Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Commircial Club Excursionists Viiit Thrlr
ing Ktbriikk Tawni.
tlonqnet U Ilnnled for lleiieflt of the
Auditorium, Kumt Hxchnnicc of
Mrcetlntr All Aloim
tlic 1.1 ii r-.
! WPKRIOn, Neb., May 1C. (Special Tel
"Si'am.) Tho first dny of tho trade ex-
urston of tho members of the Oraahn
Commercial club closed here tonight. Tho
trip was one of tho most successful In tho
history of the orKiuilzntlon. The best pro.
pnrcd reception tendered the party was at
Davenport, whero tho cltlrcns had made
extonalvo prepn ration', When tho train
reached Davenport, It. Tweed, stato repre
sentative, delivered nn address of welcomo
and save tho hoys of tho town to the ex
cursionists. Headed by the Davenport
band tho party In carriages drove over tho
town and returned to tho central portion,
whore an addresx was made on behalf of
tho visitors by Rov. IMward V. Trefz, who
Is with tho party as the spokesman.
Tho trip from Omaha to Superior was
a continued success, Tho first stop was
mado at Fremont, where several Jobbers
Joined tho party. The first visit was made
at Able. At Ilruno a brass band and tho
citizens greeted tho excursionists. The
famo reception waa repeated at Ilrntnnrd,
which was decorated In honor of tho event.
Tho nralnard band caunht tho cyo of the
excursionists nnd through the courtesy of
the railroad odlclals on the train it was
carried to Seward.
I'lmifm Are It ft III 'T .
At Dwlght an Interesting event occurred.
Miss Christina Dunlap came to tho train
carrylnK a beautiful bouquet of spring
flowers, This was Klven to I I,. Camp
bell, a member of tho party. At tho sug
Kestlon of Mr. Campbell It was raffled for
tho benefit of tho Omaha Auditorium fund,
bringing S27. It waa won by C. S. Hlgutter,
who afterward auctioned It off, subsequent
auctions bringing tho sum of f7.50 for the
Stop was made, for dinner at Seward.
Ooehncr was visited and at Heaver Cross
ing tho party examined tho famous artesian
flow of, water. At Cordova and Exctor tho
excursionists wero well received and at
Geneva they were given a carriage rldo and
refreshments, through tho courtesy of A.
Kochlor &. Co.
Martland, Shlckloy and Walters were vis
ited and len came tho reception at Daven
port, the town being decorated with flags
and banners. After calling upon the trade
at Oak nnd Nora tho -train arrived at
Superior, whoro tho merchants had pro
pared a banquet for tho party. Ileforo
leav ,ig Superior thcro was a public meet
ing on Commercial avenue, at which short
talks wero mado by Hev. K. F. Trcfz and
P. K. Sanborn. Tho train left for Hast
ings at 7:3" p. m. Tho Omaha party has
accepted tho Invitation of the Knights of
St. Kob Hagus of Fremont and will spend
an hour or two In that city Thursday, ar
riving In Omaha at 7 o'clock p. m., ono
hour later than the schedule.
Hrci-ptloii ut Iltiatlnii.
HASTINGS, Neb., Mny 15. (Special Telo
gram.) Tho delegation of Omaha Jobbers
making a tour of tho stato nrrlved In Hast
ings tonight nt 9 o'clock on a special North
western train over tho Missouri Pacific lino,
Tho Omahans were met at the depot by a
largo delegation of Hastings merchants, who
escorted them to tho hotel and entertained
them In various ways. All were greatly
pleased with Uio cleanliness of tho city and
ilts general appearance. Tlio gontlomen from
Omnha wlll'spend'most of tomorrow morn
ing visiting Hastings business men and
tnnklng acquaintances.
Tmtlmony In Nlclney Cnttle Stealing
Cno Tnlcnn mid State
SIDNEY, Nob.. Mny 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho trial of V. D. Wntklno,
charged with stealing cnttlo from tho Karl
Cattlo company, Is In progress, a Jury hnv
Ing been secured this afternoon. Tho testi
mony for the stnto was similar to that at
tho first trial and tho stato rested at 7:30
tonight. Tho defense put on Mr. Mollrlng
and Hooked Hampton of Alliance to provo
bad character of tho principal witness,
MathowF, for the stato, but Judgo Grimes
tuled that anything previous to Mathews'
lestrtenco In Lincoln during tho last year
would bo excluded. This was n severe blow
for tho defense nnd they naked for tlmo to
show law to tho contrary. Court adjournal
until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Tho
court house was crowded.
Take Their Father' llomm and
Ilnuiiy anil Depart, hut Are
KEAItNEV, Nob., May 15. (Special Tel.
cgram.) Two sons of J, W. Stevens, near
Miller, aged 18 and 14, ran away Satur
day night, taking with them n team of
horses, harness and buggy. They wero lo
cated at Superior today nnd their father left
this afternoon for that place to bring them
York to Welcome Jnhhera.
YORK, Nob., May 15. (Special.) The
citizens and business men of York are going
to show Omahn's Jobbers a good time.
Preparations aro being mado to receive
them. The following committees aro ap
pointed: Reception committee, C, A. Mo-
Little Liver Pills.
Must Baar Signature of
Sa. FaoStaalU Wrapper BLw.
Yry at all ma mm uf
I totaka
Cloud, A F Bloomer John McFadden, E.
J. Wlghtman, II. M Chllds. badges, George
H. Oerorae, F. P. Van Wlckle; carriages,
M. Sovnrelgn and N. A. Dean! decorating,
J. II, Cowell, D. J. Colling, Z. S. Seeley.
Prank Rotesloff; promotion, Alfred 0.
Christian, Tim Sedgwick. Tho Omaha Job
bers will arrive hero at 11:63 and, taking
dinner, will stop here an hour.
Two Telephone Prniu-hle Are Ankeil
anil Interest of Coinpnnles
FREMONT. Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Last night at a special session of the city
council a llcenso to sell liquor was granted
W. J. Uehllng. Ho will . conduct the busi
ness of the Merchants' hotel bar.
A resolution was adopted to have the
old street ear track taken up on Socond
A franchUo was asked by U. V. Larson,
Paul Colson, Rex Henry, A. B. Cooling and
Dan V. Stephens to construct and main
tain n telephone system,
Tho Green and Western company also
risked consent to construct and operate an
Independent exchange. Thcro was some op
position between the two concorns nnd no
franchises were granted, but a committee
was appointed to look Into the merits of
tho two companies.
First Annual Convention nt tSrnnil
Inland Liquid Air Demount rn-
t loll M fllKMTII.
GRAND ISLAND, Nob., May 15. (Spe
cial.) The first annual meeting of tho Ne
braska Association of Embnlmcrs met lu
this city yesterday nnd today, with about
half the membership In attendance. Tho
meetings are at the Knchler hotel. Papers
on embalming processes were read and
among tho features of the convention was
tho series of liquid air demonstrations by
Prof. Thornton Dames of the Chicago Col
logo of Embalming. Tomorrow the board
of examiners, consisting of D. C. Hearing
of Omaha, E. L. Troyer of Lincoln nnd
Jnsoph Sondcrmann of this city, will meet
and examine from ten to fifteen applicants
for first grade certificates, Joseph Sonder
mann of this city Is president of the as
First llei'llnl Oil veil nn Instrument at
the CuiiKresrntlonnl
ALBION', Neb., May 15. (Special.) A ro
cltal on tho new pipe organ took place at
tho Congregational church Sunday. The or
gan wus built by Gcorgo O. Wnckcr of
Ilrooklyn nnd has manuals and pedals, In
all 717 pipes. M. W. Kicker of Omaha
played it in the church and J. E, Dutlcr
of tho Trinity church nt Omaha gave tho
recital. Mrs. Fred Mansfield of this city,
Mrs. J. A. Illomqulst of Newman Orovo
nnd A. L. Rush of Omaha each sang a
solo. Mrs. II. F. Lchr and Miss Emily
Hull of Albion sang a duet and Messrs.
Rush, Necdham, Hull and Price, n male
An Installation service will be Sunday
night, dedicating tho organ to tho church
Tito Ntrnetnrca nnd 9I Thnnannd
lluahela of Grain Are Ile
troyed. nELLWOOD, Neb.. May 15. (Special
Telegram.) Spelts & Co.'s elevator at
this place, together with 2,000 bushels of
corn In tho elevator and 2,000 bushels of
car corn In a crib was burned at midnight
last night. From the Spelts elevator the
flames leaped to tho Central Granaries com
pany's elevator, which together with an
engine and 2,000 bushels of grain, was con
sumed. A Hurllngton freight car was also
destroyod. Tho flro was tho largest over
In Dcllwood. It Is said' to be caused by
tramps. Everything was covered by In
Henry HnrtlliiK of Kidney U Arrested
and Taken tn Sterling,
SIDNEY, Neb., May 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry Dartling, nn old resident of
Cheyenne county and a wealthy stockman,
was nrrested today by Dave Hcattlo, sheriff
of Logan county, and taken to Sterling,
Colo., tonight, charged with stealing cattlo
from W. C. Bullock. Bartllng's son John
was arrested for horse stealing last fall
and was to be tried at this term of court,
but failed to make his appearance and his
bond of $2,000 was forfeited.
Henry Cordea of lleatrlce Flnlahea
Fast Continued Since Good
BEATRICE, Neb., May 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry Cordes, who stnrtod on Good
Friday to fast forty days, finished his time
today. Only upon ono occasion has Mr.
Cordes broken his fast, and then he ato so
much that the food didn't stay upon his
stomach. Ho says he does not know yot
whothcr ho will cat any tomorrow.
Takea Shot nt Snit-ln-l.aTr.
LYONS, Neb., May 15. (Special.) Den
ver Harris was arrested at his home Mon
day on a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Mar
garet Harris, his wlfo, charging hlra with
shooting with Intent to kill John Whits
upon her premises Monday afternoon. Har
ris was formerly a nursory tree agent of
Council Bluffs nnd has been here from
tlmo to tlmo selling nursory stock for a
man named Fogerty, nnd on ono of these
trlpB married his present wlfo, who was
then Mrs. John Johnson, a woman with
consldornble farm property, nnd slnco their
marriage a few months ago. It Is alleged,
has refused to help about the farm. She
has proceedings tn the district court for a
divorce. White, who is a son-in-law, was
asked by Mrs. Harris to bring his wife and
come up from Omaha and tako chargo of
things, which ho did. Harris appcarod at
the farm yesterday nnd n quarrel ensued
between them, In which they came to blows,
Harris later appeared with a shotgun and
tools a shot at White without effect.
Tekniiinh Griiuta I.liclil Franchise.
TEKAMAH, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
The city council In atlJourpeg; session last
night passed an ordinance granting an elec
tric light franchise to J. Omsson. to run
for ten years. Tho ordinance provides that
tor street lighting purposes tho city will
pay 7 a month for 2,000 candle power arc
lights and 85 cents per month for 32-candlc
power Incandescent lamps, both on tho 12
o'clock schedule. Mr. Olasson. to whom
the franchise Is granted. Is tho owner of
tne roller mills In this city nnd Intonds to
put In tho lighting plant In connection with
the mill.
Home from the I'hlllpplnea,
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Mny 15. (Special.)
Clinton C. Norrts, late of the Thirty
second regiment, and directly from the
Philippines, arrived here this morning,
Arthur Longwell and Corporal George Sut
ton are expected hero this afternoon. They
were members of the same regiment.
t'nlun 1'nelflo Mnrtasnue Filed.
MADISON. Neb., May 16. (Special.)
The Union Pacific (100,000,000 mortgago has
been filed In Madtion county for ra:ord.
The fee was $20.
Support Food Commiiiisnir in Warfirs on
Imitatioa Products.
1'rnnU I,. Ilnllrr of Omaha I'lnced on
M lira ry Co in miss I on on "Par
tisan Home for the
(From n Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, May 15. (Spoclal Telegram.)
Following tho examplo of the buttor nnd
egg dealers the olllcers of the State Dairy
men's association met hero tonight and
passed resolutions pledging their support
to Food Commissioner Hlbbard In his ef
fort to enforce the Inw ngnlnst the sale of
Imitation butter and other dairy products.
Resolutions were also adopted requesting
every dnlry In tho state to assist In the
work of enforcing the Inw. Thanks were
extended to Governor Savage for appointing
n member of the Dairymen's association to
tho position of food commissioner.
Vol lie of llnllrond Property,
Tho State Board of Equalization was In
session until late this afternoon consider
ing the reports of rnllroads relative to tho
value of their property, but on account of
tho voluminous nature of theso reports tho
board took no action fixing the vnluo at
which the roads will bo assessed, Another
meeting will bo held tomorrow morning,
hut It Is not likely that tho work will be
completed before the lost of tho week.
Fifteen StnleH Itepreneuteil.
The annunl convention of the Delta
Gamma sorority was formally opened this
morning by Dean Sherman of tho Fnlver-
fclty of Ncbrnskn, who delivered the nddress
of welcomo on behalf of the local chapter.
This afternoon tho delegates wero enter
tained by Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi
Beta Phi locnl chapters and tonight tho
Nebraska chapters of Delta Gamma gave a
ball In the Lincoln hotel for their visiting
sisters. The convention Is ono of tho best
attended In the history of the organization.
Fifteen states are represented nnd dele
gatca nro hero from as far west as Cali
fornia and as far east as Pennsylvania.
Certlllcntea for Dentist.
The State Board of Dental Examiners to
night completed the examination of fifteen
applicants for dentists' certificates. The
result will be announced tho lntter part of
the week by the secretary of the board.
Mi' en si- Fund for School.
Stato Superintendent Fowler today ruled
that school districts nro entitled to nil
llcenso money collected from saloons situ
ated within tho limits of their Jurisdiction.
This decision was mado in response to nn
Inquiry from Stanley Larson of Sallno
county, who asked whether tho school dis
trict of his county was entitled to moro
than tho $500 license fco. In Sallno county
the liquor license fee Is J500 and the oc
cupation tux $500. Mr. Larscn wanted to
know whether tho school district was en
titled to the money derived from the occu
pation tax. Tho ruling of the superin
tendent follows:
Copy of the It til In if-
Yours nt the 7th Inst, came duly to
hand. You will please pardon our ilelny
In answering the same, for It Involves
a question of far-reaching importance, and
It has been our effort to render a de
cision that will stand the test of tho
You say that the ordinance of your vil
lage calls for J500 license fee nnd S0O oc
cupation tnx for the privilege of conduct
ing a saloon In your vlUiiKe: that tho 15U0
license fee goes to your school district and
the $500 occupation tax to the village.
I'pon these statements, you ask, "Will you
bo so kind as to inform us If we nro en
titled to moro than tho $500 llcenso fee?"
We base our ruling on section 5, artlclo
vltt of the constitution of Nebrnska, and
three supremo court decisions. These ref
erences nro as follows:
Section 6, article vlli of tho constitution:
"All lines, penalties nnd license moneys
arising under the general taws of the stnte
shall bilong and bo paid over to the coun
ties respectively where the same mny bo
levied o.- Imposed, nnd all linos, penalties
and llcenso moneys arising under the rules.
uyinws or ordinances or ciiich, villages
towns, precincts, or other municipal sub
division less than n county, shall belong
and be paid over to tho same respectively.
All such tine, penalties nnd llcenso mon
eys shall be appropriated exclusively to the
use nnd support of the common schools
In tho respective subdivisions where the
same mny accrue."
Supreme Court Decision..
Stnto ngnlnst Wilcox, 17 Neb., 219: "Li
cense money belongs to the school fund.
The city of W. required nn apptlcnnt for
llcenso to sell Intoxicating liquors to pay
to the city treasurer $1,000, one-half of
which sum to bo paid to the school dis
trict In which W. Is situated, and tho
other to be retained by tho city nn an oc
cupation tax on saloon keepers, Held
that as the entire sum of ?1,000 was re
qulrad to be paid as a condition of obtain
ing a license, It was llcenso money nnd
not a tax, and under the provisions of sec
tion 5. article vtll of tho constitution, be
longed to the school district." Justice Max
well, speaking of this case, rays: "Tho
question presented Is the effort to divert
one-half of tho money received Into tho
city trensury. It will bo observed that
the entire sum of $1,000 Is required to bo
paid by tho applicant for llcenso to en
able him to obtain the nmc. No part of
this sum Is obtained as a tax, but as a
condition of obtaining license. The Jl.OOu
Is paid as a whole for tho license, not a
part for license ami u part ns tax, be
cause without the payment of tho entire
sum the license would not be issued. We
must hold, therefore, that tho money In
question Is derived from license and not
ns tax. and under the provisions of sec
tion 5. article vlll of the constitution, be
longs to the school district nnd not to the
Outhrle ngalnst State, 47 Ncb 81D: "Mon
eys nrlslng from a llcenso granted by a
village for the nle of intoxicating liquors
belongs to the school district In which such
village Is located, and must bo applied to
tho support of tho common schools In
said district."
State ngnlnst Aitkin (School District, City
of Lincoln, agnlnst Aitkin, city treasurer),
supreme court of Nebrnska, March 6, 1001,
23 Northwestern Reporter, 395: "(1) Tho
payment of an occupation tax cannot be
mndo a condition precedent to obtaining a
license to conduct the business sought to
be taxed; (2) where a tax Is collected or
paid as u condition of obtaining a license
It Is llcenso monoy, nnd not a tax, under
tho provisions of section 6, nrtlcle vlll of
tho constitution."
Ilnala of Decision,
In this last case wo consider It necessary
to give tho wording of the ordinance of
tho city on which this decision was made.
By section 1 of said ordinance It Is pro
vlded: "It shnll bo unlawful for any per
son or persons or associations to exercise,
engage In or conduct any of tho following
occupations In the city of Lincoln with
out first having paid the occupation tax
hereinafter provided and the license feo
therefor; It Is hereby expressly provided,
however, that the granting of tho license
provided In this ordinance Is not condi
tioned upon tho prepayment of the occupa
tion tax herein provided, nnd it Is expressly
provided that the occupation tax may be
paid and the receipt given therefor with
out tho payment of tho license fee, and tho
llconse fee may bo paid and tho llcenso
Issued without tho payment of tho occu
pation tax " Justice Holcomb, In expound
ing this case, says: "From nn examina
tion of the entire ordinance and tho con
sideration of Its scopo nnd character, legal
effect and tho results accomplished thereby
wo must only regard tho amendment placed
on tho original section as tlui mere Ipse
dixit of the city council, In nn attempt,
under the guise of collecting nn occupa.
Hon tax, In truth and In elfect, to Invoku
tho power of tho law for licensing different
trades, occupations nnd business, and coj.
lectlng n license fee therefor. Tho fnct that
it Is stated that ono sum is n llcento feo
and tho other an occupation tux, and that
each is Independent of the other, does not,
we think, have the effect that n literal
application of the language used would
produce, In view of the entire ordinance
and the method of collecting theso dis
puted funds, It appears qulto clear that
they are Interdependent and Inseparably
connected. To obtain a llrense under tho
ordinance the occupation tax Is required
to be paid; and to obtnln a receipt for the
occupation tnx the license fee must also
be forthcoming. This is the spirit and cs.
senco of the er.tlre ordinance, ns we con
strue It. It Is qulto evident, from
a OerUEQl Of thn In Its ntlrli
that while there Is an attempt to give It
a d",ial character one providing for li
censing the business mentlonco nnd the
other for tin levy nnd collection nf an oc
cupation tax -the right to engngo In tho
business nnd obtnln a license therefor Is
dependent not only on the pnyment of tho
license feo, but the occupation tax ns well.
By the stipulation of tho parlies as to the.
facts In thn case it Is agreed that the city
treasurer collected both amounts denom
inated 'occupation tax nnd license fee' nt
the same time. Tho only rational conclu
sion to be drawn Is that tho payments wero
made because of the provisions of the or
dinance requiring the party engnglng In
the business tuxed to obtain a llcenso
therefor before engaging In tho business.
This makes the payments, whatever they
nro called, essential, nnd In fnct license
money, to be disposed of In tho manner
provided by the constitution."
I3 avion liiipnnnlhle
If It were possible to evade the constitu
tional provisions on the question of linos
nnd licenses by an ndroltly drnwn ordi
nance, that possibility would have been
renched under the clover wording of tho
ordlnnnce of the city of Lincoln. But In
the light of these three supreme court
decisions, bused on section 5, uttlcle vlll
of tho constitution, such an evasion Is nn
Therefore. It Is the ruling of this depart
ment ihrtt the school district of Tobias
Is entitled to the $500 license fee nnd tho
$.)(0 occupation tnx, ns collected under tho
ordinance of snld village, for the privilege
of conducting n saloon In said vlllugo.
Yours very truly, W. K FOWLER,
Stato Superintendent.
Oninhu Moil on CoiuiiiIkmIoii,
Governor Savage today appointed Frank
II. Haller of Omaha u member of the Ne
braska State Library commission. Tho
other members nro tho s'ato superinten
dent of public Instruction, stato librarian,
chancellor of tho University of Nebraska
and librarian of tho unlvcrtlty, all named
In tho net providing for tho commission
Mr. Haller Is a relative nf Gcorgo W. Lin
Ingor of Omaha. Ho has been Interested
In library work for many years past and Is
an ndvocate of public traveling libraries
Tho legislature appropriated $1,000 for do-
fraying tho expanses of tho commission
and defined Its duties ns follows:
As soon as ntuironrlntlon nrovlded for In
this act becomes available nnv library.
community, local organization, cither In
corporated or unincorporated, or any bodv
of citizens or taxpayers orgnnlzed for
library purposes shall upon complying with
tho rules prescribed by this commission bu
entitled to the privileges of this net.
Any books, collections of books or other
property of tho commission may be tanned
to nny library, college, school, university
extension renter, Chautuuqun circle,
literary society, study club or other asso
ciation approved by the rules of tho com
mission, uiuier Mien ruics lor llie safe
keeping, preservation, enre, handling nnd
management of the same ns may be fixed
by said commission provided, that tho ex
pensed of transportation bo paid by bor
rowers. Tho commission shall ench venr obtnln
from nil libraries In the state rennrts show
ing the conditions, growth, development nnd
manner or conirjeung nam iiurnries, to
gether with such other tacts nnd stntlstlcs
regarding the Mime as may be deemed of
public Interest by said commission.
The commission shnll, when asked, give
advice and Instruction to all libraries or
Individuals and to all communities which
may propose to establish libraries ns to the
best means for establishing, organizing nnd
administering such libraries, selecting and
cataloguing books and other duties of
library management. The said commis
sion shnll, so far iib possible, promote and
nsslst by counsel nnd encouragement tho
formation of libraries where none exist.
and the commission may send at Its expense
members or olllcers to alii in organizing
new libraries or Improving those already
The commission created bv this net shall
purchnso nil books nnd equipment for use
in lendlnc and circulating Its travellnc
llbrnrlcs n hereinbefore nrovlded. and shall
keep n complete record of libraries to which
dooks nro seiu mm oi me transactions
therewith, nnd shall make a biennial re
port to the governor of the facts of public
Interest and vnluo In relation to Its work.
Offices for tho commission shall Do pro
vided at the library of the I'ulverslty of
Nebraska or In the state capltol building.
Home for the Frlendlesa,
Mrs. A. H. Wolr and Mrs. II. S. Freeman
of this city wero today appointed members
of tho visiting and advisory board for tho
Homo for tho Friendless In this city. Mrs.
Weir will succeed herself nnd Mrs. Free
man will succeed Mrs. L. W. Pomerano.
These appointments still leaves the board
a non-pnrtlsan organization. Two of Its
members wero chosen by former fusion
governors. Ono member was chosen by
former Governor Dietrich nnd still another
was appointed by Governor Savage. The
members aro Mrs. II. J. M. Seamark, Mrs,
D. E. Thompson, Mrs. A. H. Weir and Mrs.
H. S. Freeman.
Not to Itepulr the .Tnll.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Mny 15. (Spe
cial.) Tho county board at its session
yesterday decided to mako no further re
pairs to tho county Jail, other than white
washing. Tho report of the grand Jury
condemning tho Jail and tho court house
will probably necessitate a special election
upon the proposition of a now court house.
The board adjourned until Monday.
Dnvld City Teachers Klecteil.
DAVID CITY, Neb. May 15. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Board of Education
last night these tcachera wero elected: Hcs
slo Cllngman, Dollle Fenderson, Clara Ja
cnbson, Mary Evans, Ida Thompson, .lesslo
Hall and Susan Hlndman. Prof. W. M.
Kern was unanimously elected euperln
tendant for the eighth consecutive year, but
declined to accept.
t'liooae Hooper Tcachera.
HOOPER, Ncb May 15, (Special.) The
Board of Education last night elected these
teachers: Principal, W. J. Seeley; assist
ants, J. R. Allcott, John Matzen, Anna
Olbbo, Mattle Sldner, Ellen Brown and Min
nie Matzen.
Iluja Madison Cnah Store.
MADISON, Neb., May 16. (Special.)
Nols Johnson of Osceola and Axel Olson of
Adams have bought the Madison cash
store from O, A. Munson of Osceola and
took possession Monday.
An Excellent Combination.
The ploasant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Hvnui' of Fiob, manufactured by the
California Fio Syrup Co., illustrate
tho vnluo of obtaining tho liquid lnxa
tivo principles of plants Itnown to bo
medicinally laxative nnd presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to tho
tnsttt and acceptable to tho syotem. It
is the ono perfect strengthening lnxa-tl-,
cleansing' tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever?
gently yot promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality nnd sub
stance, nnd its acting on tho kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make It tho Ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
aro used, as they nro pleasant to the
taste, butthomedicinal qualitiesof the
remedy aro obtained from bennu nnd
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Cauhoiwia Fio Srtiur
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects oud to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full name of thoCompauy
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Pugglu Frio 50o. per boltl
The Greatest Shoe Sale on Record
Starts Today, Thursday, at.
Read the Full Descriptions Here Below and Come Quick.
On Main Floor 1
All the men's Sample Slippers, leather nnd 1
velvet, that would retail g
for up tc 51.00 . ll vC
Bo nt S w
On Main Floor
.ii, tmi .urn a 11110 uuim lurucu Clippers,
milliners, patent leather nnd donRola dnnc- 1
All ,U. 11 . . . , , . , (-.,(
Inn pomps, that would retail
for up to $100
bo at
On Main Floor
All the Indies' Sample Oxford
Ties that would retail for
up to $3.00, go at
On Main Floor
s'is i . 5 9
All the la
bace Shoes
for $3.00,
I $45
W''' ft-..
Tho Union 1'acitlc has mndo the very low rate of $45.00 for tho round trip to Snn Francisco for the Epworth UenBiio Con
vention In July. He suro your ticket reads via this rou.e, as It Is the ONLY DIRECT LINE and Its trains mako 13 hours
quicker tlmo from Omaha than any other line. Tlckctu good via Denver and Salt Lake City.
New City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam Street. Phone 316.
jttj WffftSj cn!
That It the way Mrs. Elliott's life was saved when she suffered miscarriage and
her strength was ebbing aw&y on account of the terrible flooding which followed.
The Wine brought her speedy relief and eventually restored her to perfect health. And now she can
do all her own work. The doctors could not help Mrs. Elliott. They suggested "operation". Wine
of Cardui has completely cured nine out of every ten cases of female troubles arising from disordered
menstruation or from the accidents of pregnancy or childbirth. It fits a woman for every duty of life.
No suffering woman should give up hope until she has given Wine of Cardul a trial. All druggists
sell $1.00 bottles.
For advice and HUraUra, address, rlvtnr symptoms, "TTJ Ladlft Advisory
Department," Tin Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tana.
Da.fM.tfl a.1 ' U
UllUlbUi I
antee Dr.Kny's Henovator
t niro rlvLntinuIn vmctt.
nation, liver and ltldncys. Host tonic, laxative,
blood purlrter known for nil clironlo diseases;
renovutes and invigorates tlio whole system ami
cures very worst Oct trial box at once.
If not satUlled with It notify us, wo will refund
money by return mall, Write your symptom
for I ree MedlcaUdvlce, samplo and proof, ib A
SOo at druggists. Ur. II, J. Kay, baratoca, S.Y.
r all your symptoms. Jtcnovntlnfftho
system m too only safo and sure method of cur
InK oil Chronic nlnoasca. Dr. Kay's Innovator
la the only perfect system renovator. Free sam
ples and book. Ui, U. J, Kay, Saratoga, N. V.
4000 Pairs Men's Fine Sample Shoes.
500 Pairs Men's Fine Sample Slippers.
1000 Pairs Women's Sample Oxford Ties.
2000 Pairs Women's Fine Tan Shoes.
2000 Pairs Misses' and Child's Shoes.
500 Samples Made for Exposition.
Oti Sale Today
On Bargain Squares
On Main Floor
and in Basement
59c 98c 11
In the Basement
All the men's and children's
lino box calf spring heel shoes,
ladies' box calf shoes made to
retail for
On Main Floor
All tho men's fine sample shoes, made to
retail for up to ,5.00 and $6.00, Including
every siyio oi snoe worn loaay, in uiacK, ,
SnT", OJ1 Ofti
oKLrn r.? piVO
Z.. j- 3 w
Gratitude &.id Sympathy
lophn, M March 25, 1900.
It It with gratitude to yea and sympathy for suffering women that i write thlt. I
miscarried September 15th, and Hooding followed. Three doctors attended me but did me
no good. I had almost given up hope ol recovering, when on December 12th, my husband
brought home a Ladies' Birthday Almanac, In which I saw a testimonial from a lady afflicted
like myself. I Immediately got a bottle of Wine of Cardul and commenced taking It. From
the first dose it seemed to help me. When I began I could not sit up. Some times I could
not raise my head to take drink without help. The doctors said I would heve to undergo
an operation as soon as I had strength to stand it. Thanks to Wine of Cardul, I am well
without an operation and weigh 123 pounds, which Is more than I ever weighed before. I
have done all my own work since January 15th. Mrs. T. II. ELLIOTT.
Hundreds of women are slipping into untimely graves who would be well
naPPy " fome one would induce them to take a
Ui IllgU for unnatural
IrrtLtiun. or ulceration.
nf mti.niii mnn.l,rna.
Oft 4JL
not lo xrlcluro.
ri.imii r.t.ij.i, P.lnlrii, .nil nut aitrln
IHEEvusCHtwieuCo, nt or poisonous.
or int In plain wrappar.
jf.oo. or s bottu,- fa.
Olrcal.r ..nt on rnaMU
If yorj h.T. ml, w.ak oratn.,
mm iiow.r or wri.rmnir Oram.,
our actuun Org-ui IMnloptr will
rr.toru you without drug, or
ltr1rltv , t ft nfia In iim, imUn.
failure i not one returned no C, o'. I. fraud writ, for
frir rallli-ulan. ..nt oald In plain nelor.
lOCU APPUANCl CO.. US lib., loilinssells, Irs.
Extra Spncial
All the ladies' tine sample
shoes, made for exposition, ac
t mi 1 cost, ii) to V2. 00 a pair,
size 4 and 1?. o at
On Main Floor
C08t up , J10i k1 ro 0 , nl
O ETfc
bottle of
RENOVATOR Inrluorucii nnd renovate the
aystera, purines and eurlchch the blood; cures
the worn dyspep&ta, coimtlpatlon, lumdnche,
liver nnd kidneys,. iSonndJI iitdruirulHts. Free
Udvirn bumpm umi HOOK,
Dr. II. J Kay, SarutOKi, N V
NERVE DEANS nutrVlyrur.
Si'lV(iunri,ul reoullnof nbiite,
talllnir inaunoud. drain., Iomc.
Married men and men tutomllnf
lu inarrr .uoinn uiKn u umi a.u'ni.iwiiz re.iiu.i
.mail wrak pan and lt power rr.toreiT Ol.mol
Sherman McCodhcU and Kulin a. i,o uruciitit.
112 Ho, 23th Ave,
Omaha, Nub.