10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY IS, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL With Eiceptioi of Corn Grain Mulct ti Are Steady, Thonjh QaUt, WHEAT CLOSES FIVE-EIGHTHS HIGHER l'hlllfi I Mnln I'nrtnr In torn Pit Jlnj- Drops Four C'ents Onts Knsler In Sjinpnthj. Pro vision rirnt. CHICAGO, Mny 17. -Excepting a !c drop !n May corn, the Bruin markets today V.PU- steady. though unlet. July whent closed He higher, July corn n shade lower nnd .July out '.',c down. Provisions closed atendy. Considering the copious rnlnfall In tho aouthwest mid the generiil tenor of thi" crop in-ws, wheat opened surprising' firm, July NHc to HHc hlplicr, at 71l,'fj71c, The market seemed to iiave broken away from Its contemplation of the weather map and was In position to attach more Import, unco to an advanco at Liverpool. Trade was on a moderate scale, the. demand coming moslly from shorts, nnrt during the remainder of tho day prices were, well above yesterday's level. Following the opening, the firmness wns augmented by moderate primary receipts, heavy seaboard clearances, big local shipments and the. expectation that the visible figures Monday will show nn Imposing decrease. July gradually worked up to .2Vsc. and although selling was freer at this price. It clned firm, ?c higher, nt "l'lft'l'c. May wheat was In demand for the eastern account and also scored an advance. The bull Interest In corn was moderately active In tho wheat pit, apparently buying for Investment. Continental crops were reported Improved. Exporters reported two loads taken. Sea board clearances In wheat nnd flour were equal to 755,000 bu., while primary receipts were AOI.OU) bu., compared with 233,000 hu. Inst year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 317 cars. Iocal receipts were 30 cars, nonu of contract grade, In the corn pit Phillips and his party were tho ruling factor A continuation by Phillips of liquidation 'of May gave rlso to reports th.it he was nearly, If not en tirely, free of the enormous load of corn which he hod bought to nut himself In control of that delivery. Ills sales today approximated l.sX,fiOO bu. anil the price dropped from f4c to 50c and at the close was 4c tinder yesterday nt 50e. Mean while he was buying July corn on n heavy rrale, thus checking a tendency to weaken It duo to Improved crop prospects nnd lib eral receipts. July sold between 154c nnd 4lc nnd closed a chade lower at 444c. liecelpts were 3 111 cars, 82 of contract trade. Oats wero dull and easier, In sympathy with corn, commission houses selling while the demand wns scattered, Jul v sold be tween 28c and 28o and closeil V8c lower, nt 2so. Receipts wero 201 cars. Provisions were quiet, but In the mnln fireserw a firm tone In sympathy with Ight receipts of hogs. July pork sold between $11.77 nnd $14.85 and closed 2Vs lilgher, nt $14.80. July lard sold between $7.97 and $s.00 nnd closed 2c higher, at $7.97T8.00. July ribs sold between $7.fo nnd $7,87 nnd closed 2o higher, at $7.97. Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat, M cars; corn, 600 cars; oats, 210 cars; hogs, 16 000 head. Tho lending futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs.1, Open. High. I Low. Close. I Ycs'y. Wheat May. . July.. . July.. Sent.. Oats- May. . July.. Sept.. Folk May.., 724, 71", 9 71HI71iiT71.1J'i so 601 bi 4Pi 444i44iU 44i 4ltfU?, 4l?,W4 29 29i 30 28 28i, 2Si 26 2 ffl26 Ef 14 67i 14 67(4 14 70 14 82 14 70 .liny.. It 772 14 fiO Sent... 14 60 11 72 lard May... July... Sept... nibs May... July... Sept... 8 00 8 00 8 00 7 97 7 97 7 97 8 05 1 8 05 7 87' 7 So 7 82 7 82 No. 2. Cash quotations were a.i follows: FLOUR Dull: winter patents, J3.80W3.90; trnlghts, I3.20J3.80; spring specials. $1.20; patents, 3.4(V(j l.&o; straights, $3.20S3.50; takers. J2.20frj.li0. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 72'S74c: No, 3 spring. tvff71c; No. 2 red. 72sr72Tf.c. CORN-No. 2. 60fl51c; No. 2 yellow, 50 OATS No. 2. :9;890in: No. 2 white, 30; 31e: No. 3 white, 2&8Wc. RYE No. 2. 62c. I! A It LEY Good feeding, 4S362c; fair to choice malting, 63((JCCc. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., J14.75. Lord, per 100 IbB.. Ji.flo.oo. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.90flS.10. Dry salted Khoiilders (boxed). Jt.7iVa 7.00. Short clear eldes (boxed). $?.!2ft8.25. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.28. Following are tho receipts and shipments for today: Receipts. Shipments. I'lour. bbls 20,000 20.000 "Wheat, bu 43,000 (171,000 Corn, bu 218,000 310,000 Oats, bu 203,000 313,0r Jlye, bu 30,000 31,000 Horley, bu 16,00) On the Produce exchanges today the but ter market was firm; crenmerles, 141Sc: dairies, IKi17c. Cheese, dull, 9310140. Eggs, rasy; fresh, llVic kw Yonii. ;r.m:uai, market. Quotations of tlir liar on Various Commodities. NEW TOHK. May 17.-riOUR-Rccelpts, P.SC6 bbls.; exports, 84? bbls.; market Meady but nulet: a shade lower; win ter patents. J3.6RO4.00; winter straights, $3.45 JJ3.56; winter extras, J2.45ft2.S5; Minnesota bakers, J2.90Tf3.23; winter low grades, J2.30 $2.40. Rye Hour, quiet; fnlr to good, J2.80 ui.ioi enoice io lancy, J.i.i'H.l.ljO HA11LKY Dull: feeding. 46f-l84c, c. I. f. Now York; malting, 62y0c, c. I. f. New York carlots. UARLEY MALT Dull: western. 65?fi7c. WHEAT Receipts. 133,000 bu.; exports, 28.990 bit. Spot, steady; No. 2. 82140, f. o. b. ntloat: No. 2 red, 79Hc, elevator: No. 1 hard, Duluth, S9Sc. f. o. b. afloat. Options were, firm nnd higher most of the day on more bullish cables thin expected, general locnl covering, tnlk of high winds In the north west nnd foreign buying. After n llnnl Plight reaction with corn thev closed steailv at a partial ic net advonce; Mny, closed at 78'4c; September, 75'0'7o 7-16c, closed nt 75Uc. CORN Receipts, 15.P99 nil.: exports, 15.WS uu. uiuinnn were weaK, owing to deliv eries anrl Debt ilemntid. tutt rninri trm later mouths, which had speculative sup. Port. Until the last hnlr Vinnr when also easel off and closed unchanged ngalns't nc ions on amy; .May, 4!!8W)4c, closert at fOo; July. tOUSSc. closed at 49V4c; Sep tember. 48W874c, closed at 4Sic, OA1 S-Hocctpts, 2C9,2iW bu, ; exports, W0 mi, riiui, nun; i, ,UjC, 0, 3, MCi tin. S white, 3.Hic: No. 2 white. 34c; trock. mixed western, :i2'4fl34Hc; tir.ck, white, 33U37UC, II A YBttnily. shipping, 75g80c; good to choice. 2'4ft tic. HOPS -Quiet : Mate, pnmmnn in ntmlrn 190i) crop. WtfiOc; 1891, lHS15c. old olds, 2Jf 6c: Pact Ic coast. 1900 crop, ltitfl9c; 1S9U, lldllEc; old olds. 2Hc. lllUKB-Qinet. Ualveston. 20 to 25 lbs., lSHo: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to So lbs., HBUVjc. LE ATH KR Steady , hemlock sole, lluonos 3 4W24Hc: ' S'.ni. TALLOW-Dull; city ($2 4i(2ia; acid. per package), $10.50 JW.OOt? TrirUfi ll.i''ilin.i'. in menln ct..,i... .tr.L'lA.l l.AMIa tRfX?inPn. nli.l.l.J L, . '.i ,.-,,, .-j, v..-"" u ..... , iiii Aim pnoiiMiers 7.75; pickled hams, $9 75y 10.25. Iird, llrnr western stenmed, $8.30; rertned. stenilv 'continent, JS.35, South Amerlcn, $9.25; com pound, Jfl.75. Pork. Arm; family, J16 00'(f H.50; short cleat, J15.50iH7.0O; mess, Jis.iy) eiK.M. UlCE-Steady: domestic, fair to extra S;6c; Japan, AWlVAo. .lUlJil';(-ylllt ,ew urieans, open kettle, good to choice. 321i40c. Ill'TTER- Receipts. 4.40) pkgs.; fair to ciimvp citumery, uiiMuu; laciory, iinnuc; imitation creamery. 131il7c. CHEESE New, receipts, 7,080 pkgs.; quiet; fancy, Urge, colored, So; fancy, large, white, SijW.Sc; fancy, small, colored, 8'4c: fniicv. small, white. !sIe. EdOS-Recelpts, it.571 pkgs,; Irregular; western ungraded, UfM3o. T'OULTRY Alive, weak; springer". ISif 5c; few"- milq; turkeys, So; dressed, Weany. METALH-A. !( more tho market was ac tive and sentiment was nt a bullish nature The London contingont rejponded favorably to our strength of cables. Indicating a rlso of 1.12s S.l on spot and 2.12s 6d on future", maklnx an udvanc of about 5 within the last two weeks. Prices here Jumped about 40 points on urgent demand from specula, tlvi circles,' but owing to the large supplies on hand our market did not fully comply with the advance abroad and remains 10 SO points Deiow tno i-onuun yunw, uiui is, Irf.i'Slil 72'il 72 71af?ii 72N 53WflSl' 51 44?J-5ii I5'i 443-H 4 Pi 30 ,W 2S;fl 28l4 26U 26,j 14 70 14 70 I 14 S5 II 85 I 14 t II 72 7 97 S 00 7 97 7 97 8 00 7 07 7 ! 8 02',4 7 P j 7 5 7 87 7 85 7 80 7MH 7 7714 cuiiNHKAir-ijuiet; yellow western. $1: city. 99cr llrandywlne, J2.45ff2.55. HYE Easy; No, 2 weHtem, fiOUc, afloat; Btate. 67ffif'Sc. i. I. f.. New York i-nrlnia PROVISIONH-Heef firm; family. Kl.'.ov; mess. tviwuv.Hi: beef bams. 1.50: nacket. JlO.OoftlO in: cltv evtrn at $26.90927.00 for spot tin. Little interest was rianlfested In copper, tho local market ruling dim but steady at nominally un changed prices. $17 for Iake Superior and J16.624 for casting and electrolytic. Values in London roso h 3d, closing wnn spoi ai 69 13s 9d and futures nt 70 ts m. t,eao ...11 ... l. . t. n .It. II ., , VH!1 Wlilllllll LIIHOKC llCrt. VIllPUtK HUM ,1 Jl.374, while in London a loss of as wi was noted to 1M2 6s Cd. which Is tho lowest price touched Ibis veiir. Rneltnr In London wns 5s higher, closing at 17 12s 6d. Tho local market remains quiet nnu uncnangeo ai $3.9.Vi4.oo. Iron markets of the country wero all quiet and nominally easy. Ulasgow warrants closed at 51s Id and Mlddlcsbor- ouih nt Us lOVid. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAltKBTS. Condition of Trnde and uuntnllons mi Stnple nnd I'nno- I'rodnce. E(!CJS Receipts liberal: good stock, firm. lODllc. LIVE POI'LTIIY-Hons. 7Hc: veunc and old roosters, 6'ii7c; turkeys, CftSe; ducks nnd geese, ijji'sc spring chickens, per lo., aoy c. lU'TTER-Common to fair. lOHtlc: choice. 12f(13c: separator, 20c. fKKSH IMSH-Hlack bass, Uc; white bass, 8c; bluetish, 11c; bullheads. 10c! blue fine. 7c: hurfntos. c: cattish. 12c: cod. 9c: croppies, 7(T710c; clscoes, 7c; halibut, lie; her ring, lie; nnddock, lOy; mncKerei, loc; percn, 6o; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, lie; sunllsh, 5c; trout, 8c; whlteflsh, 10c. PIOEONS-I.lve. per dor., $1. VEALS-Cholce, 9?10c. HAY Prices ounted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, $11; No. 1 upland, $10.50; medium, $10; coarse, $9.f). Rye straw, 56.50. These prices arc for hny of good color and quality, uc- mar.d fair. Receipts, 16 cars. OATS-No 2 White, 23c. CORN No. 3, 43C. HRAN-$15. VEGETABLES. SPINACH-Per bu, box, 60c. ASPARAGUS Native, per dor.. 4OU50C. RH UH A RH California, per lb., 2c. NEW, MEETS Per dor., 60c. NEW CARROTS Per dor.. 50c. NEW rUUNIPS-Pcr dor.. 5oc. CUCUMRERS Hothouse, ner dm.. $1:557) 1.50. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 0c. TURNIPS-Pcr bu.. 6oc. REETS Per bu.. 40c, CARROTS Per bu 40c. LPITTl'CE-Per bu 25-3300 RADISHES-Per doz., 20ff30'c. PAHSLEY-P-r dor., 35c. l'OTATOE.7-Per bu.. 50c: Colorado. )e. SEED POTATOES Earl v Ohlos. fiSK.W!' Red River V Hoy, SOc. i;iuiuAUK-.fw uanrornia. 2Hc. TOMATOES--Florida, ner 6-basket crate. fancy. $3.30; choice, $2.75. I yt.i n uiui,. lict 111.. CArLIKI.OWER-St. Louis, per erati, $2. I1EANS Wax, per 1-3 bu,, $1.25; string, per 1-3 nn., 51. r.i.ii n.A.-N r i-er nu. box. 3. I'EPPERS-Per bu. Sox, $2.25. PEAS-Pcr hu.. $1.76; per 1-3 bu 75c. CELERY California, per bunch. 50W76J. NEW POTATOES-Per lb., 4c. FRUITS. STRA WHERRIES Arkansas, per ?.-a.. case, $2.50. CHERRIES California, ner S.lh. hnr. J1.75. APPLES-Pcr bbl.. J4.60: Washlncton. rer bu. box, J2. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings. $2.25(0 .50; navels. $2.50if3.25: Med. sweets. J2.75H) 3.00. ' " l-EMONS Ca forn a. extra tnncv. M."! choice, $2. , i-ww ji.-wit? i ci UU111.-.1, uccuruins 10 size, I.OOH'J.BO. FIGS Calltornla. new I'artons. 75c: lavers. 63c; Imported, per lb., 10H12c. DATES Persian, in CO-ib. bores, rfalrs. Sc per lb.; Hnllowccn. oc per lb. i-i.f,Aii'L,igs j'er doz.. $1.752.00. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, ner 24.sectlon ease. $3.75. uiui-.R per tibi.. J4.50; per hair bbl., $2.75. NUTS English walnuts, ner lb., lbc: nl- berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 1Mi2io; raw peanuts, per lb., 5a5'ic; roasted, CWt He: Hrnzlls. 13c; pecans, li,(22c: cocoanuts, HIDES No. 1 green. 6Hc: No. 2 creen. 4'4c; No. 1 salted, 6!c; No. 2 salted, Sic; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12's Ins., Sc: No, 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides, 813c; sheep pelts, 25Q75c; horse hides, Jl.50i3C.25. Si. I.oula !ri'lii nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Mav 17. WHEAT Hlnher! No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 72!4c: track. 75M 75V4c: May. 72!4c: July. 69'4c: Sentember. (bc; No. 2 hard, 72!4c CORN Lower: No. 2 ensh. 43c: track. UKBUic; May, 43!Jc: July, 420; Septem ber, 43'iC. OATS-Strong: No. 2 cash. 30Ue: track. 30'4i831c: May, 30'tc; July, 27Uc; No. a white. 31ii3Zc. RYE Higher nt 67c. FLOUR Dull: natcnts. $3.E5K1.7K! ktro fancy and straight. $'1.153.30:, clear. $2.80 4(3.00. mhkijm-i imotny, 5-. 1053.00. CORNMEAISteady, $2.30. HRAN Dull; sncked, east track, sg70Uc. HAY Timothy, firm, at J7.50ffl4.50: oral- rle. steady, nt J10.50fjll.60. whisky bteauy. at Jl.so. IRON COTTONTIES-J1.05. HAGOINO-6'(,'B7c. HEMP TWINE-90. PROVISIONS - Pork, steadv: iobhlnr. J15.75. lard, higher, at J7.87437.90. Drv salt meats. Hteady: boxed lots, extra shorts. J8.37HI clear ribs. J8.50; clear sides, JS.62W. Hacon. steady; boxed lots, extra shorts. $9.124: clear ribs. $9.25; clear sides, $9..,74, aiKTAi.H iead, nrm, 4.22Vigi,25. Spelter, dull nt $3.83. POULTRY - Stendv: chickens. 7!,n: springs, 16fJlSc; turkeys, 6c; duck; 8c: springs. 12'4c; geese, 4c. Rl'TTER - Steady; creamery, 14019c; dairy. 12fil5c. EGGS Steady. 10?ic. renacked nnd cases Included. RECEIPTS Flour. 5.000 hhls wheat. 30.001) bu.; corn, 63,000 bu.; oats. 42,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4.000 bu. : wheat. 18,000 bu.; corn, 61,000 bu.; oats, 36,000 bu. Liverpool tirnln nnd I'rorlalon. LIVERPOOL. Mny 17. WHEAT Snot. steady; No, 2 red western winter, 5sllUd; 1 uui inn 11 p,i 111, null), u, 4 lail fornla, s H4d. Futures, firm; July, 5s lid; September, 5s lOUd. CORN Spot. Btendy: Amer can mixed. new, 4sl4d; American mixed, old, nominal, l'Uiures, sienuy; may, nominal; July, 4s; September. 3s lld. peas cnnadian. steady, at 6s $d. . FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull, Ss. HOPS At London. Pacific coast, steaclv. nt 41 10h. PROVISIONS-Reef, easy; extra India mess, bis. -so. j'orK, dull; prime mess western, 61s 6d, Lard, steady; American re lined. In palls, 40s 9d; prime western, In tierces, steady, 40s 9d, Ilacon, Cumberland cat, 26 lo 30 lbs., firm, 44s 9d; short ribs, 16 to 26 lbs., firm; at 25 to 34 lbs., steady nt 41s 9d, Long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., firm at 41s; short clear backs'. 16 to 20 lbs,, firm at 10s 6d; clear bcl. lien. 14 to 16 lbs., firm nt 44s 9d. Shoulders, sullnre, 11 to 13 lbs., firm nt 37s. Hnms. short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 46s 6d, Htri if.11 uiui; r.r.est united states, S8s: good United States, quiet, 6Cs. CHEESE Quiet: American finest whit. 47s Cd; American finest colored, 46s, TAUUun j-rimo cay. steady, sbsj Aus tralian In London, quiet. 26s 6d. Receipts or wheat rtur ne the last three days, 377,000 centnls, Including 216,000 Am.-r- lean, Receipts of Amerlcnn corn dur ntr the last three days, 137,100 centals, Knimti CUT 4Srnln and Prn-rtslons. KANSAS CITY, May 17.-WHEAT-July, 11C . OATS No, 2 white, 32c, RYE NO, 2. otc. HAY-t'liolci. timothy. $l0.50fl 11,00; choice prairie. J9.2Mi9.75. , "I'TTEU-Crcamery, 14!416Vjc; dairy, l3Wni5c LOGS--Fresh Missouri and k'nnnaa nim.li O'.jc, loss off, cases returned; new white- woou cases inciuneii, ',c more. RECEIPTS-Wheat. M.6"0 bu.: corn. 4.1.. 200 bu.. oats. 20,0011 im, SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 71.600 lu.: cam. 3,200 bu.; onta, 7,010 bu. Minneapolis Whent. 1'limr anil tlrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, Mav 17. WHEAT Cash, iSC .Mny, i.'un'tc; oepiomner, kihc; on tracK, 1 mini, n-c; jso. i nortnern 72lic; No, 2 northern, TOi-If'O'ie FLOUR First patents, $4.051,15; second patents, $3.SoS3.9j; first clears, $2.70f2.S0; second clears, i.imi..s. HRAN III UUIK, Jll.ouUJl.ia. I'liffre MnrUrt, NEW YORK. May 17,-COFFEE-Snot Rln. dull: No. 7 Invoice. 6tc: mild, nulet: Cordova, S'iri?12',jc. Whllo (hero was some Improvement in business today, the mar ket ruled commiratlvolv narrow and was quite a professional nffnir. Tile opening was steady, with prices Bit 10 points nlgner. For tlui rest of the sef.ilon tho mnrkct changed but llttlo nnrt clood stendy. with prices net 51110 points higher. Total sales were n.fiO hncu. Ineludlnr .lime at S5.35: July. $.V5n; August. $5.60; September. $5.60 . A? ul ll,l,cr. to.u); wrceniuer, fp.aj; .miiicii, rrr AHcRril Trnln Robbers. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. May 17 A telegram in-riven nere louay rrom snnwnee, 1. T.. stating that (lvo men had been arm'ted there charged with the robbery of n Choc- taw express trail! lit Drlricn .function Ark.. a few weeks ago. The names of the prls- mini. 1, 1 n"i fcivru in me leiegram ana details are menger. but It Is said that a flcht ensued between rienutv ahrlrf nnri the alleged robbers. One mn it i tatri was shot by a deputy sheriff, bnt mountlne a. iivisv, uiauc auuu Ills CBcaic. outmhi'8c; nepiemDer, tti;t,c: casn. No. 1 hard. 69'nli3i,( ; No, 3, 6Sff6S4c; No. 2 red, 69U70c CORN May, 41ic; July, 40Hc; casii. No. 2 mixed, 41i.4ff41ic: No, 2 white, 42iljl3c. ONLY ONE ADVERSE FACTOR Libor Disturbance! the Singla Oltnd Upon Busintis Skies of Brijhtnfii. Dt NOT GENERALLY AFFECT TRADE Iron Mnmifnct nrers Incllneil to Let . IliiKiiiirnietitN Wnlt t'nnsnnl Activity In Afcrlrnlttirnl .Mnp pllrs IIIk L'nke Product Ion. NEW YORK, May 17. R. 0. Dun & Co.'s review of tho state of trade tomorrow will say: Crop reports continue in the main favor nblo nnd ease In the money mnrkct lends to encourage business enterprises which looked aghast at the collapse of stock speculation. The calmer tone In securities Is welcomed In all directions. As against tho favorable departments referred to there Is but one adverse factor, nnd the Inbor disturbances In several quarters aro not considered likely to bo n long-continued drawback and promise not to very gen erally affect the trades Involved. !ss urgency for enrly delivery of Iron and steel products was reported nt manu facturing centers. With mills assured of activity beyond the middle of the ynr and some uncertainty regarding tho Inbor or ganizations' attitude on the wage schedulo thero Is a disposition to let new ensngo incuts wall ns long as possible. Unusunl ac tivity Is seen In agricultural supplies and some noteworthy shipments were reported during the week, while makers of this class of machinery purchased freely of bar Iron. Structural shnpes are In such active domestic demand that llttlo attention is given to available foreign contracts. Coke production Is still enormous, as Is natural, with Iron furnaces operating nt the greatest weekly capacity ever recorded, Forwardlngs of boots and shoes from Bos ton for the Inst two weeks reached the ex ceptional total of 207,302 cases, or 48 per cent more than in the corresponding weeks of 19n0, nnd since January 1 shipments ex ceeded last year's by 12,147 cases, while the Increase over all previous years was much more. Roth wheat and corn continue to sell at more than 10c a bu. above the price at this date last year, nnd the fluctuations In speculative options ure much wider. Contracts In May corn hove been closed at phenomenal prices, owing to clever manipulation ut Chicago, nnd next crop op tions arc sustained beyond the prices war ranted by encouraging crop reports, Moro foreign inquiry tot corn, Increnscd Atlantic exports for the week to 2,458,681 bu., ugnlnst only 1 211,241 In the previous week, but the movement Is still far below the llgures of a year ago. Wheat goes out In greater volume than a year ago, but Hour ship ments ore comparatively light. Cotton failed to maintain tho small ad vanco made at the close of last week, liberal port receipts promptly restoring the lowest quotation of the season. Yet there is more encouragement thnn nt any time recently In the sire of exports and pur chases by domestic mills. Failures for the week numbered 177 In tho United States, against 177 last year, nnd nineteen In Canada, against thirty Inst year. WEEKLY CLEARING HOUSE TAHLE. AuRrrcnte of llnslnrsa Trniisneted by (lie Assoclnted Itnnks, NEW YORK. May 17. The following table, compiled by Dradstrect, shows tho bank clearings at the principal cities for tho week ended May 16, with tho per centage of Increase and decreaso as com pared with tho corresponding week last year: CITIES. Amount. I Inc. Dec. Now York lloston $2,609,119,6801 153.0'. 40.0 . 20.7'. 34.01. 60.01. 42.0'. 14.41. 9.2 . 3S.4I. 31.4!. 38.21. 21.7'. 3.01. 36.0). 15.2 . 63.41. 10.0 . 30.0 . 8.0;. 16.41. 13.2 . 4.41. 15.51 . "ii'.ol. 9.41. 21.9 . 49.0. 164,798,840 Chicago Philadelphia .... St. Louis I i0,3di,2oi 126,080,739 50.98,869 47.174.937 Pittsburg Baltimore San Francisco... Cincinnati Kansas City 27.037.5S6 Z4,14D,3V 2O.713.S.10 20.615.55S Cleveland 15,800.50.) Il,m3,300 10.362,3!S 10.458,888 9,946.632 New Orleans Minneapolis Detroit Louisville Houston Indlananolls V,1!I9,MS 8.110.843 Galveston 6.S36.000, Providence 6.73S.100 6,698.600 6,626,202 6,452,3i6 6,361,973 4.890.S32I Columbus, O. Murrain OMAHA , Milwaukee St. Paul , Richmond Denver 4,446,7431 4.233.37S 3.395.06 3,750,0331 2.970,9!W 2,262.707! 2.840.1881 2,070,6831 1,783,1571 1.662,207 2.(61,010, 1.601,1071 Washington , Snlt Lake City , Hartford Savannah Memphis Rochester Peoria 31. Y . 1 21.3 M.3 , 26.9 . 16.6 . 33. S1. 33.0 . 27.5. 22.8 . 25.5 . 15.3,. 9.0!. 35.4,. New Haven Worcester Atlanta Springfield, Mass.... Fort Worth 2,917,681 1.399,6171 2.213.832 Portland. Me Portland, Ore St. Joseph 8.101,580 3.183.619 1 .or Aiigeies Norfolk 1,428,9041 3.3 Syracuse l,34n,fSl 1.602,229 oes Moines.... Nashville 1,410,8661 20.0' Wilmington, Del Scrnnton Grand Rnplds Dayton, O Seattle Tncoma Spokane Sioux City 1.11S.15S 10.2 21.9: 11.3 28.4! 6.1: 17.8 -25"3 1.301,8391 1,498,196 1.293,075 2.323.141 1,075, ffil 1,196,3261 1.448.798I 2.622,6151 984,934 1 849.6221 592.331, 59I,7SS 680,1891 9IO,430 756,9281 689,855 329,4001 461,4691 287,51 f I 428,219 709,9001 476.4831 roledo 29.71 37.0! 1.91 00 ol is!5i 23.61 18.6 2.8 5.1 Fnll River Augustn, Ga Lowell New Redford Knoxvllle. Tenn Topekn lilrmlngham ......... Wichita Rlnghamton 15.6 Lexington. Ky Jacksonville, Fla..,. 21.6 Kalamazoo 20.0 -2i!i 18.6 ikron Chnttanooga ., itocxrord. 111 Caston. O Springfield. O Fnrgo. N. D Sioux Falls, S. D... Chester, Pa 332.793 366,90) 01,906 361,615 201,099 273,131 102.6M 756.662 22.4 7.0: 31. 8 28.9 Fremont, Neb Davenport, la Evnnsvllle 15.2 14.3 825.H3I 18.4 'zi'.'i 'ii'.k Mncnn 432,000 r,61,S63 530,187 432.913 4S7.1381 Little Rock Helena 40.0' Springfield. Ill "i'.s "ib'.a 1 I'll UH l" " II. w,..,., Rloomlnetnn. Hi 109,9381 189,7171 635,4751 789,9221 Jacksonville 17.6! Colorado Springs..,. Wheeling, W. Vn.. Totals. IT. 8 $3.4(3.088.6381 10.45 Totnls outside IJ. Y. S33,06,958 27.71 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal .... $ 20,389.3391 13,613,600 31.0!, 30.3j, "fi!6i, 27.8 , Toronto Winnipeg ... Halifax 1,851,49) 1.413.411, 1,028,863 1,6V6,63S 752,136! 915,631 .1 23.1 Hami ton .,, Quebec St. John, N. 2.1.91. 10.3 . I Vancouver ., Victoria 6I2.M5 8.5 Totals ... !$ " 40,568,4751 15.51. II II A nSTlt HUT'S HUV1EW OF TltAHE Volume of rtuslnrss nml Collections Are Fnlr for tlie Scnsmi. NEW YORK, May 17. nradstreet's to morrow will say: Business the COJntrv nvi.p l nf n ee.iunn. nbV re-order character with wholesalers In dry goods, clothing nnd slmllnr lines, but uif voiume or business is fair for tho sen- Son and collections nrn rennrtoil llUnnlse. The basic facts underlying the situation coiiiiiuiH inrgeiy 01 a ravnrablo character. Notable In this resnect Is thn rnn aitn.i. tlon, particularly for the cereals, which Is In a high degree promlslnir. The hnekwnnl spring nnd lack of rains In some sections have militated against the growth of cotton, but Improvement Is noted oven In this re speet. The Industries are active. Iron nnd steel are strong but nulet as regards new de mand for the cruiler forms, but Mia tlnlsh.nl products have been heavily ordered and the mius nave sumcieni ojsiness to keep thorn busy from one to three months, while a largo additional business Is reported in sight, Tim demand "of machinists Is ro- garnen as u possimy disturbing fenture, but It Is claimed that one.fourth of the men In. volved have already succeeded In their oe. mands and the feeling Is that this matter will ne aajusiea wnn less than earlier ex pected friction. The hardware trades are reported exceptionally active and some vnrletles of goods, notably barb wire, aie scarce, Forelcn trade continues largely to favor this country nnd the demand for wheat to replace possible smaller yields In Euro pfan countries has swelled the volume of export trade, which might otherwise have lalleu off from April a year ago beca'iso of smaller shipments of cotton and of manu factured goods, Despite tho tnlk of rate cjttlng and of expectations of n ymnller movement of goods as the spring idvnnces railway earnings continue excep'l mnlly lavornuie, some great systems reporting maximum weeklv earnings. Net letutiis also uro of good volume and ehow tint nusiness is being done hi 11 deeid-ii prom. Piobably the best reports ns to new de mnnd come from the leather and nllled trades, while the pootest, as heretofore, are received from the textile Industries. Prices evince considerable uteadlness despite slightly lower quotations for cotton, corn, cheese and petroleum, but somn hog prod ucts, hides nnd Unlher nre renorted hlcher. and the great majority of prices rcmnln t'n- ennngcu. cotton goods arc In fair re-order demand from interior nml eastern Jobbers nnd retnll business Is apparently proceeding at n good rate. In first hands, however, business Is decidedly dull. The print cloths situation is unsatisfactory, owing to the brenkdown of the "selling committee" plan of disposal of the product. C'lrtiillment does nots'em to navo accomplished Its purpose, nnd the Fall River manufacturers are expected to tako Biimn action shortly, one fenture of Which muv bo n reduction In wages. The di maud for me n't. clothing woolens has not como up to expectations, while oil the other iiuiM mess ratines nave soni quite wen. Wool Is flew of sale at the east, but quite active nt the west, where quotations are mild to bo relatively below those of the c.n' Raw cotton Is lower, partly on bet ter crop niiv'.t.. j, but mainly because of con- milieu n-nvy tecelpts, Whent, Including flour, shipments for tho week nggrccntc 3.98l.9tiS bushels, ncnlnst 4,178,872 last week, 5.178,422 In tho corre sponding week of 19W, 2,212,206 in 1899 nnd 4,mi,332 in 189S. Jrom July 1 to tin to this season wheat exports were 183,080,078 bushels, ngnlnst 171.691.598 Inst season nnd 206.691, 850 In 1898-99. 1 orn exports for the week nggrcgntc ,701,591 bushels, niralnst l.SSXVtl Inst week. 3.137,991 In this week 11 year ago, 2.753,114 In 1899 nnd 6,650,579 n 1898. From July 1 to date this season corn reports nre 161,30.",861 bushels, ngnlnst Isl, 279,209 Inst season nnd 14S.033.215 In 1S9S.99. Failures for the week number 192. ns against 193 Inst week, 155 In this week a year ago, Ids In 1899, 211 In 1898 nnd 243 In 1897. Canadian failures for tho week number 21. against 26 last week, 21 In this week a year ago, IS In 1899 and 36 In 189S. MOVEMENTS l. STOCKS AMI ItOMIS. DeiiioiiNlriitliiiis of "Stri-nutli firnn lloiiniit nt the t'liini'. NEW YORK. Mnv 17. -The fever and nervousness were practically all gone out of the stock mnrkct today. There were demonstrations of strength, which wna somewhat intermittent nml umittv In the enrly dealings, but which grew iitid brond- rueii wnn him progress or tno day, and closed with a buoyant outburst, which re called tho days of the early period of tho late boom. The strength In the market was rincipnuy nased on general conditions, Ut there wern besides nn iiimsiinllv lnre number of stocks Influenced by Individual causes. Ilroadly considered, tho general feeling that prices were on a safer level by reason of the Inflation let out of them, while the huMnctH condition of the country nnd the earning power of properties was unimpaired, encouraged tho buying. The Indications for tomorrow's bank statement were of such n strong recuperation that some ptessure to lend money seemed a probability not fnr In the future. Tho belief In the settlement of the North ern Pacific controversy is felt to offer as surance of n more effective neutralization of tho whole western railroad territory iiiuii mis ever oeioie neon Known, The prominence of the stocks of railroads In that region was due to this cause. There was very definite renorts ntlnnt thnt the dividend on Missouri Pacific at tho rate 01 11 per cent was nn enrly probability. Tho bond market wns brond nnd prices were well sustnlned. Total snlcs. par value, $3,455,000. United Stntes 3s declined U per cent on the last call, Tho Commercial Advertiser's I,ondon financial cnhleernm snvs: Tndnv's session of the Stock exchange was without Incident, wnn business too light even to estimate tho tone of tho market. Eight nor cent Is expected to be thn smallest on record, to morrow being a holiday. American shares were quiet, nut firm, with the llttlo busi ness there as all buvlnir. New York no- cepted London prices, and thero wns hardly a rlpplo thereafter. Arbitrageurs went homo early. 1 hn rate ror call monoy was 'i per cent; for time loans, 3! per cent; bills wero 3ai on continental competition. Mon- day will try tho market. Six millions fall due to the bank then. Exchunge on Renin was 20.47H:. me following nro th closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlon 719i, do M pfd ft',; 32'-, em do pfd 9.VPI L. Southw jiammore & unio..i"u'4 no prd.... do pfd 92 (St. Taul ... O.inartlan Pacific. .104V4I do pfrt Canada So 66' 4 So. Pacific lll'l US 4S, 2v; s:i, 4.1'i 107. fd Ches. & Ohio 48'4 So. Itnllnay C. II. & Q Chi. Inn. & L... ..W7 do pfd... Terns ft Pacific Cnlon Pacific do pfj do pfd , G9 .124 Chi. & HI.,.. C. A N. W . 1,' '-3, , ai'unu ,.1S1, do ofd i,'n , .. Di'H 3 a. k. 1. t p, C. C. C. & St. L. . TS'i Wheel. & L. E.... 17 29 2"',i 43, 175 190 79 110 ,115'i 2-4 79 101, 66', 9 47'i . 7r, M'l 10Pi 121 i 6t U , III 76'i . ii 60 , 13 , 96 , 19U 71'i 18'i , 43 73 83 . 66 . S4U 114 , 4,; KM ,100 67; 7Vi . w, CJIfc , KM 1 20; , M ,11m csi; , 4iU 92i Colorndo So H'a do Id pfd. do 1ft pfd do 2i pfd Wis. Central M' ..161'i ..III .. 47 .. 93 .. I7i .. .. 5.1 ..178 .. Jl .. 75 do pfd Adams Ex American Ytx P. S. r.x Wfllp-Fargo Kx... Amal. Copper .... Del. & Hudson. Pel. U & W.... Denver & 11. a. do pfd Erie do 1t pfd dn Id pfd Amer. Car F do pfd Amer. S. & It do pfd Ot. Nor. Pfd Hocking Valley.. do pfd Amer. Tobacco ... Anac. Mining Co.. Urooklyn R. T. . . Colo. Fuel t Iron Con. Tobacco do pfd Oen. Klectric Olucose Sugar .... Inter. Paper do rtfd , Laclede das Chicago Ter. & Tr. 3 do nfd 41 Chicago & Alton .. ?9'4 do nfd 8" Chicago a. W 814 do lilt pfd 3 do Id pfd II Mex. National .... 11 Toldn St. Ij. & XV. 10 do UM 31, P. C. C. ft St. I,.. 72 Con. ua Illinois Central ,...:3"',i Hocking Coal Iowa Central 31Vi Inter. Power . Jo pfd CO illepulillo Strel I.nke Krie & V.... f4 do pfd do pfd 119 National Ivad I,. & N .':" National Salt Manhattan L llfi I do pfd Mel. St. Ry IdSVNo. American Mexican Central.... 2i .Pacific i'oant Minn. &. St. I ll'i. Pacific Mall Mo. Pacific ... M.. K. & T.... do pfd....... N. J. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk & W.. do pfd ..lii5i People's das , . . Ih'i Premed S. Car..,,, .. 164 1 do pfd ..117 Pullman P. Car... ..15S',Tenn. Coal & Iron 60', 1'. S. leather pfd u. n. KiiDDer . do pfd Western Union Amer. Lin. Oil do pfd Union Hag .,, do pfd U. S. Steel ... do pfd No, - Parlflo .11.1 do pfd 90 Ontario & W I21i Pennylvanla II6t Reading 3Vi do 1st pfd 7H St. L. & S, P 40 do 1st pfd (0 nUAnSTUKET'S FINANCIAL IU3VIEW. Pnlillo Tlreil Out nml linn Little Ap petite for gpet'iilntlnn. NEW YORK, May 17. nradstreet's Finnn clal rtcvlow tomorrow will say: All through this week thn stock market has been experiencing various stages wlilcn usually follow a condition of panic like thnt which existed ten days ago. Tno volume of transactions has fallen off sharply and only boenme comparatively active when heavy liquidation was In prog, ress, 11s was tho enso on Tuesday. Tho public has become tired out and lias little appetite for speculation, nnd Wall street has been adjusting losses and tho other complications which resulted from the severo and swift decline. There Is buying of good stocks bv In vestors on what have seemed to be favor nblo terms, but these nre outright pur chases and even thn news which met the street Wednesday that a substantial set tlement of differences had been made be. tween tho parties lo the Northern Pacific contest failed to stimulate, public specula linn. Professional manipulation, It Is true, was active In supporting prices after this became known, but the outside buying wns small nnd on Thursday the total transac tions at tho Stock exchange foil to below I.OuO.OOO shnres, tho first time that has oc curred for n full day's business In quite a while. The street Is again bullish In sentl ment. w Yuri: Mining toel;, NEW YORK, Mhj' 17. The following nre quotations on mining stocks: Adami Con Alice Hreere nrunmick Con. Comttook Tun.. (Little Cnlef 13 41 Ontario $00 ..ISO Ophlr M .. 11 I'hnpn r 11 Potoni 5 Snvaire 7 Con, Csl. Va .. Deadwood Terra.. Horn Slher Iron Silver Ueadvllle Con . 5IS .. 60 ..nr. . CO Hlerra Nevada II Small Hopea 4i Standard 110 Xen York .Moner Murltet. NEW YORK. Mny 17-MONEY-On call. Arm, nt 3V(p5V4 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent: ruling rate, 4V4 per cent; prime mer cantile paper, 4'oMV4 per rent. STERLING EXCHANOE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills st $1 88 for demand and at JI.S(fi-i,S5 for ttxty days; posted rates. $4 S3 14 nnd $1.59, commercial bills. $1 83-MH SIV SILVER-Certtnentes, tvv; bar, 69ic, Mexican dollars, 4S-jc. HONUS-Governments, weak; state, weak; railroad, firm. rim closing ptlces on bonds today are as follows: U. S. ref 2, ret.. do coupon do 3s, reg. do coupun do new l, reg. do coupon do old 4a, reg.... do coupon do It, reg do coupon IX of C. 1 Ms Ateh. aeneral 4s.. do ndj. 4s Canada So. Is ... Ches d Ohio 41k.. do (s c & n. w. c. :. do S. K deb J. Chlcttno Ter. 4... Colorado So. 4s.... D. & It. (1 4s Krle (tmeral 4i F W. & 1 C. is Hen. Klectric is ... Inwn Central Is .. L l N. unl. 4s .. M , K. tt T. Is do 4s 1061, Ki, 109 in i?s 13! U14 113's lO-i, N Y. Centrsl Is... N. J. C. sen. ts.. No. Pacific 3s.... do 4s ,io: .1331, JIS .10M, .107', N Y, C A St L 4s N. ft w. con. Is. toov, 109 til 114 1M 9J lOO'i Oregon Nav. is... do 4s Oretfoti S. L. 6s.. do consol 5s.. . w:i Heading gen. 4s... '02U Ulo 0. W ! 94 Ht I. ft I M c. Ss.. lOSVi St L .C S F g. 6s. .lll'i .131 .190 .114 .ll?H ,i2'i .116', . J4 K6 St. Paul consols..., tte ft. p., c. p. is. HIS' do fa 120'i So. Pfteldc 4' !3'j So. Hallway S.... 87 S. It. A T. s tOUjiTexas Paclfc is 87 I do Is 119 100 lea il'nlon Pacific 4a WM Wabash Is 117 do Is 102', west Shore 4s. H Wis Central 4s., Oils Va. Centuries . .101', .117 .100 .113', . M, . 93 Offered. lloston stock Qnntntlnns, HOSTON. May 17.-Call loans. 435 per nt; time loans, 45f6 per cent. Official cent closing: A . T. tt S. F do pfd Amer, Susar do pfd American Tel lloston & Alli'y... lloston i;ienteil. Ilontim A Me C, U. A Q Hnmlnlon Coal ... do pfd I", rf. Steel dij pfd FUchburg pfd.. Mex. Central N. R. (1. & C Rubber Union I-nnd West Pud Atchison 4s VM.S K 0. & C. 6s. .. 64 .. 1(,'4 . 23 ..USVi .. 30 ..4 ..10!. ..835 .. 24 .. ;m .. 80 .. M .. KM ..1 .. 6. ..225 .. IS .. 3 .. Mt 9J'4 14) UlVi li'2 MS 1M Adxenture Ulng Mln. Co.... Amal. Copper ... Atlantic flnston ,fc Mont... riutt A lloston. 191 W iCal. A llecla Centennial iFranklln 35 lll'i'llumboldt 4."j Osceola MTi Parrot 141 CJulncy 14 Isanta Fe Copper, 10i!','aniarcl lO'.jt'tah Mlnlnit .... "M Winona tl Wolverines 10m London Stock (tiioliitlon. LONDON, Mny 17. 4 p. m.-Closing: Cons., nionej do account Atchison .... I1! :;ifii dn 1st nf,l ... ', ... 71 ... V.'i ...102H ... ... !H ... 4SU ... 41 ... tiM ... 91', ipennsyUnnla . ... 7"Hi Heading Canadian Pacific ...1W4 No. Pacific pfd St. Paul Illinois Central .. Iiulsvllle Union Pac. pfd.. N. Y. Central ... Krle .Pi3'aOrand Trunk . 137 Anoi'onda .104 Hand Mines . 91'j U. S. Steel .1531,1 do pfd.... SILVER Rar, linn, 27H per oz. MONEY The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3i per cent; for three months' bills, SQ3 13-16 per cent. WESTERN FARMERS ORGANIZE Kiirm Co-Oierntl vc (Srnln nnd Live Stock Association to Fight lluyern' Combine. SALINA, Kan., May 17. (Special Tele gram.) After their wrangle of yesterday tho delegates to tho Western Grain Grow ers' convention organized a co-operative so ciety today, which Is practically a grain commission company, with headquarters at Topekn. It is capitalized at $20,000, with shares at $10 each. Tho shares are sup posed to be held by local shipping associa tions composed of farmers throughout tho state, hut Individuals may become members If thoy desire. The association will handlo the wheat of the local associations on a commission of 1 cent per bushel, but it will also attempt to correct short weight and car and rate discriminations which aro now complained of. Members aro compelled to sell whent In car lots through the association, but nre privileged to sell through competing com panies by paving a M cent per bushel Into tho state association. This provision is to keep tho Brain combine from breaking up the farmers' association by paying more than tho market justifies until the associa tion is forced out of business. The H cent per bushel will keep up the association even It it handles no grain. Live stock and other farm products will also be handled About 100 delegates, nearly all of them rep resenting locnl shipping associations organ ized or in process of formation, subscribed for stock. Tho organization will be known as tho Farmers' Co-operntlve Grain nnd Live Stock association. Its directors are: J. A. Ruck Un, Thomas county; A. P. Collins, Dickin son; N. C. Hawkins, Coffee; C. W. Peck ham, Reno; James Hutler, Shawnee; W. C. McConnoll, Neosho; R. W. Smith, Ottawa: C. E. Smith, Smith, nnd U. Mathcs, Mc Phcrson. It is expected thnt local associa tions will bo formed throughout tho state and that the association will eventually dispose of all grain direct to mills and to exporters, thus shutting out speculative operators. M'KINLEY TO COME THIS WAY Presidential Party Plnns to Itetnm Enst by War of the Union Pacific. President McKlnley will pass through Omaha on his way back to Washington from San Francisco. He has decided that ho will leave California on the Central Pacific and that no unnecessary stops will be made. The presidential train will run over the Central Pacific to Ogdcn and over the Union Pacific to Omaha. The trip from Omaha to Chicago will probably be made by the Northwestern. The Pennsylvania will haul the special party from Chicago cast. If Mrs. McKlnley recovers she will be In such poor health that the extensive trip planned by tho president cannot be taken. On this account the president has an nounced that no nttcmpt will be made to visit any more cities. Tho presidential party will remain In Omaha only a short time and thoro will be no demonstration In honor of the chief executive, owing to Mrs. McKlnley's condi tion. THIEVES GET MERCHANDISE Enter Dcpnrtnient Store nt Ilnpltl City and Steal n Qnnntlty nf fioods. RAPID CITY, S. D., May 17. (Special Telegram.) Thieves broko into the de partment store of J. C. Haines & Co. last night nnd got away with $1,000 worth of merchandise. Two men who camn to town with a circus have been ar rested. South DnUotn Corporations. PIERRE, S. D May 17. (Special.) Thcso articles of Incorporation have been filed: Sites Oil and Mining company, at Pierre, with u cnpltal of $500,000. Incorporators: D. W. Miller, F. M. Hlssellng and W. A. J. Senls. Joloti OH and Development company, at Pierre, with a cnpltal of J,'.O0,0fiO. Incor porators; E. D. Cooley, J. E. Flrmstone nnd C. V, Pnttlson. Federal Wireless Telephone nnd Tele graph company, at Pierre, with n capital of $5,000,000. Incorporators: Alfred H. Davis, Seymour Lee and W. A. .1. Scale. Snnd York Extension Oil company, nt Pierre, with a cnnltnl of $1.5nn.(i. Incor porators: Hugh ('. Currnn. Frank A. Pot ler nnd Hnrry S. Anderson. Spanlsh-Amerlcnn Copper company, at Pierre, with a cupltal of $.hi,(i, Incor porators: Frank Unrncctlar. Henry W. Rrown nnd O. V. Pattlson. Hoyd. Lynch Anna Creek (Sold Mining company, at Rapid City, with a capital of $200,f). Incorporators: Thomas Sweeny, Edmund Lynch, John R. Univ. John R. Hrennnn, Jnnirs Hoyd, Jacob Morris nnd Mary E. Hoyd. .,,,. Rockwell company, at Plnnklnton, with a capital of $23.iA Incorporators. C H. Rockwell. E. J, Morgan. William A. Pease, C. A, Rartow and S, H. Pcnse, Pacific Const nnd Texas Oil company, nt Pierre, with a capital of S2.000.00o. Incor porators: James Stein, William 11. Rein hart and Harry S. Andereon. OMAHA LITE STOCI MARKET Llfkt Recilpti f Oftttl tod Market Htld Practically Steadj, HOGS SOLD BIG TWO AND A HALF HIGHER Choice Lambs in Good Demand nnd Ten to Fifteen Higher, nr Half n Dollar IIIkIiit Than a Week Aro Sheep Also fold Higher. SOUTH OMAHA, May, 17. lU'celntn cattle. lions, ciuep Omcitti Monday oiiicmi iiiuMiu.,.. Ulllclal Wedneed.iy Uiliii.tl iliufdaj.. Uftlclul Friday ..... .. J.iVU 4.l91 U.Oil .. i,s9 1,'..' .. 2,4bU IV, JU 0. IV I ., o.ifJi i,mhI 2,di9 . . l,lt) ti,;t'J l.Sji Five days this week... 16,359 3b,5J2 22.47I Sumo ilujs ai wees. ib.soJ JS,4il 24,93 oame ?k uvturu 14,jH li,M Same tnrou weens utjo..i,i 6i,lJ lo.uli aamu tour wf,;s ago 10, iu 01,11s ii.U'j Same uays mat yKut .,,,, s it,4o .iru,c in n.e j,, a !l0(j at bulu Omaha die pat kvrui Ua)o with com purlooiu. I 1901. U'.'00.U3!.,lU.Tt3;.,lX.lSW. Apia 21. April a. April 2t. April u. April 24., April xi, April M., Apia M.. April jo. May 1..., May May Mny ..., May ,..., .May May 7.,., 1M' 9.,, May 9..., my 10.. wuy 11... May 12.,, May 13.., day II... M.iy 15... May 16... .Way li.., J 4 1 tt i 141 i Ut ' " a n 1 S4 i tl 4 ill. A ll i 1l i To i , 4 H 4 &.ti J dni 3 7 3 !W ' I V t)1 3 11) 3 W 3 .' 3 lO a o 4 J 3 tn 3 yj 3 lui 1 "I 3 kD I 3 VJ 3 6 4 fen 3 bi 4 19 3 ec, 4 3ti 3 C5 2i 3 bii 1 4b 3 rM is) I 0 it I "lll 1 t)6 1 b 71fi f I 5 b7Ti 5 u bl 1 6 65W 4 U, 4 -4 1 4 46 4 tw Mi i in 0 tfl'l IMl 1 39 I 5 o u bi J 4 tW J l 1 " 1 0 2 i 1 b 1S J 0 Hi 4 5 6 2 i (m t a i i 0 1UI J lii 6 12 3 65 6 lo A b2 b 1H J 0.1 5 15 3 6C 5 17l 1 0 2l 3 671 5 23 3 t3 6 20 J M 4 II 3 3 Ji 4 W I.I 4 34 1 1-! 4 44 4 IV 4 4 4 4 4 47 1 i 30, 3 .2, 4 i" u in, 3 16 4 4U 4 3 1 ii 4 4i I bl , I 4 4J 4 4b u U), 3 ll' 3 17 3 20 4 44 I 0 u I & V I 5 S3 i 5 71 4 ii 4 on 3 31 1 "1 3 13 4 27 1 1 3S Indicates Sunduy. Tho oiiiciai number of cars of stock brought In yesterday by each road was: ,, ... . Ottle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'aos. C, M. & St. P. Ry 1 5 O. Ac St. U. Ry 1 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 3 Union Pacific system.... S 15 5 ,. C. A N. W. lty 3 3 F., E. & M. V. R, U 21 22 C, St. P., AI. & O. Ry.. 8 fi H. & M. H. R, K U 16 1 1 C, li. & Q. Ry 1 n C, R. 1. & P , east.,'..., 3 li C, R. 1. A: 1., west 43 3 Illinois Central 3 Total recelnts 105 100 4 was The disposition of the day's receipts ... lununfl, i.-ui;ii uujrr iui cilllHing me num. iii'i ui iiuiiu inuicuica; Uuyers. Omaba Packlnip Pn Cattle. Hogs. . 6.1 9SS , 314 1.W6 . 711 1.7W , 133 2,662 Sh'p. I vi 3 '263 M2 Switt and Compir.iv.... initially I'acKing Co.... Armour & Co Swift nnd Co,, country. R. Hecker Ac Dfgan 33 Livingstone Ac Schaller. ... 5 liamnton At it 37 Other buyers 23 Totals 1,351 6.916 1.5S1 CATTLE There wan a very light run of cattle here today and, in fact, hardly enough to Interest buyers. As a result the market was not particularly active, though good stuff sold at steady prices. A good proportion of tho receipts wero made up of beef steers, nnd the better grades were picked up in good season at Just nbout yesterday's prices. The less de sirable grades, however, were rather ncB lected and packers did not seom to care whether they got them or not, The situa tion could perhaps best be described by culling It steady on good stuff nnd slow on the common to medium kinds. There were quite a few cows nnd heifers on sale this morning In proportion to tho total receipts, and there was no particular change noticeable in the prices paid. It being" the last end of the week buyers did not seem to be quite ns anxious for sup plies as they have been before this week, but still sellers held for steady prices and succeeded In most cases In getting what they asked. Lightweight heifers, though, were a little weak. Tho bulls offered today sold In yesterday's notches, and the same was true of the calves and stags. There were not enough stockers nnd feed ers in tho ynrds today to make u test of the market. The demand from the country is so light thnt yard traders do not care to have muny cattle on hand, and as a result sellers find the common grades very hard to dispose of. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. No, 1 1 , 4 1 1 3 li 3 7 11 4 f.6 27 35 2 6 10...... 14 t3 M Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ..1014 4 n ..1090 4 90 ..1250 4 fO . . 1113 4 90 ..1291 4 95 ..1251 5 N) ..1169 5 05 ..11W 5 05 ..1216 5 05 ..1094 6 05 ..1204 5 15 ..1217 5 15 ..1261 5 Z) ..1145 i 20 ..1342 5 20 ..1296 5 25 ..1155 5 M ..1315 5 30 ..1500 5 M ..1680 6 M 80 $3 00 650 13 C 12S5 4 20 9T0 IB (40 4 25 870, 4 40 083 4 JO 1376 4 M ?s: 4 M 19.... 2.... 1.... 9 .. 32.... 6.... 35.... 19.... 19.... 23.... 936 4 65 87' 4 TO 4 70 4 TO . 994 .1127 19 IS ... 93 4 70 40 ...1125 4 TS 40 ...1165 4 M 20 ,..1149 4 SO 20 ...1043 4 0 19 ...1121 4 U 2.1 ...1076 4 1 STEERS TEXAS i$l 4 35 18 91S 4 70 14 21 is!'."'. 16 1 ,j 2.'.'.'.'. 1 892 4 50 19 1275 6 16 ....1014 4 65 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 900 4 25 40. .1104 4 95 .1091 4 9J . 992 4 75 .1100 4 90 42.... COWS. 1.... 1174 5 03 1120 3 5 1230 3 M 630 1 00 730 1 fO 860 1 75 MO 2 50 , , 740 2 50 1000 2 50 Ml 2 50 157 Z 60 1050 2 75 1160 2 90 790 3 00 870 S 00 950 3 r) 930 3 23 1090 3 U 520 3 75 970 3 25 , 990 3 35 (70 S 40 915 3 40 960 3 50 1070 3 60 971 3 50 1.... 1. 90 3 55 1 4 1160 3 90 1. .1160 3 90 1 2 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 12 1 6 18 1........ ..1200 3 90 .. 915 4 CO ..1120 4 M ..1095 4 00 . . 930 4 M ..1020 4 10 ..1126 4 15 865 4 15 13... 1... ....1"93 4 15 900 4 25 1 1030 4 25 1 1550 4 70 1 1164 4 75 1 1200 4 35 13 1121 4 .15 22 943 4 35 6 tM 4 45 16 1049 4 15 2 1040 4 30 1040 3 75 1211 3 75 2 1076 4 li COWB AND HEIFERS. T 20 ,,. 868 4 15 STEERS AND COWS. ... 944 4 50 HEIFERS. ... (50 1 50 ... 632 3 '.0 1. ,1(1?0 4 30 . 632 4 45 , 913 4 60 . 972 4 60 . 966 4 80 9.... 9..., 8.... 21.... ... K0 4 W ... 8!0 I 00 ... 637 4 V. ... '0 4 SI BULLS. ...1290 3 25 1 ...1220 3 25 ...1370 3 25 1 ...1120 3 40 1 ... 640 3 to 1 ...1110 3 60 1 ...1J70 3 40 1 ...930 .1 15 1 ...12W 3 90 6 ...1670 3 M ..1410 4 00 ..1590 4 00 ..1740 4 M ..1900 4 10 ..1240 25 T90 ...11T0 125 ...1510 4 25 ... 616 4 25 CALVES. 111 2 CO .140 6 0') to 6 75 160 6 M 130 6 00 1.... 200 6 25 160 6 25 160 6 50 170 6 50 130 4 50 6.... 1.... 1..., 1.... 120 6 25 ST AOS. 1 1240 3 50 12 1288 4 50 1 1090 3 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 810 1 23 1 680 3 25 1 1060 3 23 2 660 3 73 STOCK CALVES, 1 S3) 4 99 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS, S 62S 3 00 4 T50 4 35 C5 844 3 TS 31 62) 4 60 1 630 4 CO 29 610 4 65 2 1090 4 JJ HOaS the supply of hogs was not large today, while the demand on tho part of packers wns In good shape. The market opened a etrong 2'4c higher, with the hulk selling at $5.70 and $5 72W, against $5.67 and $5.70 yesterday. The hogs began moving toward the scales it an early hour nnd the bulk of the offerings wns soon out of first hands. The better grades sold at $5.72 and $5.75 and as high as $.1.52 was paid for good heavyweights. The lighter hoits sold from $5.70 down nnd were slow tale as usual, while anything on the pig order wns very hard to dispose of at any price. There was no noticeable change on the last end of the market, the last hogs sell. Ing In Just about th same notches as they did earlier In the day The market today Is at the high point of the week and in fact Is at the highest point reached since the first week In Mny, Representative sales No. Av. Sh, Pr. No. AV. Sh. Pr. 97..,. .. 174 50 SOW 78 .153 (0 6 75'i 95 164 .., 32t 12. ...... .264 fO 5 72'i 33 171 .. 5 fS It 254 40 i 72i 72 234 SO 5 67'j 76 US .,, i TJl, 81. ...... .191 160 57'4 69 ...250 80 i 72'i 64.. 219 80 6 70 87 117 50 6 724 77 224 10 5 TO 45 757 ... 72l 56 229 160 6 70 69 221 ... 5 72 6S 309 ... 5 70 62. ...... .251 ... 5 J' 44 200 ... 5 70 63 219 120 6 KM 12 159 ... 5 TO tS 263 80 5 ?2t V, 216 100 5 70 60 260 160 5 72't 73 200 ... 5 TO 74 254 80 5 T2H 91 Ml 80 5 TO 64 243 f) S T2'i 56 197 40 8 70 66 244 21') 5 J2it 44 20 80 5 70 69 24$ 120 5 ?3t, 18 265 40 I TO 76 251 10 5 72'k 39 269 80 J TO 66 237 120 6 72', M 294 ... 5 70 75 252 ... $ 72H 7S 194 W 5 TO .'21 ... 5 72', 61 246 80 ! 70 TJ 240 80 5 70 21S SO 5 TO 61 24ft 210 J ?2'i T4 191 120 t TO 64 26,1 360 5 72', C4 223 120 5 10 55 246 160 .17JI, 67 121 ... 5 TO 67 239 80 5 "2t 65 241 50 S TO 65 241 80 5 72', "2 215 SO 5 TO 63 254 50 5 72', ! 121 40 6 70 19 252 ... 5 721, 75 230 t60 S TO 62 245 50 5 72', 65 2J5 240 6 TO 61 25S M 5 721, 87 209 ... 5 TO 6.1 241 200 5 T2, T6 200 40 5 70 64 219 160 5 T2", 71 209 ... 5 70 30 Mi) ... 6 724 19 233 ... 8 70 f9 235 ... 5 72 V, 52 222 160 5 70 63 244 60 5 2V, 22 254 40 J 70 49 234 80 5 T2, 1 170 ... 6 72tJ 62 055 ... 5 72 (7 243 4) I '24 66 251 ... 5 .5 4 315 1M i ?24 60 21 160 5 75 It 212 1) I 724 7 217 ... 6 7S 72 261 120 S 724 60 280 ... 5 75 67 234 20) t 724 (6 178 160 5 76 77 224 120 5 724 67 244 ... 5 73 64 247 160 5 72 4 66 300 ... 5 75 75 233 50 5 T2 4 57 261 ... 5 75 5 . 219 .5 724 70 241 160 6 75 65 . . . 332 160 5 72 4 14 303 M 5 75 84. ... 232 a0 5 T2'j 66 246 50 3 15 72 . . .246 1J0 S Tib 61 291 ... 5 75 4 241 160 5 '24 69 241 ... 5 75 2 5 "24 49 304 16) 3 774 IT . ...356 5 72 4 20 291 ... 5 81 4 SHEEP There were only a few cars of lambs on salo this morning and the market ruled active and 10c or 15c higher. Colo rado lambs sold at $5.10. which wero tho eamn kind as sold nt $4.85 and $1.90 at tho close of last week, tiood lambs were In ac tive demand and were soon out of first hands, Clipped lambs sold as high as $1 10. There wero not enough sheep on salo lo test the market, but It was evident that hnd there been any good ones hero they would have told at good prices. Quotations: Choice clipped wethcrsl $115 ffi4.25; fnlr to good clipped wethers, $J.MUf 4.bj choice cllpprd owes. $3.651f l.m); fair to good clipped ewes, $3.30Jj3.fi,): ctiolco wooled lambs, $a.25tfS.40j fair to good lambs, $.).UV.T 5..i; clipped lambs. $4.40ft4.70; fnlr to good clipped lambs. $4.2504.10; spring lambs, $5.50 Jjb.fcp; feeder wethers, J3.5iKii 1.00; feeder lamns, 4w4.40. Representative sales; ISO. 1 cull ewe 9 cull ewes 2C6 clipped lambs.... S03 Colorado lambs.. AV. 55 55 63 78 Pr. $1 50 3 M 4 40 5 40 CIIICACil) LIVE- STOCK .MAIIKET. Cnttle tienerall) Dull Hogs nml Sheep Strong to Higher. CHICAGO, May 17.-CATTLE Receipt. 1,500 head; generally dull, but stendy; good to prime steers, $5.30ri6.95; poor to medium, $3.poQ5.23; stockers nnd feeders. $3.00rj.00; cows. $2.2oi(4.35; heifers, $1.:t.nH.iiS; canneis, $2.102.75; bulls, $2.6fl(!Ji.40; calves, J2.MVJ0 i; Texas fed steers, $(.25jiS. 10; Texas bulls, $2.75'53.S.ri. HOCiS Receipts, 19,000 head; tomorrow, 18,(810, estimated; 2Si6c higher; sales ranged up to $5.iC,(?(o.0i; mixed nnd butchers, $5 5 io.9.; good to choice heavy. $5.83'r5.!'i; tough heavy. $5.6."Tjf.S5; light, $5.5o'flu.S5; bulk of sales, $5.S0H5.87. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts, 7,0" head; strong at 15n25c higher, iambs fctrong: good to choice wethers, $4.33'ff-l.r); fnlr to choice mixed. 94 .15171 .40; western sheep, $1.35'l.i". yearlings. l.60&..7B; na tlvo lambs, $l.o0'95.ffi; western lambs, $4.tu 0.60. Official receipts and shipments for vester duy: Receipts Cattle, S.7S4; hogs, 24,740; sheep, 12.652. Shipments Cattle. 3,777; hogs, 4,826; sheep, l,9i3. K minus t.'lty I.vve 8iel, KANSAS CITY. May 17. CATTLE Re celpts, 1,500 nntlves, 100 Texnns and 20 calves; native and Texas beef steers strong, cows and heifers MrlOc higher, stockers and feeders steady; good to choice, dre.sed beef steers, $5.30i5.60; fair to good. $4,75fi6.25, stockers and feeders, $4.(KVii5.00; western fed steers, $1.50fl5.35; Texnns nnd Indians, $4.0Oy5 05; cows, JJ.40ff4.7B; heifers, f3.607f 5.00; ennners, J2.50Ji3.15; bulls, $3.35y4,73, calves. $4.00J.25. . HOOS-Recelpts. 17.500 head; market 5o higher; top, $5.90; bulk. $3.63i5.fw; heavy. $S.MM5.90; mixed packers, $5.70f5.8O; light. $5.3545.72; pigs. $4.50476.25. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, .l.fKO head; market steady; western lambs, $175 SJB.23; weslern wethers, $4.25iif4,75; western yearlings, $3.50f?3.90; ewes, $3.7591.25; culls. $2.503.50; grass Texas cheep, $3.75J4.25; spring lambs, $5.5036.50. Nctt York I,lve Stack Mnrket. NEW YORK. Mny 17 REEVES Re ceipts, 2,507 hend; trade flow; steers, strong to 10c higher; bulls and thin cows firm; medium cows bnrcly steady; steers, $5 15 ff75.76; tops, $5.90; fat oxen, $4.eOtf5.35; bull'. $3.25JT4.riO; cows, $2.303.90. Cables steady, 10?4(gl2c per lb. refrigerator b;-ef, 9c per lb.; exports, 522 cattle and 4,260 quarters of beef. CALVES-Recclpts. 1.189 head; market opened lower, closed 251750c lower: veals, $I.OOfj5.87; choice nnd extra, $6.0)170.25. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Ilecelpts, 4,631 head; sheep steady. Iambs 15y25c higher, clipped sheep. $3.25114.50; culls, $2 75; clipped lambs, $3,001(5.50; culls, $3.50; spring lambs, $4. IV). HOGS Receipts. HAV) hend; market firm; state hogs, $6.1016.20; no westerns on tale. St. I.nnln I. lie Stork. ST. LOUIS. Mav 17. CATTLE Receipts. 300 head. Including 100 Tcxans: market steady to strong; nntivo shipping nnd ex porting. $4.75'J'.50; dressed beof and butcher steers, $4..15t(5. 10; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.() 04.75; stockers nnd feeders, $2 807(4.75; cows and heifers, $2,00'iI4.tK); calipers, $1.2.V02.S5; bulls, $3.00'Jifl.fM: Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.WJiC.li0; cows and heifers. $2.55W4.30. HOGS Receipts, 7,400 head; market strong to 5c higher; pics nnd lights, $5.60'i"i.7O; packers, $5.60flf6.75; butchers, $5.80iKi.97, SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, Urt head; market steady; native muttons, $I.007JI 75; spring Iambs, $1 75Qfi 25; culls nnd bucks, $3.5034.50; stockers, $2.75173.00. St. Joseph Live .Stock MnrUrt. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, May 17.-Spcclal,)-Thc Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 600 hend; mnrket ac tive and steady; natives, $1 2.V35, 60; Texas nnd westerns, $3.75fifl 50; cows and heifers, $2.23JM.80; bulls and stags, $2 25fi-l.S0, yenr llngs and cnives. $.1.504(4. SO; stockers add feeders. $3. Wf4.fi5; veals, $l.23f("ii.50. HOGS Receipts. 4,900 head; mnrket big 5c higher: all grades, $3.fi.-,fli).92; bulk of sales. $5. 7006. SO; pigs strong. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts, l.oort head; market strong; lambs, iLCSWO 30; yearlings, $4 30.75; wethers, $4.1034 GO; ewes, $3.3034.10, Stock in SlHht. The. following table shows the recelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the four principal live stock markets May 17: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1.278 6.969 1.50H Chicago 1,500 19,000 7,00) Kansas city l.coo 17.500 3.000 St. Louis 300 7,400 &M Totals 4,678 fA869 12,102 I.nTVd to lie Published Moon. PIERRE, S. D., May 17 (Special Tele gram.) The office of the secretary of state today received the last proofsheets of the new session laws, and these sheets, with the tndox, will bo returned to Aberdeen to morrow. Under the contract tho publlca- tlonn should have been delivered by Mar 8 and they will probahly ho out within a week. Hxninlnnllnn for Mentennncr. PIERRE, S. D May 17. (Special Tele gram.) Captain Arthur L. Fuller, one of the South Dnkotnns who haB been placed on the list for n lieutenancy In the regu lar service, today received notification to report at Fort Leavenworth next Thure day for examination and will leave to morrow. Wants Ten Tliniisiiml DnmnKes, nBATIUCE, Neb., May 17.-(Spoclal Tele- elegrara.) Lenndor S. Richards of Liberty filed a petition with the clerk of the dis trict court today asking $10,000 damages against Ralph Mount of Liberty for al leged defamation of character. Richards Is a business mnn In Liberty. Trirslmur llliltl, Boyd Commission Co Successor to Janes E. Hoyd & Co,, OMAHA, NKB. COMMISSION CHAIN, PUOVIMO.MS AND STOCKS. Hoard mt Trade BllaiaB. Direct wires to Chicago ao4 New Tark, CorrcnEondcntc, John A. Warren A