THE (XMAIIA DAILY BEE: TIITttSDAV, 3! AY 2H, 1901. 12 DEBTORS' DAY OF RECKONING Buprim Court May ProridB Mora Epedj Bittlimtot tn Mortgages. FORECLOSURE OFTEN TAKES FIVE YEARS GREEN GOODS MEN AT work SALE OF LOUR GREAT STOCKS Drllnfjncilt II iinclmlilrr Able tn I'. cuiic liilorrl or Unit fur l.niiir IVrlnil nml ( npllnl In Kept Out of tlie Sliilc, It Is learned that there la a possibility of reversing a decision of the nuprcmc court which has caused much trouble to plaintiffs In suits to forcloac mortgages and has done much to keep Investors out of the Nebraska field. Tho state- law provides that where ap peals are taken to the sirprcmo court tho persons appealing are permitted to give what Is known as n "waste bond" that Is, a bond which provides that In case tho suit Is nfllrmed In the higher court tho party appealing will restoro to tho Ruccesstul party the property Involved In the suit, to gether with an ninoiint of money sulllclcnt to cover all wasto or damage dono the place during the hearing of tho appeal. This permits the appellant to hold all rents and Droflts from tho property during the pendency of the appeal, while, If the case Is affirmed, the deed given tho successful parly dates back to tho tlmo of tho de clslon rendered In the district court. In the case of a suit being taken to the supreme court on a writ of error that Is, where a question of law Is Involved and tho decision of tho district Judgo Is In question nnd the caso does not have to be tried anew In the supreme court tho plain tiff In error must glvo n bond providing that he will not only restore tho property to tho party mccesaful In tho court below In caso his suit In the supreme court is un successful, but will pay to him nil rents and nrollts which have nccrued whllo tho case Is pending In the higher court. litllllr'N Opinion HpvjthciI. Somo years ago, whllo Judge K. H. Dullle was on tho district bench of Douglas county, In n foreclosure caso tried beforo him tho defendant filed a demurrer to the condrma tlon of a sale mado In tho case. The de murrcr wns overruled and tho sale con firmed. Krom this decision the defendant appealed nnd the Judgo required him lo glvo bond ns provided In cases where suits woro taken to the supremo court on writs of error, the Judgu holding thnt the appeal from the decision on tho demurrer involved an alleged error on tho part of tho lower court, and that It was not in tho nnture of an appeal which would permit tho su promo court to go Into a hearing of the caso upon Its merits, regardless of tho trial bolow. On tho question of tho naturo of the bond tho case was heard In tho su promo court, and It was there decided that tho appeal bond should be required nnd not tho bond demanded by tho district Judge. The decision of the court was given orally and no opinion was written. Slnco that tlmo In nlmost every case of foreclosure of mortgage an appeal has been taken nnd n "wasto bond" tiled, which ,has pormlttcd tho mortgagor torotaln posses sion of tho mortgaged premises without having to bear any expenso other than that of tho first steps In tho appeal. As the court Is so far behind In Its work, this ap peal has given tho appellant possession of tho property about five. years nnd In the majority of cases ho has made no showing In the higher court, accepting Judgmont by default and turning tho property over to the mortgagee after having possession and profit for flvo years or such a matter with out tho payment of Interest or rent. Anutltrr Drclnlmi Priiluililr. Lately, li Is learned, thcro have been several informal discussions of tho mat tor by tho Judges of tho supremo court nnd on the part of an ox-Judgo who con eiirrcd In tho first decision It Is said that tho matter was decided through mlsappre henslou of the case and It Is said by those who aro In a position to know that It Is not beyond the possibilities that woro tho mat tor brought beforo the court again tho de clslon would bo different, ns there la no opinion to reverse, ns the opinion wns never filed nnd tho matter Is at present simply n question of practice and not one of law, If the Idea of rtio parties who havo con sldcrcd tho question Is sound nnd tho do clslon should bo roversed It would do. more to reduco tho number of cases pending be fore tho supremo court than any other one thing which could bo done, as upon the statement of one of the court commissioners 20 per rent of tho enros passed upon by tho commission have boon of this naturo nnd Judgment for tho appellee fans been ron dered by default. ACTIVE DEMAND FOR LABOR Hut Hvcrylio.l.- Wniit) to (Jo Writ nnd the Market In Sometime t.liitti-il. ltcnrued Aotlvlt)- In OITcrInK Counterfeit Money nt He tlnvcri I'rlee. f Secret service officers state that thcro Is renewed activity In all parts of tho coun try by "green goods men," and the ofllccrs of the service are receiving copies of let ters sent to residents of Iowa nnd Nebraska In largo numbers. Thero Is no change In tho old plan, but the letters arc somewhat Improved and moro llnble to Interest those who nro criminally disposed. Speaking of tho work of the green goods men Captain John Webb, secret service ofllccr nt Omaha says: 'There Is no danger of these people get ting any henest man Into trouble, for with tho first letter they propose to Interest tho person addressed In n scheme lo pass coun terfeit money, nnd the victim must be crimi nally Inclined before he Is In any danger. The now circulars request their recipient to send a telegram, a copy of which is en closed In tho letter to an address dlfforont from that given In the letter, when the writer will fix 11 tlmo and place of mooting, at which meeting he will sell to his corre spondent a quantity of counterfeit money which cannot be detected from tho genuine, for 10 per cent less than the face value. In some Instances the green goods man has gono to tho expenso of sending a snmplo of the goods ho will deliver, and when ho dues this he sends a gcnulno bill of small denomination. Tho recipient of tho letter s delighted when, on presenting It nt n local hank It Is pronounced genuine nnd nlno times out of ten Is willing to lgln negotiations with the green goods man. 'The latter makes nn appointment with his victim. Oood money Is txchang-d for a box or a bundle of the green goods nnd tho victim nnd tho dealer separate. When the package Is opened It Is found to contnln old newspapers, sawdust, or somo other light material. . 'It speaks volumes for the Invcntlvo genius of tho first green goods man, when It Is known that slnco the first foolish man who would bo n criminal for profit wns victimized, no Improvement has been mado In tho mode of operation; and tho fnct that It can bo worked ns well today ns It was then shows that generally crime nnd lgnor anco go hand In hand, for every person of average Intelligence has been Informed of tho matter so often that only those densely Ignornnt or wise In their own conceit nro to bo caught with tho old scheme. With all of this It would surprise one to know how many of thoso loltcrB reach this pltlco, sent by people who believe that they are assist Ing tho department to unearth n band of counterfeiters. ''Counterfeiters do not tnko the public Into their confidence In this manner, and th? men who write tho letters nro not lnytng themselves liable to prosecution under the laws governing counterfeiters. The only charge which can ho brought against them Is that of using tho mails for the purposo of fraud, and the matter Is to bo Invest I gated by tho postofTlce Inspectors and not by tho secret service department." Thurichj the Bargain Are Greater Than Ever More Loti Armed. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA An tin Snle l'roBresscn Intercut in- erenne" More nml .More Arc Flnel- lnn Out the (Ircnt Import mice or AtU-tulliiK Till" Snlc. $5.00 AND $6.00 SILK WAISTS $1.50. !00 silk taffeta and pcau de sole waists In black nnd all colors. Their price $5.00 and $6.00, choice on main floor $1.50. $1.00 SUIHT WAISTS, 39C. All the $1.00 shirt waists from these stocks, In percale, madras cloth, dimities and lawns, all sizes, go on snlo iu our basement at 30c each. $3.00 SHIltT WAISTS $1.50. These are tho finest shirt waists over shown In our stock. All of them with tho new sleeve nnd new color, beautifully tucked, all of tho handsomest material, on salo ou main floor at $1.50. OHRAT MILLINERY SALE. Shirt waist and ready-to-wear hats, over 100 styles to select from, every ono this season's style, trimmed with Persian and polka dot silk, quills, buckles, chiffon, etc., retailed up to $2.50, go at two prices 39c and 50c. TRIMMED MILLINERY. Dcnutlful leghorns, short back sailors, dress shapes, handsomely trimmed with flowers, chiffon, ribbons, every ono having nn individual artistic stylo only round in our millinery department, go on sale from $1.50 to $5.00. $1 SILK RinnONS, 10C YARD. 50c nnd $1 nil silk ribbons from this Im mense purchase go nt 10c yard. Strictly nil silk, very wide ribbons that generally sell nt 25c, go at 6c yard. 5c, and 10c silk ribbons go at ltfe yard Fine was!- laces and insertions from theso stocks, worth 25c yard, go In lots at VAc, 6c and Sic yard. Flno embroideries nnd Insertions In all widths, worth up to 25c, go at 6c and 7V4c yard. Ladles' and children's summer underwear, all styles, go on bargain counters nt 6c, 10c and 15c each. Ladles' best quality Jersey Bilk mitts, worth up to 35e, go at 10c pair. Ladles' nil pure linen, haud-cmbroldered handkerchiefs, slightly mussed, go at 5c each. Ladles' high class muslin underwear from these stocks worth up to $2, go at 40c, 69c and 98c. ' All tho corsets from these stocks, every style, all sizes, worth up to $1, choice 39c. HOSTON STORE, OMAHA. J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Solo ngents for Rogers Feet & Co. 'a flue clothing. IN -HONOR OF COMPANY L S pre I tl .Memorial liny Soi'vIch to lie Held nt I'roKneet Hill Cemetery. Special Memorial day services for tho members of Company L who fell In tho Philippines will bo hold at Prospect Hill cemetery Decoration day morning. All members of tho Eighth nrmy corps or other Philippine soldiers nro Invited to tako part In the exercises. The members of Company L will nsscmblo at their armory nt S:30 in the morning. All will wear khaki uniforms nnd march to Prospect Hill cemetery. At 9:30 o'clock tho graves will bo formally decorated and half an hour later Judgo Jacob Favvcctt will deliver an address. Olllelitt Itoute to Nt. 1'itnl. Modorn Woodmen of America. The Illinois Central has been eelocted as the official lino from Nebraska to the Head Camp meeting at St. Paul, Juno 10-15. In addition to rcgulnr trains, a "Wood men Special" train will leave Omiha Sjn- day evening, Juno 9. Rate, $10.65 for tho round trip. For full particulars nnd copy of handsomely Illustrated circular, call on or address W. H. Drill, D. P. A. I. C. R. R 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. IC. nml I., of Security. You nro requested to moot at tho hall, Sixteenth and Farnam, Thursday, at 12:30 to attend tho funeral of our brother, Chnrles Raush of South Omaha. By order of E. C. WOLCOTT. President MRS. D. ELLIOER, Cor. Sec, Through the I'letnrennue llluc MoiintnltiN. Tho routo of tho Lehigh Valley railroad between Niagara Falls nnd Buffalo nnd Now York nnd Philadelphia Is one of entrancing beauty. Panornmlo changes of scenery grcot the cyo nt every turn. Fust trains. Dining' Cars, ecrvxlco a la carte. IIAYMEVS OIIK AT CLOAK SAMS. The State of Four Trcmeiulott Stock. ClitlniM Attention of Onmlin People, Every day's express brings moro gar ments. The bargains for tomorrow aro tho greatest yet. Tho enthusiasm Is getting warmer. Haydcn's crowded nil day long. Come In the forenoon If possible. Women's T5c waists for 19c: women's $17.50 silk Eton pockets, $3.98; women's $1 pcrcnlo wrappers, 35c; women's $20 sllk-llned suits for $10J women's $5 silk waists for $1.90; women's $1.60 wash waists, 45c: women's $15 suits In the oton, bloiiBo nnd other styles, $",93; women's $5 skirts In crepon nnd rainy days for $1.90; women's $7 wash suits for $3.98: women's all wool suits, worth $12, for 6; women's $2 wappers for 9oC. HAYDEN BROS. '1111 "III I' 1'IKIVT" 1'UltUi: 91.(1.1 TO LINCOLN AMI II MTU UN. Via IturllnKloii Route. Every day, May 24 to 31, Inclusive. Tickets good to return till Juno 4. Trains leajre Burlington stntlon; 8:10 a. m", 4:25 p. tn. and 9:00 p. m daily, and'3:00 p. m., dally, except Sunday. Modern Woodmen, Lowest rates, Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "Tho Northwestern Line," June 8 to 11. 1401-1403 Farnam street. For Salo A now, lato style Kimball piano nt a bargain. Inqulro O. B. Tzschuck, Bos business office. Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery, Brown blk, Etonct;4.uer, printer; 1201 Howard St. Stamp Removal Sale DRUGS and Patent Medicines being slaughtered at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, Xevr Location, Cor. Itltli A Uotlice. Look Out For tho dirt In somo of tho lending soda fountnlns tn town. It would surprise you the amount of U. Buks. tiles, roaches und dirt. It Is there. Our new 20TH CENTUKY BEAUTY Is the cleanest and most sanitary fountain In town. It hus Just been put In, has nil the lutest Improvements. Nothing concealed about It. The syrups nro kept In bottles right belore tlio drinkers, Insteud of being hidden In cans with the dirt. Ice Is put In tho lower ;part of tno fountain through a Inrgo door, which, when open, shows the cleanliness Inside. Icu creams are kept In specially prepared coolers, ho there is no chanco (or tho salt nnd lco to get in tho cream. Our working space Is all covered with copper, It Is kept bright and clenn, so there Is nothing to hide. You can Btand at the counter and seo all tho workings. If you want tho CLEANEST glass, of soda In' the city, wo can furnish It. Inspection -and comparison Invited. DRUG AND fAlNX 14th nnd Douglas St. A Simula llevlee I'nitrned to Corset nml Wulnt I'miltieen the lifted. DEMONSTRATED AT BOSTON STORE. A demonstrator from tho east Is Intro ducing a llttla arrangement that gives women the now figure that ull society Is de siring to attain. It Is easily adjusted to glvo tho vvnlst tho required "dip" nnd so- curely holds it In place. A new skirt sup porter Is nlso demonstrated. On solo In notion department, 25c and 15c, BOSTON" STORE, OMAHA, J. L, Brnudels & Sons, Proprietors. Solo agents for Rogors, Pcot & Co.'s flue clothing. LINCOLN AMI ItliTLHN lf.1.0,1. Vln Itoek Island lloute. Tickets on snlo May 21 to 31, good for return until Juno 3. In addition to regular trains spcclnl trains will bo run on May 24, 23, 2G and 27, leaving Omaha nt 8:30 a. m. City ticket ofllco, 1323 Farnam street. Publish your kgal notices In Tho Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. Stonecypn nts nnythlng. Tel. 1310. FULLER GO. Open all night. The New Shoe for Women in the The New Store for Women Fitting women's feet is a Sorosls specialty Sorosls fit, wear nnd look llko custom shoes. Custom shoes and Sorosls arc allko except tho price. Sorosls aro $3.50 always. Never more or less any leather. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, Frnuk Wilcox. Mini it iter. WR1TK FOR CATALOGUE. Money Saving Paint Prices 1 quart Outsldo Paint $ .40 6 Knllou Outsldo Paint "5 1 gallon OiltHldc Paint 1.50 i quart i loor l'nint w i gallon Floor Paint 70 1 gallon Floor Paint 1.40 '.i pint CuVrlnco Pnlnt '.'5 1 pint Carriage Pnlnt 40 1 quart Carrlnge i'alnt 75 1 pint Wngon Pnlnt "0 1 quart Wngon Pnlnt .'. 50 i pint Ollvvood Stain 15 1 pint Ollvvood Stnln 2o 1 quart Ollvvood Stain 50 s gallon Ollwood Stnln X 1 gallon Ollwood Stain l.tB 4 pint VurnlKh Stain 20 1 Hint Vnrnlsh Stnln M 1 quart Varnish Stain 50 ,i gallon vnrnlHii stnln 00 1 gallon Varnish Htuln ;. 1.73 'A pint Bathtub Enamel 30 1 pint Bathtub Enamel 50 i qunri unintun unnmei i.uu gallon Bathtub Enamel 1,63 1 gallon Buthtub Ennmcl 3.25 14 Pint Bicycle Knamel 15 Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Kith and Farnam Sts. THE THIRD FLOOR The Nebraska would col lapse if all people were care, less or ignorant of real val ues. It grows because more and more people arc find ing it to be the most econom ical trading point iu this section. Women's Suits for Thursday. $15 Women's Suits, $9,75 Clieviols, Venetians, broadcloths and homespuns, new etou and vest front effects, some plain, others trimmed with, stitched satin and taffeta bands, perfectly tailored you'll appreciate these values only when you see them and see the quality, tailoring and style of these suits. Women's Wash Waists J.Tow could shirt waist buying be easier or safer for you? Many choice styles confined to this house, and the prices cannot be improved upon here or elsewhere. Xo reasonable or unreasonable demand can be made on our shirt waist department that the stock will uot satisfy. The 95c Ones I0H ailk. I The 69c Ones Mode of tho best ginghams nnd mad ras cloth. In n pretty line of pnttoniH for you to Helcct from, new col lar und sleeve In chainbray, nnd nil tho new shades will bo found In these prices, new t millor collar, trimmed - J" rVJP with embroidery,, II " T V W new sleeve and unck, J our price only WOMEN'S WHITE WASH WAISTS. Women's white lawn waists, made of the best quality of sheer lawn, trimmed with tucking and four rows of lace or embroidery down the front, new collar O and sleeves, real value 1.50 our price kJ For H rlmnmrr Trip you cannot do better than to visit the east. Scenicnlly and historically It la rlcb In interest, nnd with the added attraction of the Pun-Amorlcan exposition at which you havo the prlvllego of stopping on tour 1st tickets reading over tho Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. an ldenl vacation may be spent. Our publication, "Lake Shoro Tours," copy of which 'will bo Bent on application, contains outline maps of a number of tho choicest and most popular trips, with rates. Chatauquaus will be Interested In tho opening ot our now nnd direct lino to this famous recreative and HAYDENs Great Shoe Purchase The Greatest Sale of Men's Fine Shoes Ever Attempted. Th( C rown entire floor stock of shoes of fine $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 shoes closed out to us from the "Crown' Shoe Manufac turers at 50c on the dollar. Over 4,500 pairs of men's finest Velour Calf, Vici Kid, Russia Calf, Colt Skin and Box Calf welt sole shoes SutoS".? covm! in a11 the newest styles a11 S on sale Friday morning at ..., , lng our very ploto passenger service to tho east. Ad dress D. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas City, Mo. P. M. Byron, O. W. A., Chicago, $1.96 a pair SI'KCIAI. THA1.S I'OIt LINCOLN. Managers ot labor ngeuclos In this city report an nctlvo demand for men In all parts of tho country, with moro tha enough to supply the demand In soniu di rections and less In others, "I wish I could learn," said ono of tho ngonts, "why It Is that bo many mon nro willing to tako Jobs In Wyoming and Utah and bo few nro willing to work closer to Omaha. Wo havo rcmiests for men for tho went and havo moro applications than we feel can bo used on tho Jobs. Thcro seems to be a fouling on the part of tho men that they can do better In thoso western camps, with tho result thnt they glut the labor market out there and somo of them find themselves several hundred miles away from homo without work. At tho same time wo have orders for a number of men on railroad work In Iowa. The pay is al most tho same and tho expense of living considerably less. Tho work Is closer to Omaha nnd yet wo cannot get enough men for the places." Miinldrrn nt Ilia Punt. "I recall now with horror," says Mall Carrier Uurnctt Mann of Lovnnna, O., "my threo years nf uufferlng from Kldnoy trou ble. I was hnrdly ever free from dull aches or acuto pains In my back. To stoop or lift mall sacks mado mo groan. I folt tired, worn out, about ready to glvo up, when I began to use Klectrlo nitters, but six bottles completely cured mo and made me feel Ilka a new man." They're un rivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kldaoys, nnd bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed by Kuhn & Co. Only DO cents. Announcement. 'f the Thentrr. Ill was In 1879. at tho Park theater, Philadelphia, that E. II. Sothern mado his first nppenrnnco on tho stage. It was In his father's play entitled "Sam." and young Sothern had to bring a trunk von the stage, touch his cap and say. "Hnlf a crown, your honor, I think you won't object." lo remembored to touch his cap, but ho forgot his linos, nnd his father prompted him so loudly that the audlenco Heard it. rrom that bad beginning to his brilliant pretenta tlon of "Hamlet" Is n wide leap. Mr. Sothom will nppear t Hold's thoator In "Hnmlcf Friday night and Saturday aftornoon nnd night. Parker AmUu n Hecoiiiit. TOPEKA. May 22, Tho nttorney for Pnrkpr. contestor for mayor ol Topekn. tiled today quo wnrrnnto pro .,...! i .I, in thn Kinireme court visklnc that a commission be appointed to recount the votes. It is expeoieu nun "i uuvoihtu hearing will be given nnd llnal settlement Vln Hock Inland lloute. May 24, 25, 26 and 27. Lcavo Omaha union station 8:30 a. m. Returning, lcavo Lincoln 7:30 p. m. Only $1.65 for round trip. City ticket oftlco, 1323 Farnam street. Moilern Woodmen, Lowest rates. Special accommodations, St. Paul and return via "Tho Northwestern Line," Juno S to 11. 1401-1403 Farnam street. The Trinity Cathedral Ladles' Parish Aid society's public entertainment on Thursday evening, In the Metropolitan hall, will bo unusually novel and attractive. Mrs. Herman Kountze Is In chargo of tho mutlc, Mrs. McKennn directing tho tableaux and scenes. Send articles of incorporation, notices ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Dee. Wo will glvo thom proper legal Insertion. Tclephono 238. Job prlntlug, 137 Paxtou bloik. Tel. 1440, 1,000 pairs of Men's finest Vic! Kid Welt f T Solo $4.60 Shoes In black or I vJ f ttinann en In of nir.n. PAUI rrbnli. nued 22 yenrs 1 month ilaj-H. .May 21. lBOl. Funeral Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m. from .in. uci itit, li .11 I iiiiiiib L inmi!iiiiii i I'liiu i:!!. corner itioventn nna center streets. Inter ment In Laurel Hill cemutcry. Friends In- viteu. mi 0 A REMINDER Who wns It thnt made It possible for the neoplo of Omuhn. Council muffs. South Omaha nnd tho surrounding country to get STAPLE drugs, medicines, etc., at tho fol lowing priced und also to get tnelr pre scriptions lined WITJIUUT 1IU1.NU UOUUKD7 $1.00 Porunn . C9: $1.00 Kirk's Dnmlriirf Cure 4Kc $1,00 Plnkhnm's Compound Kc $1.00 West's Urnln and Nervo 29a $1.00 Mngnut Pile Curo Mo J1.00 Uncle Sum's Tobacco Curo 50c $2.00 Tansy, Cotton Hoot and Penny royal Pills 78o 23c Stuart niackberry Cardial luo 25o, Unrated Talcum Powder loo -jo t'iso't? Consumption Curo lOc 25c Howoll's Antl-Kuwf JOc 50 Jamaica dinger loo 25o Vegotable Cathnrtlo Pills 10c 25c Florida Wntsr '. 2- grn n Qu n no Capsules, dozen To 3- gra in Quinine Capsules, dozen lOo S-grtiln Quinine Capsules, dozen 15o Kvery body says CAUACCCD9C Cut Price OUnflETCIl O Drugstore. S. AV. Cor. tilth nnd ChlenKO Sts. Qooavltvered KllKE to uny part of city. J TELEPHONE 747. See Our Big 16th Street Shoe Windows. Come early Friday morning and got tho greatest shoo bargains ever given. Every man lu Omaha should have a pair of these flue, stylish $4.00 shoes, at $1.00. 1,200 pairs of Men's Flno Velour Calf $4.00 Wolt Shoos all latest styles on sale at Solo 1.96 500 pairs of Men's Finest Russia Calf $4.r.O Welt Sole tnn shoes mado on the new t g" Z Cambridge last on salo I VJ . v at 060 pairs of Men's Fine $3,50 Colt Skin Welt Solo Shoes In lace and congress mado ou tho London tip and wldo fj common senso last, at .... Registered RE-NO-MAY POWDER A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. 'Phone 1716 In pink box not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of tho feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures tsnder. swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In blue box removes all bodily odors. If proporly used no dress shields aro required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspiration, rub tho palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder. In cases of habitual weatlng, use tho powder in pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, nnd directions for use in tho cover of the blue box. For obstinate sweating or cbaf rnts bathe the affected parti with the Re-No-May Astringent Antlseptlo Lo tion. It must be distinctly understood that RE-NO-MAY Powder is not a tollot powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antlseptlo powder, and should not be uaed for Infants as a toilet dusting powder. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall add 5 centi for postaf e Re-No-May Skin Food for facial massag". Re-No-May Cream softens and whitens the hr-nds and face. 800 pairs of Men's Finest Box Calf $3.50 -4 gL Welt Solo Laco Shoes, on tho I 1 uvw uoaiou imuuu iusi, ut .... i I-f KfSw BATH nOOM rOMFOIlT.H secured by np-to-dato plumbing en hance tho enjoyment of tho hn '""" No one should miss any of the devices now known and obtainable. wo,1 racks, brush nnd soap holders, sprinklers, etc, form mi aggregate- of possible conveniences which noiiPlb o peoplo cannot well bo without. our ldeuh about plumbing diouldn't Mon with proper mwiltnry conditions. iMt U3 put you up-to-date. Free & Black, 1800 Far num. Phone lO'H) 3? The Chicago Record has 61 of these Type v. riters In dally usa YOST JHsLsHlXftYHfar'sv 250 pairs of Men's Flno Russia Calf and Kid $3.60 Oxford!, on sale at If you want a typewriter, why not come first where you can see EVERY GOOD BOUT OF TYPE WRITER in its best form! TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The flneit catalogue ever Issued Is yours for the asking. WrlteorCall. United Typewriter and Supply Go,, 1(114 Fn.rna.jr St., Omalitt. TAFT'S Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Dentnl work that will Btand the teat Is tho kind wo do. No fancy pricos. t (old Crown . (iold 1'lllliiKs S.1.0l , tjti.'iO "I Greatest Shoe Sellers in Omaha. H AYDEN IS 1 It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR THE LUJaliMtilljHUI Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F. R. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE ot the case nmuu niumi a mum...