THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1901. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat is Wehnid bj Hded Rin aid Diiappo'.ntiif Cabloi. CORN HELPED BV BULLS CLOSES HIGHER Oalx Slron mi (I Aetlvr nml Ml cited of Cerenli Provisions Firm In nipnthj- tilth Higher Prices of lion. CHICAGO, Muy ll.-The fall of needed rain weakened wheat today nml July closed c lower, fut tlio bull purty managed to riipport i.orti, the .luly delivery closing " Mmde up. July oats closed "if hUhcr una provisions n shade lo 6c Improved. Wheat opened wenk mi dlsapijolntlng cables, July Vuttc to Uc lower at IW ' 71il4C. Offerings were mostly Joc' holding". Reports of damaged crops In tnc west, southwest and northwest from con tinned dry weather gave nn Impetus to the liull element to begin buying, ami the open Ing decline Wim speedily checked. 1 ben bt -gan nn upwiird movement, commission houses being heavy buyers. The bulk take ii. however, was by those who hud sold on t" opening depression. The price gradual y advanced to 72Vc, when reports or rain In Oklahoma nnd prediction of rnln In so utli ern Kansas started n reaction. A verifica tion n in Kansas, showing thnt good pre clnltatlon hud relieved the Munition there nnd disappointing world's visible ngures ac centuated the selling and the. market tell Meiidlly to 71c. closing weak nnd "so lower nt 7IW71liC. Locul receipts were. If rurij, live of contract grade. Minneapolis nml Du lutli reported lis cars, against 11. Inst week nnd 224 a year ago. Primary receipts wcrj ai9,jil hn.. agaliiMt TttO.ooO n year ago. At. lantlr nnd gulf ports showed nil equivalent of 400.M") hu. of wheat and Hour. 1 he world's visible, supply decreased liii.ono bu. Corn opened Irregular, July Uff'ic lower to a shade higher, nt 44 V(l H'sc on local people selling, on the liberal receipts. Ln der hull manipulation tha price rose later to 4.V4c l.lttle corn was for sale, though there' wim a considerable demnnd on the Hhorl account chiefly following the dec tnc lu when I. Tlio price ensfd off to 14V4C clos lug a shade lower at lle. May com wns Inactive, selling between 51c and 62c, clos. Ing firm nnd 2U'' higher at ulc. Local re celpts wen: Ml cars, U of contract grade. Oats wero strong nml active, with morn general and exulted trading than either wheat or com. Intensive country buying nml further talk of poor crop prospects, together with the support of local buying, much of It by shorts taking to cover, sent the July up to 2Sc and the September to JM, 4i2tiS,r. The market opened tlrm, but yielded Mlghtly enrlv on talk of rain In Ok ahoma. The slump was, however, of short duration nnd the market more than recovered under heavy buying by commission houses. July nolil between 2So and 27c and closed iC lilihor nt 27'!ic. Provisions were dull but strong In sym unthv with the excellent demnnd for onts And .corn at higher prices nnd helped as wen bv an ndvance In the price of hogs. July pork sold between $11.70 nnd $11. M4 and closed Sc higher at $14.77. July lard sold 1. ,...,. t7 k7t. 17.!HIAM7.3.i. closing 2'V higher nt $7.00. July ribs sold between ij.p nnd $7. 'JO nnd closed a siintic nignri ip.; Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 4j cars: corn, 200 cars; oats, 115 enrs; hogs, 3I.O"0 hend. . . ,, Tho lending futures ranged ns follows: ArtlclesTopen.l High. Low. I Close. 1 Yesy. Wheat May July Corn Mny July Kept. Oats Mny July Sept. "Pork May July Sept. Inrd May July Kept. TRIbs May July Kept. 7I 71!Mi72 70"J TOJi' 7Uyf"s 72 W "I 'Hrt. U S4 62 51 4M1 4Mi IHi M 44H 4ITf,4.)4l'.4 ll'.M'i 2X 2X 27T4 27Tj 27 27?iWj M 27Hi?4 ' 14 B2V4 14 77Vs 14 S7U 14 70 14 77,4 14 45 14 57H 14 45 14 55 7 R7H 7 0I 7 S7W 7 !0 7 R7i? 7 nVi 7 H7H 7 ' 7 07b 0V.i 7 8714 7 9214 8 Ofi S 05 R mv, s 0214 7 S5 7 JO 7 85 7 S5 7 80 7 R5 7 80 7 80 71J?!. ( 1 !().- 43i; 27 'i ensy In tone nt $: denoting a loss of 23 points on asking rntes. Iron market dis played easiness jf undertone under liberal offerings, but no business of consequence resulted and prices remain unchanged on I tho basis of VJ.bOtilO.W) for pig Iron wnr innts, northern foundry, $15. 2j5j 15.60, south ern foundry, 1( riitlo.5o, nnd soft southern, J13.WW15.jU. head and spelter ruled Inac tive and nominally unchanged, t. opper ln the local market remains Inanimate and prices were more 'jr less nominal on the oasis of lli) lor I.nko Hupcrlor and $16. 60 for casting nnd electrolytic. In London a loss ot 2s M wns noted, closing with spot at ti Is to! and futures nt 6 29 ad, OM AHA V II (IIJls.Uj: Jl Mill HIS. Condition of Trndi; nod (notntlons 011 Mtitine nod I'anoy Produce, KOOS Hecclpts liberal; good stock, firm, lfruilc. .. 1 ulK roui.TUY liens, c; young una old ioostir, wuici turkeys, bync; ducks nnu (jt-ese, lUi'.ic. UUT'l tin-Common to fair, lO&llci choice, UylJc, separutor, 2tc, iHl.riu flsii-iilnek bass, ISc; white bass, iiiu, biuensn, lie; b'Jllhtfads, SCi blue iiiib, 7t, uuifuios, Ccj catilsh, i:c; cod, vcj cloypies, iw, ciscoes, 7c; halibut, 11c; her inifs", 01 ; huudocK, Vis, macKtrcl, i5c; percli, l,c; pIcKfiel, w, pike, lie, rtd snapper, lucj Buiinon, He, suniisii, uc; smelts, sc; trout, IW, nllltl'IISh, 1-0. l'lUh.Uis.v-1.1 ve, per dor., $1. VhAl.H Choice. IctflOc. 11 a i I'rlces qticivu y Omnlin Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, ,U; No. 1 upland, Jll.w; medium, $11; coarse, 410..W. Hyu straw, M.'m. Thoe prices ale lor nuy ot good color and duality. Demand lull" Itecelpts, 11 CUM. Uii'ln-iii - wmte, i'Jc. CultN No. :), Uc UllA.S 1j VKOKTAHLKS. ai'INACH-l'er bu. box, 6iw. Adi-A HAUL a -Native, tier doz., 4015OC juiULionn v.aiiiorma, .er lb., 2c. imiVl'B 1'er uoi boc. jsiVv' t-Aiiilu'lo I'er uot 60c. Nl'.n' 1 onSii'a I'er uo ouc. ft Cl'.MiiliiW-Hothouse, per dor,, $1.2 i'AIlSNirs-1'er bu 40c. TCHMi'H 1'er bu., 5oc lli.i.ra i'er uu., 4c. CAikituTa-l'ur ou., 4U0. , i.r. iTUCii l'er bu., 3iKgKc. ikAiiiaiiliS i'er uor,, iiaauc. I'Ailoi.l'-l -l'er dor., Joe. I'UTA'luilJ-l'cr ou., oOc; Colorado, s)0c. ii 11-1 j 1'u 1 Ai'uKriiiany unios. vouvm; Hcu iiivcr Valley, iuc. UAiiUAUi-. iM'W uuiuornia, -me. 'lu.MA nji'.H- l''iorloa. ner 0-basKet crate, fancy, choice, $2.76. uin lUiNH-unio, pur iu., iuc, CAULIKLuw i-Ju St. iMum. per crate. $2. UU,AtNf5 Wax, per 1-J uu., $1.2o'; striiij. Per 1-3 bu., $1. Ajj i'i.AiS 1 i'er uu. oox, j. I'ui-l'iCita I'tr bu. uox, $2.2u. 1'iSAH l'cr bu., 1.7i; per i-J bu 75c. V Ciilioinia, par bunco., tirulbz. XBW l'OTATOKK l'cr lb., Ic. X'KUITS. STllAWHlJKHIlitj Arkanans, per 84-qt. case, tt.W. cuLititms-Callfornla, per 8-lu. uox, $1.7u. Al'i'i.iJS l'cr DDI.. 4.w wnsnington, rcr bu. box, $2. THOI'ICAL PItUtTS. OllANUUS-Cnllfornla seedlings. $2.'J54f 2.6o; navels, $2.503.25; Med. sweets, $2,751? 3.W. LK.MONB caiirornia, extra fancy. $3.20: choice, J 3. ha.n a.n ah i'er uuncn. according 10 sice. $2.(102.50. f 10a uauiornia, new canons, 10a; layers, (:, imported, per lb., lOHl-c. LlATtiS l'orslan, iu W-iu. boxes, rialrs, 60 per lb.; Halloween, &V4c per lb. iMNKAri'LUH-lVr doz.. $1.752.25. MISCELLANKOUS. HONEY California, per 24-sectlon case, $3.75. uiui.ii rer uoi., i.w; per nnu udi., NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; nl herls. tier Hi.. 13c: almonds, tier lb.. ISU'JW. raw peanuts, per lb., 6ijot4c; roasted, tiV4'u "V4c; llrazlls, 13c; pecans, lwa c; cocoanuls. cacn, i'ac. em, 14c; fresh southwestern, 13c, fresh southern, 124c C'HEEHE Steady, New York full creams old, fancy smnll, U4f12c; New York full creams, new, choice, 7c Toledo Urn 1 11 nod .Seed, TOLEDO, O., May 14.-WHEAT-Weak; cash and May, 74',4e, July, 73'c, rOHN Active, strong; cash and May, 461ic; July, 44Vic; September, (4i,c. OATS Quiet; cash and May, 2S'ic; July, 27Nc. ltYE-54c. CLOVEUSEED-Cash, prime, $6.00; Oc tohcr, $5.20. I'rnrln Mnrket. PEOUIA, May 14,-COHN-Hlghcr; No. 3, 43Uc. OATS Firm; No, 3 white, 23l4Q2v?ic, billed through. WHISlvY-On tho basis of $1.2S for lln lahcd goods. Mlltvankec (Irnln .llnrkcl. MILWAUKEE, May 14.-WHEAT-Mnr-kct tower; No. 1 northern. 73'4;7lc; No. 2 northein. 72l73c: July, 71'4Ti72Uc ItYE-gulet; No. 1. 5i4ti5..e. IJAHLEY Dull; No. 2, &7c, sample, 40f olc. 14 r7',4 II 72'ji II 45 7 S-M 7 K74 7 SO 8 or. 7 85 7 77',4 No. 2. Cash quotations wero as follow: KLOl'lt Dull; winter patents. $3.SOH3.90; trnlghts, $3.20'f3.RO; spring specials, $4.20; pntents, $3.4014.50; straights. $3.2083.50; Vinkera. I2.2lKl2.S0. WHEAT No, .1 spring. 60Q71Vic; No. 2 red, 7o?)7U(,e. cnnNNn. 2. r2H63ttn: No. 2 yel ow. 5314c. OATS No. 2. 28U8CK4c; No. 2 white, Mc; No. 3 white, 28V4tl-,aV4c. ItYI5 No. 2. 62c. I1ARLKY Good feeding, 52055c; fair to rhntre mnltlnir. 6iVfiri7c. HEEDS No. 1 llax. $1.73V4: No. 1 north- vestern. $1.73',4; prlmo timothy, $3.003,65. I'llOVlHIONS Mess pork, per bbl $14.60 11(14. tw. I.nru, per 100 ids., (.s(sf((.i'. snort rlliH nldns lloosel. $7.0Cft8.0O. Drv salted phoulders (boxed), $fi.75iU7.00. Short clear M'lcs (boxed). $S.12H'i8.25. WHISKY Ilasls of high wines. $1.28. Kollowlng arc tha receipts and shipments Tor today: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 23,000 2S.000 Wheat, bu 52.000 182,000 Corn, bu 238,000 311,000 Oats, hu 335,01)0 2rt8,(iO llye, bu 11,000 33,noo Harley, bu 30,0() I.ftw On tho Produce exchango today the but. ter market wan steady, creameries, llffiyc ilalrles, llW16c. Cheese, OUIfllc. Eggs, lO'j niic. ISIItV YOUIC tiKNKHAI, MAIIKET Qnotnllona on Vnrlonn St. I.onls firpln anil I'rnTlalona. ST. LOUIS. May 14. WHEAT Low-jr; No, 2 red, cash, elevator, 73Uc; track. 75ft' io;jc; .iiay, i.i'.ic; jin,; ocjiiciuui'i, tsi.c: No. 2 hard. 72'Ac. t UHN i.ower; no. z casn, o; tracK, qep 4iv4o; .Mny, 43c; July, t'ic; September, 42:. OATS Easy; No. 2 cash, 2914c; trnck. 29!41i304c; Mny, WMc; July, 26ic; Septem ber. 254c; No. 2 white, 31c. IIVK steady at &fc. KLOUH-Dull; patents, $3.553.75; extra fancy and straight. J3.15fi'3."0: clear. $2.80 qj;i.uo. at;iiu 1 imotny, jz.ia'ira.uu. COUNMEAISteady, $2.30. HHAN Wenk; sacked, enat trnck, fi9ff0c, HAY -Timothy, strong, $10.6021.1.50: prairie, stendy. $10.0011.50. WIIISKY-Stendy, $1.28. IKON COTTONTIES-$1.05. llAa(JlNG-f.W?7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. 1'HOVISIONH - Pork, steady; Jobbing, $15.75. Lard, better at $7.82V4. Dry rait meats, quiet; boxed lots, extra shorts, $8.37M.: clear ribs. $8.50: clear sides. $8.02V4. Duron, quiet; boxed lots, extra shorts, $0.124: clear ribs. $'J.25; clear sides, $0.37V4 METALK Lead: Firm at $l.22V5t(l.25. Hpeitur; ljasy ami (in 11 nt ys.xj. IOl'LTItY Market steady; chickens, 7Hc; springs, in'o-uc; turneys, &c; uucks, be ceese. lie. Hl'TTEU-Stcndy; creamery, 1519c; uairy. uru idc. EUUS Stcudy at i)ic, repacked ana cases Included. IlECEIPTS-Klour. 6,000 bbls.; wheat, 15, 000 bu., corn. 43,(i0 bu.; oats, 35,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Plour, 10,000 bbls.; wheat, ib.ixiu uu.; corn, a:,uw uu.; onts, if.uuu uu. of the Duy Coiuinodltles NEW YORK. May H.-FLOUU-Recelpts, J4.&SB bbls.; exports, 17,922 bbls.; wenkor nnd less active: 11 shndo lower; winter patont.1, $3.ii5if4.oo; winter strnlghts, $3.45 3.55: winter extras. J2.4riII2.h5: Minnesota bakers, $2.903.25; winter low grades. $2.30 $2.40. Hye Hour, steady; fair to good, $2.85 43.20: cholco to fancy. $3.2503.60, COKNMEAI. Quiet; yellow western, $1; city, 98c; Ilrandywlne, $2.45fi2.&5. HYE Dull; No. 2 western, file, afloat; atate. 56'n5c, c. I. f.. Now York carlots. HAKLEY Nomlnnl; feeding, 4&7j48Hc, c. I, f. New York; mnltlng, 62U70c, c. I. f. Now York cnrlots. J1AP.LKY MALT Dull; western, 65SC7c. WHEAT Hecelpts, 104,100 bu. Spot, ensy; No. 2 red, 82Hc f. o, b. atloat: No, 2 red, 80-V. elevator; No. 1 Duluth, 82Hc, f. o. b. Moat; No. t hard. Duluth, SSTic, f. o. b, atloat. Options opened stendy, but nt onco weakened Under reports of showers ln the southwest, breaking tho drouth In some vcctlons. Liquidation was a feat tiro all day, Impelled nlso by disappointing cables, for eign soiling, small clearances nnd a light export trade. Closed wenk nt HflSic net decline; May, SO'ifaStc, closed at 80Hc; July, 77 7-lifl7SUc, closed at 77V4c; September, 76 3-ltt'n76',ic, closed nt 75'c. COUN Hecelpts, llfi.OOO bu.; exports, 3.83S bu.; sales. 125,000 bu, futures, 8.000 bu, spot. Spot market easier: No, 2, 61Vic. elevator, nnd 61,c f. o. b. nlloat. OptloiiH generally Arm all day on vigorous support from west rn clique operators, offsetting other con elderatlons of a bearish nature, such ns cables, receipts nml clearances. Closed easy and unchanged. May, 51fo514c. closed at tie; July. 48?45f4i;c, closed at 4S,c; Septem ber, 48 3-l&iHS4C. closed at 48VJC. OATS-Hecelpts. 92.100 bu.; exports, 315 bu. Spot, Hteady. No, 2. 33Hc; No, 3. .tic; No. 2 white, Jlc. No, 3 white, 330; track 2lS.Vl "J.01""' 1321-4OTHc. track, white, ; i'XcJ 2rtl"."H ,,1',r,l ''ut Arm with corn. chofcrfSc" "W,,p,n"' 7C4iS,c; 00" lMc;8' tiltvi 6c; Pnclllc coast. 1900 crop, 16U19c- 1899 IHflSo: old olds. 2ar,o. i0''c j, HIDES-Steady; Oalveston. 20 to "! lh ISMc; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c 'IVxns dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 14ftl4V,c J0, la l.EATHEH Firm, hemlock sole. Ilueim Ayres. light to heavyweights, 24fiiio acid 23'4W24!4c ' UL,U TALLOW-Stendy; city. ($2 per package) 4Hc: country (packages free), ruskc PHOVISIONS-Ueef. steady; family, jio so ff 11.50 j, mess, $9.W9.); beef hams, $20.iW 21.60; packet. $10.001060; city extra India mess, $14.00fflB.). Cut meats, steady nlcklril bellies. $S.50fil0.50: pickled shoul.i,., u' 17.75: pickled hams, $9.75f 10.25. Lanl, steady western steamed, $S,2o; rellned, steady' continent, $S,35: South America, $9.25: com pound, $0.75. Pork, quiet; family, $lti,(iViT; short cleat, $15.60&'17.0O; mess, $15.00 16.(0. niCE-Steady: ilotucstlc, fair to extra, SNSitio; Japan, 4,iOTc. MOLASSEH-Qult; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 32(00. nUlTEH-Hecelpts, 10.4S9 pkgs.; steady; creamery. 15tfil9c: fuctory, lUilic. CHEESE-Recelpts, 591 pkg.; new. Irreg ulnr; fancy colored, 8c; fancy small col red. 8',4c fnncy small white, SJic EOOS Hecelpts, 25,6fil pkgs.; slow mid weak! wostern, regular packed, lZMUVio; storage western. 13VStI4c. POULTUY Alive, slow: spring chickens. 40355c pci pHlr; fowls, 10jc; turkeys, Sc; drested. steady. METALS Little Interest was manifested 1n tin today and prices Jagged on materi ally despite the fact that metal abroad fur ther advanced under manipulation, closing ts 3d ahove the close of-yesterday on spot, but futures were unchanged at 119 1. (ut a very dull day our market closed Liverpool Grnlii unit Hrovlslon. LIVEHPOOL. May 14.V-WHEAT-Steady; No. 2 led western, winter. 6s lH4d; No. 1 northern spring, Bs 10l; No. 1 California Cs lV4d; futures, quiet; July, 5s 10id; Sep. tember, 5s 9?id, CORN' Spot, easy; American mixed, nom. Inal. 4s: American mixed, old. 4s Id: fm tureH, stendy; May, nominal; July, 3s lid; acptemner, as unci. PEAS Canadian, stendv. at 5s Sd. FLOITH St. Louis fancy winter, dull. 8s. HOPS At London. Paclllc coast, steady, nt i:4frJC4 15s. u PHOVISIONS-neef, easy; extra India mess, (ils 3d. Pork, stendy; prlmo mesa western, C3s 3d. Lard, quiet; American re llned, in palls, 41s: prime, western, ln tierces, quiet, 40s 9d, llacon, Cumberland cut, 2(1 to 30 lbs., steady, 46s; short ribs, 10 to 20 lbs., urm; nt .,1 to ; IPs. Hteady, at 42s 3d. Long clear middles, I.eiifV. 3.1 tn in IhS.. steilrlv fi t irUt Krl. Bhort clear backs, 10 to 20 lbs., steady at 40s 3d; clear bellies, 11 to 16 lbs., tlrm, at 44s :d, annuiiiers, square, 11 to 13 lbs steady, at 3bH. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 ins., steauy, uu. IIIJTTEH-Dull; tlnest United Stntes, 88s; good United States, quiet, ti6s. CI1EESI" Oulet; Americnn llnest white, TALLOW Prlmo city, steady, 26s; Aus trnllan in Ixindon. quiet. 2Ca fid. Hecelnt8 of wheat during the last thron days, l.To.uoo centals, an American, Hecelpts or American corn during tho Inst three days, 2GO,200 centnls. CliniiKfta In Avnllnhle Snppllea. NEW YORK, May H.-Speclal cublo and telegraphic communications to llradstrcat's show tho following changes In nvallablo supplies compared with the last account: WHEAT United Stntes and Canada, oast of the Rockies, decreased l,ai7.000 bu.; afloat for and In Europe, Increased 1,200,000 du.; total supply, decreased 157,000 bu, CORN united States and Canada, cast of the Rockies, decrensed 1.703,000 bu. OATS United States and Canada, cast of the Hockles, decreased 1,225,000 bu, Among the more Important Increases are those of 120.000 bu. nt Omaha, IOG.000 bu. at St. Joseph, 101,000 bu. at Port Huron, 80,000 bu. at Depot Harbor and 60,000 bu, nt Chat tanooga. The leading decreases Include, those of 471.0m) b.t. nt Chlcngo private elevators, 100, 000 bu. nt NorthwoBtern Interior clevntors, 62,000 bu. nt Ml I wim It on prlvnto elevntora nml 60.000 bu. each In Manitoba and Nash ville, Tho total enst of tho Hockles Includes stocks of Mi.ono bu, of wheat and ss.000 bu, of oats held at Quebec, n new point of ac cumulation and shipment. Knuana t'llv (irnln and I'rovlnlnn. KANSAS CITY, May 14,-iWHEAT-May, 07o; July, CtPic; September. ClUc: cash. No. 2 hnrd, iV4W70c; No, 3. OTdlfi'Jc; No. 2 red, 7Mi71c, CORN Mny. 12i,442c; July. 4!4c: cush, No. 2 mixed, 424W3c; No. 2 white, 43Vc. OATS-No. 2 white, 314fi32o. UYE-No. t. 64c. HAY-Cholce tlmothl'. $10.501211.00: cholee prnlrle. $:i.5(Vii9.75, in' iter creamery, i4i4yi6V4c: dairy, fancy. 13'iillc. EGOS Steady ; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 9V4c per doz., loss off, cases re turned; new whlto wood cases Included, ',4c more RECEIPTS-Wheat, bO.tOo bu,; corn, 2(1.100 bu., oats, 3.000 hu. SIIII'MKNTS-Wheat. 47,200 bu.j corn, 20. 8"0 bu.; oats, 7,000 bu. M.,.I,.V.1?,,,,,," w"pn. Flour and II ran. NN'?APOLI8, May 14.-WHEAT-Cash, vL Ji"y:.""ui 0n track, No, 1 hard, 74l;u; 724C. " V,C: No' ! ,,orlhcrn' ond Vlears"3i?lW?2r20 ClP8rS' !-'2- 'ec' BRAN In bulk, $12.0iai2.25. I'hlladclpliU Prodner Market. ,-.'-""Vi , ';'' ulA' ' 14. Ul'TTER nrnirrn creamery. 20c; fnncy western lir hits. 21r. fnne. .nnrkv nnl ' EUas-Steady; fresh noarby and west- .MtlVE.MK.VTS IS STOCKS AMI HOXIIS. ntornl llesolt of l.nt H'erK'a Pnnlp Mlioivn by Wenknes. NEW YORK, May ll.-Thc Inheient weakness of tho stock market after last week's severe shock to confidence beenmu obvious todnv, nnd some violent declines were caused nv a comparatively ngni volume of liquidation. Professional opera tors who were so fortunate ns to secure stocks that were sacrificed at the low level on Thursday were very wining to sen nnu tiiKe pronts wnen incy percciveu imu ioe rebound had about reached Its limits. There, wns another class, thnt of tho In siders nnd friends of vnrlous country stocks, who bought heavily on Thursday to sipport tueir tnvorites in oroer 10 pro tect their values as far ns possible, This class: wns nnxlous to lighten Its holdings when the panic whs checked nnd took ad vantage of tho high level of prices, Tho Saturday holiday was taken advan tage of nil through the Wall street dis trict to bring nccounts to dntc, nnd the weak condition disclosed In many prompted tho closing out of theRe ac counts. The bears also resumed their ng- (tresslve mood today, and not only orrcred prices down to take the market nwny from those, seeking to liquidate, hut were Indus triously circulating alarmist rumors ot the turtner consequences to ensue rrom uic conflict In Northern Paclllc. There were whispers nboit the exchnnge nlso of a new element of disturbance. In the Union Pa cific situation, Thnt stock was most prom inent In tho market all day, nnd its violent break after a period of strength wns nn ef- cctivc inuuence in unsettling me wnoie mnrkct. Tho selllnir wns seem nnlv for the uc- count of Insiders, Judging from the ngeuts employed In executing orders, nnd Inrge selling orders In this nnd In other western railroad stocks came from that portion of tho country turougn tnicngo. uoston wns also active on the selling side, With the obvious tendency of the market to vlcld the Investment buvlng which has been of more or less ln evidence for tho last day or two was largely withdrawn In the hope of getting stocks Inter at lower prices, What ever the enuses nl work It wns clear that the buying demand for stocks had fallen to lnslgnlllcnnt proportions 11 tin the liquida tion, r.ven 01 comparatively ngni lines, caused sudden nnd ranld melting nwav ot values. There were Intervals on the down grade of 14 nnd even r points between fiiles, a scrutiny 01 inn price ennnges or me ony will reveal net losses of between 3 and t points for a large number of the principal ac.tlvo stocks. The decline below Inst night s lovel renched. In Union Pacific. 15 St. Paul. 9; Delewnre A Hudson, Missouri I'ncinc. and consolidated Copper, fi'.4, nnd I1WK ISIIU1U, II. The money market was not nn Influence, ns there wns no Inrge demand for call lonns. In fnct. neon e wero mostlv con verting securities into money ns rapidly ns possible, For tho same reason the growing aimcuiiies 01 mo roreign money situation and the. belief that It will draw Inrgely on New York's money supply wna viewed with leksoned ntinrehenslon. The cnmlnir In stallment of the Drltlsh war loan, the ox Dected Issue of the Russian lonn In Pnrls nnd the embarrassment feared for the Lon don market by tho withdrawal of the French credits are expected to result In a general movement 01 gom irom New York, notwiinsianuing me easier lono or me. ex chnngo market todny. uomis oecnmn weng in sympathy with siocks niter nn cany snow of strength Total sales, par value, $2,870,000. United States refunding 2s nnd now 4s advanced V4 tier ceni on mo iasi can. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram nnvs: (lend nilnnen nr. vailed on the stock mnrkct hero today, a suite. 01 tningH in remnrKfiDin contrast with Inn reeent vella nt nvitltfitf.i.i n.wt ...! Tho stagnation Is universal and the tone Is heavy 11id depressed. Jobbers refuse to deal until tho settlement Is over. Amer icans nro not traded In at all. Such market ns there Is Is simply an arrangement of accounts which arc completed by ensh snles for wenk men 3 or 4 points below the ruling prices. No blc failures nre evneeled now, however. The denier whoso illlllcul- ues 1 mentioned in previous d snatches was only a champion Haulier. Ho resigns his membership ns n condition to tho ar rangement of his nccounts by the referring committee's decision of yesterday In North ern i-nciiic. 1 nnvo icnrned mat tho most Important arbitrageur!) stand to lose some 7o0.0oo and a committee says they would do naught unless some special steps wore taken In their cases. The call money rate whs 2V4 per cent; time lonns, 314; bills, 37. On account of tho weakness on the ex change today 21-6 Inquiries nro being re ceived for gold. The following are th& closing prices on tho Now York Stock exchnnge: balances. $1,331,041. money. i per cent; New York exchnnge, 25c premium bid, 40c premium nsked. HUSTON. Mnv li.-rienrlngs. $27,199,119, balances, $.M20,al. . ..., NEW York. Mnv n.-C carlngs, $IV,010,- 981; balances, $22,3110.913. CINCINNATI, May 14.-Clearlngs, $3,tl2, 900. money, 46 per cent; New ork ex change, ltK(i20c premium. - VorU Money NEW YORK. Mnv lt.-MONEY-On call tlrm, at 3fi per cent; last loan. 4!; ruling rate, 6; prime mercantile paper, 4fill3 per cent. STERLING EX( ' 1 1 A NCI E Easy, Willi lie- tunl business in bankers' bills at $4.Wf 4.V04 for demand nnd at $4.M!4ft4.S45ii for sixty days; posted rates, $t.85,.4'i(4.M: com mercial Mils. $4.831417 4.S4. SILVER-tVrtlllcates, 60c; bnr, 694c: Mexican dollars, 4?)Uc, HON DS Government, strong; state, weak; railroad, weak. 1'hc closing pile i-a on bonds todai are ns follows: OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARKET Bef Steers brought About Etsadj Fr.cis and Oowii ActiTt and Stronger, HOGS AVERAGED A SHADE HIGHER V. S rcf. 2 uu coupon do St., teg ,iw do million 109 do new rcg t3 do coupon IJs reg. ..106I4 N. Y. Central la. . . .t07i lfttii; , ,1. i . Ren. jd..i:ii Olnclal Monday.. uiuciai ruesday. ..11314 ..W do odl 4, rK... do coupon do 5s, reg do coupon D. of C. 3 Ms Atcli. gen, 4i 1I0 nul. 4 t'Himil.-i So. lu Chen. & Ohio 4Us. do is C. &. N. W. c, 7..i.isij Mo H. P. deb. is. 121'. Chlcngo Ter. 4s M Colorndo Ho. 4n SI 1). U It. CI. 4s.... Krle gencrnl 4s... 1. W. & U. V. Is. it en. Klectrlc St,. In. Ccntrnl 1 lil; "1. (. Illll. IS..I02V5 M.. K A T. 2 81!j do 4s pii; No. l'ncltlc 3s.... I do 4 In y. c & st l i. N. & V. con. 4s .ltVj Oregon Nnv. Is. Mo 4s Oreton S. I. 6s. Jo consol J... IJ'.'i RradlliB gen. Is. 1021, Itlo 11. W. Is fVi St I K. 1 M e. 0: 101 .1W .120 .1)1 . S7 toe tit l, S 1' K. 6 i-'t Paul consols,. SI. P., C. & I. Is do fs S41. Paclllc 4s So. ltalUny If.... S. It. Sc T. 6s Texas Tnc. Is.... 115 do 2s Hn fnlon Paclfle 4n IOSi Wabash Is US do 2s UD'i West Shore 4s 11414 Wis, Central 4 SI Pi 10.-.', 107 1 IW 103 i04!i 127 ..111! . Ill .101'i .115 .134 .ISO .U1'i .120 . Ol'i .ill'i CO Two davs this week.. 8.tl27 13.;v?s 12.SV9 Same uays last wees,.... '1,2 li,u.v) l.,o9i aanio week beiore 0,912 In.ui'J 1u,j;j aiimu three weeks ago... o.'.'W U,.'il ,iW wi mo lour weeks ago.... V,il lo.ui lo.iw rmino days last year b.(v 12,it9 9,lvl Averuiie tirln tin Irl fnr lini-H nt South Omaha tlio past several days wltn comparisons. Apttl 22.. I 5 10HI I 1 72 3 4 3 b4 April 2J.. u ht) 1 0 Mi 1 3 741 3 ii ,tiru 0 id 1 9 a j ti ' I I i, Offered. Mild. .Neiv York MlnliiK Stocks. NEW YORK, May 14. The following nre quotations on mining stocks: Adnms Con Alice , llrrece Hruimvlck Con Comstock Tun... Con. Cnl. & Vn. DoHil w oo.l Tor . Horn Sliver iron Silver laihlllo Con... .. 20 . 4) ICO . IS . 5 ..'.iS . M ..110 . 5S . & ,l.lttle Chief ... Ontario Onhlr Phoenix l'olosl Snvnge Sierra Ncvnd Small Hopes . SlnniUril .. 13 ..$'0 .. 0 .. 1: .. 1." .. 20 .. 10 M iou April 26.. April 21.. April 2s.. API II 1,, Ai.l'll May 1,,.. May 2.... Muy 4 ... May May 5.... May 6.... May 7.... a..,. May 9.. . -May 10... Alay 11... May 12... May 13... May II... London Stock tliiotntlons. LONDON, May 14. I p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money.... t4 1-14 Krle 34 do nccount Ml, do 1st pfd M'.i Atchison 72'i Pennsylvania 71 Canadian l'nc W Itemllng lt". St. Paul I6.M4 (lran.1 Trunk IPs Illinois Centml U7 Anncomln 9'i loulKvllle IMU Hand Mines Union Paclnc Oil ,U. S. Steel 4j N. Y. Central Ij5 I do pfd M RA R 8ILVER I'lrm, at 27Ud per ounce. MONEY 2ff3 per cent. The rate of dls count In the open market for short bills Is .TJi per cent; for three months' bills, ZYt'if 3' per cent. Atchison f6V4 Mex. National lOVi do pfd 92H Toledo, St. U &. W. 17U liauiniore uiua,. .074 no pia Canadian Pacific. ...100 )', C. C!. & St. L. Cnnnda 80 61 ISo. Paclllc Ches. & Ohio 444 So, Hallway O., II. & Q. Chi. Ind. & It do pfd Chi. & E. III.. C. k N. W..., C, It. I. & P C, C. C. ft St. Colorado So... do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Del. ft Hudson.. Del. j. & W.... Denver & It. O. do pfd Krle do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley do ptd Illinois Centrnl Iowa Central . . do pfd Lnke Erie A W. do pfd L. & N Manhattan L... Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. L. . Mo. Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd.... N. J. Centrnl ... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W.... do pfd No. Pacific do nfd Ontario & W.... Pennsylvania ...:s9'ii do pfd.. 30 Tex. & Pacldo .... 6S Union Pacific .... 120 do pfd , 190 WabaMi lW'.i do pfd , 1. .. 77 IWheel, & u R,.., ...... iri' do 2d pfd 4i4 Wis. Central do nfd .153 I Adams V.x .207 I American Kx . 42 V. S. Ex , . 90 JWells-l-'urgu Ex... v'.i rtiimi, wopper .... 62 Anier. Car F 47 do nfd ....t724 Amer. S. & It 43 do nfd 3 Amer. Tobnern ... 1 Anne. Mln. Co.... limokljn n. T .. 53 .. H ..117 .. OS ..103 ..:57; 3VI ... MW ...1M ...1184 ... 414 ... d7 ...150 ...104 . 60 . 44U . 25', . 75 . 41 .:oi; . m; . 174 . 33 . 1?4 . 2?4 . Hli . 41 ISO .IS", . 80 UU .111 . 214 . 764 . uu . 4'i .121 . 414 Colo, Fuel & Iron.. ff; rn 1'.,. - Con. Tobacco do nfd Oen. Electric . Olucose Sugar mier. Taper .,, do pfd Ijiclede Gas .., 564 Con. Gas.. Hik-klng Coal ,,,, inier. rower Republic Steel .. do pfd National Iliscult. Nntlonnl lnii . . Nntlonal Salt .... do pfd No. Americnn ... .1124 PaclOc Const Heading 3 (Pacific .Mall do 1st pfd " 'People's Ons do 1st pfd do 2d pfd.... 8t. U AS. F.. do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... St. L. Soiltluv. do ptd St. Paul do pfd Terminal & T. pfd n. & O. pru Chlcano & Alton.. io pfd ChlcnRo (1. W do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 4'iVjlPresseil 8. Car ." ! 1 no pfd (0 Pullman P. Car. "ii sugar . 31 jTenn. Coal & 5I4iU. 8. Leather .14) do pfd 14 C. 8. rtubber I4 do pfd SI Western Union 374 Union Hag Iron. a .:o34 ..220 ,. so . 20 .. 75 ,. fc2 ..WI9 .. 164 .. K'l ,, 17 40 .. If.14 .. 43 . 77 .. S'-4 .. .-. .. 23 ,.l"6'i .. 42 .. S.I ..200 Foreign I-'liinnelnl. LONDON, Mny 14. Whllo todny money Is comparatively easy fixtures nre stiff. Rntik er nnd brokers nre disposed to keep their balances well In hand, In view of possible contingencies. Discounts wero firm. Tho weakness of Paris exchange sttnvilntcs tho fenr of the withdrawal of gold from Lon don In connection with the Issue of tho Russian loan ln the middle of next week Ruslness on the Stock exchange todny was stngnnnt. i'rlces wero irregular, ncing nr fected by tho situation of Americans. Con siils nml flrsl-i'lass securities were tlrm. Grand Trunks wero ensler owing to lack of support. Har gold In tne open mnrkct, ns 9Hd. Gold premium at Ruenos Ayrcs, 101.30. Spanish 4s. 71H. RERUN. Mny 14. IVslness was stng nnnt on the bourse todnv. but nrices Im proved owing to the llrmness on the Vienna bourse. Americans wero quiet nnu nesi tuting. Condition nf the Trensury. WASHINGTON, May 14.-Today's state ment of tho treasury balance In the general fund, exclusive or tne ihu,(io,t) goia re serve In tho division of redemption, shows Avnilablo cash balance, $158,679,781; gold j9i.2U.7S5. Cotton Market. . NEW YORK, Mny 14,-COTTON-Whlle there was no speculative stir of nny ac count In cotton today, the mnrket showed considerable Irregularity and closed higher on some months, after n poor start. Shorts, wero easily frightened and tho market owed tho hulk of Its strength to support from this nunrter. In tho Inst hour tho south turned n large seller nnd the trade here soon switched over to the bear side ngnln. Tho near months suffered most from the selling movement. The movement finally was steadied, with prices not 2 points lower ou near and 15 1 2 points higher nn far months Spot closed quiet; middling up lands. Rl-lCc: middling gulf. S5-16c: sales. ti.olu naies. LIVERPOOL. May 14. COTTON Snot quiet; prices 1-lfid lower; American mid dling fair, 48'l 3-16d; good middling, 4d; mldd Ing. 4 5-lwl; low m (Idling. 4viid: good ordinary, awl: ordinary, 3i. N1SW UK bKANS. May i.-wtu.n Steady; sales, 2.HX) bnles; ordinary. 5'4c; good ordinary. 5 15-16c; low middling, Cic; middling. 7 9-10c: good middling. 8c: mid dling fair. S'.ic; receipts, 3,007 bales; stock, IS2,;u bales. ST. LOl'IS, May 14.-COTTON-DU1I; mid dling, 711-lfic; sales, 100 bales; receipts, l.fioi bales; siupments, 1,190 bales; stocK, 74,2iS uaies. Wool Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Mnv H.-WOOl, Easv. tin changed; medium grades, llff!7Hc; light line. 11U14V4C; Heavy line, '.mile; tun wasned, 178'J7C. HOSTON. Mnv 1 (. WOOL Tliere is prac tically no change In tho condition of tho wool marKet nero and tnero is notning in the wool outlook to encourngo speculation. The nrices nt which wools are being bought ln the west are about the same as tho class of wools nro selling for In this mnrkot. Tor territory tine medium nnd nno scoured statue. I0SM2C is quoted, while the str ctly titanic nrtlcle calls for I01j.l5c. Sales of Ohio washed delaine have been made at 28c mid this nnnears to bo the ton of the ores out market. Quotations: Missouri U-blood commng, -u-n.c; d noil, .uc: nriiKi cnmuing, 18c. Territorial, scoured basis Montana, lino medium and line, ltlfloc: scoured, 12f. 43o; staple, 455f4t5c; Utnh, Wyoming and ldnhn. tine med 11m and tine. 12(iZllc: scourca, iiru-izc; stnpie, iidfuc. i6', 13 7S4 45 lo pfd.. V. S. Steel do pfd.... 1-' 1 73 . 6i5 13 c;u 41 90 67 lAtchlson 4.... '.t'.li N. 1? 11 A rv .110 .120 .178 .190 .IS91 Us. 1014 624 IfH 21 114 30 Ronton Murk luolntlon. HOSTON. Mny 14,-Call loans, 41,4 per cent; time loans, 5H per cent, OIUclul closing: A., T. & 8. F do pfd Amer. Sucar do pfd HoNton & Alu'y... Iloston Elevated . Iloston A Me C , II, ft q Dominion Coal .. do pfd U. S. Steel do ptd Oen. Electric Kd. Elec. Ill Mexican Oentlnl. N. E. a. ft C Old Dominion .... Vlubber Union Paclllc .... Union Land .110 Adventure lung. Mining A ma I. Copper Atlantic Iloston & Mont 105 lllltle Sc Ilnslnn . .1.1.1 . I'm. & ltecla .1144 Centennial . 414 Franklin . 90 illumboldt .210 Osceola .255 Parrot 2l4 qulncy . H ISnnta Fe Copper . 31 Tninarack 20 lutah Mlnlnn .... ..104 Winona . !4Wolverlne ...... . ll'i . SO . K . ' .163 . 7 .T.'O . : . 3 . 31 HniiK ClrnrloKs. OMAHA. May 14.-Clearlngs. $1,005,172; corresponding day lost year, $9So,155; In crease, ia,nn, CHICAGO. May 14,-Olearlngs, $27,10i),21; balances, $2,554.ii3S, foreign exchange, $4.8j'i 4l4.R9: New York exchange, 10c premium. PHILADELPHIA, Mny H.-Clcarlnss, $20,918,235: balances, $2,624,295. RALTIMOUE. May M.-Clearlngs. $S,IS7, 114: balances. $V43,7. 8T. LOUIS. Ma.v CLarlnarn. U.3.U.17K C'offpr Market. NEW YORK, May H.-COFEEE-Spot Rio, dull; No 7, Invoice, buc. Sllld, quiot Cordova. Sii5fl2c. Llouldatlon and dtsan pointing developments on the outlook led to lower prices todny. The mnrket opened quiet, with prices unchanged to 5 points lower, and for the rest of the day wna heavy, with 11 downward tendency under room mm some roreign soiling ami nearm of supporting orders. Lower prices In Eu ropean markets nnd generous receipts In Rio. with sluggish snot demand and ox pected larger Ilrnzlllun shipments served to check Investment buying. Tho market rinsed unlet, with nrices net 10 points lower. Total sales were 17,250 bags, Including May at fi.25SID.30c, June, 6.30c; July, s.coc; August h.We; Hepiemner, 5.5oriJa.tioc; uciouer, ii,wo December, 5.75c. 4)11 nnd Rosin. NEW YORK. Mnv 14-OILS-Cottonseed lull: tirlma crude, nominal: nrlmo vellow -I3i Petroleum, easy. Rosin, dull. Turpen- t lie, steady. 345(3 14c. OIL CITY. Pa Mnv 14.-OILS-Credlt balances. $1.07; certificates, no bid; ship ments, lii.wsi bbls.; average. Vi,ii nnis. runs. 9i.2(,9 bills.: uvernee. 81.937 bhls. LIVERPOOL, Mny 14.-OILS-Llnseed 44s. Kviniorntfil ond Dried I'rtilts. NEW YORK, Mny 14. EVAPORATED APPLES The market for evaporated apples ruled moderately uctivo and about steady at fully ststulned prices. Export Inquiry wns ot tair vniume. State common, .iji'iuo; prlmo, 4Vilflc; choice, 5fo5'fec; fancy, Of' CALIFORNIA DRIED TRl'lTS-Ruled lather (iilet hut about Btendy at unchanged nrices. Primes. 'M'.tiili: tier lb., ns to rlze and qunllty, Apricots, Royal, 7M12c; Moor Park. SV4f13c, Peaches, peeled, 12Vsri20o; unpecieu, u'j'tnuo. Neiv York Dry riooiln Mnrkel, NEW YORK. May ll.-DRY GOODS-Tho market today has not shown any chnngo of moment lu any department, only a quiet business having been In progress In all lines of cotton goods, and prices nro without quotable alteration, Print cloths continue Inactive nnd prints nre Irregular. Silks in fnlr renuest and urines steadv. MANCHESTER, May 11. CLOTHS Weak; sales cannot be made itilesa con cessions made. Yarns, rather easier. Suunr Market. NEW YORK May 14, SCO A R Haw, firm, but quiet; fair refining, 3c; centrlfu gal. 96 test, 4 D.32c; molasses sugar, 3',4c renned. quiet. NEW ORLEANS, May 14,-Qulct; open kctt 0. 3 3-lttfi 13.16o: onen kett e rentriru gal, 3T4044O; centrifugal yellow, 44(?lc seconds, 24filc. Molasses, strong, centrlfu as I, SiuliR. toil llviiiiinil for Micep nnd l.nnitiej niul Mnrkrt C1111 lie Uooted n lonr ter llluber All A roil nil 'I'liiiu It Wns l.nit Week, SOUTH OMAHA. May I. Receipts were; Cattle, nogs, aiicep. 3,1116 0,1'Jl 6,o2i i.iSJ I 1901. U00.lS99,189i.U97. I:90.lb3j. o .rt'i . Utl 3 71 5 77Vil 6 39 1 65 a 84 u irsl t 41 3 0J 3 19 I O Ji 3 U 3 II 3 Sl A II 3 10: 3 26, a 5 61 I I 3 Ml i ,9 3 74 4 M J tl'41 a 3. 1 3 N J bui . loi 4 94 0 Cii 5 2G 3 6l j 3 791 I 1 & 0 15 J 'J 3 01 13 lb, 4 l 6 72i4i 5 17 3 65 3 Si 3 "M 4 M 5 044 5 26 3 5s 3 93 i 72 3 26 4 47 & 22 3 02 3 95 3 i 4 3U, ' 67's I 3 Oil 3 931 3 Oil 3 2, 4 40 5 0H 5 21, 1 2 9j 3 7U 3 3V 4 ii .1 tl 1 0 ltli 3 69, 1 .1 111 3 19 ' W 6 6514 C 12 3 651 3 S9 3 161 4 46 I 5 bl , 5 lo 3 021 4 9ol 3 651 1 4 43 u U1M1I n 16 .1 0-1 3 91, i mi i"i i la I 5 16) 3 661 4 191 3 66, 3 17 b GMil I 3 OS, 4 361 3 65, 3 20 4 44 3 30, 4 in 4 M , 4 31 3 7 4 ( 4 i HI 4 H 4 0j 6 71 , 5 17 4 22 3 Oil 3 1,) 4 3o Indicates Sundaj'. The otllcial number of cars of stock brought lu today by each road wns: Cattle. I logs. Hh'p. 11 scs. 1 IS I 29 ii 9 (0 21 3 C., M. & St. P. Ry 4 Missouri Paclllc Uy 4 I'll on Pac II W Hvsteni.... 31 C. & N. W. Uy 9 V.. E. .t M. . R. H 31 S. C. At P. Rv I C, St. P., M. V O. Ry.. 31 It. V- M. It. R. R 13 C, 11. A: y. Ry 3 It. 1. 01 P.. east 4 7 C, It. 1. Ii P., west 35 Illinois Central S 1 Total receipts P50 113 'ho dNtiohltlon of the ilnv'.i recelnts 'was as follows, each buyer purcuaslng tuc num ber 01 neau inuicaicu; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co t69 1.2PJ c. II. Hammond Co 2'J .... swift ami Comnanv 861; 1.91 CJilnhy Packing Co 713 1,599 Armour & Co too 3,2oj Swift nnd Co., country 17 i.oomau Ac uo i:;i .... Livingstone .t Schnl er.'... 7K Hamilton Ac Rothschild .. 1 L. F. Husz sc. Mawhluney 57 .... Other buyers 23.S .... I3S 1,119 2,410 615 Totals 3,321 8,046 6,P1I CATTLE Tho sunnlv of cattle on xnln tins morning wns nut large, receipts nc un ing several cars of Texas that were not offered. While tho murkel was not overly nctlvo tho bulk of the cattle changed haniM In good season. I'ackera started out and mild lust nbout steady prices for tho beef steers. Early in tno morning n few salesmen thought thev got strot.ger prices for desirable grades. but an a general thing tho market could bo quoted stcudy. Tho last end of tho market was n little druggy and lu somo cases It was dlltlcult to get steady prices tor the commoner kinds, as packers did not seem to be particularly anxious tor that class of cattle. Thcro were onlv about 15 cars of rows on sale this morning mid tho market ruled active and steady to stronger all around. A number of miles wero mado that looked easily a dlmo higher than the same kind wero selling tor at tno close of last week, ln view of the good demand on tho part of puckers It did not take long to clear tho yards. Hulls also met with ready salo whero tho quality was satisfactory at good strong prices nnd calves nnd stags sold ln Just about yesterday's notches. 1 nero were not many stockers and feed ers offered today and the demand was sut- licient to inne wnat was orrcred at irood steady prices. The better grades sold freely, but tne commoner kinds were rather neglected. Representative rales: UElif STEERS. .... 11W 3 .V) .. ..1340 3 .'6 IIS6 3 M 15.W ,t :i 1073 3 Ti 1170 1200 4 'lO 1630 4 0$ .IS) 3 73 .IWO .1 '.3 1 im km 1 1(30 4 tO 1 1 ..1M4 4 10 ..19J0 4 '0 .AW 4 10 ..lib) 4 15 1W 4 .'3 610 3 7$ 6 2 10 1 14 4 23 I20 3 S STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1.. 1. 1. 1. 1 6... i... 6... 120.. I... 1... II... 1... 11. 9C0 2 25 .601) 2 7 i . 30 3 75 . DJ0 iV, . !0 3 25 STAG6. MVS 4 40 I CALVES. .. 90 5 25 1 130 10 ...1000 3 iS , 734 3 S 560 3 9W 3 Ti ..1310 4 W ... 13) 6 VJ 150 6 W STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. m 3 00 P3 3 ) 751 3 'ft :9 4 1 . 730 3 05 .350 3 T5 913 4 i 750 4 , 67S 4 33 1. 3 6 3 34 4 52 730 4 40 ... 520 4 0 ...liJ3 I 4) ... 6v) 4 50 .... 672 4 C) . . . 8C0 4 01 ... 790 4 "0 .... .'.71 6 "1) 434 i 25 No. Av. IT. No. Av. Tr. I 13'J'J 3 50 35 1396 4 90 2 965 4 00 5 1314 4 ') 7 731 4 AO 4D 1146 4 95 2 D03 4 23 16 11(0 4 Yo 4 t00 4 '.'5 1 1470 4 95 1 1060 4 50 24 1383 4 93 1 1090 4 50 24 1083 4 S5 4 72 4 '0 34 1105 4 95 29 1315 4 50 8 1325 4 S5 40 lib! 4 50 21 1159 4 35 4 H2 4 50 4 11S7 4 35 20 950 4 5 5 4 2 1227 4 93 3S , 1001 4 (3 12 13i5 5 00 10 64'J 4 65 15 1136 5 00 1 1510 4 65 21 1207 5 00 17 993 4 70 17...- 1317 5 CO i 1008 4 70 25 1010 5 00 13 96 4 70 1 1070 5 00 20 KM 4 75 25 1268 5 00 I 7!0 4 75 13 1:01) 5 00 41 1003 4 5 20 1062 5 M 36 1130 4 75 22 1213 5 r1 26 95S 4 SO 17 1061 5 to 44 1077 4 SO 19 1233 5 05 14 1072 4 8H 1046 5 05 5 10SO 4 SO 37 1130 5 10 1 1060 4 SO 38 1210 5 10 18 IChO 4 .'0 30 1204 5 '0 16 1049 4 AO IS 1213 5 10 13 1032 4 SO 32 121 5 10 (0 1049 4 8', 7 1322 5 15 8 117 4 5 6 1333 5 13 II 1133 4 S.-i 2 H70 5 '5 IS 1052 4 !5 12 1250 5 J3 4 10IO 4 tS 19 1302 3 30 4 105 4 5 1 1150 5 70 6 lloO 4 W 43 1190 5 '.'0 17 1114 4 90 90 1447 5 J) 14 1160 4 .!) M 1397 5 V0 31 1132 4 90 2 1306 6 20 23 1176 4 90 20 1246 5 20 1 1000 4 90 1 )) i :s 15 1066 4 10 21 1343 b 25 12 lot.5 4 90 19 1446 5 23 2 1010 4 90 17 1420 & 30 STEERS TEXAS. 7 1134 4 45 25 1328 4 90 a 1191 4 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 7 HMO 4 W 7 1051 4 m 31 9S0 4 43 16 996 5 (0 22 92 4 50 18 1)57 5 C3 I'O SI6 4 55 13 1235 J 10 II S42 4 75 20 1344 6 15 19 1050 4 75 STEERS AND STAGS. !9 135S 4 93 COWS. . 895 2 00 .1080 2 25 ,, 960 2 . 975 2 70 . 910 2 73 . 9b0 2 S5 ...1120 3 00 ...1030 3 00 ... 930 3 00 ...16J0 3 10 ...1100 3 13 ...1030 3 !5 . . . 925 3 23 ... S90 3 23 990 3 :'j 1000 i 50 1136 3 50 1050 3 5) 1170 3 50 1310 2 .0 1020 3 65 lOJO 3 t'5 1100 3 63 975 3 75 1135 3 75 950 3 75 940 3 79 1105 3 75 1160 3 90 10W 3 90 SS0 4 00 2 1 1 !!!"'...'.'.. 1 1 '.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.', 1 3.... 11 4 1. 1. 1. 1... 1... 2... 1. 1. 1. 1 1140 1 860 1 1200 3 816 .1223 1 3 10 V.'.'.'.', 1 1 6 3 tr 1 1 i. 1 6 3. 11. . 4. 870 1176 1 lilt 12o0 , 1210 8S0' 1950 1065 103i) 1065 1158 1 1092 1220 1240 1205 , 100O 1 L30 1218 ' 1210 1071 1160 1270 1010 1190 960 1030 7 29 13 19 1 1 2 1 21 6 I 1 1 .... 3 .... 2.... IS 26 .... 3 1 1 .'.'.'.'. 1 1 I 37 .... 1 .... 1 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 10 3 ) 3 ") ill 903 1116 .1002 . 470 . 6 20 . 705 . 680 a ?') . 171 3 (0 . 870 3 70 . 330 i Ti . 710 3 75 .. 470 i 75 ,. 676.. 3 90 .600 3 90 . 411 3 18. i fo 4 i 4 :o 2 4 10 HEIFERS. 1. 3.. I.. .. 2.. 1.. '.. 4 I ....). 1054 3 ("J 135i) 3 10 KOO 3 25 1330 3 25 1330 3 50 1520 3 70 120 3 M ...... 990 3 50 10)1 3 '-0 ,1120 3 j0 1130 3 N u'.'.'.'. HULLS. I. s84 . 705 .1570 813 410 .... 940 .... 7;o .... 0(5 ....1190 .... 738 670 095 3J 875 410 4 M 4 00 4 .fl t W 4 04 4 01) 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 16 I 13 I 20 4 :o 4 4 25 4 25 4 "J 4 .0 4 .13 4 30 4 ?) 4 SO 4 "I 4 :'5 4 15 4 ro I 50 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 M 4 i") 4 00 4 25 4 31 4 ro 4 40 4 10 4 50 4 '0 I 50 4 50 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 1.... A '.'.'. 1 .. 3 J 3 85 4t. ........ 904 634 1320 3 90 1135 3 90 120 3 90 1550 3 94 1315 3 90 1720 120 16S0 1210 UO0 3 90 4 .)0 4 00 4 00 4 0 HOGS The miiiiiiIv ..r'lin'.' nn unit, tnilav was not large, being a trltle'less than there was n week ago and considerably less than tWO Weeks ilKO. The mnrkrt nnantvl n uinlil 2(ac higher, with the bulk selling at ..70 and JS.,'24. against 15.671. nnd fV.O v,.t,.r. day. The heavier weights brought $5.72Vj miu u.,u 111111 tin nihil HB 4.l.o.'i WHS paid lor a good loud weighing 315 pounds. The mar ket was not particularly active at thoso prices, out sun tne mux ot the oirerlugs wai out of first hands In good season. Tho last end of the market was slaw and weak. ' Sellers were holding lor the morning prices j and as a result it was rather late before the yards were cleared. as will be seen rrom tne table or average prices the market Is now at the highest point rcacnen since tne nrsi weea in aiuy. Representative sales: Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sti. Pr. No. 12... 10... St... 70... 85... M... SO... 2S... 70... to... m... so... 02... 61... 61... 62 53 ....135 ....162 ....223 I 75 . . 5 50 SO 5 M 4) 3 0 ...196 160 3 T24 .177 ..164 236 80 5 624 to i tl SO A CS 79 214 59 206 71.. 73.. 21. (Jin. in ; western wethers. $l.23i4.i0; western venrllngs, $1.5094 80; Texas grass sheep, $".7614.25. cwts, $J.6Oif,10, culls, $2.$OU3.2o, spring lambs, IS.MffO.CO. CHICAGO I.IVli STUCK MARKET. Ilntoher Mloi'k I'lrm Itotfi I'ltc Conn llluber Mlirrp MroiiR. CHICAGO, May ll.-CATTLF.-Rccclpt.. '.C00 head; generally stronger; butcher stock tlrm; good to prime stecri., $V10yii.ii; poor lo medium, $I.tx.00, stockers nnd leedcrs, steady, at $3.2o3I5.10; cows. il.Mt 4.65; heifers. i2.S5Jf4.75; dinners, $2.l51f2.s5; IiuIIm, $2.7olil.l0; calves, 23c higher, nt $3.. ff5.00; Toxno fed steers, $I.2.Mj6.i); Texas bulls, $2.755i;!.M. , , HOGS-Receipts. 15,000 head; cstlnintcd tomorrow. SS.iho; left over, 2.rui; 5c higher, good cle irnncc; top, $S.W; mixed and butch er. $5.tM'f37"4: good to choice heavy, $.;.i.. iB.SH); rough heavy, $5.CO'd5.70; light, $5.5. iiiiiix in f"im.-, '... ..,w"v. SHEEP AND LA.MnS-Rccelpts. S.UiO hrad; sheep and lambs strong to 10c higher; clipped lambs up to $4.S5. Colorado, $i.3S. good to choice wethers. $4.2.Vrf4.60! fair to choice mixed, ll.txnf 1.2a; western sheep, $4.3Ojj4.00; yearlings. Jl.SSlil.u't: native lamb. $t.l5l(5..'!5; western lambs, $l.505.35. S. I, on In Lite Stork. ST. LOl'IS, May ll.-CATTLE-Recctpts. 3.300 natives, Including 200 Texnns; market steady for natives, strong for Texnns; na tive shipping nnd export steers, $4.9RnFi-v5; dressed beef nml butcher steers, $1.60fi6.40. steers under 1.000 lbs., $3 SOirt.G); stockers nml feeders, $2.S0Jf 4.73; cows and heifers, $2.; dinners, $l.2.fc2.S5! bulls, $.1 SS'fC a . fn I - mm ti TJifHK 'iV o in. I VAiin mill iiiuimi ;.i.i:in. o..-v v. .. . cows nod heifers, $2.501(1. SO. HOOS-Recelpts, 11.600 head; mnrket So higher, pigs and lights. $.Vr5'n5.7t; packer.', $5.60115.75; butchers, $5.i)Ofi5.PO. NIIBKI' AND LA MRS Receipts, 7,0110 head; market dull nnd slow; native mut tons. $4.fsHjf4.75; lambs, $5.0iV?ifi.10; spring lambs, $6.(Ji7:5; culls and bucks, $3.0iM 3, .0. ....2J7 12) 5 674 ...221 ...237 ...219 ...20 80 6 74 5 674 I fi'4 a 11. Ii 5 67 4 79.. 75.. 63.. 78.. 56... SO 5 74 80 5 n ...J17 I'.O 5 .0 .242 SO 5 0 .272 120 3 70 .233 SO 5 70 ..217 ..249 ..243 .279 73 233 80 ..235 120 3 64 ..2111 so i i.i'.t 64 228 21) b Hp, '.I 3 120 . C74 io: ...231 ...235 120 ...256 ...2t.6 ...218 ...212 ...205 ...246 3. 52... 69... 66... SO... S6... 5... 6.1... 6S... 33... 61... 15... 3 174 80 5 67 4 5 74 .. 3 .0 20 5 70 SO 5 70 .. 5 70 80 5 70 70 so 2.V.I 164 5 0 ....252 SO 5 70 .221 ...173 6 TO . 70 66 44... 75... 72... CO... 1.5... 53... 71... 76.... 64.... 64... C3... 61... 73... 66 67 73 ...234 .255 5 70 SO 5 72t4 24 3 724 .. 5 724 5 724 5 724 5 724 84 ,...234 164 5 124 ....211 SO 5 74-4 ... .S.-.9 40 6 724 ... 5:24 160 80 62 2)7 160 5 70 74.. 6V . 71... 74... 74... f6... C8... 72... 69... 84... 6... 1... ..23) ... ..218 120 74 5 70 5 70 .214 164 3 '.0 214 124 5 70 SO 5 70 160 5 70 222 124 5 14 44 5 74 W 5 74 ..213 ..302 ..216 ..255 ..555 ..253 ..211 241 243 2J4 284 257 2IJ 75 214 54 293 61 262 3 724 5 "34 40 5 724 SO 5 724 140 5 724 ... 5 724 ... 5 724 ... 5 724 63. 31.. 67. .210 217 .25". .225 ..139 ,.25 ..2J5 215 239 227 ... 244 SO 268 lfO 61.. .... ll- fti 78 .224 .247 48.. 70.. 76.. C2.. 09.. 72.. 6f... 82 . 72.. 65.., S8 27 83, 0 6 70 5 70 84 5 70 .241 160 5 0 233 SO 5 74 ... 6 70 80 6 70 5 70 6 70 5 70 5 70 ..237 20) ..275 SO ..227 ..320 .226 2.17 243 195 SO 216 1 60 5 70 .200 164 6 70 .245 120 5 74 SO 5 To 40 5 74 40 3 70 SO 5 70 ....233 ....262 ....24.1 ....271 . . . .23! ....348 ....281 ....:s6 ....257 ....235 ....251 ....264 ....279 ....269 ....237 ....246 ....2S4 ...."59 SO 5 724 ... 5 724 SO 6 734 ... 5 24 240 5 724 S) 5 724 F4 3 724 ... 5 724 SO 5 "24 SO 5 "24 SO 6 724 164 & J4 S4 6 714 80 6 724 ... 5 724 SO 5 724 160 5"i4 ... 6 75 ... 5 75 160 6 75 ... f. 75 ... 5 76 ... 6 i5 SO 5 73 ... 6 5 n US ... 5 75 SO 5 75 ... 5 75 M 5 75 80 5 73 ... 6 75 ... 5 84 ... S'O ... 6.(34 68... 75... 62... 65... M... 71... 50... 59... S2... ... 74... 66... 65... (4... 61... 73... 73... 65... 62... 64 252 66 278 39 286 65 242 S3 346 SHEEP There was a fair run of sheep hero today, making the supply for the two dnys this week nbout the same as for the corresponding period of last week. Tho merket was stromr nnd fnlrlv active all 11 id and tho more desirable grades wero t out of first hands, cupped sneep nnu )i....ings sold ns high as $4.20 nnd clipped we tliera brnncbt 14.10. TnklnaT the sheen market ns n whole It looked WQlSc higher than yesterday or a good quarter lilgner than last week. The lnmb market was also hlirher today. though (HflOc would cover the advnne. For tlio two days lamus nave also auvanccu about a quarter, top Colorndo wooled lambs selling today nt $5.10. quotations: Cholco clipped wethers, $3.90 fi-4.25; fair to good clipped wethers, $3.70to 2.90; rholci clipped ewes, $3.50(23.75 ; fair to good clipped ewes, $3.25fl3.50; cholco wooled lambs, $1.90y5.10; fair to good lambs, $4.753i 4.90; clipped lambs, $4.25'4.50; fair to good clipped lambs. $3.75(714.25; spring lambs, $5.50 fiO.50; feeder wethers, $3.5'V74.00, feeder lambs, $4.0084.10. Representative sales: No, Av. Pr. 4 cull owes i0 2 00 11 cull ewe 82 2 00 2 culls fw 3 00 246 clipped awes 91 $3 10 33 bucks 151 3 25 245 clipped ewes R6 3 3") 6 clipped ewes 96 3 3o r.97 clipped wethers Ill 4 10 514 clipped wethers 94 4 20 317 western clipped yearlings.... K5 4 20 249 clipped lambs M 4 3j 4 lambs 77 4 63 175 spring lambs 45 4 75 263 western lambs M o 00 498 Colorado wooled lambs 77 6 10 1001 Colorado-Mexican lambs S3 6 10 Knnsnit City Live stock. KANSAS CITY. May 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, S.000 natives. 100 Texuns and 2.A calves; export and dressed beef steers 10 (f 15c higher, cows and heifers strong to 10c higher, stockers and feodors stendy; cholco beef steers, $5.30iiri.CO: rommon to good, $150115.25; stockers nnd feeders, $3.654i4.W: western fed steers, $4.25?6.26; Texas nnd Indian, $3.S5fl5.00; cows, $3.2501.75; heifers, $3.o0fi5.10; dinners. $2.25&3.15; bulls, $3.2f,' 4,73: "calves. $3.75i(6.00. HOGS Receipts, 23,500 head; market opened strong, closed stoady to weak; top. $5.SJ: bulk of sales, $5.iWi5.S5: heavy, $u.80 416.85; mixed packers, $5fi65.80; light, $5.40 fir..72i,i: pigs, $4.A0fl6.25. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recclpts, 4,200 head; markot strong; western lambs, $4.90 St. Joseph l.lve Stock .Mnrket. .sP.rTJ.' ST JOSEPH. Mo.. May 14,-(Spe-Clal.) - The Journal quotes; CATTLE Receipt i. 2,500 hend; market stonily to 10c lower; mtlves. $t.23TJS.4.i; Texns nnd westerns. $3.65'J5.25: cows nnd helfors. $2.2.Vfi4.SO. bulls nnd stags, $2.25'ei' 4. SO; yearlings and calves, $3.rWfft,7S; xtock ers nnd feeders, $.1.4xM4.5fl; veals, $1 2578.50. HOOS-Recelpts, 7,600 head; steadv to 6c lower; all grades, $.i.63t?,.S5; bulk of sale. $5.70(fTRSO: pigs, steady. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Receipts. 7.000 head, lambs steady to 5c higher; lambs, $4.505.10; yearlings. $4.25tf4.oO; wether?, $3.7f.?4.25, ewes, $3.2,',!Fj.1.75. Netv York Live .stock Mnrket, NEW YORK. May It, REEVES -Receipt, 5S.1 head; little trading: cables quote live cattle stonily, tefrlgeratnr beef selling nt nn average of 9c per lb.; shipments, S."0 cattle, '2,540 sheep nnd R.fiflO quarters of beef, CALVES Receipts, 4 head; nn trade; feeling steady. SHEEP AND LA M US Receipt s, 1.1.15 hend; sheep steady, lambs llrmlv held: clipped sheep, $2.00n4.15; clipped lambs. $5.i'0 Si5.05; spring Inmbs. $2.00f?4.50 per head. HOGS Receipts. 1.103 head; none for sale nllvn; nominally $5. Stock In Mailt. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the four principal live stock mnrket Mnv 11! cat tic. South Omahn Chicago Kansas City St. Iouls ... 1.922 ... 2.fAl ... 8.100 ... .1,300 Hons. Sheen 7.S97 13.0O1 23,Rno 11, CO 01 1 0. 'HK) 1. CV) 7' ill Totals 1S.SK 5S.:?0 26.4S2 Slonx City Live Stuck Market. SIOUX CITY. May 14.-(Spccinl Tele gram.) CATTLE - Receipts, 1.700 head; steody; beeves, $4.WMi5.10; cows nnd bulls, mixed, $2.W(; stockers and feeders, $3.50 (ff-1.45: calves and yearlings. $3.25'!JS.OO. HOGS Receipts. 3.5) head: shade higher, helling nt $5.50ftC.6.-.; bulk, $5.5.V95.57H. Snle of Winner llrlilitr Confirmed. KANSAS CITY, May 14. The federal court lias confirmed the sale for $100,000 of tho Winner bridge plors ln tho Missouri river nt this point and the terminals of tho Kansas City A Atlantic Rallwny company to Thcodoro C. Bates of Boston, who repre sents a compnny of eastern capitalists. This makes It possible for the eastern Interests to go ahead with tho plans for the, comple tion of tho bridge, the construction of a belt line railroad and a new union dopot. Buy FRYER KILL OF LEADVILLK at 6c a share; Company controls 17 claims tn tho heart of tha District; property being operated with a steam hoist; has a record ot production of $160,000.00. Buy PRIDE MININO COMPANY STOCK at 20c a ".bare; tbo company owns 45 clntms and a large mill; Is a stoady shipper and employs 26 men; will undoubtedly pay divi dends this year. Write for Information concerning dll dend paying stock showing an Investment of better than 334 per cent, to Herbert 3. Shaw, offices 14 and 16, Brown Palace Ho tel, Denver, Colorado. Approved stocks sold on Instalment plan. Direct privau wire to All Colorado exchanges. Teiepnoae lOftf). Boyd Commission Co Successors to James E. Boyd ft Co,, OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION UnAIN, PHOVIHIO. AD STOCK", Board nt Trade llallillns. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. Correspondence. John A. Warren & Co. Beaumont & East Texas Gil Go. OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS Incorporated under tbo Laws of the State of Texas. CAPITAL. $1,000,000 DIVIDED IXTO 1,000,000 811 AR lSS.l A j,111 00 BAC"' V31'1' VMU ANU Mllllons of dollars are to be made In tho now famous oil fields of Southeastern Texas ns certainly ns tho world revolves, for their resources are practically Inex haustible, tho demand for their product assured. Tho fortunate Investor who gets Into a good company In these fields NOW will receive returns thnt will compare fav orably with those of the original ground floor Investors In tho great Industrial suc cesses of the day. OH "oils nt the vtcll In Texas for 40 cents a, barrel, costs less than 10 cents tn prodjee. Any primary scholar can figure out tho profit from an Investment In the stock of an oil company nt par over 300 per cent. Uuy the same stock at 60 cents on tho dollar and tho protlt Is 600 per cent. Willi nn nlisoliitrly perfect clinln of title from tho original Spanish grant In 1S35 to the present day, ond oitiiIiik In fee simple, free and clear of all encum brnnco four tliousmul live hundred nut! sixty-one seres of oil I11111U In this region, no other company In the Texas 11 elds holds more nssured promise of rich returns than tho Beaumont & East Texas Oil Co, Its lands llo In Jefferson, Hnrdln nnd Liberty counties, and include two tracts lu the Ueiiuiiiont Held Itself, one being distant only H.'too feet northenst from the Lucas and Ufioo feet from th Rentty Gucher, tho other but 'Jnoo fot from these greatest oil producers ever known In tho history of th world. Its third tract lies Just west of the Saratoga nnd Sour Lake districts, whero Mm same character nf oil Is found ns In the Beaumone district and nt equal depths will doubtless be found In equal quantity ns well as quality. In fact, It Ii believed that tho Sour Lake ond Soratoga districts will be the next to develop gushern equaling If not excelling those at Beaumont. Contracts nre now he I nit uiude with drillers to sink wells as soon as rigs can bo placed on he lands, which will be within thirty days nt tho Inttst. For the purpose of developing; these valunbln properties at the earliest pos sible date, the Beaumont & East Texas Oil Co. offers for public subscription 100,000 SHARES AT 50 CENTS per share, subject, however, to advance or withdrawal without notice, In the dis cretion of the directors. The capitalization of the company Is extremely low us compared with Its re sources, the dividends earned will be proportionately large, nnd every certificate' of Mock In tho Beaumont & Ent Texns Oil Co, represents to the holder a propor tionate share not only In Uu earning but In the lands It owns. Send for prospectus nnd fully dctnlled Information, address nil correspondence; to II. 15. KIEVI'KII., Secretary, at the oompany's offices ns below. Make all cheeks and drafts payable to order ot W. S. DAVIDSON, Trea'r (President First National Bank of Beaumont). BEAUMONT & EAST TEXAS OIL CO,, REIUM0NT. TEX1S.