THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: IMCXNDAY, HI AY 0, SHOOTERS GO TO LINCOLN Twmtj-Fifth Aianal Tenrnamtnt tf State Eportimin'i AuiclatUa. OMAHA WILL BE WELL REPRESENTED i Ent1nilntln Milliliter (in to tlic Cnii itnl City Intrnt t'pun MiiUIiik Some Hrciirtlii AmntPiiri Will Ilnve a Clin lie c. Tho twenty-fifth nnnunl tournament of tlj Nobiaska State Sportsmen's association will ho held In Lincoln this week, bPRlnnlng Tuesday nnd continuing until Krldny after noon. Elnbornto preparations for tho event havo been mndo by the shooters of tho capital city nnd all of the visitors arc os Btircd a cordlnl wclcotno and a royal good time. Omaha wilt bo represented by n lnrt;e delegation, all of tho enthusiastic shooters of this city hnvlnc mado arrangements to nttend either tho entlto shoot or part of It. There wilt bo a largo attendance from other points In tho stato nnd many prom inent shooters from nbroad are expected. CliitiU'o for Amnion. Tho flrt three days will bo devoted to target events and they will be divided no that the amateur shooters will have sev eral chancei to trv their hick without being pitted agnlnst tho crack shots who will bo In attendance. Thursday afternoon the first event will dectdo tho "dickey bird" championship of tho state nnd tho winner of tho match will receive the trophy. Tho fourth nnd closing day, Friday, will witness tho big event, when the llvo bird shoot will be held. There will bo twenty flvo llvo birds. Tho entrance fee will bo $15 nnd there will ho 550 In prize money ndded. Handicaps will bo from twenty ceven to thirty-two ynrds and tho puree will go to tho high guns. LACK HILLS PROSPERITY Well Knnnn MIiiIiik Kxprrt HrliiK" HlKlily IJiiriiuriiKlnK Ilriort. Rematkablo prosperity In tho Black Hills mineral region Is reported and there Is an Influx of Omaha capital. H. R. Ayrcs of Chicago, general western agent for a prom inent mining machinery company, nnd who Is a writer of considerable prominence on mining topics, Is now In Omaha, having Just returned from n trip through the Ulack Hills country. Mr. Ayres went to tho Ulack Hills for tho purposo of passing export opinion on somo mining property which Is owned by Omaha capitalists. Ho was nrcompnnlcd by It. C. 1'nttcrson. "I believe." said Mr. Ayres, "that theso Omaha Investors have a valuablo pleco of property. It gives every Indication of bearing an Immense amount of ore that can bo worked profitably. It Is! located In n district thnt has recently been worked moro extenslvoly than over beforo nnd which shows up In excellent shape. Colorado capital tins Invested largely In tho Immediate district whero the Omaha mon nro Interested and tho property which Is being worked shows excellent returns. "I have been more or less acquainted with thn Illnck Hills for fifteen years. That district nhows evidences of greater pros perity right now thnn It over has beforo. I visited Lend, Terravllle. Central City, Spearflsh, Dead wood, Whitcwood. Hapld City and a number of outlying camps. All of them hnve nn nlr of prosperity. In addition, the miners all spenk of tho good results being nttalned by tho different mills that aro working nnd thoso under construc tion. "Ono thing thnt augurs well for the pres ent nnd future prosperity of tho Black Hills Is tho success which Is attending the In vestment of now capital. Wenlthy Colorado raining men are putting a great deal of money Into ninck Hills property Just now. One of tho big companies recently organized is the Hidden Kortuno, which Is called tho "second Homestnko." This rompnny has secured possession of n great deal of prop erty lying ndjncent to tho Homestnko nnd Is starting Its cpariUlonn on nn extensive ecale." CATTLE INJURED BY STORM Stock HnlKorn In Knntcrn Colorado mill Wmlrrn ,Iii-iin1h llc imrt Limnfn. "Cattle men in eastern Colorado and western Nebraska lost many cattle during tho blizzard that enmo March 21. Previous to that tlmo all stock had been in splendid condition, but ranchmen wero short on feed at tho end of tho season and tho last storm wus disastrous to tho cattle nnd sheep Interests," sald-Tl. Ileatty, a Jules tourg (Colo.) meichant, who is In Omaha buying guods. "At present, however, con ditions nro very favorable for cattlo Inter ests. "Tho heavy snows have brought tho grass out In good shupo and there Is plenty of water In tho streams. All tho Irrigated lands are In good condition and promiso to yield flno crops. The sentiment pre vails that there will not be any break In tho prices of stock nnd thero Is overy in dication that tho cattlemen will bavo a successful season." Tlta Stout Common Ailment. Moro pooplo suffer from rheumatism than from any other n'lmont. This is wholly un necessary, too, for a euro mny bo effected at n very small cost. O. W. Wcscott, ngent I). & II. C. Ry. Co., Mendowdnlo. N. v., says: "I havabeen afflicted with rhouma tlsm for somo'tlme and It hns caused ma much suffering. I concluded to try Cham berlain's T.iln I3nlm and nm pleased to say that It has cured mo." For salo by all druggists. Publish your legal nottcei In Tho Weekly Y1 A A T.l1anlir.n flIO , 4HVI t4lll(iWUU l)9 Stonecyphcr prints anything. Tel. 1310. FEDERAL COURT OPENS TODAY Trlliminl Will Try Severn! linnnrtnnt innt-a, .iiiiiiir; tiumii lmt Attnlnnt Hrneat .1, Wnltrr. Tho federal court convenes this morning io transact mo Business of the May torm The first order of thn Hnv win k. .i ' UD KUV VUlm paneling of a petit Jury. Several .Irapor iani caseM appear on uom tue civil and crlmlnnl dockets, nnd It Is nmhniiio thi the trlbunnT will remain In session during me greater pan oi mo montn. Tho best known criminal case to be tried will bo that against Ernest J. Wolter of Bchuylor, who Is accused of attempting to extort money from United States Senator Ke.irna of Utah. Wolter was Indicted by the UBt federal grand jury, What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question wises In the family very Jay. Let U3 answer it to-day. Trj Jell-O, ft delicious and healthful dessert. Pre- rarea in two minutes. No boiling I no nakincr I add bolllmr water nnH cf in coo!. Flavors: Lemon. Orange. Rncn. fcerry ami Strawberry. . c ....... i . r . Oct a nackai tyour grocers iouay, JocU. South Omaha News. Tonight tho Hoard of Education will meet In regular monthly session and tho three members elected last month will bo sworn In. Tho now members arc: J, L. Kubat, John Henry Locchncr and J. M. Murphy. The new members take tho places of John Fits Itobcrts and William tlrcnnan, Locch ncr succeeding himself. After tho vole has been canvassed nnd tho certificates delivered the new mem bers will be sworn In nnd then a reor ganization will bo attempted. It is pos slblo that tho old board will try and ills poso of ns much business as possible prior to adjourning sine die, but as the funds of tho district arc low thero Is little, If any, possibility of any contracts bclug let. Aa only four or llvo liquor licenses havo been turned Into the city treasurer thero Is no money to go on and consequently s(cps townrd erecting n portion of tho proposed High school cannot go on until tho money is on hand. Up to date ninety two saloons havo ndvcrtlsed for licenses and this means $02,000 for the school dis trict, which Is iloublo tho amount received from the same source last year. With this amount of money on hand the overlap of about $70,000 can be taken tip nnd a balance left for other purposes. In addition to this balance thero will be tho state appor tionment of about $10,000 nnd the levy, which will hardly be less than $33,000. As for tho reorganization, no one seems to know who will bo selected president. A meeting of the "faithful" was held yes terday and a Boit of slato arranged, but thero Is no sure sign that when It comes to voting tonight that thoso who attended tho mucus will stick to what thoy agreed to. Some want Colonel Lott for president on account of IiIb experience, but as ho ts a republican, oh against six democrats, ho will hardly have any show. John Henry Loechncr is billed for secretary, but thero la still a chance of his falling to connect At any rate, the meeting will be an In teresting one. City Cmmi'll .McctliiK. Tonight the city council will meet with six counellmen and carry on business under tho regulations of the new charter. It Is possible that nn attempt will be mado to reorganize tltu committee, as It appears that somo of tho committees nro not satis factory to nfhclnls and citizens ns well Kven If there Is n reorganization Adklns will remain president, ns this nppenrs to be tho wish of tho council ns well bh the taxpnyers, who nro Interested In municipal affairs. Martin will Introduce nn ordinance cut ting down the saloon occupation tax, but no ono appears able to predict what will become of he document. Tho chances aro that tho tax will stick, as tho city Is badly In need of funds. With the amount to be derived from this occupation tox the city can pay its pollctmcn and firemen and man age to get along until tho next levy Is available, which will be In August. Another Cinlm I'llod. John Nf. Wcstburg. city comptroller of Omaha, has filed another hill against tho city of South Omaha for tho lodging and keeping of a smallpox patient nt the emer gency hospital. This tlmo It Is Oeorge Hlrd who claims to be a resident of South Omaha, that was taken caro of and his bill amounts to $00. Just a few days ago a bill for the caro of Matilda Martin for $95 was listed wlth'tho city clerk. No one In tho city seems to be nbln to discover the resldenco of tho Mnrtln woman and the bill will be contested. In fact, both claims will be dls putcd and it may bo a long time beforo Omaha gets any pay for these two cases of smallpox alleged to have been sent up from hero. Irlnli l.niiKiiiiKr CIhumpk. An Irish language class Is to be organized here, with llov. Knjthcr I). W. Morlnrty of St. Agnes' church nt the head. Tho Idea Is to form a society to co-operate with Irishmen at home and in tho United States In tho revival of their own Innguage. An organization here has been perfected by tho selection of Cornelius M. O'Donovnn, Thirty-ninth and W streets, ns president and Michael J. Orady, 228 North Twenty fourth street, secretary ond treasurer. Tho first meeting of tho class will bo held on Friday evening. May 10, at St. Agnes' hall, Twenty-third nnd Q streets. Thoso deslr Ing to securo membership nro requested to attend this meeting. Tlirlr Ilnsy liny. Tho drouth In Omnha yesterday caused an Increase In business In South Omaha circles and tho street ear company did a flourishing business. I'laccB where liquor was sold wero well patronized and the boot black stands did a good business. Drug' gists sold cigars and soda water to all comers and really reaped a harvest. Mayor Kelly evidently feared that n too open town might bring discredit upon his administration and so early yesterday morn ing ho sent out orders through the police forco to keep nil front doors of saloons closed during tho day. This order was com plied with to the letter. Kven though thero was an Influx of strangers, thero was no disorder and tho police had little or nothing to do. CoiniilnlnliiK About Cam. Residents of Albright aro complaining nnout tlie car service on tho lino which operates from the center of tho city to tho southern limits. They say that tho car wheels aro flat nnd that a person should bo paid a premium for riding. Instead of being compelled to pay fare. A petition Is being prepared to bo presented to tho council ask ing that something bo dono to Improve tho Bcrvico on tbo Albright lino. Mil ir In CMlv Ctiaulf. TV Mnrrlll nf AlSrtrrht fenu s- Mr. nnil Mrs. PrnnL- rMnrL- c?...i , . with frionds nt Fremont. Tho Jail riml city offices wero disinfected yesterday with formaldehyde. it ir expected that tho urraiiKementfl for mado today. A mfWtHm nt Mm llnrmnnii X.I..U ...III hold tnnlnht. Itmtnrwl nf w . i .. ,.ii. w iiuiiuuoi; lUlllUUUlI'll. " hftrn Will lin n innl.i n Ci tl Shi" Improvement club at Maccabce hall, iiiirnbui aim 4 Hirceix, Monuay night Thn ItlfQnt ilnilrrlitnr et Mr r.. it'll Until Ilnlmti Tivntttt-.tfniiaMih t.. ....... ,,,,,-n.iiuiiiu nun tirucrsuii Htrenttt, died yesterday and will bo hurled iiun tuiii iiuiu u. jjuurui Jim camciery. Through an error tho name of Richard t I.ii.i fa iiiii . i ii in 1 1 1 1..I ........ 1 . . 1 i .. . w Mtw uiiiitii-u null! mu Hal OI C ccrs at the South Omaha Commercial el nt!l ub .hi. j jvi-ciu id iirni vicn presiueiu Ol organization. the Goorgo C. Hickock, Curtlss, Wis., says "Foley's Kidney Cure has been tosted and found to bo all you claim (or It. I have given it to my father and It 1b tho only thing that ever helped him," IlKine.Pckrm' Kzciiraluna On Tuesdays, May 7 and 21, tho MIS SOUItl PACIFIC KAIMVAY will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to points In Kansas, Bouthwcst Missouri, Arkansas Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, etc Also to certain points In tbo south and southwest. For Information wrlto to o call on tho company's agents, southerns corner 14th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb J. O. I'HILLin. T. F. GODFREY, A. G. F. and P. A. V. and T. A. Send articles of Incorporation, notices o stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee We. will give them proper legal Insertion Ttiepnono zus. Seeds that grow come from the Nebrask Btta company, 1513-15 Howard St. Btoaecypbor, printer: 1201 Howard St. I.nat Ten I I. f,-t -... j. sun wiison win give inn dosing lecture at the tent. Fourteenth and Harney streets, 70RTY HOURS OF DEVOTION mpreiiire Opening Service it Held at St. Cccclia'i Church. MP0RTANT SERMON BY THE BISHOP lllrnftril SnvmiiiPiit it thr Tlii-mr of I ho Hpi'iikcr nnil AIiiiik (lint l.lnc ll- 'InlUn nt l.i'iiKlli Drncoiifi of lloniir. Tho ceremony ot tho forty hours' devo tion begnn nt St. Cecelia's church Sunday morning. Tho opening services were of the most Impressive character. Tho mass of tho blessed sacrament was celebrated, with Father A, M. Colanorl as celebrant, as sisted by Fathers Hnrrlngton nnd Casey, ns deacon nnd sub-deacon, respectively. Dlshop Scnnnell presided, tho deacons of honor being Fathers Jennuctte, Ahcnrno nnd Corcoran. Father Stenson was master of ceremonies, Thero was an especially lino musical program, the choir being made up of Mrs. F. J. Morlarty, Mrs. W. W. Tuyicr, Miss Ornham, Miss Petit. Messrs. U. McCarthy, Chnrlcs Morlnrty and M. Mc Creary. Millard's mass In H lint was sung, Mrs. V. W. Turner singing "Creation" as nn offertory. Hi'i-iiion lij- till' lllnlinii, Illphop Scnnnell preached tho sermon, tnk Ing an his theme tho blessed sacrament, snylng, in part: "Tho church ot God Is established for tho purposo of lending men to Hut supernatural end for which they are designed by their creator nnd this mission tho church ac complishes by teaching the truth of Gnd, revealed for man's enlightenment, nnd the ordinances established by Christ for man's sanctlflcntlon. Tho olllco of the church Is to teach man to know God and to do Ills will. Now, this teaching nfflce of the church In concerned principally with the revealed truths. Some of these truths arc also the dlctntes of the natural law. Im pressed by God upou man and made reason nblo by humnn understanding. Others arc mysteries which we cannot comprehend. Wo accept them upon tho testimony pre sented nnd because of the credibility of the witnesses who testify. Most of tho knowl edge wo possess rests upon the testimony nf others tho knowledge of tho facts of history; tho knowledgo we havo of other lands thnn ours, nnd of many other things which are not tho result of personal ob servation or of conclusions from self-evident principles, yet It is certain that If wc cannot believe this testimony nnd accept tho deductions ns facts society would be disorganized, Now, tho truths of God spoken by the prophets nnd later by His Son wero spoken that they might convey to us knowledgo necessary for our splritunl nature." Tbo bishop then rend one of the nccounts of tho Institution of tho sacrament of tho blessed Eucharist and presented theidcflnl tlon of tho doctrine of trnnsubstnntlation, saying that tho Kucharlst Is nt once a sncrlflco and a sacrament, continuing In part: lllulu-Kt I'o nn of Worship. "The worship of sacrifice is the highest form of worship man enn offer to God. ISvcry other net of worship may be given to man. Wo nsk for favors, wo thank Him for blessings nnd consideration, wo prnlso Illm. Wo do nil of this to man nt various times. Our motives may bo different, hut our words nnd actions nro the same, but this is not so with sacrifice. Sacrlflco can be offered to no creature. It must be of fered to God alone. Therefore, If Christian religion had no sacrlflco It would be worso than tho Jewish, for this religion had n sacrifice. This sacrlflco distinguishes the church from all human institutions. It Is nn understanding of this sacrifice which makes Intelligible many things regarding tho human history of the church tha lovo of Its children nnd tho hatred of tho world. Tho world hates tho church because It claims a jiower independent of tho rulers of earth." GENERAL LEE HAS RETURNED Former Depart mriit Comiiiiiiiilcr Will Ilriiuilii llerr Temporarily with II In Family. General and Mrs. Fitzhugh Leo hnvo re turned from their western trip nnd aro now at tho Millard hotel, whero they will remain for n few weeks until tbey have completed their plans for permanent removal to Virginia. They nro In excellent health, the trip having been of great benefit. The general has mado no arrangements for his futuro and Is now considering several matters which have been presented to him. Miss Mlnnlo Smith, Mlddiesboro, Ky writes: "My llttlo sister had tho croup very bad. I gave her several dozes of Foley's Honey nnd Tar nnd sho wns In stantly relieved. It saved her life." AiiiioniiceiiiPiilM or tin- Tlicntrm. May Irwin, who appears at Doyd's theater tomorrow night, doubtless owes her un rivalled popularity as much to tho novol position sho occupies on tho American stage as to her superior talent and charms of person. Sho Is about tho only woman In America who Is an acknowledged come dienne and commands a field that Is ex clusively her own. Shq Is a laugh-maker, a rnro novelty among feminine followers nf tho stage. Sho has been meeting with enormous success in her new play, "Mndgo Smith, Attorney," which proved n distinct hit during her Now York engagement, ond sho hns throughout tbo season enjoyed the biggest profits of her successful career. Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel. 1440. autie3 ym j THIS IS POETRY II stands for bugs, Who work at night, And a bald-headed sinner lCllls them on sight. Ho curries a bottle Of Schaofer'H Hum Denth And pours It all over 'cm, Which shuts oft their breuth. Cramer's Kidney Cure ,,, Undo Sam's Tobacco Cure Hucan Hntr Tonic l'lerco's Proscription Kuy's itenovntor Kays' Lung Hulm Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills ., Duffy's Malt Peruna ller's Malts Whiskey ,., Scott's KmulMon 600 T6o 75o 200 2ltc $1.00 f DC . 63c 76o Ho &a 7a lOo 15o 16c Hlro's Hoot Deer Pinkham's Compound 1 dozen 2-gruin Qulnlno Capsules 1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules 1 dozen 6-graln Qulnlno Capsules Hromo Qulnlno SCHAEFER CUT price DRUGGIST I(!0 TO SAX ritAXCISCO AMI HI'.THtX Vlu dip IliirlliiKtoii llotiti'. ! 1,'nr thn tniinntilnn nt thn ti.i 1 1 Iff nil In nhln nt San Francisco, May 18, the Ilurllngton win ecu round trip tickets trom umnim tor 00. 1 Tickets on salo May 7 nnd S. Good returning for 30 days. Stopovers permitted on the return trip within tho return limit. Through Standard sleeping cars dally. Tickets, 1302 Farnam sticet. ClmiiHe ol Ttmr. C, ST. P., M. & d. RY. . Commencing Sunday, April 28, the train for Slou.x City and all northeastern Ne braska polnt4 will leave Webster street I depot at 2:45 p. m. A later train for J Kmerson nnd Intermediate points will leave dally, except Sunday, at D:30 p. m. Re turning, arrives at S:30 n. in. No change , lu other trains. For Salo A practically new Kimball piano nt a big bargain. Inqulro G. I). Tzschuck, Ilee business olllce. THE UNION PACIFIC. This lino lias mado SPECIAL RATES for tho summer na follows: OMAKA TO Denver. SI5 S Colo. Springs To Glenwood Springs, Pueblo, Tickets will bo on wilo .Tilly 1 to i), ALSO One Fare for Plus From Juuo IS to 30, July 10 New City Ticket Oilice, 1324 Farnam. Union Station lOtli nnil w It $60 mm HAYDENs HAYDENs Men's $25 to $40 Suits at $7-50. $10 and $15.00 These are the famous Steiu-Bloch Co. suits recently pur chased by us at 50c on the dollar. At the opening of the season we secured the sole agency for this make, the best in the world, and to give us an opportunity to properly introduce these they sold us THEIll EXTJUE SUKPLUS SPKIXG AND SUMMER STOCKS AT CO CENTS ON THE DOLLAK. The big sale is now on. All the tnew patterns; all the new fabrics; all the new styles, tailored in the most artistic manner, and worth and sold generally at -o to $-10. Your choice in this sale at 7.50, 10 and 15.00. Suit and Skirt Sales Grand clearing salo of ladles' Tallor-Mado Suits nnd Skirts. Wo must clear out all goods now ou hand to muko ri5om for stocks our buyer Is now purchasing. Kverythlng roust go. Illggcr and better bargains than ever. Women's man-tailored SultB, new sleeve, Eton and Bolero styles,- skirts lined with porcallno nnd trimmed in the famous Skin ner's satin; worth $12.50, for C.0S. Ono lot of ladles' tailor-made Suits, In Dolero, Kton and blouso styles, mado of Im ported coverts, cheviots, Venetians and a dozen other stylish cloths; Suits that wero made to sell for $20.00 and $22.50, on sale Monday for ,$10.60, Ladles' Suits, silk lined throughout, worth $25.00, our prlvo $12.50. Our entire line r.f ladles' nno man-tnllored Suits now ou nalo at half price. Silk Skirts, made from tho famous Wins low tnlfcta. worth $20.00, for $12.75. Ladles' line Imported Silk Dross Skirts lit $18.50, $20.00, $25.00, $35.00, $15.00 and $50.00. Woirr WiihIi WalatB nt 35c, 16c, 75c and up to $10.00. HAYDEN BROS. Mothers, Head This The Kk;is Alhunu-nlzVd Food U now put up In OI.ASS UOTTI.HS instead of cans. Don't take tho rain If they nro offered you, as they art OLD STOCK. 1T0 Kskays Food '-'' Me Kskuys Food 7Sc Kskays Food Ct tl.W Palne's Celery Compound 7"u J1.C Plnkbam's Compound too l tX Wine ot Cardul t.;c Jl.w Peruna "'C JUO llostetter's Stomach Hitters Ijc $1.00 Kilmer's Swnmp-ltoot Cc $l.w) Multlne Preparation f-"c $1.25 Wanier'n Safe Cure 'c Sfitf !nxntlvo Uromo-Qultiluo ,JC 25e Cat ter n l.lttlo I.lver Pills 1"' $1.01 Plerco'n Favorite Prescription 75c $1 f0 Hood's Snrnsuparllla 'jc 35e Castorl.i Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, New Locntlon-Cor. lfith nn 1 Dodge St. AT-V m T T TV JL srixix Mountain Resorts THE BEST WAY AND THE DIRECT WAY ... IS VIA ... $30 iuu Spittpuibcr 1 to 10, Inclusive. the Round Trip, $2.00. to August Inclusive. Tel. 31G. Mnrey Sts. Tel. G2fl. San Francisco and return For the lnunchlns of the Unttlc fililp Ohio nt San FranclHco, May IS, the Dtirllngtoii will sell roil nil trip tlcekts from Omnlui for $00. Tickets on sale .May 7 ami S. Good rottirultiK for :!0 days. Stoiovers pennlttcd ou tile re turn trip wltliln the return limit. Tliro Standard Sleepers leave the Ilurllngton Station every after noon nt -l:-5. TICKET OFFICE, BURLINGTON STATION, 1502 Farnam St. 10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone Hi. Great Sale of Summer Shoes and Oxfords COO pairs of children's tine $1.20 kid turn solo shoes, sizes 5 to 8, nt 85c. 600 pa Ira mlsacs' line $1.76 kid lace shoes, sizes 12 to 2, on salo nt $1.15. LADIES' KINK OX KOHDS ON SALE. 850 pairs of Ladles' lino Kid $2.00 nnd $2.50 Oxford Tics on sale at $1.40. C50 pairs ot Ladles' lino Kid nnd Patent Leather Strnp $1.60 and $2.00 Slippers, on salo at 98c. ' LADIES' KINE SHOES ON SALE. 1,200 pairs of Ladles' lino Kid and Patent Leather $3.00 and $3.50 Shoet on salo nt $1.98. 3,000 pairs of Ladles' lino Hrnolcs Dros.' mako ot vlcl kid $4.00 Shoes on sale $2.00. 1,000 pairs of Men's flno $3,00 Vlcl Kid, Welt Solo Lnco Shoes on salo at $1.98. 600 pairs nf Hoys' lino Vlcl Kid and Calf Laco $2.00 Shoes on sale at $1.25. 1.600 pairs of Men's flno "Crossctt" $5.00 quality patent leather, velour and vlcl kid Bhoes at $3.50. "HUOOK8' BROS." SHOES for LADIES. "STETSON" SHOES KOH MEN. blamed nm stamped upon them is it guarantee, but is it? The inventor who spent his life in constructing a ma chine that would lly through the air named it a fly the machine, but the name was a failure. The name does not guarantee unless it guarantees. Ol'K WOMEN'S 11.50 SHOES. A re just as good in quality, style and construction as any !5.50 shoes found in Omaha. You needn't take our word for it. Come in and make a careful inspection, look at every point that should be found in good shoes. See if these points are not plain and positive. Tliest shoes are made of vici kid, with or without patent leather tips, all styles of heels, neat, dressy, durable, comfortable. Don't be blind to your interests. Special Sales UAVnCII China Deptl Just In, tho Pan-American nssortment. $1 fruit dishes, very nncly decorated, tinted colors, gold striped 25c $1 chop trays, same 25c $1 water pitchers, samo 25c $1 Jelly cups, same 25c $1 cako plates, same 25c Decorated cups, saucers and all sizes plates Cc Crystal sauce dishes, G for 5c Crystal cream sets, 6 pieces 17c Gallon sizo milk crocks 3c Slop Jars, 19c Wash Howl nnd Pitcher, each 2l'.ic 4, 6, 6-Inch vegctnblo dishes 2c Incandescent gis mantles, from 6c up. All of our chins, crockery, glassware, etc., comes direct from tho manufacturer. Wo rotall at what other dealers buy for. Optical Department If your eyes hurt you or your sight Is Impaired, consult our optician. No chnrgu for examination, Carefully llttcd and adjusted glasses sup plied for less than half tho ordinary price. A full lino of optical goods In main aisle. Grocery Sale Strictly fresh eggs, 10c doz. 2-pound can sugar corn, C'ic can. 3-pound can to matoes, 7iic can. 2-pound can string beans, 6c can. 2-pound can Lima beans, 615c can. 3-pound can Dartlett pears, 8 l-3c can. 3 bars wool soap, 10c. 10 bars best laundry soap, 23c. 3 bars Tar soap, worth for 10c. 10c packago Flake beans, 6c. 5 pounds breakfast oat meal, 10c, 10 pounds sack cornmeal, 10c. 10-pound pack ryo Hour, 16c. 10-pound sack Graham Hour, 15c. Evaporated pears, 5c pound. California fancy pears, 7,;c. Kancy Oregon peaches, 8 l-3c. Diamond lemon cling pouches, 10c pound. Kuby prunes 5c pound. Largo San Joso prunes, 7',ic pound. HAYDEN W Am 2fal nnufc MARK Reglitered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. 'Phone 1716 shields are required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive percplratlon, rub the palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder. In cases ot habitual sweating, use the powder In pink box. Kor axllllary (armpits) sweating, And directions for use in tha cover ot tho blue box, Kor obstinate sweating or cbaf fog bathe tho affected parts with the Re-No-M&y Astringent Antlscptlo Lo tion, It must be distinctly understood that KE-NO-MAY Powder Is not m toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antiseptic powder, and should not be used for Infants as a toilet dusting powder. PRICE SO CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4, When ordering by mall add 5 cents for postage Re-No-May Skin Food for facial manage. Re-Nn-May Cream aottoni and whitens tha hinds and face. LEA&PER The Original Worcestershire BEWARE OP IMITATIONS, It Is highly approved for Hclous flavor which It Imparts to y , Soups, Fish, Game, Meats, Salads, cicrj; Welsh Rarebits, etc. blindness Fortune hns often been bin mod for her blindness, but she wns never more blind than the few who negleet to investigate the quality, style, construction and price of our Women's SKoes You read the shoes advertised around town and all of them claim best in quality, style, con struction and price. There are good shoes sold in Omaha some better than others. Some shoes ?. dealers tell you that the name s lift I Ukll Cracker Sale Ginger snaps, 5o. Soda or oyBtor crack. ers, 6c. Animal crackers. SV5c. Ilrownlcs, 12',4c Shredded wheat biscuit, 10'c, Gra ham and oatmeal cruckcrs, 8',4c Uneeda biscuit, aV4c. Ilarrel of ginger snaps, 22c. Pretzels, 10c, Lemon uud vaulla wafers, Ilremner'siSc, Athenn and Ilnmona wafers puckege, Jlc. Hremner's butter wafcro, 10c. Hremner's sugar wafers, all flavors, 21c. Kent's water crackers, 18c. JJwel back, 1214c. C.runose biscuit, 12,4c. Wo hnvo everything In fancy wafers, marsh mallows, etc. All goods nro guaranteed fresh lu packages or bulk. Lard and Meats 3-lb. palls puro leaf lurd, (limited), 56c. o-lb. palls .puro leaf lard (limited), 47c. No. 1 sugar cured hams, 10ic No. i Ger man summer sausage, 12',c. No. 1 sugar cured bacon, 12',4c. Kancy pig pork, extra lean, 12Vc. Uoncicss corned beef, 7Wc KANCY KUUITS Kancy Juicy lemons, long ns they Inst, 12 Vie per dozen. Oranges, Juicy Kedlands. 30c 1-lb carton fancy pIbs, 8 1-3c. KISII Cromarity bloaters, 5c each. K. K. K, K, Norwuy herring, 9e pound! Choice mack, crel, 5c ench. DltlKl SALE Chase's hair restorer, 69a Smith'b Tonic intira , 69c Klg Syrup , 25o Dyspepsia Tablets ,,, 32o Pepsin Stomach Hitters.... &9C Hood's Sarhaparllla , , 630 l'lerco's Knvorlte Prescription;,..,,., 69c Cramer's Kidney Curo , 750 Wlno of Cardul , , C9c Victor Headncho Tablets lgq Witch Hazel Salvo , 15o Klorlda Water, 76c sizo im-ti 2oa Toilet Soap, 3 cakes In box, 10c, 3 boxes for , 25a 3 cakes Tnr Soap , 10o Roach iPcwdcr, pound 35o Moth Ualls, 3 for 10a RE-NO-MAY POWDER In pink box not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of tha feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures tender, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In blue box removes all bodily odors. If properly used no drees SAUCE tho eta' TliU tig Bttuto It on my bottk. JOHN DUNCAN S 60NS, Agenti, M. Y, BROS 11. VtCMIIIfc, W. Car. 10th mm A CIiIkmo.