12 'i'TTTC OMAHA DAnf T1TCTC: TIiritT)AT mat 1G, tool AN OLD CHESTNUT Tho talk of some people who ilntni tlii-lr uodii witter Is fnr superior to any other lit tho city It's nit rot ni s man ulth a good fountain -like otirn -with guod syrups, en it innkc Rood fda wntcr If ours nlu t im good us win h made we'll shut our ?oilu fountain off. and stop paying Ice bills. Sexlno Tills rOy' Klng'a Discovery jl'c l.lftullno Hers Malt Whiskey 09c Cramer Kidney Cure ;a I Undo Sum s Tobacco Curo mu Jlucun ilnlr Tonic "So l'lercu'8 Cnscriptlon 76o Kay's llenowitor We Kays' I. nun II. Mm i iw Dr. Knrl Cramer's Pennyroyal l'llls .. Jl.W Duffy's Malt (Cc l'cruna t.Jo ller's Malt Whiskey (Wo Scott's Kmulslon 75a Hire's Hoot Uecr Ho I'inkliam'M Compound Uio SGHAEFER'S Drug Store. . ". Cor. Hllli Mini rhleimo st. Goods delivered I'HIJIJ to any part of city I - CORDON IS AGAIN ON TRIAL Parmer Polle Jud Appe&n Befora Coun cil t Aaiwr Oharjti. MISFEASANCE AND MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE Attorneys for the Defendant I)lt"c CcilllK'H'i .llirlsdlcllon us H Trlni Doily mid Hiiliinlt Itcnsons In Support of 1'oaltlon. l'ollco Judge Samuel I. Gordon Is on trial boforc the city council for mlafcaoance and real fca ca nee In office. At 10 o'clock yestordny morning tho coun cil ronvened. Attornoyg for Judge Gordon epent the morning and a part of the after noon In attempting to show that the council had n'l Jurisdiction In tho case. The defense was much tho samo pre sented In tho district court when Judgo Gordon was .before that tribunal on similar charges. Tho ordinance under which thu proceedings In thosclty council wore brought against tho Judge was brought Into quca tlon. It was asserted that tho ordinance llrst mado Its appearnnco in tho revised boot; of ordlnnnccB Issued lu l&Vi and that there Is nothing in tho records of tho city which show that the mrasuro was Intro duced Into tho council and passed by that body. .Illllmlll'tlOII U lllHIHltlMl. Eight reasons why tho council hae no Jurisdiction wero advanced by the first speaker for the defenao. He maintained that tho police Judge has authority to exor cise his own Judgment In petty cbbcs and that till tho charges brought against tho Judge Involve tho suspension of sentences, tho admitting to ball and the dismissal of defendant!; In such cases. It was maintained that tho ordinance under which the action whs brought does not give tho council power to remove nn olllccr for malfeasance. The further con tention was made that no offense named In the oidlnanco under which action wao brought ia named In the charges. Chapter 41 of tho city ordinance, under which tho council is acting, Is said to pro vide thn' nc elective olllccr shall bo re moved from ofllco the second time for this offense Attorneys for Judge Gordon ns se rt that tlni clause prevents tho city coun cl from bringing tho defendant to trial, as hu whs once removed from ofllco on the tame charges. It wac nsscrtod that the chapter the council Is taking ndvantugo of Is unconsti tutional becnusc there Is no right of appeal from the decision of tho council. The claim Is mado that chapter 41 was never passed by the council, according to records, that It must lie assumed to havo been repealed bv the charter of 1SS7, If It ever won panned. ii"tlliilliiiiiillt In lumt Inncil. All ordSnanco giving the mayor and coun cil jurisdiction to suspend and remove a police 'ndge was snld by tho attorney to be unconstitutional and Illegal under tho lava of tho stato ns they now oxlst. 11 was maintained that section 17 of the charter, under which the mayor brought thu case, was not Intended by the legisla ture to npp'y to police Judge And It was (inserted that If tho section did apply to Mich ofllccr It voiild be unconstitutional In that It must applj to nil police Judges In tho state. The last reason cited why the council should not hear the case was that tho members swore to thn charges against Judgo Gordon when they wero presented to the district court, and that on that ac t junt they aro prejudiced and cannot bo considered Impartial Jurors. Tho second attorney for the defendant argued that Judge Gordon Is n stato ofllccr nnd enn he rcmotcd only by action of the legislature. He nlsn maintained that proper notlco was not served upon Judge Gordon con cerning the action brought against him. Tho attorneys for tho defense spoko until 4 .10 and City Attorney W. J. Cnnnell pre rentod arguments for tho prosecution until r o'clock, when tho council adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Connell said that tho attorneys for tho defense wero trying to mako it oppear that Judge Gordon Is bolng persecuted and wero evading tho real questions of law which aro at stnko. Ho stated that tho city haB lost $30.1)00 by tho failure of Judgo Gordon to perform his duties ns po lice Judgo. Tho city attorney scouted at tho claim that tho ordinance, under' which proceed ings aro being brought was never passed nnd presented u copy of the revision of 1872, which ho maintained Is sufficient proof of tho validity of tho ordinance to mako It admlssahlo In ovldenco In any court. HAYIIKN niU).. Trrtiirmlfifin Suit- on l.tidle' Tnllor- Mnilr SnltN, Skirt mill WnUli. Thursday will be n day to be remembered. Crowded and busy every day selling bar gains Ilka these. Women's tallor-mado suits from tho tremendous stocks bought in New York, worth up to $20, for t'.OS. Women's suits worth up to 30 for $12..0. Women's silk skirts worth $30 for $12. Women's skirts worth $11 for $7.10. Women's silk eton Jackets worth up to $20 for $8.50. Women's crepon skirts, $5 quality, for $2.50. Women's rainy day skirts, $.". quality, for $1.03. Women's wash waists, 00c. Woman's percale wrappers, $1 quality, for 35c. Women's silk capes for $1.98. HAYDEN HHOS. Attend Ilaydens' astonishing shoe sale. GUESTS OF REAL ESTATE MEN Soiuttnr Millard, Utiy C. Ilnrtnii milt C. I. Urcriir Aroi-pt Invltntlon fur Xvxt WitI.i At tho meeting of tho Ileal IZstato ex change yesterday the president, W. 11. Green, announced that Senator Millard, Guy C. Barton and C. J. Greene had accepted In vitations to bo guests of the exchange at tho next weekly meeting and to make brief addrcssei to tho members. C. J. Greene gives as his topic, "What Docs AH This Signify?" and It Is believed that he Is pre paring to discuss the present position of unrest ntnong investors with especlnl refer ence to their attitude toward real estate. A large attendance of members and friends was pledged. George W. Ilolhrook nfcked for an appraise ment to be made two week from today on lot 2, block 6, Parker's addition, being a pleco on North Twenty-fourth street, near Grace, containing n two-story brick storo and Hat building. A resolution va adopted thanking tho members of tho park commission for their efforts In the laying out nnd Improving of tho Central Boulevard, and thanking also thoso property owners who had assisted by presenting largo tracts of land to the city for tho purposes of tho boulovnrd. Only six members responded to the- reso lution of the cx.htngo asking for n ro port of nil saleu slnco May 1. W. U. Selby reported three sales; A. V. Tukcy, seven; tho Wyman-Shrl"or company, ten; Benson & Cnrmlchael, about forty lots In Hen son and Halcyon Heights; J. H. Piper, four fnrm sales, and R. C. Peters & Co., five sales, J. H. Plpor briefly addressed the exchange on the Increaso In values of land, especially alfalfa land, in southwestern N'cbrnska. I'nn-Anti'rltiitn KtiMltluii Vlnltnrn. MrB. E. K. Mackay, of tho Utopia, No. 1721 Davenport street, announces to her friends that (ha has taken a houso in Buffalo, N, Y., with first class accomoda tions; best location lit tho city; half a block from car lino, nnd only ten minutes' ride to the grounds. Persons contemplat ing a visit to the Pan-American exposition will do well to address her at No. 119 Anderson Place, Buffalo, N. Y. SUPPLIES FOR UNCLE SAM Sucrrmifnl Didder for Vnrlnua Com modities Are An innuciMl, Contracts for furnishing ruppllcs to tho federal building in this city for tho on Bulng year have boon awarded. Collector of Customs Cadet Taylor received a sched ule of the successful bidders from tho Treasury department yesterday morning. In tho bidding tho only spirited contest was for coal, and notlco was received that tho coal contract would not bo awarded for tho present, until tho bids at this tlmo pending can bo further Investigated. Tho Omaha Gas company wns awarded tho con tract far furnishing gns at $1.23 por 1,000 cubic feet. Electricity for lighting and powor purposes will bo furnished by tho New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Light company. There was no contest for the water, It being awarded to tho Omaha Water company. David Talbot will furnish 100,000 pounds of Ico at 23 cents per 100 pounds. Hayden Bros, were awarded the contract for mis collnneouB supplies. H. H. Bmallwood will get $220 for removing aBhes from the build ing and John Hudd will havo on annuity of $70 In consideration of keeping the clock li tho federal building tower wound up and In proper running order. The sprinkling of tho streets around the building will bo done by P. T. Mount for $120. Sykes Dros. ro celved tho coutract for the laundry work, The Opinion of Mnlloul lDxperU. bused upon actual observation and careful experiments, shows that Malt-Nutrlne p03 ecsces Intense nourishing strength and Won derfully assists dlgostlon,. Malt-Nutrlne is prepared by tho famous Anheuscr-Husch Brewing Ass'n, which fact guarantees thu purity, excellence and merit claimed for It, C. F, Harrlnon, 913 New York Llfo, pro- Bents In today's Issuo tho most attractive and complete list of Uanscom Place prop ertlos, yet offoretl. Send articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Dee We will glvo them proper legal Insorllon. Telephone 23S. Publish your legal notices In Tho Wsohly Boa. Ttlcphono 33S, llniioiril III Uniform. The work of tho railroad mnn, especially in the pabsenger service, 1b a strain on the nerves Trains nro Btipposcd to hurry over tho road; passengers arc generally In a hurry nnd very often confused, nnd tho men in uniform are appealed to from nil sides for Information and assistance. The railroad management, operating on tho pro gressive theory that moro files enn be caught with molasses than with vinegar, expectH them to bo useful In helping pas sengers avoid mistakes and in making them comfortable. How to keep in good tem per and still try to please everybody Is an hourly problem with them. Hut they nro solving It. At tho Watertown station a few days ago, as the train was ready to move out, tho ticket agent cn'led out to a trainman who had como Into tho waiting room, evidently In search of somobody: 'Sho is sitting there in the corner. A lady who la with her is trying to have her baggage checked." Tho trainman found n young woman, evi dently an Invalid, with a face distressingly anxious and lnexprosslbly sad, nnd, taking her arm, ho led her toward tho train, past the baggago room, They were met by the conductor and tho lady friend, who had attended to tho baggago, and then the women parted, the almost helpless traveler being committed to the earn of tho men who woro tho uniform of the New York Central, a uniform which often represents as much of bravery nnd chivalry as the Red Cross does. Tho two men led their charge to the steps of tho car and lifted her Into It, and guided her to n seat; sho was blind. From the Watertown (N. Y.) Dally Times. For n Miiimnt'i' Trip, you cannot do bettor than to visit tho eest. Scenlcnlly and historically it Is rich In Interest, nnd with the addeil attraction of the Pan-American exposition at which you havo the pnvllego of stopping on tour ist tickets reading over the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. an Ideal vacation may be spent. Our publication, "Lake Shore Tours," copy of which will be sent on application, contains outllno maps of a number of the choicest and most popular trips, with rates. Chatauquans will be Interested In tho opening of our new and direct line to this famous recreative and educntlonal resort. "Book of Trains" gives full Information concerning our very com plete passonger service to the east. Ad dress B. P. Humphrey, T, P. A Kansas City, Mo. P. M. Byron, G. W. A., Chicago. BOSTON STORE MILLINERY Immcnie Purgaini ia LtdW With Sulti, Wrapper! and Kudj-tc-Wm Hats. GREAT SALE OF SHIRT WAISTS Annoniicenientn of the Thenter. Entire new scenery, complete for every act, and nil tho horses and necessary para phernalia for tho famous race sceno In tho loht net aro promised in tho production of "Tho County Fair" at Boyd's theater Fri day night, Saturday matlneo and night and Sunday night. Noll Burgess hlmsolf will appear as Abigail Prue. Mortality Statistics. The following death nnd hlrthH wiro r re ported to the city health commissioner 'or the twenty-four hours ending at noon Wednesday: Death Benjamin P. Morse, S3B South Seventeenth, aged 6S. Births George Haccke, Forty-eighth and Scholman. hoy: Thomas Tohln. M2 N'nrth Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; M. W. Olln. 2020 Frederick, girl; John Cosgriff, 1502 Burt, boy. It Saved 111 Lcjt. P. A. Danforth of La Gran ire. On., suffpreil for six months with a frlehtful ninnlnt- Horn ono his leg, but writes that Bucklen's Arnica tsaive wnouy cured it in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, it's tho best salvo In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by Kuhn A Co. Tlip Kntlrc Ilnlf of Ottr Clonk Drpnrt in en I I Devilled lo tlio Snip of U'nlM.i nnil WiinIi SiiIIm It' mi L'ntMiunlli'il DUplny. A single visit will convince you that wo have the best assortment at one-third less than any other house. 30C FOR $1 SHIRT WAISTS. 600'dozcn of the finest percale, chambray, lawn and mndrus waists, in largo assort ment of styles, many of thorn Inserted fronts, tucked lacks, on snle nt 50c. JSC FOR $2 SHIRT WAISTS. Wo arc allowing tho handsomest line of waists nt this price that nro to bo found, comprising 100 different styles, made of chnmbray, Zephyr, gingham, madras, lawn, black s.ttccn, black lawns, whlto wnlsts, and nil the fashionable new spring colors, nil sizes, 9Se. An Immense assortment of nuvclty shirt waists from $1 to $5 each. 36c for Indies' $1 houso wrappers In light and dark colors. One to n customer whlto they last. iC GOLF SKIRTS. $2.;,0. Cl.olco of an odd lot of golf cMrtfl, all wool materials, stitched, colt back, etc., exceptional values nt $2.30. $7.r,u ETON SUITS, M 30. For Thursday, flfco etou suits made vith eton Jacket, IValglon collar, good materials, well lined, nt P C. Pique wash suits, Jacket and skirt, worth up to $3, special 9Sc. Misses' two-plcco suits, eton Jnckot and skltt, made of novelty cloth, worth up to $0, for $1.30 suit. MORE MILLINERY PRICES CUT. A monstrous purchase of artificial flow era and trimmed hats will be found for Thursday selling in tho millinery depart ment. A bunch of flowers worth 75c, on sale nt 10c. A bunch of flowers worth $1.23, on salo at 23c. A bunch of flowers worth $2.50, on sale at $1.00. On account of the unfavorable weather for the past week we succeeded In buying nn eastern manufacturer's stock of flowers, and ns a result of our purchase we will offer the above bargains for Thursday. TRIMMED LEGHORN HATS. Ladles' line leghorn hats trimmed elab orately with chiffon, flowers nnd velvet ribbon, benutlful blending colors with our artistic mode of trimming. Never offered less than $5.00, on sale nt $2.50. Children's trimmed leghorn hats, great variety of styles at $1.00. Shirt waist lints, the most popular hat In tho millinery line, over n hundred styles to select from, nt prices from $1.00 to $2.50. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brnndcls & Sons, Props. Sole agents for Rogcrs-Pcct & Co. 'a fine clothing. OFFICIAL noUTE TO ST. PAUL. Modern Woodmen of Anicrlrn. The Illinois Central has bren rlnrti1 n tho official lino from Nebrasltn tn thn hnnd camp meeting nt St. Paul, June 10-15. a rate of ono faro for the round trip ' will bo mado for this occasion. For full particulars and cony of lllustrnted Wnmi. I man circular, address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., umnna. Stonccypiier, printer; 1201 Howard St. A THOUSAND MEN CONUNDRUM? Why la Bherwin-Wllllnms PAINT like BEAUTY? Answer Bcciiuje It's only skin deep! Hut oh what n difference' Better call for color cards and let us explain further FOH 4W- You enn get one itiart of Sherwin-Williams' Floor T'alnt. 'Mils will film un ordinary kitchen floor, two (2) coats Ten colors to choose from, iitnmig which Is HICIl RED, now so much lu vogue. . FOR 13C-A half pint enn "FAMILY PAINT." In this line there are 21 shade to choose from. Thlx In the paint for nny sort of it "small Job" of Insldo painting. FOR 20C'(lct n small not of Enamel Paint Just the thing for the IRON BED STEAD or the BABY CARRIAGE, the sewing machine, or In fnct anything re quiring a rich, glossy finish. The Sherwfn-Wllllams lino comprises paints for 20 distinct purposes, with from 10 to 40 colors in each kind. Call and seo color card. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Coinr 10th and uodgc, Omaha. i "Look In our big window." KM For Sale A new, late stylo Kimball piano nt a bargain. Inquire G. B. Tzscbuck, Beo business office. Stonccyphcr prints nnythlng. Tel. 1310. The New Shoe for Women. When Soroslft were unknown It was no cany task to lit tho majority of feminine feet comfortably. Now It's different. From the narrowest to tho widest there la that undeflnnble something to Sorosls that relieves thnt tired-foot feeling as no other shoe does. The Sorosls Shoo Store Is as comfortable for women ns Sorosls Shoe.. It Is ar ranged with nil tho modern conveniences. soimsis Aim :i.ro ii:u r.vin, M-IVKII MOltK, .M FlTTKn IX THIS CITY O.M.Y AT TIIH Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, I'riinU Wllrox, .Man niter. Write tor n Catalogue, Iloyd'H Tlirnter. Gallery tickets for Richard Mansfield on sale at 9 a. m. today. Price, 50 cents. Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel. 1H0, WISE ECONOMY Don't pay two prices for patent medi cines, toilet articles or drug sundries. You can easily save from 10a to Mo on every purchuso nt our storo. Look at these una ph. 91.1)0 C'rniiier'a Kidney Cure.,., nilo 25c Castorla 25c Go Mormon's Talcum Fowder 12c 60c Malted Milk Wo $1.00 M:ilt,l IIIV 7H 'iltd Milk $3.25 P.I'Ws Hair Tonic 50o -0o Society Hygtono Soap 29c 7S V wuinine io 10-lb. bag Sea salt lie 2-f. i,Jfin,.e,?..vlolct Talcum Powder ... 19c iSulolet Wr.ter .....i S9o 25c Cirtli'urn. Soap ,, Mo Pozzonl Talcum Powder 3oo Myers-Dilloti Drug Co. ., th una Frnnni SU. The Luxury of Living Is only experienced In your own home, where you have all the mod ern conveniences In tiled bnth room nnd laundry that Is fitted up wltjt open sanitary plumbing and porcelain bnth tub, washtubs, etc. Wo will mako your homo hcnlthy. convenient and up-to-dato in all tho departments nt a modcrnto cost. Free6c Black, ISOGFurnttm. Plume IOT9 The Chicago Record li?6l of these Type writers in dally uii YOST If you wont a typewriter, why not come first where you can se EVERY GOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER in Its bost formT TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machinal. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest cataloxue ever issued is yours for the asking. Write or Call. United Typewriter and Supply Go. 1014 rarouut SC., Omaha. Fine Shoes and S Oxfords on Sale Tlio finest stylos nnd best nnikes of shoes on sale at f0e to 2 a pair less than others sell them. li.OOU LADIKS' tine patent leather,eloth top laoe shoes at iJl.US 1,S0() pairs ladies' fine J.2." viei kid, cloth top lace shoes, all sizes, at $12.00. 3,00 pairs ladiesTine "Hrooks r.ros.'' Rochester made -f l vici kid lace shoes, on sale at $1.00. ' Oxfords and Slippers T00 TAIIiS ladies' line $2.00 Cadet kid oxford ties, on sale at 5Sc 800 pairs ladies' tine vici kid and patent leather 1.75 and 2 strap slippers at OSc. GOO pairs ladies' 7;"e boudoir slippers, on Kiilo sit 47c. HISSES' AND CHILDKUX'S SHOES. 400 pairs misses' 2 kid lace shoes at 300 pairs chidren's :?Uir kid lace shoes, sizes 8 to 11, at. . . GOO pairs children's ?1 kid lace turn shoes, sizes 4 to S at. Thursday is a Big Special Silk Day at Hayden 1.35 1.1.' . .75c Vo offer bargains on Thursday that can not be had on nny other day. You will find hero many very good items that will hn rnlil n n verv crcnt reduction. Watch our specials it will pay you. Thoso prices nro only for Thunday. ni.ACIC nOl'I.EVARD VELVET, 244-ln. wido, worth $1.00. for 69c. DLACK BOULEVARD VELVET, Zii-ln. sold for $1.50. at only S5c. BLACK ALL SILK TAFFETA, 19-in. wide, sold regular at 76c, for 39c. BLACK OR WHITE, extra fine china wash silk, worth oOc, on sale at only 25c. CORDUROY, In blnck, brown, blue and red, worth 7oc, for 39c. 30-lnch wido extra lino velours, In blnck only, sold for $3.50, will close at $1.00. 50 bolts of fine taffetas. 27-Inch wide, all colors Mid block, good rustling quality for linings or underskirts, worth $1, for Thursdny, nt G9e. For line dress skirts, wo will soil Thurs day, ono extra flno 54-lnch wide, black taffeta, nlways sold for $3.00, for this day, $2.50. WATCH FOR THE BIG SENSATIONAL SILK SALE FOR NEXT SATURDAY NIOHT. SPECIAL ON DRESS GOODS Priestley's high grade black novelties $4.50, $3.00 nnd $6.00 per yard these are that sell for $5 per yard, In patterns of 0 , in dress patterns only and will not bo cut, ynrdc each, for one day only, $2.50. I you can havo cholco for ono day only at Courtald'H English silk nnd wool grcna- I $2.50 a ynrd. dines, the finest made they soli for $3.00, SPECIAL ON RAINY-DAY SKIRTINGS HAYDEN BROTHERS Grocery and HAYIlFtK meat opviai 4 bars Wool Soap for , Quart Cans Syrup for Beat Now Seeded Raisins pound .i. Now Dates 3 pounds for Large Prunes pound .' Evaporated Apples pound Kanoy California Peaches pound , California Apricots pound 10 lbs. White Com Meal 10c 7c ...7c 10c ...5c .5c 7c 8ic 10c 10 lb? Yellow Corn Mcnl Scrubbing Lye-- can California Hams pound Potted Hnni per c.iu Veil! Lonf- per can 3-i)Ouiid pall Lnrd tor , 6-pound pall Lnrd for Boneless Corned Hecf- at Salt Pork-pound 10c ,. 2c 7c .3ic .. .5c 25c 40c 4-Vc .. 7c Crackers-Fresh, Crisp Goods -rived 5c Soda Crackers per pound .. Oyster Crackers per pound Butter Crackers per pound Ginger Snaps per pound ... Milk Crnckers per pound . Qunker or Uneedn Huscult ftltC pneknge J Graham Crackers Rkc n package -j Oatmeal Crackers RAc per package -jw Vanilla Wafers ISc per pound ww Lemon 'Wnfcrs Inc per pound Sultanas ISc per pound FIB Rnr- 5C per pound Sugar and MolaHScs Cnkes 7tr pound 2W Oatmoal Crackers VAr por pound aw Graham Crackers T tr uer untiml 3W per pound Assorted Iidy Fingers per pound Assorted Jumbles per pound .8ic 8ic Genuine Cnnterlierry per pound Baby Mix pound Ltmon Gem pound Germnn Honey Cnkes pound , Murshmnllow Wnlnut pound , I Fancy Jelly FlngrrH pound . Gem Arrow Root per pound i AnHnrtcd AInrshmnllow , I per pound ' Iced Molasses i per pound I Spring Beauties (new) per pound I Pecan Wafers I per pound Assorted Chocolntes pur pound Miirshmnllow Orango Drop pound Cocoa Creams per pound Moss Wafers per pound 124c 10c 12ic 15c 15c 12ic 15c 12Ac 10c 15c 15c ;.12ic 12ic 15c 15c In the Bargain Room 15c Select Ginghams 6c 15c Laces 5c ICo Percales, 3C-Inch 6c 21c Laces 7V4c 19c Printed Batiste 5c , 13c and 20c Ribbons So 12U" P'-rcnles, 38-Inch 3'.io 12l&c Whlto Ooods 4Vio ISo Madras Cloth c'jc Remnants of Lawns, yard lo 19c Dimities T'.ic , Remnants pf 19c Draperies 7'ic 25c Dimities 12',4c 6c Skirt Binding 2Uc 75c Rainy Day Skirting 33c' SPECIAL SALE ON ALL KINDS OF 75c niack Novelties 39c HAMMOCKS. 75c Black Crepons -9c Wo sell tho best Hammocks In Omaha 46-nch Henriettas 29c 1 for the money. Gold flllod frames, 10-jear guarantee usual prlco $2.60 sale price, $1.49. Special Sale in Optical Dept. Tho followint! nrlcos aro indeed n rut. Alumlnold Spectacles, flno ground crystal lenses, 9Sc vniuo $2.00, Smoked Eyo Olnsscs, 25c. No charge for examining your eyes. i Ok , ML Tr II A thousand men win compc" lence by quietly savinj their money, where one gets rich by crazy speculation. This is a great store to help you economize. Men's Spring Clothing Jl ION'S ST ITS - in st lines--pin clieclis- 7.50 a choice line of plaids, etc round corner sack made in lir.s( class st,vle sucn values are not picked up m everv clothing store our price for such a suit .MUX'S SI'ITS 'in a choice line of wor sted cheviots in oxford ;ray. fancy patterns, stripes, checks, etc -cut in thu latest style and perfectly tailored -our price for such a Q fC suit O.UU MUX'S SI'ITS in a choice lim nf fancy worsleds, blue stripe Ilannels, fancy and milk strines they are all wool- round corner .mid; cut in ii vm-v latest style and, with the very best of trim- Q ff ininjjs satin piped our price for such a suit. . VvJvJ MUX'S SI'ITS in a choice line of all wool, gray check', stripes and fancy patterns invisible stripes, etc., serge linings exactly the same trimming the merchant tailor uses in his .'." suits tailoring just as good -lit just as gootl quality just as good -but our price 1f for such a suit is only 1 v.vlvl MUX'S SI'ITS in a choice line of patterns in half a do zen different styles to choose from fancy coverts- fancy worsteds cassimeres, cheviots, etc They are just the suit for the particular young man who wants the best in quality and best in style at a popular 11 AA price our price for such a suit ll.LILl MUX'S SI'ITS in a choice line of suitings military sha lies- -per feet ly tailored-you'll find trouble in match ing such suits for less than 15 or ?20 else- 1 r ff where our price for such a suit JmfJJ ii.i i if a y" HAYDEN BROS. In the Suit Department Tempters for Thvirsday $15 and $16 Women's Suits at $9.75 1;"0 women's tailor-made suits, in cheviots, Venetians, broadcloths and homespuns, in the new eton and vest front effects, some plain others trimmed with stitched satin and taffeta bands to MA K U IT A SHORT SALU all our women s suits that sold at Sir and SK5- jro Thursday, A at 7. kJ Women's Wash Waists They tell us that after a thor ough shopping expedition that they must return here for real shirt waist bargains, and that no such pretty styles and val ues are shown elsewhere. Wo have just received a new lot of handsome chambray waists Avith sailor collars. 45c, 6 9c, 95c, $1.45, S'.90 and up to $4.90. Look Out Cor tlio til r t in omo of tho lenilins focIh fountains in town. It would furprlt.o you tlie amount nf H IHigH, IIIph, IuiuIiph anil dirt. It In there Our n 20TH I'KNTl'HY HUAl'TV ia the clrniii'Pt nnd niut (military founuln In town. It hus Just lieen nit in. llllH 111! lll llill'H' ImproV.'lllrlltH. Nullung concealed nbaut It. The hyrupH ore kept In liuttl.H right Prfoi'" Hu- ililnknlh, iiiHItnil ot being hidden In tuim with the dirt. Jro Is put In tho lower part of uio fountain through f largo door, which, wnen open, khuws Uio clennllness InHlde. lee creams aro kept I'l k)J,clnlly prepared coolnrs, thore it mvuhniire for tho Halt and li-o Id git In tho cream. Our working apace la all covered with copper. It Is kept iirlght and clean, bo there in nothing lo hide Voj can stand nt tho counter and boo all tho workings. If yi"i want the CLHANKST glnss of Htnln In the city, we can furnish It Inspection und comparison Invited. 1 TAFT'S Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Our pa'lcnt:! arc nlu ays grateful to 'li nfter using our Vitalized Air for J pulnUds extruding. Cold frowns 15 00 Good Si t Teeth J3.0J I liven tiling Mrlctly nrut;class, FULLER Open all night. DKUfJ AND iHivr t0tii3 14th and Douglas S's mi SCALP y aillni; hair and dandrutt ipofj. Ily overcome i Irritated, itching nnd cruptliotriilpi psnnnnent ly cured ; tho hnlr jt(ct ved, iti brilliancy, bcnuiy and natural color full v rcitnrcd ntnurhnnie. onunAioi.ooisT wiIodiiuky. I b J State St.,cor,nonne, CIiIcbko It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Ma!(3 a Good lOo CIGAR THE Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F. R. RICE iVI. C. CO., Manufacturers. Ot. Louis, UNION MADE 1