10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Strii m Highir Cabin and Light IWrthwiitirn Riciipti. CORN EASIER AND CLOIES LOWER Ouls Sternly t mlrr I'nlr KlilpnliiK niul Cletntur Dcinniiil I'rovlsloiia Uull nnil .Vnrr, lint I'lrni mi tush 1'osltlun. CHICAGO. May T.-Wheat ruled fairly' active and Mrm today, July closing SV nnd May lc higher. July corn ,fv(l Jit lower nnil tho May delivery l',7c li'"Sf July oats closed Uc up nnd provisions iz to Improved. . Wheat showed most of Its udvntiie m l c start on Higher cubic h and Ik it Mtltt' western ri ceiptH and tlio remainder of the dn v hh content with holding J, " opened i to higher nt " i11.1 under u general dermiiul touched ,i'a-W. Kor ii limn the demiiml foociuiw smml und scattered, icnllzlng on .'tmill lota, cnwetl n reaction to 72V. Mb nil eleiira ire h ami fjmpnthy with tlio somewhat nyl',V""H HttcriRtri of the Mn delivery ouiiscd u slurp recovciy to 73?73ic later Later another dip to WiWic occurred., but lh j wa ll; lowed by a leeovery to 7JTc ami tho close wns firm, WW higher, at TiflM!.'. Alny old between 72Al7l'c nnd r osed 1c up at 73Ue. The bulge In this option was cred ited to tho anxiety or eastern Hports over the prolonged hike bloekndc nnil the en gineers' strike. Iteports had thirty loads taken, Clearances In whom , nnd Hour were emial to Mlno bushels, while primary ie celpts were 370,Mfl bushels, compared with ii.iVmi i...Bi,.,iu l-.ut venr. Minneapolis nnd Du'luth reported 111 cars against 231 last tl,, .....I !-. .. vnnr nun. SiCH receipt .V..'ini ,.r rniilrnet erode Urnrt t-lreot's report showed a decrenso of 6,B0,W 1 . .tin ...firl .1 'u l,IMrt llllltllt'ia 111 iiiu Corn was quiet and generally snowed an ciuler undertone This was due to the In- MKciiuhil nrnnnalll111 nt Nil. 1 POTTl 111 11)0 receipt. Phillips nllowed the market for .May to tuko care of Itself, and Inasmuch as he rnmcM near to being the whole market hhnseir, little was uone. juiy was m. .. .i.t..n .inrinc ttiA tnrennnn hv the bears. but In tho absence of nny weakness In the rallKB or longs, tne nci'Iiiio wan nm mv!, Um. ALitntnin nf cmnllnr rerelnts tomor. row caused covering by shorts under whlrh .if ihn ,irlln. wax recovered. I'lill llps has ordeied 1,(j0. bushels of his lino of corn out of elevators for shipment east. Julv sold between IHi and 4e. and closed c lower at Itp mc. May rangm 6ni and 52Jic and closed Use up at Wic ItecelptH wero t'M cars, eighty of contract BOatH were, quiet, hut steady, while there was mnderato selling by commission houses, there wan also a fair shipping demand and continuation of the demand from elevator eoncorns, July (.old between ZVill nnd closed ic higher at Win. Ilecclpts wero 311 curs. . . PiuvUlons wero dull and the price range JiArrow, but nrmness iirevalled brcnuse or tho strength of tho cash position. July pork c.'oscd Viio higher nt I5.02'.J. July lard 2'jo up. and July ribs 2V4c Improved, at i.S2Uit7.M. Estimated receipts: Wheat, seventy cars; coin, 24) cars: oats, HO cars; hogs, al.Wi l'ead. , , ,, Tho leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlelos.l Opcn.l High. I Low. Closo.l Ycs'y. Wheat .May July C-rn-May July Sept. Oftts May July riept. I'ork May July I.arrl May July Sept. ISIbs May July Sept. 72 74 72Hrff- 72 Rl r.2n tOH Wit 4 45(4 4d"! 43 4ITd SSi; 2SU 2S 2ii 2Gi tttt 2(,'A 24?i&T; Si 214 14 R5 14 !o It S3 11 95 15 05 11 93 s mi 05 s oo 7 97a 00 7 9'H 8 00 S 00 7 97'A S 10 R 15 S 10 7 92H 7 95 7 924 7 S7H 7 92!, 7 S7h 73' i. 72fiH 62i 51 2SV. 281 1 26V I'fiVj 24'5 21t 14 90 14 5 15 II !)5 S 02 S ) 7 97Vs 7 !iS 7 97W 7 95 S 124 S 07'i 7 95 7 HlVi 7 90 7 ST,-, No. 2. i'imIi nuotatlons were ns follows I'l.Ol'it-Steady; whiter patents, W.ROfJ 8 90: straights. $3.1H3 70i clear, $2.6053.40; spring specials. $3. 10: patent, $3.43tXM); mrnlirlits. J3.wrt3.20: bakers. Jl.90fif2.60. WHKAT No. 3 spring. 70T'872Hc; No. 2 red. 72Sff74r. CORN No. 2, 57c; No. 2 yellow, bOi OATS-No. 2. ai.i(2S',4c; No. 2 white, 29ic; No. 3 white, 2SVffl30c. RYE No. 2. MS 54c. nAItl.HY Kalr to choice malting. 4M?oflc. HKBDS No. 1 tlax, !.; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.67; prune timotny, i.io; ciover, con trant crade. llO.OOMlO.riO. PnOVlSIONS-MesM pork, per bbl I14.90ffl 11.95. Lard, per 100 lbs.. S.fti8.074. Short ribs Hides (loose). S.(nVfi8.20. Dry salted shouldera (boxed). 6.i7V40.12!a. Short clear sides (boxed). S.25'fl8.37H. WHISKY Hasls of high wines. $1.20. Following arc the receipts and shipments lor toua ; Receipts. Shipments Fln'.ir. bbls.... Wheat, bu .., Corn, bu Oats, bu Hy. bu . ... Ilil.HV) 23.000 . ... M.Oui 17n.lVK .... 3S,() 2f0,l0 ....321,(M 291,000 . ... R.I! l.Wrt isaricy, nu.. 18.(HX) 1,000 On the Produce exchange today tho but to. film nv-. .i.rnfi . t. j , v. v iitc . .1. iidioli dairies. llfillj Cheese, dull, 9ftllc. liggs, wena; ircsu, Jiijc. Kiiv vuitif ni;.KitAi. .mahkict. CiuotattoiK of (lie liny on Vnrloiia Conililfidlt Irs NEW YORK. Muy 7.-FI.OrR-Rccclpts, 7,135 bbls.; exports, 24,405 bbls.: steady and active: winter patents, J3.60fi3.55; winter Btra gilts. I3..l3.&.i: winter extras. 25; Minnesota bakers, J2.90Ti3.2.'); winter low graues, ri.Wi.w. nyo Hour, steady fair to gooil, $2.Sj''n3.20.; choice to fancy .1.;.Vfl.!.ll. rORNMKAI. Quiet; yellow western, 97c city. 97c; Ilrandywlne, J2.454t2.55. HYE-Easy; No, 2 western, bJ'ac, afloat; state, oo'dooc, c. 1, r., isew vorK cariois. BARLEY Dull: feeding. 4ftii48i4o: e. 1 f, New York: malting, 62jf70e. 0. I. f. New haiu.i'.y haij-duii: western, riijjfii'c. WHEAT Recelnts. 72.20 bu.: exnorts. 39. (v4l bushels; spot, Ilrm; No. 2 red. MHc. f. o. b., nfloat: No. 2 red, 82c, elevator: No, 1 northern uiuuth, sic, r. o. 11., nlloal; (now) No. 1 hard. Duluth. :c. t. it. 1. ulloat. Options opened Ilrm and higher on eablo news, being later sustained by reports of French crop damage anil a strong 1'nrls advance foreign buying, local covering and cold weather In tho northwest. Closed tlrm at "ifrtic net advance. May, 817fii2He, closed nt SlTic; July, 7hf(79 l-16c, closed at 79c; September, 76 ll-ltf77 ll-16c. closed at 77c. CORN Receipts, 118,000 hu,, exports 43.000 tin r vinnt ilnll xn " .rLtl'.n i,lni.il,ip .....I M'4e f. o. b.. atloat. Ontlon'mnrket nnnne.i steady with wheat, but turned weak tinder lbiuldatlon. Impelled by largo receipts at Chicago, at small export demand and light seaooani clearances, uioseu weax at a partial Uc net decline. May. 62Vfi52'..e. rinsed at 52Hc. July. 60JiffiOHe. closed at 50Vc: September. 491i49iic. closed at 49,r OATS RecelptH, 72,0uO bu,, exports 31I.S1B bu.. sunt. Ilrm. No. y. Miie? 'n :t rte 2 white. r3V4fi3lc: No. 3 white, .'fae: IrnrU mixed western, 32Hti3le, track white, 33W 37!ic. Options slow and barely steady with euro. HA-yuiri; snipping, 75fS0c; good to Clioice. vjiovmc. llUl'H uiiiet; state, common to choice 1900 crop. 174J2UO; IhW crop, H15c: old olds' S'ifvc; racinu coast, woo crop, lBfjl9c; H93 uii. iiimi, 'tvi uiur, DC, IIIDES-Flrm. Galveston, 2o to : He: California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c: 24 to 30 lbs.. 14144c ' ' lbs ISHc Texas dry. 2 LE ATI KH-Steady : hemlock ni,i in iifitv v wiKiiin. .tui.i:: min ":iLir.rii... TALLOW-Stcady; city (.' ,,Pr pkB.)', 4' uiinj. hih ni iruotiP I'ROVISIONS-Heef. quiet, fair family, Jio.50 fl 11,50; mess. J9 00(j 9,50; beef hams. J19.:.6ji) 21 50; packet. JlO.WOj 10.50; city, extra India nmt.. I14.00(fn6.U. Cut lllrals. Ktrn.l... t.i.i. lutt bellies. SUfllOUe: olckled Kliniil,l. '-'X. pickled hams. JlO.tHvjilo.W. i.ard, steady western steamed. JS.3.rfjS,10; rellned. quiet continent. s.55: South America. j:i."5-. n, imnnil. 16.75. Pork. Ilrm: fnmllv sic ttv.K iti.i'o; short eleurs, J15Wf17,tO; mess, Jis'sost in tin. RICE Stendy: domestic, fair to extra f.ifi6c; Julian, 4Hff4Tc. .MOLASSES wu let; New urieaus, open Ki'iiie, gnoii io cuoicc, J.unji.'. IH'TTKR -Receipts, 5,476 pkgs.: firm creaintry, I5(iil9c: factory, U5MJO. CHEESE Recelnts. 8.3So Pkgs.: steady fancy large colored. lOWe: fancy lari white, lOMflOUc: fancy small colored, lUjc rnuey sman wiute, ii'4c. EGOS Recelnts. 21.129 nkgs.: steady western regular packed, 13fi134u; storage western, io; Fouthwestcrn, imr.'Vji'. POULTRY Weak and unsettled: spring ciiicif n, wit pair, c'(,.u", iowis, uc; iiir ke s. Sc: dressed, steadily held. METALS The only feature of Importance developed today In either foreign or local circles was the tlrmuess noted In tin. Prices In Ixmdon were somewhat higher, cloying ilrm nt 119 5 on spot and 115 12s 6d, while here a rise of 12' points took place as tho result of good bidding, but holders were too far above buyers' views and In rnnxequcncii Utile business was executed The closo was nrmer at jiilistivb 20. The statistical poi linn, nevertheless, remit uf bearish aver overrunning the consumptivo demand, wniio copper values abroad reacten x.i wi to x:7u lor soot and J. To H-j for futures, the local situation lor that metal failed to vary trom Its narrow and listless condition, prices rullnu nominally as before quoted at 117 for Lnku Huperlor and 1S.U2H lor cast ing nna electrolytic ieaii was uncnangea both here nnd abroad. Spelter ruled quiet and about steady at old prices nt M.yS'al.ifl. iron was uiinoui special cnangc oi sig nlllcance, with n slow trade. Ulasgow war rants, als 70 ; Mlddlesborough, Ws art. omaiia wnoi,t:sAi,n 3aiikijts. Condition of Trade nnd Uuotntlulii of btnlilu mid I'nne) I'ruduoo. ECJUS-ltccolpts liberal; good stock, Ilrm at lwillc. 1,1 V ii I'OUM'ny-lIens, 8o: young and old roosters, i'a'iu; turKcys, 6a sc; ducks and geese, 7(fi7'ic. UUTTKIt-Common to fair, 10311c: choice, 12'(ll3c; separator, 2"jc. t'llESU KISll-IJluck bass, ISc: whlto bass, Hu, bliichsh, llu; bullheads. So; blue tills, 7c, buftiilos, 6c; cattish. 12c; cod. Sc; croppies, lUc; clscocs, 7c; halibut, 11c; her ring, tic; haddock. &c; mackerel, 15c; perch, bui pickerel, 'jc: pike, 11c; red snapper, lUc; sulnion, 11c, sunillali, 6c; smelts, ac; trout, Kc; whltcllsh, l.'c. IMUUuNH Live, per.doz., $1. VEAl.B-Uhotcc, D'UlUc. HAV 1'rlcen quoted uy Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upluiia, ILMt); No. 1 upland, lU.Su: medium, tll.W; course, Jlu.tio. ityo straw, JS.W. 'ihcao prices uru for hay ot good color and quality, De mand fair. Ilecclpts, IS cars. OATti No. - white, so. COKN No. J, 43c. UHA.N-J15. VEaiiTAULES. SI'INACU I'er bu. box, COc. ABI'AKAUL'H Native, per doz., 60&(jc. ltilLUAitil California, per lb., 2c. null ir.lvTb l'er uoz., Wc NliW CAUltuTo 1'or doz., oOc. NKW TUllNU'S-Per doa., COc. CLiuU.MUl.llS liothuusc, pur Uoz., LOO'S L7o, as to ulio. 1'AitSNll'h l'cr bu.. 40c. rutNJl'S l'er uu. basket, 6Co. UKKTS-l'er bu 40c CAHUUTtJ l'er bu., 40o. Lfcrrinjii l'cr uu., 35'd40c. HAUiallliri l'er uoz., iviliSOC l'AliaL.t;y l'er dot., 35c i'U l'ATOKS-l'cr bu., 6SS60C; Colorado, SOciDl.uO. SsriUH 1'OTATOHS-JJnrly Ohlos, 6SJ)o; HeU Klvcr Valley, l0c. aiVKL.T 1'UlAiULd l'cr bbl Jl.tO. CAbliAGli New California, 2Vic. 'loLiOii8 i' loriuu, par o-buskct crate, fancy, &J; choice, J2.7G; Mexicans, per 4 busket ciute, fl.'ib. ONIONH-Ohlo, per lb., 4Uc. L'AUl.ll'LOWKU Missouri, ncr crate. S2. HI.W N.'W Wnv. linr 1. till Jl.-oO'i.Wi string, tier 'A bu.. l.COfii.l0. liuu 1 i..i 1 l'er uu. iiux, j. 1'El'l'EltS l'er bu. box, I'EAS l'cr du., 2; per Va uu., Jc. CEL1SR1' Callfoinlu. vcr bunch, FKUITa. STRAWUEHRlEd Texas, per 24-qt. case, Jl.uO. Al'l'LES-Pcr bbl., 54.50; WashliiBton, per bu. tox, TROPICAL FRUITS. ilUANOES California seedllncs. 2.2ja Ur. navels. 12.00113.25. i.E.MUNs Cuiitornlu, extra fancy. $3.25: choice. JJ.w. UANANAS l'er bunch, acocrdlng to Mze, Jl.'itiCa2.'ii. l.'ius California, new cartons. 75c: layers. far- lmnorted. per lb 10iai2c. DATlia I'ersian, in o'-iu. ooxes, aairs, 00 ner lb. I tiaiioween, oyac per id. 1'tNE Al'l'LES l'er doz., Jl.75fj2.25, MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 2-1-scctlon case, J3.75. , , , . uiuiit l'er oui.. i.uv; ier nun uui.. NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 15c: III- belts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., l&)j2oc; raw peanuts, per lb., aitJhc; roasted, (Vic: llruzlla, Ijc; pecans, lui.., cocoanuts, each, 4',ac. HIDES No. I sreen, bc; no. i grcon, J1' . 1 anltifl A1i.n Vn. ! RIlltrtH. nU.nf N'n.'l vrnl rnlt. h tn 11! lbs.. 8c: No. 2 vea calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, fe'&l.'lc; sheep pelts, 2&if75c; norso niucs, ji.wu-.is- St. I.oals Grain nnd t'ro'lalons ST. LOUIS. Mav 7. WHEAT Higher: av. tt ii.il, cuaii, (ivtuiui, tiani , fit' 75c; May, 75c; July, 7v'alvw Septemutir, ?(4.1.n K ! fK,fr, I .1 CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 44ic; track, 4l(fjlSe: Mav. 44iie: Julv. 44t,l4'.4c. OATS Easy; No. 2 cash, 29c: track, 29Vac; May, 29c; July, 2Biic; no. 2 wnitc, aic, iiii.-riiiii ill uu FLOUR Dull: natents. 3.55(f3.75: extra fancy and straight. J3.15fI3.30; clear, J2.80 3.00. SEEDS Timothy, average receipts, iZ.tVA 3.D0; prime wortn more, coitNMEAi ateadv at HRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 70nc HAY Firm: timothy. J10.0O31I.00: prairie, J10.IJOW 11.60. , whisky steady, ii.au. IRON COTTONTlES-lO'ac DAOGING G',Wi7c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, stcadv: lobbing, J15.75. Lard, better, J7.95ff7.97. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts 18.37i.t : clear ribs. JS.50: clear sides. JS.62W Karon, steady, boxed lots, extra shorts, J9.12',4; clear ribs, J9.25; clear sides, J9.37V4. M ETA LS Lead, steady, J4.22W. Spelter, steady at w.NVj. I'UUilKY steady; cnicacns, i;c; kevs. B'ao: ducks, tic: geese. 4c. tur- Ill'TTER Steady; creamery, 15fJ19c dairy, 12;lhc. EGGS Steady. loVc. repacked nnd cases ineioiied. RECEIPTS Flour. 7.0XI bbls.: wheat. 52. 000 bu.: corn. 157.000 hu.: oats. 57.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls.; wheat 34,000 uu.; corn, las.ouu du.; oats, i(,uw du. Liverpool (Jrnlii mill Provisions. LIVERPOOL, May 7.-WIIEAT-Spot Steady; No. 2 red western winter, 5s lllfert no. l northern snring. us in: no. i uautor. nla. 6s d: July. 6s lOTid: September, 5s lOid. CORN Snot, dull: American mixed. i American mixed, old, 4s I'jd: features quiet: .May, nominal: Jiuy, 4s iio; sepicm per. 4s -vi. l'EAS Canadian, slendv. nt bs m. FLOl'R-St. Louis fancy winter, dull. Ss. HOPS At London. Pacmc coast, steady, at rtfuJ:! 15s. I'ROVISIONS Beef easy; extra inula mess, tils 3d. i'ork, steady: prime mess, western, 03s 3d. Lard, steady; American te Ilncd, In pnllti, 42s; prime western, In tierces, steady at lis 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 20 to 20 lbs., steady, 46s Oil; short ribs. 10 ribs. It; to 20 bs., Ilrm at 28 to 31 lbs.. steady, at 42s 3d. Long clear middles, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs.. steady, nt 40s 0t: short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., steady at 40s 3d; clear bellies, 14 to in ids., steady, at lost txi. snouiaers, square, 11 to 13 lbs,, steady, at 3Gs till. Hams, short cut. 14 to 10 lbs., Ilrm, at 45s 9d. HUTTER-Diill; tluest United States, SSs; good United States, COs. CHEESE-CJulet; American finest wnlte, 47s Cd: American Ilnent colored, ,46s. TALr.OW Prime city, stcadv. 25s: Aus- trnllan In London, quiet, 26s Gd, Receipts of wheat during past three days, 126,000 ccntnlE. all American. Receipts of American corn during Iho past three days, 91,600 centals. ('litiniM'N III Avnllnlilc Supplies. NEW YORK. Mav 7. Special rnhlo nnd telegraphic communications to UradstMJt's show the fallowing chances in available supplies from last account; WHEAT United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 3,333.000 bu. ; afloat tor nna in riurope, decreased 3,3w,wo nu,; total supply, decreased 6,613.000 bu. CORN United States and Canada, east of the Roekles, decreased 273,000 bu. OATS-Unlted States and Canada, cast of tho Rockies, decreased 191,000 bu, Among the more Important decreases re ported to llradstreet's are those of fiSO.imO bu. at northwestern Interior elevators, 420. ooo bu, at Chicago prlvato elevators, 159,000 hi. at Cleveland. 90,000 bu, nt Chattanooga, 1 nii lin i,t sit lriut,1i ?r, t., wi..ni peg and 50.(00 hu. at Kingston, Tho leading luerenses Include thoio of 123.0OO bu, at Depot Harbor and 63,000 bu. at Coteau. Knnsn CI I j' (irntn nn Prorlalona. KANSAS CITY. May 7. WHEAT May, 69Uc: July. 67,4c: casli. No. 2 hard. 70c; No. 3, (KfitSie; No. 2 red, 7lc; No. 3, (HftTOc. CORN May, 423i,'iil2Vic; July. IHlc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 43fj43ic; No. 2 white, 4Ujc; Nu. 3. He. OATS-No. 2 white, 30Crf31c. RYE No. 2. 5le. HAY-Cholco timothy, JIO.50fl11.oO; choice prairie. $10. UUTTER Creamery, Lc; dairy, fancy, EGGS Firm; freih Missouri and Kansas stock, lOo doz., loss olT, cases returned; new whltowood cases Included, Ho more. RECEIPTS Whont, 72,o0O bu,; corn, ll.M bu.: oats, 4.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Whcnt, 13,200 bit.; corn, 40, 800; outs, 27,0"0, Tnli'ilii Crnln nnil Seed. TOLEDO. Mav 7.-WIIEAT-Dull, higher; ranh and May, 75'4c: July. 7l3ic l.'ORN Dull, steady: cash and Slay, ISVae; July. I5VC. OATS-Actlvc, ilrm; cash, 2S'ac; May, 2Sc; July. 2ii"i', RYE fife. ci.OVF.jtSEP.n-Nothing doing; cash, prime, KjiHj October. J5.30. Peoiln Xlnrkrt. PEORIA, Mny 7,-CORN-Easlcr; No. 2. 431jC OATS-i:.nlef, No. 2 white. 2S3Jc, hilled through. WIUSKY-On the basis of J1.2S for fin ished goods. MIiiiiimiiiiIIx Vbrnl, l-'lmir mill llrnn. MINN'JAI'tM.IH Mn 7 WHEAT Mn . i3V:itJ!vv on truck, Nc. 1 hma, THE OMAHA DAILY TiEfc: "WEDNESDAY, 6c. No. 1 northern, 71c, No, 2 northern, 01)71lr LOPR-Flrst natents. J3.95MI.OTi. second patents, J.1.75fJ3.STi, first clears, J3.05aJ.15; second clears. J2.lofI2.I0. JJUAN in bUlk, I12.li' 12.2.1. MlUinuUee (Jrnln Market. MILWAUKEE. May 7. WHEAT Firm: No. 1 northern, 74'sti754c; No, 2 northern, ill k steady; .o, 1. onayojc. II A RLE Y Steady; No. 2. 67fj57V4: sample, 40053c. JIOVIJ.MK.XT.S l. ST4ICKS AM) IIO.MJS. Mtock .Mnrkpt HIiikch Aliunst Entirely t pun .Xorlheru I'nelllc. NEW YORK. Mav 7. Today's stock mar ket hinged almost entirely on Northern Pa cific. Tho extraordinary demand for th it stock continued. As tho day drew toward the closo rumors began to gain currency time tne enomous demand for this stock for the last two dnvs was the result of a desperate effort to gain control on the part or insiders, 'i no supposition is that tno re cent effort to secure control of Union I'n elllc led to a retaliatory movement on tho Fan 01 111c capitalists wno control i nnu 'uclflc to embarrass the Northern I'nelllc Interests with an enforced contest In main tain tneir control. The success or the plan must bo admitted. If such a strugglo is really the cause of the buying In Northern Pacltlc. The appearances rather went to show that tho i-hort Interest was among the Insiders, Tho presumptions which might flow from the fact of such a struggle between creat croiins of catiltiillsts .lad 11 chilling effect on tho whole speculation. For on (1 tning 11 would point to a state nt in dlctlveness between Interests which have been supposed to be working In accord. In stead of progress In a community of Inter ests 11 would point to a growtn ot a gigan tic rivalry, with resultant nower of com. petition exceeding anything In the rallro.nl wars of tho past. There wero fears of col lapso to follow tho volatile rise In Northern Pacific which would unfavorably nffect tie whole stock market. Renorts that the preferred slock was to havo tho option of exchange with tho com mon stock nnu so doing nwny with its nrlcr claims sent Northern I'nelllc nrn. ferred un over 10 nollits. Canadian Pnpltlp. continued Its ndvauco on the theory thnt Its prospcciivo control uy ixortnern rncilio f ave mo latter stock lis strength, union 'aclflc With run till to 1301.:, In nil nltemiit nn the riHrt of Its friends to rally It tn lluures commensurate with Northern Pnclllc, Theso stocks constituted the really notable tea tures of strength In the market. The late selling wus enhanced by tho dis couragement of timid holders, who nro only wining to nolo on 11 rise. 1 no nrcaK at tno last was severe, reaching 8V In Northern Pacll c. VA In St. Pall . S in Union Pncltte. 5'i In Rock Island und 5 In Baltimore & Uhlo. rllo Commercial Advertlser'u l.iinHnn lluanclal cablegram says: The stuck mar. ket was brisk und It tegular today. Funds wero dull on the Issue by the county conn en 01 jL.'.nitMMi ot .1 ncr cent nonus nt is. The American department was lively enough, though It was much less sensa tional than it has been habitually lor some time, Tho market was Inclined to be nioro cautious. Rccocnlzlni: tho heavy differ ences which exist at iho end of the long nccount Jobbers are unwilling to mako prices in Noriiiurn l'aciuc nnu other sky- rocKets. nun views prevailed, ncvorthe less. Tho features today In this denart ment were the Pacll 0 stocks, uart cularlv Northern Paclllc common, which, though It opencn wen uciow parity, resumed lis re markable rise when New York opened nnd bulged It. This caused a very luiov.iiit close. Union Paclllc and the Atchlsons were supported, but New York fa led to he 11 unv otner issues, so uini i.onuon was inclined to drug, si. I'aul hung heavy 011 a rumor tnni mere was a mien 111 ine comu 11:11 on plan. Canadian Paclllc wns again very strong on excited trailing. There was u re port tnni J 1 1 1 1 was joining iho board or directors and that the company would bo taken Into tho Northwestern consolidation scheme. Nineteen thousand pounds of gold has come In from India. Money was steady. Tho April trade reports show an Increase of Imports of S4, mainly of augur, rashed in to ioresiau 111c new (itiiics. i;xporis de creased 3 per cent, chiefly of coal, and due, or course, in mo tieciinu 01 mo nrice. The following aro'tht, closing prices on tne new lorit diock exenauge: Atchison . MV.St. L. Southw. ... 37 ... 67 do pfil Dultlmore & Ohio, do 11 fd .103!, .ic . 93 .113 . 71 . 4, .196V . S7 . 76 ,153 do nfil. St. Paul ...17D? do nfd ...Uii ... SC ... 32 ... tel. Canadian Pacific. Cannda So So. Pacific So. Hallway .... Chc.i. & Ohio do nfd C, II. & Q Tex. & Pacltlc . Union Pacific .. ... 4?!i, Cnl. Inil. & I.... do pfil Chi. & i:. Ill C. & N. W C. R. I. & P C. C. C. & Rt. L. . Colorado So do Int pfd do id pfd Del. & Htutnon.... ...C3I4 do pfd ... SC, ... 20?, ... 12 Wabash .20G'.j .16(14 do pfd Wheel. & U. K. ... 17T4 . f"4 do 2d pfd ... 31 Wis. Central ... ... :i',i do pfd ... 41 ,...170 ...101 Ad ami Kx 1T6V4 American Kx.... Del. I.. & W JW U. S. Rx Denver A It. O Wells-Fnmo Ex.. .145 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do M pfil Ot. Nor. pfd... Hocklnit Valley do pfd Chicago Ter. &. 97 , Ama!. Copper ... Amer. Car & F.. .i?:v . 25i 40 65 4 I6W do pfd nicr. Lin. Oil... do pfd . TI . 134 163 Ml! Amer. S. & n.... 1. m, . I'f.',4 do pfd T. 2-1 4tV Amer. Tobacco .. Anae. Mln. Co .127 do pfd Chicago & Alton... do pfd ChlciiRO O. X.V do Int pfd dn 2d pfd Mex. National Toledo St. L. & W do pfd P. C. C. & St. I.... Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd Ualte Krio & W.... do pfd U A; N Munhattan L Mt. at. rty Mex. Central .. 40Vi 4!, Hieoklyn It. T... ti , SO Colo. Fuel & Iron. .Ml . '.1 Con. Tobacco 51 83 . SI 11 do pfd 10S: lien. Kiectrlc 227 Glucose Sugar M) IS' a Inter. Paper 22 do pfd "i 1-aclole (las fi .. 71 . 11254 Consolidated Cos... 224 .. 31 Rocklnjr Coal ... ., i0 Inter. Power ... .. '.4 Republic Steel.. ..118 I do pfd ,.m National Msiult ..125 'National Lead . . 167'4 National Salt ... .. K'il do pfd ..CHiNo. American .. ..113 Pacific Coast ... .. 311. Pacltlc Mall .... .. lil'.i People's Oas ... Mi . 4 . His . 4:11, . i.M' Minn. R St. U Mo. ruclflc M.. K. & T,.., do sfd . CO . 4) .il5V N .1. Central ..116 Presecd S. Car . . 43 . 83 . 206 N Y. Central. 16H. do nfd. Norfolk & W... C4 S3 Pullman P. Cur... urar do pfd ..141?; No. 1'nclftc ... ..Il3',,renn. C011I & Iron . t3 do nfd ii'j union n.ig iv. i'. .. m jjo pfd.... IMS CT S. Iz-athor .... 4t?4 do pfd 78 ,U. .S. Rubber .... 06 1 do pfd 4S'j U. S. Steel SI do pfd C014. Western Union ... Omurlci & V.. I'ennsyhunla . .. C'JVi . 14 RcadlnR ,. 7T do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... . f2 St. L. & H. V. . 51V do lt pfd... do 2d pfd.... . . :i Offered. er York Money llnrkel, NEW YORK. May 7.-MONEY-On call firm, at 5',4fllO per cent; last loan, S per cent; ruling rate, per cent. iruiie mer cantllc naner. 457 4V? ner cent. w STERLING EXCHANOE-Hcavv. with actual business In bankers' bills nt JI.S7MI 4.S7'4 for demand, and nt JlX'ili I.SI'i, tor Mxty days; posted rates, si.sym.M, ana Jl.ssi.irn I..S9; commercial bills, j.S3;'4a4.i!P4 sil-iVEit ceriincaies, wc; bar sliver, iwe Mexican dollars, ls'jo. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Weak; stnto bonds steady, railroad bonds irregulnr. Tho cluslng pi Ices un uuuus loiu. aro as follows: U. S. ref. 2, leg. do coupon do 3s, rex do coupon do new 4s, reg... do coupon do old 4i rec.... do coupon do Si, tvg do coupon ..106 IN. Y. Central li.....07, ..ICS N. J. Cent. gen. ui.133 ..iro no. pacmc :s. ..109 do In 10.1 ..13154 N Y. C & St L 41..1075 ..15754 N. & W. con. (.... 101' ..lisyor. Nv. Is ..Pil ..Ji:i ,.'M ..109 do ..10l Oregon S. L. 61.. do eoniol Ss.... Heading ccn. (. ..n ..u I), of C. 3 6Ss Atch. Ken. (. do adj. 4i... 1.V.54 .... 103i4l(lo O. W Is.... .... K m I, & I M c. 61 .vn .113' Canada So. ... 1075s St L i H F k. (Is. ..131 Clies. O. 4',jR.... 10:.!i St. Paul consols... .132 ilc 5 tl9 Bt I'. C & V la lS5i C. & N. V. c. 7s....38'i do 5s 120 do tf. I. deb. 5.'. -i:tu So. Pacltlc (1 Mi Clilcago Ter. 4 9li do Ss 116 Colorado So. I S7'i S, ft. & T. 6s M U. A. It. G. 4s 10251 Tex & Pacific Is.. .11354 Krlo general (1 S4 I do 2i 100 F. W. V. C. Is. ..107 ll'nlon l'aclllo Is 106 Gen. Kleutrlc Sa....ISS'i Wabaiih Is 118 Iowa Central ls....ll7, du 2s 110 L. & N. unl. 4t 103 West Khore (a 11454 M . Ii. & T. !h t;'.it Wis. Centlnl Is 9U54 do Is 9S',a,'Vo. Ceiuuiles CS' Offered. London Stock tlnntiif Inns. LONDON, May 7.-1 p. m.-Closlns; Consoli, nioney 9(4i do 1st pfd... do account 74 7 16 Pennsylvania Atchison id Readme 2J!, 101 I2'i Canadian J'aclnc.. St. Paul Illinois Central ... IxiuUWlIn Union l'ae. pfd... N. Y. Central .... Krle 11('4 No. raclflc pfd.. ..M iC.rand Trunk .... .117 'Anaconda lil'.i Hand Mines . W !l. S. HUvl .... l'J',4 .... i:' .... :.3) ,...10l4 I'.i'ii do pfd.... 125., HA R SILVER-Steitdy. 27d per ounce MONEY-254fl3 per celll. The ralo of ills count In the open mnrket for short bills Is 3Mi3V4 per cent; for three months bills, 3',j iQ3 9-lti per cent. Hunk t'lrtirinu. OMAHA, Mny 7. Hunk clearings today, J1.HS.37S; corresponding day lust yenr, JKW. 1U: Increase, J152.200. CHICAGO, May 7,-Clearlngs. JXb9.'.2(5: balances, J3.2Vi7: posted exchange, JI.M5 fi4.S9: New York exchnnge, pnr. PHILADELPHIA. May 7 -Clcarlngs, J2), 613.631, balance). 12,112,015. ST. LOUIS. May 7. Clearings. tll,s2.0S5 lthl breaks thii iccurd hero by almost I1.im),0"0), bnlances, Jl,5y,319, money. 5t6 per cent; New York c.xihange, par mil. uic premium nsKeu. CINCINNATI. Mav 7.-Clcarlngs. J2.3M.. S5o; Now York exchange, 20c premium, money, ;v?io per cent. IIOSTON. Mav 7.-Clcarlngs. J.U.SIO.SSn; balances, J2,Omi,S23. NEW YORK. Mav 7.-ClcarWgS, Jo52,Sli, :06; balances, J21,076,7S3. Boston Mining Slocks. BOSTON. Mav 7,-Call loans. 4fi4'4 per cent: time loans. 4?!4ii per cent. Official closing: . T. & S. F... do nfd .... S."4'Alchliion 4i ....MJi N H. tl. fi C. Ss. .. .H"t'Adenture ....121 IHInRhani M. Co... io:s is 164 mer. Suifar ... do Pfd ... 2) ...121 ...437 ...113 . m ... 3H ... 1! ... 'i ... .M'i American Tel., ....lil i.xinai. vopper Ilonton (c Albans'....?.".! qioilnn el Mont. lloton Klevatcd ...KJ Hutto & Boston Boston k Me 1M Cal. & Ilecla... H & Q lP65i'rentennlal Dominion Coal Praiiktln do pfd 113 .Oiceola t'ltehburg pfd H7 Parrot Kd. Kleitrle III Hi Oulney ...174 Mex. Central SfMHntttn Ke Copper... 4 N. E. O. C IPl'Tamarark 334 Old Dominion 3;t,!'tiih Mining Il'i Itubber ;i'4,Vtnona 2H Union Paclfle l23itiWulerlncB lh Weallngh. Klectrlc. fJ'.a ctt York MlnlMK Stocks. NEW YORK. Mnv 7.-Thc following are quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con ... 23 (Little Chief .. ... C. Kintarlo ...W 'pplilr ... 14 I'hocnlx ... 1(1 ;l'otosl ...?:.', H.ixaea .... 13 ....) .... M .... 9 .... 4 .... 12 .... ?0 S5 ...175 Alice Breece Brunswick Con., omstock Tun..., Con. Cal. Vn.. Deadwood leira .. SO ..110 .. (0 .. I Klerr. Nada f-mall Hopes Standard Horn Sllvtr Iron Sllitr ...... Ladvlllo Con..., Coiiilllliin of Iip Trensury. AVA S I II NC1TO N. Muv 7. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exelnslvn nf the SISO.OOl.OOO gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Avniiabio cash balance, Jl&i,&9l,o0i ; goiu, J97,792,H'5. CofTep Mnrket. NEW YORK. Mny 7 I 'OFFEE Snot Rio. dull: No. 7 Invoice. fiUc: mild, nutet; Cordovn, Sli?il2'jc. It was nnother dull day on the coffee exchange Tho market ntieiied Kteadv with nrices nnchanned nnd during the forenoon was featureless In the nbsenco of Important news from abroad or orders from the talent or public. In the unci noon nrices worKeii un noints nu room coverlnc and sonm bitvlnc for Ger man account, nut iiitogoiner 1110 maraei was Inslcnilicaiit nnd unsatisfactory. Bra zilian receipts wero about ns expected, lc- mund ror spot corrco was stow and tne su nation In Eiiroiienii iiiurkelH held nut no Incentive lo buyers or Kellers here. The close was steady with prices net 5 points higher. Total sales wero 10,750 bags'. In cluding June nt 5.35o: July. 5.15c: August. 6 60c: September, 5.00c; December, 5,S0c; aiurcn, o.wiiu.voc. Wool Mnrkrt, RT f.nf'IK Mnv 7 IVflOl Fnlrlv nctlve and steiirty; middling grades, llil7ijc". light line, ii&mtc; neavy line, yunc; 1110 wnsueii lifnjic. LONDON. May ".WOOL Tho offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 1 1 ,0 IS bales. Including 11 Hue selection of su perior scoured greasy. Competition wns brisk nt ton nrlees. ROSTON, May 7.-AVOOL-Sale3 In tho wool market have been mnderato for this week and there was nothing In tho situation to liultico a snecu atlvo fee lug. prices. howeicr, nrc steady. Territory wools head the list of sales, line medium and lino scoured uclllug ul L'ftlSc and tho stuple nrtlcle at ljffJOc. .Vciv York Dry Cinod .Market. NEW YORK. May 7.-DRY GOODS-Tho homo trade shows no ch.ingo In general character, llusiness still doing In export frmles for China and at tinner prices, rlnt cloths dull and unchanged. Prints inactive nnd Irregular, (ilnghams. steady silks, ilrm, with more business doing. MANCHESTER May 7,-CLOTHS-Busl- ness at lower prices; yarns, quiet. NiiKKr Mnrket. NEW YORK. Mny 7.-SUGAR-Raw Ilrm: fair refining. 451C molasses BUgar, 3V4c: rellned, quiet but Ilrm. NEW UH1,KA..S, .May 7. SUUAH WUiet onen kettle. 3 3-16773 13-lCc: onen ketle. ccn trlfugal. 3Ti5i45ki:: centrifugal, yellow. 4iff' 4-740; seconds. 2t4c. .xioiasses, strong; ccn truugai, s'jjiiC Oil anil Jtosln. NEW YORK. May 7.-01LS-Cottonso?d QUlot: prime crud'v nominal; prime yellow 31c. Petroleum, weak: rellned New York $7.15; Philadelphia, and Ilaltlmore, S7.10 Phlladclnhla nnd Bait more. In bulk. Jt.bo Rosin, dull: strained, common to good. Jl.bS Oji.oiis. Turpentine, (tun. M'i-'UJoc. Cotton .Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, May 7.-COTTON-Much lower nrlce.4 were recorded In nil cotton markets todny. Spot closed o.ulct nnd Vic lower: middling uplands, S1-16C, middling guir, SD-iuc, sales, iu nates, Ml. Louis Live Stock Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS, Mny 7.-CATTLE-Rccclpts 3.400. Including 1,350 Texnns: market steady native shipping nnd export steers, $5.Mif 6.85; dressed beef und butcher steers, 1.40Jf 5.25; steers under 1,000 lbs., J3.nOJf4.7j; stock crs and feeders, S2.75'fT4.b5; cows and heifers, J2.floy4.73; dinners, Jl.25ij2.b5; bulls, $a.wu 4.00; T.evas and Indian steers, J3.501j5.15: cows n'nd heifers, J2.60ff4.2u. HOGS Receipts. 11.200: market stendy; pigs and lights. t5.fi0fiS.b5; packers, 55.5'Vg 5.7o; butchers. tS.TOfiS.STls. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts, S00; mnr ket 10 to 15c higher: native muttons, tl.Wys 4.S5, lambs, tti.00fl9.00; stockers, J3.25. Moux Cltr l.lvr Stock Mnrkrt. SIOUX CITY, May 7,-(Sneclal Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2,600; market slow; stockers, 10'ol5c lower; beeves. Jl.2565.70; cows and bulls, mixed, J2.O0ft4.00; Htockers und feeders, $3'.'5?H.53; calves and yearlings, SJ.501ffl.70. HOGS-Recelpts. 2.600; shade higher, $3.57li (TJB.05; bulk, J5.i;0f(5.62!4. NEIRASKA CROP BULLETIN Spring; Work l'rogrcsHlnB Well nnd (iciicrnl L'ondltloiiM Are I'n orulilc. United States Department ot Agriculture, Nebraska Section, Climate and Crop Serv Ico of tho Weather Ilurcau. The first part of the last week was warm and dry, with high south wind. Tho last days of tho week wero cool, with heavy general rains. Tho dally moon temperature has averaged from 10 degrees to 12 degrees above tho normnl. The weekly maximum temperatures wero generally between 85 degrees and 90 degrees. The rainfall of tho week fell on the last days of the week, and generally exceeded the normnl for the first week in May In tho eastern part of tho state. In the weatcrn counties It was about or slightly below normal. In a large part of tho eastern portion tho rainfall ranged from 1 to 2.5 Inches. The Inst week has been favorable for the advancement of, farm work, and gen erally for tho growth of vegetation. Tho high south wind dried out tho top of the ground and In somo Instances retarded the growth of oats, wheat and grass, but no dnmngo resulted to any crop because of the timely rain tho last of tho week. At tho closo of the week winter wheat wns In very fine condition. Oats and spring wheat are coming up evenly and growing well. Grass Is still somewhat backward, but Is now sufficiently advanced In pnsturcs to sustain stock. Corn planting has made good progress In the southern counties, whoro about one-third of Hie crop Is planted and a llttlo of the earliest planted Is up. Corn planting has commenced In nearly all ports of the state. Fruit trees are blossoming very fully In all pnrts of tho state THE HEALTH MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday, May 7: Wiirrmily Deeds. First National bank to William .ang, block 269. Florence N. I Monroe and husband to A. P. Tukcy. lot 9. block 7, Clifton Hill ... 1 Emma Hascall and husband to same, lot 10, block 15. same Wi L. W. Conrad and husband to D. M. Wooditrd. lot 20, block 1, llemis park 1.200 Atlantic Really association lo D, E. Wyntt. lot 5, Knox's subdlv........... 1,100 Herman Tronkle and wife lo, Eliza- beth Kuhlnian, sVi lot !. I"ck M, South Omaha , 5) ((It r'lnlin DceiU, K. .1. Stevens to E. H. Ilosmer. lot 20 and sU lot 19, block 3. Ames Place... 1 A. K. While und husband to O. O. Howard, lot 31, block S, town of Howard 10 Total amount of transfers, .! 1,317 IMIIMI MAY 8, 1001. OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Ctttlt Receipts Llbirl, bat Tradi Ruled ActiTt ind Bttadj. HOGS SOLD TWO AND A HALF HIGHER Fnlr lltin of Jslieep Here Todny nnd .Market All . roll ml Inn Rest lie Described li CnllinK It It ti t lit' r Moiv nnd Eu. SOUTH OMAHA. Mny 7. Receipts were: Catne. Hogs. Snoep. Olticlal Monday 3,i2.' 3,oS0 o,iS Utllclal Tuesday 3.7W 7.W.M 0,133 Two dnvs this week... 7.y2 1I.3S3 12.S91 Same das last week.... 0,912 lb,B19 10,'j2J Same two weeks ago.... u.917 l!,2il b.M Samo three weeks ago.. 7,711 lb,0-'7 16,i00 Same one year ago 7,020 II.'joO f.Wi Averago prico paid for hogj at souin Omaha tho past several days with com- purisons; I 1901. 1900.1$93.U94.1S97.1S9I.)&95, April 15.. April Id.. April 17.. April IS.. April 19.. April 20.. April 21.. 6 J Olril I 3 72 3 C7 3 SO) 3 3A 4 73 93?i 5 45 3 Oil 3 K7 3 VJi 4 7 6 5 U2V 6 M 3 72. 3 91 3 351 3 43 4 74 5 M?i 6 W, 5M(i 6 49: 6 46 i 45 5 42 3 6.S 3 71; 3 75 3 77 3 CO 4 U 4 111 4 6 3 70 4 67 4 56 4 61 4 65 4 bj 3 61 3 91 3 6J 3 Mi 3 35: 3 3 ti 3 3'J Aptll 22.. 6 K)H 3 721 3 84 a 64 J JO 3 2 3 2Jt, April 23.. April 24.. 0 5 76 6 38l 3 74 o 321 3 67 3 U, 3 36 3 31. April April 26.. 771; .1 ii 3 71 3 SI 3 17 3 75! 3 74 5 77,i 5 39 5 72f, 6 34 3 65 3 b7 3 091 3 84 April 27.. April 2S.. 3 7! 3 26 3 .'6 5 37 3 Aptll 29.. April 30., o 05 5 Hi"; b fil'i 3 t9 3 Vj 3 S2 4 69 5 321 3 Ml 3 90: 3 Ml 3 15 4 d4 4 4 4 J9 4 b9 4 47 May l.... 5 25 3 CI 3 79 3 71 3 l: May 2.... 5 71J, 6 IS 3 'j-. 3 65 3 S 3 621 3 61 3 IV .May 5... May 4.... May 6.... 1) 24 5 fil4 5 67T4 5 69 r i 3 S 6 26 3 93 3 72 3 26 & 22 3 951 3 01 3 30 May 0.... u '.'.I 3 0J 3 hi 3 4 40 May i.... 5 211 3 70 3 DO 4 38 Indicates Sunday. Tho ofllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. H r s. C, M. & St. 1 Ry. t u. c i. i icy Mo. I'aelllc Ry Union l'ac. System... C. a N. W. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. R.. S. C. & I. Ry C. St. r M. O.... 11. M. R. R. R C, H. & y. Ry K. C. & St. J C. R. 1. A- I'., east.. C. R. I. Ai P., west.. Illinois Central Total recelnts 161 110 The dlsnosltlon of tho day's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: lluycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, umiitui packing co wi O. II. Hammond Co 51 Swift and Company 619 Cudahy Packing Co 931 Armour & Co 657 Swift, from country 112 370 :4 2,131 2.0SS 2,571 1,224 1.62S 1,560 COJ it. Mocker it Degan 219 Vunsant & Co 101 Lcbmiiu & Co S Hill & Hiintzlngcr 61 Ho n tn ii &. Underwood.... 76 Livingstone &. Schullcr... 121 11. F. Hobblck 1 Hamilton & R 40 Wolf & M 1 Other buyers 307 .... 455 Totals 3,935 7,76.1 5,5.0s CATTLE Thcro was n liberal supply of cuttlo hero today, nnd In view of that fact buyers started ojt to got their supplies for a llttlo less money, but sellers held for steady prices and packers finally took hold and tought them up Just about on that basis. Receipts Included about 90 enrs of beef steers, and as packers all had liberal or ders tho market ruled fairly active and Just about steady, with the exception of tho first round, when they wero trying to pound the mnrket n little. Although there wus the largest supply of steers in sight that has been here In somo llttlo time there wero apparently none too many, and the bulk of the offerings wus out of first hands In good season. Tho receipts of cows nnd heifers were very light, not over 13 cars being offered on tho market. Ujyers nil started out enrly and tho mnrket wus nctlvo nnd steady to strong from start to finish. Sellers found It an easy matter to get fully steady prices for anything at all good, nnd even the com moner kinds found buyers ut yesterday's prices. Hulls also met with reudy sale at good, strong prices, and venl calves and stags sold In yesterday's notches. The stocker and feeder trade was not ns good, today. A good proportion of yestar day's receipts are still In the hands of speculators, as the bad weather has shut oft thu demand from the country For that reason they did not want many more cattle today nnd took them because they could buy them lower. The market was unevenly lower and slow and common kinds were very hard to dispose of at any figure. Rep resentative sales: HEEF STEERS. No. Av. I'r. io. Av. Tr. I 1120 3 75 13 1124 4 3 730 3 73 8 HU 4 f5 4 737 IM 7 1284 4 fi 1 62') (W 1 1370 4 SS 21 1050 4 15 1 1130 I V, 1 9t0 I '' 6 1011 4 S3 1 7S0 4 25 12 1110 4 3 712 4 "5 1 1230 4 5 1 M0 4 33 IS 1075 4 90 1 930 4 35 6 Hit 4 90 1 S70 4 31 37 1014 4 ! 4 922 4 35 21 935 4 90 19 S0( I 40 II 1101 ( 95 6() (50 5 1176 4 M 21 910 4 .Ml 19 1213 I 95 2 930 4 10 !5 1390 4 95 1 1320 4 SO 24 10SI J 00 3 1200 ( SO 3S 1390 3 00 G 6S3 4 .'0 24 1137 5 CO 13 S'.'i 4 SO 21 1211 5 (-) 2 720 4 SO 36 7.1221 3 03 (3 933 4 .V) 23 1112 5 05 IS 924 ( 60 13 1103 6 03 ( 927 4 60 20 1171 J 22 682 4 r.ij (0 11X11 S 03 9 977 4 65 (0 1291 2 05 4 1027 4 65 25 1(71 S 10 46 953 4 65 1 1510 5 10 S 1010 4 70 24 1121 .', 10 5 11U 4 70 1 1(32 S 15 20 1166 4 70 17 1373 3 15 1... 1050 1 70 11 1292 5 !3 23 920 4 70 20 1181 S 13 2U lOMi ( 73 20 1201 S !5 7 1032 4 75 73 1222 5 13 1 1150 4 73 136 1166 S 20 T.v 10.-.0 4 73 17 1392 3 20 20 923 4 75 3S 1117 3 20 23 9u3 4 75 39 1331 S '0 24 1022 I 75 47 1193 3 23 21 1110 4 0 SO CMS s :s II 1070 4 SO (3 1222 5 73 19 1105 4 eO 22 1210 S 20 43 956 4 (0 24 1239 S 30 13 956 4 SO 38 1203 5 Su 18 10(9 4 (5 13 1153 I 33 20 977 4 S3 STEERS TEXAS. 1 7(0 4 (5 40 HIS S CO ,.. 823 4 (3 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... 4 20 17 1034 4 f3 ... 706 4 to 12 11(0 ( 90 ,.. 937 4 60 22 11S3 S 20 STEERS AND COWS. ... S58 4 35 STEERS AND COWS. ...1010 4 tO COWS. 18 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 O I!!!.'"" 3 3 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 S 1 6 1 1 1 '.'.'.'.'..'.. 1 S 1 1 1 .... 1 ... 790 1 00 3... ... m l oo l... ... 870 2 10 t... ... 710 2 23 1... ...1190 2 15 (.,. ... 830 2 23 1... ... 960 2 35 1... ....U96 3 65 ....1050 3 65 .... 912 3 75 ....1(10 3 F0 .... SKI 3 83 ....1310 3 83 ....1(20 3 K ....106) 3 85 ....1060 .1 90 .... 9(2 3 90 ....HIO 3 90 ....1120 3 W ....1050 ( CO ....1120 (00 ....1150 4 (0 .... 973 I ml ....1100 4 00 ....WW I 00 .... 8(9 4 "5 .... S71 4 d ....1130 I 10 ....1171 4 10 ....1010 4 10 ....1164 I IS ....1110 I 15 ....926 I 0 830 2 (.0 S... 1030 : :o S... .... 865 .... SS0 .... 926 .... fkU .... 930 .... 610 ....1030 .... 990 .... 930 I so 1 so : so i.0 : f3 1... 1... i.'i! 3... 11... 1... 1... 27... 27... 1... 7. . 1... 3... (... 29... 1... 1... 3... 1... 1... 1... (... 4... i".'.'. s... 3... Id 2 0 2 90 .... S90 3 00 .... 7sO 3 00 ....1030 3 (0 .... 110 3 10 ....116.) 3 15 .... 973 S 15 ,,..1110 3 25 .... 935 3 15 ...,10SO 3 23 .... 950 3 25 .... 930 3 25 .... 910 3 23 ....1010 3 25 .... SAO 2 35 ....866 3 (5 ....1030 .1 '0 ....l:'') 3 SO .... 850 3 fO ....1090 3 60 ....1350 ....1030 .... 836 ....1270 4 25 I VS ( 25 ( ?3 I :'3 .... 970 I 25 ....1132 .... 932 ( -o 4 :,0 ....1190 ( 20 SS0 4 ; ..HU 4 S3 ..1110 ( .15 ,. 603 ( 10 .. 100 4 15 ..7(0 4 ?S .. 500 4 25 ..850 4 40 ....1010 3 CO HEIFERS. .510 2 M 6... . 670 3 in . 430 3 40 . 615 3 60 , 3J0 3 73 .720 3 73 . S72 ( in .8(0 4 00 . !)--0 4 10 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 2 860 4 fO 1 1260 I 60 1 1310 ( 10 HULLS, S20 2 75 1 . .1020 3 10 1,,, ,1620 3 5 . 3 1 .mo i im .1170 4 CO 1 . 3.. 1T0 4 C) .m 4 to 2 ISIS 4 10 1... 3... 3... 9... .1700 I '0 .UM I 20 .17(0 4 :o 70) 4 35 630 I S 320 S CO ....HIO 3K COWS AND HEIFERS. .... fJJ 3 (3 II 3 4 20 .... 9-M 4 10 CALVES. .... 410 I M I .... 112 6 CO 1 STAGS. ....1113 3(0 1. .. 130 6 ft) HO 6 VI .1(05 4 SO .1309 I 30 20. ..1137 I -.0 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. H 2 9W 3 ".S ... :o 2 Sh ... 720 1 91 ... S70 3 0) ...ln.'S 3 I0 ... itIO 3 10 ... 96.) 3 10 ... (10 3 23 710 3 4) 675- 3 60 , S.VI 3 60 c:? 3 to , 710 3 1 . m 3 91 . (?1 I IK) 1. 1 72 3 . . . 920 1 J'. STOCK CALVES, ... do i rj si ... 373 4 43 ... 314 4 M ... 2M 4 '5 ... 3H 5 (0 ... 200 J l) ... 131 6 IS 370 2 50 310 2 SO 2. 3-)J 3 00 2. 3IS 3 80 1. 340 3 75 7. ,220 IM 19'"! STOCKERS AND FEEDERS .,..1320 3 iS . 1S2I IM .... ?(H J M .... 950 3 SO ....UM .1 ;o ....1130 J 70 ....1116 2 'I ....1110 3 :j ....13-M 3 75 .... 3 IS .... sm 3 yj 2 !03 3 25 9 612 2 3 1 S00 3 (0 1 SOO 3 M 2 40 3 10 .1 RV) 3 IS 8 IWt 3 S3 S 461 3 5) 1 6S0 3 SO 2 600 3 SO 1 370 3 ?0 9 7S7 3 M 1 SI0 4 00 2 60) 4 23 37 679 4 IS 3 M ) 4 23 !l Cl9 4 30 I 670 4 35 3. 753 4 40 1 720 I 10 6 710 4 II 9 770 4 50 4 81S 4 S5 82 999 4 fcO 28 707 4 60 12 513 4 CO 14 C60 1(4 34 757 ( fS 3( S2 4 70 12 $00 4 7S 4 473 4 9) 9 441 S ) II 1163 S fO 34 600 S (0 HOGS There wns a fairly good run of hogs here today, and under the Iniluciice of a good local demand the nun ket opened strong to 254o higher. Tho bulk of tho hogs sold nt J5.67'S nnd J5.70, with the better grades ot neavy nogs selling inrgeiy hi I5.72V4. It was a fairly active market and the tlrst 100 louls cbnnsed bands in good season, There wns no particular chnnge In tho market from start to finish, and prnetlcnlly everything wns out of flr.t hands early In the morning. As will bo seen from the table of average prices tho market Is still a shade under the nigh time last week, but n big nickel higher than a week ago today, and nearly 60c higher than u year ago. Representative SillCSi No. Av. Sh. I'r. Nn. Av. Sh. Pr. 65 1(3 SO S .0 67 231 $0 S 70 105 HO 40 S CO 71 2 (0 120 i 'J 66 18( (.) 5 n (2. 88 IM 80 S (,3 67., 35 209 W S i& 71. 26J ... 3 70 233 () i 70 223 ... S 70 201 ... S70 t'i 201 ... S 5 91. ... J . . . 3 i5 ... S07I4 80 S (7i 80 S 1.7 '4 80 S l'7, ... 6 675, 8) 5 87i ... Si7i, ... 5 SO 5 t7i 80 S(7 ... S 6714 100..., II 67 37 67 70 (4 74.... 01 72 212 80 S 70 ...155 ...2iH ...2S0 ...222 ...210 ...189 ...231 t.0 2SS 160 t 70 S. ..2(0 ..203 0 41... 75... 7S... SJ... 73... 75... SO SO S 70 5 70 S 70 S 70 . .232 251 120 .213 80 .213 120 5 70 6S 205 67 225 69 237 71 :i( 7S 21 .222 200 h 70 73 256 62 232 10 191 80 70 ) S 70 70 $0 S l.75i 69 225 120 0 "1 215 .(00 S 67i, 66. .212 120 S 70 ..223 SO 6 67' j (8 231 87 2t( 80 3 70 .299 1C0 a 674 80 5 70 5 TO S TO 5 70 223 80 5 fil'j SO S (75s 41. 239 76 210 84. ...... .217 81 230 ti 2(6 73 223 94 19S 81 74 75 70 06 62 6S 71 76 70 co!!!i! so 67 60 .22.' 120 .2(1 320 5 67W (0 5 671, .. 5(7'.i .. S C74 .228 160 5 TO .231 160 S .0 ..251 ..233 ..217 i TO SO S CT'4 80 5 70 40 j 70 6.... ...228 160 67' j S2.... 70.... C2.... 12.... 90.... 69.... 70.... ...203 ...205 ...249 ...220 ...204 . . .230 80 5 674 ..233 S TO ... 3 'i75j (0 5 C7V-i ... 3 674 ... 5 C7',i 260 t 675, ... 5 07'i ... 6 C7'., ... 5 CT'4 40 5 6754 40 S (754 120 S 67 V, 60 5 70 ... 5 70 200 5 70 ..201 160 5 70 ,..252 160 S -0 ,..214 ) 5 72'i ,..258 120 S 72'i ,..232 160 5 725i ...311 160 S 72'4 ,..262 ... 5 72',, .223 .209 CO 70... 72... 71... 94... ..223 ..200 ..202 78... S9... 44... 69... 10... 72... 61..., 26... 72... 66... 19... 61... fO... 72... 67... t.5..., 64... M. .. S6... ...277 ...261 5 7 254 S 72'j ...232 80 ST2'4 .218 ...254 lhO ...261 ... ...261 40 ...257 80 ...250 ... 3 7254 5 T2',4 S 7254 5 -2'-j 6 7214 S 7214 5 721 1 S 724 5 72', 76 208 ...232 . . .224 77... 71... 70... ...23S 210 ...261 120 ...213 ... ...2(0 ... S 70 5 70 S 70 ...256 ...213 80 SO .. 4 70 .. 5 70 40 S 70 .....01 ....260 . .260 ....251 . ..263 . ..293 ..,.219 ....282 ....259 ...258 ...273 ...213 SO 5 2'-j 3 72' S 75 3 75 5 70 5 70 5 70 ...2(1 160 ,..234 (0 PVl .234 120 5 70 40 S 73 2(3 ... 5 70 SO 5 70 .. 5:i'4 SO 6 FO 2(8 SHEEP Thero were enough sheep nnd lambs on sale this morning to meet the demand, and In fact the mnrket was slow und easy, the same as nt other points. The nmrKci secmcii 10 oe 11 nine uneven, as some snles were stendy, while others looked finite a little lower, but ns a whole the situ ntlon could best be described by calling It slow nnd easy. There were no choice wooled lambs on sale, hut clipped lambs sold 11s high as J4.40, which looked about steady with yesterday. Clipped wethers sold from a.w 10 4.i. nnu cupped owes sold at st.io. The market wns rather draggy from start to llnlsh. nnd ns n result it was a little late before tho hulk of the offerings hod changed hands. Quotations; Choice wooled wethers. Jl.au SH.iiij; tair to good wooied wethers, ji.uort' 4.20: dinned wethers. JI.Oo-hM "3: fair to coort clipped wethers, J3.75tf4.00; choice light weight ewes, wooled, JLoOiJ 1.15; fair to good ewes. J3.60fH.00: cllnned ewes. J3.26M 3,75; choice wooled lambs, $4.r0Ti5.Oi); fnlr to good iambs, ji.uo'ch.w; cupped lamns, ji.ziv&i 4.40; fnlr to good clipped lambs, J3.t5H4.2o; spring lambs. J5.60f(h.50; feeder wethers, J3.50Ii4.00; feeder lambs, SI.C094.40. Repre sentative snles: No. Av. Pr. S culls 100 3 0) 713 clipped ewes M 3 20 32 culled Inmbs 66 4 18) S clipped lambs 83 4 00 4W clipped wethers 100 I 15 61 Colorado lambs sr 4 75 20 clipped western wethers til t3 25 10 clipped western wethers 75 3 nO 370 clipped western wethers 96 3 75 270 western feeder lambs 70 3 90 4S0 clipped feeder lambs 78 I 01) ja cupped ewes mid wetners.... hki 1 uu 1S7 clipped weslcrn wethers 96 I ft I 121 clipped western Inmbs si 1 is 121 clipped western lambs 79 4 15 6 clipped native lambs 133 I 15 463 clipped lambs S4 I 40 I clipped ewes 97 ,1 '.'3 1Vi clipped ewes 93 3 27 160 cull lambs 63 3 23 25 cull spring lambs 10 :i 'ti 26 dipped ewes 10S 3 60 S western owes 99 3 SO 40J clipped wethers K7 3 95 137 spring lambs 60 5 23 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cnltle nnil IIokh (Jeneriill.v Strnd) Wooled SIh ph Slow. CHICAGO. May 7. CATTLE Receipts, 1.000; market generally steady; good to Frlme steers, t5.0036.00; poor to medium. I.00ft4.95. stockers nnd feeders, J3.25fi5.tt); cows. J2.KiS4.60; heifers. J2.70i7l.75, ennners, J2.00fi2.60; bulls, strong, active, J3.O0fl4.5O; calves, weak, J3.50WI.76: Texas fed steers. J4.25f5.40; Texas grass steers, J3.5O??4 00; Texas bulls, J2.7of3.90, HOGS-Recelpts today. L"0.0 . tomorrow, 25,000. estlmnted; left over, 2.000. Market about seady: top, J5.S75,. mixed nnd butch ers. Jo.55fi6S5: good to choice, heavy. t5.6Vri 5.8754; light, J5.60fj5.SO; bulk of sales, JS.SO'O b.fc24. SHEE P AND LA MRS Sheep and Inmln steady: wooled, slow, good choice wethers, Jt 155M.50; fair to choice, mixed. J3.807il.15; u..inr,, heen. 14.205 1.50: yearlings. tl.l.Vfl 4.60; native Isml, t4.O0fi1.15; western Inmbs, t4.50fi5.l5. St. Joseph l.lvr Stock .Mnrkrt. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mnv 7.-(8peclnl.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 2,100; market active, stendy to strong; natives tl.35fi5.60, Texas nnd westerns, 13 80715.35; cows and heifers J2.33fi5.10; hulls and slaga, J2.30fil.80; yearlings and calves, J3.751f3.0); stockers nnd feeders. J3.50fI.S0; yenls. Jl.23fli.60. HOG8 Receipts, 7.800: market nbout steady; all grades, t5.00fi5.87lj; bulk of sales, t3.63ti6.76; pigs, steady. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts. 2.W; sheep steady, lambs trong; lambs, tl.wwf 6.10; yearlings. t4.25j4.60; wethers, i3.irtj 4.30; owes, t3.25tj3.73. Slock In SlKht, The following table shows (he receipts of cnttle, hogs and theep at the llvo prin cipal llvo stock markets: uiuiin. much, mippn. South Omaha 3,7o Chicago 4,ftV) 7.801 6,133 6.000 7,300 800 20.0f) I9,roo 11,200 Knnfas city -M' St I.OIIIS d,"U Totals .13.780 59,503 19,833 Knnsns City l.lir Slock Mnrl.ct, KANSAS CITY. May 7.-f'ATTLE-Rc. ccipts, 2,200 natives. 4" Texans, (Oo calves; native and Texas beef steers, 10o higher; cows and heifers, steady tu 0c higher: other cattle steady; good to choice beef steers. J5.3.Va5.70; common tn good, J..Vri 6.15: stockers and feeders, J3.53fiR.2S; fed westerns, J!.60'a5.23: Texas and Indian, $1.10 35.00: COWS. 13.2653165: heifers, M.50fi5.1&: csnners. J2.CfS3.00; bulls, J3.25fI,75, calves, Jl.OOfjfi.flO, HOGS- Receipts. 19,600; market sternly; top, 15.83; bulk of sales, t3.$5ii5.80; heavy, i-.7Rn.1M. nilved nickers. J5.601fS.S0; llgl) J.V15(5.70. pigs. IIWI?.ln ..... SI I EKI AND WA.MUS-UPCCll'ij-. L 'VV: mnrket strong, western lambs. J 1,601(4,95, . ... iimi n. i.sfllirtt venr lings, tl.SMH.60. ewes J.I 7ffHM. cull. .f0 H3.2S; clipped Texas sheep, MHOS 1.00; spring in.t.d x ,-jv r, i;n !1IIHJ, i,.'.v JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Go,, Otaalin, Tfrlt. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. fiend for Cntnlouc Number 23 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Johnson-McLean Co Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Stair Work, Builders' Supplies. Telephone (1.17. (Ith nnd Jones .Streets, Omnhn, Mrn, DRY GOODS. hJ E. Smith t Go. Import rs and Jofcfcrat Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodi AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go. HOWARD STRI2RT, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestem Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Lltctrlo Wiring Belli tad Qtt LIsfctlMI O. V. JOHNSTON. Mcr. 1510 Howard St. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Hall's Safes, Citsh Registers, Typewriters Hall Safe and Lock Company, 1 1 19 Fur nu in St. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MAJCUrACTUKERS AND JOBBERS' OF MACHINERY. SNXRAL REPAIIIINO A IPBCIALT IRON AND BRASS FOUNDKRS. 1H1, inoa mm 1BOB Jaakaaa straat. Osaka. Nek. Tel. 113a. B. EabrUU. Acent. J. B. Cowgill, Mrs ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS laprovfrd Quick and i:asy Rlilns Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATOH DATES Send for naOlogu. KIMBALL. BROS.. COUNCIL DT.UrFfl, Ift MM Sth BUeeU Telephone 111. c H. Davis & Son Aseat for thr niehmoaj Sufety (antra nnil Fire llnor. Eler.tor Hydraulic end Hand KUvatori. EITtor repairing a specialty. Leather Valre Cups for' Eleratori, Entlnai aa PrlBtlag Prelaws. I 1 1 Ml la. HVl Mnnufacturori and Jobbori of Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 nnil 1010 riOIMlI.AS ST. PAINTS AND OILS. National Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporatad.) llAMlIKACTimiSIlS AXD .lOnilKIIS. Paints for all Purposes, Varnishes, etc. mh snd 1017 Jonrs Kt., Tel 1721. Omaha, WALL IVtl'tll. fetter Wall paper Go., JOUKKKS WALL PAPER. Large, wrll selected stock, prlcca sam aa eastern houses latest novelties. Dialer send for '.SOI sample line and terms. " . nmnlin. "COMMISSIONS Qavid Cole Co., Fresh Dressed Poultry, Oysters and Celery. 410 So 11th St. Oinalm Duy FltYElt lUVU OF L,EAIJVIM,E at So a share; Company controls IT claims la tho tunrt of the District; property being operated with a steam hoist: has a record of production of 150,000.00, Duy PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCK at 20c a share; tho company owns 45 claims and a largo mill; la a steady shlppci anil employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay dlvU dends this year. Wrlto for Information concerning dlvl dend paylnB stock showing nu Investment ot bettor than 33,i per cent, to Horbort S. Shaw, offices 14 and ID, Drown l'alaco Ho tel, Denver, Colorado. Arprovcd stock! cold on Instalment plan. Dlroct private wlro to nil Colorado exchanges. Trtriiliuim lOntl, Boyd Commission Co Successors to James 10. tloyd & Co,, OMAHA. NKll. ' COMMISSION (illAI.N. I'ltOVISIO.VS AND STOCKS, llnaril of Trnite Halltltnif. Direct wires to Chicago and New Tork, Correspondence, John A. Wurran & C i X 1 4