account of rnln. Attendance, 1,750. Score:
It. It. O. A F. lt.H.O.A.K.
Harry, cf 0 0 2 0 0Hartzell, It... I 2 10 0'
E. D'h'ty. lb.O 2 S 0 n Dolan, rf 0 0 1 0 1
nreen. iT o 110 0
Doyle, lb 0 OHIO
Child. 2b 0 0 2 3 0
J. D'h'ty. 2b..O 0 111
Fll. rf 0 0 3 0 C
Wnl'ton. 3b. I 2 2 3 0
HlKRle, If ... 0 0 2 0 0.
MrF'laurl, c.O 0 7 1
CroK. t 0 0 2 4 OMcC'mlck. n0 2 1 5 0
lliillnian, 2b..O I 1 1 0 Dexter, u 0 I S 2 0
Donahue, p... 7 2 0 5 siWaildeii, p... o o l l l
oUN 5 9 57 14 1
Halted for Slever In ninth. , ,
Hoston 0 1 o 0 0 2 2 0 4-9
Detroit 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2-5
Horned rune. Boston, 4: Detroit, 2. Two
baso hit: Nnnco. Threo-baso hits: Bar
rett, Kllierfeld. Collins. Stolen bases:
Holmes. 2 First base on balls: Off Slever,
1; off U-wlf, 4. lilt by pitcher: Stnlil.
hirst luise on i-rror: uetrott, z; nosion, .
Left on bases: Detroit. 7: Hoston, tu
Struck out: By Slever, 1; by 1-ewls, a.
utiuuif iii.iyn; nicvrr 10 r.iut-i icm in
lon. Collins to Freemun, Wild pitches:
Slever, 2. Tlmo: 2:15, Umpire; Sheridan.
Starter Bruen Oats Credit far Poor Work at
EL Lonii.
liiniiKtirntlfin tit Hurdle Itnolim nnd
I5.eellenl "nril Dfternl Irn n
Lnrxc Croud In the Fnlr
WnnhlriKton Ftialilo to Win Tally
llmlly .VixMleil In Mnlli.
CLKVHLAND. iinv 22-Clovrlnnd man-
nged to win onrn more today, but not until
a light bad been made to the finish. In tho
last Inning Washington needed but one run
to tie nnd there were three men on bases
and ono out. Srltttbcck. who played his
tlrst game for Cleveland, started a fust
(louuin piay uiai. wiien compieieu, icu
(.icveinnti victorious. uenuancc,
Plckerlnir. rf.O 1 2 0 0 Farrell. cf... 12 10 0
McCarthy. If.l 1 2 0 ODunKnii, rf....O 0 2 0 0
llradley, 3b, ..1 0 1 2 0 Qulnti. 21.. ...0 3 10 0
LnCliance. lh.l 2 !2 1 0 Voster. If.... 112 0 0
Wood, o 1 1 S 3 0 Everett, lb. 0 1 11 10
fleck. 2b ....1 3 2 0 0 ciarK. e.... 1 2 1 5
SMilrbcrli, v0 0 3 4 1, ss.l 0 0 R 0
ri-nlnf, cf....2 2 0 0 o Coiinhlln. 3U..1 12 2 1
llrnxKlna, p...O 0 0 4 0 Mercer, p 0 1 1 a
Scott, n 0 1 0 i 0. -
' Totals 5 11 24 IJ 1
Totaln 7 It "7 21 I1
Clnvetntnl 0 0 0 I 2 2 1 0
Washington 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1-5
Famed runs: Clewlund, 3; Washington,
1 lunlngn pitched: Hragglns, iij Scott, 3.
nits: urr imiRh'inx. nrr Bcott. 4. uuns
Off Brngglns, 4, off Scott, I. Two-base
hits: Wood. Foster. Sncr It co h ts: Schlc
bepk. 1: Hraci'lns. 1: Cllnunian. 1: Mercer.
I. Stolen bases: Clarke. Couglilln (1).
First mi so on balls: Oft Brngglns, 6; off
Scott, 2; on Mercer. 3. atrucK out: liy
llragglus. Qultiu, Scott and UlurKo. lilt uy
pitched nail: liy lirnggins ami Kveritt
Klrst briKo on irror: Cleveland. 1: Wash
tngton, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, S;
Wunnington, lu.
American l.tngne AtniiUlns.
Baltimore ...
Milwaukee ..
Cleveland ...
Lost. P.O.
.1 8 24 13. 3
Carter. If 4 0
Stewart. 2b ."4 1
Buckley, Ih 5 2
Letcher, rf..- .'...'4 2
Culhon. 3b 3 2
Held, cf 5 0
Tomnti. ts 5 1
Oondlng. n n
Kreeland, p 0 n
Orahnm, p 4 0
Totals 31 8 U
.. 5
,. 3
Ketchem, cf
Hartman, rf
Rettger, rf
Miller. If
Harrtestv. ss-2b..
Tlnvllle. lb 5
O'Brien. 2b S-
Robinson. 3b 5
Mttisltt. o . 5
Kwlng, p 3
Welmer. p 2
O. A. B
2 10
1 4 0
6 0 0
2 10
i o o
fi 0 1
4 0
0 1 1
0 1 1
27 12 3
O. A. K
4 0 0
1 n 0
4 0 1
2 4 !
E 0 1
3 2 0
2 2 0
6 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
2? 1 1
Totals 3 7 27 It 3
Batted for Wuddell In ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 n 1 1 -3
Chicago 0 n 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Karned runs: Chicago. 1: Philadelphia, 1.
Two-baso hits: K. Delahnnty. Wolverton,
Donahue. Stolen bases: Dclnhanty, Mc
Farland. I;ft on buses: Chicago. 10;
Philadelphia. 7. Double plays: Chllds to
McCormlck to Doyle. First base on balls:
Off Waddell. 2. (lit by pitcher: Wolver
ton. Struck out: By Waddell. 5; by Don
ahue. 1. Pnssed ball; McFnrlnnd. Wild
pitch: Waddell, Tlmo: 1:15. L'mplro:
1HCK.1IA.VS nmir. IIU.V wins camh. York Defeat I'HtMlitirK liy SliiKle
Tally In Hard FlKht.
NEW YOItK, May 22.-IIIckmnirs home
run enabled the New York Nntloniils to win
another gumo from the PitsburgH nt tho
Polo grounds today. Tho gamo was fast
and rcpleto with hensntlonnl lielding. At
tendance, 3.5W. Score:
It.M.U.A.U.I It.H.O.A.E.
Lcnch. 3b 0 1 1 3 OT'H'tren. cf..0 10 19
neaumont, cf.O 0 2 0 1 Selbnch, U....0 0 3 0 0
Wasner, rf...l 2 3 0 0 Htrang. 3b. ...I 2 12 0
ll'led, lb ..0 1 7 1 0 Hickman, rf.,1 2 10 0
Hitchle. 2b. ...0 1 6 3 0 Davis, m 0 1 2 J 1
Poole, If 0 1 3 ) COnruel. lb....O 0 '1 0 0
Ely, as 0 0 2 2 0 Warner, c. . . .0 0 0 3 0
Zlnimer, C...0 1 0 1 0 Nelson, 2U...0 0 3 3 2
Wlltz, p 0 112 0 Phyle, p 0 0 0 2 0
TotaU 1 8 21 12 1 Totals 2 6 27 14 3
New York 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 a
Pltsburg 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Earned runs: New York, 2. First on er
rors: Now York. 1: Pittsburg, 2. Left on
bases: New York, fi; Pittsburg, 0. First
base on balls: Off Wilts, 1. Struck out:
By Phyle. 5. Sacrlllcn hltn: Ely, Solbach.
Stolen bases: Wagner, Ely. Two-base hit:
Brunsrlcld. Homo run: lllckmnn. Umpires;
Smith nnd O'Connor. Time: 1:33.
iiirrlcnii Game Postponed.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Baltimore gamo
postponed; wet grounds.
University of Nebraska Scores Only
Three Huns In HlKlilnuil
Park's Five.
LINCOLN. Mav 22. (Sneclal TeloKrnm.l-
The University of Nebraska was defeated
In a ten-Inning gamo 011 tho local campus
this nftcrnoon tty tho liigninna l'arK co
lego team. McAllister and Thompson
crossed the tilnto In the final inning, mak
ing tho score u to j. inn pitching or
Thompson ror Highland rnrK nnu trie Held
ing or linoues lor rseorasKn were me r;n
tures, acore:
Hlghlnnd Park ....0 0 0 ll 1 0 0 0 2 2-;
Nebraska 0 oouiusou 0-3
Batteries; Highland Park. Thompson and
It. Smith: Nebraska. Guinea nnd Doune.
Two-baso hits: Thompson, Duelling. Homo
run: usmumtson. mituck out: uv rnomiv
son, 5; by Gaines, 2. Umpire: Kingsbury,
Western Association.
At Columbus Columbus, 5; Fort "Wuync, U.
At Toledo Indianapolis, is; Toledo, 3.
At Marion Dayton. 7: Marlon. 1.
At Grand Kapids Louisville. 10: Grand
KapKls, 4.
CiillcBo finmen.
At Now Haven Ynle. 12: Michigan. 3.
At Chicago Illinois university, 6; Chicago
university, 2.
At i.incom, .en. ingniniui i-nrx couogo,
university or Aooraska, a.
Totals 9 9 13
Kancns city 05200002 0-0
Omaha 0 0 0 4 1 0 2 0 1-8
Earned runs: Kansas City. 5; Omaha, 4.
Two-hase hits; Calhoun, Miller. O'Brien.
Messltt. Kelehin i2). flacrlflco hit: Cal
houn. Stolen base: Hnrdesty. Bases on
balle: Off Freelnnd, 1: off Graham. 2: off
Ewlng. 4. Struck out: By Freeland. 1:
by Grahnin, 4: by Ewlng, 3; by Welmer. 3.
Wild pitch: Freeland. Time: 1:40. Um
pire: CArruthers.
nBxvnn wkbw in tiik n.n.
Keridliou nt Sllnnenpoll llrenk It
MINNEAPOLIS. Mny 22,-The game this
afternoon wiib played in tha rain. Mere
dith was pounded hard, the home tenm
earning all f their runs. Ferguson had
the Dtnver mfii guessing, nnd In tho third
retired the side on strikeouts. Attend
ance, SOo. Score:
Minneapolis .0 4 0 0 0 2 60 1 :s 19
Denver 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2- 3 0 S
Batteries: Minneapolis, Meredith nnd
Sulllvnn: Denver, Ferguson nnd Klelnow.
Counn Proven n Pussier for tnlnrndo
RT. PAUL, May 21, Todnv'a game wni a
pitchers' battle. Cogun. St. Paul's new
twlrler, pitched his first game 'and won It,
Attendance, 300., Scpre:,
St. Paul 2 0, 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 3 1
Colo." Springs.. 0 1lO00OO0 0-142
Batteries: St. Paul, Cognn and Wilson;
Colorado Springs, Whltrldge nnd Donahue.
Dei Motnea Puts In Trro Pitchers mill
Until Are Ponnded.
DES MOINES. May 22,-Des "Moines lost
tha game today In the second inning, when
Steffanl was hit for a total of eleven bases
and five runs. Glendon was substituted In
th third and wn no better. Attendance,
)0. 8corei
It. I I.E.
St. Joseph.. . 0 5 2 0 3 0 0 0 010 17 4
Vet Moines... 100000000164
Dalterlesi, St. Joseph. Underwood nnd
Dootn: Des Moines, Steffanl, abandon and
Western l.raine Stnmltni.-.
Won. Ixist.
Kansas City '14 4 .777
St. Joseph 10 7 .MS
Minneapolis 10 7 .Ssft
St. Paul 10 S .555
Colorado Springs 8 n ,470
Omaha 11 ,352
Denver 6 11 .352
Des Melnea 5 12 ,2!)4
Three! League.
At Bloomlngton Hloomlngton, 7; Evans
vllle, tl.
At Davenport Davenport. 9; Rockford, 4.
At Cedar TlapMs-Ccdar nnplds, 3: Hock
At Tcrro Ilnute Decntur, 7; Terra Haute,
Western Club I.naea First Gnine
Thronah Hard nattnt-Trlle
Plnr Feature of Day.
UROOKLYN, Mny 22,-The Brooklyn and
St. Loul Nationals played two games to
day, the home team winning; both. Tho
rtrat was won In the nnenlnr Innlnir. when
Urooklyn sailed Into Murphy for two triple
unu inip vingies, aconnir soar runs
Pttehor Dono-an was cITactlvo. but the vl
Hon tied the coru by r. batting rally In
the sixth. McCreery srnrod the winning
run In tho same Inning on Chllds' fumble
und wltli Donovan's double.
The, aaeontl same was remarkable for a
triple play In the second Innln. With
three St. Louis men on bases Rvnn lilt to
I'ohlsn nnd was doubled up wit" iiruger.
Clnelnnntl Ptteher In 1'ntul to lliitn
lneu nnd Kenpa llltx Senttereil.
BOSTON. May 22. "Noodles" Hahn was
tho bright pnrtlculor star of today's gamo
between the Boston Nationals and Cincin
nati, striking out sixteen nion and keeping
the hits well scattored. A running catch
by was a icaiuro. Attendance, ;,wo.
Monrlde. cf. l 1 1 0 1 Hamilton, cf.l 0 0 0 1
llnrlty, If 1 0 0 0 OTenney. lb....l 3 II 2 0
lleckley. lb. ..I 1 7 0 1 Demont. 3b.. .0 1 0 2
Crnwford. rf.O 1 I 0 0 Smith, rf.... 1 0 0 0 0
M'lnreldt, tb.l 1 1 1 0 Long, 8...f. .0 1 I .1 0
Iiwln, 3b 0 1 0 1 0 Gammon, If. .0 1 1 0 0
MuKOon, 9...0 1 1 0 1 Moran. 2b 0 2 1 4 0
Pelti, c. 0 0 IS 3 0 Klttredfrc, o..0 19-10
Hahn, p 0 1 V 0 Willi, p 0 I 1 0
Total! 4 7 27 7 3, Total! 3 10 27 U
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 04
Boston ZIOOOOOO 1-3
Earned runs: Boston. 1: Cincinnati. 1.
Two-baan lilts: Teunoy. Ste nfeldt. Thrco
Dnsii in: .Moran. Mtoien unses: Km tn.
Demont (2). First base on ba s: Off Wll.
lis, 2; on iinnn, HtrucK out: uy Willis.
: by llnlin. IS. Passed ball: Peltz. Wild
pitch: Willis. Time: 2:02. Umpire: O'Day.
Nntlnnnl I.enwue Htnndliiir.
Won. Lost. P.C.
Cincinnati 1R s rm
New York 12 7 .(,31
PhllndolphU It 11 6C0
Plltsourg 12 II .521
Brooklyn 11 12 .478
Boston 9 11 .450
St. Louis 1(1 1G .2Si
Chicago 10 18 .357
.Skopeu Fnlla CliicnKo at n Pinch nnil
Pnttersnn la HiiHlile to Conic
to the Itesene,
CHICAGO, May 22,-Tho Chicago Amor
leans could do nothlnu with I'lntl tndnv nn
til the Iltth Inning. Three bases nn 'balls
und two doubles gava them tho lead In tho
sixth. A gift, two singles und un error nl
lowed tho visitors to tie the score In tho
ninth. Aftor striking out tho first man In
nn tenm riKopcc mien 111 e unbeg and re
tired, Patterson coming In. He struck out
the tlrst batter, but made n wild pitch and
was hit for two singles, four runs scoring.
Aiicuauiicc, Dcoro:
It. II. O, A. K. 1 lt.H.O.A.K.
Oler. If 1 0 0 0 0 Hoy, cf 1 0 5 0 (
Fulls. If 1 I 2 0 0 .lones. rf 1 0 0 0
Cronn, 3b 2 2 2 7 0 Merles. 2b 1 0 B 1 (
Lajole, 3h o 5 3 a o ubell, lb 1 2 10 1 I
Peybolil, rf .0 1 3 0 0 Hartman. 3b. 1 2 4 3 1
Davis, lb I 111 0 0 Hhiiiwrt. ss...0 1 1 1 I
Powers, c 1 2 4 0 G McFMand, If. .0 0 10 1
Dolnn, ss....: o l 4 J railllvan, c. ,0 1 5 1
Piatt, n 1 2 0 5 Olrikoiiec, p,. ..0 1 I 7
I'anerron, p..u u 0 u u
Total! 8 u 5
I Total! I 7 21 14 :
PhlladeluhU 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4-!
Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0-5
Left on bases: Chicago. 5: Philadelphia
10. Two-baso hits: Hartman (2), Shugnrt
Davis. SurrlrlcA hit: Cross. Double nlays
Isbell to Shugnrt, Skopec to Sullivan, Isbrll
to Cross. Lajoic to Davis, Davis (unas
sisted). Lajole to Dolan to Davis. Struck
out: Uv sicnnao. .1! bv Piatt. 4: by Patter-
son, 1, Bases on bails: Oft Skopec. 6: off.
j'taii. ft. wild pitches: Skopec. Patterson.
Hit with lull? Kti'lnld Fnltx. Lnlolo.
Tlmo: 2:05. Umpires; Munnasaau a ml Con-
nun ,
Levtla Prove Hard for Detroit
4olve (ilensou'a Oreut Cnteh.
DETROIT. May 22.-Tho Boston Ameri
cans had the game well In hand In the
ninth Inning today, but to make it sure
they bunched four hits, which with 8 over's
wnu pucu gave inem lour runs. The only
time Lewis game was In dangar was in
the eighth, when two bases on bulla nnd
Holmes' single nut three men nn rinses.
There were two out. thoueh. nnd Dwtrnlt
did ruH Vor- flleason'a one-hand running
Oela Em til cm of Illinois) State Cham
pionship nt Live fllrda liy
Ontahootlnic Croahy.
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. May 22.-C. M. Pow
era of Decatur won tho Board of Trade
diamond badge, emblematic of tho slat
chamnlonshln nt Hvp birds, cnmnetlng with
elgnty-llvo other marksmen in the ten-hlrd
event tnai was uio reaiuro loony or in
stnto tournnmcnt. Twenty-six tied In th
match proper nnd In the shoot-oft Powers
killed jh; w. h, urosoy. i) gallon, nan, a,
nnu ueorgo Kiiuemnn or unicago, Jl.
Thu I,, u. smith cup. emt) omat c or th
stnto championship at Inanimate targets,
was won uv narvnv Hconca or Hldell. Ill
out of forty-thrco entries.
Six men killed twenty targets straight
and oloven tied for second place by killing
twelve. In the shoot.nff Sconce won by
ureiiKing ioriy-iivo sirnigm largeia.
Drexela Win nt Howling;.
Thn Prcxel Shoe company's bowline tenm
ueteaieu me umann ueauing company i
icnm on uinrKS nueys mm mem. ncoro
1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Davison 165 227 176 609
Aynra 183 175 141 60S
KUIiln 103 151 147 403
Baden 151 1M 170 49.1
Ambruster IDS 155 IS2 535
...872 877 819
1st. 2.1. 3d. Total
Huntington F.:i 131 157 501
PlOttS 156 114 147 41
llcilgclo 1SH 17, 2,15
Kulls 142 131 19t
Yost 157 207 177
Totals 7C4 S23 910
Metropolitan tiolf Toiiriinniniit,
RYE, N. Y May 22.-The preliminary
rimnu or menu n ay in ino nieirono nai
golf championship tournament nt the Apa
wnmls Golf club's links waH begun today
with rorty-six players. Thirty-two or thes
will nuallfv for the match four-nlay round
to u pinycn during ine remninuor or me
week. The courso, which Is the longest In
thn United States, the playing length being
6,219 yards, was In fair condition. C. H.
MiioDnuald of Meadowbrook and Flndlny
S. Douglass of Nassau were paired nnd
halved the first hole in flva, Walter J.
Trnvis, the amateur champion, who was
playing with Robert F. Thomna of Home
club, missed a short put on tha first green
and took six ror ine nrst noie.
Loch WiuitN to Wrestle.
Peter Loch Is out with a challenge for
wrnstllnir match. Tile challenge Is nd
dressed to the sporting editor of The lleo
nnd Is directed against Ed Mnrcnn. Osca
Nasi or John Holden. the lattur nreferred
Mr. Loch has posted a forfeit agreeing to
meet cuner or incso men ni any nate he
tween June 15 and 20 for u side bet of JlftO,
I.nch has never engaged In a wreptllnn
match for money, having tUrtoil in tho
game nut n snort time ago. ue has rte
ve ooed into a Clover wresiier. ami nn
.friends believe he will clvo a cciod nrpniint
or nimhcu wun unyono wnom no enres to
lnrrlni:e l.irennea.
The following marrlngn licenses were
issuen vy ino L'niiniy juuge:
Name and Residence. rp,
i.nuis . naiieen. umntia -ji
riCKia r. oniup, uiiiuiin
William H. l-rasier, Avery, Neb
Dorothea H. Gebeii, South Omaha 20
Elwln Hall, Omaha a
Mny I.. iiowmnn, umann 35
Puter Gegwlch, South Omaha 25
Agues Duklch, South Omaha u
Gust E. Anderson. Omaha
Thoka J Nordstrom, Omaha 22
Injured hy Holler Kmlnalnn.
LISBON. 0 May 22.-Whlle a number of
miners were standing near the engine at
ino mupu niiiir nrrr mis morning, prspara
tnry to entering the mine for the day'
work, the boiler exploded with frightful re
suits, A number of the men were burned
nnd scalded. Those most seriously Injured
are- Jeff Davis, aged 18. cannot recover;
William Rlgam. Hily Lamborn nnd Harry
i.amiMirii. nuirrn received iiigiu injuries,
Mlnrrn' llnnrillnsr llnnae DIovtii I'll,
MADISONVILLE. Kv., May 22. A hoard
Ing house, In which wcro fght non-union
miners, was blown up by dynamite last
night, but none of the occupants were
ST. LOUIS, May 22. The Inauguration of
hurdle races by the new Fair association
nd tho excellent card offered drew n big
rowd to tho track today. Bettors got a
bad bumping, duo in large part to tho
poor work of Starter Ilruen. Nose finishes
in tho first and third events stirred tho
crowd to a high pitch of enthusiasm. In
the timber topping event Sophie S stumbled
over tho first hurdle and foil upon Jockey
Ellis, Injuring him badly. Ethel Wheat
and Eva Moe were tho only winning favor
ites. Track good. Summary:
Plrnf nl-e. fnur finrt n hnlf furloncs. sell-
ntr: Kom i s. inn i iiiirsniiercer). s 10 1,
won; Jim Scnnlan, 103 (T. O'Brien), 10 to 1,
second: Rosy Cross, 101 (Olvens), t.i to 1,
third. Time: 0:57. Lady Drew, Larry lit,
King Ford, Mlstee, Satchel, Aiontc tiimyar,
lumlliil m.,1 Trill nlan mil IllltltreSS tl tl -
ished second, but was dlsiiunllllcd for foul
ing. , ,,
MKi'imil riii-p. mlln und seventy yards, sell
Ing: Windward, lus (McCann). 15 to 1. won;
lidy or till! vcst, 1W l.v. venuri,
second; Satin Coat. 91 I Bell), 9 to 2. third.
Time: l!46?. Belle Simpson, Loulsvllla
Bel c. Eda lllloy, Tcacowtl unci uansoin
nlso ran,
Third race, six furlongs, purse; r.inii
wiioni nn iri'Nf.illi. t tu 2. won: High
Nocker, IW tGlvcns), 12 to 1, second. Tom
Collins, 105 (T. O'Brien). 5 to 1, third. Time:
l!15'i. Midsummer and l- irsi rasi aiso ran.
I.'nnrlli riir.. nt 1 nnu Ilirce-HIXU'eiiiiir.
over five hurdles. Eva Moe. 110 (McAullffe),
7 to 10, won; turning, m ti iancyi, b io i,
second: Very Light. US (J. Johnson). 4 to
i. third. 'rim: 2 15. ArtenitiH and Co onla
Dame also ran. Happy Medium pulled up
nt tho third nuruie. riopuie n ien.
I." flh race, m x and a lia 1 ruriongs. purse;
Muure Gonno, Km (A. Weber). 8 to 6. won;
mu Mn, iinv. Kk. (T. O'Brien). 1 to 2. sec
ond; Miss Aubrey. 93 (.O'Neill), 15 to 1,
third. Tlmo: 1:20. Alice Collin, Thistle,
Mandamus. March Past. Kisme nnu iviuy
civil, nlftri ran.
Hivin rncn. nnu, ana a nuaru'i. bviiiuk.
Eugenie S. 106 (E.irl). 6 to 1. won; Morris-
Vn tnrr. 107 IMnranl. s io b. second, awnm-.
107 (JlcCluskey), 7 to 1, tnira. lime: i;iu.
Pnrnhvnuene. Stuttgart. Kate Freemun,
Bert Davis, Vedus, Lexcll and La Spara
also run,
t)u a Fnat Track Time la tlnly
NEW YORK. May 22. The weather was
dull nnd threatening nt Morris park today
nnd tho truck was fast, The reaturus of
tht i lav were H nek Fox In thu Vancorl
landt liandlcari and the fact that Matt
Simpson ran In two races and won In one.
Ho started m the hurdle handlcnp. first on
tho card, and after racing out In front with
Tho Chamberlain for a mile, threw bis
Inrkny nl lhi fourth hurdle nnd went. Oil
with Ills Held for another hnlf mile. He
wns coupled lu tho betting with Mugio
Llgh and tho last named won hy n neck
from Mnnrnn Ductrlne. Mlltt Slmnsou was
cooled out nnd stnrted aguln In the last
race nt ono mile. IIu was at ll nnd 8 to 1 In
the betting, made all the running nno won
cleverly hv a lemrth.
run tin ety stukes and the vancoriianui
handlcnp wcro tho fixtures. Luclllne won
thn Gali'tv i'iimIIv after inakinc all thn run
nlnir. Kho was favorite, counted wltti her
stublo coinpunlou, lllanclio iierrman. riwem
Clover was nn easy second, lour lengins
befoto The Hoyden. Dlnoi Fox took the
VanCortlundi O'Connor raced him nlnns
behind the pacemakers, King Pepper nnd
lvinir i.ier io ino nenu or ino sireicn niui
then camo on and won easily by two
lencths. King pepper got ino pince
cleverly from All Gold. Results:
First race, hurdle handicap, ono and
thren-fourth miles: Maclu Llalit. 151 (Day
ton), 5 to 2 and 4 to n, won; Jlonroe uou-
tnne, ltu (ijouonuei, u io i nnu a io j, sec
ond; Tho Chamberlain, 135 (Brazil), 7 to 1
and 5 to 2, third. Time: 3:15. Charn
wlnd. Semncr Ego. Wandering Minstrel.
Th Lost Chord " and Matt Simpson also
Second race, six furlongs: contend, no
(Shaw), 8 to 1 and 3 to 1, won; Roxunu. 105
(Rutter). 3 to 1 nnd 8 to 5. second: Mark
Twain, 112 (Mouncc), 7 to i ami fi to inirn
Tlmt! 1:13. Award. Uholrmnster. iw.ra,
Admiral Dowey, Satire, Monad, Peeler,
l-Vnnttnnrei nnd Hallowood also ran.
Third race, tho Gaiety, four and a half
furlongs: Luclllne. 112 (Mitchell), 8 to 5
and 3 to 5. won; sweet uiover. iu tu uon
nor), 3 to 1 and oven, second; The Ituyden
117 fllullmiin). 5 to 1 and 8 to 6. third. Time
o:53'i. Lnodlce, Lady Holywood, Bluncho
Herrmnn nnd Holla also ran.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Wnterdure,
103 (Shaw), 11 to 20 and out, won; Lady
unens. loi inrennan), 4 to i ana oven, eec
ond; Hultzllochopoll, 106 (O'Connor). 12 to 1
and b io -, inirn, lime; uouirey
Hon Vlklns: and Carbuncle also ran.
Fifth race, the VanCortlnndt. seven fur
longs: IHack Fox. 105 (O'Connor), 11 to 5
and 4 to 5. won: King Pepper. 112 (Rutter),
3 ttj 1 nnd 6 to 6. second: All Gold, 100
(Khnw). 5 to 2 and 4 to 6. third. Time
l:28. King Lief, St. Finnan and Lady of
tho valley also run.
Sixth race, ono mile, selling: Matt Simp
son, 107 (Miles), 6 to 1 nnd 2 to 1, won
Armor, lor. rOilnm). 5 to 2 and oven, second
Glndn Run. 105 (Shaw). 2 to 1 and 4 to 6
third. Tlmo: l:42i, Robert Metculf and
Yiuiig Dixon nlso ran.
Coupled In betting as M. Murphy's entry,
Kaater liny II licked from Forty Io Ten
to One Wins.
CINCINNATI. May 22. Easter Boy was a
good thing at Newport toduy and tils win
had n distressing effect on tho hookies. Ho
was backed down from 40 to 1 to 10 to 1 at
the post, Tom Riley of St. Louis took
Mars Cnssidy'B placo ns startor and got the
fields off promptly In all but the fifth race.
The track wns sloppy, but with a hard
bottom and tho time wns very gooa, aum
First race, six furlongs: Sylvan Bell, 107
(nirhards), 8 to 5, won; Conchn, 93 (Cogs
well). 20 to 1, second; Colonel Strnthey, 107
(Watson), 12 to l, third. Time: i:i'ji. iving s
Pet. Mnrgaret, Hoffman, Socnpn, Old Phil,
Itoncrta,, mver princess, aucou, Arro
eant. Hnzelnonr and Hayseed also ran.
Socond raco, four and a half furlongs
Scortlc. n (Lindsay). 10 to i. won; lien mil
lum, 107 (Troxler), 4 to 5, second; Baccle. KO
(l,. Jucksnn;, a to 2, tlliru. nme: icm-.j
Paul Bart. Swan Dance. Pigeon Top,
Cuhanlte. Mnrtha D and Hoc nlso ran.
Third race, seven furlongs: Forbush, 101
(Holherso 1). 8 to 1. won; Passaic, ins (uich
urds), S to 5, ju-coud; Prince Esher. 106
(Lindsay). 4 to 1. third. Time: 1:31L.
Winner. Abo Furst. Lady Kent. Untiled
Locust Blossom, Strnthbroeck and Wilson
al.n ran.
Fourth race, one mile; Virginia T. 100
(Jackson). 4 to 1. won; Bean. 10) (HntliHr
soil). 3 to 1, second, Madeline G, 102 (Beau
rhami)). 9 to 5, third. Time: 1:4S, Amor
lean Pride, Ruth Pride, Hlghtone, Antlthe
sis and Mudder also ran.
Fifth rnco, four furlongs: Enster Boy, 105
(Jockson), no to 1, wop; Silk Cord, 105
Benuehnmp). 3 to 5, second; Bud Embrv. 98
(LC'gswoiii. ia in I, num. i inn: w;ii-,j.
Tom Crnbb, I.enn A and Hullobnloo also
Sixth race, ono nnd one-sixteenth mllei.
Imperialist, 101 (Richards). 9 to 2, won: Al
bert Vnle, 100 (Troxler), 7 to 1, second;
Cnstltie. 100 (Lindsay). 8 to 5, third. Time,
1:52. George B. Cox. Peter Duryen and W
O. Welch also ran.
:01i. Insolence. Throstle. Ladylike. Miss
Gaines and Garnet also rati.
Sixth rnce, live furlongs; Queen Aday,
120 (T. Knight), 6 to G. won, Lilly Pant-
land, : (iTederirk), 4 to l. econd. A-icnen-rayne,
Pa (Oortnley), 5 to 1, third. Time:
l;07i, Trlstroln, Plrumo, Porter B nnd Ida
1 lulett nlso ran
Weather Continues Had anil TrnrU
Heavy at Worth.
CHICAGO. Mnv 22.-G. C- Bennett cer
tainly has a good pair of 2-vear-olds In Abe
Levy and Herodldc. The latter today de
cisively defeated tho best youngsters nt
Worth without any effort, the weather
continued bad nnd the track was heavy.
Except In tho 2-year-old event the good
horses stayed In the stnbles. Results:
First rnce, four furlongs: Palmetto, loO
(Coburn), ft to 5, won; Arlenn B, W (Doin
Inlrki. :t tn 1. srrond: Chanson. 1U2' (See).
9 lo 1. third. Time: Oiol'i- The Stewardess,
Gotnka and Herse also ran.
Second rnce, seven furlongs; uig liuun,
loo (Coburn), 9 to 5, won, The Auditor. 107
(Wlnktleld), 14 to 5, second; Flaneur. 97
(Davison), K to 5, third. Time: 1:36. Little
Pepper also ran.
Third race, live furlongs: Herodldc. 1(H)
(Coburn), 2 to 1. won; Barouche, 102 (See),
19 to 5. second: Maul. 10414 (Mntnews). 3 to
1, third. Time; 1:014-5. Yuna also ran.
Kourtti race, one mile ami u sixteenth.
Strangest, 10S (Davison), 13 to 5 won;
l-rangituc, luo (iJonunicK), i to l, secona;
Ben Chance, 107 (Coburn). f to 2, third.
Time: 1:561-5. Leo Newell. Ptalrlc Dog
und l'armenlnn also run,
Fifth race, seven furlongs; Boney Hoy,
111 (Wlnklleld). 7 to 10. won; Maggie Davis,
101 (Coburn). 9 to 6, second: Detimnn
Thomtison, 92 (.lnckson), H to 1, third. Time:
l;3l 3-5. Albert nlso rnn.
Sixth race, one mile and an eighth, Hell
ing; Sunro, 106 (Doinlnlclt). B to 1, won;
Dun Cupid, us (Wlnktleld). s tn l. second;
Ar.!m, Hn) (Coblimi. third. Tlmo: 2.06 3-5.
Avatar. Oxunrd. (live All. Hnnswurst nnd
Hosl nlso ran.
Hut the llettliiK nt the Xevrport Tinfk
Ii lleuvlnr.
CINCINNATI. May 22,-The track at L.i
tonlii was lu bad condition nnd Hie finishes
tnme ns a rule. The betting was much
luuvler thnn usual. Three favorites won.
The other race.i were taken by outsiders
and the books nro reported to have don
well, Summnrles'
First ruce, six furlongs: lTue Wood, 99
(Weir). 8 to 1, won, Prince of Afrlcu, 112 (J,
Wurd), 7 to 1. second; Birch Tree. 101 (J.
Hicks), 2 to 1, third Time: l:23 nilly
Dean Alice Scorpion, Ollle Bell, Miss Dur
ham, Ann and Purse Lady also ran
Second rnce, flvo furlongs; Horry Heck.
110 (Ollmnro), .1 to 5. won; Badger, 103.4
(Irwin). 2'4 to 1 second; Sahrlne, 106
(Howell), 16 to 1. third. Time. 1:0S George
R. Hnlhman and Boaster olso ran.
Third rnce, six furlongs; Harnnv, 105
(Dupee). 2 to 1, won. Onomnstus. 113 (Po
retto). 9 to 6. second- Lvrnr Bell, 19 (It.
Murphy), 24 to 1. third. Time l:22.
Fonsollne, Passion and Doctor Tarr nlso
Fourth race, one mile: F-mtasy, 107 (J.
Hicks), 4 to 1. won; Dolly Wagner. IW (W.
Murphy), 3 to 2, second: Thorn wild, 91 (R,
Murphy), 6 to 6. third. Time: 1:524.
Fifth rnce. four nnd n half furlones;
Mnmle English, 10S (R. Murphy), 6 to 1,
won. Amlranto. 103 (Irvln), 7 to 1. secmrl;
Sting, 108 (Irvine), 6 to 1, third. Time;
Ktent nt Onklnuil llnm ('naul of
10,(1011 People.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 22.-The raclnir
nt tho Oakland trnck was under the aus
pices of tho Butchers Board of Trndn of
San Francisco, the occasion being the an
nual celebration. Over 10,000 people wit
nessed the racing nnd the names nt two
park Caesar Young lmd tin' betting
privilege) nnd his six books received heavy
play. Two favorites won dirlng the nftcr
noon. Summaries:
Flrt lace, six furlongs: Triple Cross, 105
(Buikc), 3 to 2, won; Senator Mntts. 112
(Ptyor), 2 to 1, second; Judge Shropshire,
112 (Heevcs), 20 to 1, third. Time: 1:18.
Sweet Voice, Yodel, Cnvnnnugh, Lnulo
Hooker and Dcbetllck nlso ran.
Second race, one mile, purse; Sam Dan-
nenbnum. 116 (Bennett), 7 to 1. won; Rapid. ,
US (MeBrlde). 4 to 6. second; Begonia V. 116
(lliiEsell). io to l. third. Time: l:4M4. 8 s-
qunc. Whnlebaek nnd Boardman also ran.
Third race, hix furlongs: uuckov. ill
(Sullivan), 1 to 2, won; Rlnnldn, 114 (Hour),
3 to I. second: Flntncro. 114 (Collls). 2 to 1,
third. Time: 1:13, Morlnga nlso ran.
Fourth rnce, live furlongs, pune: Bcnti
monde, 120 (Alexander), 8 to 6, won; Hilary,
lit (Fauntleroy), 4 to 5, second; Lludo. 114
(Russell), I to 1, third. Time: 1:01'4.
Aurora H, Swift Water nnd El Puerto also
Fifth rnce, one. mile, purse: David 8, 110
(Atmsllong), 3 to 2. won; Fnuntle, 113
(Alexander), 3 to o, socond; Honor Bright,
111 (Lynch), 8 to 1, third. Time: 1:44
Charles Lcbcl also run.
Police Sergcnnt Welsenbcrg has been oft
duty since Sunday un account of an at
tack of Illness.
Tho wlfo of Captain Thomas Hnycs tins
entirely recovered from her recent nttnek
of smallpox and tho captain will bo at his
post of duty In n fow days.
Chief Donahue will leave todny for Now
York City '.o attend the national conven
tion of chiefs of police. During his ab
sence Captain Her will be uctlng chief.
W. 8, Senvey of Denver, a former Omaha
chief of police, wns in the city Wednes
day euroute to New York City to attend
tiio national convention of chiefs of nollce.
Mr. Scuvey is now chief of detectives for
the uonver fi mo urunde.
The iniiucst over tho remains of Puul
Urban, who won killed by u locomotive nt
Seventh und Plerco streets Tuesdny after
noon, will not be held until next Tuesduv.
Tiio delay Is lu order to find eye-witnesses
to tho accident if poslble.
W. D. Townsend. Henry McDonald and
Frank Crablll of this city; Ora Moore of
Bratrlco and G. W. Wiiddlngton und G. A.
ocnaeuer oi -oiumi)u went io l-onua, la.
yesterday to purttciputo In the trap-siioot
Ing tournament of the Fqnriii Gun club.
Georue II. Maxwell. i.onrfltnrv nf the Vn.
tionul Irrigation association, will be In
Omaha on Juno 1 to explain to tho Ne
braska board of tho ast.oclutton, of which
Euclid Martin Is chairman, the plans for
ino irrigation campaign tor mis year.
At the meeting of thu sunreme council
of the Royal Arcanum at Ashevllli N. (":..
Inst weok, Union Pacific council of this
city carried or third honors for growth
In membership during the yenr. the only
councils surpassing it being Celtic of Now
iork ana l'rogressivo of Chlcngo,
The score or more of Omaha and Whine
bngo Indluns who nre horn ns witnesses tn
the federal court nro anxious to return
to their reservations so that they may do
their corn planting In season. The district
attornoy has promised that he, will do nil
that he can to ndvnnco the suits In which
tncy are witnesses.
Tho dismissal of Henry L. Bowlby of
mis suite trom ino miniurv ncaaemy at
West Point for hazing, which wns an
nounced In the dispatches of Wednesday,
will open the way for the appointment of
ono of tho numerouH applicants to the
new senators. Bowlby is a son of C. J.
Bowlby. editor and publisher of the Crete
Democrat, und has been in tho academy
nearly three years,
Police Sergeant Michael Whelan. who has
been confined ut St. Joseph'a hospital for
many weeks, is ablo to bo out again, though
stilt crippled with rheumatism. Hn Iuih
been granted a lenve of ubsenro for as long
mb ue ui-Biiii-i, unu win iciivo loony tor
Excolsior Springs. Mo. Sergeant Wholnn 1b
ono of the most popular men In the police
ti.-iii uiivui, nnu inn many menus uiiltp in
winning nun a spceny nnu complete recov
J. R. Hanna of Greeloy Is nn Her Grand
Frank Irvino of Lincoln Is ut tho Her
P. J. Rooney of Greeley Is registered nt
tho Murray.
J, H. Mngulro of Drayton is n guest of
tno .Murray
Nebrnsknns at the Merchants; J. Young,
Stnntnn: F. M. Wnlcott, Valentino; II. II.
Smith. Tckamuh: J. P Elmore. Alliance:
J Riser, Lincoln; W. E, (lowcii, North
i..oup, i'-. i.' iiiumnn. t-rlonn; v. ll vnii
Norfolk: T M. Sheaff. Fullerton: Dr (' A
Phillips. Hustings; Dr. D, A Finch, Grand
Rcilore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cora Itn potency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom
atajt Fy wanting diaeiifjos, r i
-yf ail effect! of Bolf.abuneor
exco9 und iudlterctlon.
A norve tonio ad
uioou Duuaer. urina
tiio pink alow to pa to
cueo.'ts ami roatorns tl
SWlre of loutb. By nif
R noOo por box, 0 boxes fi
tS.60, with our bankable gaurautee to oura
or refund the money paid. Send for circular
aim ir vy m our oBiiKums gusraniee oodu.
Nervita Tablets
I .... - .a I - 1 r Ii
(trLLow LAnr.i.1 ni'iiiiuiaic KCiuitf
Pojltlrely gnsntnteed euro for Loss of Power
Jarlcocelo, Undeveloped or fchrunkon Organs,
t areils, LocomoUir Ataxia, Norrous I'rottm. ,
tlon, IlyBtorln, fits, Insanity. Paralysis and tho
liesults of Kxcesvlvn Uso of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. Bv mall lu nlnin pncWage, 81,00 u
box, 0 for $3.00 with our bankable rruar
antes bond to cure in SO days or rotund
money paid. Address
Otlnton .In'-t'tioo rn , 'v-.'lCACOf ill
For sile by Kuhn A Co.. 15th nnd Douglas
Sts,. Omaha, Neb., Geo, 8, Davis, Council
Bluffs, town,
Ketl ts You Wdo
Coaster Drake
Gurar)lrl o, ,lii.'lutr i'tinftrt 4
tiiwt in ittt-uf I II. an hel,
Vurwir-1 tlvt i.mlff cntrol Smu.
my un 1-1)1. A luxury mi ih kill,
You KI4s60 Jillc Lut
i tiilii.J rliltri uti ytir, Sr.14
lylliilni. KfkUifm.
riiiji.. nt,, r., nnir, , i ,
what you
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The most certain way of curing indigestion and tomach
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Thatlswiiyithasncycr failed to euro tho worst cases of Indi
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Tho Hurlington is the
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or than any other.
Hours quicker.
Burlington Express to
9:00 P. M. daily.
1502 Farnam St. 10th and Mason Stt.
Telephone 250. Telephone 122.
We Cure Men Only
We do not treat all dlseaies, but cure nil wa treat. Wo treat Men ONLY,
and cure them to stay cured. We have rocently treated scores of stubborn
case for some of the best citizens of this city and vicinity, and not a ilacle
failure nor an unpleasant result has been reported. What we have, doae for
others wo can do for you. There is absolutely no case of NERVO-8EXUAL
TO MEN, In any staue, that wo cannot safely, quickly and permanently cur.
Dy our treatment we also euro completely nnd forever men who have SEMI
symptoms of physical and mental weaknexs, Our counsel Is free to patients.
It you cannot call at our cilices today, write fully, und we will give you an
honest and scientific opinion of your cose free. LEOAL CONTRACT lven to
each patloqt to hold for our promises, Wo refer to bent banks and teadlaf
business men of this city. Olhce hours R to 8; Sundays 10 to 1.
State Electro-Medical Institute.
1308 Farnam St., Bit. I3lh and 141b Sis., OMAHA, NEB.
A Travel Point
THE Pan-American, to be held at Buffalo, N. Y., May 1
to Nov. l will be one of the greatest and most beauti
ful expositions the world has known. To enjoy its
beauties will oe worth any effort. The question of traveling
t0a,, , om Buffa' is one to be carefully considered. You
will desire to travel by the route affording the most comfort
and interest. The return trip, too, must be considered, as
a Y0.u have done ,he Exposition, Buffalo, Niagara Falls
and vicinity, you'll be tired and wish to reach home quickly.
IS Lake Shore
and riichigan Southern Railway
as the leading line to Buffalo by reason of the frequency of
its trains and the certainty and punctuality of their move
ment will best meet this requirement. It is the only double
track linev and the completeness of its service eight
through trains daily among them the only daylight train,
places it at the forefront among Eastern roads. The country
traversed is the fairest and richest of the Middle States
the most interesting on the way to Buffalo.
1rlm contains fall la far oi.llon. Ire. oa rvju.n. Iok It lirougb crfull.
I'. M. BYRON, G. VC. A., Chicago.