THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAY 8. 1001. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES ' C AdTertlspmrnls for lhff onlnniin will he tnkrn until 12 in. for flic if nine edition nml nntll S .'10 p. m. for tiinrnlnic nnil Snndnj- rilltlnn. Rates, 1 .2e n nurd first Imrrtlon, 1c n Tvorit tlierpnf tpr. Nothing Inlifti for Irss than 'Me fur llir first Insrr- , lion, ilifif net vrrllicmcnii mini iir ran ennseent Ively. I Advertiser, liy requesting num. Iiprptl ehrcL, enn hair nmitfH nil dressed to n ntinibrrril Irltrr In pure f The Hep. Answers so addressed "Ml he delUered on presentation of the keek only. WANTEII-MALH HELP. WANTED We have steady work for a few good hustlers ot pood habits and appear nee. C. F. Adams Co., 16m5 Howard St B-304 UARBER trade taught thoroughly in short time; catalogue and particulars free. Western Barbers Institute, Omuha, Nob. B-305 WANTED, men to learn barber trade, only eight weeks rcnulrcd, special offer to ap plicants from ulstance, board, tools nnJ scholarship. hus season; to 113 weekly paid graduates, full or write, Moler Bar ber t ollegc, 162.1 Farnam st. B-M523 In V ANTED, ft shoe salesman to travel In Nebtasku, must have a large cstaDllih "1 trade and Rive good references. Tcnnent Shoe Co.. Mfrs. and Jobbers, St. Louis, Mo. B-Mio DETECTIVES, we want a sharp, respon sible man In every city and town tu do secret service work; J4 per day and tA ponses for actual service; references re quired; postage for rcpl. International Detective Agency. Milwaukee, Wis. B-M6S6 11 WANTED, Rood carpenters, for hoUFC work; please stale wages wanted. H J. Rrockman, Contractor, Avoc.i, Neb. H-M.17 3 WANTED, vestmakcr. J507 Farnam st B-M7l if DANISH or German boy to drive wnRon route in north part ot city; give leter encc. SOU Mamlcrson St. 15725 WANTED, a htishrlmitn. lirown, 122 S. U.tli. Watiamaker & li-'to 7 WANTED, a brlRht younit man of abiut l years to learn tnc enrpet nusiness, People's Store. H 733 7 REI.IAHLK man to handle agents for tele- phono Hpoolaltles; pnyn i:.,(jj per year; en- close stainp. Victor lfg. Co., Cie.- land, O. B-.M.4I i . . . . i. WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack , slgni. distribute circular., amtll's. eti no canvassing; good pay. Sun Aowrtl"- j Ing Bureau, Chicago. B-M7I3 "N ANTED, energrtle 8tate manauer; call on Nebraska merchants and superintend ub ogenta; permnnont position; mist have cash security; maldle-aged man pre fcrred. Address P 67. Bee B-.M715 10 WANTED Cook, must play some brass In strument, to go on the road with ai'v r tlslng company, also amateurs for stage and canvas man: all must Play bras m- Htrumenls, only people that can Join at. once need tu apply, nave no nine tor curiosity writers, must be ready to Join Immediately. Adddress E Sohneller, Jr., manager of A. Schnellor's Advertising Co.. Gretna. Nb. JI-M73!' n ' 1 ' SAI.ES.ME.N WANTED. SALESMAN wanted, man above 3 and unfr 45 years of age, capable and can tthow by his record a claim to a lucrative position; no man who has been a failure or Is nvcito to traveling need apply; give age, experience and references. P 57, Uec. . T'-M 11" VA.THU l-'HMAI.I IlllliP. WANTED, 2u0 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-3J7 DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly; sys tem received highest award at I'arls, p.i, McDowell Dressmaking School, 2CV S. lath ui., looms Ijl5-3lti Karbach blk. C sua- WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator; mliHt have had good expcilonc'e. Apply room .'.V, Br buildlnirr - C 12 WANTED, housekeeper In tmall family; no washing. Addres P 10. Bee. C 271 WANTED, girl for general housework, CS29 CMIifornla st. Mis. W. K. Potter. . - Jl-t'Il.. LADIES wanted to learn halrdresslng, tiianlcjrltiK, massage or chiropody, rrom tour to eight weeks require;). Complete ouiiu oi ioois iireseiiiea eacu siuucni. Posltlcns sccureu In best establishments In city. Comparatively no expense. Cail or write Moler College, ltLS3 Fnrnam St. C-Mo2l 1J RELIABLE help. Canadian olllce. 1522 Doug. C 75o WANTED, Immediately, twenty waist and skirt hands and live good sleeve makers. Address Sceblck's Dressmaking Depart ment Dvudwood, S. Dakota. C-M562 14 TWO good colored girls, cook and house maid, 2704 Farnam. C 711-7. COOK nnd 2nd girl wanted. 3310 Farnam. C-7C5-7' WANTED Secot.d girl. 2225 Farnam. C-701 S COMPETENT girl for general housework; houso cleaning done. 70J So. rjtli st. C-72S GOOD girl for general housework; 55 .1 week; smnll family. 1714 S. 32nd St. C-732-9 GIRL for general houework in private family, sood wages. 62f S. 25th ave. C-M7I0 9 WANTED Girl for general housework at 507 S. 26th. C-M733 & IIEL1 WANTED. MEN and women of neat appearance for local work In Douglas and bnrpy. Room 514 Paxton blk., Omaha, Neb. M 170 9' FOR RENT 1IOISCS. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Btnawa & Co. D 30J TO move right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., olllce, 131Mb Farnam, or tel. I5t9-i6j. D-310 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Urcnnan-Love Co., 3;) South Uth street. D-Sil Houses, stores. Bemls, Paxton Block. ' D-312 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFeT D-J13 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1514 Douglas. D-314 HOUSES and lints. Rlngwalt, BarkeTblockl D-315 HOUSES wonted. Wallace, Brown block. D-316 FOR RENT, rtsldetice. 1036 Georgia ave., cor. Pacific; 10 rooms, attic, basement, mat front, modern and extra conveni ences; lot 66x140, with trees. Inquire SH First National Bank biug. u-3is LARGE 12-room tesldence on the North boulevard, will paint, paper and make what Improvements arc necessary. Rent, 110 00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. . 16th nnd Douglas. D-M675 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat, Davidge building, opposite city hall. -room modern house, SOuu Mason St., near park, nice lawn and shade, (33. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 FARNAM ST. D-M91S FOUR rooms, modern, Jll.oo. 90S N. 27 St. D-M3M M-29 FOR RENT, modern furnlihed house for summct months. R. 552 Bee bldg, D-M433 S FOR RENT. 11-room modern house near High school. The O. F. Dnvii Co., 532 Beo bldg. D-M134 S IJi5 S, 17TH ST.. seven-room house, city water in kitchen; will paper nnd paint to suit good tenant; block from bo. Omaha car; rent, J15. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. MY HOUSE at corner of 29lh and Leaven worth tor term of years. Mary H. Dun dee. Inquire SIS S. 25th. 'Phone 21. . SnVENTooms and bath, 2S44 Webster, JIS; eight rooms, modern. 2409 Capitol aye . J30. eight rooms, modern 1024 Hurt. J.M, f ethers. Rlngwalt Bros , Barker for rent noises. lIAJ S K WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam st. 2"9 8 27TH. 7-rom ottage. city Water 112. A. P. Tukc. Board of Trade. D-M.2' 9 FOR RENT until fall. 7-room furnlhcd ottage n"Hr Mich school, modern. J2o". tur raonth References rctjulred. Ad dress I . Bee. D-.M . VNKQUALLED. nil modern seven-room nnuse. live-room Itai; lour-ruum ! Tlzird. 2l N. 24th ft. D-.M.I2 14 STORES, houses, flats. Tlzard. 221 N 24th st. D M741 FOR RENT-Flve-room house, newly papered, city water; street ear pse door; n'ar srhool house. C. M. Rachman, 4JI Paxton Blk. D-MA s i-oit m:.T-i,iit.M!iii:n iiooji.s, DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Karnatn. E 320 THE TIll'ItSTON, lath and Jackson; steam r.i.i THItEE tileo rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 S. 11th. t 414 NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. 14f'. Jones . E 104 MS HorSKKEEI'lNG rooms, (I, up. 2623 St. Mary's. E-MS63 M22' 3 Fl'HNlSHED rooms for man and wife; rent taken In board. 313 N. inn st E MS NICELY furnished rooms. 1513 Georgia av. E M9jI nOOMB-l("G Chpltol ave. E-7('69 TWO or three furnished rooms': light houc. keeping If desired. Flat 10, S. 13th. L Mi la IM HMSIini) lltO.M AMI HOAIll). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-322 day. 1(V0 Doug. F-0.'3 TTlE lerriam, summer resort, 25 A.- Dodge. F Mfii'J LARGE south front parlor, also smaller rooms, wiin Lotiru. inc itosc, iv.v nann-j, F b'Jo LARGE south front room, with board; references. 2Q1.' S. IStli st. F-M731' lo I'Olt HEM I M'l It.MMIRI) HOO.MS. ni'HIv- rnnm rfn.iee. Ij nor month, crouud uoor room in The Bee building, faclni; Karnam street; no expense tor light, heat or junltor service. U. C. Peters Co., Rental Afcents, Bee building. G-llfi . ... ----- - ' tT ... -I OR llEVl'-ymiWi AMJ OFFICII. I , . j I FOR RENT, Hlore in first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. l'cters A: j i.o., gruunu iiuui, uvu jiiuh FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at U16 Katnam st. It has lour stories and a basement which was formerly tiseu uj The. Bee press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rosu wuter, secretaiy, room lw, Beo building. l-2til FOR RENT. 935 N. 24 th st lis 0 1.3uj N 21th st . Cuming st 15.W SI. s. 13lh si l,4ia JacKsun st io.w BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 3W S. 13th St. J-M4S9 S A li K.N IS WA.NTEII. WANTED Can vasrlns agents in every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH Ct'NTUKV FARMER and th NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC- IU11. mis spier.uiu uuuk coniuins i.iuv imperial octavo puges, M)0 object-teach-lug engravings, and Is the only book on live stock ever published adupted to the every-day, practical, money-saving use of evry farmer and stock owner, steady employment with assured good income. Agents In tho coun'.ry with horto and uuggy especiuu, specially desired. Canvasser ID" w to JtuO per month. Ad- tury Farmer Solicitors Bureau, make easily rinm Celltu Bee Building. Omaha. J AGENTS wanted to sell our new apple, the tastest selling variety ever ottered lo the public, write for full particulars at once. Address Western Nursery Co., Lawrence, Kan.. Dept. G. J-931-9 AGENTS, boys or girls, can secure n hantl some gold watch free by selling n small quantity of our staple goods. The Royalty Specialty Co., 2bt Seneca st., Cleveland, Ohio. J-M716.9 yroiiACE. PACIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co.. J12 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding -Ml OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511' Farn. Tels. lj39o6i 325 FOR SAl.L-l tU.MTLIlE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge. Tel. Sr.V, New & 2dhund furniture boas, it, sold, exchanged. QiS UPHOLSTERING. 16th & n Wonth. TjJ1,6! for .vvi.i;-iiorm;s vehicles, etc. FOR SALE, top buggy, good condition; your offer Is my price, If It Is right. O. M. Hurt, 1307 Jones St. P-MS9 FOR SALE, 2-seatcd family enrrlagc, 31'ip- son make, Jl.a. ion t arnain iat. i--mt LISTEN to tho band. Have your vehicles ren d by it. rost, mn ana ii-wurin. P-191 FOR SALE. FANCY team, driving or carriage horses, coal black, nowing mane anu tan, nigii spirited, very stylfsh.. g P M73S 8 New York Lite Bldg. 1(111 hALE MISCELLANEOUS SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry & hi.g fence. Wl Douglas. (j 32i 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam SAFES, buy, sell, exe'sc. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. 1 oivioxi BUILDING brick for immediate tie. livery. Withnell Ilros.-Smlth Co.. yards "d and Hickory, 31st and Lake. Tel. 42a. TIMOTHY hay and all kinds ot feed and coal. Monroe & Co.. HU S. 16th. Tcl.97L CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 19 North 16th. S-iOO MME. GYLMER. palmtst, 315 Sp. 15th st. K 01S ELECT U 1 C Tit EATM E NT. i.m tTr ci nnth Ifilh. second floor. 1 T M11; Ml, VERA DEI, MORE, 1615 Howard, 2d fi. R. 1, MME. SMITH, baths. IIS N. 15th. 2d lloor. 1100m t. 1 - . PERSONAL. DR. ROY. chropodlst; corns A superlluous ralr removed by electricity. R. 12, Krenzer block. U 333 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2C20 Burdctte. U 334 VIAVA. woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34s Bee Bldg. U 3J7 JUST think of If Electric light gallery. enameled stamp imotos in lour positions and n photo stick pin for 23c. R. 6, Creghton. blk., 16th and Douglas. Open 9 to S, , We make pictures at night. U 5:) M16 RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pain, no dangir; send for circulars, Empire Hup. ture Cure, 9 N, Y, Life Building, Omaha, U 335 SUPPLIES for nil mnchlnes; machines for rent, wnite cewinu jiacnme, jd.v wouk las, Tel. 2334, U-SSf PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during contlnemcnt; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. U-340 MiiOWELL Dressmaktnc srtiool: highest award at Parts, mi, try ojr patterns. 20 S. 15th t., room tia, naroacn bik t M liS PERSON Al M. GOLDMAN it CO , only perfect tie cordlon pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. Hulto 2vo, Douglas Bio; k. U 33s A ilbxTTf Rc-No-May Powder Is not luxury wnep It ononis you a cure anu secures the comfon and happiness ot your roommate. U M212 WANTED, church soprano. C U. Shaw, Shecly Bldg v-ao WANTED, church soprano. Shcely Bid. B. Shaw, U-S40 CAIU'ETS and rugs cleansed like new without taking up. ati 'faction or no pay. City reference. Dtop pus Ml. N- U 531 Jel' FRENCH ACCOHDION PLEATING; mal orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co.. Ii24 Douglas. U-M5J2 MRS. WILLOUGHBY Hair dressing and shampooing, 33c. ltoom wi. i'i'n urn. Tel. 2395 L-.ttt 12 new rollers for cloth wringers. Novelty iron and Brass Works. 41. . iutn. rnoiie 13vti. C M722 Jtinc26 MO.'.EV TO I.OA. HUAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa farms at o per cent, oorrowers can pay Jlw tr any multiple; any Interest uste; no delay. Hrennan-Love Co., 3w 5. 13th St.. Omuhu, Neb 341 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 2.Q South 13th. W 3U WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George &: Company, iwl Farnam street. W 343 tl," AND upward to loan on Improved city property and larnis. W. Farnam Smltn v Co., 132U Farnam. W 314 FIVE per cent moi. Bcmls, I'axion block. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrajits. it. u. 1'cters a uo., j,ir. Fntnam St., Bee Bldg. W 346 t MONEY to loan at 4!, and 5i per cent on Unuiha property, w. u. AieiKie, wi . loin. W 347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. W JI5 FIVE nnd 5Ji per cent city and farm loans. uarvin lirur., IDia I niimtn ov. ui. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. CASH on nann. o. i uraingion, wjb ucv, - - ' ' I!AM) ; i lrbtN . M IV' S',4 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, atlunai tiuiiK uuuaing. ici. TO LOAN. IIW to V5 on renl estate secur- )ty at 7 per cent. Address soon, P 47. llec. W-71 Mn'i:v TO LOAN On imnroved real es late; i per cent Interest; no commission, privilege of paying J1W or more before maturity. Nurhwestern Mutunl Life Ins. Co. John W. Glsh, special loan agent, ill 1st Nat 1 Bank biug., umann, aco. W 710 jdO.NKV TU -U A.N CHATTELS. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It Is easy to auvcriise lowest raies, as Wlli ILIiKt CUII11IU1 WU118 JUU ..III WUlf vlnced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. W e loan on furniture, pianos, ilvu stock, etc., or we will mako you - 1 SALARY LOAN without Indorscr or mortgage. We charge nothing for making the loan and you receive the full amount in cash. You may pay it back in ono month or take six months or more in wnicn to pay ii an,j 0u need not pay lor It one day longer man you Keep u. uur terms are uio easiest, our business Is contldentlal. and our motto is "try 10 piease. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Tradu JJIdg. Tel. 2293. (Established 19.".) 306 S. 16th St. X 331 .if-om TO lilncc quick. M. J. Kcnnard & yon Sutc-310 Brown Blk. X-535 SALARY LOANS; vv. LOAN tlU TO lift) TO ANYONE HOLD inq , uuuu I'uaii niu iiun- ROW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY ivilKS YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON vntlll PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST RATES IN TOWN, AND WITHOUT PUBLICITY? RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Block, Room 303. X-M50J LARGEST " BUSINESS IN I.OAN3 T un.AittKD PEOPLE, merchants, team -.... KnnrrllnL- houses, etc.. without fC 1 1 1 . . . .. . ift 1.. I .... . CUrlty; easiest icimo, w utiuca ill yimit- pal cities. Tolman, 440 Board Trade Bldg .6.1 cat.ahy LOANS unon nlaln notes. N I . ... n n In.tiMsinr t.rt miHnltv lower rates, mucn easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Block. X 355 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE live ElOCK, eic. uuicn sri.iv-c mill iuva iinrnnteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 603 (to lloor) Paxton Block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam, entrance on 16th St. X 35 1 MONEY louned salaried people holding par- manent posmi-i 10,1,11110 .u.ivciji upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 440 Board Trade Bldg. MONEY" loaned salaried people holding per ' manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy -puyments. Tolman.410 Board ot Trade bldg. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Dutf Green, R. 8, Barker blk X 3a9 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C F. Reed. 319 S 13. SHORT time loans. Joe Pleasants, 54 Barker blk. X aTO IllSl.NSsS CHANCES. t'ati c3 t ti vnlrv nmt ennf ectlonerv. do 1.... ' i.ntinf-.s .In small Nebraska Q-STJ town; good location; good tenson for sell ing. Address O 12, Bee. Y-M797 M20 FIRST-CLASS "family hotel tor rent tur nikhed: sixty rooms; full of guests. Ad. dress P 20, Bee. 1 M42S 1' FURNITURE, stoves and carpet store for . .... dlnlfna.,' r- lrtQ sale on itccuaiiv ,.':', ' tion; stock W.VJu. Address P 22. Bee. 1441 FOR 'SALE, store building, with living room above, nnd stock ot general mer chandl; good location. Address I.cven sky & Llspman. Hny Springs, Nb. 1 t(3 J r-r oii.p iho nshorne House. Alnsworth. Neb.; hotel has been refitted and Im proved; has nil llie commercial iraue ami Is doing a good business. Write to A. E. Howe, Ainsworin, x jci iitiin'T nit. FIELDS Stocks of all companies doukiil mm pum, anu authentic Information free. Latest maps I -11 .,nM. t mlth - n.. hrnkprs. Ili.i,i. - mom, Texas. 'i-.Mtil & FORTUNES quickly made in nil. Write - , . 1 . . - n i . I for new nooniev ijudi uun, ipvi pi'cciai hniiotiii nml advices on oil Investments, mailed free. Beckley & Co., Bankers. 50 Broadway, New ork. 1 .M6I3 11' FOR SALE, small stock of shoes and men's underwear iur vueii. uiiii iv.uhii, v-u lumbus, Neb. Y-.M611 10' GOOD milk route; nine head cholco ml'k cows, milk wngon and set double harness, n c. Young. 27th and U sts.. South Omaha. Y-M64I 11' FOR SALE, furniture nnd lease of the Dnlv J2 per day hotel in city oi :,ow in habitants In northwestern Iowa: hotel mnts. cood reason given for selling upon 27 application. Address P 3S. Bee. M - - - - FOR SALE or trade-Contents of H-room boarding house; full of tlrst-class room- ers. first-class location; a snap If sold at mce. Aimress j- av, u.,.v, - .- FOR SALE Drug stock; Invoice Il,in; must sell by May 17; 20 per cent discount, partnership dlffolved; a bargain. Ad- dress Box 396. Geneva, Neb. M.34 16' FOR EXCIIAXGE. 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels, Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th nnd Chicago sts. Z 07 DRESSMAKING, IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 31S S 26th St. 2W M27' K4It yALE-ltr.AL HM'ATll. ItANCH AND KAHM lands for sale by the I nlon l'ueltic itallroud conumr.i. ll. A jv the it A lliiloiil , ! ,l3s-J I Z! McAliasttr, land cotnmissiuiier, liiluiij I'nciric iieauuuartcrs, umana, eD, ltli-3-a HOUSES and lots In all parts ot clt ; also acre property and farm inmis. Tne o. r. Davis Co., ltoom 6o2, Bee building. Itb-CGS FOB SALE on monthly payments. S- modern housi on N. 21th St. car lla: also vacant lots, which will be Impmrttd j tur fiurcnucer on inoueintu ihijuiiiu uuno, Mutual Loan and Building Association, U. M. Nattlnger, secretary, bco Bids. BE Si SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE, RE-366 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, close to good car line. Eastern I to sell. M. J. Keunard U I n Block. RE-&3S i owner anxious to Son, 339-1U Brow HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire Insurance. Bemis, Paxton BU. HL 3t7 ClLs! E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fa mam St. HE-vifll FOR SALE. 2 houses in South Omaha, cen- traiiy iocatei, can ue uougr.i ui a uar gain. Address C. C. Pollard, Fremont. gal Neb. RE-.MMO 1U 713 N. MiTlt. hnllt u venrs aco for home, seven looms, nam, gas, eiecirie ugni, ioi i wxiw. facing two sirceis, jnopcriy imu block from Kountzc park, 2,lw Is price, but look at It, make me un otter. W. G. Ure, 604 Bee bldg. RE-M719 9 OR SALE, a snap, a livery feed and sale stable, everything first piass. Will takv HfiH to swing the deal. Address Dr. T. H. Ensor, South Omaha, Neb. RE-727 16 BEFORE renting 3116 Mnrcy, will offer it once more for sale. The owner hiik bougnt cattle in Colorado and wants his money out of this house. It has 7 good-sized rooms, all new and modem, ready tt move into. The price at which It Is offered will make purchasers rent $15 per month, taxes nnd Insurance J5 more, making u total of J20 a month to own It. The house xwill rent for ?30 a month. C. F. HARRISON. 913 N. Y LIFE. RE-73J MEU1CAL,. LADIES. t'jJ reward for a case of sunnres. sion uiu ut. jacKsun s .uununy iieguiatur fans to eiievo in .'i nours; positively guaranteed; no trgot or pins, many saved irom suicnie: ineai saic nome treatment. Mall ii to Dr. Jackson. R. c sl4. 167 Dear- born St.. ChicHKO. 111. 230 11 DR. LE DUE'S French Female Regulator. positively warrantee, to relieve the most stubborn cases of monthly stoppages, Ir legularltlcs, obstructions anu suppres sions brought on from whatever abnormal or pathological cause: VI a packace. or i for M; sent anywhere prepaid on receipt I oi price. ine jmu urug wo., t-igin, in. American omcc, reiau, wnoiesaie, .Myers Dillon Drug oC, Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omann; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of legitimate rubber goods. .SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, 370 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, iicu UiUg. 0(1 NEB. Business &. Shorthand College, Boyd's xncater. mt; GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. f-nl ie ii..r. C0l 16 & Doug ADVEU'IISING I'A.NS ADVS. FANS. Burkiey Ptg. Co., Omaha. M477 CUTLERY GRLNDI.NO METZER & PLEIN. cutlery grinders; lawn ir.owers a specialty, iciepnone ;t. inn and Douglas. " 131 11 IIYGIi:.NIC"fl.lT!l9. i at. FOR ladies only, hyglcnic'baths. with mas- v.v ...u.a vi, ij . iijiLtiiv ntui limp sage and electric tre'atrrfent, under direc tion of Mrs. T. Schonrmer, graduate mas seuse, formerly :of "The Bathery." 16J3 Louglas St. Tel. 2133. Open evenings by engagement. aiavi .Mil GARBAGE HAULING. ANTIMONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and deed animals at reduced prices. K.l 16th. Tel. 1779. M23I M27 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel, 1664; Alice Johnson. D. O.. ladles' dept. Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst. Mgr. , 24 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tcl.1367 tit LOST, LOST, pocketbook containing several rail- Hnklnt houe furtil way annual passes, the Under will be re- "?uVKe and ilxture" warded by leaving at The Bee oHlc. ""Peal esta e Lost 731 9 SCREEN' DCORS. Windows, etc. G. C. Co., 1519 Leav. Tel. 2529. 1!5 JZ STAMMERING AMI STUTTER I.NG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. Ui I SHOE REPAIRING. SOLES. 40c: rubber heels and soles. 75e. Neb. llcpair uo .17 s. iutn. joe ruione, j'rop. 1U Mil TAILORING. nrx t't-TT? rRN'T saveil: hlch-elnsH Inllnrini? I..... . as ne v nnnpn .1 iirnMAririi it, Farnam st. -MSS3 M23 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION ideating, cheapest, best. nnlrbnal Mrs. A. I . MarK. S. K. Cor. ITIli .1 T..-Hn.. 1-c ailtl j-ainaiii, uiu PARQl'ETRY FLOORS. FRANK SEVICK makes a specialty of all kinds hard wood Moorlr ng nno parquetry. Mv nrlces are richt. 19l4 Oak St. 650 M19 CARPENTERS AND JOIII1ERS. A.LL kinds of carpenter work and repairing pr iiromptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Mth and lake Sts. 370 FlillNITl MB RKPAIItl.N'G, TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklin, 2111 Cuming St. 37S K X V KRT A C C H.NTA NT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, R. 13, com. -Nat. uaiik. u. u, iiajninin. BOILER .MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stneks. etc. Tel. 1359. 12th & Izard Sts. 4i9 PATENTS. PATENTS, no fee unless successful.' Sues AV Co., Bet- Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Advice free -15S JulS LAI NHRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs. 4c. 1750 Leavenworth, Tel. 547. 2S2 TICKET BROKER, CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. rhll bin. 1505 Farnarr.. Tel. 7!S. I.AWX MOWERS REPAIRED. IS YOUR lawn mower In good repair? it not send it to Novelty Iron and Brass Works. 417 S. 10th. Phone. 13S0. ELOCUTION, ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge St. -577 M22' lift I LRU. SECOND - HAND blcvclcs at i price, must h.ive the room fnr "new ones; good wheels for U wnd up. It will pay you to Invest now. wheels sold on payments l.uls Kleschcr. 1622 Capitol Ave. MJflU - t imioi.s ixi. GLOBE COCCHCoTlSlTLeiTv-th. Tel. K. 351 PAWMlllOKEItS. EAGLE loan Oirice. reliable, accommodat ing, nil business confidential. 1301 Douglas. IM.KIMi l.tlll4. '4mahn and LltU'iin Neb . arc the Talking JitttXtt4t Machine headquarters MMtfjrj for tnr rt,tir(. west, pjrfiBBM carryltiE the most cofi pletc lltii of latest rei ords, V hen you fall elsewhere, call, or send your mall orders to js. At TO.MOHII.l. Pioneers nnd Prime fiiZS.' Promoters of the Horie J ftt&fttt. If" Vehicle Itidusfy Don't fall to visit cur snle niiiorlums at Omaha nr Lln oln See our most wondiv fill machines In operation Ladles partb-u-Inrly Invited to learn how simple the art of CHAUFFEUR renlly l Onlaha phone 1955 Lincoln phone in ll.X.NK !TATF.Mi:.NT. No. 2773 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MIRU'll IMS' .NATIONAL HAMv at Omaha In the slAte of Nebraska nt the close of business, April 24, Iwl: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. Overdrafts, secured ami unsecured J1.7.W.673.4S 13.432.2S ,V,(W.ll iow-w.oo U. S. bonds to secure circulation I'. S. bonds to secure U. S. deiioslts Premiums and U. S. bond 7.W0 Stocks, securities, etc. Banking house, furni 231.J3.77 ture and fixtures Due from national banks (not reserve agentsi J 111,129.40 Due from state bank and bankers... 41,410.43 So?,S74:20 332.93 2,64S.S3 7S.373.7S 42,,O5.0.t 1,010.63 iuc iroin aiqrocu le serve agents Internal revenue stamns ... Checks and other cash Items E.xcnanges lor clear ing house Nntea of other na tional hanks Fractional pnper cur rency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve m bank, vi Specie 9.',57.00 ,..i.C0 1,129,161.76 Legal tender notes.. Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).., 6,3.lO 3.M,fi31.29 J '.VO.0O0.M lW.'JO.W 16,210.17 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In.. Hurpiux mnci Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National banknotes outstanding Due to other national banks i 755.S39.CS Duo to state banks 150,(t.W anu Danacrs on,,uiav ij, ,D trut com. panles and savings banks 29,393.05 Individual deposits subject to check.. 1.353.1S3.04 Demand certificates of Ccposlt .".'.evi.w Time certlllcatcs of deposit Oertltled checks 2,051.f) Cashiers checks out standing United States deposits K2.2 13.23 93,('.0.l"- 3,133,141 12 rr-..... I tn Cfifl r.t, Xi iUiill j. . u,t...','w.a State ot .NeorasKa, i.ounty oi uougias, ss. I. l.tither Drake, cashier of the above. named bank, do solemnly swear that ths above statement is truo to tne uesi or my knowledge and belief LUTHER DRAKE. Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this ,th day of May, 1901. X. jiniuiu.u,,. Notary Public. Correct Attest; FRANK MURPHY, REN R. WOOD. F. T. HAMILTON. Directors. Nn. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE OMAHA .NATIONAL IIA.NK At Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, at the c ose or business, April .t. itoi; RESOURCES. 8venrraft secured ud imsecjred . . tt. R. bonds to secure Loans and discounts J3.669.996.79 25,931.99 U. S. bonds to secure circulation Cno.Cmo.OO 440,000. CO 500.0) U. S. bonds lo secure V. S. deposits U. S. bonds on hand.. Premiums on r. a. bonds so,fy.oo 200,045.30 "l,0fiO.C) Stocks, securities, etc. Other rea owned 115,5..31 Due from national banks (not reserve neentsl 967. Si 1. 51 Due from state banks nnd hankers 517.207.63 tu fmm nnnroved re serve agents'a.w internal revenue stamps I,i6,.w Checks a n d otner cash Items Exchanges for clear- lnc house in, ifti.-w Notes of other na tional banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickcis ana cents I.2S6.32 Lawful money reserve In bank, viz.: Specie J5S4.S3O.0O legal tjuider notes jio,p-u."v ew,iiii"A"i j,"oi,ui,.pa 7 i T? nntnni inn iunu vwin L. .5. IlcftBUO'l la ci cent of clrcUlatlof)).. 30,000.00 TOta' LIABILITIES. JS511.2O0.13 Jl,frt.0ft0.00 Capital stock paid In. SnrnlUS Hind I J..I.1,.H nrnllfB Ipsa iw.wmv l iiiiii" i' expenses aim taxes mild ,,,,,,, K546.95 National banknotes outstanniiig eno.toj.oo Duo to other national nanus .r.,w,j,.sa.ia rum io state banks t.nd bankers 1,50S,S1.1S Due to trust com- Eanie nnd savings atlks 130,369.97 Individual deposits SUDlect to cnrcK l,Dli,l.o.?t Demand certificates of tlfiioslt 74.91 352,.0-. 1.9i$.35 202.t76.Sfl 216,656.6) Time eertltlcates of deposit . Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing . Cnlted States deposits Deposits of U. b. dis bursing officers 193,160.36- 6.721.553.1S Tolnl Ja.511.200.13 Stale of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss.: t William Wallace, cashier of the alov- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above Maii'innn. m nut w ine uesi ut my know edge anu neuei. WILLIAM WALLACE. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day oi .May, iwuj. lit, irr4Vl.- T-!.'T. 1 l. IV liJ 11', Notary Public. Cure, t -Attest: J II. MILLARD. GUY C. BARTON. N. W. WELLS, Directors. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ishould be read DAILY by all lntereited as cnangca, uij uttur ui "11 ume;. Korelcn malls for the week endlnc Mav 11.1901. will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) nt tne Kenriui iiuaiuinuu us iiiiiuwb: 1 a 11- CELS POST MAILS closo one hour earlier than closing time shown belo Parcels post mans ior uermany close at a 11, m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than Closing time snown onow, Trans-A t Innilc MnlU TUESDAY At 7 a, m. for ITALY, per r. s WertH. via .-apies iman musv oe ie dlrctcd EUROPE, "per . s. werra- ). WEDNESDAY At 0:30 a. tn. for tier fc S, M aui, via pouinninpion; hib.i tn; uiuumij ""nrm a m (supplementary 10 it m.i for prentices, third class, age, 15 to L. J9, ma- EUROPE, per s, s. Oermanle, via Queens- hlnlts, first class, ug 21 to 3a. 13.5. nia- town, at 10 a. m. (or BELGIUM direct, chlnltts, tecond class, age 21 to 35, JtO; hos- i'0! rtri'n h otm i; per s s Iriesland im.ili mist lie rtlfi te-1 inr s s. Krleslnnd 1 TllI'ltSDAY At i. a m fnr El'llni'E. I per s s. Kuerst Ulmar. k. t la Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg ftnull for Kratn-e. Switzerland. Ital. Spain. IV.rt i-, Prlesland im.ili mist be dlfi tfl TurkeS. Kg M. Gneee. British India nnd l.nrenzo Marquez must be directed "per s s. Fuerst Bismarck' 1. nt 7 a m for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. HR1T1PH INDIA and LO RENZO MARQUEZ. per s La Cham pagne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "iwr s. s. Ln Champagne 1; at 9.30 a m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s s. Vlnrrnzn Florlo (mall for Italy mut be directed "ier s. s. Vln cenzo Florlo j. SATURDAY-At 7:30 a in for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s Maiisdam im.ul must be directed "per s. s Mansdatn l; at 7:30 n. m. (supplementary 9 a. ni ) tnr EUROPE, per s. s. Ktrurla, via Que ens town; at a tn. for ITALY, per s s Travr. via Naples (mall must be direct d "per x. s. Trnve ". at 10 a m. for SCOT LAND dlrrct. per s. s. Furtiesslu imall must be directed "per s. s. Furnesslu". PRINTED MATTER, fTlC.-Thls steamer takes I'rlnled Mailer, uommcrcini l'apers iiml Samples for Germany only. The sinie class of mall mailer for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this uhlp ntilcis stM'Clallv directed bv her. After the closing of the Supplementary Tinns-Atlantle .Mans iihiikmi auove, ad ditional supplementary malls arc opened on tho plcts of the American, English, French and German sieftmers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes cf tnc nour 01 sailing 01 steamer. MnlU for South nnil Central AniPiien, West Itirilr. Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 n m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m 1 for central a.mkrica w rept Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. City of aslilngtoti, vln Colon (mall for Guatemala nust be dlri-cled "per s. s City of Washington "1, nt 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINI DAD, per s s. Ranald, nt 6:."i p. tn. for JAMAICA, per s. 3. Admiral Dewey, from Boston, nt II p. tn. for JAMAICA, pore. s. Urania, from Phllndelphla. WEDNESDAY-At 10 a. m. for INAGI'A and HAITI, per f s. Mount Vernmi; at n. m for YUCATAN. i r s s. G illd- hall (mull must be directed "per s, s. 1 GillldhnU"!. at 12 in. for CUBA. Yl'i'V TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI -PAS, per s. s. Espcranza, via Hrvatia ml Progreso (mall for oilier parts of Mexi.j must be directed "per s. s. Esperon!a"t; at 12 m. for NORTHERN URA.1L, per s.-s. Hlldebrand. THURSDAY-At 7 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria, at 12 111. (sopplenien iarv 12:30 p. m.) for NASSAU. GUANTA NAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. San tiago; at i5.30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Sampson, from Boston FRIDAY At 12 m for MEXICO, per s. s Seneca, via TamplCo (mall must be directed "per s. s. Senecn "). SATURDAY At 6 a. in. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per i. f. Flaxmau: at 9 n. m. lor PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponee, -.In 8an Juan; tit 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Marncalbo (mall for Savnnllla and Cnrthagenn must bo directed "per s. s. Maracaibo"); at 10 n in tor CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.i for FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. HA VA NILLA, CARTHAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany' ); at 10:30 a. m. for YUCATAN, tier s. s. Ravensdale, via Progreso; nl 4 p. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Haddonhall. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydnev, anu incnce uy bicuiiht, close at this otnee daily nt 6:30 p. m.. connecting I.nm A..n-v Vfln,ln v nfw1 Saturdav. Malls for Mlquclon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close nt this office dally at C.30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., nnd thenco by steamer, close at this otllce dallv, except Monday, at ,6 a. m, (the rnnneetlnc closes are on bunday. edncs day and Friday). Malls lor Cuba, by -all to Miami, Fin., and thence by s tenner rinsn nt this ofllco every Monday pnd Friday at "ll p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at tnls of fice dally at 1:30 p. m. nnd 11 p. m. Molls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and , hrnro lie (steamer, eloso at this olllce dally at "1:30 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at u p. in. picvlous ,day. Trans-Pat-llli! Mull. MnlU for Hawaii, .lanan. China nnd Phil ippine islands, via snn jTancisco. cioso here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to .May "Sth. InnliiKlve. for dlsnatch ncr 8. S. Pom. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Tacoma, rlns. horn dallv nt 6:30 t). m. un to .Aiay . "li, inclusive, tor oispatcn per s, . tne Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to .May "ia fnr fllsnnfrli ner H. s. Maritiusa. Malls for Hawaii. China and Japan, via San Francisco, close Here tinny nt t, in. up to May "16, Inclusive, for dispatch per Malls fot Tahiti nnd Marquesas Islands. .... r V. , Hn h. nt P. ?A via oan riiiciic, ciupc itnr ,,ij ... p. m. up to May "IS, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Malls fot China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:30 p m. up to May "21. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Idzuml Maru (registered mall must be directed via Seattle. Malls for China and Japan, via an couver, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. fp to May "21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zculnnd, Fiji, Samoa and Haw-all, via San Francisco, closo here dally nt C:30 p. m. after May "4 nnd up to May "23, inclusive, or on arrival of s. a. I.ucanl.i, due at New York May "25, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except We3t Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at. 6:30 p. tn. up to May "25, Inclusive, lor dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supplemen tary malls, via Seattle, cioe at B'30 p. in. May 29). (Mall must be directed via Vancouver.) Trans-raclfic mails are forwarded to port of sailing dallv and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted ovcriano transit. Registered mall closes at 0 p. m. pre vious day, CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce. New York. N. Y . May 2. 1901. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled rroposals Wju ue at the oflce 0f the commissioner of public lands an,i buildings at Lincoln, NCti., until i. m. I .CM, rsw fits, nr tun llreproof building for the usylum for the chronic Insane at Hastings, Neb. Plans 0( ,ne commissioner of public lands and buildings, or at t'io oince oi tne superin tendent at tho asylum at Hastings, Neb., mul nt the otllce of Messrs. Bcrllnghof Ac Grant, architects, Beatrice, "cb., after the 6th day of May, 19ol. KAcn nronosai must oe Hueoini.aiiieu i.y good and sufficient bond in the cum of fe.O! made payable to tho state of Ne brnska in cas the bidder receiving the nu-nrri shall fall to execute a contract and furnish the bond as icqulred within ten days alter tne receipt oi notice oi tne ac rfnianrH ni 1110 ihu. l'rntiosaib' inav ue inauc iur inu entire work under one general contrnct. or for nnv one or tne nrancnes ot tnc Tvori; as riassitl.-d in the schedule. The Board oi fuuiic x-unus apci liuiioiugs reserves Lie right to reject any and all bids nhd waive oeiects. Commissioner of Public Lands and Build - i , r.i i ill r. lj. I' Lincoln. Neb.. April SO. 1901. Anniinl MprtliiK. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Fremont. Elkhqrn Missouri alley Railroad company will be held at the utllce o ftho company In Omaha. Neb., on ITlday, May 17, UJl. Ill l o ciock in-. i"i iu,. nt llrr.Kinr. nml Ihe transaction Of such other business as may fmfI.,;?.f?K ,he meeting. - " """o.V.ViV.. OtH lHli NOTICE t v,r,,. 1 Ma ,!(.. snlil in Hiich AS. Wil liams the Interest of George II, f)"'; Bolter vorlls. Drake. Wilson AV Williams. nronrletors, tie to bmuiiii- uuu an na billiles of said deceased's portion In said buslnei-F. iAiir.i.L,ti ijkajvi-., 1 . .rzi Mil I A rii i,in.iness of said firm will bo carried on under tho same name as heretofore, on unoer UVGII '. WILLIAMS. Omaha. Neb. May 4, 1901. M-S-ll-21-2aM tiOVERN.MENT NOTICES. MUX WANTED FOR THE U. S. NAVY Landsmen for training as seamen, age IS 23, J16 tier month, landsmen for yeornen, age IS to 2a (J30 p?r mouth upon appointment as yeomen third class); seamen, age 21 to S&, I UO i:it4lt:T ITI4 R. I Mia! apprr i.f.i . . 1 $ hol!jl sppr.niur' m i in;s shipwrights, a. : t.. '.. J, e- ei r, ,r s seeomt . ag. 21 t .v. I0. ele tt i li;ii, third . Uss. ., :i t. .;, W. lopporsmiths. "f" ;1 tu :. Catididates tiiurt pass a Jl ' examination show lug them to le pprnthe t,i t ln;s age Jl t. i." , jree Irum Rsq iaiit mg ailments, and c irpi uinnsmi ii ami .ii'i'tcniu i s, nn cxaini nation showing them to be qualified for their ratltifte, l.imlMmti and appietittces tlm PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ONLY. The term of otillsim: ' Is four vears. A BONUS OF FOUR .MONTHS PAY and an A DDI TION OF Jl 4 Tn THE MONTHLY PAY Tor eaih rt-ttillslincut within four monllm on honorable dls, b.irgi RATIONS. MEDt C IN liS AND MKDM'AL ATTENDA NC ' ' JiJHlYT.'.?- I rlylU-Rf of RETIREMENT ON THREE-QUARTERS iy llfter 30 vear' 'f.'J K. ;!:1fJ..,rtl Americans isie-M;;.1.;.,.'.ANTKn- wh" enjoy E.. V.,?tT.0?;Uf4,UUu.U.TJ'N,TI,':s I O" AD VANCEMENT TO PETTY OFFICERS by the early completion or a number of largn shli. A recruiting otllce will be upeti'd at Rooms ..13 and 314 AlcCagvie bldg . l.Mh and Dtdge sts. Omaha. Ntb, front May Ml, In-eluslt-e. !'.!. -M5-11..M OFFICE CONSTRUCTING UUARTKR jmaMer. rort Leaveiiwnrth. Kansas, April 20. ii -Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be tei'elt.-d here until II 11. m . ctntrnt time. May lo. Ifkii. for constructing additions In and alterations In three Cavalry Barrack Buildings tin hilling plumbing and steam heating, hi this hisi. Information ftir lilshiMi 011 Hpptleatlou here, or at otllco De. pot Quartermaster. Omaha U S. resrs right to a.eepl or rejei t any or all pro-110H.I-. or any part thereor Envelopes to be endorsed. I'rono.nU for nriilltlon. nnA alteratliins t,. public Buildings, ' addressed D L. McCarthv. Q M. A2 1-23-21 M.-PM RAILWAY GUIDE. l.MO.N STATION IOTII Xfi MAIICV, t nlon I'nrllle. Leave Arrive a s .iv am a 7 30 pm a :30 am a S S pm a1l:33 pm a 4.23 pm .1111.11 nm n n-.V nni Overland Limited Fust Mall . Mail and Exnrrss Colorado Special . Lliicoln-Stromsberg Ex b 4:03 pm bU.30 pm Paiifli Atlantic Ex . 11 4: it nm n i',:!j) 11m Grand Island Local. b 5:3') pm h 9:33 nm Clileiiuo A Niirtlivtesirrn. Chicago Special. . Chlcxgo Passenger.. n 7,-) am nll:30 jmt .a -t .t'i put it S140 am .np'i.Vi ain a-4:3 pni n 4.M pm 4 ;o5 pm h 2:45pni n 7:45 pm a b:o0 am r.sierii l.xpriv.". . .. Eastern Snoclal . . . Fast Mall OmahH-Chlcago l.'t'd rMst .mi .11 a:au am Cedar Rapids Passenger a ..;30 pm Mini ( My A I'nrllle. Twin City Express n 6:53 am nl0;23 pm iwitifit Limited a 7..V) pm a S;1A am Moux City i,ocal . .. . S:) am a 3.50 pm 4 lileiiwii, MllnnilUrr .V St. Pntll. Chicago Limited a tltoOpm n R:i nm t ineiigo At Omaha Ex..h 7.15 am b 3M0 pin Illinois Oitlrnl. Chlcaga Express a ":() nm n 6:10 pm i.nieagn, .Minneapolis Ai St. Paul Limited.. a 7.43 pm a R:(C am Minneapolis fit St. Paul i-.vpress b 7:01 nm b 9:40 pm l ort Dodge Local, from Council Bluffs b 1:50 pm ti S 15 am Fort Dodge Local, from council Bums a 6.00 nm ( llli'iiuo, Muck Island .V '11 el lie. Des Moines & Daven port Local n 7:25 am hll:.A nm Chicago Express bll:l3 am a s:lo am Des .Moines Local a 4:2n pm a l;43 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a &:(! pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines. Rock Island ft Chicago a 7:40 pm a 9:35 pm Lincoln. Colo Springs Denver. Pueblo nnd West a 1:30 nm a 4.15 tim Colorado. Oklahoma and Texti3 Flyer a 3:20 pm a 9:50 am .MlNMiitrl I 'lie I tie. St. LouN Express nl0:0O am n C.25 pm K. C. k St. L. Express. .nl0:50 pm a 6:15 am Omnlin A St, I. onto. St. Louis "Cannon Rnll"a5:15 pm a S:20 nm Kansas City & Qulney Local u ":00 am n 9:00 pm With nub. St. Ixuls "Cannon Ball" Express a 3:13 pm a S:20 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. IH'HLl.NGTON' STATION JOTII A MA SO Chicago, Burlington A- tulnc-. Leave. Arrive Chicago Special a 7:oo nm nl0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:M pm n 7:43 am Chlcngo Local a 9:3o nrfi a-4!05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:41 am Fast Mnll 11 2:45 m nnrllnKlnn A- MUnnuM.lilvpr.' Nehrnska & Colorndo Express., a a 7:33 pm Wymore. Beatrlco AV Lincoln a, K:40 nm bll:3.i am Denver Limited a 4:23 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills A Puget Sound. Denver Con- ncctlon . n 9:00 pm n 6:43 am Lincoln t-ast .Man o a:wiim n, 'Jill nm Fort Crook and Plntts- moulh b 3:20 pm bll:CS am Bellevuc AV I'aclllc Jct..n 7:40 pm a S:20 am Rellevuo & I'nclfic Jet .ul2:IO am Knnsns City, St. .Inseph A Connell IIIiiITk. Kansas City Day Ex...n 9:20 am a fi:23 pm Kansas City Nlgnt Ex..al0:.'iO pm n 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm nll:15 am n Dally, b Dally except Sunday. AVERSTER DEPOT KITH A WEHSTER. Chleneo, SI. Olllllllll. Pntll, MlnnenpntU A- Twin City Passenger n 6:00 am n 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... n 2:45 pm all:10 am- Emerson Local ....b 5:30 pm b S:30 nm Mlmnmirl I'm'lllr. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping- AVater b 4:10 pm alOMS nm I'rt'inont, Elkliorn A .Mlssnnrl Vnlley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood. Hot Springs n 3:00 pm n5:00pm- Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3.00 pm c 5:00 pm Hastings. York, David City, Superior, Geneva. Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln nnd Fremont b 7:30 am hl0:23 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am ii Dsilv. b Dallv oxcent Sunday, c Sun day only d Dally except Saturday e Dally 'excent Monday. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Street, Broadw.y and 5th Ave., New York European Plan Absolutely Fireproof In the centre of the shopplnr ind tbeatrt district A Mo-lfin l;liit- 1m Hotel CoirplMs In ill In ippoltil. innti. TumUhtrr. nl decortllom newllimuphtut. Aceom. mo.tAtt'.vi, ft f "d ru-i't 150 ult-i wtth tUi. Hut tni wU tct i4ir'rvtion In e,y raa.-i. Culwne noeue'.l!. GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop. KIND-HEARTED MR. M0RIARTY lie Entertnl;is n StrHiidril Strnnffrr Who I'ror tn Rp nn IiiKrnte. John Morlarty. a teamster living at Four teenth and Leavenworth stre6ts. told the police yesterday morning how he had been made tho victim rf misplaced confidence. He said that when aolng home Monday night he was accosted by a stranger. loughly dressed, who told such a harrowing tale of woo that he took him to his home. There he fitted the stranger with an almost new suit of clothing nnd provided him with sleeping accommodations for the night. During the evening the two men chatted nnd when the strauger said ho was dry Morlnrty sent out for beer. They agreed to remain friends and nflcr an exchange of courtesies both retired for the night. Yesterday morning when Morlarty awoko ho discovered his newly found friend had vaulshcd nnd that with him had gone tbe clothing, several dollars of money and a few miscellaneous articles of minor value. He communicated his loss to the police and on his complaint James Benson was ar rested. Morlarty identified the man and got hack hit) property. ill rent of Lyiii'lilnu. WICHITA. Kan.. Mny 7 -Frank iiark has been brought to Wichita by the Hherlft of Sumner county He was In ,1nll tnern charged with sault on his 1 year-old sister, and threats of lynching caused hla transfer to tho Jail in this connty - to