Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Sick Made Well
Weak Made Strong
Marvelous Elixir of Life Dis
covered by Famous Doctor
Scientist that Cures Ev
ery Known Ailment.
Wonderful Cures Are Effected
that Seem Like Miracles
Performed The Secret
of Long Life of Olden
Times Revived.
Till Iteiiiody In I'rrv to All Who Semi
Name mill Address,
After yearn of patient study, nnd delving
Into tho dusty records of the past, n well
as following modern experiment In the
renlms of medical science, Dr. James W.
Kldd, 161 First National Hank building,
Kort Wayne, Ind., makes the startling an-
nounccment that he has surely discovered
tha elixir of life. That ho Is able with the
ntd of a tnystorloiiH compound, known only
to himself, produced as a result of thn
years hu him spent In searching for this
precious llfe-glvb-ig boon, to euro any and
every disease that Is known to tho human
body. Thorn Is no doubt of the doctor's
earnestness In making his claim and the
remarkable cure that ho Is dally effecting
eeom to hear him out very strongly- Ills
theory which ho advances Is one of reason
nnd bncd on sound experience In a medical
jiractlco of many years. It costs nothing to
try his remarkable "Kllxlr of I.lfo," as ho
calls. It, for ho sends It free to any one who
Is a sufferer. In stuilclcnt quantities to
convince of Its ability to cure, so there Is
absolutely no risk to run. Some of the
cures cited arc very remarkable, and but
for reliable witnesses would hardly bo
ci edited. Tho lamo havo thrown away
enaction and wnlkcd about after two or
thrco trials or tho remedy. Tho sick, given
up by homo doctors, havo been restored to
their families and friends In perfect health.
Ilhuuinatlsn', neuralgia, stomach, heart,
liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases and
bladder troubles disappear as If by magic.
Headaches, backaches, nervousness, fevers,
consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, ca
tarrh, bronchitis and all affections of
the throat, lungs or any vital organs
nro easily overcomo In a spaco of tlmo
that Is slmnly marvelous. It nurlilps tho
entire system, blood nnd tissue, restores
normal nerve power, circulation nnd a
mate or perrcct health Is produced at once.
To thn doctor all svstcms nm nllltn nn.i
equally affected by this great "Kllxlr of
Life." Sond for the remedy todny. It Is
free to every suffurcr. 8tato what you
want to bo cured of and tho sure romody
tor It will bo sent you free by return mall.
This is What You Want
to Do.
Get Some Good, Puro Blood in Your
Veins, Flesh on Your Hones.
This is How You Can Do
it Take
Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure
Spring Is tho tliuo to build up, got
Btroup, purify your blood, regulate your
bowels, tono up your stomach nnd feel
healthy nnd Cramer's great scientific
prepnrntlou Is tho remedy that sets peo
pie right
A course of treatment with this grent
remedy will be quickly felt as well nt
eeen by others In tho Improved anncar
unco of the pntlent Not only does It
restore the kidneys to healthful actlvltv
and purify tho blood, but It does much
to keep the bowels healthy nnd cuablo
them to do their share In dispelling nil
wnste tissue
It acts on the stomach which hns, In
sympathy, beomo deranged, and helns
this organ in its mission of nourishment
If you fear kidney trouble, you will
make no mistake In taking Cramer'i
Kidney and Liver Cure.
OMAHA, Neb., April 22, 1901.
Albany, New York.
I feel it my duty to the Cramer Cheml
cal Co. nud to all who are suffering
from kidney trouble to thank the Cramer
Co. for their graud, good medicine, for I
think it saved my life. I had been 111
n loug tlmo ami it seemed could get no
relief pains and aches all through mv
body and at nights tho pains wero so
Bcrcrv I could not sleep. As a police
omcer and being compelled to walk al
most continuously, I was compelled to
give up my position. 1 employed differ
ent doctors, took every mtnlleluo I miw
advertised, but got no relief till I began
taking your medicine. I had taken but
three bottles wheu I began to feel bo
tor, and after taklug live bottles in all
am uow nee irum an pnm, work every
uay auu uouesuy believe I am a well
man. 1 feel perfectly safe lu rocom
meuulng your metlloluo to any oue in
need of u remedy that I kuow will cun
In order that thoso who wish run uu, r,,.
themselves the truth of tho assertion thut
Cramer's Is the greatest kidney remedy in
tno worm touuy, u inoj win nm uieir no.
I .i .
of cost, a sample bottle. If you cannot go
fS. I., mey win no rimi. uusumu'iy free
Cramer s manor uure irom your uruggist
vend 11,00 to the western agent Crame
Chemical Co., Omaha, who will send you a
bottle ly express, prcpaiu, insist on nuv
lug Cramer's Kidney Cure. Ttake no sub
Albany, New York
Superior to Aplol, Tuny, Pennyroyal or Steel.
Sure Roller or Pain and Irregulari
ties Peoullir to the Sex.
Aplollno Cipiulei for three monibi coft $1.
DrojgUt or I. O. Box 8061 .-flew York.
Ohio GHdii Down th Wji nd Plnngei
Into the Water.
Miss llnrlior Presses llntton, Mlsa
Deshlcr Smashes Mottle of Chnni
liiilKli nnd Ills; Wnr Ship Takes
I'lrst Dl l Into the Sen.
(Continued from First Pago.)
wife, presented tho president the esteem of
the workmen with a gold plate engraved
with a suitable Inscription.
Auditor Art- Aroused.
The president's rcsnonso aroused much
enthusiasm. He told his audience of his
friendship for the worklugmen during his
cntlro public career nnd touched the hearts
of the surging crowd before him as he spoko
eloquently of tho patriotic response which
California had mado during tno hpnnisn
war. .Many eyes wero wet nnd more than
ono of the workmen made a suspicious
movement with his coatslecvc ns If to brush
away on unhidden tear. When tho piesl
dent spoko of tho contentment of the work
ing classes there was ono discordant note. A
big strapping fellow, perched upon an ad-
Jncont scaffolding with his mind full of tho
threatened strike, shouted: "How about
next week?" A hundred of his companions
looked up nnd motioned to him to cease.
Tho president's speech was as follows:
Worda to WorkliiKmen.
Mv i.vilnw rMMions: I nm Inexnrcsslbly
thankful to the Htiler or us nil for His
goodness and his mercy, which have mado
it posslblu for mo to bo with you hero
today. ...
tin nti'o rnn stand surrounded by tho
wnrkmpn nf this crpat establishment with
out recall I iik tho splendid work done by the
Binpn you navo njiicipu aim ineir priceless
services to tho country.
I want to thank you men of the Union
Iron works for your assistance In the de
fense of our common country. 1 wnnt to
thnnk volt for hiivlnu hllllded shins for
maintaining the glory of the United States.
I was sorry indeed not to nave noon at tno
unveiling of the monument tiny before yis-
leruay, creoieu ny a ueHcenuam oi I'oicr
Donnhuc. who founded the Union Iron
works and dedicated to tho mechanic? of
tho cltv of Han Francisco. 1 should havo
liked to pay that honor to ono who founded
theso great works works that havo been so
successfully carried on by Mr. Scott and
mil unsociaics ami mat nave mnue tno
fame of tho Union Iron works world-wide.
i uoni want a snip in tno American navy
milt this vear to bo nnv hotter than thn
Ohio. (Laughter and applause.) I say that
io you among ourselves. (Lnugnter.) i cay
It to you workmen who nro going to build
It, for 1 havo a grent deal of pride In tho
Old 8tnte. (Annlausn.l I havo a crcat deal
of pride In tho name, but proud ns I am of
my nnuvo siaic, i am a thousand umes
moro proud of the nation that Is over nil
the states (great npplause) supremo nnd
HOVCrelcn and clnrlmiH In tin mission nf
goodwill nnd liberty to all mankind. (Ap
plause and threo cheers for Ohio.)
What wo need Is moro such ships, AVo
ought to have a good commercial line from
hero to tho Philippines, mado by the l,nlon
nun ui n.t-imuKiucrj-uuia uy American
workmen nnd manned hv American finllnra
and carrying tho American Hag. tAp
plause.) Thero Is nothing In this world
that brings peoplo so closo together ns
commerce. There Is nothing In this world
that so much represents tho universal
brotherhood of man as commerce, nnd wo
want to cncotirngo commerce. Tho nations
aro closo tOKClncr now. Tho nntvora nf lin
earth nro tied together. We have overcomo
i mmiice. o noi oniy wnnt a commercial
lino, but wo wnnt a cable lino from heru to
the Philippines. (Applause.) Wo want It to
bo nn American cable (applause) that
cannot bo cut by any power in tho world.
(Annlnuse.) Thnv snv trmtn rnllntvu il...
flag-. Tho telcgTaph must follow trade. (Ap-
firrnt Problem. Ucforc Hu.
Mv fellow citizens, we havo crnnt nrnh-
lcms before us. Wo never .had more Im
portant ones. Wo have expanded. Do you
want to contract? (Cries of "No!") It Is
not a ruination of whether wn will npnnli".
tho Philippines, or Porto Illco, or Guam, or
Wnko Island, or Hawaii, or tho Utuall. You
have acquired them. They aro ours. Tho
question Is, Shall wo glvo them up. (Gen
eral cry of "No!") And from ono end of
this country to the othor comes tho answer.
...u i.u.o, iiui lu OUUJUKillU, UUL IO
emancipate; not to rulo In tiio power of
might, but to tnko to thoso distant people
tho principles of liberty, of freedom of
conscience and of opportunity that aro cn-
jnyiMj uy i no people or tno united States.
(Great applause.) Our flag never goes any
where except It carries blessings. (Ap
plause.) Our flag never oppressed anybody,
but It has given freedom to every people
over whom it hns lloated. (AnnlausoA
Haying said this much, I only want to
thank you all for this most rnrdi ill n'nl.
omo. I nm glad again to meet tho work-
iih.ui.-ii ui my tuuniry. All my public Ufo
haa been devoted In nttnrt tn d..!,-... i.
worklngmen tho best opportunities, tho best
wi.uu-u 1U4 pnu wages nnu steady em
ployment. (AmilailSlVl Wlimi lnl.r... f .ll
employed tho country Is Fare, and when
labor Is w;ell employed there Is contentment
nnd happiness In the homes of tho laboring
uf.'.1: .1" us ii0 our (,u,v' tho Kreat public
duty that confronts us; lot tm do it walking
humbly before God. dealing; Justly and
mercifully and always nsklng for His favor
unu guidnncc.
i.e. mo say that I shall carry this beauti
ful souvenir of tho employes of tho Union
ron workn with me and It shall abide- with
me so lone ns 1 llvo nn.t .v.,.n i. 'i'J
'.?.w-as .no ,ot. tha direst tokens I havo
J:v,r.v,r,?.ciel.v.c.d from m'v rellow countrymen,
(bnthuslastlc npplause.)
Then the Launching.
Then camo tho launching.
hnd been built around tho prow of the
big Iron monstor, which lay In the very
slip In which tho famous Oregon was built
and from which President "Harrison
launched tho monitor Monterey ten
years ago. Gathered on the platform
wero tho president and morabers of the
cabinet, Governor Nash of Ohio, Miss
Deshler, his nloce, who wan to christen the
ship, Miss Barber, who was to act for Mrs.
-nciviniey una many un formed nnimn nt
thn army and navy. Immediately nt tho
right was a red-coated band, llelow work
men were knocking away tho last Uoni
blocks until the great steel hull rested
upon its cradio and only.a single beam, set
like a trigger apd ready to fall aside at a
blow, held It In place.
Miss Darbcr und the president stnoii h.
foro the electric appllanco which con
trolled tho gulllotlno that was to sever thn
ropo which would loose tho weight that was
to Knock out this nst beam. Miss tinr.
ber with hor linger on tho button was look
ing tntontly at tho indicator. At 12:2214.
two nud a half minutes before the tide was
nt Its highest, tho time set for tho launch
ing, tnero suddenly shot Into thn fa. nt
tho Indicator tho word "Heady." Miss Dar
ner pressed the button. Tho Irtst block fell
away. At tho samo tlmo Miss Deshler, a
girl of 17, In n light gown with her
dark hair braided down her back In school
girl fashion, let go of tho bottlo of chara
pagno suspended by the side of the bow
by a red, bluo and whlto ribbon, and
crasnca against tho Hide, as sho uttered
tho words: "I christen thee Ohio!"
Ita Initial I'luime.
Released from Its bounds the big hull
of 14,000 tons of steol went ploughing
through tho thick greaso ot Its cradle.
Slowly at first, then faster and faster, It
slid down tho ways, taking the Hood ma
jestically and piling up tho water in great
Tho band crashed, whistles blew and the
multitude shouted. No ship ever given to
tho American navy has tnken its initial
plunge under more favorable auspices or
in me presence of a more distinguished
Tho trip back to tho city was almost a
repetition of the Journey to tho launching.
Thoro was tho samo wild demonstration
from sea and shore, nut on the way back
tho Elocura passed In review before the
ships. Tho president, with Secretary Long
at nis sioc, stooa at the wheel during this
parade. As each warship was passed, tho
Jacklcs mado a bluo hedge about the shin
as they stood at tha rails, shoulder to
sho.ulder. The marlno guard presented
arras and. tae president got toe four trum
pet flourishes and drum rudlcs to which
he Is entitled as commander-in-chief of the
navy. As the Slocum sailed by the Wiscon
sin, which was (lying the two-starred blue
pennant of a rear admiral at tho peak,
Admiral Casey and his staff like rigid
tlatues stood on tho bridge with tbclr
nnds touching their caps nt salute. It
was a glorious spectacle and It was a
poor marlno whose pulse did not beat
higher at the sight of It. When the Slocum
came alongside Its wharf tho president did
not wait for tho gangway to be run out.
Ho stepped over tho rail to the pier and
almost ran to tho carriage which was wait
ing for him. Tho door slammed and he
was off at a gallop for tho bedside of his
llnnilsotne Souvenir".
Tho plate presented to President McKln
ley by tho workmen is of burnished gold,
live by flvo Inches In dimensions and sur
mounted by the eagle nnd shield of the
American seal. Tho shield In the center Is
of California gold-bearing quartz and Is
flanked on either side by tho American and
California republic flags. At one corner of
tho pinto Is the seal, and at tho other the
scat of California. In the center Is a
miniature of the battleship Ohio and the
following inscription:
"To commemorate tho launching of tho
United States battleship Ohio. Presented
to Hon. William McKlnlcy, president of tho
United States, by tho employes of tho Union
Iron works, San Francisco, Cal."
Tho decorations around tho border of the
plate aro of oak leaves, intertwined with
California popples. Immediately after tho
launching a pretty ceremony was performed
on the presidential platform. Hon. Irving
M .Scott presented Miss Helen Deshler,
tho beautiful daughter ot Ohio who christ
ened tho ship, with a splendid souvenir ot
the occasion, In the shape ot a tablet of
black osk and prtmavcra, the wood used In
the cabin of tho Ohio. This was enclosed
In a hnndsomo mahogany case. On the
tablet presented to Miss Deshler, In the
rlghthand corner, was n porttrnlt of Presi
dent McKlnlcy and In the lefthnnd corner
n portrait of Miss Helen Deshler. In the
center of the tablet was a painting of tho
battleship Ohio, and surrounding tho pic
ture of the ahlp was n wreath of California
popples nnd buckeye leaves. Tho tablet
contained this Inscription:
'United States battleship Ohio, launched
at tho Union Iron works. Christened by
Miss Helen Deshler, In tho presence of
Hon. William McKlnlcy, president of tho
United States ot America, San Francisco,
Cal., May 18, 1901."
A tablet of a similar workmanship and
similarly engraved, but having In tho cen
ter a plcturo of the American caglo and tho
flag, and on cither stdo the official neals of
the states of California and Ohio, was In
scribed to Mrs, William McKlnlcy, who was
to havo pressed tho electric button that
launched the Ohio, nnd whose place today
In that function was taken by her niece,
Miss Mary Darber.
Governor Xnnli nnd Other Vlnltlnn
Ohlonn l.rnve Souvenir with
Tlioac Who Bntcrtnlncd.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 18. Governor
Nash of Ohio and his personal party, In
cluding Miss Helen Deshlcr, woro with tho
president's party on the Slocum. Tho
steamer Resoluto was chartered for tho
other Ohio visitors and for all members of
congress present, Including those of the
Pacific const. Congressman Dayton of West
Virginia was with tho Ohio delegation. Tho
officers nnd committeemen of the Ohio So
ciety of California were also on tho Reso
lute. Other boats In tho line boro thou
sands of members of tho Ohio Society of
California. These boats wero given excel
lent positions along tho bay to witness
tho launching and other exorcises and
especially to view tho battleships, cruisers
and tho endless lino of craft In tho bay.
Tho Ohio visitors and others wero shown
through tho Union Iron works and In tho
afternoon they visited tho government
training school on Goat island and othor at
tractions. Thoy did not got back Into tho
city until evening. Tho Ohio visitors as
sembled at tho Palaco hotel, adopted a
scries of resolutions of thanks and pre
sented a loving cup, worth several hundred
dollars, to the Ohio Society of California
In recognition of tho courtesies extended
tho past two weeks. Tho presentation
speech was mado by W. F. nurdell of
Columbus and the response was by General
Glcaves of tho Ohio Society of California.
After Miss Deshlcr placed tho loving cup
on the table. Governor Nash addressed the
meeting nnd wns followed by Vice Presi
dent W. H. Jordan and Rev. D. S. Hutstn
plller of the Ohio Society of California nnd
by Rev. Oeorgo Collier of Delnware, O.
An Informal reception followed. Goverr or
Nash and party lcavo on their special train
Monday for Sacramento. They spend a day
at Salt Lake City and another at Denver
on their return trip. Tho Ohio congrcs
slonal delegation will leave tomorrow night
for Portland. Oro arriving there Tuesday
morning. Two days will bo spent nt Port
land, Including a trip on tho Coltunbla
Submrrfcrd Torpedo Tnlirn nnil Other
vr Kentnrra In ItutlleNhln'n
Orreimlvc Power.
Tho Ohio Is a sister ship of tho Maine,
now building at tho works of the William
Cramp & Sons Ship nnd Englno Dullding
company, and of tho Missouri, building at
tho yards of the Newport Nows Shipbuild
ing nnd Urydock company.
Tho hull, which Is divided llko thoso of
tho most recent battleships, Is built of steel
and Is unsheathed. It is 388 feet long ou
tho load wnterllne, 72 feet 2 tnchos ox
tremo breadth and at a mean draft of 23
feet 6 inches displaces 12,320 tons. The
hull Is protected abreast of tho boilers nnd
engines by n sldo nrmor belt extending 3
feet C Inches above tho load wnterllno nnd
four feet below it, having a thickness of
cloven Inches for a depth of 4 feet 6 Inches,
tapering to soven and a half Inches at tho
bottom of tho belt, and by tho enseroato
urmor six Inches thick, which extends from
tho sldo bolt to tho upper deck, nud Is
worked from tho center of the forward to
tho center of tho after barbette. At tho
onds ot this casemate nrmor diagonal armor
ntno Inches thtck extends from the sides of
tho vessol to tho barbette nrmor.
In tho casemato thus formed aro placed
ten ot tho six-Inch guns. Abovo this, on tho
upper dock, four of the six-inch guns aro
placed, In tho vicinity of which slx-lnch
armor is worked far enough forward und
aft to afford protection to tho crews of
theso guns,
Protection Is afforded the vitals of tho
ship below the waterllne by a protective
deck worked flat within the casemato, and
with slopes forward and aft of It. The deck
Is worked In two thicknesses of plating, the
total thickness on the flat being two and
three-quarter Inches, whllo that on the
slopes forward and aft Is respectively threo
and four inches. Cofferdams are built on
tho protective deck from the diagonal armor
bullkheads to tho bow and stern In tho
vicinity of the waterllne, and on the berth
deck for nearly the length of tho vessel. All
of theso cofferdams are filled with corn pith
The main battery of the shfp scssIsIb of
four twelve-Inch breech-loading rifles,
placed in two balanced turrets, and sixteen
slx-lnch rapid-firing guns.
Tho turrets are turned by electricity and
tho motors used for this purpose can re
volve one of these great turrets through 360
degrees In one minute. The armor of both
the turrets and barbettes is twelve laches
Tea ot tho ilvincb mas re within the
Have Been Wrecked on the
Rock of Sexual Vice.
Thousands Have Been Rescued by
The State Elecro-Medical Institute.
Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both
Medicine and Electricity i,n Our Electro
Medical Treatment
Specialists for
I smbum nn aiwvHVHKHnm HBrBvn
VARinnPEI P Whatever mny be the
VHnluUULLL cailHu of Varicocele, Its
AN!) ITQ Injurious effect Is well
nnU 110 known. It depreses
NPlAf PURE tli" mind, weakens tho
I1UIT UUIIL body, racks the nervous
system and ultimately
leads to n complete loss of sexual power.
If you aro a victim of this dire dlHease
como to our otllce nnd let mo explain to
you my process of treating It. You will
then not wonder why 1 hnve positively
cured hundreds of cbbpb of Varlcocelo
during the past 12 months. Under our
treatment the patient Improves from tho
very beginning. Al pain Instantly censes.
Soreness, and swelling quickly subsldo.
l'ho pools of stagnant blood are forced
from the dilated veins, which rapldiy as
sume their normnl size, atrength nnd
soundness. All Indications of disease and
weakness vanish completely nnd In their
stead come tho pride, the power nnd the
pleasure of perfect health und restored
On acojnt of ltn
frightful hldeousness
di nnn Dnionu contagious mood roi
ULUUU rUIOUIl son Is commonly called
the king of venereal
diseases. It may be either hereditary or
contracted. Once the system Is tainted
with It. the disease may manifest ltsolf
In tho form of Scrofula. Eczema, Rheuma
tlo pains, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions
or copper-colored spots on face or body,
little ulcers In tho mouth or on tha
tongue, tore throat, swollen tonsils, fall
that ter -t !!, t rMhar M ther .llorr It to thron.U neglect or Impropef treatment . Thl. fnot 1 re.pen.mie in i"r
for nine-tenth of th rlngr. truhav -warn mnat
Ton ahoiild remember that aesnal dUease are never nt a atandattll. Neither can yon make anr oompromUe with thenu Either yon atnai
control them or they will control yon nnd render yon ntterly nnflt lor the ordinary dntlee and pleasure, of life. u-we
flpertflOK nnd Free Snmnle., Trlnl Treatment, and the like don't onre complaint, of till, kind, am any one who ha. tried them Know..
or niiy nm'lnte ilLcn.e or vrrnknr.n, you owe It tn yntirnplf to fully nnil freely luvestlKiitc my treatment. My nin.tery of these iiiiiluil Icm Ik complete.
I lirKnn n ftM-flnl .ttiriy of them anon nfter KradiintliiK from college, now nenrly u iiiitrtrr tif n century iikii, mill ilurliiK nil of the cur. .luce then
they tinvc lieeii my nturiy nnd per.l.tent prnctlce. I trrnt nothing el.e.
Iloen It not occnr to you, then, thnt I nm better prepared to combnt nnd conquer il Incase nnil wcnkne.n peculiar to men tlinu the Keiiernl prnctl
tluner, who, lii.tcnil of coucentrntlUK hi. faculties un a .Ingle clii.n of dlNrnnc, scatter them over the entire Held of medicine nnil surKcrj f
1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Nebraska.
REFERENCES: Best Bank9 and Leading Business Men in This City.
CONSULTATION in Person or by Letter FREE. Office Hours, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, IO a. m. to I p. m.
casemate, as before stated: two others are
on tho berth deck forward In six-inch
armored sponsons, and four are on tho
upper deck. Those In tho sponsons forward
and two on tho upper deck can flro directly
ahead, and tho other two on the upper deck
directly astern, In addition to having a
broadside flro.
Tho electricity, both for lighting the
vessel and operating the turrots and hoists
and minor purposes, Is furnished by eight
thlrty-two-kllowatt generating sots, all
having a pressure ot eighty volts at the
There aro four dynamo rooms, ono on
each sldo of the vessel Just forward of the
boiler space, two generating sets betng
placed lu each dynamo room. Four pow
erful searchlights, two ot which are placed
on tho top of tho pilot house and two on the
mainmast above the upper bridge, will
give warning ot tho approach of hostile
vessels, and for night signaling the ship
carries two sets ot electric signaling ap
paratus. The normal coal supply 1b 1,000 tons, and
tho capacity of the bunkers Is 2,000 tons.
As in other ships of this type the arrange
ment of tho bunkers Is such as to afford
considerable Incidental protection to the
Tho secondary battery consists of six
three-Inch rapid-firing guns; eight slx
pounder rapid-firing guns; six one-pounder
rapld-flrlng guns; two Colts and two three
Inch rapld-flring field guns.
A new feature Introduced in tho cffcnslve
power of this ship Is the submergod tor
pedo tubo. While submerged torpedo tubes
nro not now abroad, German warships
having been equipped with them for a
number of years, tho Ohio and its claBS
nro tho first battleships ot tho navy to be
supplied with them, though prior to Its
construction many vessels ot the United
States navy were fitted with torpedo tubes
abovo tho water lino. The Ohio will havo
two of theso tubes, one on each side ot tho
vessel, situated fifty fcot from tho bow and
ton feet six Inches below tho water line.
Tho magazines and shell rooms of the
ship can stow 2-10 rounds of twelve-Inch
ammunition; 3,200 rounds of slx-lnch am
munition; 9,600 rounds ot slx-poundcr and
4,000 rounds of onc-pounder. The forward
magazines aro located Immediately forward
ot tho dynamo rooms nnd the after ones
Just abaft the englno rooms.
Thoro aro two military masts fitted with
the usual signal yards, tops and topmasts;
two tops aro built to each of these masts.
The foremast Is located In the usual way
over tho forward conning tower; tha foun
dation of tho lower forming the lower part
of tho mast. Tho armor of the forward
conning tower Is ten inches thick, and
that of tho after, or signal tower Is six
Inches thick. A jteel tubo twelve inches in
diameter Inside and Bovon Inches In thick
ness extends from tho forward conning
tower down to tho protected deck and pro
tects the voice-tube, and telegraphs from
the commanding ofllcer to the Important
stations In tho veasol.
The Ohio carries fourteon boats, of which
ono Is a forty-foot steam cutter and an
other a thirty-six-foot steam cutter of the
usual navy type, Over each end of the
boat deck two small upper bridges are
located ou which Is placed a portion of the
secondary battery. The boats are handled
by four cranes, all operated by steam;
the engines for this purpose betng located
on tho working platforms of tho cranes.
Each crane can lift the heaviest boat that
It has to handle at the rate of forty feet
per minute, and can also be revolved by its
hoisting engine at the rate ot a revalutlon
In one minute.
Bilge keels to reduce rolling aro fitted
to the vessel, experiments in recent years
in tho United Statet and in foreign navies
having demonstrated the great efficiency
of theso keels In preventing excessive roll
ing. The forward bilge extend for a length
of about eighty-seven feet, while thoso aft
havt length ot about nventyflye (tU
MAY Iff, 1901.
Diseases of Men
vtmv m mmw w hiiiiiuhi u . mr u
ing out of the hair or eyebrows and
finally a leprous-llko decay of the flesh
and bono. If you havo any of these or
similar symptoms you are cordially In
vited to consult me Immediately. If I
find you fears are unfounded, I will
quickly unburden your mind, nut If your
constitution Is Infected with syphilitic vi
rus I will tell you so frankly, and show
you how to get rid of It. My special
treatment for Contagious Ulood t'olson Is
practically the result of my life work
and Is endorsed by tho best physicians
of America and Europe. It contains no
Injurious drugs or dangerous medicines
of any kind. It goo to the very bottom
of the disease and forces out every par
ticle of Impurity. Soon every sign and
symptom of blood poison disappear com
pletely and forever. Tho blood, the tissue,
the flesh, tho bonra and the whole sys
tem nro cleansed, purified nnd restored to
perfect ht&lth and the patient prepared
for the duties and pleasures of llfo.
CTQ1PTIIQE u matters not how
lOiniUIUllL long you have suffered
DAINI CQCI Y 'rom Stricture, nor how
rninLLOOL I many different doctors
DCUnUCn have disappointed you.
ntmUVCU I will cure you Just ns
certainly ns you come
to ur for tteatmrnt. I will not do It
by dilating or cutting. My treatment Is
new. entirely original with me, and per
fectly painless. It completely dissolves
tho Stricture and permanently removes
everj' obstruction from the urinary pas
sage. It storm every unnatural discharge,
allays all Inflammation, reduces the pros
tate gland when enlarged, cleanses and
Professor Sefoouraud's Experiments With the Dandruff
Germ on a Rabbit, in the Pasteur Institute, Paris.
M. Selionrnnd, n former pnpll nf the prrrnt Pasteur, linn discovered tlic
microbe of bnldnesa, mnym a lrrlter Intlin London Contemporary Itcvlew.
"The development nnd flrroTVth of the microbe cnunea certnln clinnnos In
tim environment thn breaking un, for Instance, of aubntnncca n mil nil
from which It obtnlnn necessnry food nnl cnerKy nnd tho cycle of remilU
thus nronKht Hbout gives the product Ion of n ubstnncc poisonous to thn
root of a hnlr. Thin toxin pnsscs donn to the root nnd ncta nm a slow pol
aon not kllllna; nil nt once, but Indnclnir certnln characteristic nyiuptnmsi
the hnlr becomes llujhter In color until ltn pigment line prnctlcnlly llnp
penred, Ita dlnmeter urndunlly lessens, It becomes brittle nnd dried up, nnil
eventually dies and fulls ont. The root, thouKh vrenkencd by the poison,
aenda up another hnlr to replace the fallen one, but the now outKrowth
besrlna life feebler nnd poorer thnn Ita predecessor, ao It, too, only with
greater apeed becomea a victim. So It Koea on ench successive ontgrontli
atarta more weakly ita tlftht nKnlust the InHlnnntlnsr poison and moro
quickly ancenmbs, nntll a point la renched when the root can no limner
make n freah effort, for It haa also fallen completely under the nnxlon
Influence nnd In killed. This course of events, occurring na It does simul
taneously In hundreds of ndjncent hnlr follicles, naturally results In com
plete bnldneaa."
31. Sehourntiri found thnt this microbe which mnkea men bnld la no dead
ly tn hnlr that It In possible that aitlmuls Inoculated with It lose nil their
"lie took a rnhblt nnd liinculntcd It deeply under the akin with the
fluid. Aa he hoped and anticipated, the rnhblt speedily heKiiu to lose Its
fur, and In between Ave nnil Nix weeks It warn completely denuded In fact,
it hnd become entirely bald," From Pasteur Institute, l'arla, France, olll
clul report.
Newbro's Herpicide
Is the Only Known Remedy That Kills
the Dandruff Germ.
Newbro's llerplclde la the only hnlr prepnrntlou In the world made to
kill the ilunilruft BtTin, that elnliim to kill the dandruff Kcrni, and thnt
nctunlly doea kill the dandruff acriii. Without dandruff, hnlr must xroiv
luurluiitl nnd it will he soft nnd silky, llerplclde Is a dfllKhtful hnlr
Irons I iik not sticky. It makes the sculp clenn mid feel, One buttle
will convince any one of llerplclde'a merits over nil other hnlr iIi-cniIiikn.
Dandruff is a
Germ Disease,
When writing to advertisers mention
advertisement in The
Master Specialist.
do not treat all diseases, but cure all T treat,
treat men only and cure them to stay cured.
amv nrn ttiwv-- - - - - -
heals tho bladder and kidneys when tr
rltatcd and congested, Invigorates the
sexual organs nnd restores health and
soundness to every part of tho body af
fected by the disease.
MCDVn CCVIIAI Men. manv of voi
IILIITU-dkAUnl. are now reanlne tho
result of your for
mer folly. Tour
inannnoii in rninnir
and will soon be lost unless you do somo-
thing for yourself. There Is no time to '
loso. Impotency, llko all sexunl diseases, i
1b never on tho standstill. With It you I
can make no compromlso. Either you
must master It or It will master you
and fill your wholo future with mlserv
and Indescribable woe. I have treated
so many cases of thin kind that I am
as familiar with them as you nro with
tho very daylight. Once cured by me,
you will never again be bothered with
cmlsHlotiR, drains, prematurencss, small
or weak organs, nervousnose, falling
memory, loss of ambition or other symp
toms which rob you of your manhood and
absolutely unfit you for study, business,
pleasure or marriage. My treatment for
weak mon wtll corroct all theso evils and
rentoro you to what naturo Intended a
halo, hearty, happy man, with physical,
mental and sexual powers complete.
All ACCnOIATC In curing an nil-
MLL nOOUUIHIL mont of any kind I
never fall to remove
all reflex complica
tions or associate
diseases. If the cafte
Is Varicocele, tha
''Destroy the Cause
You Remove the Effect,"
The trouble im net mo mark
iveaknes caused by It disappears. If It
Is Strlcturo and has developed Into Pros
tatic, Illaddcr or Kidney affections, tho
Injured organs are nil restored to a per
fectly healthful condition. If It Is Con
tagious Ulood Poison, any nnd all Skin,
Illood and ISone Diseases arising from
the tnlnt are entirely and permanently
eliminated from thii aystem. If It Is Im
potency, tho many distressing symptoms,
following In IfiT train and Indicating a
premature decline of physical, mental and
sexual power aro totally removed and
rapidly replaced by tho youthful energy
of robust manhood. Hence, all resulting
Ills and reflex complications, which may
bo properly termed associate diseases,
and which, In fact, are often moro seri
ous than thn original nJIment thnt gives
rise to thorn all, we say, disappear com
pletely and forever, with tho cure of tho
main malady.
Home Treatment by Mall
Ono personal visit Is preferred, but If It
Is Impossible or Inconvenient for you to
call at our ofllce, wrlto a full and unre
served history of your case, plainly stat
ing your symptoms. We make no chargo
for prlvato counsolnd glvo to each patient
A LliGAL CON'ITt ACT to hold for our
promises. If you cannot call today, write.
Ucrplcldo has given good sat
isfaction In my fnmlly, for dand
ruff. My wife sayB It Is tho best
preparation sho has over used,
J. M. I'OWRLI.. M. 1).
Spoknne, Wn., May 12, WOO.
I find Ucrplcldo all that Is
claimed for It as a dandruff
cure. I also used It In treating
UHtlcaria, giving Instant relief. J.
Hhall prescribe It
W. O, AM1AN, M. D.
t'alla Walla, Wn.. Juno 7, 1000.
'. used Ilerclpldo for my dand
ruff and falling hair nnd I nm
well satisfied with tho results,
I believe you have a good thing.
e. j. 1!i:auijsm:v. m. .
Champaign, 111., April 7, 1900.
I hnve used Newbro's Ucrpl
cldo for chimin! IT and herpes of
tho scnlp with excellent results.
1 shall prescrlbo It In my pra
tlco hereafter,
J. T. Kl'OATR, M. D.
Urbnnn, III., March 12, 1300.
Barbers Endorse
I hnvo given Ilerplcldo a good
trial In my barber whop nnd now
I would not bo without It. It Is
culled for by nvery customer on
whom 1 hnvo onco used It. It Is
so far ahead of 's that
I would not hnvo tho latter In
my shop.
Ornndon Motel Unrber Shop,
Helonn, Mont., Jun. 31, VK).
MX customers who have used
llerplclde much prefer It to any
other hnlr preparation. It has
entirely cured several customers
of dandruff nnil falling hnlr.
(Largest Harbor Shop.)
Salt I.nko, Feb. 2C, 190).
I uso Herplctdn continually In
my work. It does my customers
moro good than nny dandruff
euro I hnvo over used, it stops
falling hair and euros dandruff.
a. W. OIHSON (barber).
237 H. Main St.,
Salt Lake. Mar. 2, '00.
Herplrldo Is used continually
In my chop with ofllclency as a
dandruff euro nnd h a proven,
tlvo of falling hair. Sly cus
tomers call for llernlcldo.
Propr Itenl Hotel Barber Shop.
Ogdcn, ftah, Mar, 17, '00,
Kill the
Dandruff Germ
having read their