Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1901, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 33EE: SUyi)AY, 2VIAY 10, 11)01.
25 Per Cent Discount
Ih not necessarily high priced furniture. A casual investigation of values hero offered will
serve to dispel such an impression, and the values here mentioned may easily be termed typical
of the entire store.
Oak Extension Table
15-in. top, large iluted legs, nicely pol
ished, at .?10.50.
Quartered oak sideboard, 1S.40, pattern
plate mirror, cast brass trimmings, hand
somely carved, at 32.00.
Oak china "cabinet, round ends, French
legs, stands over live feet high, at ?24.00.
Keclining go-cart, golden oak, enameled
gear, rubber tires and brake, upholstered in
velour or tapestry, near-silk parasol, at 9.75.
Mahogany dresser, serpentine front.shaped
legs, large pattern plate mirror, at 22.00.
All braHS bed, extension foot, English la
quored, 4-ft. 0-in. size, at 22.50.
Don't forget our sale of Louwolsa bric-a-brac.
ONE-FOUimi OFF of the regular
marked price.
on all Louwelsn,-wara
In the store. Vases,
Jugi, Jardlnlers, Um
brella Holders, etc.,
nothing reserved
"Louwclsa" Is simply
another immo for
ltookwood tho most
popular ware of the
day. Another oppor
tunity of this Kind
may never present It
self again. Take ad
vantage of this. 0NK
FOUKTH from tho
marked price.
3-pce. mahogany par
lor suit, Inlaid frame,
cholco of design, up
holstered In silk ta
pestryat $2250
Dewey & Stotie Furniture Company,
1115-1117 Faritam Street.
Gov. Renfrow says
Is a great discovery.
Indorses Dandcrlne.
fjovrrnor Ilenlrow.
The Governor's Indorsement:
Joplln, Mo., May 5
Knowlton Dnndcrlno Co., Chicago Dear
Plrs: Dandruff, loss of hair and an In
tensely Itching scalp havo been a source
of great annoynnco to mo during tho past
five years. I havo tried many so-called
remedies, hut not until I tried DAN
DKniNB did I llnd relief. Danderlno gave
Immediate relief and effected a permanent
cure. I consider It a great discovery. It
Biirely docs all you claim. Most respect'
W. C. Renfrow.
Dnnilerlnc rxcltrn the iidmlrnt Inn of
rvery mic who trim It, adultly lici-nuxr
It In nlimilnlHy reliable unit the wri-nt
rut luilr nnil senlp vltnltaer that linn I
ever lie-on produced.
Tho following directions will be of In
terest to every user of this great tonic:
In cases of baldness pour tho liquid .n the
palm of tho hund and apply It to tho scalp
onco a day, twice If necessary, rubbing it
lightly. After tho hair starts to grow
discontinue tho nibbing. In those (.ases
where tho scalp haa becomo very thin and
shiny saturato a llannel cloth with Dan
derlno and bind it on tho head, lotting It
remain over night; keep this up for two or
threo weeks. In cases whoro the hair Is
thin and falling apply tho tonic by pouring
It In tho hand and patting It In Instead
o'f rubbing. Always apply a sufllclent
amount to thoroughly saturate tho scalp.
Tho moro you uso the quicker and greater
tho results wilt be. If you will keep these
directions nnd follow them wo will guar
anteo you a moro beautiful head of hair
than you ever possessed In your life, 'this
guaranty applies to any one old or young.
Wo. know that Danderlno Is tho greatest
discovery of Its kind over made and we tako
pride In placing our gunranty back of It.
Oct a 25-ccnt bottlo from your drugijtst
nnd uso It according to directions nnd If
It does not do oxactly what wo say go
to the same druggist and get your money
back. Wo have mado arrangements with
nil druggists to refund the price when tho
demand Is mado for same nnd they will
do It. Full particulars with every bottle.
We also guarantee Danderlno not to chango
tho natural color of tho hair. For sale by
drug and tollot stores In threo sizes 23c,
60c and $1.00 per bottle.
The Knowlton
Danderine Co.,
A Well-Known Traveling Man,
Icllsorilis success with Dun
tlcrlnc in a Very Nice Letter
Herewith Reproduced.
Fred MeAdnma.
Read what Mr. McAilams has to say:
Milton Junction. Wis.. Jan. 29, 1901,
Knowlton's Dandcrlne Co. Dear Sirs; I feel
that I ought to till you what your Danderine
haii done tor mc. Nix months ao my hair com.
Omaha Delegation Participates la Iwa
Meeting at Dei Koines.
Iloone Tr.ini I'rin" Itself Ulllclent nml
C'nrrlpi Ann the CliiimpliiMnlilii
Honors Notra from Ynrlou
Tho delegation of Omaha bowlers which
went over to Dcs Moines Wednesday to
participate In the annual meeting of the
Iowa Stato Howlers association, didn't
bring home any prizes. As a matter of fact
tlio local men didn't expect to win the
victory because tho crowd which went over
was composed of enthusiasts who were able
to get off for the day and no preliminary
arrangements had been mado for the event.
The Boone team, which won the cham
pionship over all the Iowa teams, met a
team competed of the Omaha men lu two
gomes Wednesday afternoon and evening
and tho llawkoycs won both. The scores on
both sides were very bad. During the
w-holc tournament there was not a single 20)
score made. Omaha was represented by F.
J. Conery, Herman Ueselln, Charllo Zarp,
Al Krug, Charlie Seaman, W. II. Emery
and William Kerner.
"Tho team representing Omaha didn't
expect to do much at Des Moines," said
Mr. Kerner. "Wo went over more for a
good tlmo nnd to meet tho Iowa bowlers
than anything else. We didn't havo a regu
lar team and none of us bowled In very
good form. I didn't notice any great Im
provement In tho Iloone team, which car
ried away all tho honors. When this same
team bowled In Omaha last winter nil of
tho local teams which were pitted against
It won easily.
"Before wo left Des Moines I mado a
proposition to tho Iloono fellows to pick
a team from tho men who woro present
from Omaha and bowl a scries of threo
games, one In Omaha, one In Boone and ono
In some other placo to bo selected by tho
team getting the highest number of pins
In tho first two games. I offered to mako
a side bet of any amount up to $1,000, but
tho Boone men didn't want any of our
game. We had a nlco time, though, and
that's all wo went after."
'Ulllle" Inches and "I'lumbcr" Read each
won prizes at Clark's alleys last week for
high tenptn scores. Inches had a score
of 278 and "Plumber" Head had 26G chalked
up to his credit.
Charllo French mado a scoro of 106 at
seven-up nt Clark's alleys last week. Ho
has a cinch on the monthly prlzo for tho
high scoro at seven-up for his chalk mark
is two points ahead of tho former high
alley scoro.
Miss Elsie Metz's score of 147 at tenpins
In still high for tho ladles' prlzo at the
Gate City alleys.
W. B. Sheldon's score of 266 at tenpins
In high for tho monthly prize at the Oato
City alleys. Teddy Neal has a score of
73 at flvo back and expects to win a prize
J. J. Bcrger has tho top scoro at nine'
pins at Clark's alleys this week. Ills chalk
mark Is ten, tho highest post'ble score at
the game.
High tenpln scores at the local alleys
this week follow:
Gate City Allcys-W. H. Wlsen
210: Kit Carson. 215; C. B. Brlden
becker, 207, 203, 203; E. M. Tracy, 202; II,
E. Mahaffoy. 241; Harry Itocd, 207; Dr,
Bishop, 200; W. S. Sheldon, 203, 214, 207,
266; Charles Seaman. 200, 215, 238, 220, 203
232, 246; II. I,. Fowler, 201, 204; W. Hartley,
!4; Ben Both, 200; O. R. Nelson. 210
John Yocum, 204. 211, 200, 226; II. W. Leh
man, 200; W. C. Noloon, 205, 214; Herman
Beselin. 211, 225; P. P. Droxel, 209.
Clark's Alloys F. J. Bengele, 215, 205
222; W. H. Stapcnhorst, 223, 211; D. L
Stanton, 218; B. W. ChrUtle, 203; 'Frank
Fogg. 219; Captain Gutmann. 221; Frank
Mnhoney, 207; W. W. Hartley, 20S; A. Colo,
202, 211, 203, 233, 202, 211, 204, 201. 233, 246
'Plumber" Read, 233, 202, 242, 211, 205, 202,
266; II. C. Yost. 202, 210, 221; R. N. Bur
f snortlnc events were nrraneed between
Msar mill Nelson schools. In the first
six events, standing Jump, running lump,
one hundred-yard dash, tifty-yard dash nul
hammer throw Nelson won first Tho high
running Jump was a tie and the shotput
was won by I.Munr. The total score was
71 to IS In favor of Nelson. This Included
tho ball game, which counted twenty-live
meiieed to come out, and In a short time was gess, 225, 233; W. T. Abell, 224, 205: B. V
nearly nam. i was obliged to wear a wis. I Kcaglo, 213, 203; James Smead, 203; Bllll
without any help. Was advised by my druu- Anibruster. 20S; M. n. Huntington, 206,
gist, here to usa Dandcrlne. I purchased a hot- 204, 223, 212, D. 1). Skinner. 203; Tom Roy
. Sn T .n ana alter usinif it one noid8( 20J . W. C. Nelson, 200; W. A. Bow
my fourth bottle and my hair 'nt the present man' 229' 2l1' 20. 233. F- . Bushnell
time Is over live Inches lone, clossy nnd curly, 208; Charles Seaman, 201; U. P. DavlBon
where It was dmd looking and straight before. 200. Ri A Maguey. 207; W. W. Inches
annoyed me. I cannot speak too highly of your
Danderine. wIshlnK you unlimited succcbs, I
remain yours, very respectfully,
203; John Yooom, 20G; Walter Llngafclt
200: W. S: Sheldon. 203; Ornver Rmif.Y
Chicago to Buf f alo (S?oS"n)
will mak Ballings tw ee a week between CHICAGO. DETROIT, CI.KVKI.ANn
and llUKPALO throughout tho season. Every SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY
at 2:30 P. M. from CHICAGO: and every TUESDAY and SATURDAY at 10:15
1. M. from BUFFALO. First sailing from Buffalo Juno U. from Chicago June
15. This trip by tho Great Lakes, calling at Milwaukee. Harbor Springs, Mackl
nao Island (4 hrs. ashore where connection Is made with ono of tho finest boats
Of the company tor uuiutn ana tsauu me, aiariej, win oe wio mem w- ui ynw
hi it tho Imposition, combining an tno tonic anu rest or an occimi
smooth water. Equipment. Appolntmonta and Culslno equal to
Trans-Atlantic Liners. Write for particulars to
voyage in
the finest
W. M. Lowrie, G. P. A., Buffalo, N. Y.
Intending visitors to the Tan-American
Exposition may secure lu udvanco superior
accommodations ut either of tho Apartment
American or European plan. Jl.Ou per day
and up.
r. II. UuUblim. na-5.1 Brie Co. Dank,
JJuflulo4 Ji, .Y, , .
If So, See Us.
Trunks, Traveling Bags,
Largest und finest line In city.
Omaha Trunk Factory
1200 Knrusm St., Omaha, Neb.
(Made Her Happy.
The none may make or mar tho beauty of
any face. If homely or deformed It oannot
be htdStn or atoned for by any other feature!
attractions. And Ita rerr prominence ren
ders It of rltal Importance, and when well
molded and symmetrical lends beauty and
distinction to the whole countenance. It de
formed from birth, wrecked by accident, un
dermined by disease or 111 health, distorted
and outlawed by excesses, or If It Is a pug
nose, a duidous nose, a numpM, crooked or
roman nose, a broad, flat or narrow nose. If
up-iutea or over-hanging. If too long or too
short, no matter which. I can remodel and
transform It Into a thing of beauty and r
loy rorerar by my IMlnless Scientific Method
which I hare emDlored successfully for mnrr
than thirty years with the moat iratlfylnc
If anrthtne U wrong with your features or II
your sun. scnip or completion Is not fast riant
can or writ me, and If the nam of this paper li
liven I will ndTlse you, without charm, how U
proceed to obtain clear-cut, shapely lea turn, i
elun, healthy scalp and lustrous hair, a smooth
clear, natural skin and br litis nt complexion,
without wTlokt, pimp!, spot or blemish. Con
sultatloo In person or by Utter Is free and strict!;
KM STATE ST., Cor. Mottroe, CHICAGO.
Unsc llnll tSnmc HotMrcii Lincoln mi
Oiunlin is (lie Chief
Rvcnt. '
Wt-n ill anil .1lali--i rawt Time III Hur
dle Unco at Crete Truck.
Itav lS.-fSneelal Tele
collect) track team mot
tho UnUcrslty of Nebraska truck team this
pram. ) Tho Doane collect) tracV
afternoon on the Crete Athletic nark,
Doane colleco nnd university students were
nrosetit In koo-1 numbers. A latKe number
of students catni from Lincoln.
f Doane won the la and liM-ynnl hurdles
by n wide m.irctn. Wendlund In the LV-
arii nuruie race orotic uie sinte reci'iu,
lis tlmo belnc 0:17 1-6. The mile run was
wnn liv Mtlnilnrf nt l.lnr.nlii In lln. atvle.
The l6o-yurd dash, won by Ireland of
Doane, was a pretty race. The day was on
Ideal one for tho event and tho track was
In tine condition, Totnl number of points
were: Doane, f0',s; University of Nebraska,
Hi fill
0; Boss
CuUcKe fiiinic.
At Belnlt. Wis. Helolt colleee.
verslty of WUronsIn, 3.
At Trrre Haute. Hid. Butler,
oiyiecnmc, s.
At lJtinyeiie. iiui. ruruue, ij l-iiicuro. 3,
At Lawrence, Kan, Ottawa university,
; Kansns university, 5.
At Culver. Ind.-Culver. IS: Wabash, 10,
At rrlnccton Princeton, t; OeurKciown,
At rhlladelnhln-llarvard. 10: l'cnnsyl-
,-nnla, 3,
At Annnnolla west mint culctx. 1.
Naval rudets, 3,
At lthaoa Cornell, 3; Michigan, 5.
l'lrlil Day fur Ailmni Sellout.
ADAMS. Neb.. Mav 18.-(Hneclnl-YeR-
terdny .wus Held day for th.s Adams schools.
ho following contests wero won: Ono mile
run, Roy Hryson; nuarter-mllo bicycle
raco, Chnrlcs 8choettler; standing Jump,
ruunliiK Jump iitnl hop, skip nnd jump,
Sankey Bacon: shotnut and stnndlni: lunin.
Clnudo Waters; stamlliiK Jump nnd potnto
race, Bert CuttliiK. In the bate ball came
which followed the IIIkIi school won from
tho business men, St to II.
M- .j sOrM
C Cpecsals for Monday (
m lS An array of trade winning specials uoli as
V litis never bxn offuwl bjf iro awatt yon At thi storo torn jr row f
A Md, wjijrrstivc movo by tw o of our buyer hiu put usi in io?o9slon
of grcnt quantities of tho io. ((;i5 in Imno fat tiihln-' it ml wo now
pltioo tho ontiro lot on 311I0 ivlii- ou ih a-fr tiWuy,: of w mantorftil
ti iido niiitilpulutlon -onublinjr y)u to buy ipod horo tomorrow ut just
about ono-hulf.
White Enameled Iron Bed-on sale tomorrow S189
This chair exactly like cutgolden
iinish wood seat
full size seat and
back worth any
where $1.00
on sale to
n. ft
0 a
legs )
nun CI11I1 lit Trkiiiiiitli.
TBKAMAH. Neb.. May lS.-(Si.eolal.l-A
(tun club was orKanlzeil here last nli?ht
with thirty members. The olllcers nro: Dr.
u. a. iiaver. president; ii. 1. wins, treas
urer: J. M. Crowell, secretary.
Shudders nt Ills Pnst,
'I recall now with horror," says Mall
Carrier Burnett Mann of Lcvanna, O., "my
threo years of sufferlnc from kidney trou
ble. I was hardly ever free from dull
nches or acute pains In my back. To stoop
or lift mall sacks mado mo fjroan. I felt
tired, worn out, about ready to give up,
when I bcrjan to uso Klectrlc Bitters, but
six bottles completely cured mo nnd made
me feel llko a new man." They'ro un
rivaled to resulato stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels. Perfect satisfaction Runran-
tecd by Kuhn & Co, Only 50 rents.
Fashions for the Season
, .t)
Hints by Mnry I.11111I1.
It you he small, vttk org n,
lost iwwer or weakening drains,
our vacuum Orym PeTSlojier will
rulore you without drur or
ltlrlcltTi TS.OO In umi not on
(allure 1 not on rsturne rt 1 no c. o. v. traua 1 wniaror
ltr rarllrulars. lent !! In plain nTlop.
LOCAL jPfUWl C0...1II Titts lls,tllllll(ll 1 of
Nest Special Surrlcal Date Mosdar, Jao J,
to Saturday, Jun9-at which tlsoe Dermatol,
oglrt Woodbury's Chief New York flurreoa
will bt at bU Chlcaf fflc. Call r write.
nn 1 nomo improved
Ukii LUDD O compound
nst Hti. it y. iHKaHi er youth.
laitt Hsnl; Htn. lTlc BOr. boi, ttioxfs
fbl Mouey refunded lfnotsllsfcU)ry. ilj mail
on receipt of price. Samples free. Address
n. 11 ill I .LL Teara'ContlnUous Practloa
Ul.n.n.L'JUU UUM N.lOth St.PB.tlaul'IV
Bold by hrrm&n c McConnell Pms; C ,
A trame of baso ball between the teams
or tne Lincoln nnd uma ia n cli school
was tho feature of the Omaha Hlch
scnoors annual neiu aay Saturday after
noon at tho old exposition raco track, Thoro
was a well lllled Krandstand and tho camo,
as well as the various events of tho cinder
pat 11, aroused Rreat enthusiasm. Thero
has been a snlrltcd rlvalrv between the
ivincoin ana umana teams ror several years,
111a Kumc was iosi to uncoin uy r
score of B to 11. but there was somo excel
icni piayinir on 00111 sines.
t'nrticuiuny lino records wero mado in
soma of tho truck events, which were as
101 lows:
Ono hundred-yard dash H. Reed won.
B. Benson second. C. Secrlst third. Tlmo:
Polo vault II. Lehmor, 8 feet 10 Inches;
II. Packard, 8 feet 8 Inches.
Hlch lumn-II. Chorrlncton. B feet: II.
Wallace, J. Crowley and II. Pierce tied at
i feet W Inches,
Two hundred and twentv.vnnl ilnnh O.
"Wlglncton won, C. Secrlst second, B. Ben
son iniru. iimc; 1-0.
Half-ml e run J. weir won. F. Town-
send oecond. Time: 2:14s;.
Two hundred nnd twentv-vanl hurdle
II. Heed won, P. Hawley second. Time:
iiroaa jump u. ieiimcr, 16 feet 7 Inches;
II. Pierce, 16 feet 6 Inches.
Hlch hurdles C Lehmer won P. wem.
her second. Time; 0:18 2-5,
Four Hundred anu forty-yard run U.
Secrlst won. H. Packard second. Town-
send third. Time: 1:01.
Shotnut. 12 pounds ir. Wnrahow. S3
feet 9 Inches; C. Tinnier, 31 feet 4 Inches.
uno mno run 11. wntntr won, . Suth
erland second, J. AVoIr third
Tne uall gamo was niaved ilurlntr the
trnck events, Omaha made tlvo runs in the
tlrst nnd second Innings, after which Lin
coln's splendid little battery allowed only
kooso f Rgs. Up to tho eighth Inning
Truelson of Omaha pitched n beautiful
game nnd allowed his opponents to register
but ono run. that In the second. In the
eighth and ninth he went to pieces, allow.
111K jiucuiu iu rcuia ten runs, cnoucn to
win tho gnine, 11 to 5.
Tho came was nlaycd In thn intiphl of
the rncecourfe. Wlllctl had been nlnnrllPil
and rolled for tho occasion and pretty
plays wero almost impossible. Tho scoro:
Lincoln 01000005 511
Omaha 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 05
Umpire: v. Englehard,
Hunt V. M. C. A." CI11I..
Tho tirellmlnary ball came between the
first Young Men's Christian nssoclntlon
learn nnu inn clUU
resulted In n victory for tho lntinr nrlf.
coll of the Leo-Glass-Andreeson club made
a, nome run, ocoru:
L. G. A n 0 0 0 3 2 ft ft ft 5
V. 31. W. A... UUU1Q0300 i
Batteries: Y. M. C. A.. DnvMnnn nnd
uarr; n. u. a., .eu unu ioe.
Cri-lKlitoua AVI 11 Out,
In the Eamo between th Prolphtnn
Juniors and the B. & M employes the
features wero the pitching of o'llnnlon
nnu 1110 DuiuiiK 01 viissiay. Tlie score
Crelghlon 1 1 2 0 4 2 0 5 5-20
II. K M I i 5 0 2 1 0 114
1'ilunr Sehimla Vlulnrlona,
NELSON. Neb.. Mav 18 HnrnlnI t1b
gram.)-Today, .was Hold day, and a etrlci
Hed Koom
mirror 3-pieeesil OQ
011 sale toinorrovllOw
400 woven wire springs
for iron or wood beds
hardwood frames, worth
1. 50 on sale
500 kitehen tables oak base
bolted on 2SX'1'2 inch top
on sale tomorrow
Suit well
bevel plate yii
legs i
98c I
at:- jt&. -jti v
65 Refrigerators Gurney make, worth $10, sale tomorrow $5.90
200 Dangler Gasoline Stoves, worth $4, on sale tomorrow $2.25
100 ltockcrs golden
seat, highly polish
ed worth $1.00
on sale to
oak cobbler
Kxtonslon Table top 42x4
solid golden oak
massive legs
worth $11011 sale
Couches upholstered
colors velour
guaranteed spring
construction on
sale tomorrow ..
In various
Mantle Folding Beds golden oak-
supported steel
bprlngs, worth
$20, on salo tomorrow
UOds goiucn oaa
Heywood and Wakefield Baby Car
riages tipholstcrec
In assorted pat
terns crctons with
parasol tomorrow
icneiu jiany wir-
Kitchen Safe well finished
roomy well worth
$4.00 on salo to
morrow for
i nnisued
500 rolls Jnpaneso Matting linen
warp assorted colors
and patterns worth
35c on salo to
morrow ,
ing nncn
5,000 yards heavy all wool Ingrain
Carpot this season's
latest colorings nnd
patterns on salo
Suits and Millinery
Great closing out salo of our ladies' tailor-made suits.
8757 Eton Jaokot,
32 to 40 In. butt.
3788 Five-Gored Skirt,
22 to 32 In. waist.
Eton Jacket, No. 8757. Five-Gored Skirt
with Band Flounco, No. 3788 Russian bluo
kid finished cloth Is as charming a material
as any the spring has to offer. The taste
ful and elegant walking costume Illustrated
exemplifies It made on tailor lines, with
a tiny vest of whlto silk and collar faced
with panne of a deeper blue. With It are
worn a shirt waist of white taffeta nnd
hat of flue straw and black chiffon, with
trimming that combines bluo and black
Various materials might, however, be sub
stituted, Chovlot, tweed, homespuu and
nil tho woolen suiting materials are ad
mlrablo for the design, and such heavy cot
ton and linen fabrics as duck, pique and the
llko aro In every way appropriate.
Tho smart little Eton belongs to the belted
variety and Is exceedingly fashionable as
well as generally becoming. Tho back Is
smooth and Is Joined to the fronts by under
arm gores, Tho fronts are fitted snugly to
tho darts, but beyond that point nro elong
ated to form short stoles and fall free. Tho
narrow vest Is stitched to tho fronts at
the dart-line, Included In tho neck and j
shoulder seams, and blouses slightly over
tho belt, but can bo omitted when the
Jacket is preferred plain, Tho belt that Is
worn around tho waist passes under tho
stoics and Is attached only to tho vest. Tho
flvo-gored skirt has tho great advantage of
never going out of stylo, Tho model Illus
trated Is made with stitched scams and In
cludes tho latest novelty In the bund flounce
that completes tho lower edge. Tho front
goro Is narrow nnd gives tho desired taper
ing effect to tho figure. Tho wider side
gores aro smoothly fitted with hip darts
and tho fullness nt the back U laid In an
lnvortcd plait.
To cut this gown for a woman of medium
slzo 0 yards 32 Inches wide, 614 yards 41
Inches wide, or 5 yards 50 Inches wide, will
be required, with yard for vest; to cut
tho Jacket alone, 3?i yards 21 inches wldo,
2 yards 32 inches wldo, 1 yards 44 Inches
wide, or Itt yards 60 inches wide, with Si
yard for vest; to cut tho skirt alono 8 yards
32 tncheB wldo, 5U yards 44 Inches wldo, or
5 yards 60 Inches wide.
The Eton pattern, No, 3767, Is cut In sizes
for a 32, 34, 30, 38 and 40-Inch bust mens
Tho skirt pattern, No. 37S8, Is cut In
sizes for a 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32-lnch
waist measure.
For the accommodation of The Bse'i
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from 26 to 60 cents, will bo furnished
at a nominal price, lu cents, which covers
all expense. In order to get any pattern
enclose 10 cents, give number and nam
of pattern wanted and bust measure. Al
low about ten days from dato of your letter
before beginning to look for the pattern.
JA44ft5 Fkttera Department, Omaha Bm,
2.98 J
worth $10.vv-us ladles' tallor-mado
suits In blnck or colored Jackets
lined with good quality silk closing
out at $2.93,
worth up to $20.00 16S flno Indies'
tallor-mado suits, u great many silk
lined throughout, In nil tho latest ef
fects otons, boleros or blouses, tho
materlnls nro lino brondc loths, roverts, Venetians
or chovlots closing out p rlco $4. OS.
600 Leghorn lints, trimmed In chiffon,
lilacs und roses, with largo
buckle worth $ti.S0
our prlco
1,000 ladles' sailor nnd walking hats,
worth up to $3.50
on salo
l,uX Indies' shirt waists, slightly soiled
worth $1.00
on salo
4"i pi yp,
Jin Hi t JiTi...
If you want to save money on your piano purchase, then you
will not fail to visit Hayden Jlros' piano department, as we haw
the largest line of standard pianos in the city. Every piano
guaranteed to give good satisfaction or money refunded. We
carry a complete line of Chickering, Fischer, Franklin, Jacob
Doll, Haines, Marshall, & Wendall, and twenty other makes to
select from. Catalogues furnished to out-of-town customers on
application. New pianos for rent. JManos tuned, moved and
repaired. Telephone 3G83.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-