THE OMAHA DAILY BEL: D2s ESDA V, MAY S 1901. t ... A Etcsrd" VclsQt of tit Nw Edition Gecrp ElicYe "Wtrit i j aott I ) tbe pe 1 NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES others This boot i inieted with a unique iateret boib by the t insularly attractive quality of the cotutti which include the itcritt. poems and tketcbet of some of the popular modern authors and also by ecaltar condition under which ibce stories were written When the Brititb army was it Btoemioateia. preparing for the march to Pretoria. Lord Roberts took advantage of the presence of ibe mett bril liant group of writers ever brought to gether by JovarnalUtle requirement! and re quested thea to make a newspaper tor the itniT Th rult w Mmethiric whieii ' deserve to be called unique. The Jour editor Kipling. Ralph. Gw-yaae aad Laa 1 dos seleete-d Mr. Ralph to act a editor oi thti book, which contain the beft of the ttoriet and tiMB! toatritrautf to "The STORY BV CHICAGO MILLIONAIRESS Jnilce Ljnoli In the oolb Pnlltlral Cartonn Wnr'a Itrlaliter Mle In South Africa I'opnlnr tron onij Call lorn la I'hlleiMiphy. Book readers, of today wbe pride thea teliet on l.M'Mir well tiottc-d at to tbt latest publication aad the newest author 1 Friend. ' aad alto presecttt a picture of tbe wrll find It ell worth their time to eon- ' oortl tondltioa uader which tbe paper idtr a new edition bcarlag tbe came of I wa prepared. The humorous aad tbe ex in author well kaowa aad greatly admired i arperatlng feature of cewtpaper editing far many year back. The second volume aad publication la the field are Tlvidly of tbe "Perenal Edition" of George Eliot sketched by Mr. Ralph, who bat improved is at haad, coaUlniag "Scene of Clerical i to the full the delightful opport&nltirt at Llfe" with the uul "pe:enal" Jntroduc- ; forded by tbe ftraage experience of this tlsn br Etber Wood, that lendi naeh in- rare board of editor;;. The Illustration term to the none. Before writing thl ; include portrait of tbe editor la the fitld George Eliot wa not mre be could write and at work In their laproriscd anctua. fiction and her indecision at attempting it oae of Kipling proof as It wa returned Snda tyapathy with the amateur Henry to the Dutch competitor with vigorously Lewc. btr husband, thought it worth try- uecompltafatary notes by tbe autbor. aad lac. for. if it were not oulte a failure. It ; many other full-pace picture A book mtcbt warrant aaothcr trial, and rtill there wac no telling it might be a chef d'oeuvrc. When the firn part was eoapleted they both crHtd over it and Lewes tent it to the publisher. Blackwood, without dlrult lag tbe author's identity. Then began the round of fatilc a to who George Eliot really wa. which were only disposed of after years cf such wrong guetslag aad counter claims a we are now experleaclng In the ckt of "An English Woman' Love Letter.." Tho volume is illustrated with scenes connected with tbe story cr life of the autbor. Doubleday, race & To.. New York. Price 11.50. Gertrude Potter Daniels, dauchter of one of Chicago's millionaire and sister of Mar garet Potter, who Is herelf a wriWr of fiction, chose ber native city for tbe scene of her book. "The Warner," aad ha howa aa Intimate knowledge of the live cf tbe working people that is hardly to ! m rich oa the literary side aad so pictur esque and txtrkordiaary la the circum stance of Its orlcia come witb a relish of Its owa which will be keenly appreciated. D Appletoa Co . New York Price. J15. Garrett P Scrviss. who hat already won distinction as a writer of book, hat t sew work freth from the press. "Pleasures of the Telescope " It it a descriptive guide for amateur astronomer and all lovers of tbe star It is illustrated with charti of tbe beat ens. sbow-inc the location of the raot interesting double start, multiple stars aad other remarkaMe celestial ob ject. The popular sueces of the author' former work, "Astronomy witb an Opera Glass.' Dd the recognition which it ha received from leading astronomer as a trustworthy guide to the ground which M undertake to cover, lead to the anticipa tion of even a wider welcome for "Pleat ure of the Tflctcope." It bat been the aim ripeteJ la oae whose family wealth aad I of the author to treat his larger subject la social poaltloa 1 so far above the charar ters of her book. Cyrus Waraer. tbe head cf the Warner family, his wife aad daugh ter and oae of his Intimates a violent soclalirt. and that chum s wife, also a socialist, are the chief character In a story that treat of happening that suggeft viv idly the Hayroarket riot of fifteen years ago. Warner, a homeless city waif, with excellent moral backbone experiences in the early stages of the story all the hard ship that are uually known only to those who have passed thrwigb them. The author's description of these experience give evidence of & careful study of an ajwsys Interesting problem Tbe story of Warner's love, courtship, honeymoon and married life, his tilt with the capitalist of millions and the ruin of his home and protpocts is a piece of realltm. Warners daughter, Betty, becomes acquainted witb the son of the millionaire who ruins her a similar spirit of sympathy with that broad view which holds that science i not necessarily dry end technical, that charac terirpd his first book He has written not for tbe original investigator, arme-d w-tth the most powerful Instrumental equipment, but for those who with to see for them scire something of the beauty, charm and wonder of the starry universe, with the aid of inttrumerts which arc within tbe retch of all. Beginning with a chapter on the tnr.tai spe !). and h vetopmen: cf the Spania fresh aad most important history of a great people whose varied and picturesque career 1 e-ae ef unfailing interest D Ap pletoa k Co . New otk Price il hd Other betide investors and operator In the stock market can appreciate the con venience of a reliable and not too bulky guide to the affair et railroad and indus trial corporations and te tbe past course of quotations for stocks, bond and comtrodi tie. The 1W1 edition of the Manual of Statittic. which ir the twtaty-ibird anaual isue. hat Jut sppeaied aad is the book which best fill these requirements, la it all the facts and figures about railroad. In dustrie and street railway corporation whose se-curitle are known on the various stock markets are set forth lucidly, intelli gently and accurately. There are record of price in the stock.' grain and cotton markets, and all (he statittic which have any important bearing upon transaction in the latter commodities. The book it re markable for It fullness of detail a to such matter, and the care and accuracy with which they are presented, is well as for the convenience of it arrangement, the handy sire of it page and its handsome aad legible typography Charles H. Nicoll. S?0 Broadway. New York Trice. V. Prof. L W De Laurence of Pittsburg hat brought out a second e-dltioa of his "Hyp aetlim " The new edition is considerably enlarged, and contain additional chapter on the medical psychology of hypnotua aad UH'Saetlsm. treatment by suggestion the origin and cause of disease, the mental characteristic of men aad the possibilities of the dormant powers or latent force? within blm. Reader desiring to know somethinr of hypnotism will find in this volume all that is known cf the phenom enon. The Heantbtrry company, Chicago. Price, J1.M. "Three Pair Philanthropist." by Mis Alice Muzzy, i a novel whose ala lr the showing how many foolish vanitle delight to parade themselves In the domino cos tumes of real charity it the masquerade of the fashionables ever taking place In Van ity Pair The ladles who give tbe name to the story succeed admirably in laaosmc upon themselves, but not upon others As depleted by Miss Murry. the fair heroines serve at least the purpose of enabling tbe reader of the book to "laucn and grow fat." The Abbey Pre, New- Yo-1:. Price, n.M Litem 13" Nol-, Mr Clrrnc Ludlow Brownell's book. "Tales from Toklo. ' published by Quail A. Warner of New York, is in it socond edi tion Aristotle's Psychology, a treatise on th principle of life tDe Anlnvn and Pant ?CturMllni has t,rn irhnBliit. u tA tAitA choice selection and ben manner of teating i with Introduction and note, bv William telescope, the author takes up the col- ' A Harnmond, M.A.. Ph D . assistant pro J.,,.,. ,.,, , l,.-.,,. , f'Kir cf ancient and medieval philosophy in ored. double, multiple and temporary ana Cornell university, and will be published variable stars and the aenulae. describing Immediately by th Mocmllltan company the Peculiarities of each object, discusses i "American Counter Life" 1 the titlf of and illustrates the principal planet Venus, i 5. n.f.w monthly magaxln Doubleday, Pace m x. V' nail i'UlUiriJ t. 1 lit iiJC MUtUtU It. rt'wfoVad'.hVHAT TO WEAR ON THE LINKS Olapttr is Cotttaei Diiijnei for Tw Clttfti of Gtlftrt EACH STYLE HAS ITS PECULIAR UTILITY Advantage 'f One Appeal to Thoe hu Plai nltb Driver and the Other Iletone to 1hoe 'bo ri? trlth Heart. There aie two sorts of colters, a there are two sons of batbert. tennis player and participant in all outdoar (parts. The one it a genuine enthusiast. Te her clothing meens what 1 suitable aad appro priate, gowns be-c&ae tctetsetrle only and are selected with a view to aUewing free doa for the making of fine drives, for trudging over meadow and, if nced be, scrambling over fence. The other regard the course as a battle ground. It i true, but oae of a different order. Whea her titter eeks to coaquer "holes" aad to matter the cult of "putting" the aims to add trophle of another order to her' collec tion, utet the gaae as a mean to aa end, coquettes, flirt a bit ttealt away her ad-verry- heart mayhap, strive te make her point in the subtle game of life, to play with hearts while the teyt with tbe balls To her. la consequence, tbe costume is a matter of supreme moment. She think and plan sot so much to gain freedom aad id avoid namperea movements as to omais a picturesque effect, to be quite sure the j color tuits her well, that the trim figure it seen at its bct. that the well shaped feet are shod In a way to bring out all their delicate lines. The former wears homespun, serge and the like in taas. cray and mix ture that are Mule harmed by mud or dampness aad with them a cottoa shirt waltt with a sweater for cool days. The latter order skirt tad Eton of pattel gray and tans In ctsvat. serge and cheviot, thin waists of well selected colors and dainty sailor hat to poise upon her well cared for head. Whether the oae or tbe otner achieve the greater triumph I aa not able to say. Whether the uneoasclou coquetry born of cnthutiatm for the gaae. I tbe pleadld color lent by the exercise, the charm of the stray hairs, wiad-caught and w-iad-totsed. outweigh 'be loveliness that it j more conscious or. whether the dainty i costume against the bacVground of tree j and gre-en prats make onlookers foiget i there are "holes" to be mattered, sooret to be kept. ome more clever observer than 1 must determine. Bat 1 do know that fasclaatiag costume are beinc prepared for player of both sort, and that, whether one elect to play or to fl.rt. full opportunity is spread before her. Material and Die ?lallnc Enthusiastic player Insist upon tweed. homespun or serge for one suit at least MS) Wy 1 I Mars. Jupiter. Saturn, etc.. describes the mountains, plains, craters and "seas" of the moon and tbe solar spots, aad finally gives n chapter on tbe rTer interesting queMlon of the existence of other worlds From the Baker to You "These biscuit are stale," said the husband. "I bought that bag of biscuit day before yesterday," said his vife. "I only had them a xreek," said the grocer. " They didn't stay around here over ten days," said the jobber. "They vere shipped the day they vere baked," said the baker, "but perhaps they vere delayed in delivery." It used to be a long journey from the baker to you. Today the distance is bridged by the In-er-seal Patent Package. These packages are sealed at the door of the oven, and are proof against dampness, dust and germs. The flavor and crispness of the biscuit come to you perfectly preserved -whether you live next door to the bakery or a thousand miles avay. Whea tot: order Soda. Grahtra, Log Brasea, Milk aad Oatmeal Biscuit, Vtailla Wafers, Ginper Snap, cad Saratoga Flakes, insist oa getting ihoe which roaie ia the la-er-seal Patent Paekapr , roa't tere t abstittite. Loot for the la-tr-seal trade stile design at the end of the lex. Utile of lore tra-rps ADOther neve'ty it In panel ti-e thai is made on the same line, ex'crt that tbe skirt m'ludes a stitched flounce while the Eton is collar less and "suggest the mess coat Appar ently all colors are to be used, although pattel shade", lead. Seen at home. 1 am bound to admit that tke costumes have a charm aad that there seexs a probability father aad through associaUon with him among me stars, u. Appieion re to., .New conceive the idea that the is too good for i York. Prices 11.10.. her surroundings. She finally run away to become the compaalon. but not tbe wife, of th young man. and ends by being brutally beaten by him and by killing him la revenge. Jaaleion-Hlgcin Co , Chicago. Dora Adams Darling, founder of tbe Dauchters of the American Revolution, has published a history of tbe orgaatratioa and of its offshoot, the Daughters of the Revolution. Tbe volume gives a vast amount of information regarding the two societies that is not to be had elsewhere- unlcatioas There comes to us froa AlamedB. Cal . an illustrated book of nearly 400 pages, com pactly filled with ttrange things strangely communicated tnBt is. assuming that the author I not attempting to deceive the reader or that he is not himself deceived, both of which are easily within the limits At a reference book It would be invalua ble to tbe 7S.OO0 women who are members cf that organization The author believes that the publication of the fact that led to ths disruption of the Daughters of the American Revolution will do much to bring the two societies torether again. Inde pendence Publishing Co . Philadelphia. "The Vengeance of tbe Mob," by S. A .Hamilton, deals with tbe contemporaneous situation in the southern sttes and with the special tendency to Invoke Judge Hyncb oa the slightest occasion and opportunity The hero, a northern man falls In love with & southern girl who. while passing for a Cracker' daughter. 1 In reality of better parentage She reciprocates Ms love, but while residing in the hut of her suppoed father becomes acquainted with b negro outrage and Inflames tbe susceptible and always willing mob to take summary vengeance upon the supposed ' outrager. Later lt it discovered that the man who w-ts lynched was guiltless and that the mob was guilty of murder the girl especially, as the inspirer of tbe mob This fact breaks off tbe engagement, and hero and heroine float sadly apart Tbe story 1 told with vigor and directness. The Abbey Press. New York. Price. M. It is expected to lnterett every one who cKTcf- for out-door matters of any sort Liberty H Bailey, who, as e-dltor of the Cornell Nature Bulletins, author profes sor and practical farmer, has done more than almost any ther person in promote Interest in out-door matters, will edit it Doubleday. Pate A- Co Bnnounc-e "Nature Bl"craphic." by Clarence Moores Wp't, the well known professor of entomolory snd eharminc writer on nature subject The volume will be a ort of personal ac quaintance with the lives of the more com mnn butterflie. moths, grasshoppers, nle, and so on the tort of fasclnatlnc details of these Insect existences which make the reader want tn gn out and study these every-day marvels for hlmelf. Many pho torraphs illustrate the book of possibility. The title of the book is Drexel Blddle. publisher, Philadelphia, an- "Tbe Common Sense Philosophy of Spirit ' ?"a55 f,?"h,e?5h?.Uil,"c?; r,. ,.,,,. , . , . . i 'Ion of a highly Important contribution to or Ptvcbolog), Written from Spirit lm- , nngllt-h literature It Is a work bv Prel prertion." by Charles H. Poster. The Wlnthrop Dudley Sheldon, the vice presi volume is made up almost entirely of com- ! 6l.r?rLc"fe J "rJ, J3U-i on philosophic and spiritual , rnntalnt' the firn Kncllsh of much succets for the plByer to whom For warmr days they are ordering natural I the game it a secondary conf ideratlon. but colored Uaea aad duck. but the sturdy woolea J"" how loag they will appear so upon a fabric never lose their place. A a rule- course that is frequented by ardent eathu tkim are of tastep length and Jacket take 1 SD not Plt?tT fofupa t0 aa- the Eton form. Hd. wi!h rrr...n trlmwlnr alt White I am BffUred. 1 to have great dialogues of Lucian There are forty translated dialogue of this brilliant satirist who lived In the age of the An tonlnes. and who 1 the mort entertalnlnc amonc ancient writers, tx-cause more than any of them he possesses a genuine flavor of modernity subjects, which the autbor aver were writ- j made of the more Important and Interesting ten by hi hand, but without his volition, and that In all of them be has not chaaged a hundred words. Whatever may be the source or sources of his inspiration and he declare his education to be limited It cannot be denied that many of his subjects are discussed along the higher line of thought Bnd with marked breadth and lucidity. Whea we welcb all this with Mr Potter's account of his marrlace. In the preseace of witnesses, to the aateriaJired daughter of Ptolemy Philadelphus. with tbe old Egyptian king there la person to bless tbe union and Indulge ia a glar of wiae, we are disposed to refer the whole matter to the reader. C H. Poster, Alameda. Price Jl 10. The above books are for sale by tbe Megeatb Stationery Co.. 180s Paraam St The political cartoons by Frederick Burr Opper. published in leading democratic papers during tbe recent pretldentlal cam paign, attracted no little attention on all tides. Even those who did not sympathlie with tbe sentiment could not help but ap preciate" the keen sense of wit displayed. It will be remembered that the character represented were Willie and his papa, and Teddy, and Johnny Hay, and that Paunee fote Boy aad their friends and families. These cartoons have now been issued in book form under tbe title. "Willie and Hls Papa." making a very slieable volume and one that will be especially appreciated by uch a are In sympathy with the senti ment expressed. Grosset & Dunlap, New York. The week has brought to hand a book that has been looked forward to with no little iatereft War's Brighter Side " by Julian Ralph with contribution froa Soae little tiae aco the announceaent was made that D. Appleton k Co. would publltb a series of blftorlet of the great nation, to be known as the "GreBt People t Series." The first volume of thi series 1 devoted to "The Spanish People; Their Origin. Growth tad Influence." aad is by Martin A. B. Hume, a well known writer In tracing the evolution of a highly com posite people from its variou racial unit, tbe autbor points out that Spun was the battle ground upon which was decided the form Into which modern civilization should be moulded, whether Aryan or Semite. Chrlttlan or Moslem. Tbe country became the preserver and tranaltter of many ur vlvals of vanished ancient fyttemt. and tbe culture of Spain was. in c tense, an epi tome of various rival systems which in his toric times have divided tbe world. The service of Spaniard to the Roman empire, tbe mystic spiritual exaltation of the six teenth century, and tbe far-reaching ex plorations and conquest of Spaniard!, the services rendered by Spain to Latin litera ture and the influence of Spain upon re ligion, literature and the strge. are fully indicated in this book One of the writer's chief objects has been to describe the de velopment of a whole people, and to trace tbe vicistltnde of this peculiarly complex race to primitive causes His story of tbe evolution of tbe Spanish people is told from a fresh point of view Dr Hume writes with all tbe advantage; of the modern hit- Fashions for the Season Mill hold la a way. but t not chostn by tbe men fashionable women, for the very reason tbit It has fallen into such general use; but touches of bnebt color appear in facingr and the like. In shirtwaists and in the sweaters taat no piaer llkei to b without. Skirts are decidedly longer than was tbe case last year To comfortably clear the ground hat become the accepted length. Cut is somewhat varied, but fol lows the lines of those seen upon the streets. Circular, three-piece and five-gore rtyles are all een. but they must be saug over the hips aad flare about the feet To that end the fullaess at the belt is laid in an Inverted plait at (he back, that 1 either pressrd or stitched fiat For greater com fort aad eoavesleace the placket is olt?n left at the left front seam and both eaas are Snitbed with ttitched laps, a genuine pocket being inserted at the right tide, but tbe lower edge is sometimes a ttitched baad, soaetiaes oaly an inner facing stitched and soaetiaes a circular flounce. The flounce is stitched over its entire sur face and seamed to the edge of the skirt. Short woaen do well to choose the facing, as flounces of any sort curtail the height. I but the tall players are charmingly grace ful when wearing tbe flounce. It flares JURY CONVICTS JAMES HAWK Twthe Mm Arr on Yardict it Lit Tiir lifttla klCUUL NO CONSOLATION FOR WEEPING WIFE rrnnlt to I vogue. Large nuabrr of terce and cheviot ' suits are being made and there Is every j reason to pte-dirt that they will dot many a hillside tad meadow, maklnc hlcn lights. ' so to tpeak. among the quieter colors. To I be at tbelr beft. tbey will mean white waist as well, but some of Roman nrlps and colors are being prepared. It the picturesque element doe not achieve a triumph it will rurely not be becaute of neglect, tince thought aad consideration have all been given to these gowns. These last, while they must become untlghtlj with even slight soil, can at least be suc cessfully deaned- Kor the- Tooler I)n)t, A novelty for cool day., and one that extends its usefulness to tie automobile l and all othei outdoor recreations. I ccrdu- 1 roy in a medium or light weight. Prefer ably tbe eoler 1 brown, tan or gray, but there i no absolute law. Tbe material is tturdy. can be successfully cleansed aad of good weight. Since overshort skirts have fallen into complete disrepute golf costumes of this sort becoae laterchangeable and so erve a double end. Pastel tints and tbe I like seea to suggest freih costumes with i each week at leatt. if any satisfactory ef- for llie Crime I from Three ei en Year' liiiprlaonitient In the Mate I'enl-temlnry. Hint (PCYADAM)" SMflt Mason's Corner Folks. prtgfi "T YlUif Gtttlpi vrairi was ha vu, vfcat vnuv. vrfcat h cast for. ui e loaf k tauaiad to my." The best New England Story Ever Written , is QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER th bo:k erervbody U talk ing s-bout. Out tuoiii "Illrnncr-llncU" lij the nine author, Charles i'ci ton I'ldcln, A tlr-lnc rnnmncr nt Aaron Burr and lit itnrl nltli Alriau der Hniiilllc u, unci lilt ilrram tit empire. , bjr hirr l m b. feet is to be maintained. Eton are again the favored Jackets, although soae Jaunty little coats are seen, and fkirts are slailar and the skirt above fits with r-erfe-ct i to tnose already cesrriDen exrepi van uu smoothies. Double faced cloths arc uttd, flounces are seen. Tbe material it adair- but the olaln cheviot and hoaesnuns are a0- 0D the siapiest line, nut uoes 1 preferred. Jackets take the ubiquitous i Eton form and are either double breasted not lend itself to frills even of tbe circular sort. A charming costume bown me a Jame H. Hawk, one of the men charged with having decoyeo Bird Moore to Dead wood, S. D., for iamoral purpoes, w-i found guilty by the Jury yettriay. The twelve men were out le than flfte-ea minute. Jut long enough to elect a fore man and take a ballot. Hawk heard the verdict read by the clerk without showing any ign of emo tion, although his thin face re veiled by it pallor his dread cf a penitentiary sentence. His wife. who sat beside him, ' burn into tcare the moment tbe fatal wcrd "guilty" dropped from the llpt of the clerk. She received not so much as a pl'ylng glance from her husband, who glared at the Juror steadily uatil be was led from the court room by the deputy sheriff. Juu before the con victed man wa taken out he permitted his wife to kiss hia. Hawk was either cold and beetles of his w-ife' painful fituatioa or he feared to make a scene la court. . Evidence for Defenne. The state retted us case against Hawk Monday alternoon. and when court con vened yesterday morning the defendant's lawyer announced he would not put la aay testlmoay Deputy County Attorney Abbott then reviewed the evidence for the Jury and made an tgument for conviction Mr Ma far a" v cesv ui t c v nee the iv-ry thai the s a'e K . t t cj'c cut a case against Hawk L' hs argtent evi dently failed to ir:it verb the v ew of the Juror The oSense for whit a Hawk stand cn- victed 1 that of decoying icrls out of tb state, aad tbe penalty Is not 1 si thaa throe ror more thaa sevea years in tbe penitentiary. Mrs. Hawk railed at The Be r!Se at noon and reiterated her be rf In her husband's innocence had a number ot witnesses ready to tes'l'y in behalf of ay buband.' the said tt our attorney advired us that it was .n neretsary to put them on the stand 1 am rure thai my husband can be acq il'rl if be get an-'her tr al. and we wrl a. peal to the suprcirc ci rt to se-urc It I The Best I lurinp nf 3 Rirrrlo m will buy either a NATIONAL, CLEVELAND or RACYCLE Because tbey are the three lead ing Htpb Grade Bicycles. Jt will pay yon to look over our line before you buy. Oi.r price are r.gfct Omaha Bicycle Co., Cur. IGtli and Chlraco. ATIONERY (P. C, M. CLARK PL'B. CO.. Eotton. 1308 Famam St. Telephone 234. S812 Woman's. Bloute, 32 to 40 In butt. Woman' Blouse Waist No int. to Be Made with or Without tbe Fitted Lining The simple blouse waisi wub a sailor col lar Is always effective and ia prominent among tbe season's stylet. Tbe original, froa which the drawing wa made, it of albatro in pantel blue, and I trimmed with bands of narrow black velvet ribbon and the flugularly successful Imitation Rus sian lace, and includes the fitted lining. I Tae deslga, however, is well suited to a 1 variety of materials both made with kirt i to match and as an odd waltt. Pique, duck, Mcrcer.jcd pongee, linen batute. madras : end cheviot are til available wathable fab , rns. while tbe vailout waist cloths and simple silks are equally appropriate. When made froa any of the latter tbe lining , should be used, but gowns that require to be laundered are better without the founda 1 tion and should have the V-shaped shield ( atta.hed to tbe fronts beneath the collar. The lining fits smoothly and clote at , the center front. The waut proper Is , sraootn arros tae shoulder at the back. but the fronts are eatb laid in two tlnv ' plaits that provide soft folds below and i both fiont and bach are drawn down In gr .bers at the waist line. The tailor col lar It Joined to the open neck. The hleld atd stock collar are attached permanently I o the right tide of the lining and hooked over into vne icn jne sleeves are In bithop style, finitbed with straight cuff. Te aate th blouse for a woaan of me dium tire 85 yards of material si inches wide. Si yards Inche wide. Ji yard Si incbe wide, or S yards i inche wide will be required. The pattern 3S1I I cut in site for a 51. U 26. SS and 40-inch butt measure. For tbe accommodation ot The Bee's reader these patterns, which usually retail tt froa IS to 10 cent, will be furnlthsd st a noalaai price, lu cents, which cover all expense. In order to get aay pattern enclose 10 rent, give number and nam j rf ptttrra waated aad but measure. Al low idoui icn oays irom oair oi your irtitr before bfrlaniag to look for tbe pattern. Address Pattera Department, Oath Btt. and nug. or fall la box style at the front when the cloth Is laid in plaits. An effec- i tive Idea is to choose a mixture in which some thread of bright color Is found and to let facings and revert match it. Kinrt of Wnlil to Wenr. j Shirt waists are of linen madras, of cheviot, of natural-colored linen, of per cale or shirting cottons. Many of them are chosen n rarely tirignt cues that give a teen on the tward re new and ued for thi purpose are effective, llaea 1 eea in bright red and white. Mercerized madras is found in beautiful red and thlrtiag per cales iaclude color coabiaatloae without number. Sweater, which are dear to every athletic woman' heart, are of unset, knitted or woven, with fill: or woolen sleeves, although the latter are held slightly more smart. Colors are bright as a rule, red being a favorite. If liked they can be worn over a shirt waltt or aay make the only waltt a prcferrod. When ! picturesque eflect Roman stripe are few days ago is in a beautiful shade ot i castor with facings, belt, etc. of light sky blue cloth stn-hed. Tbe contrast is ex- , ceedlagly effective both a to color and material and the cloth allowed the alaott ' necessary stitching to appear. The skirt is circular, but absolutely plain. Tbe 1 Jacket is an Eton of the double breasted order that can be worn open or closed. Us revert, the turn-over Alglon collar, the belt and tbe facings of the bell sleeves are all of the blu With it are to be worn waists of all white aercerired duck, blue and white shirting percale, linen dlalty. , white cheviot aad madras and harmoniring fllk gingham. The hat that accompanies it is a fedora in felt that matches the cor duroy and it trimmed with a band of Louitlne nil:, before many weeks the ma- 1 terial may seea soaewhat heavy, but at it is to Journey to tbe mountain for July it will probably be found comfortable mans i times. In any case it is charmingly pic- ! turesque aad attractive, and what woman ever ttit overwara once she wa astured Women's S3 Welts- Not an ordinarr $3 shoe by an.r moans but a shoe that has the Drcsel value In it and a thee that ha-, all the stylo and comfort ef a $Ci thot We have tvii different linei- of these S3 welt shoes, with ovorj style, size and width In each line Onlj penuine vki hid tippers ut-ed Our guarantee ?oes with every pair of Uiee special $3 welt sboet. and our truar antee means your money back If you want It but we don't think you will want it after you wear a pair of thes fcboet. Drexel Shoe Co., Catalogue Sent Tree lor the AsLtus Omaha' I p-to-tlute Mi of Hodm Hit. KAR.V1M iTUUUT. well made they are thapely and becom- her costuae had achieved a triuaph? How- iag. aad. a they allow perfect freedoa. are i PTrr much miad cure may tall whea ideal l r cool days. Hats are varied. Tbe soft felt alptae has a place that It is difficult to tupplaat, but sailor models are che-ap end are to be much worn during tbe warm days, and the ttitched linen and duck hat are essentially cool and attrac tive, or will be when tbe mercury fairly begins to rise. Shoes art preferably brown calf skin, with rubber discs on moderately heavy soles, cut high or low as preferred. Duck and linen suit follow much tbe same Unci as to cut and general style. Tbe new canvas weave it popular In tbe naturs.1 color, out iur kuoc Mriru with contrasting color, dark blue and brown, both plain aad white dotted, are correct, while white it to appear again dur ing tbe real tuamer months. Perishable as thi last at first appear, it it not so much so in actual fact. Soil it doe, and will, with all possible speed, but It can be laundered and made new again without undue cost. Duck, linen and cotton and pique are all used either with Eton to match or contrastlag tblrt waists. For the Other Mrt ot Golfer. Lookers-on at tbe game, or tne playert of the second sort, intltt upon something new. something charming, something that thall enable tbero to appear exclusive at well as at tbeir bet. In response to the demand we have costumes of serge in deli cate pastel tbadet. befnlled ilk under skirt! . delicately soleJ sheet and pictur esque walfts Some of our finest tailors assure me that their orders, are all upon these line A dainty eonurae wa thown me that It a dream at it stands today, but wbea ball begin to fly or when dtw lingers on the grass' The material it serge in pattel tan. Tbe kirt is five-gored and nnttbed with a ttitched band. Tbe Jacket It a box-Etoa laid in box plaits and It fin ished with a wide, rolllag collar The shirt waltt ordered are In the duller Roman stripe of embroidered blue and dull red gingham of mercerired Madras With the gown will be worn a dainty sailor hat, a tiny brown leather belt, from which Is to hang a most fascinating score book, thoet ten are bttutltully thaped, but that tpeak directed against other ills, it hat a aai velout potency in malntalaing comfort and pecre of mind uader conditions ruch as these. MARY LAMB If you are sick all over and don't know yutt what all you, it's ten to one your Hdaey6 arc out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure vvill bring you health and energy BACK TO 0L' VIRGINIA General I'ilihticli 1. ri ll id Pare ell Omaha. ami to Tamils General Pitxhugh Lee and family left Omaha Monday afternoon for their old home in Virginia, which they have scarcely seen for more than fifteen jears They left it In W, whrn the general, having been elected to the governortbip, took up his residence in Richmond. At the expiration ot hit second term he wa appointed as coaFul geaeral at Havana, and at the con clusion of hi service there he came to Omaha to assume comaand of tbe Depart ment ot the Missouri. They will go by way of Wasbingtcn, where the geaeral will attend to the doting of some official business with tbe War depart ment He vas accompanied by his wife, daughter and son. Lieutenant George Lee. A. Hospe Grows Wise CAN YOU SOLVE THIS? The Plrst Lucky Three Make Money. A lady found ?2 and then had five tlmei as much ae she would have had had febe lost ?2. How much had febeV 1'or the first correct answer received we will pret-ent a due bill of at part j of fit payment on a Knabe. Kimball s or Kranlch fc Bach piano for the second correetanFwer r.-celved a due bill for $15 and for the third correct answer re ceived a due bill for $10 will be ?lven. If you don't understand thlf. or want any Information, call on A. HOSPE, Music and Art. I5I3-I5I5 Douglas. IHMIllll-r WON'T NVAMI OI T. The Cierm Hint rnr it Hut to He lie !ro,'! to Cure Dnnlruff. Many a woman spends an hour twice a week scouring her scalp, thinking scrub bing off the scurf will -cure the dandruff. Two hourt a week, at the age of 40 years, the baa spent SCO day of twelve hour each, or two-thirds of a year of her life, In that vain hope vain, because you can't rure dandruff without killing the dandruff germ and the only hair preparation on earth that will do that is Ktwbros "Hcrpicide" also a delightful hair dressing snd thor oughly antiseptic agaiatt all eentagloa from use ot others' hair brutbet. It it alto a delightful hair drctticg. ;At the Lawn Social I You'll find our Ice cream every time 1 Otherwise lawn -ociuls would be 1cp profitable to the societies that plve them , Thit. Is Juu a "word to the wiie" We 1 sell lee trenm by the cjuart or pillon 1 we make it In any ejuantlty at any time and plve It any flavor We deliver it promptly and you can always depend on us-Were the only person that puts ! up Ice cream In little barrels quarts and pints 3 flavors and sell enouph for 5 pe pie for 40r ! W. 8. Balduff, 1520 Parntta 9u 'ncii'citiKi ) - - - .