THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATVB DAY, MAY 4. 1001. 3 Dyspepsia Cure; Diaests what you eat. 1 There Is no picture in life 11 you dread goinc to the table to eat and It you can't rest well at night on account of Indigestion. Yet many people are llrln? just such lives, and after trying almost everything they give up hope and endure their sufferings as bravely as poifible. We would like to recon mend to everyone the preparation which has acquired such a wonderful reputation for the cure of Indigestion. We refer to Kodol DrsrEPSiA Ccke. It oan't help but do you good It Is the only preparation that completely digests whatever variety of foods you may wish to eat- That Is why It Is so highly endorsed by all who have used It. Rev. TV. E. Sltzer, W Caton. N. Y., writes. "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medklnes without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol DyspepMa Cure atd It helped me from the (.tart. I believe It to be a panacea for indigestion " Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Prepared only bj E.C IXWltt A Oo , Chlraso. The tt. bottle contains J' times thefOc tlze. Bcwiirs unit EAP1Y RISERS The best little liver Dills ever made. DEPUTY GAME COMMISSIONER I QoTener Eivtee OrTen the OS-.i to W. J. O'Briea of Soath Etnd. t liquor to her hazard who 11 now I IvlTv A rflTFvFn FMPlRF a jail sememe in the lougla county j 1 iJllJ n lUtU UJjLl UJll llL The remonstrance will be acted upen by 16 council Monday, when It Is .bought the ' - - license win be cracted . President Fiads Ttxn Not Altrmed by th Apptllition. i STRONG AGAIN. You wti 3 rmre jwwtd sturdy phvs Iques and steady tierres, but n w hare Inefficient pfcrMC-l force U pr per'y attend to ordinary duties j iu who hivenseaseof 'a'.'.-g'nrc--s n'tertbe i.:'shlet.t exertim, y.J ffbo ate uu;l languid and old In spirit at an ape when you f hoiil 1 le fnUof physical e , you who may leet that J " hie li not worth the struggle there Sua scieut.fic mean of red-em nc al' the precious powers which seem to be entire'- lost. Hare cured thousands such as you Uon't experiment with your hea'th or money. We will late the rlU If sir boxes do not cure you, your money is returned. Tor years we have lieeu curing men on theie autUfactory terms. $1 00 per box, plain package. C for S.1O0 mailed In Ilook free. Addros For sale by Kahn & Co.. M A. Dillon. Fuller Faint &. Drug Co. and Davis Drue Company. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor anJ Manhood Cure ire potency. Nlcht Emls!ona, Loss of Mem- Xi V orr, ail waiting cjiwases. all effects of Mil- f-abuk or excess and itiamcrotion. F A nerve tonic n Libloc'd builder. Brinci "the pink clow to pale cboe.': nnd restores the fcVflrr f youth By mall R NBOo ner box. 6 boxes for S2. 50, with our bankable gaunatee to cur or refund the money paid. send for circular 60 PILLS SO CTS. CHARLES SHARPE'S PAROLE WITHDRAWN (mulct l In Urn Uriel. t Lincoln froiu lnilJllon Ailjutnnt lieii rrnl Klllnn' Opposition .4 rouaeil. LINCOLN. May f.. (Special.) The posi tion of deputy fish and game commissioner has been tendered by (Xiveroor Saage to W J. 0 Bricn of South Bend. The position carries with It the duties heretofore held by the- superintendent of the state fish j batr-herics. Mr. O'Brien it now In north- j w stern Wyoming, but It 1 believed that . he will accept the appointment and Imrne- dlatfely return to Nebraska. i Mr. O'Brien Is sktlltd in the art of fish culture, having made this a special study since boyhood. His tatbj was superin tendent of the hatcheries at South Bend for several years and was later succeeded by his son. who held over for a short period under the fusion administration. Governor Satage continues to recehc a large number of letters eiery day from persons wanting appointment, notwith standing his declaration that he nould re move no person from ofllee In this state except for canse. There are only a few positions of minor Importance at his dis posal that remain to be filled and be ts considering the applications with all possi ble speod. It Is likely that the adjutant general will be chosen early next week and the rest will be named as rapidly &s j possible. I I'nrolr la Wlllidrmvn. I In response to numerous complaints en tered by persons who ere instrumental lu j bringing about the conviction of Charles ' Fharpe. sentenced for fhe year? for rcb l b'ng freight cars. Governor Savage lias withdrawn the parole ordered by his prc decrrsor and has had Sharpe brought back , to the penitentiary. The man was placed ! under arrest at Fapllllon last night and re ' turned to Lincoln today. J Adjutant General Killan's atttntlon was j called today to a letter that Is being sent j to members of the First Nebraska volun i teers, asking for contributions for the bene j fit of James L. shenfelter of Beatrice. H j Is signed by Frank M. Clark of Lincoln. , The letter asserts that Ashcnfelter lnflu- enced the adoption of an Important atnead , mcnt to the bill passed by the last legls i lature for relmt'jrEing persons who ad- vanced money Jet the transportation cf the First regiment, and appeals to all of ; the men who are to be reimbursed for paying their own transportation to donate la each to Ashetfelter to enable him to defray tte expenses oi a surgical operation it Is claimed that be lost his hearing In the Thlllppine campaign. "The condition of the man has never been brought to my attention and I cannot sanction the method now bing pursued to raise funda for the proposed operation," said Adjutant General Kllian. U may be for a worthy and deserving cause, but If so the person or persons who are sending cut the lettts should communicate wtth this office and we would cheerfully aid in raM- Ing funds for ibe man. I am told that the imnn's hearing was not good when he en tered the army. He war not to my knowl edge ever treateC In the hospital on the Island ana he has never made any personal appeal to anjoe that I know of " In tment G. A. R. AND W. R. C. CONVENE Meet rtt VVjinorr to .trrnatr for He tinlon nmt 111 ret Onlcera. WYMORB. Neb.. May S (Special.) A contentioa of delegate representing the southeastern Nebraska district. Grand Army f the Republic and Women's Relief corps, was held here Wednesday and Thursday. The district embraces the coun ties of Jefferson, Salln". Gage. Pawnee, Richardson, Johnson add Nemaha. Com mittees were appointed to solicit proposals from towns for holding the annual re union. The Women's Relief corps elected and Installed these officers' President. Olive Ballard. Dfller. senior vice president. Ag nes Mlover. Blue Springs. Junior vice presi dent, Carrie Crawford. Wymore: secretary. Cells Wright, Wymore: treasurer. Dr. Mary Fox. Table Ro. k; chaplain. C L. Parker. Table Rock The executive board is as follows Rosalie Condon, Pawnee City; Sarah Buflum. Tocumsrh. Rusha Day, Beatrice; E. E. Richards. DeWitt. Jennie Youu, Talrbury. The delegates were ban queted by the local Women's Relief corps Wednesday night and cry of our bankable guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets-: Positively gnanaitrei enro fcr Lors of Povrar. ancoceie, i.naeTeiopa or trrencen urgnns rare.W Locomotor A'.rxia, Scrvon l'rostap. tion, Hyst-xrin. Fit. Ir.san.ty. ParaijfU and tas Resnlta of T.iec-t -ire r of Tobnceo, Opium or Liqnor. By mall in pla::i pickice. $1.00 a I box. 6 for 5.00 trlth cur bonka-ble (ru-r-amtee bond to cure In SO days or refund coney puld. A- e-3 NERVITA fV;r!E;CA. CO. CKntonflJ- ' ,. ACO, ILU Vor aolr iiy Kuan A Oo., XMh and Douajuaa t-. Omaha. Neb Z Oao. ci. Davu, Council UluCe tr,wa. of School Fund. Despite the various disturbing Influences State Treasurer Stuefer has managed dur-J ivr 1hf laRt fntir mnnttit in mn-A r. F EXTRA STRENQTH J tv,e nennanent school fund Invrci ntratdlltt Results i dlc5 hl immf dIate predecessor In any of the i spring monins .Mr. atueier examined the records this morning, after having atten tion called to a statement published In , Omaha fusion newspapers, wherein It was j claimed that the uninvested portion of the permanent school fund was growing by ' leaps and bounds. This investigation led to the discovery that in the first quarter of h,s official tenure he had Invested JG4.10T.0j more than was expended during the first four months of any year of his predecessor During the first four months of lf00 Mr. Meserve made Investments as follows: January S6VP77 a February I9X'S .V) ff 7,'aWLlng 't I A',nl 32.44S RESISTING TRAMP IS KILLED Hefuanl t Milimlt lo Olllcer Thom.ia f elnilrr It-iilt In Uentli. SCHUYLER. Neb. May 5. (Special.! While making his rounds last night Night Watchman Jacob Thomas (colored! found a tramp In sleeping quarters In the Union Pacific stock chute. Upon being asked to come out he refused and told the watchman that he would have to come in 'after him. Mr. Thomas remarked. "Well, I'm coming after you," and started, whereupon the tramp arose to his knees and threw his hand to his hip as If to shoot. The police man fired a shot that killed him lnstantly The dead man proved to be a man who was about yesterday mending umbrellas. He was at a saloon late last night, from which he departed much the worse for liquor, and where he left his umbrella-mending outfit. There was nothing on his person to identify him but a portoffice receipt, evi dently from Boles City. Idaho. The coroner has been summoned and an inquest will be held. FAILS TO PROVE CHARGES II. II. (inrTr'a Claim Acnlnat lra. I'lticornlrt m Dlsiiilkaed from Court. LINCOLN. May 3 (Spe:lal Telegram.) Charges of obtaining money under false pretences, made against Mrs. John Fitz gerald, Jr.. by II H. Gatfey. her former employer, were dismissed by Justice Wtst erman this afternoon on motion of County Attorney Caldwell. The complainant al leged that while employed as bookkeeper In his plumbing shop several years aco Mrs. Fltrgerald, then Miss Jara Hole, converted teveral hundred dollars of his money to her personal use and that she never made an accounting for the shortage. When put on the witness stand this aft ernoon Gaffey was unable to substantiate these charges and the county attorney promptly moved for a dismissal. The de fendant in the case is the wife of a son of John Fltrgerald. millionaire railroad con tractor, who died several years ago. KILLED BY BUTTER COLOR Tlirr Yenr-Old Hultr Drlnka Content a of Bottle trill! Fatal ItennltB. FIRST CLASS PULLHAN SLEEPER ...DAILY BSTVn HES... OMAHA AM) SAN FRANCISCO Without CUa.iit GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ..All the best Scenerv ot the ROCKY MOUNTAIS5 and SIERfeA NEVADA by Day light !n both directions. DIMS 0 CAR SERVICE THROUOH. 1 BUFFET LIBRARY CAR5. For tall Information, reser atlona and Itiner ary Chicago to California ' addrcta City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnaro it., Omaaa, Neb. Total T1SS.44S. 9S The same months during 1!M are char j acterlied by much heavier lnesments a' ' follows: ' I January S45.Knr fir, h ebruary tj.,643 5 I March m.W h 1 -Mril 75,733 15 Total t253.K!4 PS This leaves a net balance of over J64.O00 in favor of the present Hate treasurer. He has also saved the state over $1,000 on the state warrants, paying only one-half of 1 per cent, while his predecessor varied be tween 1 and 1H per cent. WAKEFIELD, Neb.. May 3. (Special.) Otto, the 3-year-old son of Rev. Carl Goodknecht, pastor of the Lutheran church, six miles northwest of this place, died Wednesday from accidental poisoning. The child drank a quantity of butter coloring from a bottle which had been left standing in a pantry for several years. The baby suffered agony for twenty-four hours. The funeral was today from the family borne. Plnn for Fremont Toiirniiiuen t. FREMONT. Neb.. May ."..(Special.) The Knights of St. Eeb-Ragus held a meet ing at the council room In the city hall last night to devise plans for summer en tertainments, and during the firemen's tournament and races. The plan is to se cure the services of one or more bands during the races and have evening con certs. The illumination of the park and streets was also considered. The railroads have agretd upon a rate of one fare for the round trip from all pcints in Nebraska to Fremont during the tournament. Fif teen running teams have entered and more are expected. w ILCOXTANSY PILLS Monthly Regulator. Saltans' Sura. tvM Fails. Druggists sr P Wall. Prloa, 12 iatnr Woman's Stleouard (fret). w;lcox ycD. CO.. szt n. uthSUPaiia.. Pa. old by Ehennan & UcCennell Drue Co. 35,00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years tn Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without catting. paJn or lots 01 tune. CVDUII leruredforllfeanatbepolHon 31 ni kla thoroughly cleansei ;rom the ayatem. Soon every sign and symptom cilaappeara completely and forever. No BREAKING OUT" of tht disease on the skin or faro. Treatment contain no dangerous druga or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victim TO NKKVOlt DCBIUTT or EXUACBTION, Wabtinu Weakness with Karlt Dicat In Yorxo and Niddli Aged, lack of etna, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a new Rome Trt-aunent, ,N'u pain, no detention from bust reav Kidney and Ulaflder Troubles. , , CHARGES LOW Caajultltlos I ree. I rtdtmrr.t t) Mall. Call ou on or address ug So. 14th St. Dr. Searles 4 Searles, Omaha, Neb. BEATRICE BOYS MISSING oren and Carl Hrlmund Dlaaiprar from Ho in r When Srnt to He pair Truer, BEATRICE, Neb., May :. (Special Tele gram.) Loren and Carl, aged 11 and 7 re spectively, two sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Relmund. four miles west of town, dis appeared from home yesterday at 10 a. m. and have not been seen since. They went to repair a wire fence half a mile from the house. As they did not return home at noon or In the evening a search was in stituted, but up to a late hour this after noon they have not been found. The au thorities have been notified and search is being made for the missing boys. As the Relmund farm is located near a stream the parents fear their two sons hae bten drowned. Lincoln Orta Mnte Cnnlrni-ta. LINCOLN, May S. (Special Telegram.) A contract for printing the legislative ses slon laws was granted by the State Print ing Boatd this afternoon to the Journal company and for printing the senate and bouse Journals a contract was given the Hunter-Woodruff company, both of Lin coln. Other bids were submitted by printers In Omaha and Tremont. NO CURE. NO PAY. If 3 ou harr small, wrak ornns. lot jtiwcr pr raarnlne drain. rr.lor yuu without drug ur elrctuirit) 71 TOO in uw nut on fillurr not on rrtunif 4 no P O p fraud wnta tor fr rltrularv wnt ar-alrd 111 plain ..uveioi. LOCH iPrilaNCl CI.. IJs Tsars Sit., latiiiniaelli. Ii i MEN RESULTS TELL t 3C$ 9999 9999 999 0 9 THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. Wnkeflrld I)r- fur I'lrat Time. WAKEriELD, Neb.. May 3. (Special.) For the first time Wakefield is dry. all the saloons being closed. Their licenses expired May 1, and owing to remonstrance against new licenses they closed. The re monstrance was filed by Mrs. J E. Krelth who recently obtained a judgment for J500 against three aloon keepeis for selling FOR BURNS. SPRfctt'S. WflUkl Bui. 9l UK ll OK1 Ur rs.i. Used Intemallr sitd Eiterullf. CLT:0M A .oid (ha wail Milan uvH.h 1 i . , ... .' "..fc... nazti preparaiiona, rtBrtsentea t re tha sama as Pond t EltrarL rhka an. I, and ettan contain sotf alcohoT an irritant vurmwij an. mn iniarnail), m pDltOA. Slirlton Mlnlatrr Helcna. SH ELTON, Neb.. May 3. (Special.) A love feast occurred at the Methodist church last night. Rev. Samuel Blair has resigned his charge of this church and will leave next week for Salt Lake City. At 9 o'clock pastors and people from the various de nominations gathered and speeches were made by Rev. M. B. Young, Prof. Goss, Mrs. Blair and others, including business men. PRECIOUS SOUVENIR FOR MRS. M'KINLEY Wldi of Liiat Trealdent of Hepnlillr f Teia I'rrarnta Miinll Finn, nltli Man from Old Capitol HtilldtnK. AtSTIN, Tex.. May S Out ot Dixie the presidential party today traveled into the heart ol the great southwest. The feature of the day was the reception tecorded the party at Austin, which, like New Orleans, had neter before had the honor of enter taining a chief magistrate of the nation. The city, which was reached at 4 39 this afternoon, was profusely decorated, and In the een)ng there was a brilliant Illumina tion of Coagress avenue. Austin never be fore held such crowds ot people. They came from eery direction, some hundreds ot miles, and literally swarmed the hotel accommodations. It was estimated that over J3C.000 visitors were here. A proces sion, headed by a fine military band and constating of fifteen coapanlts of state military and the confederate veterans and Grand Army of the Republic organizations marched side by side and escorted the party to the east portico of the magnificent capltol building, where the president ad dressed a sea of people. Th?re was a delightful reception In the senate chamber, where the belles of Austin, noted all over Texas for their beauty, re ceived the president and Mrs. McKlnley This function was one of the most charming yet experienced on the trip. There fol lowed a drive through the city to the State university, where the stuuents, citizens and school children greeted the president. Later Mrs. McKlnley, with the ladies of the cabi net, dined Informally at the governor's, mansion and at 10.30 o'clock tonight left for san Antonio, where tomorrow morning will be spent. The train is due to arrive at San Antonio at 1:15 a. m.. where It will re main on a sidetrack until the rising hour. I'roKrnin nt llouatun. HOUSTON, Tex., May S. The presidential special was skimming over the fiat, broad plains of Texas whtn the president and his party awoke this morning. Houston was reached at t lo. when the party was welcomed by Governor Sayers, who had come from Austin for that purpose. The arrival of the train was heralded with a salute of a volley from a battery on the bank of the Buffalo bayou. All business had been suspended In Houston tnd the surrounding country seemed to have emptied itself Into the city. An elaborate program was crowded into less than two hours. The Houston Light guards, which acted as guard of honor for Jeff Dals on his visit here In 1S75, and a company of cowboy rangers escorted the party In carriages through the decorated city. For several blocks the parade moved between linen of school children, who waved flags and strewed the president's path with flowers. Before a big and enthusiastic audience at the auditorium, Mr. McKlnley was for mally welcomed by the governor and made a happy response. An Umpire- of the lllttht Kind. "Nothing could be more gratifying to me than to from my old friend and colleague of the national house of repre sentatives in your present governor of Texas, 'Welcome to the president of the United States.' I am not an old man, but 1 remember many ot the old statesmen ot Texas, some ot them no longer among us, with some of whom. -I served many years ago in the national house. Strong men they were, great representatives of a great people, always looking after the In terest and welfare ot this great common wealth and this country. I hesitated to call this an empire, and I was glad the governor set the example and gave you your true designation. (Laughter and ap plause.j We art a little sensitive on the subject ot empires nowadays (laughter), but if there Is any empire state In the union it Is the state ot Texas. (Enthusias tic applause.) But It Is an empire like all the other empires of this great republic under the dominion ot the sovereign peo ple. (Applause.) Mopa a .Moment for Oil. "As I have Journeyed through the south I have been more and more Impressed with the fact that this state was getting quite Its full share In the economic and indus trial development that has been going on In our country tor the last ten years and which has given to us the proud rank of first among the nations of the world. (Ap plause.) Ten years ago you had l.JOD.OOO spindles in the outh, today you have over 6.000,000. (Applause.) Your coal, your iron, your forests are lending their wealth to the gain of your people. (A voice: 'And our oil!') And your oil! (Laughter and applause.) And you will find everything PE-RU-NA THE WORLD'S TONIC ENTHUSIASTICALLY PRAISED BY A HERO OF THIRTEEN WARS J - a . Mm to f w 1 pgtt ITALIAN- MEXICAN General McIver. (5 ARGENTINE V aie y S3l iBll ps giS FRENCH SPANISH- SERVIAN- GRECIAN CONFEDERATE- MEXICAN- BRAZILIAN- ARGENTINE' IN BOSNIAN- CRETAN- CUBAN- EGYPTIAN" General Mc'ver has seen active Bervlce as field office, under fourteen different flags, He ts a soldier by Instinct and training and has been the hero of a great many'set-bationa' newspaper sketches, Henry Ronald D. Mclver is a man of Scottish ratentage, who has suffered all kinds of peril on sea and land and today Is a hearty vigorous man, whose love of adventure is as keen as ever His last adventure In warfare was an organization ot a band of volunteers to aid the British against the Boers. This cos mopolitan soldier who has fought in all climes, endured the perils of warfare In nearly every country of Europe, is a f-lend of Peruna. In speaking of this great remedy he made use of be following language. Washington, D. C, January 3, 1901. Having received much benefit from Peruna I hereby certify that as a tonic I feel confident it could not b2 surpassed by any other, and heartily recom mend Peruna to anyone in want of an invigorating tonic." Henry R. D. Mclver W. E. Birch, fruit grower, Afton, writes: "The country is so flooded with patent medicines of every kind worthless and a humbug, that I am glad for one to be able to say 1 have found one that Is everything and more than Is claimed for It. "My wife was very much run down and out of sorts every way. She had female wcaknes and was very weak, nervous, and had no appetite. 1 tried her on everything I could think of. but she would not touch a thing could not eat strawberries, even I saw Peruna in my father's store one day. and after reading the printed matter on the bottle, decided to have my wife try It. Be fore shs had- taken half of the bottle, she commenced to eat. and now she Is hun gry all the time. We both agree that 't beats any medicine to bring an appetite and put the nerves in good shape that we have ever had anything to do with. "We had our family doctor to give her medicine, but shi did not Improve In the least. She baa consumption In her family Va., I better now- than she has for years. I bad no idea it would do half what It has done. and don't think there is another medicine made that will begin to compare with It." W E Bl.-ch Miss Mary Goerbing, of Medford, Wi., Mlaf Mary Geierbing 4 says -'I take great pleasure In ac knowledging the curative powers cf Peruna. As a nerve tonic, a gentle rtimulator to a slugglnsb system, and as an ap petizer and restor tr of lost strength and vitality of worn-out women, it is very superi or.' Miss Mary Georbing Mr. Charles E. Shellhanner. 0O6 East Mound street. Clrclevllle. O.. writes: "I suffered for three years with some- and she was In such bad shape and so run ' thing that the doctors could not account for down that 1 begun to get very uneasy, but ( One said It was stomach trouble, one that your medicine has made an entirely new 1 it was bad blood, one malarial fever and woman of her. I believe she cats and feels another that it was a total collapse of the ! nervous system. I was a total wreck. I was so nervous that I could not sleep at night so weak I could not walk a square. After meals 1 would get blind and short of , breath. I bad severe pains In my bead i running from the base of my brain to my 1 forehtad. I had severe pain In my kidneys. I I had given up all hopes of ever getting 1 any better. 1 "1 went to the drug store and bought a bottle of Perjr.a. It helped the pain In my head immediately. I am now feeling flno I and gnlned twenty pounds In flesh In thr , weeks. No mirery In my head, nervous I ness Is gone, nnd 1 have a good appetite, I take great pleasure In recommending Peruna to others. My friends meet me cn the street and ask me what kind of medl 1 cine I am taking, and you may be ure I tell them Peruna "Mr. Charles E Shsll ' hanner. I If you do not derive prompt and satis I factory results from the use of Peruna, ' write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a I full statement of your case and he will be. 1 pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tha Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Frre lllfcli School Attendance. LINCOLN. May 3. (Special Telegram.) Superintendent Fowler has issued a bul letin officially naming 210 high schools In Nebraska that are adjudged to be prop erly equipped a3 to teachers, appliances, courses of study and other requirements of the free high school attendance law. All high schools in the larger towns are In cluded In the list. Improving Lone I'lnr Stock Ynrda, LONG PINE. Neb., May S. (Special.) The railroad company has had a large force of men at work here for a month rebuilding part of the stock yards. The improvements will cost J1.000. Seventy-five thousand cab- tit wrro fed and watered while passing through here last year and a great many of these were unloaded at the yards nirrtlon of Allilnn Tcnchera. ALBION. Neb. May 3 iSpoclal. 1 These teachers were elected by the school board Superintendent. J J King, principal. Miss Myrtle Price, assistant principal, Amos T. Hutchinson; grade teachers. Miss Longcor. Miss Key. Miss Long. Miss Rich. Mrr J. King. Miss Shepherd and Miss Cora Thompson; janitor. Joseph Fisher. IJecrenaeil Drtita In 1'olW County-. OSCEOLA. Neb.. May 3 (Special.) During the month of April there has been a decrease In farm mortgage indebtedness for this county of $33,080; on city property of tl.000. On chattels the Increased In debtedness has been $1,777. Total decreased Indebtedness Is J2S.:55. I'oatpone (Jrniitlnt f License. M'COOL JUNCTION. May S. (Special.) The application of M T. Bourke fcr sa loon license was beard by the village board yesterday, but owing to remonstrance final action was postponed. The signers of the remonstranre were represented by Attorney Barsby of Talrmont Itoiiinliiar Mndlaon Count; t'ropa. MADISON. Neb.. May 3. (Special.) Madison county crop conditions are excel lent There has been a large acreage of small grain and It Is starting in good shape Winter wheat was never finer The correct uumoer of "THE DOTS" and list of prlre winners will be published In Tne Sunday Bee, May t. 1 Mean temperature 7: f.4 54 ro 1 Precipitation T .00 T will go smoother (laughter) If this oil only at Omaha for this day and since March 1. j proves permanent- Normal temperature fw Excess lor tne aay 1 r-,-.; in rrrnn :::::::::::::: :::::i:::::::luji:::::i:::i:iiiiiii. 1:1 11 1 nmmi 1st. 'But, my fellow citiiens, I am not here to make a speech; only to receive your greetings and reciprocate the sentiments of this great peaple, a part of this noble union. We are not only a union of lands. but we are a union of hearts that none can sever. 1 bring you the good will of the nation of which you form so large a part. 1 salute, with warm congratulations, the, state that under the new census will have sixteen representatives in the con gress of the United States." I'nlqne Gift for Mrs. Mckinley. Members ot the cabinet also spoke briefly. At the conclusion of the speeches touching incident occured. A feeble old woman came forward and presented Mrs. McKlnley with a small silk flag of the Lone Star state. She was the widow- of Anson Jones, the last president ot the republic of Texas. The wood ot the staff was from the old capltol building at Columbia. BRENHAM, Tex.. May t. At Prairie View, some miles beyond Houston, where the State Normal and Industrial school (colored). Is located, a stop was made to permit the precldent to receive the greet ings of the students and directors. The ex ercises took place at a crossroad on the open prairie, ine scnooi buildings were dlscernable on the borlztu. Thousands ot western range horses and every kind of nondescript vehicles which had been used to bring the people, formed a novel pic ture. The pf-ldent made an earnest speech, addressing himself entirely to the colored students. Total excess since Mnrch 1 - 3 1 Normal precipitation 13 men Deficiency for the day 12 tnch Total precipitation since March 1 I.S6 Inches 1 Deficiency since March 1 1.03 inche- 1 Deficiency for cor. period, 1W0 24 Incn Deficiency for cor. period, lias ... I. IS Inches Henorts from Slntiona at 7 I". M. 1 E STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. 9 ' ; 3 -5" 3 ES ? EE FREE ADVICE by our Physicians and a FREE SAMPLE Pa of our meaicme uiso Free Home Treatment 110 pate illustrated book ! describing symptoms and cause ot diseases with best treatment, also many yaluable j receipts and prescriptions In plain language, saving you heavy doctor's bllla, auk for M Dr. Kay's Renovator .1 . , ., 1 . . ..,.. . . . Liver Mid Kidney disuses and bad results of La Grippe. Ssend tor proof of tt. fft Write us about ailyour symptoms. Sold by druggists, don't accept any substitute but TO send us SSclt.. or II liOacd we will seed Dr Kay's Renovator by return mall, Address, DR. hi. j. K.AT Mt u csL vO.. saratosTa SDrinsrst. M. T - . --' - . . J 1 1 SAYS NOTHING ABOUT RAIN Omaha, part cloudy North Platte, part cloudy. Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, raining Rapid City, clear Huron, raining Wllllston, clear Chicago, clear St. Louis, part cloudy St Paul, part cloudy Davenport, part cloudy Kansas City, cloudy Helena, raining Havre, cloudy Bismarck, raining Galveston, cloudy . S1 K 46. 70 l 7v 4C m 74 74' 44 50 fi2 TR, T 7fi' (H y. t ' 4fill.M 71 .M 1 ,i: , .ll'l I .'0 TO T It) THE CORRECT NUMBER OF THE DOTS And list of prize winners, will be publisbeed in The Sunday Bee, May 5th. T Indicates trace of precipitation L .V WELSH Local Forecast Official. WaaliliiRton Forccnatcr TnlUa of Fair Ulca and a Warmer Air for Saturda . May -Weather fore South Dakota rair Sunday fair, south- WASHINGTON. cast: For Nebraska and nnd waimer Saturday. erlr winds. For Iowa and Missouri Partly cloudy Saturday. Sunday fair; southerly winds. For Wyoming and Colorado Fair Satur day, except In mountain districts. Sunday fair and warmer, variable winds. Loral llc-t-orcl, OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAl , OMAHA, May 2. Official record of tem p?rture and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years im io is:a iris Maximum temperature . 7 fi (Z R4 Minimum temperature,... CO 40 ti 4C The CATTLE-RANCH brought to your aoor. LIE BIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT Of BEEF. Prpird from the best parts f the best bef Vy the best processes. mm V 1 , cm CURE YOURSELF ! llkf Pit U for uuD&tnral dUcbarsek.lBCaiuinattoija. irritation! r uir-ratlom nf rout out iDfni'ranaa. rainlrnt. and nut attrlB- iTHlEvJUtChEMfalCo. ffter oiutiut. Sold a.T Itrncctata, fir arst in j'Ulu wrappar. It esi'rt-sa. rr-ral1. far (.mi. or 3 iKillln, 12.7V Circular arnt ca rajaj'. KfB Goarei4 V. C - M D0t u iirlouiM. W C rrt tent rLr1e laV IMaasaRILr.Lkiri. ft HB i i Two Offices 5 j Fronting South j CHICHCSTCR'S INGUSH Pennyroyal pills Vs Orletaal a"" lj Otaalaa. f-Ji'L CHUHITi:its i-.ngli.4u Lr"i& aty ' KLJ' u' (eld ntulUc bnift -.d y .aC!?J ,-,t iilwrltm 1 kr Ktkrr. firry y VJ l-rru ftfcltluUt. aa lalt 1 fr llna. Uvj t Jr imfui r Mat 4c. I I JC "I" I" l'rtlflr, Ttlailala Itl f? "Ktllet fr I..alr.-1, ; r. Jk ' lr Mali. III.IIIK Inllutitli , ' npr(l.m aii-UMtr('k.lralC- iuumi Mauaa Suture. PUltX. t4 I BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. mur half her charma lie ts U glory fky-rVktr Thr Imperial Hair Regenerator la responsible for moat nt tue br-aotlro a&ara of batr yon ce ttW.ay Itiat lotaiy hannltaa, raaltj avplird InraJn able tor Ttr4 ana y ntrlj-. buaplt hair frrr s-wri P-rnv'' Irrperlal Chem Mf g Co , 123 W :Jd St N T Sold by all druggists and halrdrcsstra. MONEY Refunded., We mar atiUe Dr liar's Renovator nht'in 1 ver and kidneys. iHt t.otr,laxt!te, blood punier kn"n for all chronic dlMUM-s. renovates and int lgorau-a the whole system and I cures very worst cake, un trial box at onrc. ' If not satisfied with it notify us, we will refund . noney y return nisli, Write your symptoms f rFreeMedt alAdvlre sample and proof ! & I Ws at oruggliu. Vi U.l Kaj, barawgi, ,N,Y. j and only two aie vacant in the Bee Bulldlu?. One Is a pood-sized pleasant of fice on the f.!xth floor. The other f n large corner room on the fifth floor has a larse vault and there Is n Email room adjoining which can be rented with or not. as de sired. Apply before it 1$ too late. The Bee Building, it. c. pirinits a. co Itrnlal Aiienta. WOMEN T ecnyroyai not ir.rlt faflurr lorseauraon elwt'nale rr ir-irrrd in a fr" dn, izjii n aLcrmaa a UcCocstU as Cuts i. Co. crucfliaj FEMALE aCAMI rrrtt muDthlr rrju lauir irnnffrt,hnt. at rt ic4idi1c Crrm.