THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; F1UDAT, MAT 10, 1901. 9 9 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrertlaensents for these oolumna will be. taken until 1J m. for, the evening edition' Mad until 8:30 p. iu, for morning und Sunday edition. Rates, 1 1-ita n irord flrat Insertion, le n Trnrd thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 2Bo for the flrat Insrr tlon. Theae adrertlaeaaeata mnit lie ran consecutively. Advertisers, by reqaeatlnsr a num bered check, can hare answers ad dreaaed to a numbered letter In care of The Dee. jtameri ao addreaaed will be delivered on preaeatatlon at the eheek aalr. SITllATIOXS WANTED. POSITION In retail meat market: have worked four years In one shop; best of references. Address l' k, me. A-MTS 10 WANTED M At. 13 HEI.r. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers or good namts arm appear - ance. C. F. Adams Co., 1C05 Howard SL BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue ano particulars irec. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Nob. WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only plicants irom distance; uoaru, toois ana scholarship, busy season; ill to 115 weekly paid graduate. Call or wrlto, Moler Bar- ber (Jollege, 1623 Farnam at. B M523 l.i WANTED, a. shoo salesman to travel In Nebraska; must have a large estubllsh'd trade and give good references Tennnl Shde Co., Mfrs. and Jobbers, St. Louis, M0. 11 AtlU IlKTECTIVKS. we want a sham, reanon- slble man In every city and town to do secret service worn; it per uay ano ox- tinR fnr Hf(lifil nrvlrn' rtf prcfl'R re. iiulrcd; postage tor reply. International Dctectlvu Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. U him 11 WANTED, energetic stale manager; call on Nebraska merchants and superintend nub agents; permanent position; must have law cash security; mlddlo-uBcd man pre ferred. Address ! 7. Bee. B-M745 iO WANTED, assistant engineer, capable of state aeu. extierlcnce und salary exbected. operating steam ana reingcration pi.i'ii; i also If married or single. Address P 6, nee. i idi WA.MKU, fxperieneoo salesman; live nus- lllnc voiiim man to Introduce our line. The Llppcncott A Cree Co., Plckters and iT(8erers, i.incinnati, unio. B-M763 10 WANTED, advertising solicitors. Directory Co. B- McAvoy WANTED, salesmen visiting hardware and implement oeuiers, general stores anu large consuming trade, to carry a line of netting, ruuucr goods ana general mm supplies on commission basis. Address, with references, S 16, care Lord & Thomas, Chicago, III. B-M78 11 WANTED, an all around photographer In umanu gancry. t' per week, c; i.. itoc- tor, 016 so. 16th st. B M755 11 WANTED, energetic, hustling man, to demonstrate and take orders. Apply be tween lo and 11 a. m. Friday. 102 N. nth at. b 774 a WANTED, a thoroughly competent and rapln young man, stenographer and type writer; goon salary paid, .w .Main st., Council Bluffs. U Misr 11 WANTED, a reliable man to call on the barber trade; must furnish references and have a small capital. Cincinnati Perfume Co., Cincinnati, o. B-M7&6 i WANTED, experienced soda water dis penser to go to Atlantic; la. Apply D. J. u linen 1.0., van nowaru street. R-M7S2 12 HALBsMKM wa.meu. SALESMAN wanted; man above 25 and under 15 years of age, capable and can show by hl& record u claim to a lucrative position; no man who has been a failure or Is averse to traveling need apply: give age, experience and references. I' 67, WANTED KKMALB HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 870. C-307 DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly; sysi tem received highest award at I'arls. l!0o. McDowell Dressmaking School, Ml S. 16th tiiii rooms uia-Dio ivaruacn oik. waktku, iaoy Turkisn bain operator; must have had good experience. Apply room jjeu ouuuing. u u. WANTED, housekeeper In small family; no WHBI1IJ1K. AQUICBS X 1U. UCC. U mil WANTED, girl for general housework, 2S23 California st. Mrs. W. K. Potter. C 469 LADIES wanted to learn halrrirxnutn' manicuring, massage or chiropody, irom four to eight weeks required. Complete outnt of tools presented each student. Positions secured in best establishments in city. Comparatively no expense. Call or wrue Aioicr uonegc, jb-m farnam St. C Mo24 15' RELIABLE help. Canadian office, 1522 Doug. u 170 WANTED. Immediately, twenty waist and skirt hands and five aood lenvn mik.r. Address Beeblck's Dressmaking Depart- ineiii. xcauwuuu, o. jjuaoia. . C-M563 14 COMPETENT girl for general housework: hnna nlrnnlnv ilnnA. ,0 (in .mki, , C-72S S GOOD girl1 for general housework; lo week: small family. 1714 8. 32nd St. C-732-9 WANTED, good girl at the Creche, 19th anu iiarney. u iil 10" WANTED, nfty girls to make overalls, shirts., pants, -duck clothing, etc.: steady employment at good wages. Apply at once to Byrne & Hammer U, O. Co., 12th ana itoward sts. c M751 12 IMMEDIATELY, competent girl nbout 16 to nrip oo nousework. isoj ho. sza st. - C-772 11 GOOD girl for general housework, German or Bohemian preferred; small family; mcaoy position. iwi ao, ."Jtn. C-Ji; Vt ANTtD, competent girl for general iiuuivwuiK, rcierences required, .Mrs. nucnanan, iuai ueorgia Ave. C 777 COMPETENT girl for general housowork. van Deiween iv ana i:. 132 N. 3'Jtn St. C 77S 11 WANTED, two experienced laundry girls. Permanent place. Home Laundry, L. O. Paxton. Bug City. Ia. c M,&3 13 HELP WAXTED. MEN and women of neat appearance for mem wuin iii uuukiur unu aarpy. ltoom on ruAiuu urn., viiiuua, iicd, Al tTO V WANTED, all kinds of competent hotel and i CBiaurn-iii "vip, wuKca, uuuhs, ili lo waiters. 19 to 112: waitresses, ss tn tin. 5'Ame.5l A'n'fi'l?"' . s l"r wrK. itirnmiinu i.iTii,ri iiiciii , irntinu week Denver, M-769 11 it -Js StV KOR HE.NT-110USJ3S. IK you want your houses well rented place mem wiiii uctianu & cu, i ovj TO move fight, get Omaha tVan Storage .U., UllltC, 40417 l1 aillHlll, UT ICI, IdOS'dU. D-S10 HOUSES fpr rent in all parts' of the city. Brennan-Love Co., S20 South 13th street. D-311 Houses, stores. Bemls. Paxton Block. D-312 BEE JIENRY B. PAYNE, 01 N. Y. LIFE. D 313 HOUSES, etc. K. D, Wead. I521.Douirlas. D-3H HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. . D-31S HOUSES wanted. Wallace. Brown block. II 314 tlESIRABLE flat, 6 rooms, to small family. FOUR rooms. m6dern. 111.00. 808 N. n St. D-MSS4 M-29 LARGE 11-room residence on the Nnrtta boulevard, will paint, paper and make wnat improvemtnia are necessary, Rent, OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas. D-M67S FOIl It KM' HOUSES. FOR RENT, strictly modern nat, Davldse bulldlne. onDoslte cltv hall. j-room modern house, JOoO Mason St.. near park, nice lawn and snauc, v. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1502 FAIWAM ST, MW5 a. i;tii ST.. seven-room liouse, city water in Kltcnen; win paper ami paint o r suit good tenant; block from So. Omaha car; rent, $15. Omaha Loan it Trust Co. SEVEN rooms and bath, 2914 Webster, $13; - I I. . . A.I - I '1 T I . fi I nl-, Clam luuiiia, muu:ii, ,7'v . I Uu; eight rooms, modern, 2021 Burt, ); others. Rlngwalt Bros., Darker block. D-M503 CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Kb mam i at. 4CV D H ill. ITUum cunuwu. K.iy naici, , A. P. TuKev, uoard or Traoc. uir.i s UNEQUALLED, all modern seven-room House; live-room nai; lour-room n.n. Tliard, 221 N. Z4th st. 13 iliK 8.TIOOM riwelllnsr. Sfill Dodc'e. 115. 8-room dwelling. ss.J Dodge, Ki.oi. A. F. CONNF.TT, 99 N. Y. Life. T.c.l.,1213, D-MT67 10' - - . . : . ' . i FOR RENT, 2124 8hcrman ave. 10-r.. mod ern, Byron tteea co., 2is ao. jtui. 1'0H IlE.Vr-l'UIlMSllED HOOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Famam, THE'THURSTON, 15th and Jackson; steam. THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping, uu g. nth. E-4H , NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. 1404 Jones HOU8EKEEPINO rooms, is UP, E-il M23' St.' Marys. 1863 MZ2' 3 FURNISHED rooms for man and wife rent taken in board, jvj a. nin i. NICELY furnished rooms. 1513 Georgia,. av. ROOMS-ISO Capitol uve. E-704-S THREE furnished rooms. Tiiard, 221 No. nth. E 760 14 KlIl.MMIllI) ROO.MS A.U HOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-322 GLENCAIRN,trar.slciiW,1.2o day. 1609 Doug. t?ri , i this aicrriam, summer resort, m ol uoage. i , tr .mui LARGE south front parlor, also smaller rooms, with board. Tlio Rose, 2020 Harney. LARGE south front room, with board; rcierences. -u. join at. itJJS io- ROOMS and board, 411 No. 23th st. F-.M757 11 ON MAY 15. one large front room with al cove ana large ciosets; aiso one picasum southeast room tor one or two persons; good board; terms reasonable. 2o7 South -4tn st. r .tiw in- KOlt It EXT U.N l''L It .M S 11 Ell HOOMS. DES1C room space, 15 per month, ground noor room m ine ueo building, lacing Farnam street; no expense tor light, heat or janitor service, iv -.. reiera Ac (jo. Rental Agents, Bee building. U tlti UNFURNISHED for housekeeping lo mar. rled couple, imiuire ill til. Mary s Ave. u miu; I:- 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, modern, light nousckccping. II uougias at. G-7I1 11 FOR KENT-STORKS AMI) OFr'll'Ea. FOR RENT, store In tlrst-class location; rent retsonaDic. Apply it. u. i-eiera 6i Co., ground hour. Bee Bldg. 1 26S FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- Dted ov ine ilea at vis ranium st. it nas lour biones anu a nanemeni wuicii lormeriy used as The "Bte press room. This will be renteu very reasonably1. If Interested apply at once to C. C. itoso- water. secreiuiy, room iuo. lite bunuing. i jut AUKX16 Xt.O'i-iJU. WANTED Can vast Ins aaenta In every county to uoiicu suosenpuous tor THE TWENTIETH CK.NTURf FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STUCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 imperial octavo pugus, suu ODject-teacn-Ing engravings, ano la the oniy book on live ktock ever published adapted to the every-aay, practical, money-savmir usa of evtry farmer and stock owner, ateady empiu'(neu wim ussurca guoa income. Agent in tne country yviiu borse and buggy especially desired. Cai:vasers make easily to to ,lvo per month. Ad drtst. Century Farmer Swilcltor' Bureau, ucu ouiiuma. viuatia, J 4a. AGENTS wanted to sell our new apple, the lusivni sciiiiiis Hiieiy ever guerea ,10 tne puouu; write tor iuii particulars ut once. Address Western Nuraory Co., L.awrence. WANTisu, agont to canvas city. Call at iki isorui ajin st. j aiirt IP bTUHAGE. PACIFIC 8toras and Warehouse Co.. 912. vh joiics, Kcnciui siuraga ana lurwuruing OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tels 155'J-ifkl. j-j WAXTED TO IHJY. WANTED. Omaha, and Douclas countv general tund warrants. W. Farnam Smitn t io., iuu rnrnam street. k iuss FOR a.. . . c.tL". CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 UodKe. ici.,.w. .w oi .uiiuuu turiiiiure tiouui, BOIU, UXCIIBIIgCU, , U-U UPHOLSTERING, 16th & 11 Worth. Tel'. 14M KOlt SALE HOUSES, VUHICLtJS, .ETC. FOR SALE, top buggy, good rendition; your oner is my price, u it is rignt. u. 41. Hart, 120, Jones St. P M&S'J FOR SALE, 2-seateU tamlly carriage, Sltip. son make, i.-d. uu r arnani at, i'-wjs LISTEN to the band. Have youj- vehicles icp d by it. rrost, wn ana u-orth. P-191 FOR SALE. FANCY team, driving or carriage! horses, coal Diuck, nowing. inane an tan, high spirueu, very Biyiitii. 1 JOHN S..kNOX. P M73S S New York Lite Blug. GOOD bargains In, extension top carriages: l ai 1 at 35.U0. 1 ut jlo.tO. . , All leather tops. Hiilendid bargains. 1 good canopy -top surrey lor nmgle horse, M.00. 1 six-nasscneer cxteiulon tot) carrlace.. u newly painted and repaired; big bargain tor nitio money. , UHUM.MUWD CARRIAGE CO P M7o, 15 SPEEDING wacon. twentieth century rear. i . .- . . . . .... . - I ruooor lire; neen ariven nine., uui gooa O. M. Hart. 1J07 Jones UL . ,r- 773 KOlt SALE-MISCELLANEOUS, SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry &"hf.g 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght.'lllS Farnam SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwarti 111s it ' " B cwa. U '. Q-.o 1,000,000 BUILDING brick for immedlHte de- livery. Wlthneli Rros.--flmlth Co.. yards 2d and iticiiory. 3ist and Lake. Tel. 42a. Q J0f Mil . TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed and WUUI. rfutnwy . wu., evrf 4. 4UIII. lei. tttl, IJ lS WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hot fleld or lawn ire vorks, m k. 16th St. Q-M jy7 CLAIR VOVA .NTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. n orth jlth. auo MM nVT.MRTt nilmlil StK On Htl, .. O 573 ELECTRIC treatment; VERA DELMORE, IMS Howard, 2d fL V.X . 't iwMa MME. SMITH, baths. US N, 15th. l2d Moor. ltoom 7. t T 723 13 VBRSONAL. Dll. ROY, chropodlst; corns tt superfluous rair removeu uy electricity, it. iz, r rtnicr block. U-333 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; names adopted. Airs, uurgct, swu Burdette. U-J3I viava, woman's way to neaun; rational, wnoiesome nomc treatment, sis uee uras, USTt JUST think of It' Klectrlc light gallery. 2 enameled .stamp photos in tour positions nllll pnuiu BUCK pill iui v. 4.. v. cre.ghton, blk., lSth and Douglas, upon tu . We make pictures at night. U MM AI1S .RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. i.mpiro uup ture Cure, vxi N. V. Life Building. Omaha. U SJJ SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for rent, unite bewing .Machine, iwv uouic las. Tel. 2331. u- PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and imriiiu during connnement; Daoies auoptea. r:rnt ur Mi GO! bl. u J17 flOI.DMAN CO.. only Derfect ac cordion nleatlnz nlant In the west; mall orders sullclted. Bulto 20u, DougUs Block. u J A BOX cf Rc-No-May Powder Is not a lttviirv wner it nnnrrt vuu R cure unci secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. u-mjij "WANTED, church soprano. C. B. Shaw, U S40 , Sheely Bldg, WANTED, church soprano. B. Shaw, U-140 sneciy aia. PARPETS tnd rugs cleansed llko new wimoui laniiiK up. nuuftiacwuu ui uu pay. City reference' DioppunUl. 60S N. 14. FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: null orders solicited, umana l'icating co., jk Lougias. u aiwi IRS. WILLOUOHUY-Halr dressing and snampooing, &c. Room wi, I'axton oik Tel. ii. U-7WJ 12 SHW rollers for cloth wringers. .Novelty j rem and urass works, in o. lutn. i-none 13SU. U M7i2 Junc2(i WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlcmlst, Tel. 125S. Best of city references. Leave order at 151i Farnam. U-M743 14 1 NEED money; will sacrifice iny Ivcrs it I'onn uprigni grand piano; muKe me un offer. Aduress 1 bl, Bee. L "j2 13' J M1DDLK-AGED lady, 'no children, wants kind, loving nutbana. Address i' w, nee u Aww 13' WB RENT sewing machines at 75c per week. we repair ano feu pans tor an makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. 15th and Harney, -pnone iwj. U 776 JcS MONEY TO LOA.-IiEAl, INSTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa farms at a tier cent: borrowers can pay lloo or any multiple; any interest unit; no ueiaj. urcunun-L.ou .o., ouu o, 13th t., umana. iSeo W 341 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urcunun-L.ove uo., auuui um V 342 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Ueorgc a-, company, lovi rurnam strvei. 014 $1,000 AND upward to loan on Improved city prcpcriy unu tarms. . rarnain onuui i Co,, 1320 Farnam. W Jll FIVE per rent moi. Bemls, Paxton block. w ilJ WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. c. 1'ciera & co., 17V2 Fainam st.. Bee Bldg. W 316 MONEY to loan at 4Ja and 5ij per cent on umana property, vt . v. .tieikie, vji a. inn, ' W-317 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W Mi FIVE and 5'i per cent city and farm loans. uarvm Bros., ibu t arnnm oi. v M'j PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 027 N. Y. L. W-3J0 kabii on nanu. u E. Turklngton, C05 Bee. V-MSo2 414 AND aVi par cent loans. W. H. Thomas, first .aiiuuui uana uuuuing. it'i. W iil TO LOAN, J4W to 1500 on real estate secur ity ul 7 per cent. Aduress soon, i' 47, Bee. W-b71 MONEY TO LOAN On improved real es- tate; o per cent interest; no commission; privilege of paying 1100 or more beiore maturity. Nor h western Mutual 1.1 le ins. Co, John N. Gish, special loan agent, 214 1st Nut'l Bank bldg,, umaha, Neu. W 710 10,Sk.t 4u .w.i..-Lil.ll I'i.1.!. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It Is easy to advertise lowest rules, as Others uo, but wu leel positive that Ii you will ii.ukh comparisons you win uc con vinced mat you can uu uettvr with us than elsewhere. We loan .on furniture, pianos, live slock, etc., or vu . m make you .. SALARY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. We cnarge nothing tor making the loan unu uu receive the tull amount in cuh. ou may pjy it buck in one month or take six moutns or more in which to nay It. and jou neiu not pay tor It unu uay longer man jou tci u, uur terms are ine easiest, our business Is conuotntlal and uur muiiu is iry iu uieuge, OMAHA MOK'IGAGE LOAN CO., U!) Boaid oi Trauu uldg, lei. UiVj. (EstUtHlsilcd us:. ao a. lbth St. X-351 H.OuO.OO TO place nulck. M. J. Kcnnard A SOU, ouiiu oiv urown uik. X.lib SAL.VRY LOANS. WE LOAN Xlo IU lltO Tu A.N y, ONE HOLD. inu A uuuu fuaiiiun. why BOR ROW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST II Alt b IN TOWN, ANU WITHOUT PUBLICITY? RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Paxton Block, Room 303. X-M503 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAUlisu risuri.H, merchants, team sters, boarding huuses, tic, without se curlty; easiest terms: tO utuces In princi pal cities. TOimuil, 110 Board Trade Bldg SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgoge, no mourner, no publicity; lOWer rates, lliutji cumci jmyiuuillb, RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floot, Room 3o3, Puxtun Block. X-353 M?.A.NS i9N .,,?A1MA,BLEVvf live stock, etc. Quick ervlce und lowcbt rates guaranteea. j. v. lAiuut., 1133 (to; lloor i'axton Block, northeast corner I6t, and Farnam; entrance on 16th St. X-357 MONEY loaned salaried people holding pgr. manem posiuwu miu icuiisiu, cuuearn Upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 4lo Board Trade Bids. X-527 MdKKY Innned salaried neonla lioldlnir nfr maneni position wmi icsijuiiiiuie concern upon tlielr names uunout security; easy payments. iuiuiau,iiv uumu ui ifuuu uia, X-S27 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, jewciry. uun ureen, it. s. Barker blk A 3itf MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew. ciry. norscs, cows, etc. u. t . iteea, 31a s is, X-35S SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasants, 34 uarker dik. . 360 MONEY. 110 Your credit Is good with us. Quick 115 loans on nousenom gooos, pianos, $20 etc.. without removal from your resi $25 .dence. Easy payments, iney tiey are the $30- lowest. I WO I0 LOANS TO BAL,A!lir.D re.UI'LCi lvu hl In easv weekly 145 without mortgage, or inaorser, paya- or mommy in its stallments. Our suite of private Inter- ti view mz rooms nas a dirrerent en trance and exit and we can guarantee what an people or pnae ana renne 7 ment desire aosoiute privacy and I l&O conrldenttal treatment. y AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 312 190 Brown block. S. E. cor. 18th and lioo Douglas streets, entrance on ,16th st, A in 7 19 nt'SINSSS CHAXCES. FOR SALE or trade Contents of 11-room .boarding house: full of first-class room era, first-class location; a snap if sold at once. Auurcs r w, uee oract, x ivs 12 nLl.M:SS CHAXCES. FORTt'NES nulckly made In oil. Write lor new booklet (just out), Also special bulletin and advices on oil Investments, mulled free. Beckley & Co., Bunkers, 50 Bioadwuy, New York. Y-MM3 It KOR SALE, small stock of shoes and men's unucrwear tor casn. Jonn iionanau, (.o lumbUfc, Neb. Y-M611 lo GOOD milk route; nine head choice ml'k cows, milk wagon ana set aouuie Harness. R. C. Young, 27th and U sts., South umaha. Y MSI1 H FOR SALE, bak'ry and confectionery, do ing goou uusmess ,111 smau .eoraska town; goud location; good icason for sell ing. Address O 41, Bee. Y-M797 M20 FOR SALE, the Osborne Houe, Alnsworth, -seo.; notei nas been rcntteu and im urovtd; has all the commercial trade and It doing a good business. Write lo A. E. Howe, Alnsworth, Neb. Y M445 Jcl FOR SALE Drug stock; Invoice 1.C"W; must sell by May 17; 2J per cent discount; partnership dissolved; a bargain. Ad dress Box S96, Geneva, Neb, Y M734 15 FOR SALE cheap, newspaper, doing k good business; only paper. Address Advertiser, Herman, Neb, Y-M7t5 12' rOP. SALE or trade, new stock of general merchandise; good location, eastern Ne braska. Address P 65. Bee. Y-M7M 13 FOR E.XCHAXUE. 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts. io-67 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Lnluil Puclllc italiroau company, ii, A. McAliaslcr, land cummusiuiitr, Liilou i'acinu iii'ddiiUdi'teis, uinuiiu, Neb. HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; .ilio acre property unu lium ianu. 'rue O. t Davis Co., ituula wl, litu uulldlllg, itt, 36i FOR SALE on monthly payments, S-rom modern nouse on -n. 'nui at. car tiae; also vacant lots, which wnl oc unprureu tor purciiuter on mouerutu pu meni down. Mutual Loan anu Butminii Association, U. Jl. Naltins-1 Seciet.iij, ute lliug. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, tul N. Y, LIFE. ith job WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room home, ciusu to good car une, Eastern owner anxious lo ken. M. j. Kcmiaru m bun, (fj-lo utuwn Block. RE 4J HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso lire Insurance. Utmls, I'axiun UU. Ith-M CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, ivx. Farnam SL Rt.-JM FOR SALE. 2 houses in South Omaha, ccn trally Jocatca; cult be L-ouyln ui a bur guln. Audreys C c 'u.urU, Fremont, Web. i;E Mto lo FOR SALE, a snap, n livery ttcd una sale stable, cverytnin nral cmm. Win tuke il.WJ to swing tiie ueul. AQdrcus jji. 1'. 11. Elisor, bouth Umanu, -Nto. RE-727 10 SNAP CLOSE IN. block 2. Perkliu' sub, N. E. cor, 2Cth Lot and Douglar, 7-room house, lot iUxl!.'. 1 offer for I3.C0'). Agents invited to submit ulfcts. N. Poor, care C. F. Hurrlson. RE-71S 10 WORTH BUYING. The S. W. cor. 24th aim Uuvciiport, houses C8. 2is-2s N. 24th, annum rental 33t; ocst place in nlsii school mil tur uatu ui oouoie hOJtes; nulliiuti cueapei- in mat purl ot loi.u. -S3.5CO- For a medtum-prlcett mime, a full lot with .room nuuse, conveniences, excellent hot water piani, aspnaii pAVvmeiit, peruia nenl walk, line iieignburliuuu; price une eur UbU, roi' enoi l tune J.lfAJ South front lot on uies Ave , cheap at 1150; win lumiKn a feoou i-i. nouje anu mote u un thiu lut, toiai com iu o lots near 24th anu .mice, big bargain, 3 lots on puved street und car, all specials puiu, - italic- I want more houses iu sell at prices rang ing trom i,w iu v-'.ow. cannot suppiy the uemano. GLURUt, U. WALLACE, J. J, Brown Blk. Itt. 7W D SIIURTI1AXD .VXD T Yl'fci U'RITlXti. A C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. oio BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, DVV X11U4, Jl NEB. Business A. Shoithand College, Boyd's iiieaier. 372 GREGG Shorthand. Urn, C. Col., 16 & Doug LALXDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, -c, cuiia, ic. iiuu iuveiiMonu. ici, ull. .'32 MEU1CAL. LADIES, 3500 reward tor a case of suppres sion um ui. jacKsun b .uonuny itcguutor fans lu .relieve in 24 hour.; positively buurunucu; no er(,ut or piu, many saved nuin suii;:ue; meal bate nonie U'eattneiU. Mail 3 tu Dr. Jackson, K. . 14, lul ucat burn fit., cnlcagu, In. 3u 11 DR. LE DUE'S French Female Regulator, positively warranted to relieve tne most stubborn ctjs.'S ut monthly stoppages, n Itguiuntles, obatrucllona ana nuppres sluiia oruugiu un rrom Whatever ubiiurmJl ur pathological cause; 2 a package, ur lur j, m-Iii anywhere prupaiu un iccolpt ut pricu. The Kldd IJiug Cu., ivilgiu, in, American unite, teluli, wuoiebaiu, Diyeia Dllluii Urug uC, Umaha, M. A. iJilloh, Suulh uinaiia, uavib LiU Co., cuUitcu Biutts, i-uii line of ugulmttte ruuuer gouus. RHEUMATISM - WHISKY - Why suffer trom rheumatism wncn there Is u specinc cute lur yolif hy on a slave to wintky, upturn, morphine, lobaccu ur cocaine vrnun e fcUarauite tu cute you;' Answer tins uy wiwiif,' the Elisor neiuedy o a'uuin umanu, ..iu, lnS)2.j M ib Jeo DRESSMAKlXtL IN FAMILIES. M)sh Sturdy, 315 s. 26th St. . VSJ .M27 ADVEttTISlXU FAX'S. ADVS. FANS. Burkley Ptg. Co., Omaha. Mil J2 CUTLERY GlllX'DlXU, METZER &. KLEIN, cutlery grinders; lawn mowers a specialty. Telephone 244. .2th aim iuugias. 431 H HVIIir.MC 11ATII9. FOR ludles only, hygienic baths, with mas suite and electric treatment. Ijmler ai-i tlon or Mrs. T. scnommer, grauuatu mua seuse, lormeriy of "The Batnery." R23 i.'uugia bi. lei. -lou. upeu evenings by cimnruiciu. MOUl Mil (ARIJAUE HAULIXO. ANTI MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspcols and vaults, removes garbago and deed animajs at reduced prices. 121 i. mill. iei. !.. MZil MZ7 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 5)5 N, Y. L. Bldg. Tel 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dent.: i-,, viiiiouu, ioi.u,Jt4iwiai, Algr. -371 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tel. 1267 lit LOST. LOST, pocketbook containing several rail way annual passes; the under will be le warded by leaving at The Bee ofltce. Lost-731 S -1ICYCLES, SECOND-HAND bicycles at H price; must have the room for new ones; good wheels for 13 and up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments, iyiuls f lescner, ibi. lapnoi Ave. M363 PAHUl'ETRY FLOORS. FRANK SEVICK makes a specialty of all kinds hardwood flooring and parquetry, My prices are rignt. iait uik at. -50 MIS' SHOE REPAiniXll. SOLES IPc, rubber heels and soles, 75c Neb. Repair Co.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulone. Prop, 140 MJl T.iiLonixo. 2S PER CENT saved; high-class tailoring, latest designs. Stephen J. Broderltk. ltii Farnam st. -M5S3 MI3 El.Ot'LTIOX. ELLA DAY. 19?) Dodge St. -S77 M22 ACCORDIOX PLEATI.M1. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th t and Farnam. 3iQ LAItl'EVrr.HS A X D .ioniiEti. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly auciiaeu to. g. i, ucniurec, -v.n and Lake Sts -370 I'URXITl HU llEPAlltlXti. TEL. 1331. M. 8, Wftlkllti, 2111 Cuming St. -37s EXPERT ACCOLWIMXT. LESSONS in bookkeeping, clc, day or even ing, it. lo, com. .Nut. uaiik. u. it. itainmin. J.K SCREEX noons. Windows, etc. G. C. Co., 1519 Leav. Tel. 2323. -45 J2 M'A.MMEHI.Mi AXI) STUTTER IXG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Uld. nOII.EIt MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollers.lanks, stacks, etc tci. lubo. Kin & izara sis. to PATtiVl'S. PATENTS, no fee unless successful, Sues A: Co.. Bee Bldg,, Omaha, Ncl. Advice tree. -us Jui5' l.AW.V MOWERS REPAIRED. IS YOUR lawn mower in good repair? It not send It to Novelty Iron mid Brass Works. -Hi a. lutn. i-nuiic. usu. UPHOLSTEItlX'tl. GLOBE COUCH CO., IM Leav'th. TL2K. TICKET HRtlKEIt. CUT rate tickets everywhere, bin. 1503 Farnam. Tel. 7S4 P. II. Phil -3S0 PAWXIIROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable, accommodat ing; all business coniidcntiai. isui doukiu. ub TALKING MACHINES. Omaha and Lincoln. Nob., arc the Talklntr Machine headquarters for the entire wost, carrying the most com tilete line of latest rec- orns. When mu fall elsewhere, call, or send your mall orders to us. AUTOMOBILES. Pioneers and Prime Promoters of the Ilari- JttOffUt' ,pss Vehicle Industry U .,1" tunic m.ii Don't fall to visit our thin mnnrlllmH nl Omuha or Lincoln. See our most wonder-" ful machines In operation. Ladles particu larly Invited tn learn how simple the art of ui.tLi'i'tiLii rcany is. umana phone 11'jj Lincoln phone 1S2. POSTOKK1CE NOTICE. (Should be rtad DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur at any time). Forelen malls for the week mullnn- Miv 11, 1901, will Close (PROMPTLY In all cases) it me general posiomce as lonows: I'Aft JELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown bciov. Parcels post malls tor Germany closo at & p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at turelgn branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Trnna-Atlnntlo Mails. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. 'for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Maasdam (mall must be directed "per s, s, Maasdam"); at 7:30 p. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, pet s, s. Etrurla. via Queens town, at 8 h . m. for ITALY, per s. s. Trave, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s, s. Travu"); at 10 a. m, for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Furnessla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Furnessla";. PRINTED MATTER. iTCC-Thls steamer takes l'rinted .Matter, commercial Papers und Samples for Germany only. The Bame class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent hy this uhtp unless SDCClally directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary litiliD'.iiidiaiu .nana lauiieu auovtr, ua- dltlomtl supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and ie main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ut sailing of steamer. alalia for South mill Central America, west mine. i;tc. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. i . . .. n n .-ii. T" .. .-. . , i i , 1 1 . . . ceiieea, .it lammtu viuuit must 06 directed "per s. s. Seneca"). SATURDAY At 0 a. m. for ARGENTINE ItKt'UiJi.n., uituuuAi and PARA GUAY, per . s. Flaxman; at 9 a. ni. for PORTO RICO, per . h. Fonco. via San Juan, at 9 n. m. (supplementary P;39a. m.) lor viiNftiur.tiA ana uujiacao. per p. s. .imniouuu wiimi lur ou vanilla ana CarthuKona must be directed "ner h. h. Maracalbo"): at 10 n. in', ror CUBA, per B, S, .UUIIU OaDUC, 14 44i4llJlUj III IV ft, m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for. FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SA VA NILLA. CA11TI1AUKNA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mail for Costa Rlcu must be dliected "per s. y. Alleghany ); at 10:30 a. m. fof YUCATAN, per s. a. Ravensdiile. via Progrcso; at i p. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s! Haddonhall. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North syaney, anu ineiico oy steamer, close nt this otllce dally at 6:3 p. r.i.. connecting close here overy Monday, Wednesday anu Saluiday. Malts lor Mtquelon, by lull to Boston, and thenco by steamer, closo at Hub office dally ut u:3o p. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port lampa, Fia,, and thence by steamer, close ut this office dally, except Monduy, at "b a. m. (the connecting closes tire on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday). Mails lor Cuba, by 'all to Miami, -''la., and thence by sleamec tloufc ut this olllce every Monday juid Friday at "11 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless sptcially addressed lur dispatch by steamer, close at this of fice, dally at 1:30 p, m. and 11 p. m. Malls ror Costa Rlcu, Belite, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, hy rail to .New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close nt this olllce dally at 1:30 p. in. (connecting closes here Mondays tor' Belize. Puerto Cortez und Guatemala and Tuesdays tur Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pievious day. TruuB-Poollla Mnlla, Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 6th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Peru. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, tto here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 8, Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. a. Gle nogle. Malls (or Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to May "13 (or dispatch per a. a. Mariposa. Malls (or Hawaii, China and Japan, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p, m. up to May "16, Inclusive, (or dispatch per s, s. Coptic. . Malls fot Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to May "IS, Inclusive, (or dis patch per s. s, Australia. Mails fot China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here dally at c:30 p m. up to May "21. Inclusive, (or dispatch per s. s. Idiuml Maru (registered mall must be directed via Seattle). Malls for China and Japan, via Van couver, close here , daily ut 6:30 p. m. up to May 21, Inclusive, (or dispatch per b. s. Empress o( India (registered mail must be directed "via Vancouver"), Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m, after May "4 and up to May 25, inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Lucanla, duo at New York May "25, (or dispatch per s. s. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Sail Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally POSTOKF1LE NOTICE. at 6:30 p. m. up to May "ii. Inclusive, lor dispatch per k s. Wrrimoi (sutipleinf n tary malls, mm Snattlt'. v.ose at ! io i in May "2Si. t.M.tll must be directed Ma VnncoUTer ) Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to pott or sailing dallv and the schedule oi clos ing is arranged on he presumption or their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mail closes at B p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. PostofTicc. New York, N. Y. Mny 5. 11 I.EtlAl, XOTICES. NOTICE TO, CONTRACTORS. S,nlf (l t ronossls w:ll t received at the olllce of the commissioner or public lands and buildings at Lincoln, Neb,, until 12 m. siay 2i, ijji, tor tne erection ot tne new Mrenroof bulldiiiD tor the nsvlum lur the chronic insane at Hastings, Neb, PIAn and specincanuns may te seen at tne onite of the commissioner ot public lands and buildings, or at tie otrtce of the superin tendent at the asylum at Hustings. Neb., and at the ortlce of Messrs. Ileriinghof A Grant, architects, Beatrice, Neb., attcr the 6th day of May, 1901. Each proposal must be accompanied by good and suDlclent bond in the sum uf So.ouO made payable to the slate of Ne braska in cam the bidder rucelvtiirf the sward shall fall to execute a contract and furnish th? bond as required within ten days nttcr the receipt of notice of the ac ceptance of hla bid. 'Proposals may be made for the entire work under one general contract, or for any one of the branches of the work us ciasslfl.-d in the schedule. The Honrd of Public L.tnds and Buildings refcerves the right to reject any and all bids and waive defects, GEO HUE D. FOLLMER. Commissioner of Public Lands and Build ings. Lincoln, Neb,, April 30, 1901. N'OTlfE TO CONTItACTORS. Ronlnl nrnniiK:iU will lie recrlved at 111" olllce of commissioner of public lands and buildings of the state of Nebraska, nl Lin coln, Neb., until 12 o'clock m. June 6. 19J1. for the rebuilding of the state penitentiary at Lincoln, Neb. Plan and specifications may bo seen r.( the olllce of the commlsidoner of public land and buildings, p.t the office of the wnrdcii of the state penitentiary Hnd at the office of Messrs. Uerllnghor Grant, archi tects, Beatrice, Neb., after the lbth day ot May, 1901. , . . Each proposal must be accompanied by h certified check equul to 5 per cent of lh amount bid. said check to be psyablr ty the state of Neliraka, In case the bidder receiving the nwnrd shall fall to execute a contract and furnish the bonds as required within ten days after the receipt of notice of the acceptance of his bid, The party or parties receiving the con tract must enter Into n bond In the sum of 5l5,ouo, said bond to be a surety company bond, The plumbing and sleam fitting will be bid upon sepatately from the main build ing. The Board of Public Lands and Buildings reserve the right to reject any ard all bids and io waive defects. GEORGE D, FOLLMER, Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings, Lincoln, Ncb May 7, 1901. M9dl0tm Amiunl Mci-t Inn. The nnnual meeting of stockholders of the Fremont, Elkhorn A: Missouri Valley lt.illinail conioanv will be hold at the olllce o (the company In Omaha, Neb., on Friday, May 17, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., (or tho election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. J. u. risufii;l,ij, Sccretury. till VUR X.1IEXT .NOTICES. MEN WANTED FOR THE U. H. NAVY Landsmen for training as seamen, oge 18 to 25, $16 per month; landsmen for yeomen, nee IS to 2 ($30 piT month upon appointment as yeomen third class); seamen, age 21 to "i5, 121; ordinary seamen, age IS to 20, $19; ap prentices, third class, age 15 to 17, $?; ma chinists, first class, age 21 to 35. $55; ma chinists, second class, age 21 to 35. $10; hos pital apprentices, ace Is to 25, $20; hospital apprentices, first class, nge 21 to 28, $30; shipwrights, age 21 to 35, 135; electricians, second class, nge 21 to 35. $10; electricians, third class, age 21 to 35. $30; coppersmiths, age 21 to 35. $50. Candidates must pass a physical examination showing them to Le iree from disqualifying ailments, and except- landsmen and apprentices, an exami nation showing them to be qualified for their ratings; lanusmen nnu apprentices tne PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ONLY. The term of enlistment Is rour years. A BONUS OF FOUR MONTHS' PAY and an ADDI TION OF $l.Cfi TO THE MONTHLY PAY for each re-cnllstment within four months on honorable discharge. RATIONS. ilEDt CINES AND MEDICAL ATTENDANCE GRATIS. Privilege of RETIREMENT ON THREE-QUARTERS PAY after 30 years' service. Ahlo-bcdled AMERICANS ESPE CIALLY WANTED, who will enjoy EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR AD VANCEMENT TO PETTY OFFICERS by the early completion of a number of large ships. A recruiting office will be opensd at Rooms 513 and 614 McCague bldg., 15th and Dodge Ms.. Omaha, Neb,, from Slay 6-n, in clusive, 109L -M5-11-M RAILWAY GUIDE. IX'IO.N STATIOX-IOTII AND MARCY. Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. overland Limited a S:20 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Mall and Express all;35 pm a 4:25 pm Colorado Sneclal all:.ti nm a fi'.-jl an, Llncoln-Stromsberg Ex.b 4:05 pm bl2:30 pm Pacific fc Atlantic Ex... a 1:25 pm a 6:60 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am C'blcniiii A Xort lnvcBtern. Chicago Special a 7:00 nm all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4tl5 pm a 8:40 am Eastern Express.. alO.'ao am a 4:03 pm Eastern Special a 4.65 pm a i:C pm Fast Mall a 2:15pm vjumiui-iii!ebu u i u...n mo pm a s;w am .Fast Mall a 8:30 am cedar Rapids Passenger a 6:30 pm Sluo City it PacJUc. Twin City Express a 6:53 am nl0:25 pm Twin City Limited n 7:56 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a $.00 am a 3:50 pm Clilrnko. Ml I Tin ii ken .t SI. Paul. Chicago Limited a C:oOpm a 8:05 am Chicago k Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm IllluoU Cetilrnl. Ch cago Express...... ...n 7:00 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St, Paul Limited a 7:4X nm n K-te a .J Oi Dl, X Bill Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from council Bluffs,.. b 4:M pm a 8:15 am i uii ivuugc i.ucai, irum Council .Bluffs u 6:00 am Clili'iiHu, Rook Island A Pacllir. Dcs Moines & Duven- pon j,oe4 a 7:vj am bn:Jj Chicago Express. buns am a 8:10 am " ."""leu liutui a :u pm a 4:45 pm Chlcngo rust Express. .a 5:o0 pm a l:2o nm Des Moines, Hock islund P ii c ncago.. a 7:10 pm a 9:33 pm 4........,, u,u kj,,,ii(n Denver. Pueblo and V . ...... j;m pm a 4 it pm Colorado, Oklahoma and lexas i-iyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am Mlsoonrl Pnrlllc St. Lou If. Exnress atOion m a.ii iv. c. it at. i4. faxpres9aio:50 pm a 6:15 am Omaha A St. Loala. it;i'..'i,liK'?n?0,).?.J.a"";lfl:13 Pm a am Local . .. ,. .a 7:00 am a 3:00 pm almsii, St. Louis "Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. DURLINttTON STATIO.N-lpTH it MASO.V ChlcnRO, Dnrllnaton ic Qulnoi-. Leave, Arrive cnicafro sneclal a T:fln m nm Chicago Vtstlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am i-nicagi) jucai a v.M am a 4;0a pm Cldcago Limited. ...... ..a.750 pm a 7145 am l ast Mull a 2:45 pm Ilurllnittiin A Mlaaoarl River. Nebraska & Colorado Express , a S. 10 am a 7:35 pm viymoie, oca i rice tt Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:U am Denver Llmltea a 1:25 pm a 3:00 pm mack mm tv j-ugei Sound. Denver Con nection S:(0 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln r ast Man d a;vu pm a nm Fort Crook and Platts mouth b 3:20 nm nil if am Bellevuo & Paclrlo. Jet, .a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue & Paclllc Jct..al2:lo am linmua cii), aepii council lllnlYN. Kansas city uuy i-.x,.,a s;ai am a :25 pm Kansas City Night Ex.,alo:2o pm a t:15 am si. ixiuis riyei a o;iu pm uu:i5 an) a Dairy. b Dally except Sunday". WEIISTEIl DEPOT 1BTII A WEBSTER Chlrniro, St. Paul, Mlnnenpolla Omnlia. Twin City Passenger.. ..a IM am a 9:10 pm Blmix City Passenger... 2:45 pm alljio am Emerson Ix)cal ,.b 5;30 pm b S:30 nm Missouri I'nolHc. Kebraska Local. Ha Weeping Water b 1,10 pm al0:45 am 1 9V 1 South Omnhn Ne lin News. The sewets of South Onisha need atttn tlon ss quite a number of them are now clogged up For several days patl In spector Cook ahd Street Commissioner Clark hae had men at work flushing the sanitary scucrs lu various parts ot the clt. lu some Instances great (rouble has beon experienced In opening the sewers, but by forcing streams of water dran from fire hydrants Into the eer openings havn been made and In most cases the lines are. t.ow clear. s-'otno time ago Inspector Cook recom mended to the council that flush tanks, be proWdcd at the head of all sanitary sewers In order to keep up a constant flushing. Cook's Idea U to 111) lhce lank with water from the city nupply and attach an auto matic contrivance which will flush ths sewers a certain number of times a day. These tank, It Is asserted, can be con structed fot nbout 150 each And connections with the water mains made. Not more than fifteen tanks will be needed at the present time and Hie cost will not amount to a great deal when the work accomplished la taken Into consideration. At the time the suggestion was made to the council by Inspector Cook the matter war. passed, but since It has been discovered that, the severs need attention the com munication will most likely be taken up and acted upon as soon as the funds are nnllahlr. The N street scv cr should be extended from Nineteenth street east to the river. This Is an Important question which has been put off by the council for a number of month. With warm weather coming on the open sewer from Nineteenth street east will become a nuisance and complaints will commence to come In. Several damage suits are now pending against tho city for main tains this so-called nuisance and more wtll follow unless the authorities take steps to extend the sewer. 1 1 mi Mnnj CiMtni'lliiiPii. Mcnilon was made In The Bee yeatrrday of an opinion from n prominent Omaha at torney In rein. Ion to the power of ths mayor in relation to thu appointment ot two councilman. According to this opinion the mayor has no right to make any ap pointments, and if this holds good the: council will be composed of only four mem bers until the next election. When the attention of Mayor Kelly was called to the Item In The Bee the mayor asserted that he had a right under ths charter to make hc appointments and that tho courts would hardly declare the ap pointments void nt this time, Further, ths mayor mid that he was very anxious to have the council get down to business, as quite n number of matters of Importance were pending, In the face of the opinion spoken of the city officials are grcAlly In terested in the outcome of the case which will he called before Judre Eslelle Satur day. I'mnmomrnl Annnnnerd. Invitations were lisued yesterday an nouncing the marriage on May 16 of Miss Jean Boyd Mullnn and Mr. Henry Clifford Richmond. The ceremony will be per formed at the First Presbyterian church, Twenty-flfthand J treetsr at 8 p. m., by Rev. Dr ft. L. Wheeler. An extended west ern trip Is contemplated, the couple leav ing South Omaha Immediately after the ceremony. South O in. ill a (inl .llnici. On June 1 Ihr South Omaha club will move Its headquarters from Its prelent lo cation to the Bock building on Twenty- fouith street. The entire floor which la over the old portofflcc has Men leaied by the club and furniture for the new apartments Is now being purchased. At the present time the club consists of sixty -members and more commodious quarters are 'needed. The new apartments will consist of spacious parlors, a reading room, billiard room, din ing room, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, etc. It Is the intention of the directors to serve a lunch at noon each day to those members who desire to take their meals downtown and short orders will bs served at any time. The officers of the club are J. B. Wat- kins, president; W. B, Cheek, vice presi dent; W. S. King, treasurer; James Brady, secretary; C. Tandy and R. Hall, assistant secretaries. Extend Operntlona. General Manager C. Howe of the Armour company stated yesterday thnt the new Sioux City plant which had been secured by tho Armours would be operated (rora this point. Mr Howe will net as general manager of the Sioux City bouse as well as the one here. It Is stated that the opening of an Armour house nt Sioux City will be of considerable benefit to this market. Dor Cnt'.-licr Itiia.v. 1 in complance with the new- charter a de scription of all dogs impounded roust be placed dally on the bulletin board (n the city clerk's office. Yesterday eight curs and two bird dogs were marked up. Dog tags are celling rapidly And Clerk Shrlgley la kept busy making out receipts and dealing out tags. At the rate tags arc, selling It Is expected that the cjty will derive con siderable revenue from tbls source tbls year. PrnUlnna for Afaaka. Yesterday Armour & Co. sent out a train of fifteen cars loaded with provisions destined for Alaska. The shipment' con sisted of fresh meat, butter, eggs and poul try. Each car tn the train was decorated with banners and was started west ,ovsr tho Burlington route. From South Omaha, tbo special train will run direct to Tacoma, Wash., where the produce will be trans ferred to steamers and sent to various points In Alaska, Increased WorLintr Force. Owing to the Incrcatr In business at this point Armour Is now giving employment to 2,000 men, The beef department la working overtimo on eecount of the fire At ths Armour house in Chicago. It la thought that Armour will manage to maintain the present force throughout the summer aid thus the shutting down of the Hammond plant will not be notlcoablo to any appre ciable extent. .llaRln Ctljr Gossip. Four men escaped from the chain gang; yesterday. Ed Gates and wife have returned from Butte, Mont Yesterday's fancy stock sale at the yards was well attended. . A. fichrel of Hammond. Ind,, la here looking after business matters. The beef department at Hammond's pack ing house has been closed down. The rails on tho Twcnty-fburth flreet car line are badly In need or repairs, Piano for street fnr booths, bandstands, etc , arc being drawn by a local architect. The Ladles' Aid noclety of tho Presby terian church gave another successful chlckenple dinner at the Sloan block yes terday. Tickets are selling rapidly for tfie Con servatory or Music contort to be given at the Flrat Methodist Episcopal church on May 14. - George C. HlckocK, Curllss, Wis., says: "Foley's Kidney Cure hat been tested, and found to be all you claim for It. I have given It to my father and t( Is the only thing that ever helped him." RAILWAY Ut IDE. Pri-mnnl, Elkhorn Jk Mlaauurl Valley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. - Hot Springs -. a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d J:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings. York, David City. Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b S;(W pm b 8;00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont ,,.....i..i b 7:30 am bl0:15 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday.