TILE OMAHA DAILY 1JEK: Sl'XDAY, MAT 12, 1901. TROOPS WILL STAY AWHILE OoTimor Janingi So Ditermiaei Visitinf Jtckionvill. Aft.r QUIET NOW, BUT MAY BE TROUBLE AHEAD Virion I'.loiiirnl 1'Vnrcil In Connection tilth III)! ".Nil Work, .No llntloim" IMItM Sooii i lie Cut into i:rrT(. , JACK30NVILLK, I'la., May 11. Jacknon vllle wan vlnitcil today by Oovornor Jen nlngB and a comralttra from the leRlala lure, which enme to view the Munition, with a view of determining how long It would he necessary for tho state mltltla to re main on guard. It wuh decided that despite the expense of JfiOO n day the troops should remain Indefinitely. No disorder Is anticipated so long ns freo rations nrc being distributed, but thu vleloiiK olemctit might give trouble. It la thought, when tho "no work, no ra tions" edict Is enforced. Tho committee has bcmin to cllmlnato those who are now Imposing upon the country's charity, but some days must elapse before tho process can bo completed. Twelve- cats loaded with supplies for the destltuto from tho Now York Chamber of Commerce arrived today, nnd wero grate fully received. Tho clothing will bo espe cially useful. The vcommlBsarlcs continue to feed several thousand persons dally. Thus far tho Insurance companies have paid nbont one-fourth, or about ;i,uOO.O(10. Ante Room Echoes. Tho Nebraska party which wont to I.ouls Tllle, Ky., to mako arrangements for the entertainment of the Antelopo state Knights Templars ut tho triennial conclave In August have returned filled with enthusiasm over the reception which will bo given tho vlnlt Ing knights upon that occadon. The party consisted of Samuel 1. Davidson of Tecum s'eh, grand commander of tho stato com mandery; Francis IS. White, grand recorder, representing tho stato organization; Milton J. Kcnnard nnd James V. Maynnrd of Omaha, representing Mount Calvary com mandery of this city. When the party arrived at Louisville they wcro met by a local committee and escorted to a, hotel, lind wore rendered every assist ance n securing headiiuorters for those who wilt visit tho city In August. Tho Nebraska delegation found that fifty committees, com prising from 1,000. to 1,200 of the leadlug citizens of Louisville, are at work raising funds nnd making arrangements for the conclave. A sum of J100.000 has been raised to provldo entcrtnlnmcnt nnd $10,100 for tho decoration and illumination of tho streets nnd city. It is tho Intention of tho local committees to provide dinners gratis for every Knight Templar attending tho con clave. Many side attractions have been provided for, consisting of excursions on tho river, trips to Mammoth cave and other places of Interest. Th'p warden of Louisville have taken up tho matter of thu entertainment of tho women who .will neenmpnny the knights. A' lnrgo committee will have the matter In ,chargo nnd on tho days of tho competitive drills nnd pnrndes will see that each female j guest Is placed In position to sec ull that transpires. Tho Nebraska committee secured good qiiaxtXS-Xoi-..tlui. week. They retained as heudqunrtcrn during tho dny four rooms In the Hoys' High school, u building two blocks from tho national henllmia'rtors. Two of these rooms will ho used by the state com imuidctr.iinil.,typJby tho .members of Mount Calva'ry "cohuimiidcry. Olio of tho rooms will bo .arranged for the women of tho party nnd 'attendants will bo present to caro for them. In addition to these rooms the committee fecured an a lodging house for tho party one of tho most picturesque ami commodl nils of tho old southern residences of Louis vllle, for which thnt city Is famous. Tin homo Is located on Fourth avenue and will bo placed In charge of n woman who has ontracted to furnish breakfast nnd late runner ior mo pnriy ai b rensouiiuiu prm. This house will necommodate about seventy persons and tho prospects nrc that It will be filled to overflowing with Omaha people. There will be no lack of accommodations at Louisville, for, In addition to the regu lar hotels and boarding bouses, nearly every person In tho city has Indicated their de sire to entertain visitors during tho con clave. Tho entertainment committee has also provided ten's for about 1,000 persons nnd has arranged It so thnt during tho hours when not engaged In tho work of the conclave tho vlsltorJ can live lu the open air. A restaurant tent and reading nnd writing rooms hnve been provided on high ground near tho best street car service In tho city, nnd the Omaha knights who nave scon tho preparations eny thnt the tents will not bo the least pleasant quarters to bo had In town. Knights Templars of this city will hold their meeting on Thursday evening of tills week. Lidles invited find n special musical program will bo rendered by the Madrigal club of this city. Refreshments served In the banquet hall at the close of tho Instal- litlon, which the ladlrs will witness. Sundny, May 12, Is St. Tamnlc'H day nnd nil Red Men and members of tho Order of Pocahontas residing In Omaha, Council Uluffs nnd South Omaha will as semble nt Hed Men's wigwam, Continental block, Sunday afternoon nt :! o'clock nnd march In a body to the Trinity cathedral, where Dean Campbell Fair will deliver a special sermon to lied Men. Thursday evening Triangle lodge No. will work In tho third rank. t'nlon I'aclllc council No. 1069 will attend special services at the Church of tho Good Shepherd, Twentieth nnd Ohio streets, this evening. The sermon will be delivered bv Hev. II. Percy Silver, pastor of the church, who leaves Wednesday for St. Louis, to re- ride. The newly dented state officers of tho Ladles of the flrnnd Army of the Republic wero entertaliifd at the residence of Ot'.o Sehnelderwlp.l, 2232 Seward street, on their return from Plattfmouth. Those In the party were Mrs. Kuby Stout of H.utlngs, department president: Mrs. Anne H. Mar shnll of llnstlngs, depnrtment un rctary; Mrs. Star of McCook, department Inspre'or Mrs. Inez YnrUin of Omaha, department conductor, and Mrs. Cynthia Moyer of Omaha, department guard. The conrjitttee having the entcrtnlnmcnt In chnrg was Mrs. Agno3 Haze, Mrs. Carrie Ds or olid Mrs. Lizzie Metcalf. On Wednesdny evening, May S, .1 social purty was given at tho home of Mm. I. J. Kurtz, 27l'J Charles street, to the friends nnd members of Omaha lodge, No. 7i, Star of Jupiter. The evening was delightfully spent In cards, dancing and olnglug. Wll Ham Moyer, Mr. Hlto nnd J. W, Kurtz spoke a few words on the principles of tho order, after which lunch was served SiiiiiIIimiv lii eifro Quartern, Police n Ulcer found a case of smallpox Friday cveiilnu In n neuro lionrdtnir bouse. kept by .Mrs. Hlnckwell, nt 13i:t Jones street. i ney wero lint looking for contimloim ills enne, but nfter getting the colored man mill U'tfimnn Hinv fMillnil for mm nf iho ilp. tpctlvcs went upstairs nnd found something In a bed. Detective Mitchell called for Ktnergency Olllcer Il.tldwln and together tney investigated. .Mitchell lay nslilo the covert) and there lay u person, whether man or woman, was uncertuln In tho dim light. Baldwin grnHped the person' head and turned the face Inward the light. One look wuh KUlllclcnt, It was a well dellned enso or mrwillpox. Tho victim was a woman Tho olllcers lost no time In icottlni: out of the house. The enso was reported to tho iieiuin uimioritie yemenniy unit they promptly esiaiiiuhed n iiunrnntiue. reunion fur limn Velernim. WASIIINCTON, May 11. (Special.) The following pensions havo been granted. Issue of April 2ii lflOl: Iowa: Original Jucoh Henner, Des Moines, J(!; John Hooper, Otadhronk, M; Michael Fcnthentton, lown Falls, JO. Addi tional Jesse Cole, MarHhalltowii, JS. In crease Joseph 1'. Poole, Primrose, $12. He Issue Joseph II. Wilson (special April 27), Marengo. 119.25. Original Widows, lite. Oeorge W. Hoover (father), Orlnnell, $12; Sarah K. C.uylord, Fort Madison, .Mar garet Hlalr (special accrued April 27), I'liirlnda. $S. Phebe A. Harrington, Haw leyvllle, $12. War with Spain, Orlglnul Thomas 11 Humes, Alusworth, $8. 1DOEWAH JACI rr liv lit .TTT y7 I S TO V MX J White Smoke from Soft Coal Round Oak. 1'tirnnees have lnrfic feed doors burn wood or coal; but whatever they burn, give greater heat than ntiy other furnaces, because nil the gases and nearly nil the smoke is consumed. The smoke is white from u Round Oak l'urnace burning 1 . . p . .... . . ' 11 means no waste Illcl. T1K5 principle is not new, but the application . mi-, lunimi w.ikt is new in mat no holes arc cut through the fire pot. Round Oak Furnaces aro different from nil others In ninny other IIiIiiks In solid construction, In rensonnblenois of price. If von nro iculm: to huv n, furnace, ho nil for our free furnaco book contains useful Infor mation about heutlng.dl metiBlonn, furnace regula tion, ventilation, etc. estati: or P. D. DECKWITH, ltawacluc, Mlvti. .V,Ur of Hrrku ltVi itouiul WiU", the moit fitmuut Kate (i the uxirld. Itouiid itmk Furnscr r fur umm In Omaha by Milton Hogern Son. Qm Si INQlt rtl I llountl Oak Furnftee with outer cuius removed. Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste and die out of the house. One ingredient dries up their bodies, leaving no odor. It is a safe and sure exterminator also of Mice, Water Bugs, Croton Rugs, Cockroaches and all other vermin. It has been in general use in houses, stores, hotels, factories, offices, public buildiugs, etc., for twenty-five years. 55 cents a box at Druggists and Grocers or lent direct prepaid, STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE CO., Chicago, Ills. W. R. BENNETT COMPANY CHALLENGE CROCKERY SALE Positively tin.1 only renl salt in crockery ever seen in any store. Your personal inspection will be your own satisfaction. Head the articles listed be low and be here early .Monday inornin;. Other articles of interest, will be found in each department, with the "right price" for everybody. Big Matting Sale CHINA AND COTTON U'AHl' MAT TINGS AT CUT CHICKS. COTTON WAHP ICr .kJKJ 32C 28c 24c 20c 15c MATTING CHINA matting; CHINA MATTING CHINA MATTING CHINA MATTING IMiltAlX ('All!' UTS (irnnlte Ingrain yard t'nlon lnarntu yanl All Wool Insraln yard AHT SdUAKKS, 9x0 Art Squares each 0xl0- All Wool Art SiUAren 9x12 Alt Wool Art Squares 23c 19c 15c lie 29c 36c 50c 3.98 ... 7.85 8.95 Jewelry Department A Kcuulno "cjUIiik alo" tho prices tire cut uml thu oclssors will cut tho pooils. '2c Sclssora, 7, S nnd 9 Inches, only lOo ie Scissors, 7, 8 nnd 9 Inches, only 7o Hoys' l'ocket Knives, double bol ster, horn handle, nicely finished, rrfjular 4Sc, Monday 11c Ten Spoons, solid nickel, set of 0, ilo Table Spoons, solid nickel, set of t!, live Knives nnd Forks, silver plated, set of 12 pieces Sugur Shells, Wm, Itogers silver plated, each, only lOo Stationery Hooks of every description by all the best authors and In the best bind ings nt prices far superior to nny others. Kverythlnp In the department offered at our moving price. Caper bound Novels-large assortment -works by leading nulhors-reg ilnr 25o books Monday Q(j Hooks-substnntlally bound In binders' silk finish cloth-standard works by leading uiithors-U mo s2e- JRLp regular Me goods Monday UJJ t.nrse selection of books-clear typ-?, lulnted un superior uunllty of tiaper bound In art linen cloth-wlth silver stamped titles on cover usuul price 23c our price Moll- QC Fount a I n Ten. with 2 extra gold plated pens and 1 filler 1 Qp complete I JV 100 Caper Napkins, asorted designs regular 20c per 100 I Hp Monday 100 lor lUv Shelf I'nper -fancy, assorted C"p colors 00 sheets Jt 120 sheets White Wovo Iftr Note Caper lUv 2S Cream Wovo Haronlal Knvelopes regular 10c quality our (jp price Mondny only UV I'luytng Curds enamel lO'p llnlsh only Iov Ilox I'nper, containing 21 sheets, tatln llnlsh paper, with 21 envelopes to match per box JJl Crockery Department Grand Crystal Sale Your own judgment, from previous purchases, will conlirin our claim of this being tin reproductions broad gold offered to the people of article in it that isn't g "I greatest crockery sale of Yenetian band and colonial patterns ever Omaha. Look at this list. Not an worth from loc to TAW. and Mondav thev '..9c 50 cent Crystal Articles for 9c for Crystal 50 cent Articles Water pitcher 9c Nut bowls 9c Fruit bowls 9c Preserve bowls 9c Olive bowls 9c Iintler bowls 9c Spoon holders 9c Uose bowls 9c Card receivers 9c Uoquct holders 9c Tickle jars 9c Goblets 9c Tumblers Cake stands 9c Celery vases 9c Celery trays 9c Spoon trays 9c llutter dishes 9c Sugar bowls. . Cream pitcher Mustard jars. Finger bowls. 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c linger bowls 9c 9c Wine glasses... 9c Needle etched linger bowls. Fancy W. R. BENNETT CO. Drug Department Our drug department curries 11 ino-U complete lino nf wines and liquors for medicinal purposes. Dennett's Cure Malt Whiskey, TfTp quart bottle v)v Hennett's Sherry or Port fflf Wine, quart bottle t)Uv Hennett's Cherry Phosphate n good, sweet, substantial drink, "tflp per bottle, so, ISo Jvfl Spring Hemedlcs of nil descriptions. Hennett's Snrsnpurllta- KHp Jl rti size Hennett's Celrry nnd Cflf Kola-the best ever 3fll Toilet articles, complexion pdWilir, tnliiim powders, cold crcsnis, toilet waters, etc. Cyko, ror unuiteur photograph -on rainy westher. dark days or lu the gloom nf the night It prints by lamp light All kinds of chemicals, paper., etc.. for the perfection of photos. Hardware Dept. Grind your own coffeo nnd save lis strength nnd flavor. Monday n lum ber of coffee mills will bo on i.ule us long ns they lnt 1A. at only JUL Vegetable Hir Sllceis ijJ Harometrr and Thermomokr IKp combined I Screen Doors 7 A t each f j Screen Frames Hip each JUv Ice Cream Freezer I QO I quarts l0 8-gHllon Watoi- O e" Cooler lilJ All kinds of Garden Tools, Cnrpcn ter Tools and sujiilles of all kinds In this department. GRAIN CROPS OF EUROPE Agricultural Dipirtmfnt Hiporti Condition Fair t Verj Qod. Thiir THYRQiD-LYM PH GERMANY'S WINTER WHEAT FARES WORST Outlook There In Coimldernttly nHow .tlrdlum NiirliiK 1" HneUnnril Over Most of the Continent. WASHINGTON, May 11. The Agricultural department' .summary of crop conditions In Europe, Just Issued, Is as follows: With only one exception of much Im portance, so far ns Is yet known, tho.qondl tlon of the winter gialn crops of Kuropo at tho end of the winter inngedffrom fair to very good. Tho exception is the wlntor wheat crop of Germany, of which tho con dition was officially stated on April 15 nt 3.C, n figure dunotlug an outlook consider ably below medium. Moreover, nearly one fourth 22.6 per cent) of tho area sown was winter-killed nnd had to bo plowed up nnd dovltcd to other crops. Tho winter ryo crop, which In Germany Is considered twice as large as the wheat crop, has fared much better, tho condition being nbove medium, nnd only S.'J per cent nf tho area retpilrlng to bo plowed up. Tho area under winter grain In Russia was curtailed in somo parts of tho coun try by droughts in nutumn, but there Is a possibility that In tho case of wheat thj deficiency duo to this cause may have beeu mndo up by tho sowing of an extra breadth of thnt gialn this spring. In France, on the other hnnd, tho area under spring wheat la smaller than last year. In a large part of Europe the spring sea son has been backward, but asldo from this clrcumstanco tho spring crops appear n3 u rulo to havo been put under fairly sa'.la factory conditions. CONDEMNS HALL COUNTY JAIL Grand .lury nt Grniiil lulnnri L'lmr ui'terlzt'N It iii I'nttt (or Use. GHAND ISLAND, Neb., May 11. (Special.) The grand Jury called at tho beginning of the week has adjourned. It has completed its labors and so far tins submitted two reports. Ono condemns tho Hall county court house nnd Jail. Tho other recom mends that the proprietors or the authori ties In charge of tho following butldlnga be notified to comply with tho law requir ing tiro escapes; Grand Island college, Grand Island college dormitory, Catholic schoolhouse, St. Francis hospital, Palmer houiio, Doniphan bank building, city hall, II. II. Glover nnd Grand Island business eollego building. Security bank building nnd public echool buildings at Doniphan and Wood Hlver, Tho language of tho Jury lu Its condemnation of tho court house Is: "Tho Jail wo found in a most unsatisfac tory condition. Nothing to commend; everything to condemn. On entering the Jail wo wero nut by nn Indescribable nnd sickening stench; tho Jail reeked In filth nnd one shuddered ut tho thought that any human being should bo confined lu such a place. Our Inquiry doveloped tho fact that It was once tho home of rats and other vermin, but Its condition has become to intolerable that they, Ilko Its prisoners, have vaulshtd. "Tho Jnll, In Its construction, Is a relic of barbarism; proper ventilation Is Impos siblo; the walls of the building havo ap parently become saturated with tho filth from an adjoining cesspool; tho stench per meates the entire building nnd Its condi tion Is a disgrace to the county. "We not only condemn the Jnll an nn unfit place for tho confinement of prisoners, but tho entire building, as a menace to public health nnd safety." To Attend Cliii liiiuid Trial. HASTINGS, Neb., May It. (Special.) Chief of Police Charles II. Wauzer, George T. Ilrown ond G. T. Fisher havo been sub poenal to appenr In court at Cincinnati next week, ns witnesses In the .Miller and Grant forgery case. TREATMENT GLANDULAR REMEDIES Prepared from the the LYMPH, GLANDS aiiJ Must Highly Vital izid Tissues of Young, Healthy Shoep. The Rational nnd Scientific Treat ment Which Cures !)() Per Cent of All Human Dilments, Write for Particulars. Booklet Free. Thyroid-Lymph Co., Lincoln, Neb. I am so glad to havo an opportunity to say a word lor your remedies, because of the great help my Willie has derived from them. Ho It. 115 years old and has been nffllcted with non-developed ncrvo centers all his life. When I brought him to you for trcntment ho could not put his tongue out far enough to catch hold of It. At the cud of five weeks' treatment he could put it out of his mouth nn Inch nnd n half. He has had five months' treatment, and not only has ho been wonderfully helped In speech, but the expression of his facn has also been greatly Improved. You said It would take at least a year's treatment to euro him perfectly. I shnll not despair if it tukes a longer time. That tho world may know how much I appreciate what theso reme dies have done and nro doing for my boy, I write you. Mrs. Etta Mower, 2030 U street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Treatment, Including physicians' serv ices and remedies, $5.00 per mouth up. THYROID LYMPH CURES Itoli llnllnoml lliirilti iirr .Store, DAVID CITY. Neb., May H. (Special Tolegrnm,) Tho hardware store of C. D, Hudson at Ilellwond was broken inlo Thursday night, and knives, watches, sil verware and revolvers to the amount of $75 taken, I'll.l'lll'IlK- nt All ItrilKKlF'a, Cures bllllousness, constipation and dys pepsia or mouoy refunded. 50c. Sample and book on diet and euro sent tree for lOo to pay postage. IUa Dros. & Co, .Minneapolis, Minn. Obesity Dropsy ('onfutnpttoti tlrnm lulls I'yun.ilplnx Lucoi rhoi'ii Im ( Memory lii'inentln Paronola l)fffctl Uranus Poor Circulation lnndiilty Nrrvnus Debility Df.onsen nf the Ilruln Tiilierculoms Vurlcofo Veins Goltru OntMiil Debility Myxoecloniu Locomotor Ataxia Ilheunmtliim Skin Disrates Kidney Diseases Diabetes IlrlKlU's Dlieaha Melancholia Iih of Vital Power Anemia lllooj Poison Hyphllla Orchltlii I'at .Starvation COMPETENT PHYSICIANS OP OFFICES. Latitude lxj!s of Flesh IiullHposltlon to i:x'r- tlon. Jzema Dyppepsla Neuralgia Constipation Apoplexy Defective Vinton Chronic Hkln Diseases I'rescnlllty .Inundlce Falling of tho Womb (lout Thyroid Starvation flimled Growth Nervous Prostration Idiocy l'aralysls ilrandular Unlargc ments Ovarian DIseaBfj Mispressed Menstrua tion Nervousness from OvhiIIIh DryHlpchm Kpllepny Uupper.illiiB Olanda Lymphadenitis Asthmu IN CHARGE In the enrly part of January, 1MI, I camo to you for treatment for paralysis, and I urn glad to bo able to testify that tho paralysis is cured. I am still feeling fcoine weak, but I think a fow months' more treatment will mako me as well and strong as a man of 70 years could expect to be, I talk to everybody I sen about your rem edies. I think they cannot bo beat. A. It. Smith, llokeby, Neb. ii ciim's niiiuiiiixi'ii i'iti:i;, i I'l'ranii or by .llnll. iltlirr in THYROID-LYMPH CO., til, nr. uml mi lltirr lllk,, LINCOLN, Mill, .-.(in, .-joy ii r.m lice IIIiIh., OMAHA, .i;U. THE FIGURE PUZZLE $1,500 in Prizes and a Bull Pup Are You Good at Adding? Get the Correct Sum of the Figures. A, 3 At J 6 r9 Can You Add Correctly Prizes for the Nearest Correct Sum of All the Figures. KUTE There la no flftnre lilKber (linn . There nre no ciiiublnntlonN of lluurc. Kneh nun re Is complete In Itself. Every subscriber, new or old, will be entitled to one guess with every 15 cents paid on subscription. USE THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. The Bee Publishing Co., Omalm, Neb. Duto Tlmo Ilccclvcd A. M. M. Guesses on the Figures Enclosed find $ to npply on my KiibHcription siccount. Name Street and No Whore paper Is delivered. I PoHtoflice State Where paper Is scut. Are you taking The Bee now? If not, when do you want it started?. Address All Answers to PUZZLE DEPT., THE OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEB.