TITE OMAHA DA i LT BEE: TUTiiSDAY, HAY 0, lOOt. SALE OF PURE-BRED CATTLE! r:?5 HAT FOR MT1SELLI Aberdn-An;m Ctcck Attncti Bnjers to South Omaha. tfanj NEW STOCK SALE PAVILION DEDICATED A'rlrrnn Crier Com t 1 1 in nits (lie ( It) II nil Stiiti- mill I'roi'rriln In Do II Mri' IIhkIiii'kn III Tliiiritup.lil.rcil. Yesterday afternoon, at the new slock yards' gale pavilion In South Omaha, was hoM a fialo of pure-bred Abcrdecn-Anguscs that Is ihi cvtnt In the cattlo Industry. It was lh first of a two days' sale of cattlo numbering 120 head, (elections from moro than a dozen herds of this breed. In opening tho sale Colonel Woods took occasion to mako somo remarks compli mentary to the city of Omaha, tho state of Nebraska and tho cattlo Industry of tho great west. Ilo mndo a comparison of the conditions under which ho made his first wlo of pure-bred cattlo In Nebraska twenty years ago with that of today, held In the grandest and best live stock sale pavilion In America. It wns tho colonel's recol lection that tho first thins which Colum bus did after discovering America In 1492 was to return to Spain and bring over a Khlptoail of cows and sow, and that hid next act was to BUrvoy a railroad to Ne braska. NV state, he Bald, had finer farms, moro progressive Bfockmon or greater fa cilities for tho accumulation of wealth than Nebraska. Its. wealth Is measured by Its Rrass, and Its grass Is beyond measure ment. The amphitheater In which tho sale was held sbuuld. In his opinion, have been built beforo tho building of tho stock yards, bccntiso tho success of tho stock yards depended upon tho distribution of the seed (cattle) from thin place. Tho nales have an educational feature, and tho sale pavilion Is an object lesson. Uo spoke a few kindly words for tho makers of this sale, nnd concluded with the statement that "lino stock success la founded on the Integrity of tho breeder." Sloi.-k from .tinny IIitiIx. The sale was made up from selections from tho herds of ISvcrctt Jones, Spring Viilley. Minn.; A. 0. Illnnle, Alta, la.; K. lteynolds ( Son. l'rophetslown, III.; Ocorge Shawvor. K. T. Davis, Sllns lgo, Palmyra, la.: M. A. Martin, Wall I.nke. la.; Cantlnc Hros. & Stevenson, Ilolstcln, In.; Omer Cattorson, Maryvllle, Mo.; I'almer & rainier. I'rlncetcm, III.; N. 0. Hnughmcr, Doimlas. 111.: Collins Dysnr.t, Nnchusa, 111.: C. D. Hooker & Son, Maryvllle, Mo., nnd T. .1. McCreary, Highland, Kan. There was a good uttendancc, buyers being pres ent from Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. Tho highest price of the day was $1,025. This was for a fi-ycar-old cow, consigned by Cantlno Ilros. & Stevenson. She was bought by James Williams of Marcus, la. The hlehest nrlce for n bull was $350, which was paid for Mr. Dlnnle's Mayor of Alta, 38,545, by Krcd J. Nelson of Sheldon, la. Tho cattlo wero all good, and although the prices wero fairly good, nothing sold nt nny advnncc over Its actual value. Six teen bulls wero sold nt an average of 1282.50 each. Twenty-four cows wero sold nt an nverage of $276.40 each. Tho nv crago price of tho forty head sold was $28.87 each. Ilclow we give a list of an imals Bold, price pnld and names and ad dresses of the buyers: I'l'iunlrx. Nightingale Itnxlc. 27,123. 6 years; Jnmes Williams, Marcus, la i... l."- Cedar Lake Mlna, 33.B9U, 3 yours; Hun- Hoif &. Uelsel. Odeliolt, lu ..... H-Noicfiiiy l'rlilcosn,:i)42(l, .17 months; tin tnu ;: " Unity Hell. 21,831, 5 years (anil b. a): Junies Williams lllstortun, 22.01 1, t years; A. r. Arne, I EilKcwoml'iiiVrbru 2d.''bY,w!'2 year's; A. C. Illnnle. Alta. la Bill Wellington, TS.'MO. 6 years; James Williams . ,. ; Maggie Kstllt 4th, 19,523. 8 years (and h. c); same Alice 32d. 27,119. 4 years; O. U . Kerr, Waterloo, Neb Lilly limulns, 42,314, 11 months; It. M. Crowder, Klk Point. 8. ....... -; Inverness Carnntlon 2d. 3o,Glt, 2 years; A. 1-'. Arno A building suitable for city hall purposes can. It Is stated, be erected for $40,000, U;'Vut,V. ofrrsci, lnclmDuBv lAc. Cn8t Impeiing Exrcius at the Old Catholio of tho site. When Mayor Kelly was np- r a . nrnai-he.l on the matter yesterday ho said URlDearai in cailimors, that tome of the business men of the city had suggested the matter to him. Ho ap peared to specially favor the erection of a city hall building, as the present quarters arc not large enough for the needs of the city. With a building such as Is suggested for city purposes headquarters for the llro and police departments would bo provided for, as well as a largo assembly room. The city Is now paying $1 15 a month for the rent of the nresent rltv hall and In addition navs $2.", n month rent for tho offices of tho hauhmuuk, .May s.-scnasuan .nam mayor and city attorney. Then comes tho nelll. titular bishop of Kphrsus and cardl rent of fir hall No. 1. on Twentv-fnurth nal-clcct of the Church of Home, today re nlre... which Is St.". n month, mnklne the celvcil nt the hands of Cardinal Gibbons the tender to your eminence my most slncero congratulations on tho well-merited honor which tho holy father has conferred on you In associating you with the members of the i acred coneF.e- man nvo years uu you came among us nti entire stranger. You will leavu us bound to nil by the hal lowed ties of friendship, without a single enc my to sound n discordant note In the universal Jubllea of praise and commendu- nun. Your mission io in l mien oun has been a mission of peace. You bavo CARDINAL GIBBONS CONDUCTS CEREMONY 'wUSuT "r W- cnitrging your mission h nposiouc uuickj vntip fmilnrnnn linn betl nrtlliiU'd foV n hiKll otters from .be IN.,..- . (he rnr.ll.uil n oi ) , 3 CLOSE DOWN SMALL PLANTS Fint More Oonttmplattd by the Big Etui Combination. C'ili; IIirraloii'i of (Io.mI Will to Hi.' Anicrleiiu Church. has been feelingly characterized In the words of tho royal prophet, "Mercy 'and truth have met each other. Justice nnd peace have kissed." 'l nero is out one san iioio in mo joyuus fpstlvul nf tnrlnv. n tic that Is found 111 the rellectlon that your eminence Is destined to CONCENTRATING WORK AT PITTSBURG Estimated Move Will HrhtK I'ltty 'I'liuiisnii.l Mill Men lu tluit City nnil Thoiiniin.ln of Work ers In Other Lines. l'lTTSDUIlO, May 8. The Commercial total rental $215 per month. This amount, rcl "et a at.d donntd tho robes which will have l i you n wise nnd prudent counser Irnvn lis Kilt wc llldulsc the hotiu that I rinfetlo thin mnrnlnr nitlillshps thn follow- SSI! we'V'iere'ii WoVVJTy YhV " States Steel corporation ivmaiiinrntintt Unit when von take tin vour has Biloplcu the policy of ccntralulng residcnco In Home, tne noiy miner win operations, of abandoning Its smaller which Is paid monthly for rent, would leave a surplus of $10,000 for the fitting up of tho building and purchasing additional fire ap paratus for the new hall. It Is thought that an Issue of not more than $100,000 would provide all these things. In submit hereafter make his rank. The ceremony, which Is tho second step in his elevation lu his new position, wns marked by nil the pomp and brilliancy usually attendant upon such an occasion. It was held In the vencrnblo cathedral, tho first edifice Of Its ting the proposition to be voted on by the M""'1, crc,ctC(' llpon American soil, and In people the site selected for the parks, the library building nnd tho city hall building would be designated, along with the amount to be paid for each, In addition to this plnns for the proposed elty build Ing and auditorium would be placed on ox hlbltlcnln order to show the people Just what tho money voted would bo spent for, Quito a number of business men nppear to favor the suggestion nnd the proposition will be considered by tho council before long. In.jiortn'it l.ritnl Opinion. Certain city odlclals who aro deeply In tercsted In tho outcome of the trouble In tho city council have secured an opinion from n prominent Omaha attorney as to tho legality of the appointment of Johnston and Vantant. This opinion, which was re celved In South Omaha yesterday after which tho first American priest and tho first American bishop were ordained. Among thoso who witnessed It were men and women prominent In every walk of life, diplomats, legislators, educators, Journal- Istn and ecclcslasts, the latter Including half n score of archbishops, half a hundred bishops, priests, monks and seminarians. The Initial step of the ceremony took pl'aco In tho palace of the cardinal, nnd consisted of tho transmission of tho bcrrcttn to Car dinal Olbbons by Mgr. Mnrchettl the papal ablegate. Ilricf addresses wero made by both tho participants In this affair. InittoHiiiHr l'riieesslnn. While this was In progress a procession was formed In front of Calvert hall, n block away, In which wero nrranged In tho order named, tho seminarians, priests, Francis can and Augusttnlatt monks, the members ent eounseigr . ., . ,.. i who Tls conversant with tho religious, moral V . ioso iiisauvamaBcousi, lucmvu nnd soclul conditions of the frilled States, those that cannot bo run economlcall). Ho assured, most eminent lainrr. inui our Thu work heretofore douo at theso plants prayers ami oesi wm-s win iuhuw t.... n., 1.,i. In thn nlnrniil nltv that n,uM i.mi tniniiiilllltv which Is the trult of onerated to the advantage of the company. a mission faithfully accomplished. of tho detnlls I can say nothing. I can only At Its conclusion Cardinal Gibbons do- 8ay that to work out soma of the details scended from his tnroue and oavanceu to 0( this policy operating heads of tho con- tho front of the altar, accompanied uy nis ccrns 0r tno United States Steel corpora- attendants bearing the berrotta. Hon have been In conference In New York. Martlnelll roso and, escorted by tho mem- Undoubtedly the Plan will revert with ber of the noble guard nnd tho pspnl chanv bcrlalns, walked toward Cardinal Gibbons, beforo whom he knelt nnd bowed his head. Slowly lifting the bcrcttn from tho silver salvor upon which It rested Cardinal Olb- greater benefit to tho 1'lttsburg district as tho most favored of all which the United States Steel corporatlou operates." Tho nbovo Is tho statement of Joshua Rhodes of I'lttsburg, retired as chairman bons unfolded It and held It high In order 0f the directors of tho National Tubu coin- that the congregation might see It. Then pany, now a constituent of tho United stooping nnd with what seemed to bo a states Steel corporation, In reply to an softly murmured prayer ho placed it on the inquiry ns to whether tho new Morgan head of the cardinal-elect, who arose and, combine had adopted such a policy, advancing to the front of the attar, spoke IlrlriK Mill Mm to I'ltlsliurn. as follows: Adontlon of this policy of centrallilng Murtli.rlll Itriilli-s to tilbbonn. operations by the United States Steel cor- Most Kniltient nnd Most llcvereiul Sir: portatlon wilt mean to tho I'lttsburg dl3- Having been by the kindness of tho su- trlct, If carried Into effect without delay, tho m,o,,eo,.,.elPo ,o,f,doar,a.n!I,lsmo,r.,0ef lio'.'? ringing here within a year of about 50.000 Hoinan church nothing couui nave plat pea mm men irum imuia u,r; MN ftfc1tMP Mv4,tff4. m si INFAU.IB1X CURE FOR LA GRIPPE, LUNGThOUBLE.NERVOUSDEBILITY. 'Selow WE give a ffw nnirr nrponTA JijVoN,A'ASTHMA.IMPO'ri Tfc.ThoMAS J OCukran.Episwpai C Washington J.Mioler , GeniralTicmlt Agent of the (P1 4 Srw- " SiotWeAOAetie rctr 2SyA s, Oft $Afct& L &r &Acfi Qrrtxw&r tvcr. rAivoin- OxroAvoff evitto ZT.v fjs rxA tivo tytfAj. f4wtir co w fitt'iArnt inw3 lentitlimx SWAI1S .or. XBAUfrULENT TIM TATJ OMfiJ I jm TO FSIOTECT VOOH HEALTH AMD OUH IICPOTATIOM VtK. WILL PAY TMI6 RKWARD "TO ANY ONE YVMO WILL TUrlNIOM US INFORMATION ON WMIOM WE CAN SECURE CONVICTION OF A OEALC) WHO TRIES to sell worthless imitations when oxypohors Ant callH MED FOR, THE ONLY WEAOON A DEALER IMfOfttS A FAHED AtlTICLC ON YOU IS BE CAUSE THERE IS A LAROE.R PROFIT IN IT FOR HIM. If YOU HAVE NO DIALER IN YOOR CITY, WRITE TO OR.H.OANCHC CO. 07 STAT ST. CHIOAOO, cv- TO 'OH A DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET OtALtTtIM. SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH.S M OS MB. PINt IOS CIC BUILOINtt, OMAHA, NC. MONTH EAL n IUHUKIUjUUMIHIUM " kT..lH., 7I TTAUIUT T, PES MOINU. IOWA. IIWAIMEC.MINNCAPOLIS A flCWVoHK (JTV, J.C.CHHISTWM.EVAHTOH,ILI If. MONl noon, caused quite a stir, especially as It of tho faculty In tho Catholic university In etha held that Mayor Kelly had no right to np- vvasningiou, auoots, nisnnps ami nnauy eminence, surrounded uy this crown or MagsinK 0f much more of tho operations point councilmen from the Fifth nnd Sixth the archbishops, tho purple nnd gold of V ;n " " A t " dT lU lV S.1 He n S it Vfi In Pittsburg will not only add to the mill wards. If tho rlitht to nnnolnt Is taken their rich vestments adding brilliancy to 1' "LI" . . iv,i i,-r. hot ih mills from " 1 , ...A .. , .1 v J V , , l l , ' . 1 , V. .11 .vv...w .M.'V .'.n..- ' , ' . ,l,V.t i.l,,.'J .. Hvaf - - ... , iiiiciu iiivoi in wns iiivmiijumiui " which the most important supplies arn through tho cathedral to Charles Btrcet, which the example of your apostolic zen ,. ' ' . , .ii.trlrt will take on more nmslm? the mince nf the cardinal where "! pastoral care have been so bright and drawn In this district will uko on more passing the palace or the cardinal, where lmvo' (lollo P(, lnuch for lno promotion of men. This Is tho fact In relation to the they wero Joined by his eminence In full catholic Interests ns well ns for tho fur- cokine plants of tho coking companies In paraphcrnnlla. Thenco the procession therunco .if . all things which alii In tho ,. ' .,, nnA ntllolnlne Held. Tho ni y aim me glory oi me " - ..... " ... ,,.. away from the mayor tho cltv will bn com. '"o scene, polled to get along with four councilmen until the election next April nnd tho old dcndlock will bo continued, Martin nnd Dvorak will stick together nnd so will Adklns and Mlllor, so that little, If any thing, can bo accomplished. Of course, no one has nny Idea of how tho caso In the district court will terminate on Saturday, but tho opinion received yesterday caused ThT rnrSinni X,t ZSZ h i en ere i . llut'you" w if permit me to 'add an- underlying companies of the new Morgan Tho enrdlnnl-clcct meanwhile had entered ,,, ,nv luiimitiesH. l iimi it ui. i,.. .nritim- inward the - - - ............... - ... - i'uil)liiu; imfu l, 1. . ... ..... n - - elected : Kldnn J, Smith, president; Harry B, Flcharty, first vice president; Mm. Os borne, second vice president; Miss Ethel McMIHnn, third vice president; Miss Bertha Houaman, fourth vlco president; Elroy Tib- bits, secretary; Horaco Brass, treasurer; Miss Ella Chacc, organist; Mies Bella Clark, chorister. City Xri'.lN Itoek. dlnnl Gibbons occupied tho gospel side, whllo thnt of tho cardinal-elect on tho epistle side. When they themselves the papal briefs to Cardinal Olb bons nnd Cardinal-elect Martlnelll wero read as follows: l'npnl llrlef to Cnrillnnl (illilinim. T.er XIII. Pnne. to Our Tleloved Son. James Olbbons, Cardinal Priest of the Holy this occasion by their presence do I offer tho expressions of my sincere gratitude. Meunwhlle, most eminent sir, I pray tho great and good God long to preserve and uiess you. Having concluded tho address tho newly mado cardinal, who up to this time bad tho building through a rear door, and pro- in your continuous and untiling kindncus , . .nni.ni,!,,,, oncratlons and ceeded to meet the procession at the altar toward mo from the moment In which, by ? P a" 0p,,'01 " mil. Thn rnr.llnnl nnil rnnllniil.Pleet sa- comniauu til ino bui.iuii.u liu.ui i, . .. ni. . " --""V" ...... - - . ... ..., it r tun iiniJii ni inn unnmn in (ii inir ti i .1 vnt nnnnnr ttn nnnru 1 nniiiiimi politicians nnd city officials to feel decidedly M!"6'1 cach .0,ll.cr' ani! cuch. "K"1 tno tlon. These and other considerations . ThlJ Araerlcan Brldgo company blue. V.,rouo .Proviaca tor n.m. rnat lor uar- iiwoKcn n o .. , ... . . ,.uu ,u... 11.000,000 Kpworth I,rKr Ofll-rr.. '" Gibbons occupied tho gospel slue, ho thanks which I corfliiiily offer yoii T nndl plant to be erected In tho Pittsburg dls- At a meeting of the Epworth league held ul" """Ar V, , !'0.1 only to .you. mil to 1110 illustrious pre- trlc, Tho Araercan Brldgo company has . . . nn irin nninrin h in. v npn 1 npv nun kphiph 1 111m iiiiri niiinrH wim i-iiiiii til imjimii 1 . . . on Tuesday evening these ofllccrs were 1,1. ,.ninr. in. thrir nropnr dn I ,.ffer its plants scattered througn tne east, ai points where they aro at a disadvantage to operate, and some aro considered for abandonment. ItrllectM (irnrml Policy. Recent announcement that tho American Sheet Steel company had given up Its plan to operato tho now and costly plant at Chester, w. Va., was a reflection 01 ine new nollcy of tho new Morgan comninc. Tho equipment of this plant will bo taken to Vandcrcrlft. where tho most moacrn plant of the company, that of tho Apollo Iron & Steel company, Is operated. Slnco the sheet company formed it has nbandoncd m. number or its plants oi icsser iuipun.iuu and nearly all of tho apparatus of these was sent to Vandergrlft. Other plants of tho company, located at Cambridge, bast Liverpool, Coshocton, Dcnlson, Crcston, Nlles, Canton, Canal Dover nnd rio.ua, O., nnd Carnenlo and Hyde rark, Pa., aro among thoso which aro being considered as best to abandon and their equipment to uo ltoman Church, Archbishop of Baltimore worn tho vestments of an archbishop, ro- uur uciovcu sun, iieiuin onu nposiui.c uiyn-s. H,i ,,, (hr innnr nnctiinrv nnd In n f.iw Ing. Having thl lay created cardinal of "rc'1 to lnf lnn" Mnciunry ana in a raw the Holy llomnn church our venerable moments returmd clad In his cardinal robes, brother, Sebastian Martlnelll, titular arch- immediately nftcr, assisted by his priests DOCTOR Searles & Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliable Specialist in Diseases of Men. VARICOCELE Ars you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and Lost Msn- hood? Are you norvous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-tlms sntrgy ud ambition T Are you suffering from vital weakness, etc.? There Is derancemtnt of the sensitive organs of your Pelvic System, and even though It girts you no trouble t present, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nrroas tystcm, unfit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured bs- fore It Is too late? WE CAN CURE YOU TO STAY CURED UNDER WHITTEN QUAR NTKE. We have yet to see the case of Varicocele we cannot cure. Medlclnos, else trie belts, etc., will never cure. You need expert treatment. We treat thousands of uses where the ordinary physician treats one. Method new, never falls, without cut ling, pain or lots of time. DR. A. D. SDATILES. .iiir.nir inn .ihi tpw nva .'ni.pn ..urir-n . iMH.inri ill jmhil'suh. vi- i.ilvk i'i...i..iii'u w . . . . , . , . n " u " ," " ": Ai,;:: I" . ,u ur bVloved son. rruncls Mnrchettl. one of nil ucacons, no conaucieu mass amin 1110 ...... .v- r, . .' our private chumbcrlalns, the duty of pre- breathless attention 01 tne vast audience, puo anu now moro is a nico little cnaiu n,nrk of his new dignity. Ho will present Tno scrraotl was delivered by Archbishop gang of fifteen members. The rock re- 10 Ryan of Philadelphia, after which Cardinal ccntlx PurcbMed has all been broken up 2ree0tls! Wo commem Gibbons pronounced tho benediction and mm oi'iuiui wim-i-i uu m utuius u.u prm- wnn tno iionornDiu uuues oi our noicRuiu. iij0 ceremony was ended, oners under his enro break the rock Into to your, kindness nnd beg you to receive; 111 Bmnttnr nlnno Thla miAr C,,t rm Ilim Willi COIlSlUCrilllon mill ocnevoil-licu u still smaller pieces, mis rout, btrcet Com- ,9 ,.,,.. fnr .inc which we ourse ves ddipc tnlssloncr Clark says, will be used In filling shall feel grateful to you. As nn uugury rfllViC holca In the streets. It Is possible that r Heavenly blessings anu ns a sign 01 our unmo nf It miv hn liaorl nn Tu-nntv fnnrtli K01 wl" wu seni1 m0!t lovingly ill tile somo or it may be used on Twenty-fourth j,rtl tno apostolic benediction, street, the same as last year, but this has Given at St. Peters, Home, under the not been decided upon yet. Two moro ears Fisherman's seal on the llfteentb day of r ,i, ..n .,. ' ..;.. . April, A. 11., WM. and In thu twenty-fourth w. . vv- ..... iu-iuj. du uo lu 1,.,,,. ftf nllr linnt I tlnil In keep tho chain gang busy. (Sicned.) ALEXANDER VOLPINI 'J'roiitnn .liny Itruret. our Beloved Son, Health and Aposiouc stltiitrrl hv lllvlnn mfri'V In the subllmlt that John C. Troutau, tho engineer at the of tho apostolic tec, and by virtue of our cA..i. rt.i.n n.m.A ...u. 1 I ntllrn h.ivltiLr i-nrn nf thn welliire of the "uul" """" "1I1H.C. ..u BCVUiru . .l.ll i...--l. .nllnltll.loj nl. (pnm ! ,o.t.nlnlnn rl.1. V"u"-".-l "". w.... ....... ...u vuu.v . ti.. vicm l3 trmt ,10 college 01 venerame Droineri", Shrlgley from recognizing Johnston and tho cardinals of tho holy Roman church, STRICTURE and GLEET HAS OIL TO BURN Former State House Attncl.c Ilolda Lrunc to Valuable I.niiilx In Texan. Home Trsatment. No new and Infallible Itfullnnllv nurd with a Instruments, no pain, no detention from buatnesi. Cure guaranteed. UJtlN&RY Kidney and Bladder Troubles, weak Back. Uurning Urine. Frequency nf Urinating. Urine High Colored, or with milky sediment on standing; Qonarrhoea, Oleet. CVDIIil tC cured for life and the poison hii H'iilil tnerougiuy aiansea irom the tyatem. Soon every sign and symptom Buappeora compioieiy anu rorever. jno "BR12AKINO OUT" of the dlaeaae on the iktn or faoe. Treatment contains no dan gerous drugs or injurious medicines. WEAK MEN (VITALITY WEAlO.made so by too clo application to business or study; sorer mental strain or grief; SEXUAL, EX CESSES In middle life or from the ffeola of youthful follies. WEAK MEN ARIfl VICTIMS TO NBR VOUB DKBII.ITY OR EXHAUSTION. WASTING WEAKNEHS, INVOLUNTAKY iAJBMWB. Wltn 15AIII.Y DECAY In TOUNO and MIDDLiE-AOIiJD ; lack of vim. vigor. pwrea One of tho happiest men In Nebraska ! ,,, . niant at Vnndercrlft. is v. ji. rnce or L,incoin, who assorts h . comDHny i now nbout two ownership to a clear lease, on 1,600 acres .,,. hult,rt . i.R nrrtPrs and tho cen of land near Ilcaumont, Tex., In the heart trazatton of lt8 scattered plants will take ui wiu rccciiiiy uiscuvcreu 1.11 region. 1.11 says ho refused an offer of $125,000 "spot Georglanu of I.lnwood M. ! months; J. H. Fitch. ak;i City, In.. Pearl Queen, Z2,VA$, 2 years (and b. c); It. M. Crowder Cedar l.ako Heuuty, IB.C'Jli, 2 yenrs; EdSd" vd-r- months; C. XV. Kurr w : Lucy ot Swan l.uko 6th. 20,'AI. 7 years; Mold of Niiciuisu 2d,' 42,3'lu, 1 ytn'r; Tnrrcns Ilros., Oakland, Minn. ....... I.llllo Cantlne. 30.945. 4 years (nnd b. c.i: L. D. & C N. Sunderland South Oaks Pauline, 37,972, 2 years; Hansen it llelsel Kvergreen pnrk Ella, SS.OIC. 2 years: Jamas Williams - -. - lllghvtow Sis. 42,DC. t year; Charles Schultles, Wiiynu. Neb......... lleauty of Swim Lake, 21,592, B years; Aberdeen T'v'Mrti&y" Ilosebuilfnn vijw -SdV M.W 3 yeura; A. C. Illnnle, Alta. lu IIiiIIn. Blnckblr.1 King of Alta. 39.928, 1 year; I.. U. & O. N. Sunderland, Hurluli, I'ra Irie K In g V t U. ' 3893,' 20 ' months ; "a . Hoyson, Urny, lu . Cedar Lake lTinco, 33.098. 2 years; A. 1. McMurttn. Dunlup, lu.... Kdcowood Erie 2d, 39,033, 17 months; C. F. Swift, Harlan. In..... Kvergreen Purk John. 4i,92i. V months; C. W. l.lkei,, Schuyler, Neb........... Maplehurst Hoselyn 2d. 41..92. U months; Joseph Aurucher. Shenan- ilcali, lu " ,.V"";'.' Pride's Albion, 39.010. 17 months; SI. E. Darby, Dexter, la -.vA.'i" ';; Kvergreen Park Nero, 40.918 17 months; Oliver Hammers, Hillsdale, Mayor of " Al'titV 3.V,Bt i! "sT hiontiis';' Fr'ed J, Nelson, Kht-ldon, la Long Hrnnch Mrlo 2.1, 38,363, 10 months; A. F. Ariio Lakeside Lml, ll,i!S7. II months; John Koch, Kusllcc. Neb, Hell's Lad, 41,6X5. 16 mouths; F. b. Moses, Wayne, Neb Favorito Lad of Alta, 38,tVI, 17 months; M. L. Chase, Harden Orove, la Maplehurst Dewey 2d, 11.793, 13 mouths; Charles Fulton, Lewis, la., Mnlden'H Eric. 37.S91, 20 months; Hnn- scn & llelsel ...... .,........1 ',ii-7i,7 o uitiirn fliinri-fl llnrl. frey, Puufllnn, I i South Omaha News. 175 'i'M 220 160 L10 13j 275 17.1 2UU 100 105 180 405 iOO 195 175 215 195 270 160 3ti0 205 250 165 lOu 25 ros'-i'Tn":' hls a?Uon- Trmla'! MdeS's. or,i,tut,lln,tot was used as a tool by somo democrats and uplendld order demands. For this reason no is just unuing it out. .More than likely wo mivc determined to inscrinc you in , ...in nni n,,.i, h o. i. their number for your nlctv. your learning. ,Z Znr , , t. i r. . ,1 'ur zeal for the Catholic, faith and your up for hearing beforo Judge Estclle on other qualities and gifts of mind which lend Saturday. Us to hopo thnt your ministry will be of ... . great use nnd benefit to the Church of Oori. rneher' !Sn(lonnI llnnk Since, however, our beloved son, Reginald of South Oninhii. Neb. Statement nt tho Plus da Raymond, to whom we had com- closo of business April 21, 1901. Resources: mltted the honorable duty of tipostolllc Loans and discounts S676.UWi.95 ablegate, bus declined tt. wo accented Ills U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 25.O0O.UO refusul and resolved to commit It to I-'ran- ltaiiKing nouse, luruiiuro and nx- els Mnrchettl, auditor ot tlio apostolic dcie- Hires L'3.0110.00 irutlnn In tl.n llnlteil Ktntrn nf North Amer- Cash on hand nnd sight exchange.. 213,116.71 lea, who. will present to you, created by us u curdlnal or the Holy ltoman cnurcn, Total J'.ltiT. I YUlii ,mn nf tlin Inulcnl.-l nf tills Hllllllmn illL-nltV. Liabilities: I 1 1 . r,1 Iwrrplhi. sn thnt when It Hhnll hava Capital stock S100.noo.00 been conferred on you. havllic been raised Surplus 2ii.ooo.oo to the cardlnulate dignity, must ever stand Undivided prollts ,'ircuinuou H looks now as If a special election for a bond Issud would bo hold soon. City of ficials aro considering tho matter and U was stated yesterday that Just as soon as tho councltmunle muddle u settled tho ques tlon will be seriously taken up. The nlan If, for a committee of tho coun ell and Commercial olub to secure from the South Omaha Land company tho lowest price on Syndlcato park and also to secure options for n block In tho old Second ward nnd also-one In the old Third ward. Theso blocks (o bo mod for park purposes. In addition to the park propositions tbcro will V.'.iiOO.U 25.!).00 Deposits , 810,183.25 Total 1967.483.1 Olllcers: JOHN I' . COAD, President. A. W. TRl'MHLE, A'len President. F. .1. MORIARTY, Cashier. CHAS. A. DUNHAM. Assistant Cashier. Directors: John F. Cond. A. W. Trumble. Elmer E. Hrvson. Amos Gates. J. E. Curtl. l II. Ilrown, Luther Drake. F. McOlverlii, i'. j, aioriariy. MhkIi City :inhI. fearless nnd invlnclblo against all dangers to tho Church of God, even to the shedding of your blood, precious In tho sight of tho Lord. Wo wish, however, that before you receive tho berrotta you will by all means take tho oath to bo given to you by tho said Francis Marchottl and thai, signed by you, you send it to us euncj- inrougu mm or ihroiich some other person. Given at St. Peters, Rome, under tho seal of the Fisherman, on tho fifteenth day of April. 1901, in thu twenty-fourth yeur oi our pontiucuie. ALUYS1UB UAilDtiNAlj .MAUL. 1 11. Mgr. Murcbcttl, upon tho conclusion Solon Wulkjr has taken charge of tho of the reading of tho briefs advanced to Reed hotel. Workmnn IoiIep No. 227 cave h daneo at Hunt's hall Inst night. There Is u bad washout In tho street nt Twenjy-llrst nnd J streets. Dr. nnd Mrs. Elisor will entertain thn Whist club on Friday night. The Ideal nnd the Lotus clubs will clve a Joint dancing purty next week. rhe second njnrterlv business meeting of the First Unptlst church was held IbbI night. The sale of fancy stock nt tho. vurds ves terdnv attracted u larco number of strangers to tne ciiy Tho Harmony club will glvo nnothcr con cert at tne Kirst Methodist Episcopal cnurcn on i uesuiiy evening, .May .. Cardinal Olbbons' throne and delivered to him tho following address: Marehettl to Cilliliom. Most Eminent nnd Most Reverend Sir: Tho sunremo tiontlff. Leo XIII. who has moro man onco suown signH oi nis iovo tor you, most eminent sir, today commits to you tne nonorauio omco or investing wnn tno reu oerroiia mm wno nus neon re. eentlv elected to be his brother nnd coun- soilor. Wherefore, most eminent father, deign to nccept my congratulations unu ro. cash" for his leaso several days ago. Tho peculiar curcumstance in tho caso Is the fact that Price bought tho leaso for an Insignificant sum last October, when no body suspected there was any oil in the vicinity of tho land, excepting what was shipped In from other states. Mr. Price was the head of the Stnto In nur.inco department under former Auditor Cornell. For several years ho has been a leading spirit in the free sliver repub lican party of the state and beforo tho stato convention Inst year ho figured as a candldato for the nomination ot stato auditor. But Price had a streak ot bad luck. Ho was defeated In tho race for tho nomina tion. Then he decided to wager all tho money ho could secure on the result of tho election. Accordingly bo put all tho money ho had or could borrow on tho proposition that fusion would win. He took nlmost any kind of a bot, so long as he could wnger his money against the success ot some republican ticket or oven a single can dldate. With all of these bets lost Price tried to got even two days after election by wagering that W. A. Poynter had pollc-J moro votes for governor than Charles H. Dietrich. And finally ho lost his posl tlon at tho state house, nut he Bays ho Is "well fixed" now nnd will soon have the money In tho bank to prove his asser tion. "It Is truo that I have a leaso to 1,600 acres of Texas oil land and that I have been offered SJ125.000 for It," said Mr. Price. "In fact, the Standard Oil com pany has asked mo If I would sell the lease for nny price. I refused tho first time. For tho American Steel &. Wire company the United States Steel corporation Is ex pected to carry out the plan of the wlro company to centralize all operations pos sible at Neville Island, whero $10,000,000 works ltd being built. This has already led to tho abandonment of plants at Wor cester, Mass., and Is expected to bo followed with works at Cincinnati, the Portago works at Newburg, N. Y and the works at Everett. Wash. Of tho American Tin Plate works thoso nt Agnew nnd Johnn- town, Pa., and Canal Dover, O., aro ex pected to bo among those to bo centered at New Kensington, nlong with the Pitts- burs works mentioned. Tho Carnegie Steel and the Federal Steel companies' works inro expected to romaln much as they arc. Of tho National Tube plants, among thoso con sidered for abandonment Is tho Pennsyl vania Tube works, which, nlthough ono of the most -Important companies, Is not economical In operation. and strength, with sexual organs Imp and weakened Dromaturclv in auoroa. old age. All yield rapidly to our naw treatment for loss of vital power. One personal visit Is preferred, but If you cannot call at my office, write ua yaur symptoms fully. Our borne treatsMak la Our counsol la free and saorealy confidential. Consultation Free- Treat mentby Mai Call or address 119 So. 14th Street. Home Treatment luooeeiful and strictly private. Our co OURB8 GUARANTEED. ruinncc i fLT c WIIAaXUIO UV YV D.( Searifl8 & Seafes 0mat)a4 Neb( PR FREE ADVICE by our Physicians and a FREE SAMPLE 3 of our medicine also Froo Homo Treatmont no pace illustrated book lJu uescrioing sympionis anu cause oi tiiHeusrrj mm ucat .ruHuni-iu, in ...uuj vu.uau.a rStl .nln,fl ,.nri n,.E,,lnllnna In t.tntn lanfrllurtn. ftuvlnt- vml tll-UTT rlnctnr'H hills. AMk fnr It. . o- -v . . '3 9 3 Dr. Kay's Renovator Ntt Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia. Constipation. Headache, Palpitation of Heart Mil Liver and Itidnev diseases and bad results of LuGriDBO. Send for proof of IU Ntj Write us nbout all your symptoms. Sold by druggists, don't accept any substitute but ptt send us25cts. or SI. 00 and wo will send Dr. Kay s Kenorator by return mall, Address, PB DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Sara iratoga Springs, N. Y. i miimiriTiiinnTiiinimiin-iiiiTnTTTmnmrmTnTTTiTTnniTiiTiii Omnhn Commlxxlnn Men no Some Lively IllitdlnK to Secure Good StrnvrlicrrlcK. Tho women of tho Presbvterlnn rliurrh ....... nn.r .-nut- tn.i.i ,,n nnn nor gave u chicken p o dinner in tho Slouno rPj0co because ono is raised to the supremo building, lwonty-tif th and N strcots, y.M- dignity of the cnrdlnulute whom nil unite terduy. Tho- dinner will be repented today. lonorlng as u, most upright, religious, Jolco In the new glory which today adorns 0ffcr nmj replied to the last request that ..E'. T nV.nii m ... in I Intended to retain possession of the land for tho church In theso states: here n few and work It for oil myself. I havo al years ago decorated anotner, in solemn function wnn me iiomuu purpie, iiero COMING FROM ARKANSAS "I cure rupture without cutting, a. . ; A.t There wbb somo spirited bidding at Van lllHSs UVUlumg mc Durcn, Ark., Tuesday evening by Onaba hnitniB nf enrnAtv parties to secure strawberries for tho nurrul 8 ul BMrKcrJ omana marKet. ine pneo was surteu at Tho weakest spot In the hu- li.io anu went up to odoui a.(o, tno exact man body aro thoso first to bo prlco not given, at which II. O. Strelght como tho seat of disease. Tho of this city secured tt. The car will ar- construction of tho irroln In tho rive .this morning, being the first to come mnle, which Is so formed as to over tho Missouri Pacific this yenW Tho r "X,"e: berries are started out from Arkansas In turn, renders this part of tho exceptionally good condition and will bo nnatomy tho weakest spot, .......i t Thesu blood vessels and nerves The strawberry market yesterday was ..... ai,'(iomen In which the how. In lor1 ahnnn tVtn 1 rt a 1 fimalrrnmnnla wntA I aIu n n nnn ( fi I t-i r1 nir1 tt pn ready ordered nia:blnery for the wells and ncavy 8ml tne buying was limited to tho Uuently happens that when tho expect to have the thing going n a short I ,, ,,,,,i ,n .a?Aa in.i ..nru tissues nro put on tho stretch, , actual demand In hands of local retailers. .,. U0WCiH 08Cune mid form run- RUPTURE illHuint head of his order, tho assiduous cousuitnr ot mo sacreu congregation, mo most prudent upoxtollc delegate in these time. 'Yes, I will admit that I am surprised at my eudden fortune. I bought tho lease last October, but I had no Idea ns to Its real value until recently." Mr. Prlco returned to Nebraska a few 1)1) I UK ti.ia.l. Thn followlna extract from a letter writ ten by Mr. Ocorgo H. Leader, publisher o( States. Theso and other virtues, tho Breeze, Akron. N. Y will glvo you somo ft,' '," l0 ind familiar Intercourso with days ago from a trip over the oil region Idea of the great good that Is being done by him have not escaped tho notice of tho chief of Texas. Uo, says tho people of that stato ChambcTlaln's Cough Itemedy In curing bisiion to wnom it n iong w ru io no i n - ta)u nna tnlnk ot nothing else than oil colds and grip: "My wife and self have co-workrs in the task of feedinand Everywhere people are boring for ne used Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy for la protecting tho llock committed to his care, veins. grippe nnd wish to nttcst to Its beneficial , Ul obedience overcame his humility and "There is enough oil In Texas to float effects and thank the manufacturers for tho Tvhnrwi of tho ships of our navy." said he, nnnd thev aro doing suffering humanity, ah i.nnther mora worthy than I will more "and the one remarkable thine In thn Whenever I hear ot n case of la grippe I tsl?r,. ,,uVl moro srncefully speak of it. wn00 business Is tho fact that It was . , recommend this remedy." For sale by alt m0BteteeM not discovered many years ngo. When j druggists. mission of the living Peter, you see around the great Lucas 'gusher' began to pour , y The buyers wore exceedingly bearish and ture. drovo the onenlnc nrlco of S4 down to J3.50 I do not treat all diseases, before any orders were placed The aver- d curlcrm Hv ouico vitu umuu ui. fa.vu tu ftmu, nitu i CurOtl anmn nf thn brut frtilt still In thn hands ot To euro runttire It l necoH nmn-.io.inn man hnwiitir fnf ? bury io an piy ino iroiiimcnt bo ttif vw"" ' t v i oe n rnnsn now tluattn tn lw Coincident with tho arrival of the first formed, unltlnir tho break and car of berries will como tho first direct strengthening tho muscles ami consignment of new California . Potatoes tendon tlmtKUuthopun. Master Specialist, and onions. A lot of new Louisiana onions ,he nen.CH and blood vessels, so as, to prevent tho bowels from slipping out under th you tho archbishops and bishops, heads of forth Its wealth It was with a force that urn received yesterday morntnK and took skin and misslnc down Into tl.n x,.'mtl mm. the nlace of the Egyptian vegetables, which Tho history of n great m'uny cases of tho trouble Is that they either neglect the u...FL ., condition or wasto precious tlmn with unskillful treatment until their lives aro de. uu .v-. stroveil l)V tile bowel lecominir straniru ntd. Thero was a flurry In old potatoes yester- Truss-tortured men. whoso lives aro burdened with their aflllctlon or whoso now- morning, the reported receipts of tbe ers of vitality nro waning, should consult the peer or modern specialists In all that rrnn drlvlne the nrlce down 10 cents a '.cr. ," uioeiweis which uiiiici men, cnuanger men iivtn ur ciumvi unu ucsiruy " . - i t r i (i i r bushel ail arounu., umana ueaiers expeci Ir vitality. thin church, whoso destiny is so dear to tho heart of tho ltoman poiiutr, who highly blew a twelve-Inch Iron pipe hundreds of esteems nnd loves tho young and vigorous American nation. Well Indeed may you glory aiso in mo presence oi ho many rami- ... n,i .. miuinru ni Hnn K inr i ni urn innf-n nnil I feet the Dams wero built to savo the wisdom, venerable by reason of their years oil and after millions of gallons of It had market yesterday morning v,aB mushrooms ''! Won., wen who day covered the ground tho flood was checked. Ll' 1 nm TCnnen nd Ko unu nigni r .u . over, ino Thero wa8 n fortune n the oil thnt shot A Blessing to an Women Great joy nnd comfort comes into every household when the virtue of "Mother' Frtand" is known. No more gloomy forebodings or nervousness bv expectant mothers, ns all pain is prevented by tho V external use of "Mother's Friend," the marvelous liniment. There is nothing Iikc it. B P.BROWN.ofWtildlll,L..wiltl MMny ft my wife' ftlenrtt hJ uid'Moltit' Fild' l.loiteol.nemiil.iiitirlher wouMnlp4 IhieugU tbi cxitH gla wlthoet hilr ti.c.m lfilcoU.j ri bi.t.." snt by ipee wld en jfttlpi ef rrtaJliOOm Bottle. Bask, Sold iy'alu DUOGtSTi. THE nBABflEI.D RKGlX.VrOR CO, Atlanta. a. 3lnrrl.iKv Mfrnsea, The following marrlngo licenses wero Is sued yesterday Nnme and Address. Age. Hurry O. Menu. Canton. Mo '.'1 i-.uun v. mun, umnna ...is Isaac Hhepar.1, Ames, Neb , '."J Lizzie l'anaeb. AnicH NVh '1J KaVeh'Sro1 ftve minutes' time. Sev- 1 lu t ?o I.. PoU . Oinalia .!!.'! I !!" !"!""!!! !sj he "0pw KVtt".1 "'hete suddenly-formed lake, and today they aro Anton Parvol. South Omaha : 'profew the SSSo rule and they 'lmvo y'nB on tho ground at Beaumont, carefully Mary Junkowskl, Omnha ',' tneether with us today to add their cuarded and waiting for the railroads to r.rnesi nnuw, uii.ii.iii , , i conurutu annus io ours wiiiisi mey greet rarrv them off to tho refineries" Olgn C. Curtis. Omaha him in th lory of the ulatingulshed Au- car,y lncm " 10 10 rc"nerlea- I giiHtlnlnn oraer wnom i.L-iore inny esieemeu iVVlJJ members of other religious fumllles rejoieo also with them because In this promotion they tco u new pieago oi mo i.euevoienco of the sovereign pontiff who very recently did not hesitate to say that the rellgluus orders are an ornament and splendor of the universal church. Allow mo therefore, most eminent sir, to rend tho apostolic brief by which the holy father. Leo XIII, elevates him to tho col lege of cardinals, but before ho doing per mlt me publicly nnd moKt humbly to thank tho supremu pastor of the church of Ood who by a special mark of favor bus chosen me, unworthy though 1 be, us ablegato on mis occasion. And llnrlly. most eminent sir. ngaln re ceive my sense of devotion and my con gratulations. May your llfo bo long and hai.ny and may God nreservo you for many years for the honor and glory of Ills church. Cardinal Olbbons responded as follows: Aloat liDlntnt Father; X beg leave to that tno downward tendency will continue, as there are many more car lots belng'ot WE ALSO CUKE TO STAY CURED l '7? f" 6810 than was be,,eved t0 b0 ,n Varicocele, Stricture, Merve-Sexuil Debility, Ruofurt, existence The only new homo grown stock on the Kidney and Urinary Diseases, 7 Uvt. ISAAC RED OWL IN JAIL WlituchnKo Indian l Arrested nn the Chnrr of lllennl Sal en of Liquor. Isaac Red Owl, a Winnebago Indian, was brought to Omaha yesterday from tho Bantco reservation of Knox county, and Is imi nil ne.iniMi. ,ilAiiu..a rtnrl w mi k ..OMKes nf ir.i-n. Wo nlu.rnn tinfVilncr for nrlvntn wnicn cumo irom r.uicutu u.iu uiuugni. ou counsel, and alve to eiicli nalleut u iiw.a u tu.-vi'iiALT to lioiu lor our promises, 'cents a peck. There was a small quantity Is It not worth your whllo to investigate n euro thut has mudo llfo anew to muni- on the market and they were bought so u lnocM nt our 0(llro wrlt0 your symptoins fully. Address Stato Uleotro. cunj in-.. w . w - HUw,...us uu iu jicUlcnl institute, laus nrnuin ni., uiiiiuni, ieij. vegetable. Another Kxn.tuN Prnlinlilr, BAN JUAN, Porto Rico, May 8. Hawaiian emigrant agents aro again working hero and an expedition Is probable May 20, 11 IK Shipment of tiiilil, KBW YiJiiK. May !.riieiuciuacn. icuei belmcr & Co. will shin 50O,Ouo in gold on the steamer sailing for Oermnny tomorrow, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Josenh II. McConncll. former sunerln- tendent of motive power and machinery of lti:i"Hlti:NCI KeKt IIi.iiUn nnd I.fiidlUK IlnnliieNM .lien In ThU City. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL Office Hours! IVoni S A. M. to 8 V. M. Sunditys, 10 A. .M. to I I. M. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam St, Bet. 13th and I4tnsts umaha, Ncd. now In the county Jail, charged with selling the Union Pacific, (euves this evening with liquor to the government wards. At Nlo- Mrs. McConnell for a three months' tour of brnra he had a bearing beforo United State i:Kr0X Hernsteln. a former Omah.l High i-uiiiiiiiBKiui.rr iiu.i.ucio, n.,u nc.u unu io gchool boy, was tne successful i-oniesiuni tho federal Jury under fB00 bonds, It Is alleged that Red Owl conducted a "blind pig" on a big scale. The officer made an excavation In tbe floor ot his tepee and brought to light a telescope valise con taining thirty Quart bottles ot whisky. of six for the honor of representing ihe Wnlnut Mill High scnooi ni inu unnuni graduation exercises of the Cincinnati High schools on June 7. Ills selection was "Thn Musk nr tne Kuries." a we -io n iicsc:rn- inn rt thn r. si. Us nf ninli violence. Ho V.'IIS also tho recipient of a handsorao gold medal. V ria VlLullzpr.thAtirw-r nllnn nf a f!LmOU ITenm lUUBiriAil, win i(uiv.ii.iin ;uy Wm mmt Itnoium loswsl.y duVorriijlit. vrevrntsqulckiiMiol auchutj, II nph'?2 PVMf e1s'io Hnrmlorrlicra and all tho horrors ot impotei ey. .! KS"E2tSi2hi2! '"s". liver, the kidneys and tbe urUiAryorjaasot all Imimrlues. CUlUUKNI.slretntlMM CDI'IDKNB the only known rcmwly to cure without n opertlon. leUmonUK wrlitjn Buarnntee Klvea and ino.u-r returmd if boxes does not effect a pctmaneot cure. UW a boxl tor !, Lymtll. bend fnr Ki.icKrfrrularunil lestlrooiilnls. . VL ArtdreM IA VOL HKUIL'INK CO., 1'. O. Hoi 3)76. Ban Frandseo. Cat MANHOOD RESTpREDS l'OIl BALE II Y MYUUS-U1LLO.V DIllIU CO., 10TII ANU l'Alt.NAM.