THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SVypAY, MAY 5, 1001. Another "Dot" Contest May 8th CONDITIONS THE PRIZES Every subscriber, new or old, will be entitled to one guess with every fifteen cents paid on subscription account You can guess ns ninny times us you wish. The more guesses you turn in the better your chances of winning. The subscription price of the Daily (Morning or Evening) and Sunday Uee is 15 cents a week by carrier, or 2.00 for three months by mail. "o one connected with The Hee directly or indirectly will be allowed to enter this contest. Pay a 4 Weeks' Subscription and get 4 guesses. A 3 Months' Subscription and get 13 guesses. 'A Year's Subscription and get 52 guesses. Starts in The Evening Bee $1,500 in Prizes and a Bull Pup The more guesses you turn in the better your chances of winning. Can You Add Correctly &4k Prizes for the Nearest Correct Sum of All the Figures. 6 .4 XOTR Tlir nhove In the exnet Nine of tlie flftnre plnte. All tlir irtce In nlile the lionlrr will he eovrred with flKiire Nltullnr to flic few mIiimvii. There In no IlKiire hlulier (linn l. There nre no uoinhliinlloiiN of IlKiire. Knelt flwurc In complete In Itnelr. To those sending us the correct sum of the fig ures The Bee will give the following prizes. NOTICE (ho arrangement of the prize. Everybody has nn equal opportunity to win, regardless of whero you live or when you sond In your guoss, Tho first prlzo goes to the first person sending us tho correct sum. The second prize to tho second porson tho 100th prlzo to tho 100th person, etc. Flr9t Prize-Cash $50.00 Second Prize-One Mandolin $25.00 Third Prize-Lot in Council Bluffs $100.00 Fourth Prize-Cash $10.00 Fifth Prize-Sewing Machine $50.00 littii-Tiii: in ix i'i i llth to 24th Prizes 10 bottles Cra mer's Kidney Cure M0.0 ii.MIt I'rlte-fAfH lfUMK 26th to 3Cth 10 pairs Orphcum Scats, $10.00 36th to 43rd Rscent Novels 17.00 -llth PrUe tl.WJO BIS.00 fpCth l'rlze Ono Ulcyclo 123.00 "uth 1'rUo One-half dozen I'rnrl Hnn die Fruit Knives 1600 HXItli Prlae CASH BHMMI 111th Prize Carving Sot $5.00 130th Prlzo The Parrot. J1III. I'rl.r-ONi: (lOl.K WACJOX flOO.OO 160th Prlzn Onu Watch $16.00 200th l'rlzo Ono Ilanjo $15.00 210th l'rlze Ono Photo Album $3.00 215th l'rlzo Ono Toilet Case $3.00 225th l'rlze Ono Cut Glass Water Dot tle und Tumblers $11.00 SlftOth I'rlrt I'OCKKT KODAK . . 10.00 275th l'rlze Ono Sot Rogers' Host Spooo'-s $2.25 2S0th l'rlzo Two rounds Candy $1.00 'jsnili Prise 1 .stniiilnril llletlonnry Ifl'J 290th Prize-One Ton Sheridan Coal.. $5.50 ItOOth I'rlnc-OM', WIIKKI.KII AMI Wlt.MIIX SIACIII.M:. .IJMIO.OO 325th prize Two Pounds Candy. . .,$1.00 n.tOth I'rlse O.MJ tlL'lTAIt Vin.OO 376th Ono set Rogers' llest Spoons.. $2, 26 400th Prize One Standard Dictionary $12.00 450th Prize Two Pounds Candy .$1,00 nooth Prlc MAMIOMN atiin.MO COOth Prize Ono set Rogers' Uest Spoons .$2.21 700th I'rlae I'tH'KKT KODAK . .110.00 SOOth Prize Ono set Rogers' Rest Spoons $2.23 SOOth Prize Two Pounds Candy $1.00 1000th Prize Cash $10.00 1100th Prize Ton Sheridan Conl $5.50 1200th Prize One Standard Dictionary $12 1313th prize Tho Monkey. 1400th to 1425th Prlzcs-Cnndy $15.00 inooth Prlae CASH swo.oo Intermedials Prizes Art Pictures nnd noookR $805.00 TOTAL Total $1,500 and a Bull Pup. We Guarantee That Everyone Sending Us the Correct Sum Will Get a Prize. Are You Good at Adding ? There is no trick about the puzzle. It is absolutely a matter of skill and ingenuity- This Contest Closes at 5 p. m., Wednesday, May 29. n The correct sum and list of prize winners will be published in The Sunday Bee, June 2nd, USE THIS BLANK IN ALL CASES. Tho Dee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. l).ito Received Tlmo A. M. ..P. M. Guesses on the Figures Enclosed llntl .? to apply on my subscription account. Xanie Street and No Whero paper Is delivered. rostolVice State Where pnper is sent. Are you taking The Bee now? If not, when do you want it started?. Address All Answers to PUZZLE DEPARTMENT, THE OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEB. 3 .$1,500.00 BATTLE APPEARS IMMINENT Methctn and Rawliruen Hurrying Toward Delarey'e Boors, BABINGT0N TOO WEAK TO ATTACK THEM Men lit the II 1 1 1 m Arc I'he TlioiimmU tu Ximitier Mini llrltlnli l''oree In the DlNtrli't llnve to Await llclnfnri'emriit. JOHANNESBURG. Muy 3. General De laroy, tho Ilocr commander, has now 4,000 or 5,000 men In tho hills nrouml Ihirtbeesto (outeln. General ilublnu ton, In command of tho British forces In tho district, Is without n, sufficient force to attack nnd Is observing tho Doers, while Generals Mnthuen nnd Ruwlliison aro convcrglnK hither. A battle nppears Imminent. VON MIQUEL TO BE HONORED tSerninn .MlnUter of l'lnunce Who lle- lK"el Will lie (ilv.n llltftier IliinU, BERLIN, Mny 1. Theodore Moellor, na tional liberal member for Brnckwedc, has been appointed mlnistar of commerce, In succession to Hcrr Urefeld. It Is understood Dr. von Mlqucl, who has resigned the olllco of minister of tlunnco, will be elevated to a higher rank. He has received tho uowly established Prussian order of merit. Emperor William's wish to appoint Count von Zcedlltz-Truotschlcr, prcsldont of Hesse-Nassau, to succeed Liar on von Rhelnbadcn as Prussia minister, of tho In. terlor, Is meeting with serious obstacles. His majesty has now naked Count von Bethmann-IIollwcg, president of tho prov ince of Brnndcuburg, to become minister of tho Interior. council; Dr. von Kocrbcr, tho Austrian premier, nnd President Koloman .do Szell of tho Hungarian cabinet summoning tho delegations to meet May 20. TALK ABOUT THE CABINET Hmneror "WHIIom1 Selection for Mill iliter of Interior Oilmen it HriiHiitlon. BERLIN, May 4. In well-informed Quar ters tho representative of tho Associated Press hears the sensational nows that Em peror William wants Count Sedlltz Trudhler to become. Prussian minister of tho Interior. Tho count'!' now chief president of IIcs&o Nassau, In l'"fisol, and wns formerly Prus sian minister' of cducntlon. It was under his administration that the famous school law wns framed at the special Instance of tho emperor. This law, however, was llnatly dropped because of tho Intense Indignation It aroused In liberal circles, whereupon the count reilgned. He Is still a great favorite with the emperor, the conservatives and tho centrists. His being summoned horo Is generally Interpreted as a sign that reactlonlsm will reign In the new cabinet. Count von Due low will, It Is considered certain, avoid everything that will offend tho centrist or conservative parties and no change In tho system will bo Inaugurated, since tho gov ernment needs both the conservatives and centrists In the Reichstag, The Associated Press hears further that llarou von Ilhelnhaben, Prussian minister of tho Interior, will succeed Dr. von Mlqaol as finance minister. Conl MIiiiti liny .Not dull. LONDON, May 4,Thcro aro further Indi cations that tho conl owners nnd merchants nre wavering In regard to tho advisability of urging tho miners to closo tho pits. Tho divisions tho men, too, arc becoming more marked. Tho Derbyshire Miners as toclntlon, the membership of which Is 30, 000, unanimously passed n resolution against tho export tax on coal, but by a small ma JorHy decided net to stop work, 0 tho othor hand, tho Northumberland delegates, at n meeting at Newcastle, nnanlmously decided to support tho strike. Tho Durban miners, nt a meeting, agreed to nbldo by the decision of tho national conference. Tho Lancashire and Cheshlro miners took up a similar attitude, while those of York shire voted against tho strlko, the feeling shut. down the pits the owners should con Untie paying their wages. Ilorrii Klllt-il nml Cnpttirril. LONDON, May 4. Tho War omcc has ro celved the following report from Lord Kitchener, under date of Pretoria, May 3 Ten noer havo been killed, three wouniicu, intrieen nnve surrendered nnn ISO.ono rounds of small nrm ammunition, c"i wiiKni nun ,viu iiuikva nnvo uc-en cap tured slnco Inst report, Tronpn to HiiiirKB l'lnuiir It In In, CALCUTTA, May 4. Three hundred troops havo beet, dispatched to the district to suppress plaguo riots, Twenty live villages ore In revolt In tho district and several hospital assistants have been kllltd or wounded Summon Imperial Coniii'll, VIENNA, May '4. Emperor Francis Joseph has written autograph letters to Count Ooluchowskl, president of the Imperial MACHINISTS WILL STRIKE Itoderlck Sh .No Alternative bat to ttuit Work on Illinois wV n trill. CHICAGO, May 4. Practical admission was made today by an ofllcor of tho Inter national Association of Machinists that a strike will be declared on tho Illinois Cen tral early next week, "There will bo no compromise," said Dusinrss Agent D. W. Itoderlck of tho Chicago lodge. "Wo have told tho company what we want, the com pany has refused our demands and thor can bn but ono result, and this is a strike," Mr. Roderick snni no would mauo no effort to have further conference with officials of tho Illinois Central company. THOUSAND WORKMEN GO OUT limiilo) oh of I.nvkii wniinn Iimlat on Itvlimtnteiiirnt of To of Their .Nil in tier. SCItANTON, Pn., May 4. Moro than 1,000 employes of the caisshops of tho Delaware, Lncknwanuu & Western road at this place went on Strlko for thu reinstatement of two being expressed that if tho men agreed t-fbt their number who were discharged be- cauctf of their activity In forming a union. MANILA BAY BATTLE RELIC Nary Yard Man Find tho Olympia Carrying a 8ccrt Bear. INDENTED PLATE MAY BE SENT TO DEWEY Scrtloii llrnrlnic Mnrk of SiiiiiiInIi .Shell Hint So Nenrly 'Cimt Mini IIIn l.lfp Likely to llccome II I m Property. Mitt'liliiUtii Tlirt'titen to Strlkr. IIOCHESTEH. N. Y May 4.-A general sentiment for strikes exists among laboring men in this city. It is asserted that nearly 800 machinists will go on strike May 20 If their demands are not acceded to. Early last fall a demand was mado on the mas ter machinists for a nine and a half hour day, a reduction of thirty minutes, and on November 30 last the demand went Into effect. Now tho machinists demand that tho working day bo reduced to nino hours. This week every member of the association received n llttlo slip of paper from the International Association of Machinists, which in general conference some months ago decided an organized effort would bo made to obtain a shorter day, In which It was stated that a strlko would be declared If the nine hour-day is not put Into effect by May I WASHINGTON. May 4. Tangible evi dence of tho peril to which Admiral Dewey wns exposed during tho battlo of Manila bay was forwarded to the Navy department in tho shape of ono of tho starboard plates of the admiral's llugshlp Olympia. The plato is about three feet square and In Its middle is a heavy Indention 1 inches deep, mado by a largo fragment from a live or six-pound Spanish shell. The Olympia Is now at tho Boston navy yard undergoing repairs nnd when tho constructors enmo ocros this plate they decided to remove It, partly as a relic and also to replace It with a solid plate. In forwarding it to tho Ilurcau of Construc tion a letter was sent stating that tho plato wns taken from the starboard sldo of tho Olympla's superstructure, approx-. Imatoly under tho forward bridge and very closo to ono of tho five-Inch guns. Whllo the battle was In progress a shell burst very near tho olllccrs on tho bridge, ono of tho fragments whizzing by the adjnlral. Tho deeply Indented plate gives a moro forclblb romlndor of the narrow escape from bursting shells than has heretofore appeared. Tho plate cither will be placed at tho Smithsonian Institution or given to Admiral Dpwey. IMCNSIOXS KOIl WICSTKUX VKTI2HANS. War Survlvorn llcnu-nilicreil ly the tlenernl florrrnnient. WASHINGTON May 4. (Special.) The following pensions havo been granted: TRun of Anrll IS: Nebraska: Original Nols E. Illlven, Homer, K. Additional virgu aiuart, taiir. mnnt. 110; William N. Rabcock. Exeter. J8, tnrrrriRn Tnmps M. Hill. Fairmont. S14: Charles W. Orr, Lynch. $10. Original wid ows, etc. Snran uimwe, Lexington, 3. Iowa! Original Charles T. liromlcy, Plalntleld, JS: Alfred Harrows, .Nnsnvwe, , Addttlonnl-Wllllam Heed, Persia, js. In- C 1. Olm.,ir ff..PI... Il.n.on trreiinu diiiiiiici it. nuuiihi ...... ouu, ,... , $17: John A. Charles, Wlota, J10. Original widows, etc. Rachel Carper, Athclston, $8; (special accrued, April 20), Lydla M. Lei scnrlng, Mount Pleasant, S; Anna Ilurger, Dallas Center, $8: Agnes Plummer, Chester, is; Aingnu A. itoyer, Aigona, i. Wvomlng: Reissue nnd Increase Sam nl M. HrccklniiilKe. Hherldnn. IVi. South Dakota: Original Charles Miller. Rockford, $C. War with Spain, orlglnul Matt Bcliueler, YiuiKton, . r-nlnriiilo! OrlElnal widows, etc. Ellen Gleason, Denver, $8. War with Spain, origi nal Hurry M. Dunkln, Emma, $o0; Charles 8. cony, uenver, o. EASTMAN VERSION DIFFERS Attorney for llefeiine Sn Ulaelinruc of Revolver Hint Kllleil (Sro. Knn Win Ai'Clilentnl, CAMDRIDGE, Mass., May 4,-fho defense at tho Eastman murder trial today com ploted tho outline of Its case and during the Jialf day's session placed (our witnesses on tho stand to support Its contention that the relations between the two men wero not only Intimate but cordial. Tho interest of the day, however, was n tho outline of the principal portion of the case made by Mr. Ilartlett and his explana tion of how the shooting occurred. Mr, Ilartlett did not attempt an elaborate ex planatlon or combat the government theory that the killing was done by a center-fire bullet, except to say that the bullet which was produced at tho trial Was at tho re quest of tho defense shown to a cartridge expert last October nnd that the expert placed a private mark on tho bullet which cannot bo found on that produced In court. Regarding what actually took place be tween tho two men Mr. Ilartlett said that Eastman was examining tho old rlm-flre revolver when It suddenly exploded nnd Grognn threw up his hands. Eastman, sup posing Grogan had been shot, went towards him nt tho same time Grogan's revolver went off. A struggle took place between tho two men, during which Orogan's revol ver went off two or three more times. East man got hold of tho revolver and threw It away. FIRE AT BASE BALL GROUND lntvrruptn Nntlonnl I.ennue tiiiiue nt St. Iionln nml Cntmen 9:10,000 Lom, ST. LOUIS. May 4. A fire, probably started by a careless smoker, broke out underneath tho ccntor of tho grandstand at tho National league base ball park at 6:30 o'clock this afternoon' and In a very short time the grandstand, pavilion and olllco of the company wero ruins. The fire spread with amazing rapidity, but tho spectators noted coolly and got out of tho grounds without Injury. Tho flames wero fanned by' a high wind nnd for u time threatened to Bpread to other buildings In tho vicinity. The races were on at the fair grounds, just across the street from tho ball park. nnd the sheets of ilamo and huge billows of umoko created consternation. among tho rnco patrons, The raco track fenco caught tiro, but beforo tho flames could spread to tho palatial clubhouse nnd big grandstand tho flro department arrived. Tho loss will amount to fully $30,000, partially Insured. Clone C'nll nt .Vnnhvllle. NASHVILLE, Tonn., May 5. Flro In tho wholesalo district of Market street at an early hour this morning damaged threo Arms and at ono time threatened a disas trous conflagration. Montgomery, Mooro & Co.'s wholesale saddlery, In which the (lames' were discovered, suffered considerable dam- ngc, but no estimate has been placed upon tho loss, Tho damage to Orr, Humo & Co., wholesale grocers, will reach $50,000, while Scroglns, White & Co.'s loss Is placed nt $40,000. All are covered by Insurance. Plow Repository nt IlnUim. DALLAS, Tex., May 4. Tho repository of the Southern Rock Island Plow company hero was destroyed by lire tonight and the loss is estimated at $250,000, with about $150,000 Insurance. Tho Are was caused by lightning. II 11 nine an llounrn nt I.iifUln. LUKK1N, Tex., May 4. Flro this after noon swept away twenty-two business houses nnd their contents, entailing a loss of nbout $65,000, on which thero Is llttlo In surance. I'Vrrl Stove Compiiny, ST. LOUIS, May 4. Flrowhlch broke out at a late hour tonight In the building oc cupied by the .F erris Stove Manufacturing company. 803 to-SCS North Main street, did $50,000 damage to tho structuro and $50,000 to the stock. Tho loss Is fully covered by insurence. Supprenn Hunalun I'rra. LONDON, May 4. According to a dispatch from St. Petersburg the minister of tho Interior, M. Siplaghln, prohibited the sale of the Rosslya on the streets for a month in consequence of the paper's liberal ten dencies and because just after tho appoint ment of General Van Novskl as minister of public Instruction the Rnt'slya awakened the wrath of the authorities by remarking that "no sooner was a man of mediocre ability appointed a minister than tho Russian preis was forced to proclaim him a genius." MINERS TR' tOXEY'S PLAN Penniyltaniam to U&uh to Harriiburg and TJrga Deiired Ltgiilation. TEN THOUSAND MEN TO BE IN LINE l'rcnlilrnl, Scorotury nnd lrKUiilr.r of the t'nltril Worker Confer nml OrKiinlr.e HetnllH of the Unique I'llnrlmime. by gnmcH of sport und amusements and nil lORis nnil comrades biiuuiu ue uu men nllnenra lo (Hsrouriicc. nnd ns fur an DOBSl- biu prevent, such desecration of tho day, 7. Tho thirtieth nntlonnl encampment pro. vlded that tho rending of President Lln rnln'M mlilress nt GottVKburir bo made a special feature In nil Memorial day exor cises held under the Hiisplces of tlio Oraml Army or tne iicpuiinc. tup nuuress is published herewith. Commundors of posts will illrert thiit It be. rend In connection with tho exercises of tho day. Ily order of JUI1I KJ'JI.K, POTTSVILLE, Pn., May 4. National Or ganizer Dougherty, Secretary Hartlln of tho Ninth district and President Duffy of tho Sovcuth district held n conference hero today and arranged for n march of mlno workers to Harrlsburg for tho purpose of urging the passage of bills recommended by the United Mine Workers. It Is proposed to rendezvous tho miners from Hnzleton, MoAdoo, Panther Creek Val ley and Schuylkill regions nt Pottsvillo on Tuesday. They will take six days' rations each and will march to MUIersburg, whoro they will bo Joined by those from North Cumberland nnd Columbia counties. At least 10,000 men will leavo when tho orders to inarch aro given. They will camp In Agricultural park. NEBRASKA'S MEMORIAL DAY Co 111 in nmler llrean lNiieN lilt Order for Ilia Comrnilei of the tiruiul Army. LINCOLN, Moy 4. (Special.) Com mander Rceao of tho Nebraska department of tho Grand Army of the Republic has Is sued tho following orders for tho observ nnco of Memorial day, May 30: 1. May 30 has become tho natlon'H rcnt day, observed, honored and respected throughout tho land. Slnco man lnvod freedom nnd contended for It upon fields of fnmo tho heroes und pntrlots of nil nges havo bcon mourned In poetry and rorig, thnlr fleerlH hnvp, hern commemorr.tod In bronzo und marble. In sculptured oUollsk nnd monumental pile, nnd oh long ns ih principles 01 rreetiom snail enuurn 1111.1 uuy will tin remembered hv tlio American tui tion, who will ever cherish the memory of our heroic ilond by decking tho bfoni of their sepulchres with (lowers of the loveliest Imp. Thirty-three, yenrs have tome und gono slnco Oenernl John A. I.og'in, our most distinguished volunteer olllcor of the civil war, nnd thon coinmnndor-ln-chlef ot the Grand Army ot tno itepunuo, instituted Memorlnl ilnv. It Is nroner for uh t.i remember tho sucred duty wo owe tn tho memory of our comrades who huvo answered the Inst mil call that wo should pay our tribute of lovo to tho silent dead, und therefore. In tho proper obHcrvnnco of tho Any by tho Oraml Army of the Retiubllo, that tho Woin'in'a llallpf corns. Ladles ol tho Grand Armv of tho Republic, Iidlcs' Aid society. Son of Veterans, Spnnlsh-Amerlcnn wnr veterans, nil Nutlonul Guard organizations und rlvtc societies, us well ns tho nubile In general, should bo Invited to participate, especially tho school children. 3. Memorial Hunduy 1ms become n snored ilnv In the Grand Armv calendar. No nulns should be spared to make tho arrangements for tills day us complete, and important ns Memorial ilnv Itself. The hours should bu so llxeil thnt nil could nttend, nnd tho eiier- cIhph especially iipproprinm to trm dnv nnd occuslnn. 4. 1'oHt communderH will veo tn It thnt the Memorial day commltto make nronir urrnugemmita with tho school officers (or patriotic exercises 111 tne punuc hciiooih on tho Friday preceding Memorlnl iluy, r.nd that comrudes bo secured tn visit each school nt the hour agreed upon to conduct the services. Comrades, see to It that our Hug Is raised ut hnlf-mnst over ovcry school house in tne state, und, wnerewr prms'liie, nn all nubllo build mux on May 3. Interest the people In our Memorial day: r-ven If your post Is small In numbers, mnko your services so inicrrsiing 111111 your iicvoii'm so sacred thnt your neighbors will Jnln you In ruivlnir homaire to the heroic dead. 6. Poht chaplains wllj, make full report of memorial nay proceeuings upon manxs pro vlded for such purpos. A. Wn should all remember that Mnmorln duy Is sacred to the memory of our dead comrades, ino aay snouiu not ue iiiaumu OUR MILLION COAL DEAL MttNUunr Nynillente Iluy Tlilrty-I'l ve Tbonsnud Aerea of Mln liiK I. und. PITTSBURGi May 4. Probably the larg est coal deal over carried through has bcon r.ompleted by James Drapo & Co., and In volves almost all of the Murrnysvillo vein of coal located In Allegheny and Westmore land counties. Tho total acreago ot coal privilege sold approximates 35,000 acres and tho price was closo to $4,000,000. The com pany which has acquired this vast coal do posit it made up of I'lttHburg capitalists almost entirely, and will be known as the Black Run Coal syndicate. New Ainu from the tomut. Frank N. Hibblts has been appointed me chanical engineer of tho Union Pacific, tho appointment taking effect yestorday. This is n new position created ut the in stance ot Superintendent Hlgglns, the work devolving upon tho now engineer hav ing been attended to by men in tho office of tho superintendent of motive power and machinery nnd by special draughtsmen. Mr, Hibblts comes to tho Union Pnclnc from the Erie road, his former headquar ters having been at Carbondale, Pa. JAMES D. General. Department Commander. GAGE, Assistant Adjutnnt TELEGRAPHERS PUSHING IT Artthr Humor of AtUmpUd RiTWal of Railway Brotherhood. SCOPE TO BE BROADER THAN BEFORE Avowed I'lirpoae la to Include All Employe of All Itnllronil In the United Stntea, KxeeedlnK Deli' OrKunlsntlnn. Will l.nuneli Cont Itutlon Mundny. nnicTni. t? T xt..,. j -rm Anlahlncr touches aro bclng'plnced on tho Consiltu- tl,n mwl Ihn In imnVilnr. will nrrtSnhlv nrrlir at nbout 0 o'clock Mondny morning. CHICAGO, Mny 4. Tho Record-Herald to morrow will say: Railroad ofllcluls In Chi cago havo received Information that an at tempt Is being mado to revtvo tho American Railway union under tho nnmo of the United Brotherhood of Railway Employes and to roako It oven moro far-reaching and power ful than. In the days previous to the Pull man strlko. Groat secrecy Is maintained concornlng the movement, both by tho men supposed to bo engineering It and by tho railroad offi cials. So far. as could bo learned tho move ment originated with tho employes of tho Southern Pacific nnd the Order of Railway Telegraphers It thought to bo tho moving spirit. The avowed purpose Is said to be to band together all tho employes of railroads In the United States In an organization similar to the ono that went to pieces under the ad ministration of Eugene V. Dobs. AnarehUt Start a Illot. LONDON, May 4. A serious riot is ro-. ported to have occurred Thursday In Bar celona, says the Madrid correspondent of the Dally Express, Two hundred anarchists Invaded a Catalonlst meeting and a torrlblo fight followed. Revolvers and knives .wero used and many people, wero shot and other wise wounded. Turmoil continued In tho streets throughout tho night. BE A MAIN Throw Away Your Medicine Our Vacuum Organ Developer WILL. RCSTORB YOU NO CURE NO PAY 75 nfiniNiic?FN0T0NEFA,LURE I O jUUU 1 1 1 U O L NOT ONE RETURNED OurVaouum Organ Davalopar should heustd bj ATery innu, It cure whr eYerjrthhijr else fails nnd liopo Is dead. It restores small, weak organs, loat power, failing manhood, drains, errors of youth, etc. Strlotura and VarloacaU imrmannntljr cured In 1 to 4 weeks. No Oruis to ruin thn stomach, No Cltotrlc Bolts to blister And burn. Our Vacuum De veloper la a local treatment applied directly to the wouk iiiid disordered parts. It irrre streofftli and derelopment wherever applied. Old men with lout or falllo manhood, or the )o;in aud middle aged who are reaping the re sults of youthful errors, eiceas or over work are quickly reitbrded to health and strength. Our marvelous appllnnce has nitonlthed the entire world. Hundreds of leading phvilelaos In the United States are now recommending our itppllanra In the mvereit cases where every other known device has failed. You will e and feel its benefit from the first day for It in applied directly at tha seat of the disorder, It makes nodlfference how severe the case or how long standing, It Is ns sure to yield to onr treatment as Ilia sun is to rise, The blood Is the life, the fertiliser of the hu man body. Our Instrument forces the blood luto circulation where most needed, giving strength and development to weak and lifeless parts. The Vacuum Organ Developer was flnt In troduced in the standing armies of Europa n few years ao by the French specialist, De Housset, and its remarkable sncrnss in theia v countries led the Local Appliance Co, to secure tin- exclusive control of Us onle nn the Wettern Continent! aud slnco its introduction Into this country Its remarkable cures have astounded the entire medical profession, It has rnntored thousands of cases pronounced incurable by phislclans. It cures quickly, harmlessly, and without detention from business. Remember there is no eirxmnrft, no C.O.D. or any other schrmo In our dealing with the public. Write for free partlmilnrs sent sealed in plain envelop. LOCAL APPLIANCE COMPANY, IS7 Thfrse Block, IndlanapalU, Indiana.