IS 13 THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE: "WEDNESDAY, MAY S, liJOl CLUB HOLDS BUSY SESSION Omaha'i Commsrciil Bodj Diicusses Esreral Hew Propoiitloni. . IRRIGATION SCHEME RECEIVES ATTENTION Knnxn City 1'nrlory Firm liili'iitliiii In l.iirnti' Here luli tiliiK limine. In I'ritKiii'vt CI till llii'iirxliin. Irrigation wr.s dlfusscd at tho meeting of iho exertitlvn committee of tho Com mercial club yesterday and n meeting of the full club membership will bo called within a month for the organization of a central body to puidi the matter of govern ment construction of Irrigation plants throughout the uost. Tho question cntno up on receipt of a communication from Ooorgo S. Maxwell, he- rctnry of the National Irrigation asso ciation, In which he sated that ho Is at present organizing a rommltteo of 2,500 per sons at Los Angclci, after having organized ono of nmallcr size at Tucson, Ariz. (frnniil.ntlcii In l'roiion'il. Tho kcorctnry wrote that Interest In tho movement In the west Ih Increasing and that the object In organizing tho committee Is to Impress upon the eastern beoplo the necessity for governmental Intervention. This will be dono by organizing the rctull dealers and Jobbers who will then make a united representation to their eastern cor respondents, thus, It In hoped, securing action from all parts of tho country on the part of merchants, Tho matter was referred to the banquet commute, which Is authorized to call a meeting at a tlmo satisfactory to tho na tional secretary, at which ho will present tho proposition personally to 300 persons. fMV Fnrtnry for Oninlni, Tho secretary reported that Oeorgc J. Mannassa of tho Flexible Wood Fiber Plas ter company had announced the Intention of the company to locate In Omaha as soon ns arrangements can bo made. Clunr Mil II AVnnt to 'inr. A cigar factory, until recently located nt Hastings, has been removed to Omaha nnd the manager was present at tho meet ing of tho club, announcing that If he re ceived the proper support for his enter prise nt least 1,000 clgarnialicm would be nhortly employed In Omaha, as this Is a city which might easily be made tho center of tho clgar-maklng Industry of tho west, NMV .IoIiImtm In Slliht. Committees were appolntca to take up the matter of tho location of two wholesale houses In tho city. One of tho prospective bonnes Is ii wholesnlH queenswarc houso and tho other n wholesale dealer In toys, Tho matter Is In u position where publicity might Injure the chances of Omaha to se ourn them, ho this part of tho club's busi ness was considered In executive session, Mxi'iirHiiiii TIii-oiikI' Stnte. Tho secretary reported that with' pro visions for sixty persons on tho wholo balers' and jobbers' excursion Into southern Nebraska Wednesday, May IE, there wero on hand fifty-six applications and that the quarters would he all taken long before the tlmo of starting If tho present rate of ac cessions to tho party Is maintained. The trip is to cost each excursionist $1. I. U. Androws was admitted as u member of tho club. Shlvcrlck Furniture Co.'s counting car nival box was oponed this morning. Call at the store and comparo your ticket. You may hold a prize number. WRITES STRANGE LETTERS J'lintmnntrr Crmv In In llceelpt of SeviTiil .Mynli'pliMin Com munications. Someone has been writing a series of anonymous letters to Postmaster Crow, In variably addressing him as "High Chief of the Omaha tlovornment Service, D.ik., Omaha," in which ho makes charges against certain persons for taking Improper liberties with the mails. He says a woman (mentioning her name) living at Twenty ninth and Hurt streets, "wltn her brother's brother In a flat, has been selling tho malls nt a dime apiece." Mr. Crow thinks tho writer Is crazy. Judge Muuger of tho federal court has also received ono of thoso letters. All are unlu talllglhlo and probably without Value, but nre being kept as curiosities. Judging from tho peculiar chlrography tho writer Ii of foreign extraction. Dnluu (.unit. Tho following extract from a letter writ ten by Mr. Ocnrge H. Leader, publisher of tho Breeze, Akron, N, Y., will give you some Idea of the great good thnt Is being done by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In curing colds and grip! "My wife nnd self have used Chamberlain's Cough Itemcdy for la grippe nnd wish to attest to Its beneficial effects nnd thank the manufacturers for thu good they are doing suffering humanity, Whenever I hear of a case of la grippe I recommend this remedy." For salo by all druggists. 9(H) for the Him ml Trip. Omaha to .San Francisco via tho Union Pacific, . May 7 and 8, 1901, for launching tho battleship "Ohio," May IS. Tickets limited for return to thirty days, I'i hours quicker than any other line. New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam St., Telephono 31C. Shlverlck Furniture Oo.'s counting car nival box was opened this morning. Call at the store and compare your ticket. You may hold a prize number. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Hee. Telephono 23S. Btonecypher, primer: 1201 Howard St. MRS. J. BENSON SPECIAL. For $1.25 drop colors. For 60c For 60c- fancy pattorns In pi nit's cream silk wore $1. 00. NO FRESH BERRIES IN TOWN Wi'iitliiT I ii fn ii rnlil c tn I.nrm Slilp-iiie-ntu .Nimv I'otntnr friim C'nll furnln mi the Mnrkrt. Ilustncss in the strawberry market was practically suspendcl jciterdny, the weather being unfavorable to largo orders. Tho stock was so poor the day before that the commission men ordered nothing for Tues day. Such berries ns were sold were those which had been carried over from the pre ceding day, and thore are no fresh ber rles In town except a few which were re ceived on orders for n. limited number of high-class grocery stores. The condition of tho market at Van Huron Is such that Omaha dealers ore re fusing to purchase. Two cars wero sold Monday, going to Minneapolis nrid Denver at $3 per crate, a reduction of 50 cents a crate from the preceding day. It Is said that the prlco will decline at the rate of 25 cents a crato each day until It reaches $2, nt which llgtiro tho berries will be placed on the Omaha market. The associ ations of northern Arkansas aro strong nt this time and It is possible that prices may be maintained In spite of tho bear actions of the buyers. Tho first new potatoes were received In Omahn ycatcrdny morning. They camo from California and the opening sale was at o cents a pound. Tho first Porto lllcan pineapples to reach Omaha this year wero sold yesterday morn ing. Few pines from this Island have reached tho Omaha market and considerable com ment was heard as to their large size. They sold nt $1 n crate of eight pines each nnd worn all bought by local dealers. Homo grown, open-air radishes wero offered for sale for the first time this season. They went at 20 cents per dozen bunches nnd were In only fair demand. Spring chickens are nrrlvlng In In creased quantities and the prlco has de clined 10 cents, the provnlllng price being 20 cents a pound. The average bird wclghc l',' pounds, EPISCOPAL COUNCIL SESSION Thirty- 'mirth Aiiiiunl Mei-tliiK to lie Held In CI in it Ii n -.t YVeoli. The thirty-fourth annual council of tho Episcopal dloceso of Nebraska will convene at Trinity cathedral, Omaha, Wednesday, May IS, for a session which will continue for two days. The council Is composed of lay and clerical delegates from tho parishes and missions of the diocese, the present representation being three lay delegates from each parish, and ono from each mis sion. Each clergyman, by vlrtuo of his ofllce, Is n delegate. This basis will give a full representation of 127 members, thirty four clerical and ninety-three lay. It Is not believed that thore will bo a full rep resentation, ns somo of the parishes arc without pastors nnd somo of the missions may send io delegate. Tho council Is the legislative body of the diocese and will enact rules for tho gov ernment of that Jurisdiction In conformity with tho general laws of tho church. In addition they will select four lay and four clerical delegates to represent tho dloccjo nt tho meeting of tho general convention of tho church In America, which will be held In San Francls:o In October. Illshop Wil liams, In tho nbsenco of Dishop Worthlng- ton, will preside over tho council. Tuesday preceding the meeting of the council the women's auxiliary of tho dlo ceso will bold a session for one day. ARGUMENT IN W0LTER CASE Defeiiilniil'n AUnrnryn Mnkp nn Kffnrt to llnvc Indictment lunalicil. Tho caso of Ernest J. Wnlter. IndMnrt by the grand iurv on a champ nt uinp tho malls with Intent, to defraud, will bo nrgucd before Judge Munger of the United States district court today on a mo tion by the defendant's attorney to quash tho Indictment. The defenso will bo con ducted upon tho theory that Wolter's of- tenso din not consist In using tho malls with Intent to defraud, nnd thnt If ho Is guilty at nil ho Is guilty of somo other form of crime. "The Indictment was based unnn nvldnnr-r. that Wolter had written two threatening leuers to henator Kenrns of Utah, demand ing money," said tho district nttornpy, "and as tho fedcrnl statutes do not recognize any such crime ns blackmail, tho grand Jury was compelled to find a bill for Improper use of tho malls. If It found ono nt all." Trm case against Charles E. Cotton of Syrncuse, charged with defaulting to tho extent of $15,000 while cashier of tho First Natlonnl bank of thnt town, has been set for trial Moy 27. TARS FROM THE INTERIOR Yoiiiik -Men In l'lcnty Who Arc Wlll liiK to Scrvr In t'licle Sam's Xflvy, Lieutenant D. W. Illamer opened a hnvnl recruiting station yesterday in the McCaguo block and has already sworn In six men and boys for servlco In the navy. Hccrults for ull work in the navy aro taken. Or. It. Percy Crnndall Is tho examining physician who uccompanles the llemcnant. Itecrults will bo received In Omaha until May 11. Tho following men have been uworn Into the service slnco the station was estab lished In Omaha: James Shackelford Craig, aged 18, Independence, Mo.; Felix McDon ald Kelley, aged 15, Hlalr; Earl Edward Hoffman, Vail, In.; Joseph Michael Fluu, aged 21, Council IllufTs; Dnul Slack, nged IS, Independence, Mo.; Ellsworth Q, Beers, nged 22, Kansas City. The men recruited In Omaha will be sent to tho United States training ship Fcnsa cola, which Is now located at San Francisco. "I had a running sore on my breast for over a year," says Henry It, nicbards of Willseyvllle, N. Y., "and tried a great many remedies, but got no relief until I used Banner Salvo. After using one-half box I was perfectly cured. I cannot recom mend it too highly." HANDSOME SILKCUTT SKIRT, with skirt nnd dust ruffle, black See window. and Special Bargains in Hosiery For 25c Handsomo Gauze Llslo Hose. For 25c Cholco Pattorns in openwork stripe, pretty ns EOo quality. For 25c An all white foot, with fine cotton Jeg, sumo qunllty with white or black sole. For 60c An all-over lace pattern In llslo thread. For 60o un extra gau ze lisle, with or without white sole. For 60c a beautiful b lack and white check Bamo pattern as we have s old for S1.50. For 60c beautiful Inoe pattern red hose. and stripe regular prlco 73c and SI. 00. MIRE NEW SILKS TODAY Hundreds of Excluiire Dress Ftttini and Eilks on Eal. ALL FROM MME. CONNELY'S STOCK It'M It vmiirhiihlc to .Vnti? the IJutliuil II mil 'liili Mile Hun AroiiKcil In 0 in ii tin inn! Vlclnlt)' The Val ue Attract Tilth .MiiKiictlc FORCE. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Every day notes Increased Interest In this great sale. The quantity of exclusive dress goods nnd silks was very large. To morrow wo will place on sale an Immense lot of high art dress fabrics and silks that wero not displayed heretofore. 50 UNMADE DKUS3 ROUES, $10. You will rind In this assortment fabrics of every description, representing the foreign makers' best efforts. Such ns wool crepons, with woven designs and drawn work effects in black and colors, canvas barelgcs, etlmlues, etc., all stylish fabrics. Mudatno Connely's price was up to J50 for theso robes. Your cholco of tho lot for (10.10. MME. CONNELY'S $5 DRESS GOODS, $1. These arc ull high-class Imported dress patterns In zelablncs, whipcords, pruunclas, Venetians, crepe de chine, satin panne cloth, crepons In black and colors, fine camolshnlr twills, brllllantlnes and many Imported black dress patterns, up to $5.00 value, $1.00 yard. $2.00 DRESS GOODS, 50C YARD. Theso arc single dress lengths, containing C to & yards In Freuch canvas barelges, Henriettas, nun's veilings, albatross, ctamlues, cicpons nnd silk and wool mix tures, up to $2,00 vnluci, go ut COc yard. MADEME CONNELY'S $S SILKS, 'JSC. Theso you will find the richest and most excluslvo high class novelty silks, every yard Imported, Including brocades, Parts novelties in colored uppllquo effects, em broidered silk crepo do chine, foulards, etc., worth up to $S yard, salo price, I'Sc yard. $2.50 SILKS, 60C AND COC YARD, Including mnny rich foulards, taffetas, crepo de chine, satin duchesse, etc, up to $2.50 values, ut 50c nnd COc yurd. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J, L. Druudcls & Sous, Proprietors. Solo agents for Rogers Peot & Co.'s flno clothing. SAVINGS BANK AFFAIRS Some 1'lntirr. SIioiiIiik: I'rmcut Statu of the Defunct limtl tiitlmi, At tho tlmo of tho failure of tho Ger man Savings bank in lSl'ti It owed the city of Omaha $114.60. Money belonging to tho police relief fund wns on deposit In tho sura of $3,232.3S, nnd $772.82 belonging to the school insurance fund was In the bank. The total amount of this Indebtedness was $1,179.80. Slnco tho bank closed Its doors tho receiver has declared several dividends and paid $1,393.15 into theso several funds, reducing the Indebtedness to $2,780.65. Tho principal still owned Is divided as follows. City, $76.45; police relief fund, $2,191.93; school Insurance fund, $516.22. Aside from these amounts Interest Is due on tho Indebtedness to the pullcu relief fund and tho school Insurance fund. Au offer was made by the receiver to pay one-third of the amount duo the city. The council voted to refer that proposition nt its last meeting. Slnco that time Judge Dickinson ordered tho stockholders in the defunct bank to pay up their stock sub scriptions. The amount of stock which whs never paid In was $100,000, Onc-hnlf of this sum is duo from solvent stock holders. In case this stock Is paid in the deposi tors at tho bank will receive far more than one-third of the amount due them. At its meeting Monday night the Hoard of Educa tion refused to settle Its claim on u basis of 23 1-3 per cent. Mr. F. D. Arnold, Arnold, la., writes: "Ho wns troubled with kidney disease nbout three years. Had to get up several times during tho night, but three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a complete cure. Ho feels better than ho over did and recommends It to his friends. May I'nrty Tmilwht. Don't miss tho second annual ball and May party of Omahu council No. 415. Knights nnd Ladles of Security, tonight at Thurston Utiles' armory. Seventeenth and Dojglas streets. Tickets, 50c per couple. For Sale A practically new Kimball piano at a big bargain. Inquire G. D. Tzschuck, Dee business office. Seeds that grow come from the Nebraska Gced company, 1513-16 Howard Et. MORE POETRY On summer nights, not nights llko these, Somo folks bo troubled with the fleas; Others cnteh them, but I'vo n trick. Just light tho candle mind, be quick, And put It In the candlestick, Anil gently snuff the burning wick Then wet your tlner-tlp, bo slick! And dash his eyes out with u brick. And then, when you hnvn dono ut that, Just pop him In tho boiling fat. And then, when you huvo cooked nil noose. Puff out tlio light, nnd go to roost. This will nil bo avoided by using Schaeffer's "Sure Death." Cramer's. Kidney Caro "5o Unclo Sam's Tobacco Cure 60o llucan Ilnlr Tonic "5o Pierce's Prescription 75c Kuy's Renovator 20c Kuys' Lung Halm 20c Dr. Knrl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills .. $1.00 Duffy's Mult lc Feruim 63c Iter's MaltVlilskey 69c Scott's Emulsion 75a Hlro'H ltoot Deer , 14c Pinkham's Compound Kio 1 dozen 2-Krnlu Quinine Capsules 7a 1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules 10c 1 dozen 6-gruln Qutnlno Capsules 15c Uromo Qulnlno J5o CPUACCEff LU1 price W. Cor. lath bocI ChlcMfi. Now is the Time for a Camera: Just as the Leaves Are Coming Out. Seo tho new No. 3 Pony Premo, $11. Has double lens, with Improved Victor shutter, swing- back, reversible back, double lover and brilliant fender, with eoltd leathor carrying case. Notice tho price $11.00, Wo havo all the other now makes. Call or send for new catalogue. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnam Street. Exclusive Dealers in Thoto Material, y.Mo taimiu Mm: m its The .11 out ii iniilcrliil mile if l.mllci' Tailor Mmle "iilt Kicr Held, AT IIOSTON STORE THURSDAY. On Thursduy, May i, we will placo on salo an eastern manufacturer's entire sur plus stock of Indies' tailor made suits. His great need of ready cash compelled hltn to sacrifice them. Tho suits uro all this sea son's styles and made to retail nt $10.00, $16.00 nnd $20.00. They are made of the choicest materials and nre faultlessly tailored and fit perfect. It Is very seldom thnt you can buy such high grade and stylish garments nt one half, one-third aud one-fourth their value. And when the opportunity comes you do not want to miss It. Remember the sale Is THURSDAY, MAY 9. Full particulars In tomorrow's papers. BOSTON' STORE, OMAHA. J. L. Rramlels & Sons Proprietors. Sole ugents for Rogers Peet & Co.'s fine clothing. AniiniiticciiiciitN of the Thciitcr. Wntson's Oriental llurlesquers, now pleasing largo audiences nt the' Trocndoro, nro conceded to bo tho best In this line over offered by the management of this popular amusement resort. The principals nnd chorus acquit themselves with credit, tho latter being exceptionally strong. Tho olio dqcs not possess a weak spot, each net being n headllner. Fred Rider's Night Owls aro announced for next Sunday matinee nnd week. Rosenthal's Mammoth lleneflt will take place shortly, for which an Interesting program will bo arranged. Ono of the specialties will be nn original stunt by Rosenthal himself. Bend articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Uce. Wo will glvo them proper legal insertion. Telephono 23S. Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel, 1440. Btonecypher prints anything. Tel. 1310. A Gentleman's Shoe A pace sette'r for all shoe makers excelling all other high grade shoos on tho raarkot prlco $5.00 and $6.00. MEN'S SHOES "THE SPECIAL" made es pecially for us showing unequaled ropti stitch ex tension sole spado shank- equal to any $5 shoes patent leather vicl kid box calf, price $3 and $3.50. MEN'S SHOES $2.50 for men's shoes of ten sold ut $3.50. Particular attention call ed to Its stylo nnd wenr resistance $2.60. OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT Is now com plete comparison solicited. 1515 Dotiglas St. 1513. iucccxnot-M tn TIIM IIOWi: PURE SODA WATER Every urtlclo which Is used in making our SODA AVATER, Is pure. No guess work about It, ns wo muko It our business to KNOW that It Is pure. Wo uso CREAM CREAAI mind you not skimmed milk thickened with corn starch and gelatine for making Ice cream, and pure vanilla and crushed fruits for lluvors, Tho result Is soda water thnt Is pure enough to glvo nn Infant or Invalid. Our HOLLAND CHOCOLATE, WILD PLUM PHOSPHATE, CHERRY HOUNCE. AND SAN GAURIEL. are different from ORDINARY SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Sherman &McGonn8llDrugCo., Corner lK'th and Dodge. ' S COrvRIQMT 1031 Th5TtlN6LOCSCa HAYDEH Stein-Bloch Co Suits at 50c on the Dollar The entire purchase from this famous la'r loring house is now here and the great sale at its height. JO very garment made for this season's wears and has the Stein-lMoch label in them, your guarantee of distinctive style, service and perfect permanent lit. All the handsome new spring anil summer patterns, in checks, stripes and mixtures, in tinest im ported anil domestic tweeds, cassiineres, worsteds, unlinislied worsteds, cheviots, etc. All the swell styles are shown, the best lin ings and trimmings are used ami the Stein Bloch suits can only be compared to thu -10 nnd Snn niiwln.f n.nrdlM' kind. Tliov nvn nm. feet in every detail, the best clothing, made suits that sell regu larly at $23 to $10, in this'sale at 7.30, .10 and 13.00. Hkwm ! MUST PAY THE PENALTY Minnie Ull.xmi Plcmln (iullty In Theft mill l hcntcncnil in .lull. After spending two days In Hut city Jail Minnie Gibson, the pretty young woman who was brought over from Council liluffs Sunday by Omahu detectives, yesterday plodded guilt) before Police Judge Craw ford to the cjiargc of stealing a gold wutch, a chain and several articles of wearing ap parel from Anna Meyers at an Omaha ho tel. When caught she protested Innocence, but after being Identified by tho complain ing witness she acknowledged her guilt aud pleaded for the mercy of the court. The authorities tire somewhat elated over tho capture of the woman, for they believe thnt she has been Implicated In several other affairs of a questionable nature. In Council Blurts she wns found with a man named Frank Wilson, who was tried on the Iowa side for vagrancy and sent to Jail. Judge Crnwford fined the woman $25 and costs of tho prosecution. Because of her Inability to pay tho fine she was committed to tho city jail. THE GREATEST Piano Sale In the History of the West Circumstances have conspired to muko the present the most tavora.ilu time In the history of Omuhn for tho purchaso of a Piano or an organ. This unusual opportunity has bejit made posslblo by the determination of Schmoller .i Mueller to close th.;lr country agencies. All agents Pianos havo been shipped to Omaha, nnd not having tho floor space necessary to tarry such a largo number, are com pelled to soli them regardless of cost, so as to movo them quickly. This great salo has hecii going on for tho past threo weeks and It f hull bo continued until all pianos held by our country agents have been sold. Any ono contemplating tho nureh.tse or a piano should not neglect this golden uppurtuity. DO NOT DE LA i , or you will not bo ublo to get tho host bargain. Wo Kuaranteo tho prlco nnd tho qua Ity of every Instrument, thus re lieving purchasers of all responslbllty, HEAD THE LIST. $iwO Emerson Upright new for OOiO $5(0 Emerson Upright ffOOC now for ,,,.)uZ0 $125 Emerson Upright COOn '"V-for izau jjO birgo slzu Cublnct $218 $250 Arlon Upright Plunos- CIQfl luncy cascs-for JlbU j2jy Cabinet Grand Upright $J5 $IS. Now Upright-medium' " CIOC size only ,,...0ld0 Used Squnro nnd Upright Pianos, all guaranteed, nt $25, $15, .-, ttnet up. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. Mint OWX i'Klt.MS. Write for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of Inspection. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, The Largest l'iuno House in the West. '13 13 Farnam St., Omaha. ti:i,i:iiiom: nmr.. ALWAYS KEMKMHKii THAT t Black WANTS YOUR HEAD He needs it to fit a hat on for you. BLACK, The $2.50 Hatter And Up-to Date Furnisher. 107 S. 10th St. The Really" Smart" OVERCOATS. of today are The Cravenette and Watershed, Absolutely Rain Proof. XoL a mnrkiMifosli, but a dress overcoat (hat will withstand every sort of weather. Suitable alike for full dress or business wear, in fair weather or foul. Not expensive. Xo rubber, no odor. Porous to air. Nt) perspiration, use nor abuse, nor heat, nor cold, nor ne will destroy or impair its waterproof quality. (JET TUB GENUINE. WE GUAUANTEE TO SAVE YOU AT LEAST o() PER CENT ON EVEKY GENU INE "CKAYENETTE''. OK "WATERSHED" COAT. (0Y"IOMT IKI NBUXflUJ BROS ' It's Very Easyl It's ten dollars for.' "Perhaps you can,, but the tirin who sells a suit of clothes like that for JJS.30 are a set of fools. They could get; 10 for it just as easy as S.30, and make u dollar. We're not doing business for love." Selling good clothing cheap is easy, if you know how. We'd like to show you this same suit that most stores sell for 10. It's all wool, elegantly tailored,-perfect fitting, UlO Ef"l ask the salesman to show you our suits at . pO HAYDEH ' S Tho newest and best shoes in Omaha at less than wholesale prices 500 pairs of ladles flno 12.00 box kid oxfords on salo TOO pairs of ladles' flue $1.75 and $2.00 patent leather and vicl kid strap slippers, nt , 100 pairs of ladles' flno patent leather nnd vicl kid $3.00 dress bhocs at 300 pairs of misses' flno vicl kid f JJ laco 2.00 shoes I I ft at ,., IIU 200 pairs of children's fine vicl kid AO $1.50 laco shoes mloC BOYS' $1.50 MOTHER'S FRIEND SHIRT WAISTS, 29c. A tremendous purchase direct from tho manufacturers, all sizes up to 14, In flno percales and madras cloth, light nnd dark colors, separate collars or with collars attached, very newest styles and patterns, thu Mother's Friend brand Is tho best mndo nnd worth up to $1.50, llayden's salo price 29c. Special Midweek Sale Wlro Screen, per square foot, $me. -lnch Oarden Hose, worth 10c, for G?$c. (IrnBs Catcher, worth 75c, for -IDo, $2.7G Oasollnc Stove, for $1.93. Screen Doors, G9c. Spring Hinges, Sc. 42x19x28 Refrigerators, for $9.13. Duck Saw, complete, 39c. S5c OrnsH Hook. 15c. A good Claw Hammer, 9c. fiOo 3-pleco Garden Set, 23c. Kino Decorated 50. lb. Flour Can, 59c. Hardwood Hosu Heel, 49c. 2- quart Orunltu Tea Cot, 35c. 15x22 Wire I'hoto Holder, 9c. All Steel Frame Wringer, $1.09. Seo our. New Fruit I'rcsaeB, $1.23. Wednesday Meat Sale No. 1 Sugar-Cured Hums, 10;c. New Itolugna Sausage, 5c. 3- lb. palls I'uro Uird, Kex Iirnml, 27c 10-lb pails I'uro Lurd, flex Hrand, 96c. Chipped Dried Deef, 15e. HAYDEN B IIUWtMMK Registered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. Phone 1716 shields are required. If you ruin your glovoa with excessive perspiration, rub the palms after thoroughly drying them with tho powder. In cases of habitual sweating, me the powder In pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, And directions for uso In tho cover of the blue box. For obstinate swoatlng or ohaf fcg bathe tho affected parts with the Ke-Nu-May Astringent Antlseptio Lo tion. U must be distinctly understood that HE-NO-MAY Powder is not a toilet powder, but btrictly a curative, hygienic and untlseptlo powder, and should not ba used for Infants as a toilet dusting powder. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4, When orderinf by mail add S cents for postage lte-No-May Skin Food for facial massage. Re-Nn-May Cream softens and whitens the hsnds and face. GOING TO BUFFALO ? If So, See Us. Trunks, Traveling Dags, largest i. ml finest line In city. Cases. Omahu Trunk Factory lOtl I'nriiniu M., Otunlin, li. the easiest thing in the M world for a wise man who has never made a success to call a successful man a fool. A customer came in "The Nebras ka," yesterday morning and spent two hours selecting a suit of clothes for himself. After looking at, the quality, construction, tinish, style and price, he says: ".Just lay this suit to one sitle and I'll look around, and if I don't find something better, you'll see me here again. ' lit; returned and after a second examination, says: "I'll take that suit!"' After the suit was paitl for the salesman says: "Did you iind anything that would compare with this suit?" "Yes," says the cus tomer, r,us far as quality goes, 1 found about the same thing, but they want ed two dollars aud Hfty cents more for the suit. I says I can buy that same suit for 8.30 that you ask me tar Extraordinary Shoe Selling This Week ML:i m UllA UUli MA ff alHO wwl J ff I fill WW Grocery Sale Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen, 10c. 2-lb. can String Deans, can, 6Me. 2- lb. can Lima Deans, can, 6lc. 3- lb. enn Uartlctt Fears, S l-3c. 3 bars Wool Soap, 10c. 10 bars best Laundry Soap, 25c. 3 burs Tar Soap, worth 25c, for 10c. 10c packago Flako Deans, 5c. 5 llm. Drenkfast Oatmeal, 10c. 10-lb. sack Corn Meal, 10c. 10-lb. tack Ityo Flour, 15c. 10-lb. sack Craham Flour, 15c. Kvaporated Fours, per pound, 5c. California Fancy Fears, pound, 7lsC. Fancy Oregon reaches, S l-3c. Diamond Lemon Cling Peaches, lb., 10a Ituby Prunes, per lb., Cc. Largo San Joso Pruucs, pouud, 7Wc. Lemons 800 cases choice juicy lemons per dozen. RE-NO-MAY POWDER in pink box not only relieve!, but posltlvuly cures all disorders et the feet, stops odorous poreplratlon, cures tender, swollen aad painful feet. RE-N0-MAY POWDER In blue box removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dresa UY THE QCKUINI SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURBD BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYURP CO., MOTS THU KUUL FREE JflEDICAL ADViOE. Vrtteus ...!,7 iu.xTl J'?ur '"'I'loins. Hcnovatlngtho hystem Is tho only kafo and nuro method of cur in,' ull Chronic i DUcaMis. Dr. Kay's Itcnovator Is tho only perfectsystem renovator. Froekam pleb and book. Dr. D. J. Kuy, Saratofu. Nl V LAW BOOKS I. . KINSMAN, 112 Hputh 2Mb Avenue, Omaha, Neb. ' 10c i i 4