TUT? OMAHA DAILY BEE: TTIVUPDAY, MAT" 16, 1001. ft OMAHA IS DYED DEEP BLUE Kbui Citj Mnk It Thru Straight with Ttrftot Ea. ' RAGGED FIELDING !S PARTLY TO BLAME Ilerntuii Kee IIIIh Well Scnttrrs mill Deserved WlnuliiK Support Uoiiillnrc "fitchm Annln, lint Sat So Well. KANSAS CITY, May IB. (Special Tele Kratn.) The Mlues mado it three straight from Omaha today thanks to tho ragged fielding of tbu visitors. Herman, despite tho record of eleven hits made against him, pitched good ball nnd wltti good imp port would have won his game. Not one of ths IJlucs' six runs was earned. Herman kept tho hits woll scattered. CJondlng caught ngaln today, but did not to do so well ot yesterday. Ha failed to get a hit and mado a bad error. Olbson, tho col lego pitcher from Notro Dame, Ind., was In tho box for the lllucn nnd allowed only fix hits nnd struck out seven men. Ho was a bit nervous and wild, however, hit ting two men with tho ball nnd giving four passes to first. Score: KANSAS CITY. All. It. II. ( 1 2 i 0 2 4 0 1 3 L' 0 Klorif. lb 3 0 1 O'llrlen, 2b I 0 2 Itolilnson, lib 3 1 1 Uevllle, c 4 1 1 Ulbson, p 3 1 1 Kelchom. cf... Hnrttnnn, rf.. Miller, ir llnnU-sty, ra., O. I 0 0 4 S 4 0 7 0 TotiilH 32 0 11 27 14 OMAHA. AM. II. Curler, If Letcher, rf MaAndrews, 3b. Hti-wnrt, 21 Culhouti, 11) Uumllng, c Tomiin. s Ill-Ill, of Herman, I .4 ..r. ..3 ..3 ..3 ..I ..3 ..4 ..1 II. n 2 1 0 1 0 1 ii o o. 3 l 3 3 C 3 3 2 0 0 Totnls 33 4 fl 24 7 5 Kiiiihhs CltV 0 5 l 0 0 0 0 0 Omaha 0 OUO0220 O-I Huerlllen hits: ICIiinf. Iloblnson. Stewart, Hit by Pitched ball: My OlbKOti, 2. Hunch mi bulls: C'ff Olbson, 4; oft Herman, I. Stolen base; O'llrlen. Struck out: . Hy Herman, 2, by Olbson, 7. Double play: Oilhoiln to Toman, Left on bases; Kan sas City. U Omaha. U. Time: 1:30. Um pire, llrennan iCYi.mrs (iiniA'i WORK IN IIO.V. Deliver 11 n lie. I Only line lilt, lint llf- feiil .MIiiik-iiiiiiIIn. DKNVUIt. May 16,Hylcr's Brent work In the box, together with costly errors by tho vlt:rirH. nnve Denver tho lust game of thli series with Minneapolis, Swnrmstedt for tbo visitors allowed but one hit. Attend ntirp. ion. firnre. : It.U.E. Denver 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 '-2 1 1 Minneapolis .0 0 0 U 1 0 0 0 0-1 2 V Halterles. Denver, Kylcr nnd Jack Sulli van, Minneapolis, Swarmstcdt ond Klclnow, ST- .i is i : i' 1 1 TiutKia TO om: Defeiitx IIi-n Moines In nn ISieelleit I'lleliern- Untile ST. JOSUl'H, Mny IT.. Today's game was Interesting the work In the pitcher's box being unexcelled nt any time this season. Hcore: . II. II. IS. St. Joseph 0 0 0 2 1 0 n 0 -3 S 2 Drs Moines. ,1.0 0 1 0 0 U 0 0 01 I 3 Hatterles: St. Joseph, McDonald nnd Dooln; Des Moines, StefTim anil Conwell. and it, double. Attendance, 2,100. triple Hcoro CINCINNATI. n.It.O.A.K.i Mellrlde, If. 0 0 2 0 OHhMkurd. It 0 Dobbs, cf... 1 1 1 0 0,Kltr, rf... 0 HkUy. lb. 1 0 11 0 0 Krllsy, lb. . 0 i-rswfor.l, rf 0 0 1 0 0 Duly, Jb I HHOOKI.YN. iui.o.a.i:. fll'lnf'dt. Jb I 0 5 Irwin, lb.... 1 2 1 Maroon, ss. 0 0 I Urritn, e... 114 Phillip", p.. 1 2 0 1 01 E 0 3 0 3 1 3 0, Dhln, fs . 0 Mcl'r'ry, cf. 0 Oatln, Jb... 0 Farrell. c... 0 McJam, p 0 Totals - - Kltson .6 11 1 McCnnn, 1 3 0 0 0 t: 1 i 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 I Totals ..1 ; 2 Hatted for McJames In tho eighth. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 l-5 llrooklyn u o u u u i u iv-i Two-buso hit: Irwin. Threo-base lilts: Dobbs, Irwin, Kiirrcll. Klrst base on er ror: Cincinnati, i. i.cn on oases: Cincin nati, Si UrooKiyn, t. sioicn oases; Daiy, McCreery. Sacrifice nils: dooiis (2), neck- ley, Lrawrorn, .mhkooii. uouuie piays; Irwin 10 ucrKen iu ueimey, meinieiui to iinrlclev. First base on bolls. Off Me. James, 6; off McCann, 1; oft I'hlUlps, 4, Hit bv pltcneu nnn: iiy .icjames, Dy .Mc Cann, 1. Struck out: Hy McJames, 4; by Phillips, 3. wua puenes: oicjnmes, Time: 1:59. umpire: uwyer.i IIKI.AIIA.VrV HUL'AI. TO HMKIKSK.NCV. I'lillniletpliln. First llnspinnii C'oiiur'rts nt l.'rllleiil Moment, PHILADELPHIA, May 15.-Tho home team defeated tho Hltsburg Nationals today 111 a ten inning game. Trie locum Med the score In tho eluhth lnnlnir by bunching hits and aided by bases on bolls. It was a toss-up incrcaiier wno wouin win, but In the tenth, with tho banes full, tlelnhnntv sent the ball to thu fence, sror- inu tile necessary runs to win. Attendance, PHILADELPHIA. I'lTTSIUIIlO. H.1I.O.A.K.I 11.II.O.A.E. Thotrm. cf. 0 0 2 .1 o:inch, Hi... l ? l u o D'lah ty, lb 0 3 10 u o iMum i, ct. u u i u u 1 o ungiitr, ri.. v u i u v 4 O.Kramif'lc, lb t 1 14 0 1 0 llltchl. ill- 2 2 17 1 3Tann-hlll, If 0 I 1 0 1 1 FAY. ns 0 4 1 3 9 0 Zlmmrr, e.. 0 2 4 0 0 OAVIIti. p 0 14 3 0 Kllck. rf.... 1 Wolv't'n, Jb 1 Slanle, If.... 2 McF-nrl'd, c. 1 Cront, s.... 0 Hallm'n, 2b .1 Whit, p.... 0 Orth. p 0 "Marry .. .. 0 Jackl'ch . 0 Totals .. e n:s it 3 Totalic .. 12 30 !l 3 Ono out when winning run was scored. MJnrry batted for While In eighth. Hatted for Orth In tenth. Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 2-S Pittsburg 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1-5 Earned runs: Pittsburg. 2; Philadelphia, 1. Two-bnse hits: White, Delahanty. Stolen bases: I.eacn. Kiicnie, dimmer, .Mci-ar laud. Double, play: I.oach to ltltchle to llranslleld. First base on bulls: Off W'lltz, fi. Struck out: Hy W'lltz, 3; by White, fi; Iiy ortn, passed nuns; .Mci' nrmnu, Time: 2:30. Umpire: Nash. ClIK'Atid'S NCO;tH IS ciriiKit. MnttlirvvNoii mill the .Vetr Yiirlin lln- it Wiilkntviiy. NKW YOltK, Mny 15.-Another coat of whltewosh was dashed on the Chlcngo Nationals nt thi polo grounds this after noon. Mntthewson twirled for tbo New Yorks nnd had the visitors completely nt his mercy. Although 'jlght hits were made on nis ueuvory, at no ume was mere any danger of tho Chlcagos scoring. Tnylor, who pitched for the visitors, bad excellent control, but received poor support. Attend ance, imv. acore: NEW YORK. I CHICAOO R.II.O.A.n. It.II.O.A.K. Ilernaril, rf. 1 0 fi 0 0 Ilsrtasll, If. 0 0 I 0 110 0 Ilolnn, rf.... 0 12 0 0 13 0 Orrcn, cf.... 0 2 5 0 12 10 Di-xter, lb.. 0 0 7 0 3 2 2 0 Child. 2b... 0 14 2 0 12 0 0 Dflah'ty, 3b 0 1 1 1 113 1 McCor'k, . 0 1 1 3 1 t 0 0 KIIiik, o.... 0 0 3 2 1 0 5 OTuylur, p.... 0 2 0 1 Helbach, It Daln, .... 1 lllckm'n, rf. 0 Stranc. 3b... 0 (Innttll, lb.. 0 Nelson, 2b.. 0 Smith, c 1 Mutth'son, p 0 TO CURE SHAMROCK'S FAULT Challenger Ooii iuto Drjdeok and it Gntrdid from Spectators. LIPT0N STANDS BY TO SEE BOAT IMPROVED Hum .Not I.uat I nltli 111 the Craft, nml Wll)M It till .Not let yliotvil the Hext Hint In In It. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) SOUTHAMPTON, Muy 15.-(Ncw otK World Cublegrnm-Speelul TolcBrum.) Shamrock II was docked tonight for tho purpose of having h defect In n portion of Its hull repaired by a sciuud of riveters who urrlved from Dumbarton today in chargo of Mr. wnrd, a partner In tho Denny Uros. The dock was barricaded, special detectives being engaged to keep out the public. It Is likely that new sails will be bent on Saturday and the trials resumed on Monday. The course hns not been decided Upon. Jnmeson, who left today for Dublin, sal's he attaches no Importance to Inst Mon day's race. Sir Thomas Upton says thnt tho challenger has not sailed nt Its utmost speed, owing to n defect ilo will stay by the yacht until the alterations are made and the canvas Is up. COWBOYS BAT AS THEY WISH Xelinmkn l"nl rrslly Ilrfruta William .leu ell CoIIi-kp, l-'lftofii to Mix. KANSAS CITY. Mny 15.-(Sneclal Tele- gram.) Nebraska smothered the college boys of William Jewell college today, 15 to It. ino itapiisin were i-ieariy ouicinsscii. They were never In the gnmo For u few Innings tho boys played n fairly good game, but when the occasion demunded tho Cow boys batted out runs almost nt will. Hender pitched u good, steady game, keeping the hits well scattered nnd fielding his position In good shape. Nebraska got a run In the first and six In the llfth. From then on It was a merry-go-round until the game was over. Tim college boys managed by the Nehraskun'H careless, listless playing to ga In ii few nits score: H.H.I Nebraska ..1 0 1 2 2 0 6 0 3-15 10 I Win. Jewell. .1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0- fi fi 12 Hatterles: Nebraska. Hender nnd Klnley; William Jewell, Harrison and Jones. Wexlcril ANMoeliitluli. At Fort AVayne Indianapolis, 10; Fort Wayne, 7. At Oram! Hnplds-Orand Haplds, 11; Day ton, 8. At Marlon Marlon, I; Iiulsvllle, 2. At Toledo Toledo, 11; Columbus, 3. At Madlxon, Wis. Helolt, 7; Wisconsin, 3, Ttirce-I iiciikim. At Hloomlngton Htoomlngton, 8; Rock ford. 2. At Decatur Decatur. 9: Hock Island, i. At Terre Haute Terro I Unite, 13; Cedar Rnplds, 9. At Kvansvllle Dnvenport, 13; Evansvllle, WHITHIIMJK I'HOVi:! I.WIXCIIll.K. Co I urn do aiirlnga (In t )lii St. Paul In I'lvery llepnrtnienl. COLORADO SPRINGS, May 15. St. Paul wns outplayed In every department In to day's game. Whltrldgo wns Invincible, al lowing only (our hits and striking out eight mn. Tho locivl .tejjiu gave him lino sup port. Oaston's flrio throw from deep right to tho plato was n feature. Attendance, 1.50O. Score: . folo. Springs. 1 001 02050 9 12 2 St. Paul 2 01000010-144 Batteries: Colorado Springs, Whltrldge nnd Donahue; St. Paul, Kncpper and Wil son. Western I.eamie StnndtiiK. Won. Lost. P.C. Kansas City 10 3 . 76!) St. Joseph 7 6 .W3 Minneapolis 7 5 .5S3 St. Paul 7 fi .5."S Omaha g 7 .416 Denver B 7 .111 Colorado Springs 7 .418 Des Moines 3 9 .250 BURY THE BR00KLYNS DEEP Iteda Hup port Phillip Mtth OltiBrry AVork nnd cnrl- Shot Cliiimpx Out. BROOKLYN, May 15. Tho Cincinnati Na tionals put up a fast, snappy game today nnd smothered the Hrooklyns. Phillips pitched masterly ball and received faultless support, tho only error being ft short throw by Hergen that saved the home team from u shut-out. McJames wns wild and Inef fective nnd was relieved hy McCnnn In the eighth. Irwin led In the batting, with a The A. R, Bremer Co's Totals ..4 8 27 11 l' Totals ..0 S 51 0 4 New York 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -! Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 I.eft on bases: New York. 6; Chicago, 9. First base on errors: New Y'ork, 2; Chicago, 1. First base on balls: Off Mutthewson, 2; off Taylor, 1. Struck out: Hy Mntthewson. 2; by Taylor. 2. Sucrlllco hit; Davis. Hit by pitched ball: Kilng. Time: 1:40. Um pire O'Dny. IIOSTON WINS 11' IIUAVY 1IITT1MJ. St. I. mil. Also Helps Iiy MnUliiit Kite Coolly Krrnrn. BOSTON, May 15. The Boston Nationals won today by heavy hitting and superior lin.mi minnlnc Ht. I-ouls" errors proved costly. A running catch by Qammons and' liyan s long mrce-nngger were rennires. Attendance, 600. Score; . llOriTON. ST. tOUIS. It. II. O. A. E.I lt.H.O.A.E. 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 Hamllt'n, cf 1 Tenney, lb.. 2 Demont, 3b. 2 lnft, as.. ..2 Moran, rf... 0 Oarn'onn. If. 1 Ijowe, 2b.... 0 Klttridsa, c. 0 Willis, p.... 0 1 4 2 13 3 0 I 1 1 0 3 0 1 S 2 2 1 3 0 0 Uurkttt, If.. 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 o! Totals .. 8 IS 27 12 0 Hetdrlck, cf. 0 Donovan, rr 0 McOnnn. lb. 0 fhllda, 2b... 0 Paddfn. fs.. 1 Krudrr, 3b.. 1 Ityan, c 0 Jciiies, p 0 Nichols .... 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Totals .. 2 11 21 15 S Batted for Jones In the ninth. Boston 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 8 St. Iillls 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 Earned runs; Boston, 2; St. Louis. 2. Two-base hits: Kruger, Demont, Heldrlck, Iing, Tonncy, Padilcn. Three-base hit: Ryan. Stolen bases: Demont, Onmmons, Long. Sacrifice lilt; Moran. Double pluy: McOnnn to Pnddon. First base on balls: Oft Willis, 1: off Jones. 2. Struck out: By Willis, 2. Passed ball: Klttrldge. Time: 1:45. Umpire: ICnislle. .Vntloiml I.enuiie Ntnudinst. Won. Lost, New York 10 5 Cincinnati 13 7 PlttsburK 11 S Uoston 9 7 Philadelphia 9 Brooklyn S Chicago S St. !outs 7 i:t. -(Spo- linllniis, 7 1 ( iillce SprliiKK, COLLKC.IC SPRINGS, la., May 15. elol.) Monday s score: Nebraska Indians.. .5 7 3 3 2 2 0 4 12' College Spring! 9 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0-13 Huston MilftN t'lti-hrrn. BOSTON, Muy 15. Foreman, pitcher for the American league lioslon team, was released tonight and Bevlllo, formerly pitcher for Detroit, was signed. College liMliies. At Ann Arbor Michigan, 10; Chicago, 6. MEMORIAL DAY WHEEL RACES Center Street Oilmen for the Ainnin ItoiiU Knee This hensim. Tho bleycle racing game In Omaha will bo resumed on Decoration day. when a IiuiMih of local racers, together with those from Lincoln, Cojricll Bluffs aha" other nearby cities, will contest over the Center street course. This meet will bo held under he auspices of the new Omaha Wheal club nnd promises to be one of the best curds ever run in tno state, i-'vc nunnred dallurs In prizes will bo huner un. Tho Con ter street course Is a run of ten miles. The boys will come together nt 3 or 3:30 o'clock and the finish will bo nt Huser's park, where the first annual picnic of the Omaha Wheel cIUli will lie neld on tne snme tiny. Tllders of Lincoln and Omaha are already In hard training, nnd Indications point to a llerce struggle rrom tne chick ot tne gun. A good program of athletic sports Is being prepared by the entertainment committee for the picnic and nothing will bo left un done to make the occasion a complete suc cess. Several good motorcycle races will bo run off In connection with the road race. An automobile raco Is to be run the same nftcrnoon over the Center street course. There nro olrendy four or live entries, nnd more to follow, n. is. i- reciricKson, utto Buysdorfer nnd W. H. Whltmnnn will par ticipate with their respective carrhiKes. No admission will be chnrged. NEW BRIDGE IS COMPLETED Immense .nrtliMestern Mruetiite Opens fur Trnllli' Ml nil it Tho now Northwestern bridge west of Hoone will be opened next Sunday for regular tramc. This Is one of the remark able plece3 of railroad work of the present progressive age. A great brldgo of steel Jumps from bluff to bluff and thus avoids tho devious nnd costly descent Into the valley of the Des Molncs river which has been ono of the hardest bits of work on tbo Iowa lines. Tho brldgo Involved nn outlay ot about $650,000 nnd together with tho approaches and the other works necessary, makes a total cost of about $1,230,000. The offset which tho company will .have for this ex penditure Is the straight line from Hoone to Ogdcn, a distance of seven miles Instead of eleven by the old route. Besides, th necessity of maintaining two and some times more helper engines with their crews and the burning of many tons of coal will be dono away with, as tho old Molngona hill Is to bo cut out ot the line. Running straight west from tho depot at Hoone, tho new track strikes tho bluffs along the Des Molncs river at a point where th? distance from summit to summit is 2,865 feet. That Is tho span which the new viaduct bridge makes. Over tho river proper Is n truss span, 300 feet long, which Is 185 feot above the water at Its usual height. Pletures Full Uliort. Such figures give very little conception of tho magnitude of tho big structure. Few of tho pictures presont to tho mind any adequate conception of the Immensity of tho structure. It Is only ns you stand tinder It nnd look up nnd up, that you realize Its size. Then when you go on top nnd look down a shudder runs through your framo when you think of what an awful calamity It would be If a train should Jump over that railing. Thero Is small probability of such nn accident, for heavy gunrd rails flank tho trnck on cither side and engineers say there Is no posslbla way for a train to get off the bridge ns long ns tho structure Itself remains. The officials have such confidence In Its strength that two trains will bo allowed to pais on tho bridge nt good speed and they say thero will be no danger. Tho bridge Is tho largest double-track brldgo In tho world, In the superstructure wcro used 5,680 tons of metal nnd 400 tons of metal wero used In tho foundations, In ndditlon to tho masonry. Two gorges had to be filled In the construction of tho trnck lending to the brldgo, nnd theso necessi tated tho placing of 223,000 cubic yards of earth. The ravines wcro each 400 feet long and eighty to elghty-flvo feet deep. About 1,600 men have been employed on tho preparatory work, while fully fifty men wero kept at work last winter on tho bridge. Dut one life has been lost In tho work, and that man fell from the top of the center Bpnn a few weeks ago. He struck on some of tbo fnlso work In his fill of 185 feot. His body wns recovered n few days later several hundred yards down tho river. Ono other man was seriously Injured earlier In tho work. Tho slto of the brldgo will become a sum mer resort of nc small proportions. All through the tlmo ot Its building hundreds of pcoplo have gone thero Sundays to watch tho work. Tho grounds, since tho opening of spring have resembled n picnic ground, with lemonado stands and fakirs of various kinds doing a thriving business. The Doone street cars already opernte within n mile of the bridge, and It Is planned to extend tho line to the river and build picnic grounds. The official announcement has been mado that next Sunday the trafhc will be turned Is on tho new line. BANK PRESIDENT MISSING FtsriEiterUinid that I'nd H. Bactn of Sioux Falli Has I'led. COWS AND HORSES PERISH Victory Complete 900 People who Obtained Free Sample Bottles of Coke Dandruff Cure at The Boston Store Drug Dept. Fsrrell, cf.. 0 0 Evrltt. lb.. 0 1 14 Kotr, If... 0 1 1 lmnsan, rf. . 0 Qulnn, 2b.... 1 Cllncm n, s l Ooimhlln, 3b 2 Orady, c.... 0 Lc, p 0 Hundreds of people who obtained a Free Samplo of Coko Dandruff Curo nt the Hos. ton Store Drug Departniont on April 22 and 23 make their reports. All but ten have either been entirely cured or greatly benefitted. Many ot thoso who reported live In towns outside of Omaha. They report that Coko Dandruff Cure has created a sensation In their towns; In fact, we have reason to believe that wherever the Omaha newspapers circulate tho public test that the A. II. Bremer Com pany have mado in this city has been closely watched. Many lotters aro received dally which Indicate clearly tho Interest being taken. Men and women who have beon troubled for years with Dandruff, Falllnc Hair nnd annoylnc Sen n lrrltntlons. for which they could find no cure, aro rejoicing to know thorn Is positively a curo for them. Read tne praise given Coko Dandruff Curo from citizens of Omaha ajid vicinity, TESTIMONIALS. Omahn. Neb.. Mav 2. 1901. Having tried a number of dlfforont kinds of Danilnifl cures, i am frank to say thnt none have givon mo tho satisfaction that I have received from Coko Dandruff Curo. It Is Jmt what you say It Is a positive cure and I freely recommend It to nil my friends. OUS DBTMKHS, nt rr i- Li RROW Rett at YouRUt THE MORROW Coaster Brake fblrt in CiHnf. Flu lay whl, Ywf wli.tl slwmyt utt.Wr conlivl. Su ntjr ta Milt. A Juiuiy on tht lert. Y lUile (VO MUca. bat Prial aalj Mllta. .100,000 utha4 iidt lilt jcar. Said by aU deiU n. BmM Frit. UpM laj.ra., Klaln, X. f. 10 10 14 14 l'.C. .CM .6V) .578 -tej .47:i .441 .'id .333 BOSTON AMERICANS EGGED laltlira Shut from Sent of (invernnicnt Them Clear Out llrrurs I'Di-lly HesiniiNllile, BOSTON. Mny IB. Inability to hit Leo nnd two bad errors by Freeman lost the earoii for tho Boston Americans today. The feature was Dowo s wonuerrui worK in leit field, four vers- difficult ninnlnc catches going to his credit. Attendance, 3,Zk5, Scoro; WASHINGTON. , IIOSTON. It. 11. 0. AH. I lt.Il.O.A.i:. Dnwd. If.... 0 0 6 1 0 llrmplilll. rf 0 0 1 C'olllna, 3h... 0 1 1 Freem'n, lb. 0 1 10 Jrmca, cf 0 0 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 0 Parent Kerrla, 21. frlKfr, c urpy, p 0 0 2 0 13 0 0 3 .000 Totals .. 4 11 3T 13 '. Totals .. 0 3 27 6 3 Washington 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-4 uoston u u o u u u u w o u Karned runs: Washington. 1. Two-bnso bit: Lee. Three-bafo lilts: Foster, Qulnn. Stolen base: Orady. Doublo plays: I'arent to Ferris to l-'reemun, uowa to uoiuns io Crlger to Parent. Sacrltlce hit: Orady. First base on Dans; urt ice, ii on wuppy, 1. Struck out: By Cupp.v, 1; by Lee, 2. Time; 1:15. Umpire: Haskell, llAI.TI.MOnB MAK US 1JIII3AT FIMSII. lluril HlttliiK Haves liny In On me with Mnrk'a Atliletles. BALTIMORE. May 15. With the scoro n tie In the eighth Inning and two men out, Robinson singled, Howell hit for two bases. Aicurnw for tnree oases nun snougruns sunt out n single, bringing In three runs and winning the game for tho Hnltlmoru Americans from tne rnunaeipiua Atnieucs. Krister's Melding nnd batting were 'fea tures. Attendance, 2,323. Score: UAI.TIMUKU. PHILAbKLVHlA. H.H.O.AK.' R.H.O.A.B. McOraw, 3b 1 2 1 0 0 lUyilen, cf. 0 2 10 0 Hohe, lb..,, 0 0 1 0 0 Oeler. rf.... 1 2 10 1 Hnoigr'ai. If 0 1 2 0 0 Kulti, If 12 0 10 2 0 iAjotr, 2b... 1 2 7 3 0 7 0 Bybnld, lb. 1 1 It 0 0 1 1 l-roa. 3b.... 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 Iickh'rt, si. 1 10 2 2 0 0 Powers, c... 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 l'latt, n 0 1 0 0 0 11 Total 8 II 27 12 2 I Baltimore 12 10 0 0 1'hlladelphla 0 1 0 1 0 0 Two-base hits: Kelster, Fulls, Oelcr, Three-base hits: Williams, McOraw, stolen babes: Kelster, I-iJole, Cross, Doublo ploy; inuiniH in rim., rum uuse on oans: Off Howell, l; off l'latt, 2. Hit by pitched Imll- llv Unwell. 1. Struck nut! Ilv lln.r.ll 9: by l'latt. 2. Passed ball: Powers. Wild pitch: l'latt. Ift on bases: Baltimore, 6; Philadelphia. 6. Time: 1:50. l.'mplre: Can- tuiion. American J.eairue Slnudlnic, Won. Lost. P.C Detroit 14 5 .736 Baltimore io 5 Chicago 11 7 611 Washington , 0 ii ,u Boston 7 !l .437 Milwaukee 8 11 .431 Philadelphia ,.. 5 11 ,312 Cleveland I II .222 Wllt'ma, 2b. 1 2 1 Krliter, .. o z 1 Heymour, rf 1 1 0 Jackion, cf. 0 0 4 Fouti. lb... 1 1 11 Roblnaon, c. 1 3 4 Howell, p... 1 2 0 Totals 6 II 21 20 4 3 - 8 0- 5 IOWA SPORTSMEN'S SHOOT XV. II. Kllih- nf MnralinlltiMvn I'.leeted President nf the As NlU'illt Ion. NICWTON, la., May 15,-The meeting of the Iowa Stato Sportsmen's association hero todny was tho largest In Its history. Sixty shooters faced the traps and 2"J0 targets were thrown 111 twelve events. Tbo mnrksmen leading In percentage of hits wore: Fred Gilbert. Spirit Lake, 94; Frank I'armelee, Omaha, MS; Thomas A. Marshall, Klethsbtirg, III., 10; F.dwnrd A. Bingham, Des Moines. WV4; C. W. Budd, Des Moines, bS. At the business meeting tonight these officers were elected: President, W. B. Klbby. Marshnlltown; vice president. George McCartney, Des Moines; secretary, L. T. Toysmnn, Ottumwii; treasurer, Warner Oephart, Ottawa: directors, D. R. Tripp of Nnwton, C W. Hudd of Dos Moines, D. T. Douthett of Osceola, Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake and Edward Roth- cocK of Cedar Rapids. CLUB'S KNIVES NOT READY Mix Wire Nntlnniil I.encm- President I'liMirlui; l'iMtiniieiiif-iit of Unte for Ten in lleiliii-lloii. Farm Property at Pierre, IneliidliiK Live Mock, Is Destroyed Iiy linmes. PIERRK, S. I)., May 15. (Special Tele gram.) Fire early this morning destroyed a boarding barn belonging to A. S. Guthrlo and nine horses and three cows,' besides harness and feed. The loss on tho build ing is $1,000 nnd the same on the contents. Thero Is no Insurance. The adjoining prop erty was damaged to the extent of sev eral hundred dollars, which Is covered by Insurance. Tho cnuso of tho flro Is unknown. HEROIC ACTIONS OF TWO WOMEN Wives of OflH-lnls Turn Over Their Property to Depositors of Bullied Institution t'otleiie Is .Not llenvy Iniser. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. May 15. (Special.) From the best obtainable Information It oppears certain that Fred H. Bacon, pres ident of the failed Canton State bank, has (led, It Is said that his wife, who Is al most prostrated over the failure of the bank and tho absence of her husband, does not know whero ho Is, Some fear Is ex pressed that ho has committed suicide. Thoso who arc well Informed say that the Investigation of the bank's affairs by Henry N. Cooper, bank examiner for South Dakota, who now has charge ot the Insti tution, may develop the fact that some of tho Institution's capital has been used for speculative purposes. It was reported soon after tho bank closed Its doors that St. Augtistana college would lose about Jl, 000 by the failure. This Is Incorrect. Tho loss to tho college will not be more than $35 or $40. It Is true that tho college had on deposit about $1,000, but this was In a separate account nnd wns returncd-to tho officers of the collego Immediately prior to tho closing of tho bank's doors. An aggre gate sum of about $300, which had been de posited in the bank by the school children of Canton, wos nlso returned to tho owners after the officers of tho bank had decided to close the Institution. Women Deed Their Properly. Mrs. Hacon, wlfo of the presldont, nnd Mrs. Larson, wlfo of tho cashier of the bank, acted tho part of trim women after tho failure. A halt section of valuablo land near Canton, which wns purchased with the bank's money and docded to them, has by them been deeded hack tn the hank for tho benefit of tho depositors. Other property, practically all they possessed, has also been turned over for tho benefit of depositors. Mrs. Hacon and hor three children are left practically penniless ns tho result of tho failure. Tho only prop orty sho retained was nn olghty-ncro tract of land which was purchased with monoy other than that belonging to tho bank nnd her homo at Canton, valued at nbout $3, 000, but which has a mortgago of $1,800 upon It. Proporty aggregating In vnluo from $15,000 to $20,000 has thus been turned over to the bank for tho benefit of dopos ltoro. Life Insarnnee Lost. Among tho deposits was tho life Insur ance money of Arthur Linn, Jr., a son of Arthur Linn, ex-commandant of the Stato Soldiers' home nt Hot Springs. Young Linn died suddenly a few months ngo. Ills Ufa Insurance, amounting to $2,700, belonged to a sister, aged nbout 14, nnd had been de posited In tho bank for safe keoptng. L, II. Larson, tho cashier of tho failed bank, Induced young Linn to Insure his life nnd for awhllo paid the payments upon tho policy. Among the heaviest losers by tho falluro ot tho bank are a number of tho residents of Worthing. Miss Maggto Dcnnbuo of that place had $150 on deposit. Edward Norton, a farmer near Worthing, had sav Ings aggregating about $800 deposited tn tho bank. B. Oliver, another farmer In tho vicinity, had $1,400 deposited tn tho bank when It fatted. Tho most fortunate patron of tho bank was John Turner, pro prletor of tho Turner hotel nt Worthing. A short time prior to tho falluro he drew out of It his deposit of $5,000 for tho pur poso of Investing It In Charles Mix county farm lands. Lenient methods of transacting business are alleged to havo been largely responsi ble for the fnllurc. Tho bank carried number of persons who, when tho bank got Into straitened clrcumstnnces. fatted to re spond with the amounts duo the Institution Ptinriuiiey Hoard to Sleet. DELL RAPIDS, S. D., May 15. (Special.) A special meeting of the South Dakota Stato Hoard of Pharmacy for the transac tion of business and the examination of candidates for registration will bo nt Dead wood June 10. Applications for examina tions should bo filed with tho secretory llvo days before tho date of tho mooting. llrnUeiiinii'n Font Amputated. DEADWOOD, S. D., May 13. (Special.) ilbcrt Smith, for many' yenrs with the Burlington Railway company ns brakeman, In tho Ulnck Hills district, had his font amputated as tho result of an accident which he had a short time ago. His foot was caught between tho bumpers of two cars. WASHINGTON. May 15,-Slx nf tho b:so ball clubs In tho National lenguo havo wired to President Young their votes In favor of an extension until Juno 15 of the time within which each club, under the provisions of a resolution ndopted it' Now vorK, must reuuee ino numncr ot i't play ers to sixteen. Tho original resolution nnmed May 15 as the date when such re ductions should become effective. Two clubs remain to be heard from. It cannot he said tonight whether or not unanimous consent Is necessary to tho proposed exten sion or only a majority vote, several oi the clubs have sent lists of players to be released, but If tho extension resolution be adopted the playern named will not be dropped for tho prei-ent, at least. OMAHA BOWLERS wIn AND LOSE Vanquished Iiy limine and lliiliuiiie Ottniimn Tennis, lint llefent Den .Xolui'N-Oltlllilrin. DES MOINES. May 15.-In tho bowling contests today thu Hoone team defented u picked team from Omaha by u score of 1,435 to 2,362. Dubuque and Ottumwn players also de feated Omahu, 2.3H2 to 2.182. Des Moines and Ottumwn players tonight were defeated by Omahn, 2,351 to 2,201. Amerlenii Horse nnd .lot-key Win. LONDON, May 15. At the Newmarket second spring meeting toduy tho Wednes day welter handlcnp was won hy William C Whitney's chestnut colt Wutershed, ridden by Clem Jenkins. Rlchnrd Croker's bay filly Mlnnlo Dee, Johnnie Relft huvlng the mount, mine In second. Twelve horses ran, MHher had the winning mount, J. C. Dyer's chestnut colt St, Hilarious, In the maldon 2-yenr-old race Hull Sell nl Field Day, Next Saturday will be tho annual field dnv for the Omiiha HIl-Ii school athletes. The games will be played ut tho North Omaha Driving park nnd the feature of the day's sport will be a gamo of base ball between the clubs of the Omaha and Lincoln HIkIi schools for the championship ui iiic Bitue. Life 1b so short. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne will help you to enjoy It. You iik Mnn Appointed Inst rui-tor. SIOUX FALLS. S. D Mny 15. (Special Telegram.) Allan A. Young, 24-ycar-old son of Hon. W. E. Young and wlfo, resi dents of Sioux Falls, has beon appointed In structor In economics In tho University of Wisconsin, Tint ii (inn routine I liaised. ABERDEEN, S. D Mny 15. (Special.) Dr. II. E. McNutt, secrotary of the stato board of health, has raised the smallpox quarantine nt Slsseton and tho resumption of business has begun. OFFICERS OF STATE A. 0. U. W. Hlectlon i'nke I'lnce nf Snnth tlnkotn (rnnil I.mlire Convened nt Huron. HURON. S. D., Mny 15. (Special Telo gram.) These officers wero chosen by tho Grand lodgo of Ancient Ordo,- of United Workmen todny: Fred H. Sm'.th of Hocla grand raastor; J, D. Lavln of Aberdeen recorder; Sol Star of Dcadwood, foreman; F. P. Ijino of Frankfort, receiver, F. H Rector of Parker, ovorsecr; A. B. Grlffe of Gettysburg, guide; Ernst Nelson of Yank ton, insldo watchman; R. D. Whorton of Huron, outside watchman, Mr. Lavln was re-elected recorder for tho thirteenth time nnd was presented with n diamond stud costing $150. There Is a lively contest over representatives to the supremo lodgo and the place of the next meeting. BOY IMPALED ON OLEANDER I-'nIlH from Outside Stnlri-nse nnd Strike ProiiR. of Newly Trimmed Hush. SIOUX FALS, S. D May 15. (Special Telegram.) Tho young son of Colonel O F. McNulty, n business man, while playing on nn outsldo stalrcnse missed his footing and fell to the ground, alighting on an olennder shrub which was growing In a tub In tho yard. It had recently boon trimmed nnd a sharp prong entered above the htr nnd penetrated six Inches Into tho lad's body. PRIVILEGES TO HOLDERS OF Eastern Tourist Tickets VIA THff LaKe SKore and Michigan Southern Railway 8T0P OVER AT Chautauqua, Pan-American Exposition, tfiagara Falls. OPTIONAL USE OF Cleveland & Buffalo Steamers, Hudson River Boat Line. Printed matter giving routes and rates for summer tours with full information on. application to F. M. BYRON, G. W. A., Chicago. Y7fi ViaJaerf, I daB I ft iJ.i-IL J.v I iaT" ZBWV V.kaVAIDBNUhl jn 1 Au On M.3ANCHE. l4 FALLIBLE CURE FOR LAORIPPI , ILITY, ELOW JVC (JIVE A FEW BRIEF RE PORTA f:Trs'N,5'ASTHMA,MP0TiJJ .rrZnirr: .frr-it-.. mtr r' -.1 ALL BLOOD OlSEAQtCTC. nC DmTt..... I nn..m-..7F2n7Zr.' n 7 . a. rU " - iVLf.nuisti.y.rjOsssn,l.ri5CUFAli;ilK0TMAN,i;HICAC-O. irmiUn&Ct3 (ArfiOvat CviO WASNIN6T0N J.M'DLtn 6ENtRALTlCKE.T A&ENT OF THE i4 St'r- Ao PULLMAW PAI Arr CAn Cn C i.ie ttKSZjTZ?. SrtM)re0 MS w,cc. 6EaW'LS0N.L(aANau3(M5!U 'John A 1a.d. STCRLiNolrqEI Oxroova Cvt it i ttjs rxAt two trerj. frjiinnt- Cfv Anvw,vwfrl "" I I IswaaMaaiMHnMaaM , YD PROTECT YOUR WIALTH AND OUR REPUTATION V WILL riv -rui muian-in !, ON! WHO WILL rURNIOH OB INFORMATION ON WHICH W CAN RICURB CONVICTION or A DEALER WHO TRIES TO SELL WORTHLESS IMITATIONS WHEN OXYDONOHS ARE CALL ED FOR. THE ONLY REASON A DEALER IMPORK3 A PAH. CD ARTICLE ON YOU IB BE CAUSE THERE IS A LARDER PROFIT IM IT FOR HIM. IF YOU HAVE NO DEALER: IN YOUR CITT, WRITE. TO DR. H. BANG HE. CO. OT STATE ST. CHIOAOO, rOH ot8C,'"'TI vt BOOKLET Aa rJEAaJTRETtflMS. ,f) SALT LAKE CITY, UTAM.aV oa O Ma. PIHt IOS OH SUIlOIHlJ, OMAN A.NEI. ' 1 xa.CHwiaTMaM,vwM6Toai.it,g ft, MONTREAL S TORONTO, DOMINION Or CANADA. KSMllWAUBei, MINNEAPOLIS A N IW )foH 0 T V. VARICOCELE "I cure Varicocele without cutttng, thus avoiding the horrors of Surgery." THE DISEASE ITS CAUSE ITS EFFECT MASTER SPECIALIST I ilo not trout nil diseases, litit curo nil I trt?at, treut MEN ONI..Y, nml cure them to stay cured. An enlargement of the vol mm nf the scrotum, causing a knotted or swollen iippenrunce of the scrotum most frequently. Often Indiscretion, but somutttm-s blows, fnlls, Htrnlns, pjcccbsIvs horsebnek or bicycle riding or excessive dissipation. A dull, heuvy, drnKKltiR pain In smnll nf buck, extending down throuuh loins, low spirits, wenknetm of body nnd brain, norvout debility, pnrtlal or coinpleto loss of vlBnr nnd often fnlluro of Knernl henltli. ITQ f'llDC lf 'ou nre 11 victim of varicocele, como to our oflk-o and let mo ex 110 bunt plain to you my proccsH of curlnK It. You will then not vonder why I have cured to tny cured hundreds of cnacs nf varicocele during tho past 12 months. Under my treatment tho patient Improves from tho very beginning. All pain Instantly censes. Soreness nnd swelllnK quickly nubslde. The pools of stag nant blood are forced from the dilated veins, which rapidly assume their normal tie, strength and soundness. All Indications of the disease and weakness vnn lh completely and forever, and In their stead comes the pride, the power, and the pleasures "of perfect health nnd restored mnnhood. The Electro-Medical Specialists of the Different Departments of this Institute, by their special combined Klectro-Mertlcnl Treatment are making many wonderful euros In diseases of the Kidney, Ithonniutlsni, Purnlysla, IMIcn, etc-., Prlvnlo ninrnxra, Cnnlnglona ninnd I'olunn, Xcrvo-Memiil Debility, Ituptiiru, Ntrloliire, Hydrocele and All Allied nnd AnKOclntc lllaeuxea of .Men. Treatment by Correspondence One personal visit Is preferred, but If It Is Impossible, or Inconvenient for you to call nt our ofllcc, write a full and unreservod history of your easo, plainly stat ing your symptoms. Wo make no charge for private counsel, and give to onch pa tient a Ijcirnl Contrnct to hold for our promises. If you cannot call at ths Institute today, write. Address nil communications to STATE-ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Fatnam St., Sat, 13th and 14th Sis.. Omaha, Neb. nrfrrrnrrm nest Ilnnkn and .eadlnwr lliialnexs .Men In this Cttjr. in person or CDCC Office Hours 8 to CONSULTATION by letter, FREE 8. Sundays 10 to 1 "WTmnrTiTT wii n "ii "ii u i v 'i ADVICE by our Physicians and a FREE SAMPLE? of eur medicine also Froo Homo Troatmont a no page illustrated book describing symptoms and causo ot dlsuasn. with best treatment, also mnny taltiable reoolpts and prescriptions In plain language saving you heavy doctor's bills, ssk for 14. Dr. Kay's Renovator Cures the very worst cases ot Dyspepsia. Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Heart ivm aaiul us 25 cts. or 81.00 and wo will send Dr. Kay's KcnoTBtor by return moll, Liver and Kidney Wrlto us about alt; dnty diaeahcs and bud results your ay of I.a Grin do. Send lornroof of 1L. mptoms. Sold by druggists, don t accept any substitute but wo will send Dr. Kay's KcnoTBtor bv return moll. Addrsis. m DR. . J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Spring, N. Y. """"""""" I 1 IT'tll IIIIITITT XTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT T VTTV ? TTTTTTTTIIIiril imimilirilll 11111 HHtltWIl fDIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. For Instance You may know something of the "grip" may have felt all its miseries, experienced the weakness and had a mouth full of bad taste, yet you know nothing of the history of the disease. Now The Standard Dictionary gives some interesting facts concerning the grip and it's about the only book that does. Fact is there are mighty few things that have escaped the editors of that work. If interested, call and see a copy. Take one home for ?7.00. Megeath Stationery Co, 1308 Farnam Street. It aids digestion and will prolong It. Hajjaararai E a a uul ' saaiaa.