THE OMAHA DAILY It EE: TRflW)AY, 31AY 0, 1001. T1DC MY I I It'C Or 1 ILT icnter rlun'' on the edfte ff n f'J ''If 111 J Ull HLb linLlVJ Ul U1L;I Reptrti of Judicial Deciiici Affecting Varied Blatiaihip. LEGAL LIMIT ON ACCIDENT INSURANCE U A'olit Whrn l)lrnp Avin n -it m C'uitrllitilnrj- ( nf UtiKlnt-Kii C'lnxlflrnllou of Oilier f t ti II ii c ern, ond made the foundation (or the Iron columns of 12 instead of is imb concrete, required by the specifications, and tho building rollapsed. resulting in the death of plaintiff intcatate. The foundallona were not Inspected by the architect as they were constructed, and defendant as not aware of the existence of the cistern. Held, that the evidence wax not sufficient to Jus tlfy a tindlnc that defendant war. rullt of negligence, aa the builder was an In his publif du'v The riu'y '! a prlate person cease when he baa made hia com plaint, and appeared before the grand Jury, and secured or failed to secure an indict aieni. 4S At. Hep.. N. J.. 900.) ltu cnliir". The doctrine that an inventor la entitled to the beneficial uses of hit invention, al though not desclosed by him in hie patent, cannot be to extended aa to embrace an I independent invention 01 nnu uc uu uu relilrnt InsurRiir. An accident poller dla not insure against death occasioned -wholly or partly, directly or Indirectly; by disease or bodily Infirmity. The insured was found dead near his team, a wheel having passed over his neck. The autopsy showed that death resulted from apoplexy. Defendant claimed that the apo plexy preceded and caused the fall, while ' time for the duration of the employment. dependent contractor, and the architect I exception. ioc Fed. Rep. 618. was exercising an Independent calling, and l.ntidlonl ntitf Trunin, his failure to properly inspect the con- ' When the tenant 1 in exclusive pos struction of a building cannot be attributed ; session and control of rented premises, the to defendant. 69 N. E. Itep. (N. Y.) 914. j landlord lc under no duty of examining CI II l3niliifT. the same with a view to A contract provided that. In consideration ncth" or " T .v.. . L. . ..a a . i i requested so to do. 35 S. E. liep. toa.j vi lilt: uujtuL ui iir unj , a utii riiKC i ltf . neer was to lay out a sewer system for a vlllnge and superintend and Inspect, as supervising engineer, the construction ot any sewers autborlied to be constructed within a year from the date of the letting of the contract. The contract specified no plaintiff claimed be wan cast or thrown down by his team, the blow producing apo plexr. Held, that the court should have granted defendant request to charge that the plaintiff could not recover, even If the death was caused by accident. If disease or bodily Infirmity contributed thereto. 4& At Hep. (Vt.) 639. Attorney nml Clli-tit. Thn mere petition of attorneys and others for the reinstatement of n disbarred at torney -rill not be cansldcred, such attorney not being before the court in person or by petition asking tor reinstatement and giving his reacons therefor. CS Pac. Hep. (Mont.) :o2. Until. nnd Ilnnkltic. A party who secured a loan from a na tional bank and given real estate security therefor cannot be beard to deny the right of the bank to enforce the provisions of the mortgage because of the sertion of the United States statutes prohibiting the tak ing of real estate serurlty for a loan ne gotiated by a national bank. f5 N. W. Hep. (Neb.) C43. flank nml ItiinUlniz. The consignees of goods in bond. In con sideration of u loan, delivered their note to a bank which recited the delivery of these goods to the bank and the establishment of a lien thereon In Its favor. A receipt w-as also given, acknowledging tho redelivery of the goods to the consignees, to be held In trust for the bank and sold for Its ac count, the proceeds to be applied on the note. The goods were then taken from bond with the money borrowed from tho bank without the delivery or redelivery specified In the contract. Held, that equity would carry out the terms of the contract and Impose a lien on the goods, though there was no actual transfer of the goods, on tho principle that "equity will treat as done what ought to be done." f9 N. E. Rep. (N. Y.) 912. Hunks nnd lliuiklni.'. The contrr.ct of the shareholder of a na tional bank with the bunk and Its creditors regarding Its debts Is that, to an amount not exceeding the par value of his shares Held, that such contract should not be ter mlnated at any time, as being a contract for Indefinite hire, but, In the absenee of good ground for discharge, the engineer was entitled to employment until the com pletion of the sewers. 68 N. Y. Supp. 1039. Corporations. Where the subscription to the capital stock of a corporation does not fix the time for the payment of such subscription, nor provide that It is to be paid when called for by the company. Euch subscription be comes due and payable at once; and the statute ot limitations in favor of the sub scriber, as to the unpaid subscription, begins to run from the date of the subscription. (29 So. Rep.. Ala . 611.) ('rrillt Slrn. Where defendant's assignor purchased goods from plaintiff and In settlement of b balance due thereon executed a note, which plaintiff accepted In payment and credited thr account in the sum thereof, the latter cannot maintain replevin for. such of the goods as remained unsold on the ground that they were fraudulently obtained, while retaining the money and the note. 69 N. E. Rep. llnd.) 935. Credit Men. A creditor may set up the statute of limi tations against another creditor of the debtor's estate, though the debtor himself has not relied on such defense. 3S S. E. Rep. (Va.) 182. Custom nml I nte. Where oats were sold and charged for by the bag, according to a trade usage and the understanding of both parties that a "bag of oats" meant sixty-four pounds or two bushels by weight, sixty-four pounds of outs were actually weighed and put into each bag delivered, the sale was a sale by the bushel, as required by Tub. St. c. 60, Sec. 21, nnd not a sale by the bag. C9 N. E. Rep. (Mass.) 806. Distiller. Where plaintiffs have the sole right to use a certain trademark, as applied to whisky of their production, another will be restrained from refilling plaintiff's barrels ENLISTING IN THE NAVY Engineer Cmij'i Rrcnminp Button it & Bury Phct Thtie Btjt. MANY YOUNG MEN WANT TO GO TO SEA Intf-roBtlng enr In tlic McCncur IllneU, here Woulil-llr Turn Coiicrecnte to l'reent Their A ppllt'iititiii. of stock, and not exceeding his equal nnd j carrylnK EUcn trademark, to palm off his rateable proportion, be will pay, at such time and In such amounts as the comp troller of the currency shall demand, the debts and obligations ot the bank. 106 Fed. Rep, 43S. A complaint alleged that defendant, a national bank, by letter agreed that a draft product as that of the plaintiffs. 106 Fed. Rep. 499. Kir utor Coitiimnlr. The fact that grain stored In an elevator is to be uhlpp-d out of the state does not make a state statute requiring a license for 204. 1 l.ntnllonl nnd Trnnnt. ' Where a landlord and tenant having a ' lease for one year, but three months of I which has run. agreed that the tenant ' might occupy the building at a fixed sum per month so long as he should remain therein, such agreement was valid and binding on the parties, though the rent agreed on was less than the rale fixed in the lease. S5 N. W. Rep. (Mich.) 164. Mrnfnl liiroiiiprlrnrj . Where an action Is brought on a bcok account and the books offered In evidence are shown to have been kept by plaintiff's Intestate the defendant may show that the mental condition of Intestate made him In capable of keeping the books correctly. 3S S. E. Hep. (Va ) 15S. MUslonnry Societies. A payment of i bequest by an executor to a missionary society out of funds that have been paid to hlra as an attorney by a client to be used In completing a purchase of land, but which the attorney misappropriates to cover up his defalcation as executor, does not make the society liable as a trustee ex maleflcio to such client for the amount re ceived by it from such attorney, where the society has no such knowledge of the mis appropriation and proceeds to expend the monev In good faith before it has any notice thereof 21 Sup. Ct. Rep 395. Plnee of Itesldencr. A man having a wife and children, with whom he permanently resides In a given county, did not, by accepting a contract In another county, renting a furnished house therein and occupying the same with his family during the period covered by the performance of such contract, acquire a domicile In the latter county, when he did cot intend to abandon his domicile in the county first referred to, or that he or his family .-hould permanently resldo elsewhere, but did Intend that his and their stay In the county wherein the contract was to be performed should be temporar only and terminate upon the completion thereof. 2S S. E. Rep. (Ga.) 206. roller Olllecr. The carrying cf arms in a quiet, peace able and ordinary manner, but concealed on or about the person. Is not either a breach of the peace iir wrong In Itself. Neither does it or itself tend to a breach of the peace, but It bicomes a misdemeanor only because It Is prohibited by statute. The statute does not declare It to be a breach of the peace, nor does the statute nuthorlze an arrest without warrant for Its infrac tion. 29 So. Rep. (Fla.) B33. I I'ollee O flier r. 1 Under a statute which declares every cashier of a national bank who embezzles drawn by plaintiff, not to exceed a certain 1 conducting the business of such elevator In j the moncy of the agBOClatlon guIUy of mlB sum, on a certain firm, for goods shipped to them by plaintiff, should be paid, and that In consideration of such guaranty plaintiff shipped the goods to such firm, but that the draft had not been paid, and defendant refused to pay it. Held, tbut where a corporation has entered into a . the state amount to a regulation of Inter state commerce. 21 Sup. Ct. Rep. 423. I'Tre Inituruiier. j An action on a policy was not barred by I plaintiff's failure to flic proofs of loss j within the required time, where the ad juster told plaintiff not to telegraph the demeanor, a chief of police may not arrest , such an embezzling cashier without a war : rant, under a law providing that a peace j officer may arrest a person for a crime com. I mltted or attempted in his presence, or who 1 had committed a felony, or when a felony 1 has been committed, and he has reasonable contract not illegal, which the other party , company, as he would make up proofs of tbe cause to believe such person committed it. ban performed, it will not be heard to loss and stnd them to the company, such claim ultra vires to avoid performance on statement constituting a waiver of proof by its part, and, since the national banking I insured. 38 S. E. Rep. (N. C.) 256. act does net prohibit uch a contract, the 1 ripe Innrnnrr. complaint staiea a cause 01 action, ana a ; demurrer thereto should be overruled. 38 j S. E. Rep. (N. C.) 252 I lllre IlMt. rialntlff, a farmer, obtained a policy ot Where plaintiff testified that defendant's flagman signaled tor her to cross the rail road tracks on which she wus Injured, an Instruction that a bicycler must, under all "ordinary circumstances," be treuted as subject to the same rules as a pedes trian, and -that he must stop, look and listen, was erroneous, as the term, "ordi nary circumstances" might have been under stood to Include tbe giWng of signals to cross tracks, which, in the absence of apparent danger, might absolve both pedestrian and bicycler from Jooklng and listening. (29 So. Rep.. Ala., 662) llrettlnic Coiii,iiuI'k. An agreement by it brewing company not to Hell beer to anyone except defendant within a certain designated territory, con tributory to defendant's place of business, Is not within Rev. St. 1895. art. 5313, which defines as trusts all combinations of capl Insured against lightning anywhere In Kent, Allegan and Ottawa counties. Situ ated In Allegan county, Michigan, on sec tion 5, In the township of Heath." Plaintiff, while absent from bis borne with his horses on business, stopped overnight at the house and stabled his horses In tbe barn of a rela tive. Tho barn was struck by lightning. burned and tne horses destroyed with It Held (11 that the Insurance was not limited to the loss of stock upon the farm. (2) that the policy covered loss from both lightning , within the boundaries of the state, and thot 69 N. Y. Supp. 266. Where a police officer arrested a person for a felony without a warrant and without reasonable cause, he was liable in damages for false Imprisonment, though the pcrton arrested was afterwards found guilty of a misdemeanor In carrying concealed weapons at the time of the arrest, the subsequent conviction for another offense being no cure of illegality of the arrest on an un founded charge. 59 N. E. Rep. (N. Y.) S99. I'll Idle Coiitrnetor. A New York statute provides that there shall not be used on any municipal work within the state any stone which It Is necessary to dress or carve for such use unless tbe same shall be prepared for use and fire, the Immediate result of the light ning. 85 N. W. Rep. (Mich ) 454. I'rnternnl Inoiirnnrr. By a policy of a mutual benefit society the life of deceased was Insured except from suicide His body was found shot, with a borrowed pistol in his hand. He was subject to fits of despondency and bad requested that If anything happened to him his body ht sent home. The coroner's Jury tal, skill or acts to create or carry out found that he committed suicide. Held, that restrictions in trade, or to prevent competi tion in the bale or purchase of commodities. 61 S. W. Rep. (Tex.) 52C. Iliiililinc Trndr. Where a contract sued on provided that the trial court should have directed a ver dict for the defendant in an action on the certificate. 29 So Rep. (Miss.) 523. Indltldunl I)ut of CltUeim. ny the common law it was the duty of no change should be made, in any of the ' v,rv nnf, acilinRt whose ncrson or nron materials tailed for In the specifications, crlme hRd been commitle(i t0 prose unless by permission In writing from the architects, It was error to Instruct that the architects hud power to authorize a change in such materials by verbal assent cr by implication. 69 N. Y. Supp, 3S1. lliilldlnu Trndr, Defendant employed a competent archi tect to draw plans for a building, and the specifications were approved by the build ing department of the city, and provided that five iron columns should be placed through the center, on concrete founda tions, to support the building, and that such foundations should be laid on a firm bottom, and be Inspected by the architect. The contractor built the foundation for the cute the guilty one to conviction. He was, in tbe discharge of his duty, often com pelled to employ counsel, procure the In dictment to be drawn and laid before the grand Jury, with tbe evidence in its sup port, and, if found, to sec that it was properly prosecuted before the Jury ot trials. The common-law rule is not ob served with us. The reuson for Its adoption docs not obtain bcre. We have public prosecutors in every county. With us, whatever be tho English usage, tho true rule is believed to be that the party may institute a separate proceeding for dam ages as promptly as be chooses, only he must not bring on tbe trial In udvacce ot there shall be Inserted In all contracts hereafter awarded by municipal authorities, requiring the use of dressed or carved btone, a clause to tbe etfect that such stone shall be prepared for use as required by this net. Held, that the stutute was uncon stitutional, as depriving municipalities and those contracting therewith of the right to freely contract 59 N. E. Rep. "It. It 11 1 1 rim d Coiniuiiile. Under a Michigan act providing for fixing the rate for transportation of pabscngers upon railroads, it is compettent for the railroad commissioner. In fixing such rates, to Include In tbe computation the amount of the Interstate fares earned by mat por tion of tbe road lying within this state. 85 N. W. Rep. 466. A pasbenger train made regular stops at all the stations for a distance of fifty one miles, the last 6top being about ten miles from Its destination, and In the last ten mllcE It passed four stations without stopping. Held, that whether or not It lost Its character as un accommodation train aud became a through train, after Its last stop, before reaching Its destination, was for tbe Jury. 69 N. E Rep. (111.) 950. Itullrond Comiinnle. Reduced rates given for the transporta tion of freight is a sufficient considera tion to support a special contract exempt ing the carrier from liability for loss or damage by fire not caused by the carrier's negligence. 29 So. Rep. (Ala.) 602. A dozen or more young men pai-cd un easily up and down the corridor on the fifth flooi of the McCsgue block ycsitrday affecting the f'castle roll and trj ihg to keep step to something classical by ihopin I which altered through the silken portieres j from an adjoining studio. Some of the more jnf Villr I u c l n l.iMil t nl,A nikflni., Uiih,ll ' BUVM .v. . , II I . r J .1 .1 . . . . struck a gait befitting an Atlantic pitch, while the more bashful cob ten ted them selves with a Pacific swell They were wall ing to be examined by Surgeon R. P. Cran- dall ot tbe naval recruiting detail, which Is playing a week's engagement in Omaha. One young man with a natty checkered cap strolled through the hall softly hum ming. When 1 was a lad I served a term. As office boy to attorne) a firm. I cleaned the window. 1 ocrtibtied the floor And polished up the handle of the big front aoor. I nollthed un the handle to enre'fullr That now I am u ruler in the queen's navjf. It was weary waiting, as the curgeon de voted more than an hour to each applicant, and the candidates spent the time casting 6heep's glances at the young women who passed in and out of the studio. It was a case of "Sing ho. the merry maid and the Jolly tar"' Perhaps they hoped to some day rival the record of Lieutenant Hobson. who kissed 417 girls In one day. A 111I1I Crent romp. Inside the recruiting office the details ef enrollment were being carried on with 1 great pomp and circumstance and amid an unuftial display of gold braid and wlr. j flowing trouiers. In nil that brilliant as sembly Yeoman H. H. Asbby. clerk, pre sented tbe most striking figure. On each j sleeve ot his peajacket was a spread-eagle. embroidered in red. white and gold, with a couple of pens crossed beneath It, while his trouseis resembled a pair of twin mega-1 phones. He was required to leap to tho halyards every few minutes to take the name, address and age of tome new appli cant. Chief Boatswain J. J. Crandall and Chief Muster-at-Arcm Charles Carlisle were also resplendent in rating badges and navy blue, but their regalia of oillco whs more subdued In respect to their higher rank. Lieutenant D W. lllamcr, Surgeon Crandall and Examining Engineer C. H. Casey, the three highest officers of all, appeared In citizens' clothes, while the two hospital ap prentices stood at present arms at the door in brown ducking overalls lie I n l'rrlstriit Clinp. A very dark young man in a canvas blouse and a spotted vest was conducted to tbe desk of Yeoman Ash by. "Do you want 10 enlist in the navy?" asked Engineer Casey. "Yes. sir." "Where are you from?" "Well, I came In trom Denver this morn ing, but my home is In Milwaukee." "We were In Denver last week. Why didn't you enlist while we were there? ' "I didn't get there in time. I tried to enlist In Milwaukee, but when I went up to the office they told me you had gone, so I took a train and followed you to Pueblo. I didn't get to Pueblo until after you had left for Denver and whesi I started for Denver I got sidetracked, bthefe I am at last ' "How have' )ou tj-'en traveling all this time? On the Drakeheams"" "No. sir. Brakcbcaras are dangerous and uncomfortable. I always ride In a freight car." The applicant was told to stand in line out In the corridor and await bis turn with the surgeon. AVuj- 1'relKlit Are Mow. "There arc lots of 'those fellows." said Engineer Casey. "They follow us all over tbe country, nnd miss us' usually because we only stay a week In a place. You see these way freights don't make close con nections." Since the recruiting office opened last Monday some fifty young men hae ap plied for enlistment. The naval station Is much more popular, apparently, than the recruiting station for land troops a block away. Last evening Chief Boatswain Killin went to Minneapolis to secure quarters for a station there, and the other members of the detail will follow him Saturday nlgbi. "Shipwrights and carpenters' mutes are In greHt demand In the navy Just at pres ent." said Engineer Casey, "as nearly all the vessels in the service are short in the carpenters' gang For this reason the gov ernment will oflcr unusual inducements to men bandy with tools. Shipwrights get ?25 a month and ration, and carpenters mates, first-class, get $40 a month and ration." THE FIGURE PUZZLE $1,500 in Prizes and a Bull Pup Are You Good at Adding? Get the Correct Sum of the Figures. Can You Add Correctly 7 Prizes for the Nearest Correct Sum of All the Figures. MITI3 There i no IlKiirc lilclier than II. There are no eonililun t Iiiiik of tic 11 rr. Kneli llunrr Is complete In Itself. CONDITIONS Every subscriber, new or old, will be entitled to one guess with every fifteen cents paid on subscription account. The more guesses you turn in the better your chances of winning. You can guess as many times as you wish. The subscription price of the Daily (Morning or Evening) and Sunday Bee is 15 cents a week by carrier, or $2.00 for three months by mail. No one connected with The Bee, directly or indirectly, will be allowed to enter this contest. THE PRIZES Pay a 4 Weeks' Subscription and get 4 guesses. A 3 Months' Subscription and get 13 guesses. A Year's Subscription and get 52 guesses. The United States excel in cnampngne Cook's Imperial Extra Dry takes the lead Lighting the Home Novel Effects of Muffled Glass and Electricity. Elcctrlrlt is becoming rapid.) dom-stl-cnted. especially as tin lUunrnaung mcdum , , 1IAU, AND V LUANDA LIGHTS of private houses, where a few seasons ago Its hard, white light was unwelcome utid molded Nowadays the manufacturers of electric lumps, bconeca, drop lights, oic, have .discovered, or Invented. meanB by which the glare of the Incandescent lamp ean be tempered to u wax' light softness nnd tiHvo set artistic wits to work to design lamps and burners thai will decorate arid not, as was formerly the case, disfigure beautiful rooms. To the manufacture of what Is called muffled glass Is due thla vast improvement in the methods of lighting by eleetrl-lty. This material la so treated In Its manu facture that, though clear enough to allow the escape of light sufficient for the wuH Ing of a cambric needle, it nevertheless ro clouds tbe Incandescent burner's lnttjne brilliancy that the mot sensitive eyes are not strained by it. Muffled glass Is toned with every color, can be bought in ihe most lovely opulement tints. In the soft gray green of ancient vitrified glann. or It witl show the strange glint and sheen of mica. In muffled glass there are mm- sprlal qualttleK made fir table lights, lor draw ing room lump", hall lanterns, conservatory sconces, bull room chandeliers and, lest sndtnot least, fur ftudent and iiurry lights. All these grades of glnss are sclvn tlflcally prepared and tested for tin pcMl uses to which they uro to be devoted. Otasx of different decrees of weight and thick ness must be bought for rooms or different sizes, and fur writers; lamps the glask tcjt be tilted to suit tho eyes very much us spectacles are selected Very little less Important than the ad vance made In the glass globes for Incan descent burners Is tbe delightful artl-tu Improvement In the upholstery, so to speak, of these same lights. Ilronte nymphs, holding sprays of flowers, have been relegated wisely to conservatories, where the prettiest sconces yet seen are cjusters of huge fuchsias depending from the wall. Just now the most approved Ux ture for a hall Is a polished Iron lanto n of Flemish shape. Its panels filled v.-lth green or amber muffled glass, and the whole hangs from a gibbet arm or iron fixed to a plain Iron shield that Is made fast to the wall. In burnished copper cf vurlouB colors they arc now making hand some standard lumps for hallways. The arm of such a metnl frame usually s.p. ports a handsome old English or German lantern of glass and metal and the feet cf the tall frame arc made fust to the flour Along stnlrways and Ht landings it is the fashion of the up-to-date house decora. to lasten to the wall handsome carved uk brackets, from which, by chains, copies of old flat-bottomed Venetian stair lanterns hung. Kor the table elaborate Moral pieces in glasM and siher are made, the light shod through the flowers rerle-tlng h' exact color of the pftals. that are eopled In crystal and fold over the electric burner iVheti the floral plwes are not adopted electrl. rundleu with florsl shaaes of muf fled glass take their place. Immense Hunch Snle. CHICAGO. May S.-Ojie of the largest land sales ever consummated was an nounced here today by the Far we 1 1 Ha b syndicate of Chicago The deal eonvpv- to George AV l.lttlefield. president of t lie A s tln (Tex ) Notional bank. 2Sl.fKHi at res ..f land In Hocklay and Lamb counties Tex s The consideration was not named The land will be used for ranch purposes ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Set Fac-Slmlk Wrapper Below. We Guarantee That Everyone Sending Us the Correct Sum Will Get aPrize NOTICE THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE PRIZES. Everybody nas an equal opportunity to win the largest prizes, regardless of where you live or wchn you send In your guess. The first prlre goes to the first person sending us the niar est correct sum. The second prize to the second person the Nurth prlie to the 100th person, etc. Tho total number of cor rect guesses received up to the time of going to press will be published daily. To ttiime npnilltiE u the nenrent correct uin of tlie figures The Uee Mill iilyr the follow Inn prlresi First I'rUe Cauli .'.0.00 Second I'rlit One Ma nil ol In 25.00 Third 1'rlic Lot In Council IlluflH $1(10.0(1 Fourth ITIir-Cnsh iflO.OO Fifth FrUe A .ev Homo" .cIiik Mnclilnc 0(1 tilth The null Tup. J4th to Hth Prize 10 bottles Cramer's Kidney Cure ... .S10.00 a.Mh rrUe Ch $10.0(1 26th to 25th 10 jinlrs Orphcam Seats tV)M Soth to 43rd Uecent Novels til) 4-ltli rrUe Ilnujo lo.o(l 5th PrUe-Onr lllejelr S5.00 TDth Prize One-half dozen pearl Handle Fruit Knives .KM 100th lrlr-f.uib IflO.OO 111th Prize Carving feet K.'-O 130th Prize The Parrot. l illh I'rlcr-A fine basket ent, rubber tired, end sprinir Kuu-A hout $100.00 1nh Prize-Ono Watch J)-00 2iPlh Prize One Runjo 1'lOth Prize One Photo Album UM I16th Prize One Toilet Case . Jf 2th Prize One Cut Glass Water Bottle and 0 Tumblers $11 Oil J50th I'rlrc Pocket Koilnk IflO.OO 275th Prize One Set Rogers' Best Spoon 2.2.'i 2i0th Prize Two Pounds Candy II 0 l.Mli 1'rlie 1 Mnndiird IMetlonnry $lii.OO 290th Frize One Ton Coal !5.&'J HOtlth PrUc One Wheeler mid WlUon Mtnlutt Machine fOO.Oil 325th Prize Two rounds Candy iM r.Mltli I'rUe One (.ulinr fflS.OO 37Mh Prize One set Rogers' Best Spoons 12.25 4"uth Prize One Standard Dictionary I12.W IjOtri Prize Two Pounds Candy r.OOth I'rlrc Mnndollii fSR.OO doth Prize One set Rogers' Best Spoons 12.25 TOOth PrUc Poekrt Kodnk fio.oo SOOth Prize One ret Rogers' Best Spoons 12.25 S.'iOtli rrle A henutlful Walnut (: Oriinn l?sr..OO PKith Prize Two Pounds Candy .ti . 00 lWmth Prize Canh . . M 1100th Prize-One Ton Coal . . . . .Jj.BU VUith Prize One Standurd Dictlonury 112.00 1312th Prtze-The Monkey 1400th to 1425th Prltet Candy W ir.lHlth ITIie-Caih $10.0(1 Intermediate Prizes Art Pictures and Books I720.OO Total $1,500 and a Bull Pup. There is no trick about the puzzle, It is absolutely a matter of skill and. ingenuity. This Contest Closes at 5 p-.m., Wednesday, May 29. The correct eurn and list of prize winnera will be published in The Sunday Bee, June 2 USE THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. Date Received ... A. M. Time P- M. fmrj mi11 sad stay tn take ea neax. f 1 CARTERS (JlVER HpTlls. ii FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CCNSTIPATIOK. FOR CALLOW SKIN. FOR THECQMPLEXIOK Guesses on the Figures Enclosed find $ to apply on my subscription account. Name Street and No Whore pafer Is delivered, Postoffice State Where paper Is sent. Are you taking The Bee now? If not, when do you want it started?. cam cure kick: headache. TREE MEDICAL ADViOE. Vrlteus al yf ur Fymp-'.n.' Kii"vatini;tne system Is the only safe ana sure method .f cur Inua.i Chronic PUeaws Pr Kuj's RenrvBtr is the omy pertectsys'em rem atcr free ham jile und book. Vr ii, J Ksy faurutofa, K. y Address All Answers to PUZZLE DEPT., THE OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEB.