. THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FH1DAY. MAY 17, 1901. ft SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for llirae entuinui ttIII lie lukril until 12 tit. fur the (renins edition nuil until 8 110 p. in. for morning nml Similar edition. Bates, 1 l-2o n word first Insertion, la a irorrt thereafter. Nothing; tnkrn for lean tlmn Sifia for the Drat luarr Hon. These fl vf rtUomcuta uiuat be run consecutively. Advcrtlaera, lr reqtieatlnu num bered check, cnn hnre nnairera nil dreaaed to numbered letter In cure of The lice. AnatTera ao nddreased will he delivered on presentation of the eheok'-onljr. wanted-mall: help, WANTED We huvo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear nnce. C. F, Adams Co,, 1605 llownnl St. B-301 BARBER trade tnURht thoroughly lit short tlmn; catalogue- and particulars free. WcMtcrn Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B-303 WANTED, assistant engineer, capable of operating steam and refrigeration plu'it; state Ago, experience nnd salary expected, nlso If married or single. Address J'. 0), Bee. - . U-751 WANTED, r.xperle need soap salesman; must be thoroughly competent: Btnto nge, experlcnco and salary. Address HS, Hoc. B-M926 'IN advertising solicitor wanted. Apply to Allbery. 609 North Twenty-fourth street, South Omaha H-Mlll IT WANTED, nn experienced druggist, regis tered, with best of referenced. Address Ktihn Sc Co., Omaha, Neb., with refer ences. B-M17I 18 WANTED, nn energetic man In ench lorallty to represent our rapidly growing business; a teacher, student or one with church afllllatlons preferred; no experi ence, necessary; no capital Is needed; salary Jioo pT month. Address Mnnnger Association. 91S 8tnr Bldg . Chicago, III. B-M163 22 tVANTMO Salesmen; also ndvortlser-i; no books; cash salary. Ttlumph Co.. Dallas, , Tex. H-Misr, S3 WANTED A young man wltH business ex perience, who can command tl.oon or tl. M cash, to Inko thn local management of n money making proposition, no traveling; city trade; capital can be .turned monthly, making a net profit of 15 to 20 per cent. Address George H Dunn, Jr , care of this olllce. H-M1S5 20 S A I , I : H M K X MM N T B II . SALESMEN for pen carbon copying books nnd other quick selling olllce specialties; lino sldo lines: cntnloguo free, earn 120 weekly. Model Mfg. Co., box R, South Bend, lnd. -M13S Jell WA.NTUH-rl3MAI.l3 11111,1. WANTED; 200 girls. 1621 Dodge. Tel. 870. C-307 WANTED ladv TurklHh bath operator; must havo had good experience. Apply room 220, Bee building. C fiT2 WANTED, housekeeper in small family; no washing. Address P 10, Bco. C 271 IVANTED, girl for general housework. JSIJ California ,l Mrs. W. K. Potter. C 19 RELIABLE help. Canadian pfllcc, 1522 Doug. C 773 AT ONCE, competent girl for general housework: references required. Mrs Geo. B. Goss, 3027 Chicago. C-M916 A.T ON.CE. competent girl for general housework; references required. Mrs. Geo. B. Voss, C027 Chicago. C M918 WANTED, cook and second girl, S510 Far nam. C MH2 QOOD girl for general housework. 1021 Park avenue. C JU50 17 IVANTED-Olrl for 1050 Georgia Ave. general housework. C-159- VVANTED, good woman cook, nt once. Commercial hotel, Humphrey, Neb. C-M173 19 GIBL to cook and assist In genieraliouse work; family of two. 3221 Ix?avenworth. C-M10I 17 WANTED Waitresses for tho west; J2U per month. Apply 715 S. nth street. C M1&3 20 WANTED Girl for general housework? family of four; modern house. Call 216 S. 31st nvenue. c Mli7 17 Fllll Bli.ST- 1IODMES. IF you want your houses well rented place TO move right, get Omaha Van Storago D-310 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Brennan-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street. D-31I Houses, stores. Bcmls, Paxton Block. D-312 SEE HENRI! B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. U-313 HOUSES, etc. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-311 HOUSES and flats. Btngwult, Barker block D-315 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block, D-310 FOUB rooms, modern, $11.00. PCS N. 27 SI. D-M3SI M-29 LABGE 12-room residence on tho North boulevard, will paint, paper and make what Improvements nra necessary. Rent, HV.uu. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 10th nnd Douglas. D-.M675 FOR RENT, Btrlctly modern Hat, Davldge tiulldlng, opposite city nan. o-room modern house, 2006 Mason St., near park, nice lawn ami shade, $35. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-SI91S 2905 S. 17TH ST., seven-room house, city water in kitchen: will paper and paint to suit good tenant; block from So. Omaha car; rent, $15. Omulia Loan & Trust Co. D-M263 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam st. D-M293 FOB BENT, 2121 Sherman ave., 10-r.. mod crn, $35. Byron Reed Co , 212 So. Hth. D-M76I For house painting that will stnnd. artistic colors, moderate prices, 'phoun 2092. A. H. Clark, 2703 Leav., for cost. D MS71 17 11-ROOM modern residence, 51R South 22d street, rent payable In board for man and wife; references exchanged. D M922 MODERN 7-room house near park. 1509 So. 2Sth. D-lOfl ROOM rnus nenr Ilanscnm park, in flno condltlOii, ront $37.50. OMAHA LOAN AND TBl'ST COMPANY. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M963 2222 I.ARD St., E-room modern tint. $12. Tho Byron Beed Co., 212 So. Hth St. D- -M97S 842 Capitol nve,, S rooms, at $25. , - D-M129 21 TO LET, elegant large 13-room home; laVgs lawn and barn, $75 per month. To Let. 8. room house, new, every con venience, $10 per month. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-M131 B-r.. newly overhauled outside and In, 2Sth nnu Mapie, iu. inquiro 1203 Farnam si D-157-1S FIVE-ROOM tint. 13th and Cnstellar; all modern improvements; 510 per month John Rush, 'Phone 611 or A-20S4. ni50:t l-ROOM strictly modern house. 2669 Doug las, Thomas II Fell, 400 Merchants Nn- uonai naiiK mug.- u at 101 FOR RENT, modern S.rconi cottage, 9fG S. 25th ave.; newly painted and papered. Tho O. F. Davis Co., 552 Beo bldg. D-M162 20 FOR RENT June 1st, 8-room brick house, all modern. 316 N. 23d Btreet. D-M1SS 19 FOR IIENT-FL'RMSIU:!) ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-320 THE THURSTON, 15th and Jackson: steam -321 koii iii:.T-rutM.siicu rooms, T1HIEE nine rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. K-114 iTorSETcEEPINO rooms, t8 up. 5623 St. Mary's. E-MS09 M22 ENTIRE parlor floor, 3 largo modern rooms. Furnished for light housekeeping, gas furnished, gus range; near 25th St Fnrnatu. References exchanged. 8 27, Bee. E-15S-1S FOB BENT, ftmilshed rooms for light housekeeping. 711 S. ICth St. E 170 22 3 NICK rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 1L t ,J-m NICE room; modern. 2SS0 Hartley street. E-MH2 23 I I It.MSIIEII ROOMS AM) UOAIll). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-322 GLENCAlRN,transle,nts,11.25 day. 1009 Doug, F 323 THE Morrlam, summer resort, 23' Dodge. f-mo;s LARGE south front parlor, also smaller rooms, with board. The Rose, 1020 Harney, F-b'Jj A NICE south room. 23th St. The. Pratt, 212 Ho. F-81-i ROOMS, S"0So. 20th. . F-Mllii K LAROK south front, room ulth IhmtiL 2o2 h st. , . K-MiajS !1 No. ISth SOl'TH room, with boarl. 1M Cnpltol ave. F.I17i5 1!i rou iii:.M-t m i it.M.siii:n ikioms. DESK room space, 3 per month', ground floor room In Tlia Bee building, faclnt Farnnrn street; no expenso for light, heat or Janitor sen Ice. B. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, lice building. Q-416 5 t'NFI'RNISIIED chambers for man and wife. 31 North 17th St. O-SH Vol II rooms, modem, within walking dls tiince; man nnd wifo. preferred: refer ences. M2 S. 26th Ave. CI 1S." 1C THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, light housekeeping. 2211 Douglas St. O-.MUriU 1-Mlt III3M-STIIIIBS AMI OKI'lCl. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent roisonable. Apply R. C. Peters ,fc Co., ground Moor, Rio llldg. 12C! FOB BENT," the building formerly-occu" pled by Thn Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories aild u basement which was formerly used us The Bee. press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply nt onco to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Boo building. I-2C1 AUE.Vl'S WA.Vl'KU. WANTED-Canvasflng agents In every county to solicit suuscriptions ror THE TWENTIETH CU'NTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains l.lOi) Imperial octavo puges, tM object-teaching engravings, und Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the tvery-duy, pructlcal, money-saving uso uf cvry farmer and stock owner, steady employment with uesured good Income. Agents In tho country with horsu and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 0O to $lu0 per mouth. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo Building, Omaha. J is7. AGENTS make $C dally selling tho cheapest mid iiiobl ierieui waiter inter uver in vented; retails nt $1.60; big protlt; ex clusive territory, Seneca Filter Co., Sen cca. Mo. J-M91S Jell STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 012 911 Junes, general storago and forwarding -324 OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UV4 Farn. Tela. 1559-S63. 323 WAXTHU TO BUY. WANTED, second-hand furniture, largo or small lots; highest prices paid; drop a earn or tci. j. icvinc, ;m .N. pitii. . , N-M1J9 Jei3 WANTED, one to live tons clean ryo straw which has been threshed by hand and Is free from chaff. Address (leu. A. Joslyn, uiiiuiui, i-u. i at io WANTED, to buy two dozen Leghorn hens. WANTED, good base burner for brand new uicycie. iiti itogcrs, 1211 Farnam st. N-MH3 19 rUH SALE l-UllMTUlltt, flllHAGO FUBNITUBE CO.. 1410 Dodce. Tel. 2020. New Sc 2dhand furniture bougut, eoiu, excuuugeu. u j.u UPHOLSTERING, 16th & 11 Worth, Tel. H6l u vn FOR SALE HOUSES, VIOIHCLIIS, IZTC FOR SALE, top buggy, good condition; your oner is my price, 11 it is rigut. u, M. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P MSVJ FOR SALE, 2-seated family carriage, 31"ip son make, $123. 1011 Farnam St. P-032 ruoUei' lire; oeen orivei: nine, out goou as new. u. -i. iiart. luui junta m. P-773 I SELL new, up-to-dato buggies, runabouts, etc. li. l-rosi, mn ana i.eavenworin. P-191 FINE family mare, 472S N. 39th st. and surrey. Apply ' l-'OH .Vll,K-MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST, choapest posts, poultry & hr.g fence. Wl uougias. ij m 2DHAND safo cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam y isj SAFES, buy, sell, exe'go. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed and coal. Monroe a: 1-0, , tvj iiin. tci, ui Q-7W WIRE fence fot poultry, Belgian hare, hog nclu cr lawn iru orKs, 011 a. ittn m, Q-MS7S Jy7 FOB SALE, fireproof safe! will sell very cheap, .xiiuiess. .1, t-aro jiee J Q-.MUM9 FOR SALE, shoemaker.'s out fit, Including' material and machine. C. Allscliuler. Te- kamaii, jseu. u-jiui .v ICE for sale by carload, lots. ' J. N. Cus sell, Aurora, Neb. Q MHO 17 FOB SALE 15 head gocil' fresh cows. Call a I llTlllUMl. ui niui n Ik , ., 1111.1 jtuifc Sts. " ' Q-154-17 NEW city directory for sale cheap. Call nt Beo olllce. . -p-lSO IS b FOR SALE Cheap: fresh Jersey cow! grind milker nnd perfect pot. A. L. Root, sntli and Pratt Hts. j 1. 11' nAUGAlNS In secondhand Clevelands. Nn tlnnals. Rncvcles. Columhlns. StenrllS Crescents, Worlds, Mnnsons' nnd1 many otner mnKes iiinnna uicycie 10.. cor ner 16th nnd Chlcngo Sts. . Q 177 22 CLAIRVOYANTS, MBS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 10th. 3 800 MM E. GYLMEB. palmist, 315 So. loth st'. S S73 EI.ECTllIC TIIHATMK.NT. , MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th. 2d door, lioom 1. T 124 20 MISS MAE LESLIE, 0198, ICtli St., 3d floor, 1 MO 11- .EIISO.NAI,, nil. ROY. chronodlst: corns HUnrrtlunu ralr removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenzer DIOCIt. U-.-WJ PRIVATE home before and durlns conllne meut; liables adopted. Mrs. llurget, 2C20 liuruene. u i VIAVA. woman's way to health: rational wholesome homo treatment. 318 lira Bldg, u 337 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rem-, wiiiie, sewing jiacuiue. iwi u.oug IBS. ICI. .SI. U NEW 'ltdlers for cloth wrfinrel-s. NnvAltv Iron und Brass Works, 417 S. 10th. PhnnS ItCil IT M?oo 1,, , wv, w . I - U Ulll., PERSONAL, P.t'PTURE cured' no ktilfo, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Blip, ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, U-335 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during coullnement; babies adopted, 2306 runt St. U-310 M. OOI.DMAN & CO.. only perfect ac cordlon pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. SUlto 200, Douglas Block. U 33S A BOX rf Bc-No-May Powder Is not a luxury whr it affords you ft cure und secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. u Mil: CARPETS md rugs cleansed like new without taking up. Satisfaction or, no pay. City rc-luruiiLu. Dlop postal. SOS J, lb. U 131 Jl FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mill orders solicited, Omaha Pleating Co.. 1.24 Douglas. U-M5J2 WE RENT sewing machines nt "5c per week. Wo repair and sell parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. 13th and Harney, 'phono 1663. NEED money; will sacrifice my Ivers Pond uprlRht grand piano; make me an offer. Address P 01, Bee. U-lio 1C WAI.I. PAPER cleaner. C. Sllddlcmlit. Tel. 12iS. Rest of city references. Leave order at 1.19 Farnam, U-M14S 21 .MOM2V TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms ut & per cent; borrowers can pay J1W or any multiple; any Interest datu; no doliy. Brennar.-Luvo Co., 3Wt S. 13th st., Omaha, Neb W 341 MONEY to loan on Improved Omahu real estate. urcnuuii-t.uso Co., 3uu south ism. w 312 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ucorge s: company, iwi rat nam sueui. w sis FIVE per cent money. Bcmls, Paxtou block. v. Jll WANTED, c'ty and fntra loans; also bends aru warrants, it. u. I'uiers A: uo., liu: i-uinum si., lieu uiog. v Jia MONEY t loan ut 41: ud ojj per cent on uniunu prupuriy. . u. .iicuii. rji a, loin. IUVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas, V J13 FIVE and 514 per cent city -ud farm loans, uarviu liros., iuu t-aruam si. vmj PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 037 N. Y. L. v 3jU CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton, 605 Bco. W .MJo3 TO LOAN, $400 to $500 on real estate secur- W-U71 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real es tate: a Dcr ec u iniciesi: no eomin asion: prlvllegu of, paying Jloo or more before IIIiiLUI 11) .IIVClUlll .iiuium i.ue ills. Do. John W. Gish, special loan agent, 211 1st rvut'l Bank uldg., Oinalia, Neu. W-710 $1,000 AND upward to loan on improved city nronertv and farms. Wanted, Omaha and Douglas county gen eral iuna w.irriinis. . i-arnum fcinltli Ac Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 791 AND 5Vi per cent loans. W. H, Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. luis. w 351 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WHEN YOU NEED 8IONKY SEE US. It is' easy to advertise lowest titles, as others do, but wo leel positive, that It you will ir.aku compurlzoiiH you will be con vinced tliat you can uo oetter with us thiin elsewhere. We loan un furnitun. pianos, live stock, etc., or wo will inako you .. SALABY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. We charge nothing lor making tho loan ul.d you receive the full amount in cash. You may pay it buck in one month or take six months or more In which to nuv It. and you neid not puy tor It one uuy longer man you nc-i uui icrnm aru ine easiest, our business Is confidential and OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Uoaid or Trudo Bldg. Tel. (Established 1892.) 300 S. ltjtli St. X-354 upun Uielr names without security; easy nuvineiitH. Tuinian.Hu iiouid ut i'i :i . 1 ,, 1 . 1 , 1 . - X-827 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses .l.,...l. ltrf ll.AUl, 1 W lln.l.... I.il. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS nn household furniture, nlnnos. horses. wagons, etc., In two hours' time; ulso to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Omulia. Privato lntprvlewlni- room. AmeMcan Ixuti c o., room 32 Brown block. Cor. lbth and Douglas Sts.; cntranco on ltn si., oiiposue 1. .i. c. a. mug, A -1130 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAiiiEU itturL.u, merchants, team Bters, boarding houses, etc., without so curltv: easiest terms: 40 otllces In nrlnel- pal cities. Tolman, 410 Board Trade Bldg -V 3,( BALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgugc, no inuorser, no publicity; lower rules, mui-u etisivi iiuyincuis. BELIABLE CBEDIT CO. Third Floot, Boom 303, Paxton Block. X-353 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stock, etc. yuieK service nnu lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top Hour; I'uxiou uiock, noriiieusi. corner liii and Farnam; entrance 011 16th St. X-357 &jFt A iirunuu oiiiui.vu iiuiiu iu,uii,K jjur Mi.nnn with ruantnBlhlu nnn.n upon thulr numos without security; euy puymeuts. Tolman, 440 Board Trudo Bldg. VS-7 SHORT tlmo loans. Joe Pleasants, 61 $1,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard.& son, uite jiu urown uik. a-ws MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jow- eiry, nortea, cows, etc, u. r. necu, s u. Ill SINESS CHANCES. PHYSICIAN wanted, a moderate Invest ment, lor OIllCO IIIIIIUUIK. t-vi:., will Bftum good location and practice for competent t. i., 'fim nn, FOB SALE, the Osborne House, Alnsworth Neii tintni nas been reutteu nnu im proved; has all tile commercial trade nnd i . I . . 1 I I r. I ' I I I A Id UU1IIH u HUUI1 uiiaiiioa. ,...- iw - Howe, Alnsworth, Neb. M4I5 Jel r"rttl Al.E. bnkrv nnd confectionery, do Ing good business ,iu sinnu iNcuruKu town; goou location; goou letmon ior st-u Ing. Address O 42, Bee. Y-M797 M20 FOR SALE or for rent by day or month pinning mill nnu macmnery in goou con union. .uuresB q d, uee. x Mtui n "FORTUNES uulcklv made In oil." Write for new booklet (just out), ulso sp;clal illinium nnu auvices on on uivl-biiiiciub. mailed free. Becklcy & Co., bankers, 0 uroauway, New xorK. i .mbji is' FOR SALE-A Bnnp. A livery, feed nnd sale stable; everything llrst-clasB. Will T. H. Ensor. South Omaha, Neb. l I.I 10 FOR EXCHANGE n.UASD men's wheels for ladles' wheels Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts, X 007 LOST. BAY PONY, swayback; reward If returned to 1-ranK svnjtcK, aiu s. loin si. Lost-M167 17 STRAYED from Locust nnd 2(th 1 6-vear n d bav mare, bad wound n right side i chest between lees: only partially broken reward for return or Information whero she can ue found, wr. w. ii cnrisiiM. Lost-M191 1? LOST, two rugs from our delivery wagon nn U'uiliiAH,lai.' Ilhaf-nl rnn'nril u-lll li lllild for reinrn'nf snme. Orchard Az ' W helm Carpet Co. Lost M1S9 1 1; PAWNBROKERS. .... I . . UIHVK, IVI.I.I.IV, UVbUl,IIIUIHti Ing; all business confMentlal. 1301 Douglas ii-i FOR SAI.E-IIHAI. ESTATE, F. HARRISON, 913 NEW YORK LIFE. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. East front on 31st Ave., Just north Curtlss Turner Park, special paid, $2,100. South front to Curtlss Turner Park, full lot. hnrd to duplicate. $1.5'0. bollhle front (that Is, fronts two streets) west of Turner Park, oust 011 30th, t,Uf). North front, 50x100. Harney, near 31th, high and sightly, very line, $1,350. West and north front, corner Mrd nnd Dodge, flnest corner unold, J2,dO0. 53x136 on 32nd Ave., near Dodge, west front, but fine, only $1,600. 47x137.5, Fnrnnm, near 3Sth, two fronts, cheap considering everything, $2.ov". Two CS-foot west fronts on 31th, paving in, but not paid up, $2,050. North front. 100 feet on Farnam, west of C. Hnrtman's, $75 a foot. Lot west of this, on other side of street, not quite so desirable, J2.5c". Three lots on' Farnam west of 2Sth, ft little low, easily lllleif, $1,5-10 each. 165x157, highest, most lovely view in Omaha, nil pived, ready to ttc; this cannot bo duplicated, $1,500 1101S7, corner S3rd mid Fnrnnm, paved, ready to use, i'.V'i for all. C. F. HARRISON. 913 NEW YORK LIFE. RH-17-1G vor.vn man' vnfvu MAVi Have you Just a little monc tn Invest? jierc is sometnmg neuer than rnimt pa cific or Northern Pnrlllc xtoi-k Twn line W-foot lots in Kcndnll's addition, J20 rncn, ciisn. I0 pur mnntli, NO IN TEREST. Lots nrc worth $51 Only two left. Come nnd see us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life Hlda. RE-M170 17 A BEAUTIFL'L HOME. On S. 26th st., Just north of st. Mary's nve., all modern, frame, bath, closet, hot nnd cold water plumbing, elegant llxlurcs, hran new nnd just think of the location, paved street, paving paid for, $3,000 and not n bit less. Havo a dozen chances to rent, but owner will not rent, must sell. Easy terms, very easy. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M171 17 HOUSES and lots in nil pnrts of city; also acre property ami larm lantis. rno o. r. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building. RK-afl? SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. COl N. Y. LIFE, RE "66 FOR SALE on monthly payments. 8-rorn modern nouse on in. iitn si. car lin: nlso vacant lots, which will he ImpmTsd for purchaser on modernte payment down. Mutual Ixinn nnd Building Association, G. M. Nattlnger, secretary. Bee Bldg. RE 301 FOP. SALE, n snap, ft livery teed and sile Btnbm; everything llrst class, will take $1,000 to swing the deal. Address Dr. T. H. Ensor, South Omaha, Neb. RE-727 10 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union Paclnc Railroad company. B. A. Mc.Allaster. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-3S2 WHY WILL YOU PAY BENT When you can. buy one of thoso beautiful 2-story modern homes In Bemls Park for only $3,200 each, $300 cash and bnlanco In monthly payments Just as you pay rent. If you can't raise $500. for first payment perhaps you can pay larger monthly pay ments, COME AND SEE USJ, PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. IJfe Bldg. RE Mill ,7 HOUSES, lots, fnrms. lands, loans; also fire insurance, iiemis, i-axion uik. ri; 357 WANT offer on fine lot nnd seven-room nouse, close to goou car line, eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennurd A Bon. 309-10 Brown Block. RE $39 C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. FARMS. IlL 10'J Jel2 FOR SALE or exchnngo, for Columbus (Ohio) property, two lots Tiiornburg and one Burlington Plnco additions to Omaha; all free from Incumbrance. Address J. A. Hartley, 84 N. High St., Columbus. O. RE-M113 FOR SALE, houso nnd four lots, chenp for cash. Call cor. 37th und Valley sts. II l. t , It 41 RE-MH7 21 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-BOi BEAUTIFUL BEM1S PARK. Do you know wo havo sold 7 of thoso flno lots In the last few days, nil for building purposes. Three homes to cost from $1,000 to $6,000 to bo built in block 10 right awny. Only 4 north front lots on Hawthorne' nve. unspld only $950. ench. Go out and look them over nnd see the new houses. 1 lots on Lafayette ave., only $600, .1 lots, south fronts, on Hawthorne avo., only $900. Theso nro beautiful lots. 9 houses now In course of erection. 3 years hence you will condemn yourself If you don't get a homo In BEMIS PARK. easy terms. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Solo Agents, Main floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-1S1 16 TWO eight-room housea on Emmet street. near .oui, nu ii-ui ui snniini wiin eacn house; small cash payment, balance monthly. A. P. TUKey, Hoard of Trade. BE-M1S4 20 XIUUICAl.. BHEUMATISM - WHISKY - Why" suffer irom rneumniiHiii wucn im-re is a specinc cure for you? Why be a slave to whisky, opium, morphine, tobacco or coculno when we cruarnntee to euro you? Anrnvir this by writing the Ensor Remedy Co., South Omahu, Nib. lncorporoled in 1492.) Ai itw jes LADIES. $500 reward for n cave of suimrcs. sion old ur. jacKson s Aioiuuiy Reguinior falls to relieve in 24 hours; positively guaranteed; no ergot or pills; many saved rrom suicine; iiieui sain nome trentment. Mull $3 to Dr. Jackson. R. C, 814, 167 Dear born St., cnirago, ill. M935 2i DR LE DUE'S Female Regulator, nosl lively warraiiii-ci in cure ine most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larltles, obstructions nnd suppressions lirmiirht on from whatever nhnnrmril 1111. natural dlseaseil or pathological cause, $2 n package, or 3 for $0; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug 10., r.iBiii, 111. iiiiii ic,iii oiuce, retail wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Omnha: M. A. Dillon. South Omnhn Davit Drug Co., Council Bluff. Full line of legitimate runner goons. SHORTHAND AMI Tl I'EWRITIM;. A C. VAK'sANT'S school. 7(7 N. Y. Life, oiv BOYLES' College, court reporter principal ueu i-iiub, Oil NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd' Theater. 372 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col.. 10 & Doug (iARIIAOE IIAUI.IN'fi. ANTIMONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and deed nnlmajs ut reduced prices. 021 JM, mm. lei. in). W.51 S127 IIOII.ER .MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollers.tanks, stacks, etc. ici. uui a izard Sts. -4 59 OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON institute. Sl5 N. Y L. Btdg7 TcT 160-1 ; Alice Johnson, D. O , ladles dept.; Uld E. Jihnsoti, Osteopaihlst, Mgr. -374 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxtou btk. TcJ.t36J ,'U PAT3NTS. PATENTS, no fee Uliless successful Sues .1 Co.. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice free -153 Jul5 I'Altlll EIRY FLOORS. FRANK SEVICK makes a specialty of ail kinds hardwood flooring und parquetry. My prices are right. 1911 oak St. -650 MIS LAlNlim . flMAtIA fftnnm t.nnnilrv? hlrt. "r. ,,,1lfir4 ' 2c; cuffs, 4t. 1750 Le.ivenwarth. Tel. 317. IHlESSMAKINti. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 31S S 26th St. -2S.I M27 CARPENTERS AND .lOllllERx. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing 1 promptly nitcuueu 10. J. i. uciiiuree. mi a nnd I.ykc St". -170 SHOE REPAIHINU. SOLES. 40c; rubber heels and soles, 75c Neb. Repair C-i.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulnne. Prop. 140 M.:i SCREEN nr.. MIS. Windows, etc. G, C. Co.. 1519 Leav. Tel. 2529. -'95 .12 urvci.i:?. SECOND-HAND bicycles at i price; must have the room for new ones; good wheels for $3 and up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. L-nlls Flcscl er. 1622 Cnpltol Avt. -M30 U'COItDION PI.EATINC. ACCORDION plcntlng. cheapest, best, quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnuni. 376 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, 11. 1j, com. Nni. nanit. u. 11. Hntnnun. -379 STAJI.MERI.M! AND STliTT ERINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 P.nmgo Bldg. -377 ;R.MTtRI5 REPAIItlNi;. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Wnlklln. 1111 Cuming St. -J7S EI.OCl TION. ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodge St. -S77 M22 TAILORINO. "l'lJU ('KST saved: high-class tailoring, latest designs. Stephen J. Broderlck, 1617 Farnam st. -MS3 M23 IPIIOI.STIBHNO. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcnv'th. Tel. 252J. -j)i TICKET IIROKEIt. CUT rnto tickets everywhere. H. Phil- r-3S0 bin. 1503 Furnnm. Tel. vsi. ADVE.tTlSi.Mi FAN'S. advs. FANS. Burklev l'tc. Co.. Omaha. M177 J'J TALKING MACHINES. , az'gaaar uinnna nnu i.mcTm, J4jw.,iip Neb., uro Iho Talking JIflftftatft'tt Machine headquarters RSuHHalto' carrying the most com- Dlcto line of latest roc- orus. hen you fall elsewhere, call, or tend your mull orders to us. POSTOFITCE NOTIC1S. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur ut uuy time). Foreign mulls for the week ending May 18, 1901, will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) at thu general postotllcu us follows: PAR CELS roar mails closo ono nour earlier than closing time shown bciow. Parcels post malls tor Germuuy closo nt 5 p. m. weanosuuy. Regular and supplementary malls closo at foreign brunch hulf hour later than closing lime shown below. Trlllm-A tllimlo Mulls. SATURDAY At R:30 u. m. for ITALY", per s. s. Ducr.essu dl Genoa, via Nupies (mull must be directed "per s. s. Duclicssa dl Genoa"); at 7:30 ii. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s, s. Rotterdam (mull must bo directed "per s. s. RutU'rdum") ; at 1U ii. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. h. Ethiopia (mall, must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia";: ut 11 a. m. for DENMARK, per s. ii. Ilekla (mull must bo directed "per n. s. Hekla"); at 12:30 p. m. (supple mentary 2 p. m.) tor EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queenstown; at 1 p. m. for Italy, per s. s. Hoheiizollcrn, via Nupies (mnll must be directed "per s. s. Honenzcliern"J. PRINTED MATTER, irrC.-Thls steamer t a (es printed .Matter, commercial Pupors ti'id Samples for Gormuny only. Tho same class of mail matter tor other parts ot Europe will not bo sent by this uhlp unless specially directed by her. After thu closing of tho Supplementary Tians-Atlautlc Mails numeu uoove, ad ditional supplementary mulls aru opened on thu piers of the .American, English, French und Gcrmun steamers, anu re main open until within Ten Minutes of thu hour of suiting of steamer. Mnils for South anil Central America, XX est Indies. Etc. FRIDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, perH. s. ,.l...l. ..I.. r'nnr.!..n ... .1 1 lllltlltU, It 4UI1I1.1I.U VII1U1' 1UUBI OC Ul- rccted "per s. s. lthnkn"); nt 12:30 n. m. (supplementary 1 ii. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC per s. s. New York; ut 11 p. m. for NEW FOI'NDLAND, per s. s. Corean, from PhlludclnhlH. SATURDAY At 6 n. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, UHUUUAY und PARA GUAY, per r. s. Klaxman, nt 9 a. m, (supplementary 9:30 u m.) for PORTO RICO (via San Juan), VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Caracas (mail for Bavnnllla and Carthagena must bo di rected "per s. s. Caracas"); at 10 u. m. (supplementary 10:30 u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVANILI.A and CARTHAGENA per s. h. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per b. s. Altai"); at 1U a. m. (supplementary 10.-30 n. m.) for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTHA, per s. s. Alps; nt lo u. m. for HAITI. CURACAO, VENEZUELA. TRINIDAD, BRITISH and DUTCH GUIANA per s. a. Jennnu email must bo directed "per s. s, Jeanne"); at 1C a. m, fur CUBA, per b. s Mexico, via 'Havana; at 12:30 n. m. for MATAN51A-1 CAIBAR1EN, NUEVI TAB. UIBABA and BARACOA per s. s, Ollnda (ordinary mall only must bo di rected "per s. s. Ollnda"). Mulls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and theuco by steamer, close at thiu uttlcu daily at u!3 n. .':... i-nnn,...ti,, , close hero overy Moniiiiy, Wednesday nnd Sniurduy. Mulls for Mlquelcm, by mil to Iloston. und thence by steamei, cioie at this olllcu dally ut ouu p. m. Malls for Cuua, by rail to Port lampa, Flu., nnd thence by ttenmer, close ut this oftke ually, except Mondny, at (, a. m, nli0 count cling closes aro on Sunday, Wednes day und Frldu). Malls tor Cuua. bv 'all to Miami, viu., and thence b;. 3teamo' closo at this olllce every Monday nnd Friday nt "ll p. m. Malta for Mexico Clt. overlund, unless specially addressed for dispatch bv steamer, close at this of- lice dully ut 1:30 p. in. und 11 p m. Malls for Cosiu Bleu, Belize, Puerto Cortex und Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, una thence by steamer, close ul this olllcu dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays tor Belize, Puerto Corte and Guatemala und Tuesdays fur Cosiu lllcu). "iicgisiereu muii closes ai u p m. previous day, Triiiia-I'uolllo 'Inlls. Malls for lin.vail. via Sun Francisco, close here dally nt 6;3'J- p. m, up to May 13 for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa, Malls for Hawaii, China und Japan, via San Francisco, close nera dallv nt :SS n. m. up to May 16, Inclusive, for dispatch per B, n. IOIUU'. r .. 1 1 o n',,1,1,1 nn.l I..a.,.... r..iK.i- ,llulin iui a. iii, , u i in ,iiniiuionn midimo. via San Frnnclsco, close here dally at 6. 3d p. m. up lo May "is, inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Malls for China and Japan, via Van couver, close here dally at 6.30 p, m. up to May "il, Inclusive, for dispatch per POSTOIVH P. NOTICE. s. s. Empress of India (reglstetcd nun must be directed "via Vancouver t. Mails 'or Hawaii, Jcp.ih, Chlnu and Ph'l Ipplne hln. ids, via Han Franelsco, lose hete dally at 6 30 p in up tu .May "Ith, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s America Marti. Mnll tor Australia (except West Australia wlt'ch Is forwarded Via Europe), New '.eaiand, Fiji. Samoa and liawnll, via tian Francisco, close here dally at 6:3' ) m. after May 'i and up to May "20, inclusive, or on nrrlvnl of s. s. Lucanl.i, duo nt Ni York May 25, for dlspiuoh per s. .1. Soitomn. M ills tor Aistrnlla texrept West Australia, which Goes via i;uropc, and New Zealand, which goes via Snn Francisco), ami FIJI islands. Ma Vancouver, close hero dally nt fi:!o p. m. up to Mny 23, Inclusive-, tor dispatch per s. s, W.lrrlnum tsupptemen tnry malls, via Seattle, close at ir.M p. m. May "26). Mall mut bo directed li Vancouver.) Mulls for China mid Japan, via Seattle, close here d-illy at rt.;vj i. nt up to May '2Mh, Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Idzninl Mnru (registered mall mut be directed via Seattle). Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing Is nrratiged on ihe preemption of their uninterrupted overland transit .Registered mall closes bt 6 p. m. pre vious dny. CURNKI.M H VAN t'OTT. Postmaster , postofllce. New York, N Y., Mny 10, 1901. CO Ell . II KT NOTIITl. PROPOSALS' Foil FRESH BEEF AND I .Ml r roNTOflice Chief 1 ommissary. Dei - foV'ftlrnlshlnnd'l'l mutton on Mock 'during fiscal eur com- j IV.?"1'";.1; '""V '" ,,' received al Forts Mm kenzle nnd Wa hakle, Wyo . until 11 n m . standard mountain time, June K, 1P01 nnd then nm-ni-il I'rniniH.iU will In- received Mini opened at same time for fresh beet mutton, to be delivered nt llicse posts, at lempctiitiire not greater than M de-reef Fufirenht'lt. !nf- rmntlon furnished 1111 iinlilletillfin Miil'nlntiB ,iiiiihIiiIiii. nr,l. Ixistils sliould be 111 1 tki-i) " TdniKfi . lor ' fresh beef and mutton, ' and iidilrex-ed to ! iiuut-i -iKiit 11 or 111 rnuiiuirrill III pol III I I ! OFFICE .CHIEF QI'A RTER.M ASTER I P.r.'."3.n iXMul' Ifululli conditions, will b- ri'cchcd at litis olllce until 2 o'clock 11. 111.. I'cnlrnl lime Mnv 31. ii'Ji. ior ine cousiructloii ol n pump Imiije and lieater room for water tank ut Fort I Robinson. .Neb,. Full Infurm'ntlou furnlhed : I upon nppllciitlMii to this olllce. or to the qiiurtermaster, Fort Robinson, where plans und npcclllciitlotiH mil) l- seen. Proposals ; j to be marked "Proposals for pump house, I i etc , at Fort Uobinou, Neb..' nnd ad- ' dresFi'd to the undersigned. F. II. Hatha way, C. CJ. M. M--17-1S-2S-29 M I.EtiAI. NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Sealed proposals will be received at tho olllce of commissioner of liubllo lands nnd buildings of thn state of Nehrnskn, nt Lit, coin. Neb., until 1 o'clock in. Juno 0, lOol, for the rebuilding of tliu state penitentiary ut Lincoln, Neb. Plans and speclllcatioiis may be seen r. the olllce of the Lominlsslouer of public lands und bullilliu'?4. lit the olllce of tho warden of tile state pcultentlurv and ut tliu olllce of Messrs. Berllnghof A: Orunt, nrclil tects, Beatrice, Neb., alter tliu 16th day ot May. 1901. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified i heck equal to 6 per cent ot thn umni-ni bid, suld check to bo payable to the state ot NebniKka, In case the bidder tecelvlng the award shall fall to execute n contract and rurnlsh the bonds nn tequlrod within ten days nfter the receipt of notice of thu acceptance uf tils bid. The party or parties receiving the con tract must enter into n bond In tho sum of flS.uuO, said bund to be a surety company bond. Tho plumbing and steam fitting will be bid upon sepatutely from the main build lug. The Board of Public Lands nnd Buildings reserves the right to reject any upd all bids and io waive defects OEORGE D. FOLLMEB. Commissioner Public Lands und Buildings, Lincoln. Nub,, Mny 7, 19J1. M9dl0tm Allliiiiil .lifetime. The nunUnl meeting ot stockholders of tho Fremont, Elkhom & Missouri Valley Bullrund comtmnv will be held ut ihe nfli o ftho eompuny In Otnnha, Neb., on Friday, uuy ii, iwi, in iv o ciock a. m., ior 1110 election of directors anil the transaction nf such oilier business as may come before the r.ieeung. j. jj. jtisui- ikld. Sccrutary. n.ULWAY GUIDE. UNION STATION IOX1I AND MAIICY. Union Pad flu. Leave. ...a 8:20 am ...n S:50 am ...all:35 pm ...all:3.i pm Arrive, n 7;30 pm a 3:25 pm n 4:25 pm a 0:5i) am 1)12:30 pm n r.:50 um b 9:35 um Overlnnd Limited. Fast Mall Mai and Express. Colorado Special.. Lincoin-Hiromsoerg lsx.u i:oa pm Poclllc Sc Atlantic Ex... a 1:25 nm Grand Island Locnl b 5:20 pm UIiIciikO .V NurtlMX cnteru. Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express nl0:55 am Eastern Special a 4.55 pm Fast Mall.... Omuha-Chlcugo L't'd...a 7:45 pm n 11:30 pm u 8:40 am a 4:05 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:45pm a 8:00 um n 5:30 pm Fast Mall a B!3U um Cedar Huplds I'assenger Sioux City A 1'UL'lllc. Twin City Express a 6:55 um Twin City Limited a 7:55 um ai0:25 pm a 8:15 am a 3:50 pm Sioux City Local n b.Oo am CIiIciik", Mllivniikfe & St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 0 :00pm a 8;05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 um b 3:40 pm IIHnoU Central. Chlcngo Express a 7:00 am a 5:10 pm Chlcugo, Minneapolis & ut, raui iimitea u i;ro pm a s:oo am Minneapolis d St. 1'aul Express M 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from council iiiuns u :w pm a 8:12 am Fort Dodge Local, from Council uiurts u e;oo am Chlcngo, Hack Island A. I'nclllc. Des Moines & Davch- nort Locul.. a 7:25 am bll:33 nm Chicago Express ,.bll:15 am a 8:10 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chlcugo Fast Express.. a a:ou pm a im pm Des Moines, Rock Island ' & Chlcugo ...u 7:;o pm a a:3o pm Lincoln, Colo Springs Denver, ruemo and West n 1:30 nm a 4:15 nm Colorado, Oklahoma nnd Texas iyr a &:20 pm a 9:50 am MUaoiil'l Pllclllc, St. LoUls Express., al0;00 am a 6;25 pm K. C. A. St. 1.. express.. alo:50 pm a 6:15 am Omahu A St. Louis. St. Louis "Cannon Uall"a5.15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas .uy ci iuincy Local a 7.00 am a 9:00 pit XX'llblls'.l. St. Louis "Cannon Bull" Express '....a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Ill HLINGTON STAT1ON-10TH MASON Chic-mo, HurllnKlon tliilncy, , , Leave. Arrive. Chlcaco Special a i:xi am nlO:2n nm Chicago Vestibuled Ex..n 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chlcugo Local a 'j:M um a 4:oo pm Chicago Limited a 7!) pm u 7:45 am Fust .Mall a 2:45 pm lliirlliiKtmi .t Mlaanurl River. Nebraska & Colorado Expiess u 8:40 am a 7:35 pm wyinoie, ueuirico iv Lincoln a 8:40 am bil:55 am Denver Limited ,,a 4:2a pm a 3:00 pm Ulaek Hills s Puget hound. Denier' Con nection , a 9:00 pm n 6:45 am Lincoln 1' usi juan n a:oo pm a a:i7 nm Fori Crook und Platts- mouth b 3:20 pm bll;C5 am Bvllevue & Pncltlu Jet.. 11 7:40 pin u 8:20 am Bellevuu & l'acltlc Jct;.ul2;10 am KiiiiHHH Clt, St, Juhcj.Ii A- Council lllufTa. Kansas City Day Ex... a 9s20 am a 6:25 pm Kansas City Nlgnt Kx..ulo:30 pm u 6;15 urn Bt, Louts Flyer a pin ull;l5 am u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. XA'HIISTKK IIKPOT-iaTH A WEUSTEIl, l-'rciiioiil. ElUlioru A Missouri Vnlley Leave. Arrive. ninnk Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs ,a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm M.'v,inliiir. Casner nnd Douglas ............ ....d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm liaSllllKB, 1U(1 l'YIU city. Superior, Geneva; Exeter and Seward, ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Frutnont i...b 7:30 am bl0:25 am l- rcmoni iotai c i:j-j am Llilcnuo, SI, Paul, Miiiiirnpolla A Oninlin. Twin City Paitenger,.,,a 6:0) am a 9:10 pm It CII.M lit IDE. Sioux City Passenger Emerson 1kkI l.Ullllll I I'lK'tllC. 11 2 45 pm Kin am b 5:20 pm b 8:30 am Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water ... hi 10 pm al0;45 am a Dal:y b Dally except Sunday, c Sun dny onl d Dally except Saturday Dally ixccpt Momln). GRIEF ANNOYS MR. OVERALL Ciiliiml 11 1 1 nrrlcr I'llea Coinplnln t ' Agitliist Ills Nrluliltor'a Mint. '11 1 iik Dm r.y Edmund 11. Overall, a colored mall car- 1 rler living at '-'010 Lake strret. Is seeking to have a mourning dove owned by hit' neighbor, ('. Hohceek, deelsrcd n nuisance and suppressed. Mr. Overall Is a member of tho colored 100 and lives with his family In a fins brick house nt the above number. Re cently lie hnd the Infelicity to entertain nt his home the bogus potentate from Morocco. Dr. Francois Droulelte, and soon nfter the Inttcr's hurried departure found himself shy a $40 suit of clothes and two diamond rlays. Now he asserts that there Is n subtle Irony In the lamentations of the doxe The very day nfter the nabob's' eclipse, he s,iys. Mr. Rohceclt bought that nioumlm; dove at n hint store nnd put It m n rage, lii the hack yard, where II pours nRl.h of Us soul upon .he night air and keeps him nnd his family awake. 6nys ,hc ,0j,,B 0f lnp fowl along 1 nl'm" "dock in tho morning Is some thing heartrending. He doesn't ask his neighbors to do nny grieving for him cither in person or by proxy, nnd either wants the mourning dove killed or Its . lachrymal gland removed. Prosecuting Attorney Thomas has the case under iidvlsemenl Cures bllllousncss, ronstlpallnn nnd dys- ncpsla or money refunded. 50c. Sample and 1 n"d cure sen. free for lOc to pay 1 rostsge. Ren Ilros. & Co.,Mlnncapo!U. Minn, I OUTPUT OF RAMBLER MINE 'lilrtj -Clttlil nrlouds ire Produced Hint llrlnu Tlioiisniiil llol Inri En oil. I LARAMIE, Wo. Mny It?. -(Special.) I The output of t'.ic Rnmbler copper mine I on Douglas creek has been thirty-eight carloads. Ench cur netted the owners a I little over $1,000 lifter nil expenses of min ing nnd nniuing had been paid. Tne com pany now has about twenty carloads piled up ready for shipment as soon ns'the roads become passable. This ore Is richer than that already shipped and should net tho owners something like $1,500 a carload. After excavating a chamber of ore forty feet square without finding the end of tho ore on cither side the company has gono i.lxly feet below nnd begun work on a der potlt of higher-grade ore. The report that Mr. Custer, one of the owners, hnd sold flfly shares of stock for $800 per share. Is denied by the young man. The country In the Immediate vicinity of the Itntnhler hns been staked, Thero nrn n number ot contiguous prospects which show hlgcer nnd bettor nt tho same depth than does the llambler, and experts say that the work done this year will de velop nt lenst half n dozen producers equally as rich as the Rambler. WRECKED BYIprTaDING RAIL Cnra nt Orln .liinct Ion mid Crnsli Into niotl vc. .cnxe Track. ORIN JUNCTION,. Wyo., May 16. (Sftc Inl.) At Circyhurst yesterday a train on, tho Fremont & Missouri Volley road was wrecked nnd five ears nnd an engine wcro dninngcil. Tho train was pulling Into the station when a rail spread anil the cars wero thrown from tho track. A work train . was standing on tho siding and tho wrecked, cars dashed against It, damaging tho loco motive. The engineer Jumped and wns slightly hurt. To Men sure XX") i mint-; Water. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. May 16. (Special.) C. T. Johnston, acting Irrigation expert of tho Cheyenne office, has returned from Corlnne, Utah, where he met A. P. Stover and arranged with the engineer of the Bear River Canal company for a co-operative In vestigation to be carried ou during the present season. Tho work there will In clude water measurements, which required the Installation of wntcr registers, evnp orntion tanks nnd in In gauges. Later in the summer seepage measure- ments will ho made to determine the amount of water lost from the canal and tho locations whero this loss Is the most serious, Al the tamo time gauging will be mado and (ho grndc of tho canal de termined. From this latter work It Is hoped to determine the ro-cfilclent of fric tion for tho canals of this systora. Funeral of Larry Mutiny. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Mny 16. (Special.) The funeral of Larry Ma Hoy, cx-supcrln-tendent of tho Wyoming division of tho Union Pacific, was from St. Mark's Epis copal church hero at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Tho sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Rafter and tho services at the grave wero conducted by tho Masons of tho city. Delegations of railroad men came from iJirnnile. Rawlins, Rock Springs, Orccn River, Evnnston, Kcmmerer, Poca- tcllo, Salt Lako City, Ogden, North Plntto and Oalin were present. Members of the Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, tlrother- hood of Railway Trslnmon and other or ganizations attended the funcrnl In a body. Mnnnurr lloildrlilxe'a Karlr History. LARAMIE, Wyo,, May 16. (Special.) W. B. Doddridge, who has been appointed genoral manager of the Tennessee Central, was tormerly station agent for tho Union Pacific at this place. He was a telegraph opcrotor at dffferent points In Wyoming, and when ho left the service of the com pany ho wns In charge of t'he western end of tho Wyoming division. IlciunernlM Win at Cnaper. CASPER, Wyo., May Id. (Special.) -Yesterday was election dny In Casper and for the first time In years tho requblicans wero defeated. Pat 8ulvnn was defeated for tho council, as was also S. W. Conwell. James V. Cantlln, democrnt, was elected mayor. Last night the democrats celebra ted their victory by illuminating the tqwn with lanterns and fireworks. Veteran Hunter Is .XlniiKlftl. RAWLINS. Wyo., May 16. (Special.) Porcy Davis, n veteran hunter and trapper, was found in tho Union Pacific yards hero this morning In n dying condition. One log and one arm hnd been cut off by the cars. Ho was removed to tho slate hospital n, Rock Springs nnd will die. How Davli camo to be In tho yards Is not known. SCIENCE SCORES Afi A I .V. A Preparation that Will llralrny the Dandruff Germ Discovered. Finally tho scientific student. has discov ered a certain remedy for dandruff. When It first beemo known that dandruff Is the result of n germ or paraelto that digs lnt(i tho scalp, nnd sups the vitality of hair at tho root, causing falling hair and baldness, biologists set to work to discover some prcaratlon that will kill that germ, After a year's labor In ono Inboratory tho dandruff germ destroyer wns discovered, and It Is now embodied In Newbro's Herplclde, which besides curing baldness nnd thinning hair speedily nnd- permanently eradicates dan druff. "Destroy the cauio, you remove the effect."