THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TfBAY. M VY 14, 1001 r IV INTERSTATE SLIT BEGINS Enprcnu Court Ttlm Up Col rdlo-IIiiai it Emr Dipntt. KANSAS WOULD FH.E BILL OF INJUNCTION old john drags a hack now STEAMER SINKS SUDDENLY DISMISSES ROBERTS CASE One Time IMIile of tlir Police I'ntrol llnrn ! Itele:ntei1 tn Mutter Work. A bay borse. tav. -boned and bearing nil the evidence of a mature old age. stood at Fourteenth and Fnroam streets Sunday Siiagc; ti Gitj of F.duc,h Goei Down m Thru Vmatet. evening, forming one of a team of hack TWO BODIES RECOVERED, OTHERS MISSING i IU,B! tm s'ts'ks the uiid.-i- of itc i" on i thr ground that it was not signed bj Mrs Kill in tbt- prrsenre of both of the men ( whose signatures appear on it as witnesses, and that John F Finlet one of thr wit- , rj.j. n.n.enu Court Butt thfct ncsscs. If disqualified berause he is a uiea- t-J,-.-,,-, T.f.rti.. bor of the Masonic fraternity, which Is the ! indiC.BKBt if- Itftctm. chief beneficiary under the will THIS MAY END THE LONG CONTENTION MIT AMv nill II M OIK IS. j horse. Nodding dreamily in hit harness, I bis bead dropped and he seemed on the AxhUtnnt Attornej Central AVrM Pre. , p0at ot falling into the arm of an equine Dr. .1. IV. Ilell nf Itrll'n l.nndlnc. Trmi., ctit Motion fur Privilege null t oloniilo' Counel (;lrH Per tiilliiii tn rile Objeetlnn. I morpheas. Suddenly be pricked up his cars. The fire returned to his eyes, big nostrils dlli.trd, und an Instant later he vt plunging and rearing In the harness like " i ft war horse sntfimg the battle from ufar. WASH1NOTOK. Mar The long talked j Tb C6UR,! of th"! ""den motamorphorta of null on the. part ot the Mate of Kaiwoa '" tlic W"cb the patrol wagon and again the Mute of Colorado to enjoin the ' C"np at It rounded a latter fre-m tb! diversion of the water of , cornrT tbo Arliatiam river waa begun lu the ! 7tv bu hitched to the hack was oiii .iouu. who hit nine long years nas One of the Know ii llend An other In 1'riiMirrtM Bride Mltli Mimj Jenclk. ( (inn't ctlon U InUen ltli tlie ton. eiit of tlir ttnrnej Cienerul null Prnlinlilj Untlft Mutter. I t'nlted Ststck Hunrvmo potirt tndav. The cano must originate in the Huorente court , '""U'cd to draw that patrol wapon. but who. Kiiac. while huckiuc cut of Iirunkborst land bocaunc of Ita tutertttati tbaraeter nnd oc- I e day last week, was retired to the super iBC ti bodies of two paBkenrers who PlioriiSMMt eordlncly ABSlHatit Attorney Genenil West ' annuated list and nold for a paltry He crf. drowned have been recovered and Mnr Ailnmo Chnrcm .rn-ltj ntul Wnnto Srpnrnlr Miilntrnntier. In the divorce case of Jopcph apalntt Mary Adams, which was reopened by Judpe iJiPklnson about a v. eel; apo, the defendant yesterday filed nn answer and cross-prtl tion She denies that she was rvor ad- ; ' dieted to the use of mtoxicattnp liquors ST. LLI5. wo., .viay l-. a special 10 as cnarpeo in bit uusnanu s peuiion i acnluit Hrllltm H. Robert, wbfl was the ret-tttspatch from Grand Tower. 111., 1 Mr. Adams petitions the court lor a dr- j .,,ct, , rMICre(i thrw yehrs apo and says. irec of separate maintenance on thr j who waii PX,irn b). ,hf, natlonnl body The steamer CM;- of Paducab sank In pround of cruelty. She says that on I'eb- j Bft(T intMtipuoti of rhrcr of jKilvparay In lo than five minutes utter sirikinp a head with a hatchet SALT LA ICC C1TT. May 18 The ease K II A II AS ON of the trtate of Kmut tirentd a motion wn R"Mnp io oia tor me strenuous me twenty-two of the members ol the crew. fnr leavp to file n MM for an Injunction. oi t'ie IHc stables. His Joints were rhcu- most 0j them necroes. are missing. All Ik Till VL. Ilelim Attorney General prosnted n brief fur nlul,t' hDfl ne wup uo muBor surc-iooitu as 0 the ofllcers were savca. the atatt of Coloiado in oppoaltton to tne 'u ' V ' libl "lu" '' " ""uib iu . havln obtained monrv under false tin- mot.on. The court took the motion under I backs, and now a plddy roan hlly has 01llJ. aboul twolVf. vamfTb were on board , t,'nl0PuP"nl7aid that Kharu induced advisement. pIMap Mr. 5-ost permlsalon to "b It the paddoc at Eleven h and all wer saved except two The body Thn H7to JtrSrS I air objections Mr. Went declared that the Arkansas traversed the irtau of Kntisas for 81(1 miles mid that IftO.OMi jieople owninR S.600.000 acres of land arc afiurted by the appropri ation of the stream for irrigation purpose. He claimed protection for residents of Kan sas under the common law guaranteeing riparian rights Mijk Colorado Wnnt It Ml. He DBherted that Colorado i laims the rlctit to divert the water to riparians and unti-ripnrlans, whence it ntter returns to the river, thus appropriating all the water wblob nature hud intended to flow down the Arkansas valley. Mr. West claimed that In consequents of this diversion the heullh of man and beast lr injuriously af fected, that the citlos on tne Arkansas are deprived of the waters of the Arkansas for sewage, and that In reality the rich val ley Is trancformed Into a desert. Attorney Genural 1'ost responded by call ing attention to the fact that the dltcb owner of Colorado hno been made pur tlcb to the case and the Arkansas river In Khnsas Is net a navlpable stream. He said that no riparian ownership rights ever wore eterclsed or recognised tn Colorado f.ud also calls attention to the fact that when Home of the Colorado rights were ac quired the terrllorj now embraced In that Htate was a part of Kansas. He said each state bad the right to utiltre its own waters for the benefit of Its own people Ex-Oovernor Thomas of Colorado, who has been employed as speclul counsel on behalf of that state In the cast was pres ent, as was Hon. Piatt Jtogcrs. representing l the Colorado ditch owners and Dodge streets But the fire Is still in 0f r)r. j. -v. Bell of Bell s Landing. Tcnn.. bis blood. K seems, and hit spirit Is as strong as ever, even If the flesh Is weak. At the same time old John was sold. Nellie, the emergen"' mare, was disposed of She had been six years on the force. In 18Hf. bhe cost the city Sf)0 and, after six years' use she was sold tor JSO. Andy nnd i Tony, tbt ambulance team, are the nest to be disposed of out of the police stables. FIRE BUGS ARE AT WORK Knrlj Mornlnu lllnrr on North Mi lerntli Street I Ilellet ell tu He llieeiiillnrj . Pir was discovered at S o'clock yestcrdny morning in the rear of George F Munro's grocery store. SOS North Sixteenth street, which was thought to have been of lncen dlar orlRlc. A large live-gallon can of oil had been upset upon a pile of rubbish and then Ignited. The fire proved to be stubborn, as the oil floated on top of the water when the lattor was applied nnd served only to spread the ilanies. For u time the Masonic temple was threatened, but the blase was linally conquered Another alarm was turned in from 122 South Twenty-ninth street shortly before davllght. and company No. T turned out to find a box on a telephone poll In Humes. The blase was quickly extinguished OLD STORY OF THE MOUSE Hotel .Mounter io Ctilleil I pori to t'nliii mi Krltel AVonimi. An oldcrly woman, reserved and dlpnl ucd, her snow white hair crowned with a little black bonnet, rushed into the olbce or the Schlltr hotel yesterday morning, fol lowed by her two daughters. She leaned feebly against the counter and. as she In quired for the manager, It was seen that she was ghastly pale. "I am the mauugor. madam. What can I do for you?" asked Mr. Cllne, standing to attention. The woman made a suddon grab for her skirts. "Oh. it's alive! It's alive!" she gasped. The two younRer women moved toward her as If to offer assistance, then thought better of It and withdrew to u safe distance, whence they screamed the Information that a horrid mouse had crawled up under their mother's skirts. Manager Cllne was equal to the emerg ency. He set about the task as though he had nerved an apprenticeship at extracting mice from women's garments. Stepping from behind the counter, he asked the woman to locate the trouble. "It's crawled up here now," she faltered, Indicating a point in the cardiac region. Manager Cllne waited until be detected slight movement Just beneath her black silk waist, then aolrod the animated fubric and worked the soft, squirming bunch toward the buttons in the front of the garment. A moment later he was whirling the rodent aloft by its tall and then the woman fainted. It was afterwards explained that the mouse bad takon refuge under the bklrts of the estimable old woman while she and her daughters were eatliifr breakfast in the hnlt.l cafe. BRICKS UNDER DISCUSSION Auditorium C onnulllee Ilei Isrs AVnj-s tor Slnre fienernl Distribu tion of Souvenirs. At the meeting of the Auditorium commit tee jesterday the brick proposition was dis cussed at length by the different members The brick proposition is one which should appeal to those who can Invest but a small amount, in the opinion of the committee, as each brick sold represents a share of Btock lc the Auditorium company and will par ticipate In all of the profits of the enter prise. It wns further decided that stock will be issued to holders of bricks without the surrender of the souveulrs. A resolution empowering the chairman of the committee and the udvlsory committee to make arrangements for the disposal of the bricks was unnnlmously carried. The total subscriptions reported today was SS3f. HARPER INSTEAD OF CONGER was taken out o his stateroom. The re mains of a young woman, on w hlch was a visiting card reading, "Mrs. Narry L Allen. 3430 Uads avenue, St. Louts. Mo.," was recovered from her ntutcroom Two friends traveling with the drowned woman, who started back to St Louis on the steamer City of Clifton, said that the voung lady was engaged to marry tr. C. A. Meredith. S!0S Lee avenue, St. Louis. Several hundred dollars worth of Jewelry was found on her bud. The passeugcr list has not been recov ered. A diver Is scarchtng for it Only the texar and the hurrlcant deck are above water, which reaches to the skylights of the cabins All the staterooms are completely filled with water The steamboat drifted a third of a mile below the lauding before sluicing. The HrBt mate says the boat went down within three minutes after striking the Bnag. He was on the cabin deck, and escaped by climbing through the tkyllght. It Is supposed that most of the missing deckhands, who were on the lower deck, were washed down the river The boat lies about 100 feet from the Illinois shore, the forepart of the hurrirtne deck belnp under water. It appears to be a total wreck The coroner. C E. Knauer of Murphys boro. Ill Is now boldlnp an Inquest, while the diver is searching for more bodies. Thomas A Johnston, watchman of the boat, who is said to be umonR the lost, was fS yenrr old. and had been a steamboat man for sixty years He lived In St. Louis. her on the j j,rm,pht ftpnist him. was today striken from the docket of the Mate supreme court. As a result of the rongroMtlanal action Mr. Roberts wa Indicted for unlaw ful cohabitation and the case submitted to the district court on an ucreed Htate ment of facts A convli tloit followed and the rase was appealed '., the supreme court, whlrb body dismissed It today with the consent of the atiernev general, the point betnp rMseJ that the Indict ment conductor, to pay him 1100 tor a course of J win defective It is probable that this Instruction in the science of curing Ills ' is the end of the etlebrated ease without aid from the medicine chest Ed- C'l.nriKr Mntlr lij 11t nr ri lot estlunted. Theodore Khurat the magnetic doctor, Is on trial in Judge Baker's court on a charge A transparent soap for i oc. A soap made of vegetable oil and glycerin the finest ingredients that money can buy for it. Perfumed from the natural rose. Jap Rose oa wards took some lessons and then came to the conclusion that he was being buncoed, hence the arrest and trial of Prof Kharat. Sues tlie Water ( oinpiiii j . In the t'nlted States lrcult court yester day Judge Carlln heard the case of Charles T. Williams against the Omaha Wntet com puny BRIDE RUES HER MARRIAGE Hotel Milliliter rtieo I rlniltiHl ( liartr A tut li 1 Nrt Welldell Dueler. Man per Itoss of the Millard hotel filed The suit is the outgrowth of the B complaint against Iir P o. Hue yenlor- Patterson block file which occurred March 21. ISP? Mrs Williams lost her life by Jumping from a top-story window Her husband is suing the water company for $10,000, alleging tbst the fire originated from the cateless handling of a match tn the bands of a water company omployo. IlamiiKr Suit on Trint. Ncls Mathlescns damage suit against the Omaha Street Rnilwuy company Is on trial in Judge Baxter s court. Mathlesen was riding in a wagon on Leavenworth street, when an electric car struck the vehicle nnd threw him out onto the pave ment. He asserts that be Is suffering with locomotor ataxia at a result of the acci dent. He sues for tlf'.l'OO. .Minister to Chlnu Ciinnot Appear IJr lore HIkIi School tirndnnt ltiK ('lush. Edwin H Couper. X'nlted States mlnlbtcr to China, will be unahle to address the graduating class of the Omaha High t-ohool the eveulng of June 21. The Board of Education Invited Mr. Con ger to speak to tho gruduates. A letter received today from Miss Laura Conger stated that her father accepted an invita tion to be in Boston ut the time the board desires his services. It is probable that President William R. Harpei of the Vnlverslty of Chicago will be secured by the board to deliver the un nual address MAYBE ESCAPED LUNATIC (i. 11 rood mi n Ilelll liv Police Ooluc 1' Stunts on 'lele uriiiih I'ole. for Patrolmen. Cullen and Shea discovered .0 G. IlronUsou making diligent, but ec centric eflorts to cllmti a telegraph pole at Eleventh and Pouglus streets last night and took hlra to the police station for ex planations. He soon developed strong symptoms of Insanity and filled the Jail corridors with uncanny notBes all through the night Nothing of the mans antece dents Is known but it is suspected thai ho hat escaped from an asylum ECHO OF A TIGHT SUNDAY AViiliinn MnUrs Coiiiplnlnt Acnlnst linns Ilnek, n Saloon Keeper. Mrs Mabel Peterson yesterday swore out a warrant against Hans Buck, charg ing him with keeping his suloon open on Muy fi. which was Sunday before last, the day the mayor's cluBlng order was tn eflect. This tardy action on the part of Mrs Peterson was the result of her husbund's being fined 13 and costs in police court esterday for being drunk. She says he obtained his liquor for the Jag Sunday tt Buck's saloon, near old Fort Omaha, and that be also took on an accumulation of spirits there a week ago. EJECTS AN UNRULY LITIGANT lltillin Stout TlirimK n IMiilntlfi Out of Court l.M ely Srt-To lor u l"ev Seeonl. Charles A. Nagel lb an eccentric individ ual who wears a Prince Albert coat, tucks the legs of his trousers In his hoots and allows his hair to grow until It hangs down his back. He is the plaintiff In a lawsuit on trial in Judge Dickluson'E court, uud be wants to assume the functions of Judge, lawyer nnd bailiff and run the whole works of Justice in line with his own peculiar notions be proven an inter esting character for the court to handle. The first day of the trial he repeatedly interrupted the lawyers, talked back to the Judge and refused to sit down until forced to do so by the bailiff. He was plainly annoyed by the authority and su perior force of the bailiff, and bethought himself of a plun to overcome what he considered a handlcup. The second morning of the trial Nagel appeared with a hickory club at big as a ball hat and walked about the court room with the air of a man with a chip on his shoulder, eyeing the bailiff closely und ex pressing without words what appeared to be a challenge to the ofheer to attack him. As the trial proceeded Nagel Interrupted repeatedly, and presently ho was warned by the Judge to keep quiet or he would be ejected from the room Nagel tool: another contemptuous glunce at Bailiff Stout and then interrupted the proceedings again. Judge Dickinson made good his promise, by directing the bailiff to put the plaintiff out of the room. Then began the lively set-to that Nogal hud evidently been spoiling for. Nagel hud a moment before laid nslde his hickory club, nnd tho bailiff caught him even handed. It wns a pretty "mix-up" for a few seconds, with the honors even and chair after chair going down and out. Stout did not belle his name by falling to got the better of his antagonist, but succeeded after a hard struggle In carrying out the order of the court, also the disturber. At the finish Nagel wus left In the hallway to nurse his bruises. Mrlloimlil Sues M-hnnI District. v. . r. .. . i .1 i,, i . . . .. ....!. . I .. . " u, " 1 , "V, " lowed were "slated " at his request lur UWUI'MI UlrillLl ll. V'UJUUU AM. n,u,'U, .111 amount of commissions be calculates he would have earned hud he not been re moved from the position of architect for the Board of Education. He alleges that the board removed htm without warrant of law. Rrarr or Ulmrer Suits. George Taulsen has brought suit for di vorce from Amanda Paulsen, making the charge that his wife is tn the habit of get ting drunk and beating him. Mary E. Brugh sues Asa Brugh for di vorce on the grounds of drunkenness and non-support. For SelHnc l.lijuor. Joseph Brant Is on trial before Judge Munger In the United States district court, charged with the sale of liquor to Bedlans. Brant was arrested January IE at Dakota City The specific rburge Is that he told liquor to a Winnebago Indian. day. charging him with attempting to defraud an Innkeeper The Millard's bill of $".( was contracted by Dr. Hue and hi bride during the last two weeks. Hue's hearing will be in poller court this after noon. As exclusively announced in The Bee of Sundfty morning. Dr. Hue. alias P O Cleveland, was arrested in Council Bluffs late Saturday night for attempting to de fraud the Grand hotel of that city. He Is now In the Omaha eitj Jail. Two weeks ago, IV Hue, who represented himself as an assistant county physician, wus mar ried to Miss Minnie Becknell. an estimable young womuu of Council Bluffs, and imme diately, upon the strength of his nerve alone, proceeded to play the part of a high roller All the Mils for the somewhat elab orate weddinc und the honeymoon that fol- Pcy. ment was Oeferr' d upon the Mo bouquet curried In tht bride and upon the J000 worth of furultute which was to equip tbelr new home When the c rush rune Dr and Mrs Hut were stopping at the home of Mrs Becknell. the brides mother Made bv Kirk, after 62 years of exper ience in soap making. Not a soap that costs 25c. is better than ap Rose. Kirk's best is the world's best. and more j A PAIR OF KINGS Ehip'B Deck tl Meeting Plant of Etm matia'i and Gruci' Ealeri. DIPLOMATIC GAME FOR HIGH STAKES Miii-SInt onle llnlUnn States to Pln l'urtiirrs In rour-Hnuilrtl Oniiir Mlth Servlu null Ilulcnrln. Till! IllJU.Tl MAHKHT. INSTIU'MKNTS filed for record MMidu. Mb) l.'i. 11HI1 Yiirnintj Deeds. MhscIp Walker and litistintui to Blanche Davis, lot 14, lilurk C. Max well A F i add . . .. J F H Uartseb and wife to H A Born lot K block L'fiT. Omaha. Thomas 1. Kimball company to It K Kimball, lots 2.V 1K sttd .12. block A Kountse s sdd . . E 1. Spntts Ktitl wife to J B Ower. lot 4 Shaw's sub . J U Owen to A M Ppotts same Charles Ftllinon to Thereaa I'oellmet lot 7, block 7o. Flnretici C W. l.vmuti Htid wlf to A F. Mil lard. sH lots If. und 17. block 2. Bel vldere add Omaha Healtj emnjihi.; .o 1'oru Nor wall, lot lt. block 2. Phillips add Jacob Abrams and wife to hhiik i'U ABBAZZ1A. Austria. May IS. King lots 1! and 12. block 2. oante Charles of Houman.a and King George of , Omaha Ss.ngbank t Maud,,. r. ....... .., I...., fi,,. nflnr.ninn r.n tiniitn ... ... ... iiioci; .. miuii s una Benson Land Pvudlratr Greece met here this nfteruoon on boatd the wai'feblp Psara to Man The object of thr meettng of King nowe. 1 1 .. oioci; -.. iiunson oA. L,.1.,11.. . 1!l"' Joseph M. Seeks Monrj Itnlin. Lula E Heady bar Jlled a petition In the county court asking for n Judgment against Voegele &. Dinning -for sriOO. She says she was run over ard seriously Injured by i one of the firm's delivery wagons. Mites from the Courts. John Hay pleaded guilty to petit larceny and Judce Baker sentenced him to thirty days tn Jail. Franceb S. Bapley, a stockholder, has brouRht suit for the appointment of a le crivcr for the Tcmpleton Manufacturing company. The case of George W. Shields against The Bee Publishing company is on trial tn Judge Krysor's court, the Jury having been empaneled yesterday morning. Shields sues for S2u,ono damages on account of an alleged libelous article published in April, 18!i. two 250 r..o(x 1 1 115 5K) KT. IiT.0 4MI 12S 1 225 UK) r,,foo 4IKI 4HO hnv linen removed dnrtnr the nlrht Tli rear door. then, tne police reason was the Denmark. Although the Greek and Rot.- r'l''Pi:1Jr,r.,ByrSorKeed uiuumu i.ivnr '"-"'t. f eompuny. S3 teet lots 21 nnd 22. pectatlons as to the reitttlt of toduy's meet- block in. Sbull's 2d uilrt inc. it ifc probable that nothing more i Minnie Blssell to G. S Benuwu ei ul definite will result than an exchange of views and the strengthening of the friendly relations existing today between the two countries. BURGLARS STEAL PERFUMERY Sundiij Mtlit Hiiiil on Mm Heeht's Sixteenth Street Di-uk Store. Charles una King oeorge. as oiuciuiiy sei , Q , ,- .ii(1,,u rtensoti Burglars entered the Mux Bcrht phar- i forth in Athens. May 1. Is to draw Hou- . German Lund nnd Manufacturing macy St nday night and curried uway IIM j mania and Greece Into closet friendship. i,"l,"l,l"I, to slin"'' 1'" K- 1,Uirk 1,1 worth oi perfumes, medicines and cigars. X'nofllctally various reasons are uscrlbed to , p,,,',','' Land Syndicate to nmr lots Thus fur the police have not succeeded In this meeting und notable among them is , it, to 22. blook'io. aume. finding a clue to the perpetrators. the need for the two non-Slavonic Balkan Purt'"!0 Gft It Is supposed that the thieves were In states. Houmanta and Greece, to come to, 1() Benils park . .. hiding In the store at the time it was an understanding In opposition to tne run- s F und liuslmtid to A T Austin Slavonic states of scrv a ana uuiguriu on' ". l. , -eimm- m.. . ' , , . , ,,,. 1 A V Tukey and wife to Johanna the Macedonian and other questions. Duttimet. lot m. A V Tukev s replat King Charles und Kins George huve hltb- of Mock 2. Bemls park erto never meet. The meeting, which had i Same to Frldu Dumtner. lot 0 snme been arranged to take place tn 1RS. failed B . fr, ; umH,n ' " because of the death ol yueeu L.ouise ox c H Campbell to O. C 'ampbeM lots locked up Sunday night, as there Is no evi denee of their having resorted to violence to force an entrance. The rear door was fastened on the Inside with an iron bar. and this morning this tmi was found to means of egress The nicaiiB of ingress i however is not so easily divined, unless upon the theory thu: the raurauders con cealed thembolves behind the countets shortly before closing time Sunday night. Cnntestlnc Mrs. Kills' VIII. The contest over the will of Martha J Ellis was tried In thr r.ounty court yester day, the case going over to May 22 for argu ment. Minnie Davis, a niece of the tcsta- DolnR (.nod. The following extract from a letter T-rlt-ten by Mr. George H. Leader, publisher of the Breeze. Akron, N. Y., will give you somi idea of the great good thut Is being done bj Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in curing colds r.ud crip: "My wife and self have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe and wish to attest to its henrCclai effects and thank the manufacturers for the good they are doing suffering humanity. ( Whenever I lienr of a case of la grippe 1 recommend this remedy." Tor sale by all 1 druEClatb. ; CHARGES AGAINST FIRE CHIEF City Attorney Connell Sn?s There Is Mi Hurr; About tin In i estlKntiou. "Some charges ugulnst Chief Redell of the fire department have been refcrrod to me. I have not hud time to investigate them and will make no report to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners thlb evening," City Attorney Connell remarked cFtcrday when asked concerning the rumors that the board Is about to make charges against the fire chief. "1 don't know what there is in thr charges. It STRAWBERRIESGLUT MARKET Commission Mrs Decline to Sell at the l,ini I'rlee offered hj l.oenl Itrtnllers. Thr sirawberrx market was anything but satisfactory to the commission men yester day morning as the stocks on hand were large and thr demand light Two refriger ator cars were on the markrt and about iiOO cases of local bhtpments by express ar rived rarlj The opening price for thr n 44 feet lot S. block 25fi. Omiihn Unit lnlm Deeds. M A O'lleiirn et ul to Online Mn lotiev, si n K' feet lot 1 mid sVj n til feet of e 2" feet lot 2. block 4, Rush A- S ' add ... 4rt0 L O. French et u to J .1. Smith, lots f and 0. block 1. lots 1 Htid 2 blot I. .1, Patrick's :td Suratocn add 1 J. Is. MeCa&uc and wife t- R 1. S llngcr. lot 11 block in. West End udd S Deed. S S Curtis, receiver, to Tl J Jobst e Wi feet ol n 130 feet lot 12. block 4, Pull. Pluee WO Total uniount of transfers 120,428 will take some time to look into them and ' best berries wus 52.75. $1 below the open- ? ($ f Simplex Steam Vapors 1 don t know when u report will be made to the board " ! Fashions for the Season: Hint tiy Aiar- Lamb. C-AintiHKsnlor I'hl Slukliic- GRA.ND F.APIPS. Mich. Muy 12 -Hot i Edwin F T'hl ex-umbussudor to Germans is prnduallj sinking today utid his deutb now seems tr be u mutter of only a tew ! hours. All hope of his recovery has been abatiuuuea. w oman's ork in flub and W'harity. tng price for Saturday. Good shipping ber- aad Toilet Lamp 1 ) The annual election of officers was the nedy una Mrs A K Guult were the nomi work upon which the club should coticcniraf feature cf the Woman's club meeting yes- nees for recording secretary, the first two Its efforts, was called for. The chairmuo of terduv afternoon und though there were withdrawing tbelr uumes. Mrs Gault was the committee came forwa.d to make the several mutters of buslnets besides the re- unanimously re-elected. In this way the report, when it wns decided to hold tt over iiorts of the special committees to have rcmulntng offices were filled by Mrs Her- until the next meeting, ab the majority of been acted upon, the election occupied tbo rinR us corresponding secretury und Mrs. the members hud gone home and the recom- ertire time and nothing else was uccom- Penfold as treasurer, nil of th old officers meudatlon was of special Interest to all. ' . fl having been re-elected except one. and bhe The membership committee reportod eight Pirviously the nominations hue been declined to serve. Tho election of chair- new members and the chairman of the lo in the hands of a nominating committee, men of the stundlng committee, was tbea dustrial committee presented the following but much dissatisfaction finally grew out of taken up. Mrb. Burbank wus nominated resolutions, which were adopted: ,. nrrnm-ement many feeling that the as chairman or the auditing committee and Whereas. There are us yet one or more that nrruut,ement. man) '"'6 JU,V l"r tmnidlatulv there was a motion to close the Places to be filled lit the recently en-mod committees recommoudatlon did not rcpre- immediately tnrre was a motion to close tne , pnurd of chlirtc(. und currectiotib. crr th.. rhnlce of the raulorlty and that nomination and instruct the secretary to utld in he ISt Kemp, the nominations Bhould rome from the cast the ballot, which was done For Whereas. In the majority of stutes in T ,h other hand there were those chairman of the constitution committee w hich such boards are In operation the floor On the other nauu moic were uiuu iu. . vi,.i-. i.... services of women have been found most ,.v, t..ii.rri that the nnminatlnp commit- the uames of Mrs Blanche McKeHrj Mrs. valuable, therefore, he it line creatlr facilitated matters, not only Jeiiory uno Mm. uiupri oiunu mir pin- jtesoiven. i niui me uroana woman h ri ,V the saving of time, but of embarrass- posed Mrs. Smith at once withdrawing At iXT u ment as well to those who did not rare to this Juncture one of the members arose ,rmn 0 m uhny renmVn,np vUcU,"j Of 1533 Orange Street, Los Aijrc1, Cal., writes: "I bud been afflicted v.ntb my eyes for over n veur witb sucb n dreadful itching and inflammation tbst 1 could not use tbcm for auytbinp; Pbvsirians bod riven me munv different remedies which were like using so mucb water ; tbev measured my eyes for glasses, winch 1 got and wore for "borne time, but tbey did not benefit taz in the least. My mother desired me to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce and explain the condition of my eyes. 1 did so. and after following your advice, and using eight bottles of the ' Favorite Prescription ' und eight of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' can say my trouble is entirely cured. I would advise any one so afflicted to try these wonder ful medicines, My health wus never so good as it is now, end I shuil never tire of praising Dr. Pierce's medicines," Sick women are invited to cotisult Dr. Pierce by letter and secure a specialist's udrice free of charge BUFFALO. N.Y. ALLWESPONDKCPRiVi!. :-iub er- ent have their names UBOd. The necessity oi u ii, Ttlp result of thr election was the cause a change of methods became evident after that as the club had decided to elect by of Batsfaction to thr members of thr for the last eloptlun. however, when the com- ballot it should be allowed to do so. Mrs. mfr nomtnBtlng committee, who asserted nuttce wns accused of trying to control the Jeftery received the election Tor chair- tbnt tbe rorupialnlng members had proven cflices. und when the matter was presented man of the courtesies committee several thclr inconBiBtency In re-electing all of t In to the club n-veral weeks ago It was decided names were proposed and the ballot at last omcer) originally chosen by them There that the nominations should be made from given a test, Mrs H. S. Jaynes being wcr many other members of the club how- the floor In future. As a consequence, eiecieu. mrs. uuuu. mn,. nurry ixiu una rvcr tnat accused the member and sup- there wns u general Interest manifested In Mrs. Charles Johannes were the nominees yesterday's election. for chalrmun of the house and home (-(im porters of the former nominating commit tee of running the election worse than To uvold uny possibility of dlBsatlsfuctlou rolttre, seventv-sls constituting the majority rVrr. by themselves reuominatlnc thr old with the election tables were placed for votn. After balloting three times Mm ofllr,.rs nnd then voting to close thr nom thr tollers where the count could be heard Offutt was finally electod. receiving eighty- inutntl t,efor other uarocs could he pro by every one present. lour votes. posed, thus compelling the other members Nominations for president enmr first und According to the new system the house to uccrpt their choice or appear dlsrour tho name of Mrs George TUden was pro- was compelled to hear the reading of the tl,0UE Thf.y poy that while tbey do not ob posed and though other nominations wore tellers, which by this time had become Jfrt ,0 tne 0n(.t.r thcy do object to the culled for none were made und the secretary monotonous and It was decided to cast the Bptrlt f the other faction In trying in con was finally Instructed to cost the ballot by next ballot without watting for the count trnl tne elections. the unanimous vote of the house. Irame- of the tellers. Accordingly Mrs. C C Bel- dlutely afterward a huge bunch of robs den. Mrs. W W. Keysor and Mrs Harriet There has been a meeting nf the city Im- was prosentea to sirs, iiioru amia general ui'e .... ...... .r ... mu proveroent committee of the Woman's club rlei were sold ut JS, at which price the hulk of the sales were mude to the country. Vudrr the refusul of the local retail houses to buy and the Increasing receipts of ex press stock the price declined early tn the day to S2.rir for fair stock down tn 12 for poor to ordinary. Much of the best stock wus turned over, commission men rof using to sell at prices offered, nnd this stork will probably bring a higher price today, us Tuesday's receipts ure ulways below the demund The stringency In the market for beans and pros was relieved, a lurge con signment rrrivlng from the south Prices were firm at $2 per bushel for beans and tl.TS per bubbel for peas The first lot of Bermuda onions from Texas arrived on the market yesterday s; 140S Farnam St. and sold for 4 cents a pound The stock k Is excellent and tho demand gcofl 4' ?' 4''J' '!-s- i'4 A. (fi ,;, For face ntoamlng and face maasace S ' I'seful in Asthma. Croup und Whoop-,-, t' lng Cough The only perfect vapor- r1 Izer und perfumer Price, J1.50 each. t THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. I Omaha, !. applause committee, to serve three years and Mes- rullf(1 for Thursday afternoon at i o'clock. Mrs J H Dumnnt was then renominated durres Walker, Bonner. Reenr, T. H. Smith Tbfl rommlttee will probablv be reoreanlzed Charles Rosewater. is. H Towle and fnr b ttter worj:lnc fnrre wuh Culcai;0 for llrst vice president nnd proved to be und the unanimous rhoire of the club. For sec- C 11 Tow ond vice jiresldent Mrs. Harriet MarMttrphy mlttee, the wn renominated, the name of Mrs. n. G McG'lton following Mrs MrGiltnn ot one withdrew and it was immediately proposed thut Mrs MncMurpbv be unamniouslv 't rletted Mrs JeErcy Miss E'hcJwyn Ken- rnseud to act as membership com- anfl h0 of the surrounding cltlee ac- ir nrsi id here mn-r years, mrs. mmrillshljir so miieh nlnr .1,1. ti.. .v. Omaha women feel that It Is time for tbera Towir to serve two years and Mrs, Town- sena one jear . nnnlile thlr ntrnr-tt ir, .i,i rfi-...c As there was still five minutes left the und the work will probably be carried on rommlttee appointed some tme ogo to de- along an altoge'her d:ffereut plan In the clde upon some benevolent or philanthropic future. SB23 Child's Washable Hat One Sire Child c WashabK Hi. i. No. WS.:. to Be Made with Siugle or Double Brim. Well us children thrive tn the open utr, und essen tial us sunshine is to their health and well being, it is importnnt thut their tuces should be protected from glare and exces sive exposure. The charming little hat bbowu has the merit of performing sucb function to u nicety, uud is simple, light of weight und cool ut the same time, tn addition to which It cnu be lauudcred ab often as occasion demunds. The original is of white lawn with nuuds of needlework edging the frills, hut the sume niaterlul lu colors is correct und still more durable huts run be made from niudrus. liuen pique and gingham. The crown and under brim are in on" piece and ure drawn into shape by means of strlugs which are covered by the trim ming band. Thr outer brim, which is op tional, lb soparute and stitched lu with the cubing ut the indicated line. Bow und Hcb are of thr material cut straight and hemmed In the edges, but can be made of ribbon if preferred. When needlework Is not desired the finish can be a simple stltrhud edge, scallops worked In the ma terial with French embroidery cotton, or an edge of narrow lace. When soilod Un hand can be removed, the drawing strings loosened and the entire hut laid out flat and smooth for laundering. To cut thlb hat for a child 4 years of age 1$,, yards of muterlul 22 inches wide will be required for the double hrlm. T, yard when ouly one Is used, with S yurds of material 4 inches wide for bow and turn, und t yards of embroidery insertion to trim as illustrated. The puttern 3K28 is cut in one Bir.e only. Tor the accommodation of The Bee'i readers these paiturni. which usually retail it from 25 to Mi cents, will be furuishtd at a nomlnuT price, lu rents, which coven all expense. In order to get any pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of pattern wanted und bust measure. Al low abou' trn days trom dote of your letter i'' ft rc rr'r.g t i-.rl- It the pC'rrn. Adu. cis Pattern Luurtu.ctt. Omaha r. Men's $3.50 Patent Leather Oxfords Now Unit the oxford m-usou Ik on wo wniit to cull your intention to our clt puut Hue of SH.riO oxfords.. Every duy the men thut tliom tell us thcy ure the grottiest value lu Omithn thut's lu cuuhc thcy ure the reul Drcxol vulue. Putent cnlf. KiiKKiu calf, vclour calf uud box calf, with the wide extonulou rope Btltche.d Hole the newest thlug an exnet duplicate- of the Htylcfi iu the higher priced tihoch. We wunt you to see the putcut leather oxfords the shoo thut will be worn the most thin Kuminer. Drexel Shoe Co., Catalogue Srnt Frrr tor thr Askiluc Omaha's I p-to-ilutr Shoe House, 1410 FAUNAS! STHEET. Do Figures Lie? Can you cxjilnln tbib''-A had ::0 tip ples and hold them for 1 ecut total miles 15 cents B hud .'10 apples and Kold them a for 1 cent total sales 10 cents making total sulcs of A und It an ceuts K guve his HO tipples to A with iUKtruc tlous to dispone of them at a lor 1 cent A puts the 00 npples In one banket und offers them ut ft for lie total sulefa 'J4c Where Is the uiIhkIur cent? For first correct auswer received we will present a due bill for $20 us pnrt of first payment on u Knabe or Klmlmll piano. For second correct auswer re ceived a due bill for f 15. and for third correct answer received a due bill for $10 will be given. A. HOSPE, Music and Art. 1513-1515 Deuelu.