Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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1 1
minou MH.vnox. .
lJf.vln Mis drugs..
felockcrt sell lace curt.ilna.
l'liiu A U tJ beer, Neuniayer'8 hotel.
Wollmitn, scientific optician, IW U'way.
HchmldL'h lino (itiotoa guaranteed to please.
II. S. llutcliltm left yeitotday for a trip
o ripokane, WiibIi.
Ooocl wuki-h paid tn ii competent girl at
M rfouth Illghtli street.
The rcijuhr meeting of Hxcolslor Masonic
loilKc will be this evcnlnK.
The Knlchtfl nnd l.adkr of Security will
mttt tonight In Mure!!' hull.
W. F. Onirf. undertaker and dlslnfector.
101 South Main street. 'I'lione Mm.
Oet your work done nt the popular l.nRlo
laundry. ;:i IJroudwuy. Thone In.
lco Ilnll'B MhrIc Compound. Hest dan
druff, cure itnri hair preserver known.
Hpecli.1 nttcntlou lvcn to ".cddltiK pres
tMt. C 13. Alexander Co.. S.3 H way.
The May term of the outwrlor court will
be convent)! till liiornliiK by Judge Aylcs
worth. , .
Phlm Orovo will hold a M'ceiai rneotloR
at 3 o'clock thl uftcrnoon In Woodmen or
the World hull. ,
I'ou'ml, u pony. Owner can lmvr ame by
paylim ior this advertisement. Cull ut
rioitth tilKhth street.
Mr. K. IV WnttH h.m retumed from
JackHOiivlllo, 111., where who went to attend
tlin funeral of her sister.
r'nptnlu Denny of the night police force
nnd a party of friends left yesterday for a
fUdilng trip to Hltfelow. Mo.
.lames Jiicksoti. a student In the Sioux
City Mpillcal college, Is unending his men
tion with relative In this city.
Mrs. O. U. Ilrown of Houth Seventh Htrcet
left yesterday for rt visit with her sifter.
Mrs. II. a. Lynn, nt Kuomih ( Ity.
A marriage license wn. lusiira Sl?' ?tV
to Charles McKown. aged 21. and ' ,'nr" M
Darker, aged 1!', both of Hed Oak, la.
Take homo a brick of vnnllla cicum. :"i
rents, or Neapolitan, M cents. 111 Keep
one hour without Ice. A. Mntteccr fit '-o.
Adoption papers were Illi-d yest.Milay by
which Mrs. Delia Menu Klt-n her only
child, Pessle, to her brother. W . 1.. .Sluaher
Word was received here yesterday of the
death In Cleveland of Miss .lentil;- I'lle. a
former teacher In the public schools of this
The woman's auxiliary of the ('.race
church will give a musical and dancing
party next Friday evening In Hughes hall.
Admission, 2Jc.
Mr. and Mrs. tJcorge V. Fletcher have
returned from an extended xofourn In
Arizona, where they went for the benellt
of the former's health.
Dell Flack, charged with assault bv .Mrs.
O. Holand, yesterday secured In Justice
llryant's court a continuance of his ease for
thirty days. He was released on bond.
The case ngalnst Louis Feblowltz In con
nection with charges made aualnst lilm by
Mrs. Clarlscy Hayes, was dismissed In Jus
tice Hryant's court yesterday by the county
attorney. i
Theso building permits have licon leaned.
T. C. I'artoll, one-story frame cottage. ;, in lieere s nuuitiutr i i-osieison.
one-story frame cottage, $700, In nayllys
Palmer's addition.
S. F. Shiiatt, agent of the Adams Mxprcss
compnny In this city, has lieeu nntllletl to
accept and ship free of charges all ex
press matter consigned for the benellt of
the sufferers from the recent lire at Jack
sonville, Fla.
A defective Hue gue the .lire department
a run yesterday morning tn "03 Franklin
street, occ.ipled by Samuel Woodard and
family on the first Iloor and Mrs. Mary
.Smith, the owner, on the second. The
damage lo the roof was estimated tit about
Jacob Stein began suit In the supreme
court yesterday against Dr. O. W. Gordon
for $."0 for alleged failure on the part of
the defendant to enrry out the sale of u lot
In llayllss' First addition, on which the
plaintiff alleges to have paid W as part of
the purchase money.
The policeman of llayllss park found yes
terday morning under one fC the benche
ln"tho park n woman's dainty nntltrr Upper.
IIP Is wondering whether- the owner of the
sntipefHad' to Wlilk'honle Sunday iiIkIiI In
her stocking foot, lie says he will keep It
safe until the owner applies to him for It.
Deputy City Marshal White auctioned off
yesterday In front of the police station a
solitaire diamond ring which had been held
as collate' for a loan by Otllcer & I'usey.
Jtocelvora Ilereshelm and Murphy, under
Instructions from the court, foreclosed on
the ring and the sale was under special
execution. Tho hldiling started at $", and
the sparkler was dually knocked down to
Jack White nt $170. The ring was formerly
the property of K. W. Cnppell.
N, V. V lambing Co , iciupannn 230.
To Slnt IHoc fuiii foil veiitliin.
Thcbe delegates and alternates to the
Iowa Stato Ulo:esan convention of tho
Episcopal church In Des Moines May 21,
22 and 2.1. were elected yesterday afternoon
at tho meeting of t!io vestry of St. l'mil's
church: Delegates M. F. Rohrer, J. T.
Stewart, second; Leonard Kverott, II, A.
Quint, H. W Hinder and I. M. Treynor.
Alternates A D. Annls, W. I.. Douglass,
K. H. Merrlam. h. II, Orcer, O. It. Tyler
and A. T. Klwcll.
' llrnl Kstntc Trnnafrrs.
Theso transfers woro filed yesterdny In
tho obstruct, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl Btreet:
Jl. O. Selffort Lumber company to
Orcen Hay Lumber companv, lots
4, 5 nnd fi, block 2, town of Mlnden,
. w. d. . J2.50O
A. J. Seaman to John 11. Miller, lot
R. block 30, Howard add.. Council
llMlll". I. I" 55
H. (5. Fisher and wife to George 10.
Fisher nnd H, F. Amy. lots II nnd
15 and nsn feet of lots hi, n and IS,
block 5. vlllnge of Underwood. v. d., 000
Ilesslo 1. Patterson to William 10,
Cllne. lots i! nnd 7. block 7, Street's
ndd., Council IllulTs, tv. d 175
fleorge W. Day tn F. J. Day, part of
lot ,1, block 3, Kubnnk's 2d ndd. to
Council Iiluffs; also strip 45x100 feet
adJolnliiK on enst, q. . il ,,,,
J. II. Kmnrlne nnd wife el nl to Mattlo
Kmnrlne. lots 9 nnd 10, block 11,
Stutsman's 2d add,, Council Iiluffs,
i. c. d 1
Heirs of Samuel Price to John U. Prlco
and Samuel U. Price, nwU 19-70-43,
q. C. d 3.1SS
Seven transfers, total $ti,4lo
The Admiral
One of Hanan's
best makes of
shoes. Have you
seen it in our show
We have some
others there, too,
that are beauties.
Look far (be Hear,
Negotlnted In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr..
126 Main St.. Council Hlufts. '
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Estcp)
A Is over, lut wa still have a good
supply of those tooth brushes at
ONE DIME each. Hotter get ona
pretty soon.
Dell 0. Morgan's "grS-ay.
Oity Council Inn'sti tn Atttntlon to Street
I'ropertj- (Miners on Fourth mid Story
Mrrrt Clta- .Notice Hint Tliey
Will ltifiisr (it I'uy for
Tho city council decided last night that
tho motor company should be required to
live up to Its provisions of the ordinance
granting It the franchise under which It
operates regarding the planking of crossings
and kindred matters. Complaint was
made that the company had neglected to
replace crossings on South Ninth otreci,
where it had taken up the rails of the
old Mauawa line, and on South Sixth btrect
and Avenue C, where it had torn up the
tracks laid by the Suburban company last
year. These streets, it was reported, arn
almost Impassable nnd the crossings taken
up by the motor company have never been
replaced. Complaint was also mado thai
tho company since commencing to replace
its rails ou Avenue A with heavier steel
wau puttlug In twelve-foot plank crosslugs
whereas Its franchise provides that It
should plank the crossings the entire width
of the street, The name conditions are
said to prevail on Upper Ilroadway, where
the compeny Is laying new rails,
After considerable discussion the city
marshal ui instructed to notify the motor
company to replace the crossings on South
Ninth street without further delay nnd
the council will meet as a committee of
the whole Wtdnesday afternoon to go over
tho streets complulned of ar.d determine
exactly what crossings need nttcitlon. It
was also decided that the company he re
quired to replase the curbing nt Sixth street
and Ninth uenue, destroyed by tts em
ployes while hauling rails from Sixth street.
Con triicls for Supplies,
The contracts for furnishing supplies to
tho city for the ensuing yenr as regurds
printing, hardware, drugs and miscel
laneous articles were awarded to the low
est bidders according to a tabulation fur
nished by the city clerk. Tho contracts
for prlutlng and blanks were about equally
divided between the Nonpareil company.
Franklin Printing company and J. Dietrich.
The bids of Morehouse & Co. were thrown
cut. en he failed to provide for tho union
label on his printing. Attorney McC.ibe ap
peared before tho council, on behalf of
Morehouio In opposition tn tho resolution
adopted by the council requiring the union
label on all printed matter purchased by it.
A resolution wns adopted authorizing the
city to reconvcy to the owners such por
tions of their lots as had been deeded to
the city for the purpose of un alley be
tween Fourth and Fifth nvenues from
Klghth street west. Tho alley had never
been cut through and tho owners desired
tho title to their laud back.
Property owners on Fourth and Story
streets notified the council that thoy
"would refuse to pay for the'pavtng of that
.street unless the ety mado.fioino provision
to remedy tho nuisance of tho overflow
from the ndjuccnt hill streets.
nd Rogers was granted a permit to con
duct n saloon at 518 Uroadway, and Alhers
& Krohn one nt r22 Mroadway.
Tho city engineer wns instructed to
prepare plans nnd specifications for tho
brick culvert on East Pierce street. It
will cost several hundred dollars.
The hill for a Monroe road machine
bought by tho streets and alleys committee
for $200 was ordered paid.
The council ndjourned to next Monday
night It will meet this afternoon at :t
o'clock ns a board of icvlow, when It ex
pects to complete tho work of revising tho
Found A pony. Owner can have same by
paying for this nd. Call at 307 South
Eighth street.
Davis sells paint.
ijmscthiu i.i.i:mi:n WALK OUT.
Ohjrt't In lti-liiNtntemrii t of Mini Who
Whs DinrlinrKcil.
Twenty linemen employed In tho con
struction of the new lines of the Citizens'
Oas nnd Electric Light company, owing to
an alleged grievance, quit work and walked
out yesterday morning. The men took ex
ception to Foremnn Hathaway putting to
work again yesterday morning a man who
had been discharged Saturday. Tho man
over whom tho trouble nrote Is n member
of tho udIob aud said to bo in good stand
ing. The men who walked out allege that nftcr
they had quit work Frldny evening this
man climbed a polo and opened n circuit
which had been closed and properly tested,
Tho matter was reported to tho foreman
nnd ho promised to investigate. As a re
BUlt of tho Investigation Foreman Hatha
way, it Is said, found no evidence to Im
plicate this lineman nnd ho was permitted
to go to work yesterday morning. Twenty
of tho men refused to work with him and
laid down their tools and walked out.
Manager Nichols of tho Citizens' Oas and
Electric Light company refused to dis
charge the man nnd said that If thero was
any causo for complaint against tho line
man In question It ought to he tnken up
by tho union and not by his company. Tho
striking men all belong to the Omaha union,
and Goorgo E. Russell, business agent of
tho union, was sent for. Ho held a con
ference with Manager Nichols, hut no sot-
ouil let Kuiiiebcid) -ooner or Inter. Wo
an come to glasses or purblindness. Hero
"S, J1 lew reasons why you should let us
mind your eye:
Quality of lens-tho very best optical
K'a" or crystal. '
irn."i ,iy ,0 frnmes-tho best muterlnl. con
bUlty, appearance and dura-
thCfrn'3f.,n e:x'"lnatlon-nccuracy In lit-
Ymi n.m?. HS th.oy uffonl greater comfort.
hvnnrt ih! W x2 ''conomlzn In eye euro
buyond the point of safety. You may net
spectacles for 10 cents and save Vhnt you
win oroWf,. S0r 1,10 r,Klu Wnd. but ttmo
will prove It false economy. Our prices aro
dm-d nowero less for services Yen-
Herman M. Leffert,
tiradunte Optician,
S:iO Broadway. Council lllnffa.
tlcnirut of the controversy was reached.
Some of tho men went bock to work in the
afternoon and It is thought that the strike
will be ended today.
Tho walkout will not Interfere with the
progress of the work, ns Manager Nichols
stated ho could secure nil tho linemen
needed at short notice.
thiiim: .! ron iihuaki.o.
fpnrlocK, Cnrtrr nml Woinnn (Jet One
Venr Apiece.
Clarenco Spurlock, Thomas (Tarter nnd
John Noonau, convicted of breaking and
entering, were sentenced yesterday by Judge
Wheeler of the district court to one year
apiece in the penitentiary at Fort Madison.
Spurlock wns convicted on tho charge of
breaking Into the barn of William Klrby
of Keg Creek township nnd stealing a set
of harness, the property of Ocorge S, Davis
of this city. Carter and Noonan both
Pleaded guilty to brenklng Into the office
of David llradlcy & Co,, on South Main
street, and stealing revenue and postago
Tho Jury In tho suit of Leo Wolfscn
ngalnst Allen Ilros. of Omaha was In
structed by Judge Wheeler on tho conven
ing of court nnd after being out n short
time brought In n verdict for the plaintiff
for $302.50. Wolfsen sued for $3."i2 for com
mission on the sale of n baking powder,
which the defendant firm declined to ncccpt.
In the suit of Thomas Martin ngalnst
W. F. Ilaker, over the sale of a bill of lum
ber, which was tried by tho court, a Jury
having been waived by both sides, a verdict
was relumed for the defendant,
Tho trlnl Jury was ordered to report
next Monday, Instead of a week later as
previously announced. Judge Wheeler will
go to Red Oak this morning and hold court
there the balance of the week. He will re
turn here next Monday nnd complete the
business of this term.
This rearrangement of the law assign
ment wns mnde by Judge Wheeler:
Monday. May 20 If. L. Tlnley, adminis
trator, ngalnst Omaha & Council Uluffs
Hallway and Hrldge company; Henry
Hmjs against Omnha & Council Iiluffs Hall
wav and Ilrldge company
Tuesday, May 21-(1. II. Scott against D.
S. Frank; Nils Jurobsen ngalnst L'nlon Pu
rl fie Hailrond company.
Wednesday, May 22 John A. Murphy
iiKulnst K, A Mueller and others; Oeorge
Chase and others ngalnst city of Council
Thursday. May 23 J. A. Lett ngalnst Chi
cago i Northwestern Itallwuy compnny
(special); II. Shoemaker ngalnst Itvbccca
,1. Hoopcn and others.
Friday, May Sl.Pnriln, Orcndorf & Mar
tin Co. nculnst J. J. Ilrown; II. J. Hath
against Hair;.- Hath.
Saturday. May 2." Council Iiluffs Savings
bank against X. W. Williams; W. C.
Durkrs. treasurer, ngalnst Claus Thomp
son and others.
Monday, .May 27- K. D. Summltt ngalnst
I'nlted Stutes Life Insurance compnny
(special); Wllllnm Hurrhus against Illinois
Central Hallway company; Ilraydon
ngalnst Unas nnd others; Joseph Scott
against li;auc nnllnrd nnd others.
,.iii:i. is vit'Toitioi's.
Ti-iiNtcrN of I'iiIiIIc l.llirnr.i Ailopl It
on Local I'rlntliiK.
The board of trustees of the public
library meeting at Its monthly session yes
terday afternoon ndopted a resolution pro
viding for the use of the Typographical
union label ou nil printed matter ordered
by the board from local printing establish
ments. This Is but n partial endorsement
of the resolution Introduced by the local
typographical unlnn, which called for the
label on all printed matter used nnd dis
tributed by the board. The resolution as
amended and ndopted by the board Is:
Resolved, That' It be th enso of tho
trustees of the frc public .Itttrnry of Coun
cil Blurts that there. Ih no objection to
having the label of the Typographical
union placed on the reports nnd other local
nrlntltiK of the Hoard of Trustees Intended
I for general distribution; that the label be
required in nil future contracts for local
printing ordered or let ny trie jioum oi
Trustees Walter 1. Smith, W. S. Balrd
I uud C. R. Tyler were appointed a commit
tee to confer with the motor company with
n view to securing street car passes for
the employes of the library. The ordinance
under which the motor company enjoys Its
franchise provides that nil city employes
shall be furnished with passes where other-
ibit iiiu uuy uum uu ax. uie- expense oi
such transportation.
I It was decided to close the library on
j Sundays from June 2 to September 15, In
The librarian wns Instructed to receive
bids on a list of sixty-nine new books,
shleh tho board ordered purchased.
Tho report of the librarian for the month
of April showed theso statistics: Number
of visitors, 5,052; number of visitors on
Sundays, 123; number of registered book
takers, 9,472; number of books taken, 4,122;
received from rented books, $14.89; amount
paid to dale for rented books, $112,55;
nmounted received from rcntod books,
$90.17; number of books in circulating
library on May 1, 17,990; In government
department, I,3S0.
Tho report of tho fiunnco committee
showed the balance In tho library fund on
May 1 to bo $591.05.
.IuiIkp Wheeler l)riilen County Attor
(y'n I'len.
Judge Wheeler yesterday denied tho ap
plication of County Attorney Klllpack for
n temporary injunction restraining Alfred
Hlomberg from conducting a saloon In Cut
off. It wns denied on the grounds that tho
evidence beforo tho court wob that Hlom
berg was not engaged In tho saloon busi
ness when tho action was begun and had
not been for somo time previous and
further that thero vwas nothing to show
that ho intended engaging in inch busi
ness in violation of tho law.
Hlomberg was Indicted by tho grand Jury
at this term of court on the charge of
maintaining n nuisance nnd County At
torney Klllpack states ho Intends lo proso
cuto the criminal charge against him, do
splto tho refusal of tho court to sustain
tho equity case against him, It Is nlleged
that Illoniborg and others have conducted
saloons In Cut-Off without paying tho stato
or county license.
Lecturers fur N'nriuul IiistKnln.
County Superintendent McManus has se
cured theso prominent lecturers for nd
dresses boforo tho Pottawattamie County
Normnl Institute, which will be held In
this city June 17 to July 1, Inclusive: Dr.
Frank W. Ounimulus, president of tho Ar
mour Institute of Chicago; Dr. F.merson E.
Will to of Columbus, O., and Dr. Robert Mc
Intyro of Chicago. I'rof. McManus hopei
to make tho necessary nrrongementJ
whereby these lectures will be free to the
teachers attending tho Institute.
tltvts sells glaay.
Gravel roofing a. II. ;ieaa, cit Hroid'j
Rubber stamps nt DeLons's, 507 n'wty.
C.iinrillaii tor Inxnnp Wife.
Colonel F. C. Reed filed an application in
the district court ycatorday to be appointed
temporary guardian of his wife, Theresa
Reed, who was adjudged Insnno In 1S9S
and who is now said to be Incurable and
an Inmate of tho stato asylum at Clarlnda,
Mrs. Reed recently fell heir to a block in
Mnnawn park and the appllcotlon is for the
purpose of disposing of thU property. Suit
was recently brought in tho name of Mrs.
Reed against the motor company to re
strain It from trespassing on this property.
Tho ladles wondoi- how Mrs, H. manages
to prciervo her youthful looks. The secret
Is she takes Prickly Ash nittcrs; It koeps
tho system In perfect order.
Rfug Etbllihed by Ecott County Residint
Hai Strict Eqnlremnt:.
Womnn Wittitx t)imuir for Soii'm
Drntli (inn IMant for llolxtHn
Nrnrii Stnuheil l.v Coni
piinlon'ii Knife.
(From a Stuff Correspondent.!
DES MOINES, May 13. (Special. )-The
charitable designs of a wealthy Iowa farmer
which nt flrtt seemed destined to bear no
fruit nro about to bo realized by reason cf
the wisdom of his sole surviving daughter.
Nine years ago N. Fojcrvary, a wealthy
farmer of Scott county, turned over to a
commlttco of three trustees his home and
a largo amount of property for the purpose
of establishing what Is known as the
Fcjervny Home for Old Farmers. Mr.
Fojcrvary desired especially to nsBlst farm
ers who had grown old and needed nsslst
nnco nnd he made It a condition of en
trnnco to the homo that the applicant must
have been born In the United States, nevtr
havo been convicted of crime, be over GO
years old and to have been engaged prac
tically for twenty years In farming In Scott
county, Iow.i, He died before It hecamo
evident to him that tho requirements mado
tho home almost useless.
Only six persons have ever sought the
comforts of this home nnd ns they were
nil advanced In life the number has been
reduced until at the present time there
Is but one old man lo enjoy the comforts
of the home Mr. Fejcrvary provided for
old fnrmers. The fact has long since been
renllzed by ihe trustees that nny native
American who has farmed continuously In
lown for twenty years doesn't need a
home provided by charity. The tole hair
of the estate is Miss Fojcrvary, now liv
ing In nuda I'esth. end she has forwarded
to tho trustees a modification of the tru'it
to the extent that they may ndmlt to tho
homo such old persons, residents of Scott
county, ns they may deem proper, provided
thnt n proference shnll nlwnys ho given to
nppllcants who fulfill the conditions pre
scribed by Mr. Fojcrvary.
Tn; x the I IIIiik I . e.
The Union rnclflc Railroad company to
day filed Its ntnended articles of lucorpor
ntlon with the srerctnry of state nnd paid
tho maximum fee of $2,000 for having tho
articles recorded. The company find nt
first refused to pay tho fee. The first filing
fee paid by tho company was on January
I&'IX. nn n nnnlttillvnllnn nt 1Tfi Ann flnft
I when It paid $.130, then the mnxlmum fee.
February 1, 1899. It paid $1,630, when the
I capital was Increased to $103,160,100, March
1, 1899, the capital was Increased to $196,
' 178,700 and no feo was exacted. Now an
other $100,000,000 Is added nnd $2,000 Is
chnrged. The failure to exnet a fee on one
occasion was duo to the misapprehension of
tho law at that time. There is much com
plaint In Iowa over tho excessive fees re
quired for tho filing of articles of Incor
poration. Fire In Northern limn.
The town of Dumont. In Ilromer county,
was nearly destroyed by fire on Sunday.
The blazo ortgbjpted In n quantity of baled
hay stored hvn livery barn. A fierce
northwest wind fanned the blaze and It
soon became unmanivoble. Dumont Is a
new town nnd had nothing wlmtover In the
shapo of flre-flghtlng appnratus. Tho flro
covered the wholo town In two hours nnd
tho citizens could do nothing more than
remove their household goods and let
everything else burn. The water tank of
the Chicago & Northwestern railroad was
burned and Impeded tho track of the com
pany all day. The total loss Is not far
rrom $60,000.
Nw Slnle llniiku.
The Excbongp bank at Karlham Is lo be
mado Into a state bank and Incorporated
by O. n. Johnson and ,M. D. Hill, the pres
ent owners, who will also havo associated
with them J. A. McKlnnoy, cashier of tho
Capital City Stato bank of Des Moines.
Tho Dexter Savings bank has been incor
porated with a capital of $15,000; president,
H. H. Holmes; cashier. C. E. Hales.
A now hank Is to be established at Rod
field by W. I), Harris of Wilton Junction
nnd others, nnd tho building is now being
erected therefor.
Hnvn on Account of Iloy'n Dentil.
Mrs. Emma A. Horn of Ottumwa has
brought suit ngalnst tho Chicago, Milwaukee-
& St. Paul railroad for tho death
of her 10-year-old son. Wlllio Horn, claim
Ing damages In tho sum of $20,000. Tho
boy was struck by a switch englno last
Novombcr and killed. At the time ho was
assisting tho trainmen In work upon their
Will Tr-nrh Filipino.
C. E. Steclo, who has been In charge
of tho Young Men's Christian association
work at Cedar Falls, has been appointed
n teacher to go to tho Philippines under a
three yearn' contract at $900 a year. Ills
wlfo will accompany him and will probably
bo appointed n teacher also. Mr. Steelo
Is a grnduato of the Iowa State .Normal
school nnd was recommended by the presl
dont of that school for appointment.
fJnx for Ilolstelu.
Des Moines contractors nro at work put
ting In nn nretylcno gas plant at Holstcln,
Ida county. Twelve thousand feet cf mains
nro now complete. Tho plant will hnva
two mammoth generators of a capacity of
300 pounds of carbide each. About 500 gas
Jots will bo used at first In tho residences
of tho town, and practically all of the bus!
noss houses will ueo the gas and there
will bo Ihlrty-two stroet lights. The sys
tem Is to be In operation by Juno I, and If
successful a number of other towns In
that part of tho stato will contract for
similar plants.
Homo fri. in I'lilllpplucii,
Captain Amos Hrnndt, formorly county
auditor and nn old resident of Des Moines,
returned today from tho Philippines, whoro
ho had been with tho Thirty-second Infan
try ns a captain for nearly two yenrs.
Captain Hrandt will probably accept tho
position of deputy uudtto- of state.
Neitrn Cut (In k A Hulr.
Samuel Wade was arrested this morning
on a warrant accusing him of a murdorous
assault upon his eon-ln-lnw, John Sprogg.
Both are negroes, and yesterday thoy bo-
camo engaged in an altercation nt tholr
homo south of tho city, which resulted In
Spregg being much cut up about the face
and hands. Ho Is at tho hoipltal, but his
wounds arc not likely tn prove fatal.
Niiprrme Court Term.
The Iowa supremo court meets In regular
session tomorrow. AH tho Judges of tho
court havo beon In their rooms In con
sultation several doys. It Is anticipated
that ono of tbo first decisions to bo an
nounced will bo that of the Polk county
courthouse, pending which nothing Is being
dono toward building the now courthouse,
A dais of over 100 applicants for admis
sion to the bar will bo oxamlncd.
Tn Protect Itullvrn;- lleniliinrprii.
CEDAR RAPIDR, la., May 13. (Special.)
An effort Is being made by the city of
Cleveland to take tbo headquttrters of tho
Ordor of Railway Conductors away from
this city, where It has been located since
1SS7. A committee of the Cedar Rapids
Commerclnl club has gone to St. Paul to
protect the Interests of this city, during
the biennial session of the grand division
of the order, which meets Tuesday. Re
ports, which will be submitted to the grand
division nt St. Paul this week, will show
403 divisions and 24,772 members of the or
der, which Is nn Increase of nearly 3.000
members during the last biennial period.
There arc now 20,413 members of the In
surance department.
catholics"begin"holy year
I'hc Th on mill nl Diilniiiue Murt'li
lliiml lo Viirloiix
DUHUQUE, la.. May 10. (Special.) The
holy year of Jubilee, commemorating the
beginning of the twentieth century, was
begun by the Catholics of this city yester
day. Five thousand members of St. Ra
phael's cathedral marched in n body
through the principal streets nnd made
short visits nt three other churches, re
cltlns therein prayers of thanksgivings.
Tho procession wns the first in a series of
five to be made on future Sundays, and It
was bended by the rector of the cathedral,
Rev. J. J. Toomcy. All the societies of tho
parish, both men nnd women, turned out to
give expression of their fidelity to tho
cLurch of Rome. Tho churches visited by
tho pilgrims wero tho Sacred Heart, St.
Mary's nnd St. Patrick's. When the pro
cession returned to the cathedral Rev.
Father Toomey gave expression to his grat
ification nnd congratulated the pilgrims on
the showing they made. This was followed
by benediction of the blessed sacrament.
Yesterday's procession contained many of
the leading persons of the city. Judges,
lawyers, county olflclnls und prominent
business men walked side by side with the
bronzed son of toll. The Jubilee will lust
six months, ending tho List day of October.
Sunday next other churches will begin mnk-
Ing tho rounds of the prescribed shrines.
liiilre'x Niini- llroUcn liy 1 1 n 1 1 mill
I'itflicr'ft 1 1 it ii tl 'lorn ut
A minium.
AUDUHON. Ia May 13. (Special.) A
ball game agalust the High school was won
by tho Audubon team, 12 to 10. Audubon
batteries: Jones and Hayes- for the High
school, Muntz and McFarlauc. Tho game
was remarkable for the number of acci
dents. Umpire Henry Johnson was behind
the bat when n foul ball passed tho catcher
and broko his nose and badly bruised his
face. Fred Sprinkle, tho Audubon catcher,
was cuught between the little nnd third
fingers by tho hall, tearing his hand so
that several stitches were necessary. A
number of other players were hurt.
Alipol'itineii of Curl llolircu of
.liim-xt Hie ii h Ti-neluT Is
CEDAR FALLS, la., May 13. (Special.)
President Scerlcy has approved the appoint
ment of Carl Hchrens, principal of tho
Janesvlllo schools, to a place as teacher
In the Philippines. He Is n graduate of tho
normal school, and nt tho opening of tho
Spanish-American war volunteered in th'
company from the school. The salary Is
$1,200 per year.
loei lo Nimv York Tiiomtlity nml Stnrtn
. Ilnek ;o lowu Wrilnen.
WASHINGTON, May 13. Minister Con
ger has completed the examination of
tho Chinese correspondence which has
tnken place slnco ho left Pekln. Ho ex
pects to go to Now York tomorrow and on
Wednesday to start for Iowa.
CnnviiM of County Imllrntr It Fn
vnrn II I in for l.lriitrnnnt
SIHLEY, la., May 13. (Special.) A pre
liminary canvass made hern this forenoon
Indicates that If Lyon county prisents
Colonel Thompson's namo to tho Cedar
Rapids convention for tho ofllco of lieu
tenant governor Osceola county will give
him n solid delegation.
N'imv IIoNpltnl for Mslorn,
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia May 13. Special.)
The negotiations woro completed today
for tho purchase of property In Cedar
Rnplds by the Sisters of Mercy for tho
erection of a new hospital building. Abra
ham Slimmer of Waverly has promised
ftnnnclnl aid and It Is now expected that
within a few weeks work will begin on n
new building, to cost between $50,000 nnd
Hoily nronitht Ilonir to lliimtiuru.
IIAMBUKQ, la May 13. (Special.) Tho
body of John Woodwnrd, n farmer hero for
years, wns brought to Hamburg from Peru,
Neb,, whoro ho died of apoplexy,
KllllliUT From! In Iimvii,
nURLINOTON, la., May 13. -(Special
Telegram.) Thero was a killing frost Sun
day night over a wide nrca In Iowa.
An Excellent Combination,
Tho pleasant '.".ethod and beneficial
effects of the well known romedy,
Synui1 or Fios, manufactured by the
CAi.iifouNiA Fin SrniTP Co., illustrate
tho valuoof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally luxativo and presenting
uiemin tne torin most refreshing to the
tastn and uucejjtablo to the bVBtem. It I
in tho ono perfect strengthening laxa- .
tl"", cleansing tho system effectually, i
dispelling colds, headnehes and fevcrr
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per- I
mnnentiy. its perfect freedom from
overy objectionablo finality and Mib
stancc, nnd Its acting ou t ho kidneys,
liver and bowoln, without weakening
or irritating thorn, make It tho Ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
aro used, as they aro plensant to the
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho Camfoiinia Fio Svnor
Co. only. In ordor to get It.i beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, please
remember tho full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
l"orolo tjy all P'urglsts. I'rlcu SOc. per bottlo
Gompera Calls Different Orjrau'zitlouV Of
ficsrj Into Oonfertncs.
re Ari iiimlnn to limNI. Coni'erteill) ,
ou tin- IImIiiIiINIiiuoiiI of tin-.Miii'-ltour
Day After Hie
Npt'fllletl Time.
WASHINGTON. May 13. In view of tho
movement Initiated by the International
Ascoclatioti of MnchlnlsU for the estnb-
lishmcnt of a nine-hour work day, May iO, i
Ptesldent (lumpers of the American Feder- I
Htlon of Labor cnlled n conference of Ihe
olllccrs of tho organlzn'lonB particularly
Interested In tho machinery trades of the
country, tho conference being held at the
quarters ut the federatbn here tolay. JameJ
O'Connell of the International Association
of Machinists. John Mulliollnnd of the In
ternational Association of All cd Metal
.MechniiL-s. L. R. Thomas of tho Pattern
makers' Lcngtln of North America nn 1
I'. J. Lynch of tho Molnl Polishers. Hufferi.
I later nnd Drnta Worker' Union of North
America, met nnd discussed the various
phases of the matter nnd plans have been
ditermlnrd upon so that concerted action
will bo tnkch on or beforo .May 20. ThJ
purpose of the gcnernl movement Is to e
tnbllsh the nine-hour work day for nil en
gaged in Ihe machinery Industry. The con
ference will be continued tomorrow morn
ing at tho headquarters of the American
Federation of Labor, when n gcnernl policy
will be decided upon.
lluiii'illiiK I'Ihit of KrjMonc Minora
IIiih iirriiii l'.ui'iii- Iroin
KEYSTONE. S. D.. May 13.-(Spcclul
Telegram.)- An attempt was mnde last
week to blow up the hoarding house of tho
Cuyahoga .Mining company, near th's city.
A man named Harris was heuicn In court
In contesting the pojsets.on of some ground
claimed by the company and It Is alleged
that ho hns attempted vengennce. A
quantity of giant powder was plnccd near
the boarding house nnd the explosion nearly
accomplished tho destruction of the place.
(iiiex lo MtiNtrr in .Mllltlu.
SIOUX FALLS. S. I).. May 13. (Special
Tclegrum.) A. H. Sessions of this city.
assistant ndjuln:it general of South Da-
kotu, left toduy for Howard, where tonight
ho will muster Into service Company H
of I he Htnto militia, which hns been organ
ized there.
MIxKouti Itlxlnu In DnUolii.
PIERRE, S. I).. Mey 13. (Special Tele-
gram.) The Jur.o rh.o In the river has
Legun here, the government gauge showing
n rlso of over four feet since Saturday
night, showing seven feet tonight.
I'lixl Sn Ii ill ft r I ii Cnlilr.
The first submarine cable was In Id across
tho English channel nbout fifty yeHrs ago.
It was nlso nbout tho snme time that Hos
tetter'n Stomach Hitters, the world te
nowncd dyspepsia cure, was first Introduced
to the nubile. If you nre n aunVror i
this ailment, or from Indigestion, flatulency.
constipation, nervousness or Insomnia you
should try It at once, If you would be well.
It will strengthen your entire system and
produce sound sleep.
m "v.-.'... '.Ni v.-.v.v a
i Mini i
1502 Farnam St
Telephone 250.
Motor and all piping froo. No charge for
anything but the stove.
Tho Council Bluffs Gas Co.
Open Evenings. 26 Pearl Street
m iubtt' i Trwai 11 I
Letters Proving
Pamitlvoly that thero la No
Modlolna for Wommn'm Ills
Equal to Lydla E. Plnkham'
Vogotablo Compound.
" I commenced
taking I.villa V,
I'lnkhnm'H Vepeta
iilcCotiHtinilnl)out three mouths npo,
mid cannot cxptess
the wonderful j;ooil
it has done inu
m profuse ns to
lenve me very weak
for somo time after
Was also troubled with leticorrhira,
tlicd feolliiR, boniinjr-tUnvn sensation,
pain neross the bade nnd thighs. I
felt ns though thero wns n heavy
weight In my htomnoh nil the time I
have tnken two bottles of the medicine,
nnd now have better health than I
huvo had for four years."
Jilns. I.izztK Dickson Houok.
Avalon, Ohio,
" I was taken sick
five ycnrit ago with
The thippe,' nnd
hrui n relapse nnd
wns given up by
the doctor nnd my
friends. Change of
Life begnn to work
on mc. I Mowed
very badly until n
year ago, then my
fitomneh nnd luntrs
pot no bad, I Mifl'ercd terribly s the
blood went up In mylungs nnd stomach,
nnd 1 vomited it up. I could nut cat
K'tirccly anything. 1 cannot tell what
I nuirefed w ith mvhend. My husband
got me a bottle of I.vdia K. l'lnkhatn's
Vegetable Compound, nnd before I had
taken half of It I begn to Improve,
nnd to-day I ntn auother woman. Tho
I'lnkhnm's medicine hns saved my life.
I eannot praise It enough."
M A. Dk.npon, Millport. X Y.
S5Q9Q niH.iUJJ'""
Lydla IT. Plnkham Madlotnm Co,
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curn lmpotoncy. Night Emissions, Loss of Men
xwwpK ory, nil wntln (licenses, i i
i all otiocts of Miir-auuso ori
nireis nnd indircretlon.
A ti.fvn t. nil In 11111
Iblood builder. Urines I
1 ih ti I tt u it low to nnln
' I'hne'm nnd restores thel
JV'ln- of youth. r mail
N6Qo nor Isix. O boxes fori
$2.60, with our bankable trnurantee to curt
or rofund tho money paid. Send for circular
uud o"pyof our bankable guarantee bond.
Nervifa Tablets
Immediate Results
tnj.t.ow i.Anr.u
Positively gunri-.nteod cuio for Lom of Pownr,
Vnricocofo, Umlovolopcd or Shrunken OrKam,
Porol, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous l'ro'twi.
tlon, llystnrln. Pits, Infinity, I'nriiljai and trio
Results of Excnsilve Us.n of Tobacco, Oplrnn or
Liquor. By mail In plain pnclcnKS. $1.00 n
box, 0 for 85.00 with our bankable guar
anteo bond to euro In HQ daya or refund
money paid. Adding
Clinton & Jackson sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
For sair by Hunn ft Co., IStn and Uoufm
it., Omaha, Nab.; Ulu H. Dovln. Couoai.
Bluffs, lowfc.
Omaha to Itiit'fiilo and return,
?.t.".iri vln the Miiilington iiikI other
stiind.'iril Hues; .f.'l.'U." via the Bur
lington Koule und differential
lines. Keluiii limit, l.'i days.
Short limit tickets, !f' via
Ktnndnrrt lines; $10 via Iliiillngtoii
nnd (HfTerontliil linos. Tickets lim
ited to live days oast of Chicago,
Penlia or St. Louis. To be used
through one of these cities ou
Tuesdays in May.
10th and Mason Sts.
Telephone I2J.
The "toiustocii Prece ss''
1 tho moat successful method for redujIiiB nnd rellevlas
pain In all kinds of dental operations that has yet been
presented to the public. It has been used by leading den
tists of tho east for nearly two years, und has beeu pro
nounced by them to bo -ntlroly satisfactory. Our patients
aro delighted with the les.ilts It produje.i. If you ar
nervous and your teeth aro sonsltlvo we will be pleased t
explain It to you.
..Telephone 115
H. In Woodbury, P. 0. SM Council Bluffs-
30 Pear! St. tm