11 TIIK OMAHA DAILY 3 MS Kt SUNDAY, "MAY 5, 1001. BASE BALL AT ITS ZENITH X ZZr NEW MECCA FOR FIGHTERS ' gnmes (lordon will be among the leaders In tlio hatting list. Coons. Herman nnd Weton LeaKu9 Ee.son Open. Ud Fan. Vyn WeX" TnT'rJ" G.U, H.M. Out Ind...t. for Aie in Tbir Glory, i old-timers In tho business nnd arc intuie ' of the Btuff that wins. Steele has not been showing up In ho best form nnd It Is probablo that President Hurke will "farm" him to one or two or three minor league clubs that hno naked for tho use of ti pitcher SI.pI lioaeh lias written that lie will not play .irofesslonal ball this year. He Is In Chicago attending n dental coilege and pltchli.g for amateur ball teams on , the side. I w.ll be Impossible tor him to I Join any other professional team without i securing the consent of I'rcsldent Hourke. OMAHAS GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION Liienl KiitliiiN.nntN Arc I lillt'd that I'l-cnlili-iit llotirl.f IIhi n Peniuint W I ii ii I im Auuri-KHlliiii lliiinli'il 'IiiKi-llicr Tills Venr. Pugiliitlo Followers. M'GOVERN OCCUPIES STAGE OF ACTION rcnlliri ni-lulit Cliiinnilnn tint III' Mulled llltiii.Hr l HI" Trc-nHir IIIKl Vltltl ClIlllllIU ' IJlHMIIJ IIIk Vuu Will Meet l.nlcr. Omaha base ball enthusiasts urn well fat Uflcd with tht team which President Hourko lias li.tnileil tnori'thpr for the nrennnt season. This satisfaction Is well merited. In the! Vaguer, who has been signed for preliminary games plnyed with league teams' In thlu city and at Ilea Moines the Itourke family mailo a decidedly creditable showing. Out of ten games played your uncle Wil- Ham's band of warriors appropriated seven. A ratio of victories anywhere near this ' whllo the siason lu In progress will land tho Omalins nt the head of the percentage column. A lino on the players who uro ex- j Tho fight between Terry McUovern :ind ...,.i iniA. i,,u u.., aw.i om i,,run..iij n.F r.nrftiicr in Han rrnuciscu l.ll.l KllK- iil.hW lll.O hUlll .JIA.., (III lllIT.IMt..b UIJ.llI . . . . . Icnve of absence. Itoust, the old American night resulted Just as everybody cxpecieu Omaha, that it would .Mcuovern wiiiuihk we ui- Kon .llw,,l n l ,,. tl, ln, I..,. I ll n.mllv lltlll ClV tig HIS Opponent u uruu- cnuso of being quarantined nt his homo blng which life will not booh forget. It town-Frunkfort. Knn. As noon ,,B the i took four rounds for McOovcrn to turn tno auarantlne Is lifted Iteust will loin tho trick. That was Just nbout the length o prctcd to carry the Omahu standard to the front has been laid by tho fann who wit nessed tho exhibition games played in this , city. Tho verdict of approval Is almost unanimous. 1 Kven though the time of preliminary ' practice had been somewhat limited, tho members of tho Omaha team showed them selves to bo In splendid shape boforo they started west to open tho season In Denver. Tho team Is well balanced and It Is proba blo that few, If any. changes will have to bo mndo In Its personnel. Captnln "Ace" Stewart oxpiexsed himself us being more than pleased with the per formances of his team. "I have every reason to believe," ho said, "llint wo have a championship aggregation banded to gether. Already the men have shown themselves to bo experts In their Melding operations nnd the team work Is of an ex cellent sort. I hellevc, too, that wo have got a good lot of strikers. It Is yet too early, however, to Judge tho batting abili ties of tho members of tho team, for It takes u llttlo tlmo for tho men to get thorn- fcIvcb In trim. 1 think wo will start off tho season with an oven break for the championship and If honest endeavor and hard work will win out the Omaha team can be depended upon to land nt tho top of tho heap." Wednesday at noon tho Omaha team. In charge of President Kourkc, boarded n westbound train for Denver, reaching tho Colorado capital In tlmo to open the sea- ton there Friday afternoon. Snngulnu In Ihclr belief that Denver nnd Colorado Springs would bow In recognition to their superior playing, tho Omaha players wero In Jolly spirits. If they don't win every ino nt the twelve games scheduled to bo played with Denver, Colorado Springs, St Joseph nnd Kansas City before they return home to open tho season hero with MoKlh- ben's Saints .May 17 It won't bo bccatiso of tiny lack of eflort on their part. It will lie dllllcult for tho Omaha fans to curb their enthusiasm until May IT and the opening game hero promises to mark n red letter dny In tho bnso ball history of this rlty, Before leaving for the west President Ilourko made arrangements for a tilting celebration of the lnaugurnl of tho season Tho members of tho Omahn nnd St. Joseph teams nnd prominent followers of the great national game in Omaha will Join In a pa rado through tho principal streets of the city. Thcro will be music In plenty nnd the occasion will bo n gala ono In every respect. When the teani3 lino up on the Vinton street reservation ready for tho opening gumo Mayor Moorcs will toss the first ball over tho plate and the Western league season of 1901 will bo formally opened. Itourke family and Is expected to be a strong addition to the pitching staff. The Omaha Inileld looks to bo as strong as any in the 'crgno. Calhoun and Stewnrt hold down the first nnd second cushions In A No. 1 shape and both lire strong stickers. Jimmy Tomnn plays short In his nld-tlmo Inimitable way nnd covers as much terri tory ns one mnn could possibly get over. The llttlo fellow hasn't donned his batting hnblllments yet, but It's still early In the season nnd ho has lots of time to get Into hitting trim. McAndrews has proven con clusively that his selection to preside over third bnso was n gocd one. In the exhibi tion games with Minneapolis ho played great ball. Ills arm. which gae him same trouble during the early part of the practice season, has worki-d out In good fchnpc and ho whips-tho ball over to first In line stylo now. McAndrows did good work nt the bat In tho exhibition gnmc.i nnd his execu tion with tho poplar promises to put hi in well up in the batting list. There Is n disposition on the part of the funs who attended all of tho preliminary gnmes to consider tho nutneld n trllle wenk. Tom Letcher In right field does not come In for nny or the criticism. He Is n star Holder nnd a good sticker. Llttlo Hobby Carter Is a hnrd llttlo worker, conscientious and willing. He fields well nnd does fairly good work nt the bat. Running bases Is his forto nr.d In several Instances he tins beaten out an Infield bunt, a favorite play of his. nilllatr. Held Is a bit weak. He gets over considerable ground In tho middle gar den nnd gobbloi up the parnbolas which nrc directed his way, but Illlllnm's batting doesn't quite come up to tho scrnteh. In the Cnnndlan league Inst year Held was one of tho crack hitters. Ho had an nver nge of .327. nnd tho year previous his uvcrngo was .337. Hut he wasn't able to connect worth n cent In tho exhibition games. It's up to Hill to make good In his sticking performances or take to the tall timbers. In enso It appears advisable to tnko Held out, Letcher will bo .switched Into the center garden nnd IMdlo Lnuzon as signed to right field. Lnuzon, Letcher nnd Cniier would make a bang-up outlleld nnd that's what It will probably be unless Held gets to connecting with tho leather In a very short time. of little consequence some time ago but surprised himself nnd his friends In being nble to turn the trick, ills success evi dently gave him tho Idea Hint he Is of championship stock, o he has sought n . watch with Mcdovern. The feathenveiRtit ! champion has agreed to give the California!! a trial and the fight will likely be held some tlmo this month. , Down nt Louisville Monday night thcio were a couple of pretty hot tights. One of them was between Matty Matthews and Tom Couhlg of Dunkirk. N. Y.. for the welterweight championship nnd the other was between Dave Sullivan of Hrooklyn and Jack McClcllan of Pittsburg, n pair of well known featherweights. Matthews was successful In defending the champion ship title which he held, being awarded the decision at the end of the twentieth rouud. During the first part of the en counter Couhlg hail all tho best of tho argument and then the tide of battle ehnuccd Hi favor of tho champion. It was i n stllT light, however, nil the way through and the crowd didn't tnko very kindly to the verdict In favor of .Matthews, iiiey thought Couhlg ought to have been given the benefit of a draw decision, The chance wallop which you henr about every now and then player! an important part In tho engagement between McClelland and Sullivan and resulted in a victory for tho Hrooklyn boy. Tho llttlo feather weights fought a battle which few of the Louisville devotees of the stuffed mlttittu hnd over seen equaled. The go was fast nnd furious nnd there wns plenty of science mixed up In It. Uurlug tho lust part of the fight Sullivan played a waiting game. Ho took all sorts of punishment, but tho man who was dealing It out was nil the time becoming weaker nnd wonkor because of tho expenditure of his energy. In tho twentieth Sullivan saw on opening. Ho mixed things lively and had McClellon on the floor for eight seconds beforo the round tlmo that well-informed sporting men had rnrecftsted. (lordlier wns clearly outclassed. Tlie oni ehuncc he stood of winning tho light was expressed by Sammy Harris, McOovcrn's manager, while In tho city n coupio oi weeks ngo when enrouto to 'Frisco. "I conlldently expect Terry to win," he snU "but, there Is a possibility that Oardutr might got In n chance wallop. I don't care how good a lighter a man may be If ho gets Into the ring, with nnyono ho 13 liable to get the worst of It. That chance wallop Is always llnblo to come and the man who getr. It In lirst Is tho ono who Is going to win." llspeolal Interest was taken In this fight In Omaha because of Gardner's wide ac quaintance hero. The llttlo fellow began his pugilistic career In this city and Is still known as the "Omnhn Kid." Heslde tttltl lilt n ti twit fit t Hunt n nlinrl I Imn nan u" " ' 1 ' " . . I . . - ...1 till lahttrr In n meeting with Ilalch Smith, the clever was imny bi iki-u. c I little colored fcntherwclght of this city Ilalch Smith was greatly worked up over the match. He haunted the vicinity of tho newspaper ofllces Tuesday night waiting for tho verdict of the fight. "I guess I got n ..nrwl l-lrrlll In hrt 1 tl I nr t Pit ' h I ! Raid, "Look where It would put mo If (larduer Smith, tho. New York pugilist, who died man got up Sullivan was after him again Hid succeeded In landing the blow mat sent McClcllan to the races. Jack Roberts, the English fcathcrwelgiit who engaged In the light with "Hilly Tho auspices under which the Western leagun season opened Friday could not have been moro favorable. In every city of tho circuit an Interest exists which presages well for n successful season. All of tho teams are well matched In point of plnylng ability and tho raco for tho championship ought to bo sufficiently oloso to bo exciting until tho Inst gnmo Is played and tho pen mint nwnrded. Tho grade of players Is even better this year than last, nnd that Is saying a grent deal when It Is rcmem bcred that a number of tho men who wore Western league uniforms last season nro now considered among the crack players In tho National and Amcrlcon leagues. The Omnhn team stnrts off the season with tho men assigned to the positions which they played during the exhibition games. President Hourko's success In so curing tho services of Dick Hockley, tho veteran catcher, to wear tho wiudpnd for Omaha, wns n ten-strlko. Huckley will Join tho tenm ellhcr In Colorado Springs or St. Joseph. Tho bulk of tho catching will fall upon Huckley, although Lnuzon nnd Cllndo will bu retained to nsflst In the backstop' work nnd for utility purposes. In his pitching stuff President Hnurko bait n galaxy of nrtlsts. Young (Ira hum prom ises to"bo ono of Uio stars of tho league. Ho has splendid control nnd has at his command n stock of benders that aro ef fective nnd mystifying. Another of the youngsters, Eddlo Gordon, gives every In dication of mnkliig good by n large major ity. Ho pitches well and Is at all times ns Tho race In the National nnd American leagues has hnrdly progressed far enough yet (o warrant n prediction on tho way tho teams will lino up later In the season. In tho Nntlnnnl tho tenuis nro well bunched except Now York, which Is nlrendy making n strong bid for an Indefinite lenso on tho Inst hole. Pittsburg hns hnrdly como up to the cxpeclntlons of the base ball en thusiasts, hut n series of misfortunes hns been largely responsible for the losses. In tho American Jimmy Manning's Washing ton team Is carrying away a lnrgo share of the honors, with Detroit a close second. Tho way In which Detroit won the first live games played was an example of tho surprises which n base bull giuno fre quently brings forth. Tho American league teams do not look to bo ns evenly matched ns President Johnson declared they were before tho opening of tho season. Boston and Mllwnukea have given n deplornhlo ac count of themselves so far and unless they tnko n brnce will bo left so fnr behind that thoy never will bo able to cntch up. With tho National, American nnd Western leagues running In full blast from now on tho baBO bull cuiliuslnst. will be in his glory and all other sports will bavo to step aside and glvo tho g.-cat national game full sway. should win. In my last fight with Gardner Ilefercc Jimmy Hnrdcll gave n drnw de cision at tho end of twenty rounds, so If Onrdncr wins I would have the right lo dlsputo his title to the featherweight cham pionship because I have n draw with him." Hut Gardner didn't win, so Ilalch Is still In the ranks of tho future possibilities. Tho case with which Mcdovern stowed Gardner away renews tho demand on tho part of tho followers of flstlana that tho Hrooklyn Terror hereafter take on men who aro likely to be able to give him a ruu for his money. Thero Is llttlo credit for n man like McGovern n champion of un- dlsnutcil title to defeat such second-raters as Gardner, for It must be admitted that thing of the sort. Gardner Is a second-rater now. Ho lias fought so long and bo many men and has neglected proper enro of himself for so long Hint he Is not entitled to position with the tonnotchor. This very reason occasioned n good donl of unfavorable. ) criticism to tho McGovorn-Gardner match when It was first announced. Reports of the fight show that Gardner landed but few good, clean blows upon his ndvc'rsary and at no stage did he have the remotest chonco of winning. In tho fourth McGovern waded In to finish his man. Gardner wns sent to the floor four times before tho llnal knock-out enme. Tho blow which finally put him away for keeps was a right In tho pit of the stomach, followed by hard left to the Jaw. from the effect of Injuries presumably ro suiting from his match with Roberts be foro tho National Sporting club nt Lon don April 22, has been exonerated from nny responsibility In Smith's denth. Tho coroner's Jury, after carefully Investigating tho case, returned a verdict reciting tnat Smith had come to an accidental death. Nat Smith, n brother of tho dead pugilist, claimed that his brother had been given some water to drink after the end of the seventh round nnd chnrged thnt the wn'cr had been drugged. This theory was routed, however, by the tcstlmouy of tho phy sicians who attended Smith. They ns sorted that there wns no Indication of any- Old SoIiMitN V, iiri-hwit't'. M. M. Austin, n civil war veteran of Win chester, lnd., writes: "My wifo wns sick 11 long tlmo In spito of good doctor's treat ment. but wns wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them Only 2fio at Kiihn & Cn.'s drug store. 1)imI.(I. Detroit Journal: Rodriguez wns livid with nige. "You hnvo deceived ino!" ho cried. "Your social standing H not what you havo Ice mo to bellevo! I find that tho revolution of which you are the daughter was a cheap nffalr, In which nobody wns killed nnd nl most no property wns destroyed!" Then ho strodo uwny Into tho night, and tho woman sank In a wretched, sobbing heap on tho dlvun. The next day nil Cnracas tnlkod of their quarrel. There Is somo hitch In the mntchlng of Jnck Root and "Kid" Carter for a light nt Applcton. Wis., May 14. Tho crimp In tho plans for n meeting between ineso men comts lu the controversy over clean breaks. Root hns held out for clean breaks, but the Hrooklyn man doesn't want them. Tho result will probably bo tlio substitution of Hob Long, tho Iowa colored middleweight, in place of Root. Danny Haley, n promising local fighter, whoso experience in tho ring has been con fined entirely to amateur fights, hns Issued n challenge through the sporting editor of Tho Ileo for a match with Jim Stalford, Charges Low. Examinations Free Dr. McOrcw is the Pio neer of LOW PRICES for tre.atment. Chicago Trndc Review: suys: "Wo lo not hesitate to siujilt' out Dr. .1. 10. Mollrew, of Omaha, Neb., as a specialist hilly deserving of the highest praise. The laet that diseases of a private nature are his spe cialties, gives him a decided advantage over the general practitioner, and wherever in quiry was made among leading merchants, hunkers and county officials and others, the strong est preponderance of testimony showed beyond doubt that Dr. McGrow does all that In? agrees, to do; that every claim he makes is lived up to fully. Dr. .Met! rew is a thoroughly trained physician, n deep thinker, a keen reasoner, a persistent, reader of the literature of his profession, ami hence a wide-awake and intelligent special ist. During our twenty years of experience as a newspaper correspondent, we have not encountered a more thorough, a better equipped or more reliable specialist than Dr. Me drew. EVERY DAY proves the success of Dr. McGrew's Treatment VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, BLOOD POISON In all stages. NERVOUS DEDILITY and-all weaknesses and disorders of mou. TREATMENT BY MAIL Office Hours S a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays, 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Box 7CG. Office Over 215 So. 14th St., Bet. Douglas and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Net t Do You Know Kelley & Heydeti? t cbamnlon middleweight of Iown. A meet Inn between tho two men will proimniy uo I i I.. . 1 . r i . . . . ne Qtnffnt.1'u Tho light In Ran Francisco Tuesday night orru.iBCu . .. ; " " " wns tho first of n series of pugilistic events which are promised during tho next few mouths. McGovern will bo tho card In two or three bouts that nrc promised and other fighters will probably show tho California Bports their knowledge of tho points of tho game. Tho grand finale will bo the meeting between Jeffries nnd lluh lln, with the heavyweight cunmpionshlp at stake. Kvorythlng Is said to have been ar ranged for this match to take place In 'Krlsco nnd nil the details completed except tho selection of tho date. It Is probablo that the fight will come off July 3 or I. It Is probable that McGovern will take on Frank 12rno before ho leaves the coast. A meeting between theso two men would ho an event of moro than ordinary Interest. They met In New York Inst July nnd Krno was defeated In threo rounds. At thnt tlmo ho wns not In condition, however, becnuso ho hnd lo scnle down to n weight too low to permit his making n ercdltnblo showing. McGovern professes to be willing to tnko on Krne nnd glvo him tho ndvnnlngo of n weight In exeefs of his own. If theso men get together on n satisfactory agreement of weight tho go ought to be nn nll-flrod good one. If McGovern should win he would ac complish a remnrknble pcrformnnco anil would thereafter occupy nn unique position thnt of holding the ehsmplnnshlps of tho light, feather nnd bantamweights. Should ho be unable to whip Krne, It certainly would not bo discreditable to him, for ex tenuation would exist In the fnct of Krnc's weight handicap. ... .,...i.. t r AMK1UOA. win uuiuiiiwua JimiiK iihuit:!, nullum, n I stillTV featherweight who has lately como to light Showaltor In r-nllfnrnln. will be clven a ehntico tn Hurry ihna Mo nrnira.I in- t(.r!rnfrn Iw.fnrn ho HnilgCS ' "'" 1 : ' , , : , . llynies leaves uie eu.tsi. lu-rrerii uuiemru u UKUicr I Vnlet If you don't you ought to TH BY MAKK SHIRTS and sell Men's Furnish ing Goods nnd Huts that nice store on North Sixteenth Street Sixteenth and Chicago you know. lGtli ami Chicago Streets, v KELLEY & HEYDEN J 1K. A. 1). feEAULUs, .the Must ItellnlilK Slirclullut In l)U rnr of Men. 8TWICTURE Cured with a new Homo treatment. No pain, no detention from buslnrts, URINARYCIdney nnd niadder Troubles, Weak Hack, Hurtling Urlue, Frequency of Urtnntlne, Urine High Col ored or with milky bcdlmcnt on standing, n w n LJ 1 1 I o cured for life and O I rnlLlO polsou thoroughly cleansed from tho syitem. Soon every Ign and symptom 'disappears completely ud forevor. No "tlREAKINO OUT" of tho dlseaan on the skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines, WEAK MEN from Hxccsirs or vlc ' ttms of Nervous no bility or Exhaustion, Wasting Weakness, with enrly decay In young and ralddlc BRod, lark of vim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. Curo (uaruuteed. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW Dr. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA, NEB. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is Told in Two Words: .WE CURE.. Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv ous Debility and all lleftex Complications and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men. VARICOCELE Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and nre you nervous, trrltnble nnd dejpondent? Do you lack your old-time energy and ambition? Aro you suffering from Vital Weakness, etc.? There Is a derangement of the sensl tlvo organs of your Pelvic System, and even though It gives you no trouble at prea- cut, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous system fit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not bo cured before It Is too late? Wn CAN CU11K YOU TO STAY GUHKD. Wo bavo yet to see the case cf Varicocele wo cannot curo. Medicines, Electric Belts, etc., will never cure. You need expert treatment. We treat thousands of cases where the ordinary physician treats one. Method now, without cuttlns, pain or loss of time, (.'nnmittnilnii I'rrr, Trent men t by innll. friends state ho will bo perfectly willing to defend his title against all comcrB INTERNATIONAL CHESS MATCH Schedule, nnil Seoren III lloeeiit Cnlile Content lletYvrcMi CSrcrtt llrltnln nnil Amotion. Wo are Indented to tho Lltorary Digest for tho schedules following nnd to tno Hrooklyn Kngle for scores of two gamrs In tho recent cable match between Great llrltnln and America for tho Newnes trophy. According to tho conditions of tho con test threo matches must bo won consecu tively before tho trophy Is won. America won In 1806, Grent Hrltnln In 1897 nnd 1S38, America In 1899 nnd 1900 and the present tlo neccssltntcs playing over tho entire scries. It may. In fact, bo yenrs boforo either sldo eventually wins tho valuable trophy. The pairings this year wero ns follows; Hoard. America. at. Hrltnln. 1 rillslniry vs. jnnfiiuurne .Kliawulter vs. Jiuson .Hurry vs. Ic 4 llodKPS h, Mllh C llymrs vs. Atkins C Vulgt vs. IipUliiKhaia ..Jlnrxhall vs. wnrd Ilumpton vs. JncKsim 9 Nfwni.ui vs. Jiicoln 10 llanell vs. Mltiiicll The openings: 1 nnd 15, Sicilian; 2 nnd 3, Irregulnr; 4 nnd 5, Ituy Lopez; 7 and 10, queen's gambit declined; 8, (llunco Piano; U, Dutch. America had While at tho ortil num bered hoards and Croat Hrltnln at thoso eveu numbered. The score: I nur.AT imiTAiN. l lil.irKliurno o 0 MrtsOti 1 'j.lw Vi 's'Mllls H lAtllns 0 1 i ! Itfl 1 1 IlKliatll i MiiMhnll O.Wnnt 1 Hamilton "...Jnckunti i Newman 1 Jncnlm a Hoivell u Mitciieu 1 Toln 1 5 Tutnl t, Itccoid of mntclus: America. Gt. llrltal.i. America. Ot. Hrltaln. 150C... . 4j 31,4 1S0.I.... b i 1807 .. Uj 6'.- vm.... t i 183S.... Vi um.. .c I Toti.so'i Counting draws as nno-half for each it Is Interesting to note that whtto won seven out of tho ten gameB. Of the gnmes actually won whito had tlvo nnd black hut one. Tho Sicilian Uefenso gave black but half a game out o! tvo; tho Lowenthal (3 P-Q R 3) defense to tho Huy I.opez fared no better, black getting only halt a game out of two played; Irregular defenses, too, failed, black getting but half a game out of two, and tho Dutch defenso proved a loser ngalnst Newman's P-Q 4. Tho OIuoco Piano tuincd cue a draw and the queen's gambit declined ono won and ono lost. In this lat ter opening Ward docllncd tho gambit by ,..P-K 3 and won, while Howell tried ,..P-K 4 (tho so-called St. Paul counter gambit) nnd lost. It would seem, nfter all, thnt tho first move gives whito aoino nd nutag . 10- Kt-iv :. 11- 1MJ s 12- Kt-Kt 3. 13- U-lJ 3 14- ICt-Iv 2. tf-l'-K Kl 3. 15- ICt-Q II. 17- P-O Kt 4. 18- ll-Q Kl. 11-Kt-Kt 3. :o-u x it. 21-Q.lv r.istics. "3-U-W II. il-l'-lj Kt 5. 25 l'-CJ II 4. -P-II 5. 2711 x P. ss ii-n :. :i)-it iKt ni-Ki so-n x it cu. 31-h-ii :. 32 -P-It 4. 33- H-Kt 4. 34- P-ll 3. 3.-. 11 x It. 3 CJ-li II 2. 37 -H x (J. is -IMi 3. 33-P-It .1. 41-l;-ll 4. 41- P-Kt i. 42- P x I'. 43- H-U 0. 41-K-ll. :,-Q II x liJ-l'-Kt 7. 47-H-K f.. 45-1' x 1'. 10-11 x 1'. ro-K-n 2. M-ll-ll. r.2-ii-ii i. M-ll-li D. st-r-it 4. r.J-K-H 3. ;.s-p-Kt 4. ii-p-Kt 5S-II-H 7. r.a-i-it 5. 0l'.H C. fil-K-Kt t. C3-K-H I. Ii) (.1J 4 cl. 11 -g-Kt 3. 12 -I'-K It 4. 1.1- I'-It C. 14 l'-lt 0. 13--P-K 4 K-Kl-K 2. 17-lt-li 2. lKt-l). 1D-I1 x Kt. 20-Kt-Q 3, ' 21-K-II. 2J-K-K. 23- tJ-ll 3. 24- Q-Q 2. :;-t'-Q Kt 3. M-P x 1. 27-Kt-Kt i. SS-H-H. -K-Kt. SO-f x It. 31- IJ-CJ 2. 32- K-It 2, 33- lt-Q 11. 31-Kt-K. SJ-U x n. Sfl-li x Q. 37-Kt.n s. M-Kt-K 3. 39 -Kl (Kt 21-11 4. 40- K-Kl 3. 41- 1' x 1'. 42- Kl-Kl 2. 4J-Kt IK 3)-U 1. 4I-P-I1 1. 45-Kt x II. '.U-Kt-ll 3. 47-1' x 1. 4S-K-I1 3. 45-K-li 2. M-K-C! 3. M Kt-lvt, f,2-lC-ll 2, r.T-Kt.Q 2. .14 Kt-H 3. CO K jKt. M-K-lt 2. 67 Kt-lT 4. r.S-KI-11 3. r.i-iKt 2. M -Kt-IJ 6. 01-Kt-ll 7. 62--nrlKn. (a). (a). Tho win Is plain ns tho noso on your face. KI- P-Q G. i;s P-i: 7. p-y 7, and Whlto, if he wish, miiy play H-Kt 3, Hopping It; but, better, 51 I-Kt S (Q) ell. K x tv. US I" Queens, oh., nnd If K-Il 2. 00 Q-Kt 7, winning In uveiy variation. I Kt. I I The Best Judge of a Bicycle wil buy either a NATIONAL, . CLEVELAND or RACY CLE llecnuso they nro the three lend ing High Cirado Illnyclcs. It will pay you to look over our line beforo ou buy. Our prices nro right. Omaha Bicycle Co., Cur. Mltli mill CIiIoiiro. I TIIIKO TAm,K-IIUU:tlUl,AU. Htirry, 1'. S.-Whlie, l.ec, (1. Il.-lit.icl:. ('II nr nildrcMD till !. 1 tilt St. DHS, BISAIILIS SUSAIILES, OMAHA. "Another Interesting recapitulation do- rlved from tho match Is thnt which sums up the work of Harry, Hodges, Hyiuos, shn wnltcr and Plllsbury In nil tho Intornnttonnl cable tournaments thus far. Plllsbury won his first victory yesterday. Showaltei met his tiret defeat, his past record Including four successes and ono draw match. Harry In tho past won Ilvo times, Yesterday'a was his Initial draw. Hymes, on the other hand, von lis lirst victory, as In nil previous matches he has drawn. Harry,- Hodges and Hymes havo never bo en de feated." Hrooklyn Eagle, (inuin Studio., FIHST TAHLK-SICIMAN DKFUNSK. rillsbury, V. rt. White. Illnckhurne, 11. II. lllack. 1- r-K i. i-p.y n 4. 2- Kt-K 11 3. 2-Kt-C) tl 3. 3- Kt.Q 11 3. 3-P.K 3. 4- I'.C) 4. 4 -U X P. 6- Kt x P -Kt-II 3, s K KLKt i. 6 H-Kt 1V-Q It 3. 7 11 x Kt. I Kt X II I P.Q 4. 9-U-K Kt S. -P-q 5. 1-P-K 4. 1 P-CJ II 3. 2- H-tJ 4. 2-P-iJ 4. 3- I'-K .I. " S-ll-H 4. 4- ll ti S. 4-11 x II, 5- CJ x II. t-P-K 3. 6- I1-K 3 n-Q-Kt 3. 7- 0 Kt-II 3. 7-ll-Kt 5. tt-Kl-K 2. f-tj.lt 3. J-Q-IJ 2. O-Kt-Q 3. 10- CiictlPH (K I!). 10-Kt-K 2. 11- 1MJ It 3. 11-H x Kl. 12- Kt x tl. 12-Kt-K II 4. U-l'-ll 4. 13-P-ll 4. ll-H-11 2. 14-CJ.H 4, 13 -Q-(J 3. 15-Q.U 2, 1-K It-K. H-Kt-ll. 17-P-K Kt 3. 17 Kt-Kt 3. IH-l'-It 3. lS-Kt (Kt 3) K 2. 10-Kt-Q. 10 Kt-II. 20- Q-K II 3. 20-1 M Kt 3. 21- IMC Kt 4. 21-P x P, 22- P X P. 22-Kt (II 4) IC 2. 23- K-Kt 2. 23-Kt-Kt 3. 24- Kt-ll 3. JI-CaslJeH (Q P.), 2-V-P-Kt 3. 2-V-lMt 2. 2C-It-It. 20-Q It.II. 27-H x H. ST II x It. 25- -U-K II. 2S-U x 11. 29-K X P.. 20-Q-Q. W-Q.K 3. 30-Q.ll. 31-J-It 7. 31-Kt-Q 2. J2-.H-U 4 32-K-Q. Sl-K-Kt 2. 33-K-K. 31-Kt-K 2. 31-KfIC Kt. 33-P-Kt 4. 38-Kt-K 2. jrKt-Kl 3. S'J-Q.KI, 37-O-lt 6. 37-Kt.Kt 2. 35-l-Kt 3 (.(). 3S-Kt (Kt 3). 11, 39-P-lt 4. D9-K-Q 2. 4'J-U-H 6. '.0-K.K. 41- K-ll 2. 41-K3!I, 42- O-Kt 3. 42 Cj.Kl. 43-tl-lt . 43-Q.H. 41-q-Kt 5. ll-(J.K'l. 45 Kt-II. 45-K.Q 2. (iJ-Kt-K 3. (li-K-K. 47-Q II . 4I-K.CJ 2. 41-P-ll V It-Kl 1' x P. i 49-P X P 41i-lJ.lt 2. f,0 P x P ch. W-P x P. SI K-K 2. M-CWl 4 ch. 51-K-lJ 3. :.2-lMt 2 ill. SJ-K-(J 2. 53-1. K S, 51- P-11 3. .11-q-Kt 3. K--4J x Q- 15 Kt x (J. ;.fl II-Kt 5, W-Kt-K 3. 57-Kt-Kt 4 Drawn. i (u) A well contested game. The opening. 1 .... I'-Q It 3. somotlmes known as Caro-Knnn and differs essentially from the Hlclllitn ilofeiihe, nlbidt Hlnek's lirst move In one Is P-Q H 3, and in the other P-Q II 4. It Ik oulv n matter of iiiovlllc the nnw'ti one step or two. yet nollce how different Is Whlte'H reply In ouch Instnnee. We have high authority for the sdito ment that "Mr, Harry could have won hero by as H x Kt, followed by S9-Q-1C Kt 5 !., hut Just then lm had three moves to make in ono minute nnd ho dared not part with his Q 11 without more consideration of the situation than ho was nble to give,'' Tho unrivalled boquet that Cook's Im perial Extra Dry has, has made It a favorite with all good Judges EMERY RAISES HIGH SCORE .tin ii ii Ker of (inrk'n llejH Hum In tji't'lit Form mill TUIn Ten pin Sen re li to UNO. In W. II. Ktiicry lilted the high tonpln seoro for tho rlty up to "SO lu u gnmo bowled lit Clnrk'H alleys Tluirndny iifternuon. Kmery was playing a friendly game with "Plum ber" Head, llo wns In great form and In tho fir.it gnmo scored 2'.U. In tho second he Kiurtfd off with n sttiko and In tlio socoiul li.uiH' jjoi a Hpare. Then he made ten can-1 meutlvo htiikcs nnd dlstlngulNlied lilninotr I by establishing the high city record. Pre-1 luusj to Iliuery's performanco the high 1 1 1 v ' iti'oro at tenpins was held by Charlie Hiidciii.' bcekcr, who had a score of 279. 1 II If lo 1 ik hen came next with u hcore of 278. Bicycles Cheap Our store Is full of them and wc want fh room and your money. Special prices dur ing tho entire month. Stearns, Rambler, Colum bia, Barnes, Wolf American From $32.00 to $50.00 Reliance, $30.00 The best wheel In Omaha for the money, tvlth choice of equipment. Superior, $20.00 Regetlt oomploto now whoo1 $15 Your pood Judgment will tell you to look this stock over before you buy n wheel. Wo have ono of the best equipped llepulr Shops In the rlty. Sccond-Hr.nd nicycles nt your own price. Ull.M-MIO Tl li: ltlTHI(S OK 1IK.VI'. KOH NI,W Nebraska Cycle Go. Cor. 15th and Harney. 'piiom: luuii. Tho bowling nlleyn hnvo been ruunlnv; nt full tilt the last week and tho oiithuslauts jivo no flgn of letting up during tho hot wculher. Jnteiest lu tho sport Is probnblv kept up to a certnlu extent by reason of the prizes llio prominent alleys continue lo offer for high scures. At Clark's nlleya tho prl-'.o winners hist week wero (J. Coniad, with a score of 110 at duckplns, nnd Charles French, with u ncoro of 9 nt nlno pins. For the women's prize Mrs, Herman Ileselln won nt fotirlmek, with a score of C2, and tied Mrs. Fred Krug'H score of ViS at tenpins. At tho Gate City alleyw the prize wlniKrii'l woro George I.nvldge. with a Hcore of MT nt ii vo back, and A. Kortlang, with ti fcoro of i at seven down. I 1 SnorSal Sala nr T Special Sale on I 1 I lil ad1 l -v ri I Special High scoren for tho last week wero os folliws' Oate City Alleya-IM HutgesF, 21fi, 2a,; r. S. Seaman, lot!. 201, L'.D; V. ff. Sheldon, 217; S. T. White, M, 211; J. J. Unvej-, 210 .20!; A. Moggo. 202; C. A. Pegnu, 202; Wood Hart ley. 201; H. M. Tracy, 2fC; Ocorgo l.avhlg''. 200; Teddy McNnlr, 211. Clnrk'H AlleyB W. If. Stapenhorst. :, 203; F. W. Schneider, 210, 232; F. J. Hengole, 2IU, 2.'0; .TiimcH Smend, 203. 212. 2U7; f. F. I.ovell, 223, 213, 219, 203: Kd l.awlur, Frank Conrad, 201; W. II. Kmery, 22i, 21.', 203, 22J, 213, 2M, 2.S0; "Plumber" Iteid, Wj, 0S; A. Colo, 22S, 201. 217. 210, 238, 213, 233, 237, 213, 210, 231. 213; W. A. Bowm ill; M. It. Huntington. 202, .'07, 201; II. Hoselln, 223; Joe dulmnnn. 222; Fred Hlaho, 201. 212, 222; Hairy Yost, 200, 231; drover Smith. 202. 216; I'. c Oavlum, 212; F. San dor. 2(3; W. W. Ilurtley. 200; William U It; mail, 227. This Week. These wheels vcro made during tho winter and nre tlrst-class, hand made wheels JGO.OO wheels nor.- J.iO. Rugby Racer at $45 ; Rugby Roadster at $40 t Andrae at $30, $40, $50 t Crescents $25 to $35 !!Featherstone $40 I Tribune $40, $50 II In (ll.jeel I:iiIiiIiumI, ' Chicago Post; Tho tenderfoot watched tho miner for somo tlmo In silence, "Are you sinking that shuft In the hope of striking ore?" ho usked finally. "Hardly," replied tho miner, as he rested for n moment. "Thero Isn't enough oro hero to make u decent charge for n single barreled shotgun. I am merely linking the shaft In tho hope of striking a sucker from tho east when the tourist season begins." I i I I t I I t -i I i A few bargains left of tho Derlght i.tock of bicycles nnd sundries. Prop In nnd seo our Motor Oycls, Louis Flescher. 1622 Capitol Ave.