T f? THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIITJ HSDAY, MAY 0, 1001. A mm SEW EXAMINATION PROBABLE Fr:pud Change ia Rnln of tho Beard of Education. TEACHERS VIGOROUSLY OPPOSED TO IT l'liiHillliiii In Hull Those III C'linrRc of IJrnmiiwir Urnilci Minll Hreure I i-i-llll'(if i- In Ivi'i-pliiK itIIIi l lirlr llnnk. A propscd nmondmcnt lo the rules of the Board of rMucntlon concerning tho quali fications of teachers In tho city schools would make It necensary for each grnramar grndo teacher to secure n grammar grade certificate. Many of tho teachers in the schools hegan work In primary grades and secured cer tificates to teach In thoso grades. They were advanced to grades on nccount of pro ficiency. Subsequently rules were adopted which required n different examination, but teachers who wore In the schools at that tlmo were exempted from additional ex aminations, .Hunt TiiLr mv i:iiMiliiittliin. In cneo tho Hoard of Education adopts the amendment to the rules which nro now puidlng, nil grammar grade tenchers who do not hold what Is now call tho "primary and grammar grade certificate" mint pass an examination In several subjocts In ad dition to those In which they wero origi nally examined. No exemption Is made on account of successful service In the upper grades, The subjocts In which examinations would be required are as follows: Algebra, ele ments of plane geometry, physical geography, civil government, botnny, zoo logy and physics. "The provision requires thai all grammer grade teachers not holding the certificate for tho higher work must pass on examina tion within n reasonable time," Superin tendent l'earso remarked In discussing the proposed clinngo. "There Is no desire on my part to give tho teachers any un necessary work, but I felt that all teachers should take, examinations In tho additional subjects sometime within tho near future." 'IViii'Iiith ,ri' .Vot I'IimimimI. Tho proposed change does not meet with the approval of teachers. Many of them feel Mint It Is rctrocatlve In nature and contend that years of successful work In the grammer grades arc HUftielent proof that Instructors uro competent to do tho ad vanced work. "We hnvo enough to do In looking after our dally work without being compelled to study for examinations," one teacher re marked. "Thero probably Isn't a single teacher employed In tho grammar grades who could not pass these examinations, but considerable tlmo would bo consumeil In preparing for them, which teachers could use to n better advantage In studying the subjects they arc required to teach every day." IN STREET RAILWAY CIRCLES Mei-tlnx of tin; Dlrrctory Will He Held Sunn t Co It Mill it Iiii liortuiit Miittrm. According to tho present plans of the otllcers and directors of Mm Omaha Street Hallway company, an Important meeting of tho directory will bo held May 22 and arrangements aro now pending to have a quorum present at that time, President Murphy started for tho east last night, but ho expects to return within two wecKs. At this meeting, tho first to bo held In three months, several Important1 matters will bo considered. Tho vnrlous proposed extensions will occupy consldornblo tlmo and as It Is thought that It tho work pre liminary to tho construction of tho Harney street extension Hhair hnvo been made by tho city and tho citizens work may be or dered on that lino Immediately. Olllcors of tho company deny that there Is any foundation for tho rumor that tho Omnha company was preparing to assume management of the bridge line. At tho board meeting It Is ptibable thnt a treasurer to nucccecd tho Into Captain Marsh may bo chosen and his plnco on tho directory filled. SURE TO HAVE A RAILROAD t n Ion I'nelllo nml L'lnrk 1'roniotera Kadi lloiiml for I, on .tiiKrlen, From Bait Lake comes the positive state ment that tho Union Pacific system will have a line In operation between Salt Lake and Los Angeles by Juno 1, 1002. Assertion is made equally strong iby the promoters of Senator Clark's road from Salt Lako to Los Angeles that their plans for building a rail road will bo carried through to completion. The prospect of competition does not seem to lessen the determination of cither .company. In fact, the energetic movement made by Senator Clark and his associates toward tho Immediate construction of a Salt Lake-Los Angeles lino Is generally credited with having quickened the Union Pacific In Its decision to begin work at onco on a line which was considered and virtually decided upon ycais ago. Tho situation Is not an unusual one In railroading, yet It presents un Interesting perspective. Tho Union Pacific already has Its lino practically agreed upon and tho territory through which It will run will hardly bo avnllablo for the Clark road, for tho reason Mint the field Is not largo enough to support two railroads. The Clark pcoplo will doubtless agree upon some other routo and tho result will bo the affording of adequato transportation facilities to a vast territory heretofore entirely without any. At present It nppenrs that the ter mini Salt like and Los Angeles will be tho only common ground occupied by tho two companies. President Hurt of the Union Pacific Is now going over the proposed routo from Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Kllpntrlck Ilros., tho contractors who havo done much of the work on tho Union Pnclllc during President Hurt's regime, accompany him, and It Is presumed that contracts will be lot very soon for work on tho new line. Part ot tho grndn south of Salt Inkc Is already In readiness for the laying of track, hnvlng been completed several years ago when a southern extension was deter mined upon, but later abandoned. A Snlt Lako paper snys that In three ceks' time tho track will bo at Clover Vnl- loy Junction, nnd from thnt point to tho sta tion on tho Southern Pacific, where tho new lino will connect, Is a distance of about 400 miles. In enso tho road Is completed by June 1, 1902, us has been nnnounced with some degree of authority, 33.3 miles of road 111 be built each month south from Clover alley Junction. No difficulty In engineer ing work will be encountered on the now line anil the work can consequently bo pur sued with considerable speed. So well was the route surveyed several years ago that merely tho flnnl survey nnd cross-section ing nro needed to be ready for grade, so that llttlo delay Is anticipated In beginning tho work. Tho route which has been prne tlcally agreed upon by tho Union Pacific Is Salt Lake, Oarllold, Ophlr, Tlntlc, Leaming ton, Milford, Uvada nnd then to Los Angeles. $2,50 SILKS AT 50C, 69C YD All Rich and EicluiWe NoraHy lilkj frtm lime, Oonnelj'i Stock. ON .tin n Nil i-III Ticket .mv on Snle. TlckctB for UI(;hard Mansfield go on snle Mils morning at 9 a. m. No orders received over tho 'phone. No Beats laid away. BRICKMAS0NS RESUME WORK l'ny I'lnrK to Tin-1 r Union nml Are Itdnmtntoil In (ionil StumlliiK. Tho labor troublo on tho construction work of John II. Harto was settled at noon yesterday ns tho result of tho compromise reached last night In tho Bricklayers' union According to tho terms of compromise each of the brlckmnsons who had been fined and ono who had been oxpcllcd wero admitted to membership In good standing upon tho payment of a flno of $." and dues to, tho union from tho tlmo of their suspension At tho usual tlmo yestcrdny morning tho carpenters returned to work on somo of Mr. llnrto's Jobs and yesterday afternoon nil hands wero busy, settlement ot tho fines having been made about 10 o'clock. (till Sulillor'H lOMiorlcitiT. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran of Winchester, inn., writes: "My wtro was sick a long Mmo In spite ot good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr, King's New Llfo Pills, which worked won ders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25u nt Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, XotllT. The North American Skat congress will tako plnco nt Chicago, May 11, 12 nnd 13 All Nebraska skaHplnyers nro cordially lnvttdd to attend; $2,000 In prizes. An effort will be mndc to securo tho next con gress for Omaha, thcreforo a largo attend- nnco Is wished, Purchnso tickets to Chi cago via tho Chicago & Northwestorn rail way nnd tnkc reiolpt from your railroad gent. Mcmbors of the Omnha club lcavo via Northwestern 4 :r5 todny. May 10. JULIUS TKEITSCHKR, President For Salo A practically now Kimball plnno at n big bargain. Inqulro O. D, Tzschuck, Ileo business office. Stonccypher. printer: 1201 Howard 8t. Something New in Town. We refer to our now SODA FOUNTAIN A "Twentieth Century." Different from anything In town. All thoso who huvo seen It call It n llllAUTY. Mndo from an thine oak, mahogany, onyx, Tennessoo marbln nnd largo French mirrors. To bo seen Is to ndmlro It. Notwithstanding Its simple beauty, Its greatest virtue Is clean lln's, Will toll more about It next tlmo FULLER DRUG AND PAINT GO. Jvory Wonmn Hun Mnrvrlcil nt the llenuty of the Drrns I'nlirlcn nnd Mlkn from Thin Mock nml the Value Arc Phenomenal. MM 13. CONNELY'S SILKS. Including many rich foulards, taffetas, rcpo du chine, s.itln dttchesse, etc., up to 2.60 values, at 50c and 6'jc yard. MADAME CONNELY'S $S SILKS, 0SC. These you will find the richest and most cxcluslvo high class novelty silks, every yard Imported, Including brocades, Paris novelties In colored appllquo effects, em broidered silk crepe do chine, foulards, etc., worth up to $8 yard, salo price, 98c ard. $2.00 DRESS GOODS. C0C YAUD. These aro sluglo dress lengths, containing to 8 yards In French canvas bareges, Henriettas, nun's veilings, albatross, famines, crepons nnd silk nnd wool mix tures, up to $2.00 vnlue.i, go at 50c yard. MME. CONNELY'S $3 DUESS GOODS, $1. These nro all high-class Imported dress patterns In zlbellnes, whipcords, pmnnolas, Venetians, crepe do chine, satin panne loth, crepons In black and colors, line cnmclshnlr twills, brllllantlncs and many mported black dress patterns, up to $i.00 value, $1.00 yard. $50 UNMADE DllESS ROnES, $10. You will find in this assortment fabrics of every description, representing tho foreign makers' best efforts. Such as wool crepons, with woven designs nnd drawn work eilccts In b'lack and colors, canvas bareges, ctamlncs, etc. Your cholco of the SO Robes for $10. LADIES' $20 TAILOR MADE SUITS $5. ON SALE TODAY AT !t A. M. Thursday at J a. m. wo will place on salo thnt lino lot ot ladles' tailor mndo suits wo havo been telling you nhout. They aro all this season's styles, mado of choice ma terials, and lit perfect. Tho values range from $10 to $20, all go on salo TODAY AT i) A. M. AT $5. Read our display ad on pago 3 for the full particulars of this sale. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Hrandols & Sons, Proprietors. Solo agents for Rogers Pcct & Co.'s flno clothing. HKICHT OFFICIALS it KIMIOVF.I). Ulterior Notify Tlii-m (lint There Munt lie .o Itnte Cutting. Omaha freight ofllclnls havo once more greed to bo good In the matter of nbldlng strictly by published tnrlffs. Last week tho tlrst Indication of a slump from tho normal tariff basis, which has exlHted since the first of yenr, nppenrcd In local freight lrcl-s and thero promised for a tlmo to io n lively light for business, which would havo resulted ns heretofore In the slashing of rates clear to rock-bottom. One or two freight ofllclnls listened to the siren song of tho tempter, who appeared In tho form of a prominent shipper, nnd accepted r-hlp merits at a figure slightly below tho normal tariff. It didn't take tho of Jlclnla of competing lines long to discover that rates woro being manipulated, nnd a. howl went up which had Its echo In Chicago tho latter part of tho week, whon a meeting of the executive olllcors was held and tho agreement en tered Into last December was re-adupted This morning trafllo olllclals of all hc Omaha lines received Instructions from their superiors calling attention to the agreement and Informing themN that no rate reductions would bo approved. Their attention was directed to tho Instructions sent out Just before January 1. The December agreement provided that any oftlcial In authority who should up prove or authorize a reduction In a nub- ltslied ralo would be subject to liumcdl.itn dismissal. Any attempt to Influence chip lors by means of transportation, rebate or In any form whatever was also forbidden. Local freight men assert that tho tlrst break to be mado In this agreement came last week and with tho receipt of lustruu tlons from tho executlvo ollleers repeating tho provision of the December agreement s Is presumed that no one will venture any further violation for somo time to come. As n result all of tho shlppors aro on an equal basts and noua are suspicious that nnother Is getting the better of him through tho favor of some railroad. All shippers, lrresxctlvc of their Influence or the amount of freight business they hnndlc, aro turned down cold when a request for frco transportation Is made. Shudder at III lut. "I recall now with horror," suys Mall Carrier Uurnott Mann of Levunua, O., "my threo years ot suffering trom kidney trou bio. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or acute pains In my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made me groan. 1 felt tired, worn out, about ready to glvo up, whon 1 began to uso Electric Hitters, but six bottleB completely cured me and made me feel like n new man," They re un rivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed by Kuhn & Co. Only 60 cents. rubllsh your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telcpuono 238. Soda Season Grand Opening Saturday, May 11th On Saturday, May 11, wo will formally open tho soda season with music und flowers. All tho new nnd dainty drinks tcrved by 0X1)011 attendants. Cosy tables and chairs for all. Coolest, most con venlcnt plnco In tho city for n moments rest, u quiet chat and a cooling drink Don't forget tho opening Saturday. Flow era for tho ladles, music for everybody, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnatn. TAFT'S Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Our patients aro always gratotul to us nftcr using our Vitalised Air for painless extracting. Gold Crowns $3 00 Good Set Teeth $3.0) Everything strictly first-class. to SALE AT BOSTON STORE HAS IT UNDER ADVISEMENT Mayor .Moore Hit .Not let tcrinhieil III Policy for Next Siimluy. llo- "I have not decided whether I will closo Omaha up tight next Sunday," Mayor Moorcs remarked yesterday. Will the resolution of tho city council, protesting against a closed town and urg ing thut you do nway with tho New Eng land plan, have any Influence on your uc-Hon?" No. I am personally responsible for the administration of city affairs. I will do whatever seems best to mo In the matter of Sunday observance nnd will not be In fluenced by tho expression of tho council men." tho mayor replied. "I will decldo In a day or so what sort of a town Omaha is to bo next Sunday." Pure Ktrnut of Choice! .Mult. Malt-Nutrlne, prepared by tho Anheuser- Busch Brewing Ass'n, St. Louis, U. S. A., Is no experiment. Years of practical tests and enroful nnd numerable analyses havo resulted In tho ono perfect tonic, known as Malt-Nutrlno. It Is the pure extract of tho choicest malt and contains 14.60 per cent of extract matter and less than 2 per cent ot alcohol, being thcreforo absolutely non-Intoxlcatlng. Ifllll for the Hound Trip, Omaha to San Francisco via tho Union Pacific, . May 7 and- 8, 1901, for Lauachlug tho battleship "Ohio," May IS. Tickets limited for return to thirty days. 13 hours quicker than- any oiher line. New city ticket ofllce, 1324 Knrnam St., Telephone 31G. Send articles ot incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 23S. Seeds that grow come from the Nebraska Becd company, 1513-15 Howard St. Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel. 1440. Comfort, Elegance and Fit. A trio of qualities not always found in fancy priced lines of shoes. Sorosls shoes are recognized tho world over as "that five dollar shoo sold overywhero for $3.50." Forty-five different styles not nt forty-tlvo different prices, but every pair $3.50. That Is Sorosls patent leathers for street or dress, kid shoes In welts or turns. The shapes aro all tho newest. Tho store tho most modern woman's shoo storo In the west. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, Frank Wilcox, Mannifer. Write for catalogue. The Chicago Record tint 61 of theie Type writers in dally ui YOST If you want a typewriter, why not come first where you can set EVERY GOOD SORT OP TYPE WRITER In' Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all' machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED, New Century The finest catalogue ever Issued is yours for the asking. Writeo7call. LODGE HOLDS AN ELECTION Free Mnaoitft Chnosc tin Olllelnl Hunter to Siere i'lirotmh the I'.n "tilnu Term, Nebraska ledge No. 1, Ancient Frco nnd Accepted Masons, held Its nnnunl election of officers Tuesday night nt Masonic hail. Tho following wero elected: Milton J, Ken nnrd, worshipful master; Peter M. Price, senior warden: Dr. W. II. Hanchett, Junior wnrden; Theodoro C. Livingston, treasurer: W. C. Mclean, secretary: John D. Howe, Uornard J. Drummond nnd Charles O. Spragiio, members of tho board of relief. It Is probablo that tho four Masonic bod ies of Omaha will hold n Joint Installation of officers early In June. sii:itu,i.i:i ii.Miiinit shop. A Fan 1 oil Muii In I lie (.'nrroltoii Hotel, llnltliuore, .Maryland. The barber shop In tho Carrollton hotel, Ualtlmorc, sterilizes everything It uses In tho shop. Tho stcrllzlng Is dono by heat. Tho towels, tho razors, the strops, tho soap, tho combs nnd brushes nro nil steril ized before being used on n customer. Where thero la no sterilization have the barber uso Newbor'fl Horplcldc. It kills the dandruff germ and It Is an antiseptic for the scalp nnd for tho face nftcr shaving. All lending barbers overywhero appreciate these potent fncts about Her plclde nnd they use It. "Destroy tho cause, you remove tho effect." WE do ono thing nt a time. When compound ' Ing prescriptions, the person so engaged la In a world by himself. That which leaves his hands Is Just whnt tho doctor ordered. CramcrS Kidney Cure 750 1 Undo Sam s Tobacco Curo Wc I llucau Hair Tonic "6a lierco's Prescription 75c 1 Kay's Renovator 20c 1 Kays' Lung linlm hoc 1 Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills ,, $1.00 I Duffy's Malt t-Sc ! I'uruua tsJc Iter's .Malt. Whiskey 69c ' Scott's Emulsion 75c I Hire's Itoot Beer lie Pinkhnm's Compound wo I 1 dozen 2-gralu quinine Cnpsules "c I I dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules 10c 1 dozen n-gralu Quinine Capsules )6o 1 liromo Quinine , 15c SCHAEFER CUT rRICK DKUUttlAr W, Cor. 10th and Chlco. To .Member of the .Modern Woodmen of America. The Chicago, Mllwnukco & St. Paul Rail way company has mado a rate of one faro for the round trip from Omaha nml points on their line to St. Paul Ilend Camp, June 10 to 15. This makes tho round trip rato from Omnha $10.65. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1501 Fnrtiatu St. (Stonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. Every nrtlclo which Is used In mnklng our SODA WATER, Is pure, No guess work about It, nH we mnko It our business to KNOW that It Is pure. Wo use CREAM CHEAM mind you not skimmed milk thickened with corn stnrch and gelatine for mnklng Ice crenm, nnd pure vanilla and crushed fruits for flavors. Tho result Is soda water that Is puro enough to glvo an infunt or Invalid. Our HOLLAND CHOCOLATE, WILD FLUM rilOSPIIATE. CHERRY HOUNCE, AND SAN GAI1H1EL. aro different from ORDINARY SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go., Corner 16th nnd Dodge. PURE SODA WATER 1 1 1 a n.',.i,i:-n.',i,i: in tiu: HATH KCMI.M. You will feel like dancing when you see 1 110 new open plumbing, fine porce lain lined tub, bowl and washstand thnt we have lltted up when wo havo I ern ordered to do so. Our work In fitting up private) houses with open phimblng In bath room, kitchen und laundry Is of tho highest order of cx relbmco In scientific detull nnd expert workmanship. Free 6t Black, 180G l arnnin. Phone IOW cJG) 5!ixi) 02 TO TI-IE Mountain Resorts THE BEST WAY AND -OPICTOH1- ...IS VIA... THE UNION PACIFIC. This lino baa rondo SPECIAL RATES for tho summer as follows: OMAHA TO Denver. Colo. Springs Pueblo, $15 To Glcnwood Springs, S25 ) Ogden, To Salt Lako ) City. $30 g, Tickets wlll.bo 011 snle July 1 to t), nnd September 1 to 10, lu.clu.slve. S : ALSO One Fare for the Round Trip, Plus J2.00. From June 18 to 30, July 10 to August 31, Inclusive. I New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. Tel. 316. Union Station 10th nnd Mnrey Sts. Tel. 029. Thursday Great- HAYDENs er and Grander Silk Bargains Great lots from the immense mill purchase new lines, bigger bargains every day, the best values in line silk, lilack silks at prices never before heard of. This sale admitted by all to eclinse all others in point of qualities nnd quantities. Prices qiibted in this ad are for Thursday, and Thursday only, other specials for Friday and baturday, but these are for one day. 100 pieces niack Taffeta, all puro Bilk, full 27 Inches wldo nnd worth $1.00 per yard everywhere in the lnnd, all ko on anlo for Thursday at less than hair, only 49c. 50 pieces Dlack Taffeta fine Swiss mnke known pvcrywhero as a Rood reliable make. 27 Inches wldo, all ullk, retails for U.E0 nnd worth It, wo will sell on Thurs day for Just one-half, 75c, A big bargain In lino Satin Koulnrd 1O0O yards satin Liberty Foulard, in real pretty designs. We will offer theso fine silks for only, Thuriday, at 49c. Great lot ot excellent whlto silk. White puro Bilk Jap, warranted to wash, worth GOe, for this big sale, 25c. Whlto Taffeta, real good grade, all silk regular 75c on this sale Ii9c. 100 pieces of Pure Silk Japaneso Illuck Wash Hill; finest goods on market, war ranted to Inunder nnd wear, sold regular at $1.00. on sale at COc. Kxtra wldo Skirting Taffeta full 64 Inches wldo, finest Cheney Ilros' make, everybody knows what It Is worth, we sell Thursday at $2.50. Illack I'llsse Silk for Skirts 27 Inches wide, handsome novelty, worth $2.50 on sale Thursday for 69c. Groceries 200 dozen choice Juicy lemons nt, per dozen, 10c. 10 bars nest Laundry Soap, 23o. 3 bars Wool Soap, 10c. 25 lbs. Whlto or Yellow Corn Menl, 23c. 10 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour, 19c. . 10 lbs. Oraham Flour, 15c. 10 lbs. Itye Flour, 15c. 5 lbs. Rolled Oats, 10c. G lbs, Japan Ittcq, 19c. 5 lbs. Tapioca, 25c. 6 lbs. Pearl Ilarley, 19c. R lbs. Sago, 19c. G lbs. Hominy, 19c. 2 lb. ran Sugar Corn, 6Wc. 3 lb. can Tomatoes, "Vic. 3 bottles sweet or bout Pickles, 25c. 2 lb. can Llipn Ilcans, OVSc, 2 lb. can String Deans, 6',4c 8 lb. can Bartlett Pears, 8 l-3c. Hams No. 1 California Hams, 7',3C. B-lb. polls Puro Leaf Lard, le. Oerman Summer Sausage, Chipped Dried Ileef 15e. Ilancless Corned llcef, Sc. Fish Fancy Whole Cod FiBh, 1214c. Family Herring, 2Hc each. Family Mackerel, Cc each. HAYDEN BROS. Stars & Stripes Stnrs and stripes do not always enthuse Bomo Americans but under any and all circumstances and conditions in lifomen will onthuso over superior values "vvo offer in men's clothing, likewise the fairminded prin ciples observed in our methods of doing business. We'makc it a point to satisfy all customers, to lit any man of any length or breadth, and, invariably to give better values for less money than any other clothing store within your reach. In today's pricings every suit Is a star and you can find a choice selection in tho favorite stripes worn this season. 7.50 FOIt A MAN'S SUIT In a choice lino of stripes pin checks plaids, etc. round cornered sack mndo In flrst- clas style every point thnt goes toward the making of a Rood suit rnn be found by looking for It VM. fectly talloFOU A MAN'S SUIT in a cholee line of suit sold oworsteds cheviots oxford gray stripes rff cheeks fancy pntterns and plain per red you can compare It with any $10.00 ntsldfl this store our price $5.00. (fDtffc FOR A MAN'S SUIT In a cholco line of fancy worsteds bluo stripe flannels, etc. J round cornered snek cut In tne very latest styles, with tho very best of trimmings satin piped our price for such a Milt with a guarantee only $9. jit g FOn A MAN'S SUIT all wool all patterns large lino to select III from mado with as much enro ns though you paid $20 for It mJ ths i a great storo for tho man who wants a suit of clothes that will pass for a merchant tailored suit but only want to pay for such a suit $10.00. M UJLVnEil' "Particulars as the IlAl UCnS goods come in." Our cloak buyer has returned from New York and the eastern; markets. The trip was short, but loaded down with bargains the greatest we have ever seen and let us say here that there is no house in the western part of this continent that can securo real bargains in Suits, Waists and Skirts unless their buyer visits the market, frequently and especially at a season of the year Hko this that is cold and backward when manufacturers are will ing and anxious to unload at any reasonable pi ice offered. That is the condition of affairs in the eastern market and that is why we will have some of the greatest bargains in Women's Skirts, Wash Waists, Silk Waists and Wrappers and Capes you have ever heard of. We will give you tne particulars as tha goods come in. Watch this space closely read it carefully and you will make no mis take if you visit our cloak department. Our buyer shipped part of the gootls by ex press that have already arrived. Those that arrived by express include 225 women's Suits, all new, up-to-date styles, in blouse, etons, single and double breasted jackets, made of excellent qualities cheviots and line all wool materials, and when we say to you that there are suits in this lot worth up to ?25 we mean just exactly what (flESt we say your choice for UJJC o0 dozen Wash Waists also by express, made in the very best cloths, desirable patterns, stylish garments, right up-to-date i Qrt a garment worth 1.00 for only ny xpress also 50 Silk Uton Jackets to thefco we havo added our own which makes 15 altogether your cholco of any silk Kton Jacket In tho houao fl worth up to $20.00, for px ttJXJ Ily express also 20 dozen Women's Wrappers excellent quality SI cloth percale sepa rato waist lining a wrapper sold by every house for $1.00 SSr' salo price only JCJS Ily express also 35 women's Silk Dress Skirts, with applique laco flounce mado of ex cellent quality tatfeta a skirt well worth $15.00 Thursday only 6 45 Ily express also 10 dozen women's White Lawn Waists, with 12 rows of tucking In back 12 rows of tucking nnd ot Insertion In front mado with A CZfi tho new sailor collars a wnlst worth $2.00 for "tOw Ily express also 90 Women's Rolf Skirts with several rows of Ktltchlng perfect fit nnd hnng a skirt thut we have sold this spring for $3 like all tho above, we bought them cheap and you can buy them Thursday for Qf yj g If MUM only HAYDEN BROS. Registered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NL11. Phone 1716 RE-NO-MAY POWOER In pink box not only rcllevM, but positively cures all disorders of the feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures tender, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In bluo box removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields aro required. If you ruin your gloves with excesslvo perspiration, rub the palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder. In cases of habitual sweating, use the powder in pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, fl6l directions for use In the cover, of tho blue box. For obstinate sweating or chaf fog bathe tho uffected parts with tho Ite-No-May Astringent Antlseptlo Lo tion. It must bo distinctly understood that ItB-NO-MAV Powder Is not a toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antlseptlo powder, and should not ba used for Infants as a toilet dusting powder. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 Io 4. When orderin? by mall add 5 cents for postage Ua-No-May Skin Food for facial massage, Uo-No-May Cream softens and whitens tns hinds and faca. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR THE I I il.7.15LsilBil HllalttTllllllflfl Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco. Crop of 1900. I F. n. RICE M. C CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE United Typewriter ind Supply Go,, 1014 Fatroaia It., Onaba. 4 Opto all night. 11th and Douglas Sta,