THE OMAHA DAILY BE32s SATCRDAY, MAY 18, 1001. 0 Kodo Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. If you suffer from indigestion, you will be Burprlaed at the speedy relief that can be obtained by using a combination of all the natural dbrcotants. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is such r. preparation, and its presence in the stomach and alimentary tract relieves the dlgestivcorgana from work, by digesting every kind of food that may be eaten. It oan't help bail do you good Mr. J. A. Miles, hotel proprie tor, Richland Center, Wis., says: 'I bad dyspepslaf or twelve ycJirs, and used tablets and medicines of different kinds; but without re lief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Core. I had almost given up hope of ever getting- cured. The, first bottle of this preparation helped me, and several bottles of it completely and permanently cured me." Kodol DyspopsSa Cure Prtptrtd only by E.ttDeWirr & Co., Chicago. The tl. bottle contain ?K timet tbo 6(w. sUo. DWITTS whc& nazei SALVE A certain cure for pllos and skin discuses DEPRESSED? TRY 111 H B TRY WORLD FAMOUS MARIAN. TONIC Most effective, ugreeable and reliable Tonlo Stimulant for Body, Brain and Nerves. Try it when fatigued or over worked from any cauae. VIN MARIANI- MARIANI TONIC Maintained ltu Reputation during natt 38 years. All Drusxlat. Kefuse Substitutes, NERVITA PILLS Reilore Vitality, Loit Vigor and Maaliood Cur Impotenori Night Emlfalone, hoas of Mom- i orr, nil wuuin uisoases, i all etTeotf at telr-abuto or laxcssa and ludlicretlon. 60 PILLS SO CTS. (A nerve tonlo u& Iblood builder. Drluut rtpe pluk nlow to polo chee.'iK and rontnres the re of youtl Uv mall ua Ddr liox. boxes for , our DanwuDio euurantoo to our He money uald. Send for circular 1 crvi of our beuknbls guarantee bond. NervltaTablets EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results (TKI.LOW LVJllt.) PoiUWely auarpi Yanoooela, Uaae Pareil, Looomr ntpeit cur for Loss of Power, tlon. Reiulta 110 Byiiintl fti iilnln imcltiiKfl. H1.00 a x, 0 for $3.00 with our bruikablo fruar mtea bond to ours In SO dayu or refund monoy paid. Addroaa NERVITA MEDICAL CO. OlntoniJuckuon Sto., CHICAGO, IU 12 e by Ikunn ft A, tttn and Uouciaa imaha. Hma.1 Ctao, ta. Davis. Council utts. Iowa. HR9T CLASS PULLHAN SLEEPERS I ...DAILY BETWEEN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Chins GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE a.itft!Ltt.l,e,t ..Scenery of the ROCKY MOUNTAIN and SIERRA NEVADA by Daylight In both direction. DlNINd CAR SERVICE THROUOrl, ) BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. Pormn Information, reservation and Itlner ry "Chicago to Callfornlu" atldreas City Ticket Office. IJ13 Farnam St., Omaha, neb. e Chicago Record hat 61 of these Type writers In dally i.$e YOST If you want a typewriter, why not came first whtro you can se BVEHT GOOD BOUT OF TYPE WRITER In It best fonnf TYPEWRITER- SUPPLIES of all klndi for all machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued is yours for the asking. Write or Call. United Typewriter and Supply Co,, 1014 l'MUorn St., Iliunbu, CURE YOURSELF I Vit Dig tl for unnatural llniirr.,Ui(linilHdtlotj, Irritation, or ulceration of niti on u mcu'liran.t. ralnlci, anl nut ai,rlu cent or roiionoua. Mold by Druga-tata, or ifiit lu pUlu wrAppar, it.OO, or i laulti, lil. Circular atnt cu rnMt A HOME PRODUCT Better than Imported. Cook's Imperial EXTRA DRY r)llclou lnvla;orntlni-hrmlfss. Absolutely pure. or refund tl neiupDii or nururiKfln ursana, itor Alaxln, Nervous I'rostaa. nterln, LIU, Ineanltr, Faralyuli auj tfla of Kxcasuvq Uso of Tobacco. Onlum or 4iIj&Tii Tla lilliii, V ifOT (i.f.ou4 91. Mg .01 i trloir. fTajTHi Ev:; Cmuim Ca MAY BUILD INTO DUNDEE Probability tint Tarnim Streit Lin Will fie Extended, PROPOSITION IS BEING CONSIDERED Wni Slpptlmr of llnntlcp CMInn 1 llrlil nt Which Thfrc In Clnnuir for TlirniiKh Trnnalt Service. It Is possible that tho next extension to bo made by the Omaha Street Hallway com pany will l.o a lino from Fortieth and Kar- nani streets to Fiftieth and California streets, In Dundee Place. The matter tins broiiRht before the Ren oral manaRer of the street railway company yesterday nnd will be presented to the board of directors at Its next meeting which wjll probably be held Wednesday. May 22. Thero was a meeting of the citi zens of Dundee Place Thursday evening, at which the street car situation was dis cussed, and It was finally decided that tho present arrangement whereby a transfer Is mado nt Fortieth and Farnam streets from the lino of the Omaha system to the line of tho Metropolitan Cable company Is not sat isfactory, nnd that tho people dcslro through service. It was stated by one of tin citizens that the value placed upon tho cablo company's line was so hlRh that tho Oinnbn system would not purchase It, nnd therefore: tho meeting set cut to devise a plan to bring the Omaha lino luto Dundee Place. A resolution asking the village board to grant a franchise, to the Omaha company was ndoptrd nnd a committee consisting of 13. A. llcnsnn, S. It. Hush. J. II. McCul loURh, J. Marshall, D. U. Johnson, I. S, Lcavltt, John J. Ilarte and J. II. Pnrrotte was appointed to present tho matter to the company. The route proposed by tho citi zens Is from the present terminus Ja Far nam und Forty-sixth street; thence north to Capitol avenue, west to Fiftieth street; north to California. Speaking of tho proposition, General Man ager Smith of tho street railway compnny said: "I havo heard of tho icuutst which the 'citizens of Dundco Placo are to make to tho board nnd I am favorably Impressed with tho Idea. Our action depends upon tho proposition they submit, but I would not be surprised to see tho line extended praetlcnlly as outlined." .1 South Omaha News An effort Is soon to be made by tho coun cil to tako Rtups toward making u reassess ment of tho Hpcclal nssnssment taxes de clared volil by the court. Section lis of tho now city charter makes It tho di of tho mayor nnd council to Issue x al bonds of tho city to tako up outstanding district bonds In cases where the Hpeclnl taxcH and assessments havo been Judicially determined to bo Invalid. Acting upon this section tho council has decided that n spcclnl cnmmltteo of three hall Investigate nnd report to the council tho amount of outstanding bonds in each district where the tax has been declared Il legal. In compliance with a resolution of this nntura Mayor Kelly has named Councllmen Johnston nnd Adklns nnd the city attorney to servo on this committee. Nearly every paving district In tho city has been attacked In the courts nnd In order to clenr up these matters nil Issue of possibly $125,000 In bonds will be necessary. Tho committee proposes to go Into tho sub ject thoroughly nnd furnish u detailed re port to tho council and tho public. Ooruiintlon Tn Hopenlcil. At an adjourned meeting of the city coun cil held yesterday tho saloon occupation tux of :00 was reprnled. This means that tho city will bo tbo loser by something llko J 18,000, ns for some years past this tax has been assessed for tho purpose of tiding over certain funds during tho summer mouths When by natural operation of law South Omaha passed from a city of tho sec ond class tn one of the first class the liquor license was raised to $1,000. This was an Increase of $500 nnd tho breweries objected to an occupation tax on top of tills increase although no protest was made on tho In creaso in the regular llccnso fee. Up to yesterday only s.x dealers In liquors hail paid tho $1,200 demanded hy tho treas titer Into tho city, and these (lied a written protest. Now that tho ordtuanco has been repealed It Is thought lliaf. the license money will bo paid In rapidly In order that the council may grant licenses on Monday night. About scventy-tivc applications ore ready tn bo noted up-" but tho llccnso com- mlttco of tho coun f do nothing ns long ns the money Is ' 1. Tho occupation tax paid under pro' mi by the six dealers In liquors will doubtlcB bo returned without tho formnllty of n lawsuit. If tho council does not sco fit to do this i-ult can bo com moncod nnd tho money recovered by process of law. General satisfaction was expressed yesterday nt tho nctlon of tho council in re pealing this ordinance, even though It will work a hardship upon tho city officials for jomo time tn come. John Cnrooriin Kucnpen. Yesterday John Corcoran was arraigned In police rourt for forging checks. Tho complaint was signed by Charles O'Uearn House worn Seems easy to a man, but there is a fircnt deal of lifting and reaching to do ; a great many trips up nnd down stairs to make in the course of day's house work. It's hard where a woman is well. I'or n woman sufleriug with some form of "female trouble" it is dally torment. There are thousands of such women struggling by day, in increasing misery. There are other thousands who have found a com plete cure of their disease in the use of Dr. Picrce'H Favorite Prescription. It stops debilitating drains, cures irregu larity, heals inflam mation and ulcera tion, nourishes the nerves, and gives vitality ond vigor. It m a k o s w c a k women btrong and sick women well. It contains no opium, cocaine nor other narcotic. " I'or a number of months I sutrcreil with female trouble." write Miss Agues McGowne, of mi hank St., Wash. liiEton, I). C. "I tried varloui remediea. but none Kemed tn do me any permanent rood. The doctors raid It was the wont caae of Inter nal trouble they ever had. I decided to write to you for help, I rerelved very cncmirBRinjT reply, ami comraeuced treatment at oree. 1 bad uot used your 'Favorite I'tracriptlon ' a wrelc before I Vegan to feel betterr nd, ai I e itlnued, ray health grdualty Improved. It I improving every day." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Send 21 one cent stamps for a book in paper covers, or 31 stamp in cloth, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V,-, , When O Hearn went on the stand he raid that he was merely Joking about Corcoran and did not Intend to testify against his friend. However. Judgo King went nbend with the case and at tho finish bound Cor coran over to the district court In tho sum of $500, While City Prosecutor Murphy was filling out a ball bond Corcoran drifted over to the water cooler, where he quenchcu his thirst, and then ho quietly slid out of the rear door and disappeared. It was five minutes or more before the court officials discovered that the prisoner had gone. An alarm was Immediately sent out and all policemen in tho city were directed to arrest the young man on sight. Corcoran Is woll known and it Is thought that ha cannot get very far away without being apprehended. From the statements made by the police Corcoran and O'Uearn lived by their wlt. O'Hcarn would visit saloons on packing houso pay days and purchase a pay check for a small amount. This he would, ac cording to his own statement, turn over to Corcoran, who would raise tho check and pass It. Then tho money would be divided, These young men have been get ting Into acrnpes for a year or more, but havo by some menns always managed to got off easily. Now O'Uearn Is under bonds to appear In the district court and Corcoran Is a fugitive from Justice. CiMiui'll K rxitnlrittlmi, Me-nbers Martin un ')worak of the city council are consldrrahl, 'ut out over the reorganization of tho count.. , and both were busy yesterday Ilndlng out Jt1.1t where they stood. In place of Dworak, Mr. Vnnsant of thu Sixth ward was made chairman of tho Judiciary committee nnd Johnston of tho Fifth wnrd takes Martin's placo on the financo committee. Through an error In tho reading of tho report at the special meeting Thursday night Miller was named ns chairman of the charity committee. This was an error on tho part of Council man Johnston, nnd he corrected It ester- day by substituting Vnnsant. It was Hinted yesterday that since tho reorganization the rules of tho council will bo revised. The new rules will be sub mitted for approval at tho meeting to be held next Mondny night. On nceount of bis business ability and his previous experience In tho council the majority seemed to think that ho could act as a sifting commltteo for ordinances better perhaps than the former chairman, Mr. Dworak. As for financiering, overyonrt in South Omaha knows thnt Ed Johnston keeps more In touch with tho financial affairs of the city than anyono else, so ho was requested to net ns chairman of tho finance committee. A business man of ability Is needed at the head of this commltteo Just now on account of the Is sues which will come up before tho com mencoment of the next fiscal year. IteiiiilrliiK Pncil Ntrretn. Under tho provisions of tho new charter money may be borrowed for tho payment of the cost of repairs to paved streets nnd the council has taken advantage of the opportunity to outhoriie the loan of $2,500, Tho majority of this sum will naturally be spent on Twenty-fourth street, us this pavement nerds attention more than any other In the city. Bids for the work will be advertised for nt once and tho Inten tlon Is to have this thoroughfare placed In flrst-clasi condition before the opening o the street fnlr in July. Out of this sum to bo borrowed will come tho cost of maklns some repairs to L and N streets nnd a few other paved streets. School llonril Amknl tn I'll 5-. Councilman August Miller has secured the passage of 11 motion directing the city treasurer to collect from the Doard of Education tho sum of $189. This money has been paid out hy tho city for the services of clerks and Judges nt tho last school election In April and Miller think It no moro than right that the city should be reimbursed. Further, Mr. Miller says that later on he will request tho board to pay for the printing of the sample and regular ballots used In the school election This is something now, as prior to this tlmo no attempt has been made to compel tho school district to pny any of the ex penses of elections. MrpnlrliiK SriTen, City Engineer Deal mado an Inspection yesterday of tho sewer on Twenty-third street which Is causing so much trouble He says that the only thing that can be done nt this tlmo Is to fill in moro dirt to tHko the placo of tho filling which has settled and washed away. He does not favor a trestle, as the lots abutting; on tho sower will sooner or later bo filled to grade and thero will then be no necessity for a trestle. Mr. Real estlmntcs that $00 will pay for all the repairs needed on the sewer at this time. Street Fnlr Mnttrr. The board of control of the Street Fair company meets every nfternoon nt the South Omaha club, on Twenty-fourth street, whero reports from committees are listened to. Plans for booths are being made and now that tho ordinances arc passed actlvo preparations for tho fnlr are going on About 100 applications for concessions have been received so far and additions to tho list nro bolus made every day. It is con ceded now that the fair is a go. Perhaps thero will bo no display on Q street, an originally proposed, for the reason that the merchants on that street do not socm to favor the proposition. In the event that no attractions aro placed an Q atroet the entire fair will be held In tho central part of the city. MovIiik Iniiiieiiae Tank. A largo number of men aro now em ployed In taking apart the large cotton seed olt tank at the Hammond plant. This tank holds over 1,000,000 gallons and tho labor entailed will consume somo time. The tank will bo taken to St. Josoph nnd set up at the Hammond plant there. Nothing new has developed latoly In regard to the leasing of tho Hammond plant here, but It Is thought that before long some of tho packers who are anxious to secure control of tho property will succeed In making tho necessary arrangements, Stock Yurilft Iiiiprurrniput. Bids for grading aro being asked for by tho Union Stock Vords company, as It is the intention to erect two additional blocks at cattlo pens near the stand pipe. Each of the blocks will contain twenty pens, thus making an addition of forty pens to the capacity of tho yards, The Increase In the business being done here demands these improvements. !Mnnll City Cioali, Tonight the North Star society will hold Its mi mi a I .May testlvul at Odd Fellows' hall. The South Omaha Athletic cluh will give n ball at the city hnll building on Saturday evening. A. W Dlcknon of Chicago wns here ve terday, looking over the work being done by the Northwestern In the northern pnrt of the city The concert given ut the Presbyterlnn church last night by the South Omaha Conservatory of Music was a success In every particular. The city has received another bill for the hose purchased Inn winter for the Brown park tire hnll. The company want the money or ut least Interest bearing war rants. Milliliter lit III I'nat. "I recall now with horror," says Mall Carrier Burnett Mann of Levanna, O,, "my three year of Buffering from Kidney trou ble, I was hardly ever free from dull ache or acute pains In my back. To stoop or lift mall sacks made me groan, I felt tired, worn out. about ready to alva ud when 1 began to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured me and made mo feel like a new man." They're un rivaled to regulate tomach, liver, kidneys, and bowel. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed oy nunn & go, only 60 cent, GORDON RESUMES THE BENCH Derotsd Folic Marinate Comii Oat on Top f Hep, BRYCE CRAWFORD SURRiNDIRS THE JOB Jiiilmi (iiiriliin Siijk If There l An) Attempt tu Knlnhlloli n ItUnl Throne lie Wilt L'ntiip In thu Court Itooni, The latest change In the police court kaleidoscope was recorded yesterday. when, at 9 o'clock, Judge S. I. Gordon took the bench. At 11:30, when court adjourned, he seemed still tn be the Judge. "So far as I know," said he, "I am now pollco Judge, and I bellcre It will be safe for me to go home to luuch. I haven't seen any heirs apparent to tho bench hanging around waiting to stnrt up a competitive court. If I find upon returning this after noon that some one has Jumped my claim In the meantime, I will first get out a writ of ouster and thercatter Inatigutato a policy of bringing my dinner to court In a basket. It Is not true that I'm going to bring a cot down and sleep In the court room." Crnnforil Yield liriiocfiilly. Bryco Crawford, Justice of the peace, ho has occupied the bench since the death of Judge Learn, was present at tho opening hour, but upon being shown the credentials of his successor yielded tho gavel to him without protest. "it Is a wise pollco court that knows Its own Judge these days," said Judgo Craw ford. "Of coune, I'm sorry to give up the bench, I believe I gave tho people a fair brand of Justice while I wns 'It' nnd that I delivered the goods with becoming dignity nnd at tho lowest market price However, I bow to the will of tho people. You might soy In your paper that my Justice shop down at Fifteenth and Farnam streets Is open for business nnd that 1 have In stock n fine line of legal processes." The police court looked much the tame yesterday as It did a year ago. Tho familiar face of "Judgo" Cooley was there, nnd he was the first to congratulate Judge Gordon upon his asceudency. Cooley didn't havo a enso in tho morning, ns he has somewhat lost touch with the petty criminal clnss, hut he hopes to do better In a day or so If Judge Gordon remains In power. l'etc Cnrriill t'nmen I'lrnt. The first case on tho docket was that of larceny against Pete Carroll, tho ex-con-lct, who had stolen the rubber coat worn by Dr. Ralph whllo treating smallpox pa tients at the pesthousc. It afforded an ex cellent opportunity for a Judge to air his wit. One could not help regretting that o magistrate of Judge Learn's stamp was not upon tbo bench. Ho would no doubt havo told Carroll that It was a pity he hadn't caught tho smallpox and thereby saved thu city the cost of this prosecution, but Judge Gordon failed to see the humor In the tit nation. He simply gave Carroll twenty days In Jail aud pronounced sentence with out comment. This was follow ed by several vagrants and drunks, most of whom were fined small amounts. Tu Inorenne KtidotTiiieut. The Insurance endowment committee ap pointed by Bishop Williams will consider a project for the increase of the endowment fund by tho Insuranco plan. Tho revenues of the church ore not aufllclent at the present time to provide for tho support of the bishops without Imposing u heavy tax on some of the weaker churches and missions nnd tho plnn of n life insuranco, tho In terest on the money lo 'bp turnjd Into the endowment fund, Is being ovolvcd by some of the churchmen. The ilan Is backed by several prominent insurance societies. In Honor of Xcv Ollleor. The Grand Army of the Republic of Omaha will give a reception next Tuesday evening to department officers lu generul and particularly to those of Omanu, of whom there aro four. H. S. Wilcox, depart ment con)7iandcr. I.. A. Harmon, quarter master ge.leral; Jucob Fnwcett, Judge advo cate general, and T I. HUH, Inspector gen eral. Omaha has been especially favored with department officers this ytnr. The Woman's Belief corps has 11U0 n fnlr quota of general officers; here, us follows: Mrs. A. E. Askwith, department president, nnd Mrs. Sutiin A. Slieeler, department secretary. An Excellent Combination, The pleasant mothod and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Bynup of Fins, manufactured by tho California Fio Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting them in tho form most refreshing to tho tnsto and acceptable) to tho system. It Is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa tl"", cleansing tho fystcra effectually, dispelling cokis, headaches and fever; gently yet promptly and enabling1 ono to overcome habitual constipation per manently, ltu perfect freedom from every objectionable quality nnd sub stance, nnd Its acting' on tho kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In the- process of manufacturing figs aro used, as thoy aro pleasnnt to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of the remedy nre obtained from senna nnd other aromatic plants, by a mothod known to tho CAr.iroitNiA Fio Svnop Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, plcnse remember tho full name of tho Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAl,. LOUISVILLE, ST IfTW TOKK, N. Y. Torle by all V'Mg gists. Price D0o. per bottla THHSI1AY, Mny 17- Trv points In Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and points south. ni'FIWI.O KXI'OSITIO.V- nnd return, May 21 nnd 18. For information, rates, etc., ad dress CITY OFFICEl S, C, Cnr 14th nnd DniiRln Sin. "Being on Lager Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. enables them to "lager" their beers five to six months before bottling, thus insuring age, flavor and healthfulness. Brewers of the famous Budweiscr, Black & Tan, Faust, Anheuser Standard, Pale-Lager, Export Pale, Mlchelob and Exquisite. Order promptly flllril r GEO. KRUG, MGR. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BRANCH, OMAHA. ;A &JV' s -"A V '3,l, map or ohiom pacinc naitnoao New City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Phone 316. THE FIGURE PUZZLE $1,500 in Prizes and Are You Good at Get the Correct Sum of the Can You Add Correctly OTE Tlirr l no dRiirr lilrlir tlmn I. There rr no eomlilnntlona of flcjurra. Hneh flarure ! complete In ItMlt. Every subscriber, new or old, will be entitled to one guess with every 15 cents paid on subscription. USE The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. Guesses on the Figures Address All Answers to PUZZLE DEPT., THE OMAHA . OMAHA. NEB. signifies the storing of beer to properly mature. The enormous cold storage capacity of the Summer Tourists to the West Can make no mistako iu traveling over tho UNION PACIFIC. Best Service, Best Equipment, Best Trains, Best Track, Best Route. STUDY THE MAP THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. Enclosed 01.(1'$.. subscription account.' Name Street and No. Where paper 'la delivered. Postofllce Where paper ! aent. Are you taking The Bee now? If not, when do you want it started?. Inexpensive Offices Tiiuntc Am: no dark on . L'NDKSslHAUt.E rtOOMO IN Tlin HUE ltL'lI.DINO. YOU PAY Al'COnniNO TO TMKIIl 8I2B rilKHK ARK A FEW VKRt NICE OFFICES WHICH RENT FOn ONLY J10.CO A MONTH. THIS INCLUDES LIGHT. WATER. HEAT, JAN ITOR SERVICE AND ALL THL CONVENIENCES OF THE REST DUILDINO IN TOWN. The Bee Building R.C. Peter & Co., Rental Agents. 1n,"3 F,oar LAW BOOKS A. W. KINtMAIf, 112 So JMh Av. Umtlm, Neb. a Bull Pup Adding? Figures. Prizes for the Nearest Correct Sum of All the Figures. Date necelvtd Time A. M. P. M. to apply on my State