Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 19

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    Followers of Calvin
and Their Progress
had bct'ii permanent clerk for two years
before accepting hla present oMce Thu
salary of thu permanent clerk Is a few ltun
died ilollarH, his labors being confined .)
tho fortnight covering the meeting of tin
body each year. The salary of the stated
clurk Is $1,000, his duties being continuous
PHII.ADF.U'HIA, May I. (Special.) of tho twentieth century thu morn- throughout the year; by virtue of his office
rim Preshvtcrlnn church, at Its gen- lnir session to be occupied with ,le ' the secretary of many committees, '
ernl assembly In Philadelphia on the review of the history of While the service given Is well paid for.
May In, will announce what It believes at tho church during tho nineteenth 1,r- Huberts' experience Is Invaluable t
the dawn of the twentieth century. For u century, much of the tlmo during theso l,lu church; there are not a few clergy ,i rcpnm'iilatlve committee of sixteen sessions to bo devoted to prayer nnd ,IIL". however, who would bo glad to stir-
has been laboring with the question of praise, and the evening session to bo of a render their churches and gain a similar
revising Hie Westminster Confession of popular character, with addresses approprl- experience at the same rate pur annum
Faith and endeavoring to bring forth a ate to tho occasion. n.. or tin- Clcrl.,
rep' rt which will, on the one hand, give The program for thu proposed eelobra- Jr Xoblu, thu new clurk, was hern In
the lellef desired by a part of the church Hon Includes addresses by Ilev. Dr. Willis Hedford, I'a. lie was graduated at JelTor-
and at the same time not offend those (i. Craig of Chicago, on "Review of tho H c0lege and thu Western Theological
wlnse votes are n ssary In order to se- Nineteenth Century;" Hnv. Dr. William C. seminary. After a successful pastoral ex-
Mite the adoption of the new or revised MeCook of 'Philadelphia, on "Progress of pcriuucu in the t,llBl ho wu,u l(, California
treed. On the committee are souiu of the thu Presbyterian Church In the Nineteenth Wth thu hope of restoring Mrs. Noble's
ablest men III the chinch. Princeton semi Century." ltev. Dr. Henry Collin Mint on of health. He was settled at San Diego, ro-
nary Is not represented. Prof. Ileiijamln II San Francisco, on "The Divine Purpose i,mnilng pastor of that Important church
Warlleld wax appointed, but declined t Developed In thu Progress of Time;" Hov. for Mx ywirs. s,, ufL, urgently sought
v rve, inverting In his courteous reply tin' Dr. Ceorge T. Purves of New York, on "The h3 8urVUC8( H,( as lnH c,urch had Intl-
liu coulil not conscientiously serve on n Problems of the Twentieth Century;" ,,,, iuat,m wiu, tno theological seml-
lommltti'e appointment he deplored. Hubert 13. Specr of New York, on "The nry, Dr. Noble was Induced to accept thu
one of the latest additions to the teaching Speedy llrlnglng of the World to Christ," t.,n, remaining pastor for six years. Dur-
force of Pilnceton university was subsM- and ltev. Dr. Samuel J. Nlccolls of St. n,K t,is umu . WI1B a prominent member
tilled. Louis, on "The Opportunity and Duty of ,)f thu ,oariI of Erectors of thu San Frnn-
ii.e following are the nanus of the men the Presbyterian Church In the Twentieth L.H(;o Hemlnary ami for one year taught in
who have held four meet lugs, one In Sara- Century." thu Creek chair with great prollt to thu
iiga In August and two In Washington, one Tho committee of arrangements for Hi Htudcnts.
In December and the i.t her In Febi uury, nnd Twentieth Century celebration consists of Three years ago Dr. Noble was lulled to
cue In Pittsburg. Hew DC. Charles A Hov. Drs. Charles A. Dickey, Wll'lam Hodlnnds, ami, Inasmuch as Mrs. Nobl
Dickey of Philadelphia, llenlck Johnson Henry Itoberts and William H. Noble, with foU(1( southern California more congenial
of MeCormlck Theologli nl seminary. Chi- John Wanamaker anil William II. Sot' to her health, he entered upon the work in
eago, Samuel .1. Nlccolls or SI. I.ouls, That on management or the 'peciui iiiini i-
Dnuhl W. Fisher of Hanover college, In- mode up oh follows Hev. Drs Marcus A
diana; William Mi-Klbbln of Cincinnati. Urownsnn, Ceorge T. Purves. Hlchard R.
Ileorge II. Stewart of Auburn Theological Holmes, Hubert Hunter, Richard D. Har
seminary, Samuel P. Sprecher of Cleveland, inn, William J. Chlches er. Wlilam J. Mo-
S W. Dana or Philadelphia ami Henry KHtiick. John II. Converse. I.ouls II. h v- u, hilluciitial of thu ministers In Cnllfcr
VanDyko of Piiin elon university; ex-l'rcsl- erance, Frank K Hippie, John Wonnmuker, ni, u has been tho means of erecting
dent Ileiijamln Harrison of Indianapolis, h. Kdwards How land nnd William 11. (.ur new uhurch build, tigs In San Diego, San
I-., nil it .liiillelnl CiiiiiiiiInmIiiii.
The advisability to have a purninnent
judicial ''cnimlsslon has been discussed a
good deal In the religious pr ss and In the
meetings of Ihu assembly during the Ins'
diwen years. The heresy cases of llrlgg
.....i I. .1 tn tin. tmtiiiliitini'tit of II
'" U'" wl'"1 "l,r ' ,l,"u ,''Hl"tu"U!,,t commute., to consider the mutter. On this ;,ltBC ' ,u "ul U forco for tho llrst
of tloutiiiics most surely believed among us ti,i Pi,.rln of three tlI,lu llllH l,la" resuniblus that In usu in
Mny .". mm.
John M. Ilaiian or Washington, Daniel H
Noyes of Si. Paul. 13. W. C lluiiiplirey if
Louisville, William H. Crnbbe of I'lltsbuig.
John 13. Parsons or New York ami I3llnhn
. I''raser of Detroit.
I IIMt I'lll'l llHIM III lllf tllll III I I I CI'.
Thu committee was appointed not to re
vise the Confession of Faith, but to "con-
thls beautiful, orange-growing city, which
I. as greatly iirospcrett undor his enre, and
the church In southern California rejoice. I
to receive him buck ugalu In Its mldht
Dr. Noble has been one of the most active
Rafael ami Hedlands. Thgsu three houses
of worship will be a standing memorial of
his ollloloncy and his architectural taste,
Hitherto the clerk and certain friends
whom the moderator Invited for that pur
pose have assisted thu moderator In mint
ing up thu standing committees, but this
year thu Peoria plan of selecting thu com-
political conventions, where county or state
and which are substantially einl.ouiuu in r...i,vierl..H New York. Phllndel- Political conventions, whoru
our Confession of Faith. Aftur asking tho . . " .' ..,,,, .,.' .....i ... wnii known delegates decldu who shall serve on the
.1 .. .11111. 1,111. . not. I . . ...... i ...
nresbyturlus to tuko uetlon on thu subject
.til tit I'liiuirl win I Inn' li.iv desired "r- luw'l,'
visional, supplemental or subsl Itutlonut
various committees..
New York had the moderator two years
lllmsy roof of the shack wr.s tho long snout enough tcr peel biled pcrtaters afore
of a man-eatlni: shark. The monster entin' 'em, or to keep awake when 1 was
ago and Philadelphia has that honor this seemed in be caught fust In some manner a courtin' or hor."
It is probable that Dr. Oeorgo T. UIlll waM Crushing about furiously. Smoke "She ain't so fur wrong,
either. And
Tho committee recommends permanent
. .. . . I...., 1.I..I. 1... .....C1 "
changes or no change at all," ami receiving jumcini conn .,,..... """-" " year,
thulr answers, thu commltteu has Issued ' J
this statement, which will form the basis jurisdiction oniy ui J,1,,,,''VLUC lVesbyterlan church of New York, will be alll ,lvjlots of blood were coursing from "I tole her she didn't have interlock
of Itu report to thu assembly; leries ami synods may elect a comnii .i n, tho nuw mmjuratori lr hu la wiinK to nc- beneath tho little building along the Ice. enough to talk so's to keep nobody awake
"It was unanimously agreed that boiiiu to hear and determine any particular cobo C(jpt Uu) pruaident Oeorgu II. Stew- Grandfather Clark thought of his boy. nnd that of 1 was a plckln' nnd a choosln'
change In thu Crcedul statemout wub ncces- but the committee makes It mnniiniory on nrt of AuuUril Hc,ry, prof. Henry C. nL. rushed to the shuck and tugged at tho fur beauty sho'd bo at the foot of tho class.
Bury. "a880'"''1' t0 nppulnt a permanent com- Mimon,, San Krnnclsco seminary nnd Hev. dcor. Hut the door stubbornly refused to That's what I tole her."
"A majority of the mumburs proscut mission of llfteen. whoso decision snail do Dr- j u Dlnsmoro of San Jose, Cnl.. are 0)cn. with his ax ho chopped savagaly nt "Well?"
agreed to recommend to tho general as- mini. " ons onu.r oi pronnuru mm ulou Illgo .ntinCu as candblates. the plunks. At last the door full In with a "She ordered mo tcr git out and said ef
sembly that a change should ho made by mo inw oi mo uuuiuu "h"' , Invlte.l m X.. rU.
a supplemuntal explanatory statunieiit, to orfcmllng clorgyinun would havu been trioa Th(J Nuw Vofk pghj.,,.,. ,, ,,x
cover certain points In tho Confession of by fifteen and not six hundred of their nvtutin to thu general assein
If this order of procedure hnd been lUgo 1I1L,ntl()lleti ns candidates.
crush und out rushed a cloud of smoke and sho over seo me on that farm from then
extended steam. Although the door was down tho honcofor'nrd she'd set the dogs on me, an'
cover ceiTUIIl points in inu iiuiiiunuiuu . v - -- - uu lunuuiuu iu inu Krucrui iiaHCMiuiy in oei man couiti noi kci nun wit-' anm;i, iui i ioio uor me oogs wouiu iiuvu a con-
Fullh, and also to Includu statumunts as to peers. ir tno comniiuLe nao muuu ..n niuot in that city In 1!)02. The motion was the gient. shining black body of the .:hnrk founded easy tlmo of It so fur ns I
thu doctrines of tho Holy Spirit, missions reconimendntlon for tho nssembly pormls- mutlo 1)y Uuv stuart d,,, preNldent was suspended directly across tho opotilnn. consumed. Dut thoro was no breakln' off."
ami the lovo of Cod for all man." lvo and not mnndntory, the ovorturo pro- o tho jjoard of Home Missions. Hev. Grnnilfntlier Clark culled out to the boy Then tho old man Informed tho boy that
A minority report may recommend a posed would doubtless hnvo carried; this Dr, chnrles A. Stoddard of the New York nnd was overjoyed to hear tho cheery le- if tho engagement wasn't renewed within'
supplementary statement of dootrlno with- change made be mnde on the lloor of tho obsorver seconded thu motion and said that spouse through the clouds of smoke nnd twenty-four hours he'd leavo every
out being restricted to speclllc and limited assembly. ho was authorized to announce that the steam: "All right try to chop through." "durncd dollar to a sannytorlutn fur fools."
points in the Confession, but in harmony Nenrly every year there Ib an effort made trustees of the Firth Avenue church had The old man attacked tho side of the shack
with tho syBtum ot doctrlnu contained In to lessen tho power supposed to reside In votc,i to extend to the assembly tho use anil soon had u hole through thu wall, from , r
tho Creed. It 1b also possible that mere mo suueu ciurii ami i nuunun . .v..... or meir cnurch ror this meeting, ur. w. t). wtilcn emergen uio itoy.
will uIbo ho a second minority report pro- Tho present yenr Is no exception to thlB nuclianan of the Fifth Avenue church said Meantime th ' struggles of the shnrk had
posing simply a declaratory statumunt. rule. Several overtures have been ndoptod that his olllcers hail taken similar nctlon, censed nnd It soon wns dead. Then Jimmy
ti.i. n mt Dial can hu donu this your Is by presbyteries whoso members look to- having nlready Invited the assembly to hold told his story to the nssemltled smelters, all j
to nppolnt a committee, or ru-appoint the wanl Dr. Roberts' olllcu In the Wither- its next meeting In their church. Dr. tho time keeping a linn grip on a bloody,
present one, to prepare a revision of the spoon building with feelings nkln to Jen!- (jeorgo T. Purves, the moderator of the Ice chisel that be held In his hand when he
Creed to submit to the next ussetnbly. ousy. At present tho dorks serve for life presbyteiy, snld that when tho nssembly enme out of the shack.
w.uiiinn la tmini? nmunlzod to or good bohavlor. Dr. W. 13. Moore Bcrvcd nccopted the Invitation from the presbytery .Iimmy snltl thut he hnd been nwnkeiunl !
r..ui. it... r..vlulini movement nt this time ns pertnnnont clerk for sixteen years; ho tho (inestlon of churches could be ntnlcnbly from sleep by it splash of cold water, and
III COIll H inw or IllO WCSl "ail JU uu u i Jiw. ui mm- i -"' .in- "
suggestion of the "f the shnrk shoot straight up through the
year was In the smelt hole, Its snout going iiirougn tne root
ro not agreed as to tho matter hns served ub stated clerk since 1SSI nnd nature of nil inspliutlon. Tho motion was bo fore its speed was slackened. When tno
auopteii iiuanimouKiy ny n rising vote. it mun mi i.. ....,hii. un..t. ..tu
Is probnblo that his InvUatl.m will be ae- Jnw by a stout Iron book suspended from
cented by the nssembly. tho roof, nnd there it hung, unnble to get
Severn! invitations have been received bv loose.
the Philadelphia cominlttee of arrange- Jimmy looked about for melius of escape.
nienlH from nnlverxltv ollW.nrs. Msklni? Hint The body of the shark blocked the door-
Ibelr liiHtltntlnns lin visited liv the enminla- way. and there was no window. Pre-ciltly
crush thu revision movement nt this time ns pertnnnont clorK ror sixteen years, no tho (inestlon or churches con
on the ground that tho returns do not Indl- died two years ago and his place has boon adjusted. Dr. J. Unicorn Shi
cute a general desire Tor a revision of the filled by Hev Dr. William 11. Noble of Red- Knit church snld that the sui
Standnrils and, further, that those asking Innds, Cnl.. Dr. William Henry Roberts meeting In this city next ye
for changes nn
or the niiinner of the
proposed revision.
For two years. In
successful meeting
thu changing of thu
century bus been
noted und 1. 000,000
in a slnglu city hna
been milled us u
thank ottering to
the Twentieth Cen
tury fund. The clear
ing or $1,000,000 on
thu Prcsbyteiiun
building lii Nuw York
Is one ot the special
objects which has
been In view and
heroic eltorts have
been made looking
toward that end. The
lust nssenibly uu
Unitized tho raising
ot a fund to bo used
for tho endowment
ot P r u s b y t o linn
academic, collegiate
und theological in
stitutions, for tho
onlnrgmuent of mis
sionary enterprises,
for the erection of
church bulldlngB and
the pnymeiit of debts
upon churches nnd
educational Institu
tions, and for the
other work of thu
boards, nt the option
of the givers.
Thu llrst Friday of
tho assembly this
year lias been set
apart for special
services in connec
tion with tho advent
JbbbbK. Bk.
.K jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHh
$5.00 and
0, K. Scofield
Cloak and Suit
Wo offer Misses' Box Jackets, mnde of
sinners while thu nssembly "is In session. of thu s,mrk fpU ac the red-hot golf red pneco cloth, with green velvet col
The University of Pennsylvania. Princeton "tcve nnd became lodged there. Then the lr. nges 8 to 1. years at UW each,
and Lincoln nro nmong those who wish to Plmrk's struggles becntno fiercer. 1 ho boy; LAIlltS' mix (O.V'l.s-
have tlin Preslivterlnnn sen thnlr einilii. t inugnt oi inu ice cmsei, umi iiuumiiK inu in tan coverts, ni jiu.w, jis.iw, jij.vv. Also
. . . r(19".l,enn"flilM" 4V,0'r 1 , ', su-ivinc iloimdorlng body of the shark ho tan broadcloth Ilox CoatB at snmo prices,
meiit for training tho youth or the twentieth hw. tying, iiounjernih oou oi ui hmuik uu ... ...,.....
century. A reception by the Presbyterian nmrnged to get hold of the Implement, KIO.N .l.Clvl,ls
I'nlon of Philadelphia Is also on the pro- wbicli lui.l nn e.ige iiko a razor, iron grino-
gram, so that those who attend the assem- thlU ''"'" 1 racing bl.nse f for a
bly nB delegates or visitors will be hospitably R't effort Jimmy plunge, the chisel deep
nntiirlnl,,...! T n.Mlllm, 1 1 II... .1(10 nr...,. llltO tllC liclly Or tllC slllirk. I llt'll llO fell,
misslnners there will bo us many delegates
to thu women's meetings and friends Inter
ested In tho growth and development of this
blanch of Christ's Kingdom.
Here is a Fish Story
Matthew Clark and his U-yoar-old grand-
hnlf fainting, nnd lay helpless ncross tho
edgo of his bunk until he heard tho blows
of bis grandfather s ux on the door.
No Breaking Off
for ladles black double bdeasted. kersey
cheviot cloth or tan kersey double breasted
Htons, nt $7.00, $S.f.O and $10.00.
coi.i.Aiti.i:ss m o
or with L'Alglon collnrs made of black
cheviot or broadcloth, trimmed with tut
feta silk, $10.00 each.
at $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 and up to $23.00 each.
All the late styles.
SII.K iiiior SK HITS so..-,n
Coino In blnck taffeta and every color,
with ideated graduated llounco the great-
Ladies' Suits -
At no tlmo during our business career
havu wo shown such values the styles are
correct und the tlnlsh and workmanship
tho best to bo had. Seo our suits at $20
and $2."i. You 11 llnd non. to eiiual them
Henr In mind wo guaranteo u perfect lit
Detrult Freu Press: "Seo hero, Daniel,
son, Jimmy, were tho crow of a shack on began the old farmer when he had cornered est silk petticoat of the age $0.CO.
the Ico In Vnrnuin's Cove, South Drooks- ills son out ny mo corucriii, w mil s mis
vllle, Me, ono dny Inst week, nnd they wrro horo circulutln' 'round 'mong thu neighbors
having good luck cntchlng smelts, relates 'bout you und Patience brenkln' off yer en
Iho New York Sun. It wns a comfortnblo gageim'tit?"
shuck, with two bunks and n pot-bolllod "Nutliln' to It 'lull," with a sullen tone
stove for heating und cooking. The old and look.
man sat on tho edge of his bunk und 'Illumed funny. I never see so much
smoked tho morning bourn nwny, while smoke whero they wasn't somo lire. Did
Jimmy tended tho set lines nnd yanked you and hor hovo boiiio words?"
smelts through tho Ico hole with the skill "I suld thero wnsn't no brenklu' aft,
of a veternn. dldii t I ? What s tho uso or cross-ques-
Townrd noon tho smelts stopped running, tlonln' a roller like he was on the witness
and tho old tnnn went nshore to chop wood stair?"
lor the fire, while Jimmy curled hlmseir up "Lot's or use, my young ninn. Hntn't I
In his bunk nnd wont to sleep. When tho tole you more times n you've got fingers
old man stnrted to go back to tho shack an' toes that tny mind and ma's mind Is
with n fine bundle of dry plno he heard n sot on this bote marriage? Don't our
strnngo noise. Ho looked nt tho shnck nnd farms jlne, and Isn't she a only chllo an'
tho sight that ho behold rooted him to the hain't you n only chile? Hain't you got
DAW spot whero ho stood no gum'tlon nur common sonso?
Protruding from n ragged rent In the
Exclusive denlers In ladles' Ready-to-wear
Outer Ciiirmeitts and Millinery.
I5IO Douglas Street, Omaha.
Are you going to travel? Send for our
book telling how to obtain cheap rntes,
Sho said not. Sho said I didn't know ceC 310 Kata'aHldg..