Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1901, Page 10, Image 11

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Commercial Olnb GsmpUtti Arra.njminU
or Iti Junkst is Bute.
Xtlnrrnry Wlilrli U .Vimv AtinoiiiHTil
Iiic'IimIom Mim nl . trill Tlirlt
Iiik TinviiN
'Jin- Itoutc.
Preparations aro now romplcto for tin;
Commercial club's trado excursion Into
outhcrn Nobrnokn. Tho train will b iniido
tip o( tworulltnan Bleopcra ami will leave
fitrinlm nt 7 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Officers of thu Klkhorn railroad wll havo
personal direction of tho party during Its
trip. Tho representation wll bo as fol
lows: ,
Wholcaln Dry (J oodH-V. M. niiws', ;t.
K Kelly. M. K. Smith & Co.; Danl I 1';
Fuller .ui.l (Jew- U IlHimncr, Itymu :
llninmer Dry Hood "iniinj'
wiir.l. WllllamB-llHyward Hliou i npii n .
j H Tavlor. K I klrkemlnll & C.i II. -T'owlf.
Williams HIi-jo company. ..,,,..
Wholesal'- (Iror.TlcH-John 9. rnd.
SleC'ord. Ilrady & Co ; Cliiir on 11. I''lo
J'axtou fc OallaKh.r Wholesale Grocery
WV h."mIo DriiKH-ll. Wcllcr. riinrlM
U Wliltiimn. HIclmidHou Drug oiiipnn .
c K Ulnkr, )i K. Hruec Co.; II. J.
I'enfold. II. J. 1'enfnhl company; Georgo
IV Mi-rcer. Merer Chemical eonipunj.
Wholcalc Hardware I''. H. IIocliKtctler.
Jtcrtor Wlllii liny Hardware cotnpanj .
K. M Andre. KOil. II. J. Ic-Gla.-Andre'M-ii
Hardware ciimpany.
Whole-alfl lMpor-.t. ! . 'arpentrr . r
lieiiter I.ip'r company; It. II G,,,luj'jr1l1l,
Western Paper company: Georgo .M. Itii
hell, Itlbboll Woodenwuto and l'aper com-
'"Vvholenaln l.umher-J. H. White. K. 11.
AVlll.ird, II. !. Cady Lumber company; J.
J.' Dletz, C. N. Oletz dumber company.
Jobbers and Manufacturers of I oiireH-tlnntiy-l).
.1 O'llrlen, D. J. O ltrlon &
. U. J. Dinning. Vogulu At Pinning; D.
M. Woodward. Kopp, Woodar.l A: t o.
Wholi-Kuto GIhkm anl 1'alnlM-J. II. nil
tiiont, Midland (JIiikk und Paint company.
Wholesale Carpets-C. M. Wllhclm,
Orchard & Wllhidm Catpet company.
Clothing Manufaetuicrs-I'. H. King,
King AV Smead.
Wholesale Implements- I'. Ii.l taller, Dln
Inger & Metcalf Co.; G. D. Ilibbard, Decr
Ing Harvester company.
Wholesale furniture nnd Collins I.. G.
Doup, I.. G. Doup company; M. A ulpl,
Omaha I'asket company. , ,
WholcMi'i! Millinery N. A. Splcsbergcr,
Til Hplrshorger A Son company.
Ilrnwpi-ln-. riinrli'M Melz. Mctz llros.
llruwlnir comnimy; Gotlleh Storz. Storz
Hrewlng company.
Creamery .Suppllos-S. I. Kclley, Cream
irv Pnpkiti-p rnmtmtiv.
Wholesale Saddlcry-Georcc Murks, MarKs
DenlerM In Graln-N'. 11. Kndlke. I'mllke
Grain comnanv; 1 Cowglll, Trans-
mlHslMMliiiil (Irnln rnmimnv
Miscellaneous S. .1. Potter. Western Type
foundry; M. C. Peters. Iiemls Omaha Hag
romimuv: Georgo 11. I.eo. George II. I.otj
& Co.: V. K. Hanborn. Standard Food coin
pany; Charles T. Kountze, First National
bank: 11. K. Iloilgln. Cameron Skirt com
pany; V. J. .toy, Omaha Hydraulic Pressed
llrli-k comniinv: A. II. ConiHtock. Omaha
Printing company; M. runkhouser, Farm
ers' and Merchants' Insurance company
II. if. llurket. Wash-Alone Soan comnany;
3t. W. Vlerllng. Paxiou A: Vlerllng Iron
M'nrks- Itnlicrt t'lillir. Omalia Stovo works.
South Omaha-Charles II. Hradloy, Swift
nnd Company; J. C. French, Union Stock
Yards National hank; J. U. W. Kenyon,
union Htocic yards,
t'ommlsslon Firms, I.lvo Stock Kx
chance K. W. Snced. Flato Commls
Hlou compunw; W K. Heed, Clay, Hobluson
& Co.; J. G. Martin, Martin llros. & Co.;
1). 11. Olney, JIallory Commission com
pany: W S. Dexter. Hosenbaum llros, &
Co., Alex G. Iluchannii, Nyc-Huchnnan com
jiany; Georgo Ilurke, Georgo llurko com
iiiitiv' Miwitt lliirr.ll HrfiH. .C. fn
l.evl Cox, Cox-joncs Commission company.
Fremont Charles W. May, May llros.;
l'Yank Fowler, Nyo-Schnclder company.
Press II. H. Claiborne. Hoc: Georuo M.
Davis, Omaha Dally News; John Hccan
Ilyan, Omaha World-Herald.
Omaha Musical Festival J. W. CutrlKht
Omaha. Commercial CIul J. K. Vtt, secre
Illnornry of Club
After leaving Omaha tho towns visited
will be according to tho following schedule:
Arrive. Ionvc.
WednoHdny, ftluy U.
Able S:ll nm
Kruno 9:lo mu
llralnanl !:42 am
Jiwlght lfl:is am
lieu 10:17 am
Seward lHlSam
Gochnor 12:.10 pm
Heaver Crohslng 12:.'S pin
Cordova l:"i pm
Kxeter I:.j7 pm
Geneva 2:&) pm
Martland :i:29 pm
Khleklev nm
7:M n m
8 MM am
S:.13 am
:0I am
'j:20 am
10:)7 am
lOtfs nm
11:07 am
12-.1S pm
12:50 pm
1:11 Pin
1:46 pm
2:22 pm
n:l!i pm
S:I9 pm
4:25 pm
4:42 pni
fi:lK pm
ruts inn
6:18 pm
Walters 4:3" pm
4;is pm
fi;2s pm
fiiuS pin
Dinner. Supper.
Inland .;
(1:33 pm
0:0-1 am
U:S0 nni
10:10 am
lo:M urn
10:R5 am
11:211 am
11:4!) am
0:13 am
Harvard !:to am
Eldorado . 10:20 am
Htncknnm 10:?.i am
Henderson U:W am
Charleston am
York 11:5!) am
Thayer 1:i:t pm
Gresham l:X't pm
Hurprlso 2:01 pm
Kullertou 2::1.1 pm
Duvld City -J :rr pm
Octavln 3:4.1 pm
Llnwood 1:11 pm
Morse. Hluffs 4:11 pm
Platto River
Omahu , pm
E!i nm
l:2a mi
1:KI pm
2:21 pm
2:4.-i pm
3:3) pm
li:.'.s pm
4:31 pm
5:W pm
fi:is pm
5:2S pm
If "Alono t liMiuli'" '.Son In Wine lie
Will Announce- Himself
it Once,
Postmaster Joseph Crow has been nsked
to help tlnd i missing youth, "Alonzo
dough's son of Columbia City, Ore," No
description of "Alonzo dough's son" has
been given tho postmaster, not even tho
young man's christian name, but if somo
youth turnB up nnd can provo his Identity
to bo that of the missing man thcro Is a
house nnd lot waiting him at Columbia City
A letter seeking tho whereabouts of young
ciougii was received by tho postmaster
jestorday from W O. Huragardncr of Co
lumbia City. Thu Oregon man gavo Mr.
crow but llttlo explicit Information and
mun i write inn noughts son had over
lived In Omaha. It Is presumed, however,
iuav 1110 yumiK man was nt some tlmo a
resident of this city.
alnilKr- ICntPlle Mnkca 11 ltulliiK I
Mouth Oiiinliii Ciiiimc-II
In tho district court yestorday Judgo
Kstollu vacated tno restraining order and
denied tho temporary lnjvictlon asked In
the case wherein it was bought to restrain
tho city clerk of South Omaha from recog
nlilng as members of the city council tho
porsons recently appointed to that position
by Mayor Kelly.
l oiiuht for II Ik Life.
"My father and sister both died of con
sumption," writes J. T. Weatherwax 0
Wyandotto, Mich., "and I was saved from
tho sam frightful fate only by Dr. King's
Now Discovery. An attnek of pneumonia
loft an obstinate rough and very severe
lung trouble, which an excellent doctor
could not help, but a few months' use of
this wonderful medicine made mo as well as
over and I gained much In weight." In
fallible for coughs, colds and all throat
nnd lung troubles. Trial bottles free,
Guaranteed bottles EOc and $ Kuhn &
Kor Sale A now, lato stylo Kimball piano
nt a bargain. Imiulro U. D. Tzscbuck, Dee
busloeai ofilce.
wo.Mjniii'ti. of vaxi:n.
H.xiipmhIvc Viixen on Snip 'I'oioorroiv nt
Fraction of Their lt-nl Worlli.
100 handsome high art vases, enamelled
on brass, resemble Hookwood, but. aro more
popular, as they aro Indestructible. This
beautiful lot of vases como In a variety of
shapes and designs, beautifully decorated
with floral designs, actually worth from
2.00 to $10.00, and go lu four lots.
J,ot 1 contains all the $10.00 vases, ex
ceptionally gruccful designs, on sale at $1.50.
Lot 2 contains tho medium sizes worth
$.".00, In n variety of shapes and designs, on
salo at I'Sc.
Lots 3 and 4 contain tho small sizes, a
great variety of designs, go at 3'Jc and 75c.
Theso vases have been exhibited In our
show window and have caused a great deal
of admiration from art-loving people, and
they will be nlaced on salo Tuesday at U
J. h. llrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Solo agents for Hogers I'ect & Co.'s fine
ItetiirtiH from Trip to Mcilcn mill
Will Moon Malic lliiropenn
David K. Thompson arrived yesterday
from a lslt of several weeks at his coffee
plantation In tho statu of San Luis Pntosl,
Mexico. After u short visit nt his home 111
Lincoln ho will leavo for several mo n tin
n Kilrope, combining business with
Mr. Thompson passed the greater part of
tho day hern looking after business mat
ters. Speaking of tho business conditions
of Mexico, ho said they aro much tho tamo
as In this country. "The money market
Is loosening up, owing to the working of
the mints day and night. They are thus
relieving tho stringency which was caused
by tho shipping of the Mexican coin to (hj
Philippines and to Chlnn, whero that money
Is used Just n3 though It was coined for
thoso countries.
"Crop conditions nro flno down where I
nm located. Hut then, If there Is no water
wo bring it In by irrigation and tho weather
conditions do not affect us seriously. So
far as I havo been able to gather, tho
conditions In Mexico aro all good and point
to a prosperous summer.
"I go homo to Lincoln this evening and
alter a short stay will leavo for Europe, to
be gone several months, Tho trip will
bring In a good ileal of fun, though thcro
will bo soiiio business.
American People Hefme liny the
Ions of John C'li I n it
iii ii M.
Tho little gods of China and of papei
havo found America an Inhospitable shoro
and will ho taken to climes more in bar'
mony with their grotesque features.
These Images of tho divinities of the Ce
lestial cmpiro were brought to Omaha dur
ing the TranEinlsslsslppI exposition as a
speculation, hut tho speculation failed. They
wero ornate creations of popler-inacho and
gilt which aro valued nt about $23 each.
They would not bring 10 per cent of this
price on tho local market, and tho owner
has been attempting for several years to
sell them In other towns. The time Is fast
approaching when they must bo taken from
tho government warehouso nnd the tariff
paid upon them, so tho owner tins made
greater efforts to dispose of them without
It Is now announced that they will bo re.
exported, tho owner thus avoiding tho duty,
which would bo more than ho could sell
them for.
.Nov Urilliiniicc Impose lliinlslilp on
the Sinnll Junk
The ordinance recently passed by the
council for tho regulation and licensing of
Junk men is said to work a great hardship
on men who have no fixed place of busi
ness. An annual Ucenso fee of $30 Is
charged Junk men who have a regular place
of business. Men who trnnsact their busi
ness from wagons are to pay $1, and thoso
who walk about tho city gathering up Junk
aro to pay $2.
r $500 bond is required of all persons
In tho business. This Is said to ho out of
tho question with tho Junk men who have
no pluco of business, nnd an attempt will
bo made to modify tho ordinance lu such
n manner that no bond will bo required of
theso small dealers. Councilman Klmman
will endeavor to have the ordinance modi
Further I'unlHliiueiit In Imposed t'11011
Mrs. K. C. Smith, AIIckciI
Mrs. K. C. ,Smltb, alias Klttlo Rowers,
pleaded guilty in police court yesterday
to stealing a Bklrt from tho Boston store a
week ago. She was lined $5 and costs.
This is the woman who. ono day last
week was fined $100 and costs in police
court for stealing 000 yards of rfbbon and
300 yards of lnco from tho snrao Btore. Sho
has nppcaled tho latter case.'
It Saved IIIn Lev.
P. A. Danforth of Laflrange, Oa., suffered
fpr six months with a frightful running soro
ono his leg, but writes that Hucklcn's Arnica
Salvo wholly cured It in five days. For
ulcers, wounds, piles, it's tho best salvo
in the world. Curo guaranteed. Only 25c,
Sold by Kuhn & Co,
Publish your legal notices in The Weekly
Hce. Telephono 23S,
AiinoiiiiceiueutN of I he Thentem.
It Is said that Abigail Prue, Nell Durgess'
great characterization In "The County
Fair," which will be seen at Iloyd's theater
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Is an exact
copy of an aunt of his, who lives In Dcer
llold, Mass, Sho Is a fitting central flguro
for thl quaint Now England pastoral sketch
with Its chorus of cobn-huskcrs, beauti
ful farm creucs, marvelous horse race and
felicitous romances.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee.
Wo will glvo them proper legal insertion.
Tolephono 238.
Stonecyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St.
Mrs. Nation Coming
to Omnhn would cause something to drop
Her mission Is to destroy Just tho same
as "Schacfer's Sure Death" Its mission is
to destroy and kill and kill dead every
bug In tho house that's what Its made for
to kill all corts of bugs and It does It
too 20o for a pint bottle.
Cramer's. Kldnoy Cure 75c
uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure (Oo
Hucan Hair Tonic "5o
Pierce's Prescription 75o
lvay's Renovator Wo
V --.. uiiu ... .,.. ... W
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills .. $1.00
Kays i.ung Halm 20o
- 1. , rau
i viuim , tJO
llcr'B Malt Whlskoy 63o
Uw.a l-,nl..
uvw..a Miiiuiaiun ........... ........... iUQ
Hlro'B Hoot Heer , ,,, hj
Pinunam s compound , cva
i uuii-n -Kriun winnina uapsuies 7o
1 doien 3-grnln Quinine Capsules 100
1 dozen 6-gralti Quinine Capsules Uo
Uromo Qulnlno jj0
ft. W. Vi. 1U M Cfclaaa.
A Jctni of Eeuty and Splendor Ston in
Htlidaj Attire.
The .XtiHtillU'Ptict of Ilie IipvnrnlloiiM
llnv- Inspired H ory Imtly anil the
Display of I' I lie .stininirr Mi-rchmi-illse
In llfoml loniiinrlnon.
These are the product of thu Arlington
mills, recently exhibited at the Omaha
Industrial exposition. These fabrics also
received the Grand Prix nt the Paris expo
sition. The lot consists of wool cloths, silk
and wool crepons, brlllautlucs, fancy waist
cloths, nun's veilings, brocaded fabrics,
checks, stripes and plulds. In fact, all
high-class dress goods (thu finest manu
factured In tho world). Wo dlvldo thla
grand stock Into two lots:
llAIUIAIN .SO.UAKB NO. 1. Contains ull
thu broadcloths, silk and wool novelty
ctupoiis, black and colored, brilllautlues,
nun's veilings and other summer fabrics,
per jard, $1.00.
HAHUA1N SQUAKE NO. i. Contains
brllliantlnes In black and colors, silk ami
wool crepons lu checks and plaids, novelty
cloths, albatross, storm serges for skirts,
striped waist cloths and other beautiful
novelties tuado expressly for the Paris
exposition, at &0c per yard.
For our summer opening we received a
magnificent lino of satin foulards, in tho
nowest summer colors, many aro our own
Importation und come only In single dress
Tho handsomest waist silks ever shown,
Including taffeta, fancy brocades and foul
ards, extremely beautiful patterns, per
yard, DSc.
J. L. llrandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Sole ugents for Itogcrs Peut & Co.'s line
.McihImt of llu- Lnlr Til I rt -.Mnlli
Volunteers Trickle Tlirm!i
Soldier boys who havo been In the Phil
ippines ns members of tho Thirty-ninth in
fantry havo passed through Omaha In largo
numbers during tho last few days. Every
train from thu Pacific coast has had rep
reseutatlvcs of that regiment nboard. Tho
majority of the soldier boys tarried. In this
city only between trains. Others remained
over for a day or two to visit friends.
Tho Thirty-ninth was mustered out at
San Francisco May 6. Tho regiment left
Manila March 10, and the voynge homo was
beset with many hardships. First small
pox broko out among tho members of the
crew, tnen a coral reer was encouniercu
nnd dually a tiro broko out In tho coal
bunkers. All of tho men wero glad when
San Francisco wns reached April 17.
Among tho Omaha boys who -belonged to
Ltbo regiment who have returned aro Ser
geant T. W. Morrow, Sergeant Charles
Wood, Corporal Joo Klynn and Trumpeter
Clarence VanWIc.
HhIiIiickn Curi-il l- Heslroj Inpr
I'uriiMitc licrni Hint Ciium-n It.
Baldness follows falling hair, falling hair
follows dandruff nnd dandruff Is tho result
of a germ digging Its way Into tho scalp to
tho root of the hair, where It saps the vl
tality of tho hair. To destroy that germ Is
to provent ns well as to euro dandruff,
falling hair nnd, lastly, baldness. There Is
only ono preparation known to do that
Newbro's Herplcldo, an entirely now, scien
tlllc discovery. Wherever It has been tried
It has proven wonderfully successful. It
enn't bo otherwise, becnuso. it utterly do
stroys tho dandruff germ
"'You destroy
tho cause, you removo tho effect."
Modern Woodmen of America,
Tho Illinois Central has been selected as
tho ofllcial lino from Nebraska to tho head
camp meeting at St. Paul, Juno 10-15.
A rate of one faro for tho round trip
will bo made, for this occasion. For full
particulars and copy of illustrated Wood
man circular, address W. H. Drill, D. P. A
Stonccyphor prints anything. Tel. 1310.
Attention! Modern Woodmen.
Members of Hccch camp are requested
to attend tho funeral of Neighbor H. I
Hurket, which will ho held Tuesday after
noon, May 14, at 2 o'clock, at Second Pres
byterlan church, Twenty-fourth nnd Nlcho
las streets. A. T. UENSON, V. C
Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel. 1410
Tho Sorosis Shoe Store and
fcorosis fences correspond in
HOlIlt Of elegance. TllO Store
was littetl up with the itlea of
women's comfort in view.
The shoes fit, wear and havo
tho stylo of any $5.00 line In tho
Every pair of Sorosls, whether
thu lincst patent leather turn
or Heavier weight solo for
street or golf, is $3,50 per pair.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
Frnuk Wilcox. Munniicr.
Wrlto lor a Catalogue.
Look Out
For tho dirt III SOmO Of thn lomllngr soil
fountains In town. It would surprise you
iiiv uiiiuuui ui 11. iiuKB. iiich. roucnes una
dirt. It Is there. Our now 20TH (jkntiihy
UE.VUTY Is tho clennest und most sanitary
fountain in town. It has Just been put In,
hns all tho latest Improvements. Nothing
concealed aooui 11. ine syrups arc Kept 11
bottles right beforo tho drinkers, Instead o
neing nmueii 111 cans witli tbe dirt. Ire I
nut In the lower nart of the fnuntni
through n largo door, which, when open
I .ttunn ..,.1 v.. .,,, 1. va iiioiuc. 4Wt3 irCUIlin
nro kept In specially prepured coolers, so
Bliuwn 11111 uirtiiiniicBa uiHiue, jcu
1 wit-io ib no I'liuui-tj mr uiu Hint itnu icq 1
cet n tho cream. Our work nc snnen l
nil covered with copper, It Is kept brlgh
and clean, so tliere Is nothing to hide. You
can stanil at the counter nnd see nil thn
workings. If you wnnt the CLKAN1J8T
glass oi soua in mo city, w-e can furnish It
Inspection nnd comparison Invited
' fe' V " '
Open nil algUt,
llUt mi PouUa St
Iicclnl Co ii r p it Trnlnlnu l cocs
rnirj- for (lie Cupturi
of lliiK.
How would you like to bo tho dogcatchcr?
City I'oundmaster .John Lallchland mlvir.
tlsed for a competent man to take the place
r tno uotcatchers. who were dismissed hist
eel: for using South Omuha methods. At
10 o'clock yesterday morning a long line of
applicants nnoenrcd at Mr. Lauchland's
ofllce. but there was dlsantiolntmnnt. In
tore for all but threo of tho men.
Recommendations and u pedinreo were
required by tho poundmnster before he
ould givu tho would-be doEcatchers n
earing. Ucttlmr n nlaco on the auni-ovpil
list of the poundmastcr Is more dltllcult
than breaking into tho Sons of tho Aincrl-
in Revolution.
Dogcatchlim Is an art and Inexnorlenced
men were not considered by Mr. Laugh-
It's no trouble, lo paint If you use HI I EH-WIN-WILLIAMS'
Paint. It's already for
so jusi sur it up. m;.Aii'.Miii-iu, a panu
lade for EVERY I't'HPO.SE, not ono slap
ash mixture for nil.
lalf-plnt can Fa mil v Paint 15c
lalft-plnt can Varnish Stain mv
lalf-plnt can Scieen Paint lfie
Quarter-pint, enn Enamel Paint 20o
yuarter-plnt can Hlcycle Enamel 25c
iiuu-pini can miggy rami w
Half-pint can Ilathtub Enamel tc
iou can uuy "Hathtul) Enamel" for half
his price but If von use It you'll wish you
tad bought Sherwln-Wllllnins'.
lalf-plnt can Oil Stain ISc
Ono-plnt can lino Varnish too
One-quart bottlo Saunders' Ruby Floor
Oil 10c
One-pound can Sliluon Floor Wax 00c
Sherman & McUonneli Drug Go.
Cor. lllth nnd Dodge. Oninlin.
Grocery and Fruit Sale
10 bars best soap Hoc
3 largo bottles pure tomato catsup "So
bars Wool soap 10c
3 bars Tar soap, worth ?jc, nt loc
Solid 3 lb. cans Hnrtli-tt pears li.'-c
Solid 3 lb. cans string beans S.'c
Solid 2 lb. cans Lima benus 1'Jo
1-lb moth balls loc
2 10c packages Undo Tom Smoking
Tobacco 15c
3 pkgs, long cut smoking tobacco 10c
10 lbs. whltn or yellow comment lOe
10 lbs. ryo Graham 10c
Ruby prunes f,c
California evuporatcd pears Co
Fancy sweet oranges, per doz 10c
China and Crockery Dept.
Fine decoiatcd cups and saucers, all
size plates, fruit dishes, howls, nap-
pies, etc He
Wash bowl and pitcher, each 10c
Special for Tuesday
Adjustabl'o screens
3-1 rubbor hoso
Crass catchers
Gasoline stove, CO styles, up ..
35 styles refrigerators, up $5.'.)."i
6 department spice boxes 19c
oN.S copper bottom boilers T?c
30c parlor brooms ISc
Screen doers 09c
75c Fine Swiss
Roco Embroidery
on sale Tuesday
This Is tho line of fancy beading embroideries that havo been shown In our Iflth
street window. They were bought from t largest embroidery and laco Importing
houso In the United States, and Is a clean up of their cntlro stock. There Is not a
piece in this stock worth less than S.'ic;
there nro goods worth 75c and 80c; we put
them on salo Tuesday in two lots at
50c Black Silk
This Is a line of fancy bluck silk laces
also wash goods, Swisses, etc really tho
on salo today; this entire lot will be
sold at, per yard
SI. 50 Hand-Made Laces at, per yard, 38c
Wo havo purchased from a houso going out of tho business about r0 pieces of
gcnulno hand-made cluny laces; these goods are nil linen, hand-mado nnd the very
best and most staplo nrticlo In hand-made laces on tho market; prices will bo 23c,
38c, 50o and 60c per yard. This Is a chance you will never get again to buy hand
mado cluny lacca, pure linen, an low as 3Sc.
A Grand Sale of All Short Lengths.
of our finest lacei, worth from COo to $2.50 yard, will bo cloeed out nt from 15c to
90c a yard; according to lengths. If you wnnt a nice plcco of beautiful laco for a
collar or waist trimming 1U or 2 yards long you can tlnd t In this lot nt one-half
tbe usual price. This Is no old stuff; no job lot, but Just the rcrauants of very fluent
50c Wash Laces at 9c yard.
During this sale wo will contlnuo ourgrand 9c sale on wash laces, Inserting: nnd
Ilcraembor wo are headquarters for Iho Hldpath History of tho World for Ne
braska, lly paying $1.00 down you get tho entiro set of 9 volumes delivered to your
house. We sell the books at half tho publishers price. Haydun llros' is tho only
houio In Nebraska from which you can set theso hooks.
Silk Sale Tuesday Morn'ng from 9 until II o'clock.
wo will offer 10,000 yards of- silks for 25c yard, in this lot all on display nt 9 o'clock
Tuesday morning at silk department, main floor, about 100 pieces tatfota In black,
whlto and all colors, somo worth 50c, some ".lc, nnd somo 85c.
Figured silks worth $1.00 and $1.50, colored Armuro worth $1.50. Hongalino worth
75c, Puro Silk lilack China and nit colors worth 50c and 75c, corded wash silk worth
60c making a most Important bargain opportunity. Itemember salo opens
promptly at 9 o'clock nnd closes exactly at 11 o'clock. Nono sold beforo 9 nnd nono
after 11 o'clock at salo price. Watch our special silk sales, it will pay you.
Specials in the Bargain Room for Tuesday
500 pieces of Olongcrrls, Olnghams hand
somo plaids, for dresses, worth 16c yard, 6c.
19c Printed Iiatiste, In nil colors, flno
Imported cloth, worth 25c yard, 6Hc
600 Skirt Patterns, In black, colors, black
wool grenadines, and worth 75c yard, and
other goods at 98c, $1.60 and $).9S for en
tire skirt pattern.
All wool Challla, 29c.
Silk stripe Chains, 29c.
15c and 20c Itlbbons, Ec.
15o and 20c laces, 5c.
land. Of the three men who nro under con
sideration two hnvo had wide experience
Ono halls from Minneapolis nnd the other
formerly practiced nt York.
Mr. Lntightand will announce hi: choice
Cook's Imperial Kxtra Dry Champagne
hns no superior A large yearly Increase In
Its sales says so.
I'or Mnii'llcld HiiKimeiiicul.
Wanted loo men. to women, 10 boys Ap
ply stage door, Iloyd's, 10 o'clock tomorrow
Best Paint
Best Price
' Lowe Hros.' high standard
lu black und white and thirty
tiful shades
1 quart Outside Palllt
I gallon Outside Paint
1 quart Floor Paint
1 gallon Floor Paint
1 qunrt Carriage. Paint
. 1.11,1 V,.., l.,,li
1 quart Wagon Paint
s pint Ollwood Stain
1 1 pint Ollwood Slain
1 .illurt Olli.-.wi.l UI..I.
s gallon Ollwood Hlaln
i gouou unworn! main ....
I -j pint Vitnilsh Stain
II pint Varnish Stain
1 quint Yiirtiish Stain
'3 gallon Yaiiilsb Slain .,
il gallon 'Varnish Slain ...
pun natn inn i-.n.unol
1 pint Ha Hi Tub Liiami 1
1 quart Rath Tub Knamcl
gallon Hath Tub Mnamet
1 gallop llalh Tub Kiiamol
t pint Hlcyclo Knamel
Kith and I'll ni a in
i impici, eniurgcu mre, ctnp.
Hons, red noe, red, routrli, oily
skin, barbers' Itch, and all afTec
tlonsnf the skin and jcnlp per
manently cured at your home.
I nil information with book free.
uv oiuic 9i,,cur,i lonroe, v.nicKu
Pineapples, Tuesday, each ..
Hamulus, per dozen
Lemon ollng peaches
Kvaporalcil San Jo.o prunes.
Fancy Oregon peaches
Large Muscatine raisins
Lard and Hams
.. 10c
.. 10c
.8 1-Sc
.S l-So
... 10c
5 lb. palls pure leaf lard
Hoiiclcss cottngo hams ...
No. 1 salt pork
No. 1 sugar cured hams .
Fancy whole codflsh
Family herring, each
Family mackerel, each ..
.. 4Sc
.. 11c
.. Sc
.. 2VjC
.. tic
i Crystal sauce dishes, 2 for lc
Comploto Incandescent gas burner,
burner, mantle, chimney nnd shade... 33c
Kztra mantles Co
3 pc. graden tools, regular 50c for.... 23o
, HO lbs. Japanned Hour caus GOc
j S 10c coat lungers for 10c
I Brass lanterns l'Jc
Ico cream f:eezeri., 2-qt
j Dover egg beaters oc
Wood wash tubs .13c
3 boxes brass shoe nails 10c
Complete coblcr's outfit -I9t
at (5c and 17c yard
I5c and 17c
Galloons at 9c yard
so popular for trimming petticoats and
most fashionable laco
25c laces, 7'jc.
50 dozen Shirt Waists, 19c.
23c Hair Ilruehcs, 10c.
25o Tooth Hrushes, 10c.
19c Madras, G',2c.
10c India Lawn, IVfcc.
15c laco striped Whlto Goods, 7c.
19o Dimities, 7'c.
19c Draperies, 7'fcc.
3fi-lnch Percales, 3'ic.
Shirting Prints, 2'ic
liquid paint, V2a bt'au-
.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.5M0 I
.'.'.'.'..'.'."..'.$ Lin I
Dmir Co. II
st. II
We Found It
Years uio
amoi c the
is i
1 MSrAi
if, surrounding, we said: "We'll be
. truthful, enemetic and patient"
w.. i.......
in' i i i
store in tlie west. Our clothing is good, prices low, and
the wear-test shows values to be every whit as good as wo
represent. Our Saturday's sales shows the result of our
business principles.
$7.50, $8., $9, $10 and $12.50
were the choice price suits selected by the buying public.
If from any cause whatever any of you sm dissatislied with
your purchase, bring the suit back and if we fail to please
vou, vou can have your money back.
If any of tKe
Women Folks
Neglected to inspect our line of taffeta silk dress skirts,
we'd like for you to satisfy yourself as to the values we aro
If you appreciate good values in silk skirts it, will pay
vou to make vour selection while the stock is at its best.
Buffalo, N. Y., May I to Nov. I.
In its court settings, architectural, fountain and electrical effects, iculptural
adornment, horticultural and floral cmbclithment, and color decorations thla
exposition will surpass all others.
To enjoy its charms, vrith the added attraction of Niagara Falls will be a
most delightful privilege.
A the only double 'track railway from the West to Buffalo (meaning
greater safety and dispatch in traveling) and by reason of its furnishing the
most complete and frequent service of any line, the Lake Shore L Michigan
Southern with it eight through trains daily, including the only daylight train,
will prove the most desirable route for exposition travel.
In making it your choice ycu will travel well. It takes you through the
richest and fairest portion of the Middle States, including the beautiful Western
Reserve country with nearly 300 miles of ride along the picturesque south
shore of Lake Erie.
All tickets over this route afford use cf steamers either way between Clever
land and Buffalo, also stop at Chautauqua on return trip within limit of ticket,
"Book of Trains" containing full information about Lake Shore service
free on application to F. M. BYRON, G. W, A., Chicago.
Hi? Lake Shore
and Michigan
A. Mayer Co.,
'Phone 1716
ahtelds are required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspirstion, rub
the palms after thoroughly drying them with tho powder. In cases of habitual
sweating, use the powder In pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, And
directions for uao in the cover of the blue box. For obstinate sweating or chaf
Tdk bathe the affected parts with tho Re-No-May ABtrtngent Antiseptic Mo
tion. It must be distinctly understood that HK-NO-MAY Powder Is not a
toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antiseptic powder, and
should not be used for Infants aa a toilet dusting powder.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 4, When orderlnc by mall add 5 cents for postage
He-No-May Skin Food for facial massage.
Re-Nn-May Creum softens and whitens the hunds and face.
Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DoiiQins St.
Our patients nro alwnytt grateful to
us nfter using our vitalized Air for
painless extracting
Guhl Crowns ." 55 W
t Good Set Teeth J3.0J
i:vcr thing strictly llrst-closa.
Is Now Being Made. From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of I900.
F. R. RICE tVJ. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE
when we cast our lot
people of Om aha and her
I. L fn I In iiiiv i il vrvl A-
una iiuiiiini in -
in". AW liuvc worked hard. v wailed
patiently. The result tne greatest reiau
Southern Railway.
In pink box not only relieves, but
positively cures all disorders of the
fcot, etops odorous perspiration,
cures Under, swollen and painful
In blue box removes all bodily
odom. If properly used no dress
The Chicago Record
h 61 of these Type
wniert In dally
If you want a typewriter, why not
come flrnt where you can ace
WRITER In Its brat formT
of all kinds for all machine.
Kcw Century
lhc finest ratalofue
ever Issued Is
yours for the asking.
Write or Call.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
1(114 Frum St., OiiihIib.
WORK to Make a Good IOo CIGAR
I 1-1