10 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: PUT DAT, MAT 17, 1901. JUDGE GORDON IS WINNER Oltj Council Diimiiui Iu Iapttchmeat Procudinpi Btthtr Suddinly, LACK OF JURISDICTION IS ASSERTED JMnnhrrft TnUr Itnllnt In rSirrntUr Amnion nml Aiinoiuu'c Hrmilt All llnrrlrrn llrIM I'm Uiirtlou mill (he llnu'li Are Iteinut rd. After a brief consideration of the argu ment presented In the Gordon cane the city council dismissed tho case yesterday afternoon on tho ground that the council ;ncn bellovcd they had no Jurisdiction. The finding of tho council was as follows; "The council, having heard tho argu ments In this caac as to tho Jurisdiction cf tho council to entertain tho charges preferred against Samuel I, Oordon, police Judge, havo decided to dismiss the enso for want of Jurisdiction." There was no reason for such a de cision from tho council," said City Attor ney V. J. Conncll, In discussing tho mat ter. "It was an easy way for tho coun cllmen to slip out of the tangle and shows a desire to shirk Responsibility." Ilnlliil in Si-rri't. It will never be Hnown how tho council Toted. Tho decision was arrived nt In executive ssslon and tho members refuse to disclose the result of the balloting. "Tho council had Jurisdiction In the case. There la no question about that," remarked Councilman Hascall after the verdict was brought In. "Tho decision establishes a bnd precedent In that It makes It appear that no city otnclal can be tried anywhere but In ft court. Still you notice that the council did not state nny around for lack of Jurisdiction In Its find ing. - ' "The verdict Is not n direct decision on the power of the council to try a city official. It was contended by tho attorneys for Judge Gordon that proper notice was not served on tbo defendant. That, or many other reasons set forth hy the de fendants, may be construed to be the ground upon which tho couucll based Its verdict." This decision removes tho last barrier between Judgo Oordon and his scat In tho pollco court. Tho city attorney stated after tho verdict was returned that he knew of no other means of bringing Judgo Gordon on trial on the charges preferred ngalnst him by the Board of Education. City Attnrnry'n Stoe!li. "This Is n case In which the councllmen must be governed by their Judgment and not by their sympathies. It Is a case In which tho law must bo considered. Men have been removed from ofW-k In Nebraska In splto of the efforts of tho wives and daughters to create sympathy. Many good men havo failed to perform tho duties of their offices nnd no lnllucnce should blind members of tho council to a recognition of Judgo Gordon's shortcomings." Such was tho speech which City Attor ney V. J. Connell made yesterday when ho resumed his argument In tho trial of Judgo Gordon. Judgo Gordon's daughter and daughter-in-law sat by him throughout tho entire morning. It wns their presence which prompted tho city attorney to warn tho councllmen against any attempt to play upon their sympathy. For two hours Mr. Conncll talked con cerning the constitutionality of tho ordi nance undor which steps havo been taken to remove Judgo Gordon for failure to perform his duty. He. contended that the couucll has full Jurisdiction In cases con cerning city officials. "You should have no hesitation In trying this case and passing upon Its merits. To the councllmen of Omaha tbo power has been given to regulate tbo acta of city offi cials. It this ordlnanco wero unconstitu tional there would bo no means of removing or punishing a dishonest official. Tho treasurer could appropriate money with Im punity wero this ordlnanco void," Bald Mr. Connoll. "Each city official would bo a czar, free from any higher authority and at liberty to manlpulato city affairs at will." The city attorney dwelt nt length upon tho decision of Judgo Sullivan of the su premo court, who held that tae district court had no Jurisdiction over tho caso brought against Judgo Gordon beforo that tribunal. This decision, tho city attorney contended, points clearly to tho Jurisdic tion of the council and makes tho duty of tho counucllmcn clear Drfrnnf Ik Presented. Tho city attorney was followed by an attorrcy for tho defense, who argued that tho Impeachment of a police Judgo was a matter beyond tho authority of tho city council. Tho office Is a constitutional ono, he said, and aa such can only bo filled or vacated by a Joint session of tho state legislature "The fundamental law of the state," said the attorney, "Is tho constitution, and be hind It stand tho pcoplo of Nebraska who nacted It. Its provisions are beyond any court, council or legislature, and so when It guarntocd to Judgo Gordon that his term could not bo curtailed before two years passed he was assured In that permanency, In splto oven of a leglstatlvo revision of tho charter. When the con tltuton fixed hta salary at $2,500, nnother charter could not cut it down during his term of office. "Now tho same constitution stands be hind Judge Gordon today, asurtng that ho cannot be tried or removed from offlco ex cept as specified In the constitution for officers elected under Its provisions. Judgo Gordon can only be roraoved as you would remove a governor or a secretary of state, He must he Impeached before a Joint ses Ion of tho legislature, a majority bolng present, nnd a majority of tbo members- lett concurring in tho oe." Sen,d article of Incorporation, notlcos of Stockholders' meetings', etc., to The. nee. We will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telephono 238. MRS. J. BENSON Special Bargains in Hosiery For 50c cream silk woro SI, Laco striped hoso for children, black or red, 25c. A good quality of aoamloss hoso for chl'.dron, any slzo, 2 pr 25c. An oxtra flno quality children's hoso, with or without, white soles, 25o. .vnv.vsru .xvrirn in novrox 91-0111:. Onr Mr. llrnmlcU Wire l Unit He linn ,Itit Itiitiirltt nt GHBAT L'NDERJVRITERS SALE". All of the choicest lots of Dry goods, silks nnd velvets, Itlbbons, locos and embroideries. Carpets, curtains and draperies.. From the stocks of J. C. Lutz & Co., Chicago, Tucmer Ilros., Detroit, Tollman & Co., New Orleans, Williams & McAnulty, Scranton, Invoicing over 165,000. This Immense purchaso Is now on the road. Just ab soon aa it Is received, It will be assorted and put on sate. We wish to glvo ynu this notice so that you can pre paro yourselves for one of tho biggest sensations ever known In Omaha. Itcmcmber this sale will bo at nOSTON STOUB, OMAHA, J, L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors. Sole agents for Hoger I'eet & Co.'s fine clothing. LOCAL GARDENERS GET BUSY Omnlin Truck I'nd'lir Ximv Tut Cou nlilrrnlilr I'ljturr oil the Market. Omaha gardener arc supplying the mar ket with all of tho green vegetables now, save peas, wax beans and tomatoes and all of theso arc shipped In. The home supply on nil other things Is of tho best quality and tho market oners a tempting sight early In tho mornings. Bvery day brings new gardeners to tho market with the products of their truck patches. The vegetables. In consequence, aro within the reach of all, the prices now being down to an catablo level. Strawberries were plentiful yesterday and were of good quality. Good refrigerator stock for shipment sold nil the way from 2.25 to 2.50, while some soft berries, ex press stock, brought all tho wny from $1.50 to $2. This fruit Is atlll coming from Arkansas. Though some of tho berries run small In size they ore remarkably sweet and of splendid flavor. Some of the produce men turned yesterday morning to a discussion of tho egg crop. The supply Is abundant and fresh eggs aro therefore easy articles to secure. Ono of tho associations has compiled tho statistics of tho crop In Nebraska during April and It wns stated that. In addition to tho local consumption, 100 enrs of eggs wero shipped out or put In storage every week during April, When It Is understood that a car load Is supposed to consist of 400 cases, each containing thirty dozen of eggs, some con ception of tho slzo of the crop In tho state can be gained. PUTTING HiS TEETH AWAY Chnrlm flavin Proven lllmaelf a Snmnrltnn Innteml of n l'leUpocket. Charles Davis, who was charged with picking tho pockets of G. L. Brotherhood whllo tho latter was engaged In having a fit on tho street, has been acquitted after a hearing In Judgo Altstndt's court. Several witnesses testified to seeing Davis with his hand In Brotherhood's pocket, but this ho explained by saying that ha picked up Urothcrhooil's falso teeth, which had fallen out of his mouth when tbo spasm seized him, and put them In bis pocket, so they would not be crushed by passing vehicles. Brotherhood says he lost $1.40, but Davis, when searched at tho station, was found to havo only 85 cents on his person. HARRY WOODWARD IS DEAD Well Known Cltlaen of Omnhn Sue- dunlin tn n Comnllont Inn of Aliment.. Harry Woodward, for many years a resi dent of Omaha, died at his home, Twenty' seventh and Half-Howard streets, yesterday morning. Mr. Woodward had suffered from several hemorrhages, but heart weakness was tho moro Immcdlato causo of his death. Mr. Woodward leaves n wife and two chil dren. Ho waa for twenty years manager of the Bnrkalow Bros. News company and was aUo secretary of tho Lemon Gold Mining company of British Columbia. Tho local Masonic lodges, In which Mr. Wood ward had attained the Thirty-second de gree, will havo chargo of tho funeral serv ices. Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes: "Ho was troubled' with kidney disease about throo years. Had to get up several times during the night, but threo bottles of Foloy's Kldnoy Curo effected a complete cure. Ho feels bettor than he ovor did and recommends it to his friends. For it Summer Trip, you cannot do better than to visit the east, Scenlcally and historically It Is rich In Interest, and with the added attraction of the Pan-American exposition at which you havo tho privilege of stopping on tour ist tickets reading over tho Lako Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. an Ideal vacation may bo spent. Our publication, "Lako Shoro Tours," copy of which will bo sent on application, contains outline maps of a number of the choicest and most popular trips, with rates. Chatauquans will be Interested In tho opening of our now and dlroct lino to this famous rocreatlvo and educational resort. "Book of Trains" gives full Information concerning our very com plete passenger service to tho east. Ad dresB B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas City, Mo. F. M. Byron, O. W. A., Chicago. AnntinnrrntiMitn of th- Tlientrra. Tonight at Boyd's theater will be given the Initial performance of Nell Burgess' engagement of three nights and Saturday matinee In his great creation of Abigail Pruo In that beautifully quaint nnd humor ous pastoral drama of New England life, "Tho County Fair." Tubllsh your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephono 23S. Stonecypher, printer; 1201 Howard St. For 25o Handsome gauzo lisle hose. For 25c Choice patterns In opoaworK stripo, pretty us 50o quality. For 25 An nil whlto foot, with flno cotton Icr-, name quality with whlto or black solo. For 50c An all.ovar lace pattern, In lisle thread. For 50c An oxtra gauze Uslo with or with out whlto solo. x For 59c A beautiful black and white oheck -ganio pattern as wo havo gold for 31.50. For oOo a boautlful laco pattern red hose. For 60c-fanoy patterns In plaids and stripes, regular prlco 75o and $1.00 BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Rtnurktble 8le of High OUsi Dnis Fabrics and Silki Today, MME. CONNELY'S &. ARLINGTON STOCK Sperlnt llnrRiilim In Mftht Summery I.' Lvln. I nil I tl tr 1llltlitr1lnp tip Sole, AlliittroMN, .Nun Velllnu, Dimities, Pcrcnlci, Drumi- DIES, LAWNS, ETC. RUKFLINGS FROM M ADA MB CONNELY'S DRESSMAKING STOCK. Black brltllautlnd nnd mercerized sateen ruflllngs for the bottom of skirts nnd petti coats, enough for any lady's skirt. Theso are all finished nnd ready for tho bottom of skirts and petticoats and arc actually worth $1.50, go on sale nt 25c each. Itemnants of high cost dress goods from tho Connoly dressmaking stock, all the highest prlco goods, worth up to $5 yd,, lu plain and fancy materials, many In skirt lengths or waist lengths, go at 50c and 1 yd. Thousands of remnants from tho Arling ton MIIIp exposition sale, black goods, fancy goods, novelty silk and wool plaids, brll- llantlncs, nil go on salo nt 25c yd., many worth $1.50 yd. T5c quality Alhntross and Nun's veiling, In lengths from two to threo ynrds., but many pieces to match, In cream, light blue, pink nnd dark colors, on main floor, 25c yd. NEW CHALLIS AND SILK MOUSSEL1N DE SOIE. These magnificent summer fabrics In all tho new colorings, In lengths from two to flvo yds., but many pieces to match, ac tually worth 75c, go on salo tomorrow at 35c yd. REMNANTS OF SILKS FROM MADAME CONNELY'S STOCK. Beautiful foulard silks, brocaded silks, taffeta novelty silks In waist lengths nnd skirt lengths, go nt 50c nnd fiSc nnd 9Sc yd. Remnnnts of silk In short lengths, for fancy work, millinery trimmings, neckwear, dress trimmings, plain and fancy brocaded silks, go according to length, nt 25c, 16c, 10c, Ec and 2c each. REMNANTS IN BASEMENT. 25o lawns, dimities, organdies, etc., In short remnnnts, 'go nt lc yd. Thousands of yards of standard prints, blnck and white nnd fancy, go at 3V4c yd. 10,000 yds. .Ifi-lnch pcrcnles, worth 1214c, In short remnants go nt 3V4c yd. 25c sateens In nil colors go at 5c yd. 25c lawns, dimities, etc., In long rem nants, In nil tho up-to-dato patterns, colors and designs, go nt 5c yd. 15c Scotch and chnmbrny ginghams, In long remnants, go at 6ic yd. Thousnnds of ynrds of white goods, India llnons, laco striped lawns, dimities, etc., worth up to 35c ,go nt 10c yd. 40c mercerized sateen, In nil colors, go at 10c yd. Ono lmmcnso lot of Imported percale, worth 20c, go nt S'.ic yd. 25c Imported gingham, in all the newest designs, go at 10c yd. 35c mercerized foulards, In all tho latest colors and designs, go nt 15c yd. 35c dotted mull. In tho newest spring pat terns, In long remnnnts, go nt 12c yd. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. RrnndelB & Sons, Proprietors. Solo agents for Rogers I'eet & Co.'s flno clothing. OFFICIAL HOtlTE TO ST. PAUL. Modern AVtinilmen of America. The Illinois Central has been selected as tho official lino from Nebraska to tho head camp meeting at St. Paul. Juno 10-15. A rnto of ono fare for tha round trip will bo made for this occasion. For full particulars and copy of Illustrated Wood man circular, address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha. J. P. Hartjcns Is not In our employ nnd Is not authorized to sell our goods or trans act any buslnesss for our account. Feet Bros. Mfg. Co. For Sale A new, lato stylo Kimball piano nt a bargain. Inqulro O. B. Tzschuck, Bee business office. I WIDE MARK. Reflstered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. 'Phone I7lt u i m i v: shields are required. If you ruin your bIoym with excessive perspiration, rub the palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder. In caaes of babltusl sweating, use the powder in pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, find directions for use In the cover of the blue box. For obstinate sweating or cnaf Tcg bathe the affected parts with the Re-No-May Astrlncent Antlseptlo Lo tion. It must be distinctly understood that RE-NO-MAY Powder Is not a toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antlseptlo powder, and should not be used for Infanta as a toilet dusting powder. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers , Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When orderlnf. by mall add 5 cents for postage Re-No-May Skin Food for facial massage. Re-No-May Cream aoftena and whltsns the lull and faoa. IIAYDE.VS t XriKHWIlAlt IM'ltf HASH. The Kntlrc MiikII" t mlerivenr Muck ii f n ,ir Vnrk Mntiiifiii'turer SECURED IT AT ROC ON THE DOLLAR. Our buyer secured the stock of n New York muslin underwear factory that waa forced to closo nt a ridiculously low price, Tho purchaso Includes finest gowns, corset covers, chemise and drawers, all dainty, stylish and highest grade garments, In fact, tho very best made. These goods havo been received and checked and will go on sale beginning Friday morning on our big bargain tables In main aisle. Tho price on theso flno garments will bo only 25c, 33c, 49c, 59c and 75c. Not a garment tn tho lot worth less than 75c, and as high ns $3.00. Tho Immense quantities and as sortments end tho astonishingly low prices at which wo sell them mako this tho great est bargain opportunity ever offered you. Como early Friday. HAYDBN BROS. Read Haydcn's great remnant sale. Stonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel. 1410, Deader'n a Mackerel That's what SCHABFBR'S SURE DEATH does to bugs and It don't make any differ enco what kind of bugs. It's tho greatest preparation inado to kill 'em. If you use It onco you'll not need It 'till you get 'cm again 10c for a pint. Setltie I'll In Olio Klnit'n lllneovery iitli- MnlerliK- not; llrr.'n Mnlt Whisky lltlf Cramer'b Kidney Cure ;3o Undo Sam's Tobacco Cure 60o llucan Hair Tonic ?6o Pierce's Prescription 75c Kay's Renovator aw Kays' Lung Halm 2W Dr. Karl Cramer s Pennyroyal Pills .. $1.00 Duffy's Malt tbo Peruna tuc Scott's Emulsion 75a Ulro's Hoot Beer lie Pinkham's Compound kio SCHAEFER'S c Drug Store. K. W. Cor. Itllli anil Clilonun Stn. Goods delivered FltEti to any part of city. Two for Five A SOFT HAT and A STIFF HAT for $5.00. Why Pay $5.00 for One. BLACK, The $2.50 Hatter j 107 So. Kith St. I A GUARANTEE That Guarantees Wo nro authorized to "BACK TP" tho gunranteo of quality of S1II3RW1K-VII-LIAMS PAINT which Is on tho label of every can. This 1h tho wording of guarantee: "WU GUARANTER THAT THIS PAINT WHEN PROPERLY I'SED, WILL NOT CRACK. FLAKE OR1 CHALK OFF AND WILL COVER MpRK SURFACE. WORK H UTTER AND JVKAR LONGER AND PERMANENTLY, LOOK BETTER THAN ANY OTHER PAINTS. INCLUDING ZINC. WHITE LEAD AND OIL." "Wo hereto'- ngree to forfeit Iho VALUE OF THE PAINT nnd tho COST OF AP PLYING IT If In any Instance It Is not round as aDove .represenien. Wo fullv suaranten to each nnd everv purchaser of Sherwin-Williams' paint tho luiniiment or tno provisions or tno nuovo guarantee. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, New I.ocntlnn, Cor. lUth fc l)oile. ' YOU MAY KNOW IN ADVANCE. If your ticket rends vln the nurlltigton Route, you uiuy dismiss" from your mind nil enro nnd worry ubout your trip. You know In advance what your trip will bo like. You know Hint the onrs will he cleiin and comfortable; that the trainmen will be courteous to you; that the dining car service will be altogether satisfactory, nnd that the train will reach Its destination on time. Some of the best trains leaving tho Burlington Station nro: Chicago Flyers 7:00 A. M. 4:00 P. M. 7:50 r. M. St. Louis Flyer 5:10 1. M. TICKET OFFICE, BURLINGTON STATION. 1502 Farnam St. 10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 2(0. Telephone 123. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In pink box not only relleres, but positively cures all dUorders of the feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures tender, swollen and painful feet. RE'NO'MAY POWDER la blus box removes all bodily odors. It cronerlr used no dress The greatest reduction ever known in Cut Prices of Pianos has inken place at the warcrooins of Schnioller & Mueller. Mr. Mueller who Is Rotio to New York to attend tho meeting of the National I'lsno Manufacturers' association, secured 10 carloads of hlKh Krado pianos nt his own price. Tho goods nro shipped and we must have room to store them theretoro every Instrument In tho houso Is offered regardless of cost, $600 Pianos only $300. $500 Pianos only $250. $400 Pianos only $200. $30U Pianos only $150. Ilcailtlful square and upright pianos nt J20. IS, 05 and up. Kvcry In strument a genuine bar pa In. It will pay you to Investigate our Block and prices beforo buying. Write for cata logues, prices nnd terms, or pay us a visit of Inspection, SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, The Largest l'hino House lu the West. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. tk i. n i 1 1 o . i: i izr,. UHflsll aim mS BWaaaaaaiaaaaaal Now is the Time for a Camera: Just as the Leaves Are Coming Out. Seo tho new No. 3 Pony Prcmo, $11. Has doublo lens, with Improved Victor shutter, swing back, rovcrslble back, doublo lover and brilliant fender, with tolld leather carrying caso. Notlco the prlco $11.00. Wo hnvo nil tho other now makes. Call or send for new catalogue THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Furnnin Street. Kxcluslvo Dealers In Thoto Mate rial. LAW BOOKS A. W. KIXHMAN. 112 So. loth Ave. Omahn, Neb. FRIDAY IS REMNANT HAVLIFIK DAY in tha Bargain Room. 1111 1 MUia Remnants of Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Flannels, Ribbons, etc., at a trifle of their cost. 60,000 yards of Hemnnnts of Wool Dress Goods nt Be, 10c, 15c, 10c and 25c. r,no Skirt Patterns. In lcnKths from 3V4 to 5 yards, nt 98c, $1.08 and 2.98 for cntlro pattern. Strictly All Wool Challls In remnants nt 25c. Remnants of Silk Stripo Challls at 25c. an.nnn vards of Percalo Itemnants, 3fl-lnch wide, rcKUlnr 15c Roods 3V4c. 25,000 yards In nlco long remnants of 36 Inch Percales, resulnr 19 and 25c goods, all colors, dark and llcht 5c. 10,000 yards of Madras nnd Scotch Rlng hnms, In plaids nnd stripes, regular 15c goods 5c. Remnnnts of Mne Imported Rntlste, Swiss Lawns nnd other goods, regular 19c valuo 0V4c. Mnn'a nnil rinvn' Ann .TprSPV Ribbed SIllrtB and Drawers, In all sires, from 24 to 4C, In plain nnd fancy colors, mado to sell at 39c, on salo nt 19c. Men's Black and Tan Socks, seamless, regular 10c quality, at 5c. Ladles 'and Children's Fast Black Scam less Stockings at "Vie Grocery and Meat Specials 4 bars Wool Soap for Quart Cans Syrup for Best Now Seeded Hnlslns pound New Dutt'S 3 pounds for Largo I'pjncs pound Evnporated Apples pound Fancy California Tenches pound California Apricots pound 10 lbs. Whlto Corn Meal 7,, 7 . M W 10c 5c ,5c 7c 8ic 10c Crackers-Fresh, Soda CrnckerH-per pound . Oyster Crackers per pound Butter Crackeis-per pound dinger Snnps-per pound ... Milk Crackers-per pound . Quaker or l.'needa Buscult 34C pneknge Grahnm Crackers- She r parka go w- Oatmeul Crackers Qhc per package Vanilla Wafers- 5c per pojiul Lemon Wafers- 5c per pound SultaniiH 15C per pound Fig Bar- 15c per pound Sugar and Molasses Cakes- 7oC pound , Oatmeal Crnckcrs 7aC per pound Graham Crackers 7aC nnr trtiirwl A"?r!S!.Jtfdjr rlnRerS" 8C ASSBrrtMm!,,e- 8c 5c HAYDEN BROS. Foot Dressing! , Don't get into the habit of PayinK ,,lorc fr your ffl5 jh 5w SMoes than we sell them jC&fl WfeW 'Vim is the season when you iiiim EZm look for cool foot dressing and vH this i" 11 good store to find it WOMHtf'S OXFOKDS medium weight, opera l)C toe, neat, solid, cloth top, full line of sizes liZu WOM ION'S OX KOIU3S heavy soles. English too I Ijr just the thing for street wear, full line sizes Z J WOM UN'S OXFOKDS black or tan, hid, with j C fl or without cloth tops, solid, durable, comfortable. . ( WO.MtiN'S PKIXC'IOSS-low shoes, in black kid, neat, pretty and-comfortable, elastic in front, no lacing, easy to get on. serviceable summer shoe Crt for street or house liuU WOMEN'S OXKOKDS neat style in coin toe, turned sole with or without doth tops, , full line of I sizes, regular price elsewhere 9U.25, hero for Ii I J WOMEN'S SOUTHERN 1UTTT0N a neat, com fortablo good, good looking turned sole I QA summer shoe, for liUU WOMEN'S SOUTHERN TIES with or without patent leather tips, neat, dressy, warm weather shoe, I Qft same shoe brings $2.50 elsewhere, our price liUU CHILDREN'S SLIPPEKS AND SUMMEK SHOES the most complete, popular priced line of pretty footwear for the little ones, that are being shown in Omaha. DO YOU WANT MORE ? I f t f t It seems we havo sold pretty near everybody In town Hhlrtu, from the amount we havo sold. Now wo can only say, do you want MO UK SHIKTtf? Ours at $1, $1.25, or $1.50 beat tho world. No shirts fit llko ours. if if Kith and Chicago Streets Hnberdashcrs to Ills Majesty, tho American Citizen. They mako shirts. SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS will graduate next month. If Its a boy glvo him a watch If Its a girl, give her n rlngor brncelet or somo nlco mnnlcurt! piece. AVo havo hundreds of nlco things to snow you. Spend a few minutes nt our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 151(5 Douglas St. Men's Colored laundered Shirts, with Bcparato collnrs and cuffs, all sizes, from 14 to 17, at 29c. Extra Heavy Brown Muslin 3.4c Kino Bleached Muslin IHc Chock and Stripo Dimity, worth 25c .. 014c Pliiln India Llnon, worth 15c 4Vc Extra Heavy Bleached Towels, worth 19c, 7c 25c DlinltleB 12Hc ISc Dimities ?Hc Remnants of Fine Lawns, yard lc Remnants of ISo Shirting Be Remnants of 15c Shaker Flannel Cc Remnants of 12c Shaker Flannel.... 3o Extra large, bleached Towels, worth U, each r,r,c 25c Hair Brushe 10c- 50c Cuff Buttons l&c 25o Shirt Waist Sets 10o Shirt Studs, worth 25c 10c Collar Buttons, worth 25c, set 5c 35c Hand Mirrors 10c 25c Writing Paper, per box 9c 25c Lunch Boxes 10c 60c Belts r,c 15c and 20c Ribbons fo 15c Iaccs , 6c IHrHO lbs. Yellow Corn 1UC I jici 10c 2c 7c 34c ...5c 25c 40c 44c 7c Scrubbing Lye can California llnms- i IIOUIKI I '''tri1 llam i,cr Veal Loaf per can 3-pound pall Lard tor " 5-pound pall Lard lor Boneless Corned Beef at 1 Salt Pork pound Crisp Goods-Arrived . . A. fjcnulno Cnntcrbcrry per pound ' Baby Mix - 124c 10c I'ounu - Union Gem- I24C pound Gorman Honey Cakes- 15C pound Marshmullow Walnut- CC pound " Fancy Jelly Fingers- 12 C pound Oeni Arrow Hoot 15c per pound Assorted Mumhmnllow 12Ac per pound - Ictd MolnHBcs 10c per pound mww Spring BeauiU'S (new) f Kc ...I. .1,111,1,1 i"' I-""" Pecan Wafers per pound - Assorted Chocolates per pound Marshmullow Orango Drop pound 15c 124c 124c 15c 15c ! S-r;lpou,m ("reams Mdrsz t 4 KELLEY 6V HEYDEN 25c Laces T.io 35c Pcnrl Buttons, per dozen 6c 50c Buttons, nil kinds, dozen 5c Dress Stays, per set 5c 25 dozen Waists with tbo new sleeve, 25a each. 25 dozen Waists, pleated back and front, tho new cuff and sleove, only 45c each. 25 dozen Ladles' Underskirts, mado of linen nnd heavy mercerized sateens, with flounco and nifties and corded effects, 2.00 quality, for 59c each. A Few Specials ULSKSdept 100 Suits, worth 12.50, for 5.00 each. 600 suits, from our largo purchases, as displayed In our window, worth 35.00, all tho now styles, for $8.98. A wholo factory of Wash Wnlsts, In colors and white, tho greatest variety you evor saw, from 19c to 3.75 each. Percalo Wrappers, worth 1.00, nt 4oc. Ladles' Skirts, worth 5.00, for 1.98. Women's Silk Eton Jackets, worth up to 25.00, for 8.60. Women's Flno Suits, worth up to 60.00, for 20.00 each. $3.50 Fancy Embroid ered Waist Goods $1 Yd. FRIDAY, 8 O'CLOCK, we will place n snlo 200 pieces short lengths to 4 yds. of Iho very finest Allover Tucked nnd Embroidered Whlto Ooods, for shirt waists and waist fronts. These goods urn Ihn very latest novelties and worth from I3.f0 to 3.50 per ynrd. JIEMEMREK 8 O'CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING ALL AT ON1S & tI PRICE-I'KIl YARD JJU.UU 200 Yards Best Quality Machine Thread 14c per Spool. 10 Spools for lfic. 10 Spools tho limit. In the Bargain Room. Free at Notion Counter Sample cards of tho latest and best Nursery I'lns In tho market. Free Friday Only. 25c and 50c Ladies' Belts 15c. Big Job lot In Ladles' Belts-worth Me, 35c and 60c, oil on sale iFtC Friday nt each ,uw i