10 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Highir Otblit Hart No Iffto. tJpn the Daj'i Grain Marktt WHEAT IS LOWERED BV PROFIT TAKING Corn Active nml Affertcd hy Kphij Receipts Ont llenrlsh tin Reported Rains Provisions Wrnk (in ' Lnrfte Host Receipt. CHICAGO. May 22.-HUlier cable had anything but iho usual eflect on the grain market today. In fact, after the opening they were Ignored. The July delivery of wheat closed ir higher, July corn '4tfl4C lower nml provisions Mi22v3c lower On Improved advice from Liverpool July wheat opened unchanged to higher at 73',7(ne, and immediately n profit-taking movement watt iiegtin ny ine nun ;mi. new features wer nntid In Meal COPPT circles, nor h there any demand, and prices ruieti more or less nominally un changed In London however, n moderate trade was In progress, with prices off J 6d tinder liberal selling order?, closing the market easy, with spot nt JEC3 12 fid and futures at .tin . fid. l.eou in ionnon ion the mlv.i ntr scored vesterdnV. owing to a lack of buyer, and the close w easy at 12 2 fid. Here value, remain unchanged at JL3TU tor Iota of fifty ton or over Spelter snowed considerable stendlness here todav and prices were well maintained, but not uuotably nlKher, closing nt $.1. 95fJ4.no. The better feeling wan attributed to a rife of 45k In London, making the price, there 11. Domestic Iron markets ruled dull, but exhibited a weak undertone without any change in values being apparent, OMAHA WHOLESALE MAHICtlTS, Condition of Trnde and tlnntntlon on Mniilc nntl rnnwey Produce. EGOS Receipts liberal; Rood stock, firm, lOfllc. LIVE POULTRY liens. 7V4c: vounit and old roosters, 3f6c; turkeys, inSc; ducksnnd geese, apnng cnicKens, per in., ."jjj.jc. lll'TTER-Comnion to fair, Wile; cliolce, 12H 13c; separator, 20c. r'RESIt ElSil-IIIack bass, ISc; white bass, be, bluellsh, 11c; bullheads, loc; blue I ami f hid nllnil ri tf rniinrii in iifiMifM itlllin i . .. . ...i '.,A,!iVn'..i i.pii I. tie. ,ci ounaios. tic; cntlisn, iso: con, ac; lu.,h?S "rL,i?, JnVnnilve no I offer- croppies, WOc; clscoes, 7C; halibut, lie; her- P''" l?J-,r in thi session r'"Ki Cc; haddock, 10c; mackerel, 16c; perch, ine" crol ".'ha " had'tccn 'Selling "bi i : ere., 9c; pike, lie; red snapper loc; t I. l . - I ti . ulrnmrtti tT infimiwii. iTt,i nuillisilt UVi liuuii uki nni"-ii""i uu I UK (JM('H l ll I'll iint:r un nu a t ..,. I inp to 73U.r followed. l-n.lcr,,prollt.tj.k n5 the . 7.T ; Ive. , er doz.. 11. SRSrtv" ' hlX' 7T4 ' Tve ty-seve HAY- Prices Uote,l by Omaha Wholesale fArnVS o'l. ' ?, C snnd nul th re: M.SO, Itye straw, MM These prices are IiiK fi nT irnnil nr iik nil, I HllulllU I In t n : yeTlV aRo;' Primary 'relntM wer? 433.- '"..! I lr, lceln, a I cars. OO) on. lcal recelpti were 37 cars, nono H;,1,?TIiPn w.' ' ' of contrart grade. jjltAV-ils' The corn market was fairly nctlve and uiia.-s. ,,.. , . was sliaped by heavy receipts and n hlKh ,...,, t,, iJT, k.I Tl percentaKe or contract wrade. July corn Hfi 'f.V'.T,1' erJ'11,-,. "x i-, opened a shade lower to n shade higher at ASI'AIIAGUS-Natlvc. per doi., lOtfMe. 4Sl7l5'f,c, and meetlntr the same treatment It UbAIlU-llome grown, per lb., lHc that was Klven wheat declined to 1I'4C. j' W ULblS-l'er uoz.. SOc. The hull leader was on both sides of the NbU CAHKOIS-Pcr doz Mc. market, selling early and buylnp back Inter 1 UH.nji to. We. In fhn nw Meslnti. Horlnir lbe covering . t.LCLTMLHS-Hoth0Ue. per doi., ll.OOif process the prices reacted to 44tfH'fc und L.5. tin. close whs fairly steady. WWc lower a I'AnSMI'S-Pcr bu., jOc. 41,c. .May corn, which was neglected, sold ryuNli b-I ci bu.. 6vc. between 47c and BOc and closed weak and f! S K 7 1 1 i'T-m I l? ' l -fw. l'ic loxrer at 4c. Thirty loads were re- CAKHOIH-l cr I t ., 40c. K,rsc,,.r,fWacrvrece,p,', wrrc m !"!Zyu i'OTATOE T'er'bu!! Colorado ffle. IIIIU' llllliri i.c.itinit .... ui . ,.w... , fitln .Itilv nnnneil n nhnde lower nt "4Tt,',5nn. nml In svinnatbv with corn and on realizing sales declined to 2isc. Iter the market reacted to 2)T,1i23c, and the close, was fairly steady and a shade lower at 21Tjc. Locnl receipts were 21X1 car". Provisions were weak on large receipts of hoRH. With the exception of July pork the marlu-l waa ncRlected nnd there wn little. tracWm? In that, Most of the buylin? was for Investment account. July pork pold between J14.72V4114.73 nnd l4.f3 and elorod 20fi?24c lower at JI4.774. July lard eold between JS.12',4 nnd J8.17,4 nnd closed inn'rr in IS . is x. 171.1. .Iiilv rlln nld be tween S7.92V( and 7.07ij and closeil Be lower nt Ji.S.i. I.nierni sales 01 inro lor expori were reoortod. Kstlmated ifcelpts for tomorrow: Wheat, 30 enrs; corn, r.5 enrs; oats, 290 cars; lion". 23.000 head. The leadlnR futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open.JTllgh. Low. Close.l Ycs'y. Wheat May... 741,4 July... 73M?-'4 corn Mny.. July.. Sept.. July.. Sept.. roik May. . July.. Sent.. Lard- I Mnv...' July... Sept... July... Sept. .. 73Hi7n(.fiu; 72! 73Mii 74V 73 47 l ' 4!H4 44'4i 44il54.V. 30 3ov, :m, 2S!(,ff2'.l 1 r 1 1 1 74U 73 30 I B0 I l44iH.f?-lllfc- 50 I SOU 2STi'S50 29 2SH1 2S', 20 26il2fjHW''.4 20 L ' 14 ft'. I 11 95 p 14 93 14 97H' 14 77'.4 II 75 I 14 7i4 14 70 1 14 75 S 20 I R 20 I R 15 8 17'i! S 17lj R 171,4 R 12V4 8 12V, 8 17!4l S 17H 8 I2V4 8 1714 R 15 R 22V4 R In I R 22H R 25 7 97'.4 7 97H 7 9214 7 95 R 00 7 95 7 93 I 7 87V4I 921 7 97 14 S7V4 In (l 15 00 HhiKO I'O'l A CutlH liany Ohlos, oi(aw)c: Red Hlvcr Valley. 40c. UAiitiAui'-Kuw L anionila. 2i4c. TOM A'l'OUS Florida, ncr c-basket crate. fancy, 3.50. fH'InS'll (I.- ...t .... ii.n ivi iiiiiuub, per ciiiie, .ao. UALIjIKLoWKK St. Louis, per crate, K. HKANS Wax. per 1-3 bu.. 75c: string. per 1-3 bu., 75c. , liiiu fiwvrs 1 j'cr nu. box. w. l'KPPEHS-Ptr bu. Sox, J2 25. I'EAS-Per bu.. J2: per 1-3 bu.. 75c. OKLliHY Calliornia, per buncn, OV3J76J. .r; i'UiAiui;B-rcr id., jc. FKUITS. 8T11 A WDKH HIES Arkansas, ner H4.aL case, 2.2C. CIIEUHIES-Callfornla, per 8-lb. box, J1.7&. Al'l'LKS-I'er bbl.. J4.50: Washlncton. r,r bu. box. J2. THOPICAI, FRUITS. ORANGES-Callfornla seedlings. 12.25a 2.B0: navels. S2.Wii'J.25: Med. aweets. J2.75W 3.00. LEMONS California, extra fancy, W.25; choice, I'd. UANANAS Per bunch, according to size, j2.1105hi.50. l-'IGS California, new cartons, 75c; layers, 65c; Imported, per lb., 10yi2c. DATES Persian, In l-ib. boxes, rialrs, to per lb.; Halloween, u4c per lb. I'er IOZ., JI.IOQI..UO. Mifi.ri.f a vniiu HONEY California, per 24-s'ectlon case. J3.75. ciui-.n- i'er noi ii.m: per nan ddi., j.io. NUTS-Engllsh wnlnutB. nor lb.. 16c: nl- berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb i8Utuo; raw peanut:, per lb., &a514?; roasted, tiV4'a 8 25 7V4c: llrnzlls. lac; pecans, l'j(tf22c; cocoanuts, 8 22H HIDES No. 1 Kr,en, 6Uc! No. 2 green, S 22V4 4V4c; No. 1 saltea, oVic; No. 2 saltod, 5V4c; No. 1 veni cair, s to iz'.i ids., c; iNO. . vcai calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. 8(jri3c; sheep pelts, 2jU75c; horso hides. Jl.Wii2.25. No. 2. Cash quotations were o. follows: ELOUR Quiet: -winter patents. $3.50fr3.90; nntcnts. I3.401N.50; rtrnlghts, 4fJi4(iM7!4c; No. 2 yellow, T3.S0; spring apeclals. il.20; patents. j3.4WH.oy; straignts, j3..'0U3.uo; f.nbnra. 12 VY!f'jV. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 70Hc; No. 2 red, bef, 73-i4f74Uc. COHN-No 4747ic. OATS No. 2. .TOffOHic: No. 2 white, 30iMf Bi'jc: NO. 3 wiuto, .sTwr.ac, RYE No. 2. 53c. HA RLEY Oood feeding. 49351c; fair to choice malting. B3155C SEEDS No. 1 llax. $1.71; No. 1 northwest- rrn. 11.71: nr me timothy. J3.O0If3.45. PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bbl.. 14.70 14.75. Lard, per 100 lbs., $S.17V48.20. Short prairie, $10.50511.25. sldeH (loose). JS.omjH.Zj. Dry salted WHISKY-Stcady St. I, mils fi nil n nnd Pro vlslnna. ST. LOIMS. May 22.-WHEAT-Steady: No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 72V: trnck, 74HS 7514c; .May, 72ic: July, fiOHIWic: Septem ber. iWio; No. 2 hard, 72V4'5i,724C. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 43c; track, 43&c: May. 43c; July, 42U"JI2?c; Septcm- r, isic. OATS Lower: No. 2 ensh. EOc: track. SOff lOUc; May, 30c; July, 2?c; September, 26lic; No. 2 whin, 315i3U4c. RYE Miwcr at one. I.-t.C)t'R Oulet: natents. $3.5533.75: extra fancy nnd straight, $3.13(93.30; clear, 2.S(ir ,00. seeds-no trading. CORNMEA I, Steady nt $2.30. MRAN ijuii and heavy; east iracK, tvsc. HAY Sternly; timothy, $11.60013.50; with prices not unchanged to 5 points higher. Total sales were 11,000 bags. Inel id Ingi May, h.X,c; June, 5.3oOS.40c, July, 5.)5c, August, S.JSc, September, 5.60c, December, B.S095.$oc; Mach, 6.03c. MOVKMi:TS IS STOCKS AM) IIO.MIS. Mnrket ltellerd from Seiiil-Stnitiin. tlon li Actlvllj In Erin Slocks. NEW YORK May 22. -The stock market fell still further Into aimthv todav and was only relieved from semi-stagnation by the movement in tne urie siocks. consioering the present Indifference of the public to the mnrket, the volume of the transactions in Erie must he accepted as slgnlllcnnt. The nrnfesslonnl traders, nt a loss to secure even .1 fractional protlt on n turn In the market, turned to the Erie crowd ns the movement progressed and added their spec ulative operations to the other buying of the stock. The opinion, however, gained force on the exchnnce that the movement marked a resumption of operation for the extension of Influence nnd control of exist ing railroad systems. The buying was at tributed to Wabash Interests nnd there were sundry circumstances which offered some corroboration. Statements were pub llshed this morning to the effect thifj n con trolling Interest tins been secured In Lack awanna In order to afford an outlet to the seaboard for the Wabash and the Oould southwestern system. This evidently rep- esented an effort to account for the recent trenglh of Wabash and Its southwestern fllllntlons In the face of the disappoint ment over the non-declnrntlon of a dividend on Missouri Pacific. It has been stated with particularity lor everal days past that the buying of Toledo, Rt. t.ntils A Western slocks was for Van- dcrbllt account nnd It was claimed today that control hnd pnssed. It is to be consul ted that these roads run over closely re lated territory nnd .the nctlvlty In their docks favors the presumption that I lie problem of their future relations and con trol Is being worked out. Tho strength of Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville nnd of the Chicago Great Western stocks may have had a bearing on the same problem. The strength of the bituminous conl-carry- ng roads was directly nttnnutaoie to tne declaration of a dividend of H4 per cent on the common slock or 1 locking nney. too first In Its history. Tho Wheeling & Lake Erie stocks, Norfolk Western nnd cues, nnenke & Ohio all moved unwnrd In sym pathy. The strength of the Readings was culled In sympathy with Erie, In Its charac ter ns an antnracue carrier, uui r.rie was the only one of the group to mnintnln Its dvance. This stock cioseo at. tne niguesi nt a gain or 234. some or tne individual blocks purchased ran as high as B.ouo hares. A reature or tne nay wn a sine f Northern Pnrllle nt 171. compared with I56i last night, but the stock dropped back jam to iw. An unpleasant impression was produced by a suggestion Hint the authorities of the London Stock exchange would rescind the suspension of rules for buying In of North- rn I'ncinc siock against ine snune. un nnouncement or jmwi exponco gom 11111 rmrt In the eirlv heaviness of the market. The fact that there was no nddltlonnt gold ngngements. contrnry to expectations, nas net some influence in ine oner nmnenniK f prices, but the vigorous ndvnnce In Erie was the main fnctor. Des Molnen ft Fort Dodge was lifted 24 nnd Wisconsin Central stocks 2 and 2U respectively for the com mon and preferred. The nonu mantel was 1101 acme, mu hnwi.il atrenetli. Total sales, nar value. $4,450,000: I'nltcd States new 4s declined U per cent on tho last call. The commercini .Auveriiser h i.onun nnnclal cablegram snya: The mnrkets ro trem almost lnnntmnte todav. So far as they moved they sagged from lack of Upport. Americans openeo nominally 111 parity, but soon yielded half n point, nusi ncss was almost entirely sufpenrtcd. nnd It Is thought this condition of affairs will continue until the settlement of the North ern Pnclllc deadlock, it is sniu nero inai the Morgnns nrc lending stock nt $5 to dealers who sold against options maturing In June. The firm Is dcclnred contldently o have enough or tne common siocn on nnd to secure tne control 01 me company. Five thousand Erles will be shipped tomor row to New York on orders, an announce, mnnt whlrli paused n rallv In that stock near the close, The bnnk bought JCSfi.000 f cold 111 bars nnn received in.uwj rroni China. A half million wlch Is coming from Iiulln win pronnniy ne returned. 'arts cnecks, lo.in; iieriin. The fnllowlns- are lli closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: short clear rlhs Hhouldnrs (boxed). $6.75fi1.00; sides (boxed), $.1254'i8.25, Followlns are tho receipts and shipments ror touny: Receipts. Shipments Flour. I1D1S ."J.IMI Wheat, bu 71.000 Com, bu 146,000 Oats, bu 952,000 Rye, bu 5.000 liariey, uu On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Arm; creameries, 14184c; dairies, 13'ijlSHc cheese, easy at 9fll0i4c Eggs, steady at 11c IRON COTTONTIES-$1.05. HAOOING-eiMiiC. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: lobbing. $15.75. I.nrd. lower nt $.Oj1iS.07i4. Dry salt meats. 34,000 steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $8.25: clear 45.000 ribs. S..T74: clear sides. t.60. Bacon, steady: 556,000 boxed lots, extra snoris, w; 320,000 J9.1LH; clear sines, jn.ja. 2,000 MKTAI.H-ieau, urm ni i..-o, nun 111 M.W. POI'LTRY Slow; cntckans, 7c: springs, 14lfl6c; turkeys, 5c; ducks, 6c; springs, clear ribs, Spelter, 12V4c; geese, 4c. 11U1TKK jvnw Yonic bkmjiiai, juhkkt. Cluotiitlnns of the liny nu Comiiinilltli'M, NEW YORK. Mny 22.-FLOUR-Recelpts. 18.911 bbls.; exports. 9,550 hbls.. slow and easy; winter pntents, $3.C5fH.00; winter ntralghts, $3.45j3.GO; winter extras, 12. 45 Steady: creamery, 351719c; dairy. 12fil5e. EUtis steady, li'.ic, repacKcu ana enses included. RECEIPTS-Flnur. 4.000 bbls.: wheat. 36, Vfirlnim 000 bu.: corn. 38.000 bu.: oats. 10.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 7,oi bins.; wneat, :o,000 bu.; corn, 10,000 bu.; oats, 41,000 nu l,ivirpitol Rrnln Hurt Provlalniis. LIVERPOOL, May 22.-WHEAT-Snot 2.85; Minnesota bakers, $2.9003.25; winter tndy; No. 2 red w;estern, winter, 6s uw ; tye IlOUr, Steady I I nurinein, n,ini(,, n r,u, nu. 1 - low grades, j.3wy'..40. liye Hour, steady; fair to good, $2.R0ff3.10; choice to fancy, $3.20iT3.70. CO RNMEAL Quiet; fellow western, $1; city, otc; jirnnciywine, ..(a..ua. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 60jc, afloat; KltllV, UIUIUOU. I. 1 , .-.l-.Y t VII ft U.II1UIM, IIARLEY-Dull; feeding. 46S4Sc. c. I. f. Now York; malting, 62lf70c, c, I. f. Now York cnrlots. HARLEY MALT Dull; western, C5U72c. WHEAT Receipts, 312,500 bu.; exports, 63,930 bu.; spot easy; No. 2 red. 82V4c f. o. b. ntlont; No 2 red, ROc elevntor; No. 1 northern. Du 11th. X4ic f. o. b. nllont: No. 1 hard. Duluth. li)Sc f. o. b. nlloat. Ontlons opcneil sternly on foreign buying nnd cable nnws, but rencted nnd wns weak most of tho day under moderate Wall street selling, rains in the northwest and unloading. Ttiey fornln. lis futures quiet; July, 5s 11H1; sepiemuer, as lU'd. CORN spoi, American mixed, now, stendv, 4s Id; American mixed, old, noml nnl: futures uulet; May, nominal; July, 3s iVid: Hcptenmer. 3 nin kas-(.iinaninn. Bicany. FLOUR-St. Incuts fancy winter, dull, nt 8b. hops At London tracinc const), steady. at JC4ffl 10s. PRUViHiuiss neoi, easy; extra inaia mess, tils 3d. 1'orK. dull: prime mess. western. 61s 6d. Hams, short cut. U to 16 lbs., tlnn. at 16s d. Lnrd, firm; prlmo western, In tierces, 41s 6d; American, re fined, 111 pans, us smi. isnenn, urm; cumner lnnd cut. 26 to 30 lbs.. 41s 9d: short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs., 41s 9d; clear middles, light. 28 to ;n ids., 4;s :ki; long clear middles , u " li".'''..!.' Hoavy.35.to w ins.. s an: snort clear bncks Imi May? M638f lc clod'nt 80 c V & 'houldcrs: souV' 11 "to 13 lbs" June closed nt R0V4c; July. 7S lS-lGTOc L1!'1 n?-37R ,m q ' " ,0 " " closed nt 79ic; September. 7CHU76Tic. cloteii nUTTER-uiill; llnest United States, S8s; " enni t'nlted mates, ubs. CORN Recelnts. 135.000 bu.: exnorts. 10. 34 bu.; spot easy; No. 2. 49i4c elevator and f04ic t o. b. ntlnat. Ontton, market onencd sti'udy with wheat and then sold off under renllzlng, large Inspection nt Chicago nml tho drop In wheat; closed nbout steady at cnntl CHEESE-AmcrlcBii finest white, dull, nt imi'i i.ii. iiiiusv i-uiuiru, iiuiui, m 40a TA1.1.UH iTimn, sieany, .uici, nt .'as Australian. In London, steady, nt 26s 3d. The urnln exenange will r,e closed Slav and . aim ine provision exennngo 494c; July. IS'WMc, closed at 4ST4c; Sep. ' tt'J31.le.r4 4S D-lCfniP. closed at 4Sc. Knnsns City Urnln an OATS Recelnts. 155.200 bu.: exnorts. 9.366 uu,. snoi casv: n,o. 2. 33M.c: rvo. wniie. 34c; jo. 3 wh te. 33 c: track, mixed west. em, ittwrai'ic; track, wnite. 33W37J4C Op- iimm muw nnn nnoui sieaay. HAY- strailv . f lllDtlltltr. 75c: irnnd In choice, -JiiiMwc. HOPS IJulet; state common to choice, 1PCO crop. 171120c: 1S99. ltUBe: old olds. 2f(6c: j .u.ihl wiiiiki, mvj ciop, iobivc; isto, liQiiac: old olds, !4T6o. MlUKS l- inn: (ialyesion. 5i) tn r. lha IRVic; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Tcsns dry. 24 to :io lbs.. UWimc ti'L' nil,. 7 i,J. . imJ.ck J?."; I',,e".0.'' lck. SHn dozen, loss off, cases returned nt yo"' "nwn, oc u. itnw wiillewnoil eases Inr iiileil. Uu mnre .JVj.4SC. . I Ul.-ni.MPTHU'hrnt PiV hn W SO.Ofi) bu.; corn lirnln nml I'rnvlslnna. KANSAS CITY. May 22.-WHEAT-Julv Ke; September, 65c; cash, No. 2 hard B9Vai70c: No, 3, 6S069c; No. 2 red, 70S71o .-o, a. roc. nnnv Mn.. tit'n, T..li. jar. ct..n. UI,ti".Hnj. ll,... u.llj, V7U. acLitvuc ber. 40'c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 41c; No, 2 wnne, uc; ro. ;i, 4iv4c. uats-rso, s wnite, utC RYE No. 2. 55c. HAY-t'nolce timothy. $10.507711.00: choice . . 1 I ... , ..,11 T piuilir, ,.i"w,iu, IH'TTER Crcnmery, 16i,4o; dairy, fancy 13t?14c. Kiiiin v irm; iresu .Missouri nnn Knnsn yres. light to l,M''4Uc. " f.LLOW-Steady; city .$2 per package), S nxwnl&tXlM? .. .,rl SHI PMENTS Wheat, & I!2'nfe.rte0.f(i):rti!el.1f j SS' ' V V& ' "tB- "" 21. mi; packet, nu.oosiu.oo; city extra India mess.' $15.00fl 17.00. Cut meats. iiulii . lliineniiills Wheat, Flour nnd llrnn MINNEAPOLIS. Mny 22,-WHEAT-Cash 724c; July. 72)'U72',4c; September, C9i'o69&ic rn .t.amn.i ti , rn.,i : on track, no. i nnra, ,4U: .-so, j nortne nn;ni " nmi h Am " ? 'XT. 72c; No, 2 norther... 707p c.. nniind ffi 75 Pork steady fin Hi' tiVA. FLOUR First PUienis, i,vkh ).J; seconc 6? 0 "shor 5cUmr $15 Mmlw ZtV !? I &B3.$i hrst clears. $J.7OS'2.S0 i second cears. 4;.iv((-..w. 16.50. RICE mil i domestic, rair to extra. SWffic: Japan. 4l4T4c. I1UTTER Recelpis, 8.713 pkgs,; steady; . , .... ,1 . . S ......... !,.,.. jcrriiiut-i y. ium iiiuiui. 4141... ClinESE-Recelpts. 4,391) pkgs,; nulet; fancy, large, colored. Scl fancy, laree. white, 840: fancy, stnafr, colored, 814c; lancy, smaii, wniie, ui: EdOS-Recelpts. 14.220 nkgs.: steady! western, ungraded, lHic; western, selected, 13IH131.C. POULTRY Alive, weaker: fowls, 10c; springers, 207.22c; turkeys. ,1i$o; dressed. mow: rowis, iuc; turkeys, 7'j'inoc broilers, 222Rc METALS Iufnrnuitloii received from London today indicated n more nctlve and hlgber market for tin, owing to a renewal of the speculative movement that set In nbout n week ngo. Ueforw tho market closed at that point prices had advanced RRAN-lll bulk. $11.504ill.75. I'rnrln MnrluM. PEORIA. May 22.-CORN-Easler: No. 2 OATS-Easv: No. 2 white. 29ilc. bllle throucli. . wiusKY-On tho basis or $1.21 ror nn unco goods MIMvnnlii'e Crnln Mnrki't. MILWAl'KRE. Muv ?L WHEAT 1 Steady; No. 1 northern, 76c, No, 2 northern, 73H74c; May. 72?ifi73V4c: No. 1, 65e. RARLEYDllll? Vn 1 KTn! anmnln. l(Vf 54c. ' ' Atchison 1 do pfd n. & o do pfd Can. Pacific .. Con. Southern dies. & Ohio.. Chi. & Altoa . do pfd f . II. & Q C. 1. & L. ?4ll4 do nfit CAE. 1 12S . & O. W 444 do A pM do H Pfd 41,, C. & N. W I" r.. it. I. & l' it cm. T. & T :: An TttA 40 C, C. C. ft fit. I'". "14 Colo. Southern lt'.i do 1st pfd - rtn 5rt nfd Wi Del. & Hudson 1MV D U & W SIS . & n. O '4 do pfd 01 ! Vrlr 41'1 do 1st Pfd An 5(1 nfd 63 m Vnrthtrn ofd....!?." Rocking valley ny.i do pfd '' III. Central 133'.4 Tali S, rnclflc M ly, Itnllway 10(i4 do pfd J34 Tex. K- P 10i',4.T St. I & W. 67 do pfd 40'4 Union Pacific .. 42 do pfd 79'4 Wabash 1P5U' do pfd V. & U E do 2.1 nfd Wis. Central do pfd r.. c. c. & st. l.. Iowa Central An nfd I.. K. & W ilo pfd . I.. & S 1' Manhattan I, "4 Mt si. nv ii.)-.. Mex. Centra 26'i Mex. National 11 M. k St, I, 0R4 Mb. 1'acille 101 M.. K & T An mil .... N. J. Central us N. Y. Central lJl'i Nor. & W SH.4 do nfd '' N. Pacific pfd 971 Ontario & W ! Pennsylvania n" Heading 4. do 1st pro do 2(1 Pfd Mi St. U. H 8. F 5'i An 1st nfd M do 2d pfd 6514 st I., a. W ZV.i do pfd -',i St. Paul loi'J do pfd .si Adams Ex. American Kx V. S. Hx Wells-Fargo Ex... Amal. Copper Am. Car & F do pfd Am, Unseed Oil .. do pfd Am. S. & n do pfd Am, Tobacco Anaconda M. Co.., Ilrooklyn It. T.... Colo. F. & I Con. Gas Con. Tobacco do pfd , Oen. Electric Olueose Siifrar .... ... 47( ... 10 ... H'4 ... 47 ... 21V, ... SSU ...102 ... f5i ... ... 411,4 ... 17!i ... SO ... 21',. 4.P, 73 Nen York exehanee. 40c nremUm bid. 50c premium asked. CINCINNATI, May 22,-CIearlngs. $2,92. 3i. money, 31,5(6 per cent; New York ex change, 25c premium, 1 llll.Ani.'t.titii a Mnv 3? Plenrlntrs. IIK.512.135, balances. $2,650,525. haiiTI.more. Jiny 2Z, Clearings, f.v.". 714, balances, $627,235, NEW YORK. Mnv 22.-Clcarlngs. $272,70-1,- Vrii balances, IH.036.S41. . , iiusru.N, Mny 2.'. Clearings, ,?..i,i.Hii balances, $J,26,3f, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Gotd to Oholcs Cattlt in Aetiri Dtmaid tt Stroogir Prices. tloslnii 4(ork liuilnlnns. I108TON, Mny 22.-Call loans, IS7" per cent: time loans. 4fr5 per cent. Official closing: .. 77'i West End f I .. M Westlnrh. Electric. -1 A , T A St. F do pfd Am, rtimar .... do pM Am. Tel Ilostnn Alb.iny.. Iloston 1. Ilnslon fi Maine ... ., II. fi Q Dominion Coal do pfd f S, Steel do pM Kltchtmrg pfd Oen. Electric Mex. Centrnl N. E. fins fi Coke.. Old Dominion lttiliber fnlon Pacific lo2i t'nloa Lind 3 ..147'4 Atchison 4s 10l4 ..Ut'4 Am. Tel. 4 tOP, ...Mi Adventure 14 M IllnaliHiii M. Co HI Amal, Copper Uo'4 'Atlantlr 3) Iloston ft Mont - llutte A Iloston tOJ'j Cnl. llecla Mf) Centennial 2 franklin !' Humboldt 20 Osceola J V'nrrot i'l 'Julncy I Tamarack "it Plah Mining -- Winona 3 Woberlncs I'. 197 19 n us 414 i4 145 31 SOUTH OMAHA, Mny 22. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, OMiclal Monday 2,liS 1 . . ;rj 5,000 Utncial lliesuay ll.njl 3.04J uiuciai ieuncsuny n.soe 4,iij Tliroa ilnl'd fhla icn.,1 V ll.. 11 111 11 "i Same ihls Inst week Il.0n7 ".i.,'l. ls'HM fcame Week before 11,32. 21.9W ltt.slu humn llirvn vfitiUtf nt,,, 411 J J "N 1 Same lour weeks nun x.SII 31. .1!,' 11. same nays last ycai io,iw) .'.'..ws v,jiv AVeniKu price paid lor hugs at South Omaha tho past several duys with comparisons. London stork luntnt Inn. LONDON, May 22.-4 p. m.-Oloslng: ...94 I do 1st pfd ... .91 1. 18 Pennsylvania ... 7H'lleadlng ...I'rt IN. Pacific pfd ...ifjl't (Irani Trunk . ...112 lAnnronda ....05'i Hand Mines .. ... Vl't.V. P. Sleel ...154 do pfd .. .nsl C9 74 !4 inj'4 11 ! 4., 4V, 9514 Consols, .money.. do nccount Atchison Cnn. Pacific St. Paul Ill Central Inilsvllle t'nlon Pacific pfd N Y. Central . Erie HAR SILVER-Stendy. 27 9-16d per ounce. MONEY 2143 per cent: the rate of dis count In the open mnrket for short bills Is aiii3 11-16 per cent; for three months' bill", 3M(3?i per cent. Cotton MiirUct. NEW YORK. Mny 22.-COTTON-rncer-talnty nnd hesitation kept the earlv cotton market In a nnrrow rut, but before the cloe bearish overtures and nn nlmost total absence of speculative support resulted In a serious break In prices. The mnrket was llnally sternly, 5f10 points lower. Middling uplands, Msc; middling gulf, S-V Snles, 1,000 bales. . LIVERPOOL. May 22.-COTTON-8pnt. fair demand; prices 3-32d higher; American middling, I13-32d. good middling. 4 9-32d: middling, 4d; low middling, 4 13-16d; good ordinary, .US-1 6d; ordinary. 3 11-16(1. The sales of tho day were 12,000 hales, of which 5flo were for speculation nnd export, nnd Included 7,500 Amerlcnn. -Receipts, 12.000 bnle, Including 9.600 bales American. NEW ORLEANS, May 22.-COTTON-Easy; sales. ,1,650 bales, ordinary, niic; good ordinary. 5 15-16c; low middling, 6c; middling, 7c; good middling, S l-16c: mid dling fair. R5-i6c; receipts, 2.4r bales; stock, 163.959 bales. ST. LOUIS. Slav 22.-COTTON-Qi.let; siles. 150 bales; middling. 7 ll-16c: receipts, 1,069 bales; shipments, 921 bales; stock, 74, 135 bales. . OALVESTON. May 22,-COTTON-Stendy nt 7 11-16C. Evnpnriitcd nml Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, May 22. E V APO RAT E D APPLES The market ruled slow nil day, but n steady tone prevailed, owing to the llcht ntinolv on hand: nrlces were un changed; Btnto common. 3(ij4i;c; prime, iWf 4?ic; choice, 5'5V4c: rnnoy, fi'dic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Ruled quiet nnd unchanged. Prunes, n'iffJTc per II)., ns to size and qunuiy. .xpricois, iioyai, IMMVic; Jloor Park, 84rn3c. J'eacnes, peeled, 12i.4Q20c; unpecled, S4iH0c. ... 3IH Hocking Coal r.1'4 Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power . Iiclede Gas . Nat. Ulscult .. Nat. Irfnd .... Nat. Halt do pfd N. American , Pacific Coast . Pacific Mall .. H'.i People's Has Pressed Steel Car. do pfd Pullman P. Car... ftepubllc Steel .... do nfd Hiinnr Tenn. C. I Union II, & P. Co... 13 171 .. M ..HO ..HS't .. .. MVi .. 21 .. M .. 5S4 .. 96 ..126 .. tm .. 7J .. 95H ..219 .. KM ..ICS ..i:P4 ... 57 .. Is .. :n4 .. 7ST, .. 91, .. e.t ... 4l',i .'. 43 ... 7.M.4 .. SI ,.. 60 ... :tV4 ..115 4t; . SI . ISH . 7Hi .147' 5f.i,4 WYOMING CROP CONDITIONS Week Una Heen Warm tvKIi Hninfnll fnevenly Dial rib toil TbrniiMh out the Mate. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 22. (Special.) Section Director Palmer of the Wyoming station has tho following to say regarding tho cllmato and crops In this section for the week ending today: The week was warm throughout the state, and tempera Hires averaged from 7 to 12 degrees per day nbove tho normal. The maximum tem peratures ranged' from 70 to 88 degrees, tho latter tcmporaturcs being recorded nt Parkman, Sheridan county, on tho 17th. No heavy frosts were reported from tho agricultural sections of the state. Tho rainfall for tho week ws very un evenly distributed, some sections recelv ing good showers, whiio other sections re eclved no rain. Oood showers nro reported from Laramie, Rawlins, Spring Hill, Ccn tennial and Felix, while at Parkman, uuf falo and Thermopolls and Evanston little or no rain fell. The warm weather of the week was favor able for tho growth of grass; ranges arc now In good condition, but are noedlng rnin In some sections where showers have not occurred. Stock shows the effect of the now feed, nnd are taking flesh rapidly Seeding Is nearly completed over all sec tions of tho state. Meadows and alfalfa made good growth under the Influenco of the warm wenther of the week. Gardening and potato planting are being completed. Over most of tho state farmers nro Ir rigating crops. In many sections, In an tlclpatlon of a short supply of water in tho late season, an excess Is being used at present. do pfd f) U. S. Leather 15i do pfd 7? U. S. rtubher !0ii do nfd 62 u. , Mteei Hi do rid VV.i Western Union ?: Did. Ser York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. May 22. MONEY-On cnll. steady. 2!ia4Vi per cent: Inst loan, 3H per cent: ruling raie, 4 per ceni; prime mercun tile paper, 4(KtH Per cent. STF.RI.INn EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business in bankers puis nt i.w,j'a IKS v. for demand nml ut sl.SliifH.SlTs tor sixty navs: nasten rnies. si.oowri'i.oj; com mercial blllH. $4.8ig4.Ri,4. SILVER Certltlcatcs. COc, nominal; bar, 59Hc; Mexican dollars, ibc. HONUo uovernmcni, wean; nunc, nine tlve: rnllroad. strong. The closing pi Ices on bonds todav are at follows: U. 3. rf. 3s. rr...wt do coupon M't da 3s, res 1)9 da eouDon W do new 4s, re Wn do coupon IS'H da old 4s, Iff inii do coupon H314 do Is, reg 10Si do coupon V'Mi TV nf C. 3 66s 125 Atchison gen. 4s lMVi dii adj. 4s a 1 N. Y. C. Is !07!i N. J C. een. 5s....H2'i N. Pacific 3s 7"4 do 4s l.5i N Y. C & St I. s..107i N. & W. c. 4s I0P1 .Ore, Nav. Is 109 do 4s lii Oregon 8. I,. 6s 127 do c. 5s 113 Heading sen. 4s .... Ua n. a, w. is loo. Kt L & I M c. 6.. ..IIS Can. Southern 2d. . .'.'isi Ht I, & 8 F g, 6s. ..Ill ... - . ALL . I ' . . . . C .1 .. . , , t . , I. . Lnei, tC UDIU 4,..".74 CI. I .III CUUIUia, . , .If. do 6s 1191,, St. P.. C. P. Is. .113 C. A N. W. c. 79....137',i do 5s II9S do S. F. deb. 5s. 12P4S. Pacific 4s 9'Aa Chicago Ter. 4s 9t'. So. Hallway 5s 116'j Colo. Southern Is.... t7it stand. H. fc T. it... I 02'4 Tex. & P. Is 120 K I do 2s 100 110 .Union Pacific ,4s ....1054 WV4 Wabash Is 117 117 I do Js 10914 ;o:'S west snore 4s in" K WI. Central 4s .'; V9 IVa. Centuries 91 I). & H. O Is Krle gen. 4s F. W. & D. C. 1st. Oen. Hleclrlc it.. Ia. Central Is I & N. unl. 4s.. M . K. & T. 2dt... da 4s Nerr YorU' Jltnliii; XtncU. NEW YORK. May 22.-The following nro quotations on mining biockr; NEW I'oflfee .1lnrk4, YORK. May 22,-COFFEE-Spol, Rio. dull; No. 7 Invoice, fi4t Mild. qlilt: prices had advanced H-oruova, 4lillJ,lC. On cnvorliie nnd ycat- 4-1. ninklne annt (In 127 15m lil nml futures I terl.lg demnud from aliro.nl rnnVe ivnrk-rl n il!T s fid. and still tendlnir unwnrd. Tho trltle higher today, hut wns not netlt-o. Tim local mnrket for that metal, however, aside market opened quiet, with prices un- from showing a sympathetic rise, ruled changed to 5 points higher The foreign In- nulet and without Important feature, clos- terests, chlelly French, bought the farm on lng strong at $27,50if2i.0S, asking rate hav- this sparingly Near the close fresh room lng heen rsl'ed nbout 32 points without buying of a covering nature again caused itimuinung any uemana to spenK 01. ro ine market to sunen. t ne close was steady, Adams Con 20 Alice 41 llreece 160 Hrunswlck Con 17 Comstock Tun 5 Con. Cal. Va 220 Deadwood Terra 10 Horn Hlher 11.'. iron Hilxer 60 I.eadvltle. Con I I I.lttle Chief ... .Ontario iOphlr iPhoenlx IPoiosI Savage Sierra Nevada Pm.tll Hopes Ptindard .... S'fl S5 K0 llnnk CIciti-lnuH. OMAHA. Mny 22.-Clenrlncs. Il.ri8l.3l9! cor responding day last year, $1,078,217; Increase, $.1.10.'. CHICAOO. May 22,-CIearlngs. $27,501,079 balances. $3,012,570; posted exchange. $l.85i41 .s: ,Mt- vorit exenange, -.-oc premium. ST, i.ouis. May ::. clearings, $7.ii7.2M: DISPUTE OVER THE OIL WELL Itensnn In Given Wlir Union Pnclllc Dors Sot Permit ShoolInK of fiiiHlier. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 22. (Special.) It Is now known why tho Union Pacific refused to permit the shooting of their well nt Spring Valley, near the Aspen tun ncl. Tho property Is in question as to ownership and until the matter is settled by tho courts tho well will He Idle. The Neborgall Well Drilling company of Omnha, which bad a contract to sink the Spring Valloy well for watf, has brought suit against the Union Pacific Railroad company for title to the well on the ground that tho railway company has no title to mineral land on government grants. The Nebergall people have filed on tho woll ns a mineral claim. The rail way company claims tho property by owner ship. Largo number of oil filings hnvo been made on land cedod to tho Union Pacific by tho government. balances, $1,427,003; money. Sul per cent: I Total amount of transfers,.. Wyoming Incorporation. CHEYENNE, Wyo., My 22. (Special.) The following companies filed articles 0 Incorporation with the secretary of stat Monday evening: Iloston nnd Cleveland Oold Mining and Milling company; capital stock, $1,500,000 Incorporators arc Wyoming, Iloston and Cleveland men. The company ivlll develo tho Arizona group of mines at Idaho Springs. Iloulder Oil company, cnpltal stock $15, 000. Incorporators all Colorado men, Ute Gold Mining company, capital stock $15,000. Newcastle Grocery company, capital stock $10,000. THIS UHAI.TV MARKET. INSTRI'MENTS filed for record Wedncs day, May 22. 1901: Wnrrnnty HenU. L. E. Roudcbush and husband In E. r Wllann Int 15 hlnck 8. Kendall s add ' !'W C. S, Shepnrd nnd wife to ". P. Cnr roll, lot 4, block 1, Hamilton square.. 2,50) 1.- Ilnu'nnl l nl In H I.. Ilnwver. lot fi. block 36, Kounlze Place 4,000 n. .letter nnd wife to John .Voss, lot 9, block 6, .letter's add (tiilf CI n I in Deed. J. O. Ilrandt to A. C. Harte, lot 10, block I, Oklahoma park DecdK. Oliver Anifis et al, trustees, to R. Ornnt. s 35 feet lots fi and 7. block 1. Pope Place, i . City of Omaha to C. E. , Perkins, trustee, streets nnd alleys in River view add 500 5' .$5,153 0GS SOLD ABOUT A NICKEL LOWER cry Feiv Sheep it ml l.nnibs on Snlc nntl Mnrket on Sheep Wns Slow II nd U eal, .mil un l.nmlis Trnde Wns Mtenly In Strong. May May May May May May .May ..luV May .Hay May Mny ).ay May Mny .nay May Mny May .May May I. ... 2..., i..., i..., 5..., b..., 7..., d... 9.. , 10.. II. . 12... 14. ., In.., 16.., li.. It.. 19.., 20... 21.. 22. . M901. iUW.IS'J.,U9i.,l97.U96.lM5 i 79 o C4UI b 71,, 6 72-.4I b M G 67741 6 b'Jt u Ut I S C51.4I a bl I ? ". I I ! I 5 M I J 72 o .aft b 73 6 tiVb b W.4 b lit b loi .a 5 21 j iDi 5 12; a 1j u lt) 5 15 i 1 j li 5 21 1 5 2J a o n 5 101 6 lYSi 5 US J tl 3 t5 3 tu 3 b2 Vj 3 ti'J, 3 C5 u ti 3 U.i 3 00 3 tj'3, 3 o;i 3 lil .1 WJi 3 691 3 Col 3 6ft 3 a I 3 !J 3 8! 3 !M 3 J 3 tiii 3 J 3 S9 3 3 J 4 19 i ili V 4 25) 4 4I! 4 .V 4 35 t ; 4 -m 3 2d, 3 3V i It 3 71 3 72, 3 Ik. 3 7V 3 u ill .1 1 VI 3 1S 3 M, .i tm :l 1i) 3 C6 I 17i 3 65, 3 2o o till 3 Iji 3 61, 3 21 3 19 3 15 I 3 52, 3 Hi 3 51 3 12( 3 iVJ 3 Oi'i 3 Imi 3 U'Ji 3 52 3 03, 4 41 4 t 4 b 4 47 4 40 4 31 ; 4 16 4 U 4 ID 4 44 4 .,0 I 51 4 27 4 36 4 :s 4 46 4 4j 4 3: Indicates Sunday. 1 lie nmcllil number nf mm nr s brought In today by each road was: Catile. Hogs. Sh'p. H C, M. ,t St. P. Ry. u. (tt si. I,, icy Mo. Pacific Ry 2 i! . i . system . ;i . N. W. Ry 1 ,s .. E. & M. V. R. R.. .11 10 S. C. ci P. Ry 1 2 C, St. P., Al. ,!t O... 9 15 C, II. fi Q. Ry 6 IS K. C. At St. J. Ry.... 3 t C, R. 1 .fc P., east.. 6 II C R. 1. Ac P.. west.. 3 I Illinois Central Ry... 1 3 163 tock ses, 13 IS Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 335 2,ol2 ."61 Totals 123 The disposition of the day'n receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the nuniDcr oi ncnu indicated: Uuvers. Omaha Packing Co. awut ana company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country Aioman ci co .Ivlngstono ft Schaller.. innil ton v Rothsc h id... Other buyers M2 6)2 681 13 1 77 1.751 3m: 3.S40 Totals 2,523 11,745 1,929 CATTLE There was not a heavv run of cattle here today nnd n tho demand on wie part oi paciters was in goou sniipe ine market ruled strong and nctlve all around on good stuff There wcro nearly 100 cars of beof steers included In the receipts today, but the mar ket opened strong and uctlvo on the better grades and In some cases sales wcro made hat looked qulto a little higher than the same kind bold for yesterdny. The common una medium kinds, however, were rntner neglected, but still they sold at Just about steady prices. Fverythlng waB out of llrst hands In good season nnd the prices paid as a rule were very satisfactory. Tne supply or cow stufr was very llgnt this morning and not enough to meet the demand. As a result tho competition was keen and good strong prices were paid for tho moro desirable bunches. Even tho com moner kinds, however, met with ready sale and it was not long boforo the pens were cleared. Hulls also commanded good steady to strong prices and so also did stngs. Vcnl calves sold In practically tho same notches they did yesterday. The same as has been tho case for some llttlo time there were scarcely enough feed ers on sale to test the market. The few that were offered sold without difficulty at good steady prices, Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr, No. Av. Pr. 1 1540 3 90 56 1190 5 '0 1 1M0 4 10 1 i:zo 5 0U I 1360 4 15 20 1173 5 C& 1 970 4 :. 19 m 5 05 1 1030 4 55 9 UK 5 05 1 6)0 4 TO 33 1119 6 05 7 783 4 40 11 1218 5 03 1 1110 4 60 20 1346 4 9i 1 1150 4 10 23 1011 4 95 1 810 4 50 19 1166 4 9 3 861 4 M 14 1341 5 10 II 910 4 IU 11 ,.1111 6 10 8 937 4 60 21 1176 5 10 21 916 4 60 i 10(0 5 10 8 SSO 4 60 5 1180 5 10 8 1000 4 CJ 61 1278 5 10 46 9S0 4 70 17 1193 6 10 9 913 4 70 18 1208 6 10 6 1063 4 70 U 1357 5 10 18 99S 4 .0 45 1193 5 10 13 1016 4 70 23 1178 5 10 7 937 4 70 37 1136 5 10 64 6 SO 4 75 7 113S 6 15 1 1140 4 75 19 1210 6 13 1 1010 4 75 48 1379 6 15 14 988 4 75 7 1332 5 15 22 1043 4 10 19 1236 5 li 3 1010 4 0 30 1197 5 15 38 1130 4 86 16 1316 5 13 4 1182 4 V, 22 1394 5 20 14 1103 4 85 17 1361 6 10 3 1066 t 90 18 1(00 5 30 6 1143 4 30 15 1229 6 20 33 1095 4 9') 86 120ft 5 20 9 1098 4 10 16 12SS 5 25 4 1150 4 93 18 1348 5 25 17 ICC, 4 90 1 1260 6 25 37 1087 4 W 22 1298 6 25 40 1414 6 CO 1 1340 6 25 I 1150 6 00 35 1266 5 JO 3 1033 5 00 35 1396 5 75 5 1400 6 ft) 19 1234 5 25 8 1030 6 00 38 1271 5 .15 8 1092 5 00 16 1437 5 40 IS 1153 5 () 11 1433 5 10 17 1111 5 00 19 1846 5 40 19 1077 5 00 STEERS TEXAB. 73 979 4 80 15 1065 4 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS. II 890 4 nn 10 980 4 85 16 734 4 25 7 1037 4 88 6 , 831 4 0) 35 1056 4 85 16 ...1048 4 76 23 10S1 4 30 16 ...1063 4 80 9 1101 6 00 38 703 4 80 9 1104 5 00 36 1057 4 H5 19 1146 5 20 COWS. 1 SSO 1 54 1 1110 4 00 3 803 3 26 4 1005 4 10 1 930 3 15 2 1076 4 10 1 900 3 CO 1 1080 4 10 2 750 2 50 4 1013 4 10 1 1030 3 0.5 3 1135 4 10 1 1000 2 tt l..r 1000 4 10 3 836 3 75 4 1223 4 15 1 840 3 04 1 860 4 13 1 930 3 25 6 1166 4 15 1 1290 3 25 2 1160 4 10 1 9S0 3 23 1 1340 4 20 3 1020 3 25 3 1133 4 20 1 1004 3 "5 6 1001 4 ?0 1 970 3 25 1 10S0 4 25 1 670 3 35 1 580 4 li 1 7W S 15 1 1110 4 25 1 93) 3 15 9 UU 4 25 3 1006 .1 25 1 1240 4 55 1 910 3 '.'5 6 1163 4 25 1 900 3 25 1 W0 4 25 1 , 640 3 25 13 1036 4 30 6 994 3 23 3. 1190 4 20 1 ,,..1010 3 30 3 116 4 33 1 960 3 10 1 1250 4 25 1 960 3 40 1 1320 4 5 1 980 3 50 6 923 4 10 1 1070 3 50 1 1034 4 44 1.,.., 650 3 30 1 1070 4 40 1 1100 3 50 1 1430 4 40 1 1010 3 50 1...., 610 4 40 1 1040 3 50 1 1110 4 11 1 103) 3 63 1 ll80 4 '4) 1 1184 3 75 1 1080 4 50 2 1050 3 75 3 1025 4 54 6 1054 3 75 1 930 4 f,0 3 1070 3 73 1 1170 4 50 1 1314 3 75 2 1076 4 CO 1 910 3 90 12 1213 4 60 1 1510 1 10 3 1016 4 fO 7 1010 3 90 3 732 4 fS 1 110) 1 If) 1 1404 4 C5 1 1364 1 00 4 1272 4 63 1 1220 4 CO 1 108) 4 13 STAGS. 1 1380 4 14 1 1110 4 35 1 1530 4 T5 1 1140 4 33 1 1034 I ,-J it 1384 i JO STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS, 16 6&J 3 50 1 5M 4 04 1 310 3 i 1 350 4 05 2 no 3 2 664 4 23 1 510 3 75 1 tM 4 34 4 7u J f3 4 645 64 6 Sll itl 1 730 4 6i) The last end of the market was stronger and more nctlve, so that the pens were cleared In good season. Packers seemed to want all the hogs there were here The bulk of the mixed loads sold at $5.6217, nnd the heavier weights went from $5.s5 tip. and the llgnt nogs sold mostly nt jg.p). Hogs sold today at tne lowest point since Mat' 10 111 ndviinrp nf Inst w.U I.Alnir entirely lost. Representative sales! No. M .... $2 86 64..,.. 70 21 Av, sh. Pr. 6 fO 84 6 r 4 84 5 fO .SA1 160 5 V) .327 160 5 61 .3t ... 5 64 ..201 ..125 ..198 200 124 5 60 94 214 16) 6 60 69 214 6 239 44 J 611 j 10 6 6!W 64 223 120 6 624 73 6.... 83.... 74.... 6.1. ... (.... to.... 66.... 61.... 62.... 209 264 6 62U. 4) 5 ittW .221 120 6 62H ...210 210 5"i 84 6 2'4 80 5 6"ij 80 6 2ii 40 6 ' 4 226 204 5 62i ..264 84 5 i34 243 240 5 .237 ..253 ..234 ..262 No. 13.. 69... 1?.... O.... 74,.., ff..., 79... 7..., 71..., 60.... 78... 94... 79... 35... 73... 2... 74.. 73... CI... 74... 71... 61... 14... 64... 74... 61... 53,. , IS... 76... M Av. Sh. Pr. 214 8 f2'4 .237 244 6 6214 ..249 240 6 fti, .294 ...2.M ...221 ...23.1 8 621. 44 5 t:, 54 f. 6ii 10 6 r.ii . .234 164 8 2H ..221 M 5 Ci'i 164 6 634 49 b C2l 40 6 62ib .13.3 160 8 ",214 84 6 r;4 ....223 .173 ....2(5 ....231 ...24? ....216 ....227 164 ,217 6 C14 80 5 62ti SO 6 f2li S4 5 62ij r.2'i SO 5 62i, ...234 160 5 621, ...216 30 5 (.214 ...2,57 ..373 80 5 t2, 17 214 ....24V ..304 5 bl'i. (0 5 2it 40 6 6i4 218 '200 5 C2it 2'S 40 3 T24 63. M. 65., f.... 78 76 82 74 C4...., fO 6 f3 5 65 160 6 rs ... 3 65 80 5 68 ...283 120 5 iV ...316 ... 8 rs ...243 41 5 rs ...2.11 124 5 f.S 43 161 5 S 80 S ff. 40 5 63 ..201 ..226 ..221 5 1-5 ...266 ..291 ...244 5 ..22 164 6 269 160 5 OS .. 5 65 80 & 65 6 rs 73 2J6 10 I C2', 14 238 ... 5 6H4 is ... 6 6J'fl 64 374 114 6 rs f6 233 84 6 121, 74 2(8 80 5 6.3 86 .230 80 5 61 61 243 8) 6 65 61 2.16 ... 6 62U fS 2'4 164 5 T5 21 212 80 5 62', 65 274 80 5 fS M 264 )0 6 f.1, 76 328 80 5 CJ14 81 7Z4 65 233 160 5 62', 6A. .231 80 5 62'i 67 2,57 41 214 28 22 76.. 53.. 61 229 ... 5 14 65 2JI ... S U'4 62 220 4) S 62U 81 321 2(0 f, 4 27 234 lfn 5 6S 79 240 40 6 6JI, 65 273 84 6 ti 66 208 40 f. 02'i 87 249 K) 5 6J 76 218 ... 5C2'4 M 275 164 5 63 ti 249 ... 5 f2', 61. 84.. 229 ... 6 6214 60. 83. 229 240 6 r2i, , 46 264 1 60 S 6314 1ft 258 141 216 120 3 lVj 48. 63 20 t 5 2S 61. 64 226 160 5 3'i 69 356 160 5 63 f9 345 160 5 615, 60 21 84 8 6.'I4 68.. '6 236 84 6 6214 64.. 78 226 ... 6 R2'i 73. . 23 304 0 5 621,4 62.. '0 216 84 5 6214 64.. 73 314 ... 6 fj'4 67.. 134 243 314 6 621, n. 67 278 164 8 62V, 64.. 63 214 80 5 C2 44 171 ... 5 65 63 238 80 5 '.m 59, 287 80 5 65 76 XII 160 6 62'4 64 231 ... 6 fS 63 201 ... 5 f2'4 88 227 ... IM 41 2) ... 5 2'4 11 26 SO 6 65 69. ...... .241 4) 5 CJi.j 69 278 120 5 63 66 2J4 SO 6 62, 67 287 ... 8 6.5 80 232 $0 6 6I14 34 211 ... .". 63 22 211 ... 6 2'i 6,3 263 1 60 6 65 62 243 164 5 '.2'i 61 278 84 6 65 31 215 ... 6i,2'i 74 j.51 204 6 fS 64 203 84 S 63 259 164 5 63 64 210 SO 5 625, 64 270 ... 5 6.5 73 204 180 6 3254 64 211 84 5 (5 75 230 80 5 C2V4 67 215 164 5 63 77 731 84 6 62', 63 264 67 2(( 84 6 I2'i 67 331 71 219 84 6 t:i 66 3.10 74 317 100 5 6JI4 66 181 73 318 160 5 6254 80 280 63 260 160 8 fI54 23 263 67 333 120 3 625J 40 347 108 266 240 6 621-j M 206 .267 210 5 621 63 803 .197 ... I "2'4 STEERS AND COWS. 1430 3 63 19 1357 6 23 888 4 !0 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1018 3 25 10 1036 4 26 631 3 80 2 920 4 33 960 4 10 13 1048 4 SS HEIFERS. 3 5 68 .. S 3 84 5 6.3 60 6 63 292 180 S 65 . .242 120 5 63 ..241 ... 6f.8 .,261 284 6 65 . .275 40 6 C5 ....249 ....274 ....295 ....273 66. 12.. 2. 5... 17... 4... 5 C7'l . . . 5 67' . . . 3 f-7'4 10 6 6714 44 5 674 ... SCI'i ... 5'2i4 . . . o 70 fo 6 :s iinriHThern was another heavy run of hogs here today, making the supply for the first three dnys this week the heaviest It) some little lime, Diner mami'is were nil quoted lower, and ns a result trade nnnH here n eood nickel lower than vesterdnv. with the hulk of the hogs going from $5.00 to h.K, ana tne long string at $5 6214. It was a fairly active market at those prices, and It was not long before the bulk or tne receipts cnangea nanoi, 12"". 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1...., 1.... 3.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.'.'.. 1.... 3... 1 1...., 1...., 3... , 436 3 15 96 1 S 75 700 3 90 , 706 3 90 850 4 4) 790 4 10 970 4 '4 760 4 25 . 700 . 9S0 .1070 4 25 4 75 4 23 4.... 1.... 3 1.... I.... 1...., 4.... 7.... 688 4 30 645 4 40 1015 4 10 610 4 40 1006 4 .'4 744 4 50 940 4 :o 1020 4 SO 1070 4 JO 915 4 rs 476 clipped wethers 117 Mexlcnu wethers and ewes. IS shot) 2i clipped lambs 22 native Inmbs . 211 clipped lambs 94 7 120 73 92 92 4 40 4 10 4 60 4 51 I 75 4 80 CIIICAllO l.lj STOCK MAHKU Cnttle StrmiK Ten II tuber Unit WcnU Sheep Sternly. CHICAOO, May 22 CATTLE Receipt, lb.oOO head, Including 40) hend Tcxans; steer strong to 10c higher, butchers' stock, steady; Tcxans, tlrm; good to prime steers, $.V20ii5.9."i; poor to medljm, $1 iojffi.10, slock crs nnd feeders, steady, $3.Wft3.0u, rows and heifers, $2.9CvjN.9iiJ dinners, J2.7utf3.o0; bulls, $2.Will.40; calves. $4.25ii5.W; Texns-frd steers. $l.25fi".40; Texan bulls, $2.75'il3.9). HOGS Receipts, .V,iio head, tomorrow, 30.000 hend, estimated; left ovor, 3.5i) bend. 3venk; mixed and butchers. $.i.65ff.S5; gooij to choice. 5.7Sf)3.9'): rough tienvy, J5.f.vfi." 70i light. IS.WHiJ.W; bulk of snles, $.V!4J.S .S2t SHEEP AND LAMIIH-Rccelpts, IS.ds, head; steady; clipped lambs, steady to strong; sales up to $5.20: Colorado mostly $.V.s.i; springs up to $6.75; good to cholcs wethers, $4.1041. ill; fair to choice mixed, $l,l.Vf4.40; 3Vestern sheep, $l.40ft 1.60; year lings, $l.frfif 1.76; native lambs, JI.Soy5. western Inmbs, $5.001iG.5.". DULLS. 1. 1 1 3 3 75 1220 3 18 1470 3 15 1300 3 25 930 .1 73 1010 3 40 , 1110 3 40 140 3 3) 1020 3 60 2100 3 50 1330 3 60 1150 3 65 1320 3 63 ..; fso 3 70 1230 3 73 12C6 3 75 118? 3 75 CALVES. 390 3 04 S 420 4 75 3 245 4 90 1 375 4 90 1 10 5 00 1 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1354 1180 3 15 135) 3 80 1313 3 65 1030 3 90 1834 3 94 1644 3 90 1040 4 04 1394 4 00 1654 4 10 654 4 10 1820 4 10 1634 4 10 1664 4 13 1190 4 15 Kiiiisiin ntr l.lvi' Stork llitrKet. KANSAS CITY. May 22, -CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,600 hend natives, 40) head Texan, 50 head calves; native beef steers, stendv; Texas steers nnd stockors and feeders, strong; cholco beef steers, $.V2."tf4.00, fnlr to good, 5.20i(6.70; Htockers und feeders, $3.701J 4.90; western-fed steers, $4.tWW.S5; Texntis und Indians, $4.60333.15; co5vs, M.2.5jfl.75i heifers. $.1.7M5.(v; emitters, $2.00iM.!0; bulls. $3.20114.76; calves, $4.0M6.00. HOGS Receipts, 21,000 head; market stendy to Pc lower; top. $.VS74; bulk of sales. $5.65fi.!5, heavy, $;.T.r5.; mlxod packers. $5.lV3..0; light. $5.3oG5.6.); pigs, $l.t05i6.2o. SHEEP AND LA.MHS-ltecelpts. 1.5t) hend; market strong, western lambs, $t.60.'(ji 6.50; western wethers, $l.25ff4 75; western yearlings, $4.5OtjrvU0. ewes, $.1,7ift4.25. culls, $2.75y3.f0; Texas grass sheep, 3.7Syi2o, spring Iambs, $5.C0fj6.25. HI. I. mils Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Mny 22.-CATTLE Receipts. 1.900 head. Including 600 henti Texnns; mar kot steady for natives, strong nnd 5o higher for Texntis; native .shipping nnd export stoors, $4.S5fi6.0O; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $4.3nii6.40; steers under l.ooo lbs., $3.75 W6.16; stockers unit feeders, $.1.40-1.90i cows and heifers. $2.Wjl.W; ennnors. $1 2JW2.S.). bulls, $2.85?N.2fi; Texas and Indian steer", $3,351(6.10; cows nnd helfvrs. $2.5031.25. HOGS Receipts. 7.00i) head; markel 60 lower: pigs nnd lights. $5.iVi6,70; packers, $5.60flS.7&; butchers. $5.fK.90. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 2.200 hend; market stendy; native, muttons, $l.35jr 4,70; Inmbs, $l.twtr8.So; culls and backs, $3, stockcrs, $2.555J3.0i). Kerr VnrU Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK, May 22.-UEEVE8-Re-celpts, 2,223 head; demand strong; prices ajf 10c higher, except light bulls; steers, $7.3'W 6.00; fnv oxen, $5; bulls, $3.(vy-l,25; extra fat, $4.66; cows, $2.25(54.25. Cables 5veak; ship ments, 601 head cattle, 30 head sheep nnd 8,678 quartern of beef. CALVES-Recelpts. 613 head; demand fnlr, 10ti25c higher; veals, $4.r.'Jf.76; tops. 5: little calves, $3.60; buttermllka, $3.00571.00. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 10,900 hend; sheep, stendy; Inmbs, firm; poor to prime sheep, $3.0iH.60; export grades, $1.9') 05.no; clipped lambs. $5.0035.90; culls, $4; spring lambs, $6.50ff7.50. HOOS-Recelpts. 5,053 head; market steady at Jii.riOfl6.a5. St, Joseph l.lvc Slock .Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, May 22.-(8peclal.) The Journal quotos: CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; market ac tive nnd strong to 10c higher; nntlves, $1.15 f5.66; Texas nnd westerns. $3.756.60; cows and heifers. $2.3505.00; bulls nnd stags, $2.2504.75; yearlings nnd calves, $3.76if4.85; stockers and feeders, $3.40'!74.75; 5'eals, $1.26 (Ji6.50. HOGS Receipts. &.200 head; market steady to 5c lower; all grades, $5.60li6.87',4; bulk of sales. $5.66115,75: pigs strong. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 2.500 hend; market actl5-o and steady to strong; lambs. $4.&on5.W; yearlings. $4. 25 JT 1. 75: wethers. $4.00(54.65; ewes. $3.X0ifl.l5. Stock In Slobt. The following table sho5vs the receipts of cattlo, hogs and sheep nt the four principal live siock mnrKets amy ..: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omnha. 2.590 ll.WS 4.705 Chlcngo 16.600 30.000 l'.rOO. Kansas city 4,110 zi.nw i,mi St. I.011IS 1.901) 7,000 2,200 105 6 00 125 C ro 94 0 04 ,154 6 54 130 6 50 980 3 04 . 433 2 70 .1096 2 50 . 630 2 75 970 2 75 461 3 CO 1. 1. 1... 1... 0... 1. SHEEP There was not n. 768 3 00 900 8 00 (40 3 15 610 3 25 416 8 75 190 4 00 heavy run of sheep here today, but packers did not seem particularly anxious for what was offered, riomo sales were made that looked Just about steady, while others were very slow and lower, limbs, however, were In good demand at stronger prices. There 5vere no good wooled Inmbs on sale, but the gen ernl Impression was that they would bring ns nign ns to.w. inero wrru kuuu t...H" lambs on sale and they can be quoted as high as $5.10 Buyers were a llttlo slow In paying the prices asked, hut It was evi dent they wanted the stuff. Quotations: Choice clipped wethers, $45 ?4.40; fnlr to good clipped wethers, $4,001? 4.25! cholco Clippea cwos. v.)s.uu; iuii w good clipped ewes. $3.30S3.t5; choice wooled r v, tx ivss fift- fnlr tn Bond lambs. $5. Wit 6.40; clipped lambs, $IS0S5.10: fair to good clippea iamD, m.khih."" dpi ;k " ". ffffl 00: feeder wethers. $3.504.00; feeder lambs, $4.0034.40. Representative sales: No. 8 clipped cum 15 culls 24 cull wethers 1 cull wether 226 clipped wethers Av. 66 107 77 60 95 Pr. $2 26 3 10 3 10 3 10 4 12H Totals .. 25,590 fi9,S0 ;6,f SI on City Mve Stock Mnrket. EinilV CITV 1 lv Of Srrfnl Tele. gram.! CATTLE Receipts. SOU head; mnr- KCt sieaiiy; ocaves, i.iojo.-j; cows unu bulls, mixed, $2.6OU4.40; stockers and feed ers, w.oTOi, iu; caives anil yearnngs, w.ivir 4.75. nuua-ueceipis, j.aw neac; mururt omnia loiver, selling at $5,5056.0'); bulk, $5.55, Wmil Mnrket. ST. IX5UI8, May 22 WOOI-Steady but unchanged; medium grades, 1101714c', light fine, lllrHHc; heavy line, 3lllc; tub washed, 1726c. Tetrtptione lOilO. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Boyd ft Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN, rnOVIBlOMH AND STOCKS. Board nf Trnde llalldlnfj. Direct wires to Chicago and Now York. Correspondence, John A. Warren lc Co. OLDEST) SAPESTI REST! WALL STREET Money Will Knrn HI it Monthlr Returns The Investor's Fund Pays Bcml-Monthly. The oldest established In America. No certificate-holder ever tost a cont. Pay ments made to all subscribers every 15 days. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand. Write today for particulars, free to any ttddress. C. E. MACKKY A CO., Hudson Ilnlldlntr, New York. Beaumont & East Texas Oil Go. OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS Incorporated under the Lw of the State of Texas. CAPITAL, $1,000,000 DIVIDED INTO 1,000,000 SHARK, PAR VALUE 8J1.00 EACH, KITLL PAID AND We are pleased to announee that hbm' IpIIobb kave come In o Inst as to pile, this Company on an n-red fln.n.lnl n.l., maltlnir It one of the sound, est corporations In the State of Tews, nd Its stock Instrlnslcally worth more to every holder than when first offered. It la therefore now belnsr considered by the directors whether the price should not be placed at n figure more commensurate with the actual value of the stock as a mattor of Justice to the company and Its stockholders, This will certainly be done nt the close of the present Issuo, If not before, and those who wish to get In on the ground floor should there fore avail themselves of tho opportunity while It exists. Until sneh ndvnnce Is made, however, the company will continue selling the re mainder of Its offering of 100,000 SHARES AT 50 GENTS per share, full paid up, subject to no nssesment or further call of any description. It EM EM HE It that a sham in this Company loes not mean merely a iihare In a well, but that It stands for a proportionate Interest n the entire nssets of the Company, including all Its Immense tracts of valuable oil lands. OWNING OlTIIKiHT as It does 4661 acres of such land, In the best three oil dis tricts of Texas, with a perfect title assuring nbsolulo possession, and with no royaltes to pay, there cannot be found n better opportunity to secure nn In terest In the ruinous nnd lucrative oil fields of Texas. Tho Company Is rapidly proceeding with Its operations, and Just ns anon ns the drillers with whom con tracts have been made can place their rigs upon the lands, wells wll be sunt. It Is oftlcercd and managed by practical business men, who have achieved suc cess In their own Individual lines, and ore now devoting their combined ability nnd experience to making an equnl or greater success of tho affairs of the Beaumont & East Texas Oil Co. THE CIUTM7.AT!ON of the Company is extremely low as compared with Its resources, tho dividends earned will be proportionately largo, and oh It will un questionably provn one of the richest payers In this enormously rich Held, every men Interested in the most prosperous Industry of modern times should secure shares in the Beaumont & East Texas Oil Co, Send for prospectus nnd fully detailed Information; addressing all correspondence to II. B. KIESTEH,, Secretary. n . Make all cheeks and drafts payable to order of , S. I)A IlJisOIS, Ircasr (President First National Bank of Beaumont). BEAIM0KT& EAST TEXAS OIL CO., BE1UNQIJ. TEXAS.