8 THE OMAHA DAILY TVEE: MONDAY, 31 A V IK, 1H01. OJIAIIA TAKES AN OUTING Epeids Suithj In the Parki nd On the Driviwaji. DOESN'T KNOW TOWN IS AGAIN OPEN enrrrly (.'"""flinn tlml Mayor' film ing Order Hum Horn HrtoUril I lie rll'i I'uimiIiiIIiiii Studied Na ture In Her Vitrloim .Moods. 1 sterduy wan a wide-open Sunday In Omnlu, but thu fact wns not borne hjmo to the jitoplo to any great extent, as thoy were too busy driving and taking car rides to realize that the day was any different from the Sunday preceding. Tho bright sunshine and tbo comfortably low temper Rturc Just low enough to filvo a buoyant twang to tho air and make ono conscious of Us ozone lured them out of the city's street.-) nnd as far Into thu country as they could got. lly tt o'clock overythlnK In the nhapij of n livery rig had been engaged nnd by noon any kind of an old skate of a saddio horto was at n premium. Tho street car company made becoming concession to the beautiful weather by putting on all the open ears In It bams, l'rlvnto equipages were out In force, blcjcks that had Iohk lain unused in lumber rooms vtro brought Into the open, and Omaha's quota of auto mobiles was skimming tho asphalt tinder full heads of steam. Those who were willing to avail them Helves of none of these means of convey- nnro - an Inconsiderable pnrt of the city's population spent rather a dull day In town, notwithstanding tho fact that the nldcdoors were open. So many Interesting persons bad left that It was lonesome on the streets. There were no scenes of rowdyism, nnd tho pollco report no nrrcsts for diunkenness. I'nrltN Are I'niiiiloiiK. It was the llrst good park Sunday of tho season or of tho century, for that matter an I both Ktvcrvlew and llnnscom were populous with merry throngs. Not only was tho weather favornble, but tho parks themselves, perhaps, were never more beautiful than they wcro yesterday. The grass and foliage had grown bo rapidly that thn gardener with tho lawnmowcr and the pruning hook bad lost control of them so these public breathing spots stood out In all their virgin freshness, as nature made them. Nor was thoro evidence of the profaning presence of picnic parties; all greasy wrapping papers that had contained luncheons, nil unsightly scraps of food, had been long since assimilated, and in their placs was n green carpet with an ankle deep nap nnd a fragrant ordor. Dame Nnturo Is an excellent housekeeper. At llnnscom park tho gondola Minerva and tho Mire o-apoutcd geyser, with its miniature rainbow, wcro busy all day. The whlto duckB nro there, as hungry and as Immaculate ns last season, whllo tho flsh nro ns numerous and tho birds ns vocal as ever. There Is really littlo change In the domain. Kvcn tho signs objecting to the presence of dogs nro still In evidence. One of tho signs directing pcoplo to' keep off tho grass had been altered by a vandal hand ami tho mystic name "Coxey" substi tuted for the orlglnn words, from which It would appeal that tho commonweal general's mishap In Washington Is still In the public mind. South Omaha News. i SALT TARS VIEW THE FLAG : I r !! r.. ! i tii. n An ndjourncd meeting of the Hoard of "nuiiuinj iuKmci ij nu vion IMticatlon will be held tonight for tha at Pnbho Llbrarr, transaction of regular business. At the meeting of tho board held ono week ngo no business other than tho reorganization J HEY GET THEMSELVES INTO DEEP WATER vns transacted. The meeting lonlglit will bo tho first business meeting held by the reorganized board. As previously an nounced James II, Dill In will servo as president for another year, while James J. Ilyan will take his second term at thu secretary's desk. While only routine business Is on the slato for tonight It was whispered on the streets yesterday that there Is a possi bility of a superintendent of public In- Demure VniniK Women In Clinruc of Ml?' Hook It riiimltnr.v Arc ."luieUcil l SritfnrlitK .Mn liner. Examining Engineer ('. 11. rnsey. Chief Master-at-Arms Charles Carllslo nnd Yeo man H. II. Ashby, all of the naval recruit- structlon being chosen to succeed Dr. II. htig station, weighed anchor In Omaha Sat- K. Wolfe. According to stutcmcnts mada urday night, having taken out clearance pa by members of tho board Dr. Wolfe, as far j,ers for tho port of Minneapolis, but before back ns last December, no tilled tho presi- leaving they celebrated tho closing of tho dent of the bonrd and the chairman or tuo week's work bv vlsltlne tho nubile library teachers' committee that ho would not nc Tht,y h,i heard that the silk flag nnd pen- n ennu ditto for re-election tins year. nn, from ,t. 0i,i .1.1.. rjuiaha wcro there. Slnto this announcement was made Dr. and. bclinr in a nntrlotlc mood, they were Wolfo has changed bis mind and he lies anxious to sen them. With n bad list to port heen laboring hard to secure enougn voics tm, trlo tnci!c, several times n-.d tlnally to retain mm in nis position ior nn n r hovo l0 front ,)t tno i,mPnn'8 desk. term. Tills ho lias railed to no anu in Kvrrvlhlinr wns nitlot In tlin str.trlr. order to bo let down easy he now asks that hlgh-vaulted room. There wcro many other no 1)0 rCtnllietl Until .MlgUHl. IIIIS WUU1U vUltnr. tint nil iinvn thn ttiron null. Imil keep him on tho pay roll through tho va- doffc(, ,hf,,r hats am wpro movlllK nboul cation months and permit him to make nog0OH(,y on tpt0l, nd conversing In out an assignment of teachers before he bugncu whispers, whllo from their niches stepped down and out. ln tlle wa,)(, tho b,.g.s o Btatesmen nnd In speaking of this matter last evcninR popta ,ookC(, ,,own , BCrcnc cqll,polllo ntl(1 a member of the bonrd said: c will ,h(J ,m)K BhcIv,,8 ot tomeSi ,,ouaorolls and have nothing of the sort, tthllo there is ov exmk,(, atmosphcro of slralght- uo ui-iirc 10 uisguhiku u, ,... "'" laced erudition. Dut the salts were Im- nom to nis announcement mnue i.iki win- PV... , ,H i,i. ,, .ii ter and not consider him in the race at hrv w,ltpil , . ..,hm ,. ,, ,w' .11 1),,..,,,.. l,o II II.-,, n mnlnrllv nf I ." O", ...... All, 1IUIIIUI llllO Ik ,,.. ,....JU .. w the members of tho board have agreed upon n successor to Dr. Wolfo and the now superintendent will tako bold Immediately upon 'tho expiration of Dr. Wolfe's con tract. Tho schools will close for the sum mer vacation on June 14 and an examina tion of teachers will bo held Immediately nfterwnnl. This examination will last for three days and tho board la now easting It as if luto the teeth of a forty-knot gnlo: ntiout for suitable members of the exam. isa, anoyi inlni? hoard, it Is nosslblo that the ex- I c words crashed turougn mo secred amlnlnir board may be appointed tonight, precincts Hko an oath in a sepulchre, hut. If not. utirnlv nl tho next meeting. "Hey, there; lay dead, Casey! You nln't Tho Doctor house will be moved oft on no nurncano uocir. protested Asnuy in tho High school property today. Tho other a stage whisper. buildings bavo already been taken nway, A minute Inter thero wns a general In but tho removal of the house has been oulry throughout tho building for the Jan delayed by tho bad weather and tho con- Itor, its only male attache, but ns ho was illtlon of the roads. When the slto Is not to ho found and as tho librarian real clear and tho liquor licenses nro paid in Ized thnt In this emergency delay was dan tho board will proceed to take action on gerous, sho took two young women, Misses tho erection of a portion of tho High nnumer nnd Mnlonc, with her and escorted school building. the tars downstairs to tho room whero the flags nro kept. Pusnv with n thnntrlr.nl f1nliilah Innl n ff It Is expected that a call will be sent h, h, Uon ,,nnr ' ,mfr,... out today for a special council meeting, to upon tho noor nm, bcl,0WC(, ln hls rlchi u iiuiu iuuikui iut mo tuiiDiutianuu ui gnltwator bass! tno mreci tair oriiinauce. nmiB u uiu ..Now lf yce3 ,)c ArflcrCans, frow yor without delay. Cum-- lit n Hurry, Tho attendants wcro all busy when they entered. The salts waited sovcral seconds. being careful to stand so their regalia of olllco could bo seen, then Casey became Im patient. Ho decided to hall one of the young women Killing his lungs, he hovilcd VETERAN RAILROAD MAN DIES llli'lini'tl l)rtiini'. Old. Time Kniilo.rc if t tiltiu Piu'lflc, IHci nt lliilic lt. THREE ALARMS OF FIRE n Merltiim Dnmniif, lint Alneh t-- crelae fur tlir lli"r Cum. tin lilt"), Three nmnll fires railed for the attention I Hlehard Delnney, one of tho oldest men of tho lire department Sunday afternoon. In tbo employ of the t'nlon Purine, died but did little damage. The first of these , In Ilolse, Idaho, May 4. after a short ill- was nt 1610 California street, n two-story ness. Mr. Delatey was employed by the I dwelling occupied by Miss Annie McColc, i Union Pacific ever since the commence- I tho alarm o' which came In at 12.46 o'clock, mcnt of the operation of tho road. Ho Tho firo wns caused by sparks falling on ! resigned his position ns foreman of the tho roof. Only n few shingles were burned. I Ogden supply bouse a short time beforo At 3"35 oclock another fire started from his Heath. the same cause nnd did about the samo Mr. Dclaney lived In Omaha at one time amount if damage at 3S51 California street, and gained considerable prominence In a dwelling occupied by Jacob P. Kirk. ! local political circles. He was n close Tho burning of tubblsh nt 3220 Mnndcrson ' friend of rx-Ponntor John M. Thurston. street nt 4.03 o'clock did no damage, tint The deceased uas a native ot Ireland and required attention because of tho Infringe- I ns 66 years of age. mcnt on the law. For Sale A practically new Kimball piano at a big bargain. Inquire 0, II. Tzschuck. Dee business office. Send articles of' incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Dee Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telcphono 23S. HOLDREGE IS ENTHUSIASTIC llnrlliilAtnii (irnrrnl Mnnnuer AVrdtern I'roniircln Arc ut nf tue IICHt. Oenernl Manager O. W. Holdrego is homo from his trip over tho lines of tho 11. & M. In company with President Oeorgo II. Harris of tho Uurllngton, Tho trip was for In spection. Wbon seen yostorday aftornoon, Mr. Hold rego snld that ho had no Information on tho railroad situation, ns ho had heard nothing boyond what ho has seen In tho newspapers. "Tho prospects In tbo west are of tho best," t,ald Mr. lloldrcge. "Tho range country looks lino anil I never saw winter wheat In' better condition than nt present. Tho early predictions relntlvo to this crop appear to bo working out. "On our Cody branch the work Is pro gressing rapidly. Wo arc laying track at the rate of a mllo a day and aro now twenty-six miles out from Tolucn. Thoro Is nothing now In regard to tho Oucrnsey branch and nothing has been heard rela tive to tho decision of tho directors." President Harris spent nn hour In tho city Saturday evening nn his return from the west, and then went to Chicago. OltOICH OK HAIIiWAY COMlircTOIIS. consider that the motion amounted to any thing, as no roll was called on account of tho order of tho court restraining Clerk Shrlgley from recognizing Councllmcu Johnston nnd Vansant. Thus, under tho rules, tho next regular meeting will not bo held until Mny 20. If thero Is a spe cial meeting tonight nnd tho street fair rdlnanco is Introduced the chances aro that thero will bo another meeting Tues ay night to pnES the bill. On account of Judgo Estello reserving Ms decision In tho quo warranto proceed ings brought to oust Councllmcn Johnston nd Vnnsnnt tho city officials did not know Just where they stood yesterday, and plans for any futuro movements could not be mado. Judgo Kstelle has announced that ho will hand down an opinion at 2 o'clock this afternoon and tho city officials will now Just what to expect by tonight un less an appeal Is taken to the supremo court. Dr. I.uee'iuer I.nivos. Dr. William Henry Loechnor, son of John Hen.-y Locehner of tho Hoard of Kdu cation, left yesterday afternoon for Oor rcany. to bo gono n year. Dr. Loechncr will sail from New York City on the steam chip Dcutnchland on Thursday and will land at Ilrcmen. From Hremen ho will go direct to llcrlln to study for a year, taking a pout-graduato course at ono of tho famous colleges. At tho completion of his yenr'H courso Dr. Locehner will travel through Switzerland, Kranco and England beforo returning to his homo In South Omaha. A largo delegation ot friends accompanied Dr. Loechner to the train to wish him bon voyngo nnd a safe return. Thnt Johnston Snle. Tho announcement mado in Tho Hco of DrlrKnti'M I'iihn TlirmiKli Omnha Kn Itoutr t St. 1'iuil. Tho Ordor ot Hallway Conductors con venes ln St. Paul tomorrow for its biennial session. Tho delegates from tho various divisions of tho west have been passing through tho city and among them nro seen fncos of ninny men who havo called Omaha their homo In former days. Tho Dcnvor delegation1 passed through tho city yesterday afternoon and among them was Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Suiter. Twelve years ago Mr. Suitor was running a train In nnd out of Omaha on tho Union Pacific. Ho Is now with the Denver & Rio Oraudo nnd a member of division No. 44. Another interesting character In this delegation was D. A. Clark, who is still In the active fcerilce and ns spry ns a kitten though now 75 years of age. Ho has beon chief conductor of division No. 44 for tho last eight years. One of the questions to como up at this meeting of the grnnd division Is tho quos- non or a homo ror aged conductors. It has been under discussion for some tlmo nnd It Is likely that somo decision will bo reached while tho delegates nro In St. Paul. Tho election Is also oxpectcd to dovclop n pretty tight on (ho office of secretary. It pays a salary of J3.500 a year. W. J. Muxwell of Philadelphia Is out for ro elertlmi ami will havo a score or more of running mates. KHBI'S I'l ITS 'AST PACH In Aiv Inlnn I'fM'lllt Mull InilnlKt's oilier Ititnlil ltnn. Tho Union Pacific fast mall keeps up Its proclivity ror rast running. Last Saturday the Kp6 miles from Ornnd Islnnd to tho end of tho lino In Council Dluffs was run In 155 minutes. Tho train wag heavier than a week ago, when tho trip was mado In 153 minutes, una two moro stops were made, Ono little burst of speed wus pretty good, howover Thas was for tho sixty-two and n half miles between drnnd Inland nnd Columbus, n run of tifty-eight minute,, in eluding a sfowdown lo twouty miles an hour over tho Loop river bridgo, Tho record for that run, mado by two engineers, Is tlfty. four mlr.utrs, but when tho slowdown Is 'considered this last run was covering the miles at a good pace, tll'l'ICIAK HOll'I'l". TO ST. l'AUI,. Miiilf-m WoihIiiii-ii nf Ainerlrn. Tho Illinois Central has boen selected as the official Una from Nebraska to the head camp meeting nt tst. 1'aui, June iu-it. A rato of ono fare for tbo round trip will bo mado for this occasion. For full particulars and copy of Illustrated Wood it.hu circular, address W, II. Prill, I). P. A. Omaha. Publish your legal notices In Tha Weekly ft, j Bee. Telephone 23. Stonecyphcr pnnti anything. Tsl. tilt her!" "(icntleracn, gentlemen!" objected Miss Blr3tel. "Plense speak moro gently. You will disturb" firfntiK'NN of the Xnvjr. 'Now, look here, miss," cajoled Casey, trying to become confidential. "You wouldn't expect no officer of tb' great United States navy to talk in a whisper when he's looktn' at 01' Glory, would ye?" In trying to establish closer relations with Miss Hlr,tcl Casey had accidentally stepped on tho (lag, and It camo near caus- Ing a riot. His two companions Jerked him away from the fabric nnd one of them Is said to hijvo aimed a blow at him, but It tell short. At this Juncture the reserve force of library attendants upstairs came to tho res cue with tho statement thnt It was tlmo to closo tho lower room. Tho tars retired, shouting back to their conductors that if they wanted to Join tho navy now was the time. Cnitrni'liu- nt All tirnl'. Cures bllllousncss, constipation and dys pepsia or money refunded. 50c. Samplo and book ou diet and euro sent free for 10c to pay postage, ilea Hros. & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Btonecypbcr, printer: 1201 Howard St. Mr. Peter Strausbaugh Wo extend our congratulations to you as tho new president of the Nebraska Stato Pharmaceutical Association. Thero Is no question of doubt but what the associa tion, ln selecting you ns their president, fully rcclgnized your sterling dualities as a yesterday that Ud Johnston had sold to nar,i worker In tbo Interest of the retail eastern capitalists six blocks of land front- druggist, as you are a firm believer In Ing on Syndicate park for something llko "pure, fresh drugs" and full prices. Well $30,000 caused somo littlo stir in real ,0 wo remember how faithfully you worked estate circles. The property Is to bu during tho tlmo tho drug trust was In ex platted nt once and will bo placed on tho iHtenco and tho cutters were slashing prices market. This section of the city com- to smlthcrccn. And well do we remem- prlses somo of the finest residence prop- bor tho hours wo spent with you trying to erty ln the Mnglc City and It Is expected solve a remedy to kill olf tlso cutters, that thoso seeking permanent homes will whllo you claimed to havo a remedy, but bo anxious to securo desirable lots. could not get tho backing of the pill- Mnulc. C'ltv tioMftin. makers ot Omaha. But now, Peter, ns Mrs. Charles Hill Is home from n trip president of tho association you have tho to inwu. power nnd get the full support of the as- II. K. Armstrong has removed to But- uoelntlon and wo know von havn n remedy. i a... ... , i '- .uiu. , w. i tf vnn will tnkn nnr mlvlrn vnn will ninv.i Tho spilug roundups in Wyoming will , ,,,. ,., , ,t, .,. , t....,i commence In a few days, num " " Tbo Antl-Suloon leauuo still talks nbout ness and open up a run prico drug store enforcing thu Sloeum law. and show these cutters that It's all "bosh" Mrs. W. 11. Check leaves on Tuesday for to run a cut price store and soil goods with out profit. Should you decldo to do this, a visit with friends In Illinois. .Tunics II. VanDiisen Is In Lincoln today ooklng nrtcr some business mutters, 1 Unchurch Indira No. 2. Decree of Honor. win givo a ounce un iucnuay evening. Thero will bo a special sale of horses at the new sale pavilion at tho stock yards on wennesuay, Uroken stono from tho cltv rock iillo is neing piuceu in tno uoich in tno pave ment on i w'eniy-iuurin mreei. Tho twelfth anniversary of the Knworth leacuo wns celebrated ln n llttlnir manner at tho First lTCSDyteriun cnurcn last even ing. Clnudn I,. Talbot, brand Inspector at tbo yards for the state of Wyoming, left lust night for Alliance, whero ho will attend a meeting or cattlemen. thero Is only or.i thing you'll be compelled to do part your hair ln tho middle. CPU1CCEI1 CUT price . W. Cor. ICtli aad Chlcua. TIME TO PAINT Inowistotwe Tho funeral of Dr. A. C. (Ilbson will be if no trouble to paint If you use SI1HH- held nt t m family residence on North WIN-WILLIAMS' Paint. It's nlready for rwenty-tlilrd street at 2 o'n oek Ibis after, use just stir it up. HK.MK.MUKH, u" paint noon. llav. Dr. It. U. Wheeler will of- mu,io for KVKUY PL'UPOHH, not ono slap cmsn mixture ior an, The woman's auxiliary or tho Young Half-pint can Family Paint 15o Men's Christian association will meet Half t-pint can Varnish Htaln o niesuay ui uio niiiiie ni .Mrs, wesieriioid, Half-plnt can Screen Palm loo rWCllty-llrSt aild J StrCetB. for tllO election mmrt..r.t,li,t ,.im Knnnwl Knllit "IK! of officers. Qunrter-plnt can Uleyeln F.nnmcl 2io A. II. Noycs. general manacer of tho lliilt-nlni run iiiil-uv l'nlnt L'.-, Hammond Packing company, spent several Half-plnt can Bathtub Knumel Olo hours in uio city ycBteriiny. ai present You can buy "Hathtub ICnnmel" for half Mr. jsoyea iuukch nis neauquartirs at this price-but If you use It you'll wish you Hammond, Did. had bought Slierwln-Wllllnms'. Tito North Star society will glvo Its Half-plnt can Oil Slain l.'c twelfth unniinl -May festival at Odd Fel- Ono-plnt can tlnn Varnish too inwa' hull on May 18. This festival wnu One-nuart Ixittln K.iunilerH' ltuhv Floor originally sut for Mny 4. but wuh post- Oil io ponud. All tickets bearing the original One-pound can Shlnon Floor Wax 50c date will bo accepted at tho door. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, for, llllh find Dollar, OiuhIim, Some iiiTiuon Supiirm Free, If our readers aro Interested In odd menus for small suppers and luncheons we advlso them to send for a littlo book called "Somo German Suppers," contain' Ing seven menus, with completo recipes for tho different dishes used In each menu and also a recipe for a Welsh rarebit. ThU book Is published by Tho American Prewlng company, St. Louis, Mo., and win do mailed free on request. Nneetnl Mrrttliit. Members of tho Ancient Ordor of United Workmen, No. 17, aro requested to meot nt A. O. U. W. temple Mondny evening at S o'clock, to make preparations for tho fun eral or H. I., nurket, K. S. SWAN. M. W. PHIL M'.MlLI.ON, Hecorder. Job printing, 437 Pnxton block, Tel, 1440. f that Brings I Havana Home J jjL toYbu Jgj sWt EL MERITO EEcE B 5 Cent Ciga !tm - -11 Maili; from leaf from the famous plantations of Cuba, icu your ticnicr notning el'e will answer. BOLTZ, CLYMER 4 CO., Philadelphia PGIICGOY MOOHi:. I)lntrlhn torn, Onuilin. m mi-, mm $500 For Letters About Nebraska A round trip ticket from any Durllngto Iloilto stntlou Ib Nebraska to Ycllowstono National Park and a complete trip through tho park, Is one of twenty prizes offered by tho Iltirllnffton for the best letters about Nebraska. Other prizes are: Trips to Colorado, the Black Hills, Chicago and St. Louis. Thero nre also several cash prizes. Tho Uurllngton offers these prizes for letters thnt will encourage immigration to Nebraska. Letters dcscrlptlvo of success ful farming .cattle raising, dairying, fruit growing and similar pursuits, nro available for tho purposo In view. Tbo contest closes Mny 31, 1001. Circular giving full Information will bo mailed on request. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 'it. TICKET OFFICE-, BURLINGTON STATION. 1502 Farnam St. 10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone 12). II AV Fl EH ' Three Big Glothins IIAl UEBlS Purchasos Now on Sale Tlie entire surplus stocks of Boys' Suits from the Ivan Frank & Co. and G. Taslinian & Co., the best boys' clothiers in America. They are in this season's newest and best styles of three-piece Suits, Norfolk Suits and plain, double-breasted Knee Pauls Suits, at t lie lowest prices ever known in the history of Omaha. Iluyn' ROc Knrn l'nn. I fie. Hojh' JU.OO I.miii 1'hiiIm, .te. Ilnj If 1.00 Kncr 1'nntn, ROi'. lloyn' tptt.OO Loiik Cinitu, If l.."0. lloyn' I)iiilile-Ilrcii(cil 1p2.no. Suits, l?;t-,0 nniihli-llrpiinleil Sultx, l-lileoo Km-c I'niitN I1on' 8i.no. Silltft lit l!t.7r. lliijn' $0.7.1 It linn I ii it lllmme Snlln nt if:i.7r. lloj' 87..'0 iSnllor lllnune Sxiltn III 81I.7S. Buy the Stein-Bloch Suits at $7.50, $10.00 and SIH.OO. Astonishing Shoe Sale Monday. The finest and best shoes made. Brooks Brothers' fo, women; the Stetson for men, the Merriam for children, the Alden for boys. Every pair lilted; every pair warranted. The Brooks llros.' mnko of Indies tine $5.00 nnd $0.00 Shoes on snlo at $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00. All sizes and widths. Ladles' lino vlcl kid $3.50 Shoes on sals at $2.50. Ladles' fine $2.25 Oxford Ties on snle at $1.50. Ladles' nno $2.00 one-Btr.ip Vicl Kid Slippers on sale at $1.25. Tho "Merrlam" Shoes for children on Bale nt $1.50, $1,25 nnd $1.00. The "Stetson" flno hand-sowed $0.00 and $7.00 Shoes for men on sale at $5.00. Tho "Orossetl" flno patent leather and vlcl kid Shoes at $3.50. ' Men's flno vlcl kid $3.50 Tan Shoes on sale nt $2.50. Men'H flno $3,00 vlcl kid Lnco Shoes on sale at $1.98. Tho "Alden" Shoes for boys on salo at $1.50 and $1.25. DRUGS. OrntiiL't's Klilnoy Cure Kit; Syrup Celery nnd Kola Nervine .... Hair Hestorntlvo (I 'huso's) ... Peptonic Stoinneli Hitters .... Iron Hitters (Smith's) Celery Compound Pierce's Favorite Prescription Hoot Heer Kxtrnct. per liottlo. Seldlltz Powders, per box Itofteh Powders, per pound... HiiNHiifrns llnrk, per pound.... Moth Halls, threo pounds for. Ono box Whlto Tnr Paper.... Two boxes Toilet Sonp tor. ... i.io l.'c ."0u .lOe 'Ml! r.iic (l'.)e (l'.)c J0c l.-i; nr.c ira; 1 Oi-lS.' HAYDEN BROS Shoe Hints Medicine should be ta ken at regular intervals but advice may be ta ken at any time. Monday morning is a good time to listen to what the ad man says. Buying shoes and buying experience are entirely different. -Many people run here and there, listen to all claims advertised by shoe stores who claim superiority in one way or the other, but they're not buying shoes, simply buying experience. If you have traded with us you are not one of these kind, but if you have not traded here, by and by you will be numbered among our regular customers, for you will discover that there is one store (there may be others, we hope so at least) where shoe buy ing is not an experiment. All shoes sold under this roof carry our guarantee with them. Our Women's Shoes at $2.50. They are good shoes, and in addition to the quality of the stock there is a tinish to the shoes which shows a degree of shoeinaking superior to what is usually put into shoes at the price, and then there are touches of style which count when it comes to a point of beauty. If you want a real good shoe that most stores get .'.;")() for, try and see if we cannot please you, so that you can save a dollar of your shoe money. HAYDEH s More Goods, More Particulars Tho goods nro comliiK In such qunntl ties and the customers In such vast num bers thnt they nre crowdlni; us for room. Wo can truthfully say wo have never had such a business ln this department, or such bargains. And wo bcllavo wo aro correct In saying that the Omaha peoplo never had such an opportunity to buy ready to wear garments at such as tonishingly low prices . I We will have 12 extrasales people to wait on you Monday in this department. We will do our very best to get tho goods out for you the day you buy them. It Is a dlfllcult matter for us to tell you what bargains wo havo In stock. You must seo for yourself. Tho qualities of tho goods coming In now nro even better than thoso sold on Prldny and Saturday. We found a New York manufacturer overstocked; our buyer was quick to take advautngc of It, and tho prices bnd to bo low and tho style? and materials good to Induce htm to buy at this season of tho year. Thero is no house In this western country whose buyer does not visit the east ern market frequently that can buy or sell goods cheap. Tho buyer that goes to tho market, often with plenty of cash nt his command and nil nutlet for largo qutities, can buy goods at certain teasoiia of tho years at less than half price AND THAT IS JL'ST WHAT Wi: HAVE DONU. 50 dor. Wish Waists, worth up to $1.00. at ench WOMEN'S WHITE WAISTS, with sailor collars, rows of stitching In back nnd front, trimmed with lnco and edging, good values for $2.50, Of cilo nrlrn ltJj prico. Silk Eton Jackets 19c j 75 Women's Suits, Worth $10.00, $12.C0 and $15.00, fc rr your choke In UiIb pnlo J.UU A largo lot of Ladles' Suits, nearly all silk lined throughout, values 1 ft IN TWO LOTS. I ot 1 Your cholco of Jackets, worth up to $12, salo price. . Lot 2 Your choice of Silk 1 worth up to $25.00, at salo prico each 100 dozen Ladles' Wrappers, $1.50 nuallty. for 50 dozen Ladles' Heavy Percal trimmed with braid, separat Ing, extra wldo at tho hips $1.00 quality fcr ... 5.00 ton Jackets, 8.00 98c e Wrappers, c waist tin- 45c up to $30, in this sale for. I Silk Dress Skirts You never saw such quantities nnd va jrletles. More here than In all tho other uoiisi's comninen. Lot 1 Silk Dress Skirts, worth $10.00, on salo at Lot 2 Silk Dress Skirts, worth Q fift $lb.00, on sale at t.UU Lot 3 Silk DreBss Skirts, worth up to $35, for. . . . Women's Ilalny Day Skirts that have sold In this i Ity for $.'..00. "I QC on salo nt A.iO 5.00 12.50 HAYDEN BROS. nftUL MfttK. Rcgistcicd A. Mayer Co., 220 nr.n huiliiino OMAHA, MB. Phone 1716 RE-NO-MAY POWDER In pink box not only relieves, but positively cures all dliorders of the feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures tender, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-AMY POWDER In blue box removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields are required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive prraplratlon, rub the palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder. In cases of habitual sweating. ua the powder In pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, find directions for use In the cover of the blue box. Kor obstinate swoatlng or chaf frg batho the affected parts with the Ile-Nu-May Astrlnsent Antlsoptio Lo tion. It must bo distinctly understood that HE-NO-MAY Powder Is not a toilet powder, but rtrlctly a curative, hygienic and antiseptic powder, and should not be uasd for Infants as a toilet dustlne powder. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4, When orderln? by mall add 5 centi for poiUje Itc-No-May Skin Food for facial massage. Ite-No-May Cream softens and whitens the hinds and face. BUY THE GENUINt SYRUP OF FIGS M AKUr A CTU R JOD BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYURP CO,, WOT TUB NUIE O K A V s ItENOVATOB In'Muorates and rrnovatei tbo IMem I purltlei and enriches lh blond; curm tho wor.t dTsprpftlu, coimtlputlon, hnad.'ieho, liver and kidneys. 'J.V;aiidll atdruculsts. Free R advice, sain pin and book. mr Ir, II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N,Y. ENOVATOK 4 1 I