Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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tae Official! Gratified to Eire Pitntj f
tht Liquid.
Born S-horf Do-rtOf r S Stork'on
"Temp rano Instruction in th Public
Schools. ' Miss Mary Spencer. "Moral Edu
cation of Children. '' Miss Bortha lunel,
"Imitation and Self Activity." Miss Ad lie
Dean. 'Our High School Course." W. A
Dobitoa. "Education and Heredity." Miss
May Metcalf. "The Value of Text Hooka."
W T Stevenson. "Manual Training and Ha
Relation to the Nw Education," Mist Mln
nle Ostenherg. "School Hygiene." Miss
Grace Johnson
Wnlioo lla a l.lel- Lnncnlt icr
nn I uiiald .Sprinkling Hill Miulli
Omnlin Strcft I'ulr
Mrinhrr of tirnnp Mj of the Male
AkkocImiIoii Conirnc at
(irnncl lolnntl.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Aay (Special.)
Charles Rfbicion'i Steed Sinks Under Him
;n Logan Creek.
was feared that much damage wotiid b
done by the unovering of seed and h.
I nrrmitlnr nf thr rnnt of the rrnwtnr tilnrvh
Since the advent of warm weather ca h
day lends to the conviction that the crcp'
are in a precarious condition and In maty
instances ruined.
When !ll Mnont line t'ndcr He Trie
li !mlm t Miorc, lint M mm Hi
ile Out mill He Mil
TENDER. Neb.. May S. (Special Tele
pram.) A young man named Charles Rob-
i . . . ... . . . l .
-The first annual session of croup tlx of l"tOD- WD naa cn empioyeo o, c
the Nebraska Bankers' association took J 0 rr"'. tnllfS WFSt of render was
place at the Palmer house today. These I drowned yesterday about 1 o'clock in Logan
counties wire represented. Blaine. Buffalo. ! crftk' " wa driving soni'i cattle acr ss
r....... t nn-t n.,.i.. I the creek. The creel; beitc high on oc-
Hall, Howard. Lincoln. Logan, Sherman, 01 "rrDI rB'nc' lH"flu '"c
tame lu pcaiier duu uc unafriuu iu bwiiu
his horse around them, when he pot Into
LINCOLN, May S. (Special.) Consid
erable comracDt has been- aroused among
Lincoln citizens by the establishment of a
waver plant at the state capltol. In reply
ti the objections the state officials declare
that tbey wish to dispense with the heavy
water bills whlrb have mnde alarming in
roads on tho state treasury. Between J&OO
nnd J 600 goes tatb year to the city for a
imited supply of water. The price charped
hi sta'e is the same as that exacted from
the private citizen. During the past two
or throe suars the stato house lawn has
been allowed to suffer because the necessary
moisture caused an alarming Increase In the
footlnps of the quarterly water bills.
Tbo members of the Board of Public
Lands and Buildings declare that In five
tears tho state can save in water bills the
entire cost of the plant, 4,37, besides fur
nlshlnp an unlimited supply of water to the
capltol building and grounds By the mem
bers the state ownership of the plant is
regarded as absolutely necessary In order
to avoid saddling a large portion of the ex
pense of maintaining the Lincoln water
workr, on the shoulders of the taxpayers of
the Mate They regard the appropriation
for the erection of the plant ns one of the
wisest acts of the last legislature.
Locally. It js rumored among the city
politicians that the appropriation was rail
roaded through in order to give one con
tractor snap. As the competition for the
work was keen the price was much lower
th;.n the figures named by the legislature.
t the time the impropriation was made
it was thought that it would take fully
t. 000 to put tho plant In working order. A
tuunel will connect the engine rooms of
both the heating and water plants, one en
gineer running both. A gasoline engine
will furnish the motive power for the water
Content Oier Wnlioo 'Water.
Some abstruse constitutional argument
was Indulged In In the supreme court this
morning when the application of the Wahoo
Waterworks, company for b peremptory
writ of mandamus to compel the city of
Wahoo to levy a tax for the purpose of
liquidating a claim of J2.P3D alleged to be
due the company was called up for rear
gumcnt. The act of 1SK1. allowing the city
the power of levying a tax sufficient to carry
oft the provisions of the contract between
the two litigants, was In force when the
deal was consummated, declare the attor
neys for the company. Later the power to
levy taxes for waterworks was limited to
r mills by the act of 1RS5 and later to 7
Thomas and Valley
The business meeting was called to order
at 1.30 this afternoon and after the enroll
ment of the delegates and the address of
the president, C F. Bentlcy of this city,
the following papers were read. "The
Benefits of Bank Organization," by Henry
W. Yates, president of the Nebraska Bank
ing association; "The Progress of Banking."
P. M. Penny, cashier of the First National
bank of Wood River, "The Express Com
pany Money Order." by John Schwjn', cash
ier of the bank of Doniphan. There fol
lowed a general discussion on "How Can
Nebraska Banks Best Promote a Uniform
Charge for Exchange and What Should
That Charge Be'"
Tonight the local banks tendered the
visitors a banquet at the Palmer house.
The arrangements for the session -were in
charge of S. D. Ross and W. H. Helm
bcrgcr. IlnnUrr (Iriinnlrr at Oxford.
OXFORD. Neb., May S. (Special Tele
gram.) Bankers of group 9, counties of
Franklin. Kearney, Harlan, rbclps. Fur
nas, Red Willow, Frontier. Hitchcock,
Hayes, Dundy, Chase. Perkins and part
of Lincoln, met at Oxford roduy and per
fected an organization. Officers elected
were. Charles K. Hart, Bloomtngton.
president. E. L. Means, Orleans, vice presi
dent; J. B. McGrew, Bloomlngton, secre
tary, W. G. Springer, Oxford, treasurer;
J. W. Dolan, Indlanola, member of execu
the council. The bankers of the group
In attendance were: S. C. Stewart, Ax
tell; W. 0. Robinson, Trenton; J. P. A.
Black, Bloomlngton; J. N. Dolan, Indlanola;
T. E. McDonald, Danbury, P. M. Pierce.
Wllsonvllle; E. L. Wllllt?, Alma; W. G.
Springer. Oxford; E. L. Means, Orleans,
C. E. V. Smith, Beaver City; F. J. Miller.
Oxford; R. N. Clark, Stamford; W. V.
Vlckcry. Bartlcy; A. A. Billings, Alma;
James Kelly, Cambridge; J. W. Hupp,
Lebanon; Sam Patterson, Arapahoe; W. F.
Dobbin, Bertraud. N. C. Rogers, Mlnden,
Charles K. Hart, Bloomlngton. S. H. Burn
ham of Lincoln and E. E. Emmctt, state
bank examiner, were present and addressed
the meeting.
deep water and the horse could not keep
up and rank. He clung to the hrose until
he came up a second time and then tried
to swim to shore but was too exhausted
to make it. and went under. HIb body was
found at S o'clock last night, down the
stream, forty rods from where he was last
Prnfeor Appointed for Philippine.
Ht'MDOLDT. Neb.. May S (Special) 1,
Trof. N. c. Abbott, who has for a year 1 1
bean principal of the city schools and ai
also re-elected for another year, has ten- I'
dered his resignation. Prof Abbott has
been tendered a position as teacher in tht I
Philippines by Fred R. Mklnson, superin !
undent of the educational work The ap I
polntment is for three years and carries
with it a salary of 1,0C.
Heel riii It. !ood Minne.
FREMONT. Neb., May S (.-fecial 1 The J
Standard Cattle company has Its large
acreage of beets nearly all In and a gooii '
part of Ibeni cultivated. The beets are It
good shape and the stand even. 1
Scarcely any corn ban bfen planted (r
this vicinity, and owing to the heavy rains
of the last few days. It will be tome time
before It is all In the ground.
Hphis is the
annals of
'InUen I ndrr Art t Ixnnrnt Motion of
Altomrj (irnrrnl In Hock
Iftlnmi ( not.
LINCOLN. May 6. (Special Telegram. )
The supreme court today took under ad
vlsemint the action of Attorney General
Prout to dismiss the suit of the State
against the Rock Island railroad for tSlO.000
damages for alleged violations of the or
ders of the State Board of Transportation
relative to enforcing the maximum freight
law. The court has once expressed the
opinion that the federal injunction restrain
ing the state officers from enforcing this
law was not applicable In the Rock Island
case because that company was not a party
to the original suit An attempt will be
made at the next session to hold the case
In abeyance until steps can be taken to
dissolve the federal Injunction.
Indication of Mnntlpox.
HEBRON, Neb.. May R (Special )- ,
number of houses have been quarantined
on the supposition that the disease which
has appeared In several families and seetu
to be contagious, might be smallpox. Th"
city council last night appointed Dr. J H I
Boyes city physician, and organized a boarJ
of health. Advice from the State Board of 1
Health has been etnl for
1 i 1 -1 ,f . 1. n
c most remnrKiioie saie oi maies uiimr-rauui; muisui mu
r Omaha's rctailini:. These suits won sacrificed to us by a prominent Sow
York manufacturer. He was hard pressed 'or cash and preferred to sell at our price
rather than take chances this uncertain -eason. Every arnient is strictly up-to-date,
beinji made for this season's trade. 'Phey are worth from 10.00 to $20.00. The arments
are strictly man-tailored and well made in every respect. They lit perfectly and will re
tain their shape.
On Sale Today at 9 o'clock at
llelicknh 1, oiler Ik formed.
EDGAR. Neb.. May S. i Special.) Miss i
Mcllle Castcrllnc. special deputy for the Sk
Daughters of Rcbekah. Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, with a number of members
of Edgar lodge. Daughters of Rebekah
went to Nelson Monday night and insti
tuted a Rcbekah degree lodge at that place
The new lodge starts out with twenty
charter members.
Ilnrtrnder I)rii. Ilend.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. May S. (Special
Telegram, i Walter Johnson, bartender in
Henry Waltermath's saloon, fell backward
as he was drawing a glass of beer at C
o'clock p m. and died in a few minutes
His death is attributed to heart failure
Mate PliarmiierutlrHl Anooelnllon lie
video .Not to I'ntronlre Wlioli
Milrr Who Sell to C'nttrr.
LINCOLN. May S. (Special Telegram.)
Iliniilioldt Trnelirrn Ilc-i:ircril.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. May ?. (Special ) -The
Board of Education last night re
elected Mrs Emma Joseph teacher In the
first primary There are still two vacancies
In the faculty.
MenWT for Mrnmrlnl Dn?".
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May S (Special.
In the business session today of the State CHptain Clare Adams of Superior
The Wahoo city council refused to pay
the full amount of the contract,
ns thk. amount of the levy, being
limited by these nets, was Insufficient
to wipe out the debt. The waterworks
company sought redress in the district
court and the case has been carried to the
"Upreme court. Here the Issues were ie
bated once before, but the Judges desired
K have tho legal points reargued.
The attorneys for the company declare
that the act of 1S7S regulating the in
corporation of cities was supplanted by the
amendatory act of 1RS1. Part of section 69
ef that act was amended and the rest was
jlpcaled, Thft.flCt of, JRS5.,was amca4a,t,ory
1f tr tlon GR of'the law of 1R7S which was
n-t In existence. Therefore the act nflSSS
Is void, argued the attorneys. By the same
IndUcthe process, the act of 1SS7 becomes
Inoperative because it was amendatory of
the act of 1SS5 and is also void.
It was alleged by the attorneys that the
city Ht one time had the power to levy a
sufficient tax and refused or neglected to do
so The argument Is also advanced that
the statutes are designed to apply to cases
where the city authorities construct a
municipal plant and not where private own
ership Is Involved. The argument was
closed by an appeal to the court to grant a
peremptory writ to compel the city of
Wahoo to levy the necessary tax for the
purpose of wiping out the debt.
The supreme court adjourned this evening
until the next regular session. Owing to
i he absence of Judge Sullivan, no opin
ions were handed down.
South Omahn Mrert Fair.
South Omaha evidently Intcndb to go Into
the street fair business during the coming
year in no small way. This morning the
South Omaha Street Fair association filed
articles of Incorporation with the secretary
of state. The capital stock Is placed ut
$."i,000. The amount of Indebtedness Is lim
ited to $2,500. The purpose of the organiza
tion Is to provide for festivals and enter
tainments In the streets of South Omaha at
stated times. Among the incorporators are;
A R. Kelly, W. S. King, Z. Cuddlngton. R.
B Montgomery. C. H. Macklnson. John
Fljnn, G. W. Parks, W. B. Cheek, J. B,
Watkins-, P. A. Wells. E. J. Moriarity, C. E.
Scarr. J H. Bulla. W. D. Adklns and W. L.
iiti-rinir liiM-it to riatlnionth.
Guvvrticr Savage left for Plattsmouth this
afternoon where he goes to attend the
Grand Army encampmeit. He expects to
return tomorrow.
Falrlinry Man Ik Chnarn M-nlor Vice
Co in in mi tier of etirnUn (irand
Army Mm.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., May S. (Special
Telegram.) C. F. Steel of Falrbury was
elected senior vice commander and R.
S. Wilcox of Omaha department com
mander of the Grand Army of the Republic
today. The Junior vice commander will be
elected tomorrow.
Parmclc theater waB filled to Its capacity
this evening at the campflre and A. V. Cole
of the Soldiers' home at Grand Island In
troduced as the first speaker the national
comtriander-ln-chlcf of the Grand "Army of
tho Republic, George Rasslcur of St. Louis.
Mrs. Carr. national president of the
Woman's Relief corps of Denver was fol
lowed by Mrs. Harden, secretary of the
national Woman's Relief corps of Denver
Governor E. P. Savage. Lee Estelle of
"Omaha. F. C Steel, lieutenant governor. H
C. Russell, past department commander of
the Grand Army of the Republic, and T. J.
Majors, past commander of the Grand Army
of the Republic, were among the speakers
Miss Minnie Catters of Lincoln sang "Long
Wave Old Glory." and led in singing
"Marching Through Georgia" and "Amer
ica." Mrs. Condon of Pawnee, past president
of the Woman's Relief corps, department of
Nebraska, also spoke.
AeliraKka CMjr March Plant to Mot
Do Tin for ItrpalrK and Im
proi r inrntK.
NEBRASKA CITY, May S. (Special Tele
gram.) The local manager of the starch
plant states that It is about to be closed
down temporarily to give an opportunity to
make some repairs and Improvements Hnd
to clean up some stock that tbey have on
hand. The fact that buildings and im
provements to the value of $50,000 are al
ready under course of construction indi
cates that the shutdown is temporary.
Pharmaceutical association methods were
discussed for preventing the disastrous
rate wars of recent months. It was finally
decided not to patronize wholesale houses
who did business with the rate-cutters.
Forty-one applicants for druggists' certifi
cates were examined this afternoon. At
nlgbt the druggists attended a ball given in
their honor. Dr. Oscar Oldburg, dean ef
Northwestern Medical college, arrived on
the evening tralu and will address the as
sociation tomorrow. As a fitting finale '.he
druggists have scheduled twenty-five ath
letic events, with prizes amounting to over
$1,000. They will compete for these tomor
row afternoon Just before adjourning.
been chosen to deliver the Memorial
address at the Soldiers' home.
Newest Styles
Finest Materials
ElrclK Fremont I'll J ultinn l'rrnirtenl
nnd Or. (I. S. Wood of O in aim
LINCOLN. Neb.. May S. (Spc.cial Tele
gram.) The State Homeopathic society
spent the day in discussing papers and In
considering proposed changes In the consti
tution. Drs. P. Wlens of Bradshaw, A. P.
Hanchctt l Omaha and H. R. Miner of
Falls City were elected to membership upon
the report of the board of censors. These
officers were elected President. Dr. E. N.
Leake ol Fremont, first vice president. Dr.
E. Finney of Lincoln: second vice presi
dent. Dr. F. E. Way of Wahoo; secretary.
Dr. H. G. Miner of Fulls City; treasurer.
Dr. O. S. Wood of Omaha; members of
board of censorB, Dr. W. A. Cate, Nelson,
Neb.; member of the legislative committee.
Dr. Benjamin F. Bailey of Lincoln.
Mate Medlcnl Mielely Appropriates
Money ARnlnnt .New Male
LINCOLN. Neb., May S. (Special Tele
gram.) After h thorough discussion of
technical subjects the State Medical
society, the ofilcial organization of the allo
paths, struck a blow at the osteopaths by
voting $200 for the purpose of financially
backing a legal attempt to overthrow the
aw legalizing osteopathy passed by the last
legislature. The proceedings closed with a
banquet at the Mlndell. The following offi
cers were elected: President, W. B. Ely.
Alnsworth; vice presidents. V. A. Anderson,
Pawnee City, and Dr. Shuard; recording
secretary, A. D. Wilkinson. Lincoln; corre
sponding secretary. H. W. Orr. Lincoln;
treasurer, J. L Greene, Lincoln.
Ord Trarhrra Are Elected.
ORD, Neb., May , S. (Special.) The
school board Monday evening elected Su
perintendent Paul Goss of Shelton super
intendent of the Ord schools. Misses Lucy
George, Stella Hewett, Grace Fackler and
Bertha Clements and Mrs, Nellie Jones
were re-elected. The eighth grade teacher
and the two assistants in the High school
have not yet heen selected.
Tito ItnnaTtavK at Aahland.
ASHLAND. Neb.. May R. (Special.)
John Black was at Grant Logan'B, where
he had finished unloading some cobs, when
his team started. He grasped the lines and
attempted to climb into the wagon, but
was thrown in such a way that he was
squeezed between the wagon and wire
fence. His left ear was crushed and a
severe gash cut In his neck near the Jugular
vein. While his Injuries are serious, he
will recover.
Mr. Humphrey's team caused another
tem to break loose and they ran down
the street together. Mr. Humphrey's team
ran into the clothing store of H. H. Sbedd,
breaking two large plateglass windows.
CIbkk DellrerK Tlimn.
PERU. Neb.. May $. (Special.) The
fourth Section of the senior class of the
State aormnl delivered theser last night In
the chapel. Subjects of themes were. "The
Cough core
Cures Quickly
It has long been a household favorite
for Coughs, Colds, Bronchltli, Pneu
monia, Asthma, Whooping Cough and
all other Throat and Lung Trouble!
It Is prescrlbea as a specific for Griprw.
Mothers endorse It as an lnfallibl
remedy for Croup. Children like it.
Prepared by E. C. OaWIU Co- ChloB
Moles, warti, superfiuoni hair
all cUinruAng bletnuhes m
Master Mechanic Chance I'oult lon
BEATRICE, Neb., May S (Special Tele
gram.) M. J. Powers, who has been In the
imploy of the Union Pacific railroad here
for two years as master mechanic, has gone
to Evanston, Wyo.. to accipt a similar post
tlon with the Bame company at a better
Central City SaloonK Cloned.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., May S. (Special.)
The new council met last night and or
ganlzed. Thr mayor made his appointments,
which were confirmed.
Central City Is dry. the saloons having
closed hero Saturday night.
l'rrrnnt!on Again! Smallpox.
BEATRICE, Neb., May S. (Special Tele
gram.) The Board of Health met this fore
noon and gave instructions to the chief of
police to enforce strict quarantine against
nil iarmnes wnere eitner smallpox or
clilckcnpox is reported.
Jull-Ilrrnkrr I Sentenced.
BEATRICE, Neb., May S, (Special Tele-
gram.) Judge Letton today sentenced Wil
liam Kelly to thirty days In the county Jail
at hard labor. Kelly broke Jal) here last
August while awaiting trial upon a charge
of burglary,
School Teanlier for Sullou..
SUTTON. Neb., May R. (Special.) These
teachers were selected laBt night: Prof.
Lehr. Mr Doty. Misses Tynon. Browu
Meyer, Silver, Goodlch. Mullyneux, Cress
well, Bemis and A. Roberts.
i speedily ana MrsaatienUr
morea : lmnenaci ana oeia
i rd feature palcleulT corrected.
Kull information with boos; tree.
1 uj siaic accur.j Mnro.lnicarD
Vo Dnnincr to fruit.
SUTTON, Neb.. May S. (Special.) Tem
perature reached the frost level this morn
ins. but no damage was done to fruit. Th
prospect for apples, cherries and peaches
1 fine.
Stale Medical Asportation Chonae M.
II. Kelclinm nf Lincoln
Preside nt.
LINCOLN. Neb.. May ..(Special Tele-
gram.) The twenty-sixth annual meeting
of the State Eclectic Medical association
adjourned tonight after transacting routine
business and electing officers. It will meet
in Lincoln next car. Today the association
exchanged expressions of goodwill and
amity with the bomeopathlsts. These offi
cers were elected- President. M. B.
Ketchum, Lincoln: vice presidents, C. P.
Pickett. Broken Bow and A. P. Matthews,
Callaway; secretary ond treasurer, W. N.
Ramey, Adams.
PurnlHblnK Fremont I.llirnrj.
FREMONT. Neb.. May S. (Special.) At
a meeting of the library board last night
the bylaws, rules and regulations for the
management of the library were adopted.
The committee on books reported 1,200
volumes donated. An Encyclopedia Brltan
nlra and a number of other new books were
donated last night. The library will be
In the Union block on Main street. In the
rooms furnished free of rent by L. M.
Keenc. The committee on furniture was
authorized to put in shelving and fixtures.
VeliriiKkn and c-lirnUnn.
An effort Is being mBde to hold a Chau
tuunua in David City. June 27 to July 4.
The Chamberlain banking house of Tc
cumseh has established branch banks at
Vesta and Graf.
Fullertcn does not propose to be left
behind It) the race and is talking of putting I
in an electric light pliint. ;
Knox county pays a bounty of $1 for each '
wolf scalp. Already this spring the bounty ,
has been claimed on 12S scalps. I
A petition for u rural mall delivery routf I
running northeast from Hartlngton has '
been forwarded to the department
The Stuart Herald, W. P. Davis, editor, i
Is h new c-andldHte for public favor In 1
politics the paper will .be IndejK-ndcnt.
A mar named Gray, living in the country' i
near Stuart, was found dean by some ol
his neighbors The coroner was called to
Investigate the i-usc.
Some of the enthusiastic horsemen of
Ravenna have constructed a half-mile track
at that place and will have races fiom
lime to time during tht summer.
J. Glasbon has been grunted ten-year
franchise to conduct niKelectric light plant
ut Tckamah and work wljl commence at
once on the installation of the plant
In April of lust ycat'fK totnl number
of cars of fruit iced Ht "North Platte wh
4k2. In April of this year 701 were iced
and 1,:SG,(H) pounds of ice were med
Lightning set tire to mid destroyed a
burn, four horses, a colt, harness and con
siderable amount of farm machinery on 'he
farm of t . B. Lawrence, near uroKen now
The Ord Tennis association 1ms been re
organized for the season with a good mem
bershlp. Arrangements imve been made for
the opening ot me courts xor me summer i
Miss Mary Burns of Weeping Water
struck the ball of her eye with a hot
curling Iron. It was thought for a time
the sight would be destroyed, but skillful 1
attention saved it. i
E. L. Vance, commissioner to the Buffalo ,
exposition, has returned from a preliminary
trip to Buffalo.. He stutes that he whs
surprised how far the east was behind
the west in the matter of scientific farm
ing. The Gering Homestead has been moved
from that place to Mitchell and is now
called the Index. Mitchell is one of the
candidates for county seat honors in Scotis i
Bluff county and has heretofore been with-
out a paper. ,
JVn effort is being made to Increase the I
endowment of the Grund Itiand college to
the extent of $IC,i0. The Baptist Educa
tional society had agreed to give fWM'i of
the amount if the remainder is raised bj
private subscription.
The Dakota City Eugle Is twenty-five
years old and during that entire time the 1
present owner and editor, Atlee Hart, hus
been either sole or part proprietor of the
sheet. The Euglc Is one of the best coun
try newspaperb in the state
Hie articles of incorporation have been
filed for a new town in Boyd county. It is
to be culled Kinkaid. in honor ot Judge
Klnkald of O'Neill. The townstte is six
miles cast and three miles north of Butte
and It is anticipated will lie a rival of that
place for county seat honors.
a Union Pacific train became involved In '
a quarrel when the train was neHr Kim- '
ball. The scuffle on the blind baggage re- !
suited In one of them falling oft while the j
train was at full speed. He was unable to
walk, but crawled some distance on his
hands and knees to tho residence of a
ranchman where he was taken care ot I
Though seriously injured he bids fair to re
SrrRranl in Civil War.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. May S. (Special.)
William Collen, an inmate of the Sol
diers' home, died at an early hour this
morning of hemorrhage of the lungs. He
was 77 years old and served during the
civil war as sergeant of Company C,
Eighty-sixth Illinois volunteer infantry.
The funeral will be tomorrow- afternoon,
burial being In the Soldiers' home cemetery.
Etons Bclcrc BIoufcs, Reefer. single or double
breasted tight fining L'Aiglon Collars. Collarless. Gir
dlcr Stitched Taffeta and Satin Trimming. Skirts
mode with flare and separate flounces.
Homespuns, Venetians. Coverts, Broadcloths Cheviots,
Serges and Fancy Noeltles, made up in all the nei
colorlngs. Including, Reds, Castors, Royalt, Tans, Na
vies. Browns. Grays and Black.
The jackets of these suits nre sill: lined some suits are sill: lined throughout,
can take our pick of the entire lot for 3.00
On Sale
at 9 o'clock
Wilklni, Ark., Feb. 6, 1900.
It ii with pleasure that I drop you a few lint In thinks to you for your wonderful
Vint of Cardul, which I have been taking. I hsve betn married 22 yean. I have never
had any children, but t have suffered as much tt any woman of my age. I have tried
some of the best physicians in our county, and while they would give me tome relief, my
suffering would soon return. I have tried every kind of patent medicine, but I will av
that I have never found anything to cqusl Wlnt of Cirdul. MRS. MATTIE ERVIN'.
Only the woman who has suffered knows the torture of female troubles and
the awful sense of dejection which tjocs with them. There are women in this
city enduring the agony of female troubles, day after day, because they believe
the only way to secure relief is through a doctor's private examination and
subsequent operation. Mrs. Ervin's experience proves that doctors often fail
completely in treating female troubles. She tried the best ones in her county
and they did her no permcnent good. Doctors have so many cases they do not
have time to make spcuiltics of all kinds of diseases.
is a specialist. A million women will tell that it will, in nine cases out of ten, bring complete relief. You
need not abandon yourself to a life of suffering. Suffering comes from weak organs which cannot properly
perform their functions. The over-taxing and strain makes pain. Wine of Cardui makes the female
organs strong and healthy. Then the shooting pains in the hips and abdomen disappear ? headache,
backache, and other symptoms are banished and the patient feels like a different woman. Relief comes
quietly at home without any one knowing it when you take Wine of Cardui. All druggists sell jl.00 bottles.
For advice and liUrature, address, givinr symptoms: "Th Ladles' Adrlsory
Department," Thr Chattanooga Mediclno Company, Chilian oora, Tenn.
Mreet Fair nl Wymorr,
WVMORE, Neb.. May R. (Special.) The
Business Men's association has decided to
hold a street fair next September and the
following committee has been named to
arrange the preliminary work. R. P. Boyle,
J. A. Rcullng, T. P. Hargrave and J. R
Dodds. The fair will last a week, and every
day will be a special one, including a
firemen's tournament, corn carnival, flower
parade and other features. Several thou
sand dollars have been guaranteed tor
Church Hurnn Il Miirtcntr,
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. May S. (Special.)
Services were held here In the Christian
church Sunday night by Rev. C. P. Evans
ot Arapahoe and Rev. E. S. Chamberlain
nf Johnson. There has been a debt of a
few hundred dollars on the church and, it
having been paid, a part of the services
consisted of burning the old mortgage,
lnr for Famnin Crop.
TARNAM. Neb.. May 8. (Special.) Ap
prehension Is felt concerning the crops of
wheat and rye which were sown last fall
At the time of tbe wind storm In March
Annie .M. Cnmminis.
mlngs of Chautauqua, N. Y. late conference
secretary of the Woman's Home Missionary
society of tbe Methodist Episcopal church,
and widely known as a leader In mission
work, died here today.
Old Soldier of Onana,
ONAWA, la., May E (Special.) F. M.
Castor, an old resident of Franklin town
ship, 'died Sunday morning, aged G3 years.
He served through tbe civil war in Com
pany I, Fifty-fourth Illinois volunteers.
tial.) Charles Brandrlff of Chicago and
Miss Lola Chapman, daughter of I)r. E. J.
Chapman, were married at the Presbyterian
chu.'ch last night. After the ceremony a
rweptlon was given at the home of the
bride's father on Fourth street. Mr. and
Mrs. Brandrlff took the train for Omaha,
where they will spend a few days, after
which they will go to Chicago to live.
JEFFERSON. Ia.. May S. (Special.)
Charles Larrabee, son of ex-Governor Lar
tobee, and Miss Winston Osborn were mar
ried at Ripley today by Rev. F. A. Bunting
of tbe Methodist church. The bride is a
daughter of Hon. B. F. OJborn, former re
gent of tbe State university. Tbe couple
will make their home at Armstrong, la.
WanhliiKton roreenl Fnlr and
Warmer In liriiUii mill Kan
n TliiirMlfi? find l'rlilnj.
WASHINGTON. May S rorccasl
Nebraska. South Dakota and Kansas
Fair Thursday and Friday; warmer in east
ern portion Thursday, southeasterly wiuds.
lowu and Missouri Fair und warmer
Thursday. Friday fair; variable winds.
Colorado. Wyoming and Montana Fair
Thursday and probably Frlda , variable
Loral Herord.
OMAHA. May S. Ofilcial record f tem-
pjraturc ana piecipiiaiion compared witn
the corresponding day nf tho last three
eiiri' 1W1 190J IK. lHi
Maximum temperature.... ra 74 70 70
Minimum temiK-rature. . . . Wi r. 5 to)
Mean temperature Ml (if. i fio
Precipitation tut W -C i
n.nrrl of temperature and tireclPltatlon
it Omaha for this day 'ind since Mnrch 1:
Normal temperature U
Deficiency to) the day h
Tolul cM-uwh Hlnce Murch 1 aw
Normal pruclpltatlon 13 tnch
Deficiency for the day 13 inch
Total precipitation Hlnce March 1. 4. Sy inches
Dttlclenc-y since March 1 .. ... .iK Inch
Excess for cor. period. n nch
Deficiency for cor. period, ISD'j 1.7lnrh
llriiorti from Stntlou nl 7 I. 31,
Mj S ",
c c i
When there Is a want of energy ambition and vigor;
when you wear a careworn expression, when the gait Is
sluggish und the digestion enfeebled; you are Run Down
nnd thre Is a lack of the Vital Fluid of life In your sys
tem Electricity which is the Nerve and Vital Force of
every man and woman, and when there is a loss of this
vital force you cannot again bo well and strong until
Electricity is applied.
Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt
Is a guaranteed cure and is the ONE treatment every
weak man should have. With its strong, even current
it will replaee every Jot of this wasted nerve force and
instill new life will make you a perfect man or woman,
n b you were intended to be by Nature.
My Klertrlc Hell link aoft, allken, ehainoU
colored Miionse electrode, Thlrli do not hum
or lillfcler nn do the linre inetnl Fleet rode ufced
on oilier beltM'cnn he rneved when linrned
out for ?re; other rauniit lie renewed for any
cocelr .
Belt will not cost you a cent unless cured. Guaranteed to cure Varl
Ncrvou AllmentF and all Weaknesses In either sex; restore lost vigor
and Vitality, cure Rheumatiem In any form. Kidney. Uver und Bladder
Troubles. Stomach Dii-orders. const ipatmn, ail j-emnio Complplntu, etc
Write or cull today Sacredly confidential. My books on Nervous Ailments
and their cure li Electricity sent free, postpaid, to anyone. Consultation,
diagnosis and advice without cost Sold only by
Dr. Bennett Electric Belt Co.
Iloonik 1 to -1 UoukIuh IlloeU,
ALWAYS" OIi;.V. J t It und Dodur Street, Omaha, Xeh.
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, partly" cloudy
Salt Lake City, clear ....
Rapid City, clour
Huron, dear
Wllltston. eleur
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, raining ........
Pt. Paul, clear
Daveiuwirt. cloudy
Kansas City. cio'Jdy
Helena, cloudy
Havre. Woudy
Bismarck, clear
Gulvoxton. cloudy
G! rc in !
7S tn I
tly O. .00 1
74 7ti .IKI
74, 7fii .ll
fit'.: 70 .(Hi !
Ml 70 .lid
44' 4S .11
' U4 .1:
IK' W (
M! 02 T 1
& .1"! i
a: lui ." :
7J, 7ii, IKI I
7B M U .
ik ?oar rtrimUt fur II
If h runriot uplr the
nillW.I..C 'HUD
nthrr. tun und ttainlt f fir 11
lultrutpd hnokilr4.lLi:ivrt
full imrtlrulkfi ana iUrvnm ri
vlnLi)e to indie SI
Uooiu lluie liilF...e Vurk
Every Woman
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Tlieti'WllSjrlu. Jmec-
lion una ournon. iieainar.
eil-Jiou uonTenlrnt.
JlCltutri lutullj.
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
NCIrVC BSAWquloKlrcur
b kit uiuiiuu,iul maul u.utWiuM'.
IwlltK muUuuiiL (imln. luaw.
Mumutl nirm imtf mrn imrridltiiK
to mur? Miiuud tuUu. a lnuu aiauniuiliiu: rruultm
ruiah msXiixrra ana UiKpownr mxurrnL tuBal
Mice mui all ether Vcralo
cannot live where
SrnnitU and OroMn. ale. a Vtx.
OMioaso. ILL.