Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Opining of Weitirn Lugnt Accomplishtd
TTidir FaTortble Ampices.
Tennis Ilnrr .Montr rk-nml-rck nml
tin- Clinxu fur (ho I'rriiinnt Prom
ises In lie Clour nml KteltlnK
.eicnn Open Here Prlilnj.
The first week of the Western league hcb
son has been a satisfactory one. Satisfac
tory to the promoters of the organization
bocunse the Attendance has been good and
Inillcutlvc of an enthusiasm that will re
suit 'n liberal patronage tho season
through and satisfactory to the fan bo
cniiso of the splendid quality of ball being
played by all of the teams. A conclusion
warranted by the shotting made by tho sov
eral teams during tho first week Is that tho
riue for the pennant Is going to be a close
nac. Tho teams are so well matched that
the chase for tho ting promises to bo nn
exciting ono nil tho way through.
U the close of the first series of games,
whor the eastern teams met the west and
tho northern tho south, six of them were
tied for second place, with a percentage of
.SCO each having threo won and three lost
chalked up to their credit. Kansas City,
with seven games played, led off with h
percentage of .571, having won four out of
tho seven. St. Paul brought up the rear
with u showing of seven games played nnd
Ihreo won. This standing proves con
clusively that the teams are evenly matched
and. unless something unforeseen happens
or some club has a run of exceptionally
hard luck, the Indications aro that the
pennant-winning team will be a matter of
speculation until the very end of the season.
Omaha fans are satisfied with the show
ing the local team has made on Its west
ern trip. Pap Itourkc Is already having his
share of III luck, but It is better to have It
now than later In the season. Handicapped
by the nbsencc of nn old head for buck
stop duty tho locals have won three out of
six games played In the west.
In the second game with Denver Kddle
am inn hail his hand badly Injured and
will not bo able to play for at least a
month. Ills absence from the team (tit a
big hole and In all probability. If he had
bon ahle to play, the entire series would
have been won from Hilly Union's "l.lttlo
Willies.' Olndo whh the only man avail
able for backstop work when Lauzon was
laid up and the little fellow has been doing
his best. Hut Phil hasn't had tho experi
ence necessary to equip htm for bearing
tho entire responsibility of the catcher's
position. Then, too, (Hade had his thumb
dislocated In tho first game with Colorado
Springs nnd Manager Uourke writes that It
was only by reason of the youngster's pluck
that he wnsn't deprived entirely of tho
services of a catcher
Tho Importance of having nn experienced
backstop cither In the game or nn tho
bench available for service in case he Is
needed is appreciated by everyone familiar
with base ball. It Is not enough for a
c.ilcher to stand behind the bat and stop
the balls. Ilo mti3t have bis mind work
ing every Instant of tho play. A young
p'tenei In the hands of a capable backstop
irtfcl plays different ball altogether than
when ho U caught by nn Inexperienced
player. It Is not at nil unreasonable to
nsscrt' that everyone of the gumes played
In Colorado Springs would have boon won
by Omaha If It hadn't been for the accident
which befell I.auzmi and put him out of the
I tick lluckley's arrival from Chicago was
most timely. The old American leaguer
reached hero the first of the week. He
didn't expect to don n uniform for a week
or two, hut as soon as I.auzon was hurt
Manager Uourke telegraphed for Huckley to
get In as good condition us possible and join
tho team at St. Joe. With Huckley in the
game thn Omaha team will be strengthened
ronslderuhly and the Kourkc family will
be neck-nnd-neck with the other Western
League aggregations, with the prospocts
fnvornblo for coming out n few lengths
uhcad during the early stages of the strug
gle. The coming of Frldav next Is bolug
awaited with a great deal of anxiety by
the fans of this city. That day will wit
ness the inaugural of the Western league
season of 1901 here and- It will be a gala
occasion. No matter what the outcome of
tho games In St. Joe nnd Kansas City may
be a warm welcome awaits the arrival of
tho Itourkltos. Tho fans here nro confi
dent that the team Is a good one and hnve
faith in .Mannger Rourke's ability to give
them satisfactory hnso ball.
The opening game will he with St. Joseph,
nnd from then until July 14 all hut twelve
ft tho fifty-four games scheduled will be
played on the homo grounds. First there
will bo a stretch of eleven games, during
which St. Joe, Kansas City, Denver and
Colorado Spilngs will bo seen nt tho Vin
ton street reservation. Then the Hnurko
family will Jump to l)es Moines for threo
games, two on Decoration day and. one tho
day following. In tho nine succeeding
games, beginning June 1. tho remaining
threo teams belonging to the league Des
Moines, Minneapolis and St. Paul, will
inako their debut to Omaha nudlences.
Juno It! tho locals will pay their first visit
to (he northern cities, playing threo
games each with Minneapolis nnd St.
Paul, returning here for sixteen games,
commencing Juno 19, At tho conclusion
of this long series the locals will mnlte a
flying trip to Des Moines and play threo
games and roturn to meet Minneapolis anil
-t Paul on the homo grounds for three
..mej each, which will bring the season
. 1 1 to July 14. Then tho Uourke family
will be away for thirty-nino games, with
an intermission of six games August C to
U which will bo played on the home
grounds with St. Paul nnd Minneapolis.
Tho locals will return September :t an.
finish tho season on the home grou-.
Hlaborato preparations nro being
made for the opening day. It will bo a
memorable event. Tho afternoon will wit
ness tho height of base ball's popularity
in this city, and tho great national game
will hold sway for n brief space of time.
Ono of the features will ho a parade. Car
riages will be occupied by the city and
county officials, representatives of the press
and some of .the most prominent base ball
enthusiasts of tho city. Tho Kagles, of
which order President Uourke Is a rhenv
her, will also bo largely represented In the
parade. There will be plenty of music of
tho circus order and the glee of tho small
boy when liar mi in comes to town will have
a counterpart In tho Joy of his elder brother
and his father when tho band starts to
play and leads off toward the ball park on
Vinton street.
Mayor Moores will bo tho first pitcher
Omaha will try out In the box. Ho will
pitch the first ball over the plate and make
a short address, welcoming the return of
tho baso ball season and bespeaking for the
Omaha team tho henrty support of Omah.i
enthusiasts as long an their conduct and
playing deserves commendation and sup
port. There will be some other exercises,
the nature of which has not yet been set
forth, nnd then the hattlo will be on In
In the big leagues the past week has not
been marked by any unusual occurrence.
Thu lacu for supremacy between the Ameri
can nnd Nntlonal organizations Is being
watched with Interest. In Chicago, Phila
delphia nnd Hoston tho American is get
ting the better of Its more venerable rival
In thn matter of attendance, but tho Na
tional Is putting hp slightly the better
article of ball. It becomes more and mote
apparent every day that the conflict Is
unwise nnd unnecessary, and It Is to be
hoped that tho error of tho thing will hi
seen and appreciated by renson of tho les
sons which arc sure to be learned during
tho present year.
CITort HeliiK Miule to Start l-'lKhflim
(ianii- III (iili-imo Aunln Xcu' lllouil
lit lli'llil of .Mim eilient.
followers of pugilism residing In Chicago
bcllevo that they have been deprived of
pugilistic shows quite long enough. They
nro seeking to revive tho sport In the Lake
City and promise Mayor Harrison and tho
members of the city council to be good If
they are given the opportunity of resusci
tating the game.
Mayor Harrison was presented with a
formal request Inst week, asking for a per
mit to give u boxing show. The men who
are at the head of tho movement looking
toward a revival of tho sport In Chicago
nro Thomas Hunt on, president, and P. J.
Curt oil, manager, of the newly organized
Illinois Athletic club. Neither of these
men. It Is said, was In any way connected
with tho questionable fights which were
given In Chlcugo during tho close of last
year. They represent an clement that bo
Moves In legitimate pugilism,
Pi evident Hnnton nsserts that If tho
mayor of Chicago grants the permit which
his club seeks the public will 'be kept In
formed of all Its doing?. The drnw-if-both-niciwire-on-thelr-fect
basis of arranging
matches will he frowned down and any and
all fighters who attempt to work such a
Game will be blacklisted by tho club. All
splitting of purses and other arrangements
of a like nature will be done away with
and at tho least shadow of anything wrong
with a bout the men will be ordered otf the
stage nnd their money forfeited.
There hnH been no public boxing In Chi
cago since December IS. The Inst meot
Ing of the fighters was that between Me
Oovern and dans, and soon nfter that tho
city council passed a resolution condemn
ing the fights us then conducted. That put
nn end to the sport. Hut since then there
has been nnd Is now such a great popular
demand for tho glove contests that It Is
likely the mayor will give the matter care
ful consideration. He Is a great lover of box
ing himself and time and again has ex
pressed himself ns being In favor of It as
long as It Is conducted honestly and In a
mnnner free of scnndal.
"Kid" Carter defeated Jack Bonner nt
KoiiIhvUIo Monday night. Tho fight went
for twenty rounds and tho Hrooklyn man
was awarded the decision on points. Hoth
men entered the ring In prime condition
and put up a mill that was worth going
miles to sec. From start to finish tho coo
test was a lively one. Carter was the
aggressor, but up until tho thirteenth
round tho bout was an even one. After that
tho Hrooklyn "kid" got In his fine work
und his splendid in-lighting began to tell
on Honner. Jnck waded through the re
inalning seven rounds, but It wns only
by the exercise of an indomitable will that
he remained to the finish.
At the outset Carter begun work on Bon
ner's chin nnd face und early In the fray
drew blood from Jack's nose. The I'ennsyl
vaninn's left eve wns nlmnst Mnan.i i,. h
fifth round. Honner landed heavy right and
left Jabs to the wind, but throughout ho
seemed minus his well known force. Fully
n dozen times his terrible right swings
failed to find the "kid." who side-stepped
und played for the Injured eye. or chopped
down on the left side of his neck. The
Hrooklyn youngster's In-lighting nnd tho
nwful pounding oter iho kidneys soon began
to tell on Honner nnd In the fourteenth
round he was barely nbln to stand. How
over like a bulldog, he fought on. swinging
The Blood
litALIilV OR
When, tltcre is a natural and healthy circulation of the blood, the entire
quantity, eotittuited at one-eighth the weight of the body, passes thioujjb the heart
every five minutes. This rapid flow of the blood through the system prevents the
entrance of disease Kcnus a tut impurities of every description. It filters out all that
is not ueccssnry or pood for the trniwth and development of the body nnd nourish
ing and strengthening the muscles, tissues, nerves and bones. Itut, unfortunately-,
few persons can rightly claim an absolutely pure blood supply and perfect and
unpolluted circulation, nml in consequence are exposed to innumerable diseases.
Contagious Blood Poison, the greatest enemy to mankind, enters the system
through the blood, and Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Kczema, Salt
Rhctuu, Psoriasis, Tetter in fact the tnujority of humau ailmeuts are caused by
poisons or humors that are engen
dered and fostered in a sluggish The Blood Is the Source
and impoverished blood. Old
sores, chronic ulcers and rheumatic paina ore com- of All SfFOtSttlh
mon, especially among old people, whose blood
naturally grows thin and pale because of the lack of the red corpuscles that give
color and strength to youthful blood. Sallow complexions nnd rough, oily skins
evidence some constitutional or blood trouble, which salves, lotious, powders nor
any "external treatment can cure. Diseases thnt originate in the blood, whether
they manifest themselves as ulcers, tumors, itching eruptions, muscular ot bone
pains, require a tome and blood punfier ouch as S, S, S., which not only antidotes
and neutralizes blood poisons and humors, but possesses health-giving tonic proper
ties that no other blood medicine does. It goes down to the very foundation of
-m mm mimm m tu? disease nd eliminates from the system every
rOI&UtOU OlOOm tuillK of poisonous character or that obstructs and
, 1GS circulation. It builds up nnd imparts
BrOOOM UleemMO uew strength mid vitality to the old innutritions
blood, Bud when the arteries nnd veins are once
more filled with new rich blood, the general health begins to improve, muscles
grow stronger, and sores and eruptions of every kind disappear.
S. S. 8, is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the purest
( and most reliable in aft blood diseases. It has been tested in thousands of cases
during the past fifty years and is more txjpular today than ever. We will be glad
to send you our boot tree, nnd if in need of medical advice write our physicians all
about your case ; this information will cost you nothing and comes from exjcri
enced and educated doctors. All correspondence is conducted in strictest
300 T- C 300
Never Before Was There Such a Line of
Wheels Shown in Omaha.
roliimbiiis $50.00
Wolir-Aiiiei'icuiis 50.00
Kninbk'is 40.00
Stearns 40.00
C.vniH 25.00
Superior 20.00
I logout 15.00
DCI lAhinr Tho best wheel in Omaha (ft Oft
nrl Iftlihr for . the i"ouoy' choico of ihuU
equipment ww
Your Rood Judgment will tell you to look this stork over before you buy
a wheel. Second-hand bicycles nt your onn price. Wo have one of the best
equipped repair shops In the city.
Children's Wheels,
From $18 to $22,50
Everything to repair and keep your h'u
cycle in order,
Second-Hand Wheels
$3 to $15
Wheeler & Wilson fefe Tliree Times t,le
Ball Bearing SSp Value of
. -KS other
TOT U lllSPlsl "Pllli OneThird Fasten
MaehliieS OneThird Easier,
Rotary motion nnd ball bearings make It the lightest running machine In the world,
shuttle" rv.r'nHi.Ti'i0 U,l,r V"''" ,,oos ny with noise and wear caused by the forward nnd backward movement of the
Umt Is .'la'tlcstroliR'anll durable"' W,n "CW lb "K",Cf,t g00'19 w,,,loul mlckcrlnK them, .ml on heavy work makes a team
Kvcry factory In omulm Is now iilnK t,cm c,cluelvcly
Why Do Wc Sell More Sewing Machines Than All Other Omaha Dealers Combined?
eonuSunXS '!'"! ' $3.. onsl, and To cent per week. Hecause we keep a
Hut before buyliiH a cheap machine you oimht lo look over our llim of
lukfth" lf ' mc within one year you want to buy a new machine we w.l,
'Iho following l a partial list of what wr nfrVr for all this week: , ,
J UoiiH'stir 8.00 $ 4.00 1 While 10.00 $ 8 00
1 Doniesti.: 20.00 10.00 1 White 10.00 5 00
J Singers (high nnn) 21.00 12.00 1 Ktiuuliml L'0.00 1000
1 Singer (new improved) ... 80.00 15.00 1 Wheeler & Wilson S. . 1.00 200
1 Wheeler K Wilson No !. . 2H.00 12.50 I Wilms K C.ibbs LT..00 12.50
1 While (latest improved).. L'H.OO 12,50 1 White (tailoring) -lO.OO 20 00
1 "nseh(ll 10.00 5.00 Shoemaker nmehines. ... 80.00 15.00
1 Household L'0.00 10.00 1 New Home 20.00 10.00
1 liw" 10.00 5.00 1 Singer (tailoring). . 40.00 20.00
t.i,T!r,,wrV!rop ,lril(1 ';-cl'lcs. slightly used, at one-lialf regular price. We rent machines nt 75 cent's ncr week or
Jiw per month. '1 hose are modern, up-to-.lntc machines, with complete attachments. m"Ln,ncs nl 10 cn,s Per wcck, or
We sell Needles and Parts for and Repair Every Sewing Machine
Main Office, Cor. 15th
and Harney.
Branch Office, 612 N.
24th St., South Omaha
wild or landing with little or no force. Not
a scratch marked tho kid's body, but hu
weakened noticeably In thn seventeenth
round, and from that time on his blows,
which he landed nt will, did no harm. Very
groggy and all but out, Honner hung on
till the twentieth round was passed, when
Kefereo Tim Hurst gavo Carter tho de
cision. Carter will go ngalnst Jack Root, the
undefeated Chicago middleweight, nt Ap
plcton, Wis., next Thursday night. This
bout Is attracting n deal of Interest among
devotees of the pugilistic nrt. Hoth mon
nro capable lighters and have equally good
records. They aro training hard for tho
fight nnd It promises to be a rattling good
performance. Carter will do his training
at Appleton anil ho expects to go Into tho
ring weighing about IBS pounds. Ilo will
bavo six or seven pounds more avoirdupois
than his opponent, but Hoot does not an
ticipate that tho handicap will give his ad
versary any great advantage.
Interest In the coming boxing and wrest
ling tournament, which will be held at
South Omaba for six nights, beginning
Monday, June 3, Is not confined entirely to
local KportBnicn Krom all over the stat
Inquiries concerning the uffalr aro coming
in nnd a number ot entries from nutsldo
the dty are expected. Tho plan of tho
tournament Is to glvo the amateur boxers
of Omaha and tho surrounding section a
chance to Bhow what they can do. No
professional pugilists or so-culled priza
fighters will be allowed to enter the lists.
In any ot tho boxing events. Tho only
persons eligible to entry ulll he those
who have taken up boxlnp for their own
amusement or as a physical exercise.
For the first two or three nights the
boxing events will bo In tho nnturo of try
outs. Tho men who are declared tho vic
tors In the four-round bouts will meet
later In the week, the plan being to lead
up to the final night, when tho boxers
who have been successful in each contest
they hnve entered will participate in a
grand finale, the winner to bo declared the
amateur champion of Nebraska In his chits
and receive In addition a handsome trophy.
The scheme is much like that of tho old
fashioned spelling school, Whenever one
of the boxers loses out nnd a decision Is
given over him tho vanquished one drops
out of the struggle nnd is not eligiblo
for entry In subsequent events. In tho
same manner tho wrestling matches will
bo conducted. Kddle Itoblnson, who Is
arranging the affair, btatrd yesterday that
the program for each night will bo full of
Interest. This assurance Is wurrantcd,
ho says, by the largo number of eluver
boxers and wrestlers who have already cu
tered the lists.
Oscar Gardner, thn plucky little fenther
welght who went against Terry McOovern
out In 'Frisco April 30. Is In town renewing
acquaintances nnd looking over the scenes
of his boyhood. It wns here that Gardner
first went into pugilism and the title given
him years ago, "The Omaha Kid," (.till
etlcks to him. Gardner expects to remain
hero for some time and Is negotiating for tt
match with either Patsey Magncr of St.
Iouls or Ole Oleson of Chicago.
The State Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Aledicine
and Electricity in Our System of Electro-Medical Treatment.
Professional Excellence Can Be Obtained Only by the Doctor Who Concentrates All His Faculties
on a Single Class of Ills.
In nimost every vocation speclaltv work
If now railed for and demanded. ThN Is
y ,,.rl! ',lf,n llfc or henlth Is in
oled. It Is then that the best treatment
tbp medlcnl profession affords Is sought
2i. i;.iir. tMf cnn Pnly c,or"0 from th0 lruo
specialist, whoso deep knowledge, expert
BKlii, vast experience and thorough scion
title equipments have given him complete
mastery over the diseases that constltuto
Ills specialty
frmoa!!mf'iV,,l,y ib0 -""r ailment, get holp
special study If jour eyes ght Is falling.
ko to a reliable optician or oculist. If vo ir
an'risi' iV B,,BIf"'.vp' .t'"!",,"t 11 ''"tnpetcnt
nurlst. if a bad tooth s streKBlmr you
engage, the skill of a dentist Or f vou
TVn i,u.rn "K wllh fev.-r or shaking with
J ! n'"' -V Lyn"r ,rf'l'l 'o family pi m
VVi"; .lhey. t'"" 'lo ,"or'1 Kl than i can.
tend1 !:,c,;rto,,ra.8Ul,h '"'- "or p.e":
Vvble i is (Timlin' 1 T V, or allied trouble.
wiicn is (lepletlng yo-ir v tnlltv or if
wh2Jn0xU ST Vs ".r. c"m" "." nee,
your case ffZ-o of charge ' 1 f
Tliri.ii 1U,... , . .
i,,,, , """ we.iKnrsaes of men
anil they alone are my snectnltv -ft
.hA'm. 1 vo earnestly and Sii'h
w e , X"SSV., ' llfo.. during
cu ed various fVl """covered unci c evel
nko Vl o rUr.,,'r."s .?;... ffjftmpiit which
line fsn. hiT." l"i"iRCi ana almo-
to inVoMiiLV- '"-"'". worl" V"ur .vhllu, i....i
....... .:""".v:. "euro mat has m-imiIp i,f i
iu inuiiituiles of men?
I do not treat all dlsoasss,
and etire them to stay cured.
1 trjul men only
of perfect hrnltli mid rrMorr.l num.
J'nder our Klectro-.Mecllcal
rent men t this Insidious
I'nln ceases i"?' w. rapidly cllnappcarri.
ed veins nVi t ""-" rom ine rt lai
nulc'kl v Hilhli i 0)1 sor,,,u"s Hwelllnc
comes the. nrM.'"" ""I1"1 ',s stead
u, i'ui-i mm pleasure
I Stricture
Our ICIcctro-Mcdlcal troat
thent dissolves thn stricture
nv,.,... . . : ""'I'l'-iriy mm n-.r ires
! tin, ii V ,Jrom U1" unnnry pas- ynal! """"mmatloii. stops every
1 K ,lro discharge, reduces the prostate
1 a .1 i,. ; "mHt,f l"l lial the bladder
i and kidneys, invoKornieH the sexual or-
' fo'v."' V1 ht. Hih and smV dn ss
lo fiirj pure or Hie I a 1,.,'ted lty
the fllni-iiae. '
Contagious Blood Poison
pur special form of Klectro..Medlcnl
treatment lor this disease Is practically
tho result of our life work, nml Is en
chirped by the best physicians of this and
foreltiii countries It contains no daiuter
iim' drugs or InJ irlous mnMmies of any
Kind. It goes to the very bottom of the
cllsenso and forces out every particle of
Impurity .Soon everv sIkii nncl pyinptnm
blood, iho tissue, tho flesh nnd bones nnd
the whole system nie cleansed, purified
-", ,., ivti iK'i.icn, unci ;n'l
patient prepared unew for the duties and
pleasures of life
Ssxua! Debility "ttu
, " ' ' result of your former
folly, air manhood Is fnllliiK and you
will soon be lost unless you do Mimothlnii
for yourself There is no time lo lose Im
potency, like all sexual diseases, la never
on tho standstill, with It you enn nuclto
no compromise. Klthcr you must muster
It or It will mnster yon, and till your
whole future) with misery and Indesci Iba
ble woe .We have treated so many cuse.c
of this kind tluit we me ns familiar with
them ns you are with the very daylight.
Once cured by us you will neer again
be bothered with emissions. i'alns. pre
matureness, small or weak omans, nervous
ness, tailing memory , loss ot ambition or
other symptoms which rob vou of your
mnnhood and absolutely unfit you for
study, business, pleasure or marriage. Our
treatment for weak men will correct all
these evils and restore vou to what nnturo
Intended -a hn'e, health., happy man, with
physical, mental and .e.unl powers com
plete. Dlinflirn r.',,r'"1 tn S,HV cured by our
nUPIUlG K r ..MwIIm. treatment
j ... . without the use of the knife,
and without detention trom business.
Reflex Diseases "'tec
comes from Varicocele or atrlctur,' in.
rililnernliln l.lnn.l i . a cure, in-
Legal Contract
tlfrinnnl i'lll tm
Jwiiyn prrffrred, but
our ofllce. write us yoVymptoin- full'y. '
Klvcn to all patents
to hold for our
hesl7nt If 'L'.,""''l X":. .
und describe your troublo. T
Danny Haley, a local mlddlcwelshl ama
teur who has developed Into a Hunter of
some promise under tho Instruction of Prof.
Eddlo Robinson, is out with a challenge
to Martin JwIro of rhlcaco. Haley issued
a challetiKO a short tlmo oro to Jim Stafford,
champion mlddlowclRht of Iowa, but Staf
ford didn't caro for tho Omaha boy's same.
Haley has picked dudae ns his preference
nnd offers to fiKht him a limited round con-
tefct fifteen to twenty rounds before tho
club ofterlnR the larsest purso and for a
sldo bet of $300 to $500.
lf Champion Jim Jeffries and Gus Kuhlln
are really In earnest and want to (lent to
decide whether or not Jeffries Is entitled to
continued claim on tho heavyweight cham
pionship It Is likely that they will come
tORCthor hefore Ions. Tl? assertion has
been made repeatedly by both ilKhtcrs and
their manacers as well that tho only thing
that Kept tbem apart was lack of a place
- " " "i.i'B mm mna uescril
RcFtRENGES Best Banks awti LeaiJin? Bnsina Msn in Thi nu
mm H0USSFrom 8 ' 8 P' m. Sundays 10 a, m. to I p. m,
1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha. Nebr
where the light could take place. Tills ob
stacle seems to havo been removed. In San
Francisco tho flRhtcng game Is at Its zenith
and the San Kranclseo Athletic club clulms
lo hnve a perml to bring off a light be
tween iho big fellows July .1 or I. So It's
up to tho lighters to show whether they
really want to get together or If thoy aro
afflicted with tho pugilistic malady of mus
lin mastication. Of course. It Is conceded
that 'Frisco In not tho best place In tho
worl I for tin holding of a big championship
affair, nur Is the tlmo of year proposed tho
best In point of climatic conditions, but
these objections are somewhat Insignificant,
It Is a certainty that the match would draw
bis and tho ofllclals of the club have an
nounced their willingness In guarantee tho
lighters a pretty sum if they will agree to
appear before their club.
"I think wo can get Jeffries and riuhlln
together," said Alec (ircggalns. ono of tho
men behind tho club. "Wo would prefer to
arrange a match between Jeffries 'and Fltz
Simmons and It Is almost a certainty that
ono of the matches will go through. If wn
fall In both, however, thero nro other
matches that cnn be arranged. Kd 'llnmnn
Is now In Now York trying to arrungo
terms. If he fails to do any business I
think a match will bo arranged between
Jack Moffat and possibly Jnck Hoot of Chi
cago or jome other equally good middle
weight. This would make one of tho best
cards that could bo put on here. As a sldo
enrd I would like to see a match arranged
between Hube' Kerns and Charley Thurs
ton. As a double bill this would bo about
, tho best ever."
Detroit Free Props: Wife There's a
burglar down cellar. Henry.
Husband Well, my dear, wo ought lo b!
thankful that we am upstairs.
Wife Hut he'll come up here.
Husband Then we'll go down cellar, my
dear. Surely n ten-room housn ought to bo
big enough to hold threo people without
utnr PTnniin
1 Cl'ltK LOST nAMIOOII, Ni:itvoi!
I niniiMTv. i:ni:ot cir ymutii.
Mnkt'it .11 no I. r Jlcn. Prion 0r, s hen, .1 doles
for 12. Mcinry r.'liiti'lMl I m. rMIHnrtury, lty aitll
on receipt of price. Samples freci. Addrot
fir U lii I nhhM years-Continuous Fraction
Ur.r1.VV.L0DU HUlt.V.inth St.l'tilla.l-iw
Hold by Bhermau & McConnell Drug; Cel.,
a V. Cor. Wth una Poiigt, Sta Oin!.