TILE OMAHA DAILY BBEt SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1001. HAYDENs HAYDENs HAYDENs HAYDENs HAYDENs HAY DENs HAYDEK S Extraordinary Shoe Sale The Finest find Host Shoos Minle. Brooks Bios.' Shoos for ladies. '".Stetson'' Shoos for men. "Mer'riiun'' Shoes for chH dreu. "Alden"' Shoes for boys. All on sale Saturday. EVEiJY 1'AiU KITTED EVEUY PAIR WAKU ANTED. The HROOKS I1IIOS.' make ef ladles' fine SI. 00 nnd $6.00 fchncs on sale rfi fi nt JU'O, $3.50 nnd IpOiUU All sizes and w lei t lis. Ladles' (Inn VlCl KID JS.CO G?f Shoes on sale nt Ladles' fine $2,25 OXKOIll) -a C.f TIKS on sain nt Ipl.OU Ladles" fine $2.00 ON'i: STHAP VICI KIU HMPPKns on sale 4 rSf rpito The "MRIUUAM" SHOKS fT children on Hale at JI.E0, $1.2J tu 4 AA rpl.UU Special Shoes in Bargain Room l.itillct' Vine ljt''.r,tl ilcl kid I. ill'' milt Mutton NIiofm nn nnle nt !Jt.:i!). Ilcij' line KI.7.-. tl' I Kill .Miiicn 011 Mile nt Ijtl.lB. ( lil.ilr.-u'a I' 1 1 if Mdick, :"! find Kic. SPEAKS OF T(IE PHILIPPINES Fresident Dixoloies Their Destiny in tptccL nt SanU iifirbara, FIRE CHIEF ST AY 3 WHILE HOME BURNS llrclilra In cp McKlnlt')- When ll; lln n C'liiini'v mill ltiulr 1 1 1 h I.ohri'n ill .Moxt Convenient Time. SAN LOUIS OBISPO. May 10. Tho route of tho president's train lay northward (rom Loa AiircIcb, today, through the Santa Clara, nestling under tog-swathed moun tains to the coast, where It ran hours along tho edgo of cllfu overhanging tho I'acltlo ocean. At every stopping place todiy theri! was a flower Bhow rUaliug In beauty the floral pnrode which the president witnessed yesterday nt l.os Angeles. At Ventura nnd Sauta Uarbara the president was over whelmed with llowers. Tho carriages In which he rodo were lined with them and the streets were paved with them. There was no ubatcmunt today of tho futhutlasm which hus" uttended tho president's progress blnce he entered California. As bo approaches his destination at San Frunclico the programs ut th9 different stops lire raoro enjoyable and less fatiguing. A drive through the city was lu each case the principal feature nt the places whero ho stopped today. The president was very one Mm saved From a wreck will attract the world's attention to the life-saver. Yet let the life-saving be continued every day, and very soon it attracts no public attention. If the scene of the saving of due life by that life-saving remedy. Dr. Pierce's vjoiucn incuicai Discovery, could be made to stand out alone, like a picture on a screen, it would attract the notice of the whole na tion. By a curi ous contradiction the very frequen cy with which the " Discovery " saves life, robs the fact of general inter est, l'or obstinate coughs, bronchitis, weak lungs, and other diseases of the respiratory or gans. "Golden Medical Discov ery" is the one medicine which offers certain help, and almost certain cure. It contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. "Only for Doctor Mrrce' Golden Mrd leal Discovery I think I would be in ray uisve to-day." writtt Mr. Moiea Mile, of Milliard, Uinta Co., Wyoming. "I had aithma to bad I could not alert) and waa com pel I til to rive up work. It affected ray limit ao that I eouanrd all the time hnih H.l. nnd night My friend all thought I had con' umptton Mv wile i a listed ou mv Irvine 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I hae taken four bottles and am now a well roan, weighing i!j pounds-thank to Dr. fierce." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay the cot of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pittce, Buffalo,. N. Y. Saturday I The "STETSON" fine band-sewed $5.00 and $7.00 Shoes for men on (tC AA sale at UpOtUvl The "CIIOSSETT" fine patent leather and viol kdl Shoes j),3 50 MEN'S fine vicl kid $3.50 tfcO CA Tan Shoes on sale at i)0J MEN'S fine $3 vlci kid lace -4 shoes on sale at iJJI'TO The "ALDEN" SHOES for fc 4 boys on sale at $1.50 and IJ) 1 mm. fit ft .vn- 'r much Interested In the old Spanish mis sions, filled with historic relics, which he visited both at Ventuia and at Santn Uar bara. San Luis Obispo was tho Inst stop of the day. It was reached at 7 o"clock tonight After crossing the mountain runge the train will drop down to Del Monte, on tho bay of Monterey, where tho party will remain tomorrow and Sunday. The program tomorrow will Include a visit to the national encampment during the aft ernoon. Sunday will be given over to rest. At Santa Uarbara President McKlnley made the principal address of the day. After expressing his gratitude for tho re ception accorded him and commenting on the cosmopolitan character of the assembly, he said: Concern Iiik tlir I'lilllppineN. "My Follow Citizens: What a splendid civilisation comes out of the old states and from the old nationalities that arc repre sented here today the best civilization In the world, a civilisation based upon liberty, upon equality, upon self-government and civilization that leads wherever It Is, whether here or lu the distant seas and wherever this civilization goes It carries thr. ark of freedom. Our liberty, our free dom, our sense oi justice, nre not ex tinguished In any clime, globe or land, and here, facing the Pacific. I am reminded that this ark of liberty has moved out Into this great ocean," Heferrlng to the Spanish war, he con tinued: "As tho result of that war we ate In the Philippines and we do not mean to come awuy (applause and cheering) nnd wo mean to give to those dlsta'it peoples what we gave to California more than fifty years ago, tho blessings of security nnd liberty." An unusual Incident occurred during the president's stay nt Santa Barbara. The residence of the chief of the fire brigade caught fire. Tho fire chief, who was on the street awaiting the coming of tho president, was Informed that his bouse was In flames "Let It burn," he replied; "I will wait and see the president. I can build another house, but I may never have another chanco to see the president," and he stoically re- malued while his house burned (o the ground. "I saw the president," he said, when In formed that his house was In ruins. "I saved the lot, anyway." DEATHS AMONG THE SOLDIERS MncArthur C'alilra of Tlnr Who HnVe Succumbed to Ulienae or Drowned. WASHINGTON. May 10. Gneral Mao Arthur at Manila cables the following list of deaths since last report; browned (Ucidles Hecoveredl-Aprll IP, Company II, Twenty-llrst Infantry. Hobert u. Keeton: April 21. Company A. Twenty seventh Infantry. Wnlter Ashworth; Slay 1, band. Fifth cnvnlrv, Uenjamln Kvuns. .l )t'nt'y-Miircli i), Company I., Four teenth Infantry, Musician Charles U. Spur- f5S!V..Jfy '' K0,1?.'.'.1!"' F KlKhteenth In fantry. Corporal William D, Schultze; May Lh r,,,nn.y.S'' Twenty"'econl infantry, Af Lth1?;McUv?",e! A',r" :5- Company F. i 'V r.V."Jfnn,rl lerlck Uttletleld; 'vSU,2l'-iM0,Hp3ny, Fourteenth infantry. Adam Hlchebsderfer, Typhoid Fever-April 20. Company Ji, Third Infantry. Wllllani Mestker. April " Company F. Seventeenth Infantry. Colunii bus Sparks: May 4. Company O, Sixth cavnlry, Lawrence Murphy. All Other Diseases-May 3. Compiny M. Seventeenth infuntry, Kdwnrd K.DWkry company K, Forty-nlnth infantry. Iiah Brooksi April SW. nt sv, Company 13. Flftli Infantry. Frank C. Carter; May 6, Company H. Fifth Infantry. William Burn.; .May I ....... . .. ., , .., -cikiiiii iniHinry, Charles Johnson; Company 1, Third ctvalrv Fortieth Infantry, llownrd L. Martin Company L. Nineteenth Infuntry. Corporal rank 11. Kdwardsj April 27. Company O, Second Infantry, Frank Mattlce. Prickly Ash ntttera cures the kidneys, regulates the liver, tones up the stomach and purines the bowels. Chatelaine Watches, guaranteed time pieces, solid bard enamel on gold-filled cases In torquolse, blue, green or red In the pin to match; sale price only IS.00. Solid Silver Chatelaine Watches, fancy engraved cates, only $2.05. Men's 18 size open-face or hunting case gold-plated watches, fitted with American movements, Saturday only $2.9S. Men's 18 sire, 20-ycar hunting or open face ease, fitted with 13-Jeweled Elgin or Wattham movements; Saturday's sale price $9.98. Gent's IS site open-face watches, 20-year case, fitted with Elgin or Waltbam move ments, nt only $8. 95. Sterling silver Friendship hearts, 10c. Gold rolled plate Cuff Buttons, worth 60c, Saturday at 15c. Solid Gold Baby Kings. Sic. Sliver-plated Child's acta, three pieces, knife, fork and spoon, at 23c. Bronch Pics, guaranteed gold filled, new anJ twisted, pretty patterns, only DSc. Dnc Pearl Opera Glasses, acromatlc lenses In Mormco cases, only $3.50. Sterling Chain Bracelets, good heavy links, regular price $1.00; Saturday's special price 73c. Sheet Music Choice sheet music tomorrow only 10c per copy. We will place on sale high-grade classical music by such composers as Cbopln, Godard, Chamlnade, Liszt, Wagner, Padercwskl, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Rub instein, Lcschetlzky, Beethoven, Gounod nnd many others. Wc also have a nice lot of choke music of a lighter style, such as pretty two-steps, waltzes, transcriptions, Homo beautiful songs, beautiful descriptive music, organ music, mandolin and guitar, violin and piano, piano duets, pianoforte studies, popular sonatinas. We'have charm ing little easy pieces for first players. Wee Waltzes for Wee Fingers, n most attrac tive set for llttlo pupils. Call and ask to see this music, which will be cheerfully shown to you, or If out of town send for catalogues, which nre sent free. Remember we are headquarters for anything you want in the sheet music or book line. Wc are strictly up-to-date In nil the latest and most popular music of the day. HAYDEN BROS. SHOWS WHAT CONGRESS GAVE Etttut'ctl Eecord of the Appropriation! f tin. Fiftj-Sixth. AGGREGATE LESS THAN PRECEDING ONE In Ifl.tKl.tSn.l.tS, nr lair.TU.I.lOH Loiter Tlimi the Fifty-Fifth' .etv OtlU'CK, oi Military, .Vuiulier :t,K2(l. WASHINGTON. May 10. The volume containing statements of appropriations, new office, etc., required by law to be prepared and published at the end of each session of congress under the direction of the committees on appropriations of the ! Fashions for the Season 3815 Three-piece Skirt, 22 to 30 In. wtlrt. Woman's Three-Plece Skirt, Tucked with Yoke Effect. No. 3515 Tho hip yoke Is a marked feature of the season and is never more attractive nor more becoming than when formed by a succession of tiny tucks, The admirable model shown Is exemplified In chiffon veiling in Cream with trimming of guipure In a deeper shade and Is both exceedingly effective and novel, but the skirt is suited to almost the entire ranre of dress materials. Fine soft cloth Is to treated, All tho lighter-weight wools are peculiarly adaptable and such soft silks, cottons and llueus ns foulard Loulslne crepe de Chine, taffeta, cotton grenadine, em broidered muslin, batiste and tho like are charming. The skirt Is cut In three pieces, a nar row front and wide side gores. The full ness at tho upper rortlon Is arranged In the graduated tucks over the hips, but is laid In an Inverted plait at the back which pro vldes graceful folds and ample flare at the lower portion. To cut this skirt for a' woman of medium size 6'J yards of material 21 Inches wide, 5i yards 27 Inches wide, t; yards 32 Inches wide, 3ft yards 44 inches wide nr 3U yards 50 Inches wire will be required. The pattern 381& Is cut In sizes for a 12, 26, 28 and 30-lncb waist measure. For tbe accommodation of Tbo Dee's readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nomlnar price, lu cents, which covers ell expense. In order to get any pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of pattern wanted and bust measure. Al low about ten daya from date of your letter before beginning to look for the pattern. Addrtu Pattern Department, Omabs Ora. Hints by arv i.atnb. 50c Laces only 9c yd. Bargains you never before heard of. 50c N'et Top Wash Laces, 9c. 4ftc Net Top Vash Laces, 9c. SOc Net Top Wash Laces, 9c. 23c Net Top Wash Laces, ic. 5,000 bolts of the very finest Wash Laces all go at 9c per yard. A grand 9c sals Nothing over He per yard. Laces, Embroideries, Uibbons Silk Cords. Pillow Cords, Pillow Covers. French Plate Mirrors all go at Ac. Some worth '2oc. some worth o0c. all go at He. Jut: and .'luc Embroideries. He. Joe Lace Trimmed Handker chiefs, He. Tut: Ladies' Neckwear, He. L'5e Ladies' Pelts. He. Grand He Sale Saturday. KKEE We will give away Saturday 3,001) sample cards of the best nickled nursery Pin made. Men's Straw Hat Our straw hats nre now In and will be ready for your Inspection Saturday. We carry the largest assortment of children's Sailors, Mexicans, Filipinos nnd Manila straws In the city. A good Sailor for children at 20c. Our Mexican straws at 50c arc unequalled. See our Panamas and Filipinos for chil dren. Tho neatest thing of the season and only 50c. Having carried over from last season a few huudrcd dozen children's hats we will closo them out Saturday nt 5c and 10c, re gardless of taluc. Our Youths nnd Men's Straw Hats are complete In every detail. The golf style predominates this season. We have them from 25c to $1.60. senate nnd house, has been completed for the second session of the Fifty-sixth con gress by Messrs. Thomas P. Cleaves and Jnmes C. Courts, chief clerks respectively of those committees. A Buramary of the appropriations shows the grand total of $730,33S,55. The details by bills are ns follows: Agricultural, J4.5S2.420; army. $115,734, 049, diplomatic $1,S49,12S; District of Columbia, S,502,2f,9; fortifications, $7,364, 011; Indian, $9,747,471; legislative. $24,594, 963; military academy, $772,653; naval, 17$, 101,791; pension, $115,245,230; postoince, $123,782,688; sundry civil, $61,795,908; de ficiencies, $15,917,746; miscellaneous, $7, 990,023; permanent appropriations, $124, 358,220; total, $730,338,575. The statement shows that In addition to the specific appropriations made, contracts nre authorized to be entered Into for public works requiring future appropriations by congress in the aggregate sum of $4,224,640. These contracts Include $1,384,640 for per manent Improvements and Increased facil ities at certain navy yards, $2,341,500 for public buildings previously authorized to be constructed In various cities and for certain lighthouse tenders and a revenue cutter, and $198,500 for school buildings and sewer system In tho District of Co lumbia. The contracts authorized in ex cess of appropriations made at the first session of the Fifty-sixth congress amounted t6 $54,21,734 more than the con tract authorizations of the session Just closed. w Oflleea Created. Tho new offices of a civilian character created number 3,826, with annual com pensation of $2,500,601, and those abolished Quality and Quantity- Is a combination that you seldom flud In equal proportions You cannot obtnln better Ice cream than wc mnkc at any price You cannot pay less than wo charge and get lee cream that's even half so good as ours Is The simplest sort of test will prove thece facts to you Our Ico cream Is rondo of pure cream and wo take especial pnlus when we get an order for picnic, party or re-ceptlon-Om- little barrels, tilled with three) line flavors of our delicious cream, please everybody Enough for eight peo ple, 4dc. W. S. Balduft 1620 Farnen. St. When You Visit- Our store you'll not be badgered to buy your satisfaction at our offerings wlil tell you what to do If you look at the Leonard Cloatiablo Refrigerator we know you'll buy It's the best ouo iniidn Then wc sell Inwiunowors the renlly good 1:1ml prices from 'J.TG te $4.'Jo Lawn hose, every foot guaranteed, Sc. 10c and 12c A good water ceioler for $1.75 Screen doors, fSc and up Ad justable screens for windows Wire screen for chicks, n',c square foot All kinds ot garden tools at very closo prices Hetter come In and look us over, A. C. Raymer 1514 Farnam St. Special Saf'y Bargains 16-ln. Lawn Mowers $2 39 3-plecc Gdrden Set........... 23e 2 rolls Toilet Paper for 5c Good C-ln. Butcher Knives 7c 0-tlppcd Tea Spoons Sc A good Kindling Hatchet 9c Toilet Hair Clipper I9c Adjustable llnrdwcod Screens 25c 6-ft. Step Ladders !3c Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, per set 79j -qt. Sprinkling Cans ICe Solid brass Spray Nozzle t9c Heine's Fruit Press 19c Tho best Tack Claw made 5c Wax Tapers, per box Pc Leatherette Lunch Boxes Sc 2 boxes Stove Polish for to 12-tlne Rake i,ic Optica! Dept Special cut In Optical goods. No charge for careful examination. Department lu eharse of certified optl. Ian. Gold-lllled frames, guaranteed 10 years, nt $1.19. Alumlnold Spectacles or Eye-glasses, OSc. Colored Eye-glasses. 25c. Grocery Sale in lull-a Unut finati . n in-- t.ntilA. puro Tomato Catsup, 25c; 3 bars Wool Soap, 10c; 3 bars Tnr Soap, worth 23c. nt 10c; 3 3-lb. cans Uartlctt Pears, 25c; 3 3-lb. cans String Beans, 25c; 3 2-lb. cans Lima Beans, 19c; 3-potinds Moth Balls, 10c. 2 10o pl;gs. fnelo Tom Smoking Tobacco, 15c, 3 pkgs. Long Cut Smoking Tobacco, 10c; 10 pounds Whlto or Yellow Cornmcal, 10c; 10 pounds Ryo Graham, 10c; Ruby Prunes, 5c; California Evaporated Pears, 6c. Lard and Hams fi-lb. palls pure Leaf Lard, 48c. Boneless Cottage Hams, 11c. No. 1 Salt Pork, Sc. No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams, lO'.Jc. Fresh Dressed Chickens at lowest prices. Lemons 2C0 cases of fancy Lemons at 7c per doz. Fish Fancy Whole Codfish, 12iic. Family Herring, 24c each. Family Mackerel, 6c ench. or omitted nggregate 211, at annual pay of $245,226, a net Increase of 3,603, at a yearly cost of $2,239,075. In addition to the now civil employ ments shown the oltime aUo exhibits a net Increase lu the military establishment over Its organization as It would have ex isted July 1, 1901, of 77.194 officers and enlisted men, with annual pny amounting to $16,312,910, nnd fifty officers and 5,000 seamen In the naval establishment, with a yearly pay of $1,80J,125. The net number of sailors increased Is 528, at a cost for the year of $75,473. The total appropriations made by the. Flfty-sixMi congress aggregate $1,410,489, 438, or $127,723,198 less tlun tho $1,568, 212,637 appropriated by the preceding con gress. IOWA BOY FOR WEST POINT John Lund of l.Vilnr FnllM Announced ii Future Wnril of II I m I ncle Mnm. WASHINGTON, May 10. The War de partment announces the nppolntment of the following cadets to West Point: Leonard S. Arnold. Newark, Ark.; John Lund, Cedar Falls, la.; Jemes S. Dusonbury, Port Har relson, S. C. ; Kdwnrd F. Vacth, St. Gene vieve, Mo.; George Osborne, Sweet Springs, Mo. Hotel .lien Hnnkrupi. MOW VOIUC, May lO.-Alonzo W. Foster 1 nn1 August C. Foster, comprising the llrm I of Foster Bron., managers of the New Am I f.ifnluni hotel, llled h voluntary petition in bankruptcy In the United States district i court tcdny with liabilities of td.oou and no UShCtf. Big 10c Silk Sale Saturday Evening. For one hour Saturday night, from eight until nine o'clock, we will sell silks for 10c. There are plain silks, stripe silks, faiiev silks, snmo Mtiuill lpiierrlm. sumo ltui!' nieces:, khiiip white - ' 7 - n i ------ . - iuhI cream, some black, all colors. About 'JO pieces of velvet, tno colors a little odd, but the quality is real line, all go lor 10c a yard. These silks and velvets will be on sale for one hour. None sold before eight and none stdtl after nine o'clock. All sold in big Silk Department on main tloor. Great Shirt Sale Just purchased, a tremendous line of men's finest colored laun dered shirts, at a big reduction in price. They are all in the new spring and summer styles, in best, percales and madras cloths, the neatest, most correct ami swellest patterns, perfect titling and made and finished in the best possible manner, no better shirts in the market, they AQn 7r 100 are worth up to ?'J. sale price I ULj lUU An Omaha jobber's entire surplus stock of negligee shirts, sold to us at a great sacritice. perfect in every wav, reirular 75c values, go at zm $50,000 Underwear Pur chase. One of the best mills in the country closed out to us their entire remaining stock at o0c on the dollar. The greatest values we ever offered. They come in balbriggan and lisle-thread, in fancy and plain colors, well made, the shirts finished with French neck,, pearl buttons and silk trimmed, drawers with all the new ideas in straps, worth up to -1.00, on sale at Great Hosiery Sale Ladies' and children's fast black and fancy hosiery, the best makes, worth up to 50c, A C on sale at I0L, ul Latest Millinery Styles Uich and elegant millinery nt half price, we were the first in Omaha to make a specialty of elegantly A QQ trimmed hats, at T'.xO We have a number of followers but as usual in such cases the im itators lack the merit of the original. The thousands that buy hats here are the best proof of the fact that wc are selling the most practical and stylish hats A Qii in the city at T"0 We call your attention to our original creation, a new shirt waist hat, hand made, of Italian straw t QO 1P l Cf braid, also nobby polka dots, at lOj &Lv) LJ) Smart little ready-to-wear hats, at reduced price. All colors. Sailor hats at 25c, (59c, 45c and up. Special prices on llowers, foliage and trimmings of all kinds. WATIH ALL REDHEADED MEN Ueicew Police Hep to Find On Thtj Particularly Want. YOUNG GIRLS VICTIMS OF HIS KNIFE la neported to llnvc Stnlitied Mnn- ol ill e in in the Ilrenut Offlelnr Diiimhfer Ills Latent Vlftlm. MOSCOW, May 10. Many young girls, usually from 15 to IS years of age, have been stabbed in the breasts by a redheaded mnn at night In public places during the SAVES MEAT LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF Makes Moat Co Further Makes Soup Tasto Rlchor Knabe Pianos The cnrly Kuabo pianos, now over sixty years old, still lend their melodious sweetness lu scores of homes Viewed from any standpoint the "Knnbo" of to day Is the personlllcntlou of perfection In pianos. In the home, on the concert plntforni anywhere the "Kuabo" Is well nigh In comparable. Wo arc the western dis tributing agency. For nttlstlc tuning phone 18S. A. HOSPE, Music and Art. 1513-1515 Douglas, Boys Will Be Boys- And they will wear out shoes-We do not claim that our $1..V) boy's shoos won't wear out but wo do claim that they will slainl nuiro good, hard use than any shou at the saino price ever sold Wo have sold this same shoo for many years and have never yet had a dissat isfied customerWo take as much care In fitting our boys' shoes ns wo do his' lather's thus assuring him tho longest possible wearing nnd the most comfort Saturday Is boys' shoe day. Drexel Shoe Co,, Catalogue Sent Frtc for (he Asking. Owalia'a Ip-tn-Untc Shoe lluuaa. 141 K A It. A 31 STIIEUT, etc, perfect titling garments, 25c, 35c, 50c Inst fortnight. The latest victim of these attacks Is the daughter of an olllclnl, The police are using extraordinary endeavors lo apprehend the criminal, but so far without result. Nearly every redheaded man In tht city Is under surveillance. Tnku Cnlile Intermitted, NEw-TOIlK. May 10. The Commercial Cable company today Issued the following notice: "We are advised that tho Chee Foo Taku cable Is Interrupted. Mall for Taktt tomorrow afternoon, another on Suu day." Rubber Gloves Just the thing for protecting tbe hands while doing houcework. Price Per Pair $1.25: by mail 10c extra. THE Ii. J. PENF0LD CO. Mcdioal and Surgical Sunpllos 1408 Farnam Street, Omaha, I ft