Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT U It DAY, 31 AY 1, 11)01.
Spaulding & Co,
Goldsmiths, Silversmiths
and Jewelers.
Our clients are assured of the
character of their purchases by
the assistance of competent
experts in gems, together with
the high standing of the house.
Our Stitfifostlon Book mailed frco.
Spaulding it Co., Jackson Blvd., cor. State St., Chicago
Hot Weather Goods
Keep Cool auk Save Money.
White Enamel,
Wilke Porcelain Tile
Perfect circulation; pure, dry, cold air;
Insulation mineral wool; lined with
white enamel, zinc nnd tile. Use less
Ice, unsy to keep clean, absolutely pure.
XInny stylos and sizes, from
$5,48 up
Refrigerators and Stoves Sold on Payments.
Milton Rogers & Sons
Cor. 14th and
A. Mayer Co.,
'Phone 1716
shields are required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspiration, rub
the palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder, in cases of habitual
sweating, use tbe powder In pink box. For axllllary (armpits), sweating, find
directions for use In the cover of the blue box. For obstinate itMNtUng or chaf
Cdr bathe "the affected parts with the Re-No-May Astringent Antlseptlo Lo
tion. It must be distinctly understood that RE-NO-MAY Powder Is not a
toilet powder, but strictly a curative, hygienic and antiseptic powder, and
should not be used for Infants as a toilet dusting powder.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 4, When ordering by mall add 5 cents for postage
Re-No-May Skin Food for facial massage.
Re-No-May Cream softons and whitens the hinds and face.
Ugliest Bull
All bull pups must bo brought to the corner of
17th unci Ftti'iinm streets, Saturday, May 4th, at
12:U0 p. in., sharp. Heiiiember, no handsome pups
are wanted. The Pee will pay ten dollars for tho
ugliest bull pup in town.
$1,500 in prizes,
And list of prize winners, will bo publisheod in
The Sunday Bee,
May 5th.
Quick Meal
and ,
Gasolino nnd Bluo Flnmo Stovea nro
the safest; the best to use. the most eco
nomicalabsolutely unequalled. Many
styles nnd sizes, from
$2.00 up
We are exclusive Omnha agents.
Farnam Sts.
In pink box not only relieves, but
positively cures all disorders of tho
feet, stops odorous perspiration,
cures tender, swollen and painful
In blue box removes all bodily
odors. It properly used no dress
Pup in Town
and a bull pup.
Corean Gownmaat Takes Diffsrent Oturss
with McLfaij.
Move Acllvol) In thr Mnttrr When
llrotvn I Ordered to HHImiulnli
.t'ontrol of (,'urenii
SEOUL, Corea, May 3. The Corean gov-
ernmcnt has revised Its nctlou In the mat
tcr of Mcl.eavy Urown and has ordered
him to leave his residence and relinquish
the control of Corean customs. The repre
sentative of Great Ilrltaln In Corea Is mov
ing actively In the matter.
The .Moit C'iiiiiiiioii Allium t.
More peoplo suffer from rheumatism than
from any other n'lmcnt. This Is wholly un
necessary, too, for n cure may be cftectcd
at n very small cost. 0. V. Woscott, agent
D. & II. C. Ily. Co., Mcadowdate, N. Y
says: "i have bfen afflicted with rheuma
tism for some time and It has caused me
much suffering. 1 concluded to try Cham
berlain's l'aln Halm nnd am pleased to say
that It has cured mo." For sale by all
.Tf York Kilt tor I'nmr TlirotiRli
0 in nil H nn it Tnlkn of lll
Mr. and Mrs. Whltelaw Held, Miss Ueld
and Mr. and Mrs. D. O, Mills passed
through Omaha last night on their way
from California to New York. They were
belated passengers, arriving hero at S:55
p. in. on a Union Pacific train that was duo
at 4.35 In the afternoon. The private cur
In which the party traveled was switched
to a Hock Island eastbound train that had
been held over nn hour for It.
During the few minutes that the car re
mained In the Union station Mr. Mills was
busy giving orders to a railway official
and Mr. Held talked to a reporter for The
Bee about tho railroad accident In which
his pnrtv figured nt Emigrant Gap, Cal.,
last Tuesday night.
"Wo haven't as good or ns nice a car as
wo had before the accident," said he, "but
we nro getting along very comfortably. It
was Indeed a natrow escape that wo had
Tuesday night. Our car was on the rear
end of the train and If It had not been
a very heavily built and strong car tho
locomotive that ran Into It would not have
been stopped so soon nnd the consequences
might have been dreadful. Our train had
stopped In a snowBhcd when the locomotive
of a following train came along at a rate
of Bpced too great to check In time to
avert tho collision. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mills,
Mrs. Held, my daughter and myself were
sitting In the room nl tho rcarend of
our car nnd we had no time to escape be
fore tho engine of the other tralu was
upon us. It crashed Into our car with tre
mendous force, scattering glass In all di
rections, and coming to u stop only two
feet from tho point at which Mr. Mills
was standing. Thb lights went out, the
room filled with steam and none of us
knew Just what Injuries had been Indicted
until we had groped our way out of tho
car. Then wo found that tho only per
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Srnur or Fioa, manufactured by tho
California Fin Srnur Co., illustrate
tho valuoof obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to tho
tasto and acceptable to the system. It
is the ono perfect strengthening1 lnxa
ti", cleaiisintr tho system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevcrr
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable qunllty and sub
stance, nnd its noting on the kidneys,
liver nnd boweln, without weakening
or irritating them, make it tho ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
are used, ns they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy ato obtained from senna nnd
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get iU beneficial
effects and to avoid imitation, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every packnge.
Forsslo by all P'ugglsts. Price 10c. par bottla
May 7 and 21,
July 4 and 18,
Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Ktc,
For rates, books, pamphlets nnd Informa
tion call on or address company's agents.
8. K. Cor. Fourteenth and Douglas Sta.
Witch Hazel
A wall known cure for Piles
Tlilssalve cannot, be equalled wherever
nsoothlngantl healing antiseptlcnppll.
cation is needed. It quickly cures sores,
cuts, burns nnd (scalds without leaving
t jcar. For piles, eczema and all skin
diseases It, is considered Infallible.
Beware of Counterfeits
Unscrupulous persons may otter you
worthless Imitations. Take only the or
Iglnal DeWitt's Witch HazelSalvb
Prepared by t. C. DeWITT A CO., Chicago.
sons Injured were Mr Mills nnd myself, and
we had suffered only slight cuts from the
flying glass,"'
Mr. Held uncovered and displayed his
most serious Injury, which was nothing
more than a cut about two Inches long on
the top of his bald head, A strip of court-
plaster had mended tho scalp, no stitches
having been necessary.
Thirty Menthrr of Ihr Club Sit Dohii
lo n Mnui of Their Own
Nearly thirty members of the Nebraska
Belgian Hare club were guests at a ban
quel given Friday evening t tho Millard
Belgian hare served In various stylo formed
the sub&tantlal portion of the menu.
number of toasts were delivered, among
them being: "The Nebraska Belgian Hare
Club," President V. B. Howard: "Tho Bel
gian Hare from a Business Man's Stand
point," P. J. Barr; "The Belgian Hare from
a Woman's Standpoint," Mrs. St. John;
"Belgian Haro Toast." Hugh F. Mcintosh;
"Belgian Hare Industry as n Recreation,"
Prof. A. C. Ong: "The Belgian Hare as a
Newspaper Man Sees It." John Pecan Ryan.
J. H. McDowell acted as toastmastcr. Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Markle of Wahoo were out-of-town
Ontrnl l.nlior I nloii Aftkn inriiom
lVileriitlon to Strike It from
I'nlr l.lit.
Central Labor union was In executive
session during nearly all of Its meeting
Friday night and tho notion taken, If nny.
in regard tc the various labor troubles could
not bo learned.
A tcsolutloti was adopted declaring the
Western Laborer unfair and icqucstlng the
AmerUnn Federation of Inbor to strike it
from the fair list. Tho following delegates
were received; A. F. Crouse, Electrical
Workers; A. C. Jasper. Structural Iron
Workers; Tom Agnew and John Pyle, Fed
eral Labor union No. 8091; A. Sommcra,
Boilermakers; W. C. Noycs, Postal Clerks.
t'nnriirlnc nt All l)riisp.
Cures bllllousncss, constipation nnd dys
pepsia or money refunded. 50c. Sample and
book on diet and euro sent free for 10c to pay
postage. Ilea Bros. & (..Minneapolis, Mini).
$1,500 In prizes. Add the figures In Tbe
Evening Bee May 8.
South Omaha News.
Tho nro at the Armour plant in Chicago
will tend to Increase the work nt the
Armour plant here to a lnrge extent nnd
while repairs are being made to the beef
department at the Chicago nouac tho plain
here will not only run full tlmo, but quite
a number of additional men will be put to
Orders camo to General Manager Howo
vestctdav from Chicago to buy nnd kill
everything In tho beef line that wns worth
slaughtering and this means that tho Lm
caco market, to some extent, will be fur
nlshed with beef killed in South Omaha for
at least three weeks.
After the fire It was estimated that It
will take three weeks or n month to make
the necessary repairs to the damaged doors
and machinery and during this tlmo tho
local market will bo benefited, Inasmuch as
the price to shippers will be raised on ac
count of the exceptional 'demand here.
While South Omaha Is a first-class beef
market all of the time', the action taken
by the Armours yesterday will naturally
tend to increase shipments, and It Is pre
dicted that good pjlcesYvllI prevail here
for some time to come, ,r
In genernl, the packers arc , working
nearly full tlmo and with tho closing down
of some departments at one of the houses
other portions of other .houses have been
opened, so that there is no falling off In
the amount of labor required to carry on
tho packing houso and stock yards bus
Iness at this point.
Looks Like Trouble.
On tho face of the proposition tho street
fair show looks serene, but from rumors on
tho street yesterday afternoon It appears
that there Is trouble In store for tho pro
rooters. According to the plans formulated
by tho association, booths wcro to be
erected on Twenty-fourth street from M to
O streets and on N street from Twenty
fourth west to Twenty-seventh strei't
These booths wero to be built on the pave
ment and outside of the curb line, leavln
tho sidewalks clear. This docs not suit
some of tho merchants and a protest was
made yesterday which was emphatic enough
to hold most nnyono. C. A. Melchor as
sertcd that he would not permit tho space
In front of his store to be used unless ho
had something to say about the matter,
Further, ho asserted that no one had asked
him to Join the fair association and 1
would If necessary restrain, by an ord
of the court, tho erection of booths on th
'street In front of his store, which Is located
nt the corner of Twenty-fourth and N
Other business men on N street nppcar to
side with Melchcr, and If they do the ptop
osltlon Is dead, as the opposition already
shown Is evidence Unit the city Is divide
Into factions on tho matter. One member
of the company said last evening that
unless everyone worked for the show with
might and main It would not be the biic
cess contemplated.
MimniiN Kleot Officer.
flee Hive lodge No. 181. Ancient Krco and
Accepted Masons, elected these officers
Thursday night: James W. Hastings, V
M.; John F. Schultz, senior warden
Charles McAdams, Junior warden; James
Allen, treasurer; Frank Slabatigh, secrc
tary. The appointments of deacons and
othora will bo announced later.
Work Inn Ovrrtlnir,
In anticipation of n drouth In Omaha on
Sunday the local brewery Is now workln
Its forco ovortlmo In ordor to ho proparefl
to supply tho demand for beer which will
naturally come from tho closing of the sa
loons on tho north. Jloft of the liquor
dealers yesterdny placed orders with th
browery for a supply over the usual limit
and a big trade Is expected. It was re
ported on the stroeth yesterday that the
street ear company would run extra cars to
South Omaha In order to accommodate th
thirsty ones.
Council II purlin ii Wilt I on.
There Is some talk of changing the com
ratttecs In the city council. At tho time o
tho organization after the passage of tho
charter, committees were named with tho
appointees left blank. Now It appears to
some that tho selections are not entirely
satisfactory and a change will most likely
bo made before long.
Stock YnriU Improvement,),
Ground was broken yesterday for new
hay barns for the Union Stock Yards com
pany for hay barns, Tho new buildings will
bo of corrugated iron and will bo forty-six
feet In width, with a length of 200 feet.
Tbe barns will be located on the ground
north of the U street viaduct and east of
the Burlington freight dopot tracks.
MiikIi! City tin.
Open single curs are now being run on the
Hhermun n venue line. i
The next meeting of the I Iiirinony club
will be on the evening of May S.
Mark C'oad of the Packers National bank
has returned from an eastern trip.
Mark iieetham has gone to I'lne Bluffs.
Nr! to look after business mntters.
Mrs. mi Duuil nf Boone, fa . U heri. Ilir
euesfof Mrs. D. L. Holmes, Twenty-fourth
Two Important Events for Next Monday
77Zi have purchased the dressmaking stock of Madame
W Connelly, No. 9 East 34th St., New York City, who
was incontestably conceded by all for the past, quarter of
a century to be the American "Worth" This magnifi
cent stock consists of the highest price imported silks,
dress goods, laces and trimmings. All the aboie are ex
clusive fabrics, We are confide7it that the exclusive
designs and striking color combinations (at prices that
represent but a shade of their real value) will be ap
preciated by you.
In addition to the abore we will place on sale the
magnificent exhibit of dress goods of the Arlington Mills.
These goods received the gold medal at the Paris Expo
sition, and were displayed at the Omaha Auditorium
Industrial Exposition. The line consists of broadcloths,
crepons, brilliantines, mixtures, etc., and will go on sale
at a fraction of the real value
Monday, May 6th, at nine o'clock.
Trusting that we will have the pleasure of seeing
you. in our store next Monday we are
Proprietors Boston
Tho most useful artl
clo ever invented for
tho comfort of an
invalid. Tho leaf can
be raised and
lowored, ox
;cndod and
fastened at any nnclo.
Modical and Surgical Supplies
1408 Farnam Street, Omaha,
Most Tailoring
curry tioth which litis cotton bo
Intermixed Hint nobody can toll by
looks or t'ctd of the goods. All wool
wc promise you and with nt
least becoming modesty wc, sny
tlmt n Wnnnnmnkur & Hrown
guarantee means that wo glvo tho
money buck willingly If our state
ments can hi; proven false.
The mnklng of clothes Is Just ns
Important us having good cloth.
Our tailors are the most skillful
and reliable we kiiow how to gut.
We pay thorn well, nnd that has a
world of meaning In the tailoring
Omaha Branch Store
122 South 15th 'Street,
Near Corner of Douglas
The Chicago Record
h- 61 of these Type
.crt in daily uie
If you want a typewriter, why not
corao first where you can is
WRITER In Its best form?
of all kinds for all machines.
New Century ggjs,
The finest catalogue
ever issued is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
'OH r-ajr9aw U Qtaab.
J. L. Brandeis
Store, Omaha.
Boys' Shoe Day.
Hoys wear out more shoes than girls
and It has been our aim to get a boys
shoo that will stand the hard knocks
tho boys will give them In our $1.50
shoo wc bellcro wc have such a shoe
made strong from strong calf and oak
sole lenther soles It. gives you the Ideal
school nnd cvery-day shoe bring tho
boys lu Saturday nnd let us fit them to
n pair of these shoes You get your
money bnck If you want It.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
Catalogue Sent Prie for tue Asking,
Onaha'a Up-to-date Shoe Hon.
Hallet & Davis1 Pianos
Havo been before tho public for over
sixty-two years. Hallet & Davis is one of
the few firms who did not claim to know It
all at the beginning, but their Ideal was
a perfect piano, and to this end they have
bent all their energy. Each year thoy have
mado better pianos than tho previous year,
so that today the "Hallet & Davis" stands
for all that Is high grado In a modern
piano. There nro pianos for which more
money is asked, but you cannot buy a bet
ter piano for the amount Invested. Tbe
Hallet & Davis pianos are always reliable
and will wear a llfo-tlmo. Artistic tuning
done piomptly. Thono 188.
Music and Aft. ' 1513-1515 Ooulas
We do nrtlatto tan! tiff.
It's a Cold Fad-
It's a cold fact that the Leonard Cleans
bio Refrigerator Is almost tbe only one on
tho market today which baa not deteri
orated lu quality to moct competition In
price The manufacturers will forfeit $100
for every one which docs not have eight
walls for Insulation It's a cold fact that
the movablo flues for cleanliness aro tho
simplest and best contrivance for getting
at every part of the refrigerator You don't
havo to lift out the whole Ice box to clean
It It's n cold tat that we sell these most
excellent refrigerators almost as cheap as
others sell the worthless kind.
A. C. Raymer
1514 Farnam St.
There is Nothing-
In tho world that will pull the thermome
ter so far as a class of pure, sparkling, de
licious soda It refreshes wonderfully. Mini
ulates tno bra'n, cools the blood Good at
all seasons of the year but especially good
Just now Helps digestion, too It isn't
often th-.t you may take medicine In such
nn agreeable form and there Is nothing
more refreshing than one of our little bar
rels of Ice create msde from pure cream
three delicious flavors and enough for eight
people fcr 0c Our Ice cream Is the talk of
tho town.
W. S. Bnlduft
1520 Faruttm St.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-
& Sons
ana u streets.